New Zealand Health Terminology Service (NZHTS) Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build

New Zealand Health Terminology Service (NZHTS) Implementation Guide, published by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: MedDRA LLT 26.0 CS

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2023-11-01 Computable Name: MedDRA_LLT_26_0_CS

FHIR CodeSystem for MedDRA LLT 26.0

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem mdr-26-0

version: versionId: id (PrimitiveType/CodeSystem.meta.versionId): native = id -> 1; Last updated: 2024-07-25 17:30:35+1200

This case-insensitive code system defines the following codes:

10000002 11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency
10000004 11-oxysteroid activity increased
10000005 17 ketosteroids urine
10000006 17 ketosteroids urine abnormal NOS
10000007 17 ketosteroids urine decreased
10000008 17 ketosteroids urine high
10000009 17 ketosteroids urine increased
10000010 17 ketosteroids urine low
10000011 17 ketosteroids urine normal
10000013 17,20-desmolase deficiency
10000014 17-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency
10000015 17-hydroxycorticosteroid activity increased
10000017 17-hydroxysteroid activity increased
10000018 1st degree heart block
10000019 1st degree vaginal prolapse
10000020 20,22-desmolase deficiency
10000021 21-hydroxylase deficiency
10000022 2nd degree heart block
10000023 2nd degree vaginal prolapse
10000024 3,5,3-triiodothyronine abnormal
10000025 3,5,3-triiodothyronine decreased
10000026 3,5,3-triiodothyronine increased
10000027 3rd degree vaginal prolapse
10000028 5'nucleotidase increased
10000029 5-alpha-reductase deficiency
10000030 5a-reductase inhibition therapy
10000031 5q-syndrome
10000033 A-hypervitaminosis
10000034 A-V dissociation
10000035 A-V malformation
10000036 A.R.D.S.
10000037 A/G ratio
10000038 A/G ratio normal
10000044 Abdomen crushing
10000045 Abdomen enlarged
10000046 Abdomen enlarged feeling of
10000047 Abdomen mimicking acute
10000048 Abdominal abscess NOS
10000049 Abdominal actinomycotic infection
10000050 Abdominal adhesions
10000051 Abdominal aneurysm
10000052 Abdominal aneurysm without mention of rupture
10000053 Abdominal aneurysm, ruptured
10000054 Abdominal aortic aneurysm
10000055 Abdominal colic
10000056 Abdominal cramp
10000057 Abdominal cramps
10000058 Abdominal crampy pains
10000059 Abdominal discomfort
10000060 Abdominal distension
10000061 Abdominal distension gaseous
10000062 Abdominal distress
10000064 Abdominal flaccidity
10000065 Abdominal fullness
10000066 Abdominal guarding
10000067 Abdominal hernia acquired
10000068 Abdominal hernia NOS
10000069 Abdominal hernia NOS gangrenous
10000070 Abdominal hernia NOS, obstructive
10000071 Abdominal hernia of specified site
10000074 Abdominal herniation
10000075 Abdominal hysterectomy
10000076 Abdominal injury NOS
10000077 Abdominal mass
10000078 Abdominal mass NOS
10000079 Abdominal noises
10000081 Abdominal pain
10000082 Abdominal pain generalised
10000083 Abdominal pain localised
10000084 Abdominal pain lower
10000085 Abdominal pain NOS
10000086 Abdominal pain peptic ulcer type
10000087 Abdominal pain upper
10000088 Abdominal pregnancy
10000089 Abdominal rebound
10000090 Abdominal rigidity
10000091 Abdominal scan NOS
10000092 Abdominal scan NOS abnormal
10000093 Abdominal scan NOS normal
10000094 Abdominal sinus repair
10000095 Abdominal symptom NOS
10000096 Abdominal syndrome acute
10000097 Abdominal tenderness
10000098 Abdominal transposition
10000099 Abdominal wall abscess
10000100 Abdominal wall abscess drainage
10000101 Abdominal wall anomaly
10000102 Abdominal wall biopsy
10000103 Abdominal wall biopsy abnormal
10000104 Abdominal wall biopsy normal
10000105 Abdominal wall operation NOS
10000106 Abdominal wall strained
10000107 Abdominal wind
10000108 Abdomino-perineal resection of rectum
10000109 Abdominocentesis
10000111 Abducent nerve operation
10000112 Abducent nerve paralysis
10000113 ABGs abnormal
10000114 ABGs normal
10000115 Abnormal arterial blood gases
10000116 Abnormal auditory perception, unspecified
10000118 Abnormal behaviour NOS
10000119 Abnormal bowel sounds
10000120 Abnormal chest sounds
10000121 Abnormal chest sounds NOS
10000122 Abnormal coagulation profile
10000123 Abnormal complement fixation
10000125 Abnormal dreams
10000126 Abnormal ECG
10000127 Abnormal EEG
10000128 Abnormal ejaculation
10000130 Abnormal electroencephalogram
10000131 Abnormal EMG
10000132 Abnormal eye movements NOS
10000133 Abnormal faeces
10000134 Abnormal feces
10000136 Abnormal gait
10000137 Abnormal glucose tolerance
10000138 Abnormal glucose tolerance in pregnancy
10000139 Abnormal glucose tolerance of mother, antepartum
10000142 Abnormal glucose tolerance of mother, postpartum
10000145 Abnormal glucose tolerance test
10000146 Abnormal glucose tolerance test (excl DM)
10000147 Abnormal hair growth
10000148 Abnormal hard tissue formation in pulp
10000150 Abnormal innervation syndrome of eyelid
10000151 Abnormal involuntary movements
10000152 Abnormal labor
10000153 Abnormal labour
10000154 Abnormal labour affecting foetus
10000155 Abnormal LE test
10000156 Abnormal LFTs
10000157 Abnormal lipid profile
10000158 Abnormal liver function tests
10000159 Abnormal loss of weight
10000160 Abnormal orgasm (female)
10000161 Abnormal orgasm (male)
10000162 Abnormal palmar/plantar creases
10000163 Abnormal physical sensation
10000164 Abnormal pigment
10000165 Abnormal pigmentation
10000166 Abnormal platelet function
10000167 Abnormal platelets
10000168 Abnormal product of conception NOS
10000170 Abnormal reflex
10000172 Abnormal retinal correspondence
10000173 Abnormal sensation in eye
10000174 Abnormal sensation of limbs
10000175 Abnormal single palmar crease
10000177 Abnormal sleep-related event NOS
10000179 Abnormal spermatozoa
10000180 Abnormal sputum
10000181 Abnormal stools
10000182 Abnormal thinking
10000183 Abnormal thymol turbidity test
10000184 Abnormal touch sensation
10000186 Abnormal vision
10000187 Abnormal vision NOS
10000188 Abnormal weight gain
10000189 Abnormal words or word usage NOS
10000197 Abnormality of accommodation
10000198 Abnormality of forces of labor
10000199 Abnormality of forces of labour
10000200 Abnormality of gait
10000202 Abnormality of red blood cells
10000203 Abnormality of secretion of gastrin
10000204 Abnormality of secretion of glucagon
10000205 ABO haemolytic disease of newborn
10000206 ABO incompatibility
10000208 ABO isoimmunization
10000209 Aborted pregnancy
10000210 Abortion
10000212 Abortion complete complicated
10000214 Abortion complete NOS
10000215 Abortion complicated NOS
10000217 Abortion incomplete
10000218 Abortion incomplete complicated
10000219 Abortion incomplete NOS
10000220 Abortion induced
10000221 Abortion induced complete complicated
10000222 Abortion induced complete NOS
10000223 Abortion induced complicated
10000224 Abortion induced illegally
10000225 Abortion induced incomplete complicated
10000226 Abortion induced incomplete NOS
10000227 Abortion induced NOS
10000228 Abortion infected
10000229 Abortion infective
10000230 Abortion missed
10000231 Abortion NOS
10000234 Abortion spontaneous
10000236 Abortion spontaneous complete complicated
10000237 Abortion spontaneous complete NOS
10000238 Abortion spontaneous complicated
10000239 Abortion spontaneous incomplete complicated
10000240 Abortion spontaneous incomplete NOS
10000241 Abortion spontaneous NOS
10000242 Abortion threatened
10000243 Above knee amputation
10000245 Abrasion NOS
10000246 Abrasion of hard tooth tissue
10000247 Abrasion of teeth
10000266 Abrasions
10000267 Abruptio placentae
10000269 Abscess
10000270 Abscess anorectal
10000271 Abscess apocrine gland
10000272 Abscess bacterial
10000273 Abscess bacterial NOS
10000274 Abscess Bartholin's
10000275 Abscess breast
10000276 Abscess breast drainage
10000277 Abscess central nervous system NOS
10000278 Abscess dental
10000279 Abscess drainage
10000280 Abscess eye
10000281 Abscess genital organ (male)
10000282 Abscess gum
10000283 Abscess in nose
10000284 Abscess injection site
10000285 Abscess intestinal
10000286 Abscess kidney
10000287 Abscess NOS
10000289 Abscess of Bartholin's gland
10000290 Abscess of breast associated with childbirth
10000293 Abscess of breast, antepartum
10000294 Abscess of breast, postpartum
10000295 Abscess of external auditory meatus
10000296 Abscess of external ear
10000297 Abscess of eyelid
10000298 Abscess of finger
10000299 Abscess of intestine
10000300 Abscess of liver
10000301 Abscess of lung
10000303 Abscess of mediastinum
10000304 Abscess of prostate
10000305 Abscess of salivary gland
10000306 Abscess of thymus
10000307 Abscess of toe
10000309 Abscess on buttock
10000310 Abscess operations
10000311 Abscess oral
10000313 Abscess perinephric
10000314 Abscess periodontal
10000315 Abscess peritonsillar
10000316 Abscess pilonidal
10000317 Abscess sterile
10000318 Abscess sweat gland
10000320 Abscesses of skin
10000321 Absence attacks
10000322 Absence congenital
10000323 Absence of cranial vault congenital
10000324 Absence of ear lobe, congenital
10000325 Absence of limbs
10000326 Absence of menstruation
10000328 Absence of salivary gland, congenital
10000329 Absence of vertebra, congenital
10000331 Absence seizure
10000333 Absent ankle jerk
10000334 Absent ankle jerks
10000335 Absent bowel sounds
10000336 Absent limb
10000337 Absent limbs
10000338 Absent reflex
10000339 Absent reflexes
10000340 Abstains from alcohol
10000344 Academic underachievement
10000345 Academic underachievement disorder of childhood or adolescence
10000346 Acalculia
10000347 Acalculous cholecystitis
10000348 Acanthamoeba infection NOS
10000349 Acanthosis
10000350 Acanthosis nigricans
10000351 Acariasis
10000352 Acariasis NOS
10000354 Acariasis, unspecified
10000355 Acathesia
10000357 Accelerated hair loss
10000358 Accelerated hypertension
10000359 Accelerated sexual maturation
10000360 Accelerated sexual maturity
10000361 Accessory auricle
10000362 Accessory carpal bone
10000363 Accessory carpal bones
10000364 Accessory muscle
10000365 Accessory nerve disorder NOS
10000367 Accessory nipple removal
10000368 Accessory salivary gland
10000369 Accident
10000370 Accident at home
10000371 Accident at school
10000372 Accident at work
10000373 Accident automobile
10000374 Accident cerebrovascular
10000375 Accident household
10000376 Accident in street
10000377 Accident NOS
10000380 Accidental injury
10000381 Accidental overdose
10000382 Accidental overdose (therapeutic agent)
10000383 Accidental poisoning
10000385 Accommodation abnormal
10000386 Accommodation dark disorder
10000387 Accommodation debility
10000388 Accommodation difficulty
10000389 Accommodation disorder
10000390 Accommodation disturbance
10000391 Accommodation paralysis
10000392 Accommodation spasm
10000393 Accommodative component in esotropia
10000394 Accomplished suicide
10000395 Accretions on teeth
10000396 Acetabular dysplasia
10000397 Acetabulum fracture
10000398 Acetaminophen
10000399 Acetaminophen decreased
10000400 Acetaminophen high
10000401 Acetaminophen increased
10000402 Acetaminophen normal
10000403 Acetoacetate
10000404 Acetoacetate abnormal NOS
10000405 Acetoacetate decreased
10000406 Acetoacetate high
10000407 Acetoacetate increased
10000408 Acetoacetate low
10000409 Acetoacetate normal
10000410 Acetonaemia
10000411 Acetone
10000412 Acetone abnormal NOS
10000413 Acetone breath
10000414 Acetone decreased
10000415 Acetone high
10000416 Acetone increased
10000417 Acetone normal
10000418 Acetonemia
10000419 Acetonuria
10000420 Achalasia
10000422 Achalasia cardiae
10000423 Achalasia esophageal
10000424 Ache
10000425 Ache across chest
10000426 Ache breast
10000427 Ache in testis
10000428 Ache NOS
10000429 Ache stomach
10000430 Ache wrists
10000431 Aches & pains in legs
10000433 Achilles tendinitis
10000434 Achilles tendon elongation
10000435 Achilles tendon injury
10000436 Achilles tendon reflex decreased
10000437 Achilles tendon reflex exaggerated
10000438 Achilles tendon repair
10000439 Achilles tendon rupture
10000441 Achilles tendonitis
10000442 Achilles tenosynovitis
10000443 Achillobursitis
10000444 Aching (l) knee
10000445 Aching (r) knee
10000446 Aching eye socket
10000447 Aching in knees
10000448 Aching in limb
10000449 Aching joints
10000450 Aching pain in hands, forearms, elbows
10000451 Achlorhydria
10000452 Achondroplasia
10000453 Achondroplastic dwarf
10000454 Achromatopsia
10000455 Achylia gastrica
10000456 Acid base balance
10000457 Acid base balance abnormal
10000458 Acid base balance normal
10000460 Acid dyspepsia
10000461 Acid fast stain
10000462 Acid fast stain negative
10000463 Acid fast stain positive
10000464 Acid indigestion
10000465 Acid or alkali poisoning
10000466 Acid phos
10000467 Acid phosphatase
10000468 Acid phosphatase abnormal
10000469 Acid phosphatase decreased
10000470 Acid phosphatase high
10000471 Acid phosphatase increased
10000472 Acid phosphatase low
10000473 Acid phosphatase normal
10000474 Acid phosphatase prostatic high
10000475 Acid phosphatase prostatic increased
10000476 Acid phosphatase prostatic low
10000478 Acid phosphatase serum increased
10000479 Acid reflux (oesophageal)
10000480 Acid-base balance
10000482 Acid-base balance disorder
10000483 Acid-base balance disorder mixed
10000484 Acid-base balance normal
10000486 Acidosis
10000488 Acidosis diabetic
10000489 Acidosis hyperchloraemic
10000490 Acidosis hyperchloremic
10000491 Acidosis lactic
10000492 Acidosis metabolic
10000493 Acidosis NOS
10000494 Acidosis renal tubular
10000495 Acidosis respiratory
10000496 Acne
10000498 Acne aggravated
10000499 Acne bromata
10000500 Acne comedonal
10000501 Acne conglobata
10000502 Acne cosmetica
10000503 Acne cystic
10000504 Acne detergicans
10000505 Acne follicular
10000507 Acne infantile
10000508 Acne medicamentosa
10000509 Acne neonatorum
10000510 Acne NOS
10000511 Acne occupational
10000512 Acne papular
10000513 Acne pustular
10000514 Acne rosacea
10000515 Acne scars
10000516 Acne steroid
10000517 Acne steroid-induced
10000518 Acne varioliformis
10000519 Acne vulgaris
10000520 Acneiform dermatitis
10000521 Acoustic nerve disorder NOS
10000522 Acoustic neurinoma
10000523 Acoustic neuroma
10000524 Acoustic neuroma removal
10000525 Acoustic stimulation tests
10000526 Acoustic stimulation tests abnormal
10000527 Acoustic stimulation tests normal
10000528 Acoustic trauma
10000529 Acoustic trauma (explosive) to ear
10000530 Acquired acanthosis nigricans
10000531 Acquired afibrinogenaemia
10000533 Acquired cardiac septal defect
10000534 Acquired coagulation factor deficiency
10000542 Acquired deformity of limb, site unspecified
10000543 Acquired deformity of neck
10000544 Acquired deformity of nose
10000545 Acquired deformity of pelvis
10000547 Acquired equinovarus deformity
10000548 Acquired haemangioma
10000549 Acquired haemolytic anaemia
10000550 Acquired haemolytic anaemia, unspecified
10000552 Acquired hemangioma
10000553 Acquired hemolytic anemia, unspecified
10000555 Acquired hydrocele
10000556 Acquired hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
10000557 Acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia
10000558 Acquired hypogammaglobulinemia
10000559 Acquired hypothyroidism
10000561 Acquired ichthyosis
10000563 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
10000564 Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome
10000565 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
10000566 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, unspecified
10000567 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-related complex, unspecified
10000568 Acquired keratoderma
10000569 Acquired megacolon
10000570 Acquired methaemoglobinaemia
10000573 Acquired night blindness
10000574 Acquired sideroblastic anaemia
10000575 Acquired spondylolisthesis
10000576 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal
10000577 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal secondary to inflammation
10000578 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal secondary to surgery
10000579 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal secondary to trauma
10000580 Acquired stenosis of external ear canal, unspecified as to cause
10000581 Acquired thrombasthenia
10000582 Acquired tracheo-oesophageal fistula
10000583 Acral lentiginous melanoma
10000584 Acral lentiginous melanoma in situ
10000585 Acral lentiginous melanoma stage I
10000586 Acral lentiginous melanoma stage II
10000587 Acral lentiginous melanoma stage III
10000588 Acral lentiginous melanoma stage IV
10000589 Acral lentiginous melanoma stage unspecified
10000590 Acrocephalosyndactyly
10000591 Acrochordon
10000592 Acrocyanosis
10000593 Acrodermatitis
10000594 Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
10000595 Acrodermatitis continua
10000596 Acrodermatitis enteropathica
10000598 Acrodynia
10000599 Acromegaly
10000601 Acromioclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprain
10000603 Acroosteolysis
10000604 Acroparaesthesia
10000605 Acrophobia
10000606 Acrosclerosis
10000607 ACTH
10000608 ACTH abnormal
10000610 ACTH decreased
10000611 ACTH increased
10000612 ACTH normal
10000613 ACTH-producing pituitary tumour
10000614 Actinic keratosis
10000615 Actinic lentigo
10000616 Actinic prurigo
10000618 Actinic reticuloid-photosensitive eczema
10000619 Actinomycetomas
10000620 Actinomycosis
10000621 Actinomycotic abdominal infection
10000622 Actinomycotic granuloma
10000624 Actinomycotic infection of unspecified site
10000625 Actinomycotic infection, cutaneous
10000628 Actinomycotic pulmonary infection
10000629 Actinomycotic skin infection
10000630 Activated partial thromboplastin time
10000631 Activated partial thromboplastin time abnormal
10000632 Activated partial thromboplastin time abnormal NOS
10000633 Activated partial thromboplastin time decreased
10000634 Activated partial thromboplastin time increased
10000635 Activated partial thromboplastin time normal
10000636 Activated partial thromboplastin time prolonged
10000637 Activated partial thromboplastin time shortened
10000638 Active ileal inflammation
10000639 Active immunisation
10000640 Active Meniere's disease, cochlear
10000641 Active Meniere's disease, cochleovestibular
10000642 Active Meniere's disease, vestibular
10000643 Active rickets
10000644 Activity motor exaggerated
10000645 Activity motor retarded
10000646 Acupuncture
10000647 Acute abdomen
10000648 Acute acalculous cholecystitis
10000649 Acute alcoholic hepatitis
10000650 Acute alcoholic intoxication
10000651 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism, continuous drinking behavior
10000652 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism, episodic drinking behavior
10000653 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism, in remission
10000654 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism, unspecified drinking behavior
10000655 Acute allergic mucoid otitis media
10000656 Acute allergic reaction
10000657 Acute allergic sanguinous otitis media
10000658 Acute allergic serous otitis media
10000659 Acute allergic urticaria
10000663 Acute anaphylactic reaction
10000664 Acute anaphylaxis
10000672 Acute angio oedema
10000673 Acute angle closure glaucoma
10000674 Acute angle-closure glaucoma
10000675 Acute anterior poliomyelitis
10000676 Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin
10000677 Acute appendicitis
10000681 Acute atopic conjunctivitis
10000682 Acute back injury
10000683 Acute back pain
10000684 Acute bacterial anorectal infection
10000685 Acute brain syndrome
10000686 Acute bronchiolitis
10000687 Acute bronchitis
10000690 Acute cervical pain
10000691 Acute cholecystitis
10000692 Acute circulatory failure
10000693 Acute confusion state
10000694 Acute confusional state
10000695 Acute conjunctivitis
10000696 Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified
10000697 Acute cor pulmonale
10000698 Acute cystitis
10000699 Acute cystitis (excl in pregnancy)
10000700 Acute dacryoadenitis
10000701 Acute dacryocystitis
10000702 Acute delirium
10000703 Acute delusional psychoses
10000704 Acute derangement of liver function
10000705 Acute dermatitis due to solar radiation
10000706 Acute diarrhea
10000707 Acute diffuse glomerulonephritis
10000708 Acute dilatation of stomach
10000709 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
10000710 Acute diverticular perforation
10000711 Acute duodenal ulcer
10000712 Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage
10000714 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage
10000719 Acute duodenal ulcer with hemorrhage, without mention of obstruction
10000720 Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation
10000721 Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation, with obstruction
10000722 Acute duodenal ulcer with perforation, without mention of obstruction
10000723 Acute duodenal ulcer without mention of haemorrhage or perforation
10000724 Acute duodenal ulcer without mention of hemorrhage or perforation
10000727 Acute dyskinesia
10000728 Acute edema of lung, unspecified
10000729 Acute endocarditis, unspecified
10000730 Acute endophthalmitis
10000731 Acute epididymo-orchitis
10000732 Acute epiglottitis
10000733 Acute epiglottitis with obstruction
10000739 Acute erythroid leukaemia
10000740 Acute erythroid leukemia
10000741 Acute ethmoidal sinusitis
10000742 Acute Eustachian salpingitis
10000743 Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
10000744 Acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis NOS
10000745 Acute fatty liver
10000746 Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
10000747 Acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (MCLS)
10000748 Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
10000749 Acute follicular conjunctivitis
10000750 Acute frontal sinusitis
10000751 Acute fulminant hepatitis
10000752 Acute gastric erosions
10000753 Acute gastric mucosal lesion
10000754 Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage
10000756 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage
10000760 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage, with obstruction
10000761 Acute gastric ulcer with hemorrhage, without mention of obstruction
10000762 Acute gastric ulcer with perforation
10000763 Acute gastric ulcer with perforation, with obstruction
10000764 Acute gastric ulcer with perforation, without mention of obstruction
10000765 Acute gastric ulcer without mention of haemorrhage or perforation
10000766 Acute gastric ulcer without mention of hemorrhage or perforation
10000769 Acute gastritis
10000770 Acute gastritis, with hemorrhage
10000771 Acute gastritis, without mention of hemorrhage
10000773 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage
10000775 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage
10000779 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage, without mention of obstruction
10000780 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation
10000782 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with perforation, without mention of obstruction
10000783 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer without mention of haemorrhage or perforation
10000784 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer without mention of hemorrhage or perforation
10000786 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer, with hemorrhage, with obstruction
10000787 Acute gingivitis
10000788 Acute glomerulonephritis
10000790 Acute glomerulonephritis with lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis
10000794 Acute glomerulonephritis with unspecified pathological lesion in kidney
10000795 Acute gonococcal cervicitis
10000796 Acute gonococcal endometritis
10000797 Acute gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract
10000798 Acute gonococcal infection, of upper genitourinary tract
10000799 Acute gonococcal salpingitis
10000800 Acute gonococcal urethritis
10000801 Acute granulocytic leukaemia
10000802 Acute GVH disease
10000803 Acute heart failure
10000804 Acute hepatic failure
10000805 Acute hepatitis A
10000806 Acute histoplasmosis
10000807 Acute HIV infection
10000808 Acute human immunodeficiency virus type I infection
10000809 Acute idiopathic pericarditis
10000810 Acute infection of pinna
10000811 Acute infection with HIV
10000812 Acute infective pericarditis
10000813 Acute infective polyneuritis
10000814 Acute inflammation of orbit
10000815 Acute inflammation of orbit, unspecified
10000816 Acute inflammation of the inner ear
10000818 Acute intermittent porphyria
10000819 Acute interstitial nephritis
10000820 Acute ischemic colitis
10000821 Acute kidney failure
10000822 Acute kidney infection
10000823 Acute laryngitis
10000826 Acute laryngopharyngitis
10000827 Acute laryngotracheitis
10000828 Acute laryngotracheitis with obstruction
10000830 Acute leukaemia
10000831 Acute leukaemia NOS
10000832 Acute leukaemia NOS (in remission)
10000833 Acute leukaemia of unspecified cell type
10000834 Acute leukaemia unclassifiable
10000835 Acute leukemia
10000836 Acute leukemia NOS
10000837 Acute leukemia of unspecified cell type in remission
10000838 Acute leukemia of unspecified cell type without mention of remission
10000839 Acute leukemia unclassifiable
10000840 Acute liver damage
10000841 Acute lymphadenitis
10000842 Acute lymphatic leukaemia
10000843 Acute lymphatic leukemia
10000844 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
10000845 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
10000846 Acute lymphocytic leukaemia
10000847 Acute lymphocytic leukaemia (in remission)
10000848 Acute lymphocytic leukemia
10000849 Acute lymphoid leukaemia
10000850 Acute lymphoid leukemia in remission
10000851 Acute lymphoid leukemia without mention of remission
10000852 Acute mania
10000853 Acute massive pulmonary embolism
10000854 Acute mastitis
10000855 Acute mastoiditis
10000857 Acute mastoiditis without complications
10000858 Acute maxillary sinusitis
10000859 Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia
10000860 Acute megakaryocytic leukaemia
10000861 Acute megakaryocytic leukemia
10000862 Acute miliary tuberculosis
10000865 Acute miliary tuberculosis, confirmed by animal inoculation
10000866 Acute miliary tuberculosis, confirmed by bacterial culture
10000867 Acute miliary tuberculosis, confirmed histologically
10000868 Acute miliary tuberculosis, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10000869 Acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecified examination
10000870 Acute monoblastic leukemia
10000871 Acute monocytic leukaemia
10000872 Acute monocytic leukaemia (in remission)
10000873 Acute monocytic leukemia
10000874 Acute monocytic leukemia in remission
10000875 Acute monocytic leukemia without mention of remission
10000876 Acute mountain sickness
10000877 Acute mucoid otitis media
10000878 Acute myeloblastic leukemia
10000879 Acute myelofibrosis
10000880 Acute myeloid leukaemia
10000881 Acute myeloid leukaemia (in remission)
10000883 Acute myeloid leukaemia aggravated
10000884 Acute myeloid leukaemia NOS
10000885 Acute myeloid leukaemia with minimal differentiation
10000886 Acute myeloid leukemia
10000887 Acute myeloid leukemia in remission
10000888 Acute myeloid leukemia with minimal differentiation
10000889 Acute myeloid leukemia without mention of remission
10000890 Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia
10000891 Acute myocardial infarction
10000892 Acute myocardial infarction, of anterolateral wall
10000893 Acute myocardial infarction, of anterolateral wall, episode of care unspecified
10000894 Acute myocardial infarction, of anterolateral wall, initial episode of care
10000895 Acute myocardial infarction, of anterolateral wall, subsequent episode of care
10000896 Acute myocardial infarction, of inferolateral wall
10000897 Acute myocardial infarction, of inferolateral wall, episode of care unspecified
10000898 Acute myocardial infarction, of inferolateral wall, initial episode of care
10000899 Acute myocardial infarction, of inferolateral wall, subsequent episode of care
10000900 Acute myocardial infarction, of inferoposterior wall
10000902 Acute myocardial infarction, of inferoposterior wall, initial episode of care
10000904 Acute myocardial infarction, of other anterior wall
10000906 Acute myocardial infarction, of other anterior wall, initial episode of care
10000907 Acute myocardial infarction, of other anterior wall, subsequent episode of care
10000908 Acute myocardial infarction, of other inferior wall
10000910 Acute myocardial infarction, of other inferior wall, initial episode of care
10000911 Acute myocardial infarction, of other inferior wall, subsequent episode of care
10000912 Acute myocardial infarction, of other lateral wall
10000913 Acute myocardial infarction, of other lateral wall, episode of care unspecified
10000914 Acute myocardial infarction, of other lateral wall, initial episode of care
10000915 Acute myocardial infarction, of other lateral wall, subsequent episode of care
10000916 Acute myocardial infarction, of other specified sites
10000918 Acute myocardial infarction, of other specified sites, initial episode of care
10000920 Acute myocardial infarction, subendocardial infarction
10000922 Acute myocardial infarction, subendocardial infarction, initial episode of care
10000924 Acute myocardial infarction, true posterior wall infarction
10000928 Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified site
10000929 Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified site, episode of care unspecified
10000930 Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified site, initial episode of care
10000931 Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified site, subsequent episode of care
10000932 Acute myocarditis
10000934 Acute myocarditis, unspecified
10000935 Acute myringitis without mention of otitis media
10000936 Acute myringitis, unspecified
10000937 Acute nasopharyngitis
10000938 Acute nasopharyngitis (common cold)
10000939 Acute nephritic syndrome
10000940 Acute nephritis
10000948 Acute oedema of lung, unspecified
10000950 Acute on chronic bronchitis
10000952 Acute on chronic renal failure
10000953 Acute on chronic respiratory failure
10000954 Acute onset of confusion
10000956 Acute or unspecified hepatitis C without mention of hepatic coma
10000958 Acute organic psychosis NOS
10000959 Acute osteomyelitis
10000961 Acute osteomyelitis involving forearm
10000962 Acute osteomyelitis involving hand
10000963 Acute osteomyelitis involving lower leg
10000967 Acute osteomyelitis involving shoulder region
10000968 Acute osteomyelitis involving upper arm
10000969 Acute osteomyelitis, site unspecified
10000971 Acute pancreatitis
10000972 Acute papillary necrosis
10000973 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar
10000974 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar, poliovirus type i
10000975 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar, poliovirus type ii
10000976 Acute paralytic poliomyelitis specified as bulbar, poliovirus type iii
10000979 Acute paranoid reaction
10000980 Acute paraplegia
10000981 Acute peptic ulcer of unspecified site with haemorrhage
10000983 Acute peptic ulcer of unspecified site with hemorrhage
10000989 Acute peptic ulcer of unspecified site with perforation
10000990 Acute peptic ulcer of unspecified site with perforation, with obstruction
10000996 Acute pericarditis
10000998 Acute pericarditis, unspecified
10000999 Acute perichondritis of pinna
10001000 Acute periodontitis
10001001 Acute petrositis
10001002 Acute pharyngitis
10001003 Acute poliomyelitis
10001017 Acute prerenal failure
10001018 Acute proctitis
10001019 Acute promyelocytic leukaemia
10001020 Acute promyelocytic leukemia
10001021 Acute prostatitis
10001022 Acute psychosis
10001023 Acute psychotic reaction
10001024 Acute pulmonary edema
10001025 Acute pulmonary edema due to fumes and vapors
10001026 Acute pulmonary heart disease
10001027 Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis
10001028 Acute pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
10001029 Acute pulmonary oedema
10001030 Acute pulmonary oedema due to fumes and vapours
10001031 Acute pyelitis
10001032 Acute pyelonephritis
10001034 Acute pyelonephritis with lesion of renal medullary necrosis
10001035 Acute pyelonephritis without lesion of renal medullary necrosis
10001036 Acute radiation sickness
10001037 Acute radiation syndrome
10001039 Acute reaction to stress
10001040 Acute reaction to stress, unspecified
10001041 Acute renal failure
10001051 Acute renal failure, unspecified
10001052 Acute respiratory distress syndrome
10001053 Acute respiratory failure
10001055 Acute retention of urine
10001056 Acute rheumatic endocarditis
10001057 Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspecified
10001058 Acute rheumatic myocarditis
10001059 Acute rheumatic pericarditis
10001060 Acute rheumatism
10001061 Acute salpingitis
10001063 Acute sanguinous otitis media
10001064 Acute schizophrenia
10001065 Acute schizophrenia episode
10001066 Acute schizophrenic episode
10001067 Acute schizophrenic episode, chronic state
10001068 Acute schizophrenic episode, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10001069 Acute schizophrenic episode, in remission
10001070 Acute schizophrenic episode, subchronic state
10001071 Acute schizophrenic episode, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10001072 Acute schizophrenic episode, unspecified state
10001073 Acute sero negative arthritis
10001074 Acute seronegative arthritis
10001075 Acute serous otitis media
10001076 Acute sinusitis
10001077 Acute sinusitis, ethmoidal
10001078 Acute sinusitis, maxillary
10001080 Acute sinusitis, sphenoidal
10001081 Acute sinusitis, unspecified
10001082 Acute situational disturbance
10001083 Acute sphenoidal sinusitis
10001084 Acute stress disorder
10001085 Acute stress reaction
10001086 Acute suppurative otitis media
10001090 Acute swimmers' ear
10001091 Acute syphilitic meningitis (secondary)
10001092 Acute thyroiditis
10001093 Acute tonsillitis
10001094 Acute tonsillitis (excl proven streptococcal)
10001095 Acute tracheitis
10001096 Acute tracheitis with obstruction
10001098 Acute traumatic osteomyelitis
10001099 Acute tubular necrosis
10001100 Acute unspecified poliomyelitis
10001105 Acute urethral syndrome
10001106 Acute urticaria
10001107 Acute vaginitis
10001108 Acute vascular insufficiency of intestine
10001109 Acute viral bronchitis NOS
10001110 Acute vulvitis
10001112 Adam-Stokes syndrome
10001113 Adams Stokes attack
10001114 Adams Stokes syndrome
10001115 Adams-Stokes syndrome
10001117 Adaptation abnormal
10001118 ADD
10001121 Addicted to amphetamine
10001122 Addicted to cocaine
10001123 Addicted to drugs
10001124 Addicted to heroin
10001125 Addiction
10001127 Addiction to drugs
10001128 Addiction to drugs (excl drug psychosis)
10001129 Addison's anemia
10001130 Addison's disease
10001131 Addison-Biermer anemia
10001132 Addisonian anemia
10001133 Addisonian crisis
10001134 Addisonian pernicious anaemia
10001135 Adductor strain
10001136 Adductor vocal cord weakness
10001137 Adenitis
10001138 Adenitis cervical
10001139 Adeno-associated virus ex vivo gene therapy
10001140 Adeno-associated in vivo gene therapy
10001141 Adenocarcinoma
10001142 Adenocarcinoma endometrial
10001143 Adenocarcinoma endometrial metastatic
10001144 Adenocarcinoma endometrial recurrent
10001145 Adenocarcinoma endometrial stage 0
10001146 Adenocarcinoma endometrial stage I
10001147 Adenocarcinoma endometrial stage II
10001148 Adenocarcinoma endometrial stage III
10001149 Adenocarcinoma endometrial stage IV
10001150 Adenocarcinoma gastric
10001151 Adenocarcinoma gastric in situ
10001152 Adenocarcinoma gastric recurrent
10001153 Adenocarcinoma gastric stage 0
10001154 Adenocarcinoma gastric stage I
10001155 Adenocarcinoma gastric stage II
10001156 Adenocarcinoma gastric stage III
10001157 Adenocarcinoma gastric stage IV NOS
10001158 Adenocarcinoma gastric stage IV with metastases
10001159 Adenocarcinoma gastric stage IV without metastases
10001160 Adenocarcinoma lung
10001161 Adenocarcinoma lung stage 0
10001162 Adenocarcinoma lung stage I
10001163 Adenocarcinoma lung stage II
10001164 Adenocarcinoma lung stage III
10001165 Adenocarcinoma lung stage IV
10001166 Adenocarcinoma NOS
10001167 Adenocarcinoma of colon
10001168 Adenocarcinoma of colon recurrent
10001169 Adenocarcinoma of colon stage I
10001170 Adenocarcinoma of colon stage II
10001171 Adenocarcinoma of colon stage III
10001172 Adenocarcinoma of colon stage IV
10001173 Adenocarcinoma of esophagus
10001174 Adenocarcinoma of kidney
10001175 Adenocarcinoma of lung
10001176 Adenocarcinoma of lung in situ
10001177 Adenocarcinoma of lung recurrent
10001178 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage 0
10001179 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage I
10001180 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage II
10001181 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage III
10001182 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage IIIA
10001183 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage IIIB
10001184 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage IV
10001185 Adenocarcinoma of lung stage unspecified
10001186 Adenocarcinoma of prostate
10001187 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia
10001188 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia in situ
10001189 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia recurrent
10001190 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia stage 0
10001191 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia stage I
10001192 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia stage II
10001193 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia stage III
10001194 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia stage IV NOS
10001195 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia stage IV with metastases
10001196 Adenocarcinoma of the cardia stage IV without metastases
10001197 Adenocarcinoma of the cervix
10001198 Adenocarcinoma of the prostate metastatic
10001199 Adenocarcinoma of the prostate recurrent
10001200 Adenocarcinoma of the prostate stage I
10001201 Adenocarcinoma of the prostate stage II
10001202 Adenocarcinoma of the prostate stage III
10001203 Adenocarcinoma of the prostate stage IV
10001204 Adenocarcinoma of the rete testis
10001205 Adenocarcinoma thyroid
10001206 Adenocarcinoma with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder recurrent
10001207 Adenocarcinoma with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage 0
10001208 Adenocarcinoma with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage I
10001209 Adenocarcinoma with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage II
10001210 Adenocarcinoma with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage III
10001211 Adenocarcinoma with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage IV
10001212 Adenocarcinoma with squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage unspecified
10001213 Adenocarcinoma with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder NOS
10001214 Adenocarcinoma with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder recurrent
10001215 Adenocarcinoma with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st 0
10001216 Adenocarcinoma with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st I
10001217 Adenocarcinoma with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st II
10001218 Adenocarcinoma with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st III
10001219 Adenocarcinoma with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st IV
10001220 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity
10001221 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity recurrent
10001222 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity stage 0
10001223 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity stage I
10001224 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity stage II
10001225 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity stage III
10001226 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the oral cavity stage IV
10001227 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the tongue
10001228 Adenoid vegetations
10001229 Adenoidal hypertrophy
10001230 Adenoidectomy
10001231 Adenoma
10001232 Adenoma adrenal
10001233 Adenoma benign
10001234 Adenoma benign NOS
10001235 Adenoma liver
10001236 Adenoma NOS
10001237 Adenoma thyroid
10001238 Adenomatous hyperplasia of endometrium
10001239 Adenomatous polyp of cervix (excl mucous polyp)
10001241 Adenopathy due to secondary syphilis
10001242 Adenopathy syphilitic
10001243 Adenosis sclerosing
10001244 Adenosquamous carcinoma of the cervix
10001245 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer
10001246 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer NOS
10001247 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer recurrent
10001248 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer stage 0
10001249 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer stage I
10001250 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer stage II
10001251 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer stage III
10001252 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer stage IIIA
10001253 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer stage IIIB
10001254 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer stage IV
10001255 Adenosquamous cell lung cancer stage unspecified
10001256 Adenotonsillectomy
10001257 Adenoviral conjunctivitis
10001259 Adenoviral meningoencephalitis
10001260 Adenoviral upper respiratory infection
10001261 Adenovirus ex vivo gene therapy
10001262 Adenovirus in vivo gene therapy
10001264 Adenovirus infection NOS
10001265 ADH
10001266 ADH abnormal
10001268 ADH decreased
10001269 ADH disorder
10001270 ADH inappropriate
10001271 ADH inappropriate secretion
10001273 ADH increased
10001274 ADH normal
10001276 Adherent leucoma
10001281 Adhesions of drum head to incus
10001282 Adhesions of drum head to promontorium
10001283 Adhesions of drum head to stapes
10001285 Adhesive arachnitis
10001286 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
10001287 Adhesive middle ear disease
10001288 Adhesive middle ear disease, unspecified as to involvement
10001289 Adhesive pericarditis
10001290 Adhesive plaster sensitivity
10001291 Adhesiveness platelet abnormal (NOS)
10001292 Adiadokokinesis
10001293 Adiposis
10001294 Adiposis dolorosa
10001295 Adjustment disorder NOS
10001296 Adjustment disorder with anxiety
10001297 Adjustment disorder with depressed mood
10001298 Adjustment disorder with disturbance of conduct
10001299 Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood
10001300 Adjustment disorder with mixed disturbance of emotion and conduct
10001303 Adjustment reaction
10001304 Adjustment reaction with anxious mood
10001305 Adjustment reaction with brief depressive reaction
10001306 Adjustment reaction with mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct
10001307 Adjustment reaction with mixed emotional features
10001308 Adjustment reaction with physical symptoms
10001309 Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance of conduct
10001310 Adjustment reaction with predominant disturbance of other emotions
10001311 Adjustment reaction with prolonged depressive reaction
10001312 Adjustment reaction with withdrawal
10001313 Adjustment reaction, unspecified
10001315 Administration site reaction
10001317 Adnexitis
10001318 Adolescence
10001319 Adolescent antisocial behaviour
10001320 Adolescent postural kyphosis
10001321 Adopted person
10001322 Adoption
10001323 Adrenal adenoma
10001324 Adrenal atrophy
10001325 Adrenal blockade therapy
10001326 Adrenal carcinoma
10001327 Adrenal carcinoma NOS
10001328 Adrenal cortex activity increased
10001329 Adrenal cortex atrophy
10001330 Adrenal cortex dysfunction
10001331 Adrenal cortex dysplasia
10001332 Adrenal cortex hyperfunction
10001333 Adrenal cortex hyperplasia
10001334 Adrenal cortex hypofunction
10001335 Adrenal cortex insufficiency
10001337 Adrenal cortex necrosis
10001338 Adrenal cortex scintigraphy
10001340 Adrenal cortical dysfunction
10001342 Adrenal cortical hypofunction
10001344 Adrenal cortical insufficiency
10001345 Adrenal cortical necrosis
10001346 Adrenal crisis
10001347 Adrenal disorder
10001348 Adrenal disorder NOS
10001350 Adrenal gland biopsy
10001351 Adrenal gland biopsy abnormal
10001352 Adrenal gland biopsy normal
10001356 Adrenal gland injury
10001358 Adrenal gland tuberculosis
10001360 Adrenal glomerular zone abnormal
10001361 Adrenal haemorrhage
10001363 Adrenal hemorrhage
10001365 Adrenal hypercorticism
10001366 Adrenal hypofunction
10001367 Adrenal insufficiency
10001368 Adrenal insufficiency neonatal
10001369 Adrenal insufficiency NOS
10001371 Adrenal medulla hyperfunction
10001372 Adrenal medulla scintigraphy
10001374 Adrenal metastases
10001375 Adrenal neoplasm NOS
10001379 Adrenal rest tumour of the testis
10001380 Adrenal scintigraphy
10001382 Adrenal suppression
10001383 Adrenal virilism
10001386 Adrenalectomy NOS
10001387 Adrenergic syndrome
10001388 Adrenocortical carcinoma
10001389 Adrenocortical insufficiency acute
10001390 Adrenocortical insufficiency chronic
10001391 Adrenocortical insufficiency neonatal
10001392 Adrenocortical steroid therapy
10001393 Adrenocorticotropic hormone
10001394 Adrenocorticotropic hormone abnormal
10001395 Adrenocorticotropin
10001396 Adrenocorticotropin abnormal
10001397 Adrenocorticotropin decreased
10001398 Adrenocorticotropin increased
10001400 Adrenogenital syndrome congenital
10001401 Adrenogenital syndrome NOS
10001402 Adrenolytic syndrome
10001403 Adult dermatomyositis
10001404 Adult hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
10001405 Adult maltreatment syndrome
10001406 Adult osteochondrosis of spine
10001407 Adult RDS
10001409 Adult respiratory distress syndrome
10001410 Adult respiratory stress syndrome
10001411 Adult rickets
10001412 Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma
10001413 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia
10001415 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia NOS
10001416 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia recurrent
10001417 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia refractory
10001418 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia stage I
10001419 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia stage II
10001420 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia stage III
10001421 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia stage IV
10001422 Advanced chronic liver disease
10001423 Advanced sleep phase
10001425 Adynamia
10001426 Adynamic ileus
10001428 Aeromonas gastroenteritis
10001429 Aeromonas hydrophila gastroenteritis
10001431 Aerophagy
10001432 Aerotitis
10001433 Aesthesioneuroblastoma
10001435 Afebrile convulsion
10001436 Afebrile seizure
10001439 Affect altered
10001440 Affect lack
10001441 Affect loss
10001442 Affective blunting
10001443 Affective disorder
10001444 Affective disorder NOS
10001445 Affective disorders NOS
10001446 Affective personality disorder
10001447 Affective personality disorder, unspecified
10001449 Affective psychoses, other
10001450 Affective psychosis
10001451 Affective psychosis, unspecified
10001452 AFib
10001453 Afibrinogenemia
10001456 AFP amniotic fluid
10001457 AFP increased
10001458 AFP normal
10001459 AFP result - high
10001460 AFP result - normal
10001461 African trypanosomiasis
10001462 African trypanosomiasis, unspecified
10001463 After images
10001464 After taste
10001465 After-cataract
10001466 After-cataract, obscuring vision
10001468 Aftersleeping
10001469 AG ratio abnormal
10001470 Agammaglobulinaemia
10001471 Agammaglobulinemia
10001472 Aganglionic megacolon
10001473 Age bone retarded
10001476 Aged in-law
10001477 Aged parent
10001478 Agenesis of clavicle congenital
10001480 Ageusia
10001481 Agglutination leucocytes
10001482 Aggravated bilirubinemia
10001483 Aggravated ringing in ears
10001484 Aggravation of existing disorder
10001485 Aggravation of hot flushes
10001487 Aggregation platelet abnormal
10001488 Aggression
10001489 Aggression aggravated
10001490 Aggressive behaviour
10001491 Aggressive childhood behaviour
10001492 Aggressive personality
10001493 Aggressive reaction
10001494 Aggressiveness
10001495 Agitated
10001496 Agitated depression
10001497 Agitation
10001498 Agitation aggravated
10001499 Agitation mental
10001500 Agitation neonatal
10001501 Aglossia
10001502 Agoraphobia
10001504 Agoraphobia without a history of panic disorder
10001505 Agoraphobia without mention of panic attacks
10001506 Agranulocytic angina
10001507 Agranulocytosis
10001508 Agraphia
10001509 AIDS
10001510 AIDS dementia
10001511 AIDS phobia
10001512 AIDS related anogenital dysplasia
10001513 AIDS related complex
10001514 AIDS related lymphoma
10001515 AIDS-associated hemorrhagic sarcoma
10001516 AIDS-dementia complex
10001517 AIDS-related anal cancer recurrent
10001518 AIDS-related anal cancer stage 0
10001519 AIDS-related anal cancer stage I
10001520 AIDS-related anal cancer stage II
10001521 AIDS-related anal cancer stage III
10001522 AIDS-related anal cancer stage IV
10001523 AIDS-related dementia
10001524 Ainhum
10001525 Air contrast barium enema
10001526 Air embolism
10001528 Air embolism as an early complication of trauma
10001529 Air hunger
10001530 Air in intestines
10001531 Air in stomach
10001532 Air sickness
10001533 Air swallowing
10001534 Air-borne transmission
10001535 Aircraft accident
10001536 Airway obstruction NOS
10001537 Airway resistance increased
10001538 Airway secretion excessive
10001539 Airways obstruction
10001540 Akathisia
10001541 Akinesia
10001542 Akinetic mutism
10001543 Akinetic seizures
10001544 Al-P increased
10001545 Alactasia
10001546 Alanine aminotransferase
10001547 Alanine aminotransferase abnormal
10001548 Alanine aminotransferase abnormal NOS
10001549 Alanine aminotransferase decreased
10001550 Alanine aminotransferase increase
10001551 Alanine aminotransferase increased
10001552 Alanine aminotransferase normal
10001555 Alastrim
10001556 Albers-Schonberg disease
10001557 Albinism
10001558 Albumin
10001559 Albumin abnormal
10001560 Albumin abnormal NOS
10001561 Albumin decreased
10001562 Albumin globulin ratio
10001563 Albumin globulin ratio abnormal
10001564 Albumin globulin ratio abnormal NOS
10001565 Albumin globulin ratio decreased
10001566 Albumin globulin ratio high
10001567 Albumin globulin ratio increased
10001568 Albumin globulin ratio low
10001569 Albumin globulin ratio normal
10001570 Albumin high
10001571 Albumin increased
10001572 Albumin low
10001573 Albumin normal
10001574 Albumin serum plasma decreased
10001575 Albumin urine
10001576 Albumin urine high
10001577 Albumin urine increased
10001578 Albumin urine normal
10001579 Albumin-globulin ratio abnormal
10001580 Albuminuria
10001581 Albumin urine absent
10001582 Albumin urine present
10001583 Alcohol - excessive blood level
10001584 Alcohol abuse
10001585 Alcohol abuse chronic
10001586 Alcohol abuse, continuous drinking behavior
10001587 Alcohol abuse, episodic drinking behavior
10001588 Alcohol abuse, in remission
10001589 Alcohol abuse, unspecified drinking behavior
10001590 Alcohol addiction
10001592 Alcohol amblyopia
10001593 Alcohol amnestic syndrome
10001594 Alcohol dependence syndrome
10001595 Alcohol induced heart muscle disease
10001596 Alcohol induced persisting dementia
10001597 Alcohol interaction
10001598 Alcohol intolerance
10001599 Alcohol intoxication
10001600 Alcohol intoxication acute
10001601 Alcohol intoxication, acute
10001602 Alcohol NOS decreased
10001603 Alcohol NOS increased
10001604 Alcohol NOS normal
10001605 Alcohol poisoning
10001606 Alcohol problem
10001607 Alcohol problem NOS
10001609 Alcohol tolerance lowered
10001610 Alcohol withdrawal delirium
10001611 Alcohol withdrawal hallucinosis
10001612 Alcoholic
10001613 Alcoholic amblyopia
10001614 Alcoholic atrial fibrillation
10001615 Alcoholic brain damage
10001616 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
10001617 Alcoholic cirrhosis
10001618 Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver
10001619 Alcoholic fatty liver
10001620 Alcoholic gastritis
10001621 Alcoholic gastritis, with hemorrhage
10001622 Alcoholic gastritis, without mention of hemorrhage
10001623 Alcoholic hangover
10001624 Alcoholic hepatitis
10001625 Alcoholic jealousy
10001626 Alcoholic liver damage, unspecified
10001627 Alcoholic liver disease
10001628 Alcoholic liver disease NOS
10001629 Alcoholic polyneuropathy
10001630 Alcoholic pseudo Cushing's syndrome
10001632 Alcoholic psychosis
10001633 Alcoholic psychosis, other
10001634 Alcoholic psychosis, unspecified
10001635 Alcoholic relative
10001636 Alcoholic spouse
10001637 Alcoholic withdrawal symptoms
10001638 Alcoholic-induced fatty liver
10001639 Alcoholism
10001640 Alcoholism (excl psychosis)
10001641 Aldolase decreased
10001642 Aldolase increased
10001643 Aldolase normal
10001644 Aldosterone
10001645 Aldosterone decreased
10001646 Aldosterone high
10001647 Aldosterone increased
10001648 Aldosterone low
10001649 Aldosterone urine
10001650 Aldosterone urine abnormal NOS
10001651 Aldosterone urine decreased
10001652 Aldosterone urine high
10001653 Aldosterone urine increased
10001654 Aldosterone urine low
10001655 Aldosterone urine normal
10001656 Aldosteronism
10001657 Aldosteronism NOS
10001658 Aldosteronism secondary
10001659 Aldrich syndrome
10001660 Aleukaemic leukaemia
10001661 Aleukemic leukemia
10001663 Alexia
10001665 Algoneurodystrophy
10001666 Alice in wonderland syndrome
10001667 Alimentary tract aleukia
10001668 Alk phos
10001669 Alk phos raised
10001670 ALK phosph
10001671 Alkalemia
10001674 Alkaline phosphatase
10001675 Alkaline phosphatase increased
10001676 Alkaline phosphatase normal
10001677 Alkaline phosphatase NOS increased
10001679 Alkaline phosphatase serum increased
10001680 Alkalosis
10001681 Alkalosis compensatory
10001682 Alkalosis hypochloraemic
10001683 Alkalosis hypochloremic
10001684 Alkalosis hypokalaemic
10001685 Alkalosis hypokalemic
10001686 Alkalosis metabolic
10001687 Alkalosis NOS
10001688 Alkalosis respiratory
10001689 Alkaptonuria
10001691 Allergen NOS skin test negative
10001692 Allergen NOS skin test positive
10001693 Allergic angiitis
10001694 Allergic arthritis
10001696 Allergic arthritis involving forearm
10001697 Allergic arthritis involving hand
10001698 Allergic arthritis involving lower leg
10001702 Allergic arthritis involving shoulder region
10001703 Allergic arthritis involving upper arm
10001704 Allergic arthritis, site unspecified
10001705 Allergic asthma
10001706 Allergic blepharitis
10001707 Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
10001709 Allergic conjunctivitis
10001710 Allergic cutaneous angiitis
10001711 Allergic dermatitis
10001712 Allergic eczema
10001713 Allergic granulomatosis
10001714 Allergic granulomatosis angiitis
10001715 Allergic myocarditis
10001716 Allergic purpura
10001717 Allergic rash
10001718 Allergic reaction
10001719 Allergic reaction NOS
10001720 Allergic reaction to antibiotics
10001721 Allergic reaction to bee sting
10001722 Allergic reaction to wasp sting
10001723 Allergic rhinitis
10001724 Allergic rhinitis (excl hay fever)
10001726 Allergic rhinitis due to pollen
10001728 Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
10001729 Allergic skin reaction
10001730 Allergic to birds
10001731 Allergic to cats
10001732 Allergic to dogs
10001733 Allergic to horses
10001734 Allergic urticaria
10001735 Allergic vascular purpura
10001736 Allergic vasculitis
10001738 Allergy
10001739 Allergy aggravated
10001740 Allergy multiple
10001741 Allergy NOS
10001742 Allergy to animal
10001743 Allergy to animal dander
10001744 Allergy to animals
10001745 Allergy to cow's milk
10001746 Allergy to feathers
10001747 Allergy to insect sting
10001748 Allergy to lanolin
10001749 Allergy to sting
10001750 Allergy to sting NOS
10001751 Allergy to venom
10001754 Allescheriosis
10001755 Allescheriosis (Petriellidosis)
10001756 Allogenic bone marrow transplantation therapy
10001757 Allograft of skin
10001758 Allograft-associated hemorrhagic sarcoma
10001759 Aloof
10001760 Alopecia
10001761 Alopecia areata
10001762 Alopecia effluvium
10001763 Alopecia reversible
10001764 Alopecia scarring
10001765 Alopecia syphilitic
10001766 Alopecia totalis
10001767 Alopecia universalis
10001768 Alopecia, unspecified
10001771 ALP increased
10001772 Alpha 1 foetoprotein
10001773 Alpha 1 foetoprotein abnormal
10001774 Alpha 1 foetoprotein abnormal NOS
10001775 Alpha 1 foetoprotein amniotic fluid
10001776 Alpha 1 foetoprotein amniotic fluid abnormal
10001777 Alpha 1 foetoprotein amniotic fluid abnormal NOS
10001778 Alpha 1 foetoprotein amniotic fluid increased
10001779 Alpha 1 foetoprotein amniotic fluid normal
10001780 Alpha 1 foetoprotein decreased
10001781 Alpha 1 foetoprotein increased
10001782 Alpha 1 foetoprotein normal
10001783 Alpha 1 globulin
10001784 Alpha 1 globulin abnormal
10001785 Alpha 1 globulin decreased
10001786 Alpha 1 globulin high
10001787 Alpha 1 globulin increased
10001788 Alpha 1 globulin low
10001789 Alpha 1 globulin normal
10001790 Alpha 2 antiplasmin decreased
10001791 Alpha 2 antiplasmin increased
10001792 Alpha 2 globulin
10001793 Alpha 2 globulin abnormal
10001794 Alpha 2 globulin decreased
10001795 Alpha 2 globulin high
10001796 Alpha 2 globulin increased
10001797 Alpha 2 globulin low
10001798 Alpha 2 globulin normal
10001799 Alpha interferon therapy
10001802 Alpha thalassaemia
10001803 Alpha-1 anti-trypsin
10001804 Alpha-1 anti-trypsin abnormal
10001805 Alpha-1 anti-trypsin decreased
10001806 Alpha-1 anti-trypsin deficiency
10001807 Alpha-1 anti-trypsin high
10001808 Alpha-1 anti-trypsin increased
10001809 Alpha-1 anti-trypsin low
10001810 Alpha-1 anti-trypsin normal
10001811 Alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor deficiency
10001812 Alpha-2 macroglobulin
10001813 Alpha-2 macroglobulin high
10001814 Alpha-2 macroglobulin increased
10001815 Alpha-2 macroglobulin normal
10001816 Alpha-fetoprotein increased
10001817 Alpha-thalassaemia
10001818 Alphafetoprotein
10001819 Alphafetoprotein abnormal NOS
10001820 Alphafetoprotein amniotic fluid
10001821 Alphafetoprotein amniotic fluid increased
10001822 Alphafetoprotein amniotic fluid normal
10001823 Alphafetoprotein high
10001824 Alphafetoprotein increased
10001825 Alphafetoprotein low
10001826 Alphafetoprotein normal
10001827 Alphafoetoprotein
10001828 Alphafoetoprotein abnormal NOS
10001829 Alphafoetoprotein amniotic fluid
10001830 Alphafoetoprotein amniotic fluid abnormal NOS
10001831 Alphafoetoprotein amniotic fluid increased
10001832 Alphafoetoprotein amniotic fluid normal
10001833 Alphafoetoprotein decreased
10001834 Alphafoetoprotein high
10001835 Alphafoetoprotein increased
10001836 Alphafoetoprotein low
10001837 Alphafoetoprotein normal
10001838 Alphafoetoprotein normal (maternal serum)
10001839 Alphaglobulin
10001840 Alphaglobulin abnormal
10001841 Alphaglobulin normal
10001843 Alport's syndrome
10001845 ALT increased
10001846 Altercation
10001847 Altered hormone level
10001848 Altered hormone level (NOS)
10001849 Altered immunoglobulins (NOS)
10001850 Altered mood
10001851 Altered neurotransmitter level (NOS)
10001852 Altered saliva
10001853 Altered smell sensation
10001854 Altered state of consciousness
10001855 Alternating esotropia
10001859 Alternating exotropia
10001863 Alternating hyperphoria
10001864 Aluminium
10001865 Aluminium abnormal NOS
10001866 Aluminium decreased
10001867 Aluminium increased
10001868 Aluminium normal
10001869 Aluminum
10001870 Aluminum abnormal NOS
10001871 Aluminum high
10001872 Aluminum low
10001874 Alveolar aeration excessive
10001875 Alveolar border of body of mandible closed fracture
10001876 Alveolar border of body of mandible open fracture
10001877 Alveolar mandibular hyperplasia
10001878 Alveolar mandibular hypoplasia
10001879 Alveolar maxillary hyperplasia
10001880 Alveolar maxillary hypoplasia
10001881 Alveolar proteinosis
10001882 Alveolar soft part sarcoma
10001884 Alveolar soft part sarcoma metastatic
10001886 Alveolar soft part sarcoma NOS
10001887 Alveolar soft part sarcoma recurrent
10001888 Alveolar soft part sarcoma stage unspecified
10001889 Alveolitis
10001890 Alveolitis allergic
10001891 Alveolitis extrinsic allergic
10001892 Alveolitis fibrosing
10001893 Alveolitis NOS
10001894 Alveolitis of jaw
10001895 Alveolitis radiation
10001896 Alzheimer's disease
10001899 AMA negative
10001900 AMA positive
10001901 Amalgam tattoo
10001902 Amaurosis
10001903 Amaurosis fugax
10001904 Ambiguous external genitalia
10001905 Ambition loss of
10001906 Amblyopia
10001907 Amblyopia alcohol
10001908 Amblyopia congenital
10001909 Amblyopia ex anopsia
10001911 Amblyopia NOS
10001912 Amblyopia strabismic
10001913 Amblyopia suppression
10001914 Amblyopia tobacco
10001915 Amblyopia, unspecified
10001916 Amebiasis
10001917 Amebiasis NOS
10001918 Amebiasis, unspecified
10001919 Amebic brain abscess
10001920 Amebic dysentery
10001922 Amebic liver abscess
10001923 Amebic lung abscess
10001925 Amebic skin ulceration
10001926 Amelia
10001927 Amenorrhea
10001928 Amenorrhoea
10001929 Amenorrhoea NOS
10001930 Amenorrhoea post pill
10001931 Amenorrhoea primary
10001932 Amenorrhoea secondary
10001933 Amentia
10001934 American hantavirus infection syndrome
10001935 American trypanosomiasis
10001936 Ametropia
10001937 Amino acid catabolism disorder
10001938 Amino acid metabolism disorder
10001939 Aminoaciduria
10001940 Aminolevulinic acid urine
10001942 Ammonia abnormal
10001944 Ammonia abnormal NOS
10001945 Ammonia decreased
10001946 Ammonia increased
10001947 Ammonia normal
10001948 Ammoniacal dermatitis
10001949 Amnesia
10001951 Amnesia transient
10001952 Amnestic disorder NOS
10001953 Amnestic disorder, cause unknown
10001955 Amnestic disorders due to a general medical condition
10001957 Amnestic syndrome
10001958 Amniocentesis
10001959 Amniocentesis abnormal
10001960 Amniocentesis exc.chromosome, neural tube screening
10001961 Amniocentesis for chromosomal abnormalities
10001962 Amniocentesis for neural tube defects
10001963 Amniocentesis normal
10001964 Amnioscopy
10001965 Amnioscopy abnormal
10001966 Amnioscopy normal
10001967 Amniotic cavity disorder NOS
10001968 Amniotic cavity infection NOS
10001969 Amniotic fluid abnormal NOS
10001971 Amniotic fluid embolism
10001977 Amniotic fluid embolus
10001978 Amoeba histolytica dysentery
10001979 Amoeba histolytica infection NOS
10001980 Amoebiasis
10001982 Amoebiasis NOS
10001983 Amoebiasis, unspecified
10001984 Amoebic brain abscess
10001985 Amoebic colitis
10001986 Amoebic dysentery
10001987 Amoebic enteritis
10001989 Amoebic liver abscess
10001990 Amoebic lung abscess
10001992 Amoebic skin ulcer
10001993 Amoebic skin ulceration
10001994 Amoral personality
10002005 Amphetamines NOS decreased
10002006 Amphetamines NOS high
10002007 Amphetamines NOS increased
10002008 Amphetamines NOS normal
10002009 Amputation above knee
10002010 Amputation NOS
10002011 Amputation of penis
10002012 Amputation revision
10002013 Amylase
10002014 Amylase decreased
10002015 Amylase high
10002016 Amylase increased
10002017 Amylase low
10002018 Amylase serum increased
10002019 Amylobarbitone dependency
10002020 Amyloid cardiomyopathy
10002021 Amyloid disease
10002022 Amyloidosis
10002024 Amyloidosis NOS
10002025 Amyloidosis senile
10002026 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
10002027 Amyotrophy
10002028 Amyotrophy NOS
10002029 ANA
10002031 ANA present
10002032 Anabolism protein increased
10002033 Anacrotic pulse
10002034 Anaemia
10002035 Anaemia achrestic
10002036 Anaemia aggravated
10002037 Anaemia aplastic
10002038 Anaemia aplastic aregenerative
10002040 Anaemia B twelve deficiency
10002043 Anaemia folate deficiency
10002044 Anaemia folic acid deficiency
10002045 Anaemia haemolytic
10002046 Anaemia haemolytic autoimmune
10002047 Anaemia haemolytic DCN
10002048 Anaemia haemolytic DCP
10002050 Anaemia haemolytic G6PD
10002051 Anaemia haemolytic ICP
10002056 Anaemia haemolytic, angiopathic
10002058 Anaemia Heinz body
10002059 Anaemia hyperchromic
10002060 Anaemia hypochromic
10002061 Anaemia hypoplastic
10002062 Anaemia iron deficiency
10002063 Anaemia leukoerythroblastic
10002064 Anaemia macrocytic
10002065 Anaemia megaloblastic
10002066 Anaemia microcytic
10002068 Anaemia neonatal
10002069 Anaemia normochromic
10002070 Anaemia normocytic
10002071 Anaemia NOS
10002072 Anaemia NOS aggravated
10002073 Anaemia of chronic disease
10002074 Anaemia of prematurity
10002075 Anaemia pernicious
10002076 Anaemia primaquine sensitivity
10002077 Anaemia sickle cell
10002078 Anaemia sideroblastic
10002079 Anaemia spherocytic
10002080 Anaemia vitamin B12 deficiency
10002081 Anaemia vitamin B6 deficiency
10002082 Anaemia, unspecified
10002083 Anaemia- Hypochromic microcytic picture
10002085 Anaemias due to disorders of glutathione metabolism
10002088 Anaemic
10002089 Anaerobic bacterial infection NOS
10002090 Anaerobic pyoderma NOS
10002091 Anaesthesia
10002093 Anaesthesia intubation complication
10002094 Anaesthesia lip
10002095 Anaesthesia local
10002096 Anaesthesia mouth
10002097 Anaesthesia NOS
10002098 Anaesthesia oral mucosa
10002099 Anaesthesia tongue
10002100 Anaesthetic complication cardiac
10002101 Anaesthetic complication cardiac in labour or delivery
10002102 Anaesthetic complication cardiac NOS
10002103 Anaesthetic complication circulatory
10002104 Anaesthetic complication circulatory in labour or delivery
10002105 Anaesthetic complication neurological
10002106 Anaesthetic complication NOS
10002108 Anaesthetic complication pulmonary
10002109 Anaesthetic complication pulmonary in labour or delivery
10002110 Anaesthetic complication pulmonary NOS
10002120 Anal atresia
10002121 Anal biopsy
10002122 Anal biopsy abnormal
10002123 Anal biopsy normal
10002124 Anal canal cancer
10002126 Anal canal cancer NOS
10002127 Anal canal cancer recurrent
10002128 Anal canal cancer stage I
10002129 Anal canal cancer stage II
10002130 Anal canal cancer stage III
10002131 Anal canal cancer stage IV
10002132 Anal canal cancer stage unspecified
10002133 Anal cancer recurrent
10002134 Anal cancer stage 0
10002135 Anal cancer stage I
10002136 Anal cancer stage II
10002137 Anal cancer stage III
10002138 Anal cancer stage IV
10002139 Anal candida
10002140 Anal candidiasis
10002141 Anal carcinoma
10002142 Anal carcinoma in situ
10002143 Anal carcinoma NOS
10002144 Anal carcinoma recurrent
10002145 Anal carcinoma stage I
10002146 Anal carcinoma stage II
10002147 Anal carcinoma stage III
10002148 Anal carcinoma stage IV
10002149 Anal chlamydia infection
10002150 Anal dilatation
10002151 Anal disorder NOS
10002152 Anal excoriation
10002153 Anal fissure
10002155 Anal fissure excision
10002156 Anal fistula
10002157 Anal fistula excision
10002158 Anal implant brachytherapy
10002159 Anal interstitial brachytherapy
10002160 Anal lesion excision
10002161 Anal leukoplakia
10002162 Anal margin carcinoma NOS
10002163 Anal margin carcinoma stage unspecified
10002164 Anal neoplasm NOS
10002167 Anal pain
10002168 Anal polyp
10002169 Anal polypectomy
10002170 Anal sinus repair
10002171 Anal skin tag excision
10002172 Anal skin tags
10002173 Anal spasm
10002174 Anal sphincter repair
10002175 Anal sphincterotomy
10002176 Anal stenosis
10002177 Anal stricture
10002178 Anal thrush
10002179 Anal tinea
10002180 Anal ulcer
10002181 Anal warts
10002182 Analgesia
10002186 Analgesic abuse
10002187 Analgesic drug level NOS above therapeutic
10002188 Analgesic drug level NOS below therapeutic
10002189 Analgesic drug level NOS decreased
10002190 Analgesic drug level NOS increased
10002191 Analgesic drug level NOS subtherapeutic
10002192 Analgesic drug level NOS therapeutic
10002193 Analgesic intervention NOS supportive therapy
10002194 Analgesic medication NOS supportive therapy
10002195 Analgesic nephropathy
10002196 Anankastic personality
10002197 Anankastic personality disorder
10002198 Anaphylactic reaction
10002199 Anaphylactic shock
10002200 Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction
10002201 Anaphylactic shock due to crustaceans
10002202 Anaphylactic shock due to eggs
10002203 Anaphylactic shock due to fish
10002204 Anaphylactic shock due to food additives
10002205 Anaphylactic shock due to fruits and vegetables
10002206 Anaphylactic shock due to milk products
10002208 Anaphylactic shock due to peanuts
10002210 Anaphylactic shock due to tree nuts and seeds
10002211 Anaphylactic shock due to unspecified food
10002213 Anaphylactic type reaction
10002214 Anaphylactic vascular purpura
10002215 Anaphylactoid purpura
10002216 Anaphylactoid reaction
10002217 Anaphylactoid vascular purpura
10002218 Anaphylaxis
10002222 Anaphylaxis treatment
10002223 Anaplastic adrenocortical carcinoma
10002224 Anaplastic astrocytoma
10002225 Anaplastic choroid plexus papilloma
10002226 Anaplastic ependymoma
10002227 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types
10002228 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types NOS
10002229 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types recurrent
10002230 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types refractory
10002231 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types stage I
10002232 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types stage II
10002233 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types stage III
10002234 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types stage IV
10002236 Anaplastic osteosarcoma
10002237 Anaplastic osteosarcoma localized
10002238 Anaplastic osteosarcoma metastatic
10002239 Anaplastic osteosarcoma recurrent
10002240 Anaplastic thyroid cancer
10002241 Anasarca
10002242 Anastomose failure to
10002243 Anastomotic ulcer
10002244 Anastomotic ulcer haemorrhage
10002248 Anastomotic ulcer perforation
10002250 Anastomotic ulcer, obstructive
10002251 Anatomical narrow angle borderline glaucoma
10002253 Ancylostoma duodenale infection
10002254 Ancylostoma necator infection
10002255 Ancylostomiasis
10002258 Ancylostomiasis due to ancylostoma braziliense
10002259 Ancylostomiasis due to ancylostoma ceylanicum
10002260 Ancylostomiasis due to ancylostoma duodenale
10002261 Androgen deficiency
10002263 Androgen replacement therapy
10002264 Androgen therapy
10002265 Androgens increased
10002266 Androgens NOS abnormal
10002267 Androgens NOS decreased
10002268 Androgens NOS high
10002269 Androgens NOS increased
10002270 Androgens NOS low
10002271 Androgens NOS normal
10002272 Anemia
10002273 Anemia achrestic
10002274 Anemia aplastic
10002275 Anemia aplastic aregenerative
10002277 Anemia B12 deficiency
10002278 Anemia B6 deficiency
10002279 Anemia cobalamin deficiency
10002281 Anemia folate deficiency
10002282 Anemia folic acid deficiency
10002283 Anemia Heinz body
10002284 Anemia hemolytic (NOS)
10002285 Anemia hemolytic autoimmune (NOS)
10002286 Anemia hemolytic direct Coombs negative
10002287 Anemia hemolytic direct Coombs positive
10002288 Anemia hemolytic G6PD deficiency
10002289 Anemia hemolytic indirect Coombs negative
10002290 Anemia hemolytic indirect Coombs positive
10002291 Anemia hemolytic occult
10002292 Anemia hyperchromic
10002293 Anemia hypochromic
10002294 Anemia hypoplastic
10002295 Anemia iron deficiency
10002296 Anemia leukoerythroblastic
10002297 Anemia macrocytic
10002298 Anemia megaloblastic
10002299 Anemia microcytic
10002300 Anemia neonatal
10002301 Anemia normochromic
10002302 Anemia normocytic
10002307 Anemia of prematurity
10002308 Anemia pernicious type
10002309 Anemia primaquine sensitivity type
10002310 Anemia pyridoxine deficiency
10002311 Anemia refractory
10002312 Anemia sideroblastic
10002313 Anemia, antepartum
10002314 Anemia, postpartum
10002315 Anemia, unspecified
10002316 Anemias due to disorders of glutathione metabolism
10002317 Anencephalia
10002318 Anencephalus
10002320 Anencephaly
10002321 Anesthesia
10002322 Anesthesia application site
10002323 Anesthesia general
10002324 Anesthesia injection site
10002325 Anesthesia local
10002326 Anesthetic induction
10002327 Anesthetic induction and maintenance
10002328 Anesthetic maintenance
10002329 Aneurysm
10002330 Aneurysm aortic
10002331 Aneurysm arteriovenous
10002332 Aneurysm atrial
10002333 Aneurysm cerebral
10002334 Aneurysm cerebral (unruptured)
10002335 Aneurysm dissecting coronary artery
10002336 Aneurysm intracerebral clipping
10002337 Aneurysm intracranial
10002338 Aneurysm of abdominal aorta
10002339 Aneurysm of aorta
10002340 Aneurysm of aorta, specified as syphilitic
10002341 Aneurysm of aortic arch
10002342 Aneurysm of arch of aorta
10002343 Aneurysm of artery (excl aorta)
10002344 Aneurysm of artery of lower extremity
10002345 Aneurysm of artery of neck
10002346 Aneurysm of artery of upper extremity
10002347 Aneurysm of ascending aorta
10002348 Aneurysm of coronary vessels
10002349 Aneurysm of descending aorta
10002350 Aneurysm of heart
10002351 Aneurysm of heart (wall)
10002352 Aneurysm of iliac artery
10002353 Aneurysm of other specified artery
10002356 Aneurysm of pulmonary artery
10002357 Aneurysm of renal artery
10002358 Aneurysm of splenic artery
10002359 Aneurysm of subclavian artery
10002360 Aneurysm of unspecified site
10002361 Aneurysm ventricular
10002362 Aneurysmal bone cyst
10002368 Anger
10002369 Angiitis
10002370 Angiitis necrotising
10002371 Angiitis necrotizing
10002374 Angina agranulocytic
10002375 Angina at rest
10002376 Angina at rest Prinzmetal's
10002377 Angina attack
10002378 Angina decubitus
10002379 Angina gangrenous
10002380 Angina of effort
10002381 Angina on exercise
10002382 Angina on recumbency
10002383 Angina pectoris
10002384 Angina pectoris aggravated
10002385 Angina pectoris unstable
10002387 Angina syndrome
10002388 Angina unstable
10002390 Anginal attack
10002391 Anginal pain
10002393 Anginal syndrome
10002394 Angio-edema
10002396 Angiocalcinosis
10002397 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 2
10002398 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 2 recurrent
10002399 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 2 refractory
10002400 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 2 stage I
10002401 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 2 stage II
10002402 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 2 stage III
10002403 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 2 stage IV
10002404 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 3
10002405 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 3 recurrent
10002406 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 3 refractory
10002407 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 3 stage I
10002408 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 3 stage II
10002409 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 3 stage III
10002410 Angiocentric immunoproliferative lesion grade 3 stage IV
10002411 Angiocentric lymphoma
10002413 Angiocentric lymphoma NOS
10002414 Angiocentric lymphoma recurrent
10002415 Angiocentric lymphoma refractory
10002416 Angiocentric lymphoma stage I
10002417 Angiocentric lymphoma stage II
10002418 Angiocentric lymphoma stage III
10002419 Angiocentric lymphoma stage IV
10002420 Angiodysplasia of intestine (without mention of hemorrhage)
10002421 Angiodysplasia of intestine with hemorrhage
10002422 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum (without mention of hemorrhage)
10002423 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum with hemorrhage
10002424 Angioedema
10002427 Angioedema of larynx
10002429 Angiofibroma
10002430 Angiofibromatous hyperplasia
10002431 Angiogram carotid
10002432 Angiogram carotid abnormal
10002433 Angiogram carotid normal
10002434 Angiogram coronary
10002435 Angiogram coronary abnormal
10002436 Angiogram coronary normal
10002437 Angiogram NOS
10002438 Angiogram NOS abnormal
10002439 Angiogram NOS normal
10002440 Angiogram pulmonary
10002441 Angiogram pulmonary abnormal
10002442 Angiogram pulmonary normal
10002443 Angiogram retina
10002444 Angiogram retina abnormal
10002445 Angiogram retina normal
10002446 Angiograph
10002447 Angiograph coronary
10002448 Angioid streaks of choroid
10002449 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
10002451 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma NOS
10002452 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma recurrent
10002453 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma refractory
10002454 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma stage I
10002455 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma stage II
10002456 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma stage III
10002457 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma stage IV
10002458 Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum universale
10002459 Angioma
10002460 Angioma (benign)
10002461 Angioma of skin
10002462 Angioma spider
10002463 Angiomatosis bacillary
10002464 Angioimmunoblastic (AILD, LgX) (Kiel Classification)
10002465 Angioimmunoblastic (AILD, LgX) (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10002466 Angioimmunoblastic (AILD, LgX) (Kiel Classification) refractory
10002467 Angioimmunoblastic (AILD, LgX) (Kiel Classification) stage I
10002468 Angioimmunoblastic (AILD, LgX) (Kiel Classification) stage II
10002469 Angioimmunoblastic (AILD, LgX) (Kiel Classification) stage III
10002470 Angioimmunoblastic (AILD, LgX) (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10002471 Angioneurotic edema
10002473 Angioneurotic oedema
10002474 Angioneurotic oedema aggravated
10002475 Angioplasty
10002476 Angiosarcoma
10002477 Angiosarcoma metastatic
10002479 Angiosarcoma NOS
10002480 Angiosarcoma recurrent
10002481 Angiosarcoma stage unspecified
10002482 Angiosclerosis
10002483 Angiospasm
10002484 Angiotensin I
10002485 Angiotensin I abnormal
10002486 Angiotensin I decreased
10002487 Angiotensin I high
10002488 Angiotensin I increased
10002489 Angiotensin I low
10002490 Angiotensin I normal
10002491 Angiotensin II
10002492 Angiotensin II abnormal
10002493 Angiotensin II decreased
10002494 Angiotensin II high
10002495 Angiotensin II increased
10002496 Angiotensin II low
10002497 Angiotensin II normal
10002500 Angle closure glaucoma
10002501 Angle closure glaucoma acute
10002502 Angle glaucoma closed
10002503 Angle of jaw closed fracture
10002504 Angle of jaw open fracture
10002505 Angor animi
10002506 Angor mortis
10002507 Anguish
10002508 Angular blepharoconjunctivitis
10002509 Angular cheilitis
10002510 Angular stomatitis
10002511 Anhedonia
10002512 Anhidrosis
10002513 Anhydrosis
10002514 Anicteric leptospirosis
10002515 Animal bite
10002516 Animal bite NOS
10002518 Animal phobia
10002519 Animal scratch
10002520 Animal scratch NOS
10002521 Animal scratches
10002522 Anion gap
10002523 Anion gap abnormal
10002524 Anion gap abnormal NOS
10002525 Anion gap acidosis
10002526 Anion gap decreased
10002527 Anion gap high
10002528 Anion gap increased
10002529 Anion gap low
10002530 Anion gap normal
10002532 Aniridia
10002533 Anisakiasis
10002534 Aniseikonia
10002535 Anisocoria
10002536 Anisocytosis
10002537 Anisometropia
10002540 Ankle arthrodesis
10002541 Ankle block
10002542 Ankle edema
10002543 Ankle effusion
10002544 Ankle fracture
10002545 Ankle injury
10002546 Ankle oedema
10002547 Ankle osteoarthritis
10002548 Ankle reconstruction
10002549 Ankle sprain
10002551 Ankle stabilization
10002552 Ankle stiffness
10002553 Ankle swelling
10002554 Ankles swelling
10002555 Ankles swollen
10002556 Ankylosing spondylitis
10002558 Ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis
10002559 Ankylosis
10002560 Ankylosis of ankle
10002562 Ankylosis of elbow
10002563 Ankylosis of forearm joint
10002564 Ankylosis of hand joint
10002565 Ankylosis of hip
10002566 Ankylosis of joint
10002570 Ankylosis of joint of shoulder region
10002571 Ankylosis of joint, site unspecified
10002572 Ankylosis of knee
10002573 Ankylosis of lower leg joint
10002574 Ankylosis of teeth
10002575 Ankylosis of upper arm joint
10002576 Ano-rectal disorder NOS
10002578 Ano-rectal infection bacterial NOS
10002579 Ano-rectal infection NOS
10002581 Anorectal stenosis
10002582 Anorectal ulcer
10002583 Anodontia
10002584 Anogenital dysplasia (AIDS related)
10002585 Anomalies congenital multiple
10002611 Anomalous atrioventricular excitation
10002615 Anomaly arterial
10002617 Anomaly congenital
10002621 Anomaly congenital multiple (NOS)
10002622 Anomaly congenital musculoskeletal (NOS)
10002624 Anomaly congenital special senses
10002625 Anomaly congenital urogenital
10002626 Anomaly heart
10002627 Anomaly of dental arch
10002628 Anomaly of external ear congenital NOS
10002629 Anomaly of gallbladder
10002630 Anomaly of great veins, congenital, unspecified
10002631 Anomaly of inner ear congenital NOS
10002632 Anomaly of middle ear congenital NOS
10002633 Anomaly of orbit, congenital
10002635 Anomaly of tongue, congenital, unspecified
10002636 Anomaly teeth
10002637 Anomaly vascular
10002638 Anomia
10002639 Anophthalmia
10002640 Anophthalmos
10002641 Anorchism
10002642 Anorectal abscess
10002643 Anorectal cellulitis
10002644 Anorectal disorder
10002645 Anorectal fistula
10002646 Anorexia
10002647 Anorexia and bulimia syndrome
10002648 Anorexia neonatal
10002649 Anorexia nervosa
10002652 Anorgasmia
10002653 Anosmia
10002654 Anotia
10002655 Anovular cycles
10002656 Anovular dysfunctional uterine bleeding
10002657 Anovular menorrhagia
10002658 Anovulation
10002659 Anovulatory cycle
10002660 Anoxia
10002661 Anoxia cerebral
10002662 Anoxia neonatal
10002663 Anoxic brain damage
10002664 Ant sting
10002665 Antabuse implant
10002666 Antenatal sonogram
10002667 Antepartum haemorrhage
10002675 Antepartum varicose veins of legs
10002677 Anterior cerebral artery embolism
10002678 Anterior cerebral artery occlusion
10002679 Anterior cerebral artery thrombosis
10002681 Anterior chamber degeneration
10002682 Anterior chamber disorder NOS
10002683 Anterior chamber opacity
10002684 Anterior chamber paracentesis
10002686 Anterior communicating artery aneurysm
10002687 Anterior corneal pigmentations
10002688 Anterior cyclitis
10002689 Anterior dislocation of lens
10002690 Anterior dislocation of tibia, proximal end, closed
10002691 Anterior dislocation of tibia, proximal end, open
10002692 Anterior eye chamber haemorrhage
10002694 Anterior horn cell disease
10002695 Anterior horn cell disease NOS
10002696 Anterior horn cell disease, unspecified
10002697 Anterior knee pain syndrome
10002698 Anterior MI
10002699 Anterior nasal diphtheria
10002702 Anterior scleritis
10002703 Anterior spinal artery syndrome
10002704 Anterior staphyloma, localized
10002706 Anterior subcapsular polar senile cataract
10002707 Anterior synechiae of iris
10002708 Anterior thoracotomy
10002709 Anterior uveitis
10002711 Anterograde amnesia
10002712 Anteversion-anteflexion posture
10002713 Anthrax
10002714 Anthrax septicaemia
10002715 Anthrax septicemia
10002716 Anthrax, unspecified
10002717 Anti-DNA antibodies
10002718 Anti-DNA antibodies negative
10002719 Anti-DNA antibodies NOS
10002720 Anti-DNA antibodies NOS negative
10002721 Anti-DNA antibodies NOS positive
10002722 Anti-DNA antibodies positive
10002723 Anti-HBsAg positive
10002724 Anti-HCV positive
10002725 Anti-HIV positive
10002726 Anti-HIV test (EIA)
10002727 Anti-infective agent toxicity
10002729 Anti-P24 decreased
10002730 Antiandrogen therapy
10002731 Antibiotic level NOS above therapeutic
10002732 Antibiotic level NOS below therapeutic
10002733 Antibiotic level NOS decreased
10002734 Antibiotic level NOS increased
10002735 Antibiotic level NOS subtherapeutic
10002736 Antibiotic level NOS therapeutic
10002737 Antibiotic resistant strain
10002738 Antibiotic sensitivity test sensitive
10002739 Antibiotic-associated diarrhea
10002740 Antibodies anticardiolipin
10002741 Antibodies cardiolipin
10002742 Antibodies drug specific
10002743 Antibody antinuclear present
10002745 Antibody NOS negative
10002746 Antibody NOS normal
10002747 Antibody NOS positive
10002750 Antibody result abnormal
10002751 Antibody result normal
10002753 Anticachectic therapy
10002754 Anticardiolipin antibodies
10002755 Anticardiolipin antibodies positive
10002756 Anticardiolipin antibodies negative
10002757 Anticholinergic syndrome
10002758 Anticipatory anxiety
10002759 Anticoagulant effect decreased
10002760 Anticoagulant effect increased
10002761 Anticoagulant excess
10002762 Antidepressant drug level NOS above therapeutic
10002763 Antidepressant drug level NOS below therapeutic
10002764 Antidepressant drug level NOS decreased
10002765 Antidepressant drug level NOS increased
10002766 Antidepressant drug level NOS subtherapeutic
10002767 Antidepressant drug level NOS therapeutic
10002768 Antidepressant type abuse
10002769 Antidepressant type abuse, continuous use
10002770 Antidepressant type abuse, episodic use
10002771 Antidepressant type abuse, in remission
10002772 Antidepressant type abuse, unspecified use
10002773 Antidiarrheal supportive care
10002774 Antidiuresis
10002775 Antidiuretic hormone
10002776 Antidiuretic hormone abnormality
10002777 Antidiuretic hormone decreased
10002778 Antidiuretic hormone disorder
10002779 Antidiuretic hormone increased
10002780 Antidiuretic hormone normal
10002781 Antiemetic supportive care
10002784 Antifibrinolysis
10002785 Antiglobulin test direct
10002786 Antiglobulin test indirect
10002787 Antigonadotrophins present
10002788 Antigonadotropins present
10002789 Antihemophilic factor
10002791 Antimicrobial susceptibility test
10002792 Antimicrobial susceptibility test intermediate
10002793 Antimicrobial susceptibility test resistant
10002794 Antimicrobial susceptibility test sensitive
10002795 Antimitochondrial antibody
10002796 Antimitochondrial antibody abnormal
10002797 Antimitochondrial antibody negative
10002798 Antimitochondrial antibody normal
10002799 Antimitochondrial antibody positive
10002800 Antimony
10002801 Antimony decreased
10002802 Antimony high
10002803 Antimony increased
10002804 Antimony low
10002805 Antimony normal
10002806 Antinuclear antibodies present
10002807 Antinuclear antibody
10002809 Antinuclear antibody negative
10002810 Antinuclear antibody present
10002811 Antinuclear factor
10002812 Antinuclear factor abnormal
10002813 Antinuclear factor normal
10002814 Antinuclear factor positive
10002815 Antinuclear factor test positive
10002816 Antioestrogen therapy
10002817 Antiphospholipid syndrome
10002818 Antiprogestational therapy
10002819 Antiprolactin therapy
10002820 Antisocial behaviour
10002821 Antisocial personality
10002822 Antisocial personality disorder
10002824 Antisocial reaction
10002825 Antistreptokinase increased
10002826 Antistreptolysin
10002827 Antistreptolysin abnormal
10002828 Antistreptolysin antibodies
10002829 Antistreptolysin normal
10002830 Antistreptolysin O increased
10002831 Antistreptolysin titre
10002832 Antithrombin III deficiency
10002834 Antral carcinoma
10002835 Antral carcinoma in situ
10002836 Antral carcinoma recurrent
10002837 Antral carcinoma stage 0
10002838 Antral carcinoma stage I
10002839 Antral carcinoma stage II
10002840 Antral carcinoma stage III
10002841 Antral carcinoma stage IV NOS
10002842 Antral carcinoma stage IV with metastases
10002843 Antral carcinoma stage IV without metastases
10002844 Antral lavage
10002845 Antral polyp (of maxillary sinus)
10002846 Antrostomy intranasal
10002847 Anuria
10002848 Anus abnormal
10002849 Anus biopsy
10002850 Anus candida
10002851 Anus discomfort
10002852 Anus disorder
10002853 Anus imperforate
10002854 Anus pain
10002855 Anxiety
10002856 Anxiety attack
10002857 Anxiety complex
10002858 Anxiety depression
10002859 Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition
10002864 Anxiety neurosis
10002865 Anxiety reaction
10002866 Anxiety state
10002867 Anxiety state, unspecified
10002870 Anxiety symptoms NOS
10002871 Anxiety-ridden
10002873 Anxious depression
10002874 Anxious father
10002875 Anxious mood
10002876 Anxious mother
10002877 Anxious parent
10002878 Anxious personality
10002879 Aorta coarctation repair
10002880 Aorta-pulmonary art transposition
10002881 Aorta-pulmonary arterial transposition
10002882 Aortic aneurysm
10002883 Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site without mention of rupture
10002884 Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, ruptured
10002885 Aortic aneurysm repair
10002886 Aortic aneurysm rupture
10002887 Aortic aneurysm syphilitic
10002888 Aortic aneurysmectomy
10002890 Aortic arch syndrome
10002892 Aortic atherosclerosis
10002893 Aortic bifurcation graft
10002894 Aortic coarctation
10002895 Aortic dissection
10002897 Aortic embolus
10002898 Aortic incompetence
10002899 Aortic injury
10002900 Aortic necrosis
10002902 Aortic obstruction
10002904 Aortic regurgitation
10002905 Aortic sclerosis
10002906 Aortic stenosis
10002907 Aortic stenosis & incompetence
10002908 Aortic stenosis congenital
10002909 Aortic stricture
10002910 Aortic thrombosis
10002912 Aortic valve disease mixed
10002913 Aortic valve disease NOS
10002915 Aortic valve incompetence
10002916 Aortic valve replacement
10002917 Aortic valve sclerosis
10002918 Aortic valve stenosis
10002919 Aortic valve stenosis congenital
10002920 Aortic valvotomy
10002921 Aortitis
10002922 Aortitis NOS
10002923 Aortitis syphilitic
10002924 Aorto-duodenal fistula
10002925 Aorto-iliac arterial stenosis
10002926 Aorto-iliac atherosclerosis
10002927 Aortobifemoral graft
10002928 Aortogram (arch)
10002929 Aortogram arch
10002930 Aortogram arch abnormal
10002931 Aortogram arch normal
10002932 Aortogram translumbar
10002933 Aortogram translumbar abnormal
10002934 Aortogram translumbar normal
10002935 Aortograph arch
10002936 Aortograph translumbar
10002937 Aortograph translumbar abnormal
10002938 Aortograph translumbar normal
10002939 Aortoiliac occlusive disease
10002940 Aortoilial graft
10002941 Apallic syndrome
10002942 Apathy
10002943 Apert's syndrome
10002944 Apgar score low
10002945 Aphakia
10002947 Aphakia congenital
10002948 Aphasia
10002949 Aphasia motor
10002950 Aphasia nominal
10002951 Aphasia sensory
10002952 Apheresis NOS
10002953 Aphonia
10002954 Aphonia psychogenic
10002955 Aphose
10002956 Aphrodisiac
10002957 Aphthous stoma
10002958 Aphthous stomatitis
10002959 Aphthous ulcer
10002960 Apicectomy
10002961 Aplasia
10002962 Aplasia bone marrow
10002963 Aplasia cutis congenita
10002964 Aplasia NOS
10002965 Aplasia pure red cell
10002966 Aplasia, pure red cell
10002967 Aplastic anaemia
10002968 Aplastic anaemia, unspecified
10002969 Aplastic anemia
10002970 Aplastic anemia, unspecified
10002971 Aplastic marrow
10002972 Apnea
10002973 Apnea neonatal
10002974 Apnoea
10002975 Apnoea attack
10002976 Apnoea neonatal
10002977 Apnoeic attack
10002978 Apo A1
10002979 Apo B
10002980 Apo-A1
10002981 Apo-B
10002983 Apocrine miliaria
10002984 Apolipoprotein A-I
10002985 Apolipoprotein A-I abnormal
10002986 Apolipoprotein A-I decreased
10002987 Apolipoprotein A-I high
10002988 Apolipoprotein A-I increased
10002989 Apolipoprotein A-I low
10002990 Apolipoprotein A-I normal
10002991 Apolipoprotein A-II
10002992 Apolipoprotein A-II abnormal NOS
10002993 Apolipoprotein A-II decreased
10002994 Apolipoprotein A-II increased
10002995 Apolipoprotein A-II normal
10002996 Apolipoprotein B
10002997 Apolipoprotein B abnormal
10002998 Apolipoprotein B decreased
10002999 Apolipoprotein B high
10003000 Apolipoprotein B increased
10003001 Apolipoprotein B low
10003002 Apolipoprotein B normal
10003004 Apoplexy
10003005 Apoprotein A1
10003006 Apoprotein B
10003007 Appearance personal neglect of
10003008 Appendectomy
10003009 Appendiceal abscess drainage
10003010 Appendicectomy
10003011 Appendicitis
10003012 Appendicitis perforated
10003013 Appendicitis purulent perforated
10003014 Appendicitis, unqualified
10003015 Appendix carcinoid tumour
10003016 Appendix disorder NOS
10003017 Appetite absent
10003020 Appetite decreased NOS
10003021 Appetite disorder NOS
10003023 Appetite exaggerated
10003024 Appetite excessive
10003025 Appetite impaired
10003027 Appetite increased NOS
10003028 Appetite lost
10003029 Appetite stimulated
10003030 Appetite suppressed
10003031 Appetite suppression
10003033 Application site anaesthesia
10003034 Application site anesthesia
10003035 Application site atrophy
10003036 Application site dermatitis
10003037 Application site dermatitis general
10003038 Application site dermatitis local
10003039 Application site desquamation
10003040 Application site edema
10003041 Application site erythema
10003042 Application site fat atrophy
10003043 Application site hypalgesia
10003044 Application site hyperpigmentation
10003045 Application site hypopigmentation
10003046 Application site irritation
10003047 Application site itching
10003048 Application site necrosis
10003049 Application site numbness
10003050 Application site oedema
10003051 Application site pain
10003052 Application site pigmentation changes
10003053 Application site pruritus
10003054 Application site rash
10003055 Application site reaction
10003056 Application site reaction NOS
10003058 Application site redness
10003059 Application site ulcer
10003060 Application site warmth
10003061 Apprehension
10003062 Apraxia
10003063 Aprosody
10003064 APTT
10003065 APTT decreased
10003066 APTT increased
10003067 APTT prolonged
10003068 Aptyalism
10003069 APUDoma
10003070 APUDoma NOS
10003071 Aquagenic pruritus
10003073 Arachnitis
10003074 Arachnoiditis
10003075 Arachnoiditis adhesive chronic
10003076 ARC
10003077 Arch aortogram
10003078 Arch aortogram abnormal
10003079 Arch aortogram normal
10003080 Arch aortograph
10003081 Arcuate scotoma
10003082 Arcus senilis
10003083 ARDS
10003084 Areflexia
10003085 Arenaviral haemorrhagic fever
10003086 Arenaviral hemorrhagic fever
10003089 Argentaffinoma
10003090 Argentine haemorrhagic fever
10003091 Argentous corneal deposits
10003092 Argyll Robertson pupil, atypical
10003093 Argyll-Robertson pupils
10003094 Argyria
10003095 Ariboflavinosis
10003096 Arm amputation
10003097 Arm crushing
10003098 Arm paralysis
10003099 Arm traumatic amputation
10003101 Arnold-Chiari malformation
10003102 Aromatase inhibition therapy
10003103 Aromatherapy
10003104 Arousal difficult
10003105 Arousal night
10003108 Arrest atrial
10003109 Arrest cardiac
10003110 Arrest erythroid maturation
10003111 Arrest myeloid maturation
10003113 Arrest of urinary output
10003114 Arrest pulmonary
10003115 Arrest respiratory
10003116 Arrest sinus
10003118 Arrested labour
10003119 Arrhythmia
10003120 Arrhythmia (NOS)
10003121 Arrhythmia atrial
10003122 Arrhythmia atrial (NOS)
10003123 Arrhythmia cardiac (NOS)
10003124 Arrhythmia neonatal
10003125 Arrhythmia nodal
10003126 Arrhythmia nodal (NOS)
10003127 Arrhythmia NOS
10003128 Arrhythmia NOS foetal
10003129 Arrhythmia NOS neonatal
10003130 Arrhythmia supraventricular
10003131 Arrhythmia ventricular
10003132 Arrhythmia ventricular (NOS)
10003134 Arsenic abnormal
10003135 Arsenic in serum
10003136 Arsenic increased
10003137 Arsenic normal
10003138 Arsenic not present
10003139 Arsenical keratosis
10003140 Arterectomy with graft replacement
10003142 Arterial aneurysm
10003143 Arterial aneurysm NOS
10003144 Arterial aneurysm repair
10003145 Arterial anomaly
10003146 Arterial blood pressure decreased
10003148 Arterial catheterisation
10003149 Arterial catheterisation abnormal
10003150 Arterial catheterisation normal
10003151 Arterial catheterisation NOS normal
10003152 Arterial disorder NOS
10003154 Arterial embolectomy
10003155 Arterial embolism (limbs)
10003159 Arterial embolism limb
10003160 Arterial embolism NOS
10003161 Arterial graft NOS
10003162 Arterial injury
10003163 Arterial insufficiency coronary
10003164 Arterial insufficiency peripheral
10003165 Arterial ligation
10003166 Arterial occlusion NOS
10003168 Arterial pressure high
10003169 Arterial pressure NOS decreased
10003170 Arterial pressure NOS increased
10003171 Arterial reconstruction
10003172 Arterial repair NOS
10003173 Arterial rupture
10003174 Arterial rupture NOS
10003175 Arterial spasm
10003176 Arterial spasm NOS
10003177 Arterial stenosis NOS
10003178 Arterial thrombosis
10003179 Arterial thrombosis (limbs)
10003180 Arterial thrombosis limb
10003181 Arterial thrombosis NOS
10003182 Arterial thrombosis of the arm
10003183 Arterial thrombosis of the leg
10003185 Arterialization
10003186 Arteriovenous anomaly
10003188 Arteriovenous fistula creation
10003189 Arteriovenous fistula excision
10003190 Arteriovenous fistula operation
10003191 Arteriovenous fistula revision
10003192 Arteriovenous fistula thrombosis
10003193 Arteriovenous malformation
10003194 Arteriogram carotid
10003195 Arteriogram carotid abnormal
10003196 Arteriogram carotid normal
10003197 Arteriogram cerebral
10003198 Arteriogram cerebral abnormal
10003199 Arteriogram cerebral normal
10003200 Arteriogram coronary
10003201 Arteriogram coronary abnormal
10003202 Arteriogram coronary normal
10003203 Arteriogram renal
10003204 Arteriogram renal abnormal
10003205 Arteriogram renal normal
10003206 Arteriograph cerebral
10003207 Arteriograph renal
10003208 Arteriopathic disease
10003209 Arteriopathy
10003210 Arteriosclerosis
10003211 Arteriosclerosis coronary artery
10003212 Arteriosclerosis Moenckeberg-type
10003213 Arteriosclerosis Monckeberg-type
10003214 Arteriosclerosis renal
10003215 Arteriosclerosis retinal
10003217 Arteriosclerotic dementia
10003219 Arteriosclerotic dementia with delusional features
10003220 Arteriosclerotic dementia with depressive features
10003221 Arteriosclerotic dementia, uncomplicated
10003222 Arteriosclerotic gangrene
10003223 Arteriospasm
10003225 Arteriospasm coronary
10003226 Arteriovenous fistula
10003227 Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels
10003228 Arteriovenous fistula, acquired
10003229 Arteriovenous malformations
10003230 Arteritis
10003232 Arteritis coronary
10003233 Arteritis NOS
10003234 Arteritis thrombotic
10003235 Arteritis, unspecified
10003236 Artery malformation
10003237 Artery rupture
10003238 Arthropathy unspecified, involving hand
10003239 Arthralgia
10003240 Arthralgia aggravated
10003241 Arthralgia lumbar
10003242 Arthralgia multiple
10003243 Arthralgia of temporomandibular joint
10003244 Arthritic pains
10003245 Arthritic-like pain
10003246 Arthritis
10003247 Arthritis aggravated
10003248 Arthritis allergic NOS
10003249 Arthritis bacterial NOS
10003250 Arthritis Charcot-type
10003251 Arthritis climacteric
10003252 Arthritis due to rubella
10003253 Arthritis enteropathic
10003254 Arthritis following viral infection
10003255 Arthritis fungal NOS
10003256 Arthritis gonococcal
10003257 Arthritis gouty
10003258 Arthritis helminthic NOS
10003259 Arthritis infective NOS
10003260 Arthritis lupus erythematosis
10003261 Arthritis multiple joint
10003262 Arthritis mutilans
10003263 Arthritis NOS
10003264 Arthritis NOS aggravated
10003265 Arthritis of neck
10003266 Arthritis pyogenic
10003267 Arthritis reactive
10003268 Arthritis rheumatoid
10003269 Arthritis rheumatoid aggravated
10003270 Arthritis rubella
10003271 Arthritis salmonella
10003272 Arthritis septic
10003273 Arthritis single joint
10003274 Arthritis viral
10003275 Arthritis viral NOS
10003276 Arthrocentesis
10003277 Arthrodesis NOS
10003278 Arthrogram
10003279 Arthrogram abnormal
10003280 Arthrogram normal
10003281 Arthrogram of knee
10003282 Arthrograph
10003283 Arthrography
10003285 Arthropathy
10003286 Arthropathy (NOS)
10003290 Arthropathy associated with helminthiasis
10003305 Arthropathy crystal NOS
10003306 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome
10003308 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome involving forearm
10003309 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome involving hand
10003310 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome involving lower leg
10003314 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome involving shoulder region
10003315 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome involving upper arm
10003316 Arthropathy in Behcet's syndrome, site unspecified
10003323 Arthropathy involving forearm associated with helminthiasis
10003329 Arthropathy involving hand associated with helminthiasis
10003335 Arthropathy involving lower leg associated with helminthiasis
10003363 Arthropathy involving shoulder region associated with helminthiasis
10003369 Arthropathy involving upper arm associated with helminthiasis
10003375 Arthropathy neurogenic
10003376 Arthropathy NOS
10003377 Arthropathy psoriatic
10003379 Arthropathy unspecified, involving forearm
10003380 Arthropathy unspecified, involving lower leg
10003384 Arthropathy unspecified, involving upper arm
10003386 Arthropathy, site unspecified, associated with helminthiasis
10003392 Arthropathy, unspecified
10003393 Arthropathy, unspecified, involving shoulder region
10003394 Arthropathy, unspecified, site unspecified
10003395 Arthroplasty (excl hip or knee)
10003396 Arthroplasty NOS
10003397 Arthroplasty of hip
10003398 Arthroplasty of knee
10003399 Arthropod bite
10003400 Arthropod infestation NOS
10003401 Arthropod scratch
10003402 Arthropod sting
10003403 Arthropod-borne disease NOS
10003404 Arthropod-borne disease, unspecified
10003405 Arthropod-borne haemorrhagic fever
10003406 Arthropod-borne haemorrhagic fever, unspecified
10003407 Arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever
10003408 Arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever, unspecified
10003409 Arthropod-borne viral disease, unspecified
10003410 Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis
10003411 Arthroscopy
10003412 Arthroscopy abnormal
10003413 Arthroscopy L knee
10003414 Arthroscopy normal
10003415 Arthroscopy R knee
10003416 Arthrosis
10003417 Arthrosis multiple
10003418 Arthrosis NOS
10003419 Arthus phenomenon
10003420 Arthus reaction
10003421 Arthus-type reaction
10003422 Articular calcification
10003423 Articular cartilage disorder
10003425 Articular cartilage disorder involving forearm
10003426 Articular cartilage disorder involving hand
10003430 Articular cartilage disorder involving shoulder region
10003431 Articular cartilage disorder involving upper arm
10003432 Articular cartilage disorder, site unspecified
10003433 Articular disc disorder
10003435 Articular gout
10003437 Artificial insemination (husband)
10003439 Artificial menopause
10003440 Artificial rupture of membranes
10003441 Asbestosis
10003442 Ascariasis
10003443 Ascaris lumbricoides infection
10003444 Ascending cholangitis
10003445 Ascites
10003446 Ascites chylous
10003447 Ascorbate
10003448 Ascorbate high
10003449 Ascorbate low
10003450 Ascorbate normal
10003451 Ascorbic acid
10003452 Ascorbic acid abnormal
10003453 Ascorbic acid decreased
10003454 Ascorbic acid deficiency
10003455 Ascorbic acid increased
10003456 Ascorbic acid normal
10003458 Aseptic meningitis
10003459 Aseptic necrosis
10003460 Aseptic necrosis bone
10003461 Aseptic necrosis of bone
10003462 Aseptic necrosis of bone, site unspecified
10003463 Aseptic necrosis of head and neck of femur
10003464 Aseptic necrosis of head of humerus
10003465 Aseptic necrosis of medial femoral condyle
10003467 Aseptic necrosis of talus
10003468 ASLO increased
10003470 ASO titre
10003471 Asocial behavior
10003472 Asocial behaviour
10003473 Asocial personality
10003474 Asocial reaction
10003475 Asp transferase
10003476 Aspartate aminotransferase
10003477 Aspartate aminotransferase abnormal
10003478 Aspartate aminotransferase abnormal NOS
10003479 Aspartate aminotransferase decreased
10003480 Aspartate aminotransferase increase
10003481 Aspartate aminotransferase increased
10003482 Aspartate aminotransferase normal
10003483 Aspartate transferase
10003484 Asperger's disorder
10003485 Asperger's syndrome
10003487 Aspergilloma
10003488 Aspergillosis
10003489 Aspergillosis oral
10003490 Aspergillosis pharyngeal
10003491 Aspergillus flavus bronchopulmonary infection
10003492 Aspergillus flavus infection
10003493 Aspergillus fumigatus bronchopulmonary infection
10003494 Aspergillus fumigatus infection
10003495 Aspermia
10003497 Asphyxia
10003498 Asphyxia imminens of newborn
10003499 Asphyxia livida of newborn
10003500 Asphyxia neonatal
10003501 Asphyxia pallida of newborn
10003502 Asphyxiation
10003504 Aspiration
10003505 Aspiration bone marrow
10003506 Aspiration bone marrow abnormal
10003507 Aspiration bone marrow normal
10003508 Aspiration bursa
10003509 Aspiration bursa abnormal
10003510 Aspiration bursa normal
10003511 Aspiration cyst NOS
10003512 Aspiration cyst NOS abnormal
10003513 Aspiration cyst NOS normal
10003514 Aspiration epididymal cyst
10003515 Aspiration epididymal cyst abnormal
10003516 Aspiration epididymal cyst normal
10003517 Aspiration joint
10003518 Aspiration joint abnormal
10003519 Aspiration joint normal
10003520 Aspiration of joint
10003521 Aspiration of spermatocele
10003522 Aspiration pleural cavity
10003523 Aspiration pleural cavity abnormal
10003524 Aspiration pleural cavity normal
10003525 Aspiration pneumonia
10003526 Aspiration pneumonitis
10003527 Aspiration spermatocele
10003528 Aspiration spermatocele abnormal
10003529 Aspiration spermatocele normal
10003531 Aspiration tracheal abnormal
10003532 Aspiration tracheal normal
10003533 Aspirin asthma
10003534 Aspirin-sensitive asthma
10003536 Assassination
10003537 Assault
10003538 Assault unprovoked
10003539 Assisted fertilisation
10003540 Assisted fertilization
10003541 Assisted ventilation
10003544 AST increased
10003545 Astasia
10003546 Asteatotic eczema
10003547 Asterixis
10003548 Asteroid hyalosis
10003549 Asthenia
10003551 Asthenic personality disorder
10003552 Asthenopia
10003553 Asthma
10003554 Asthma aggravated
10003555 Asthma bronchial
10003556 Asthma cardiac
10003557 Asthma exercise induced
10003558 Asthma extrinsic
10003559 Asthma late onset
10003560 Asthma NOS
10003561 Asthma, unspecified
10003562 Asthma, unspecified type, with status asthmaticus
10003565 Asthmatic
10003566 Asthmatic attack
10003567 Asthmatic attack induced
10003568 Asthmatoid bronchitis
10003569 Astigmatism
10003570 Astigmatism, unspecified
10003571 Astrocytoma
10003572 Astrocytoma malignant NOS
10003575 Asymptomatic bacteriuria antepartum
10003576 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy
10003580 Asymptomatic bacteriuria postpartum
10003581 Asymptomatic HIV infection
10003582 Asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus type I infection
10003583 Asymptomatic infection with HIV
10003584 Asymptomatic neurosyphilis
10003585 Asynergia
10003586 Asystole
10003587 Asystolia
10003588 Asystolia neonatal
10003589 Asystolic
10003590 AT-3 decreased
10003591 Ataxia
10003592 Ataxia cerebellar
10003594 Ataxia telangiectasia
10003595 Ataxia vestibular
10003596 Ataxic
10003597 Ataxic gait
10003598 Atelectasis
10003599 Atelectasis neonatal
10003600 Atheroma coronary artery
10003601 Atherosclerosis
10003602 Atherosclerosis cerebral
10003603 Atherosclerosis generalized
10003604 Atherosclerosis obliterans
10003605 Atherosclerosis of aorta
10003606 Atherosclerosis of arteries of the extremities
10003610 Atherosclerosis of arteries of the extremities with ulceration
10003611 Atherosclerosis of arteries of the extremities, unspecified
10003612 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft of the extremities
10003613 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of the extremities
10003616 Atherosclerosis of renal artery
10003617 Atherosclerosis of unspecified graft of the extremities
10003618 Atherosclerotic dementia
10003619 Athetoid
10003620 Athetosis
10003621 Athlete's foot
10003624 Atonia
10003625 Atonic bladder (neurogenic)
10003626 Atonic bladder sphincter
10003627 Atonic hemorrhage
10003628 Atonic seizures
10003629 Atonic urinary bladder
10003630 Atonic uterus
10003631 Atony of bladder
10003632 Atony of stomach
10003633 Atony skeletal muscle
10003634 Atony stomach
10003635 Atony urinary bladder
10003636 Atony uterine
10003637 Atopic
10003638 Atopic asthma
10003639 Atopic dermatitis
10003641 Atopic eczema
10003642 Atopic flare-up
10003643 Atonic gallbladder
10003644 Atopic rhinitis
10003645 Atopy
10003650 Atresia biliary
10003651 Atresia esophagus
10003652 Atresia of esophagus
10003653 Atresia of pulmonary valve, congenital
10003654 Atresia, salivary duct, congenital
10003655 Atrial arrest
10003656 Atrial arrhythmia
10003657 Atrial arrhythmia NOS
10003658 Atrial fibrillation
10003659 Atrial fibrillation aggravated
10003661 Atrial fibrillation paroxysmal
10003662 Atrial flutter
10003664 Atrial septal defect
10003665 Atrial septal defect acquired
10003666 Atrial septal defect NOS
10003667 Atrial septal defect repair
10003668 Atrial tachycardia
10003669 Atrichia
10003670 Atrichosis
10003671 Atrioventricular block
10003672 Atrioventricular block (NOS)
10003673 Atrioventricular block complete
10003674 Atrioventricular block first degree
10003675 Atrioventricular block incomplete
10003676 Atrioventricular block NOS
10003677 Atrioventricular block second degree
10003678 Atrioventricular block, complete
10003680 Atrioventricular block, unspecified
10003681 Atrioventricular conduction time prolonged
10003682 Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia
10003683 Atrophic arthritis
10003685 Atrophic gastritis
10003686 Atrophic gastritis, with hemorrhage
10003687 Atrophic gastritis, without mention of hemorrhage
10003689 Atrophic rhinitis
10003690 Atrophic vaginitis
10003691 Atrophic vulva
10003692 Atrophic vulvitis
10003693 Atrophic vulvovaginitis
10003694 Atrophy
10003696 Atrophy adrenal
10003697 Atrophy adrenal cortex
10003698 Atrophy application site
10003699 Atrophy breast
10003700 Atrophy injection site
10003701 Atrophy kidney
10003702 Atrophy liver
10003703 Atrophy muscle
10003704 Atrophy NOS
10003705 Atrophy of breast
10003706 Atrophy of edentulous alveolar ridge
10003707 Atrophy of hepatocytes
10003708 Atrophy of orbit
10003709 Atrophy of prostate
10003710 Atrophy of salivary gland
10003711 Atrophy of testis
10003712 Atrophy of tongue papillae
10003713 Atrophy of vulva
10003714 Atrophy optic
10003715 Atrophy optic nerve
10003716 Atrophy ovary
10003717 Atrophy pancreas
10003718 Atrophy skeletal muscle
10003719 Atrophy skin
10003720 Atrophy testicular
10003721 Atrophy thyroid
10003722 Atropine-like syndrome
10003723 Attack coronary
10003724 Attack heart (NOS)
10003725 Attempted murder
10003726 Attempted rape
10003727 Attempted rape victim
10003728 Attempted suicide
10003729 Attention concentration difficulty
10003731 Attention deficit disorder
10003732 Attention deficit disorder of childhood
10003733 Attention deficit disorder of childhood with hyperactivity
10003734 Attention deficit disorder of childhood without mention of hyperactivity
10003735 Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder
10003736 Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder
10003737 Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder NOS
10003738 Attention impaired
10003739 Attention-seeking behaviour
10003740 Attentiveness decreased
10003741 Attic perforation of tympanic membrane
10003742 Attic perforation of tympanum
10003743 Attitude change
10003744 Attitude changed
10003745 Attrition of hard tooth tissue
10003746 Atypical attention deficit syndrome
10003747 Atypical autism
10003748 Atypical depressive disorder
10003749 Atypical face pain
10003751 Atypical lymphocytes
10003752 Atypical manic disorder
10003753 Atypical mycobacterial infection NOS
10003755 Atypical mycobacterial lymphadenitis
10003756 Atypical platelets present
10003757 Atypical pneumonia
10003758 Atypical proliferating ovarian tumor
10003759 Audio and visual hallucinations
10003760 Audiogram
10003761 Audiogram abnormal
10003762 Audiogram normal
10003763 Audiometric abnormalities
10003764 Audiometric test
10003765 Audiometric test abnormal
10003766 Audiometric test childhood
10003767 Audiometric test childhood abnormal
10003768 Audiometric test childhood normal
10003769 Audiometric test normal
10003770 Audiometry
10003771 Audiometry abnormal
10003772 Audiometry childhood
10003773 Audiometry childhood abnormal
10003774 Audiometry childhood normal
10003775 Audiometry normal
10003776 Audiovisual hallucinations
10003777 Auditory and visual hallucinations
10003778 Auditory disorder
10003779 Auditory disorder (NOS)
10003780 Auditory disorder NOS
10003781 Auditory evoked potentials
10003782 Auditory evoked potentials abnormal
10003783 Auditory evoked potentials normal
10003785 Auditory hallucinations
10003786 Auditory hyperacuity
10003787 Auditory hypoacuity
10003789 Auditory recruitment
10003790 Augmentation mammoplasty
10003791 Aura
10003794 Aural polyp
10003795 Auricle accessory
10003796 Auricular fibrillation
10003797 Auricular haematoma
10003798 Auricular hematoma
10003799 Auricular perichondritis
10003800 Auricular swelling
10003802 Australia antigen positive
10003804 Australian encephalitis
10003805 Autism
10003806 Autism infantile
10003807 Autistic behaviour
10003808 Autistic disorder
10003809 Auto-antibody response
10003810 Autoantibody NOS negative
10003811 Autoantibody NOS positive
10003812 Autoantibody response
10003813 Autoimmune deficiency syndrome
10003815 Autoimmune disorder NOS
10003822 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia NOS
10003824 Autoimmune haemolytic disease NOS
10003825 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
10003827 Autoimmune hepatitis
10003829 Autologous bone marrow transplantation therapy
10003830 Automatism
10003831 Automatism epileptic
10003833 Automatism, command
10003834 Automatism, epileptic
10003835 Automobile accident
10003836 Autonomic failure progressive
10003837 Autonomic imbalance
10003840 Autonomic nervous system imbalance
10003841 Autonomic neuropathy NOS
10003843 Autosomal chromosome anomaly NOS
10003845 Autotransfusion
10003846 AV block
10003847 AV block (NOS)
10003848 AV block complete
10003850 AV block first degree
10003851 AV block second degree
10003852 AV block third degree
10003853 AV dissociation
10003854 AV fistula creation
10003855 AV fistula excision
10003856 AV fistula revision
10003857 AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
10003858 AV nodal tachycardia
10003859 AV reentrant tachycardia
10003860 Avascular necrosis femoral head
10003861 Avascular necrosis of bone
10003862 Avitaminosis
10003864 Avoidant personality
10003865 Avoidant personality disorder
10003866 Avulsion of eye
10003867 Awakening early
10003868 Awaking excitability
10003869 Axial hiatal hernia
10003870 Axillary abscess
10003871 Axillary adenopathy
10003872 Axillary artery aneurysm
10003873 Axillary artery thrombosis
10003874 Axillary candidiasis
10003875 Axillary lymph nodes enlarged
10003876 Axillary metastases
10003877 Axillary moniliasis
10003878 Axillary nerve block
10003879 Axillary nerve injury
10003880 Axillary vein thrombosis
10003881 Axillosubclavian aneurysm
10003882 Axonal neuropathy
10003883 Azoospermia
10003885 Azotaemia
10003886 Azotemia
10003887 Azotemia of renal origin
10003888 Azotemia prerenal
10003889 Azotemia renal
10003890 B precursor type acute leukaemia
10003891 B precursor type acute leukemia
10003899 B-cell lymphoma
10003901 B-cell lymphoma NOS
10003902 B-cell lymphoma recurrent
10003903 B-cell lymphoma refractory
10003904 B-cell lymphoma stage I
10003905 B-cell lymphoma stage II
10003906 B-cell lymphoma stage III
10003907 B-cell lymphoma stage IV
10003908 B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma
10003910 B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma NOS
10003911 B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma recurrent
10003912 B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma refractory
10003913 B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma stage I
10003914 B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma stage II
10003915 B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma stage III
10003916 B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma stage IV
10003917 B-cell type acute leukaemia
10003918 B-cell type acute leukaemia NOS
10003919 B-cell type acute leukemia
10003920 B-cell type acute leukemia NOS
10003922 B-cell unclassifiable lymphoma high grade
10003923 B-cell unclassifiable lymphoma low grade
10003924 B-immunoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10003925 B-immunoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10003926 B-immunoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10003927 B-immunoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10003928 B-immunoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10003929 B-immunoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10003930 B-immunoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10003931 B-K mole syndrome
10003932 B-large cell anaplastic Lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10003933 B-large cell anaplastic Lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10003934 B-large cell anaplastic Lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10003935 B-large cell anaplastic Lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10003936 B-large cell anaplastic Lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10003937 B-large cell anaplastic Lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10003938 B-large cell anaplastic Lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10003939 B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10003940 B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10003941 B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10003942 B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10003943 B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10003944 B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10003945 B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10003946 B-Lymphocytic, CLL (Kiel Classification)
10003947 B-Lymphocytic, CLL (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10003948 B-Lymphocytic, CLL (Kiel Classification) refractory
10003949 B-Lymphocytic, CLL (Kiel Classification) stage I
10003950 B-Lymphocytic, CLL (Kiel Classification) stage II
10003951 B-Lymphocytic, CLL (Kiel Classification) stage III
10003952 B-Lymphocytic, CLL (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10003953 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukaemia (Kiel Classification)
10003954 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukaemia (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10003955 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukaemia (Kiel Classification) refractory
10003956 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukaemia (Kiel Classification) stage I
10003957 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukaemia (Kiel Classification) stage II
10003958 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukaemia (Kiel Classification) stage III
10003959 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukaemia (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10003960 B12 deficiency anemia
10003961 B6 deficiency neuritis
10003962 Babbling
10003963 Babesia
10003965 Babesiosis
10003966 Babinski sign positive
10003968 Baby blues
10003969 Baby premature
10003970 Bach's flower remedy
10003971 Bacillary angiomatosis
10003972 Bacillary dysentery
10003973 Bacillary gastroenteritis
10003975 Bacillus anthracis infection
10003976 Bacillus cereus gastroenteritis
10003977 Bacillus infection NOS
10003978 Back ache
10003979 Back arched backward
10003980 Back arched backwards
10003981 Back crushing
10003982 Back discomfort
10003983 Back disorder
10003984 Back disorder NOS
10003985 Back distress
10003986 Back injury
10003987 Back injury NOS
10003988 Back pain
10003989 Back pain (with radiation)
10003990 Back pain (without radiation)
10003991 Back pain psychogenic
10003992 Back sprain
10003993 Backache
10003994 Backache, unspecified
10003995 Background diabetic retinopathy
10003996 Background retinopathy, unspecified
10003997 Bacteraemia
10003998 Bacteraemia, unspecified
10003999 Bacteremia
10004001 Bacteria NOS blood identified
10004002 Bacteria NOS blood no organisms observed
10004003 Bacteria NOS body fluid identified
10004004 Bacteria NOS body fluid organisms observed
10004005 Bacteria NOS cervical specimen identified
10004006 Bacteria NOS cervical specimen no organisms observed
10004007 Bacteria NOS sputum identified
10004008 Bacteria NOS sputum no organisms observed
10004009 Bacteria NOS stool identified
10004010 Bacteria NOS stool no organisms observed
10004011 Bacteria NOS tissue specimen identified
10004012 Bacteria NOS tissue specimen no organisms observed
10004013 Bacteria NOS wound identified
10004014 Bacteria NOS wound no organisms observed
10004015 Bacterial abscess central nervous system
10004016 Bacterial diarrhoea
10004017 Bacterial disease carrier
10004019 Bacterial endocarditis
10004020 Bacterial enteritis, unspecified
10004021 Bacterial eye infection
10004022 Bacterial food poisoning
10004023 Bacterial food poisoning NOS
10004025 Bacterial growth genital asymptomatic
10004026 Bacterial infection due to Bacillus fragilis
10004027 Bacterial infection due to clostridium perfringens
10004028 Bacterial infection due to helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
10004029 Bacterial infection due to mycoplasma
10004035 Bacterial infection due to staphylococcus aureus
10004036 Bacterial infection due to streptococcus, group A
10004037 Bacterial infection due to streptococcus, group B
10004038 Bacterial infection due to streptococcus, group C
10004039 Bacterial infection due to streptococcus, group D
10004040 Bacterial infection due to streptococcus, group G
10004041 Bacterial infection due to unspecified staphylococcus
10004042 Bacterial infection due to unspecified streptococcus
10004044 Bacterial infection NOS
10004049 Bacterial meningitis
10004050 Bacterial pericarditis
10004051 Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified
10004052 Bacterial resistance
10004053 Bacterial toxaemia
10004055 Bacterial vaginosis
10004056 Bacteriuria
10004057 Bacteriuria (excl in pregnancy)
10004058 Bacteriuria in pregnancy
10004059 Bacteriuria NOS
10004062 Bad breath
10004063 Bad dreams
10004064 Bad mood
10004066 BAER
10004067 Bagassosis
10004069 Baker's cyst
10004070 Balance difficulty
10004071 Balance impaired NOS
10004072 Balanced autosomal translocation in normal individual
10004073 Balanitis
10004074 Balanitis candida
10004075 Balanitis monilial
10004076 Balanitis NOS
10004077 Balanitis xerotica obliterans
10004078 Balanoposthitis
10004080 Balantidiasis
10004081 Balantidium coli
10004082 Baldness
10004083 Ballistics or gene gun in vivo gene therapy
10004084 Balloon catheter embolectomy
10004085 Bancroftian filariasis
10004086 Band keratopathy
10004087 Band-like headache
10004088 Band-shaped keratopathy
10004089 Bankruptcy
10004090 Barber's rash
10004091 Barbiturate abuse
10004103 Barbiturate dependency
10004104 Barbiturate intoxication
10004105 Barbiturate intoxication (NOS)
10004106 Barbiturates NOS decreased
10004107 Barbiturates NOS high
10004108 Barbiturates NOS increased
10004109 Barbiturates NOS normal
10004110 Baritosis
10004111 Barium double contrast
10004112 Barium double contrast NOS
10004113 Barium double contrast NOS abnormal
10004114 Barium double contrast NOS normal
10004115 Barium enema
10004116 Barium enema abnormal
10004117 Barium enema normal
10004118 Barium meal
10004119 Barium meal abnormal
10004120 Barium meal and follow through
10004121 Barium meal and follow through abnormal
10004122 Barium meal and follow through normal
10004123 Barium meal normal
10004124 Barium swallow
10004125 Barium swallow abnormal
10004126 Barium swallow normal
10004127 Barlow's syndrome
10004128 Barosinusitis
10004129 Barotitis media
10004130 Barotrauma NOS
10004131 Barotrauma, otitic
10004132 Barotrauma, sinus
10004133 Barrel chest
10004134 Barrett's esophagus
10004135 Barrett's oesophagitis
10004136 Barrett's oesophagitis with dysplasia
10004137 Barrett's oesophagus
10004138 Bartholin's abscess
10004139 Bartholin's abscess drainage
10004140 Bartholin's cyst
10004141 Bartholin's cyst removal
10004142 Bartholinitis
10004143 Barton's fracture
10004144 Bartonella hensalae infection
10004145 Bartonellosis
10004146 Basal cell carcinoma
10004147 Basal cell carcinoma cryocautery
10004148 Basal cell carcinoma excision
10004149 Basal cell carcinoma skin excision
10004150 Basal cell epithelioma
10004151 Basal cell nevus syndrome
10004152 Basal cell papilloma
10004153 Basal ganglion degeneration
10004154 Basal squamous cell carcinoma
10004155 Basaloid carcinoma of the anus recurrent
10004156 Basaloid carcinoma of the anus stage I
10004157 Basaloid carcinoma of the anus stage II
10004158 Basaloid carcinoma of the anus stage III
10004159 Basaloid carcinoma of the anus stage IV
10004160 Basaloid carcinoma of the anus stage unspecified
10004161 Basedow's disease
10004162 Basi squamous cell carcinoma
10004163 Basilar artery stenosis
10004164 Basilar artery syndrome
10004165 Basilar insufficiency
10004166 Basophil count abnormal NOS
10004167 Basophil count decreased
10004168 Basophil count high
10004169 Basophil count increased
10004170 Basophil count normal
10004171 Basophil morphology NOS abnormal
10004172 Basophil morphology NOS normal
10004173 Basophilia
10004174 Basophilia stippling
10004175 Basophilic granulocytosis
10004176 Basophils
10004177 Basophils normal
10004178 Basosquamous carcinoma
10004179 Basosquamous carcinoma of skin
10004180 Bat ear
10004181 Battered baby syndrome
10004182 Battered wife
10004183 Battery
10004184 Battle fatigue
10004185 Bazin's disease
10004186 Bazin's syndrome
10004187 BCC excision
10004188 BCG infection
10004189 BCG related lymphadenitis
10004192 Becker's naevus
10004193 Becker's nevus
10004194 Bed bug infestation
10004195 Bed bugs
10004196 Bed sore
10004197 Bed wetting
10004198 Bedbug bite
10004199 Bee sting
10004200 Bee sting hypersensitivity
10004201 Beef tapeworm infection
10004202 Begnez Cesar disease
10004203 Behavior abnormal
10004204 Behavior disorder
10004205 Behavior hyperactive
10004206 Behaviour abnormal
10004207 Behaviour disorder
10004208 Behaviour hyperactive
10004210 Behavioural disorder
10004211 Behcet syndrome
10004212 Behcet's disease
10004213 Behcet's syndrome
10004214 Behcet-like symptom
10004217 BEI decreased
10004218 BEI increased
10004219 Bekesy automatic audiometry
10004220 Bekesy automatic audiometry abnormal
10004221 Bekesy automatic audiometry normal
10004222 Belching
10004223 Bell's palsy
10004224 Belligerence
10004225 Belligerency
10004226 Belly ache
10004227 Below knee amputation
10004228 Below poverty line
10004229 Bence Jones proteins increased
10004231 Bence Jones proteinuria
10004235 Benign adrenal neoplasm NOS
10004236 Benign anorectal neoplasm NOS
10004237 Benign basal cell papilloma
10004238 Benign bladder neoplasm NOS
10004239 Benign bone giant cell tumour
10004240 Benign bone neoplasm NOS
10004241 Benign brain neoplasm NOS
10004242 Benign breast lump removal
10004243 Benign breast neoplasm
10004244 Benign breast neoplasm NOS
10004245 Benign cardiac neoplasm
10004246 Benign cervical tumour
10004247 Benign cervix uteri neoplasm NOS
10004248 Benign choledochal stricture
10004249 Benign colonic neoplasm
10004250 Benign cranial nerve neoplasm NOS
10004251 Benign duodenal neoplasm
10004252 Benign endocrine neoplasm NOS
10004253 Benign epididymal neoplasm NOS
10004254 Benign essential hypertension
10004255 Benign essential hypertension antepartum
10004260 Benign essential hypertension, postpartum
10004262 Benign essential tremor
10004263 Benign eye neoplasm NOS
10004264 Benign familial chronic pemphigus
10004265 Benign familial pemphigus
10004266 Benign female reproductive tract neoplasm NOS
10004267 Benign gastric neoplasm
10004268 Benign gastrointestinal neoplasm NOS
10004269 Benign hepatic neoplasm
10004270 Benign hepatic neoplasm NOS
10004272 Benign hydatidiform mole
10004273 Benign hypertensive heart disease
10004275 Benign hypertensive heart disease without congestive heart failure
10004276 Benign hypopharyngeal neoplasm
10004277 Benign intracranial hypertension
10004278 Benign laryngeal neoplasm
10004279 Benign lip neoplasm
10004280 Benign lung neoplasm
10004281 Benign lymph node neoplasm NOS
10004282 Benign lymphoma
10004284 Benign male reproductive tract neoplasm NOS
10004285 Benign mammary dysplasia
10004286 Benign mammary dysplasia, unspecified
10004288 Benign mediastinal neoplasm
10004289 Benign mediastinal neoplasm NOS
10004290 Benign meningioma
10004291 Benign mesothelioma NOS
10004292 Benign middle ear neoplasm
10004293 Benign monoclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia
10004294 Benign mucous membrane pemphigoid
10004298 Benign nasopharyngeal neoplasm
10004299 Benign neoplasm NOS
10004300 Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland
10004302 Benign neoplasm of bladder
10004306 Benign neoplasm of brain
10004308 Benign neoplasm of breast
10004310 Benign neoplasm of carotid body
10004311 Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges
10004312 Benign neoplasm of cervix uteri
10004313 Benign neoplasm of choroid
10004314 Benign neoplasm of colon
10004315 Benign neoplasm of conjunctiva
10004316 Benign neoplasm of cornea
10004317 Benign neoplasm of corpus uteri
10004318 Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves
10004322 Benign neoplasm of endocrine gland, site unspecified
10004323 Benign neoplasm of epididymis
10004324 Benign neoplasm of esophagus
10004325 Benign neoplasm of eye
10004326 Benign neoplasm of eye, part unspecified
10004327 Benign neoplasm of eyeball, except conjunctiva, cornea, retina, and choroid
10004328 Benign neoplasm of eyelid, including canthus
10004330 Benign neoplasm of female genital organ, site unspecified
10004331 Benign neoplasm of floor of mouth
10004332 Benign neoplasm of heart
10004333 Benign neoplasm of hypopharynx
10004334 Benign neoplasm of islets of Langerhans
10004336 Benign neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis
10004337 Benign neoplasm of lacrimal duct
10004338 Benign neoplasm of lacrimal gland
10004339 Benign neoplasm of larynx
10004340 Benign neoplasm of lip
10004343 Benign neoplasm of long bones of lower limb
10004344 Benign neoplasm of long bones of upper limb and scapula
10004345 Benign neoplasm of lower jaw bone
10004346 Benign neoplasm of lymph nodes
10004347 Benign neoplasm of major salivary glands
10004348 Benign neoplasm of male genital organ, site unspecified
10004349 Benign neoplasm of male genital organs
10004350 Benign neoplasm of mediastinum
10004352 Benign neoplasm of nasopharynx
10004353 Benign neoplasm of nervous system, part unspecified
10004354 Benign neoplasm of oesophagus
10004355 Benign neoplasm of orbit
10004374 Benign neoplasm of ovary
10004375 Benign neoplasm of pancreas, except islets of Langerhans
10004376 Benign neoplasm of parathyroid gland
10004378 Benign neoplasm of penis
10004379 Benign neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified
10004380 Benign neoplasm of pineal gland
10004381 Benign neoplasm of pineal gland NOS
10004384 Benign neoplasm of pleura
10004385 Benign neoplasm of prostate
10004387 Benign neoplasm of renal pelvis
10004390 Benign neoplasm of retina
10004395 Benign neoplasm of scrotum
10004396 Benign neoplasm of short bones of lower limb
10004398 Benign neoplasm of skin
10004399 Benign neoplasm of skin of lip
10004400 Benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip
10004402 Benign neoplasm of skin of trunk, except scrotum
10004403 Benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb, including shoulder
10004404 Benign neoplasm of skin, site unspecified
10004406 Benign neoplasm of spinal cord
10004407 Benign neoplasm of spinal meninges
10004408 Benign neoplasm of stomach
10004409 Benign neoplasm of suprarenal gland
10004410 Benign neoplasm of testis
10004411 Benign neoplasm of thymus
10004412 Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland
10004414 Benign neoplasm of tongue
10004415 Benign neoplasm of tonsil
10004416 Benign neoplasm of trachea
10004417 Benign neoplasm of unspecified site
10004418 Benign neoplasm of ureter
10004419 Benign neoplasm of urethra
10004420 Benign neoplasm of urinary organ, site unspecified
10004422 Benign neoplasm of vagina
10004423 Benign neoplasm of vertebral column, excluding sacrum and coccyx
10004424 Benign neoplasm of vulva
10004427 Benign nervous system neoplasm NOS
10004428 Benign oesophageal neoplasm
10004429 Benign oropharyngeal neoplasm
10004430 Benign osteoblastoma
10004431 Benign ovarian cyst
10004432 Benign ovarian tumor
10004433 Benign ovarian tumour
10004434 Benign pancreatic neoplasm NOS
10004435 Benign paraganglion neoplasm
10004436 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
10004437 Benign penile neoplasm
10004438 Benign peritoneal neoplasm
10004439 Benign pharyngeal neoplasm
10004440 Benign pigmented naevus excision
10004441 Benign pigmented nevus excision
10004442 Benign pleural mesothelioma
10004443 Benign pleural neoplasm
10004444 Benign polyp of uterus
10004445 Benign positional vertigo
10004446 Benign prostatic hyperplasia
10004447 Benign prostatic hypertrophy
10004448 Benign prostatic neoplasm NOS
10004449 Benign renal neoplasm NOS
10004450 Benign renovascular hypertension
10004451 Benign respiratory tract neoplasm NOS
10004452 Benign retinal neoplasm NOS
10004453 Benign salivary gland neoplasm
10004454 Benign scrotal neoplasm NOS
10004455 Benign secondary hypertension
10004456 Benign shuddering attacks
10004457 Benign skin neoplasm NOS
10004458 Benign small intestinal neoplasm NOS
10004459 Benign soft tissue neoplasm NOS
10004460 Benign spinal cord neoplasm NOS
10004461 Benign spinal meningioma
10004462 Benign testicular neoplasm NOS
10004463 Benign thyroid neoplasm NOS
10004464 Benign tongue neoplasm
10004465 Benign tonsillar neoplasm
10004466 Benign tracheal neoplasm
10004467 Benign tumor of liver
10004468 Benign ureteric neoplasm NOS
10004469 Benign urethral neoplasm NOS
10004470 Benign urinary tract neoplasm NOS
10004471 Benign uterine neoplasm NOS
10004472 Benign vaginal neoplasm
10004473 Benign vaginal tumor
10004474 Benign vaginal tumour
10004475 Benign vulval neoplasm
10004476 Bennet's fracture
10004477 Benzodiazepine dependent
10004478 Bereavement
10004479 Bereavement NOS
10004480 Bereavement reaction
10004481 Beri beri
10004482 Beriberi
10004484 Berry aneurysm
10004485 Berylliosis
10004486 Beryllium
10004487 Beryllium decreased
10004488 Beryllium high
10004489 Beryllium increased
10004490 Beryllium low
10004491 Beryllium normal
10004492 Bestiality
10004493 Beta 2 microglobulin abnormal NOS
10004494 Beta 2 microglobulin decreased
10004495 Beta 2 microglobulin high
10004496 Beta 2 microglobulin increased
10004497 Beta 2 microglobulin low
10004498 Beta 2 microglobulin normal
10004499 Beta 2 microglobulin urine abnormal NOS
10004500 Beta 2 microglobulin urine decreased
10004501 Beta 2 microglobulin urine increased
10004502 Beta 2 microglobulin urine low
10004503 Beta 2 microglobulin urine normal
10004504 Beta interferon therapy
10004505 Beta thalassaemia
10004506 Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase
10004507 Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase abnormal
10004508 Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase abnormal NOS
10004509 Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase decreased
10004510 Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase high
10004511 Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase increased
10004512 Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase low
10004513 Beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase normal
10004514 Beta-thalassaemia
10004515 Betaglobin abnormal
10004541 Bewilderment
10004542 Bezoar
10004543 Bi-ventricular failure
10004544 Bicarbonate
10004545 Bicarbonate decreased serum
10004546 Bicarbonate level
10004547 Bicarbonate reserve decreased
10004548 Biceps tendon rupture
10004549 Bicipital tenosynovitis
10004550 Bicornuate uterus
10004552 Bicuspid aortic valve
10004553 Bicycle ergometry
10004554 Bigeminal rhythm
10004555 Bigeminy
10004556 Bilateral blindness
10004557 Bilateral breast buds
10004558 Bilateral cataracts
10004559 Bilateral complete paralysis of vocal cords
10004560 Bilateral ECT
10004561 Bilateral femoral hernia with gangrene
10004562 Bilateral femoral hernia with obstruction
10004563 Bilateral femoral hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10004564 Bilateral hydronephrosis
10004565 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with gangrene
10004566 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without mention of gangrene
10004567 Bilateral inguinal hernia, without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10004568 Bilateral mammary hyperplasia
10004569 Bilateral mumps
10004570 Bilateral oophorectomy
10004571 Bilateral optic neuritis
10004572 Bilateral otitis externa
10004573 Bilateral otitis media
10004574 Bilateral otitis media (acute, non-supp)
10004575 Bilateral parotiditis
10004576 Bilateral parotitis
10004577 Bilateral partial paralysis of vocal cords
10004578 Bilateral recurrent femoral hernia
10004579 Bilateral renal artery stenosis
10004580 Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
10004581 Bilateral small kidneys
10004582 Bilateral staghorn calculi
10004583 Bilateral testicular swelling
10004584 Bilateral VIIth nerve lesion
10004585 Bile duct adenocarcinoma
10004586 Bile duct adenocarcinoma non-resectable
10004587 Bile duct adenocarcinoma recurrent
10004588 Bile duct adenocarcinoma resectable
10004589 Bile duct adenosquamous carcinoma
10004590 Bile duct adenosquamous carcinoma non-resectable
10004591 Bile duct adenosquamous carcinoma recurrent
10004592 Bile duct adenosquamous carcinoma resectable
10004593 Bile duct cancer
10004594 Bile duct cancer non-resectable
10004595 Bile duct cancer NOS
10004596 Bile duct cancer recurrent
10004597 Bile duct cancer resectable
10004598 Bile duct carcinoma
10004599 Bile duct carcinoma non-resectable
10004600 Bile duct carcinoma recurrent
10004601 Bile duct carcinoma resectable
10004602 Bile duct clear cell adenocarcinoma
10004603 Bile duct clear cell adenocarcinoma non-resectable
10004604 Bile duct clear cell adenocarcinoma recurrent
10004605 Bile duct clear cell adenocarcinoma resectable
10004608 Bile duct exploration
10004609 Bile duct mucinous adenocarcinoma
10004610 Bile duct mucinous adenocarcinoma non-resectable
10004611 Bile duct mucinous adenocarcinoma recurrent
10004612 Bile duct mucinous adenocarcinoma resectable
10004614 Bile duct oat cell carcinoma
10004615 Bile duct oat cell carcinoma non-resectable
10004616 Bile duct oat cell carcinoma recurrent
10004617 Bile duct oat cell carcinoma resectable
10004619 Bile duct obstruction due to calculus
10004620 Bile duct obstruction NOS
10004621 Bile duct papillary adenocarcinoma
10004622 Bile duct papillary adenocarcinoma non-resectable
10004623 Bile duct papillary adenocarcinoma recurrent
10004624 Bile duct papillary adenocarcinoma resectable
10004625 Bile duct signet-ring cell carcinoma
10004626 Bile duct signet-ring cell carcinoma nonresectable
10004627 Bile duct signet-ring cell carcinoma recurrent
10004628 Bile duct signet-ring cell carcinoma resectable
10004629 Bile duct small cell carcinoma
10004630 Bile duct small cell carcinoma non-resectable
10004631 Bile duct small cell carcinoma recurrent
10004632 Bile duct small cell carcinoma resectable
10004633 Bile duct squamous cell carcinoma
10004634 Bile duct squamous cell carcinoma non-resectable
10004635 Bile duct squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10004636 Bile duct squamous cell carcinoma resectable
10004637 Bile duct stone
10004640 Bile duct stricture
10004641 Bile duct stricture traumatic
10004642 Bile duct undifferentiated carcinoma
10004643 Bile duct undifferentiated carcinoma non-resectable
10004644 Bile duct undifferentiated carcinoma recurrent
10004645 Bile duct undifferentiated carcinoma resectable
10004646 Bile ducts absence of (congenital)
10004651 Bile reflux (oesophageal)
10004652 Bilharzia infection
10004653 Biliary atresia
10004654 Biliary atresia, congenital
10004655 Biliary carcinoma
10004659 Biliary cirrhosis
10004660 Biliary cirrhosis NOS
10004661 Biliary cirrhosis primary
10004662 Biliary cirrhosis secondary
10004663 Biliary colic
10004664 Biliary fibrosis
10004665 Biliary fistula
10004666 Biliary malformation NOS
10004667 Biliary neoplasia
10004668 Biliary neoplasm
10004669 Biliary neoplasm NOS
10004670 Biliary pain
10004671 Biliary sludge
10004672 Biliary spasm
10004673 Biliary stasis
10004674 Biliary stones
10004676 Biliary tract disease
10004677 Biliary tract disorder NOS
10004678 Biliary tract endoscopy
10004679 Biliary tract endoscopy abnormal
10004680 Biliary tract endoscopy normal
10004681 Biliary tract internal pressure increased
10004682 Bilious vomiting
10004683 Bilirubin
10004684 Bilirubin conjugated
10004685 Bilirubin conjugated increased
10004686 Bilirubin conjugated normal
10004687 Bilirubin direct
10004688 Bilirubin elevated
10004689 Bilirubin excretion disorder NOS
10004690 Bilirubin increased
10004691 Bilirubin indirect increased
10004692 Bilirubin non-glucuronides
10004693 Bilirubin non-glucuronides high
10004694 Bilirubin non-glucuronides normal
10004695 Bilirubin normal
10004696 Bilirubin total
10004697 Bilirubin total high
10004698 Bilirubin unconjugated
10004699 Bilirubin unconjugated increased
10004700 Bilirubin unconjugated normal
10004701 Bilirubin value increased
10004702 Bilirubinaemia
10004703 Bilirubinaemia aggravated
10004704 Bilirubinaemia newborn
10004705 Bilirubinemia
10004706 Bilirubinemia aggravated
10004707 Bilirubinemia newborn
10004710 Bilirubinuria
10004711 Biliuria
10004712 Biliverdin increased
10004713 Billing's contraceptive method
10004714 Bimalleolar fracture, closed
10004715 Bimalleolar fracture, open
10004716 Binge eating
10004717 Binocular eye movement disorder NOS
10004718 Binocular vision disorder, unspecified
10004720 Biopsy
10004721 Biopsy abdominal wall
10004722 Biopsy abdominal wall abnormal
10004723 Biopsy abdominal wall normal
10004724 Biopsy adrenal gland
10004725 Biopsy adrenal gland abnormal
10004726 Biopsy adrenal gland normal
10004727 Biopsy anus
10004728 Biopsy anus abnormal
10004729 Biopsy anus normal
10004730 Biopsy bladder
10004731 Biopsy bladder abnormal
10004732 Biopsy bladder normal
10004733 Biopsy blood vessel site unspecified abnormal
10004734 Biopsy blood vessel site unspecified normal
10004735 Biopsy bone
10004736 Biopsy bone abnormal
10004737 Biopsy bone marrow
10004738 Biopsy bone marrow abnormal
10004739 Biopsy bone marrow normal
10004740 Biopsy bone normal
10004741 Biopsy brain
10004742 Biopsy brain abnormal
10004743 Biopsy brain normal
10004744 Biopsy breast
10004745 Biopsy breast abnormal
10004746 Biopsy breast normal
10004747 Biopsy bronchus
10004748 Biopsy bronchus abnormal
10004749 Biopsy bronchus normal
10004750 Biopsy cartilage
10004751 Biopsy cartilage abnormal
10004752 Biopsy cartilage normal
10004753 Biopsy cervix
10004754 Biopsy cervix abnormal
10004755 Biopsy cervix normal
10004759 Biopsy colon
10004760 Biopsy colon abnormal
10004761 Biopsy colon normal
10004762 Biopsy colonic abnormal
10004763 Biopsy conjunctiva
10004764 Biopsy conjunctiva abnormal
10004765 Biopsy conjunctiva normal
10004766 Biopsy cornea
10004767 Biopsy cornea abnormal
10004768 Biopsy cornea normal
10004769 Biopsy endometrium
10004770 Biopsy endometrium abnormal
10004771 Biopsy endometrium normal
10004772 Biopsy epididymis
10004773 Biopsy epididymis abnormal
10004774 Biopsy epididymis normal
10004775 Biopsy esophagus abnormal
10004776 Biopsy esophagus normal
10004777 Biopsy gastric
10004778 Biopsy gastric abnormal
10004779 Biopsy heart
10004780 Biopsy heart abnormal
10004781 Biopsy heart normal
10004782 Biopsy kidney
10004783 Biopsy kidney abnormal
10004784 Biopsy kidney normal
10004785 Biopsy larynx
10004786 Biopsy larynx abnormal
10004787 Biopsy larynx normal
10004788 Biopsy lip
10004789 Biopsy lip abnormal
10004790 Biopsy lip normal
10004791 Biopsy liver
10004792 Biopsy liver abnormal
10004793 Biopsy liver normal
10004794 Biopsy lung
10004795 Biopsy lung abnormal
10004796 Biopsy lung normal
10004797 Biopsy lymph gland
10004798 Biopsy lymph gland abnormal
10004799 Biopsy lymph gland normal
10004800 Biopsy mucosa abnormal
10004801 Biopsy mucosa normal
10004802 Biopsy muscle
10004803 Biopsy muscle abnormal
10004804 Biopsy muscle normal
10004805 Biopsy NOS
10004806 Biopsy NOS abnormal
10004807 Biopsy NOS normal
10004808 Biopsy oesophagus
10004809 Biopsy oesophagus abnormal
10004810 Biopsy oesophagus normal
10004811 Biopsy of bladder
10004812 Biopsy of bladder abnormal
10004813 Biopsy of bladder normal
10004814 Biopsy of bone excl marrow
10004815 Biopsy of bone marrow
10004816 Biopsy of brain
10004817 Biopsy of breast
10004818 Biopsy of cervical gland
10004819 Biopsy of lip
10004820 Biopsy of liver
10004821 Biopsy of lung
10004822 Biopsy of lymph node
10004823 Biopsy of palate
10004824 Biopsy of peripheral nerve
10004825 Biopsy of prostate
10004826 Biopsy of salivary gland
10004827 Biopsy of skin lesion
10004828 Biopsy of stomach
10004829 Biopsy of tongue
10004830 Biopsy ovary
10004831 Biopsy ovary abnormal
10004832 Biopsy ovary normal
10004833 Biopsy palate
10004834 Biopsy palate abnormal
10004835 Biopsy palate normal
10004836 Biopsy parathyroid gland
10004837 Biopsy parathyroid gland abnormal
10004838 Biopsy parathyroid gland normal
10004839 Biopsy penis
10004840 Biopsy penis abnormal
10004841 Biopsy penis normal
10004842 Biopsy pericardium
10004843 Biopsy pericardium abnormal
10004844 Biopsy pericardium normal
10004845 Biopsy peripheral nerve
10004846 Biopsy peripheral nerve abnormal
10004847 Biopsy peripheral nerve normal
10004848 Biopsy peritoneum
10004849 Biopsy peritoneum abnormal
10004850 Biopsy peritoneum normal
10004851 Biopsy pharynx
10004852 Biopsy pharynx abnormal
10004853 Biopsy pharynx normal
10004854 Biopsy pleura
10004855 Biopsy pleura abnormal
10004856 Biopsy pleura normal
10004857 Biopsy prostate
10004858 Biopsy prostate normal
10004859 Biopsy rectum
10004860 Biopsy rectum abnormal
10004861 Biopsy rectum normal
10004862 Biopsy retina
10004863 Biopsy retina abnormal
10004864 Biopsy retina normal
10004865 Biopsy salivary gland
10004866 Biopsy salivary gland abnormal
10004867 Biopsy salivary gland normal
10004868 Biopsy sclera
10004869 Biopsy sclera abnormal
10004870 Biopsy sclera normal
10004871 Biopsy site unspecified abnormal
10004872 Biopsy site unspecified normal
10004873 Biopsy skin
10004874 Biopsy skin abnormal
10004875 Biopsy skin normal
10004876 Biopsy spinal cord
10004877 Biopsy spinal cord abnormal
10004878 Biopsy spinal cord normal
10004879 Biopsy stomach
10004880 Biopsy stomach abnormal
10004881 Biopsy stomach normal
10004882 Biopsy testes
10004883 Biopsy testes abnormal
10004884 Biopsy testes normal
10004885 Biopsy thymus gland
10004886 Biopsy thymus gland abnormal
10004887 Biopsy thymus gland normal
10004888 Biopsy thyroid gland
10004889 Biopsy thyroid gland abnormal
10004890 Biopsy thyroid gland normal
10004891 Biopsy tongue
10004892 Biopsy tongue abnormal
10004893 Biopsy tongue normal
10004894 Biopsy trachea
10004895 Biopsy trachea abnormal
10004896 Biopsy trachea normal
10004897 Biopsy urethra
10004898 Biopsy urethra abnormal
10004899 Biopsy urethra normal
10004900 Biopsy vagina
10004901 Biopsy vagina abnormal
10004902 Biopsy vagina normal
10004903 Biopsy vulva
10004904 Biopsy vulva abnormal
10004905 Biopsy vulva normal
10004906 Biotin deficiency
10004907 Biphasic hepatitis
10004908 Bipolar affective disorder
10004910 Bipolar affective disorder aggravated
10004911 Bipolar affective disorder, depressed
10004912 Bipolar affective disorder, depressed, in full remission
10004919 Bipolar affective disorder, manic
10004920 Bipolar affective disorder, manic, in full remission
10004927 Bipolar affective disorder, mixed
10004928 Bipolar affective disorder, mixed, in full remission
10004935 Bipolar affective disorder, unspecified
10004936 Bipolar depression
10004939 Bipolar I disorder
10004940 Bipolar II disorder
10004941 Bird fancier's lung
10004942 Bird-fanciers' lung
10004943 Birth asphyxia
10004944 Birth control
10004945 Birth control pill
10004948 Birth mark (angiomatous)
10004949 Birth mark NOS
10004950 Birth mark
10004951 Birth multiple
10004952 Birth postmature
10004953 Birth premature
10004954 Birth trauma
10004955 Birth trauma intracranial
10004956 Birth twin
10004957 Birth weight excessive
10004958 Birth weight low
10004959 Birth weight subnormal
10004960 Birthweight excessive
10004961 Birthweight low
10004962 Birthweight subnormal
10004963 Bisexuality
10004964 Bisferious pulse
10004965 Bismuth line
10004966 Bite
10004967 Bite NOS
10004968 Bizarre behaviour
10004969 Bizarre dreams
10004970 Black colored sweating
10004971 Black dermatographia
10004972 Black eye
10004973 Black eye, not otherwise specified
10004974 Black hairy tongue
10004975 Black piedra
10004977 Black stools
10004978 Black-out (not amnesia)
10004979 Blacked out
10004980 Blacked-out (not amnesia)
10004981 Blackheads
10004982 Blackout
10004983 Blackout spell
10004984 Blackwater fever
10004985 Bladder adenocarcinoma
10004986 Bladder adenocarcinoma recurrent
10004987 Bladder adenocarcinoma stage 0
10004988 Bladder adenocarcinoma stage I
10004989 Bladder adenocarcinoma stage II
10004990 Bladder adenocarcinoma stage III
10004991 Bladder adenocarcinoma stage IV
10004992 Bladder adenocarcinoma stage unspecified
10004993 Bladder anastomosis
10004996 Bladder atony
10004997 Bladder biopsy
10004998 Bladder biopsy abnormal
10004999 Bladder biopsy normal
10005000 Bladder caesium therapy
10005001 Bladder calculus
10005002 Bladder calculus removal
10005003 Bladder cancer
10005004 Bladder cancer NOS
10005005 Bladder cancer recurrent
10005006 Bladder cancer stage 0, with cancer in situ
10005007 Bladder cancer stage 0, without cancer in situ
10005008 Bladder cancer stage I, with cancer in situ
10005009 Bladder cancer stage I, without cancer in situ
10005010 Bladder cancer stage II
10005011 Bladder cancer stage III
10005012 Bladder cancer stage IV
10005014 Bladder carcinoma
10005015 Bladder carcinoma NOS
10005016 Bladder carcinoma recurrent
10005017 Bladder carcinoma stage 0, with cancer in situ
10005018 Bladder carcinoma stage 0, without cancer in situ
10005019 Bladder carcinoma stage I, with cancer in situ
10005020 Bladder carcinoma stage I, without cancer in situ
10005021 Bladder carcinoma stage II
10005022 Bladder carcinoma stage III
10005023 Bladder carcinoma stage IV
10005024 Bladder catheter permanent
10005025 Bladder catheter removal
10005026 Bladder catheter replacement
10005027 Bladder catheter temporary
10005028 Bladder catheterisation
10005029 Bladder catheterization
10005030 Bladder cobalt therapy
10005031 Bladder constriction
10005032 Bladder cramps
10005033 Bladder dilatation
10005034 Bladder discomfort
10005035 Bladder disorder NOS
10005038 Bladder diverticulum
10005039 Bladder electron beam therapy
10005040 Bladder external beam radiation therapy
10005041 Bladder external beam therapy
10005042 Bladder fibrosis
10005043 Bladder granuloma
10005044 Bladder haemorrhage
10005045 Bladder inability to empty
10005046 Bladder incontinence
10005047 Bladder infection
10005048 Bladder infection NOS
10005050 Bladder instability
10005051 Bladder irritability
10005052 Bladder irritation
10005053 Bladder neck obstruction
10005055 Bladder neck resection
10005056 Bladder neoplasm
10005057 Bladder neoplasm NOS
10005059 Bladder neurogenic
10005060 Bladder obstruction
10005062 Bladder orthovoltage therapy
10005063 Bladder pain
10005064 Bladder papilloma
10005065 Bladder paralysis
10005066 Bladder perforation postoperative
10005067 Bladder photon radiation therapy
10005070 Bladder repair
10005071 Bladder retention
10005072 Bladder rupture
10005073 Bladder sphincter atony
10005074 Bladder squamous cell carcinoma
10005075 Bladder squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10005076 Bladder squamous cell carcinoma stage 0
10005077 Bladder squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10005078 Bladder squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10005079 Bladder squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10005080 Bladder squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10005081 Bladder squamous cell carcinoma stage unspecified
10005082 Bladder stenosis
10005083 Bladder telangiectasia
10005084 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma
10005085 Bladder tumour resection
10005086 Bladder wart
10005087 Bladder-neck obstruction
10005088 Blanching of skin
10005089 Blast cell proliferation
10005091 Blastocystis hominis infection
10005092 Blastocystis infection
10005094 Blastomyces dermatitidis infection
10005095 Blastomyces epididymitis
10005097 Blastomyces pneumonia
10005098 Blastomycosis
10005099 Blastomycotic infection
10005100 Bleaches & cleansers sensitivity
10005102 Bleed in luteal cyst
10005103 Bleeding
10005104 Bleeding anovulatory
10005105 Bleeding breakthrough
10005106 Bleeding breast
10005110 Bleeding duodenal ulcer
10005111 Bleeding esophageal ulcer
10005112 Bleeding esophageal varices
10005113 Bleeding from ears
10005115 Bleeding gastric ulcer
10005116 Bleeding gastrointestinal
10005117 Bleeding genital
10005118 Bleeding gingival
10005120 Bleeding intermenstrual
10005121 Bleeding intracranial
10005122 Bleeding intraretinal
10005123 Bleeding menstrual heavy
10005124 Bleeding nose
10005125 Bleeding of suture site
10005126 Bleeding piles
10005127 Bleeding postoperative
10005128 Bleeding postpartum
10005129 Bleeding PR (excl gut haemorrhage and piles)
10005130 Bleeding PU
10005131 Bleeding rectal
10005132 Bleeding spot subcutaneous
10005134 Bleeding tendency
10005136 Bleeding time
10005137 Bleeding time decreased
10005138 Bleeding time increased
10005139 Bleeding time normal
10005140 Bleeding time prolonged
10005141 Bleeding time shortened
10005142 Bleeding urinary tract
10005143 Bleeding vaginal
10005144 Bleeding varicose vein
10005145 Bleeding withdrawal (contraceptive)
10005146 Blennorrhagic arthritis
10005147 Blepharal pigmentation
10005148 Blepharitis
10005149 Blepharitis allergic
10005150 Blepharitis, unspecified
10005151 Blepharo conjunctivitis
10005152 Blepharochalasis
10005153 Blepharoconjunctivitis
10005154 Blepharoconjunctivitis, unspecified
10005155 Blepharophimosis
10005156 Blepharoplasty
10005157 Blepharoptosis
10005158 Blepharorrhaphy
10005159 Blepharospasm
10005160 Blighted ovum
10005161 Blind
10005162 Blind both eyes
10005163 Blind hypertensive eye
10005164 Blind hypotensive eye
10005165 Blind left eye
10005166 Blind loop syndrome
10005167 Blind right eye
10005168 Blind spot enlarged
10005169 Blindness
10005172 Blindness color
10005173 Blindness colour
10005175 Blindness colour total
10005176 Blindness congenital
10005177 Blindness cortical
10005178 Blindness day
10005179 Blindness hysterical
10005180 Blindness NOS
10005181 Blindness night
10005183 Blindness temporary
10005184 Blindness transient
10005185 Blindness traumatic
10005186 Blindness unilateral
10005187 Blindness, both eyes
10005188 Blindness, one eye
10005189 Blindness, one eye, low vision other eye
10005191 Blister
10005192 Blister infected
10005197 Blister of fingers, infected
10005198 Blister of fingers, without mention of infection
10005205 Blister of lip
10005212 Blister on macula of eye
10005213 Blister, infected of face, neck and scalp except eye
10005214 Blistering
10005215 Blistering of mouth
10005216 Blisters
10005220 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of wrist
10005221 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of abdominal wall
10005222 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of ankle
10005223 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of axilla
10005224 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of back (any part)
10005225 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of back of hand
10005226 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of breast
10005228 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of elbow
10005230 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of foot
10005231 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of forearm
10005232 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of genitalia
10005233 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of knee
10005234 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of lower leg
10005235 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of lower limb(s)
10005240 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of palm of hand
10005241 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of scapular region
10005242 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of shoulder
10005243 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of thigh (any part)
10005245 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of trunk
10005250 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of upper arm
10005253 Blisters with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree), unspecified site
10005256 Blisters, with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of chin
10005257 Blisters, with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of ear (any part)
10005260 Blisters, with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of lip(s)
10005261 Blisters, with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of neck
10005262 Blisters, with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of nose (septum)
10005263 Blisters, with epidermal loss due to burn (second degree) of scalp (any part)
10005264 Bloated feeling
10005265 Bloating
10005267 Bloating NOS
10005268 Block bundle branch
10005269 Block dissection groin
10005270 Block dissection neck
10005271 Block heart
10005273 Block neuromuscular
10005274 Blockade reticuloendothelial
10005275 Blocked tear duct (excl congenital)
10005276 Blocked tear duct congenital
10005277 Blood acetaldehyde increased
10005278 Blood acid phosphatase
10005279 Blood acid phosphatase abnormal
10005280 Blood acid phosphatase abnormal NOS
10005281 Blood acid phosphatase decreased
10005282 Blood acid phosphatase increased
10005283 Blood acid phosphatase normal
10005284 Blood ACTH
10005285 Blood albumin
10005286 Blood albumin abnormal
10005287 Blood albumin decreased
10005288 Blood albumin increased
10005289 Blood albumin normal
10005290 Blood alcohol excessive
10005291 Blood alcohol NOS decreased
10005293 Blood aldosterone
10005294 Blood aldosterone abnormal
10005295 Blood aldosterone decreased
10005296 Blood aldosterone increased
10005297 Blood aldosterone normal
10005298 Blood alkaline phosphatase
10005301 Blood alkaline phosphatase bone decreased
10005302 Blood alkaline phosphatase bone increased
10005303 Blood alkaline phosphatase bone normal
10005304 Blood alkaline phosphatase intestine
10005305 Blood alkaline phosphatase intestine decreased
10005306 Blood alkaline phosphatase intestine increased
10005307 Blood alkaline phosphatase liver decreased
10005308 Blood alkaline phosphatase liver increased
10005309 Blood alkaline phosphatase liver normal
10005310 Blood alkaline phosphatase normal
10005311 Blood alkaline phosphatase NOS
10005312 Blood alkaline phosphatase NOS decreased
10005313 Blood alkaline phosphatase NOS increased
10005314 Blood alkaline phosphatase NOS normal
10005315 Blood alkaline phosphatase placental
10005316 Blood alkaline phosphatase placental increased
10005317 Blood alkaline phosphatase placental normal
10005318 Blood aluminium
10005319 Blood aluminium abnormal
10005320 Blood aluminium decreased
10005321 Blood aluminium increased
10005322 Blood aluminium normal
10005323 Blood amphetamines NOS decreased
10005324 Blood amphetamines NOS increased
10005326 Blood amylase
10005327 Blood amylase decreased
10005328 Blood amylase increased
10005331 Blood antidiuretic hormone
10005332 Blood antidiuretic hormone abnormal
10005333 Blood antidiuretic hormone abnormal NOS
10005334 Blood antidiuretic hormone decreased
10005335 Blood antidiuretic hormone increased
10005336 Blood antidiuretic hormone normal
10005337 Blood antimony
10005338 Blood antimony decreased
10005339 Blood antimony increased
10005340 Blood antimony normal
10005341 Blood antithrombin III low
10005342 Blood arsenic increased
10005343 Blood arsenic normal
10005344 Blood bactericidal activity
10005345 Blood barbiturates NOS decreased
10005346 Blood barbiturates NOS increased
10005348 Blood basophils
10005349 Blood basophils abnormal
10005350 Blood basophils decreased
10005351 Blood basophils increased
10005352 Blood basophils normal
10005353 Blood beryllium
10005354 Blood beryllium decreased
10005355 Blood beryllium increased
10005356 Blood beryllium normal
10005357 Blood bicarbonate
10005358 Blood bicarbonate abnormal
10005359 Blood bicarbonate decreased
10005360 Blood bicarbonate increased
10005361 Blood bicarbonate normal
10005362 Blood bilirubin
10005363 Blood bilirubin direct
10005364 Blood bilirubin increased
10005365 Blood bilirubin indirect
10005366 Blood bilirubin indirect increased
10005367 Blood bilirubin normal
10005368 Blood bilirubin total
10005369 Blood bilirubin unconjugated
10005370 Blood bilirubin unconjugated increased
10005371 Blood bilirubin unconjugated normal
10005372 Blood blister
10005373 Blood bromide
10005374 Blood bromide abnormal
10005375 Blood bromide decreased
10005376 Blood bromide increased
10005377 Blood bromide normal
10005378 Blood cadmium
10005379 Blood cadmium decreased
10005380 Blood cadmium increased
10005381 Blood cadmium normal
10005382 Blood caffeine
10005383 Blood caffeine decreased
10005384 Blood caffeine increased
10005385 Blood caffeine normal
10005386 Blood calcitonin
10005387 Blood calcitonin abnormal
10005388 Blood calcitonin abnormal NOS
10005389 Blood calcitonin decreased
10005390 Blood calcitonin increased
10005391 Blood calcitonin normal
10005392 Blood calcium
10005393 Blood calcium abnormal
10005394 Blood calcium abnormal NOS
10005395 Blood calcium decreased
10005396 Blood calcium increased
10005397 Blood calcium normal
10005398 Blood cannabinoids NOS decreased
10005399 Blood cannabinoids NOS increased
10005400 Blood cannabinoids NOS normal
10005401 Blood carbon dioxide
10005402 Blood carbon dioxide abnormal
10005403 Blood carbon dioxide decreased
10005404 Blood carbon dioxide increased
10005405 Blood carbon dioxide normal
10005406 Blood carbon monoxide
10005407 Blood carbon monoxide abnormal
10005408 Blood carbon monoxide decreased
10005409 Blood carbon monoxide increased
10005410 Blood carbon monoxide normal
10005411 Blood catecholamines
10005412 Blood catecholamines abnormal
10005413 Blood catecholamines decreased
10005414 Blood catecholamines increased
10005415 Blood catecholamines normal
10005416 Blood chloride
10005417 Blood chloride abnormal
10005418 Blood chloride abnormal NOS
10005419 Blood chloride decreased
10005420 Blood chloride increased
10005421 Blood chloride normal
10005422 Blood cholesterol
10005423 Blood cholesterol abnormal
10005424 Blood cholesterol decreased
10005425 Blood cholesterol increased
10005426 Blood cholesterol normal
10005427 Blood cholesterol total normal
10005428 Blood cholinesterase
10005429 Blood cholinesterase abnormal
10005430 Blood cholinesterase decreased
10005431 Blood cholinesterase increased
10005432 Blood cholinesterase normal
10005433 Blood chromium
10005434 Blood chromium decreased
10005435 Blood chromium increased
10005436 Blood chromium normal
10005439 Blood copper
10005440 Blood copper abnormal
10005441 Blood copper abnormal NOS
10005442 Blood copper decreased
10005443 Blood copper increased
10005444 Blood copper normal
10005445 Blood corticosterone
10005446 Blood corticosterone abnormal
10005447 Blood corticosterone decreased
10005448 Blood corticosterone increased
10005449 Blood corticosterone normal
10005450 Blood corticotrophin
10005451 Blood corticotrophin abnormal
10005452 Blood corticotrophin decreased
10005453 Blood corticotrophin increased
10005454 Blood corticotrophin normal
10005455 Blood cortisol
10005456 Blood cortisol abnormal
10005457 Blood cortisol decreased
10005458 Blood cortisol increased
10005459 Blood cortisol normal
10005461 Blood creatine
10005462 Blood creatine abnormal
10005463 Blood creatine decreased
10005464 Blood creatine increased
10005465 Blood creatine kinase low
10005466 Blood creatine normal
10005467 Blood creatine phosphokinase
10005468 Blood creatine phosphokinase abnormal
10005469 Blood creatine phosphokinase abnormal NOS
10005470 Blood creatine phosphokinase increased
10005471 Blood creatine phosphokinase MB
10005472 Blood creatine phosphokinase MB abnormal
10005473 Blood creatine phosphokinase MB abnormal NOS
10005474 Blood creatine phosphokinase MB increased
10005475 Blood creatine phosphokinase MB normal
10005476 Blood creatine phosphokinase MM
10005477 Blood creatine phosphokinase MM increased
10005478 Blood creatine phosphokinase MM normal
10005479 Blood creatine phosphokinase normal
10005480 Blood creatinine
10005481 Blood creatinine abnormal
10005482 Blood creatinine decreased
10005483 Blood creatinine increased
10005484 Blood creatinine normal
10005485 Blood culture
10005486 Blood culture negative
10005487 Blood culture no growth
10005488 Blood culture positive
10005489 Blood cyanide
10005490 Blood cyanide decreased
10005491 Blood cyanide increased
10005492 Blood cyanide normal
10005493 Blood disorder NOS
10005494 Blood donor
10005495 Blood dyscrasia
10005496 Blood dyscrasia NOS
10005498 Blood electrolytes NOS
10005499 Blood electrolytes NOS abnormal
10005500 Blood electrolytes NOS decreased
10005501 Blood electrolytes NOS increased
10005502 Blood electrolytes NOS normal
10005503 Blood eosinophils
10005504 Blood eosinophils abnormal
10005505 Blood eosinophils decreased
10005506 Blood eosinophils increased
10005507 Blood eosinophils normal
10005508 Blood estradiol
10005509 Blood estradiol increased
10005510 Blood estrogen abnormal
10005511 Blood ethanal high
10005512 Blood ethanal increased
10005513 Blood ethanol
10005514 Blood ethanol decreased
10005515 Blood ethanol increased
10005516 Blood ethanol normal
10005517 Blood fibrinogen
10005518 Blood fibrinogen abnormal
10005519 Blood fibrinogen abnormal NOS
10005520 Blood fibrinogen decreased
10005521 Blood fibrinogen increased
10005522 Blood fibrinogen normal
10005523 Blood flow sensation
10005524 Blood folate
10005525 Blood folate abnormal
10005526 Blood folate abnormal NOS
10005527 Blood folate decreased
10005528 Blood folate increased
10005529 Blood folate normal
10005530 Blood folic acid
10005531 Blood follicle stimulating hormone
10005532 Blood follicle stimulating hormone abnormal
10005533 Blood follicle stimulating hormone decreased
10005534 Blood follicle stimulating hormone increased
10005535 Blood follicle stimulating hormone normal
10005537 Blood gases
10005539 Blood gases abnormal
10005540 Blood gases normal
10005541 Blood gases NOS
10005542 Blood gases NOS abnormal
10005543 Blood gases NOS normal
10005544 Blood gastrin decreased
10005545 Blood gastrin increased
10005546 Blood gastrin normal
10005547 Blood glucagon
10005548 Blood glucagon abnormal
10005549 Blood glucagon abnormal NOS
10005550 Blood glucagon decreased
10005551 Blood glucagon increased
10005552 Blood glucagon normal
10005553 Blood glucose
10005554 Blood glucose abnormal
10005555 Blood glucose decreased
10005556 Blood glucose false positive
10005557 Blood glucose increased
10005558 Blood glucose normal
10005559 Blood glutamic-oxaloacetic transferase
10005560 Blood gonadotrophin
10005561 Blood gonadotrophin abnormal
10005562 Blood gonadotrophin decreased
10005563 Blood gonadotrophin increased
10005564 Blood gonadotrophin normal
10005565 Blood group A
10005566 Blood group AB
10005567 Blood group B
10005568 Blood group O
10005569 Blood grouping
10005571 Blood growth hormone
10005572 Blood growth hormone abnormal
10005573 Blood growth hormone decreased
10005574 Blood growth hormone increased
10005575 Blood growth hormone normal
10005576 Blood heavy metal NOS decreased
10005577 Blood heavy metal NOS increased
10005578 Blood heavy metal NOS normal
10005579 Blood human chorionic gonadotrophin
10005580 Blood human chorionic gonadotrophin abnormal
10005581 Blood human chorionic gonadotrophin negative
10005582 Blood hyposmosis
10005583 Blood immunoglobulin A
10005584 Blood immunoglobulin A abnormal
10005585 Blood immunoglobulin A decreased
10005586 Blood immunoglobulin A increased
10005587 Blood immunoglobulin A normal
10005588 Blood immunoglobulin E
10005589 Blood immunoglobulin E abnormal
10005590 Blood immunoglobulin E decreased
10005591 Blood immunoglobulin E increased
10005592 Blood immunoglobulin E normal
10005593 Blood immunoglobulin G
10005594 Blood immunoglobulin G abnormal
10005595 Blood immunoglobulin G decreased
10005596 Blood immunoglobulin G increased
10005597 Blood immunoglobulin G normal
10005598 Blood immunoglobulin M
10005599 Blood immunoglobulin M abnormal
10005600 Blood immunoglobulin M decreased
10005601 Blood immunoglobulin M increased
10005602 Blood immunoglobulin M normal
10005603 Blood in stool
10005604 Blood in urine
10005605 Blood insulin
10005606 Blood insulin abnormal
10005607 Blood insulin abnormal NOS
10005608 Blood insulin C-peptide
10005609 Blood insulin C-peptide abnormal NOS
10005610 Blood insulin C-peptide decreased
10005611 Blood insulin C-peptide increased
10005612 Blood insulin C-peptide normal
10005613 Blood insulin decreased
10005614 Blood insulin increased
10005615 Blood insulin normal
10005616 Blood iron
10005617 Blood iron abnormal
10005618 Blood iron abnormal NOS
10005619 Blood iron decreased
10005620 Blood iron increased
10005621 Blood iron normal
10005622 Blood isopropanol
10005623 Blood isopropanol decreased
10005624 Blood isopropanol increased
10005625 Blood isopropanol normal
10005626 Blood lactate dehydrogenase
10005627 Blood lactate dehydrogenase abnormal
10005628 Blood lactate dehydrogenase abnormal NOS
10005629 Blood lactate dehydrogenase decreased
10005630 Blood lactate dehydrogenase increased
10005631 Blood lactate dehydrogenase normal
10005632 Blood lactic acid
10005633 Blood lactic acid abnormal
10005634 Blood lactic acid decreased
10005635 Blood lactic acid increased
10005636 Blood lactic acid normal
10005637 Blood LDH
10005638 Blood LDH normal
10005639 Blood lead
10005640 Blood lead abnormal
10005641 Blood lead decreased
10005642 Blood lead increased
10005643 Blood lead normal
10005644 Blood loss anaemia neonatal
10005645 Blood loss of (NOS)
10005646 Blood luteinising hormone
10005647 Blood luteinising hormone abnormal
10005648 Blood luteinising hormone decreased
10005649 Blood luteinising hormone increased
10005650 Blood luteinising hormone normal
10005651 Blood magnesium
10005652 Blood magnesium abnormal
10005653 Blood magnesium abnormal NOS
10005654 Blood magnesium decreased
10005655 Blood magnesium increased
10005656 Blood magnesium normal
10005657 Blood manganese
10005658 Blood manganese decreased
10005659 Blood manganese increased
10005660 Blood manganese normal
10005661 Blood measles antibodies negative
10005662 Blood measles antibodies positive
10005663 Blood methanol
10005664 Blood methanol decreased
10005665 Blood methanol increased
10005666 Blood methanol normal
10005667 Blood monocytes
10005668 Blood monocytes abnormal
10005669 Blood monocytes decreased
10005670 Blood monocytes increased
10005671 Blood monocytes normal
10005672 Blood myoglobin increased
10005673 Blood neutrophil count decreased
10005674 Blood neutrophils
10005675 Blood neutrophils abnormal
10005676 Blood neutrophils increased
10005677 Blood neutrophils normal
10005678 Blood oestradiol
10005679 Blood oestradiol abnormal
10005680 Blood oestradiol abnormal NOS
10005681 Blood oestradiol decreased
10005682 Blood oestradiol increased
10005683 Blood oestradiol normal
10005684 Blood oestrogen
10005685 Blood oestrogen abnormal
10005686 Blood oestrogen abnormal NOS
10005687 Blood oestrogen decreased
10005688 Blood oestrogen increased
10005689 Blood oestrogen normal
10005690 Blood opiates NOS decreased
10005691 Blood opiates NOS increased
10005692 Blood opiates NOS normal
10005693 Blood osmolarity
10005694 Blood osmolarity abnormal
10005695 Blood osmolarity abnormal NOS
10005696 Blood osmolarity decreased
10005697 Blood osmolarity increased
10005698 Blood osmolarity normal
10005699 Blood parathyroid hormone
10005700 Blood parathyroid hormone abnormal
10005701 Blood parathyroid hormone abnormal NOS
10005702 Blood parathyroid hormone decreased
10005703 Blood parathyroid hormone increased
10005704 Blood parathyroid hormone normal
10005705 Blood pH abnormal
10005706 Blood pH decreased
10005707 Blood pH high
10005708 Blood pH increased
10005709 Blood pH normal
10005710 Blood pH NOS
10005711 Blood phosphate
10005712 Blood phosphate abnormal
10005713 Blood phosphate abnormal NOS
10005714 Blood phosphate decreased
10005715 Blood phosphate increased
10005716 Blood phosphate normal
10005717 Blood phosphorus
10005718 Blood placental gonadotrophins
10005719 Blood placental gonadotrophins decreased
10005720 Blood placental gonadotrophins increased
10005721 Blood potassium
10005722 Blood potassium abnormal
10005723 Blood potassium abnormal NOS
10005724 Blood potassium decreased
10005725 Blood potassium increased
10005726 Blood potassium normal
10005727 Blood pressure
10005728 Blood pressure abnormal
10005729 Blood pressure ambulatory
10005730 Blood pressure ambulatory abnormal
10005731 Blood pressure ambulatory decreased
10005732 Blood pressure ambulatory increased
10005733 Blood pressure ambulatory normal
10005734 Blood pressure decreased
10005735 Blood pressure diastolic
10005736 Blood pressure diastolic abnormal
10005737 Blood pressure diastolic decreased
10005738 Blood pressure diastolic high
10005739 Blood pressure diastolic increased
10005740 Blood pressure diastolic low
10005741 Blood pressure diastolic normal
10005743 Blood pressure drop arterial
10005744 Blood pressure dropped
10005745 Blood pressure dropped transient
10005746 Blood pressure fluctuation
10005747 Blood pressure high
10005748 Blood pressure immeasurable
10005750 Blood pressure increased
10005751 Blood pressure increased refractory
10005752 Blood pressure labile
10005753 Blood pressure low
10005754 Blood pressure normal
10005755 Blood pressure raised
10005756 Blood pressure systolic
10005757 Blood pressure systolic abnormal
10005758 Blood pressure systolic decreased
10005759 Blood pressure systolic high
10005760 Blood pressure systolic increased
10005761 Blood pressure systolic inspiratory decreased
10005762 Blood pressure systolic inspiratory normal
10005763 Blood pressure systolic low
10005764 Blood pressure systolic normal
10005765 Blood product transfusion
10005766 Blood progesterone
10005767 Blood progesterone abnormal
10005768 Blood progesterone abnormal NOS
10005769 Blood progesterone decreased
10005770 Blood progesterone increased
10005771 Blood progesterone normal
10005772 Blood proinsulin
10005773 Blood proinsulin abnormal NOS
10005774 Blood proinsulin decreased
10005775 Blood proinsulin increased
10005776 Blood proinsulin normal
10005777 Blood prolactin
10005778 Blood prolactin abnormal
10005779 Blood prolactin decreased
10005780 Blood prolactin increased
10005781 Blood prolactin normal
10005782 Blood protein / albumin
10005783 Blood protein electrophoresis
10005784 Blood pyruvic acid
10005785 Blood pyruvic acid abnormal
10005786 Blood pyruvic acid decreased
10005787 Blood pyruvic acid increased
10005788 Blood pyruvic acid normal
10005789 Blood renin activity high
10005790 Blood renin activity increased
10005791 Blood renin increased
10005792 Blood sedimentation increased
10005793 Blood selenium
10005794 Blood selenium abnormal
10005795 Blood selenium abnormal NOS
10005796 Blood selenium decreased
10005797 Blood selenium increased
10005798 Blood selenium normal
10005799 Blood sodium
10005800 Blood sodium abnormal
10005801 Blood sodium abnormal NOS
10005802 Blood sodium decreased
10005803 Blood sodium increased
10005804 Blood sodium normal
10005805 Blood stool
10005806 Blood streaked sputum
10005807 Blood sugar abnormal
10005808 Blood sugar decreased
10005809 Blood sugar increased
10005810 Blood test NOS abnormal
10005811 Blood testosterone
10005812 Blood testosterone abnormal
10005813 Blood testosterone abnormal NOS
10005814 Blood testosterone decreased
10005815 Blood testosterone increased
10005816 Blood testosterone normal
10005817 Blood thrombin
10005818 Blood thrombin abnormal
10005819 Blood thrombin abnormal NOS
10005820 Blood thrombin decreased
10005821 Blood thrombin increased
10005822 Blood thrombin normal
10005823 Blood thromboplastin
10005824 Blood thromboplastin abnormal
10005825 Blood thromboplastin abnormal NOS
10005826 Blood thromboplastin decreased
10005827 Blood thromboplastin increased
10005828 Blood thromboplastin normal
10005829 Blood thyroid stimulating hormone
10005830 Blood thyroid stimulating hormone abnormal
10005831 Blood thyroid stimulating hormone abnormal NOS
10005832 Blood thyroid stimulating hormone decreased
10005833 Blood thyroid stimulating hormone increased
10005834 Blood thyroid stimulating hormone normal
10005835 Blood transfusion
10005836 Blood triglycerides
10005837 Blood triglycerides abnormal
10005838 Blood triglycerides decreased
10005839 Blood triglycerides increased
10005840 Blood triglycerides normal
10005841 Blood typing
10005842 Blood urate decreased
10005843 Blood urate low
10005844 Blood urates increased
10005845 Blood urea
10005846 Blood urea abnormal
10005850 Blood urea decreased
10005851 Blood urea increased
10005852 Blood urea nitrogen
10005853 Blood urea nitrogen abnormal
10005854 Blood urea nitrogen decreased
10005855 Blood urea nitrogen increased
10005856 Blood urea nitrogen normal
10005857 Blood urea normal
10005858 Blood uric acid
10005859 Blood uric acid abnormal NOS
10005860 Blood uric acid decreased
10005861 Blood uric acid increased
10005862 Blood uric acid normal
10005863 Blood urine
10005864 Blood zinc
10005865 Blood zinc abnormal
10005866 Blood zinc abnormal NOS
10005867 Blood zinc decreased
10005868 Blood zinc increased
10005869 Blood zinc normal
10005871 Bloodshot eye
10005872 Bloody diarrhea
10005873 Bloody stool
10005876 Blotchy
10005877 Blotchy rash
10005878 Blow out fracture of orbit
10005879 Blue gum line
10005880 Blue line gum
10005881 Blue lips
10005882 Blue naevus
10005883 Blue vision
10005884 Blue vision transient
10005885 Blunted affect
10005886 Blurred vision
10005887 Blurring of eyes
10005888 Blurring of vision
10005889 Blurry vision
10005890 Body fluid retention
10005891 Body height
10005892 Body image disorder
10005893 Body lice
10005894 Body mass index
10005895 Body mass index decreased
10005896 Body mass index high
10005897 Body mass index increased
10005898 Body mass index low
10005899 Body movements involuntary
10005900 Body numbness
10005901 Body odor
10005902 Body odour
10005903 Body of mandible of other and unspecified part, open fracture
10005904 Body pediculosis
10005905 Body smell altered
10005906 Body temperature
10005909 Body temperature decrease
10005910 Body temperature decreased
10005911 Body temperature increased
10005913 Body tinea
10005914 Boil
10005915 Boil in external ear
10005916 Boil in nose
10005917 Boil in the outer ear canal
10005918 Boil of external auditory meatus
10005919 Boil on arm
10005920 Boil on buttock
10005921 Boil on face
10005922 Boil on finger
10005923 Boil on foot
10005924 Boil on genital organ (male)
10005925 Boil on hand
10005926 Boil on leg
10005927 Boil on neck
10005928 Boil on thigh
10005929 Boil on toe
10005930 Boil vulval
10005931 Boiler maker's deafness
10005932 Bolivian haemorrhagic fever
10005945 Bone biopsy
10005946 Bone biopsy abnormal
10005947 Bone biopsy normal
10005948 Bone caesium therapy
10005949 Bone cancer
10005950 Bone cancer NOS
10005951 Bone cobalt therapy
10005952 Bone cyst
10005953 Bone cyst NOS
10005954 Bone development abnormal
10005955 Bone development disorder
10005956 Bone disorder
10005957 Bone disorder (NOS)
10005958 Bone disorder NOS
10005960 Bone electron beam therapy
10005961 Bone external beam radiation therapy
10005962 Bone external beam therapy
10005963 Bone formation increased
10005964 Bone fracture (not spontaneous)
10005965 Bone fracture spontaneous
10005966 Bone fragile
10005967 Bone fragmentation around implant
10005968 Bone giant cell tumor
10005969 Bone giant cell tumour
10005970 Bone giant cell tumour benign
10005971 Bone graft
10005972 Bone graft lysis
10005973 Bone hypertrophy
10005974 Bone implant lysis
10005975 Bone implant lysis of
10005976 Bone in throat
10005977 Bone infection NOS
10005978 Bone lesion excision
10005980 Bone marrow aplastic
10005981 Bone marrow aspirate
10005982 Bone marrow aspiration
10005983 Bone marrow biopsy
10005984 Bone marrow biopsy abnormal
10005985 Bone marrow biopsy normal
10005986 Bone marrow depression
10005987 Bone marrow depression NOS
10005988 Bone marrow examination
10005990 Bone marrow transplant NOS
10005991 Bone mass decreased
10005993 Bone metastases
10005994 Bone necrosis
10005995 Bone neoplasm
10005996 Bone neoplasm NOS
10006001 Bone orthovoltage therapy
10006002 Bone pain
10006003 Bone pain aggravated
10006004 Bone photon radiation therapy
10006007 Bone sarcoma
10006008 Bone sarcoma NOS
10006009 Bone scan
10006010 Bone scan NOS
10006011 Bone shedding debris
10006012 Bone spur
10006014 Bone trimming
10006015 Bone tumor benign
10006016 Bone weight decreased
10006017 Bonnevie-Ullrich syndrome
10006018 Bony metastases
10006019 Bony secondaries
10006021 Booster
10006022 Borborygmi
10006023 Borborygmus
10006025 Bordetella pertussis laryngotracheobronchitis
10006026 Borderline diabetes
10006027 Borderline glaucoma
10006028 Borderline glaucoma (glaucoma suspect)
10006029 Borderline leprosy
10006030 Borderline leprosy (group b)
10006031 Borderline mycobacterium leprae infection
10006032 Borderline ovarian tumour
10006033 Borderline personality
10006034 Borderline personality disorder
10006035 Bornholm disease
10006036 Borrelia burgdorferi infection
10006037 Borrelia recurrentis infection
10006039 Bottle feeding
10006040 Bottle feeding problem (infant)
10006041 Botulism
10006042 Bouchard's nodes
10006043 Bouffees delirantes
10006044 Bouginage of oesophagus
10006045 Boutonneuse fever
10006046 Boutonniere deformity
10006047 Bovine pustular stomatitis
10006048 Bovine pustular stomatitis virus infection
10006049 Bovine tuberculosis
10006050 Bowel disorder psychogenic
10006051 Bowel dysfunction
10006053 Bowel infarction
10006054 Bowel ischemia
10006055 Bowel obstruction
10006056 Bowel perforation
10006057 Bowel sounds abnormal
10006058 Bowel sounds absent
10006059 Bowen's disease
10006060 Bowenoid papulosis
10006061 Bowenoid papulosis of the genitalia
10006062 Boxer's fracture
10006063 BP
10006064 BP fell
10006065 BP lowered
10006066 BP normal
10006067 BP raised
10006068 Br
10006069 Br-
10006071 Brachial artery thrombosis
10006072 Brachial neuritis
10006074 Brachial plexus injury
10006075 Brachial plexus lesion
10006076 Brachial plexus lesion (excl neuritis)
10006078 Brachy therapy to breast
10006079 Brachytherapy NOS
10006080 Brachytherapy to bladder
10006081 Brachytherapy to brain
10006082 Brachytherapy to breast
10006083 Brachytherapy to colon
10006084 Brachytherapy to ear, nose, or throat
10006085 Brachytherapy to lung
10006086 Brachytherapy to ovary
10006087 Brachytherapy to pancreas
10006088 Brachytherapy to pituitary gland
10006089 Brachytherapy to prostate
10006090 Brachytherapy to skin
10006091 Brachytherapy to uterus
10006092 Brachytherapy to vagina
10006093 Bradycardia
10006094 Bradycardia foetal
10006095 Bradycardia NOS
10006096 Bradycardia NOS (excl fetal)
10006097 Bradycardia NOS (excl foetal)
10006098 Bradycardia sinus
10006099 Bradycardiac tendency
10006100 Bradykinesia
10006101 Bradypnea
10006102 Bradypnoea
10006103 Bradypsychic response
10006105 Brain abscess
10006106 Brain abscess NOS
10006107 Brain biopsy
10006108 Brain biopsy abnormal
10006109 Brain biopsy normal
10006110 Brain caesium therapy
10006111 Brain cobalt therapy
10006112 Brain compression
10006113 Brain computerised tomography
10006114 Brain CT
10006118 Brain damage congenital
10006120 Brain disorder NOS
10006121 Brain edema
10006122 Brain electron beam therapy
10006123 Brain external beam radiation therapy
10006124 Brain external beam therapy
10006126 Brain herniation
10006127 Brain hypoxia
10006128 Brain metastases
10006129 Brain neoplasm benign
10006130 Brain neoplasm benign NOS
10006131 Brain neoplasm malignant
10006132 Brain neoplasm NOS
10006133 Brain orthovoltage therapy
10006134 Brain photon radiation therapy
10006136 Brain scan NOS
10006137 Brain scan NOS abnormal
10006138 Brain scan NOS normal
10006139 Brain secondaries
10006140 Brain stem disorder
10006141 Brain stem disorder NOS
10006142 Brain stem dysfunction
10006143 Brain stem glioma
10006144 Brain stem glioma benign
10006145 Brain stem haemorrhage
10006146 Brain stem hemorrhage
10006147 Brain stem infarction
10006148 Brain stem ischaemia
10006149 Brain syndrome (NOS)
10006150 Brain syndrome acute
10006152 Brain syndrome NOS
10006153 Brain tumor
10006154 Brain tumor NOS
10006156 Brain tumour NOS
10006157 Brainstem auditory evoked response
10006158 Brainstem auditory evoked response abnormal
10006159 Brainstem auditory evoked response normal
10006160 Branchial cleft cyst
10006162 Branchial cleft sinus
10006164 Branchial cyst
10006165 Breast external beam radiation therapy
10006166 Brawny scleritis
10006167 Break thro' bleeding
10006168 Break through bleeding
10006169 Break-through bleeding
10006170 Breakdown nervous
10006171 Breast abscess
10006172 Breast abscess drainage
10006173 Breast adenocarcinoma
10006174 Breast adenocarcinoma recurrent
10006175 Breast adenocarcinoma stage I
10006176 Breast adenocarcinoma stage II
10006177 Breast adenocarcinoma stage III
10006178 Breast adenocarcinoma stage IV
10006179 Breast atrophy
10006180 Breast biopsy
10006181 Breast biopsy abnormal
10006182 Breast biopsy normal
10006183 Breast bleeding
10006184 Breast buds bilateral
10006185 Breast Bx
10006186 Breast caesium therapy
10006187 Breast cancer
10006188 Breast cancer female NOS
10006189 Breast cancer in situ
10006190 Breast cancer invasive NOS
10006191 Breast cancer male NOS
10006192 Breast cancer NOS
10006193 Breast cancer NOS recurrent
10006194 Breast cancer NOS stage I
10006195 Breast cancer NOS stage II
10006196 Breast cancer NOS stage III
10006197 Breast cancer NOS stage IV
10006198 Breast cancer recurrent
10006199 Breast cancer stage I
10006200 Breast cancer stage II
10006201 Breast cancer stage III
10006202 Breast cancer stage IV
10006203 Breast cancer stage unspecified
10006204 Breast carcinoma
10006205 Breast carcinoma inflammatory
10006206 Breast carcinoma NOS
10006207 Breast carcinoma NOS recurrent
10006208 Breast carcinoma NOS stage I
10006209 Breast carcinoma NOS stage II
10006210 Breast carcinoma NOS stage III
10006211 Breast carcinoma NOS stage IV
10006212 Breast carcinoma recurrent
10006213 Breast carcinoma stage I
10006214 Breast carcinoma stage II
10006215 Breast carcinoma stage III
10006216 Breast carcinoma stage IV
10006217 Breast cellulitis
10006218 Breast cobalt therapy
10006219 Breast cosmetic surgery
10006220 Breast cyst
10006221 Breast cyst drainage
10006222 Breast cystic fibrosis
10006223 Breast discharge
10006224 Breast discharge female
10006225 Breast discharge infected
10006226 Breast discharge infected male
10006227 Breast discharge male
10006228 Breast discolouration
10006229 Breast disorder female
10006230 Breast disorder male
10006231 Breast disorder NOS
10006235 Breast ductal cancer infiltrating
10006236 Breast ductal cancer invasive
10006237 Breast dysplasia
10006238 Breast dysplasia benign
10006239 Breast electron beam therapy
10006240 Breast engorgement
10006241 Breast engorgement in newborn
10006242 Breast enlargement
10006243 Breast enlargement female
10006244 Breast enlargement male
10006245 Breast enlargement male bilateral
10006246 Breast external beam therapy
10006247 Breast feeding
10006248 Breast feeding problem (infant)
10006249 Breast fibroadenosis
10006250 Breast fibrocystic
10006251 Breast fibrocystic change
10006252 Breast fibrocystic disorder
10006253 Breast fibrosis
10006254 Breast haemorrhage
10006255 Breast heaviness
10006256 Breast hyperplasia
10006257 Breast implant brachytherapy
10006258 Breast induration
10006259 Breast infection
10006260 Breast infection NOS
10006262 Breast inflammation
10006263 Breast interstitial brachytherapy
10006264 Breast lump
10006265 Breast lump (benign)
10006266 Breast lump (malignant)
10006267 Breast lump biopsy
10006268 Breast lump NOS
10006270 Breast lump removal NOS
10006271 Breast malformation
10006272 Breast mass
10006273 Breast mass biopsy
10006274 Breast mass fibrocystic
10006275 Breast metastases
10006276 Breast mouse
10006277 Breast necrosis
10006278 Breast necrosis NOS
10006279 Breast neoplasm
10006280 Breast neoplasm benign female
10006281 Breast neoplasm female
10006282 Breast neoplasm male
10006283 Breast neoplasm malignant female
10006284 Breast neoplasm malignant male
10006285 Breast neoplasm NOS
10006286 Breast neoplasm NOS male
10006293 Breast nodule
10006294 Breast oedema
10006297 Breast orthovoltage therapy
10006298 Breast pain
10006299 Breast pain female
10006300 Breast pain male
10006301 Breast photon radiation therapy
10006302 Breast prosthesis explantation
10006303 Breast prosthesis implantation
10006305 Breast reconstruction
10006306 Breast reduction
10006307 Breast secretion female
10006308 Breast secretion male
10006309 Breast size decrease
10006310 Breast size increased
10006311 Breast superficial X-ray therapy
10006312 Breast swelling
10006313 Breast tenderness
10006314 Breast tumor benign
10006315 Breast tumor malignant
10006316 Breast tumour benign
10006317 Breast tumour malignant
10006318 Breast X-ray
10006319 Breast X-ray abnormal
10006320 Breast X-ray normal
10006321 Breast xerography
10006322 Breath holding
10006323 Breath holding attack
10006324 Breath holding spells
10006325 Breath odor
10006326 Breath odour
10006327 Breath odour alcohol
10006328 Breath odour almonds
10006329 Breath odour ketones
10006331 Breath odour NOS
10006332 Breath shortness
10006333 Breath sounds decreased
10006335 Breathing abnormally deep
10006336 Breathing abnormally shallow
10006337 Breathing arrested
10006338 Breathing difficult
10006339 Breathing Kussmaul type
10006340 Breathing rate increased
10006341 Breathing rate slowed
10006342 Breathing shallow
10006343 Breathing slowed
10006344 Breathing-related sleep disorder
10006345 Breathlessness
10006346 Breech delivery
10006348 Breech extraction
10006350 Breech extraction, without mention of indication
10006356 Breech presentation
10006357 Breech presentation without mention of version
10006358 Brief depressive reaction
10006359 Brief nightmare
10006362 Brief psychotic disorder, with postpartum onset
10006364 Brief situational reaction
10006365 Brights disease
10006366 Brill Zinsser disease
10006367 Brill's disease
10006368 Briquet's syndrome
10006369 Briquets syndrome
10006371 Brittle bone disease
10006372 Brittle diabetes
10006373 Brittle nails
10006374 Brittle teeth
10006375 Broad ligament haematoma
10006376 Broad ligament laceration syndrome
10006377 Broad ligament tear
10006378 Broca's aphasia
10006379 Brodie's abscess
10006380 Broken ankle
10006381 Broken bones
10006382 Broken collarbone
10006383 Broken elbow
10006384 Broken engagement
10006385 Broken foot
10006386 Broken hand
10006387 Broken hip
10006388 Broken jaw
10006389 Broken knee cap
10006390 Broken lead cardiac pacemaker
10006391 Broken leg
10006392 Broken nose
10006393 Broken wrist
10006394 Bromide
10006395 Bromide abnormal NOS
10006396 Bromide decreased
10006397 Bromide high
10006398 Bromide increased
10006399 Bromide intoxication
10006400 Bromide low
10006401 Bromide normal
10006402 Brominism
10006403 Bromism
10006404 Bromoderma
10006405 Bromoderma vegetans
10006406 Bromosulphthalein retention
10006407 Bromosulphthalein test
10006408 Bromosulphthalein test abnormal
10006409 Bromosulphthalein test normal
10006410 Bromsulphalein retention
10006411 Bromsulphthalein retention
10006413 Bronchial biopsy
10006414 Bronchial biopsy abnormal
10006415 Bronchial biopsy normal
10006416 Bronchial brush biopsy
10006417 Bronchial carcinoma
10006418 Bronchial carcinoma cell type unspecified stage I
10006419 Bronchial carcinoma cell type unspecified stage II
10006420 Bronchial carcinoma cell type unspecified stage III
10006421 Bronchial carcinoma cell type unspecified stage IV
10006422 Bronchial carcinoma in situ
10006423 Bronchial carcinoma recurrent
10006424 Bronchial carcinoma stage 0
10006425 Bronchial carcinoma stage I
10006426 Bronchial carcinoma stage II
10006427 Bronchial carcinoma stage III
10006428 Bronchial carcinoma stage IV
10006430 Bronchial dilator level NOS above therapeutic
10006431 Bronchial dilator level NOS below therapeutic
10006432 Bronchial dilator level NOS decreased
10006433 Bronchial dilator level NOS increased
10006434 Bronchial dilator level NOS subtherapeutic
10006435 Bronchial dilator level NOS therapeutic
10006437 Bronchial fistula
10006438 Bronchial irritation
10006439 Bronchial lesion excision
10006440 Bronchial obstruction
10006441 Bronchial pneumonia
10006442 Bronchial secretion excessive
10006443 Bronchial spasm
10006444 Bronchial wash
10006445 Bronchiectasis
10006446 Bronchiectasis NOS
10006447 Bronchioalveolar carcinoma
10006448 Bronchiolitis
10006449 Bronchiolitis obliterans with organizing pneumonia
10006450 Bronchitic asthma
10006451 Bronchitis
10006452 Bronchitis acute
10006453 Bronchitis acute NOS
10006454 Bronchitis acute viral NOS
10006457 Bronchitis asthmatic
10006458 Bronchitis chronic
10006459 Bronchitis chronic NOS
10006460 Bronchitis haemophilus
10006461 Bronchitis NOS
10006463 Bronchocentric granulomatosis
10006464 Bronchoconstriction
10006465 Bronchogram
10006466 Bronchogram abnormal
10006467 Bronchogram normal
10006468 Bronchography
10006469 Bronchopneumonia
10006470 Bronchopneumonia NOS
10006471 Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified
10006473 Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
10006474 Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis allergic
10006475 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
10006477 Bronchorrhea
10006478 Bronchorrhoea
10006479 Bronchoscopy
10006480 Bronchoscopy abnormal
10006481 Bronchoscopy normal
10006482 Bronchospasm
10006483 Bronchospasm aggravated
10006485 Bronchospasm NOS
10006486 Bronchospasm paradoxical
10006487 Bronchostenosis
10006488 Bronchus biopsy
10006489 Bronzed diabetes
10006490 Brown's (tendon) sheath syndrome
10006491 Brown-Sequard syndrome
10006492 Brucella abortus
10006493 Brucella abortus infection
10006494 Brucella canis
10006496 Brucella melitensis
10006497 Brucella melitensis infection
10006498 Brucella suis
10006499 Brucella suis infection
10006500 Brucellosis
10006502 Bruise
10006503 Bruise of head
10006504 Bruising
10006505 Bruising of arm
10006506 Bruising of chest
10006507 Bruising of face
10006508 Bruising of foot
10006509 Bruising of hand
10006510 Bruising of leg
10006511 Bruising of thigh
10006512 Bruising of trunk
10006514 Bruxism
10006515 Bruxomania
10006516 BSP abnormal
10006517 BSP excretion delayed
10006519 Buboes
10006520 Bubonic plague
10006521 Buccal cavity cancer
10006522 Buccal cavity cancer stage unspecified
10006523 Buccal cavity neoplasm NOS
10006524 Buccal cavity papilloma
10006525 Buccal inflammation
10006526 Buccal mucosa aphthous ulceration
10006527 Buccal mucosa ulceration
10006528 Buccal smear
10006529 Buccal smear abnormal
10006530 Buccal smear normal
10006531 Buccal ulceration
10006532 Buccoglossal syndrome
10006533 Bucket handle tear of lateral meniscus
10006534 Bucket handle tear of medial meniscus of knee
10006535 Bucking
10006536 Budd Chiari syndrome
10006537 Budd-Chiari syndrome
10006538 Buerger's disease
10006539 Buffalo hump
10006540 Bug bite
10006541 Bulbar conjunctiva hyperemia
10006542 Bulbar palsy
10006543 Bulbar paralysis
10006544 Bulbar polio
10006545 Bulbar poliomyelitis
10006547 Bulging drum
10006548 Bulging eyes
10006549 Bulimia
10006550 Bulimia nervosa
10006551 Bulky uterus
10006552 Bulla auricular
10006553 Bulla dorsum manus
10006554 Bullae
10006556 Bullous dermatitis
10006558 Bullous disorder
10006559 Bullous eruption
10006560 Bullous eruption at injection site
10006561 Bullous erythema multiforme
10006562 Bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma
10006563 Bullous impetigo
10006564 Bullous keratopathy
10006565 Bullous lesions
10006566 Bullous myringitis
10006567 Bullous pemphigoid
10006568 Bullous pemphigoid NOS
10006569 Bullous rash
10006570 Bullous rash both arms
10006571 Bullous rash upper chest
10006572 Bullous retinoschisis
10006573 BUN
10006574 BUN abnormal
10006575 BUN decreased
10006576 BUN increased
10006577 BUN normal
10006578 Bundle branch block
10006579 Bundle branch block bilateral
10006580 Bundle branch block left
10006581 Bundle branch block NOS
10006582 Bundle branch block right
10006584 Bundle branch block, unspecified
10006585 Bunion
10006586 Bunion operation
10006587 Buphthalmos
10006589 Buphthalmos, unspecified
10006590 Buphthalmus
10006591 Burbulence
10006592 Burglar
10006593 Burglary
10006594 Burglary victim
10006595 Burkitt's lymphoma
10006597 Burkitt's lymphoma NOS
10006598 Burkitt's lymphoma recurrent
10006599 Burkitt's lymphoma refractory
10006600 Burkitt's lymphoma stage I
10006601 Burkitt's lymphoma stage II
10006602 Burkitt's lymphoma stage III
10006603 Burkitt's lymphoma stage IV
10006604 Burkitt's tumor
10006605 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma
10006606 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10006607 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10006608 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10006609 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10006610 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10006611 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10006612 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10006613 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma involving spleen
10006614 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma recurrent
10006615 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma refractory
10006616 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma stage I
10006617 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma stage II
10006618 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma stage III
10006619 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma stage IV
10006620 Burkitt's tumor or lymphoma, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
10006621 Burkitt's tumor recurrent
10006622 Burkitt's tumor refractory
10006623 Burkitt's tumor stage I
10006624 Burkitt's tumor stage II
10006625 Burkitt's tumor stage III
10006626 Burkitt's tumor stage IV
10006627 Burkitt's tumour
10006628 Burkitt's tumour recurrent
10006629 Burkitt's tumour refractory
10006630 Burkitt's tumour stage I
10006631 Burkitt's tumour stage II
10006632 Burkitt's tumour stage III
10006633 Burkitt's tumour stage IV
10006634 Burn
10006701 Burn confined to eye and adnexa
10006702 Burn debridement
10006703 Burn dressing
10006704 Burn dressing change
10006706 Burn local
10006707 Burn oesophageal
10006711 Burn of gastrointestinal tract
10006712 Burn of internal organs
10006713 Burn of internal organs, unspecified site
10006715 Burn of lower limb(s)
10006716 Burn of lower limb(s), unspecified degree
10006720 Burn of trunk
10006721 Burn of trunk, unspecified degree
10006722 Burn of unspecified degree multiple sites of upper limb, except wrist and hand
10006723 Burn of unspecified degree of abdominal wall
10006724 Burn of unspecified degree of ankle
10006725 Burn of unspecified degree of axilla
10006726 Burn of unspecified degree of back (any part)
10006727 Burn of unspecified degree of back of hand
10006728 Burn of unspecified degree of breast
10006729 Burn of unspecified degree of chest wall, excluding breast and nipple
10006730 Burn of unspecified degree of chin
10006731 Burn of unspecified degree of ear (any part)
10006732 Burn of unspecified degree of elbow
10006734 Burn of unspecified degree of foot
10006735 Burn of unspecified degree of forearm
10006737 Burn of unspecified degree of genitalia
10006738 Burn of unspecified degree of knee
10006739 Burn of unspecified degree of lip(s)
10006740 Burn of unspecified degree of lower leg
10006742 Burn of unspecified degree of multiple sites of lower limb(s)
10006744 Burn of unspecified degree of neck
10006745 Burn of unspecified degree of nose (septum)
10006747 Burn of unspecified degree of palm of hand
10006748 Burn of unspecified degree of scalp (any part)
10006749 Burn of unspecified degree of scapular region
10006750 Burn of unspecified degree of shoulder
10006752 Burn of unspecified degree of thigh (any part)
10006755 Burn of unspecified degree of two or more digits of hand, including thumb
10006756 Burn of unspecified degree of two or more digits of hand, not including thumb
10006758 Burn of unspecified degree of unspecified site of hand
10006759 Burn of unspecified degree of unspecified site of lower limb (leg)
10006760 Burn of unspecified degree of unspecified site of trunk
10006761 Burn of unspecified degree of unspecified site of upper limb
10006762 Burn of unspecified degree of upper arm
10006763 Burn of unspecified degree of wrist
10006764 Burn of unspecified site, unspecified degree
10006765 Burn of upper limb, except wrist and hand
10006766 Burn of upper limb, except wrist and hand, unspecified degree
10006770 Burn operation
10006772 Burn, unspecified site
10006773 Burning discharge eyes
10006774 Burning eyes
10006775 Burning feeling vagina
10006776 Burning in abdomen
10006777 Burning in eyes
10006778 Burning in throat
10006779 Burning micturition
10006780 Burning mucosa
10006781 Burning mucosal
10006782 Burning oral sensation
10006783 Burning rectal
10006784 Burning sensation
10006785 Burning sensation in abdomen
10006786 Burning sensation in eye
10006787 Burning sensation in face
10006788 Burning sensation in joints
10006789 Burning sensation mucosal
10006790 Burning sensation NOS
10006791 Burning sensation skin
10006792 Burning skin
10006793 Burning tongue
10006795 Burns extensive
10006796 Burns eyes
10006797 Burns first degree
10006798 Burns multiple
10006799 Burns NOS
10006800 Burns of multiple specified sites
10006801 Burns of multiple specified sites, unspecified degree
10006802 Burns second degree
10006803 Burns third degree
10006804 Burping
10006805 Burr hole
10006806 Bursa aspiration
10006807 Bursa removal
10006808 Bursal aspiration
10006809 Bursal synovitis
10006810 Bursectomy
10006811 Bursitis
10006812 Bursitis infective NOS
10006813 Bursitis of knee
10006814 Burst fracture
10006815 Burton's lines
10006816 Bus accident
10006817 Butanol-extractable iodine
10006818 Butanol-extractable iodine decreased
10006819 Butanol-extractable iodine increased
10006820 Butanol-extractable iodine low
10006821 Buttock crushing
10006822 Byssinosis
10006824 C-reactive protein
10006825 C-reactive protein increased
10006826 C-reactive protein normal
10006827 C-reactive protein positive
10006829 C-reactive protein result abnormal
10006830 C-reactive protein result high
10006831 C-reactive protein result normal
10006832 C-section
10006833 C.difficile colitis
10006834 C.difficile diarrhea
10006835 C.difficile diarrhoea
10006837 C.neoformans infection
10006838 C.perfringens gastroenteritis
10006839 C.sordellii colitis
10006840 C1-C4 level spinal cord injury, unspecified
10006841 C1-C4 level with anterior cord syndrome
10006842 C1-C4 level with central cord syndrome
10006843 C1-C4 level with complete lesion of spinal cord
10006845 C5-C7 level spinal cord injury, unspecified
10006846 C5-C7 level with anterior cord syndrome
10006847 C5-C7 level with central cord syndrome
10006848 C5-C7 level with complete lesion of spinal cord
10006878 Ca increase
10006879 Ca level lowered
10006889 Ca phobia
10006891 Ca++
10006892 Ca++ decreased
10006893 Ca++ increased
10006894 CABG
10006895 Cachexia
10006897 Cadmium
10006898 Cadmium decreased
10006899 Cadmium high
10006900 Cadmium increased
10006901 Cadmium low
10006902 Cadmium normal
10006903 Caecal cancer
10006904 Caecal cancer recurrent
10006905 Caecal cancer recurrent (excl carcinoid)
10006906 Caecal cancer stage 0
10006907 Caecal cancer stage 0 (excl carcinoid)
10006908 Caecal cancer stage I
10006909 Caecal cancer stage I (excl carcinoid)
10006910 Caecal cancer stage II
10006911 Caecal cancer stage II (excl carcinoid)
10006912 Caecal cancer stage III
10006913 Caecal cancer stage III (excl carcinoid)
10006914 Caecal cancer stage IV
10006915 Caecal cancer stage IV (excl carcinoid)
10006916 Caecal carcinoid tumour
10006917 Caecal inflammation
10006918 Caecal lesion excision
10006919 Caecitis
10006920 Caecopexy
10006921 Caesarean delivery (infant record)
10006923 Caesarean delivery, without mention of indication
10006924 Caesarean section
10006925 Caesium implant
10006926 Cafe au lait spots
10006927 Caffeine
10006928 Caffeine decreased
10006929 Caffeine high
10006930 Caffeine increased
10006931 Caffeine normal
10006932 Caisson disease
10006933 Calcaneal spur
10006934 Calcaneofibular (ligament) ankle sprain
10006936 Calcification metastatic
10006937 Calcifying tendinitis of shoulder
10006938 Calcinosis
10006939 Calcinosis renal
10006940 Calcitonin
10006941 Calcitonin decreased
10006942 Calcitonin high
10006943 Calcitonin increased
10006944 Calcitonin low
10006945 Calcitonin normal
10006946 Calcitonin secretion disorder
10006947 Calcitonin serum level increased
10006948 Calcium
10006949 Calcium abnormal NOS
10006951 Calcium blood decreased
10006952 Calcium blood increased
10006953 Calcium crystalluria
10006954 Calcium decreased
10006956 Calcium deficiency
10006957 Calcium depletion
10006958 Calcium deposits
10006962 Calcium high
10006963 Calcium increased
10006965 Calcium increased serum
10006966 Calcium intoxication
10006967 Calcium ionized
10006968 Calcium ionized abnormal
10006969 Calcium ionized abnormal NOS
10006970 Calcium ionized decreased
10006971 Calcium ionized increased
10006972 Calcium ionized normal
10006973 Calcium low
10006974 Calcium metabolism disorder
10006976 Calcium normal
10006977 Calcium pyrophosphate arthropathy
10006979 Calcium serum decreased
10006980 Calcium total
10006981 Calcium total abnormal NOS
10006982 Calcium total decreased
10006983 Calcium total increased
10006984 Calcium total normal
10006986 Calculus biliary
10006987 Calculus bladder
10006988 Calculus common bile duct
10006989 Calculus cystic duct
10006990 Calculus gallbladder
10006991 Calculus in diverticulum of bladder
10006992 Calculus in gallbladder
10006993 Calculus in urethra
10006994 Calculus kidney
10007005 Calculus of gallbladder with acute cholecystitis, with obstruction
10007010 Calculus of gallbladder without mention of cholecystitis
10007011 Calculus of gallbladder without mention of cholecystitis, with obstruction
10007013 Calculus of kidney
10007015 Calculus of lower urinary tract
10007016 Calculus of lower urinary tract, unspecified
10007017 Calculus of prostate
10007018 Calculus of ureter
10007019 Calculus prostatic
10007020 Calculus renal
10007021 Calculus renal NOS
10007022 Calculus salivary duct
10007023 Calculus salivary gland
10007024 Calculus ureteral
10007025 Calculus ureteric
10007026 Calculus urethral
10007027 Calculus urinary
10007029 Calculus urinary bladder
10007030 Calf discomfort
10007031 Calf pain
10007032 California encephalitis
10007033 California virus encephalitis
10007034 Callosities
10007035 Callosity
10007037 Callus formation delayed
10007038 Caloric stimulation tests
10007039 Caloric stimulation tests abnormal
10007040 Caloric stimulation tests normal
10007041 Calve-Perthes disease
10007043 Calymmatobacterium granulomatis infection
10007044 Campbell de Morgan spots
10007046 Campylobacter diarrhoea
10007048 Campylobacter gastroenteritis
10007049 Campylobacter jejuni gastroenteritis
10007050 Cancer
10007051 Cancer (NOS)
10007052 Cancer in situ NOS
10007053 Cancer of body of uterus
10007054 Cancer of bronchus
10007055 Cancer of bronchus in situ
10007056 Cancer of bronchus recurrent
10007057 Cancer of bronchus stage 0
10007058 Cancer of bronchus stage I
10007059 Cancer of bronchus stage II
10007060 Cancer of bronchus stage III
10007061 Cancer of bronchus stage IV
10007062 Cancer of descending colon
10007063 Cancer of endometrium
10007064 Cancer of endometrium metastatic
10007065 Cancer of endometrium recurrent
10007066 Cancer of endometrium stage 0
10007067 Cancer of endometrium stage I
10007068 Cancer of endometrium stage II
10007069 Cancer of endometrium stage III
10007070 Cancer of endometrium stage IV
10007071 Cancer of head of pancreas
10007072 Cancer of head of pancreas metastatic
10007073 Cancer of head of pancreas non-resectable
10007074 Cancer of head of pancreas recurrent
10007075 Cancer of head of pancreas resectable
10007076 Cancer of hepatic flexure
10007077 Cancer of larynx extrinsic (excl vocal cord)
10007078 Cancer of larynx extrinsic (excl vocal cord) recurrent
10007079 Cancer of larynx extrinsic (excl vocal cord) stage I
10007080 Cancer of larynx extrinsic (excl vocal cord) stage II
10007081 Cancer of larynx extrinsic (excl vocal cord) stage III
10007082 Cancer of larynx extrinsic (excl vocal cord) stage IV
10007083 Cancer of larynx intrinsic (true vocal cord)
10007084 Cancer of larynx intrinsic (true vocal cord) recurrent
10007085 Cancer of larynx intrinsic (true vocal cord) stage I
10007086 Cancer of larynx intrinsic (true vocal cord) stage II
10007087 Cancer of larynx intrinsic (true vocal cord) stage III
10007088 Cancer of larynx intrinsic (true vocal cord) stage IV
10007089 Cancer of lip
10007090 Cancer of liver resectable
10007091 Cancer of liver, primary
10007092 Cancer of liver, primary, non-resectable
10007093 Cancer of liver, primary, recurrent
10007094 Cancer of liver, primary, resectable
10007095 Cancer of liver, secondary
10007096 Cancer of lung
10007097 Cancer of lung cell type unspecified stage IV
10007098 Cancer of lung in situ
10007099 Cancer of lung recurrent
10007100 Cancer of lung stage 0
10007101 Cancer of lung stage I
10007102 Cancer of lung stage II
10007103 Cancer of lung stage III
10007104 Cancer of lung stage IV
10007105 Cancer of male breast
10007106 Cancer of maxillary antrum
10007107 Cancer of ovary
10007108 Cancer of pancreas (excl head)
10007109 Cancer of pancreas (excl head) metastatic
10007110 Cancer of pancreas (excl head) non-resectable
10007111 Cancer of pancreas (excl head) recurrent
10007112 Cancer of pancreas (excl head) resectable
10007113 Cancer of prostate
10007114 Cancer of sigmoid colon (excl rectosigmoid)
10007115 Cancer of skin
10007116 Cancer of skin (excl melanoma)
10007117 Cancer of splenic flexure
10007118 Cancer of transverse colon
10007119 Cancer of uterine body
10007120 Cancer of vagina
10007121 Cancer of vagina metastatic
10007122 Cancer of vagina recurrent
10007123 Cancer of vagina stage 0
10007124 Cancer of vagina stage I
10007125 Cancer of vagina stage II
10007126 Cancer of vagina stage III
10007127 Cancer of vagina stage IVA
10007128 Cancer of vagina stage IVB
10007130 Cancerphobia
10007131 Cancrum oris
10007132 Candida diaper rash
10007133 Candida enteritis
10007135 Candida nappy rash
10007136 Candida NOS
10007137 Candida oesophagitis
10007138 Candida of mouth
10007139 Candida of oesophagus
10007140 Candida on cervical smear
10007141 Candida rash
10007142 Candida stomatitis
10007143 Candida vaginal
10007144 Candidal balanitis
10007145 Candidal diaper rash
10007146 Candidal endocarditis
10007147 Candidal gastroenteritis
10007148 Candidal intertrigo
10007149 Candidal meningitis
10007150 Candidal oesophagitis
10007151 Candidal otitis externa
10007152 Candidiasis
10007153 Candidiasis genital
10007154 Candidiasis NOS
10007155 Candidiasis of lung
10007156 Candidiasis of mouth
10007160 Candidiasis of skin NOS
10007161 Candidiasis of the esophagus
10007162 Candidiasis of the intestine
10007163 Candidiasis of unspecified site
10007165 Candidiasis respiratory
10007166 Canker sores oral
10007167 Cannabinoids NOS decreased
10007168 Cannabinoids NOS high
10007169 Cannabinoids NOS increased
10007171 Cannabis abuse
10007172 Cannabis abuse, continuous use
10007173 Cannabis abuse, episodic use
10007174 Cannabis abuse, in remission
10007175 Cannabis abuse, unspecified use
10007176 Cannabis addiction
10007177 Cannabis dependence
10007178 Cannabis dependence, continuous use
10007179 Cannabis dependence, episodic use
10007180 Cannabis dependence, in remission
10007181 Cannabis dependence, unspecified use
10007182 Cannonball pulse
10007184 CAPD
10007185 Capgras syndrome
10007186 Capgras' syndrome
10007187 Capillariasis
10007189 Capillary disorder
10007190 Capillary disorder NOS
10007191 Capillary fragility
10007192 Capillary fragility abnormal
10007193 Capillary fragility abnormal NOS
10007194 Capillary fragility increased
10007195 Capillary fragility normal
10007196 Capillary leak syndrome
10007197 Capillary naevus
10007198 Capillary permeability
10007199 Capillary permeability abnormal
10007200 Capillary permeability increased
10007201 Capillary permeability normal
10007202 Capillary resistance
10007203 Capillary resistance abnormal
10007204 Capillary resistance abnormal NOS
10007205 Capillary resistance decreased
10007206 Capillary resistance normal
10007207 Capnocytophaga infection NOS
10007211 Capsulitis
10007212 Capsulitis of shoulder
10007213 Caput medusae
10007214 Caput succedaneum increased
10007215 Car sickness
10007216 Carbohydrate craving
10007218 Carbohydrate tolerance decreased
10007219 Carbohydrate transport and metabolism disorder NOS
10007220 Carbon dioxide
10007221 Carbon dioxide blood decreased
10007222 Carbon dioxide blood increased
10007223 Carbon dioxide decreased
10007224 Carbon dioxide high
10007225 Carbon dioxide increased
10007226 Carbon dioxide low
10007227 Carbon dioxide narcosis
10007228 Carbon dioxide normal
10007229 Carbon dioxide total
10007230 Carbon dioxide total abnormal
10007231 Carbon dioxide total abnormal NOS
10007232 Carbon dioxide total decreased
10007233 Carbon dioxide total increased
10007234 Carbon dioxide total normal
10007235 Carbon monoxide
10007236 Carbon monoxide decreased
10007237 Carbon monoxide normal
10007238 Carbon monoxide poisoning
10007239 Carboxyhaemoglobin
10007240 Carboxyhaemoglobin abnormal
10007241 Carboxyhaemoglobin decreased
10007242 Carboxyhaemoglobin high
10007243 Carboxyhaemoglobin increased
10007244 Carboxyhaemoglobin low
10007245 Carboxyhaemoglobin normal
10007246 Carboxyhaemoglobinaemia
10007247 Carbuncle
10007261 Carcino-sarcoma uterus
10007262 Carcinoembryonic antigen
10007263 Carcinoembryonic antigen abnormal
10007264 Carcinoembryonic antigen high
10007266 Carcinoembryonic antigen increased
10007267 Carcinoembryonic antigen normal
10007268 Carcinogenic effect in offspring
10007269 Carcinogenicity
10007270 Carcinoid syndrome
10007271 Carcinoid tumor
10007272 Carcinoid tumor of the appendix
10007274 Carcinoid tumor of the prostate
10007275 Carcinoid tumour
10007276 Carcinoid tumour NOS
10007277 Carcinoid tumour of the appendix
10007278 Carcinoid tumour of the caecum
10007279 Carcinoid tumour of the gastrointestinal tract
10007280 Carcinoid tumour of the prostate
10007281 Carcinoid tumour of the stomach
10007282 Carcinoid tumour pulmonary
10007284 Carcinoma
10007285 Carcinoma adrenal
10007286 Carcinoma basal cell
10007287 Carcinoma basosquamous
10007288 Carcinoma basosquamous of skin
10007289 Carcinoma bile duct
10007290 Carcinoma bile duct non-resectable
10007291 Carcinoma bile duct recurrent
10007292 Carcinoma bile duct resectable
10007293 Carcinoma bladder
10007294 Carcinoma bladder recurrent
10007295 Carcinoma bladder stage 0, with cancer in situ
10007296 Carcinoma bladder stage 0, without cancer in situ
10007297 Carcinoma bladder stage I, with cancer in situ
10007298 Carcinoma bladder stage I, without cancer in situ
10007299 Carcinoma bladder stage II
10007300 Carcinoma bladder stage III
10007301 Carcinoma bladder stage IV
10007302 Carcinoma body of uterus
10007303 Carcinoma bone
10007304 Carcinoma brain
10007305 Carcinoma breast
10007306 Carcinoma breast recurrent
10007307 Carcinoma breast stage I
10007308 Carcinoma breast stage II
10007309 Carcinoma breast stage III
10007310 Carcinoma breast stage IV
10007311 Carcinoma bronchiogenic
10007312 Carcinoma bronchiogenic cell type unspecified stage I
10007313 Carcinoma bronchiogenic cell type unspecified stage II
10007314 Carcinoma bronchiogenic cell type unspecified stage III
10007315 Carcinoma bronchiogenic cell type unspecified stage IV
10007316 Carcinoma bronchiogenic in situ
10007317 Carcinoma bronchiogenic recurrent
10007318 Carcinoma bronchiogenic stage 0
10007319 Carcinoma bronchiogenic stage I
10007320 Carcinoma bronchiogenic stage II
10007321 Carcinoma bronchiogenic stage III
10007322 Carcinoma bronchiogenic stage IV
10007323 Carcinoma cervix
10007324 Carcinoma cervix in situ
10007325 Carcinoma cervix recurrent
10007326 Carcinoma cervix stage I
10007327 Carcinoma cervix stage II
10007328 Carcinoma cervix stage III
10007329 Carcinoma cervix stage IV
10007330 Carcinoma colon
10007331 Carcinoma colon Dukes A
10007332 Carcinoma colon Dukes B1
10007333 Carcinoma colon Dukes B2
10007334 Carcinoma colon Dukes C
10007335 Carcinoma colon Dukes D
10007336 Carcinoma colon recurrent
10007337 Carcinoma colon stage I
10007338 Carcinoma colon stage II
10007339 Carcinoma corpus uteri
10007340 Carcinoma duodenum
10007341 Carcinoma duodenum resectable
10007342 Carcinoma endometrial
10007343 Carcinoma endometrial metastatic
10007344 Carcinoma endometrial recurrent
10007345 Carcinoma endometrial stage 0
10007346 Carcinoma endometrial stage I
10007347 Carcinoma endometrial stage II
10007348 Carcinoma endometrial stage III
10007349 Carcinoma epidermoid
10007350 Carcinoma gastric
10007351 Carcinoma gastrointestinal
10007352 Carcinoma glottis
10007353 Carcinoma in situ NOS
10007354 Carcinoma in situ of anal canal
10007355 Carcinoma in situ of anus, unspecified
10007356 Carcinoma in situ of bladder
10007357 Carcinoma in situ of bladder NOS
10007358 Carcinoma in situ of breast
10007360 Carcinoma in situ of breast ductal
10007361 Carcinoma in situ of breast NOS
10007363 Carcinoma in situ of cervix
10007364 Carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri
10007365 Carcinoma in situ of colon
10007366 Carcinoma in situ of digestive organs
10007367 Carcinoma in situ of esophagus
10007368 Carcinoma in situ of eye
10007369 Carcinoma in situ of eyelid, including canthus
10007370 Carcinoma in situ of larynx
10007373 Carcinoma in situ of oesophagus
10007384 Carcinoma in situ of penis
10007385 Carcinoma in situ of prostate
10007386 Carcinoma in situ of rectum
10007387 Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system
10007388 Carcinoma in situ of respiratory system, part unspecified
10007390 Carcinoma in situ of skin
10007391 Carcinoma in situ of skin of ear and external auditory canal
10007393 Carcinoma in situ of skin of lip
10007394 Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower limb, including hip
10007396 Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk, except scrotum
10007397 Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper limb, including shoulder
10007398 Carcinoma in situ of skin, site unspecified
10007399 Carcinoma in situ of stomach
10007400 Carcinoma in situ of the bladder
10007401 Carcinoma in situ of trachea
10007402 Carcinoma in situ, site unspecified
10007403 Carcinoma intestinal
10007404 Carcinoma kidney
10007405 Carcinoma kidney recurrent
10007406 Carcinoma kidney stage I
10007407 Carcinoma kidney stage II
10007408 Carcinoma kidney stage III
10007409 Carcinoma kidney stage IV
10007410 Carcinoma larynx
10007411 Carcinoma larynx recurrent
10007412 Carcinoma larynx stage I
10007413 Carcinoma larynx stage II
10007414 Carcinoma larynx stage III
10007415 Carcinoma larynx stage IV
10007416 Carcinoma liver
10007417 Carcinoma liver non-resectable
10007418 Carcinoma liver recurrent
10007419 Carcinoma liver resectable
10007420 Carcinoma lung
10007421 Carcinoma lung cell type unspecified stage II
10007422 Carcinoma mouth
10007423 Carcinoma NOS
10007424 Carcinoma obstructing pancreatic duct
10007425 Carcinoma of esophagus
10007426 Carcinoma of gallbladder
10007427 Carcinoma of larynx
10007428 Carcinoma of larynx recurrent
10007429 Carcinoma of larynx stage I
10007430 Carcinoma of larynx stage II
10007431 Carcinoma of larynx stage III
10007432 Carcinoma of larynx stage IV
10007433 Carcinoma of lung
10007434 Carcinoma of lung cell type unspecified stage I
10007435 Carcinoma of lung cell type unspecified stage III
10007436 Carcinoma of lung cell type unspecified stage IV
10007437 Carcinoma of lung in situ
10007438 Carcinoma of lung stage 0
10007439 Carcinoma of lung stage I
10007440 Carcinoma of lung stage II
10007441 Carcinoma of lung stage III
10007442 Carcinoma of lung stage IV
10007443 Carcinoma of mouth
10007444 Carcinoma of oesophagus
10007445 Carcinoma of oesophagus NOS
10007446 Carcinoma of rectum
10007447 Carcinoma of rectum recurrent
10007448 Carcinoma of rectum stage I
10007449 Carcinoma of rectum stage II
10007450 Carcinoma of rectum stage III
10007451 Carcinoma of rectum stage IV
10007452 Carcinoma of the appendix
10007453 Carcinoma of the prostate metastatic
10007454 Carcinoma of the prostate recurrent
10007455 Carcinoma of the prostate stage I
10007456 Carcinoma of the prostate stage II
10007457 Carcinoma of the prostate stage III
10007458 Carcinoma of the prostate stage IV
10007459 Carcinoma of tongue
10007460 Carcinoma of unknown primary
10007461 Carcinoma papillary thyroid
10007462 Carcinoma prostate
10007463 Carcinoma prostatic
10007464 Carcinoma rectum
10007465 Carcinoma rectum recurrent
10007466 Carcinoma rectum stage I
10007467 Carcinoma rectum stage II
10007468 Carcinoma rectum stage III
10007469 Carcinoma rectum stage IV
10007470 Carcinoma rectum stage unspecified
10007471 Carcinoma simplex of the colon
10007472 Carcinoma skin
10007473 Carcinoma squamous
10007474 Carcinoma stomach
10007475 Carcinoma testes
10007476 Carcinoma thyroid
10007477 Carcinoma transitional cell
10007478 Carcinoma urinary bladder
10007479 Carcinoma urinary bladder recurrent
10007480 Carcinoma urinary bladder stage 0, with cancer in situ
10007481 Carcinoma urinary bladder stage 0, without cancer in situ
10007482 Carcinoma urinary bladder stage I, with cancer in situ
10007483 Carcinoma urinary bladder stage I, without cancer in situ
10007484 Carcinoma urinary bladder stage II
10007485 Carcinoma urinary bladder stage III
10007486 Carcinoma urinary bladder stage IV
10007493 Carcinoma uterine cervix
10007494 Carcinoma uterine cervix in situ
10007495 Carcinoma uterine cervix recurrent
10007496 Carcinoma uterine cervix stage I
10007497 Carcinoma uterine cervix stage II
10007498 Carcinoma uterine cervix stage III
10007499 Carcinoma uterine cervix stage IV
10007500 Carcinoma vocal cord
10007501 Carcinoma vocal cord recurrent
10007502 Carcinoma vocal cord stage I
10007503 Carcinoma vocal cord stage II
10007504 Carcinoma vocal cord stage III
10007505 Carcinoma vocal cord stage IV
10007506 Carcinomatosis
10007507 Carcinomatous neuropathy
10007508 Carcinosarcoma uterus
10007509 Cardiac amyloidosis
10007513 Cardiac aneurysm
10007514 Cardiac aneurysm repair
10007515 Cardiac arrest
10007516 Cardiac arrest neonatal
10007517 Cardiac arrest transient
10007518 Cardiac arrhythmia
10007519 Cardiac arrhythmia (NOS)
10007520 Cardiac arrhythmia NOS
10007522 Cardiac asthma
10007523 Cardiac biopsy
10007524 Cardiac blood pool imaging
10007525 Cardiac blood pool imaging abnormal
10007526 Cardiac blood pool imaging normal
10007527 Cardiac catheterisation
10007528 Cardiac catheterisation abnormal
10007529 Cardiac catheterisation normal
10007538 Cardiac dilatation
10007540 Cardiac disorder NOS
10007544 Cardiac dysrhythmia, unspecified
10007545 Cardiac dysrhythmias
10007546 Cardiac electrophysiology NOS
10007547 Cardiac enzymes
10007548 Cardiac enzymes increased
10007549 Cardiac enzymes normal
10007550 Cardiac enzymes NOS
10007551 Cardiac enzymes NOS abnormal
10007552 Cardiac enzymes NOS high
10007553 Cardiac enzymes NOS increased
10007554 Cardiac failure
10007555 Cardiac failure (NOS)
10007556 Cardiac failure acute
10007557 Cardiac failure aggravated
10007558 Cardiac failure chronic
10007559 Cardiac failure congestive
10007560 Cardiac failure high output
10007561 Cardiac failure left
10007562 Cardiac failure NOS
10007563 Cardiac failure right
10007564 Cardiac failure, congestive
10007565 Cardiac fibrillation NOS
10007567 Cardiac function disturbance postoperative
10007568 Cardiac function failed
10007569 Cardiac function failure
10007572 Cardiac hypertrophy
10007575 Cardiac index
10007576 Cardiac index abnormal
10007577 Cardiac index decreased
10007578 Cardiac index increased
10007579 Cardiac index normal
10007582 Cardiac insufficiency
10007584 Cardiac ischaemia
10007585 Cardiac malposition
10007586 Cardiac murmur
10007587 Cardiac murmur functional
10007588 Cardiac murmur NOS
10007589 Cardiac neoplasm malignant NOS
10007592 Cardiac neurosis
10007594 Cardiac output
10007595 Cardiac output decreased
10007596 Cardiac output increased
10007597 Cardiac pacemaker battery replacement
10007598 Cardiac pacemaker insertion
10007599 Cardiac pacemaker malfunction
10007601 Cardiac pacemaker removal
10007603 Cardiac rupture
10007604 Cardiac sarcoidosis
10007605 Cardiac septal defect NOS
10007606 Cardiac septal defect NOS acquired
10007608 Cardiac stress test NOS
10007610 Cardiac tamponade
10007611 Cardiac transplant
10007612 Cardiac troponin I increased
10007613 Cardiac troponin T increased
10007617 Cardio-respiratory arrest
10007618 Cardio-respiratory arrest neonatal
10007619 Cardioactive drug level NOS above therapeutic
10007620 Cardioactive drug level NOS below therapeutic
10007621 Cardioactive drug level NOS decreased
10007622 Cardioactive drug level NOS increased
10007623 Cardioactive drug level NOS subtherapeutic
10007624 Cardioactive drug level NOS therapeutic
10007625 Cardiogenic shock
10007626 Cardiolipin antibodies
10007627 Cardiolipin antibodies positive
10007628 Cardiolipin antibody
10007629 Cardiolipin antibody negative
10007630 Cardiolipin antibody positive
10007631 Cardiolipn antibodies negative
10007632 Cardiomegaly
10007633 Cardiomegaly (excl hypertensive)
10007634 Cardiomegaly NOS
10007636 Cardiomyopathy
10007637 Cardiomyopathy alcoholic
10007638 Cardiomyopathy in Chagas' disease
10007640 Cardiomyopathy NOS
10007641 Cardiomyopathy primary NOS
10007642 Cardiomyopathy secondary NOS
10007643 Cardiopathy necrotic
10007644 Cardiopulmonary arrest
10007645 Cardiospasm
10007646 Cardiothoracic ratio increased
10007647 Cardiovascular collapse
10007648 Cardiovascular disease, unspecified
10007649 Cardiovascular disorder
10007650 Cardiovascular disorder NOS
10007651 Cardiovascular function test abnormal
10007652 Cardiovascular function test normal
10007653 Cardiovascular function test NOS abnormal
10007655 Cardiovascular malfunction arising from mental factors
10007658 Cardiovascular syphilis
10007659 Cardiovascular syphilis NOS
10007660 Cardiovascular syphilis, unspecified
10007661 Cardioversion
10007662 Carditis meningococcal NOS
10007663 Carditis pericardium myocardium
10007664 Caregiver
10007665 Carer NOS
10007666 Caries dental
10007667 Carnitine abnormal
10007668 Carnitine decreased
10007669 Carnitine increased
10007670 Carnitine normal
10007671 Caroli's disease
10007672 Caroli's syndrome
10007673 Carotenaemia
10007674 Carotene
10007675 Carotene abnormal NOS
10007676 Carotene decreased
10007677 Carotene increased
10007678 Carotene normal
10007679 Carotenemia
10007680 Carotid angiogram
10007681 Carotid angiogram abnormal
10007682 Carotid angiogram normal
10007683 Carotid angiography
10007684 Carotid arterial embolus
10007685 Carotid arteriogram
10007686 Carotid artery aneurysm
10007687 Carotid artery stenosis
10007688 Carotid artery thrombosis
10007689 Carotid body tumor
10007690 Carotid body tumour
10007691 Carotid embolus
10007692 Carotid endarterectomy
10007693 Carotid occlusion
10007694 Carotid thrombosis
10007695 Carpal tunnel decompression
10007696 Carpal tunnel release
10007697 Carpal tunnel syndrome
10007699 Carpo-pedal spasm
10007700 Carpus curvus
10007701 Carrington's pneumonia
10007702 Cartilage biopsy
10007703 Cartilage biopsy abnormal
10007704 Cartilage biopsy normal
10007705 Cartilage damage
10007706 Cartilage development disorder NOS
10007707 Cartilage disorder
10007708 Cartilage disorder NOS
10007710 Cartilage injury
10007712 Cartilage removal (knee)
10007713 Cartilage tear in knee
10007714 Caruncle urethral
10007715 Casts urinary
10007716 Casts urinary cellular
10007717 Casts urinary granular
10007718 Casts urinary hyaline
10007719 Casts urinary red cells
10007720 Casts urinary waxy
10007721 CAT
10007722 CAT abnormal
10007723 Cat bite
10007724 CAT normal
10007725 CAT scan
10007726 CAT scan abnormal
10007727 CAT scan normal
10007728 Cat scratch
10007729 Cat scratch disease
10007730 Cat scratch fever
10007731 Cat-scratch disease
10007732 Catabolic reaction
10007733 Catabolic state
10007734 Catabolism extreme
10007735 Catabolism increased
10007736 Catalepsy
10007737 Cataplexy
10007739 Cataract
10007740 Cataract (left)
10007741 Cataract (right)
10007742 Cataract aggravated
10007746 Cataract bilateral NOS
10007747 Cataract congenital
10007748 Cataract cortical
10007749 Cataract diabetic
10007750 Cataract extraction
10007751 Cataract fragments in eye following cataract surgery
10007752 Cataract fragments in eye postoperative
10007755 Cataract lenticular
10007757 Cataract NOS
10007758 Cataract NOS aggravated
10007759 Cataract nuclear
10007760 Cataract radiation
10007763 Cataract specified
10007764 Cataract subcapsular
10007765 Cataract toxic
10007766 Cataract traumatic
10007767 Cataract unilateral
10007768 Cataract unspecified
10007769 Cataract with ocular neovascularization
10007770 Cataracta complicata, unspecified
10007771 Cataracts
10007773 Cataracts lenticular
10007774 Catarrh
10007775 Catarrhal lumps
10007776 Catatonia
10007777 Catatonic
10007778 Catatonic phenomena
10007779 Catatonic reaction
10007780 Catatonic schizophrenia
10007781 Catatonic state
10007782 Catatonic type schizophrenia
10007783 Catatonic type schizophrenia, chronic state
10007784 Catatonic type schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10007785 Catatonic type schizophrenia, in remission
10007786 Catatonic type schizophrenia, subchronic state
10007787 Catatonic type schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10007788 Catatonic type schizophrenia, unspecified state
10007789 Catecholamines
10007790 Catecholamines abnormal
10007791 Catecholamines decreased
10007792 Catecholamines elevated
10007793 Catecholamines increased
10007794 Catecholamines normal
10007795 Catecholamines NOS abnormal
10007796 Catecholamines NOS decreased
10007797 Catecholamines NOS high
10007798 Catecholamines NOS increased
10007799 Catecholamines NOS low
10007800 Catecholamines NOS normal
10007801 Catecholamines NOS urine abnormal
10007802 Catecholamines NOS urine decreased
10007803 Catecholamines NOS urine high
10007804 Catecholamines NOS urine increased
10007805 Catecholamines NOS urine low
10007806 Catecholamines NOS urine normal
10007807 Catecholamines total abnormal NOS
10007808 Catecholamines urinary elevated
10007809 Cathartic laxative habituation
10007810 Catheter related infection
10007811 Catheter site related reaction
10007812 Catheterisation arterial NOS
10007813 Catheterisation arterial NOS abnormal
10007814 Catheterisation arterial NOS normal
10007815 Catheterisation cardiac
10007816 Catheterisation cardiac abnormal
10007817 Catheterisation cardiac normal
10007819 Cauda equina spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury
10007820 Cauda equina spinal cord lesion without spinal bone injury
10007821 Cauda equina syndrome
10007822 Cauda equina syndrome with neurogenic bladder
10007823 Cauda equina syndrome without mention of neurogenic bladder
10007824 Cauliflower ear
10007825 Causalgia
10007826 Causalgia of lower limb
10007827 Caustic injury
10007828 Cautery to Littles area
10007829 Cautery to nose
10007830 Cavernous sinus thrombosis
10007833 Cavovarus deformity of foot, acquired
10007834 Cavus deformity of foot, acquired
10007835 CBC
10007838 CD4 lymphocytes
10007839 CD4 lymphocytes decreased
10007840 CD4 lymphocytes low
10007841 CD4 positive lymphocyte depletion
10007842 CD4/CD8 ratio
10007843 CD4/CD8 ratio decreased
10007844 CD4/CD8 ratio low
10007845 CD8 lymphocytes
10007846 CD8 lymphocytes high
10007847 CD8 lymphocytes increased
10007848 CDC Group I HIV infection
10007849 CDC Group II HIV infection
10007850 CDC Group III HIV infection
10007851 CDC Group IV HIV infection
10007852 Cecal cancer
10007853 Cecal cancer recurrent
10007854 Cecal cancer stage 0
10007855 Cecal cancer stage I
10007856 Cecal cancer stage II
10007857 Cecal cancer stage III
10007858 Cecal cancer stage IV
10007859 Cecitis
10007860 Cecopexy
10007861 Celestin tube insertion
10007862 Celestin tube removal
10007863 Celiac artery compression syndrome
10007864 Celiac disease
10007865 Celiac sprue
10007866 Celibacy
10007868 Cell count NOS CSF high
10007869 Cell count NOS CSF increased
10007870 Cell count NOS CSF negative
10007871 Cell count NOS CSF positive
10007874 Cell mediated allergic reaction
10007875 Cell mediated immunological reaction
10007876 Cell mediated reaction
10007877 Cell-mediated immune deficiency
10007878 Cell-mediated immunological react
10007879 Cell-mediated immunological reaction
10007880 Cells in urine
10007882 Cellulitis
10007902 Cellulitis anorectal
10007903 Cellulitis breast
10007904 Cellulitis enterococcal
10007905 Cellulitis gangrenous
10007906 Cellulitis genital organ (male)
10007907 Cellulitis laryngeal
10007908 Cellulitis of eyelid
10007909 Cellulitis of face
10007910 Cellulitis of finger
10007911 Cellulitis of foot
10007912 Cellulitis of leg
10007913 Cellulitis of legs
10007915 Cellulitis of thumb
10007916 Cellulitis of toe
10007917 Cellulitis of upper arm
10007918 Cellulitis orbital
10007919 Cellulitis pasteurella
10007920 Cellulitis pharyngeal
10007921 Cellulitis staphylococcal
10007922 Cellulitis streptococcal
10007923 Cellulitis vulval
10007924 Cellulocutaneous plague
10007927 Central abdominal pain
10007928 Central choroidal atrophy, total
10007929 Central corneal ulcer
10007930 Central dystrophy of choroid, partial
10007931 Central European encephalitis
10007932 Central giant cell (reparative) granuloma
10007933 Central hearing loss
10007934 Central line management
10007941 Central nervous system depression NOS
10007942 Central nervous system dermoid tumour
10007943 Central nervous system disorder
10007944 Central nervous system disorder NOS
10007945 Central nervous system enteroviral infection NOS
10007946 Central nervous system epidermoid tumour
10007947 Central nervous system function test abnormal
10007953 Central nervous system lymphoma
10007958 Central nervous system neoplasm
10007959 Central nervous system neoplasm NOS
10007961 Central nervous system stimulation NOS
10007964 Central nervous system viral infection NOS
10007965 Central opacity of cornea
10007966 Central perforation of tympanic membrane
10007967 Central perforation of tympanum
10007968 Central pontine myelinolysis
10007969 Central pontine myelolysis
10007970 Central pterygium
10007971 Central retinal artery occlusion
10007972 Central retinal vein occlusion
10007973 Central scotoma
10007974 Central serous retinopathy
10007975 Central sleep apnoea syndrome
10007976 Central vein obstruction
10007977 Central venous pressure
10007978 Central venous pressure abnormal
10007979 Central venous pressure decreased
10007980 Central venous pressure increased
10007981 Central venous pressure normal
10007982 Central-alveolar hypoventilation
10007983 Centroblastic (monomorphic, polymorphic, and multilobated subtypes) lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10007984 Centroblastic follicular (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10007985 Centroblastic follicular (Kiel Classification) refractory
10007986 Centroblastic follicular (Kiel Classification) Stage I
10007987 Centroblastic follicular (Kiel Classification) Stage II
10007988 Centroblastic follicular (Kiel Classification) Stage III
10007989 Centroblastic follicular (Kiel Classification) Stage IV
10007990 Centroblastic follicular (Kiel Classification) NOS
10007991 Centroblastic lymphoma recurrent
10007992 Centroblastic lymphoma refractory
10007993 Centroblastic lymphoma stage I
10007994 Centroblastic lymphoma stage II
10007995 Centroblastic lymphoma stage III
10007996 Centroblastic lymphoma stage IV
10007997 Centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (Kiel Classification) Stage I
10007998 Centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (Kiel Classification) Stage II
10007999 Centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (Kiel Classification) Stage III
10008000 Centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (Kiel Classification) Stage IV
10008001 Centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (Kiel Classification) NOS
10008002 Centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10008003 Centroblastic-centrocytic follicular (Kiel Classification) refractory
10008004 Centrocytic (mantle cell) lymphoma (Kiel classification)
10008005 Centrocytic (mantle cell) lymphoma (Kiel classification) recurrent
10008006 Centrocytic (mantle cell) lymphoma (Kiel classification) refractory
10008007 Centrocytic (mantle cell) lymphoma (Kiel classification) stage I
10008008 Centrocytic (mantle cell) lymphoma (Kiel classification) stage II
10008009 Centrocytic (mantle cell) lymphoma (Kiel classification) stage III
10008010 Centrocytic (mantle cell) lymphoma (Kiel classification) stage IV
10008013 Cephalgia
10008014 Cephalhaematoma
10008015 Cephalin flocculation
10008016 Cephalin flocculation abnormal
10008017 Cephalin flocculation normal
10008018 Cephalin flocculation test abnormal
10008019 Cephalin floculation test abnormal
10008020 Cephalo-pelvic disproportion
10008021 Cephalohaematoma
10008022 Cerea flexibilitas
10008023 Cerebellar artery thrombosis
10008024 Cerebellar astrocytoma
10008025 Cerebellar ataxia
10008027 Cerebellar atrophy
10008029 Cerebellar haematoma NOS
10008030 Cerebellar haemorrhage
10008031 Cerebellar hemisphere disorder
10008032 Cerebellar hemorrhage
10008033 Cerebellar hypoplasia
10008034 Cerebellar infarction
10008072 Cerebellar syndrome
10008073 Cerebellar tumor NOS
10008074 Cerebellar tumour NOS
10008075 Cerebral aneurysm (unruptured)
10008076 Cerebral aneurysm ruptured syphilitic
10008078 Cerebral arterial aneurysm
10008079 Cerebral arterial spasm
10008080 Cerebral arterial thrombosis
10008081 Cerebral arteriogram
10008082 Cerebral arteriogram abnormal
10008083 Cerebral arteriogram normal
10008084 Cerebral arteriograph
10008085 Cerebral arteriospasm
10008086 Cerebral arteriovenous malformation haemorrhagic
10008087 Cerebral arteritis
10008088 Cerebral artery embolism
10008089 Cerebral artery occlusion
10008091 Cerebral artery occlusion, unspecified
10008092 Cerebral artery thrombosis
10008093 Cerebral astrocytoma, high grade
10008094 Cerebral astrocytoma, low grade
10008095 Cerebral atherosclerosis
10008096 Cerebral atrophy
10008097 Cerebral circulatory failure
10008098 Cerebral cyst NOS
10008103 Cerebral degeneration, unspecified
10008107 Cerebral edema
10008108 Cerebral embolism
10008109 Cerebral embolism (vessel unspecified)
10008110 Cerebral gliosis
10008111 Cerebral haemorrhage
10008112 Cerebral haemorrhage neonatal
10008113 Cerebral haemorrhage traumatic
10008114 Cerebral hemorrhage
10008115 Cerebral hemorrhage neonatal
10008116 Cerebral hyperaemia
10008117 Cerebral infarct
10008118 Cerebral infarction
10008119 Cerebral infarction foetal
10008120 Cerebral ischaemia
10008121 Cerebral ischemia
10008126 Cerebral neuroblastoma
10008127 Cerebral oedema
10008128 Cerebral oedema management
10008129 Cerebral palsy
10008130 Cerebral phlebitis
10008131 Cerebral sarcoidosis
10008132 Cerebral thrombosis
10008133 Cerebral thrombosis (vessel unspecified)
10008134 Cerebral vascular disturbance
10008136 Cerebral vascular lesion
10008138 Cerebral venous thrombosis
10008139 Cerebration impaired
10008140 Cerebriform T lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10008141 Cerebriform T lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10008142 Cerebriform T lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10008143 Cerebriform T lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10008144 Cerebriform T lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage II
10008145 Cerebriform T lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage III
10008146 Cerebriform T lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage IV
10008147 Cerebrospinal fluid abnormal
10008148 Cerebrospinal fluid cell count abnormal
10008149 Cerebrospinal fluid cell count increased
10008150 Cerebrospinal fluid cell count normal
10008151 Cerebrospinal fluid cell count NOS
10008152 Cerebrospinal fluid cell count NOS abnormal
10008153 Cerebrospinal fluid cell count NOS normal
10008154 Cerebrospinal fluid electrophoresis
10008155 Cerebrospinal fluid electrophoresis abnormal
10008156 Cerebrospinal fluid electrophoresis normal
10008157 Cerebrospinal fluid glucose
10008158 Cerebrospinal fluid glucose abnormal
10008159 Cerebrospinal fluid glucose decreased
10008160 Cerebrospinal fluid glucose normal
10008161 Cerebrospinal fluid granulocyte count
10008162 Cerebrospinal fluid granulocyte count abnormal
10008163 Cerebrospinal fluid granulocyte count normal
10008164 Cerebrospinal fluid leakage
10008165 Cerebrospinal fluid lymphocyte count
10008166 Cerebrospinal fluid lymphocyte count abnormal
10008167 Cerebrospinal fluid lymphocyte count normal
10008168 Cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal band
10008169 Cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal band abnormal
10008170 Cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal band normal
10008171 Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea
10008172 Cerebrospinal fluid pH
10008173 Cerebrospinal fluid pH abnormal
10008174 Cerebrospinal fluid pH decreased
10008175 Cerebrospinal fluid pH increased
10008176 Cerebrospinal fluid pH normal
10008177 Cerebrospinal fluid protein
10008178 Cerebrospinal fluid protein abnormal
10008179 Cerebrospinal fluid protein decreased
10008180 Cerebrospinal fluid protein increased
10008181 Cerebrospinal fluid protein normal
10008182 Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea
10008184 Cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count NOS abnormal
10008185 Cerebrospinal fluid white blood cell count NOS normal
10008186 Cerebrospinal fluid white cell count NOS
10008187 Cerebrospinal fluid white cell count NOS abnormal
10008188 Cerebrospinal fluid white cell count NOS normal
10008190 Cerebrovascular accident
10008191 Cerebrovascular accident NOS
10008196 Cerebrovascular disorder
10008197 Cerebrovascular disorder foetal
10008198 Cerebrovascular disorder NOS
10008199 Cerebrovascular disorder NOS foetal
10008200 Cerebrovascular disorder, postpartum
10008202 Cerebrovascular disorders, antepartum
10008207 Cerebrovascular stenosis NOS
10008208 Cerebrovascular syphilis
10008216 Ceruloplasmin abnormal
10008217 Ceruloplasmin decreased
10008218 Ceruloplasmin high
10008219 Ceruloplasmin increased
10008220 Ceruloplasmin low
10008221 Ceruloplasmin normal
10008222 Cervical abscess
10008223 Cervical adenitis
10008224 Cervical adenocarcinoma
10008225 Cervical adenomatous polyp
10008226 Cervical adenosquamous carcinoma
10008227 Cervical auricle
10008228 Cervical biopsy
10008229 Cervical cancer
10008231 Cervical cancer recurrent
10008232 Cervical cancer stage 0
10008233 Cervical cancer stage I
10008234 Cervical cancer stage II
10008235 Cervical cancer stage III
10008236 Cervical cancer stage IV
10008237 Cervical carcinoma in situ
10008238 Cervical carcinoma NOS
10008239 Cervical carcinoma recurrent
10008240 Cervical carcinoma stage I
10008241 Cervical carcinoma stage IA
10008242 Cervical carcinoma stage IB
10008243 Cervical carcinoma stage II
10008244 Cervical carcinoma stage IIA
10008245 Cervical carcinoma stage IIB
10008246 Cervical carcinoma stage III
10008247 Cervical carcinoma stage IV
10008248 Cervical carcinoma stage IVA
10008249 Cervical carcinoma stage IVB
10008251 Cervical cone biopsy
10008252 Cervical cord compression
10008253 Cervical culture
10008254 Cervical cyst
10008255 Cervical cytology
10008256 Cervical diathermy
10008257 Cervical disc degeneration
10008258 Cervical disc lesion
10008259 Cervical discectomy
10008260 Cervical discharge
10008262 Cervical dyskaryosis
10008263 Cervical dysplasia
10008264 Uterine cervical erosion
10008265 Cervical gland tuberculosis
10008266 Cervical hypersecretion
10008267 Cervical incompetence
10008268 Cervical incompetence (complicating pregnancy)
10008276 Cervical laceration
10008278 Cervical laser therapy
10008279 Cervical laser therapy (excl cancer)
10008280 Cervical lesion excision
10008282 Cervical leukoplakia
10008283 Cervical lymph gland biopsy
10008284 Cervical lymph gland biopsy abnormal
10008285 Cervical lymph gland biopsy normal
10008286 Cervical lymph gland excision
10008287 Cervical lymph gland radical excision
10008288 Cervical myelography
10008289 Cervical myelopathy
10008290 Cervical neoplasm NOS
10008292 Cervical neuralgia
10008293 Cervical neuritis
10008295 Cervical os suture
10008296 Cervical pain
10008297 Cervical polyp
10008298 Cervical polypectomy
10008299 Cervical rib
10008300 Cervical rib excision
10008301 Cervical rib syndrome
10008303 Cervical root pain
10008304 Cervical smear
10008305 Cervical smear normal
10008308 Cervical smear test abnormal
10008309 Cervical smear test normal
10008310 Cervical smear test positive
10008313 Cervical spinal stenosis
10008314 Cervical spine degeneration
10008315 Cervical spondylosis
10008317 Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy
10008318 Cervical stricture
10008319 Cervical sympathectomy
10008320 Cervical uterine polyp
10008321 Cervical vertebra dislocation
10008322 Cervicalgia
10008323 Cervicitis
10008325 Cervicitis cystic
10008326 Cervicitis gonococcal
10008327 Cervicitis gonococcal acute
10008328 Cervicitis gonococcal chronic
10008329 Cervicitis gonococcal NOS
10008330 Cervicitis infection
10008331 Cervicitis NOS
10008332 Cervicitis trichomonal
10008334 Cervicobrachial syndrome
10008335 Cervicobrachial syndrome (diffuse)
10008336 Cervicocranial syndrome
10008337 Cervicofacial actinomycotic infection
10008338 Cervix adenomatous polyp
10008339 Cervix biopsy
10008340 Cervix biopsy abnormal
10008341 Cervix biopsy normal
10008342 Cervix carcinoma
10008343 Cervix carcinoma in situ
10008344 Cervix carcinoma recurrent
10008345 Cervix carcinoma stage I
10008346 Cervix carcinoma stage II
10008347 Cervix carcinoma stage III
10008348 Cervix carcinoma stage IV
10008349 Cervix cautery
10008350 Cervix colporrhaphy with amputation
10008351 Cervix disorder
10008353 Cervix lesion
10008354 Cervix neoplasm
10008355 Cervix neoplasm recurrent
10008356 Cervix neoplasm stage I
10008357 Cervix neoplasm stage II
10008358 Cervix neoplasm stage III
10008359 Cervix neoplasm stage IV
10008360 Cervix smear
10008361 Cervix stricture
10008362 Cervix uteri cancer
10008363 Cervix uteri cancer recurrent
10008364 Cervix uteri cancer stage I
10008365 Cervix uteri cancer stage II
10008366 Cervix uteri cancer stage III
10008367 Cervix uteri cancer stage IV
10008369 Cesarean delivery affecting fetus or newborn
10008371 Cesarean delivery, without mention of indication
10008373 Cessation of bowel sounds
10008374 Cessation of smoking
10008375 Cestode infection NOS
10008377 Cestode infection, unspecified
10008380 CFT abnormal
10008381 CFT positive
10008383 CH7 screen negative
10008384 Chagas' disease
10008388 Chalazion
10008390 Challenging attitude
10008391 Chancre
10008392 Chancroid
10008393 Change in blood pressure
10008394 Change in bowel habit NOS
10008395 Change in bowel habits
10008396 Change in ECG
10008398 Change in sustained attention
10008399 Change of bowel habit
10008400 Change to manic state
10008404 Changes of corneal membranes
10008405 Chapped skin
10008406 Character change
10008407 Character change in
10008408 Charcot arthropathy
10008409 Charcot's cirrhosis
10008410 Charcot's joint
10008411 Charcot's syndrome
10008413 Charcot-Leyden crystals
10008414 Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
10008415 Chediak-Higashi syndrome
10008417 Cheilitis
10008418 Cheilosis
10008419 Cheiropompholyx
10008420 Chemical burn
10008422 Chemical burns of eye
10008423 Chemical diabetes
10008425 Chemical injury NOS
10008427 Chemical pneumonitis
10008428 Chemical poisoning
10008430 Chemistry abnormal
10008432 Chemistry normal
10008433 Chemistry NOS
10008434 Chemoprophylaxis NOS
10008435 Chemosis
10008436 Chemotherapeutic drug level NOS above therapeutic
10008437 Chemotherapeutic drug level NOS below therapeutic
10008438 Chemotherapeutic drug level NOS decreased
10008439 Chemotherapeutic drug level NOS increased
10008440 Chemotherapeutic drug level NOS subtherapeutic
10008441 Chemotherapeutic drug level NOS therapeutic
10008444 Chemotherapy cardiotoxicity attenuation
10008446 Chemotherapy cytokine support
10008448 Chemotherapy induced emesis prophylaxis
10008449 Chemotherapy inducted emesis prophylaxis
10008450 Chemotherapy multiple agents local
10008451 Chemotherapy multiple agents regional
10008452 Chemotherapy multiple agents systemic
10008453 Chemotherapy neurotoxicity attenuation
10008454 Chemotherapy single agent local
10008455 Chemotherapy single agent regional
10008456 Chemotherapy single agent systemic
10008457 Chemotherapy urothelial toxicity attenuation
10008458 Cherry angiomas
10008459 Cherry haemangioma
10008460 Chest abnormal feeling of
10008461 Chest ache
10008462 Chest aching
10008463 Chest aching of
10008464 Chest anxiety feeling of
10008465 Chest burning
10008466 Chest burning pain of
10008468 Chest crushing
10008469 Chest discomfort
10008471 Chest distressed feeling
10008472 Chest distressed feeling of
10008473 Chest fullness
10008474 Chest fullness of
10008475 Chest heaviness
10008476 Chest hot feeling of
10008477 Chest infection
10008478 Chest mass NOS
10008479 Chest pain
10008480 Chest pain (non-cardiac)
10008481 Chest pain - cardiac
10008483 Chest pain precordial
10008484 Chest pain substernal
10008486 Chest pressure
10008487 Chest pressure sensation
10008488 Chest pressure sensation of
10008489 Chest strangled feeling of
10008490 Chest tenderness
10008491 Chest tenderness of
10008492 Chest tightness
10008493 Chest tightness of
10008495 Chest wall operation NOS
10008496 Chest wall pain
10008497 Chest wall repair
10008498 Chest X-ray
10008499 Chest X-ray abnormal
10008500 Chest X-ray normal
10008501 Cheyne-Stokes respiration
10008503 Chiari malformation
10008504 Chicken breast
10008505 Chickenpox
10008508 Chilblains
10008509 Child abuse
10008510 Child adoption
10008511 Child born to unmarried parents
10008512 Child given for adoption
10008513 Child maltreatment syndrome
10008514 Child neglect
10008515 Child sexual abuse
10008516 Childhood aggression
10008517 Childhood audiometry
10008518 Childhood audiometry abnormal
10008519 Childhood audiometry normal
10008520 Childhood autism
10008521 Childhood dermatomyositis
10008522 Childhood disintegrative disorder
10008523 Childhood incontinence
10008524 Childhood psychosis NOS
10008525 Childhood schizophrenia
10008526 Childhood stealing
10008527 Childhood tympanometry
10008528 Chillblains
10008529 Chillblains exacerbated
10008530 Chilliness
10008531 Chills
10008534 Chiropractic
10008535 Chlamydia conjunctivitis neonatal
10008536 Chlamydia pneumoniae pneumonia
10008537 Chlamydia psittaci pneumonia
10008538 Chlamydia trachomatis gynecologic infection
10008539 Chlamydia trachomatis infection of anus and rectum
10008540 Chlamydia trachomatis infection of lower genitourinary sites
10008543 Chlamydia trachomatis infection of peritoneum
10008544 Chlamydia trachomatis infection of pharynx
10008545 Chlamydia trachomatis infection of unspecified genitourinary site
10008547 Chlamydia trachomatis lymphadenitis
10008548 Chlamydia trachomatis ophthalmic infection
10008549 Chlamydia trachomatis pneumonia
10008550 Chlamydia trachomatis urethritis
10008551 Chlamydia trachomatis urethritis reaction
10008552 Chlamydia urethritis
10008553 Chlamydial atypical pneumonia
10008554 Chlamydial community-acquired pneumonia
10008556 Chlamydial endometritis
10008557 Chlamydial eye infection
10008558 Chlamydial eye infections
10008559 Chlamydial infant pneumonia
10008560 Chlamydial infection NOS
10008562 Chlamydial mucopurulent cervicitis
10008564 Chlamydial ophthalmic infection
10008565 Chlamydial pelvic inflammatory disease
10008566 Chlamydial pneumonia
10008567 Chlamydial proctitis
10008568 Chlamydial salpingitis
10008569 Chlamydial urethritis
10008570 Chloasma
10008571 Chloracne
10008572 Chloride
10008573 Chloride abnormal NOS
10008574 Chloride decreased
10008576 Chloride high
10008577 Chloride increased
10008578 Chloride low
10008579 Chloride normal
10008580 Chloride serum increased
10008581 Chlorides blood decreased
10008582 Chlorides blood increased
10008583 Chloroma
10008584 Chloroma (in remission)
10008585 Chloropsia
10008586 Chloroquine retinopathy
10008587 Choanal atresia
10008588 Choked on food
10008589 Choking
10008590 Choking sensation
10008591 Choking sensation (excl psychogenic and dysphagia)
10008592 Cholangioadenoma
10008593 Cholangiocarcinoma
10008594 Cholangiocarcinoma non-resectable
10008595 Cholangiocarcinoma NOS
10008596 Cholangiocarcinoma recurrent
10008597 Cholangiocarcinoma resectable
10008598 Cholangiogram
10008599 Cholangiogram abnormal
10008600 Cholangiogram normal
10008601 Cholangiography
10008602 Cholangiolitis
10008603 Cholangiolitis toxic
10008604 Cholangitis
10008605 Cholangitis acute
10008606 Cholangitis acute NOS
10008607 Cholangitis chronic NOS
10008608 Cholangitis NOS
10008609 Cholangitis sclerosing
10008610 Cholangitis suppurative
10008611 Cholecystectomy
10008612 Cholecystitis
10008614 Cholecystitis acute
10008615 Cholecystitis acute NOS
10008617 Cholecystitis chronic
10008618 Cholecystitis chronic NOS
10008619 Cholecystitis NOS
10008621 Cholecystogram intravenous
10008622 Cholecystogram intravenous abnormal
10008623 Cholecystogram intravenous normal
10008624 Cholecystostomy
10008625 Choledochal cyst
10008626 Choledochoscopy
10008627 Choledochotomy
10008629 Cholelithiasis
10008630 Cholelithiasis obstructive
10008631 Cholera
10008632 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae
10008633 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae el tor
10008634 Cholera, unspecified
10008635 Cholestasis
10008637 Cholestasis extrahepatic
10008638 Cholestasis intrahepatic
10008639 Cholestatic hepatitis
10008640 Cholestatic jaundice
10008641 Cholestatic liver disease
10008642 Cholesteatoma
10008643 Cholesteatoma of attic
10008644 Cholesteatoma of external ear
10008645 Cholesteatoma of middle ear
10008648 Cholesteatoma, unspecified
10008649 Cholesterin granuloma of middle ear
10008650 Cholesterol
10008652 Cholesterol blood decreased
10008653 Cholesterol blood excessive
10008654 Cholesterol blood increased
10008655 Cholesterol blood lowered
10008656 Cholesterol blood reduced
10008657 Cholesterol depletion
10008658 Cholesterol embolisation
10008659 Cholesterol gallstones
10008660 Cholesterol granuloma
10008661 Cholesterol high
10008662 Cholesterol levels low
10008663 Cholesterol levels raised
10008664 Cholesterol low
10008665 Cholesterol normal
10008666 Cholesterol serum elevated
10008667 Cholesterol serum increased
10008668 Cholesterol total
10008669 Cholesterol total abnormal NOS
10008670 Cholesterol total decreased
10008671 Cholesterol total increased
10008672 Cholesterol total normal
10008673 Cholesterolosis of gallbladder
10008674 Cholinergic syndrome
10008675 Cholinergic urticaria
10008676 Cholinesterase
10008677 Cholinesterase blood decreased
10008678 Cholinesterase blood increased
10008679 Cholinesterase decreased
10008680 Cholinesterase high
10008681 Cholinesterase increased
10008682 Cholinesterase low
10008683 Cholinesterase normal
10008684 Choluria
10008685 Chondritis
10008686 Chondroblastoma
10008687 Chondrocalcinosis due to dicalcium phosphate crystals
10008688 Chondrocalcinosis due to pyrophosphate crystals
10008689 Chondrocalcinosis NOS
10008690 Chondrocalcinosis pyrophosphate
10008691 Chondrocalcinosis, cause unspecified
10008693 Chondrocalcinosis, cause unspecified, involving forearm
10008694 Chondrocalcinosis, cause unspecified, involving hand
10008695 Chondrocalcinosis, cause unspecified, involving lower leg
10008699 Chondrocalcinosis, cause unspecified, involving shoulder region
10008700 Chondrocalcinosis, cause unspecified, involving unspecified site
10008701 Chondrocalcinosis, cause unspecified, involving upper arm
10008703 Chondrocalcinosis, due to dicalcium phosphate crystals, involving forearm
10008704 Chondrocalcinosis, due to dicalcium phosphate crystals, involving hand
10008705 Chondrocalcinosis, due to dicalcium phosphate crystals, involving lower leg
10008711 Chondrocalcinosis, due to dicalcium phosphate crystals, involving upper arm
10008713 Chondrocalcinosis, due to pyrophosphate crystals, involving forearm
10008714 Chondrocalcinosis, due to pyrophosphate crystals, involving hand
10008715 Chondrocalcinosis, due to pyrophosphate crystals, involving lower leg
10008719 Chondrocalcinosis, due to pyrophosphate crystals, involving shoulder region
10008720 Chondrocalcinosis, due to pyrophosphate crystals, involving unspecified site
10008721 Chondrocalcinosis, due to pyrophosphate crystals, involving upper arm
10008722 Chondrodermatitis nodularis chronica helicis
10008723 Chondrodystrophy
10008724 Chondroectodermal dysplasia
10008725 Chondroma
10008726 Chondroma sarcomatosum
10008727 Chondroma sarcomatosum localized
10008728 Chondroma sarcomatosum recurrent
10008729 Chondromalacia
10008730 Chondromalacia NOS
10008731 Chondromalacia of patella
10008732 Chondromalacia patellae
10008733 Chondromyxoid fibroma
10008734 Chondrosarcoma
10008735 Chondrosarcoma localised
10008736 Chondrosarcoma metastatic
10008737 Chondrosarcoma NOS
10008738 Chondrosarcoma recurrent
10008739 Chondrosarcoma stage unspecified
10008740 Chondrosarcomatous osteosarcoma
10008741 Chondrosarcomatous osteosarcoma localized
10008742 Chondrosarcomatous osteosarcoma metastatic
10008743 Chondrosarcomatous osteosarcoma recurrent
10008744 Chondrosternal (joint) sprain
10008745 Chordae tendinae rupture
10008746 Chordee
10008747 Chordoma
10008748 Chorea
10008749 Chorea aggravated
10008750 Chorea NOS
10008753 Choreoathetoid movements
10008754 Choreoathetosis
10008755 Chorioamnionitis
10008757 Choriocarcinoma
10008759 Choriocarcinoma NOS
10008761 Choriomeningitis lymphocytic
10008762 Chorioretinal atrophy
10008763 Chorioretinal degeneration congenital
10008764 Chorioretinal disorder NOS
10008766 Chorioretinal scar
10008767 Chorioretinal scar, unspecified
10008769 Chorioretinitis
10008770 Chorioretinitis due to toxoplasmosis
10008771 Chorioretinitis, unspecified
10008773 Choroid melanoma
10008774 Choroid melanoma, non-spindle cell
10008777 Choroid plexus papilloma
10008778 Choroid spindle cell intraocular melanoma
10008779 Choroid tubercles
10008780 Choroid tumour excision
10008781 Choroidal degeneration, unspecified
10008783 Choroidal detachment
10008784 Choroidal detachment, unspecified
10008785 Choroidal dystrophy
10008786 Choroidal haemorrhage
10008789 Choroidal hemorrhage, unspecified
10008790 Choroidal rupture
10008791 Choroideremia
10008792 Choroiditis
10008793 Christmas disease (Factor IX)
10008794 Christmas factor
10008795 Chromatopsia
10008796 Chromaturia
10008797 Chromium
10008798 Chromium decreased
10008799 Chromium high
10008800 Chromium increased
10008801 Chromium low
10008802 Chromium normal
10008803 Chromoblastomycosis
10008810 Chromosomal abnormality NOS
10008811 Chromosomal analysis
10008812 Chromosomal analysis abnormal
10008813 Chromosomal analysis normal
10008814 Chromosomal anomalies
10008815 Chromosome abnormality
10008817 Chromosome analysis abnormal
10008818 Chromosome analysis normal
10008819 Chromosome analysis NOS abnormal
10008820 Chromosome analysis NOS normal
10008821 Chromosome banding
10008822 Chromosome banding abnormal
10008823 Chromosome banding normal
10008824 Chromosome disorder
10008825 Chromosome mapping NOS abnormal
10008826 Chromosome mapping NOS normal
10008827 Chronic active hepatitis
10008828 Chronic airflow limitation
10008831 Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
10008833 Chronic angle-closure glaucoma
10008834 Chronic apical periodontitis
10008835 Chronic atrophic polychondritis
10008836 Chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media
10008837 Chronic back pain
10008838 Chronic bacterial anorectal infection
10008841 Chronic bronchitis
10008843 Chronic bronchitis, unspecified
10008845 Chronic candidiasis
10008846 Chronic cholangitis NOS
10008847 Chronic cholecystitis
10008848 Chronic congestive splenomegaly
10008849 Chronic conjunctivitis
10008850 Chronic conjunctivitis, unspecified
10008851 Chronic cor pulmonale
10008852 Chronic cystitis
10008853 Chronic dacryoadenitis
10008854 Chronic dacryocystitis
10008855 Chronic depressive mood
10008856 Chronic depressive personality disorder
10008858 Chronic diverticulitis
10008859 Chronic duodenal ileus
10008860 Chronic duodenal ulcer without mention of haemorrhage or perforation
10008861 Chronic duodenal ulcer without mention of hemorrhage or perforation
10008864 Chronic endophthalmitis
10008866 Chronic epididymo-orchitis
10008867 Chronic erythraemia
10008868 Chronic erythremia
10008869 Chronic erythremia in remission
10008870 Chronic erythremia without mention of remission
10008871 Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis
10008872 Chronic Eustachian salpingitis
10008873 Chronic factitious illness with physical symptoms
10008874 Chronic fatigue syndrome
10008875 Chronic fibrous thyroiditis
10008876 Chronic follicular conjunctivitis
10008877 Chronic frontal sinusitis
10008878 Chronic gastric ulcer without mention of haemorrhage or perforation
10008879 Chronic gastric ulcer without mention of hemorrhage or perforation
10008882 Chronic gastritis
10008884 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer without mention of haemorrhage or perforation
10008885 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer without mention of hemorrhage or perforation
10008887 Chronic gingivitis
10008888 Chronic glomerulonephritis
10008891 Chronic glomerulonephritis with lesion of membranous glomerulonephritis
10008892 Chronic glomerulonephritis with lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis
10008896 Chronic glomerulonephritis with unspecified pathological lesion in kidney
10008897 Chronic gonococcal cervicitis
10008898 Chronic gonococcal endometritis
10008899 Chronic gonococcal infection of lower genitourinary tract
10008900 Chronic gonococcal infection of upper genitourinary tract
10008901 Chronic gonococcal infection of upper genitourinary tract, site unspecified
10008902 Chronic gonococcal salpingitis
10008903 Chronic gonococcal urethritis
10008904 Chronic granulocytic leukaemia
10008905 Chronic granulocytic leukemia
10008906 Chronic granulomatous disease
10008907 Chronic GVH disease
10008908 Chronic heart failure
10008909 Chronic hepatitis
10008910 Chronic hepatitis B
10008911 Chronic hepatitis B atypical
10008912 Chronic hepatitis C
10008915 Chronic hepatitis, unspecified
10008916 Chronic hepatopathy due to metabolic defect
10008917 Chronic hereditary nephritis
10008918 Chronic histoplasmosis
10008919 Chronic HIV infection
10008920 Chronic hypomanic personality disorder
10008921 Chronic hypotension
10008922 Chronic infection with HIV
10008924 Chronic inflammation of orbit, unspecified
10008927 Chronic interstitial cystitis
10008928 Chronic interstitial cystitis NOS
10008929 Chronic interstitial nephritis
10008932 Chronic inversion of uterus
10008933 Chronic iridocyclitis
10008935 Chronic iridocyclitis, unspecified
10008936 Chronic ischaemic heart disease, unspecified
10008937 Chronic ischemic heart disease, unspecified
10008938 Chronic joint dislocation
10008939 Chronic kidney infection
10008940 Chronic laryngitis
10008942 Chronic laryngotracheitis
10008943 Chronic leukaemia
10008944 Chronic leukaemia NOS
10008945 Chronic leukaemia NOS (in remission)
10008946 Chronic leukaemia of unspecified cell type
10008947 Chronic leukaemia unclassifiable
10008948 Chronic leukemia
10008949 Chronic leukemia NOS
10008950 Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type in remission
10008951 Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type without mention of remission
10008952 Chronic leukemia unclassifiable
10008953 Chronic liver disease
10008955 Chronic lymphadenitis
10008956 Chronic lymphatic leukaemia
10008957 Chronic lymphatic leukemia
10008958 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
10008959 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (in remission)
10008960 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia NOS
10008961 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia recurrent
10008962 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia refractory
10008963 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage 0
10008964 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage 1
10008965 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage 2
10008966 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage 3
10008967 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage 4
10008968 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage A(0)
10008969 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage A(I)
10008970 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage A(II)
10008971 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage B(I)
10008972 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage B(II)
10008973 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage C(III)
10008974 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia stage C(IV)
10008975 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia variants
10008976 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
10008977 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia recurrent
10008978 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia refractory
10008979 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage 0
10008980 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage 1
10008981 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage 2
10008982 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage 3
10008983 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage 4
10008984 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage A(0)
10008985 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage A(I)
10008986 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage A(II)
10008987 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage B(I)
10008988 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage B(II)
10008989 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage C(III)
10008990 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia stage C(IV)
10008991 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia variants
10008992 Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
10008993 Chronic lymphoid leukaemia
10008994 Chronic lymphoid leukemia in remission
10008995 Chronic lymphoid leukemia without mention of remission
10008996 Chronic mastitis
10008997 Chronic mastoiditis
10008998 Chronic maxillary sinusitis
10008999 Chronic meningitis
10009000 Chronic monocytic leukaemia
10009001 Chronic monocytic leukaemia (in remission)
10009002 Chronic monocytic leukemia
10009003 Chronic monocytic leukemia in remission
10009004 Chronic monocytic leukemia without mention of remission
10009005 Chronic motor tic disorder
10009006 Chronic mountain sickness
10009007 Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
10009008 Chronic mucoid otitis media
10009010 Chronic mycotic otitis externa
10009011 Chronic myelocytic leukemia
10009012 Chronic myelogenous leukemia
10009013 Chronic myeloid leukaemia
10009014 Chronic myeloid leukaemia (in remission)
10009015 Chronic myeloid leukemia
10009016 Chronic myeloid leukemia in remission
10009017 Chronic myeloid leukemia without mention of remission
10009018 Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia
10009019 Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (in remission)
10009020 Chronic myringitis without mention of otitis media
10009021 Chronic nasopharyngitis
10009022 Chronic nephritis
10009023 Chronic nonspecific rhinitis
10009024 Chronic non-suppurative destructive cholangitis
10009025 Chronic obstruct airways disease
10009026 Chronic obstructive airways disease
10009027 Chronic obstructive airways disease exacerbated
10009028 Chronic obstructive asthma (with obstructive pulmonary disease)
10009032 Chronic obstructive lung disease
10009033 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
10009034 Chronic open angle glaucoma
10009047 Chronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with haemorrhage
10009049 Chronic or unspecified gastric ulcer with hemorrhage
10009058 Chronic or unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage
10009060 Chronic or unspecified gastrojejunal ulcer with hemorrhage
10009070 Chronic or unspecified peptic ulcer of unspecified site with haemorrhage
10009073 Chronic or unspecified peptic ulcer of unspecified site with hemorrhage
10009080 Chronic organic psychoses NOS
10009081 Chronic osteomyelitis
10009083 Chronic osteomyelitis involving forearm
10009084 Chronic osteomyelitis involving hand
10009085 Chronic osteomyelitis involving lower leg
10009089 Chronic osteomyelitis involving shoulder region
10009090 Chronic osteomyelitis involving upper arm
10009091 Chronic osteomyelitis, site unspecified
10009093 Chronic pancreatitis
10009094 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania
10009095 Chronic passive congestion of liver
10009100 Chronic pericardial constriction
10009101 Chronic perichondritis of pinna
10009102 Chronic periodontitis
10009103 Chronic persistent hepatitis
10009104 Chronic petrositis
10009105 Chronic pharyngitis
10009108 Chronic proctitis
10009109 Chronic prostatitis
10009110 Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis
10009111 Chronic pulmonary embolism
10009112 Chronic pulmonary heart disease
10009113 Chronic pulmonary heart disease unspecified
10009114 Chronic pulmonary heart disease, unspecified
10009115 Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis
10009116 Chronic pyelonephritis
10009117 Chronic pyelonephritis with lesion of renal medullary necrosis
10009118 Chronic pyelonephritis without lesion of renal medullary necrosis
10009119 Chronic renal failure
10009120 Chronic renal failure anaemia
10009121 Chronic renal failure worsened
10009122 Chronic renal impairment
10009126 Chronic respiratory failure
10009127 Chronic retention of urine
10009128 Chronic rheumatic pericarditis
10009129 Chronic rhinitis
10009130 Chronic rhinitis (excl allergic)
10009131 Chronic sacroiliac sprain
10009132 Chronic salpingitis
10009134 Chronic schizophrenia
10009135 Chronic serous otitis media
10009137 Chronic sinusitis
10009138 Chronic sinusitis, ethmoidal
10009140 Chronic sinusitis, sphenoidal
10009141 Chronic sinusitis, unspecified
10009142 Chronic skin ulcer
10009144 Chronic skin ulcer of unspecified site
10009145 Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis
10009148 Chronic subinvolution of uterus
10009149 Chronic suppurative otitis media
10009150 Chronic thyroiditis
10009151 Chronic tonsillar disease
10009152 Chronic tonsillitis
10009153 Chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media
10009155 Chronic ulcer of skin
10009156 Chronic ulcer of skin, other specified sites
10009157 Chronic ulcer of skin, unspecified site
10009159 Chronic urticaria
10009160 Chronic UTI
10009161 Chronic vascular insufficiency of intestine
10009162 Chronic vegetative state
10009163 Chronic vulvitis
10009164 Churg Strauss syndrome
10009165 Churning of stomach
10009166 Chylocele of tunica vaginalis
10009167 Chylous ascites
10009168 Chyluria
10009169 CI decreased
10009171 CI increased
10009173 Cicatricial ectropion
10009174 Cicatricial entropion
10009175 Cicatricial lagophthalmos
10009177 Cicatrix corneal
10009178 Cicatrix skin
10009179 Cigar smoker
10009180 Cigarette smoker
10009181 Ciliary body degeneration
10009182 Ciliary body operation NOS
10009183 Ciliary injection
10009184 Ciliary muscle paralysis
10009185 Ciliary muscle spasm
10009186 Ciliary spasm
10009187 Cimex hemipterus infestation
10009188 Cimex lectularius infestation
10009189 Cinchonism
10009190 Circadian dysrhythmia
10009191 Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
10009192 Circulatory collapse
10009194 Circulatory disorder peripheral
10009195 Circulatory failure
10009196 Circulatory failure neonatal
10009197 Circulatory instability
10009199 Circumcision
10009200 Circumcision (ritual)
10009201 Circumoral paresthesia
10009202 Circumpapillary dystrophy of choroid, partial
10009203 Circumpapillary dystrophy of choroid, total
10009204 Circumscribed cerebral atrophy
10009205 Circumscribed labyrinthitis
10009206 Circumscribed scleroderma
10009207 Circumstantiality
10009208 Cirrhosis alcoholic
10009210 Cirrhosis biliary
10009211 Cirrhosis liver
10009212 Cirrhosis liver postnecrotic
10009213 Cirrhosis of liver
10009214 Cirrhosis of liver without mention of alcohol
10009215 CIS of cervix
10009216 CJ disease
10009217 CJD
10009218 CK
10009219 CK increased
10009220 CK MB
10009221 CK normal
10009222 CK-MB
10009223 CK2
10009224 CK2 increased
10009225 CK2 normal
10009226 Cl
10009227 Cl-
10009228 Cl- decreased
10009230 Clamminess
10009231 Clammy
10009232 Clang associations
10009233 Clanging
10009234 Classic fit
10009235 Classic polyarteritis nodosa
10009236 Classical migraine
10009239 Classical type hemorrhagic sarcoma
10009240 Claudication
10009241 Claudication intermittent
10009242 Claudication of cauda equina
10009243 Claudication of jaw muscles
10009244 Claustrophobia
10009245 Clavicle fracture
10009246 Claw foot, acquired
10009247 Claw hand (acquired)
10009248 Claw toe (acquired)
10009249 Claw toe (congenital)
10009250 Clean-catch specimen of urine
10009251 Clear cell carcinoma of the kidney
10009252 Clear cell endometrial carcinoma
10009253 Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney
10009254 Clearance creatinine abnormal
10009255 Clearance creatinine decreased
10009256 Clearance renal decreased (NOS)
10009257 Clearance urea decreased
10009258 Cleft hand, congenital
10009259 Cleft lip
10009260 Cleft lip and palate
10009262 Cleft lip repair with palate
10009263 Cleft lip repair without palate
10009264 Cleft lip, bilateral, complete
10009265 Cleft lip, bilateral, incomplete
10009266 Cleft lip, unilateral, complete
10009267 Cleft lip, unilateral, incomplete
10009268 Cleft lip, unspecified
10009269 Cleft palate
10009270 Cleft palate (soft)
10009271 Cleft palate and cleft lip
10009272 Cleft palate repair
10009273 Cleft palate with cleft lip
10009274 Cleft palate with cleft lip, bilateral, complete
10009275 Cleft palate with cleft lip, bilateral, incomplete
10009276 Cleft palate with cleft lip, unilateral, complete
10009277 Cleft palate with cleft lip, unilateral, incomplete
10009278 Cleft palate with cleft lip, unspecified
10009279 Cleft palate, bilateral, complete
10009280 Cleft palate, bilateral, incomplete
10009281 Cleft palate, unilateral, complete
10009282 Cleft palate, unilateral, incomplete
10009283 Cleft palate, unspecified
10009284 Clicking hip (suspected cong. disloc. of hip)
10009285 Climacteric
10009286 Climacteric arthritis
10009288 Climacteric arthritis involving forearm
10009289 Climacteric arthritis involving hand
10009290 Climacteric arthritis involving lower leg
10009294 Climacteric arthritis involving shoulder region
10009295 Climacteric arthritis involving upper arm
10009297 Climacteric symptoms
10009298 Clinical anophthalmos, unspecified
10009299 Clinical flare reaction
10009300 Clinical mumps
10009301 Clinical swing tests
10009302 Clinical swing tests abnormal
10009303 Clinical swing tests normal
10009304 Clinically shocked
10009305 Clipping intracerebral aneurysm
10009306 Clitoral engorgement
10009307 Clitoridectomy
10009308 Clitoris engorgement
10009309 Clitoris enlarged
10009310 CLL
10009311 CLL variants
10009333 Cloacogenic carcinoma recurrent
10009334 Cloacogenic carcinoma stage I
10009335 Cloacogenic carcinoma stage II
10009336 Cloacogenic carcinoma stage III
10009337 Cloacogenic carcinoma stage IV
10009338 Cloacogenic carcinoma stage unspecified
10009339 Clonic movements
10009340 Clonic seizures
10009341 Clonic spasm
10009342 Clonic spasm muscular
10009343 Clonic-tonic convulsions
10009344 Clonorchiasis
10009345 Clonorchis sinensis infection
10009346 Clonus
10009347 Clonus of limbs
10009348 Closed anterior dislocation of elbow
10009349 Closed anterior dislocation of humerus
10009350 Closed dislocation of acromioclavicular (joint)
10009351 Closed dislocation of ankle
10009352 Closed dislocation of carpometacarpal (joint)
10009353 Closed dislocation of elbow
10009354 Closed dislocation of elbow, unspecified site
10009355 Closed dislocation of finger
10009356 Closed dislocation of finger, unspecified part
10009357 Closed dislocation of foot
10009358 Closed dislocation of foot, unspecified part
10009359 Closed dislocation of hip
10009360 Closed dislocation of hip, unspecified site
10009361 Closed dislocation of interphalangeal (joint), foot
10009362 Closed dislocation of interphalangeal (joint), hand
10009363 Closed dislocation of jaw
10009364 Closed dislocation of knee, unspecified part
10009365 Closed dislocation of metacarpal (bone), proximal end
10009366 Closed dislocation of metacarpophalangeal (joint)
10009367 Closed dislocation of metatarsal (bone), joint unspecified
10009368 Closed dislocation of metatarsophalangeal (joint)
10009369 Closed dislocation of midcarpal (joint)
10009370 Closed dislocation of midtarsal (joint)
10009374 Closed dislocation of other site of shoulder
10009375 Closed dislocation of radiocarpal (joint)
10009376 Closed dislocation of radioulnar (joint), distal
10009377 Closed dislocation of shoulder
10009378 Closed dislocation of shoulder, unspecified site
10009379 Closed dislocation of tarsal (bone), joint unspecified
10009380 Closed dislocation of tarsometatarsal (joint)
10009381 Closed dislocation of wrist
10009382 Closed dislocation of wrist, unspecified part
10009383 Closed dislocation, cervical vertebra
10009384 Closed dislocation, cervical vertebra, unspecified
10009385 Closed dislocation, coccyx
10009386 Closed dislocation, fifth cervical vertebra
10009387 Closed dislocation, first cervical vertebra
10009388 Closed dislocation, fourth cervical vertebra
10009389 Closed dislocation, lumbar vertebra
10009391 Closed dislocation, multiple cervical vertebrae
10009393 Closed dislocation, sacrum
10009394 Closed dislocation, second cervical vertebra
10009395 Closed dislocation, seventh cervical vertebra
10009396 Closed dislocation, sixth cervical vertebra
10009397 Closed dislocation, sternum
10009398 Closed dislocation, third cervical vertebra
10009400 Closed dislocation, thoracic vertebra
10009401 Closed dislocation, vertebra, unspecified site
10009506 Closed fracture manipulation
10009507 Closed fracture of acetabulum
10009508 Closed fracture of acromial end of clavicle
10009509 Closed fracture of acromial process of scapula
10009510 Closed fracture of base of other metacarpal bone(s)
10009516 Closed fracture of base of skull without mention of intracranial injury
10009517 Closed fracture of base of thumb (first) metacarpal
10009528 Closed fracture of capitate bone (os magnum) of wrist
10009529 Closed fracture of carpal bone, unspecified
10009532 Closed fracture of cervical vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
10009533 Closed fracture of cervical vertebra without mention of spinal cord lesion
10009534 Closed fracture of cervical vertebra, unspecified level
10009535 Closed fracture of clavicle
10009536 Closed fracture of clavicle, unspecified part
10009537 Closed fracture of coracoid process of scapula
10009543 Closed fracture of eight or more ribs
10009544 Closed fracture of fifth cervical vertebra
10009545 Closed fracture of first cervical vertebra
10009546 Closed fracture of five ribs
10009547 Closed fracture of four ribs
10009548 Closed fracture of fourth cervical vertebra
10009549 Closed fracture of glenoid cavity and neck of scapula
10009550 Closed fracture of hamate (unciform) bone of wrist
10009551 Closed fracture of ilium
10009552 Closed fracture of ischium
10009556 Closed fracture of lumbar vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
10009557 Closed fracture of lumbar vertebra without mention of spinal cord lesion
10009558 Closed fracture of lunate (semilunar) bone of wrist
10009559 Closed fracture of metacarpal bone(s), site unspecified
10009560 Closed fracture of metacarpal bones
10009562 Closed fracture of multiple cervical vertebrae
10009563 Closed fracture of multiple ribs, unspecified
10009566 Closed fracture of navicular (scaphoid) bone of wrist
10009567 Closed fracture of neck of metacarpal bone(s)
10009570 Closed fracture of one rib
10009571 Closed fracture of other bone of wrist
10009573 Closed fracture of patella
10009575 Closed fracture of pisiform bone of wrist
10009576 Closed fracture of pubis
10009577 Closed fracture of rib(s)
10009578 Closed fracture of rib(s), unspecified
10009587 Closed fracture of scapula
10009588 Closed fracture of scapula, unspecified part
10009589 Closed fracture of second cervical vertebra
10009590 Closed fracture of seven ribs
10009591 Closed fracture of seventh cervical vertebra
10009592 Closed fracture of shaft of clavicle
10009593 Closed fracture of shaft of fibula
10009595 Closed fracture of shaft of metacarpal bone(s)
10009596 Closed fracture of shaft of tibia
10009598 Closed fracture of six ribs
10009599 Closed fracture of sixth cervical vertebra
10009600 Closed fracture of sternal end of clavicle
10009601 Closed fracture of sternum
10009612 Closed fracture of third cervical vertebra
10009613 Closed fracture of three ribs
10009614 Closed fracture of trapezium bone (larger multangular) of wrist
10009615 Closed fracture of trapezoid bone (smaller multangular) of wrist
10009616 Closed fracture of triquetral (cuneiform) bone of wrist
10009617 Closed fracture of two ribs
10009618 Closed fracture of unspecified part of fibula
10009620 Closed fracture of unspecified part of forearm
10009621 Closed fracture of unspecified part of tibia
10009626 Closed fracture of upper end of fibula
10009628 Closed fracture of upper end of tibia
10009639 Closed inferior dislocation of humerus
10009640 Closed lateral dislocation of elbow
10009641 Closed medial dislocation of elbow
10009642 Closed obturator dislocation of hip
10009643 Closed pleural biopsy
10009644 Closed posterior dislocation of elbow
10009645 Closed posterior dislocation of hip
10009646 Closed posterior dislocation of humerus
10009647 Closed reduction of dislocated joint
10009650 Closed spina bifida
10009651 Closed, fracture of shaft of humerus
10009652 Closed, fracture of unspecified part of humerus
10009654 Clostridial gastroenteritis
10009655 Clostridial infection NOS
10009656 Clostridium botulinum poisoning
10009657 Clostridium difficile colitis
10009658 Clostridium difficile isolated in stool
10009659 Clostridium novyi infection
10009660 Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis
10009661 Clostridium perfringens infection
10009662 Clostridium sordellii colitis
10009663 Clostridium tetani infection
10009664 Clostridium welchii infection
10009665 Closure delayed epiphysis
10009666 Closure premature epiphysis
10009667 Clot blood
10009668 Clot retraction
10009669 Clot retraction abnormal
10009670 Clot retraction abnormal NOS
10009671 Clot retraction accelerated
10009672 Clot retraction acceleration
10009673 Clot retraction normal
10009674 Clot retraction retarded
10009675 Clot retraction time prolonged
10009676 Clot retraction time shortened
10009678 Clotting factor transfusion
10009679 Clotting time
10009680 Clotting time accelerated
10009681 Clotting time decreased
10009682 Clotting time increased
10009683 Clotting time lengthened
10009684 Clotting time prolonged
10009685 Clotting time shortened
10009686 Cloudy urine
10009687 Club foot congenital
10009688 Club foot correction
10009689 Club hand, acquired
10009690 Clubbed
10009691 Clubbing
10009692 Clubbing of fingers
10009693 Clubbing of nails
10009694 Clubfoot
10009695 Clubfoot (congenital)
10009696 Clumsiness
10009697 Clumsy child syndrome
10009698 Cluster headaches
10009699 Cluttering
10009700 CML
10009702 CMV associated symptoms
10009703 CMV infection
10009704 CMV retinitis
10009707 CNS abscess drainage
10009708 CNS abscess NOS
10009709 CNS congenital anomaly
10009710 CNS depression
10009711 CNS depression NOS
10009714 CNS neoplasia
10009715 CNS neoplasm
10009716 CNS neoplasm NOS
10009717 CNS stimulation
10009718 CNS stimulation NOS
10009719 CNS ventriculitis
10009722 CO2 tension
10009723 CO2 total abnormal
10009724 CO2 total abnormal NOS
10009730 Coagulation defects, other and unspecified
10009731 Coagulation disorder
10009732 Coagulation disorder neonatal
10009733 Coagulation disorder neonatal (NOS)
10009734 Coagulation disorder NOS
10009736 Coagulation factor decreased
10009738 Coagulation factor II level
10009739 Coagulation factor II level abnormal NOS
10009740 Coagulation factor II level decreased
10009741 Coagulation factor II level increased
10009742 Coagulation factor II level normal
10009743 Coagulation factor increased
10009744 Coagulation factor IX level
10009745 Coagulation factor IX level abnormal NOS
10009746 Coagulation factor IX level decreased
10009747 Coagulation factor IX level high
10009748 Coagulation factor IX level increased
10009749 Coagulation factor IX level low
10009750 Coagulation factor IX level normal
10009751 Coagulation factor level normal
10009752 Coagulation factor V level
10009753 Coagulation factor V level abnormal NOS
10009754 Coagulation factor V level decreased
10009755 Coagulation factor V level high
10009756 Coagulation factor V level increased
10009757 Coagulation factor V level low
10009758 Coagulation factor V level normal
10009759 Coagulation factor VII level
10009760 Coagulation factor VII level abnormal NOS
10009761 Coagulation factor VII level decreased
10009762 Coagulation factor VII level high
10009763 Coagulation factor VII level increased
10009764 Coagulation factor VII level low
10009765 Coagulation factor VII level normal
10009766 Coagulation factor VIII level
10009767 Coagulation factor VIII level abnormal NOS
10009768 Coagulation factor VIII level decreased
10009769 Coagulation factor VIII level high
10009770 Coagulation factor VIII level increased
10009771 Coagulation factor VIII level low
10009772 Coagulation factor VIII level normal
10009773 Coagulation factor X level
10009774 Coagulation factor X level abnormal NOS
10009775 Coagulation factor X level decreased
10009776 Coagulation factor X level increased
10009777 Coagulation factor XI level
10009778 Coagulation factor XI level abnormal NOS
10009779 Coagulation factor XI level decreased
10009780 Coagulation factor XI level increased
10009781 Coagulation factor XII level
10009782 Coagulation factor XII level abnormal NOS
10009783 Coagulation factor XII level decreased
10009784 Coagulation factor XII level increased
10009785 Coagulation factor XIII level
10009786 Coagulation factor XIII level abnormal NOS
10009787 Coagulation factor XIII level decreased
10009788 Coagulation factor XIII level increased
10009789 Coagulation factors decreased
10009790 Coagulation time
10009791 Coagulation time abnormal
10009792 Coagulation time decreased
10009793 Coagulation time increased
10009794 Coagulation time normal
10009795 Coagulation time NOS abnormal
10009796 Coagulation time NOS normal
10009797 Coagulation time NOS prolonged
10009798 Coagulation time NOS shortened
10009799 Coagulation time prolonged
10009800 Coagulation time shortened
10009802 Coagulopathy
10009803 Coal miner's pneumoconiosis
10009804 Coal workers' pneumoconiosis
10009805 Coarctation of aorta
10009807 Coarctation of the aorta
10009808 Coated tongue
10009809 Cobbler's chest
10009810 Cocaine abuse
10009811 Cocaine abuse, continuous use
10009812 Cocaine abuse, episodic use
10009813 Cocaine abuse, in remission
10009814 Cocaine abuse, unspecified use
10009815 Cocaine addiction
10009817 Cocaine dependence
10009818 Cocaine dependence, continuous use
10009819 Cocaine dependence, episodic use
10009820 Cocaine dependence, in remission
10009821 Cocaine dependence, unspecified use
10009822 Coccidioides immitis infection
10009823 Coccidioidal meningitis
10009825 Coccidioidomycosis
10009826 Coccidioidomycosis, unspecified
10009827 Coccidiosis
10009828 Coccyalgia
10009829 Coccydynia
10009830 Cochlea implant
10009831 Cochlear function disorder
10009832 Cochlear nerve damage
10009833 Cochlear nerve deafness
10009834 Cochlear otosclerosis
10009835 Cockayne's syndrome
10009837 Cod worm disease
10009838 Coeliac artery compression syndrome
10009839 Coeliac disease
10009840 Coffee ground vomiting
10009843 Cognitive deterioration
10009845 Cognitive disturbance
10009846 Cognitive impairment
10009848 Cogwheel rigidity
10009849 Coil (IUCD)
10009850 Coitus painful
10009851 Cold
10009852 Cold abscess
10009853 Cold agglutinins negative
10009854 Cold agglutinins positive
10009855 Cold agglutinins present
10009856 Cold exposure injury
10009857 Cold extremities
10009858 Cold feeling in eye
10009859 Cold feet
10009860 Cold hands
10009861 Cold hands & feet
10009862 Cold injury syndrome of newborn
10009863 Cold intolerance
10009864 Cold sore (herpetic)
10009865 Cold sores
10009866 Cold sweat
10009867 Cold symptoms
10009868 Cold type haemolytic anaemia
10009869 Cold urticaria
10009870 Cold-induced urticaria
10009871 Coldness
10009872 Coldness general
10009873 Coldness local
10009874 Coldness of limbs
10009875 Coldness of lower extremities
10009876 Coldness of skin
10009877 Colectomy NOS
10009878 Colectomy partial
10009879 Colectomy total
10009880 Colectomy transverse
10009881 Colic
10009882 Colic abdominal
10009883 Colic biliary
10009884 Colic infantile
10009885 Colic renal
10009886 Colicky
10009887 Colitis
10009889 Colitis (NOS)
10009890 Colitis aggravated
10009891 Colitis due to radiation
10009892 Colitis haemorrhagic
10009893 Colitis hemorrhagic
10009894 Colitis idiopathic
10009895 Colitis ischaemic
10009896 Colitis ischemic
10009897 Colitis mucous
10009898 Colitis NOS
10009899 Colitis pseudomembranous
10009900 Colitis ulcerative
10009901 Colitis ulcerative aggravated
10009903 Collagen disorder
10009904 Collagen disorder NOS
10009905 Collagen-vascular disease
10009906 Collagenosis
10009908 Collapse cardiovascular
10009909 Collapse circulatory
10009910 Collapse circulatory peripheral
10009913 Collapse of lung
10009914 Collapse peripheral circulatory
10009915 Collapse peripheral vascular
10009917 Collapse vascular
10009918 Collapse vasomotor
10009921 Collapsed vertebra
10009922 Collapsing pulse
10009923 Collar stud abscess
10009924 Colles' fracture
10009925 Colles' fracture, open
10009926 Collodion baby
10009928 Colloidal breast carcinoma
10009929 Colloidal breast carcinoma recurrent
10009930 Colloidal breast carcinoma stage I
10009931 Colloidal breast carcinoma stage II
10009932 Colloidal breast carcinoma stage III
10009933 Colloidal breast carcinoma stage IV
10009934 Coloboma
10009937 Colobomata
10009938 Colon anterior resection
10009939 Colon atonic
10009940 Colon biopsy
10009941 Colon biopsy abnormal
10009942 Colon biopsy normal
10009943 Colon caesium radiation therapy
10009944 Colon cancer
10009946 Colon cancer Dukes A
10009947 Colon cancer Dukes B1
10009948 Colon cancer Dukes B2
10009949 Colon cancer Dukes C
10009950 Colon cancer Dukes D
10009951 Colon cancer NOS
10009952 Colon cancer recurrent
10009953 Colon cancer stage I
10009954 Colon cancer stage II
10009955 Colon cancer stage III
10009956 Colon cancer stage IV
10009957 Colon carcinoma
10009958 Colon carcinoma Dukes A
10009959 Colon carcinoma Dukes B1
10009960 Colon carcinoma Dukes B2
10009961 Colon carcinoma Dukes C
10009962 Colon carcinoma Dukes D
10009963 Colon carcinoma recurrent
10009964 Colon carcinoma stage 0
10009965 Colon carcinoma stage II
10009966 Colon carcinoma stage III
10009967 Colon cobalt radiation therapy
10009968 Colon electron beam therapy
10009969 Colon external beam radiation therapy
10009970 Colon external beam therapy
10009971 Colon gangrene
10009973 Colon neoplasia
10009974 Colon neoplasm NOS
10009975 Colon obstruction
10009976 Colon orthovoltage therapy
10009977 Colon perforation
10009978 Colon photon radiation therapy
10009979 Colon polypectomy
10009980 Colon spastic
10009981 Colon stenosis
10009982 Colon superficial X-ray therapy
10009983 Colon ulcer
10009984 Colonic anastomosis
10009985 Colonic atony
10009986 Colonic biopsy
10009987 Colonic biopsy abnormal
10009988 Colonic biopsy normal
10009989 Colonic cancer
10009990 Colonic cancer NOS
10009991 Colonic cancer stage III
10009992 Colonic carcinoma in situ
10009993 Colonic diverticulosis
10009994 Colonic dysfunction
10009995 Colonic fistula
10009996 Colonic haematoma
10009997 Colonic haemorrhage
10009998 Colonic hemorrhage
10009999 Colonic neoplasm NOS
10010000 Colonic obstruction
10010001 Colonic perforation
10010002 Colonic perforation postoperative
10010003 Colonic polyp
10010004 Colonic stenosis
10010005 Colonic stricture
10010006 Colonic ulcer
10010007 Colonoscopy
10010008 Colonoscopy abnormal
10010009 Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy abnormal
10010010 Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy normal
10010011 Colonoscopy normal
10010012 Colonospasm
10010014 Colony stimulating factor therapy
10010015 Coloproctitis
10010016 Color blindness
10010017 Color blindness NOS
10010018 Color Doppler scan abnormal
10010020 Color vision tests abnormal blue-yellow
10010021 Color vision tests abnormal red-green
10010022 Colorado tick fever
10010024 Colorectal cancer Dukes B1
10010025 Colorectal cancer Dukes B2
10010026 Colorectal cancer Dukes A
10010027 Colorectal cancer Dukes C
10010028 Colorectal cancer Dukes D
10010029 Colorectal cancer NOS
10010030 Colorectal cancer recurrent
10010031 Colorectal cancer stage B2
10010032 Colorectal cancer stage I
10010033 Colorectal cancer stage II
10010034 Colorectal cancer stage III
10010035 Colorectal cancer stage IV
10010036 Colorectal carcinoma
10010037 Colorectal carcinoma in situ
10010038 Colorectal carcinoma stage 0
10010041 Colostomy
10010042 Colostomy (permanent)
10010043 Colostomy (temporary)
10010045 Colostomy closure
10010046 Colostomy infection
10010047 Colostomy malfunction
10010048 Colostomy NOS
10010049 Colostomy refashioning
10010050 Colour blindness
10010051 Colour blindness acquired
10010052 Colour blindness NOS
10010053 Colour Doppler scan abnormal
10010055 Colour vision tests
10010056 Colour vision tests abnormal
10010057 Colour vision tests abnormal blue-yellow
10010058 Colour vision tests abnormal red-green
10010059 Colour vision tests normal
10010060 Colour vision tests NOS
10010061 Colour vision tests NOS abnormal
10010062 Colour vision tests NOS normal
10010063 Coloured sweat
10010064 Colouring yellow
10010065 Colovaginal fistula
10010066 Colovesical fistula
10010067 Colporrhaphy NOS
10010068 Colporrhaphy with pelvic floor repair
10010069 Colposcopy
10010070 Colposuspension
10010071 Coma
10010072 Coma (non-diabetic)
10010074 Coma diabetic
10010075 Coma hepatic
10010076 Coma hyperglycaemic
10010077 Coma hyperglycemic
10010078 Coma hypoglycaemic
10010079 Coma hypoglycemic
10010081 Coma NOS
10010082 Coma uraemic
10010083 Coma uremic
10010084 Combat neurosis
10010085 Combative reaction
10010098 Combined immunity deficiency
10010099 Combined immunodeficiency
10010100 Combined immunodeficiency syndrome
10010101 Comedo
10010103 Comedone
10010104 Common bile duct calculus
10010105 Common bile duct stone
10010106 Common cold
10010107 Common cold syndrome
10010108 Common migraine
10010112 Common variable immunodeficiency
10010114 Common wart
10010115 Common warts
10010116 Communicating hydrocephalus
10010117 Communication disorder NOS
10010120 Community acquired pneumonia
10010121 Compartment syndrome
10010122 Compensated respiratory alkalosis
10010123 Compensation neurosis
10010124 Compensatory emphysema
10010125 Complement factor abnormality
10010126 Complement factor C3 increased
10010127 Complement factor NOS abnormal
10010128 Complement factor NOS decreased
10010129 Complement factor NOS high
10010130 Complement factor NOS increased
10010131 Complement factor NOS low
10010132 Complement factor NOS normal
10010133 Complement fixation abnormal
10010134 Complement fixation test positive
10010135 Complete blood count
10010136 Complete blood count abnormal
10010137 Complete blood count abnormal NOS
10010138 Complete blood count normal
10010139 Complete disruption of kidney parenchyma, with open wound into cavity
10010141 Complete heart block
10010142 Complete rupture of rotator cuff
10010143 Complete transposition of great vessels
10010144 Completed suicide
10010145 Complex partial seizures
10010146 Complex partial seizures exacerbated
10010147 Complex partial seizures increased
10010148 Complexion ill
10010149 Complicated fracture
10010150 Complication of delivery NOS
10010151 Complication of device removal
10010152 Complication of drug device removal
10010153 Complication of labour NOS
10010157 Complication post ileostomy
10010162 Complications of bone marrow transplant
10010165 Complications of limb reattachment surgery
10010166 Complications of maternal exposure to therapeutic drugs
10010169 Complications of other specified reattached body part
10010174 Complications of reattached finger(s)
10010175 Complications of reattached foot and toe(s)
10010176 Complications of reattached forearm
10010177 Complications of reattached hand
10010178 Complications of reattached lower extremity, other and unspecified
10010183 Complications of transplant surgery
10010184 Complications of transplanted heart
10010185 Complications of transplanted kidney
10010186 Complications of transplanted liver
10010187 Complications of transplanted lung
10010188 Complications of transplanted organ
10010189 Complications of transplanted organ, unspecified site
10010190 Complications of transplanted pancreas
10010191 Complications of unspecified reattached extremity
10010193 Compound dislocation of ankle
10010194 Compound dislocation of elbow
10010195 Compound dislocation of finger
10010196 Compound dislocation of foot
10010197 Compound dislocation of hip
10010198 Compound dislocation of jaw
10010199 Compound dislocation of shoulder
10010200 Compound dislocation of wrist
10010201 Compound dislocation, cervical vertebra
10010202 Compound dislocation, multiple and ill-defined sites
10010206 Compound fracture
10010207 Compound fracture - femur
10010208 Compound fracture - fibula
10010209 Compound fracture - humerus
10010210 Compound fracture - radius
10010211 Compound fracture - tibia
10010212 Compound fracture - ulna
10010213 Compound fracture debridement
10010214 Compression fracture
10010215 Compression of brain
10010216 Compression of fractured vertebra
10010217 Compression of vein
10010218 Compression sclerotherapy
10010219 Compulsions
10010220 Compulsive conduct disorder
10010221 Compulsive neurosis
10010222 Compulsive personality
10010223 Compulsive personality disorder
10010224 Compulsive reaction
10010225 Computer-assisted transaxial tomography
10010226 Computer-assisted transaxial tomography abnormal
10010227 Computer-assisted transaxial tomography normal
10010228 Computerised axial tomogram
10010229 Computerised axial tomogram abnormal
10010230 Computerised axial tomogram normal
10010231 Computerised axial tomography
10010232 Computerised axial tomography abnormal
10010233 Computerised axial tomography normal
10010234 Computerised tomogram
10010235 Computerised tomogram abnormal
10010236 Computerised tomogram normal
10010237 Computerised tomography
10010238 Computerised tomography abnormal
10010239 Computerised tomography normal
10010240 Computerised transverse axial tomogram
10010241 Computerised transverse axial tomogram abnormal
10010242 Computerised transverse axial tomogram normal
10010243 Computerised transverse axial tomography
10010244 Computerised transverse axial tomography abnormal
10010245 Computerised transverse axial tomography normal
10010246 Concato's disease
10010247 Concentration (mental) abnormal
10010248 Concentration ability impaired
10010249 Concentration impaired
10010250 Concentration impairment
10010251 Concentration loss
10010252 Concentric sclerosis
10010253 Concomitant disease aggravated
10010254 Concussion
10010258 Concussion with no loss of consciousness
10010261 Concussion, unspecified
10010263 Concussion, without mention of open intracranial wound
10010264 Condition aggravated
10010265 Conditioned orientation response audiometry
10010266 Conditioned orientation response audiometry abnormal
10010267 Conditioned orientation response audiometry normal
10010270 Conditions due to anomaly of unspecified chromosome
10010274 Condom
10010276 Conduction disorder
10010277 Conduction disorder NOS
10010278 Conduction disorder, unspecified
10010279 Conduction disorders
10010280 Conductive deafness
10010281 Conductive deafness (excl otosclerosis)
10010282 Conductive hearing loss
10010284 Conductive hearing loss, external ear
10010286 Conductive hearing loss, middle ear
10010287 Conductive hearing loss, tympanic membrane
10010288 Conductive hearing loss, unspecified
10010289 Condylar process of mandible open fracture
10010290 Condylar process of mandible, closed fracture
10010291 Condyloma acuminatum
10010293 Condyloma virus genital infections
10010295 Condylomata acuminatum
10010296 Cone biopsy of cervix
10010297 Confabulation
10010298 Confused
10010299 Confused memory and fantasy
10010300 Confusion
10010302 Confusion nocturnal
10010303 Confusion reversible
10010304 Confusion state
10010305 Confusional state
10010308 Congenital abnormal forms gallbladder
10010309 Congenital abnormalities of GU system
10010316 Congenital abnormality NOS
10010317 Congenital absence of bile ducts
10010318 Congenital absence of cranial vault
10010319 Congenital absence of external ear
10010320 Congenital absence of vertebra
10010321 Congenital adhesions of tongue
10010322 Congenital adrenal gland anomaly NOS
10010323 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
10010324 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia - sodium losing form
10010325 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia - virilising form
10010326 Congenital alimentary tract anomaly NOS
10010327 Congenital alimentary tract malformation NOS
10010328 Congenital amblyopia
10010329 Congenital anaemia
10010330 Congenital anal atresia
10010336 Congenital anemia
10010337 Congenital anomalies of adrenal gland
10010341 Congenital anomalies of ear ossicles
10010350 Congenital anomalies of respiratory system
10010352 Congenital anomalies of spine
10010353 Congenital anomalies of spleen
10010356 Congenital anomaly
10010357 Congenital anomaly NOS
10010358 Congenital anomaly of anterior chamber of eye NOS
10010359 Congenital anomaly of aorta, unspecified
10010360 Congenital anomaly of lung, unspecified
10010361 Congenital anomaly of middle ear, except ossicles
10010362 Congenital anomaly of orbit
10010363 Congenital anomaly of posterior chamber of eye NOS
10010364 Congenital anomaly of the peripheral vascular system, unspecified site
10010367 Congenital aortic anomaly NOS
10010368 Congenital aortic atresia
10010369 Congenital aortic stenosis
10010370 Congenital aortic valve incompetence
10010371 Congenital aortic valve stenosis
10010372 Congenital aphakia
10010373 Congenital arterial malformation NOS
10010374 Congenital arteriovenous fistula
10010377 Congenital atrial septal defect
10010378 Congenital auricle absence
10010379 Congenital bladder anomaly NOS
10010381 Congenital bladder diverticulum
10010382 Congenital bladder neck obstruction
10010383 Congenital blindness
10010384 Congenital blocked tear duct
10010385 Congenital bowing of femur
10010386 Congenital bowing of long bones of leg
10010387 Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula
10010388 Congenital bowing of unspecified long bones of leg
10010389 Congenital brain anomaly NOS
10010390 Congenital brain damage
10010391 Congenital bronchiectasis
10010392 Congenital bronchomalacia
10010396 Congenital cardiac septal defect NOS
10010400 Congenital cardiovascular anomaly NOS
10010403 Congenital cardiovascular disorder NOS
10010408 Congenital cataract
10010410 Congenital cataract, unspecified
10010411 Congenital central nervous system anomaly
10010412 Congenital cerebellar ataxia
10010414 Congenital cerebrovascular anomaly NOS
10010415 Congenital chorioretinal degeneration
10010416 Congenital clavicular agenesis
10010417 Congenital claw toe
10010418 Congenital cleft hand
10010419 Congenital clubfoot
10010420 Congenital CMV infection
10010421 Congenital CNS anomaly NOS
10010422 Congenital corneal anomaly NOS
10010423 Congenital corneal opacities, interfering with vision
10010424 Congenital corneal opacity
10010425 Congenital coronary artery malformation NOS
10010427 Congenital cystic disease of liver
10010428 Congenital cystic kidney disease
10010429 Congenital cystic lung
10010430 Congenital cytomegalovirus infection
10010431 Congenital deafness
10010434 Congenital deformity of clavicle
10010435 Congenital deformity of eye
10010436 Congenital deformity of knee (joint)
10010437 Congenital diaphragmatic anomaly NOS
10010438 Congenital diaphragmatic eventration
10010439 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
10010443 Congenital dislocation of knee (with genu recurvatum)
10010448 Congenital dwarfism
10010451 Congenital ear malformation NOS
10010452 Congenital ectodermal dysplasia
10010453 Congenital ectopic bladder
10010454 Congenital ectopic lens
10010455 Congenital elevation of scapula
10010456 Congenital emphysema
10010457 Congenital endocrine anomaly NOS
10010458 Congenital entropion
10010459 Congenital Eustachian tube anomaly NOS
10010461 Congenital external ear malformations
10010462 Congenital eye deformity NOS
10010465 Congenital eyelid malformation NOS
10010466 Congenital facial diplegia
10010467 Congenital factor IX disorder
10010468 Congenital factor VIII disorder
10010469 Congenital factor XI deficiency
10010470 Congenital fallopian tube anomaly NOS
10010471 Congenital femoral bowing
10010472 Congenital fistula of lip
10010473 Congenital fistula of salivary gland
10010474 Congenital flaccid paralysis
10010475 Congenital flat feet
10010477 Congenital foot malformation NOS
10010478 Congenital gastric anomaly NOS
10010480 Congenital gastrointestinal vessel anomaly NOS
10010481 Congenital genital malformation female
10010482 Congenital genital malformation NOS
10010483 Congenital genito-urinary abnormality NOS
10010486 Congenital glaucoma
10010487 Congenital goitre
10010488 Congenital great vein anomaly NOS
10010489 Congenital haemolytic anaemia NOS
10010490 Congenital hair disorder NOS
10010491 Congenital hand agenesis
10010492 Congenital hand malformation NOS
10010493 Congenital hearing disorder
10010494 Congenital heart block
10010495 Congenital heart disease NOS
10010496 Congenital hepatitis B infection
10010497 Congenital hepatobiliary anomaly NOS
10010499 Congenital hernia (except diaphragmatic or hiatal)
10010500 Congenital hernia NOS
10010501 Congenital hiatus hernia
10010502 Congenital hip deformity NOS
10010503 Congenital hip dislocation
10010504 Congenital HIV infection
10010505 Congenital hydrocele
10010506 Congenital hydrocephalus
10010507 Congenital hypertrichosis
10010508 Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
10010509 Congenital hypogammaglobulinemia
10010510 Congenital hypothyroidism
10010511 Congenital ichthyosis
10010512 Congenital immunodeficiency
10010513 Congenital infection NOS
10010514 Congenital infundibular stenosis
10010515 Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve
10010516 Congenital intestinal malformation NOS
10010517 Congenital jaw malformation NOS
10010518 Congenital joint malformation NOS
10010519 Congenital knee deformity NOS
10010520 Congenital knee dislocation
10010521 Congenital lacrimal duct obstruction
10010523 Congenital lacrimal gland anomaly
10010524 Congenital lacrimal gland anomaly NOS
10010525 Congenital lacrimal passage anomaly NOS
10010526 Congenital large intestinal atresia
10010527 Congenital laryngeal stridor
10010528 Congenital lens anomaly NOS
10010530 Congenital limb anomaly NOS
10010531 Congenital limb malformation NOS
10010532 Congenital lip fistula
10010533 Congenital lipodystrophy
10010534 Congenital lung malformation NOS
10010535 Congenital lymphoedema
10010536 Congenital macular anomaly NOS
10010537 Congenital macular changes
10010538 Congenital malaria
10010539 Congenital megacolon
10010540 Congenital megaureter
10010541 Congenital melanosis
10010542 Congenital metatarsus varus
10010543 Congenital methaemoglobinaemia
10010544 Congenital microphthalmos
10010545 Congenital mitral insufficiency
10010546 Congenital mitral stenosis
10010547 Congenital mitral valve incompetence
10010548 Congenital mitral valve stenosis
10010549 Congenital mouth malformation NOS
10010550 Congenital muscle absence
10010551 Congenital muscle malformation NOS
10010553 Congenital musculoskeletal abnormality NOS
10010557 Congenital nail disorder
10010558 Congenital neurological degeneration
10010559 Congenital night blindness
10010560 Congenital nose malformation NOS
10010561 Congenital nuclear cataract
10010562 Congenital nystagmus
10010563 Congenital oesophageal anomaly NOS
10010564 Congenital oesophageal stenosis
10010565 Congenital oesophageal web
10010566 Congenital optic disc anomaly NOS
10010567 Congenital optic nerve disorder NOS
10010580 Congenital oral malformation NOS
10010582 Congenital osteodystrophy
10010583 Congenital osteodystrophy, unspecified
10010585 Congenital ovarian anomaly NOS
10010586 Congenital pancreatic anomaly NOS
10010587 Congenital paralysis of 6th and 12th cranial nerves
10010588 Congenital perforated nasal septum
10010590 Congenital pes cavus
10010591 Congenital pharyngeal anomaly NOS
10010593 Congenital pigmentation disorder
10010594 Congenital pneumonia
10010596 Congenital ptosis
10010597 Congenital ptosis of eyelid
10010598 Congenital pulmonary artery anomaly NOS
10010599 Congenital pulmonary artery stenosis
10010600 Congenital pulmonary stenosis
10010601 Congenital pulmonary valve anomaly, unspecified
10010602 Congenital pulmonary valve disorder NOS
10010603 Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis
10010604 Congenital pyloric stenosis
10010606 Congenital renal anomaly NOS
10010607 Congenital renal cyst
10010609 Congenital renal dysgenesis
10010610 Congenital renal dysplasia NOS
10010611 Congenital renal vessel anomaly NOS
10010614 Congenital respiratory tract malformation NOS
10010615 Congenital retinal anomaly NOS
10010616 Congenital retinal vascular anomaly NOS
10010617 Congenital retinoschisis
10010618 Congenital rubella
10010619 Congenital rubella infection
10010620 Congenital salivary gland anomaly
10010621 Congenital scleral disorder NOS
10010622 Congenital single renal cyst
10010623 Congenital skeletal malformation NOS
10010624 Congenital skin tag
10010625 Congenital skull malformation NOS
10010626 Congenital small intestinal atresia
10010627 Congenital spasticity
10010628 Congenital spinal cord anomaly NOS
10010629 Congenital spinal fusion
10010630 Congenital spinal vessel anomaly NOS
10010631 Congenital spine malformation NOS
10010632 Congenital spleen anomaly NOS
10010633 Congenital spondylolisthesis
10010634 Congenital spondylolysis
10010635 Congenital squint
10010636 Congenital stenosis of aortic valve
10010637 Congenital strabismus
10010638 Congenital stridor
10010641 Congenital syphilis
10010642 Congenital syphilis, unspecified
10010643 Congenital syphilitic encephalitis
10010644 Congenital syphilitic meningitis
10010645 Congenital tibial bowing
10010646 Congenital tongue adhesions
10010647 Congenital tongue adhesions NOS
10010648 Congenital tongue anomaly NOS
10010650 Congenital torticollis
10010652 Congenital toxoplasmosis
10010653 Congenital tracheo-oesophageal fistula
10010654 Congenital tracheomalacia
10010655 Congenital Treponema pallidum infection
10010656 Congenital tricuspid valve stenosis
10010657 Congenital tuberculosis
10010658 Congenital umbilical hernia
10010659 Congenital ureteric anomaly NOS
10010662 Congenital urinary tract anomaly NOS
10010663 Congenital urinary tract obstruction
10010664 Congenital uterine anomaly NOS
10010665 Congenital uterine disorder NOS
10010666 Congenital valgus deformity of foot NOS
10010668 Congenital varicella infection
10010669 Congenital varus deformity of foot NOS
10010670 Congenital vas deferens absence
10010671 Congenital ventricular septal defect
10010672 Congenital vesicoureteric reflux
10010673 Congenital vitreous anomaly NOS
10010674 Congenital white blood cell disorder NOS
10010675 Congestion conjunctival
10010676 Congestion nasal
10010680 Congestion pulmonary
10010681 Congestive (dilated) cardiomyopathy
10010682 Congestive cardiac failure
10010683 Congestive cardioplegia
10010684 Congestive heart failure
10010685 Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever
10010686 Congo-Crimean haemorrhagic fever viral infection
10010688 Conjoined twins
10010689 Conjugated bilirubin level increased
10010690 Conjugated bilirubin level raised
10010691 Conjugated bilirubinaemia
10010692 Conjunctiva bulbi colouring yellow
10010693 Conjunctiva colouring yellow
10010694 Conjunctiva hemorrhage
10010695 Conjunctival abrasion
10010696 Conjunctival adhesion
10010697 Conjunctival biopsy
10010698 Conjunctival biopsy abnormal
10010699 Conjunctival biopsy normal
10010700 Conjunctival bleeding
10010702 Conjunctival congestion
10010703 Conjunctival cyst
10010705 Conjunctival degeneration
10010706 Conjunctival degeneration, unspecified
10010708 Conjunctival deposit
10010710 Conjunctival diphtheria
10010711 Conjunctival discoloration
10010712 Conjunctival discolouration
10010713 Conjunctival disorder NOS
10010714 Conjunctival ecchymosis
10010715 Conjunctival edema
10010716 Conjunctival erosion
10010717 Conjunctival follicles
10010718 Conjunctival granuloma
10010719 Conjunctival haemorrhage
10010720 Conjunctival hemorrhage
10010721 Conjunctival incision
10010723 Conjunctival injection
10010725 Conjunctival irritation
10010726 Conjunctival oedema
10010727 Conjunctival operation NOS
10010729 Conjunctival papillary proliferation
10010731 Conjunctival redness
10010732 Conjunctival repair
10010733 Conjunctival scar
10010734 Conjunctival scars
10010736 Conjunctival ulcer
10010737 Conjunctival ulceration
10010738 Conjunctival vascular disorder NOS
10010740 Conjunctival xerosis
10010741 Conjunctivitis
10010742 Conjunctivitis infective
10010743 Conjunctivitis aggravated
10010744 Conjunctivitis allergic
10010745 Conjunctivitis chlamydial
10010746 Conjunctivitis chronic
10010747 Conjunctivitis due to toxoplasmosis
10010748 Conjunctivitis exacerbated
10010749 Conjunctivitis gonococcal neonatal
10010750 Conjunctivitis in mucocutaneous disease
10010751 Conjunctivitis NOS
10010752 Conjunctivitis necrotic
10010753 Conjunctivitis papillary
10010754 Conjunctivitis tuberculous
10010755 Conjunctivitis viral
10010756 Conjunctivitis viral NOS
10010757 Conjunctivitis, unspecified
10010758 Conn's syndrome
10010759 Connective tissue disorder NOS
10010764 Connective tissue neoplasm NOS
10010765 Consciousness abnormal
10010766 Consciousness awaking loss
10010767 Consciousness clouding
10010768 Consciousness decreased
10010769 Consciousness disturbance transient
10010770 Consciousness disturbed
10010771 Consciousness loss
10010772 Consciousness loss of
10010773 Constant exophthalmos
10010774 Constipation
10010775 Constipation (excl faecal impaction)
10010776 Constitutional aplastic anaemia
10010777 Constitutional aplastic anemia
10010778 Constricted affect
10010779 Constricted pupils
10010780 Constriction chest
10010781 Constriction of venous wall
10010782 Constriction throat
10010783 Constrictive pericarditis
10010784 Constructional apraxia
10010785 Consumption coagulopathy
10010786 Consumptive coagulopathy
10010788 Contact blepharoconjunctivitis
10010790 Contact dermatitis
10010803 Contact eczema
10010804 Contact lens intolerance
10010805 Contact urticaria
10010806 Contagious pustular dermatitis
10010808 Contraception
10010809 Contraception NOS
10010810 Contraceptive cap
10010811 Contraceptive diaphragm
10010813 Contraceptive withdrawal bleeding
10010814 Contracted bladder
10010815 Contraction skeletal muscle
10010816 Contractions uterine impaired
10010817 Contractions uterine increased
10010820 Contracture of forearm joint
10010821 Contracture of hand joint
10010822 Contracture of joint
10010826 Contracture of joint of shoulder region
10010827 Contracture of joint, site unspecified
10010828 Contracture of lower leg joint
10010829 Contracture of palmar fascia
10010830 Contracture of tendon (sheath)
10010831 Contracture of upper arm joint
10010832 Contracture tendinous
10010833 Contraindication to medical treatment
10010834 Contraindication to surgery
10010835 Contraindication to vaccination
10010836 Contrast media reaction
10010837 Contusion of abdominal wall
10010838 Contusion of ankle
10010840 Contusion of axillary region
10010841 Contusion of back
10010842 Contusion of breast
10010843 Contusion of chest wall
10010844 Contusion of elbow
10010847 Contusion of eye, unspecified
10010848 Contusion of eyeball
10010851 Contusion of finger
10010852 Contusion of foot
10010853 Contusion of forearm
10010854 Contusion of genital organs
10010855 Contusion of hand(s)
10010857 Contusion of heart without mention of open wound into thorax
10010858 Contusion of hip
10010860 Contusion of knee
10010862 Contusion of lower leg
10010865 Contusion of lung without open wound into thorax
10010866 Contusion of multiple sites of lower limb
10010868 Contusion of multiple sites of trunk
10010869 Contusion of multiple sites of upper limb
10010871 Contusion of orbital tissues
10010872 Contusion of scapular region
10010874 Contusion of shoulder region
10010875 Contusion of thigh
10010876 Contusion of toe
10010877 Contusion of trunk
10010878 Contusion of unspecified part of lower limb
10010879 Contusion of unspecified part of trunk
10010880 Contusion of unspecified part of upper limb
10010881 Contusion of unspecified site
10010882 Contusion of upper arm
10010883 Contusion of upper limb
10010884 Contusion of wrist
10010886 Contusion pulmonary
10010887 Convalescence
10010888 Convalescent
10010891 Convergent concomitant strabismus
10010892 Convergent squint
10010893 Conversion disorder
10010894 Conversion hysteria
10010895 Conversion neurosis
10010896 Conversion reaction
10010897 Convoluted T lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10010898 Convoluted T lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10010899 Convoluted T lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10010900 Convoluted T lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10010901 Convoluted T lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage II
10010902 Convoluted T lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage III
10010903 Convoluted T lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage IV
10010904 Convulsion
10010905 Convulsion (excl neonatal)
10010907 Convulsion disorder
10010908 Convulsion febrile
10010909 Convulsion grand mal
10010910 Convulsion Jacksonian
10010911 Convulsion neonatal
10010912 Convulsion petit mal
10010913 Convulsion psychomotor
10010914 Convulsions
10010915 Convulsions aggravated
10010916 Convulsions generalised
10010917 Convulsions generalized
10010918 Convulsions grand mal
10010919 Convulsions in newborn
10010920 Convulsions local
10010921 Convulsions neonatal
10010922 Convulsions NOS
10010923 Convulsions NOS aggravated
10010924 Convulsive disorder
10010925 Convulsive movements
10010926 Convulsive seizure
10010927 Convulsive threshold lowered
10010928 Cooley's anaemia
10010929 Coombs direct test
10010930 Coombs direct test abnormal
10010931 Coombs direct test negative
10010932 Coombs direct test normal
10010933 Coombs direct test positive
10010934 Coombs indirect test
10010935 Coombs indirect test abnormal
10010936 Coombs indirect test negative
10010937 Coombs indirect test normal
10010938 Coombs indirect test positive
10010939 Coombs negative
10010940 Coombs negative haemolytic anaemia
10010941 Coombs positive haemolytic anaemia
10010942 Coombs test direct
10010943 Coombs test direct positive
10010944 Coombs test indirect
10010945 Coombs test indirect normal
10010946 Coombs test indirect positive
10010947 Coordination abnormal
10010948 Coordination abnormal NOS
10010949 Coordination disturbance
10010950 Coordination impaired
10010952 COPD
10010953 COPD exacerbation
10010954 Copper
10010955 Copper abnormal NOS
10010956 Copper decreased
10010957 Copper deficiency
10010958 Copper high
10010959 Copper increased
10010960 Copper low
10010961 Copper metabolism disorder NOS
10010963 Copper normal
10010964 Coprolalia
10010965 Coprolalia-generalized tic
10010966 Coprophilia
10010967 Cor biloculare
10010968 Cor pulmonale
10010969 Cor pulmonale acute
10010970 Cor pulmonale chronic
10010971 Cor pulmonale NOS
10010972 Cor triatriatum
10010973 Coracoclavicular (ligament) sprain
10010974 Coracohumeral (ligament) sprain
10010980 Cord blood transplant therapy
10010981 Cord demyelinating disorder
10010982 Cord demyelinating disorder NOS
10010983 Corectopia
10010984 Corneal abrasion
10010985 Corneal abscess
10010986 Corneal abscess NOS
10010990 Corneal biopsy
10010991 Corneal biopsy abnormal
10010992 Corneal biopsy normal
10010993 Corneal calcification
10010995 Corneal deformity, unspecified
10010996 Corneal degeneration
10010997 Corneal degeneration, unspecified
10010999 Corneal deposit, unspecified
10011000 Corneal deposits
10011001 Corneal desquamation
10011002 Corneal disorder due to contact lens
10011003 Corneal disorder NOS
10011005 Corneal dystrophy
10011006 Corneal ectasia
10011007 Corneal edema
10011008 Corneal edema due to wearing of contact lenses
10011009 Corneal edema, unspecified
10011010 Corneal epithelium defect
10011011 Corneal epithelium disorder
10011012 Corneal epithelium opacity
10011013 Corneal erosion
10011014 Corneal erosion multiple
10011015 Corneal foreign body
10011016 Corneal graft
10011017 Corneal graft rejection
10011018 Corneal haze
10011019 Corneal herpes
10011020 Corneal infection NOS
10011022 Corneal infiltrates
10011023 Corneal inflammation
10011025 Corneal injury NOS
10011026 Corneal lesion
10011027 Corneal lesion NOS
10011028 Corneal lesion removal
10011029 Corneal membrane change, unspecified
10011030 Corneal membrane disorder NOS
10011031 Corneal neovascularization
10011032 Corneal neovascularization, unspecified
10011033 Corneal oedema
10011034 Corneal oedema postoperative
10011035 Corneal opacity
10011037 Corneal opacity congenital
10011038 Corneal opacity, unspecified
10011039 Corneal perforation
10011040 Corneal pigmentation
10011042 Corneal reflex decreased
10011044 Corneal scar
10011046 Corneal sensitivity decreased
10011047 Corneal staining
10011048 Corneal staphyloma
10011050 Corneal suture
10011051 Corneal sutures removal
10011052 Corneal topography
10011053 Corneal topography abnormal
10011054 Corneal topography normal
10011055 Corneal touch
10011057 Corneal ulcer marginal
10011059 Corneal ulcer, unspecified
10011060 Corneal ulceration
10011061 Corneal vital dye staining absent
10011062 Corneal vital dye staining present
10011064 Corns
10011066 Coronary angiogram
10011067 Coronary angiogram abnormal
10011068 Coronary angiogram normal
10011069 Coronary angiograph
10011070 Coronary arteritis
10011071 Coronary artery aneurysm
10011072 Coronary artery anomaly, congenital
10011073 Coronary artery atheroma
10011074 Coronary artery atheroma haemorrhage
10011075 Coronary artery atheroma hemorrhage
10011076 Coronary artery atherosclerosis
10011077 Coronary artery bypass
10011078 Coronary artery disease
10011079 Coronary artery disease NOS
10011080 Coronary artery disorder
10011081 Coronary artery disorder (NOS)
10011084 Coronary artery embolism
10011086 Coronary artery occlusion
10011087 Coronary artery sclerosis
10011088 Coronary artery spasm
10011089 Coronary artery stenosis
10011090 Coronary artery surgery
10011091 Coronary artery thrombosis
10011092 Coronary atheroma
10011093 Coronary atherosclerosis
10011094 Coronary atherosclerosis of autologous biological bypass graft
10011095 Coronary atherosclerosis of native coronary artery
10011097 Coronary atherosclerosis of unspecified vessel
10011098 Coronary bypass
10011099 Coronary disease
10011100 Coronary embolism
10011101 Coronary endarterectomy
10011102 Coronary insufficiency
10011103 Coronary occlusion
10011104 Coronary occlusion without myocardial infarction
10011105 Coronary ostial stenosis
10011106 Coronary sclerosis
10011107 Coronary spasm
10011108 Coronary thrombosis
10011109 Coronary vascular spasm
10011110 Coronary vasospasm
10011111 Coronoid process of mandible closed fracture
10011112 Coronoid process of mandible open fracture
10011113 Corporal disassociation
10011114 Corporeal detachment
10011115 Corporeal dissociation
10011116 Corpus luteum cyst
10011119 Corpus uteri carcinoma
10011120 Corrected transposition of great vessels
10011121 Correction bat ears
10011122 Correction club foot
10011123 Correction Hallux Valgus
10011124 Correction hammer toe
10011125 Correction of bat ears
10011126 Corrigan's pulse
10011127 Corrosive injury
10011165 Cortical blindness
10011166 Cortical blindness transient
10011167 Cortical cataract
10011169 Cortical evoked response measurements
10011170 Cortical senile cataract
10011172 Corticoadrenal insufficiency
10011173 Corticosteroid withdrawal syndrome
10011174 Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma
10011175 Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma, glaucomatous stage
10011176 Corticosteroid-induced glaucoma, residual stage
10011177 Corticosterone
10011178 Corticosterone abnormal
10011179 Corticosterone decreased
10011180 Corticosterone high
10011181 Corticosterone increased
10011182 Corticosterone low
10011183 Corticosterone normal
10011184 Corticotrophin
10011185 Corticotrophin abnormal NOS
10011186 Corticotrophin decreased
10011187 Corticotrophin increased
10011188 Corticotrophin normal
10011189 Corticotropin
10011190 Corticotropin decreased
10011191 Corticotropin high
10011192 Corticotropin increased
10011193 Corticotropin low
10011194 Corticotropin normal
10011195 Cortisol
10011196 Cortisol abnormal
10011197 Cortisol abnormal NOS
10011198 Cortisol decreased
10011199 Cortisol free urine
10011200 Cortisol free urine abnormal NOS
10011201 Cortisol free urine decreased
10011202 Cortisol free urine high
10011203 Cortisol free urine increased
10011204 Cortisol free urine low
10011205 Cortisol free urine normal
10011206 Cortisol high
10011207 Cortisol increased
10011208 Cortisol low
10011209 Cortisol normal
10011211 Corynebacterium diphtheriae pharyngitis
10011212 Corynebacterium infection NOS
10011213 Corynebacterium jeikeium sepsis
10011214 Coryza
10011216 Coryzal symptoms
10011217 Cosmetics sensitivity
10011218 Costal chondritis
10011219 Costochondritis
10011220 Cot death
10011221 Cotton wool in head
10011222 Cotton wool spots
10011223 Cotunnius' disease
10011224 Cough
10011225 Cough decreased
10011227 Cough incontinence
10011228 Cough increased
10011229 Cough nonproductive
10011230 Cough resembling asthma
10011231 Cough suppression
10011232 Coughing
10011234 Coughing blood
10011235 Coupled beats
10011236 Coupled heart beats
10011237 Cow milk free diet
10011238 Cow pox
10011239 Cow pox aggravated
10011240 Cow's milk allergy
10011241 Cow's milk intolerance
10011242 Cowpox
10011244 Cows milk free diet
10011245 Coxa valga (acquired)
10011246 Coxa valga, congenital
10011247 Coxa vara (acquired)
10011248 Coxa vara, congenital
10011249 Coxalgia
10011250 Coxiella burnetii infection
10011251 Coxiella burnetti endocarditis
10011252 Coxiella endocarditis
10011253 Coxsackie aseptic meningitis
10011254 Coxsackie carditis
10011255 Coxsackie carditis NOS
10011256 Coxsackie carditis, unspecified
10011257 Coxsackie endocarditis
10011258 Coxsackie myocarditis
10011259 Coxsackie pericarditis
10011260 Coxsackie viral disease of the newborn
10011261 Coxsackie viral infection
10011263 Coxsackie viral stomatitis
10011265 CPK
10011266 CPK decreased
10011267 CPK increase
10011268 CPK increased
10011269 CPK MB
10011270 CPK normal
10011271 CPK-MB
10011272 CPK-MB increased
10011273 CPK-MB normal
10011274 Crabs (pubic lice)
10011275 Crabs NOS
10011276 Cracked nipple
10011278 Cracked nipple associated with childbirth
10011283 Crackles
10011284 Crackling jaw
10011285 Cramp
10011286 Cramp abdominal
10011287 Cramp in hand
10011289 Cramp in lower abdomen
10011290 Cramp legs
10011291 Cramp muscle
10011292 Cramp of limb
10011293 Cramps
10011294 Cramps calf
10011295 Cramps in legs
10011296 Cramps in the calves
10011297 Cramps leg
10011298 Cramps legs
10011299 Cramps menstrual
10011300 Cramps of lower body
10011301 Cramps of lower extremities
10011303 Cranial arteritis
10011304 Cranial nerve disorder NOS
10011307 Cranial nerve injury NOS
10011308 Cranial nerve injury secondary to birth trauma
10011309 Cranial nerve lesion
10011310 Cranial nerve lesion NOS
10011311 Cranial nerve neoplasm benign NOS
10011312 Cranial nerve operation NOS
10011314 Cranial nerve palsies multiple
10011315 Cranial third nerve paralysis
10011316 Cranial third nerve paresis
10011317 Cranial ultrasound scan
10011318 Craniopharyngioma
10011319 Craniopharyngioma benign
10011320 Cranioplasty
10011321 Craniorachischisis
10011322 Craniotomy
10011325 Crawling sensation
10011326 Crawling sensation of skin
10011328 Creatine
10011329 Creatine abnormal
10011330 Creatine abnormal NOS
10011331 Creatine decreased
10011332 Creatine high
10011333 Creatine increased
10011334 Creatine kinase
10011335 Creatine kinase high
10011336 Creatine kinase increased
10011337 Creatine kinase MB
10011338 Creatine kinase MB high
10011339 Creatine kinase MB increased
10011340 Creatine kinase MB normal
10011341 Creatine kinase MM
10011342 Creatine kinase MM normal
10011343 Creatine kinase normal
10011344 Creatine kinase total normal
10011345 Creatine low
10011346 Creatine normal
10011347 Creatine phosphokinase
10011348 Creatine phosphokinase decreased
10011349 Creatine phosphokinase increased
10011350 Creatine phosphokinase MB
10011351 Creatine phosphokinase normal
10011353 Creatine urine
10011354 Creatine urine abnormal
10011355 Creatine urine decreased
10011356 Creatine urine increased
10011357 Creatine urine normal
10011358 Creatinine
10011359 Creatinine abnormal NOS
10011360 Creatinine blood decreased
10011361 Creatinine blood increased
10011362 Creatinine clearance
10011363 Creatinine clearance decreased
10011364 Creatinine renal clearance increased
10011365 Creatinine clearance normal
10011366 Creatinine decreased
10011367 Creatinine high
10011368 Creatinine increased
10011369 Creatinine low
10011370 Creatinine normal
10011371 Creatinine renal clearance
10011372 Creatinine renal clearance decreased
10011373 Creatinine renal clearance low
10011374 Creatinine renal clearance normal
10011375 Creatinine serum increased
10011376 Crepitations
10011378 Crescendo angina
10011379 Crescentic glomerulonephritis
10011380 CREST syndrome
10011381 Cretinism
10011382 Creutzfeld-Jacob disease
10011383 Creutzfeldt-Jakob agent infection
10011384 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
10011385 Cri du Chat syndrome
10011386 Crigler-Najjar syndrome
10011387 Crigler-Najjar syndrome type II
10011388 Crimean haemorrhagic fever
10011392 Criminal injury
10011394 Crisis adrenal
10011395 Crisis hypertensive
10011396 Crisis oculogyric
10011397 Crisis thyroid
10011398 Crohn's
10011399 Crohn's aggravated
10011400 Crohn's colitis
10011401 Crohn's disease
10011402 Crohn's disease (colon)
10011403 Crohn's disease aggravated
10011404 Crohn's duodenitis
10011405 Crohn's enteritis
10011406 Crohn's ileitis
10011407 Crohns associated arthritis
10011408 Crohns disease aggravated
10011409 Cross infection
10011410 Cross sensitivity react
10011411 Cross sensitivity reaction
10011412 Crossmatch
10011413 Crossmatch compatible
10011414 Crossmatch incompatible
10011415 Croup
10011416 Croup infectious
10011417 Croup noninfectious
10011418 CRP increased
10011419 CRP positive
10011420 CRST syndrome
10011421 Crush injury NOS
10011422 Crushed nerve
10011423 Crushing injury of ankle
10011425 Crushing injury of axillary region
10011426 Crushing injury of back
10011427 Crushing injury of buttock
10011428 Crushing injury of elbow
10011430 Crushing injury of external genitalia
10011433 Crushing injury of finger
10011434 Crushing injury of finger(s)
10011435 Crushing injury of foot
10011436 Crushing injury of forearm
10011437 Crushing injury of hand(s)
10011438 Crushing injury of hip
10011440 Crushing injury of knee
10011442 Crushing injury of lower leg
10011443 Crushing injury of lower limb
10011444 Crushing injury of multiple and unspecified sites
10011445 Crushing injury of multiple sites of lower limb
10011446 Crushing injury of multiple sites of trunk
10011447 Crushing injury of multiple sites of upper arm
10011448 Crushing injury of multiple sites of upper limb
10011450 Crushing injury of neck
10011453 Crushing injury of scapular region
10011455 Crushing injury of shoulder region
10011456 Crushing injury of thigh
10011457 Crushing injury of toe
10011458 Crushing injury of toe(s)
10011459 Crushing injury of trunk
10011460 Crushing injury of unspecified site
10011461 Crushing injury of unspecified site of lower limb
10011462 Crushing injury of unspecified site of trunk
10011463 Crushing injury of unspecified site of upper limb
10011464 Crushing injury of upper arm
10011465 Crushing injury of upper limb
10011466 Crushing injury of wrist
10011468 Crust
10011469 Crying
10011470 Crying abnormal
10011472 Crying uncontrollable
10011473 Cryocautery of cervix
10011474 Cryoglobulinaemia
10011475 Cryoglobulinemia
10011476 Cryoglobulins
10011477 Cryoglobulins absent
10011478 Cryoglobulins present
10011479 Cryoglobulinuria
10011480 Cryoglobulin urine present
10011481 Cryosurgery of piles
10011482 Cryosurgery of turbinates
10011483 Cryotherapy
10011484 Cryotherapy NOS
10011485 Gastroenteritis cryptococcal
10011487 Cryptococcal meningitis
10011488 Cryptococcus neoformans meningitis
10011489 Cryptococcal pneumonitis
10011490 Cryptococcosis
10011491 Cryptococcus neoformans
10011492 Cryptococcus neoformans gastroenteritis
10011493 Cryptococcus neoformans infection
10011494 Cryptococcus neoformans pneumonitis
10011495 Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
10011496 Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia
10011497 Cryptophthalmos
10011498 Cryptorchism
10011500 Cryptosporidial gastroenteritis
10011501 Cryptosporidiosis
10011502 Cryptosporidiosis infection
10011503 Crystal arthritis (excl gout)
10011504 Crystal arthropathies
10011507 Crystallization kidney
10011508 Crystalloid colloid fluid replacement
10011509 Crystalluria
10011510 Crystal urine absent
10011511 Crystalluria calcium
10011512 Crystal urine present
10011513 Crystalluria sulfonamide
10011514 Crystalluria urate
10011515 CSF abnormal
10011516 CSF abnormal NOS
10011517 CSF abnormality NOS
10011518 CSF bacteria NOS identified
10011519 CSF bacteria NOS no organisms observed
10011520 CSF cell count
10011521 CSF cell count abnormal
10011522 CSF cell count increased
10011523 CSF cell count normal
10011524 CSF cell count NOS
10011525 CSF cell count NOS abnormal
10011526 CSF cell count NOS normal
10011527 CSF culture
10011528 CSF culture negative
10011529 CSF culture positive
10011530 CSF electrophoresis
10011531 CSF electrophoresis abnormal
10011532 CSF electrophoresis normal
10011533 CSF fungus NOS identified
10011534 CSF fungus NOS no organisms observed
10011535 CSF glucose
10011536 CSF glucose abnormal
10011537 CSF glucose decreased
10011538 CSF glucose normal
10011539 CSF granulocyte count
10011540 CSF granulocyte count abnormal
10011541 CSF granulocyte count normal
10011542 CSF lactate dehydrogenase
10011543 CSF lactate dehydrogenase decreased
10011544 CSF lactate dehydrogenase increased
10011545 CSF lactate dehydrogenase normal
10011546 CSF leakage
10011547 CSF lymphocyte count
10011548 CSF lymphocyte count abnormal
10011549 CSF lymphocyte count increased
10011550 CSF lymphocyte count normal
10011551 CSF measles NOS antibody negative
10011552 CSF measles NOS antibody positive
10011553 CSF mycobacteria NOS identified
10011554 CSF mycobacteria NOS no organisms observed
10011555 CSF neutrophil count
10011556 CSF neutrophil count negative
10011557 CSF neutrophil count positive
10011558 CSF oligoclonal band
10011559 CSF oligoclonal band abnormal
10011560 CSF oligoclonal band absent
10011561 CSF oligoclonal band normal
10011562 CSF oligoclonal band present
10011563 CSF pH
10011564 CSF pH abnormal
10011565 CSF pH decreased
10011566 CSF pH increased
10011567 CSF pH normal
10011568 CSF pressure abnormal NOS
10011569 CSF pressure decreased
10011570 CSF pressure increased
10011571 CSF pressure normal
10011572 CSF protein
10011573 CSF protein abnormal
10011574 CSF protein decreased
10011575 CSF protein increased
10011576 CSF protein normal
10011577 CSF shunt conversion
10011578 CSF shunt irrigation
10011580 CSF shunt removal
10011581 CSF specific gravity
10011582 CSF specific gravity abnormal
10011583 CSF specific gravity decreased
10011584 CSF specific gravity increased
10011585 CSF specific gravity normal
10011587 CSF valve irrigation
10011588 CSF valve removal
10011589 CSF virus NOS identified
10011590 CSF virus NOS no organisms present
10011591 CSF white blood cell count NOS
10011592 CSF white blood cell count NOS abnormal
10011593 CSF white blood cell count NOS negative
10011594 CSF white blood cell count NOS normal
10011595 CSF white blood cell count NOS positive
10011596 CSF white cell count NOS
10011597 CSF white cell count NOS abnormal
10011598 CSF white cell count NOS normal
10011600 CT abnormal
10011601 CT brain scan
10011602 CT normal
10011603 CT scan
10011604 CT scan abnormal
10011605 CT scan normal
10011607 CTT abnormal
10011608 CTT normal
10011609 CTT scan
10011610 CTT scan abnormal
10011611 CTT scan normal
10011612 Cu
10011613 Cu levels low
10011614 Cu++
10011615 Cu++ low
10011616 Cubitus valgus (acquired)
10011617 Cubitus varus (acquired)
10011618 Culture blood
10011619 Culture blood negative
10011620 Culture blood positive
10011621 Culture cervix
10011622 Culture cervix negative
10011623 Culture cervix positive
10011624 Culture foreign body
10011625 Culture foreign body negative
10011626 Culture foreign body positive
10011627 Culture NOS negative
10011628 Culture NOS positive
10011629 Culture stool
10011630 Culture stool negative
10011631 Culture stool positive
10011632 Culture throat
10011633 Culture throat negative
10011634 Culture throat positive
10011635 Culture tissue specimen
10011636 Culture tissue specimen negative
10011637 Culture tissue specimen positive
10011638 Culture urine
10011639 Culture urine negative
10011640 Culture urine positive
10011641 Culture wound
10011642 Culture wound negative
10011643 Culture wound positive
10011644 Cupping of optic nerve
10011645 Curetting of chalazion
10011646 Curling's ulcer
10011647 Curly hair straightened
10011648 Curvature of spine
10011651 Cushing's disease
10011652 Cushing's syndrome
10011653 Cushing's ulcer
10011654 Cushing-like build
10011655 Cushingoid
10011656 Cushingoid facies
10011657 Cushings syndrome
10011658 Cutaneous actinomycotic infection
10011659 Cutaneous amyloidosis
10011660 Cutaneous anthrax
10011661 Cutaneous diphtheria
10011665 Cutaneous hepatic porphyria
10011666 Cutaneous horn
10011667 Cutaneous hypersensitivity
10011668 Cutaneous leishmaniasis
10011669 Cutaneous leishmaniasis, American
10011670 Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Asian desert
10011671 Cutaneous leishmaniasis, Ethiopian
10011672 Cutaneous leishmaniasis, urban
10011673 Cutaneous moniliasis
10011674 Cutaneous sarcoidosis
10011675 Cutaneous schistosomiasis
10011676 Cutaneous sporotrichosis
10011677 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
10011678 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma recurrent
10011679 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma refractory
10011680 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma stage I
10011681 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma stage II
10011682 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma stage III
10011683 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma stage IV
10011684 Cutaneous tuberculosis
10011685 Cutaneous ureterostomy
10011686 Cutaneous vasculitis
10011687 Cutaneous, american leishmaniasis
10011688 Cutaneous, asian desert leishmaniasis
10011689 Cutaneous, ethiopian leishmaniasis
10011690 Cutaneous, urban leishmaniasis
10011691 Cutis hyperplastica
10011692 Cutis laxa
10011693 CVA
10011694 CVP increase
10011696 CVP normal
10011697 CXR
10011698 CXR abnormal
10011699 CXR normal
10011700 Cyanide high
10011701 Cyanide low
10011702 Cyanosed
10011703 Cyanosis
10011704 Cyanosis central
10011705 Cyanosis neonatal
10011706 Cyanosis NOS
10011707 Cyanosis of lip
10011708 Cyanosis peripheral
10011709 Cyanotic
10011710 Cyclic AMP
10011711 Cyclic AMP urine
10011712 Cyclic AMP urine abnormal
10011713 Cyclic AMP urine normal
10011714 Cycling accident
10011715 Cyclitis
10011716 Cycloid personality
10011717 Cycloid psychoses
10011718 Cyclophoria
10011719 Cycloplegia
10011720 Cycloplegic refraction
10011721 Cyclosporidium infection NOS
10011723 Cyclothymia
10011724 Cyclothymic disorder
10011725 Cyclothymic personality disorder
10011726 Cyclothymic reaction
10011727 Cyclotron therapy
10011728 Cyclotropia
10011729 Cylindroma
10011730 Cylindruria
10011732 Cyst
10011734 Cyst aspiration
10011735 Cyst aspiration NOS
10011736 Cyst breast
10011737 Cyst drainage
10011738 Cyst epidermal
10011739 Cyst injection site
10011740 Cyst NOS
10011741 Cyst of Bartholin's gland
10011742 Cyst of bone
10011743 Cyst of bone (localized), unspecified
10011744 Cyst of kidney
10011745 Cyst of kidney, acquired
10011746 Cyst of ovary
10011748 Cyst of thyroid
10011750 Cyst ovary
10011751 Cyst scleral
10011752 Cyst sebaceous
10011753 Cystadenoma of thyroid
10011754 Cystalgia
10011755 Cysteine in urine
10011756 Cysteine urine negative
10011757 Cystercercosis
10011758 Cystic acne
10011759 Cystic disease of breast (benign)
10011760 Cystic duct stone
10011761 Cystic eyeball, congenital
10011762 Cystic fibrosis
10011763 Cystic fibrosis lung
10011764 Cystic fibrosis NOS
10011765 Cystic fibrosis pancreas
10011766 Cystic fibrosis pancreatic
10011769 Cystic hygroma
10011770 Cystic hyperplasia of endometrium
10011771 Cystic kidney disease
10011772 Cystic kidney disease, unspecified
10011773 Cystic lung, congenital
10011775 Cysticercosis
10011776 Cystine in urine
10011777 Cystinosis
10011778 Cystinuria
10011779 Cysteine urine absent
10011781 Cystitis
10011783 Cystitis acute
10011784 Cystitis acute NOS
10011785 Cystitis aggravated
10011786 Cystitis chronic
10011787 Cystitis chronic NOS
10011788 Cystitis cystica
10011789 Cystitis E. coli
10011790 Cystitis escherichia
10011791 Cystitis fungal NOS
10011792 Cystitis gonococcal
10011793 Cystitis haemorrhagic
10011794 Cystitis hemorrhagic
10011796 Cystitis interstitial
10011797 Cystitis klebsiella
10011798 Cystitis NOS
10011799 Cystitis pseudomonal
10011800 Cystitis radiation
10011801 Cystitis ulcerative
10011802 Cystitis, unspecified
10011803 Cystocele
10011804 Cystogram
10011805 Cystogram abnormal
10011806 Cystogram normal
10011807 Cystogram retrograde
10011808 Cystography
10011809 Cystography abnormal
10011810 Cystography normal
10011811 Cystoid macular degeneration of retina
10011812 Cystoma
10011813 Cystosarcoma phyllodes
10011814 Cystoscopy
10011815 Cystoscopy abnormal
10011816 Cystoscopy normal
10011817 Cystostomy
10011818 Cystourethroscopy
10011823 Cytokine supportive care
10011825 Cytomegalic inclusion disease
10011826 Cytomegaloviral encephalitis
10011828 Cytomegalovirus congenital infection
10011829 Cytomegalovirus encephalitis
10011830 Cytomegalovirus hepatitis
10011831 Cytomegalovirus infection
10011832 Cytomegalovirus infection congenital
10011833 Cytomegalovirus interstitial pneumonitis
10011834 Cytomegalovirus mononucleosis
10011835 Cytomegalovirus retinitis
10011837 Cytotoxic cardiomyopathy
10011838 D & C
10011839 D-hypervitaminosis
10011840 Dacryoadenitis
10011841 Dacryoadenitis acquired
10011842 Dacryoadenitis, unspecified
10011843 Dacryocanaliculitis
10011844 Dacryocystitis
10011845 Dacryocystitis NOS
10011846 Dacryocystitis, unspecified
10011847 Dacryocystorhinostomy
10011848 Dacryolith
10011849 Dacryops
10011850 Dacryostenosis congenital
10011851 Dairy free diet
10011852 Dairy intolerance
10011853 Damage liver
10011854 Damage to pelvic joints and ligaments, postpartum
10011856 Damage to pelvic joints and ligaments, with delivery
10011858 Damp housing
10011859 Dandruff
10011860 Darier's disease
10011861 Dark accommodation disorder
10011862 Dark reddish macule
10011863 Dark staining of skin of forehead
10011864 Darkened skin
10011865 Daytime sleepiness
10011869 DC shock
10011871 De Toni-Fanconi syndrome
10011872 Dead foetus
10011873 Dead on arrival
10011874 Deaf
10011875 Deaf mutism
10011878 Deafness
10011880 Deafness both ears
10011882 Deafness congenital
10011883 Deafness due to old age
10011884 Deafness job related
10011885 Deafness labyrinthine
10011886 Deafness left ear
10011887 Deafness middle ear
10011888 Deafness middle ear type
10011889 Deafness nerve
10011890 Deafness nerve type
10011891 Deafness neurosensory
10011892 Deafness NOS
10011893 Deafness occupational
10011894 Deafness permanent
10011895 Deafness permanent partial
10011896 Deafness permanent total
10011897 Deafness reversible
10011898 Deafness right ear
10011899 Deafness temporary
10011900 Deafness transitory
10011901 Deafness transitory partial
10011902 Deafness transitory total
10011903 Deafness traumatic
10011906 Death
10011908 Death fetal
10011909 Death foetal
10011910 Death infant sudden
10011911 Death intrauterine
10011912 Death neonatal
10011914 Death NOS
10011916 Death of aunt
10011917 Death of brother
10011918 Death of child
10011919 Death of companion
10011920 Death of daughter
10011921 Death of father
10011922 Death of friend
10011923 Death of grandfather
10011924 Death of grandmother
10011925 Death of husband
10011926 Death of mother
10011927 Death of niece
10011928 Death of nephew
10011929 Death of parent
10011930 Death of pet
10011931 Death of relative
10011932 Death of sibling
10011933 Death of sister
10011934 Death of son
10011935 Death of spouse
10011936 Death of uncle
10011937 Death of wife
10011940 Death unattended
10011942 Debility
10011943 Debility marked
10011944 Debility, unspecified
10011945 Debrancher deficiency
10011946 Debris, bone shedding
10011947 Decay dental
10011948 Decoloration skin
10011949 Decompensation cardiac
10011950 Decompensation myocardial
10011951 Decompression sickness
10011952 Decrease in coordination
10011953 Decreased activity
10011955 Decreased anti-P24
10011956 Decreased anticoagulant effect
10011958 Decreased blood sugar
10011959 Decreased drug level
10011960 Decreased fluid output
10011961 Decreased gamma interferon
10011962 Decreased gammaglobulin
10011963 Decreased HDL
10011964 Decreased hemoglobin
10011965 Decreased IgA
10011966 Decreased IgG
10011967 Decreased IgM
10011968 Decreased immune responsiveness
10011969 Decreased immunoglobulins
10011970 Decreased INR
10011971 Decreased interest
10011972 Decreased LDL
10011973 Decreased muscle tone
10011974 Decreased night vision
10011976 Decreased plasma fibrinogen
10011977 Decreased RBC count
10011978 Decreased systemic vascular resistance
10011980 Decreased TSH
10011981 Decreased ventricular repolarization
10011982 Decreased white cell count
10011983 Decubitus
10011984 Decubitus angina
10011985 Decubitus ulcer
10011986 Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma
10011987 Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma metastatic
10011988 Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma recurrent
10011989 Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma localized
10011990 Deep dyspareunia
10012083 Deep necrosis of underlying tissues due to burn (deep third degree) of trunk
10012088 Deep phlebitis
10012089 Deep phlebothrombosis, antepartum
10012092 Deep phlebothrombosis, postpartum
10012095 Deep seated dermatophytosis
10012096 Deep thrombophlebitis
10012097 Deep thrombophlebitis of the arm
10012098 Deep thrombophlebitis of the leg
10012099 Deep transverse arrest
10012106 Deep vascularization of cornea
10012107 Deep venous thrombosis NOS
10012108 Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis
10012109 Defaecation urge painful
10012110 Defaecation urgency
10012111 Defecation desire
10012112 Defecation frequency increased
10012114 Defecation urgency
10012116 Defect coagulation (NOS)
10012118 Defect conduction intraventricular
10012119 Defect interventricular septum
10012122 Defective colour vision
10012125 Defibrillation
10012126 Defibrination syndrome
10012129 Deficiency anaemia NOS
10012130 Deficiency factor I
10012131 Deficiency mental
10012132 Deficiency of B-complex components
10012133 Deficiency of cell-mediated immunity
10012134 Deficiency of humoral immunity
10012136 Deficiency of vitamin K
10012137 Deficiency vitamin
10012138 Deflected nasal septum
10012141 Deformity of orbit
10012142 Deformity of orbit due to trauma or surgery
10012143 Deformity of orbit, unspecified
10012144 Deformity of spine
10012147 Degeneration fatty liver
10012148 Degeneration macular
10012149 Degeneration muscle
10012150 Degeneration myocardial
10012151 Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc
10012152 Degeneration of intervertebral disc, site unspecified
10012153 Degeneration of lumbar or lumbosacral intervertebral disc
10012154 Degeneration of macula and posterior pole of retina
10012155 Degeneration of pupillary margin
10012156 Degeneration of thoracic or lumbar intervertebral disc
10012157 Degeneration of thoracic or thoracolumbar intervertebral disc
10012158 Degeneration of uterine fibroid
10012159 Degeneration retinal
10012160 Degeneration tubular kidney
10012164 Degenerative arthritis peripheral joint
10012165 Degenerative arthritis spine
10012169 Degenerative disorder of globe, unspecified
10012173 Deglutition disorder
10012174 Dehydration
10012175 Dehydration polycythaemia
10012177 Deja vu
10012178 Deja-vu
10012179 Dejection emotional
10012186 Delayed delivery
10012187 Delayed delivery after artificial rupture of membranes
10012198 Delayed effects of radiation
10012199 Delayed gastric emptying
10012200 Delayed healing of wound
10012204 Delayed period
10012205 Delayed puberty
10012206 Delayed recovery from anaesthesia
10012207 Delayed recovery from anaesthetic
10012208 Delayed recovery from anesthesia
10012209 Delayed sleep phase
10012210 Delayed type hypersensitivity
10012211 Deliberate overdose
10012212 Deliberate poisoning
10012213 Deliberate self-harm
10012214 Deliberate self-injury
10012215 Delinquency
10012216 Delires passionels
10012217 Delirious
10012218 Delirium
10012220 Delirium due to a general medical condition
10012223 Delirium nocturnal
10012224 Delirium toxic
10012225 Delirium tremens
10012226 Delirium, cause unknown
10012228 Delivery delayed
10012229 Delivery in a completely normal case
10012230 Delivery traumatic
10012231 Delta aminolevulinate urine
10012232 Delta aminolevulinate urine abnormal
10012233 Delta aminolevulinate urine high
10012234 Delta aminolevulinate urine increased
10012235 Delta aminolevulinate urine normal
10012236 Delta-beta thalassaemia
10012237 Deltoid (ligament), ankle sprain
10012238 Deluded
10012239 Delusion
10012240 Delusion NOS
10012241 Delusion of grandeur
10012242 Delusion of parasitosis
10012243 Delusion of persecution
10012244 Delusion of reference
10012245 Delusion of replacement
10012246 Delusion of selfaccusation
10012247 Delusion somatic
10012248 Delusion unsystematized
10012249 Delusional disorder, erotomanic type
10012250 Delusional disorder, grandiose type
10012251 Delusional disorder, jealous type
10012252 Delusional disorder, mixed type
10012253 Delusional disorder, paranoid type
10012254 Delusional disorder, somatic type
10012255 Delusional disorder, unspecified type
10012257 Delusional jealousy
10012258 Delusional perception
10012260 Delusions
10012261 Delusions of grandeur
10012262 Delusions of parasitosis
10012263 Delusions, mixed
10012264 Demented
10012265 Demented relative
10012266 Demented spouse
10012267 Dementia
10012269 Dementia acquired
10012270 Dementia aggravated
10012271 Dementia Alzheimer's type
10012275 Dementia due to general medical condition
10012277 Dementia due to HIV disease
10012280 Dementia due to multiple aetiologies
10012281 Dementia due to multiple etiologies
10012282 Dementia due to other general medical condition
10012283 Dementia due to other general medical conditions
10012284 Dementia due to Parkinson's disease
10012285 Dementia due to Pick's disease
10012287 Dementia infantalis
10012288 Dementia multi-infarct
10012290 Dementia NOS
10012291 Dementia NOS aggravated
10012292 Dementia of the Alzheimer's type NOS
10012293 Dementia of the Alzheimer's type, uncomplicated
10012294 Dementia of the Alzheimer's type, with delirium
10012295 Dementia of the Alzheimer's type, with delusions
10012296 Dementia of the Alzheimer's type, with depressed mood
10012297 Dementia praecox
10012298 Dementia presenile
10012299 Dementia vascular
10012300 Demyelinating disease (excl multiple sclerosis)
10012301 Demyelinating disease of central nervous system, unspecified
10012304 Demyelinating polyneuropathy NOS
10012305 Demyelination
10012306 Demyelination NOS
10012307 Dendritic keratitis
10012308 Dendritic ulcer
10012309 Dengue
10012310 Dengue fever
10012312 Dengue fever virus infection
10012313 Dengue hemorrhagic fever
10012314 Dental abscess
10012316 Dental alveolar anomaly
10012318 Dental caries
10012319 Dental caries aggravated
10012320 Dental development impaired
10012322 Dental disorder NOS
10012323 Dental fillings
10012324 Dental implant failed
10012327 Dental necrosis
10012328 Dental pulp disorder
10012331 Dentofacial anomaly
10012332 Dentofacial anomaly NOS
10012334 Dentofacial functional disorder NOS
10012335 Dependence
10012336 Dependence addictive
10012337 Dependence drug (NOS)
10012338 Dependence non-addictive
10012339 Dependence on amphetamines
10012340 Dependence on barbiturates
10012341 Dependence on cannabis
10012342 Dependence on cocaine
10012343 Dependence on enabling machine or device NOS
10012344 Dependence on hallucinogens
10012345 Dependence on marijuana
10012346 Dependence on opiates
10012347 Dependence on renal dialysis
10012348 Dependence on tranquillisers
10012349 Dependence on volatile nitrites
10012350 Dependence on volatile solvents
10012351 Dependence physiological
10012352 Dependence psychological
10012353 Dependent oedema
10012354 Dependent personality
10012355 Dependent personality disorder
10012357 Depersonalisation
10012358 Depersonalisation syndrome
10012359 Depersonalization
10012360 Depersonalization syndrome
10012361 Depigmentation retinal
10012362 Depigmentation skin
10012363 Depigmentation spot
10012364 Depilation
10012365 Depletion blood electrolyte (NOS)
10012366 Deposit bone abnormal
10012367 Deposit calcium
10012368 Deposit corneal
10012369 Deposit eye
10012370 Deposit joint
10012371 Deposit lens
10012372 Deposits tooth
10012373 Depressed level of consciousness
10012374 Depressed mood
10012376 Depressed reaction
10012377 Depressed state
10012378 Depression
10012379 Depression aggravated
10012380 Depression agitated
10012381 Depression bone marrow (NOS)
10012383 Depression central nervous system
10012384 Depression endogenous
10012385 Depression functional
10012386 Depression mental
10012387 Depression NOS
10012388 Depression neurotic
10012389 Depression postmenopausal
10012390 Depression postoperative
10012393 Depression psychotic
10012394 Depression puerperal
10012395 Depression reactive
10012396 Depression respiratory
10012397 Depression suicidal
10012398 Depression worsened
10012399 Depressive disorder
10012402 Depressive episode
10012403 Depressive illness
10012404 Depressive neurosis
10012405 Depressive personality disorder
10012406 Depressive reaction
10012407 Depressive stupor
10012408 Depressive type psychosis
10012409 Deprivation amblyopia
10012410 De Quervain thyroiditis
10012411 Derailment
10012412 Deranged liver function tests
10012413 Derangement of anterior horn of lateral meniscus
10012414 Derangement of anterior horn of medial meniscus
10012415 Derangement of lateral meniscus
10012416 Derangement of lateral meniscus, unspecified
10012417 Derangement of liver function tests
10012419 Derangement of posterior horn of lateral meniscus
10012420 Derangement of posterior horn of medial meniscus
10012421 Dercum's disease
10012422 Derealisation
10012423 Dermabrasion
10012425 Dermal cylindroma
10012426 Dermal cyst
10012427 Dermal inclusion cyst
10012428 Dermal sinus
10012429 Dermatitic reaction of face
10012430 Dermatitic reaction of neck
10012431 Dermatitis
10012432 Dermatitis acneiform
10012434 Dermatitis allergic
10012436 Dermatitis artefacta
10012438 Dermatitis atopic
10012439 Dermatitis atopic aggravated
10012440 Dermatitis autosensitization
10012441 Dermatitis bullous
10012442 Dermatitis contact
10012443 Dermatitis cosmetic
10012444 Dermatitis diaper
10012445 Dermatitis due to cosmetics
10012448 Dermatitis due to food taken internally
10012449 Dermatitis due to metals
10012454 Dermatitis eczematoid
10012455 Dermatitis exfoliative
10012456 Dermatitis exfoliative generalised
10012457 Dermatitis exfoliative NOS
10012458 Dermatitis extrinsic
10012459 Dermatitis extrinsic allergic
10012460 Dermatitis eyelid
10012461 Dermatitis factitia (artefacta)
10012462 Dermatitis flare-up
10012463 Dermatitis fungal
10012464 Dermatitis fungal NOS
10012465 Dermatitis fungoid
10012466 Dermatitis haemorrhagic
10012467 Dermatitis hemorrhagic
10012468 Dermatitis herpetiformis
10012469 Dermatitis ichthyosiform
10012470 Dermatitis infected
10012471 Dermatitis lichen planus-like
10012472 Dermatitis lichenoid
10012473 Dermatitis lupoid
10012474 Dermatitis medicamentosa
10012475 Dermatitis mycoid
10012476 Dermatitis necrotising
10012477 Dermatitis necrotizing
10012478 Dermatitis NOS
10012479 Dermatitis NOS aggravated
10012480 Dermatitis nummular
10012481 Dermatitis occupational
10012482 Dermatitis of exposed site
10012483 Dermatitis papular
10012484 Dermatitis perioral
10012485 Dermatitis photosensitive
10012486 Dermatitis pyogenic
10012487 Dermatitis radiation NOS
10012488 Dermatitis seborrheic
10012489 Dermatitis seborrhoeic
10012491 Dermatitis solaris
10012492 Dermatitis venenata
10012493 Dermatochalasis
10012494 Dermatofibroma
10012497 Dermatoglyphic anomaly NOS
10012498 Dermatographia
10012499 Dermatographic urticaria
10012500 Dermatolysis
10012502 Dermatomycosis, unspecified
10012503 Dermatomyositis
10012504 Dermatophytosis
10012505 Dermatophytosis NOS
10012506 Dermatophytosis of body
10012507 Dermatophytosis of foot
10012508 Dermatophytosis of groin
10012509 Dermatophytosis of groin and perianal area
10012510 Dermatophytosis of hand
10012511 Dermatophytosis of nail
10012513 Dermatophytosis of scalp
10012514 Dermatophytosis of scalp and beard
10012515 Dermatophytosis of the body
10012516 Dermatophytosis of unspecified site
10012517 Dermatosclerosis
10012519 Dermatosis bullous
10012520 Dermographia
10012521 Dermographism
10012522 Dermoid cyst
10012523 Dermoid cyst NOS
10012524 Dermoid cyst of ovary
10012526 Descemetocele
10012527 Desensitisation injection
10012528 Desquamation
10012529 Destruction joint
10012530 Destruction platelet increased
10012531 Detached
10012532 Detached Descemet's membrane
10012533 Detached retina
10012534 Detached retina repair
10012535 Detached thought processes
10012536 Detachment
10012538 Detachment choroidal
10012540 Detachment emotional
10012541 Detachment psychological
10012542 Detachment retinal
10012543 Detergent sensitivity
10012546 Deterioration of visual acuity
10012547 Detrusor hyperreflexia
10012548 Detrusor instability
10012549 Detrusor muscle weakness
10012550 Detrusor sphincter dyssynergia
10012551 Deutan defect
10012552 Develop antibodies to drugs
10012553 Development dental impaired
10012554 Development psychomotor impaired
10012555 Developmental arithmetical disorder
10012556 Developmental articulation disorder
10012557 Developmental coordination disorder
10012558 Developmental coordination disorder NOS
10012559 Developmental delay
10012560 Developmental delay NOS
10012563 Developmental disturbance
10012564 Developmental dyslexia
10012565 Developmental glaucoma
10012566 Developmental language disorder
10012568 Developmental odontogenic cysts
10012569 Developmental reading disorder
10012570 Developmental reading disorder, unspecified
10012571 Developmental speech or language disorder
10012572 Developmental writing disorder
10012573 Deviated nasal septum
10012574 Devic's disease
10012575 Device breakage
10012576 Device difficult to remove
10012578 Device expulsion
10012579 Device extrusion
10012582 Device failure, alarm
10012583 Device failure, defect
10012584 Device failure, meter
10012585 Device induced injury
10012586 Device interaction
10012587 Device leakage
10012588 Device migration
10012589 Device moved
10012591 Device rupture
10012592 Dextrocardia
10012593 Di Guglielmo's syndrome
10012594 Diabetes
10012595 Diabetes brittle
10012596 Diabetes complicating pregnancy
10012597 Diabetes complicating the puerperium
10012598 Diabetes in pregnancy
10012599 Diabetes insipidus
10012600 Diabetes insipidus nephrogenic
10012601 Diabetes mellitus
10012603 Diabetes mellitus aggravated
10012605 Diabetes mellitus exacerbated
10012606 Diabetes mellitus gestational
10012607 Diabetes mellitus inadequate control
10012608 Diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent
10012609 Diabetes mellitus juvenile onset
10012610 Diabetes mellitus loss of control
10012611 Diabetes mellitus maturity onset
10012613 Diabetes mellitus non-insulin-dependent
10012614 Diabetes mellitus NOS
10012619 Diabetes mellitus poor control
10012620 Diabetes mellitus precipitated
10012621 Diabetes mellitus reactivated
10012622 Diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis
10012623 Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication
10012624 Diabetes mellitus, antepartum
10012625 Diabetes mellitus, postpartum
10012626 Diabetes nephrogenic (excludes glycosuria)
10012627 Diabetes reactivated
10012628 Diabetes steroid-induced
10012629 Diabetes with coma
10012630 Diabetes with hyperosmolar coma
10012631 Diabetes with hyperosmolarity
10012632 Diabetes with ketoacidosis
10012633 Diabetes with neurological manifestations
10012634 Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations
10012637 Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders
10012638 Diabetes with renal manifestations
10012639 Diabetes with unspecified complication
10012640 Diabetes with unspecified complications
10012641 Diabetic
10012642 Diabetic acidosis
10012643 Diabetic amyotrophy
10012644 Diabetic arthropathy
10012645 Diabetic autonomic neuropathy
10012646 Diabetic blindness
10012647 Diabetic cardiomyopathy
10012648 Diabetic cataract
10012649 Diabetic child
10012650 Diabetic coma
10012651 Diabetic coma NOS
10012652 Diabetic complication NOS
10012659 Diabetic control impaired
10012660 Diabetic end stage renal disease
10012661 Diabetic eye disease
10012662 Diabetic eye disease NOS
10012664 Diabetic foot ulcer
10012665 Diabetic gangrene
10012666 Diabetic gastropathy
10012667 Diabetic glaucoma
10012668 Diabetic hyperglycaemic coma
10012669 Diabetic hyperosmolar coma
10012670 Diabetic hyperosmolar non-ketoacidosis
10012671 Diabetic ketoacidosis
10012672 Diabetic ketoacidotic hyperglycaemic coma
10012673 Diabetic ketosis
10012674 Diabetic Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome
10012675 Diabetic macular retinopathy
10012676 Diabetic mononeuropathy
10012677 Diabetic neovascularisation
10012678 Diabetic nephropathy NOS
10012679 Diabetic neuropathic ulcer
10012680 Diabetic neuropathy
10012681 Diabetic peripheral angiopathy
10012682 Diabetic peripheral autonomic neuropathy
10012683 Diabetic peripheral neuropathy
10012684 Diabetic peripheral vascular disease
10012685 Diabetic polyneuropathy
10012686 Diabetic relative
10012687 Diabetic renal disease
10012688 Diabetic retinal oedema
10012689 Diabetic retinopathy
10012690 Diabetic spouse
10012691 Diabetic type curve
10012692 Diabetic uveitis
10012693 Diabetic vascular disorder NOS
10012694 Diagnostic ultrasound
10012695 Diagnostic ultrasound abnormal
10012696 Diagnostic ultrasound bladder
10012697 Diagnostic ultrasound normal
10012698 Diagnostic ureteroscopy
10012700 Dialysis NOS
10012702 Diaper rash
10012703 Diaphoresis
10012704 Diaphragm
10012705 Diaphragm aplasia
10012708 Diaphragm muscle weakness
10012709 Diaphragm use
10012711 Diaphragmatic aplasia
10012712 Diaphragmatic disorder NOS
10012713 Diaphragmatic hernia
10012715 Diaphragmatic hernia congenital
10012716 Diaphragmatic hernia gangrenous
10012717 Diaphragmatic hernia NOS
10012718 Diaphragmatic hernia repair
10012719 Diaphragmatic hernia with gangrene
10012720 Diaphragmatic hernia with obstruction
10012723 Diaphragmatic hernia, obstructive
10012725 Diaphragmatic paralysis
10012726 Diaphragmatic pleurisy
10012727 Diarrhea
10012728 Diarrhea aggravated
10012729 Diarrhea bloody
10012730 Diarrhea campylobacter
10012731 Diarrhea neonatal
10012732 Diarrhea NOS
10012733 Diarrhea of presumed infectious origin
10012734 Diarrhea, Clostridium difficile
10012735 Diarrhoea
10012737 Diarrhoea aggravated
10012738 Diarrhoea bloody
10012739 Diarrhoea campylobacter
10012740 Diarrhoea functional (due to spastic colon)
10012741 Diarrhoea haemorrhagic
10012742 Diarrhoea infectious
10012743 Diarrhoea neonatal
10012744 Diarrhoea infectious neonatal
10012745 Diarrhoea NOS
10012746 Diarrhoea of presumed infectious origin
10012747 Diarrhoea postoperative
10012748 Diarrhoea, Clostridium difficile
10012749 Diastasis of muscle
10012750 Diastematomyelia
10012751 Diastolic blood pressure
10012752 Diastolic blood pressure decreased
10012753 Diastolic blood pressure increased
10012754 Diastolic blood pressure normal
10012755 Diastolic BP decreased
10012756 Diastolic BP increased
10012757 Diastolic BP normal
10012758 Diastolic hypertension
10012759 Diastolic murmur
10012760 Diastolic pressure decreased
10012761 Diastolic pressure increased
10012762 Diathermy
10012763 Diathermy of bladder tumour
10012764 Diathermy of perineal warts
10012765 Diathermy of turbinates
10012766 Diathermy of urethral caruncle
10012767 Diathermy of vulval warts
10012768 Diathermy of warts
10012769 DIC
10012770 Didelphic uterus
10012771 Died in sleep
10012772 Diencephalic endocrinopathy
10012773 Diencephalic glioma
10012774 Diencephalic syndrome of infancy
10012775 Diet refusal
10012777 Dietary B12 deficiency
10012778 Dietary chaos syndrome
10012780 Diethylstilboestrol syndrome
10012781 Differential WBC count
10012782 Differential WBC count abnormal
10012783 Differential WBC count normal
10012784 Differential white blood cell count
10012785 Differential white blood cell count abnormal
10012786 Differential white blood cell count abnormal NOS
10012787 Differential white blood cell count normal
10012788 Differentiated adrenocortical carcinoma
10012789 Difficult anaesthetic procedure
10012790 Difficult digestion
10012791 Difficulty breathing
10012792 Difficulty focusing eyes
10012793 Difficulty in micturition
10012794 Difficulty in walking
10012801 Difficulty removing drug device
10012802 Difficulty removing drug implant
10012803 Difficulty removing drug rods
10012804 Difficulty sleeping
10012805 Difficulty thinking
10012806 Difficulty voiding
10012807 Difficulty with anesthesia
10012809 Difficulty with intubation
10012811 Diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis
10012812 Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis
10012813 Diffuse cystic mastopathy
10012814 Diffuse diabetic glomerulosclerosis
10012816 Diffuse intercapillary glomerulosclerosis
10012817 Diffuse interstitial keratitis
10012818 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
10012820 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma NOS
10012821 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma recurrent
10012822 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma refractory
10012823 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma stage I
10012824 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma stage II
10012825 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma stage III
10012826 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma stage IV
10012827 Diffuse large cell cleaved lymphoma (Working Formulation)
10012828 Diffuse large cell cleaved lymphoma (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012829 Diffuse large cell cleaved lymphoma (Working Formulation) refractory
10012830 Diffuse large cell cleaved lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage I
10012831 Diffuse large cell cleaved lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage II
10012832 Diffuse large cell cleaved lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage III
10012833 Diffuse large cell cleaved lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012834 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation)
10012835 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012836 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) refractory
10012837 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012838 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012839 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012840 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012841 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012842 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012843 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10012844 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012845 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012846 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012847 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012848 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012849 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012850 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10012851 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012852 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012853 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012854 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012855 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012856 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012857 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10012858 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012859 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012860 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012861 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012862 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) recurrent
10012863 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) refractory
10012864 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage I
10012865 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage II
10012866 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage III
10012867 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage IV
10012868 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012869 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012870 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012871 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10012872 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012873 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012874 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012875 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012876 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Working Formulation)
10012877 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012878 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012879 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012880 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012881 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012882 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) refractory
10012883 Diffuse lymphoma
10012884 Diffuse macular rash
10012885 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation)
10012886 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) recurrent
10012887 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) refractory
10012888 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) stage I
10012889 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) stage II
10012890 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) stage III
10012891 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) stage IV
10012892 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012893 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012894 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10012895 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012896 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012897 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012898 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012899 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma)
10012900 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) recurrent
10012901 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) refractory
10012902 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) stage I
10012903 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) stage II
10012904 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) stage III
10012905 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) stage IV
10012906 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012907 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) recurrent
10012908 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) refractory
10012909 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) stage I
10012910 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) stage II
10012911 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) stage III
10012912 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) stage IV
10012913 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012914 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) recurrent
10012915 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) refractory
10012916 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) stage I
10012917 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) stage II
10012918 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) stage III
10012919 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) stage IV
10012920 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma)
10012921 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) recurrent
10012922 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) refractory
10012923 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) stage I
10012924 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) stage II
10012925 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) stage III
10012926 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) stage IV
10012927 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma)
10012928 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) recurrent
10012929 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) refractory
10012930 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) stage I
10012931 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) stage II
10012932 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) stage III
10012933 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) stage IV
10012934 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified)
10012935 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) recurrent
10012936 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) refractory
10012937 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage I
10012938 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage II
10012939 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage III
10012940 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage IV
10012941 Diffuse scleroderma
10012942 Diffuse secondary atrophy of choroid
10012943 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation)
10012944 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012945 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012946 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012947 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) recurrent
10012948 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) refractory
10012949 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) stage III
10012950 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012951 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012952 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10012953 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012954 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012955 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012956 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012957 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10012958 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10012959 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10012960 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10012961 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10012962 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10012963 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10012964 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) recurrent
10012965 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) refractory
10012966 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) stage I
10012967 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) stage II
10012968 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) stage III
10012969 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) stage IV
10012970 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Working Formulation)
10012971 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) recurrent
10012972 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) refractory
10012973 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage I
10012974 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage II
10012975 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage III
10012976 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage IV
10012977 Diffuse systemic sclerosis
10012978 Diffuse vasculitis
10012979 DiGeorge's syndrome
10012980 Digestion impaired
10012982 Digestive tract X-ray
10012983 Digestive tract X-ray abnormal
10012984 Digestive tract X-ray normal
10012985 Digestive tract X-ray NOS
10012986 Digestive tract X-ray NOS abnormal
10012987 Digestive tract X-ray NOS normal
10012988 Digestive-genital tract fistula, female
10012989 Digestive-genital tract fistulae, female
10012990 Digital arterial thrombosis
10012991 Digital block
10012992 Digital mammography
10012993 Digital neuroma removal
10012994 Digital vasculitis
10012995 Digitalis intoxication
10012996 Digitalis intoxication (NOS)
10012997 Digitalis toxicity
10012999 Digoxin toxicity
10013002 Dilatation atrial
10013003 Dilatation intrahepatic duct congenital
10013004 Dilatation of oesophagus
10013005 Dilatation of stomach
10013006 Dilatation periportal sinus
10013007 Dilatation pupillary
10013008 Dilatation stomach
10013009 Dilatation ureteral
10013011 Dilatation vascular retinal
10013012 Dilatation ventricular
10013014 Dilated pupils
10013015 Dilated stomach
10013016 Dilated veins
10013018 Diminished lung sounds
10013019 Diminished reflexes
10013020 DIOS
10013022 Dipetalonemiasis
10013023 Diphtheria
10013024 Diphtheria carrier
10013025 Diphtheria, unspecified
10013026 Diphtheritic cystitis
10013027 Diphtheritic myocarditis
10013028 Diphtheritic peritonitis
10013029 Diphyllobothriasis
10013030 Diphyllobothriasis, intestinal
10013031 Diphyllobothrium latum infection
10013032 Diplacusis
10013033 Diplegia
10013034 Diplegia of upper limbs
10013035 Diplegic infantile cerebral palsy
10013036 Diplopia
10013037 Dipsomania
10013038 Direct bilirubin increased
10013039 Direct Coombs test
10013040 Direct Coombs test abnormal
10013041 Direct Coombs test negative
10013042 Direct Coombs test normal
10013043 Direct Coombs test positive
10013044 Direct in vivo gene therapy
10013045 Direct infection transmission
10013046 Direct inguinal hernia
10013047 Directional Doppler flow tests
10013048 Directional Doppler flow tests abnormal
10013049 Directional Doppler flow tests normal
10013050 Disability
10013051 Disability NOS
10013052 Disabled child
10013053 Disabled relative
10013054 Disabled spouse
10013055 Disaccharide metabolism disorder NOS
10013057 Disc bleeding in ocular fundus
10013058 Disc congestion in ocular fundus
10013059 Disc lesion cervical
10013060 Disc lesion lumbar
10013061 Disc oedema in ocular fundus
10013062 Disc redness in ocular fundus
10013063 Discectomy
10013064 Discharge breast female
10013065 Discharge breast male
10013066 Discharge conjunctivitis
10013067 Discharge eye
10013068 Discharge uterine cervix
10013069 Discharge vaginal
10013070 Discharging nipple
10013071 Discoid lupus erythematosis
10013072 Discoid lupus erythematosus
10013073 Discoid lupus erythematosus of eyelid
10013074 Discoloration fecal
10013075 Discoloration nail
10013076 Discoloration skin
10013077 Discoloration stool
10013078 Discoloration tongue
10013079 Discoloration tooth
10013080 Discoloration urine
10013081 Discoloured stools
10013082 Discomfort
10013084 Discomfort abdominal
10013085 Discomfort around orbit
10013086 Discomfort bodily
10013087 Discomfort epigastric
10013088 Discomfort in joints
10013089 Discomfort in mouth
10013090 Discomfort in nose
10013091 Discomfort intraocular
10013092 Discomfort NOS
10013093 Discomfort rectal
10013096 Disease Addison's
10013097 Disease aggravation
10013098 Disease coronary artery
10013099 Disease Crohns
10013100 Disease cystic breast
10013101 Disease fibrocystic breast
10013102 Disease fibrocystic pancreas
10013103 Disease gallbladder
10013105 Disease heart congenital (NOS)
10013106 Disease heart pulmonary
10013107 Disease hepatocellular
10013108 Disease obstructive lung
10013109 Disease of capillaries
10013110 Disease of nail, unspecified
10013111 Disease of spleen, unspecified
10013112 Disease of white blood cells, unspecified
10013113 Disease Parkinson's
10013114 Disease pelvic inflammatory
10013115 Disease pink
10013118 Diseases of aortic valve
10013126 Diseases of mitral valve
10013138 Diseases of tricuspid valve
10013140 Disequilibrium syndrome
10013141 Disfiguring scar
10013142 Disinhibition
10013143 Disintegrative psychosis
10013144 Disintegrative psychosis, current or active state
10013145 Disintegrative psychosis, residual state
10013146 Dislocated elbow
10013147 Dislocated finger
10013148 Dislocated hip
10013149 Dislocated jaw
10013150 Dislocated joint
10013151 Dislocated knee
10013152 Dislocated lens
10013153 Dislocated neck
10013154 Dislocated patella
10013155 Dislocated patellofemoral joint
10013156 Dislocated shoulder
10013157 Dislocated sternum
10013158 Dislocated thumb
10013159 Dislocated toe
10013160 Dislocation
10013165 Dislocation cervical vertebra
10013166 Dislocation of ankle
10013167 Dislocation of elbow
10013168 Dislocation of elbow joint
10013169 Dislocation of finger
10013170 Dislocation of foot
10013171 Dislocation of hip
10013172 Dislocation of hip congenital
10013173 Dislocation of hip, simple
10013174 Dislocation of jaw
10013175 Dislocation of knee
10013176 Dislocation of knee, unspecified part, open
10013177 Dislocation of lacrimal gland
10013178 Dislocation of patella, closed
10013179 Dislocation of patella, compound
10013180 Dislocation of patella, open
10013181 Dislocation of patella, simple
10013182 Dislocation of shoulder
10013183 Dislocation of vertebra
10013184 Dislocation of wrist
10013185 Disorder accommodation
10013187 Disorder aggravation
10013188 Disorder anorectal (NOS)
10013189 Disorder anus
10013190 Disorder behavior
10013193 Disorder body image
10013194 Disorder bone (NOS)
10013195 Disorder brain (acute)
10013196 Disorder brain (chronic)
10013197 Disorder brain stem
10013198 Disorder calcium (NOS)
10013199 Disorder cardiac (NOS)
10013201 Disorder cartilage development (NOS)
10013202 Disorder central nervous system
10013203 Disorder cerebrovascular
10013204 Disorder cervix
10013205 Disorder circulatory system
10013206 Disorder coagulation
10013207 Disorder collagen (NOS)
10013208 Disorder convulsive
10013209 Disorder corneal
10013210 Disorder coronary artery
10013211 Disorder cyclothymic
10013212 Disorder dark accommodation
10013213 Disorder deglutition
10013214 Disorder ear
10013216 Disorder EEG (NOS)
10013217 Disorder endocrine
10013218 Disorder endocrine polyglandular
10013219 Disorder endometrial
10013220 Disorder equilibrium
10013221 Disorder eye
10013222 Disorder fetal
10013223 Disorder foetal NOS
10013224 Disorder gait
10013225 Disorder gastrointestinal
10013226 Disorder hair
10013228 Disorder hepatic
10013229 Disorder immune system (NOS)
10013230 Disorder joint
10013232 Disorder labyrinthine
10013233 Disorder lacrimation
10013234 Disorder liver
10013235 Disorder lung
10013236 Disorder menstrual
10013237 Disorder muscle
10013238 Disorder myeloproliferative
10013239 Disorder nail
10013242 Disorder nervous system
10013246 Disorder of organs of special sense arising from mental factors
10013247 Disorder of pinna, unspecified
10013248 Disorder of written expression
10013249 Disorder ovarian
10013250 Disorder pancreas
10013251 Disorder parathyroid
10013252 Disorder penis
10013254 Disorder periosteal
10013255 Disorder peripheral vascular
10013256 Disorder personality
10013257 Disorder placental
10013259 Disorder pulmonary
10013261 Disorder rectal
10013262 Disorder refraction
10013263 Disorder renal
10013265 Disorder retinal
10013268 Disorder sleep
10013269 Disorder speech
10013270 Disorder sperm
10013271 Disorder spleen
10013272 Disorder tendon
10013273 Disorder testicle
10013274 Disorder thyroid
10013275 Disorder tongue
10013276 Disorder tooth
10013277 Disorder tubular kidney
10013278 Disorder urinary tract
10013279 Disorder urogenital
10013281 Disorder uterine cervix
10013282 Disorder vascular
10013283 Disorder vascular peripheral
10013284 Disorder vascular retinal
10013285 Disorder vestibular
10013286 Disorder vitreous
10013287 Disorder vulva
10013288 Disorder vulvovaginal
10013300 Disorders of carbohydrate transport and metabolism
10013308 Disorders of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance
10013331 Disorders of optic chiasm
10013353 Disorders of refraction and accommodation, other
10013367 Disorders of the pituitary gland and its hypothalamic control
10013373 Disorders of urea cycle metabolism
10013378 Disorders of visual cortex
10013386 Disorganised schizophrenia
10013387 Disorganized type schizophrenia
10013388 Disorganized type schizophrenia, chronic state
10013389 Disorganized type schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10013390 Disorganized type schizophrenia, in remission
10013391 Disorganized type schizophrenia, subchronic state
10013392 Disorganized type schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10013393 Disorganized type schizophrenia, unspecified state
10013394 Disorientated
10013395 Disorientation
10013396 Displaced lead cardiac pacemaker
10013397 Displacement of cervical intervertebral disc without myelopathy
10013398 Displacement of intervertebral disc, site unspecified, without myelopathy
10013399 Displacement of lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy
10013400 Displacement of thoracic intervertebral disc without myelopathy
10013409 Disruption of caesarean wound
10013410 Disruption of cesarean wound
10013411 Disruption of cesarean wound, postpartum
10013414 Disruption of obstetrical perineal wound
10013416 Disruption of perineal wound, postpartum
10013419 Disruptions of 24 hour sleep-wake cycle
10013420 Disruptions of 24-hour sleep-wake cycle
10013421 Dissecting aneurysm of aorta
10013422 Dissecting aortic aneurysm
10013423 Dissecting aortic aneurysm (any part)
10013424 Dissecting aortic aneurysm, abdominal
10013425 Dissecting aortic aneurysm, thoracic
10013426 Dissecting aortic aneurysm, thoracoabdominal
10013427 Dissecting aortic aneurysm, unspecified site
10013428 Dissecting coronary artery aneurysm
10013430 Disseminated adenocarcinoma
10013431 Disseminated candidiasis
10013432 Disseminated carcinoma
10013435 Disseminated chorioretinitis, unspecified
10013439 Disseminated cryptococcosis
10013440 Disseminated histoplasmosis
10013442 Disseminated intravascular coagulation
10013443 Disseminated intravascular coagulation in newborn
10013444 Disseminated leishmaniasis
10013445 Disseminated light chain deposition
10013446 Disseminated lupus erythematosus
10013447 Disseminated malignant neoplasm
10013451 Disseminated sclerosis
10013452 Disseminated TB
10013453 Disseminated tuberculosis
10013454 Disseminated xanthoma
10013455 Dissocial personality disorder
10013456 Dissociated nystagmus
10013457 Dissociation
10013458 Dissociation auriculoventricular
10013459 Dissociation corporeal
10013460 Dissociation reaction
10013461 Dissociative amnesia
10013462 Dissociative disorder
10013463 Dissociative disorder NOS
10013464 Dissociative disorder or reaction, unspecified
10013466 Dissociative fugue
10013467 Dissociative hysteria
10013468 Dissociative identity disorder
10013469 Dissociative reaction
10013471 Dissociative trance disorder
10013472 Distal bile duct stricture
10013473 Distal colitis
10013474 Distal ileal obstruction syndrome
10013475 Distal ileitis
10013476 Distal pancreatectomy
10013477 Distal renal tubular dysfunction
10013479 Distance accommodation disorder
10013480 Distended abdomen
10013481 Distension NOS
10013482 Distention
10013483 Distorted voice
10013484 Distortion corporeal
10013486 Distractibility
10013488 Distress abdominal
10013490 Distress epigastric
10013491 Distress gastrointestinal
10013492 Distress respiratory
10013494 Distress respiratory syndrome newborn
10013496 Disturbance in attention
10013499 Disturbance in loudness
10013501 Disturbance in social behaviour NOS
10013503 Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence
10013505 Disturbance of liver function tests
10013506 Disturbance of mastication
10013507 Disturbance of salivary secretion
10013508 Disturbance of skin sensation
10013520 Disulfiram like reaction
10013521 Disuse muscle atrophy
10013522 Disuse osteoporosis
10013523 Diuresis
10013524 Diuresis excessive
10013525 Diuretic abuse
10013526 Diurnal serum cortisol abnormal
10013527 Diver's cramp
10013528 Divergent concomitant strabismus
10013529 Divergent squint
10013531 Diverticula of colon
10013532 Diverticula of intestine
10013533 Diverticula of small intestine
10013534 Diverticular disease
10013536 Diverticular fistula
10013537 Diverticular perforation NOS
10013538 Diverticulitis
10013540 Diverticulitis intestinal
10013541 Diverticulitis intestinal haemorrhagic
10013542 Diverticulitis Meckel's
10013543 Diverticulitis NOS
10013544 Diverticulitis oesophageal
10013545 Diverticulitis of colon (without mention of hemorrhage)
10013546 Diverticulitis of colon with hemorrhage
10013547 Diverticulitis of small intestine (without mention of hemorrhage)
10013548 Diverticulitis of small intestine with hemorrhage
10013549 Diverticulosis
10013550 Diverticulosis of colon (without mention of hemorrhage)
10013551 Diverticulosis of colon with hemorrhage
10013552 Diverticulosis of small intestine (without mention of hemorrhage)
10013553 Diverticulosis of small intestine with hemorrhage
10013554 Diverticulum
10013555 Diverticulum acquired
10013556 Diverticulum duodenal
10013557 Diverticulum esophageal
10013558 Diverticulum gastric
10013559 Diverticulum intestinal
10013560 Diverticulum intestinal haemorrhagic
10013561 Diverticulum Meckel's
10013562 Diverticulum NOS
10013563 Diverticulum oesophageal
10013564 Diverticulum oesophagus
10013565 Diverticulum of bladder
10013566 Diverticulum of esophagus, acquired
10013567 Diverticulum of oesophagus, acquired
10013568 Diverticulum of pharynx, congenital
10013569 Diverting colostomy
10013570 Divorce
10013571 Divorced
10013572 Divorced parents
10013573 Dizziness
10013576 Dizziness exertional
10013577 Dizziness on standing up
10013578 Dizziness postural
10013579 Dizziness upon standing
10013580 Dizzy
10013581 Dizzy on standing
10013582 Dizzy spells
10013584 DNA antibodies NOS positive
10013585 DNA antibody NOS negative
10013586 DNA antibody NOS positive
10013589 Dog bite
10013590 Dog scratch
10013591 Domestic accident
10013592 Domestic injury
10013593 Dopiness
10013594 Doppler scan
10013595 Doppler studies
10013596 Doppler ultrasound
10013597 Doppler ultrasound abnormal
10013598 Doppler ultrasound normal
10013601 Dorsal pain
10013602 Dorsal slit of prepuce
10013603 Dorsi manus hypertrophy
10013604 Dorsopathy
10013609 Double heterozygous sickling disorders
10013610 Double inguinal hernia
10013611 Double outlet right ventricle
10013612 Double pterygium
10013613 Double ureter
10013614 Double vision
10013615 Doubling of uterus
10013616 Down's syndrome
10013617 Dracontiasis
10013618 Dracunculiasis
10013619 Drainage of abscess
10013620 Drainage of abscess NOS
10013621 Drainage of breast abscess
10013622 Drainage of frontal sinus
10013623 Drainage of perianal abscess
10013624 Drainage of pilonidal abscess
10013625 Drainage of subdural haematoma
10013627 Dream anxiety disorder
10013628 Dream delirium
10013629 Dreaming abnormal
10013630 Dreaming excessive
10013631 Dreaming excessive due to poor sleep
10013632 Dreams abnormal
10013634 Dreamy state
10013635 Drenching sweats
10013636 Dressing apraxia
10013637 Dressler's syndrome
10013638 Dresslers syndrome
10013639 Dribbling of urine
10013640 Drinking water problem
10013642 Drooling
10013643 Drop attacks
10013644 Drop in blood pressure
10013645 Drop of blood pressure
10013646 Dropped beats
10013647 Drowning
10013649 Drowsiness
10013650 Drowsiness prolonged postoperative
10013651 Drowsy on awakening
10013654 Drug abuse
10013655 Drug abuse NOS
10013656 Drug abuser NOS
10013657 Drug addict
10013658 Drug addiction
10013659 Drug administered at inappropriate site
10013660 Drug administered via inappropriate route
10013661 Drug allergy
10013663 Drug dependence
10013664 Drug dependence (in pregnancy)
10013666 Drug dependence NOS
10013667 Drug dependence of barbiturate type
10013668 Drug dependence of morphine type
10013673 Drug dependence physical
10013674 Drug dependence psychic
10013675 Drug dependence, antepartum
10013676 Drug dependence, postpartum
10013677 Drug dependence, unspecified
10013678 Drug effect decreased
10013680 Drug effect diminished
10013682 Drug effect incomplete
10013683 Drug effect increased
10013684 Drug effect lack of
10013685 Drug effect prolonged
10013687 Drug eruption
10013688 Drug eruption eczematous
10013689 Drug eruption erythroderma-like
10013690 Drug eruption lichen planus-like
10013691 Drug eruption Lyell syndrome type
10013692 Drug eruption NOS
10013693 Drug eruption rubella-like
10013694 Drug eruption vesicular
10013695 Drug exposure in utero
10013696 Drug exposure via mother
10013697 Drug fever
10013698 Drug habit
10013699 Drug habituating
10013700 Drug hypersensitivity
10013701 Drug implant migration
10013703 Drug implantation NOS
10013704 Drug-induced hyperglycaemia
10013705 Drug-induced liver disease
10013706 Drug-induced lupus erythematosus
10013707 Drug-induced parkinsonism
10013708 Drug-induced psychosis
10013709 Drug ineffective
10013710 Drug interaction
10013711 Drug interaction inhibition
10013712 Drug interaction NOS
10013713 Drug interaction potentiation
10013714 Drug intoxication
10013715 Drug level altered
10013716 Drug level change NOS
10013717 Drug level changed
10013718 Drug level decreased
10013720 Drug level in blood decreased
10013721 Drug level in blood increased
10013722 Drug level increased
10013723 Drug level NOS above therapeutic
10013724 Drug level NOS below therapeutic
10013725 Drug level NOS changed
10013726 Drug level NOS CSF above therapeutic
10013727 Drug level NOS CSF below therapeutic
10013728 Drug level NOS CSF decreased
10013729 Drug level NOS CSF increased
10013730 Drug level NOS CSF subtherapeutic
10013731 Drug level NOS CSF therapeutic
10013732 Drug level NOS decreased
10013733 Drug level NOS increased
10013734 Drug level NOS subtherapeutic
10013735 Drug maladministration
10013736 Drug misadministration
10013737 Drug overdose accidental
10013738 Drug overdose deliberate self-inflicted
10013740 Drug psychoses, other
10013741 Drug psychosis, unspecified
10013744 Drug specific antibody absent
10013745 Drug specific antibody present
10013746 Drug toxicity
10013747 Drug toxicity (NOS)
10013751 Drug toxicity NOS
10013752 Drug withdrawal convulsions
10013753 Drug withdrawal headache
10013754 Drug withdrawal syndrome
10013755 Drug withdrawal syndrome in newborn
10013756 Drug withdrawal syndrome neonatal
10013757 Drug-induced amnestic syndrome
10013758 Drug-induced delirium
10013759 Drug-induced dementia
10013760 Drug-induced extrapyramidal side effects
10013761 Drug-induced hallucinosis
10013762 Drug-induced hepatitis
10013763 Drug-induced organic affective syndrome
10013764 Drug-induced organic delusional syndrome
10013765 Drug-specific antibodies
10013767 Drunk-like effect
10013768 Drunkenness
10013769 Drunkenness feeling of
10013773 Dry cough
10013774 Dry eye
10013775 Dry eye NOS
10013776 Dry eye sensation
10013777 Dry eye syndrome
10013778 Dry eyes
10013779 Dry hair
10013780 Dry lips
10013781 Dry mouth
10013782 Dry nose
10013783 Dry rale
10013784 Dry rash face
10013785 Dry rash neck
10013786 Dry skin
10013787 Dry socket
10013788 Dry socket NOS
10013789 Dry throat
10013790 Dry-eye feeling
10013792 Dryness of eyes
10013793 Dryness of lips
10013794 Dryness oral
10013796 Dryness vaginal
10013799 Duane's syndrome
10013800 Dubin-Johnson syndrome
10013801 Duchenne muscular dystrophy
10013802 Ductal breast carcinoma stage I
10013803 Ductal breast carcinoma stage II
10013804 Ductal breast carcinoma stage III
10013805 Ductal breast carcinoma stage IV
10013806 Ductal carcinoma in situ
10013807 Ductus arteriosus patent
10013808 Ductus arteriosus stenosis foetal
10013810 Dumping syndrome
10013812 Duodenal atresia
10013813 Duodenal atresia congenital
10013814 Duodenal bleeding
10013815 Duodenal cancer
10013816 Duodenal cancer metastatic
10013817 Duodenal cancer non-resectable
10013818 Duodenal cancer NOS
10013819 Duodenal cancer recurrent
10013820 Duodenal cancer resectable
10013821 Duodenal carcinoma
10013822 Duodenal carcinoma metastatic
10013823 Duodenal carcinoma non-resectable
10013824 Duodenal carcinoma NOS
10013825 Duodenal carcinoma recurrent
10013826 Duodenal erosion
10013827 Duodenal erosions
10013828 Duodenal fistula
10013829 Duodenal haemorrhage
10013830 Duodenal obstruction
10013831 Duodenal operation NOS
10013832 Duodenal perforation
10013833 Duodenal polyp
10013834 Duodenal stricture
10013835 Duodenal stricture acquired
10013836 Duodenal ulcer
10013838 Duodenal ulcer aggravated
10013839 Duodenal ulcer haemorrhage
10013843 Duodenal ulcer haemorrhagic
10013845 Duodenal ulcer hemorrhage
10013847 Duodenal ulcer hemorrhagic
10013848 Duodenal ulcer perforated
10013849 Duodenal ulcer perforation
10013850 Duodenal ulcer perforation, obstructive
10013851 Duodenal ulcer reactivated
10013854 Duodenal ulcer, acute with haemorrhage
10013855 Duodenal ulcer, obstructive
10013860 Duodenal ulcer-type symptoms
10013863 Duodenectomy
10013864 Duodenitis
10013865 Duodenitis haemorrhagic
10013866 Duodenitis hemorrhagic
10013867 Duodenitis, with hemorrhage
10013868 Duodenitis, without mention of hemorrhage
10013869 Duodenoscopy
10013870 Duplex kidneys
10013871 Duplex ureter
10013872 Dupuytren's contracture
10013873 Dupuytren's contracture operation
10013874 Dural abscess
10013875 Dust inhalation pneumopathy NOS
10013876 Dutch cap
10013877 DVT
10013878 DVT of calf
10013879 DVT of legs
10013880 DVT prophylaxis
10013881 Dwarf
10013882 Dwarf tapeworm infection
10013883 Dwarfism
10013884 Dwarfism NOS
10013886 Dysaesthesia
10013887 Dysarthria
10013889 Dysautonomia
10013890 Dysbasia
10013891 Dyschondroplasia
10013892 Dyschromatopsia
10013893 Dyschromia
10013894 Dyschromia, unspecified
10013895 Dyscrasia blood (NOS)
10013896 Dysdiadochokinesis
10013897 Dysdiadokokinesis
10013898 Dysentery NOS
10013899 Dysequilibrium
10013900 Dysfunction adrenal
10013902 Dysfunction kidney
10013903 Dysfunction of Eustachian tube
10013904 Dysfunction ovarian
10013905 Dysfunction parathyroid
10013906 Dysfunction testicular
10013907 Dysfunction thyroid
10013908 Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
10013909 Dysfunctions associated with sleep stages or arousal from sleep
10013911 Dysgeusia
10013912 Dyshidrosis
10013913 Dyshidrotic eczema
10013914 Dyshormonogenic goiter
10013915 Dyshormonogenic goitre
10013916 Dyskinesia
10013917 Dyskinesia acute
10013918 Dyskinesia aggravated
10013919 Dyskinesia buccoglossal
10013920 Dyskinesia circumoral
10013922 Dyskinesia neonatal
10013923 Dyskinesia oculomotor
10013924 Dyskinesia oesophageal
10013925 Dyskinesia of esophagus
10013926 Dyskinesia of oesophagus
10013927 Dyskinesia syndrome
10013928 Dyskinesia tardive
10013930 Dyskinetic syndrome
10013931 Dyslalia
10013932 Dyslexia
10013934 Dysmenorrhea
10013935 Dysmenorrhoea
10013936 Dysmetria
10013937 Dysmnesic syndrome
10013939 Dysosmia
10013940 Dysosmia NOS
10013941 Dyspareunia
10013942 Dyspareunia (female excl psychogenic)
10013943 Dyspareunia (male excl psychogenic)
10013944 Dyspareunia NOS
10013945 Dyspareunia psychogenic
10013946 Dyspepsia
10013947 Dyspepsia aggravated
10013950 Dysphagia
10013951 Dysphasia
10013952 Dysphonia
10013953 Dysphonia psychogenic
10013954 Dysphoria
10013955 Dysplasia adrenal cortex
10013956 Dysplasia epiphyseal multiple
10013957 Dysplasia of cervix (uteri)
10013958 Dysplasia of vagina
10013959 Dysplasia tooth
10013960 Dysplastic naevus syndrome
10013961 Dysplastic nevus
10013962 Dysplastic nevus syndrome
10013963 Dyspnea
10013965 Dyspnea exacerbated
10013966 Dyspnea exertional
10013967 Dyspnea paroxysmal nocturnal
10013968 Dyspnoea
10013969 Dyspnoea at rest
10013970 Dyspnoea exacerbated
10013971 Dyspnoea exertional
10013972 Dyspnoea NOS
10013973 Dyspnoea on effort
10013974 Dyspnoea paroxysmal nocturnal
10013976 Dyspraxia
10013977 Dysprosody
10013978 Dysrhythmias
10013979 Dyssomnia NOS
10013981 Dysthymia
10013982 Dysthymic disorder
10013983 Dystonia
10013984 Dystonia tarda
10013986 Dystonic reaction
10013987 Dystrophia myotonica
10013989 Dystrophy of vulva
10013990 Dysuria
10013992 Ear ache
10013996 Ear buzzing
10013997 Ear canal stenosis NOS
10013998 Ear canal stenosis postoperative
10013999 Ear canal stenosis traumatic
10014001 Ear crackling
10014002 Ear deformity acquired
10014003 Ear discharge
10014004 Ear disorder
10014005 Ear disorder NOS
10014006 Ear drum perforation
10014007 Ear drum repair
10014008 Ear feels clogged
10014009 Ear haemorrhage
10014010 Ear hissing
10014011 Ear infection
10014012 Ear infection NOS
10014014 Ear lobe infection
10014015 Ear lobe infection NOS
10014016 Ear malformation
10014017 Ear malformation NOS
10014018 Ear noises
10014019 Ear operation NOS
10014020 Ear pain
10014021 Ear piercing
10014022 Ear polyp
10014023 Ear ringing
10014024 Ear roaring
10014025 Ear swelling
10014026 Ear syringing
10014027 Ear tuberculosis
10014028 Ear wax
10014029 Ear, nose, or throat caesium therapy
10014030 Ear, nose, or throat cobalt therapy
10014031 Ear, nose, or throat electron beam therapy
10014032 Ear, nose, or throat external beam radiation therapy
10014033 Ear, nose, or throat external beam therapy
10014034 Ear, nose, or throat orthovoltage therapy
10014035 Ear, nose, or throat photon radiation therapy
10014036 Ear, nose, or throat superficial X-ray therapy
10014037 Earache
10014038 Eardrum repair
10014039 Early adult transition
10014040 Early congenital syphilis, latent
10014041 Early congenital syphilis, symptomatic
10014042 Early congenital syphilis, unspecified
10014043 Early infantile autism
10014044 Early menarche
10014045 Early menopause
10014046 Early morning awakening
10014047 Early morning joint stiffness
10014048 Early morning stiffness
10014049 Early onset of delivery
10014051 Early onset of delivery, unspecified as to episode of care
10014054 Early puberty
10014055 Early retirement
10014056 Early syphilis, latent
10014058 Early syphilis, latent, unspecified
10014059 Early syphilis, symptomatic
10014060 Eastern equine encephalitis
10014061 Eastern equine encephalitis virus infection
10014062 Eating disorder
10014064 Eating disorder symptom NOS
10014066 Eating disorder, unspecified
10014069 Eating paint
10014070 Eaton-Lambert syndrome
10014071 Ebola disease
10014072 Ebola haemorrhagic fever
10014074 Ebola virus infection
10014075 Ebstein's anomaly
10014076 EBV hepatitis
10014077 EBV infection
10014078 EBV infection reactivation
10014079 Ecchymoses
10014080 Ecchymosis
10014081 Ecchymosis injection site
10014082 Ecchymosis NOS
10014083 Eccrine poroma
10014084 ECG
10014085 ECG abnormal
10014086 ECG abnormal non-specific
10014087 ECG abnormal NOS
10014088 ECG abnormal specific
10014090 ECG abnormalities non-specific
10014092 ECG normal
10014093 ECG normal variant
10014096 Echinococciasis
10014097 Echinococcosis
10014099 Echinococcosis, unspecified, of liver
10014100 Echinococcus granulosus infection
10014101 Echinococcus granulosus infection of liver
10014102 Echinococcus granulosus infection of lung
10014103 Echinococcus granulosus infection of thyroid
10014105 Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified
10014106 Echinococcus granulosus infestation
10014107 Echinococcus multilocularis infection of liver
10014109 Echinococcus multilocularis infection, unspecified
10014112 Echo virus infection NOS
10014113 Echocardiogram
10014114 Echocardiogram abnormal NOS
10014115 Echocardiogram normal
10014116 Echocardiography
10014117 Echocardiography abnormal
10014118 Echocardiography normal
10014119 Echoencephalogram
10014120 Echoencephalogram abnormal
10014121 Echoencephalogram normal
10014122 Echography
10014123 Echography abnormal
10014124 Echography normal
10014125 Echography NOS abnormal
10014126 Echography NOS normal
10014127 Echolalia
10014128 Echopraxia
10014129 Eclampsia
10014132 Eclampsia, antepartum
10014133 Eclampsia, postpartum
10014138 Economic problem NOS
10014139 ECT
10014140 ECT (electro-convulsive therapy)
10014141 Ecthyma
10014144 Ectopia cordis
10014145 Ectopia lentis
10014146 Ectopic ACTH syndrome
10014147 Ectopic ADH secretion
10014148 Ectopic aldosterone secretion
10014149 Ectopic antidiuretic hormone secretion
10014150 Ectopic beats
10014151 Ectopic bladder congenital
10014152 Ectopic calcitonin production
10014153 Ectopic chorionic gonadotrophin secretion
10014154 Ectopic chorionic gonadotropin secretion
10014155 Ectopic corticotrophin syndrome
10014156 Ectopic corticotropin syndrome
10014158 Ectopic growth hormone secretion
10014159 Ectopic heartbeats
10014160 Ectopic hormone secretion NOS
10014163 Ectopic hyperthyroidism
10014164 Ectopic parathormone production
10014165 Ectopic parathyroid hormone production
10014166 Ectopic pregnancy
10014168 Ectopic pregnancy termination
10014169 Ectopic pregnancy, unspecified
10014170 Ectopic prolactin secretion
10014171 Ectopic renin secretion
10014172 Ectopic ureter
10014173 Ectopic vasopressin secretion
10014174 Ectromelia
10014175 Ectromelia four limbs
10014176 Ectromelia one limb
10014177 Ectromelia three limbs
10014178 Ectromelia two limbs
10014179 Ectropion
10014180 Ectropion NOS
10014181 Ectropion of cervix
10014182 Ectropion repair
10014183 Ectropion, unspecified
10014184 Eczema
10014185 Eczema (rash) in the outer ear
10014186 Eczema acute
10014187 Eczema aggravated
10014188 Eczema allergic
10014189 Eczema allergic atopic
10014190 Eczema asteatotic
10014191 Eczema atopic
10014192 Eczema craquele
10014193 Eczema exacerbated
10014194 Eczema eyelids
10014195 Eczema facial
10014196 Eczema gravitational
10014197 Eczema herpeticum
10014198 Eczema infantile
10014199 Eczema infected
10014200 Eczema NOS
10014201 Eczema nummular
10014202 Eczema of external auditory meatus
10014203 Eczema papular
10014204 Eczema seborrhoeic
10014205 Eczema stasis
10014206 Eczematous dermatitis
10014207 Eczematous dermatitis of eyelid
10014208 Eczematous nipple
10014209 Eczematous rash
10014210 Edema
10014212 Edema angioneurotic
10014213 Edema application site
10014214 Edema arms
10014215 Edema at application site
10014216 Edema brain
10014217 Edema cerebral
10014218 Edema conjunctival
10014219 Edema dependent
10014220 Edema extremities
10014221 Edema eyelid
10014222 Edema face
10014223 Edema generalized
10014224 Edema genital
10014225 Edema glottis
10014226 Edema injection site
10014227 Edema labial genital
10014228 Edema laryngotracheal
10014229 Edema larynx
10014230 Edema legs
10014231 Edema lip
10014232 Edema lower limb
10014233 Edema lung
10014234 Edema NOS
10014235 Edema of cornea
10014236 Edema of extremities
10014237 Edema of eyelid
10014238 Edema of larynx
10014239 Edema of legs
10014240 Edema of male genital organs
10014241 Edema of mouth
10014242 Edema of penis
10014250 Edema periorbital
10014251 Edema peripheral
10014252 Edema pharynx
10014253 Edema pulmonary
10014254 Edema Quincke's
10014255 Edema retinal
10014256 Edema scrotal
10014257 Edema tongue
10014258 Edema tracheal
10014259 Edema upper limb
10014260 Edema vascular
10014261 Edema vocal cord
10014262 Edema vulva
10014263 Edematous feet
10014264 Edematous weight gain
10014265 Edridge Green Lantern tests
10014266 Edridge Green Lantern tests abnormal
10014267 Edridge Green Lantern tests normal
10014269 Educational maladjustment
10014270 Educational problem
10014271 Educationally subnormal
10014272 Edward's syndrome
10014273 Edwards' syndrome
10014275 EEG
10014276 EEG abnormal
10014277 EEG normal
10014286 Effects of radiation, unspecified
10014287 Effects of reduced temperature
10014292 Effort angina
10014293 Effort syndrome
10014294 Effusion (l) knee
10014295 Effusion (r) knee
10014296 Effusion of ankle
10014298 Effusion of elbow
10014299 Effusion of forearm joint
10014300 Effusion of hand joint
10014301 Effusion of joint
10014305 Effusion of joint of shoulder region
10014306 Effusion of joint, site unspecified
10014307 Effusion of knee
10014308 Effusion of lower leg joint
10014309 Effusion of upper arm joint
10014310 Effusion of wrist
10014311 Effusion pericardial
10014312 Effusion pericardial bloody
10014313 Effusion pleural
10014314 Effusion pleural bloody
10014315 Egg allergy
10014316 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
10014317 Ehrlichia canis infection
10014318 Ehrlichia chafeenis
10014319 Ehrlichia chaffeensis infection
10014320 Eighth cranial nerve lesion
10014321 Eighth nerve lesion
10014322 Eighth nerve lesion NOS
10014323 Ejaculation abnormal
10014324 Ejaculation decreased
10014325 Ejaculation delayed
10014326 Ejaculation disorder
10014327 Ejaculation disorder NOS
10014328 Ejaculation failure
10014329 Ejaculation inhibited
10014330 Ejaculation premature
10014331 Ejection fraction abnormal
10014332 EKG
10014335 EKG normal
10014337 Elastoplast allergy
10014338 Elastosis perforans
10014339 Elation inappropriate
10014340 Elbow deformity (acquired)
10014341 Elbow deformity NOS
10014342 Elbow dislocation
10014343 Elbow effusion
10014344 Elbow fracture
10014345 Elbow osteoarthritis
10014346 Elbow sprain
10014347 Elder abuse
10014348 Elderly
10014349 Elderly primigravida
10014350 Elderly primigravida, antepartum
10014353 Elderly primip
10014354 Elective mutism
10014355 Elective mutism specific to childhood and adolescence
10014356 Electoporation ex vivo gene therapy
10014357 Electric shock
10014358 Electric shock sensation
10014359 Electro-oculogram
10014360 Electro-oculogram abnormal
10014361 Electro-oculogram normal
10014362 Electrocardiogram
10014363 Electrocardiogram abnormal
10014365 Electrocardiogram abnormal non-specific
10014366 Electrocardiogram abnormal NOS
10014367 Electrocardiogram abnormal specific
10014368 Electrocardiogram ambulatory
10014369 Electrocardiogram ambulatory abnormal
10014370 Electrocardiogram ambulatory normal
10014371 Electrocardiogram change NOS
10014372 Electrocardiogram delta waves abnormal
10014373 Electrocardiogram normal
10014374 Electrocardiogram PR shortened
10014375 Electrocardiogram Q waves
10014376 Electrocardiogram Q waves normal
10014377 Electrocardiogram QRS complex
10014378 Electrocardiogram QRS complex abnormal
10014379 Electrocardiogram QRS complex normal
10014380 Electrocardiogram QRS complex prolonged
10014381 Electrocardiogram QT corrected interval
10014382 Electrocardiogram QT corrected interval normal
10014383 Electrocardiogram QT corrected interval prolonged
10014384 Electrocardiogram QT corrected interval shortened
10014385 Electrocardiogram QT interval
10014386 Electrocardiogram QT interval normal
10014387 Electrocardiogram QT prolonged
10014388 Electrocardiogram QT shortened
10014389 Electrocardiogram ST segment
10014390 Electrocardiogram ST segment abnormal
10014391 Electrocardiogram ST segment depression
10014392 Electrocardiogram ST segment elevation
10014393 Electrocardiogram ST segment normal
10014394 Electrocardiogram T wave amplitude decreased
10014395 Electrocardiogram T wave inversion
10014396 Electrocardiogram T wave peaked
10014397 Electrocardiogram U wave appearance
10014398 Electrocochleogram
10014399 Electrocochleogram abnormal
10014400 Electrocochleogram normal
10014401 Electrocochleography tests
10014402 Electrocochleography tests abnormal
10014403 Electrocochleography tests normal
10014404 Electroconvulsive therapy
10014405 Electrocution
10014407 Electroencephalogram
10014408 Electroencephalogram abnormal
10014409 Electroencephalogram normal
10014410 Electrolyte abnormality
10014411 Electrolyte abnormality serum (NOS)
10014413 Electrolyte and fluid balance disorder NOS
10014415 Electrolyte depletion
10014416 Electrolyte depletion (NOS)
10014417 Electrolyte disturbance
10014418 Electrolyte imbalance
10014420 Electrolyte metabolism abnormal
10014421 Electrolyte replacement
10014422 Electrolytes NOS abnormal
10014423 Electrolytes NOS decreased
10014424 Electrolytes NOS high
10014425 Electrolytes NOS increased
10014426 Electrolytes serum increased (NOS)
10014427 Electrolytes serum low (NOS)
10014428 Electrolytes urine decreased
10014429 Electrolytes urine low
10014430 Electromyogram
10014431 Electromyogram abnormal
10014432 Electromyogram normal
10014433 Electron radiation therapy NOS
10014434 Electron radiation therapy to bladder
10014435 Electron radiation therapy to bone
10014436 Electron radiation therapy to brain
10014437 Electron radiation therapy to breast
10014438 Electron radiation therapy to colon
10014439 Electron radiation therapy to ear, nose, or throat
10014440 Electron radiation therapy to lung
10014441 Electron radiation therapy to pancreas
10014442 Electron radiation therapy to prostate
10014443 Electron radiation therapy to skin
10014444 Electron radiation therapy to uterus
10014445 Electron radiation to pleura
10014446 Electronic audiometry
10014447 Electronic audiometry abnormal
10014448 Electronic audiometry normal
10014449 Electronystagmogram
10014450 Electronystagmogram abnormal
10014451 Electronystagmogram normal
10014452 Electronystagmography
10014453 Electronystagmography abnormal
10014454 Electronystagmography normal
10014455 Electrooculogram
10014456 Electrooculogram abnormal
10014457 Electrooculogram normal
10014458 Electrophoresis
10014459 Electrophoresis abnormal
10014460 Electrophoresis abnormality
10014461 Electrophoresis CSF
10014462 Electrophoresis NOS
10014463 Electrophoresis NOS abnormal
10014464 Electrophoresis NOS CSF abnormal
10014465 Electrophoresis NOS CSF normal
10014466 Electrophoresis NOS normal
10014467 Electrophoresis protein
10014468 Electrophoresis protein abnormal
10014469 Electrophoresis protein normal
10014470 Electrophoresis urine NOS abnormal
10014471 Electrophoresis urine NOS normal
10014472 Elephantiasis
10014473 Elephantiasis of eyelid
10014474 Elevated blood pressure reading without diagnosis of hypertension
10014475 Elevated BP
10014478 Elevated copper
10014479 Elevated K
10014480 Elevated liver enzyme levels
10014481 Elevated liver enzymes
10014482 Elevated Mg
10014483 Elevated mood
10014484 Elevated prostate specific antigen [PSA]
10014485 Elevated sedimentation rate
10014487 Elevation skull fracture
10014488 Elliptocytes present
10014489 Elliptocytosis
10014490 Elliptocytosis hereditary
10014491 Elliptocytosis NOS
10014492 Elsner's asthma
10014494 Emaciation
10014495 Emancipation disorder of adolescence and early adult life
10014496 Embedded IUD
10014497 Embolectomy
10014498 Embolic stroke
10014499 Embolism NOS
10014507 Embolism and thrombosis of other specified veins
10014512 Embolism and thrombosis of vena cava
10014513 Embolism arterial
10014514 Embolism arterial (limb)
10014515 Embolism cerebral
10014518 Embolism infective
10014519 Embolism limb
10014520 Embolism mesenteric
10014521 Embolism pulmonary
10014522 Embolism venous
10014525 Embolus
10014526 Embolus (limb)
10014527 Embolus amniotic fluid
10014528 Embolus arm
10014529 Embolus carotid
10014530 Embolus cerebral
10014532 Embolus coronary artery
10014533 Embolus in foot
10014534 Embolus leg
10014535 Embolus lower extremity
10014536 Embolus mesenteric
10014537 Embolus pulmonary
10014538 Embolus retinal artery
10014539 Embolus upper extremity
10014542 Emesis
10014543 Emesis bloody
10014544 EMG
10014545 EMG abnormal
10014546 EMG normal
10014547 EMI scan
10014548 EMI scan abnormal
10014549 EMI scan normal
10014550 Emotional dejection
10014551 Emotional disorder
10014552 Emotional disorder of childhood
10014553 Emotional disturbance NOS
10014554 Emotional instability
10014555 Emotional lability
10014557 Emotional poverty
10014558 Emotional problems
10014559 Emotional reaction
10014560 Emotional withdrawal
10014561 Emphysema
10014562 Emphysema (subcutaneous) (surgical) resulting from a procedure
10014563 Emphysema pulmonary
10014564 Emphysematous bleb
10014566 Emprosthotonus
10014567 Empty sella syndrome
10014568 Empyema
10014569 Empyema drainage
10014570 Empyema necessitatis
10014571 Empyema NOS
10014572 Empyema with fistula
10014575 En coup de sabre
10014576 Enamel anomaly
10014577 Enamel hypoplasia
10014578 Enamel mottling
10014579 Enanthema
10014580 Encephalitic reaction
10014581 Encephalitis
10014582 Encephalitis allergic (autoimmune)
10014583 Encephalitis australia
10014584 Encephalitis california
10014585 Encephalitis CMV
10014586 Encephalitis cytomegalovirus
10014587 Encephalitis eastern equine
10014588 Encephalitis following immunization procedures
10014589 Encephalitis haemorrhagic
10014590 Encephalitis herpes
10014594 Encephalitis infection
10014595 Encephalitis infection NOS
10014596 Encephalitis Japanese B
10014597 Encephalitis meningococcal
10014598 Encephalitis mumps
10014601 Encephalitis NOS
10014602 Encephalitis post immunisation
10014603 Encephalitis post varicella
10014604 Encephalitis post measles
10014605 Encephalitis protozoal NOS
10014606 Encephalitis rickettsial NOS
10014607 Encephalitis toxic
10014608 Encephalitis toxic acute
10014609 Encephalitis toxic chronic
10014610 Encephalitis toxoplasmal
10014611 Encephalitis venezuelan equine
10014612 Encephalitis viral
10014613 Encephalitis viral NOS
10014614 Encephalitis western equine
10014616 Encephalitis-like symptom
10014617 Encephalocele
10014618 Encephalocele repair
10014619 Encephalomyelitis
10014620 Encephalomyelitis due to rubella
10014621 Encephalomyelitis infection
10014622 Encephalomyelitis rubella
10014625 Encephalopathy
10014626 Encephalopathy acute
10014627 Encephalopathy allergic
10014628 Encephalopathy aluminum
10014629 Encephalopathy chronic
10014630 Encephalopathy hepatic
10014631 Encephalopathy hypertensive
10014633 Encephalopathy neonatal
10014634 Encephalopathy neonatal acute
10014635 Encephalopathy neonatal chronic
10014636 Encephalopathy NOS
10014637 Encephalopathy pulmonary
10014638 Encephalopathy toxic
10014639 Encephalopathy toxic acute
10014640 Encephalopathy toxic chronic
10014641 Encephalopathy, unspecified
10014642 Enchondromatosis
10014643 Encopresis
10014644 Encysted hydrocele
10014645 End colostomy
10014646 End stage renal disease (ESRD)
10014647 End stage renal failure
10014648 Endarterectomy
10014649 Endarterectomy of aorta
10014650 Endarteritis
10014651 Endarteritis obliterans
10014652 Endemic haemoptysis
10014653 Endemic type hemorrhagic sarcoma
10014654 Endobronchial lipoma
10014655 Endobronchial metastases
10014656 Endocardial cushion defect NOS
10014657 Endocardial cushion defect repair
10014658 Endocardial cushion defect, unspecified type
10014661 Endocardial disease NOS
10014663 Endocardial fibroelastosis
10014664 Endocardial fibrosis
10014665 Endocarditis
10014666 Endocarditis bacterial
10014668 Endocarditis bacterial NOS
10014669 Endocarditis candida
10014670 Endocarditis culture positive
10014671 Endocarditis enterococcal
10014673 Endocarditis fungal NOS
10014674 Endocarditis gonococcal
10014675 Endocarditis haemophilus
10014676 Endocarditis histoplasma
10014678 Endocarditis infective
10014679 Endocarditis meningococcal
10014681 Endocarditis NOS
10014682 Endocarditis Q fever
10014683 Endocarditis rheumatic
10014684 Endocarditis staphylococcal
10014685 Endocarditis syphilitic
10014687 Endocarditis viral NOS
10014688 Endocarditis, valve unspecified
10014689 Endocarditis, valve unspecified, unspecified cause
10014690 Endocervicitis
10014695 Endocrine disorder
10014696 Endocrine disorder arising from mental factors
10014697 Endocrine disorder NOS
10014702 Endocrine exophthalmos
10014703 Endocrine function test NOS abnormal
10014704 Endocrine function test NOS normal
10014707 Endocrine myopathy
10014708 Endocrine neoplasm malignant NOS
10014709 Endocrine neoplasm NOS
10014715 Endocrine pancreatic disorder NOS
10014717 Endocrinopathy diencephalic
10014718 Endodermal sinus tumour site unspecified
10014719 Endogenous depression
10014720 Endometrial adenocarcinoma
10014721 Endometrial adenocarcinoma metastatic
10014722 Endometrial adenocarcinoma recurrent
10014723 Endometrial adenocarcinoma stage 0
10014724 Endometrial adenocarcinoma stage I
10014725 Endometrial adenocarcinoma stage II
10014726 Endometrial adenocarcinoma stage III
10014727 Endometrial adenocarcinoma stage IV
10014728 Endometrial adenoma
10014729 Endometrial biopsy
10014730 Endometrial biopsy abnormal
10014731 Endometrial biopsy normal
10014732 Endometrial bleeding
10014733 Endometrial cancer
10014734 Endometrial cancer metastatic
10014735 Endometrial cancer NOS
10014736 Endometrial cancer recurrent
10014737 Endometrial cancer stage 0
10014738 Endometrial cancer stage I
10014739 Endometrial cancer stage II
10014740 Endometrial cancer stage III
10014741 Endometrial cancer stage IV
10014743 Endometrial carcinoma
10014745 Endometrial carcinoma metastatic
10014746 Endometrial carcinoma mucinous
10014747 Endometrial carcinoma recurrent
10014748 Endometrial carcinoma stage 0
10014749 Endometrial carcinoma stage II
10014750 Endometrial carcinoma stage III
10014751 Endometrial carcinoma stage IV
10014752 Endometrial cystic hyperplasia
10014753 Endometrial disorder
10014754 Endometrial disorder NOS
10014755 Endometrial hyperplasia
10014756 Endometrial hypertrophy
10014757 Endometrial hypoplasia
10014758 Endometrial neoplasia
10014759 Endometrial neoplasm
10014760 Endometrial neoplasm malignant
10014761 Endometrial neoplasm malignant metastatic
10014762 Endometrial neoplasm malignant recurrent
10014763 Endometrial neoplasm malignant stage 0
10014764 Endometrial neoplasm malignant stage I
10014765 Endometrial neoplasm malignant stage II
10014766 Endometrial neoplasm malignant stage III
10014767 Endometrial neoplasm malignant stage IV
10014768 Endometrial neoplasm NOS
10014769 Endometrial polyp
10014770 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma
10014771 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma metastatic
10014772 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma recurrent
10014773 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma stage 0
10014774 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma stage I
10014775 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma stage II
10014776 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma stage III
10014777 Endometrioid adenocarcinoma stage IV
10014778 Endometriosis
10014779 Endometriosis in pelvis, excision
10014780 Endometriosis in scar of skin
10014781 Endometriosis of fallopian tube
10014782 Endometriosis of intestine
10014784 Endometriosis of ovary
10014785 Endometriosis of pelvic peritoneum
10014787 Endometriosis of uterus
10014788 Endometriosis related pain
10014789 Endometriosis, site unspecified
10014790 Endometriotic cyst
10014791 Endometritis
10014792 Endometritis decidual
10014793 Endometritis gonococcal
10014794 Endometritis infection
10014795 Endometritis NOS
10014796 Endometritis postpartum
10014797 Endometrium arrested stage
10014798 Endometrium cystic
10014799 Endometrium pseudodecidual
10014800 Endomyocardial fibrosis
10014801 Endophthalmitis
10014802 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
10014803 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography abnormal
10014804 Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography normal
10014805 Endoscopy
10014806 Endoscopy biliary tract
10014807 Endoscopy biliary tract abnormal
10014808 Endoscopy biliary tract normal
10014809 Endoscopy gastrointestinal
10014810 Endoscopy large bowel abnormal
10014811 Endoscopy large bowel normal
10014812 Endoscopy large bowel NOS
10014813 Endoscopy NOS
10014814 Endoscopy NOS abnormal
10014815 Endoscopy NOS normal
10014816 Endoscopy small intestine
10014817 Endoscopy small intestine abnormal
10014818 Endoscopy small intestine normal
10014819 Endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract
10014820 Endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract abnormal
10014821 Endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract normal
10014822 Endosseous dental implant, failed integration
10014823 Endothelial corneal dystrophy
10014824 Endotoxic shock
10014825 Endovaginal sonography
10014826 Enema abuse
10014829 ENG abnormal
10014830 ENG normal
10014831 Engorgement of breast associated with childbirth, antepartum
10014832 Engorgement of breast associated with childbirth, postpartum
10014835 Engorgement of breasts associated with childbirth
10014837 Engorgement, breast
10014838 Enlarged clitoris
10014839 Enlarged lymph nodes (excl infective)
10014840 Enlarged prostate (benign)
10014841 Enlarged thyroid
10014842 Enlargement abdomen
10014843 Enlargement breast female
10014844 Enlargement breast male
10014845 Enlargement clitoris
10014846 Enlargement heart
10014847 Enlargement of lymph nodes
10014848 Enlargement of orbit
10014849 Enlargement ovary
10014850 Enlargement parotid gland
10014851 Enlargement salivary gland
10014852 Enlargement uterine
10014853 Enophthalmos
10014854 Enophthalmos due to atrophy of orbital tissue
10014855 Enophthalmos due to trauma or surgery
10014856 Enophthalmos traumatic
10014857 Enophthalmos, unspecified as to cause
10014858 Entamoeba histolytica dysentery
10014859 Entamoebic histolytica dysentery
10014860 Enterectomy
10014861 Enteric adenovirus infection
10014862 Enteric fever
10014863 Enteric fever (not typhoid)
10014864 Enteric tularemia
10014865 Enterically transmitted non-A non-B hepatitis
10014866 Enteritis
10014867 Enteritis due to adenovirus
10014868 Enteritis due to astrovirus
10014871 Enteritis due to norwalk virus
10014874 Enteritis due to rotavirus
10014875 Enteritis due to specified virus
10014876 Enteritis hemorrhagic
10014877 Enteritis leukopenic
10014878 Enteritis necroticans
10014879 Enteritis pseudomembranous
10014880 Enteritis ulcerative
10014881 Enterobiasis
10014882 Enterobiasis threadworm
10014883 Enterobius vermicularis infection
10014884 Enterocele
10014885 Enterococcal bacteraemia
10014886 Enterococcal bacteremia
10014887 Enterococcal cellulitis
10014888 Enterococcal endocarditis
10014890 Enterococcal meningitis
10014891 Enterococcal urinary tract infection
10014892 Enterococcus faecalis endocarditis
10014893 Enterocolitis
10014894 Enterocolitis AIDS
10014895 Enterocolitis due to radiation
10014896 Enterocolitis haemorrhagic
10014897 Enterocolitis hemorrhagic
10014898 Enterocolitis HIV
10014899 Enterocolitis necrotising
10014900 Enterocolitis pseudomembranous
10014901 Enterocolitis ulcerative
10014902 Enteroenterostomy
10014903 Enteropathic acrodermatitis
10014904 Enteropathic arthritis
10014905 Enteropathic E.coli
10014906 Enteropathic Escherichia coli gastroenteritis
10014908 Enterovirus gastroenteritis
10014909 Enterovirus infection
10014910 Enthesopathy
10014913 Enthesopathy of elbow region
10014914 Enthesopathy of elbow, unspecified
10014915 Enthesopathy of hip region
10014916 Enthesopathy of knee
10014917 Enthesopathy of knee, unspecified
10014918 Enthesopathy of unspecified site
10014920 Entamoeba histolytica liver abscess
10014921 Entrapment neuropathy
10014923 Entropion congenital
10014924 Entropion NOS
10014925 Entropion repair
10014926 Entropion, unspecified
10014927 Enucleation of eyeball
10014928 Enuresis
10014930 Enuresis (non-organic)
10014935 Enzyme abnormality
10014936 Enzyme abnormality (NOS)
10014937 Enzyme abnormality NOS
10014939 Enzyme(s) erythrocyte abnormal
10014940 Eosinopenia
10014941 Eosinophil count
10014942 Eosinophil count abnormal NOS
10014943 Eosinophil count decreased
10014944 Eosinophil count high
10014945 Eosinophil count increased
10014946 Eosinophil count normal
10014947 Eosinophil leukaemia
10014948 Eosinophil morphology NOS abnormal
10014949 Eosinophil morphology NOS normal
10014950 Eosinophilia
10014951 Eosinophilia (excl pulmonary)
10014952 Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome
10014953 Eosinophilic endomyocardial disease
10014954 Eosinophilic fasciitis
10014955 Eosinophilic granulocytosis
10014956 Eosinophilic granuloma
10014957 Eosinophilic granulomatous vasculitis
10014958 Eosinophilic leukaemia
10014959 Eosinophilic leukemia
10014960 Eosinophilic meningitis
10014961 Eosinophilic myocarditis
10014962 Eosinophilic pneumonia
10014963 Eosinophils
10014965 Ependymitis
10014966 Ependymoblastoma
10014967 Ependymoma
10014968 Ependymoma malignant
10014969 Ependymoma benign
10014970 Ephelides
10014971 Epicondylitis
10014972 Epidemic arthritic erythema
10014973 Epidemic haemorrhagic conjunctivitis
10014974 Epidemic hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
10014975 Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis
10014976 Epidemic louse-borne typhus
10014977 Epidemic non-A non-B hepatitis
10014978 Epidemic pleurodynia
10014979 Epidemic typhus
10014980 Epidemic vertigo
10014981 Epidemic vomiting syndrome
10014983 Epidermal cyst
10014984 Epidermal inclusion cyst
10014985 Epidermal naevus
10014986 Epidermal necrolysis
10014987 Epidermoid carcinoma
10014988 Epidermoid cyst excision
10014989 Epidermolysis bullosa
10014990 Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
10014991 Epididymal biopsy
10014992 Epididymal biopsy abnormal
10014993 Epididymal biopsy normal
10014994 Epididymal cyst
10014995 Epididymal cyst aspiration
10014996 Epididymal cyst removal
10014998 Epididymal tuberculosis
10014999 Epididymectomy
10015000 Epididymitis
10015001 Epididymitis blastomyces
10015002 Epididymitis mumps
10015003 Epididymitis NOS
10015004 Epididymitis tuberculous
10015005 Epididymo-orchitis
10015006 Epididymo-orchitis gonococcal
10015007 Epididymo-orchitis mumps
10015008 Epididymo-orchitis NOS
10015009 Epididymoma
10015010 Epidural abscess
10015011 Epidural anaesthesia
10015012 Epidural haematoma
10015013 Epidural hematoma
10015014 Epigastric ache
10015015 Epigastric burning
10015016 Epigastric distress
10015017 Epigastric food-related pain
10015018 Epigastric fullness
10015019 Epigastric hernia
10015020 Epigastric hernia gangrenous
10015021 Epigastric hernia incarcerated
10015022 Epigastric hernia irreducible
10015023 Epigastric hernia obstructive
10015024 Epigastric hernia specified as gangrenous
10015025 Epigastric hernia strangulated
10015026 Epigastric pain
10015028 Epigastric pain not food-related
10015029 Epiglottic oedema
10015030 Epiglottitis
10015031 Epiglottitis haemophilus
10015032 Epiglottitis NOS
10015033 Epiglottitis obstructive
10015034 Epilepsia partialis continua
10015037 Epilepsy
10015038 Epilepsy aggravated
10015039 Epilepsy congenital
10015040 Epilepsy equivalent
10015041 Epilepsy grand mal
10015042 Epilepsy NOS
10015043 Epilepsy petit mal
10015044 Epilepsy sensory
10015045 Epilepsy temporal lobe
10015046 Epilepsy, unspecified
10015049 Epileptic aura
10015051 Epileptic fit
10015052 Epileptic seizure
10015053 Epileptiform attacks (NOS)
10015054 Epileptiform attacks NOS
10015055 Epileptiform fits NOS
10015056 Epileptiform movement
10015057 Epiloia
10015058 Epiloya
10015059 Epimenorrhoea
10015060 Epinephrine
10015061 Epinephrine abnormal NOS
10015062 Epinephrine decreased
10015063 Epinephrine high
10015064 Epinephrine increased
10015065 Epinephrine low
10015066 Epinephrine normal
10015068 Epiphora
10015069 Epiphora due to excess lacrimation
10015070 Epiphora due to insufficient drainage
10015071 Epiphora, unspecified as to cause
10015073 Epiphyseal early closing
10015074 Epiphyseal ischaemic necrosis
10015075 Epiphyseal ischemic necrosis
10015076 Epiphyseal stapling
10015077 Epiphyses delayed fusion
10015078 Epiphyses premature fusion
10015079 Epiphysiolysis
10015080 Epiphysis closure delayed
10015081 Epiphysis closure premature
10015082 Epiphysitis
10015083 Epiphysitis NOS
10015084 Episcleritis
10015085 Episcleritis NOS
10015086 Episcleritis periodica fugax
10015087 Episiotomy
10015088 Epispadias
10015089 Epispadias repair
10015090 Epistaxis
10015091 Episthotonos
10015092 Epithelial interferon therapy
10015093 Epithelial malignant mesothelioma
10015094 Epithelial malignant thymoma
10015095 Epithelial malignant thymoma invasive
10015096 Epithelial malignant thymoma noninvasive
10015097 Epithelial malignant thymoma recurrent
10015098 Epithelioid intraocular melanoma
10015099 Epithelioid sarcoma
10015101 Epithelioid sarcoma metastatic
10015102 Epithelioid sarcoma non-metastatic
10015103 Epithelioid sarcoma NOS
10015104 Epithelioid sarcoma recurrent
10015105 Epithelioma
10015106 Epithelioma adenoides cysticum
10015108 Epstein-Barr virus infection
10015109 Epstein-Barr virus infection reactivation
10015110 Equatorial staphyloma
10015112 Equinus deformity of foot, acquired
10015113 Erb's palsy
10015114 Erb's paralysis
10015115 ERCP
10015116 Erectile disturbance
10015117 Erection decreased
10015118 Erection failure
10015119 Erection inadequate
10015120 Erection increased
10015122 Erection nocturnal
10015123 Erethism
10015124 Ergot poisoning
10015125 Ergotism
10015127 Erosion gingival
10015128 Erosion of cervix
10015129 Erosion of hard tooth tissue
10015130 Erosion of teeth
10015131 Erosion uterine cervix
10015132 Erosion, pocket
10015133 Erotomania
10015134 Erotomanic delusion
10015136 Error refraction
10015137 Eructation
10015138 Eruption
10015139 Eruption facial
10015140 Eruption fixed
10015141 Eruption lichenoid
10015142 Eruption of exposed site
10015143 Eruption of limbs
10015144 Eruptive xanthoma
10015145 Erysipelas
10015146 Erysipeloid
10015147 Erysipeloid NOS
10015148 Erysipelothrix infection
10015150 Erythema
10015152 Erythema ab igne
10015153 Erythema annulare
10015154 Erythema annulare centrifugum
10015155 Erythema auricular
10015156 Erythema bullosum
10015157 Erythema chronicum migrans
10015158 Erythema circumocular-blepharal
10015159 Erythema diffuse
10015160 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of abdominal wall
10015161 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of ankle
10015162 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of axilla
10015163 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of back (any part)
10015164 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of back of hand
10015165 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of breast
10015166 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of chest wall, excluding breast and nipple
10015167 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of chin
10015168 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of ear (any part)
10015169 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of elbow
10015172 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of foot
10015173 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of forearm
10015175 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of genitalia
10015176 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of knee
10015177 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of lip(s)
10015178 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of lower leg
10015179 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of lower limb(s)
10015181 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of multiple sites of lower limb(s)
10015184 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of multiple specified sites
10015185 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of neck
10015186 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of nose (septum)
10015188 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of palm of hand
10015189 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of scalp (any part)
10015190 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of scapular region
10015191 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of shoulder
10015193 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of thigh (any part)
10015196 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of trunk
10015197 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of two or more digits of hand including thumb
10015200 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of unspecified site of hand
10015201 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of unspecified site of lower limb (leg)
10015202 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of unspecified site of trunk
10015203 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of unspecified site of upper limb
10015204 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of upper arm
10015205 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of upper limb, except wrist and hand
10015206 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of wrist
10015208 Erythema due to burn (first degree), unspecified site
10015209 Erythema exsudativum multiforme
10015210 Erythema exudativum
10015211 Erythema exudativum multiforme
10015212 Erythema facial
10015213 Erythema induratum
10015214 Erythema infectiosum
10015215 Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)
10015216 Erythema marginatum
10015217 Erythema multiform-like eruption
10015218 Erythema multiforme
10015219 Erythema multiforme exudativum
10015220 Erythema multiforme major
10015221 Erythema multiforme minor
10015222 Erythema multiforme severe
10015223 Erythema multiforme type skin reaction
10015224 Erythema multiforme type vasculitis
10015225 Erythema NOS
10015226 Erythema nodosum
10015227 Erythema nodosum tuberculous
10015228 Erythema nodosum with hypersensitivity reaction in tuberculosis
10015236 Erythema oedematous
10015237 Erythema of eyelid
10015238 Erythema urticarial
10015239 Erythematosquamous dermatosis
10015241 Erythematous eruption
10015242 Erythematous florid universal rash
10015243 Erythematous rash
10015244 Erythematous skin rash
10015245 Erythraemic myelosis
10015246 Erythraemic myelosis (in remission)
10015247 Erythralgia
10015248 Erythrasma
10015249 Erythremic myelosis
10015250 Erythroblastosis fetalis
10015251 Erythroblastosis foetalis
10015252 Erythrocyte abnormalities (excl anaemia)
10015253 Erythrocyte abnormality NOS
10015254 Erythrocyte agglutination present
10015255 Erythrocyte enzymes abnormal
10015257 Erythrocyte sedimentation increased
10015258 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
10015259 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate abnormal
10015260 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate abnormal NOS
10015261 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate decreased
10015262 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate high
10015264 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased
10015265 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate low
10015266 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate normal
10015267 Erythrocyte vacuolization
10015268 Erythrocytes abnormal
10015269 Erythrocytes abnormal (NOS)
10015270 Erythrocytes agglutination
10015271 Erythrocytes maturation arrest
10015272 Erythrocytes sedimentation rate decreased
10015273 Erythrocytes sedimentation rate increased
10015274 Erythrocytes vacuolization of
10015275 Erythrocytopenia
10015276 Erythrocytosis
10015277 Erythroderma
10015278 Erythrodermic psoriasis
10015279 Erythroid maturation arrest
10015280 Erythrokeratoderma
10015281 Erythroleukaemia
10015282 Erythroleukemia
10015283 Erythromacular rash
10015284 Erythromelalgia
10015285 Erythropapular rash
10015286 Erythropapular rash on trunk
10015287 Erythropenia
10015288 Erythropoietic porphyria
10015289 Erythropoietic protoporphyria
10015290 Erythropsia
10015291 Escape nodal
10015293 Escherichia coli cystitis
10015294 Escherichia infection NOS
10015296 Escherichia sepsis
10015297 Escherichial cystitis
10015298 Escherichial gastroenteritis
10015299 Esophagalgia
10015300 Esophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal in situ
10015301 Esophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal recurrent
10015302 Esophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage 0
10015303 Esophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage I
10015304 Esophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage II
10015305 Esophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage III
10015306 Esophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage IV
10015307 Esophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage unspecified
10015308 Esophageal adenocarcinoma cervical in situ
10015309 Esophageal adenocarcinoma cervical recurrent
10015310 Esophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage 0
10015311 Esophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage I
10015312 Esophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage II
10015313 Esophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage III
10015314 Esophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage IV
10015315 Esophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage unspecified
10015316 Esophageal adenocarcinoma lower third in situ
10015317 Esophageal adenocarcinoma lower third recurrent
10015318 Esophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage 0
10015319 Esophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage I
10015320 Esophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage II
10015321 Esophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage III
10015322 Esophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage IV
10015323 Esophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage unspecified
10015324 Esophageal adenocarcinoma middle third in situ
10015325 Esophageal adenocarcinoma middle third recurrent
10015326 Esophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage 0
10015327 Esophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage I
10015328 Esophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage II
10015329 Esophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage III
10015330 Esophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage IV
10015331 Esophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage unspecified
10015332 Esophageal adenocarcinoma recurrent
10015333 Esophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified in situ
10015334 Esophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified recurrent
10015335 Esophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage 0
10015336 Esophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage I
10015337 Esophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage II
10015338 Esophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage III
10015339 Esophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage IV
10015340 Esophageal adenocarcinoma stage II
10015341 Esophageal adenocarcinoma stage I
10015342 Esophageal adenocarcinoma stage III
10015343 Esophageal adenocarcinoma stage IV
10015344 Esophageal adenocarcinoma stage unspecified
10015345 Esophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic in situ
10015346 Esophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic recurrent
10015347 Esophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage 0
10015348 Esophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage I
10015349 Esophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage II
10015350 Esophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage III
10015351 Esophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage IV
10015352 Esophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage unspecified
10015353 Esophageal adenocarcinoma upper third in situ
10015354 Esophageal adenocarcinoma upper third recurrent
10015355 Esophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage 0
10015356 Esophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage I
10015357 Esophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage II
10015358 Esophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage III
10015359 Esophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage IV
10015360 Esophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage unspecified
10015361 Esophageal biopsy
10015362 Esophageal cancer
10015363 Esophageal cancer NOS
10015364 Esophageal candida
10015365 Esophageal candidiasis
10015366 Esophageal carcinoma
10015367 Esophageal carcinoma abdominal recurrent
10015368 Esophageal carcinoma cervical recurrent
10015369 Esophageal carcinoma in situ
10015370 Esophageal carcinoma lower third recurrent
10015371 Esophageal carcinoma middle third recurrent
10015372 Esophageal carcinoma NOS
10015373 Esophageal carcinoma site unspecified recurrent
10015374 Esophageal carcinoma site unspecified stage 0
10015375 Esophageal carcinoma stage 0
10015376 Esophageal carcinoma thoracic recurrent
10015377 Esophageal carcinoma upper third recurrent
10015378 Esophageal dilatation
10015379 Esophageal disease NOS
10015380 Esophageal disorder
10015381 Esophageal diverticulitis
10015382 Esophageal epidermoid carcinoma NOS
10015383 Esophageal erosions
10015384 Esophageal hemorrhage
10015385 Esophageal leukoplakia
10015386 Esophageal neoplasm NOS
10015387 Esophageal obstruction
10015388 Esophageal pain
10015389 Esophageal reflux
10015390 Esophageal spasm
10015391 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal in situ
10015392 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal recurrent
10015393 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage 0
10015394 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage I
10015395 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage II
10015396 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage III
10015397 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage IV
10015398 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage unspecified
10015399 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical in situ
10015400 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical recurrent
10015401 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage 0
10015402 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage I
10015403 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage II
10015404 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage III
10015405 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage IV
10015406 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage unspecified
10015407 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third in situ
10015408 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third recurrent
10015409 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage 0
10015410 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage I
10015411 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage II
10015412 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage III
10015413 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage IV
10015414 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage unspecified
10015415 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third in situ
10015416 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third recurrent
10015417 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage 0
10015418 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage I
10015419 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage II
10015420 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage III
10015421 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage IV
10015422 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage unspecified
10015423 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma site unspecified recurrent
10015424 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma site unspecified stage I
10015425 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma site unspecified stage II
10015426 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma site unspecified stage IV
10015427 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10015428 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10015429 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10015430 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10015431 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage unspecified
10015432 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic in situ
10015433 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic recurrent
10015434 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage 0
10015435 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage I
10015436 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage II
10015437 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage III
10015438 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage IV
10015439 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage unspecified
10015440 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third in situ
10015441 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third recurrent
10015442 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage 0
10015443 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage I
10015444 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage II
10015445 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage III
10015446 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage IV
10015447 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage unspecified
10015448 Esophageal stenosis
10015449 Esophageal stricture
10015450 Esophageal tumor benign
10015451 Esophageal ulcer
10015452 Esophageal varices
10015453 Esophageal varices hemorrhage
10015458 Esophageal varices with bleeding
10015459 Esophageal varices without mention of bleeding
10015460 Esophagectomy
10015461 Esophagitis
10015462 Esophagitis aggravated
10015463 Esophagitis chemical
10015464 Esophagitis, unspecified
10015465 Esophagoenterostomy
10015466 Esophagoscopy
10015467 Esophagoscopy abnormal
10015468 Esophagoscopy normal
10015469 Esophagospasm
10015470 Esophagus burn
10015471 Esophagus imperforate
10015472 Esophagus ulceration
10015473 Esophagus ulceration hemorrhage
10015474 Esophoria
10015475 Esotropia
10015476 Esotropia, unspecified
10015478 ESR abnormal
10015479 ESR decreased
10015480 ESR increased
10015481 ESR low
10015482 ESR normal
10015483 ESR raised
10015484 ESR retarded
10015486 Essential fatty acid deficiency
10015487 Essential fructosuria
10015488 Essential hypertension
10015489 Essential hypertension, benign
10015490 Essential hypertension, malignant
10015491 Essential hypertension, unspecified
10015493 Essential thrombocythaemia
10015494 Essential thrombocythemia
10015495 Essential thrombocytosis
10015496 Essential tremor
10015497 Essential tremor (hereditary)
10015498 Esthesioneuroblastoma
10015499 Estradiol
10015500 Estradiol increased
10015501 Estradiol low
10015502 Estradiol normal
10015503 Estrangement
10015504 Estriol
10015505 Estriol abnormal NOS
10015506 Estriol high
10015507 Estriol low
10015508 Estriol normal
10015509 Estriol urine
10015510 Estriol urine abnormal NOS
10015511 Estriol urine high
10015512 Estriol urine low
10015513 Estriol urine normal
10015514 Estrogen
10015515 Estrogen abnormal NOS
10015516 Estrogen decreased
10015517 Estrogen deficiency
10015518 Estrogen increased
10015519 Estrogen low
10015520 Estrogens decreased
10015521 Estrogens increased
10015522 Estrogens total urine
10015523 Estrogens total urine abnormal NOS
10015524 Estrogens total urine high
10015525 Estrogens total urine low
10015526 Estrogens total urine normal
10015527 Ethanol
10015528 Ethanol decreased
10015529 Ethanol high
10015530 Ethanol increased
10015531 Ethanol normal
10015532 Eunuchoidism
10015533 Euphoria
10015534 Euphoric
10015535 Euphoric mood
10015536 Eustachian block
10015537 Eustachian catarrh
10015538 Eustachian salpingitis
10015539 Eustachian salpingitis, unspecified
10015540 Eustachian tube disorder NOS
10015541 Eustachian tube disorder, unspecified
10015543 Eustachian tube dysfunction
10015544 Eustachian tube obstruction
10015545 Eustachian tube operation
10015546 Eustachian tube patulous
10015547 Eustachitis
10015548 Euthanasia
10015549 Euthyroid sick syndrome
10015550 Evacuation of retained products of conception
10015551 Evacuation of subdural haematoma
10015552 Eversion of lacrimal punctum
10015553 Evoked a flare & wheal reaction
10015554 Evoked potentials auditory
10015555 Evoked potentials auditory abnormal
10015556 Evoked potentials auditory normal
10015557 Evoked potentials visual
10015558 Evoked potentials visual abnormal
10015559 Evoked potentials visual normal
10015560 Ewing's sarcoma
10015561 Ewing's sarcoma localised
10015562 Ewing's sarcoma metastatic
10015563 Ewing's sarcoma NOS
10015564 Ewing's sarcoma recurrent
10015565 Ewing's sarcoma stage unspecified
10015566 Ewing's tumor
10015567 Ewing's tumor localized
10015568 Ewing's tumor metastatic
10015569 Ewing's tumor recurrent
10015570 Ewing's tumour
10015571 Ex vivo gene therapy
10015572 Ex-smoker
10015573 Exacerbation of acne
10015574 Exacerbation of anxiety
10015575 Exacerbation of asthma
10015576 Exacerbation of disease
10015577 Exacerbation of hot flushes
10015578 Exacerbation of infection of skin
10015579 Exacerbation of pain
10015580 Exacerbation of photophobia
10015581 Exacerbation of psoriasis
10015582 Exaggerated hypoprothrombinaemia
10015583 Exaggerated reflexes
10015584 Exaggerated well-being
10015585 Exanthem
10015586 Exanthema subitum
10015587 Exanthema
10015589 Excess lactation
10015590 Excess sweating
10015591 Excess tears
10015592 Excess vomiting in pregnancy
10015593 Excessive blood level of alcohol
10015594 Excessive bronchial secretion
10015595 Excessive daytime sleepiness
10015596 Excessive dental attrition
10015597 Excessive drinking
10015598 Excessive eating
10015599 Excessive exercise
10015604 Excessive flatulence
10015605 Excessive masturbation
10015606 Excessive menstruation
10015608 Excessive thirst
10015609 Excessive vomiting in pregnancy
10015610 Exchange blood transfusion
10015611 Exchange blood transfusion (neonatal)
10015612 Excision biopsy
10015613 Excision of Bartholin's gland
10015614 Excision of cervical gland
10015615 Excision of cervical lymph node
10015616 Excision of esophageal lesion
10015617 Excision of kidney cyst
10015618 Excision of kidney lesion
10015619 Excision of kidney tumor
10015620 Excision of palatal lesion
10015621 Excision of wart
10015622 Excitability
10015623 Excitable
10015626 Excitative type psychosis
10015627 Excitement
10015628 Excitement abnormal
10015629 Excitement excessive
10015630 Excretory urography
10015631 Excretory urography abnormal
10015632 Excretory urography normal
10015633 Exencephaly
10015635 Exercise addiction
10015636 Exercise adequate
10015637 Exercise dyspnoea
10015638 Exercise ECG
10015639 Exercise ECG abnormal
10015640 Exercise ECG normal
10015641 Exercise EKG
10015642 Exercise EKG abnormal
10015643 Exercise EKG normal
10015644 Exercise electrocardiogram
10015645 Exercise electrocardiogram abnormal
10015646 Exercise electrocardiogram normal
10015647 Exercise excessive
10015648 Exercise induced angina
10015649 Exercise induced asthma
10015650 Exercise lack of
10015651 Exercise regular
10015652 Exercise test
10015653 Exercise test abnormal
10015654 Exercise test normal
10015655 Exercise-induced bronchospasm
10015656 Exertional dyspnoea
10015657 Exfoliation
10015658 Exfoliation NOS
10015659 Exfoliation of fingertips
10015660 Exfoliation of palms of hands
10015661 Exfoliation of skin
10015662 Exfoliation of teeth due to systemic causes
10015663 Exfoliation of toes
10015665 Exfoliative dermatitis
10015666 Exfoliative dermatitis NOS
10015667 Exhaustion
10015668 Exhaustion due to excessive exertion
10015669 Exhaustion due to exposure
10015670 Exhibitionism
10015671 Exhibitionist
10015672 Exhilaration inappropriate
10015675 Exogenous depression
10015676 Exogenous photosensitive eruption
10015677 Exomphalos
10015678 Exophoria
10015679 Exophthalmic goiter
10015680 Exophthalmic goitre
10015681 Exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia
10015682 Exophthalmic thyrotoxicosis
10015683 Exophthalmos
10015684 Exophthalmos endocrine
10015685 Exophthalmos NOS
10015686 Exophthalmos thyrotoxic
10015687 Exophthalmos, unspecified
10015688 Exostosis
10015689 Exostosis of external ear canal
10015690 Exostosis of jaw
10015691 Exostosis of orbit
10015692 Exostosis of unspecified site
10015693 Exostosis removal
10015694 Exotropia
10015695 Exotropia, unspecified
10015696 Expiratory reserve volume
10015697 Expiratory reserve volume abnormal
10015698 Expiratory reserve volume decreased
10015699 Expiratory reserve volume high
10015700 Expiratory reserve volume increased
10015701 Expiratory reserve volume low
10015702 Expiratory reserve volume normal
10015704 Explosive diarrhoea
10015705 Explosive personality disorder
10015706 Exposure keratoconjunctivitis
10015711 Exposure to poisonous plant
10015713 Expressive aphasia
10015714 Expressive dysphasia
10015715 Expressive language disorder
10015716 Expulsion of device
10015717 Expulsion of implant
10015718 Expulsive choroidal hemorrhage
10015719 Exsanguination
10015720 Exstrophy of urinary bladder
10015721 Extended radical mastectomy
10015723 Extensive burns
10015724 Extensive rash of forearm
10015725 Extensive rash of legs
10015726 Extensive striae
10015727 Extensor plantar response
10015728 External ear abscess drainage
10015729 External ear cellulitis
10015730 External ear cellulitis NOS
10015731 External ear disorder NOS
10015735 External ear infection NOS
10015736 External ear lesion excision
10015739 External fixation
10015740 External fixation of closed fracture
10015741 External fixation of fracture
10015742 External genitalia crushing
10015743 External haemorrhoids
10015745 External haemorrhoids without mention of complication
10015746 External hemorrhoids
10015748 External hemorrhoids without mention of complication
10015749 External hordeolum
10015750 External nose lesion biopsy
10015751 External nose lesion biopsy abnormal
10015752 External nose lesion biopsy normal
10015753 External nose lesion excision
10015754 External ophthalmoplegia
10015755 External piles
10015756 External thrombosed haemorrhoids
10015757 External thrombosed hemorrhoids
10015758 External tibial bone painful
10015759 Extra-osseous Ewing's sarcoma
10015761 Extra-osseous Ewing's sarcoma metastatic
10015762 Extra-osseous Ewing's sarcoma non-metastatic
10015763 Extra-osseous Ewing's sarcoma NOS
10015764 Extra-osseous Ewing's sarcoma recurrent
10015765 Extra-uterine pregnancy
10015766 Extracellular fluid increased
10015767 Extraction of impacted wisdom teeth
10015768 Extradural abscess NOS
10015769 Extradural haematoma
10015784 Extradural hematoma
10015789 Extragonadal primary embryonal carcinoma
10015790 Extragonadal primary germ cell cancer NOS
10015792 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage I
10015793 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage II
10015794 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage III
10015798 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed incl yolk sac tumor stage I
10015799 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed incl yolk sac tumor stage II
10015800 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour mixed stage I
10015801 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour mixed stage II
10015802 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour mixed stage III
10015803 Extragonadal primary malignant teratoma NOS
10015804 Extragonadal primary non-seminoma NOS
10015805 Extragonadal primary non-seminoma stage I
10015806 Extragonadal primary non-seminoma stage II
10015807 Extragonadal primary non-seminoma stage IIA
10015808 Extragonadal primary non-seminoma stage IIB
10015809 Extragonadal primary non-seminoma stage III
10015810 Extragonadal primary non-seminoma stage IV
10015811 Extragonadal primary seminoma (pure) stage I
10015812 Extragonadal primary seminoma (pure) stage II
10015813 Extragonadal primary seminoma (pure) stage IIA
10015814 Extragonadal primary seminoma (pure) stage IIB
10015815 Extragonadal primary seminoma (pure) stage III
10015816 Extragonadal primary seminoma (pure) stage IV
10015817 Extrahepatic bile duct cancer
10015818 Extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma in situ
10015819 Extrahepatic biliary obstruction
10015822 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT type) NOS
10015823 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT type) recurrent
10015824 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT type) refractory
10015825 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT type) stage I
10015826 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT type) stage II
10015827 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT type) stage III
10015828 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT type) stage IV
10015829 Extraocular muscle paresis
10015830 Extraocular palsy
10015831 Extraocular retinoblastoma
10015832 Extrapyramidal disorder
10015835 Extrapyramidal symptoms
10015836 Extrapyramidal syndrome
10015838 Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma
10015840 Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma metastatic
10015841 Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma non-metastatic
10015842 Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma NOS
10015843 Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma recurrent
10015844 Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma stage I
10015845 Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma stage II
10015846 Extraskeletal chondrosarcoma stage unspecified
10015847 Extraskeletal osteosarcoma
10015849 Extraskeletal osteosarcoma metastatic
10015850 Extraskeletal osteosarcoma non-metastatic
10015851 Extraskeletal osteosarcoma NOS
10015852 Extraskeletal osteosarcoma recurrent
10015853 Extraskeletal osteosarcoma stage unspecified
10015854 Extrasystole ventricular
10015855 Extrasystole ventricular bigeminy
10015856 Extrasystoles
10015857 Extrasystoles atrial
10015858 Extrasystoles bigeminal
10015859 Extrasystoles multifocal
10015860 Extrasystoles nodal
10015861 Extrasystoles NOS
10015862 Extrasystoles supraventricular
10015863 Extrasystoles unifocal
10015864 Extrasystoles ventricular
10015865 Extrauterine pregnancy
10015866 Extravasation
10015867 Extravasation blood
10015868 Extravasation NOS
10015869 Extravasation of urine
10015870 Extravasation surrounding colon
10015871 Extravascular haemolysis
10015872 Extreme catabolism
10015873 Extreme immaturity
10015874 Extreme immaturity, 1,000-1,249 grams
10015875 Extreme immaturity, 1,250-1,499 grams
10015876 Extreme immaturity, 1,500-1,749 grams
10015877 Extreme immaturity, 1,750-1,999 grams
10015878 Extreme immaturity, 2,000-2,499 grams
10015879 Extreme immaturity, 2,500+ grams
10015880 Extreme immaturity, 500-749 grams
10015881 Extreme immaturity, 750-999 grams
10015882 Extreme immaturity, less than 500 grams
10015883 Extreme immaturity, unspecified {weight}
10015884 Extremities burning sensation of
10015885 Extremities hot feeling of
10015886 Extremities itchy sensation of
10015887 Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
10015888 Extrinsic asthma
10015889 Extrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus
10015891 Extrinsic cartilagenous obstruction of Eustachian tube
10015892 Extropion
10015893 Extrusion of device
10015894 Extubation
10015895 Exudate nipples
10015896 Exudate nipples bloody
10015897 Exudate nipples female
10015898 Exudate nipples male
10015901 Exudative retinopathy
10015902 Exudative senile macular degeneration of retina
10015903 Eye abnormality
10015904 Eye abnormality NOS
10015905 Eye abscess
10015906 Eye ache
10015907 Eye allergy
10015910 Eye blood shot
10015911 Eye burns
10015912 Eye chlamydial infection
10015913 Eye deformity congenital NOS
10015914 Eye degenerative disorder NOS
10015915 Eye discharge
10015916 Eye disorder
10015918 Eye disorder NOS
10015921 Eye dryness
10015922 Eye examination under anaesthetic
10015923 Eye excision
10015924 Eye floaters
10015925 Eye fungal infection
10015926 Eye haemorrhage
10015927 Eye haemorrhage NOS
10015928 Eye hemorrhage
10015929 Eye infection
10015930 Eye infection bacterial
10015931 Eye infection bacterial NOS
10015932 Eye infection chlamydial
10015933 Eye infection fungal
10015934 Eye infection fungal NOS
10015935 Eye infection gonococcal
10015936 Eye infection NOS
10015937 Eye infection staphylococcal
10015938 Eye infection syphilitic
10015939 Eye infection toxoplasmal
10015940 Eye infection viral
10015941 Eye infection viral NOS
10015942 Eye inflamed
10015943 Eye inflammation
10015944 Eye inflammation NOS
10015945 Eye injury NOS
10015946 Eye irritation
10015947 Eye itching
10015948 Eye luxation
10015949 Eye malformation
10015950 Eye movement disorder NOS
10015952 Eye muscle advancement
10015953 Eye muscle paralysis
10015954 Eye muscle recession
10015955 Eye muscle tenotomy
10015956 Eye operation NOS
10015958 Eye pain
10015959 Eye painful red
10015960 Eye penetration
10015961 Eye prick pain of
10015962 Eye red
10015963 Eye redness
10015964 Eye rolling
10015965 Eye scratch
10015966 Eye strange sensation of
10015967 Eye swelling
10015968 Eye tenderness
10015969 Eye tired
10015970 Eye tuberculosis NOS
10015971 Eyeball avulsion
10015972 Eyeball itching
10015973 Eyeball rupture
10015974 Eyeball soreness
10015975 Eyeballs raise upward
10015976 Eyebrow loss of
10015977 Eyelashes changed white
10015978 Eyelid abscess drainage
10015979 Eyelid abscess NOS
10015980 Eyelid boil
10015981 Eyelid contact eczema
10015982 Eyelid degenerative disorder
10015983 Eyelid disorder NOS
10015985 Eyelid edema
10015986 Eyelid function disorder NOS
10015987 Eyelid haemorrhage
10015988 Eyelid infection
10015989 Eyelid infection NOS
10015990 Eyelid lumpy
10015991 Eyelid malformation, congenital NOS
10015993 Eyelid oedema
10015995 Eyelid ptosis
10015996 Eyelid ptosis congenital
10015997 Eyelid retraction
10015998 Eyelid scaly
10015999 Eyelid sensory disorder
10016000 Eyelid vascular disorder NOS
10016001 Eyelids itchy sensation of
10016002 Eyelids protective suture
10016003 Eyes cold feeling of
10016004 Eyes dry
10016005 Eyes dry feeling of
10016006 Eyes feel sticky
10016007 Eyes gaze upward
10016008 Eyes heavy feeling of
10016009 Eyes red
10016010 Eyes rolling
10016011 Eyes sensitive to sunlight
10016012 Eyes stinging
10016013 Eyes sunken
10016014 Eyes swollen
10016015 Eyes tearing
10016016 Fabry's disease
10016018 Face and mouth X-ray
10016019 Face and mouth X-ray abnormal
10016020 Face and mouth X-ray normal
10016023 Face crushing
10016025 Face edema
10016026 Face lift
10016027 Face malformation
10016028 Face malformation NOS
10016029 Face oedema
10016030 Face oedematous
10016035 Face presentation
10016036 Face red
10016037 Face rigidity
10016038 Face X-ray
10016039 Face X-ray abnormal
10016040 Face X-ray normal
10016041 Facial abscess
10016042 Facial bones fracture
10016043 Facial desquamation
10016044 Facial droop
10016045 Facial dysmorphism
10016046 Facial flushing
10016047 Facial lesion biopsy
10016048 Facial lesion biopsy abnormal
10016049 Facial lesion biopsy normal
10016050 Facial lesion excision
10016051 Facial nerve disorder NOS
10016052 Facial nerve disorder, unspecified
10016055 Facial nerve exploration
10016056 Facial nerve injury due to birth trauma
10016057 Facial neuralgia NOS
10016059 Facial pain
10016060 Facial palsy
10016061 Facial paraesthesia
10016062 Facial paralysis
10016063 Facial puffiness
10016064 Facial rash
10016065 Facial swelling
10016066 Facies masked
10016067 Factitious disorder by proxy
10016068 Factitious disorder NOS
10016069 Factitious disorder with combined psychological and physical signs and symptoms
10016070 Factitious disorder with predominantly physical signs and symptoms
10016071 Factitious disorder with predominantly psychological signs and symptoms
10016073 Factitious illness
10016074 Factitious illness with psychological symptoms
10016075 Factor I deficiency
10016076 Factor II deficiency
10016077 Factor IX deficiency
10016078 Factor rheumatoid
10016079 Factor VII deficiency
10016080 Factor VIII deficiency
10016081 Factor VIII Rag deficiency
10016082 Factor XI deficiency
10016083 Factor XIII deficiency
10016084 Faecal abnormality NOS
10016085 Faecal culture
10016086 Faecal fat increased
10016087 Faecal impaction
10016089 Faecal impaction (causing obstruction)
10016090 Faecal impaction (excl obstruction)
10016092 Faecal incontinence
10016093 Faecal occult blood
10016094 Faecal occult blood negative
10016095 Faecal occult blood positive
10016096 Faecal-oral transmission of infection
10016098 Faeces bloodstained
10016099 Faeces clay-coloured
10016100 Faeces discoloured
10016101 Faeces hard
10016102 Faeces pale
10016103 Failed attempted abortion
10016115 Failed examinations
10016116 Failed forceps delivery
10016123 Failed induction of labour
10016125 Failed lactation
10016126 Failed mechanical induction of labor
10016127 Failed mechanical induction of labor, antepartum
10016128 Failed mechanical induction of labor, delivered
10016130 Failed mechanical induction of labour
10016136 Failed reversal of sterilisation
10016137 Failed reversal of sterilization
10016142 Failed trial of labour
10016144 Failure circulatory
10016145 Failure heart
10016146 Failure heart congestive
10016147 Failure heart left
10016148 Failure hepatorenal
10016149 Failure kidney
10016150 Failure kidney acute
10016151 Failure left heart
10016152 Failure liver
10016153 Failure of implant
10016154 Failure of lactation
10016157 Failure of lactation, unspecified as to episode of care
10016160 Failure of urine formation
10016161 Failure peripheral circulatory
10016162 Failure respiratory
10016163 Failure right heart
10016164 Failure to anastomose
10016165 Failure to thrive
10016167 Faint
10016168 Faint odor of sulfur
10016169 Fainting
10016171 Falciparum malaria
10016172 Falciparum malaria (malignant tertian)
10016173 Fall
10016174 Fall in blood pressure
10016175 Fall in blood urea
10016176 Fallen arches
10016177 Falling
10016178 Falling down
10016180 Fallopian tube cancer
10016182 Fallopian tube cancer metastatic
10016183 Fallopian tube cancer NOS
10016184 Fallopian tube cancer stage I
10016185 Fallopian tube cancer stage II
10016186 Fallopian tube cancer stage III
10016187 Fallopian tube cancer stage IV
10016188 Fallopian tube lesion excision
10016190 Fallopian tube reconstruction
10016191 Fallot tetralogy
10016192 Fallot tetralogy of
10016193 Fallot's tetralogy
10016194 False labour
10016195 False positive HIV test
10016196 False positive pregnancy
10016197 False positive pregnancy test
10016198 False positive serological test for syphilis
10016199 False positive syphilis test
10016200 False pregnancy
10016201 False sensation
10016202 Familial amyloidosis
10016203 Familial benign pemphigus
10016204 Familial dysautonomia
10016205 Familial hyperlipidaemia
10016206 Familial hypophosphataemic rickets
10016207 Familial mediterranean fever
10016208 Familial periodic paralysis
10016209 Familial polycythaemia
10016210 Familial polycythemia
10016211 Familial recurrent polyserositis
10016212 Familial tremor
10016215 Family stress
10016216 Family stress NOS
10016217 Fanatic personality
10016218 Fanconi's anaemia
10016219 Fanconi syndrome
10016220 Fanconi-like syndrome
10016221 Farmer's lung
10016222 Farmers' lung
10016223 Fascia release
10016225 Fasciculation
10016226 Fasciculation skeletal muscle
10016227 Fasciectomy
10016228 Fasciitis
10016229 Fasciitis necrotising
10016230 Fasciitis NOS
10016231 Fasciitis, unspecified
10016233 Fasciola hepatica infection
10016234 Fascioliasis
10016235 Fasciolopsiasis
10016236 Fasciolopsis buski infection
10016237 Fasciotomy
10016238 Fascitis
10016239 Fascitis plantar
10016240 Fasting blood glucose level raised
10016241 Fat atrophy
10016242 Fat atrophy NOS
10016243 Fat deposit around shoulder
10016244 Fat deposit facial
10016246 Fat embolism
10016247 Fat embolism as an early complication of trauma
10016248 Fat intolerance
10016249 Fat necrosis of breast
10016251 Fat tissue increased
10016252 Fatigability
10016253 Fatigability generalized
10016254 Fatigability lumbar
10016255 Fatigability of knees
10016256 Fatigue
10016257 Fatigue extreme
10016258 Fatigue management
10016259 Fatiguability
10016260 Fatty acid deficiency
10016261 Fatty liver
10016262 Fatty liver alcoholic
10016263 Fatty liver infiltration
10016264 Fatty liver metamorphosis
10016265 Fatty liver, alcoholic
10016266 Fatty stools
10016267 Faucial diphtheria
10016268 Favism
10016269 Favus
10016270 FBC
10016271 FDPs
10016272 Fe
10016273 Fe++
10016274 Fe+++
10016275 Fear
10016276 Fear of animals
10016277 Fear of closed spaces
10016278 Fear of disease
10016279 Fear of open spaces
10016280 Fear of weight gain
10016283 Febrile cold (excl flu like illness)
10016284 Febrile convulsion
10016285 Febrile convulsion seizure
10016287 Febrile fits
10016288 Febrile neutropenia
10016289 Febrile reaction
10016290 Febrile seizure
10016291 Fecal abnormality NOS
10016292 Fecal culture
10016293 Fecal fat increased
10016294 Fecal impaction
10016295 Fecal impaction NOS
10016296 Fecal incontinence
10016297 Fecal occult blood
10016298 Fecal occult blood negative
10016299 Fecal occult blood positive
10016300 Fecal-oral non-A non-B hepatitis
10016301 Fecal-oral transmission of infection
10016302 Feces abnormal
10016303 Feces abnormal smell of
10016304 Feces bloodstained
10016305 Feces clay-colored
10016307 Feces discolored
10016309 Feces hard
10016310 Feces incontinence of
10016311 Feces pale
10016314 Feeble-minded
10016316 Feeding disorder neonatal
10016317 Feeding disorder NOS
10016318 Feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood
10016319 Feeding problem in child
10016320 Feeding problem in newborn
10016322 Feeling abnormal
10016323 Feeling anxious
10016324 Feeling bad
10016325 Feeling blue
10016326 Feeling cold
10016327 Feeling cool
10016328 Feeling detached
10016329 Feeling down
10016330 Feeling drunk
10016331 Feeling floating
10016332 Feeling happy inappropriately
10016333 Feeling high
10016334 Feeling hot
10016335 Feeling hot and cold
10016336 Feeling hungry
10016337 Feeling irritated
10016338 Feeling jittery
10016340 Feeling lifeless
10016341 Feeling lonely
10016342 Feeling miserable
10016343 Feeling of body temperature change NOS
10016344 Feeling of despair
10016345 Feeling of ear closed
10016347 Feeling of foreign body
10016348 Feeling of fullness in abdomen
10016349 Feeling of gastrointestinal fullness
10016350 Feeling of hot flushes
10016351 Feeling of intense apprehension
10016352 Feeling of relaxation
10016353 Feeling of residual sleepiness
10016354 Feeling of residual stool
10016355 Feeling of residual urine
10016356 Feeling of total lack of energy
10016357 Feeling of warmth
10016358 Feeling of warmth blepharal
10016359 Feeling of warmth facial
10016360 Feeling of warmth transient
10016361 Feeling queasy
10016362 Feeling relaxed
10016363 Feeling remote
10016364 Feeling sad
10016365 Feeling sick
10016366 Feeling strange
10016367 Feeling swollen
10016368 Feeling tense
10016369 Feeling unreal
10016370 Feeling unwell
10016371 Feeling warm perioral
10016372 Feeling weightless
10016373 Feelings of weakness
10016374 Feelings of worthlessness
10016375 Feels awful
10016376 Feels bad
10016377 Feels poorly
10016378 Felon
10016379 Felt faint
10016380 Felt generally ill
10016381 Felt giddy
10016382 Felt high
10016383 Felt ill
10016384 Felt like a zombie
10016386 Felty's syndrome
10016387 Female condom
10016389 Female genital organs X-ray
10016390 Female genital organs X-ray abnormal
10016391 Female genital organs X-ray normal
10016392 Female genital pain
10016393 Female genital tract fistula NOS
10016394 Female genital tract tuberculosis NOS
10016395 Female genital-digestive tract fistula NOS
10016396 Female genital-skin fistula NOS
10016398 Female infertility
10016399 Female infertility (primary)
10016402 Female infertility of pituitary-hypothalamic origin
10016403 Female infertility of tubal origin
10016405 Female orgasmic disorder
10016406 Female pattern baldness
10016407 Female pattern hair thinning
10016408 Female pelvic peritoneal adhesions
10016409 Female pseudohermaphroditism
10016410 Female reproductive carcinoma in situ NOS
10016411 Female reproductive neoplasm malignant NOS
10016412 Female reproductive neoplasm NOS
10016415 Female reproductive tract carcinoma in situ NOS
10016418 Female reproductive tract neoplasm NOS
10016419 Female sex maturation accelerated
10016420 Female sex maturation retarded
10016422 Female sterility
10016423 Feminisation
10016424 Feminization
10016425 Femoral arterectomy with graft
10016426 Femoral arterial stenosis
10016427 Femoral artery aneurysm
10016428 Femoral artery bypass
10016429 Femoral artery injury
10016430 Femoral artery stenosis
10016431 Femoral artery thrombosis
10016432 Femoral embolectomy
10016433 Femoral endarterectomy with graft
10016434 Femoral hernia
10016436 Femoral hernia gangrenous
10016437 Femoral hernia NOS
10016438 Femoral hernia repair
10016439 Femoral hernia specified as causing obstruction
10016440 Femoral hernia specified as incarcerated
10016441 Femoral hernia specified as irreducible
10016442 Femoral hernia specified as strangulated
10016443 Femoral hernia unilateral
10016444 Femoral hernia with gangrene
10016445 Femoral hernia with obstruction
10016446 Femoral hernia with obstruction, but without mention of gangrene
10016447 Femoral hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10016448 Femoral hernia, obstructive
10016449 Femoral herniorrhaphy
10016450 Femoral neck fracture
10016451 Femoral nerve injury
10016452 Femoral nerve lesion NOS
10016453 Femoral thromboendarterectomy
10016454 Femur fracture
10016457 Ferritin decreased
10016458 Ferritin high
10016459 Ferritin increased
10016460 Ferritin low
10016461 Ferritin normal
10016463 Fertility decreased female
10016464 Fertility decreased male
10016465 Fertility female decreased
10016466 Fertility female increased
10016467 Fertility increased
10016468 Fertility increased female
10016469 Fertility investigations
10016470 Fertility male decreased
10016472 Fertility testing
10016473 Fertilization
10016474 Festinating gait
10016475 Fetal alcohol syndrome
10016478 Fetal blood loss
10016479 Fetal death
10016482 Fetal death from asphyxia or anoxia during labor
10016484 Fetal death in utero
10016485 Fetal disorder
10016486 Fetal distress
10016487 Fetal distress affecting management of mother
10016488 Fetal distress before onset of labor, in liveborn infant
10016490 Fetal distress first noted during labor, in liveborn infant
10016492 Fetal distress syndrome
10016493 Fetal distress, affecting management of mother, antepartum
10016496 Fetal distress, unspecified as to time of onset, in liveborn infant
10016497 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified
10016498 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified {weight}
10016499 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 1,000-1,249 grams
10016500 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 1,250-1,499 grams
10016501 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 1,500-1,749 grams
10016502 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 1,750-1,999 grams
10016503 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 2,000-2,499 grams
10016504 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 2,500+ grams
10016505 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 500-749 grams
10016506 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, 750-999 grams
10016507 Fetal growth retardation, unspecified, less than 500 grams
10016508 Fetal hydantoin syndrome
10016520 Fetal malposition
10016521 Fetal maturation impaired
10016522 Fetal phenytoin syndrome
10016523 Fetal talipes
10016524 Fetal valproate syndrome
10016529 Fetal-maternal hemorrhage, with delivery
10016530 Fetish
10016531 Fetishism
10016532 Fetopelvic disproportion
10016533 Fetopelvic disproportion, antepartum
10016534 Fetopelvic disproportion, delivered
10016535 Fetopelvic disproportion, unspecified as to episode of care
10016536 Fetor ex ore
10016537 Fetor hepaticus
10016538 Fetoscopy
10016539 Fetus macerated
10016541 Fetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy
10016547 FEV
10016548 FEV 1
10016549 FEV 1 abnormal
10016550 FEV 1 decreased
10016551 FEV 1 high
10016552 FEV 1 increased
10016553 FEV 1 low
10016554 FEV abnormal
10016555 FEV decreased
10016556 FEV increased
10016557 FEV normal
10016558 Fever
10016559 Fever chills
10016560 Fever convulsions
10016561 Fever malignant
10016562 Fever neonatal
10016563 Fever of unknown origin
10016564 Fever sore
10016565 Fibrillation
10016566 Fibrillation atrial
10016567 Fibrillation atrial aggravated
10016568 Fibrillation cardiac
10016569 Fibrillation cardiac NOS
10016570 Fibrillation paroxysmal atrial
10016571 Fibrillation paroxysmal vent
10016572 Fibrillation skeletal muscle
10016573 Fibrillation ventricular
10016574 Fibrin
10016575 Fibrin abnormal
10016576 Fibrin abnormal NOS
10016577 Fibrin D dimer
10016578 Fibrin D dimer abnormal
10016579 Fibrin D dimer decreased
10016580 Fibrin D dimer high
10016581 Fibrin D dimer increased
10016582 Fibrin D dimer low
10016583 Fibrin D dimer normal
10016584 Fibrin decreased
10016585 Fibrin degradation products
10016586 Fibrin degradation products abnormal
10016587 Fibrin degradation products high
10016588 Fibrin degradation products increased
10016589 Fibrin degradation products normal
10016590 Fibrin deposition on lens postoperative
10016591 Fibrin increased
10016592 Fibrin normal
10016594 Fibrin split products
10016595 Fibrinogen
10016596 Fibrinogen decreased
10016597 Fibrinogen increased
10016598 Fibrinogen plasma decreased
10016599 Fibrinogen plasma increased
10016600 Fibrinogenopenia
10016601 Fibrinolysin decreased
10016602 Fibrinolysin increased
10016603 Fibrinolysis
10016604 Fibrinolysis abnormal
10016605 Fibrinolysis abnormal NOS
10016606 Fibrinolysis decreased
10016607 Fibrinolysis increased
10016608 Fibrinolysis inhibitor decreased
10016609 Fibrinolysis inhibitor increased
10016610 Fibrinolysis normal
10016611 Fibrinolytic activity increased
10016612 Fibrinopenia
10016613 Fibroadenoma of breast
10016614 Fibroadenoma of breast (not cystic)
10016615 Fibroadenoma removal
10016616 Fibroadenosis breast
10016617 Fibroadenosis of breast
10016618 Fibroadenosis of breast (benign)
10016619 Fibroblast interferon therapy
10016620 Fibrocystic breast
10016621 Fibrocystic breast disease
10016622 Fibrocystic disease of breast
10016623 Fibrocystic disease of pancreas
10016624 Fibroepithelial interferon therapy
10016625 Fibroepithelioma of pinkus
10016626 Fibroid uterine degenerated
10016627 Fibroid uterine enlarged
10016628 Fibroids
10016629 Fibroma
10016630 Fibroma NOS
10016631 Fibromyalgia syndrome
10016632 Fibrosarcoma
10016633 Fibrosarcoma excision
10016635 Fibrosarcoma metastatic
10016636 Fibrosarcoma non-metastatic
10016637 Fibrosarcoma NOS
10016638 Fibrosarcoma stage unspecified
10016639 Fibrosclerosis of breast
10016640 Fibrosing alveolitis
10016641 Fibrosing alveolitis (idiopathic)
10016642 Fibrosis
10016643 Fibrosis biliary
10016644 Fibrosis breast
10016645 Fibrosis endocardial
10016646 Fibrosis injection site
10016647 Fibrosis kidney
10016648 Fibrosis liver
10016649 Fibrosis lung
10016650 Fibrosis lymph node
10016651 Fibrosis mediastinal
10016652 Fibrosis mesenteric
10016653 Fibrosis myocardial
10016655 Fibrosis NOS
10016656 Fibrosis of lung (due to radiation)
10016657 Fibrosis otosclerosis
10016658 Fibrosis pelvic
10016659 Fibrosis progressive massive
10016660 Fibrosis pulmonary
10016661 Fibrosis retroperitoneal
10016662 Fibrosis tendinous
10016663 Fibrositis
10016664 Fibrous dysplasia of bone
10016665 Fibrous histiocytoma malignant
10016667 Fibula fracture
10016668 Fibular collateral ligament bursitis
10016669 Fiessinger-Leroy-Reiter syndrome
10016670 Fifth disease
10016671 Fight in school
10016672 Filamentary keratitis
10016674 Filariasis
10016675 Filariasis lymphatic
10016676 Filiform pulse
10016677 Film screen mammography
10016678 Finger amputation
10016679 Finger arthrodesis
10016680 Finger clubbing
10016681 Finger crushing
10016682 Finger deformity NOS
10016683 Finger dislocation
10016684 Finger joint skin hypertrophy
10016685 Finger nail removal
10016686 Finger osteoarthritis
10016687 Finger repair operation
10016688 Finger spasticity
10016689 Finger sprain
10016690 Finger tip hypertrophy
10016691 Finger traumatic amputation
10016692 Finger-nose ataxia
10016693 Fingers cold feeling of
10016694 Fingers desquamated
10016695 Fingers stiffness
10016696 Fingers swollen feeling of
10016697 Fingers webbed
10016698 Fired from job
10016699 First degree atrioventricular block
10016700 First degree burns
10016701 First degree haemorrhoids
10016702 First degree hemorrhoids
10016704 First pregnancy
10016705 First-degree perineal laceration during delivery
10016706 First-degree perineal laceration, postpartum
10016709 Fish allergy
10016710 Fish tapeworm infection
10016711 Fissural cysts of jaw
10016712 Fissure anal
10016713 Fissure in ano
10016714 Fissure of nipple
10016715 Fissure of tongue, congenital
10016716 Fissures of skin
10016717 Fistula
10016718 Fistula anal
10016719 Fistula arteriovenous
10016720 Fistula bronchial
10016721 Fistula in ano
10016722 Fistula in ano excision
10016723 Fistula involving female genital tract
10016724 Fistula NOS
10016725 Fistula of bile duct
10016726 Fistula of gallbladder
10016727 Fistula of intestine, excluding rectum and anus
10016728 Fistula of salivary gland
10016730 Fistulae involving female genital tract
10016732 Fit (in known epileptic)
10016733 Fit (non-epileptic)
10016734 Fit uncinate
10016737 Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
10016738 Fixed dilated pupil
10016739 Fixed dilated pupils
10016740 Fixed drug eruption
10016741 Fixed eruption
10016742 Fixed pupils
10016743 Flaccid hemiplegia
10016744 Flaccid paralysis
10016745 Flaccidity
10016746 Flaccidity muscle
10016747 Flail chest
10016748 Flail segment
10016749 Flaking skin
10016750 Flank pain
10016751 Flare up of arthritis
10016752 Flash hot
10016753 Flash vision
10016754 Flashback
10016755 Flashbacks
10016756 Flasher
10016757 Flashing lights
10016758 Flashing vision
10016759 Flat affect
10016760 Flat anterior chamber of eye
10016761 Flat chest
10016762 Flat feet
10016763 Flat foot
10016764 Flat retinoschisis
10016765 Flat warts
10016766 Flatulence
10016768 Flatulent dyspepsia
10016769 Flatus
10016771 Flatus increased
10016772 Flea bite
10016773 Flea infestation
10016774 Flexible sigmoidoscopy
10016775 Flexural eczema
10016776 Flexural psoriasis
10016777 Flight of ideas
10016778 Floaters
10016779 Floaters in eye
10016780 Floaters vitreous
10016781 Floating corporeal
10016782 Floating feeling
10016783 Floating kidney
10016784 Flooding
10016785 Floppy
10016786 Floppy mitral valve
10016787 Florid follicular conjunctivitis
10016788 Flour sensitivity
10016789 Flow murmur
10016790 Flu
10016791 Flu like symptoms
10016792 Flu prevention
10016793 Flu syndrome
10016794 Flu vaccination
10016795 Flu-like aching
10016796 Flu-like illness
10016797 Flu-like symptoms
10016799 Fluent aphasia
10016800 Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
10016802 Fluid loss
10016803 Fluid overload
10016804 Fluid replacement NOS
10016805 Fluid replacement oral
10016806 Fluid replacement parenteral
10016807 Fluid retention
10016808 Fluid retention in tissues
10016809 Fluke infection NOS
10016812 Fluorescein angiogram of retina
10016813 Fluorescein angiography abnormal
10016814 Fluorescein angiography normal
10016815 Fluorescence tooth
10016816 Fluoride increased
10016817 Fluoride intoxication
10016818 Fluorosis
10016819 Fluorosis dental
10016820 Flush hot
10016821 Flushed
10016822 Flushed chest
10016823 Flushed face
10016824 Flushed skin
10016825 Flushing
10016826 Flushing of face
10016827 Flutter atrial
10016830 FOB negative
10016831 FOB positive
10016832 Focal & segmental glomerulosclerosis
10016834 Focal chorioretinitis, unspecified
10016838 Focal fits
10016843 Focal seizures
10016844 Focal vasculitis
10016845 Foetal alcohol syndrome
10016846 Foetal arm prolapse
10016847 Foetal arrhythmia
10016848 Foetal bradycardia
10016852 Foetal damage
10016853 Foetal damage NOS
10016854 Foetal distress
10016855 Foetal distress syndrome
10016857 Foetal growth retardation
10016858 Foetal haemoglobin decreased
10016859 Foetal haemoglobin increased
10016860 Foetal haemoglobin normal
10016861 Foetal hydantoin syndrome
10016862 Foetal malnutrition
10016863 Foetal malposition
10016864 Foetal malposition NOS
10016865 Foetal maturation impaired
10016866 Foetal movements decreased
10016867 Foetal phenytoin syndrome
10016868 Foetal tachycardia
10016869 Foetal talipes
10016870 Foetal valproate syndrome
10016871 Foetal-maternal haemorrhage
10016873 Foetus macerated
10016875 Fog in front of eyes
10016876 Foggy feeling in head
10016877 Folate
10016878 Folate abnormal NOS
10016879 Folate decreased
10016880 Folate deficiency
10016881 Folate deficiency anaemia
10016882 Folate deficiency anemia
10016883 Folate high
10016884 Folate increased
10016885 Folate low
10016886 Folate normal
10016887 Folate serum test abnormal
10016888 Folate-deficiency anaemia
10016889 Folate-deficiency anemia
10016890 Folds and rupture of Bowman's membrane
10016891 Folds in Descemet's membrane
10016892 Foley catheter
10016893 Folic acid deficiency
10016894 Folie a deux
10016896 Follicle centre lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma NOS
10016897 Follicle centre lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma recurrent
10016898 Follicle centre lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma refractory
10016899 Follicle centre lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma stage I
10016900 Follicle centre lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma stage II
10016901 Follicle centre lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma stage III
10016902 Follicle centre lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma stage IV
10016904 Follicle centre lymphoma, follicular grade I, II, III NOS
10016905 Follicle centre lymphoma, follicular grade I, II, III recurrent
10016906 Follicle centre lymphoma, follicular grade I, II, III refractory
10016907 Follicle centre lymphoma, follicular grade I, II, III stage I
10016908 Follicle centre lymphoma, follicular grade I, II, III stage II
10016909 Follicle centre lymphoma, follicular grade I, II, III stage III
10016910 Follicle centre lymphoma, follicular grade I, II, III stage IV
10016911 Follicle stimulating hormone
10016912 Follicle stimulating hormone abnormal
10016914 Follicle stimulating hormone decreased
10016915 Follicle stimulating hormone increased
10016916 Follicle stimulating hormone normal
10016917 Follicle-stimulating hormone decreased
10016918 Follicle-stimulating hormone increased
10016920 Follicular cyst of ovary
10016921 Follicular predominantly large cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) recurrent
10016922 Follicular predominantly large cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) refractory
10016923 Follicular predominantly large cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) Stage I
10016924 Follicular predominantly large cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) Stage II
10016925 Follicular predominantly large cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) Stage III
10016926 Follicular predominantly large cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) Stage IV
10016927 Follicular predominantly large cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) NOS
10016928 Follicular predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) recurrent
10016929 Follicular predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) refractory
10016930 Follicular predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) Stage I
10016931 Follicular predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) Stage II
10016932 Follicular predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) Stage III
10016933 Follicular predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) Stage IV
10016934 Follicular predominantly small cleaved cell lymphoma (Working Formulation) NOS
10016935 Follicular thyroid cancer
10016936 Folliculitis
10016937 Follitropin
10016938 Follitropin abnormal NOS
10016939 Follitropin decreased
10016940 Follitropin high
10016941 Follitropin increased
10016942 Follitropin low
10016943 Follitropin normal
10016944 Fontanel bulging
10016945 Fontanelle bulging
10016946 Food allergy
10016947 Food hoarding
10016948 Food interaction
10016949 Food intolerance NOS
10016952 Food poisoning
10016953 Food poisoning due to Clostridium perfringens (C. welchii)
10016955 Food poisoning due to Vibrio parahaemolyticus
10016956 Food poisoning due to Vibrio vulnificus
10016957 Food poisoning NOS
10016958 Food poisoning, unspecified
10016959 Foot abscess
10016960 Foot amputation
10016961 Foot and mouth disease
10016962 Foot arthrodesis
10016963 Foot callus
10016964 Foot cramps
10016965 Foot crushing
10016966 Foot deformity NOS
10016967 Foot drop
10016968 Foot edema
10016969 Foot exostosis
10016970 Foot fracture
10016971 Foot oedema
10016972 Foot operation NOS
10016973 Foot osteoarthritis
10016974 Foot pain
10016975 Foot sprain
10016977 Foot surgery
10016978 Foot tinea
10016979 Foot traumatic amputation
10016980 Foot ulcer
10016981 Footdrop
10016982 Foramen ovale patent
10016983 Forbes' disease
10016984 Forced expiratory volume
10016985 Forced expiratory volume abnormal
10016986 Forced expiratory volume abnormal NOS
10016987 Forced expiratory volume decreased
10016989 Forced expiratory volume increased
10016990 Forced expiratory volume normal
10016991 Forceps delivery
10016997 Forearm fracture
10016998 Forehead headache
10017000 Foreign body aspiration
10017001 Foreign body feeling of oesophagus
10017002 Foreign body granuloma
10017003 Foreign body granuloma of muscle
10017004 Foreign body granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
10017005 Foreign body in anterior chamber
10017008 Foreign body in conjunctival sac
10017009 Foreign body in digestive system, unspecified
10017010 Foreign body in ear
10017011 Foreign body in esophagus
10017012 Foreign body in eye
10017013 Foreign body in genitourinary tract
10017014 Foreign body in GI tract
10017016 Foreign body in iris or ciliary body
10017017 Foreign body in lacrimal punctum
10017018 Foreign body in larynx
10017019 Foreign body in lens
10017020 Foreign body in main bronchus
10017021 Foreign body in mouth
10017024 Foreign body in nose
10017025 Foreign body in nose, removal
10017026 Foreign body in oesophagus
10017029 Foreign body in penis
10017030 Foreign body in pharynx
10017033 Foreign body in posterior wall of eye
10017034 Foreign body in rectum
10017035 Foreign body in respiratory tree, unspecified
10017036 Foreign body in stomach
10017037 Foreign body in throat, removal
10017038 Foreign body in trachea
10017040 Foreign body in umbilicus
10017041 Foreign body in unspecified site in genitourinary tract
10017042 Foreign body in unspecified site on external eye
10017043 Foreign body in uterus, any part
10017044 Foreign body in vagina
10017045 Foreign body in vitreous
10017047 Foreign body on external eye
10017049 Foreign body retained in ear
10017050 Foreign body retained in eye
10017051 Foreign body trauma
10017052 Foreign body, intraocular, unspecified
10017053 Foreign body, magnetic, in anterior chamber of eye
10017055 Foreign body, magnetic, in lens
10017056 Foreign body, magnetic, in posterior wall
10017057 Foreign body, magnetic, in vitreous
10017058 Foreign body, magnetic, intraocular, unspecified
10017059 Foreign travel
10017060 Forgetfulness
10017061 Formation bone increased
10017062 Formication
10017063 Fortification spectra
10017065 Foster-Kennedy Syndrome
10017066 Found dead
10017067 Found dead (cause undetermined)
10017068 Fournier's gangrene
10017069 Fourth nerve paralysis
10017071 Fourth-degree perineal laceration during delivery
10017072 Fourth-degree perineal laceration, postpartum
10017075 Fox-Fordyce disease
10017076 Fracture
10017077 Fracture bone
10017078 Fracture closed of lower end of forearm, unspecified
10017079 Fracture closed of upper end of forearm, unspecified
10017080 Fracture Colles'
10017081 Fracture delayed union
10017082 Fracture due to osteoporosis
10017083 Fracture femur
10017084 Fracture internal fixation
10017085 Fracture malunion
10017086 Fracture Monteggia's, closed
10017087 Fracture multiple
10017088 Fracture nonunion
10017089 Fracture NOS
10017090 Fracture of anatomical neck of humerus, closed
10017091 Fracture of anatomical neck of humerus, open
10017092 Fracture of ankle
10017093 Fracture of ankle, unspecified, closed
10017094 Fracture of astragalus, closed
10017095 Fracture of astragalus, open
10017096 Fracture of base of neck of femur, closed
10017097 Fracture of base of neck of femur, open
10017098 Fracture of base of skull
10017103 Fracture of calcaneus, closed
10017104 Fracture of calcaneus, open
10017105 Fracture of carpal bone(s)
10017106 Fracture of clavicle
10017107 Fracture of clavicle due to birth trauma
10017108 Fracture of clavicle, closed
10017109 Fracture of clavicle, open
10017110 Fracture of coronoid process of ulna, closed
10017111 Fracture of coronoid process of ulna, open
10017112 Fracture of cuboid bone, closed
10017113 Fracture of cuboid bone, open
10017114 Fracture of cuneiform bone of foot, closed
10017115 Fracture of cuneiform bone of foot, open
10017118 Fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of neck of femur, closed
10017119 Fracture of epiphysis (separation) (upper) of neck of femur, open
10017120 Fracture of face bones
10017121 Fracture of femoral condyle, closed
10017122 Fracture of femoral condyle, open
10017123 Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus, closed
10017124 Fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus, open
10017125 Fracture of head of radius, closed
10017126 Fracture of head of radius, open
10017127 Fracture of humerus
10017128 Fracture of humerus, supracondylar closed
10017129 Fracture of humerus, supracondylar open
10017130 Fracture of intertrochanteric section of femur, closed
10017131 Fracture of intertrochanteric section of femur, open
10017134 Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus, closed
10017135 Fracture of lateral condyle of humerus, open
10017136 Fracture of lateral malleolus, closed
10017137 Fracture of lateral malleolus, open
10017138 Fracture of lower end of femur, closed
10017139 Fracture of lower end of femur, open
10017140 Fracture of lower end of femur, unspecified part, closed
10017141 Fracture of lower end of femur, unspecified part, open
10017142 Fracture of lower end of humerus, closed
10017143 Fracture of lower end of humerus, open
10017148 Fracture of lower epiphysis of femur, closed
10017149 Fracture of lower epiphysis of femur, open
10017150 Fracture of medial condyle of humerus, closed
10017151 Fracture of medial condyle of humerus, open
10017152 Fracture of medial malleolus, closed
10017153 Fracture of medial malleolus, open
10017154 Fracture of metacarpal bone(s)
10017155 Fracture of metacarpal bones, closed
10017156 Fracture of metacarpal bones, open
10017157 Fracture of metatarsal bone(s), closed
10017158 Fracture of metatarsal bone(s), open
10017159 Fracture of midcervical section of femur, closed
10017160 Fracture of midcervical section of femur, open
10017161 Fracture of navicular (scaphoid) bone of foot, closed
10017162 Fracture of navicular (scaphoid) bone of foot, open
10017163 Fracture of neck of femur
10017164 Fracture of neck of radius, closed
10017165 Fracture of neck of radius, open
10017166 Fracture of olecranon process of ulna, closed
10017167 Fracture of olecranon process of ulna, open
10017169 Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot, closed
10017170 Fracture of one or more phalanges of foot, open
10017172 Fracture of one or more phalanges of hand, closed
10017173 Fracture of one or more phalanges of hand, open
10017180 Fracture of patella
10017181 Fracture of patella, closed
10017182 Fracture of patella, open
10017183 Fracture of pelvis
10017184 Fracture of pelvis, unspecified, closed
10017185 Fracture of pelvis, unspecified, open
10017186 Fracture of pubis, open
10017190 Fracture of rib(s), open
10017192 Fracture of scapula
10017193 Fracture of scapula, closed
10017194 Fracture of scapula, open
10017195 Fracture of shaft of femur, closed
10017196 Fracture of shaft of femur, open
10017197 Fracture of shaft of humerus, open
10017211 Fracture of shaft or unspecified part of femur, open
10017213 Fracture of spine
10017214 Fracture of sternum, closed
10017215 Fracture of sternum, open
10017216 Fracture of subtrochanteric section of femur, closed
10017217 Fracture of subtrochanteric section of femur, open
10017218 Fracture of surgical neck of humerus, closed
10017219 Fracture of surgical neck of humerus, open
10017226 Fracture of unspecified condyle(s) of humerus, closed
10017227 Fracture of unspecified condyle(s) of humerus, open
10017228 Fracture of unspecified intracapsular section of neck of femur, closed
10017230 Fracture of unspecified part of femur, closed
10017231 Fracture of unspecified part of femur, open
10017232 Fracture of unspecified part of forearm, open
10017233 Fracture of unspecified part of humerus, open
10017234 Fracture of unspecified part of lower end of humerus, closed
10017235 Fracture of unspecified part of lower end of humerus, open
10017236 Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur, closed
10017237 Fracture of unspecified part of neck of femur, open
10017238 Fracture of unspecified part of pelvis, closed
10017239 Fracture of unspecified part of pelvis, open
10017248 Fracture of unspecified part of upper end of humerus, closed
10017249 Fracture of unspecified part of upper end of humerus, open
10017250 Fracture of unspecified trochanteric section of femur, closed
10017252 Fracture of upper end of humerus, closed
10017253 Fracture of upper end of humerus, open
10017259 Fracture of upper end or unspecified part of radius and ulna, closed
10017260 Fracture of upper end or unspecified part of radius and ulna, open
10017262 Fracture of vault of skull
10017266 Fracture of vertebra
10017269 Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord injury
10017270 Fracture of vertebral column without mention of spinal cord lesion
10017271 Fracture open of upper end of forearm, unspecified
10017272 Fracture pathological
10017273 Fracture plated
10017274 Fracture rib
10017275 Fracture vertebral
10017276 Fracture, closed, colles'
10017277 Fracture, Monteggia's open
10017278 Fractured carpal
10017279 Fractured cervical spine
10017280 Fractured collar bone
10017281 Fractured compression T8
10017282 Fractured delayed union
10017283 Fractured ethmoid
10017284 Fractured femoral neck
10017285 Fractured femur (excl neck)
10017286 Fractured finger
10017287 Fractured hip
10017288 Fractured humerus (compound)
10017289 Fractured iliac crest
10017290 Fractured ischium
10017291 Fractured jaw
10017292 Fractured jaw reduction
10017293 Fractured malar bone reduction
10017294 Fractured mandible
10017295 Fractured maxilla
10017296 Fractured maxilla elevation
10017297 Fractured metacarpal
10017298 Fractured metatarsal
10017299 Fractured neck of femur
10017300 Fractured nose
10017301 Fractured nose reduction
10017302 Fractured olecranon
10017303 Fractured os calcis
10017304 Fractured pelvis NOS
10017305 Fractured pisiform
10017306 Fractured radial head
10017307 Fractured ribs
10017308 Fractured sacrum
10017309 Fractured scaphoid
10017310 Fractured skull depressed
10017311 Fractured sternum
10017312 Fractured temporal bone
10017313 Fractured thumb
10017314 Fractured toe
10017315 Fractured transverse process
10017316 Fractured ulnar styloid process
10017317 Fractured vertebra
10017318 Fractured vertebra (compression)
10017319 Fractured wrist
10017320 Fractured zygoma
10017321 Fractured zygomatic arch reduction
10017324 Fragile X syndrome
10017325 Fragility capillary increased
10017326 Fragility uterine cervix
10017327 Fragment D dimer
10017330 Francisella tularensis infection
10017331 Frank diarrhoea
10017332 Frank haematuria
10017333 FRC
10017334 FRC abnormal
10017335 FRC decreased
10017336 FRC increased
10017338 Freckles
10017339 Fredrickson Type I lipidaemia
10017340 Fredrickson Type II hyperlipidemia
10017341 Fredrickson Type II lipidaemia
10017342 Fredrickson Type IIa hyperlipidaemia
10017343 Fredrickson Type IIa hyperlipoproteinaemia
10017344 Fredrickson Type IIa lipidaemia
10017345 Fredrickson Type IIb hyperlipoproteinaemia
10017346 Fredrickson Type III lipidaemia
10017347 Fredrickson Type IV lipidaemia
10017348 Fredrickson Type V lipidaemia
10017349 Free fatty acids increased
10017350 Free T3
10017351 Free T3 abnormal
10017352 Free T3 high
10017353 Free T3 low
10017354 Free T3 normal
10017355 Free T4
10017356 Free T4 abnormal
10017357 Free T4 high
10017358 Free T4 low
10017359 Free T4 normal
10017360 Free water clearance decreased
10017361 Fregoli's phenomenon
10017362 Frenzy
10017363 Frequency of menses
10017364 Frequency of micturition
10017366 Frequency urinary
10017367 Frequent bowel movements
10017368 Frequent motion
10017369 Frequent motions
10017370 Frequent periods
10017371 Friderichsen-Waterhouse syndrome
10017373 Friedlander's pneumonia
10017374 Friedreich's ataxia
10017375 Frightening dreams
10017376 Frigidity
10017378 Frontal lobe syndrome
10017379 Frontal sinus operation
10017380 Frontal-parietal thinning
10017382 Frostbite
10017383 Frostbite foot
10017384 Frostbite hand
10017385 Frostbite of face
10017386 Frostbite of foot
10017387 Frostbite of hand
10017389 Frotteurism
10017391 Frozen shoulder
10017392 Frozen shoulder exacerbated
10017393 Fructosamine
10017394 Fructosamine decreased
10017395 Fructosamine increased
10017396 Fructosamine normal
10017397 Fructose intolerance hereditary
10017398 Fruit allergy
10017399 FSH
10017400 FSH abnormal
10017401 FSH decreased
10017402 FSH elevated
10017403 FSH increased
10017404 FSH normal
10017405 FSPs
10017406 Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis
10017407 Fugue state
10017408 Fugue-like state
10017409 Fulgurating migraine
10017410 Fulguration
10017411 Full blood count
10017412 Full blood count abnormal
10017413 Full blood count decreased
10017414 Full blood count normal
10017415 Full blood count reduced
10017416 Full mouth X-ray of teeth
10017417 Full mouth X-ray of teeth abnormal
10017418 Full mouth X-ray of teeth normal
10017419 Full thickness skin graft
10017424 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of abdominal wall
10017425 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of ankle
10017426 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of axilla
10017427 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of back (any part)
10017428 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of back of hand
10017429 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of breast
10017431 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of chin
10017432 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of ear (any part)
10017433 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of elbow
10017434 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of face, head, and neck
10017435 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of foot
10017436 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of forearm
10017438 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of genitalia
10017439 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of knee
10017440 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of lip(s)
10017441 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of lower leg
10017442 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of lower limb(s)
10017446 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of neck
10017447 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of nose (septum)
10017449 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of palm of hand
10017450 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of scalp (any part)
10017451 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of scapular region
10017452 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of shoulder
10017453 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of thigh (any part)
10017456 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of trunk
10017462 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of upper arm
10017464 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of wrist
10017465 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS) of wrist(s) and hand(s)
10017466 Full-thickness skin loss due to burn (third degree NOS), unspecified site
10017467 Fullness abdominal
10017468 Fullness head
10017469 Fulminant hepatic failure
10017470 Fulminant hepatitis B
10017471 Fulminant Wilson's disease
10017472 Fumbling
10017473 Function kidney abnormal
10017474 Function kidney decreased
10017475 Function liver abnormal
10017476 Function liver decreased
10017477 Function pulmonary decreased
10017478 Function test NOS central nervous system normal
10017479 Function test NOS retina abnormal
10017480 Function test NOS retina normal
10017481 Function tests multiple kidney abnormal
10017482 Function tests multiple liver abnormal
10017483 Function tests NOS central nervous system abnormal
10017484 Function tests NOS central nervous system normal
10017485 Function tests NOS peripheral nervous system abnormal
10017486 Function tests NOS peripheral nervous system normal
10017487 Function tests NOS retina abnormal
10017488 Function tests NOS vestibulum
10017489 Function tests NOS vestibulum abnormal
10017490 Function tests NOS vestibulum normal
10017491 Function tests respiratory abnormal
10017493 Functional blood flow disorder
10017494 Functional bowel syndrome
10017495 Functional diarrhea
10017496 Functional diarrhoea
10017497 Functional diarrhoea (due to spastic colon)
10017502 Functional flow murmur
10017503 Functional heart murmur
10017504 Functional residual capacity
10017505 Functional residual capacity abnormal
10017506 Functional residual capacity abnormal NOS
10017507 Functional residual capacity decreased
10017508 Functional residual capacity increased
10017509 Functional residual capacity low
10017510 Functional residual capacity normal
10017511 Fundal haemorrhage
10017513 Fundal hemorrhage
10017514 Fundi
10017515 Fundi abnormal
10017516 Fundi examination
10017517 Fundi normal
10017518 Fundoplication
10017519 Fundoscopy
10017520 Fundoscopy abnormal
10017521 Fundoscopy normal
10017522 Fundus coloboma
10017523 Fungaemia
10017524 Fungal abscess central nervous system
10017525 Fungal cystitis
10017526 Fungal dermatitis
10017527 Fungal dermatitis NOS
10017529 Fungal endocarditis
10017530 Fungal eye infection
10017532 Fungal growth genital asymptomatic
10017533 Fungal infection
10017534 Fungal infection NOS
10017535 Fungal infection of nail
10017538 Fungal meningitis
10017539 Fungal ophthalmic infection
10017540 Fungal paronychia
10017541 Fungal rash
10017542 Fungal rash NOS
10017543 Fungal skin infection
10017544 Fungemia
10017546 Fungus NOS body fluid identified
10017547 Fungus NOS body fluid no organisms observed
10017548 Fungus urine test negative
10017549 Fungus urine test positive
10017550 Funnel breast
10017551 Funnel chest
10017553 Furuncle
10017555 Furuncle meatal
10017556 Furuncle of ear
10017557 Furunculosis
10017558 Fusion cervical spine
10017559 Fusion lumbar spine
10017560 Fusion of 2nd & 3rd toes both sides
10017562 Fusion of vertebra
10017565 Fuzzy
10017566 Fuzzy head
10017567 G-6 PD deficiency
10017568 G-CSF prophylaxis
10017569 G-CSF therapy
10017572 Gagging
10017573 Gait abnormal
10017574 Gait abnormal NOS
10017575 Gait broadened
10017576 Gait disorder
10017577 Gait disturbance
10017579 Gait festinating
10017580 Gait hemiplegic
10017581 Gait inability
10017582 Gait instability
10017583 Gait rigid
10017584 Gait shuffling
10017585 Gait spastic
10017586 Gait staggering
10017587 Gait stumbling
10017588 Gait tripping
10017589 Gait unsteady
10017590 Galactocele
10017591 Galactocele (postpartum)
10017592 Galactorrhea
10017594 Galactorrhea female
10017595 Galactorrhea not associated with childbirth
10017600 Galactorrhoea
10017602 Galactorrhoea aggravated
10017603 Galactorrhoea not associated with childbirth
10017604 Galactosaemia
10017605 Galactose intolerance
10017606 Galactose urine
10017607 Galactose urine abnormal
10017608 Galactose urine decreased
10017609 Galactose urine increased
10017610 Galactosemia
10017611 Galactosylceramide lipidosis
10017612 Gallbladder anomaly congenital NOS
10017613 Gallbladder atony
10017614 Gallbladder cancer
10017615 Gallbladder cancer localised
10017616 Gallbladder cancer localized
10017617 Gallbladder cancer non-resectable
10017618 Gallbladder cancer NOS
10017619 Gallbladder cancer recurrent
10017620 Gallbladder carcinoma
10017621 Gallbladder carcinoma localized
10017622 Gallbladder carcinoma non-resectable
10017623 Gallbladder carcinoma recurrent
10017624 Gallbladder cholesterolosis
10017625 Gallbladder disease NOS
10017626 Gallbladder disorder
10017627 Gallbladder disorder NOS
10017630 Gallbladder drainage
10017631 Gallbladder fistula
10017633 Gallbladder inflammation
10017635 Gallbladder non-functioning
10017636 Gallbladder obstruction
10017637 Gallbladder oedema
10017638 Gallbladder pain
10017639 Gallbladder perforation
10017640 Gallbladder stones
10017641 Gallbladder disease
10017642 Gallbladder injury
10017643 Gallbladder sludge
10017644 Gallbladder stone
10017645 Gallium scan
10017646 Gallium scan abnormal
10017647 Gallium scan normal
10017648 Gallop rhythm present
10017649 Gallstone ileus
10017650 Gallstones
10017651 Gallstones in bile duct removal
10017652 Galvanocauterisation
10017653 Gambian trypanosomiasis
10017654 Gambler
10017655 Gambling
10017656 Gambling addiction
10017657 Gambling pathological
10017658 Gamete intrafallopian transfer
10017659 Gamma globulin
10017660 Gamma globulin abnormal NOS
10017661 Gamma globulin decreased
10017662 Gamma globulin increased
10017663 Gamma globulin normal
10017664 Gamma globulinaemia
10017665 Gamma globulins decreased
10017666 Gamma globulins increased
10017667 Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase
10017668 Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase increased
10017669 Gamma GT
10017670 Gamma GT increased
10017671 Gamma GT raised
10017672 Gamma interferon therapy
10017673 Gamma radiation therapy NOS
10017674 Gamma radiation therapy to bladder
10017675 Gamma radiation therapy to bone
10017676 Gamma radiation therapy to brain
10017677 Gamma radiation therapy to breast
10017678 Gamma radiation therapy to colon
10017679 Gamma radiation therapy to ear, nose, or throat
10017680 Gamma radiation therapy to lung
10017681 Gamma radiation therapy to pancreas
10017682 Gamma radiation therapy to pleura
10017683 Gamma radiation therapy to prostate
10017684 Gamma radiation therapy to skin
10017685 Gamma radiation therapy to thyroid
10017686 Gamma radiation therapy to uterus
10017687 Gamma-glutamyltransferase
10017688 Gamma-glutamyltransferase abnormal
10017689 Gamma-glutamyltransferase abnormal NOS
10017690 Gamma-glutamyltransferase decreased
10017691 Gamma-glutamyltransferase high
10017693 Gamma-glutamyltransferase increased
10017694 Gamma-glutamyltransferase normal
10017695 Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase
10017696 Gamma-GT increased
10017697 Gammaglobulin change NOS
10017698 Gammaglobulins decreased
10017699 Gammaglutamyltranspeptidase abnormal
10017700 Gangliocytoma
10017701 Ganglioglioma
10017702 Ganglion
10017704 Ganglion of joint
10017705 Ganglion of tendon sheath
10017706 Ganglion removal
10017707 Ganglion, unspecified
10017708 Ganglioneuroblastoma
10017709 Ganglioneuroma
10017710 Gangosa
10017711 Gangrene
10017712 Gangrene cutaneous
10017713 Gangrene hemorrhagic
10017714 Gangrene ileum
10017715 Gangrene intestine
10017716 Gangrene jejunum
10017717 Gangrene neonatal
10017718 Gangrene NOS
10017719 Gangrene of ileum
10017720 Gangrene of jejunum
10017721 Gangrene peripheral
10017722 Gangrene presenile
10017723 Gangrene skin
10017724 Gangrene spontaneous
10017725 Gangrene static
10017726 Gangrene symmetrical
10017727 Gardner's syndrome
10017728 Gardnerella infection
10017729 Gardnerella infection NOS
10017731 Gardnerella vaginalis vaginitis
10017732 Gardnerellal vaginitis
10017733 Garrulous
10017734 Garrulousness
10017735 Gas
10017736 Gas evolution in intestine
10017737 Gas gangrene
10017738 Gas in stomach
10017739 Gas pain
10017740 Gas poisoning
10017742 Gaseous regurgitation
10017743 Gaseousness
10017745 Gasping
10017746 Gastrectomy NOS
10017747 Gastrectomy partial
10017748 Gastrectomy total
10017749 Gastric acid decreased
10017753 Gastric atony
10017754 Gastric biopsy
10017755 Gastric biopsy abnormal
10017756 Gastric biopsy normal
10017757 Gastric bleeding
10017758 Gastric cancer
10017759 Gastric cancer in situ
10017760 Gastric cancer NOS
10017761 Gastric cancer recurrent
10017762 Gastric cancer stage 0
10017763 Gastric cancer stage I
10017764 Gastric cancer stage II
10017765 Gastric cancer stage III
10017766 Gastric cancer stage IV NOS
10017767 Gastric cancer stage IV with metastases
10017768 Gastric cancer stage IV without metastases
10017769 Gastric carcinoid
10017770 Gastric carcinoma
10017771 Gastric carcinoma in situ
10017772 Gastric carcinoma recurrent
10017773 Gastric carcinoma stage 0
10017774 Gastric carcinoma stage I
10017775 Gastric carcinoma stage II
10017776 Gastric carcinoma stage III
10017777 Gastric carcinoma stage IV NOS
10017778 Gastric carcinoma stage IV without metastases
10017779 Gastric dilatation
10017781 Gastric diverticulum
10017782 Gastric emptying study
10017783 Gastric erosions
10017784 Gastric flu
10017785 Gastric folds hypertrophy
10017786 Gastric function disorder
10017787 Gastric function disorder NOS
10017788 Gastric haemorrhage
10017789 Gastric hemorrhage
10017790 Gastric inflammation
10017791 Gastric irritation
10017792 Gastric lavage
10017793 Gastric lavage abnormal
10017794 Gastric lavage normal
10017795 Gastric lymphoma
10017796 Gastric malignancy
10017797 Gastric malignancy in situ
10017798 Gastric malignancy recurrent
10017799 Gastric malignancy stage 0
10017800 Gastric malignancy stage I
10017801 Gastric malignancy stage II
10017802 Gastric malignancy stage III
10017803 Gastric malignancy stage IV NOS
10017804 Gastric malignancy stage IV with metastases
10017805 Gastric malignancy stage IV without metastases
10017806 Gastric mucosal biopsy
10017807 Gastric mucosal hypertrophy
10017809 Gastric mucosal hypertrophy, with hemorrhage
10017810 Gastric mucosal hypertrophy, without mention of hemorrhage
10017811 Gastric mucosal lesion NOS
10017814 Gastric pain
10017815 Gastric perforation
10017816 Gastric polypectomy
10017817 Gastric polyps
10017818 Gastric stasis
10017819 Gastric stenosis NOS
10017820 Gastric submucosal haemorrhage
10017821 Gastric tone increased
10017822 Gastric ulcer
10017823 Gastric ulcer acute, with perforation
10017824 Gastric ulcer chronic or unspecified with haemorrhage
10017826 Gastric ulcer haemorrhage
10017829 Gastric ulcer haemorrhage, obstructive
10017830 Gastric ulcer haemorrhagic
10017833 Gastric ulcer hemorrhagic
10017834 Gastric ulcer perforated
10017835 Gastric ulcer perforation
10017836 Gastric ulcer perforation, obstructive
10017837 Gastric ulcer reactivation
10017838 Gastric ulcer, acute with haemorrhage
10017840 Gastric ulcer, obstructive
10017848 Gastrin high
10017849 Gastrin increased
10017850 Gastrin normal
10017851 Gastrin secretion disorder NOS
10017852 Gastrinoma
10017853 Gastritis
10017855 Gastritis acute
10017856 Gastritis alcoholic
10017857 Gastritis alcoholic haemorrhagic
10017858 Gastritis alkaline reflux
10017860 Gastritis atrophic
10017861 Gastritis atrophic haemorrhagic
10017862 Gastritis bile acid
10017863 Gastritis biliary
10017864 Gastritis chronic
10017865 Gastritis erosive
10017866 Gastritis haemorrhagic
10017867 Gastritis hemorrhagic
10017868 Gastritis hypertrophic
10017869 Gastritis NOS
10017870 Gastro intestinal bleed
10017871 Gastro intestinal bleeding
10017872 Gastrooesophagitis
10017873 Gastroenterostomy
10017874 Gastro-intestinal Behcet disease
10017875 Gastro-intestinal candidiasis
10017876 Gastro-intestinal disorder NOS
10017877 Gastrointestinal fistula
10017878 Gastro-intestinal tract bleed
10017879 Gastro-intestinal ulcer NOS
10017881 Gastro-jejunal ulcer
10017882 Gastrojejunostomy
10017884 Gastrooesophageal reflux
10017885 Gastrooesophageal reflux disease
10017886 Gastroduodenal ulcer
10017888 Gastroenteritis
10017889 Gastroenteritis adenovirus
10017890 Gastroenteritis aerobacter
10017891 Gastroenteritis aeromonas
10017893 Gastroenteritis astroviral
10017894 Gastroenteritis bacillus
10017895 Gastroenteritis bacterial NOS
10017897 Gastroenteritis campylobacter
10017898 Gastroenteritis clostridial
10017899 Gastroenteritis cryptosporidial
10017900 Gastroenteritis due to radiation
10017901 Gastroenteritis enteroviral
10017902 Gastroenteritis eosinophilic
10017903 Gastroenteritis Escherichia coli
10017904 Gastroenteritis helicobacter
10017905 Gastroenteritis non-infectious NOS
10017906 Gastroenteritis Norwalk virus
10017907 Gastroenteritis NOS
10017908 Gastroenteritis paracolon bacillus
10017909 Gastroenteritis perfringens
10017910 Gastroenteritis proteus
10017911 Gastroenteritis pseudomonas
10017912 Gastroenteritis radiation
10017913 Gastroenteritis rotavirus
10017914 Gastroenteritis salmonella
10017915 Gastroenteritis shigella
10017916 Gastroenteritis staphylococcal
10017917 Gastroenteritis vibrio
10017918 Gastroenteritis viral
10017919 Gastroenteritis viral NOS
10017920 Gastroenteritis yersinia
10017922 Gastroenteropathy NOS
10017923 Gastroesophageal laceration-hemorrhage syndrome
10017924 Gastroesophageal reflux
10017925 Gastroesophagitis
10017928 Gastrointestinal angiodysplasia
10017929 Gastrointestinal angiodysplasia haemorrhagic
10017930 Gastrointestinal anomaly
10017931 Gastrointestinal anthrax
10017932 Gastrointestinal arteriovenous malformation
10017935 Gastrointestinal bleed
10017936 Gastrointestinal bleeding
10017937 Gastrointestinal candida
10017938 Gastrointestinal candidiasis
10017939 Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumour
10017940 Gastrointestinal carcinoma
10017941 Gastrointestinal carcinoma in situ NOS
10017944 Gastrointestinal disorder
10017945 Gastrointestinal disorder NOS
10017946 Gastrointestinal disorder NOS postoperative
10017949 Gastrointestinal disturbance
10017953 Gastrointestinal fullness
10017954 Gastrointestinal gangrene
10017955 Gastrointestinal haemorrhage
10017956 Gastrointestinal haemorrhage NOS
10017960 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
10017964 Gastrointestinal infection
10017965 Gastrointestinal infection NOS
10017970 Gastrointestinal injury NOS
10017972 Gastrointestinal irritation
10017973 Gastrointestinal lymphoma
10017974 Gastrointestinal malformation NOS
10017975 Gastrointestinal malfunction arising from mental factors
10017976 Gastrointestinal moniliasis
10017978 Gastrointestinal motility disorder NOS
10017979 Gastrointestinal mucocoele
10017980 Gastrointestinal mucosal necrosis
10017981 Gastrointestinal mucositis
10017982 Gastrointestinal necrosis
10017985 Gastrointestinal neoplasm malignant
10017986 Gastrointestinal neoplasm NOS
10017995 Gastrointestinal neurosis
10017996 Gastrointestinal obstruction NOS
10017999 Gastrointestinal pain
10018000 Gastrointestinal pain NOS
10018001 Gastrointestinal perforation
10018002 Gastrointestinal perforation (NOS)
10018003 Gastrointestinal perforation NOS
10018004 Gastrointestinal protozoal infection NOS
10018007 Gastrointestinal stenosis
10018010 Gastrointestinal stenosis NOS
10018011 Gastrointestinal symptom NOS
10018014 Gastrointestinal tract anomaly NOS
10018016 Gastrointestinal tract bleed NOS
10018017 Gastrointestinal tract cancer NOS
10018019 Gastrointestinal tract mucosal discolouration
10018020 Gastrointestinal tract X-ray NOS
10018021 Gastrointestinal tract X-ray NOS abnormal
10018022 Gastrointestinal tract X-ray NOS normal
10018024 Gastrointestinal ulcer NOS
10018025 Gastrointestinal ulcer perforated NOS
10018026 Gastrointestinal ulcer perforation NOS
10018028 Gastrointestinal upset
10018033 Gastrointestinal vessel congenital anomaly
10018035 Gastrojejunal ulcer
10018036 Gastrojejunal ulcer, acute with haemorrhage
10018038 Gastrojejunal ulcer, acute with perforation
10018043 Gastroparesis
10018044 Gastroparesis postoperative
10018045 Gastroptosis
10018046 Gastroschisis
10018047 Gastroscopy
10018048 Gaucher's disease
10018049 Gay
10018050 Gay bowel syndrome
10018051 Gay male
10018052 Gaze apraxia
10018053 GDU
10018054 Gender identity disorder NOS
10018055 Gender identity disorder of adolescent or adult life
10018056 Gender identity disorder of adult
10018060 General anaesthesia
10018061 General anesthesia
10018062 General body appearance normal
10018063 General debility
10018064 General discomfort
10018066 General malaise
10018069 General pruritus
10018070 General symptom NOS
10018074 Generalised aching
10018075 Generalised anxiety disorder
10018076 Generalised arthritis
10018077 Generalised chest pain
10018078 Generalised chest pains
10018079 Generalised convulsion
10018080 Generalised eczematous reaction
10018081 Generalised eruption
10018082 Generalised exfoliative dermatitis
10018083 Generalised flushing
10018084 Generalised illness
10018085 Generalised itching
10018086 Generalised joint pains
10018087 Generalised macular rash
10018088 Generalised morphoea
10018089 Generalised muscle aches
10018090 Generalised non-convulsive epilepsy
10018092 Generalised oedema
10018093 Generalised raised red spots limbs
10018094 Generalised raised red spots trunk
10018095 Generalised rash
10018096 Generalised resistance to thyroid hormone
10018097 Generalised sensori-motor neuropathy
10018098 Generalised skin reaction
10018099 Generalised tetany
10018100 Generalised tonic-clonic seizure
10018103 Generalised urticarial rash
10018104 Generalized and unspecified atherosclerosis
10018105 Generalized anxiety disorder
10018106 Generalized arterial disease
10018107 Generalized arteriosclerosis
10018108 Generalized atheroma
10018109 Generalized convulsive epilepsy
10018110 Generalized convulsive epilepsy, with intractable epilepsy
10018112 Generalized edema
10018113 Generalized infection during labor
10018114 Generalized infection during labor, antepartum
10018116 Generalized infection during labor, unspecified as to episode of care
10018118 Generalized necrotizing angiitis
10018122 Generalized osteoarthritis
10018123 Generalized pruritus
10018124 Generalized scleroderma
10018125 Generalized spasm
10018130 Generally contracted pelvis, antepartum
10018133 Generally increased tone
10018135 Generally unwell
10018136 Genetic anomalies of leucocytes
10018137 Genetic anomalies of leukocytes
10018138 Genetic counselling
10018139 Geniculate ganglionitis
10018140 Geniculate herpes
10018141 Geniculate herpes zoster
10018142 Genital candida
10018143 Genital candidiasis
10018144 Genital disorder female NOS
10018145 Genital disorder male NOS
10018146 Genital edema
10018147 Genital eruption female
10018148 Genital eruption male
10018149 Genital haemorrhage NOS
10018150 Genital herpes
10018151 Genital herpes, unspecified
10018152 Genital infection bacterial NOS
10018153 Genital infection fungal NOS
10018154 Genital itching
10018155 Genital itching female
10018156 Genital itching male
10018157 Genital itching NOS
10018158 Genital leukoplakia
10018159 Genital malformation
10018160 Genital neoplasm malignant female
10018161 Genital neoplasm malignant male
10018162 Genital oedema female
10018163 Genital oedema male
10018164 Genital oedema NOS
10018165 Genital pain female
10018166 Genital pain male
10018167 Genital pain NOS
10018168 Genital prolapse
10018169 Genital prolapse NOS
10018171 Genital prolapse, unspecified
10018172 Genital pruritus female
10018173 Genital pruritus male
10018174 Genital pruritus NOS
10018175 Genital rash
10018176 Genital syphilis (primary)
10018178 Genital tract-skin fistula, female
10018179 Genital tract-skin fistulae, female
10018180 Genital ulceration
10018181 Genital ulceration NOS
10018182 Genital warts
10018183 Genitalia external ambiguous
10018184 Genitalia external painful
10018185 Genitourinary chlamydia infection
10018186 Genitourinary malfunction arising from mental factors
10018189 Genitourinary tract gonococcal infection NOS
10018190 Genitourinary tract infection NOS
10018192 Genitourinary tract neoplasm NOS
10018193 Genitourinary tuberculosis, unspecified
10018194 Genu recurvatum
10018195 Genu recurvatum (acquired)
10018196 Genu valgum
10018197 Genu valgum (acquired)
10018199 Genu varum
10018200 Genu varum (acquired)
10018201 Geographic tongue
10018202 Geophagia
10018203 GERD
10018204 Germ cell cancer NOS
10018206 German measles
10018207 Germinoma
10018209 Gestational diabetes
10018210 Gestational diabetes mellitus
10018211 Gestational trophoblastic tumor NOS
10018212 Gestational trophoblastic tumour NOS
10018213 GFR
10018214 GFR decreased
10018215 GFR normal
10018216 GFR raised
10018217 GGT
10018218 GGTP
10018219 GGTP abnormal
10018221 GGTP increase
10018222 GH
10018223 GH abnormal
10018225 GH decreased
10018227 GH increased
10018228 GH normal
10018229 Ghost vessels (corneal)
10018230 GI bleed
10018231 GI candidiasis
10018232 GI haemorrhage
10018233 GI hemorrhage
10018234 GI infection
10018235 GI irritation
10018236 GI malformation
10018237 GI mucosal necrosis general
10018238 GI neoplasia
10018239 GI neoplasm benign
10018240 GI neoplasm malignant
10018241 GI pain
10018242 GI perforation
10018243 GI tract bleed
10018244 GI tract obstruction
10018245 GI tract stenosis any site
10018246 GI tract X-ray NOS
10018247 GI tract X-ray NOS abnormal
10018248 GI tract X-ray NOS normal
10018249 GI upset
10018250 Giant cell arteritis
10018251 Giant cell epulis
10018252 Giant cell granuloma peripheral
10018253 Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath
10018254 Giant cell tumor of tendon sheath benign
10018255 Giant cell tumour of tendon sheath
10018256 Giant colon
10018257 Giant hives
10018258 Giant papillary conjunctivitis
10018259 Giant urticaria
10018261 Giardia lamblia infection
10018262 Giardiasis
10018263 Giddiness
10018264 GIFT
10018265 Gigantism
10018267 Gilbert's syndrome
10018268 Gilles de la Tourette
10018269 Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
10018271 Gilles de la Tourette's disorder
10018272 Gilliam's suspension
10018273 Gingiva hypertrophia
10018275 Gingival atrophy
10018276 Gingival bleeding
10018277 Gingival discoloration
10018278 Gingival discolouration
10018279 Gingival disease
10018280 Gingival disorder
10018281 Gingival disorder NOS
10018282 Gingival erosion
10018283 Gingival hyperplasia
10018284 Gingival hypertrophy
10018285 Gingival hypoplasia
10018286 Gingival pain
10018287 Gingival pockets
10018288 Gingival polyp
10018289 Gingival reaction
10018290 Gingival recession
10018291 Gingival swelling
10018292 Gingivitis
10018293 Gingivitis hemorrhagic
10018294 Gingivitis infection
10018295 Gingivitis infection NOS
10018296 Gingivitis ulcerative
10018297 Gland in neck
10018298 Glanders
10018299 Glands swollen
10018300 Glandular fever
10018301 Glandular fever hepatitis
10018302 Glandular fever like illness assoc HIV seroconversion
10018303 Glanzmann's disease
10018304 Glaucoma
10018306 Glaucoma (excl congenital)
10018313 Glaucoma associated with ocular trauma
10018317 Glaucoma associated with pupillary block
10018320 Glaucoma associated with unspecified ocular disorder
10018322 Glaucoma both eyes
10018323 Glaucoma closed angle
10018324 Glaucoma congenital
10018326 Glaucoma NOS
10018327 Glaucoma of childhood
10018328 Glaucoma secondary
10018329 Glaucoma steroid-induced
10018330 Glaucoma traumatic
10018332 Glaucoma, unspecified
10018333 Glaucomatocyclitic crises
10018336 Glioblastoma
10018337 Glioblastoma multiforme
10018338 Glioma
10018340 Gliosarcoma
10018341 Gliosis
10018342 Globulin
10018343 Globulin Bence Jones present
10018344 Globulin decreased
10018347 Globulin increased
10018350 Globulins increased
10018351 Globulins serum increased
10018352 Globulinuria
10018354 Globus hystericus
10018355 Glomerular filtration rate
10018356 Glomerular filtration rate abnormal
10018357 Glomerular filtration rate abnormal NOS
10018358 Glomerular filtration rate decreased
10018359 Glomerular filtration rate increased
10018360 Glomerular filtration rate low
10018361 Glomerular filtration rate normal
10018362 Glomerular vascular disorder
10018363 Glomerulitis
10018364 Glomerulonephritis
10018366 Glomerulonephritis acute
10018367 Glomerulonephritis chronic
10018368 Glomerulonephritis diffuse
10018369 Glomerulonephritis focal
10018370 Glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative
10018371 Glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative acute
10018372 Glomerulonephritis membranous
10018373 Glomerulonephritis membranous chronic
10018374 Glomerulonephritis minimal lesion
10018375 Glomerulonephritis NOS
10018376 Glomerulonephritis proliferative
10018377 Glomerulonephritis proliferative chronic
10018378 Glomerulonephritis rapidly progressive
10018380 Glomus tumor
10018381 Glomus tumour
10018382 Glossal oedema
10018383 Glossectomy
10018384 Glossectomy (partial)
10018386 Glossitis
10018387 Glossitis acute
10018388 Glossodynia
10018389 Glossopharyngeal nerve disorder NOS
10018391 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
10018392 Glottic edema
10018393 Glottic oedema
10018394 Glottic spasm
10018395 Glottis carcinoma
10018396 Glucagon
10018397 Glucagon abnormal NOS
10018398 Glucagon decreased
10018399 Glucagon high
10018400 Glucagon increased
10018401 Glucagon low
10018402 Glucagon normal
10018403 Glucagon secretion disorder NOS
10018404 Glucagonoma
10018405 Glucocorticoid decreased
10018406 Glucocorticoids increased
10018407 Glucocorticoids normal
10018408 Glucocorticoids NOS abnormal
10018409 Glucocorticoids NOS decreased
10018410 Glucocorticoids NOS increased
10018411 Glucocorticoids NOS normal
10018413 Glucocorticosteroid activity increased
10018414 Glucose
10018415 Glucose abnormal
10018416 Glucose abnormal NOS
10018417 Glucose blood decreased
10018418 Glucose blood increased
10018419 Glucose decreased
10018420 Glucose high
10018421 Glucose increased
10018422 Glucose intolerance during pregnancy
10018423 Glucose low
10018425 Glucose normal
10018426 Glucose tolerance abnormal
10018427 Glucose tolerance curve abnormal
10018428 Glucose tolerance decreased
10018429 Glucose tolerance impaired
10018430 Glucose tolerance impaired in pregnancy
10018431 Glucose tolerance increased
10018432 Glucose tolerance test
10018433 Glucose tolerance test abnormal
10018434 Glucose tolerance test abnormal NOS
10018435 Glucose tolerance test normal
10018436 Glucose urine
10018437 Glucose urine abnormal
10018438 Glucose urine elevated
10018439 Glucose urine false positive test
10018440 Glucose urine high
10018441 Glucose urine increased
10018442 Glucose urine normal
10018444 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
10018445 Glucosuria false positive
10018446 Glucosyl cerebroside lipidosis
10018447 Glue ear
10018448 Glue sniffer
10018449 Glue sniffing
10018452 Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase increased
10018453 Glutamic-oxaloacetic transferase
10018454 Glutamic-pyruvate transaminase
10018455 Glutamic-pyruvate transaminase increased
10018457 Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase increased
10018458 Gluten enteropathy
10018459 Gluten free diet
10018460 Gluten intolerance
10018461 Gluten sensitive enteropathy
10018462 Glycogen storage disease type V
10018463 Glycogen storage disorder NOS
10018464 Glycogen storage disease type I
10018465 Glycogenoses
10018466 Glycogenosis
10018467 Glycogenosis type IV
10018468 Glycohaemoglobin
10018469 Glycohemoglobin
10018470 Glycohemoglobin increased
10018471 Glycolysis increased
10018472 Glycoprotein-producing adenoma of pituitary
10018473 Glycosuria
10018474 Glucose urine absent
10018475 Glycosuria during pregnancy
10018476 Glycosuria false positive
10018477 Glycosuria false positive test
10018478 Glucose urine present
10018479 Glycosuria renal
10018480 Glycosylated haemoglobin
10018481 Glycosylated haemoglobin abnormal
10018482 Glycosylated haemoglobin decreased
10018483 Glycosylated haemoglobin high
10018484 Glycosylated haemoglobin increased
10018485 Glycosylated haemoglobin normal
10018486 Glycosylated hemoglobin
10018487 GM-CSF prophylaxis
10018488 GM-CSF therapy
10018489 Gnashing tooth
10018490 Gnathostomiasis
10018491 Goiter
10018492 Goiter congenital
10018493 Goiter diffuse
10018494 Goiter exophthalmic
10018495 Goiter nodular
10018496 Goiter, specified as simple
10018497 Goiter, unspecified
10018498 Goitre
10018499 Goitre congenital
10018500 Goitre nontoxic
10018501 Goitre, specified as simple
10018502 Goitre, unspecified
10018503 Golfer's elbow
10018504 Gonadal dysgenesis
10018505 Gonadal dysgenesis NOS
10018506 Gonadoblastoma
10018507 Gonadopathy NOS
10018508 Gonadopathy NOS female
10018509 Gonadopathy NOS male
10018510 Gonadostromal tumour of the testis
10018511 Gonadotrophic LH normal
10018512 Gonadotrophic luteinising hormone normal
10018513 Gonadotrophic luteinizing hormone increased
10018514 Gonadotrophin
10018516 Gonadotrophin deficiency
10018517 Gonadotrophin increased
10018518 Gonadotrophin normal
10018519 Gonadotrophin releasing hormone stimulation test
10018520 Gonadotrophins
10018521 Gonadotrophins NOS abnormal
10018522 Gonadotrophins NOS decreased
10018523 Gonadotrophins NOS increased
10018524 Gonadotrophins NOS normal
10018525 Gonadotropic follicle stimulating hormone
10018526 Gonadotropic follicle stimulating hormone decreased
10018527 Gonadotropic follicle stimulating hormone increased
10018528 Gonadotropic FSH
10018529 Gonadotropic FSH abnormal
10018530 Gonadotropic FSH decreased
10018531 Gonadotropic FSH increased
10018532 Gonadotropic LH decreased
10018533 Gonadotropic LH increased
10018534 Gonadotropic luteinising hormone increased
10018535 Gonadotropic luteinising hormone normal
10018536 Gonadotropic luteinizing hormone
10018538 Gonadotropic luteinizing hormone decreased
10018540 Gonadotropic luteinizing hormone increased
10018541 Gonadotropin pituitary decreased
10018542 Gonadotropin pituitary increased
10018543 Gonadotropin placental decreased
10018544 Gonadotropin placental increased
10018545 Gonadotropin releasing hormone stimulation test
10018546 Gonadotropins decreased
10018547 Gonadotropins increased
10018548 Gonadotropins NOS abnormal
10018549 Gonadotropins NOS decreased
10018550 Gonadotropins NOS high
10018551 Gonadotropins NOS increased
10018552 Gonadotropins NOS low
10018553 Gonadotropins NOS normal
10018554 Gonioscopy
10018555 Gonioscopy abnormal
10018556 Gonioscopy normal
10018557 Goniosynechiae
10018558 Gonococcal arthritis
10018559 Gonococcal bursitis
10018560 Gonococcal cervicitis
10018561 Gonococcal cervicitis acute
10018562 Gonococcal cervicitis chronic
10018564 Gonococcal cystitis (acute)
10018565 Gonococcal cystitis, chronic
10018566 Gonococcal endocarditis
10018567 Gonococcal endometritis
10018568 Gonococcal endometritis (acute)
10018569 Gonococcal endometritis, chronic
10018570 Gonococcal endophthalmia
10018571 Gonococcal epididymo-orchitis (acute)
10018572 Gonococcal epididymo-orchitis, chronic
10018573 Gonococcal infection (acute) of lower genitourinary tract
10018574 Gonococcal infection (acute) of upper genitourinary tract
10018577 Gonococcal infection of eye
10018578 Gonococcal infection of joint
10018581 Gonococcal infection of pharynx
10018582 Gonococcal infection, chronic, of lower genitourinary tract
10018583 Gonococcal infection, chronic, of upper genitourinary tract
10018585 Gonococcal iridocyclitis
10018586 Gonococcal keratitis
10018587 Gonococcal keratosis (blennorrhagica)
10018588 Gonococcal meningitis
10018589 Gonococcal neonatal conjunctivitis
10018590 Gonococcal pericarditis
10018591 Gonococcal peritonitis
10018592 Gonococcal prostatitis (acute)
10018593 Gonococcal prostatitis, chronic
10018594 Gonococcal salpingitis
10018595 Gonococcal salpingitis acute
10018596 Gonococcal salpingitis chronic
10018598 Gonococcal seminal vesiculitis (acute)
10018599 Gonococcal seminal vesiculitis, chronic
10018600 Gonococcal spondylitis
10018602 Gonococcal urethritis acute
10018603 Gonococcal urethritis chronic
10018604 Gonorrhea
10018610 Gonorrhea, antepartum
10018611 Gonorrhea, postpartum
10018612 Gonorrhoea
10018613 Gonorrhoea carrier
10018615 Gonorrhoea NOS
10018616 Gonorrhoea of anus
10018617 Gonorrhoeal discharge
10018618 Gonorrhoeal salpingitis
10018620 Goodpasture's syndrome
10018621 Goose flesh
10018624 GOT increased
10018625 GOT increased transient
10018626 Gougerot-Mulock-Houwer syndrome
10018627 Gout
10018628 Gout acute
10018629 Gout aggravated
10018633 Gout, unspecified
10018634 Gouty arthritis
10018635 Gouty arthropathy
10018636 Gouty nephropathy
10018637 Gouty nephropathy, unspecified
10018638 Gouty tophi
10018639 Gouty tophi of ear
10018641 Gouty tophus
10018642 GPT
10018644 GPT increased
10018645 GPT increased transient
10018646 Grade 1 hypertensive fundus
10018647 Grade 2 hypertensive fundus
10018648 Grade 3 hypertensive fundus
10018649 Grade 4 hypertensive fundus
10018650 Graft rejection
10018651 Graft versus host disease
10018652 Graft versus host reaction
10018654 Gram stain
10018655 Gram stain negative
10018656 Gram stain positive
10018657 Gram-negative bacterial infection NOS
10018658 Grand mal
10018659 Grand mal convulsion
10018660 Grand mal epilepsy
10018661 Grand mal epileptic fit
10018662 Grand mal fit
10018663 Grand mal seizure
10018664 Grand mal status, epileptic
10018669 Grandiose delusion
10018670 Grandiose ideas
10018671 Grandiosity
10018672 Granular cell carcinoma of the kidney
10018673 Granular corneal dystrophy
10018674 Granulation suppressed
10018675 Granulation tissue
10018676 Granulation toxic leucocytes
10018677 Granulations of postmastoidectomy cavity
10018678 Granulocyte count
10018679 Granulocyte count CSF high
10018680 Granulocyte count CSF increased
10018681 Granulocyte count decreased
10018682 Granulocyte count high
10018683 Granulocyte count increased
10018684 Granulocyte count low
10018685 Granulocytes abnormal
10018686 Granulocytic sarcoma
10018687 Granulocytopenia
10018688 Granulocytopenia neonatal
10018689 Granulocytopenia severe
10018690 Granulocytosis
10018691 Granuloma
10018692 Granuloma annulare
10018693 Granuloma inguinale
10018694 Granuloma injection site
10018695 Granuloma NOS
10018696 Granuloma of conjunctiva
10018698 Granuloma skin
10018700 Granulomatous arteritis
10018701 Granulomatous disease
10018702 Granulomatous disease variant
10018703 Granulomatous lesion
10018704 Granulomatous liver disease
10018705 Granulomatous thyroiditis
10018706 Graves' disease
10018707 Gravid
10018708 Gravida
10018709 Gravida I
10018710 Gravida II
10018711 Gravitational eczema
10018712 Gravitational edema
10018713 Gravitational oedema
10018714 Gray baby syndrome
10018715 Gray syndrome neonatal
10018716 Great toe fracture
10018718 Greater curvature gastric ulcer
10018719 Greenish stool
10018720 Greenstick fracture
10018721 Grey baby syndrome
10018722 Grey syndrome
10018723 Grey syndrome neonatal
10018724 Grief reaction
10018725 Grinding tooth
10018726 Griping abdomen
10018727 Griping abdominal
10018728 Gritty eyes
10018729 Gritty feeling in eyes
10018730 Groggy
10018732 Groggy on awakening
10018733 Groin intertrigo
10018734 Groin nodes
10018735 Groin pain
10018736 Groin sinus excision
10018737 Groin strain
10018738 Groin swelling
10018739 Groin tinea
10018740 Grommet insertion
10018741 Grommet removal
10018742 Gross flushing
10018743 Gross obesity
10018745 Growing pains
10018746 Growth accelerated
10018747 Growth hormone
10018748 Growth hormone abnormal
10018749 Growth hormone decreased
10018750 Growth hormone excess
10018751 Growth hormone hyposecretion
10018752 Growth hormone increased
10018753 Growth hormone normal
10018754 Growth hormone overproduction
10018755 Growth hormone suppression test
10018756 Growth hormone suppression test abnormal
10018757 Growth hormone suppression test normal
10018758 Growth hormone-producing pituitary tumour
10018760 Growth retarded
10018761 Growth suppression
10018762 Grunting
10018763 GTT
10018766 Guillain Barre syndrome
10018767 Guillain-Barre syndrome
10018768 Guinon's myospasia impulsiva
10018769 Gum abscess
10018770 Gum atrophy
10018771 Gum bleeding
10018772 Gum blue line
10018773 Gum discolouration
10018775 Gum disorder
10018777 Gum erosion
10018778 Gum haemorrhage
10018779 Gum hemorrhage
10018780 Gum hyperplasia
10018781 Gum hypertrophy
10018782 Gum hypoplasia
10018783 Gum incision
10018784 Gum infection
10018786 Gum neoplasm malignant stage unspecified
10018787 Gum pain
10018789 Gum swelling
10018790 Gum ulceration
10018791 Gumma
10018793 Gums blue line
10018794 Gun shot wound
10018795 Gustatory sense diminished
10018796 Gut pain
10018797 Guttate psoriasis
10018798 GVH disease
10018799 GVHD
10018800 Gynaecomastia
10018801 Gynecomastia
10018802 H hernia
10018803 H.pylori gastrointestinal disease
10018804 Habit vomiting
10018806 Habitual aborter, currently pregnant
10018807 Habitual aborter, currently pregnant, unspecified as to episode of care
10018809 Habitual abortion (spontaneous)
10018810 Habituation
10018813 Haemangioblastoma
10018814 Haemangioma
10018815 Haemangioma acquired
10018818 Haemangioma congenital
10018819 Haemangioma NOS
10018820 Haemangioma of breast
10018821 Haemangioma of liver
10018822 Haemangioma of retina
10018823 Haemangioma of skin
10018825 Haemangiopericytoma
10018826 Haemangiopericytoma of meninges
10018827 Haemangiosarcoma
10018828 Haemangiosarcoma NOS
10018829 Haemarthrosis
10018830 Haematemesis
10018833 Haematocoele
10018836 Haematochezia
10018837 Haematocrit
10018838 Haematocrit decreased
10018839 Haematocrit high
10018840 Haematocrit increased
10018841 Haematocrit low
10018842 Haematocrit normal
10018843 Haematocrit value decreased
10018844 Haematocrit value increased
10018852 Haematoma
10018853 Haematoma drainage
10018854 Haematoma NOS
10018855 Haematoma of broad ligament
10018856 Haematoma of vulva
10018857 Haematoma postoperative
10018858 Haematoma traumatic
10018859 Haematometra
10018860 Haematopoiesis decreased
10018861 Haematopoiesis impaired
10018862 Haematopoiesis increased
10018863 Haematopoiesis suppressed
10018864 Haematopoietic neoplasm NOS
10018866 Haematospermia
10018867 Haematuria
10018868 Blood urine absent
10018869 Haematuria microscopic
10018870 Blood urine present
10018871 Haematuria traumatic
10018872 Haemochromatosis
10018873 Haemoconcentration
10018874 Haemodialysed
10018875 Haemodialysis
10018876 Haemoglobin
10018877 Haemoglobin A absent
10018878 Haemoglobin A present
10018879 Haemoglobin abnormal
10018880 Haemoglobin abnormal NOS
10018881 Haemoglobin Barts absent
10018882 Haemoglobin Barts present
10018883 Haemoglobin C disease
10018884 Haemoglobin decreased
10018885 Haemoglobin electrophoresis abnormal
10018886 Haemoglobin electrophoresis normal
10018887 Haemoglobin high
10018888 Haemoglobin increased
10018889 Haemoglobin low
10018890 Haemoglobin normal
10018891 Haemoglobin NOS abnormal
10018892 Haemoglobin protein NOS abnormal
10018893 Haemoglobin S absent
10018894 Haemoglobin S decreased
10018895 Haemoglobin S increased
10018896 Haemoglobin S normal
10018897 Haemoglobin SC disease
10018899 Haemoglobin urine negative
10018900 Haemoglobin urine positive
10018901 Haemoglobinaemia
10018905 Haemoglobinopathy NOS
10018906 Haemoglobinuria
10018907 Haemoglobin urine absent
10018908 Haemoglobinuria due to haemolysis from external causes
10018909 Haemoglobin urine present
10018910 Haemolysis
10018912 Haemolysis intravascular
10018914 Haemolysis NOS
10018916 Haemolytic anaemia
10018917 Haemolytic anaemia acquired
10018918 Haemolytic anaemia drug-induced
10018919 Haemolytic anaemia enzyme specific
10018921 Haemolytic anaemia NOS
10018922 Haemolytic anaemia, enzyme spec
10018923 Haemolytic autoimmune anaemia DCN
10018924 Haemolytic autoimmune anaemia DCP
10018925 Haemolytic autoimmune anaemia ICP
10018930 Haemolytic reaction
10018931 Haemolytic type rash
10018932 Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
10018933 Haemolytic-uraemic syndrome
10018934 Haemopericardium
10018935 Haemoperitoneum
10018937 Haemophilia A
10018938 Haemophilia A (Factor VIII)
10018939 Haemophilia B (Factor IX)
10018940 Haemophilia C (Factor XI)
10018941 Haemophilia NOS
10018942 Haemophilus acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
10018943 Haemophilus bronchitis
10018944 Haemophilus ducreyi chancroid
10018945 Haemophilus ducreyi infection
10018946 Haemophilus endocarditis
10018947 Haemophilus infection NOS
10018949 Haemophilus influenza infection
10018950 Haemophilus influenza pneumonia
10018951 Haemophilus influenzae acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
10018952 Haemophilus influenzae infection
10018953 Haemophilus influenzae meningitis
10018954 Haemophilus influenzae secondary bacterial infection of acute bronchitis
10018955 Haemophilus meningitis
10018956 Haemophilus parainfluenzae acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
10018957 Haemophilus parainfluenzae pneumonia
10018958 Haemophilus pneumonia
10018959 Haemophilus secondary bacterial infection of acute bronchitis
10018961 Haemopoiesis decreased
10018962 Haemopoiesis impaired
10018963 Haemopoiesis suppressed
10018964 Haemoptysis
10018967 Haemorrhage abnormal
10018970 Haemorrhage brain stem
10018971 Haemorrhage cerebellar
10018972 Haemorrhage cerebral
10018973 Haemorrhage from placenta praevia
10018975 Haemorrhage from rectum (excl intestinal/piles)
10018976 Haemorrhage from throat
10018977 Haemorrhage from vagina
10018978 Haemorrhage gastric
10018979 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy
10018980 Haemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified
10018981 Haemorrhage in pregnancy
10018982 Haemorrhage into bladder wall
10018983 Haemorrhage into ovarian cyst
10018984 Haemorrhage intraabdominal
10018985 Haemorrhage intracranial
10018986 Haemorrhage nasal
10018988 Haemorrhage NOS
10018989 Haemorrhage NOS foetal
10018990 Haemorrhage NOS neonatal
10018991 Haemorrhage of digestive tract
10018992 Haemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract, unspecified
10018995 Haemorrhage pharyngeal
10018996 Haemorrhage purpuric
10018997 Haemorrhage rectum
10018998 Haemorrhage retroperitoneal
10018999 Haemorrhage subcutaneous
10019000 Haemorrhage subdural
10019001 Haemorrhage subepidermal
10019002 Haemorrhage symptom
10019003 Haemorrhage, unspecified
10019004 Haemorrhagic cerebral AV malformation
10019005 Haemorrhagic cerebral infarction
10019007 Haemorrhagic diarrhoea
10019008 Haemorrhagic disease of newborn
10019009 Haemorrhagic disorder
10019010 Haemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants
10019011 Haemorrhagic fever arenaviral NOS
10019012 Haemorrhagic fever NOS
10019013 Haemorrhagic infarction
10019014 Haemorrhagic leptospirosis with jaundice
10019015 Haemorrhagic nephrosonephritis
10019016 Haemorrhagic stroke
10019017 Haemorrhagic ulcer
10019018 Haemorrhoid injection
10019019 Haemorrhoid ligation
10019020 Haemorrhoid operation NOS
10019021 Haemorrhoidectomy
10019022 Haemorrhoids
10019023 Haemorrhoids thrombosed
10019024 Haemosiderosis
10019025 Haemospermia
10019026 Haemostasis prolonged
10019027 Haemothorax
10019029 Hailey-Hailey disease
10019030 Hair colour changes
10019031 Hair colour renewed
10019032 Hair darkened
10019033 Hair depigmented
10019034 Hair discoloration
10019035 Hair discolored
10019036 Hair discolouration
10019037 Hair disorder
10019038 Hair disorder NOS
10019040 Hair dryness
10019041 Hair follicle tumor
10019042 Hair follicle tumour
10019043 Hair follicle tumour benign
10019044 Hair growth abnormal
10019045 Hair loss
10019046 Hair plucking
10019047 Hair shaft abnormal
10019048 Hair shaft abnormal NOS
10019049 Hair texture abnormal
10019050 Hair thinning
10019051 Hair transplant
10019052 Hairiness
10019053 Hairy cell leukaemia
10019054 Hairy cell leukaemia variant
10019055 Hairy cell leukemia
10019056 Hairy cell leukemia variant
10019058 Halitosis
10019059 Hallpike caloric tests
10019060 Hallpike caloric tests abnormal
10019061 Hallpike caloric tests normal
10019062 Hallucinating
10019063 Hallucination
10019064 Hallucination auditory
10019065 Hallucination gustatory
10019066 Hallucination NOS
10019067 Hallucination olfactory
10019068 Hallucination visual
10019069 Hallucination with colour
10019070 Hallucination, auditory
10019071 Hallucination, gustatory
10019072 Hallucination, olfactory
10019073 Hallucination, synesthetic
10019074 Hallucination, tactile
10019075 Hallucination, visual
10019076 Hallucination-like abnormal behaviour
10019077 Hallucinations
10019078 Hallucinations aggravated
10019079 Hallucinations, mixed
10019080 Hallucinogen abuse
10019081 Hallucinogen abuse, continuous use
10019082 Hallucinogen abuse, episodic use
10019083 Hallucinogen abuse, in remission
10019084 Hallucinogen abuse, unspecified use
10019085 Hallucinogen dependence
10019086 Hallucinogen dependence, continuous use
10019087 Hallucinogen dependence, episodic use
10019088 Hallucinogen dependence, in remission
10019089 Hallucinogen dependence, unspecified use
10019091 Hallux malleus
10019092 Hallux rigidus
10019093 Hallux valgus
10019094 Hallux valgus (acquired)
10019095 Hallux Valgus correction
10019096 Hallux varus (acquired)
10019097 Halo naevus
10019098 Halo of rainbow colors
10019099 Halo vision
10019100 Halothane antibodies
10019101 Halothane antibody
10019102 Halothane antibody negative
10019103 Halothane antibody positive
10019105 Hamartoma NOS
10019106 Hamartoma vascular
10019107 Hamman-Rich syndrome
10019108 Hammer toe
10019109 Hamstring injury
10019110 Hand amputation
10019111 Hand and foot syndrome
10019112 Hand crushing
10019113 Hand-foot-and-mouth disease
10019114 Hand fracture
10019115 Hand osteoarthritis
10019116 Hand pain
10019117 Hand rash
10019118 Hand repair operation
10019119 Hand sprain
10019121 Hand swelling
10019122 Hand tendon injury
10019123 Hand traumatic amputation
10019124 Hand, foot and mouth disease
10019126 Hand-and-foot syndrome
10019127 Hand-held chart acuity tests
10019128 Hand-held chart acuity tests abnormal
10019129 Hand-held chart acuity tests normal
10019130 Handicapped child
10019131 Handicapped spouse
10019132 Hands weakness of
10019133 Hangover
10019135 Hangover alcoholic
10019136 Hangover effect
10019137 Hanot's cirrhosis
10019138 Hansen's disease
10019139 Hantaviral infection NOS
10019141 Hanta virus infection (american)
10019142 Hanta virus infection (korean)
10019143 Hantavirus pulmonary infection
10019144 Hanta virus pulmonary syndrome
10019147 Haptic hallucination
10019148 Haptic hallucinations
10019149 Haptoglobin abnormal
10019150 Haptoglobin decreased
10019151 Haptoglobin high
10019152 Haptoglobin increased
10019153 Haptoglobin low
10019154 Haptoglobin normal
10019155 Harada's disease
10019156 Hard corn
10019157 Hard retinal exudates
10019158 Hard to awaken
10019159 Hare lip
10019160 Hare lip repair
10019161 Harelip
10019162 Harlequin fetus
10019163 Harlequin foetus
10019164 Harris's migrainous neuralgia
10019165 Hartnup disease
10019166 Hashimoto's disease
10019167 Hashimoto's thyroiditis
10019169 Haverhill fever
10019170 Hay fever
10019171 Hb decreased
10019172 HB-S disease with mention of crisis
10019173 HB-S disease without mention of crisis
10019174 Hb-S trait
10019175 Hb-SC
10019176 Hb-SD
10019177 Hb-SE
10019178 Hb-SS disease with crisis
10019179 HbA1C
10019181 HBsAg
10019184 HDL
10019185 HDL cholesterol decreased
10019186 HDL decreased
10019187 HDL increased
10019188 HDL low
10019189 HDL raised
10019191 Head banging
10019192 Head cold
10019193 Head deformity NOS
10019194 Head discomfort
10019195 Head fullness
10019196 Head injury
10019197 Head lice
10019198 Head pain
10019199 Head pediculosis
10019200 Head pressure
10019201 Head revolving around
10019202 Head revolving round
10019203 Head spinning
10019204 Head throbbing
10019205 Head tightness
10019206 Head X-ray
10019207 Head X-ray abnormal
10019208 Head X-ray normal
10019209 Head-face-neck syndrome
10019210 Head-face-neck-syndrome
10019211 Headache
10019212 Headache (except migraine) aggravated
10019214 Headache drug withdrawal
10019215 Headache dull
10019216 Headache fullness
10019217 Headache histamine
10019218 Headache NOS
10019219 Headache NOS aggravated
10019220 Headache occurring
10019221 Headache post myelography
10019222 Headache post-traumatic
10019223 Headache postoperative
10019224 Headache sinus
10019225 Headache temporal
10019226 Headache tension
10019227 Headache transient
10019228 Headache vascular
10019229 Headache vasomotor
10019230 Headache, lumbar puncture
10019232 Headaches cluster
10019234 Heaf test
10019235 Healed PU
10019236 Healing abnormal
10019238 Healing delayed
10019239 Healing impaired
10019240 Hearing abnormally acute
10019241 Hearing decreased
10019242 Hearing disorder congenital
10019245 Hearing impaired
10019246 Hearing loss
10019247 Hearing reduced
10019249 Heart arrest
10019250 Heart attack
10019251 Heart beat abnormal neonatal
10019252 Heart block
10019253 Heart block 1st degree
10019254 Heart block atrioventricular
10019255 Heart block AV
10019256 Heart block AV complete
10019257 Heart block AV complete with asystole
10019258 Heart block AV first degree
10019259 Heart block AV second degree
10019260 Heart block AV third degree
10019261 Heart block bundle branch
10019262 Heart block complete
10019263 Heart block congenital
10019264 Heart block first degree
10019265 Heart block intra-atrial
10019266 Heart block intraventricular
10019267 Heart block NOS
10019268 Heart block second degree
10019269 Heart block sinoatrial
10019270 Heart block sinoauricular
10019271 Heart block third degree
10019272 Heart disease aggravated
10019273 Heart disease congenital
10019274 Heart disease gonococcal NOS
10019275 Heart disease pulmonary
10019276 Heart disease, unspecified
10019277 Heart disorder
10019278 Heart enlarged
10019279 Heart failure
10019282 Heart failure (NOS)
10019284 Heart failure, congestive
10019285 Heart failure, unspecified
10019286 Heart fluttering
10019287 Heart injury NOS
10019289 Heart injury, without mention of open wound into thorax
10019290 Heart insufficiency
10019293 Heart malformation
10019295 Heart murmur
10019296 Heart murmur functional
10019297 Heart pounding
10019298 Heart pressure sensation of
10019299 Heart rate
10019300 Heart rate abnormal
10019301 Heart rate decreased
10019302 Heart rate high
10019303 Heart rate increased
10019304 Heart rate irregular
10019305 Heart rate low
10019306 Heart rate normal
10019307 Heart sarcoid disease
10019308 Heart septal defect atrial
10019309 Heart sound abnormal
10019310 Heart sound accelerated
10019311 Heart sounds abnormal
10019312 Heart sounds normal
10019313 Heart throbbing
10019314 Heart transplant
10019315 Heart transplant rejection
10019316 Heart valve disorders
10019317 Heart valve explantation
10019318 Heart valve replacement NOS
10019319 Heart-lung transplant rejection
10019320 Heartbeats coupled
10019321 Heartbeats ectopic
10019322 Heartbeats increased
10019323 Heartbeats irregular
10019324 Heartbeats premature
10019325 Heartbeats skipped
10019326 Heartburn
10019327 Heartburn aggravated
10019328 Heartburn-like dyspepsia
10019329 Heat collapse
10019330 Heat cramps
10019331 Heat edema
10019332 Heat exhaustion
10019333 Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion
10019334 Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic
10019335 Heat exhaustion, unspecified
10019336 Heat exposure injury
10019337 Heat fatigue, transient
10019339 Heat intolerance
10019340 Heat oedema
10019342 Heat prostration
10019343 Heat rash
10019345 Heat stroke
10019347 Heat syncope
10019348 Heaviness in extremities
10019349 Heaviness in limbs
10019350 Heavy chain disease
10019351 Heavy cigarette smoker
10019352 Heavy drinker
10019353 Heavy feeling in arms & legs
10019354 Heavy feeling in arms + leg
10019355 Heavy metal NOS decreased
10019356 Heavy metal NOS high
10019357 Heavy metal NOS increased
10019358 Heavy metal NOS normal
10019359 Heavy metal poisoning
10019360 Heavy periods
10019361 Heavy smoker
10019362 Heavy sweating
10019363 Hebephrenia
10019364 Hebephrenic schizophrenia
10019365 Hebephrenic type schizophrenia
10019366 Heberden's angina
10019367 Heberden's nodes
10019368 Heberdon's rheumatism
10019369 Heel nodule excision
10019370 Heerfordt's syndrome
10019371 Height increase rate lowered
10019372 Heinz bodies
10019373 Helical CT
10019374 Helicobacter associated gastrointestinal disease
10019376 Helicobacter pylori associated gastrointestinal disease
10019377 Helicobacter pylori infection
10019378 Heliosensitive rash
10019379 Heller's syndrome
10019380 Helminth infection, unspecified
10019382 Helminthic infection NOS
10019385 Hemangioblastoma
10019386 Hemangioma
10019387 Hemangioma acquired
10019389 Hemangioma arterial
10019390 Hemangioma cavernous
10019391 Hemangioma congenital
10019392 Hemangioma extensum
10019393 Hemangioma NOS
10019394 Hemangioma of intra-abdominal structures
10019395 Hemangioma of intracranial structures
10019396 Hemangioma of liver
10019398 Hemangioma of retina
10019399 Hemangioma of skin
10019401 Hemangioma of unspecified site
10019402 Hemangioma sclerosing
10019403 Hemangioma senile
10019404 Hemangioma simplex
10019406 Hemangiopericytoma of meninges
10019407 Hemangiosarcoma
10019408 Hemarthrosis involving upper arm
10019409 Hemarthrosis
10019411 Hemarthrosis involving forearm
10019412 Hemarthrosis involving hand
10019413 Hemarthrosis involving lower leg
10019417 Hemarthrosis, site unspecified
10019418 Hematemesis
10019422 Hematocrit
10019423 Hematocrit decreased
10019424 Hematocrit increased
10019425 Hematocrit normal
10019428 Hematoma
10019431 Hematoma cerebral
10019432 Hematoma injection site
10019433 Hematoma muscle
10019434 Hematoma NOS
10019436 Hematoma of broad ligament
10019439 Hematoma of spleen, without rupture of capsule, with open wound into cavity
10019441 Hematoma of vulva
10019442 Hematoma subdural
10019443 Hematometra
10019444 Hematopoiesis depressed
10019445 Hematopoiesis impaired
10019446 Hematopoiesis increased
10019447 Hematopoiesis suppressed
10019448 Hematoporphyrinemia
10019449 Hematoporphyrinuria
10019450 Hematuria
10019451 Hemeralopia
10019452 Hemianopia
10019453 Hemianopia bitemporal
10019455 Hemianopia heteronymous
10019456 Hemianopia homonymous
10019457 Hemianopia NOS
10019458 Hemianopsia
10019459 Hemicephalgia
10019460 Hemicolectomy
10019461 Hemicrania
10019462 Hemiglossectomy
10019463 Hemihypertrophy
10019464 Hemimelia
10019465 Hemiparesis
10019466 Hemiparesis (left)
10019467 Hemiparesis (right)
10019468 Hemiplegia
10019469 Hemiplegia (left)
10019470 Hemiplegia (right)
10019471 Hemiplegia crossed
10019472 Hemiplegia transient
10019473 Hemiplegia, unspecified
10019474 Hemiplegic gait
10019475 Hemiplegic infantile cerebral palsy
10019476 Hemiplegic migraine
10019477 Hemivertebra
10019478 Hemochromatosis
10019479 Hemoconcentration
10019480 Hemodialysis
10019481 Hemoglobin
10019482 Hemoglobin abnormal
10019483 Hemoglobin decreased
10019484 Hemoglobin electrophoresis abnormal
10019485 Hemoglobin glycosylated
10019486 Hemoglobin urine negative
10019487 Hemoglobin urine positive
10019488 Hemoglobinemia
10019489 Hemoglobinuria
10019490 Hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from external causes
10019491 Hemolysis
10019492 Hemolysis intravascular
10019493 Hemolytic anemia
10019494 Hemolytic anemia (NOS)
10019495 Hemolytic anemia direct Coombs negative
10019496 Hemolytic anemia direct Coombs positive
10019497 Hemolytic anemia G6PD deficiency
10019498 Hemolytic anemia glucose-6-phos dehydrogenase deficiency
10019501 Hemolytic anemia indirect Coombs neg
10019502 Hemolytic anemia indirect Coombs negative
10019503 Hemolytic anemia indirect Coombs pos
10019504 Hemolytic anemia indirect Coombs positive
10019505 Hemolytic anemia neg drug, auto antibody
10019506 Hemolytic anemia with antidrug antibody
10019507 Hemolytic autoimmune anemia DCN
10019508 Hemolytic autoimmune anemia DCP
10019509 Hemolytic autoimmune anemia ICP
10019513 Hemolytic disease of fetus or newborn, due to isoimmunization
10019514 Hemolytic reaction
10019515 Hemolytic uremic syndrome
10019516 Hemolytic-uremic syndrome
10019517 Hemopericardium
10019518 Hemoperitoneum
10019521 Hemophilus meningitis
10019523 Hemoptysis
10019524 Hemorrhage
10019525 Hemorrhage (NOS)
10019526 Hemorrhage adrenal
10019529 Hemorrhage brain
10019530 Hemorrhage breast
10019531 Hemorrhage cerebral
10019532 Hemorrhage colon
10019533 Hemorrhage coronary artery
10019534 Hemorrhage duodenum
10019535 Hemorrhage esophageal
10019536 Hemorrhage eye
10019537 Hemorrhage from placenta previa
10019538 Hemorrhage from placenta previa, antepartum
10019539 Hemorrhage from placenta previa, unspecified as to episode of care
10019540 Hemorrhage from placenta previa, with delivery
10019541 Hemorrhage from throat
10019542 Hemorrhage gastric
10019543 Hemorrhage gastrointestinal
10019544 Hemorrhage gingival
10019545 Hemorrhage gum
10019546 Hemorrhage ileum
10019547 Hemorrhage in early pregnancy
10019548 Hemorrhage in optic nerve sheaths
10019549 Hemorrhage injection site
10019550 Hemorrhage into bladder wall
10019551 Hemorrhage intracerebral
10019552 Hemorrhage intracranial
10019553 Hemorrhage intraocular
10019554 Hemorrhage intrapericardial
10019555 Hemorrhage intraperitoneal
10019556 Hemorrhage jejunum
10019557 Hemorrhage kidney
10019558 Hemorrhage lung
10019559 Hemorrhage mouth
10019560 Hemorrhage muscle
10019561 Hemorrhage nasal
10019562 Hemorrhage neonatal (NOS)
10019563 Hemorrhage of anterior chamber of eye
10019564 Hemorrhage of colon
10019565 Hemorrhage of eyelid
10019566 Hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract, unspecified
10019567 Hemorrhage of ileum
10019568 Hemorrhage of jejunum
10019569 Hemorrhage of liver
10019570 Hemorrhage of mouth
10019571 Hemorrhage of pregnancy
10019574 Hemorrhage oral
10019575 Hemorrhage pericardial
10019576 Hemorrhage peritoneal
10019577 Hemorrhage placental
10019578 Hemorrhage pleural
10019579 Hemorrhage postmenopausal
10019580 Hemorrhage postpartum
10019581 Hemorrhage pregnancy
10019582 Hemorrhage pulmonary
10019583 Hemorrhage rectal
10019584 Hemorrhage retinal
10019585 Hemorrhage retroperitoneal
10019586 Hemorrhage stomach
10019587 Hemorrhage subarachnoid
10019588 Hemorrhage subdural
10019590 Hemorrhage urinary bladder
10019591 Hemorrhage urinary tract
10019592 Hemorrhage uterine
10019593 Hemorrhage vaginal
10019594 Hemorrhage withdrawal (contraceptive)
10019595 Hemorrhage, unspecified
10019596 Hemorrhagic choroidal detachment
10019597 Hemorrhagic colitis
10019598 Hemorrhagic cystitis
10019599 Hemorrhagic detachment of retinal pigment epithelium
10019600 Hemorrhagic diarrhea
10019601 Hemorrhagic disease of newborn
10019602 Hemorrhagic disorder due to circulating anticoagulants
10019603 Hemorrhagic enterocolitis
10019604 Hemorrhagic gastritis
10019605 Hemorrhagic nephritis
10019606 Hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis
10019607 Hemorrhagic pancreatitis
10019608 Hemorrhagic proctitis
10019609 Hemorrhoidal bleeding
10019610 Hemorrhoidectomy
10019611 Hemorrhoids
10019612 Hemorrhoids thrombosed
10019613 Hemosiderosis
10019614 Hemothorax
10019615 Henoch Shonlein purpura
10019616 Henoch-Schonlein
10019617 Henoch-Schonlein purpura
10019620 Hep non-A non-B
10019621 Hepaplastin abnormal
10019622 Hepaplastin decreased
10019623 Hepaplastin increased
10019624 Hepaplastin low
10019625 Hepaplastin normal
10019626 Hepaplastin value decreased
10019629 Hepatic adenoma
10019633 Hepatic arteriovenous malformation
10019634 Hepatic artery aneurysm
10019635 Hepatic artery embolism
10019636 Hepatic artery thrombosis
10019637 Hepatic atrophy
10019638 Hepatic carcinoma malignant primary non-resectable
10019639 Hepatic carcinoma malignant primary recurrent
10019640 Hepatic carcinoma malignant primary resectable
10019641 Hepatic cirrhosis
10019642 Hepatic cirrhosis NOS
10019643 Hepatic cirrhosis post necrotic
10019644 Hepatic coma
10019645 Hepatic congestion
10019646 Hepatic cyst
10019647 Hepatic cyst NOS
10019648 Hepatic damage
10019649 Hepatic damage (NOS)
10019650 Hepatic disease
10019652 Hepatic disease NOS
10019653 Hepatic disorder NOS
10019655 Hepatic dysfunction allergic
10019657 Hepatic dysfunction NOS
10019658 Hepatic dysfunction transient
10019659 Hepatic echinococciasis
10019660 Hepatic encephalopathy
10019662 Hepatic enzymes increased
10019663 Hepatic failure
10019665 Hepatic fibrolamellar carcinoma non-resectable
10019666 Hepatic fibrolamellar carcinoma recurrent
10019667 Hepatic fibrolamellar carcinoma resectable
10019668 Hepatic fibrosis
10019670 Hepatic function abnormal
10019671 Hepatic function abnormal NOS
10019673 Hepatic function decreased
10019674 Hepatic function disorder
10019675 Hepatic granuloma
10019676 Hepatic haematoma
10019677 Hepatic haemorrhage
10019678 Hepatic hemorrhage
10019679 Hepatic infarct
10019680 Hepatic infarction
10019682 Hepatic intracellular deposit of bilirubin
10019683 Hepatic intracellular pigmentation
10019684 Hepatic lobule necrosis
10019685 Hepatic macrosteatosis
10019686 Hepatic malignant neoplasm primary non-resectable
10019687 Hepatic malignant neoplasm primary recurrent
10019688 Hepatic malignant neoplasm primary resectable
10019690 Hepatic metastases
10019691 Hepatic microsteatosis
10019692 Hepatic necrosis
10019693 Hepatic necrosis extensive
10019694 Hepatic neoplasia
10019695 Hepatic neoplasm
10019696 Hepatic neoplasm benign
10019697 Hepatic neoplasm malignant
10019698 Hepatic neoplasm malignant non-resectable
10019699 Hepatic neoplasm malignant NOS
10019700 Hepatic neoplasm malignant recurrent
10019701 Hepatic neoplasm malignant resectable
10019702 Hepatic neoplasm NOS
10019705 Hepatic pain
10019707 Hepatic rupture
10019708 Hepatic steatosis
10019710 Hepatic trauma
10019711 Hepatic tumor malignant
10019713 Hepatic vein thrombosis
10019714 Hepatic venous outflow obstruction
10019716 Hepatis peliosis
10019717 Hepatitis
10019718 Hepatitis (non-A non-B)
10019719 Hepatitis A
10019720 Hepatitis A antibodies
10019721 Hepatitis A antibody
10019722 Hepatitis A antibody abnormal
10019723 Hepatitis A antibody negative
10019724 Hepatitis A antibody normal
10019725 Hepatitis A antibody positive
10019726 Hepatitis A IgM
10019727 Hepatitis acute
10019728 Hepatitis alcoholic
10019729 Hepatitis allergic drug-induced
10019730 Hepatitis autoimmune
10019731 Hepatitis B
10019732 Hepatitis B antibody
10019733 Hepatitis B antibody abnormal
10019734 Hepatitis B antibody negative
10019735 Hepatitis B antibody normal
10019736 Hepatitis B antibody positive
10019737 Hepatitis B carrier
10019738 Hepatitis B positive
10019739 Hepatitis B positive SA
10019740 Hepatitis B positive surface antigen
10019741 Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carrier
10019742 Hepatitis B surface antigen positive
10019744 Hepatitis C
10019745 Hepatitis C antibody
10019746 Hepatitis C antibody negative
10019747 Hepatitis C antibody positive
10019748 Hepatitis C RNA
10019749 Hepatitis C RNA negative
10019750 Hepatitis C RNA positive
10019753 Hepatitis carrier (excl B)
10019754 Hepatitis cholestatic
10019755 Hepatitis chronic active
10019756 Hepatitis chronic active (immune)
10019758 Hepatitis chronic NOS
10019759 Hepatitis chronic persistent
10019760 Hepatitis CMV
10019761 Hepatitis cytomegalovirus
10019762 Hepatitis D
10019763 Hepatitis delta
10019766 Hepatitis drug-induced
10019767 Hepatitis due to toxoplasmosis
10019768 Hepatitis E
10019771 Hepatitis F
10019772 Hepatitis fulminant
10019773 Hepatitis G
10019774 Hepatitis granulomatous
10019775 Hepatitis granulomatous NOS
10019776 Hepatitis H
10019777 Hepatitis homologous serum-like
10019780 Hepatitis infectious
10019781 Hepatitis infectious mononucleosis
10019782 Hepatitis infectious NOS
10019783 Hepatitis mumps
10019784 Hepatitis necrotizing
10019785 Hepatitis neonatal
10019786 Hepatitis non-A non-B
10019787 Hepatitis non-A non-B non-C
10019789 Hepatitis nonspecific
10019790 Hepatitis NOS
10019791 Hepatitis post transfusion
10019792 Hepatitis reactive non-specific
10019793 Hepatitis symptom
10019794 Hepatitis syphilitic
10019795 Hepatitis toxic
10019796 Hepatitis toxic drug-induced
10019797 Hepatitis toxic obstructive
10019798 Hepatitis toxoplasmal
10019799 Hepatitis viral
10019800 Hepatitis viral NOS
10019801 Hepatitis viral-like
10019802 Hepatitis, unspecified
10019804 Hepato-biliary carcinoma in situ NOS
10019810 Hepatobiliary neoplasm NOS
10019819 Hepato-lenticular degeneration
10019820 Hepatobiliary carcinoma in situ NOS
10019821 Hepatoblastoma non-resectable
10019822 Hepatoblastoma NOS
10019823 Hepatoblastoma recurrent
10019824 Hepatoblastoma resectable
10019826 Hepatocellular abnormality
10019827 Hepatocellular adenoma
10019828 Hepatocellular carcinoma non-resectable
10019829 Hepatocellular carcinoma recurrent
10019830 Hepatocellular carcinoma resectable
10019831 Hepatocellular damage
10019832 Hepatocellular damage aggravated
10019834 Hepatocellular damage neonatal
10019835 Hepatocellular damage NOS
10019836 Hepatocellular disturbances
10019837 Hepatocellular injury
10019838 Hepatoma
10019839 Hepatoma non-resectable
10019840 Hepatoma recurrent
10019841 Hepatoma resectable
10019842 Hepatomegaly
10019844 Hepatopathy alcoholic
10019845 Hepatorenal failure
10019846 Hepatorenal syndrome
10019847 Hepatosplenomegaly
10019848 Hepatosplenomegaly neonatal
10019849 Hepatosplenomegaly NOS
10019850 Hepatotoxic effect
10019851 Hepatotoxicity
10019852 Hepatotoxicity aggravated
10019853 Hepatotoxicity NOS
10019857 Hereditary allergy
10019860 Hereditary angioedema
10019861 Hereditary ataxia NOS
10019862 Hereditary cerebral degeneration NOS
10019864 Hereditary choroidal dystrophy
10019866 Hereditary coproporphyria
10019868 Hereditary corneal dystrophy, unspecified
10019869 Hereditary deafness
10019873 Hereditary disorder NOS
10019875 Hereditary ear malformation NOS
10019876 Hereditary edema of legs
10019877 Hereditary elliptocytosis
10019878 Hereditary fructose intolerance
10019879 Hereditary haemolytic anaemia enzyme deficiency
10019880 Hereditary haemolytic anaemia NOS
10019881 Hereditary haemolytic anaemia, unspecified
10019882 Hereditary haemolytic anaemias
10019883 Hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
10019884 Hereditary hearing disorder
10019885 Hereditary hemolytic anemia, unspecified
10019886 Hereditary hemolytic anemias
10019887 Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
10019889 Hereditary neuropathic amyloidosis
10019890 Hereditary neuropathic amyloidosis, Indiana type
10019891 Hereditary neuropathic amyloidosis, Iowa type
10019892 Hereditary neuropathic amyloidosis, Portuguese type
10019893 Hereditary neuropathic amyloidosis, Swedish type
10019894 Hereditary oedema of legs
10019895 Hereditary optic atrophy
10019896 Hereditary peripheral neuropathy
10019898 Hereditary retinal dystrophies
10019899 Hereditary retinal dystrophy
10019900 Hereditary retinal dystrophy, unspecified
10019901 Hereditary sensory neuropathy
10019902 Hereditary sideroblastic anaemia
10019903 Hereditary spastic paraplegia
10019904 Hereditary spherocytosis
10019905 Hereditary thrombasthenia
10019906 Hermaphroditism
10019908 Hermitism
10019909 Hernia
10019911 Hernia abdominal wall
10019912 Hernia congenital
10019913 Hernia diaphragmatic repair
10019914 Hernia hiatal
10019915 Hernia hiatus repair
10019916 Hernia incarcerated
10019917 Hernia inguinal
10019918 Hernia NOS
10019919 Hernia NOS gangrenous
10019920 Hernia NOS, obstructive
10019924 Hernia of other specified sites, with obstruction
10019926 Hernia of unspecified site
10019927 Hernia of unspecified site without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10019928 Hernia of unspecified site, with gangrene
10019929 Hernia of unspecified site, with obstruction
10019930 Hernia of unspecified site, with obstruction, but without mention of gangrene
10019932 Hernia repair NOS
10019933 Hernia strangulated
10019934 Hernia unspecified site
10019935 Heroin addiction
10019936 Herpangina
10019937 Herpes genital
10019938 Herpes genitalis
10019939 Herpes gestationis
10019940 Herpes hominis type II
10019941 Herpes infection
10019942 Herpes labialis
10019943 Herpes lesion intra-oral
10019944 Herpes NOS
10019945 Herpes ocular
10019946 Herpes on lip
10019947 Herpes ophthalmic NOS
10019948 Herpes simplex
10019949 Congenital herpes simplex infection
10019950 Herpes simplex dermatitis
10019951 Herpes simplex dermatitis of eyelid
10019952 Herpes simplex disciform keratitis
10019953 Herpes simplex encephalitis
10019954 Herpes simplex iridocyclitis
10019955 Herpes simplex keratitis
10019956 Herpes simplex meningitis
10019957 Herpes simplex NOS
10019958 Herpes simplex ophthalmic
10019959 Herpes simplex otitis externa
10019960 Herpes simplex type I
10019961 Herpes simplex type II
10019963 Herpes simplex visceral
10019970 Herpes simplex without mention of complication
10019971 Herpes viral infection NOS
10019973 Herpes virus infection
10019974 Herpes zoster
10019975 Herpes zoster (excl ophthalmic)
10019976 Herpes zoster C2
10019977 Herpes zoster dermatitis
10019978 Herpes zoster dermatitis of eyelid
10019979 Herpes zoster infection neurological NOS
10019980 Herpes zoster iridocyclitis
10019981 Herpes zoster keratoconjunctivitis
10019982 Herpes zoster NOS
10019983 Herpes zoster ophthalmic
10019984 Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
10019985 Herpes zoster otitis externa
10019986 Herpes zoster with meningitis
10019996 Herpetic gingivostomatitis
10019997 Herpetic infection of penis
10019998 Herpetic keratitis
10019999 Herpetic meningoencephalitis
10020000 Herpetic septicaemia
10020001 Herpetic septicemia
10020002 Herpetic stomatitis
10020003 Herpetic ulceration of vulva
10020004 Herpetic vulvovaginitis
10020005 Herpetic whitlow
10020006 Herpetiform lesion
10020007 Herring worm disease
10020008 Herxheimer's reaction
10020009 Hesitancy
10020010 Hesitancy urination
10020012 Hess test
10020014 Heteronymous hemianopsia
10020015 Heterophoria
10020016 Heterophoria, unspecified
10020017 Heterophyiasis
10020018 Heterosexuality
10020019 Heterotropia
10020020 Heterotropia, unspecified
10020021 Heterozygous haemoglobin S
10020022 Hexokinase deficiency anaemia
10020024 Hiatal hernia
10020025 Hiatal hernia repair
10020026 Hiatal hernia type 1
10020027 Hiatal hernia type 2
10020028 Hiatus hernia
10020029 Hiatus hernia congenital
10020030 Hiatus hernia repair
10020031 Hiatus hernia specified as causing obstruction
10020032 Hiatus hernia specified as incarcerated
10020033 Hiatus hernia specified as irreducible
10020034 Hiatus hernia specified as strangulated
10020035 Hiatus herniorrhaphy
10020036 HIB meningitis
10020037 Hiccough
10020038 Hiccup
10020039 Hiccups
10020040 Hidradenitis
10020041 Hidradenitis suppurativa
10020042 Hidradenoma papilliferum
10020045 High altitude illness
10020046 High arched palate
10020047 High birthweight baby
10020048 High cardiac output state
10020049 High cholesterol
10020050 High density lipoprotein
10020051 High density lipoprotein abnormal
10020052 High density lipoprotein cholesterol
10020053 High density lipoprotein cholesterol abnormal NOS
10020054 High density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased
10020055 High density lipoprotein cholesterol high
10020056 High density lipoprotein cholesterol increased
10020057 High density lipoprotein cholesterol low
10020058 High density lipoprotein cholesterol normal
10020059 High density lipoprotein decrease
10020060 High density lipoprotein decreased
10020061 High density lipoprotein increased
10020062 High density lipoprotein normal
10020063 High feeling
10020064 High fetal head at term
10020065 High foetal head
10020066 High frequency deafness
10020067 High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma
10020069 High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma NOS
10020070 High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma recurrent
10020071 High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma refractory
10020072 High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma stage I
10020073 High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma stage II
10020074 High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma stage III
10020075 High grade B-cell lymphoma Burkitt-like lymphoma stage IV
10020079 High JVP
10020080 High output heart failure
10020081 High pulse rate
10020082 High risk sexual behaviour
10020083 High temperature
10020084 High tone sensorineural hearing loss
10020087 High vaginal laceration, postpartum
10020090 High vaginal smear
10020091 Highly allergic
10020092 Highly educated
10020093 Highly selective vagotomy
10020094 Hilar lymphadenopathy
10020095 Hip arthrodesis
10020096 Hip arthroplasty
10020097 Hip deformity NOS
10020098 Hip disarticulation
10020099 Hip dislocation
10020100 Hip fracture
10020101 Hip osteomyelitis
10020102 Hip replacement
10020103 Hip sprain
10020104 Hip total replacement
10020105 Hip X-ray
10020106 Hip X-ray abnormal
10020107 Hip X-ray normal
10020108 Hips osteoarthritis
10020109 Hirschsprung's disease
10020112 Hirsutism
10020113 Hirudiniasis
10020114 Histamine-like rash
10020115 Histiocytoma
10020116 Histiocytoma excision
10020117 Histiocytosis
10020119 Histiocytosis X of lung
10020121 Histology NOS
10020122 Histology NOS abnormal
10020123 Histology NOS normal
10020124 Histology site unspecified abnormal
10020125 Histology site unspecified normal
10020127 Histoplasma capsulatum endocarditis
10020128 Histoplasma capsulatum infection disseminated
10020129 Histoplasma capsulatum meningitis
10020130 Histoplasma capsulatum pericarditis
10020131 Histoplasma capsulatum pneumonia
10020132 Histoplasma capsulatum pneumonitis acute
10020133 Histoplasma capsulatum pneumonitis chronic
10020134 Histoplasma capsulatum retinitis
10020135 Histoplasma duboisii endocarditis
10020136 Histoplasma duboisii meningitis
10020137 Histoplasma duboisii pericarditis
10020138 Histoplasma duboisii pneumonia
10020139 Histoplasma duboisii retinitis
10020141 Histoplasmosis
10020142 Histoplasmosis acute
10020143 Histoplasmosis chronic
10020144 Histoplasmosis disseminated
10020145 Histoplasmosis endocarditis
10020146 Histoplasmosis meningitis
10020147 Histoplasmosis NOS
10020148 Histoplasmosis pericarditis
10020149 Histoplasmosis pneumonia
10020150 Histoplasmosis retinitis
10020151 Histoplasmosis, unspecified
10020154 Histrionic personality
10020155 Histrionic personality disorder
10020156 Histrionic personality disorder, unspecified
10020157 HIV antibody present (excl overt disease)
10020158 HIV antigen (p24) test
10020159 HIV carrier
10020160 HIV disease
10020161 HIV infection
10020162 HIV infection CDC Group I
10020163 HIV infection CDC Group II
10020164 HIV infection CDC Group III
10020165 HIV infection CDC group IV NOS
10020166 HIV infection CDC Group IV subgroup A
10020167 HIV infection CDC Group IV subgroup B
10020168 HIV infection CDC Group IV subgroup C1
10020169 HIV infection CDC Group IV subgroup C2
10020170 HIV infection CDC Group IV subgroup D
10020171 HIV infection CDC Group IV subgroup E
10020172 HIV infection NOS
10020173 HIV infection with constitutional disease
10020175 HIV infection with other conditions
10020176 HIV infection with other specified secondary infections
10020177 HIV infection with secondary cancers
10020178 HIV infection with specific secondary infections
10020179 HIV negative
10020180 HIV positive
10020182 HIV repeat reactive
10020183 HIV seropositive NOS
10020184 HIV status
10020185 HIV test
10020186 HIV test false positive
10020187 HIV test negative
10020188 HIV test positive
10020190 HIV tests
10020191 HIV with persistent generalized adenopathy
10020194 HIV-2 infection
10020195 HIV-3
10020196 HIV-related dementia
10020197 Hives
10020198 Hives giant
10020199 HLA marker tests NOS
10020200 Hoarse voice
10020201 Hoarseness
10020202 Hoarseness of voice
10020204 HOCM Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
10020206 Hodgkin's disease
10020207 Hodgkin's disease disseminated
10020208 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion stage I site unspecified
10020209 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion stage I subdiaphragm
10020210 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion stage I supradiaphragm
10020211 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion stage II site unspecified
10020212 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion stage II subdiaphragm
10020213 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion stage II supradiaphragm
10020215 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion type recurrent
10020216 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion type refractory
10020217 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion type stage III
10020218 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion type stage IV
10020219 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte depletion type stage unspecified
10020220 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance stage I site unspec
10020221 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance stage I subdiaphragm
10020222 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance stage I supradiaphragm
10020223 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance stage II site unspec
10020224 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance stage II subdiaphragm
10020225 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance stage II supradiaphragm
10020227 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance type recurrent
10020228 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance type refractory
10020229 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance type stage III
10020230 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance type stage IV
10020231 Hodgkin's disease lymphocyte predominance type stage unspecified
10020232 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity
10020233 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity recurrent
10020234 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity refractory
10020235 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity stage I site unspecified
10020236 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity stage I subdiaphragmatic
10020237 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity stage I supradiaphragmatic
10020238 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity stage II subdiaphragmatic
10020239 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity stage II supradiaphragmatic
10020240 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity stage III
10020241 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity stage IV
10020242 Hodgkin's disease mixed cellularity stage unspecified
10020244 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis
10020245 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis recurrent
10020246 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis refractory
10020247 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage I site unspecified
10020248 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage I subdiaphragmatic
10020249 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage I supradiaphragmatic
10020250 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage II subdiaphragmatic
10020251 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage II supradiaphragmatic
10020252 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage III
10020253 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage IV
10020254 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage unspecified
10020255 Hodgkin's disease NOS
10020256 Hodgkin's disease NOS recurrent
10020257 Hodgkin's disease NOS refractory
10020258 Hodgkin's disease NOS stage I
10020259 Hodgkin's disease NOS stage I subdiaphragmatic presentation
10020260 Hodgkin's disease NOS stage I supradiaphragmatic presentation
10020261 Hodgkin's disease NOS stage II
10020262 Hodgkin's disease NOS stage II subdiaphragmatic presentation
10020263 Hodgkin's disease NOS stage II supradiaphragmatic presentation
10020264 Hodgkin's disease NOS stage III
10020265 Hodgkin's disease NOS stage IV
10020266 Hodgkin's disease recurrent
10020267 Hodgkin's disease refractory
10020268 Hodgkin's disease stage I
10020269 Hodgkin's disease stage II
10020270 Hodgkin's disease stage III
10020271 Hodgkin's disease unclassifiable
10020272 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion
10020273 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion, involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10020274 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion, involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10020275 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion, involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10020280 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic depletion, involving spleen
10020281 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance
10020282 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance inv axillary lymph ns
10020284 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance inv inguinal lymph ns
10020289 Hodgkin's disease, lymphocytic-histiocytic predominance involving spleen
10020290 Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity
10020291 Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity, involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10020292 Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity, involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10020293 Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity, involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10020297 Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity, involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10020298 Hodgkin's disease, mixed cellularity, involving spleen
10020299 Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis
10020300 Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10020301 Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10020302 Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10020306 Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10020307 Hodgkin's disease, nodular sclerosis, involving spleen
10020308 Hodgkin's disease, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
10020309 Hodgkin's disease, unspecified type
10020310 Hodgkin's disease, unspecified type, involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10020311 Hodgkin's disease, unspecified type, involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10020312 Hodgkin's disease, unspecified type, involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10020316 Hodgkin's disease, unspecified type, involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10020317 Hodgkin's disease, unspecified type, involving spleen
10020318 Hodgkin's granuloma
10020319 Hodgkin's granuloma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10020320 Hodgkin's granuloma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10020321 Hodgkin's granuloma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10020322 Hodgkin's granuloma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10020323 Hodgkin's granuloma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10020324 Hodgkin's granuloma involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10020325 Hodgkin's granuloma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10020326 Hodgkin's granuloma involving spleen
10020328 Hodgkin's lymphoma
10020329 Hodgkin's paragranuloma
10020330 Hodgkin's paragranuloma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10020331 Hodgkin's paragranuloma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10020332 Hodgkin's paragranuloma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10020333 Hodgkin's paragranuloma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10020334 Hodgkin's paragranuloma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10020336 Hodgkin's paragranuloma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10020337 Hodgkin's paragranuloma involving spleen
10020338 Hodgkin's paragranuloma, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
10020339 Hodgkin's sarcoma
10020340 Hodgkin's sarcoma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10020341 Hodgkin's sarcoma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10020342 Hodgkin's sarcoma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10020343 Hodgkin's sarcoma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10020344 Hodgkin's sarcoma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10020345 Hodgkin's sarcoma involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10020346 Hodgkin's sarcoma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10020347 Hodgkin's sarcoma involving spleen
10020348 Hodgkin's sarcoma, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
10020349 Hodgkin's-like
10020350 Hodgkins-like
10020351 Hollowed breast
10020352 Holmes-Adie pupil
10020353 Holmes-Adie syndrome
10020354 Holmgren's Skeins tests
10020355 Holmgren's Skeins tests abnormal
10020356 Holmgren's Skeins tests normal
10020357 Holter monitoring
10020358 Holter monitoring abnormal
10020359 Holter monitoring normal
10020360 Holter valve insertion
10020361 Homeless
10020362 Homeless family
10020363 Homeopathy
10020364 Homicide
10020365 Homocystinuria
10020366 Homocysteine urine absent
10020368 Homonymous hemianopsia
10020369 Homosexual
10020370 Homosexual child
10020371 Homosexual father
10020372 Homosexual female
10020373 Homosexual male
10020374 Homosexual parent
10020375 Homosexuality
10020376 Hookworm infection
10020377 Hordeolum
10020379 Hordeolum externum
10020380 Hordeolum internum
10020381 Hormonal imbalance
10020383 Hormone implant
10020384 Hormone implant NOS
10020385 Hormone level altered
10020386 Hormone level altered NOS
10020387 Hormone level NOS abnormal
10020388 Hormone replacement therapy
10020389 Hormone secreting ovarian tumour
10020390 Hormone-secreting ovarian tumor
10020391 Hormone-secreting ovarian tumour
10020392 Horner's syndrome
10020393 Horseshoe kidney
10020394 Horseshoe tear of retina without detachment
10020395 Horton's arteritis
10020396 Horton's disease
10020397 Horton's headache
10020398 Hospital acquired infection
10020399 Hospitalization-associated infection
10020400 Hostility
10020403 Hot dry skin
10020404 Hot feeling generalized
10020405 Hot feeling in feet
10020406 Hot feeling in hand
10020407 Hot flashes
10020408 Hot flushes
10020409 Hot flushes aggravated
10020410 Hot flushes facial
10020411 Hot flushes menopausal
10020412 Hot flushes non-menopausal
10020413 Hot flushes NOS
10020414 Hot flushes of legs
10020415 Hot flushes of trunk
10020416 Hot flushes transient of face
10020417 Hot flushes, menopausal
10020418 Hourglass stricture or stenosis of stomach
10020419 House dust mite allergy
10020422 HRT
10020425 HTLV III test positive
10020427 HTLV-I-associated myelopathy
10020428 Human bite
10020429 Human ehrlichiosis
10020430 Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis
10020431 Human herpesvirus 6 infection
10020442 Human immunodeficiency virus status
10020443 Human immunodeficiency virus syndrome
10020445 Human immunodeficiency virus type I infection with constitutional disease
10020447 Human immunodeficiency virus type I infection with other conditions
10020450 Human immunodeficiency virus type I infection with secondary cancers
10020455 Human T-cell leukaemia virus III
10020456 Human T-cell leukaemia virus type I myelopathy
10020457 Human T-cell leukemia virus type I infection
10020460 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I infection
10020461 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III infection
10020462 Humerus fracture
10020463 Humidifier lung
10020464 Humoral immune defect
10020465 Hunchback (acquired)
10020466 Hunger
10020467 Hunger abnormal
10020468 Hunger air
10020469 Huntington's chorea
10020470 Hurler's disease
10020471 Hurler's syndrome
10020473 Hutchinson's melanotic freckle
10020474 Hutchinson's summer prurigo
10020475 Hutchinson's teeth
10020477 Hyaline membrane disease
10020478 Hyalosis asteroid
10020479 Hydatid cyst
10020480 Hydatid disease
10020481 Hydatidiform mole
10020482 Hydatidiform mole benign
10020483 Hydatidiform mole malignant
10020484 Hydatidiform mole NOS
10020485 Hydralazine LE type reaction
10020486 Hydramnios
10020487 Hydrarthrosis
10020488 Hydrocele
10020489 Hydrocele (excl congenital)
10020490 Hydrocele cord
10020491 Hydrocele drainage
10020492 Hydrocele drainage abnormal
10020493 Hydrocele drainage normal
10020494 Hydrocele excision
10020495 Hydrocele female
10020496 Hydrocele male
10020497 Hydrocele male infected
10020498 Hydrocele operation NOS
10020499 Hydrocele repair
10020500 Hydrocele, canal of Nuck
10020501 Hydrocele, spinal
10020502 Hydrocele, unspecified
10020503 Hydrocelectomy
10020504 Hydrocephalic fetus causing disproportion
10020505 Hydrocephalic fetus causing disproportion, antepartum
10020506 Hydrocephalic fetus causing disproportion, delivered
10020507 Hydrocephalic fetus causing disproportion, unspecified as to episode of care
10020508 Hydrocephalus
10020510 Hydrocephalus acquired
10020511 Hydrocephalus congenital
10020512 Hydrocephalus NOS
10020513 Hydrocephaly
10020514 Hydrocephaly communicative
10020515 Hydrocephaly hypertensive
10020516 Hydrocephaly obstructive
10020517 Hydrocortisol abnormal
10020518 Hydrocortisone
10020519 Hydrocortisone abnormal
10020520 Hydrocortisone decreased
10020521 Hydrocortisone increased
10020522 Hydrocortisone normal
10020523 Hydromyelia
10020524 Hydronephrosis
10020525 Hydronephrosis repair
10020526 Hydrops fetalis
10020527 Hydrops fetalis due to isoimmunization
10020528 Hydrops fetalis not due to isoimmunization
10020529 Hydrops foetalis
10020530 Hydrops of gallbladder
10020531 Hydrosalpinx
10020532 Hydrotherapy
10020533 Hydroureter
10020534 Hydroxycorticosteroids increased
10020535 Hydroxycorticosteroids urine
10020536 Hydroxycorticosteroids urine abnormal NOS
10020537 Hydroxycorticosteroids urine decreased
10020538 Hydroxycorticosteroids urine high
10020539 Hydroxycorticosteroids urine increased
10020540 Hydroxycorticosteroids urine low
10020541 Hydroxycorticosteroids urine normal
10020542 Hydroxysteroid activity increased
10020543 Hygroma cystic
10020544 Hymenal ring tight
10020545 Hymenectomy
10020546 Hymenolepiasis
10020547 Hymenolepsis infection
10020548 Hymenolepsis nana infection
10020549 Hypalgesia
10020552 Hyper IgE
10020553 Hyperacidity
10020554 Hyperactive
10020555 Hyperactive child syndrome
10020556 Hyperactive labyrinth, bilateral
10020557 Hyperactive labyrinth, unilateral
10020558 Hyperactivity
10020559 Hyperacusis
10020560 Hyperacute strongylodiasis
10020561 Hyperadrenalcorticalism
10020562 Hyperadrenalism
10020563 Hyperadrenocorticalism
10020564 Hyperadrenocorticism
10020565 Hyperaemia
10020566 Hyperaemia cerebral
10020567 Hyperaemia eye
10020568 Hyperaesthesia
10020569 Hyperaesthesia skin
10020570 Hyperaesthesia symmetric of limbs
10020571 Hyperaldosteronism
10020572 Hyperalertness
10020573 Hyperalgesia
10020574 Hyperalimentation parenteral
10020575 Hyperammonaemia
10020576 Hyperammonemia
10020578 Hyperbilirubinaemia
10020579 Hyperbilirubinaemia aggravated
10020580 Hyperbilirubinaemia neonatal
10020581 Hyperbilirubinaemia newborn
10020582 Hyperbilirubinemia
10020583 Hypercalcaemia
10020584 Hypercalcaemia of malignancy
10020585 Hypercalcaemia therapy
10020586 Hypercalcaemic nephropathy
10020587 Hypercalcemia
10020588 Hypercalcemia of malignancy
10020589 Hypercalcinuria
10020590 Hypercalciuria
10020591 Hypercapnia
10020592 Hypercapnic
10020593 Hypercarbia
10020594 Hypercarotinaemia
10020595 Hypercarotinemia
10020596 Hypercementosis
10020597 Hyperchloraemia
10020598 Hyperchloraemic acidosis
10020599 Hyperchloremia
10020600 Hyperchloremic acidosis
10020601 Hyperchlorhydria
10020602 Hypercholesteremia
10020603 Hypercholesterolaemia
10020604 Hypercholesterolemia
10020605 Hyperchromic anaemia
10020606 Hyperchylomicronaemia
10020607 Hyperchylomicronemia
10020608 Hypercoagulation
10020609 Hypercorticism adrenal
10020610 Hypercorticoidism
10020611 Hypercortisolism
10020612 Hypercortisonism
10020613 Hyperemesis
10020614 Hyperemesis gravidarum
10020615 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance
10020616 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance, antepartum
10020617 Hyperemesis gravidarum with metabolic disturbance, delivered
10020619 Hyperemia
10020620 Hyperemia cerebral
10020621 Hyperemia of conjunctiva
10020622 Hyperesthesia
10020623 Hyperesthesia skin
10020624 Hyperestrogenism
10020625 Hyperexcitability
10020626 Hyperexcitability extreme
10020627 Hyperexcitation
10020628 Hyperextension of knee
10020629 Hyperfluoraemia
10020630 Hypergammaglobulinaemia
10020631 Hypergammaglobulinaemia benign monoclonal
10020632 Hypergastrinemia
10020633 Hyperglobulinaemia
10020634 Hyperglobulinemia
10020635 Hyperglycaemia
10020636 Hyperglycaemia drug-induced
10020637 Hyperglycaemia NOS
10020639 Hyperglycemia
10020640 Hyperhaemoglobinaemia
10020641 Hyperhemoglobinemia
10020642 Hyperhidrosis
10020643 Hyperinsulinemia
10020644 Hyperinsulinism NOS
10020646 Hyperkalaemia
10020647 Hyperkalemia
10020649 Hyperkeratosis
10020650 Hyperkeratosis due to yaws
10020651 Hyperkinesia
10020652 Hyperkinesia neonatal
10020653 Hyperkinesis
10020655 Hyperkinetic conduct disorder of childhood
10020656 Hyperkinetic heart disease
10020657 Hyperkinetic reaction
10020658 Hyperkinetic syndrome
10020659 Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood
10020660 Hyperlactacidaemia
10020661 Hyperlipaemia
10020662 Hyperlipemia
10020663 Hyperlipidaemia NOS
10020664 Hyperlipidaemia secondary
10020667 Hyperlipidemia
10020668 Hyperlipoproteinemia
10020669 Hypermagnesaemia
10020670 Hypermagnesemia
10020671 Hypermature cataract
10020672 Hypermenorrhea
10020673 Hypermenorrhoea
10020674 Hypermetabolism
10020675 Hypermetropia
10020676 Hypermobility of coccyx
10020677 Hypermobility syndrome
10020678 Hypermotility intestinal
10020679 Hypernatraemia
10020680 Hypernatremia
10020681 Hypernephroma
10020682 Hypernephroma recurrent
10020683 Hypernephroma stage I
10020684 Hypernephroma stage II
10020685 Hypernephroma stage III
10020686 Hypernephroma stage IV
10020687 Hypernitraemia
10020688 Hypernitraemia due to urea
10020689 Hyperoestrogenism
10020690 Hyperopia
10020691 Hyperorexia
10020692 Hyperosmia
10020695 Hyperosmolar (non-ketotic) coma
10020696 Hyperosmolar non-ketotic diabetic coma
10020697 Hyperosmolar state
10020698 Hyperostosis
10020699 Hyperostosis of skull
10020700 Hyperostotic spondylosis
10020701 Hyperoxalaemia
10020702 Hyperoxalemia
10020703 Hyperoxaluria
10020705 Hyperparathyroidism
10020706 Hyperparathyroidism NOS
10020707 Hyperparathyroidism primary
10020708 Hyperparathyroidism secondary
10020709 Hyperparathyroidism tertiary
10020710 Hyperphagia
10020711 Hyperphosphataemia
10020712 Hyperphosphatemia
10020714 Hyperpigmentation of eyelid
10020715 Hyperpigmentation skin
10020716 Hyperpituitarism
10020717 Hyperpituitarism NOS
10020718 Hyperplasia
10020719 Hyperplasia adrenal
10020720 Hyperplasia adrenal cortex
10020721 Hyperplasia bone marrow
10020722 Hyperplasia breast
10020723 Hyperplasia endometrial
10020724 Hyperplasia erythroid
10020725 Hyperplasia gum
10020726 Hyperplasia NOS
10020727 Hyperplasia of appendix (lymphoid)
10020728 Hyperplasia of prostate
10020729 Hyperplasia of renal artery
10020730 Hyperplasia of the prostate
10020731 Hyperplastic atherosclerosis
10020732 Hyperplastic cholecystopathy
10020733 Hyperpnea
10020734 Hyperpnoea
10020735 Hyperpotassaemia
10020736 Hyperpotassemia
10020737 Hyperprolactinaemia
10020738 Hyperprolactinaemia aggravated
10020739 Hyperprolactinemia
10020740 Hyperproteinaemia
10020741 Hyperpyrexia
10020742 Hyperpyrexia malignant
10020743 Hyperpyrexia NOS
10020744 Hyperpyrexial
10020745 Hyperreflexia
10020746 Hypersalivation
10020747 Hypersecretion gastric
10020748 Hypersecretion glaucoma
10020749 Hypersensation skin
10020750 Hypersensitive syndrome
10020751 Hypersensitivity
10020752 Hypersensitivity angiitis
10020753 Hypersensitivity angiitis, unspecified
10020754 Hypersensitivity injection site
10020755 Hypersensitivity NOS
10020756 Hypersensitivity reaction
10020757 Hypersensitivity reaction (NOS)
10020759 Hypersensitivity symptom
10020760 Hypersensitivity syndrome
10020761 Hypersensitivity test positive
10020762 Hypersensitivity type I
10020763 Hypersensitivity type I NOS
10020764 Hypersensitivity vasculitis
10020765 Hypersomnia
10020766 Hypersomnia due to organic factors
10020769 Hypersplenism
10020770 Hypersthenuria
10020771 Hypertelorism of orbit
10020772 Hypertension
10020773 Hypertension aggravated
10020775 Hypertension arterial
10020778 Hypertension diastolic
10020779 Hypertension exacerbated
10020780 Hypertension intracranial
10020781 Hypertension malignant
10020782 Hypertension NOS
10020783 Hypertension not adequately controlled
10020784 Hypertension ocular
10020785 Hypertension paroxysmal
10020786 Hypertension portal
10020787 Hypertension pulmonary
10020788 Hypertension rebound
10020789 Hypertension renal
10020790 Hypertension secondary
10020791 Hypertension secondary to renal disease, antepartum
10020795 Hypertension secondary to renal disease, postpartum
10020799 Hypertension worsened
10020800 Hypertensive
10020801 Hypertensive cardiomegaly
10020802 Hypertensive crisis
10020803 Hypertensive encephalopathy
10020804 Hypertensive episode
10020805 Hypertensive episodes
10020823 Hypertensive heart disease
10020824 Hypertensive heart disease NOS
10020825 Hypertensive heart disease, benign
10020826 Hypertensive heart disease, malignant
10020827 Hypertensive heart disease, unspecified
10020828 Hypertensive renal disease
10020829 Hypertensive renal disease NOS
10020830 Hypertensive renal disease, benign
10020832 Hypertensive renal disease, benign, without mention of renal failure
10020833 Hypertensive renal disease, malignant
10020836 Hypertensive renal disease, unspecified
10020838 Hypertensive renal disease, unspecified, without mention of renal failure
10020839 Hypertensive retinopathy
10020840 Hypertensive retinopathy grade 3
10020841 Hypertensive retinopathy grade 4
10020843 Hyperthermia
10020844 Hyperthermia malignant
10020845 Hyperthermia sudden
10020846 Hyperthermia therapy
10020848 Hyperthymic
10020849 Hyperthymic state
10020850 Hyperthyroidism
10020851 Hyperthyroidism aggravated
10020852 Hypertonia
10020853 Hypertonic bladder
10020854 Hypertonic uterine contraction
10020859 Hypertonicity
10020860 Hypertonicity blood
10020861 Hypertonicity of bladder
10020862 Hypertonus
10020864 Hypertrichosis
10020865 Hypertrichosis aggravated
10020866 Hypertrichosis congenital
10020867 Hypertrichosis genital
10020868 Hypertrichosis of eyelid
10020869 Hypertriglyceridaemia
10020870 Hypertriglyceridemia
10020871 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
10020872 Hypertrophic cirrhosis
10020873 Hypertrophic elongation of cervix
10020874 Hypertrophic extrapulmonary osteoarthropathy
10020875 Hypertrophic lichen planus
10020876 Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy
10020877 Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
10020878 Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
10020879 Hypertrophic scar
10020880 Hypertrophy
10020881 Hypertrophy breast
10020882 Hypertrophy gingival
10020883 Hypertrophy NOS
10020885 Hypertrophy of breast
10020886 Hypertrophy of clitoris
10020887 Hypertrophy of fat pad, knee
10020888 Hypertrophy of kidney
10020889 Hypertrophy of labia
10020890 Hypertrophy of nasal turbinates
10020891 Hypertrophy of salivary gland
10020892 Hypertrophy of skin
10020893 Hypertrophy of tongue papillae
10020897 Hypertrophy of uterus
10020898 Hypertrophy of venous wall
10020899 Hypertrophy skin
10020900 Hypertrophy thymus
10020901 Hypertrophy uterine cervix
10020902 Hypertropia
10020903 Hyperuricaemia
10020904 Hyperuricaemic
10020905 Hyperuricaemic arthritis
10020906 Hyperuricaemic nephropathy
10020907 Hyperuricemia
10020908 Hyperuricemic arthritis
10020909 Hyperuricemic nephropathy
10020910 Hyperventilation
10020911 Hyperventilation syndrome
10020913 Hyperviscosity retinopathy
10020915 Hypervitaminosis
10020916 Hypervitaminosis A
10020917 Hypervitaminosis D
10020918 Hypervitaminosis NOS
10020919 Hypervolaemia
10020920 Hypervolemia
10020921 Hyperzincaemia
10020922 Hypesthesia
10020923 Hyphaema
10020924 Hyphema
10020926 Hyphidrosis
10020927 Hypnagogic hallucination
10020928 Hypnopompic hallucination
10020929 Hypnotherapy
10020930 Hypoactive
10020931 Hypoactive labyrinth, bilateral
10020932 Hypoactive labyrinth, unilateral
10020933 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
10020934 Hypoactivity
10020935 Hypoacuity auditory
10020936 Hypoadrenalism
10020937 Hypoaesthesia
10020938 Hypoaesthesia cornea
10020939 Hypoaesthesia eye
10020940 Hypoaesthesia oral NOS
10020941 Hypoaesthesia tongue
10020942 Hypoalbuminaemia
10020943 Hypoalbuminemia
10020944 Hypoaldosteronism
10020945 Hypoalgesia
10020947 Hypocalcaemia
10020949 Hypocalcemia
10020951 Hypocalcemic tetany
10020952 Hypocapnia
10020953 Hypocapnic
10020954 Hypocellular marrow
10020955 Hypochloraemia
10020956 Hypochloraemic alkalosis
10020957 Hypochloremia
10020958 Hypochloremic alkalosis
10020959 Hypochlorhydria
10020960 Hypocholesteremia
10020961 Hypocholesterolaemia
10020962 Hypocholesterolemia
10020963 Hypochondriacal personality
10020964 Hypochondrial pain
10020965 Hypochondriasis
10020966 Hypochondrium pain right
10020967 Hypochondroplasia
10020968 Hypochromia
10020969 Hypochromic anaemia
10020970 Hypochromic anaemia of chronic disease
10020971 Hypochromic anemia
10020972 Hypochromic microcytic anaemia
10020973 Hypocoagulable state
10020974 Hypocomplementaemia
10020975 Hypocupremia
10020976 Hypoesthesia
10020977 Hypoesthesia of gloves-socks type
10020978 Hypofibrinogenemia
10020979 Hypofunction adrenal
10020980 Hypofunction ovarian
10020981 Hypofunction testicle
10020982 Hypogalactia
10020983 Hypogammaglobulinaemia
10020984 Hypogammaglobulinaemia late onset
10020985 Hypogammaglobulinaemia NOS
10020986 Hypogammaglobulinemia, unspecified
10020987 Hypogastric pain
10020989 Hypogeusia
10020990 Hypoglobulinemia
10020991 Hypoglossal nerve disorder NOS
10020993 Hypoglycaemia
10020994 Hypoglycaemia neonatal
10020995 Hypoglycaemia night
10020996 Hypoglycaemia NOS
10020997 Hypoglycaemia unawareness
10020998 Hypoglycaemia, unspecified
10020999 Hypoglycaemic attack
10021000 Hypoglycaemic coma
10021002 Hypoglycaemic encephalopathy
10021003 Hypoglycaemic reaction
10021004 Hypoglycaemic shock
10021005 Hypoglycemia
10021006 Hypoglycemia neonatal
10021007 Hypoglycemia, unspecified
10021008 Hypoglycemic coma
10021009 Hypoglycemic reaction
10021010 Hypogonadism female
10021011 Hypogonadism male
10021012 Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
10021013 Hypohidrosis
10021014 Hypoinsulinaemia postoperative
10021015 Hypokalaemia
10021016 Hypokalaemic alkalosis
10021017 Hypokalaemic syndrome
10021018 Hypokalemia
10021019 Hypokalemic alkalosis
10021020 Hypokalemic syndrome
10021021 Hypokinesia
10021022 Hypokinesia neonatal
10021023 Hypolipemia
10021024 Hypolipidaemia
10021025 Hypolipidemia
10021026 Hypolipoproteinemia
10021027 Hypomagnesaemia
10021028 Hypomagnesemia
10021029 Hypomagnesic tetany of infancy
10021030 Hypomania
10021031 Hypomanic psychosis
10021032 Hypomenorrhea
10021033 Hypomenorrhoea
10021034 Hypometabolism
10021035 Hypomnesia
10021036 Hyponatraemia
10021037 Hyponatraemic syndrome
10021038 Hyponatremia
10021039 Hyponatremic
10021041 Hypoparathyroidism
10021042 Hypopharyngeal cancer
10021044 Hypopharyngeal cancer recurrent
10021045 Hypopharyngeal cancer stage 0
10021046 Hypopharyngeal cancer stage I
10021047 Hypopharyngeal cancer stage II
10021048 Hypopharyngeal cancer stage III
10021049 Hypopharyngeal cancer stage IV
10021050 Hypopharyngeal cancer stage NOS
10021051 Hypopharyngeal neoplasm benign
10021052 Hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10021053 Hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage 0
10021054 Hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10021055 Hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10021056 Hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10021057 Hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10021058 Hypophosphataemia
10021059 Hypophosphatemia
10021060 Hypophysectomy NOS
10021061 Hypophysectomy trans-frontal
10021062 Hypophysectomy trans-nasal
10021063 Hypophysectomy trans-sphenoidal
10021065 Hypopigmentation of eyelid
10021066 Hypopituitalism
10021067 Hypopituitarism
10021068 Hypopituitarism foetal
10021069 Hypoplasia bone marrow
10021070 Hypoplasia cerebellar
10021071 Hypoplasia enamel
10021072 Hypoplasia erythroid
10021073 Hypoplasia tooth
10021074 Hypoplastic anaemia
10021075 Hypoplastic anemia
10021076 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
10021077 Hypoplastic marrow
10021078 Hypopnea
10021079 Hypopnoea
10021080 Hypopotassaemia
10021081 Hypopotassemia
10021082 Hypoprolactinaemia
10021083 Hypoproteinaemia
10021084 Hypoproteinemia
10021085 Hypoprothrombinaemia
10021086 Hypopyon
10021087 Hypopyon ulcer
10021089 Hyporeflexia
10021093 Hypospadias
10021095 Hypospadias repair
10021096 Hyposthenuria
10021097 Hypotension
10021098 Hypotension asymptomatic
10021099 Hypotension NOS
10021100 Hypotension orthostatic
10021101 Hypotension orthostatic asymptomatic
10021102 Hypotension orthostatic symptomatic
10021103 Hypotension paroxysm
10021104 Hypotension postural
10021105 Hypotension symptomatic
10021106 Hypotension, unspecified
10021107 Hypotensive
10021108 Hypotensive episode
10021111 Hypothalamo-pituitary disorder
10021113 Hypothermia
10021114 Hypothyroidism
10021115 Hypothyroidism congenital
10021116 Hypothyroidism post ablative
10021117 Hypothyroidism postoperative
10021118 Hypotonia
10021119 Hypotonia neonatal
10021120 Hypotonic dehydration
10021121 Hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode
10021124 Hypotony of eye
10021126 Hypotrichosis
10021127 Hypotrichosis of eyelid
10021128 Hypotriglyceridaemia
10021129 Hypotriglyceridemia
10021130 Hypotropia
10021131 Hypouricaemia
10021133 Hypoventilation
10021134 Hypoventilation neonatal
10021135 Hypovitaminosis
10021136 Hypovitaminosis NOS
10021137 Hypovolaemia
10021138 Hypovolaemic shock
10021139 Hypovolemia
10021140 Hypovolemic shock
10021141 Hypoxaemia
10021142 Hypoxemia
10021143 Hypoxia
10021144 Hypoxic
10021145 Hypoxic arrest
10021146 Hypoxic brain damage
10021147 Hypoxic encephalopathy
10021148 Hypozincaemia
10021151 Hysterectomy
10021152 Hysterectomy (ovaries conserved)
10021153 Hysterectomy NOS
10021154 Hysteria
10021155 Hysteria conversion type
10021156 Hysteria, unspecified
10021157 Hysterical amnesia
10021158 Hysterical aphonia
10021159 Hysterical ataxia
10021160 Hysterical excitement
10021161 Hysterical fits
10021162 Hysterical fugue
10021163 Hysterical neurosis
10021164 Hysterical personality
10021165 Hysterical personality disorder
10021166 Hysterical psychoses
10021167 Hysterosalpingogram
10021168 Hysterosalpingogram abnormal
10021169 Hysterosalpingogram normal
10021170 Hysterosalpingography
10021171 Hysterotomy
10021173 Iatrogenic cerebrovascular infarction
10021174 Iatrogenic colon perforation
10021175 Iatrogenic constipation
10021176 Iatrogenic diarrhea
10021177 Iatrogenic diarrhoea
10021178 Iatrogenic hypotension
10021179 Iatrogenic injury NOS
10021181 Iatrogenic pneumothorax
10021183 Iatrogenic thyroiditis
10021184 IBD
10021185 IBL-like T-cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10021186 IBL-like T-cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10021187 IBL-like T-cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10021188 IBL-like T-cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10021189 IBL-like T-cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage II
10021190 IBL-like T-cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage III
10021191 IBL-like T-cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage IV
10021193 Ice water test of brain stem function
10021194 Ice water test of brain stem function abnormal
10021195 Ice water test of brain stem function normal
10021198 Ichthyosis
10021199 Ichthyosis acquired
10021200 Ichthyosis congenita
10021201 Ichthyosis congenital
10021202 Ichthyosis inherited
10021203 Ichthyosis senile
10021204 Ichthyosis vulgaris
10021205 ICSH
10021206 Icteric conjunctivae
10021207 Icterus
10021208 Icterus gravis neonatorum
10021209 Icterus index increased
10021210 Icterus neonatorum
10021211 IDDM
10021212 Ideas of reference
10021213 Ideational apraxia
10021215 Identity disorder of childhood or adolescence
10021216 Ideomotor apraxia
10021218 Idiocy
10021219 Idiopathic capillaritis
10021220 Idiopathic colitis
10021221 Idiopathic corneal edema
10021223 Idiopathic diarrhea
10021224 Idiopathic erosion of teeth
10021225 Idiopathic fibrosing alveolitis
10021226 Idiopathic fluid retention
10021227 Idiopathic gastroparesis
10021228 Idiopathic haemorrhagic sarcoma
10021229 Idiopathic hypercalciuria
10021230 Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis
10021231 Idiopathic intussusception
10021233 Idiopathic midline granuloma
10021234 Idiopathic myocarditis
10021235 Idiopathic narcolepsy
10021236 Idiopathic osteoporosis
10021237 Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy
10021238 Idiopathic proctocolitis
10021239 Idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy
10021240 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
10021241 Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis
10021242 Idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis
10021243 Idiopathic purpura
10021244 Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
10021245 Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
10021246 Idiopathic torsion dystonia
10021247 Idiopathic urticaria
10021249 Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication
10021250 Idiot
10021251 IFN alfa-n3 therapy
10021252 IFN- alfa therapy
10021253 IFN- alfa-2a therapy
10021254 IFN- alfa-2b therapy
10021255 IFN-beta therapy
10021256 IFN-gamma therapy
10021257 Ig E increased
10021258 IgA
10021259 IgA decreased
10021260 IgA deficiency
10021261 IgA increased
10021262 IGA myeloma
10021263 IgA nephropathy
10021264 IGD myeloma
10021265 IgE
10021266 IgE decreased
10021267 IgE increased
10021268 IGE myeloma
10021269 IgE normal
10021270 IgG
10021271 IgG decreased
10021272 IgG increased
10021273 IGG myeloma
10021274 IgG normal
10021275 IgG subclass deficiency
10021276 IgM
10021277 IgM decreased
10021278 IgM increased
10021279 IHD
10021280 IHSS
10021281 IIIrd nerve injury
10021282 IIIrd nerve palsy
10021283 IIIrd nerve paralysis
10021284 IL-1 therapy
10021285 IL-10 therapy
10021286 IL-11 therapy
10021287 IL-12 therapy
10021288 IL-13 therapy
10021289 IL-14 therapy
10021290 IL-15 therapy
10021291 IL-2 therapy
10021292 IL-4 therapy
10021293 IL-5 therapy
10021294 IL-6 therapy
10021295 IL-7 therapy
10021296 IL-8 therapy
10021297 IL-9 therapy
10021298 Ileal atresia
10021299 Ileal conduit
10021300 Ileal gangrene
10021301 Ileal haemorrhage
10021302 Ileal loop bladder
10021303 Ileal motility increased
10021304 Ileal operation NOS
10021305 Ileal perforation
10021306 Ileal resection
10021307 Ileal stenosis
10021308 Ileal stricture
10021309 Ileal ulcer
10021310 Ileal ulcer perforation
10021311 Ileal urostomy
10021312 Ileitis
10021313 Ileitis aggravated
10021314 Ileitis regional
10021315 Ileitis terminal
10021316 Ileoanal anastomosis with ileostomy
10021317 Ileocaecal anastomosis
10021318 Ileocolonic anastomosis
10021319 Ileojejunal bypass
10021320 Ileorectal anastomosis
10021321 Ileostomy
10021322 Ileostomy (permanent)
10021323 Ileostomy (temporary)
10021324 Ileostomy malfunction
10021325 Ileostomy NOS
10021326 Ileostomy overactive
10021327 Ileotransverse anastomosis
10021328 Ileus
10021329 Ileus meconium
10021330 Ileus of bowel
10021331 Ileus of colon
10021332 Ileus of intestine
10021333 Ileus paralytic
10021334 Ileus paralytic neonatal
10021335 Ileus spastic
10021336 Iliac artery aneurysm
10021337 Iliac artery blockage
10021338 Iliac artery embolism
10021339 Iliac artery embolus
10021340 Iliac artery thrombosis
10021341 Iliac fossa pain
10021342 Iliofemoral (ligament) sprain
10021343 Ilium fracture
10021345 Ill feeling
10021346 Ill relative
10021349 Ill-defined disorder NOS
10021354 Ill-defined intestinal infections
10021356 Illegally induced abortion
10021399 Illegitimate child
10021401 Illiteracy
10021402 Illogical thinking
10021403 Illusion
10021406 Imbalance blood electrolyte
10021407 Imbalance hormonal
10021408 Imbecile
10021409 Imbecility
10021410 Immature baby
10021411 Immature personality
10021412 Immature respiratory system
10021413 Immediate hypersensitivity
10021414 Immediate hypersensitivity reaction
10021415 Immediate postoperative analgesia
10021416 Immersion foot
10021417 Immobile
10021418 Immune disorder (NOS)
10021419 Immune imbalance
10021420 Immune interferon therapy
10021422 Immune status
10021423 Immune status normal
10021425 Immune system disorder
10021426 Immune system disorder (NOS)
10021427 Immune system disorder NOS
10021430 Immunisation
10021432 Immunisation reaction
10021433 Immunization
10021434 Immunization reaction
10021435 Immunocytoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell lymphoma of MALT type)
10021436 Immunocytoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell lymphoma of MALT type) recurrent
10021437 Immunocytoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell lymphoma of MALT type) refractory
10021438 Immunocytoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell lymphoma of MALT type) stage I
10021439 Immunocytoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell lymphoma of MALT type) stage II
10021440 Immunocytoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell lymphoma of MALT type) stage III
10021441 Immunocytoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell lymphoma of MALT type) stage IV
10021442 Immunocytoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) (Kiel Classification)
10021443 Immunocytoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10021444 Immunocytoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) (Kiel Classification) refractory
10021445 Immunocytoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) (Kiel Classification) stage I
10021446 Immunocytoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) (Kiel Classification) stage II
10021447 Immunocytoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) (Kiel Classification) stage III
10021448 Immunocytoma (Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma) (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10021449 Immunodeficiency common variable
10021450 Immunodeficiency congenital
10021451 Immunodeficiency NOS
10021453 Immunodeficiency secondary to corticosteroids
10021454 Immunodeficiency secondary to measles
10021455 Immunodeficiency secondary to neoplasm NOS
10021456 Immunodeficiency secondary to oncology chemotherapy
10021457 Immunodeficiency secondary to radiation therapy
10021458 Immunodeficiency secondary to transplantation chemotherapy
10021459 Immunodeficiency secondary to trauma
10021462 Immunodeficiency with increased immunoglobulin M
10021464 Immunoelectrophoresis
10021465 Immunogammaglobulin
10021466 Immunogammaglobulin abnormal
10021467 Immunogammaglobulin abnormality NOS
10021468 Immunogammaglobulin normal
10021471 Immunoglobulin A
10021472 Immunoglobulin A decreased
10021473 Immunoglobulin A high
10021474 Immunoglobulin A increased
10021475 Immunoglobulin A low
10021476 Immunoglobulin A normal
10021478 Immunoglobulin E
10021479 Immunoglobulin E decreased
10021480 Immunoglobulin E high
10021481 Immunoglobulin E increased
10021482 Immunoglobulin E low
10021483 Immunoglobulin E normal
10021484 Immunoglobulin G
10021485 Immunoglobulin G decreased
10021486 Immunoglobulin G high
10021487 Immunoglobulin G increased
10021488 Immunoglobulin G low
10021489 Immunoglobulin G normal
10021490 Immunoglobulin M
10021491 Immunoglobulin M decreased
10021492 Immunoglobulin M high
10021493 Immunoglobulin M increased
10021494 Immunoglobulin M low
10021495 Immunoglobulin M normal
10021496 Immunoglobulins
10021497 Immunoglobulins abnormal
10021498 Immunoglobulins altered
10021499 Immunoglobulins decreased
10021500 Immunoglobulins increased
10021501 Immunoglobulins normal
10021503 Immunology
10021506 Immunology NOS abnormal
10021508 Immunology test NOS abnormal
10021509 Immunosuppressant intoxication
10021510 Immunosuppression NOS
10021511 Impacted cerumen
10021512 Impacted faeces
10021513 Impacted wax
10021514 Impacted wisdom tooth
10021515 Impaction fecal
10021516 Impaction of intestine
10021517 Impaction of intestine, unspecified
10021518 Impaired gastric emptying
10021519 Impaired healing
10021520 Impaired liver function
10021521 Impaired mobility of malleus
10021523 Impaired renal function
10021525 Impairment of attention
10021526 Impairment of auditory discrimination
10021527 Impending doom
10021528 Imperforate anus
10021529 Imperforate hymen
10021530 Imperforate oesophagus
10021531 Impetigo
10021532 Impetigo bullosa
10021533 Impetigo contagious
10021534 Impetigo herpetiformis
10021535 Impetigo NOS
10021536 Implant brain brachytherapy
10021537 Implant ear, nose, or throat brachytherapy
10021538 Implant expulsion
10021539 Implant failure
10021540 Implant infection
10021541 Implant pancreas brachytherapy
10021542 Implant site reaction
10021543 Implant site reaction NOS
10021545 Implant tissue failure
10021546 Implant tissue necrosis
10021547 Implantation complication
10021550 Impotence
10021551 Impotence of organic origin
10021552 Impotent
10021553 Impotentia erigendi
10021554 Imprisonment
10021555 Imprisonment of brother
10021556 Imprisonment of father
10021557 Imprisonment of mother
10021558 Imprisonment of relative
10021559 Imprisonment of sister
10021560 Imprisonment of spouse
10021561 Impulse control disorder, unspecified
10021564 Impulse-control disorder NOS
10021565 Impulsive act
10021566 Impulsive aggression
10021567 Impulsive behaviour
10021568 Impulsive behaviour NOS
10021569 In debt
10021570 In situ cancer
10021571 In situ cancer of cervix
10021572 In vitro fertilization
10021573 Inability to maintain erection
10021574 Inability to orgasm
10021575 Inactive Meniere's disease
10021576 Inadequate analgesia
10021577 Inadequate diet
10021578 Inadequate exercise
10021579 Inadequate housing
10021580 Inadequate lubrication
10021581 Inadequate personality
10021582 Inadequate teaching
10021583 Inadvertent exposure to drug
10021584 Inanition
10021586 Inappropriate ADH
10021587 Inappropriate ADH secretion
10021588 Inappropriate affect
10021589 Inappropriate crying
10021590 Inappropriate dose of drug administered
10021591 Inappropriate drug response
10021592 Inappropriate elation
10021593 Inappropriate exhilaration
10021594 Inappropriate formulation of drug administered
10021595 Inappropriate laughter
10021596 Inappropriate mood elevation
10021597 Inappropriate schedule of drug administration
10021598 Inappropriate vasopressin secretion
10021599 Inarticulateness
10021600 Inborn error of bilirubin metabolism NOS
10021601 Inborn error of metabolism NOS
10021610 Incarcerated hernia
10021611 Incarcerated hernia repair
10021612 Incarcerated hiatus hernia
10021613 Incarcerated inguinal hernia
10021614 Incarcerated retroverted uterus
10021615 Incarceration
10021616 Incest
10021617 Incest victim
10021618 Incipient senile cataract
10021619 Incisional hernia
10021621 Incisional hernia gangrenous
10021622 Incisional hernia NOS
10021623 Incisional hernia repair
10021624 Incisional hernia with obstruction
10021625 Incisional hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10021626 Incisional hernia, obstructive
10021627 Incisional hernia, with gangrene
10021628 Incisional herniorrhaphy
10021629 Inclusion conjunctivitis
10021630 Incoherent
10021631 Incompetence of cervix
10021632 Incompetent cervix
10021634 Incomplete abortion
10021635 Incomplete bladder emptying
10021636 Incomplete bowel evacuation
10021637 Incomplete precocious puberty
10021638 Incomplete urination
10021639 Incontinence
10021640 Incontinence fecal
10021641 Incontinence of feces
10021642 Incontinence of urine
10021643 Incontinence urinary
10021644 Incontinence without sensory awareness
10021645 Incontinent
10021646 Incontinent of faeces
10021647 Incontinent of urine (excl emotional)
10021648 Incoordinate uterine action
10021649 Incoordination
10021650 Increased activity
10021651 Increased agitation
10021653 Increased anticoagulant effect
10021654 Increased appetite
10021655 Increased blood pressure
10021656 Increased bowel frequency
10021657 Increased BP slipping out of control
10021658 Increased capillary fragility
10021659 Increased drug effect
10021661 Increased frequency of defaecation
10021662 Increased HDL
10021663 Increased immunoglobulins
10021664 Increased insulin requirement
10021665 Increased intracranial pressure
10021667 Increased intraocular pressure
10021668 Increased LDL
10021669 Increased libido
10021670 Increased muscle tone
10021671 Increased number of platelets
10021673 Increased plasma fibrinogen
10021674 Increased platelets
10021675 Increased prolactin level
10021676 Increased reflexes
10021677 Increased salivation
10021678 Increased serum creatinine
10021679 Increased sexual arousal
10021680 Increased shortness of breath
10021681 Increased skin sensitivity
10021683 Increased state of alertness
10021684 Increased steroid activity
10021686 Increased susceptibility to infections NOS
10021687 Increased systemic vascular resistance
10021688 Increased tendency to bruise
10021689 Increased thirst
10021690 Increased TSH
10021691 Increased urea
10021692 Increased urinary frequency
10021693 Increased VLDL
10021694 Increased wheeziness
10021695 Increased white cell count
10021696 Increased work of breathing
10021697 Increasing indigestion
10021698 Increasing visual impairment
10021699 Indecent offender
10021700 Indeterminate leprosy
10021701 Indeterminate leprosy (group i)
10021703 Indifference
10021704 Indifference to circumstance
10021705 Indifferent face
10021706 Indigestion
10021707 Indigestion acid
10021708 Indigestion nervous
10021709 Indirect bilirubin increased
10021710 Indirect Coombs test
10021711 Indirect Coombs test abnormal
10021712 Indirect Coombs test normal
10021713 Indirect Coombs test positive
10021714 Indirect infection transmission
10021715 Indirect inguinal hernia
10021716 Induced abortion
10021718 Induced labour
10021719 Induced malaria
10021720 Induced psychosis
10021722 Induction and maintenance anaesthesia
10021723 Induction and maintenance of anaesthesia
10021724 Induction of anaesthesia
10021725 Induration erythema
10021726 Induration of venous wall
10021727 Industrial accident
10021728 Ineffective straining at stool
10021729 Inertia uteri
10021730 Inevitable abortion
10021731 Infant
10021732 Infant colic
10021734 Infant premature
10021735 Infant respiratory distress syndrome
10021736 Infantile acne
10021737 Infantile autism
10021738 Infantile autism, current or active state
10021739 Infantile autism, residual state
10021740 Infantile cerebral palsy
10021741 Infantile cerebral palsy, diplegic
10021742 Infantile cerebral palsy, hemiplegic
10021743 Infantile cerebral palsy, monoplegic
10021744 Infantile cerebral palsy, quadriplegic
10021745 Infantile cerebral palsy, unspecified
10021746 Infantile colic
10021747 Infantile eczema
10021748 Infantile hemiplegia
10021749 Infantile scurvy
10021750 Infantile spasms
10021751 Infantile spasms, with intractable epilepsy
10021755 Infarct cerebral
10021757 Infarct liver
10021758 Infarct myocardial
10021759 Infarct of liver
10021760 Infarct pulmonary
10021761 Infarction mesenteric
10021762 Infarction NOS
10021763 Infarction of papillary muscle
10021764 Infarction of testis
10021767 Infected abortion
10021768 Infected abortion (spontaneous)
10021769 Infected bites
10021770 Infected bunion
10021771 Infected corn
10021772 Infected ear lobe
10021773 Infected eczema
10021774 Infected finger
10021775 Infected hydrocele
10021776 Infected induced abortion
10021777 Infected ingrowing toe nail
10021778 Infected lip
10021779 Infected mastoid cavity
10021780 Infected Meibomian cyst
10021781 Infected nail bed
10021782 Infected nipple
10021783 Infected sebaceous cyst
10021784 Infected skin ulcer
10021785 Infected thumb
10021786 Infected toe
10021787 Infected tonsillar remnant
10021788 Infectible easily
10021789 Infection
10021790 Infection (chronic) of amputation stump
10021791 Infection aggravated
10021792 Infection aggravated NOS
10021803 Infection Bacillus pyocyaneus
10021804 Infection bacterial
10021805 Infection bladder
10021806 Infection breast
10021807 Infection by dematiacious fungi (Phaehyphomycosis)
10021808 Infection by Histoplasma capsulatum
10021811 Infection by Histoplasma duboisii
10021814 Infection fungal
10021815 Infection fungal (mycotic)
10021816 Infection histoplasmosis
10021818 Infection in an immunocompromised host
10021819 Infection in marrow transplant recipients
10021820 Infection in patient who abuses drugs
10021821 Infection in patient with acquired immune deficiency
10021822 Infection in patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
10021823 Infection in patient with AIDS
10021824 Infection in patient with congenital immune deficiency
10021825 Infection in patient with leukaemia
10021826 Infection in patient with leukemia
10021828 Infection in patient with spinal cord injury
10021829 Infection in solid organ transplant recipients
10021830 Infection in the elderly
10021831 Infection in the neonate
10021832 Infection induced
10021833 Infection ingrowing toenail
10021834 Infection injection site
10021835 Infection localised
10021836 Infection masked
10021837 Infection masked NOS
10021838 Infection mixed
10021839 Infection MRSA
10021840 Infection mycobacterium avium
10021841 Infection mycotic
10021842 Infection NOS
10021843 Infection not responding
10021844 Infection of amniotic cavity
10021845 Infection of amniotic cavity, antepartum
10021847 Infection of amniotic cavity, unspecified as to episode of care
10021849 Infection of gum
10021850 Infection of kidney
10021851 Infection of kidney, unspecified
10021853 Infection of the outer ear
10021857 Infection parasitic
10021858 Infection precipitated
10021859 Infection protozoal
10021860 Infection Pseudomonas aeruginosa
10021861 Infection pyogenic
10021862 Infection pyogenic due to resistant bacteria
10021863 Infection respiratory
10021864 Infection superimposed
10021866 Infection susceptibility increased
10021867 Infection systemic
10021868 Infection TBC
10021869 Infection transmission via personal contact
10021870 Infection tuberculosis
10021871 Infection upper respiratory
10021872 Infection urinary tract
10021873 Infection via infected/vaccinated person
10021874 Infection via vaccinated person
10021875 Infection via vaccinee
10021876 Infection viral
10021878 Infections - congenital
10021903 Infectious and parasitic diseases, unspecified
10021905 Infectious colitis
10021907 Infectious diarrhea
10021908 Infectious diarrhoea
10021909 Infectious diarrhoea (presumed)
10021911 Infectious disease inapparent
10021912 Infectious disease NOS carrier
10021913 Infectious hepatitis
10021914 Infectious mononucleosis
10021915 Infective arthritis NOS
10021918 Infective myositis
10021919 Infective otitis externa
10021920 Infective otitis externa, unspecified
10021921 Infective rhinitis
10021922 Inferior MI
10021923 Inferior vena caval obstruction
10021924 Inferior venacaval thrombosis
10021925 Inferiority complex
10021926 Infertility
10021928 Infertility female
10021929 Infertility male
10021930 Infertility NOS
10021931 Infertility tests
10021932 Infertility tests NOS
10021933 Infertility tests NOS abnormal
10021934 Infertility tests NOS normal
10021940 Infertility, female, of unspecified origin
10021941 Infertility, female, of uterine origin
10021942 Infestation NOS
10021943 Infestation, unspecified
10021944 Infiltrating ductal breast cancer
10021945 Infiltration anaesthesia
10021946 Infiltration anesthesia
10021947 Infiltration fatty liver
10021949 Inflamed seborrheic keratosis
10021951 Inflammation at site of injection
10021952 Inflammation bile duct
10021953 Inflammation corneal
10021954 Inflammation dorsum of left foot
10021955 Inflammation gallbladder
10021956 Inflammation gum
10021957 Inflammation injection site
10021958 Inflammation localised
10021959 Inflammation localized
10021960 Inflammation mucous membrane
10021961 Inflammation NOS
10021962 Inflammation of eyelids
10021963 Inflammation of orbit
10021964 Inflammation of the inner ear(s)
10021965 Inflammation pelvic
10021966 Inflammation scan
10021967 Inflammation stomach
10021968 Inflammation tongue
10021970 Inflammatory arterial reaction
10021971 Inflammatory artery reaction
10021972 Inflammatory bowel disease
10021973 Inflammatory bowel disease NOS
10021974 Inflammatory breast cancer
10021975 Inflammatory breast cancer stage III
10021976 Inflammatory breast cancer stage IV
10021977 Inflammatory carcinoma of breast recurrent
10021978 Inflammatory carcinoma of breast stage III
10021979 Inflammatory carcinoma of breast stage IV
10021980 Inflammatory carcinoma of the breast
10021983 Inflammatory disease of breast
10021991 Inflammatory edema reaction
10021993 Inflammatory oedema reaction
10021994 Inflammatory polyarthritis
10021995 Inflammatory reaction
10021997 Inflammatory swelling
10021998 Inflicted injury
10021999 Influence on libido
10022000 Influenza
10022001 Influenza (epidemic)
10022002 Influenza A virus infection
10022003 Influenza B virus infection
10022004 Influenza like illness
10022008 Influenza with pneumonia
10022009 Influenza-like symptoms
10022012 Infundibular pulmonic stenosis, congenital
10022013 Ingrowing nail
10022014 Ingrowing toe nail
10022015 Ingrown toe nail
10022016 Inguinal hernia
10022018 Inguinal hernia gangrenous
10022019 Inguinal hernia NOS
10022020 Inguinal hernia repair
10022021 Inguinal hernia, obstructive
10022022 Inguinal hernia, with gangrene
10022023 Inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without mention of gangrene
10022024 Inguinal hernia, without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10022025 Inguinal herniorrhaphy
10022026 Inhalation pneumonia
10022027 Inhalational pneumonia
10022028 Inherited copper toxicosis
10022029 Inherited hearing disorder
10022030 Inherited hearing loss
10022032 Inhibited female orgasm
10022033 Inhibited male orgasm
10022034 Iniencephaly
10022035 Initial insomnia
10022036 Initial lesions of yaws
10022037 Initiative loss of
10022038 Injection drug user
10022039 Injection of esophageal varices
10022040 Injection of knee joint
10022041 Injection of piles
10022042 Injection of shoulder
10022043 Injection of trigeminal nerve
10022044 Injection site abscess
10022045 Injection site abscess sterile
10022046 Injection site anaesthesia
10022047 Injection site anesthesia
10022048 Injection site atrophy
10022049 Injection site bleeding
10022050 Injection site bleeding spot
10022051 Injection site blisters
10022052 Injection site bruising
10022053 Injection site burning
10022054 Injection site colouration
10022055 Injection site cyst
10022056 Injection site dermatitis
10022057 Injection site ecchymosis
10022058 Injection site edema
10022059 Injection site erosion
10022060 Injection site eruption
10022061 Injection site erythema
10022062 Injection site extravasation
10022063 Injection site fat atrophy
10022064 Injection site fibrosis
10022065 Injection site granuloma
10022066 Injection site haematoma
10022067 Injection site haemorrhage
10022068 Injection site hemorrhage
10022069 Injection site hives
10022070 Injection site hyperpigmentation
10022071 Injection site hypersensitivity
10022072 Injection site hypertrophy
10022073 Injection site hypesthesia
10022074 Injection site hypopigmentation
10022075 Injection site induration
10022076 Injection site infection
10022077 Injection site infiltration
10022078 Injection site inflammation
10022079 Injection site irritation
10022080 Injection site itching
10022081 Injection site mass
10022082 Injection site necrosis
10022083 Injection site nerve damage
10022084 Injection site numbness
10022085 Injection site oedema
10022086 Injection site pain
10022088 Injection site paraesthesia
10022090 Injection site phlebitis
10022091 Injection site pigmentation changes
10022092 Injection site pressure sensation
10022093 Injection site pruritus
10022094 Injection site rash
10022095 Injection site reaction
10022096 Injection site reaction NOS
10022098 Injection site redness
10022100 Injection site subcutaneous fat decreased
10022101 Injection site subcutaneous fatty hypertrophy
10022102 Injection site tenderness
10022103 Injection site thrombophlebitis
10022104 Injection site thrombosis
10022105 Injection site ulcer
10022106 Injection site ulceration
10022107 Injection site urticaria
10022108 Injection site vascular pain
10022109 Injection site vascular redness
10022110 Injection site vascular warmth
10022111 Injection site vesicles
10022112 Injection site warmth
10022116 Injury
10022118 Injury at work
10022120 Injury corneal
10022121 Injury criminal
10022122 Injury in the home
10022123 Injury NOS
10022124 Injury radiation
10022125 Injury to abdominal aorta
10022126 Injury to abducens nerve
10022127 Injury to abducent nerve
10022128 Injury to accessory nerve
10022129 Injury to acoustic nerve
10022130 Injury to adrenal gland without mention of open wound into cavity
10022131 Injury to adrenal gland, with open wound into cavity
10022132 Injury to ankle NOS
10022133 Injury to anterior tibial artery
10022134 Injury to anterior tibial vein
10022136 Injury to appendix without open wound into cavity
10022138 Injury to ascending (right) colon without open wound into cavity
10022139 Injury to axillary artery
10022141 Injury to axillary nerve
10022142 Injury to axillary vein
10022148 Injury to blood vessel of head and neck
10022157 Injury to brachial plexus
10022158 Injury to brachial plexus due to birth trauma
10022160 Injury to bronchus without open wound into cavity
10022161 Injury to carotid artery
10022162 Injury to carotid artery, unspecified
10022165 Injury to cervical nerve root
10022166 Injury to cervical sympathetic nerve, excluding shoulder and pelvic girdles
10022171 Injury to colon, unspecified site, without mention of open wound into cavity
10022172 Injury to common carotid artery
10022173 Injury to common femoral artery
10022174 Injury to cutaneous sensory nerve, lower limb
10022175 Injury to cutaneous sensory nerve, upper limb
10022178 Injury to descending (left) colon without open wound into cavity
10022180 Injury to diaphragm without mention of open wound into cavity
10022182 Injury to digital nerve, upper limb
10022183 Injury to dorsal nerve root
10022184 Injury to duodenum with open wound into cavity
10022185 Injury to duodenum without open wound into cavity
10022187 Injury to esophagus without mention of open wound into cavity
10022188 Injury to external carotid artery
10022189 Injury to external jugular vein
10022190 Injury to facial nerve
10022191 Injury to femoral nerve
10022193 Injury to finger NOS
10022194 Injury to gastric artery
10022195 Injury to gastrointestinal tract
10022198 Injury to hand NOS
10022201 Injury to heart, without open wound into thorax
10022202 Injury to hepatic artery
10022203 Injury to hepatic veins
10022204 Injury to hypogastric artery
10022205 Injury to hypogastric vein
10022206 Injury to hypoglossal nerve
10022207 Injury to iliac artery
10022209 Injury to iliac vein
10022211 Injury to inferior mesenteric artery
10022212 Injury to inferior mesenteric vein
10022213 Injury to inferior vena cava
10022214 Injury to inferior vena cava, unspecified
10022216 Injury to innominate and subclavian veins
10022218 Injury to internal carotid artery
10022219 Injury to internal jugular vein
10022221 Injury to kidney
10022222 Injury to kidney with open wound into cavity
10022223 Injury to kidney without mention of open wound into cavity
10022224 Injury to liver
10022225 Injury to liver with open wound into cavity
10022226 Injury to liver with open wound into cavity, unspecified laceration
10022227 Injury to liver without mention of open wound into cavity
10022229 Injury to lumbar nerve root
10022230 Injury to lumbosacral plexus
10022231 Injury to median nerve
10022243 Injury to musculocutaneous nerve
10022245 Injury to nerves, unspecified site
10022246 Injury to oculomotor nerve
10022247 Injury to optic chiasm
10022250 Injury to optic pathways
10022260 Injury to other cranial nerve(s)
10022282 Injury to other specified intrathoracic organs with open wound into cavity
10022291 Injury to ovarian artery
10022292 Injury to ovarian vein
10022293 Injury to palmar artery
10022295 Injury to pancreas body without mention of open wound into cavity
10022297 Injury to pancreas head without mention of open wound into cavity
10022299 Injury to pancreas tail without mention of open wound into cavity
10022302 Injury to pelvic organs
10022305 Injury to peritoneum with open wound into cavity
10022306 Injury to peritoneum without mention of open wound into cavity
10022307 Injury to peroneal nerve
10022308 Injury to popliteal artery
10022310 Injury to popliteal vein
10022313 Injury to portal vein
10022314 Injury to posterior tibial artery
10022315 Injury to posterior tibial nerve
10022316 Injury to posterior tibial vein
10022317 Injury to primary branches of superior mesenteric artery
10022318 Injury to pulmonary artery
10022319 Injury to pulmonary blood vessel
10022321 Injury to pulmonary vein
10022324 Injury to radial nerve
10022326 Injury to rectum without open wound into cavity
10022327 Injury to renal artery
10022329 Injury to renal vein
10022331 Injury to retroperitoneum with open wound into cavity
10022332 Injury to retroperitoneum without mention of open wound into cavity
10022333 Injury to sacral nerve root
10022335 Injury to sciatic nerve
10022336 Injury to shoulder NOS
10022338 Injury to sigmoid colon without open wound into cavity
10022339 Injury to small intestine with open wound into cavity
10022340 Injury to small intestine without mention of open wound into cavity
10022341 Injury to small intestine, unspecified site, with open wound into cavity
10022342 Injury to small intestine, unspecified site, without open wound into cavity
10022343 Injury to spinal cord secondary to birth trauma
10022345 Injury to spleen
10022346 Injury to spleen with open wound into cavity
10022347 Injury to spleen without mention of open wound into cavity
10022348 Injury to splenic artery
10022349 Injury to splenic vein
10022350 Injury to stomach with open wound into cavity
10022351 Injury to stomach without mention of open wound into cavity
10022352 Injury to superficial femoral artery
10022354 Injury to superior mesenteric artery (trunk)
10022356 Injury to superior vena cava
10022357 Injury to teeth
10022358 Injury to thoracic aorta
10022362 Injury to transverse colon without open wound into cavity
10022363 Injury to trigeminal nerve
10022364 Injury to trochlear nerve
10022366 Injury to ulnar nerve
10022369 Injury to unspecified blood vessel of lower extremity
10022371 Injury to unspecified blood vessel of upper extremity
10022372 Injury to unspecified cranial nerve
10022384 Injury to ureter without mention of open wound into cavity
10022385 Injury to uterine artery
10022386 Injury to uterine vein
10022387 Injury to uterus with open wound into cavity
10022389 Injury to visual cortex
10022393 Inlet contraction of pelvis, antepartum
10022399 Inorganic phosphate
10022400 INR
10022401 INR decreased
10022402 INR increased
10022403 Insect bite NOS
10022425 Insect scratch
10022426 Insect sting allergy
10022427 Insertion of ambulatory peritoneal catheter
10022428 Insertion of breast prosthesis
10022429 Insertion of Celestin tube
10022430 Insertion of cervical suture
10022431 Insertion of esophageal stent
10022432 Insertion of grommet
10022433 Insertion of middle ear prosthesis
10022434 Insertion of oesophageal stent
10022435 Insertion of Thiersch wire
10022436 Insidious renal failure
10022437 Insomnia
10022438 Insomnia (non-organic)
10022439 Insomnia due to organic factors
10022440 Insomnia exacerbated
10022442 Insomnia NOS
10022445 Inspiratory capacity
10022446 Inspiratory capacity abnormal
10022447 Inspiratory capacity abnormal NOS
10022448 Inspiratory capacity decreased
10022449 Inspiratory capacity high
10022450 Inspiratory capacity increased
10022451 Inspiratory capacity low
10022452 Inspiratory capacity normal
10022453 Instability cardiovascular
10022454 Instability emotional
10022455 Instability gait
10022457 Instability vasomotor
10022458 Instantaneous death
10022459 Instillation site pain
10022460 Insufficiency adrenal
10022461 Insufficiency adrenal cortex
10022462 Insufficiency cardiac
10022463 Insufficiency cerebrovascular
10022464 Insufficiency coronary artery
10022465 Insufficiency pancreatic
10022466 Insufficiency pituitary
10022467 Insufficiency renal
10022468 Insulin
10022469 Insulin abnormal
10022470 Insulin abnormal NOS
10022471 Insulin allergy
10022472 Insulin autoimmune syndrome
10022473 Insulin blood decreased
10022474 Insulin C-peptide
10022475 Insulin C-peptide abnormal NOS
10022476 Insulin C-peptide decreased
10022477 Insulin C-peptide high
10022478 Insulin C-peptide increased
10022479 Insulin C-peptide low
10022480 Insulin C-peptide normal
10022481 Insulin coma
10022482 Insulin dependent diabetic
10022483 Insulin high
10022484 Insulin hypoglycaemia
10022485 Insulin hypoglycemia
10022486 Insulin increased
10022487 Insulin low
10022488 Insulin normal
10022489 Insulin resistance
10022490 Insulin resistance syndrome
10022491 Insulin resistant diabetes
10022492 Insulin shock
10022493 Insulin tolerance test
10022494 Insulin tolerance test abnormal
10022495 Insulin tolerance test normal
10022496 Insulin value increased
10022497 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
10022498 Insulinoma
10022515 Intellect impaired
10022516 Intelligence decreased
10022517 Intelligence increased
10022518 Intelligence reduced
10022519 Intensive care
10022520 Intention tremor
10022521 Intentional injury
10022522 Intentional injury to child
10022523 Intentional overdose
10022524 Intentional self-injury
10022527 Interaction with alcohol
10022529 Interatrial foramen secundum defect
10022530 Intercapillary glomerulosclerosis
10022531 Intercostal myalgia
10022532 Intercostal neurectomy
10022533 Intercostal retraction
10022534 Interference laboratory test
10022535 Interference with laboratory test
10022536 Interferon gamma decreased
10022537 Interferon gamma low
10022538 Interferon gamma normal
10022539 Interleukin therapy
10022540 Interleukin-10 therapy
10022541 Interleukin-11 therapy
10022542 Interleukin-12 therapy
10022543 Interleukin-13 therapy
10022544 Interleukin-14 therapy
10022545 Interleukin-15 therapy
10022546 Interleukin-2 therapy
10022547 Interleukin-3 therapy
10022548 Interleukin-4 therapy
10022549 Interleukin-5 therapy
10022550 Interleukin-6 therapy
10022551 Interleukin-7 therapy
10022552 Interleukin-8 therapy
10022553 Interleukin-9 therapy
10022554 Intermediate coronary syndrome
10022555 Intermediate grade lymphoma
10022556 Intermediate lesions of pinta
10022557 Intermediate uveitis
10022558 Intermediate warts
10022559 Intermenstrual bleeding
10022560 Intermittent angle-closure glaucoma
10022561 Intermittent cerebral claudication
10022562 Intermittent claudication
10022563 Intermittent esotropia, alternating
10022564 Intermittent esotropia, monocular
10022565 Intermittent exophthalmos
10022566 Intermittent exotropia, alternating
10022567 Intermittent exotropia, monocular
10022568 Intermittent explosive disorder
10022569 Intermittent heterotropia
10022570 Intermittent heterotropia, unspecified
10022571 Intermittent pyrexia
10022572 Internal carotid aneurysm
10022573 Internal derangement of knee
10022574 Internal derangement of knee, other
10022575 Internal derangement of knee, unspecified
10022576 Internal fixation of fracture
10022577 Internal haemorrhoids
10022579 Internal haemorrhoids without mention of complication
10022580 Internal hemorrhoids
10022582 Internal hemorrhoids without mention of complication
10022583 Internal hordeolum
10022584 Internal injury NOS
10022588 Internal piles
10022589 Internal thrombosed haemorrhoids
10022590 Internal thrombosed hemorrhoids
10022591 International normalised ratio
10022592 International normalised ratio abnormal
10022593 International normalised ratio abnormal NOS
10022594 International normalised ratio decreased
10022595 International normalised ratio increased
10022596 International normalised ratio normal
10022597 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
10022598 Interphalangeal (joint), toe sprain
10022599 Interruption of aortic arch
10022601 Interstitial bladder brachytherapy
10022602 Interstitial brachytherapy to prostate
10022603 Interstitial brain brachytherapy
10022604 Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone
10022605 Interstitial ear, nose, or throat brachytherapy
10022606 Interstitial emphysema
10022608 Interstitial fluid increased
10022609 Interstitial keratitis
10022610 Interstitial keratitis, unspecified
10022611 Interstitial lung disease
10022612 Interstitial lung fibrosis
10022613 Interstitial myositis
10022614 Interstitial nephritis acute
10022615 Interstitial nephritis chronic
10022616 Interstitial pancreas brachytherapy
10022617 Interstitial pneumonia
10022618 Interstitial pneumonitis
10022619 Interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
10022620 Intertriginous candidiasis
10022621 Intertriginous moniliasis
10022622 Intertrigo
10022623 Intertrigo candida
10022625 Interventricular septal rupture
10022626 Interventricular septum rupture
10022627 Intervertebral disc degeneration NOS
10022628 Intervertebral disc disorder NOS
10022636 Intervertebral disc displacement
10022637 Intervertebral disc lesion NOS
10022638 Intervertebral disc prolapse
10022639 Intestinal amebiasis
10022640 Intestinal angina
10022641 Intestinal carcinoma
10022642 Intestinal dilatation
10022643 Intestinal dilatation toxic severe
10022644 Intestinal disaccharidase deficiencies and disaccharide malabsorption
10022647 Intestinal fistula
10022648 Intestinal fluke
10022649 Intestinal fluke infection
10022650 Intestinal functional disorder NOS
10022651 Intestinal gangrene
10022652 Intestinal gangrene NOS
10022654 Intestinal helminthiasis, unspecified
10022655 Intestinal hypermotility
10022656 Intestinal infarct
10022657 Intestinal infarction
10022658 Intestinal infection due to aerobacter aerogenes
10022659 Intestinal infection due to arizona group of paracolon bacilli
10022660 Intestinal infection due to campylobacter
10022661 Intestinal infection due to clostridium difficile
10022662 Intestinal infection due to enterohemorrhagic E. coli
10022663 Intestinal infection due to enteroinvasive E. coli
10022664 Intestinal infection due to enteropathogenic E. coli
10022665 Intestinal infection due to enterotoxigenic E. coli
10022666 Intestinal infection due to Escherichia coli (E. coli)
10022673 Intestinal infection due to proteus (mirabilis) (morganii)
10022674 Intestinal infection due to pseudomonas
10022675 Intestinal infection due to staphylococcus
10022676 Intestinal infection due to unspecified E. coli
10022677 Intestinal infection due to yersinia enterocolitica
10022680 Intestinal ischaemia
10022681 Intestinal ischemia
10022682 Intestinal large ulcer
10022683 Intestinal malabsorption
10022684 Intestinal movement disorder
10022686 Intestinal necrosis
10022687 Intestinal obstruction
10022688 Intestinal obstruction complicating hernia
10022689 Intestinal obstruction due to inspissated milk in newborn
10022690 Intestinal obstruction NOS
10022691 Intestinal obstruction without mention of hernia
10022693 Intestinal parasitism, unspecified
10022694 Intestinal perforation
10022695 Intestinal perforation large
10022696 Intestinal perforation NOS
10022697 Intestinal perforation small
10022698 Intestinal pseudo-obstruction
10022699 Intestinal stenosis
10022700 Intestinal stenosis NOS
10022701 Intestinal stricture
10022702 Intestinal stricture NOS
10022703 Intestinal T-cell lymphoma
10022705 Intestinal T-cell lymphoma NOS
10022706 Intestinal T-cell lymphoma recurrent
10022707 Intestinal T-cell lymphoma refractory
10022708 Intestinal T-cell lymphoma stage I
10022709 Intestinal T-cell lymphoma stage II
10022710 Intestinal T-cell lymphoma stage III
10022711 Intestinal T-cell lymphoma stage IV
10022712 Intestinal transposition
10022713 Intestinal trichomoniasis
10022714 Intestinal ulcer
10022715 Intestinal ulcer perforated
10022716 Intestinal ulcer perforation NOS
10022717 Intestinal ulceration
10022718 Intestinal ulceration NOS
10022719 Intestinal ulceration perforated
10022721 Intestine dilatation toxic severe
10022722 Intestinovesical fistula
10022723 Intolerance alcoholic
10022724 Intolerance contact lens
10022727 Intoxication
10022728 Intra-abdominal haemangioma
10022729 Intra-abdominal haemorrhage NOS
10022730 Intra-abdominal metastases
10022731 Intra-amniotic injection
10022732 Intra-bronchial lung brachytherapy
10022733 Intra-cavitary uterus brachytherapy
10022734 Intra-cavity bladder brachytherapy
10022735 Intra-cerebral aneurysm clipping
10022736 Intra-cerebral aneurysm operation
10022737 Intra-cerebral haemorrhage
10022738 Intra-cranial lesion excision
10022739 Intra-epidermal carcinoma
10022740 Intra-nasal antrostomy
10022741 Intra-peritoneal abscess
10022742 Intra-peritoneal abscess drainage
10022743 Intra-thoracic aortic aneurysm repair
10022744 Intra-uterine coil
10022745 Intra-uterine contraceptive device
10022746 Intra-uterine contraceptive device expelled
10022747 Intra-uterine death
10022748 Intra-uterine hypoxia
10022749 Intra-venous cholecystogram
10022750 Intraarticular haemorrhage
10022751 Intracerebral bleed
10022752 Intracerebral haematoma evacuation NOS
10022753 Intracerebral haemorrhage
10022754 Intracerebral hemorrhage
10022755 Intracranial abscess
10022758 Intracranial aneurysm
10022759 Intracranial haemangioma
10022760 Intracranial haemorrhage NOS
10022761 Intracranial haemorrhage ruptured aneurysm
10022762 Intracranial haemorrhage, unspecified
10022763 Intracranial hemorrhage
10022764 Intracranial hypertension
10022765 Intracranial hypertension NOS
10022766 Intracranial injury NOS
10022767 Intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature
10022770 Intracranial meningioma malignant
10022772 Intracranial pressure increase
10022773 Intracranial pressure increased
10022774 Intracranial pressure increased NOS
10022775 Intracranial tumour haemorrhage
10022776 Intracranial venous sinus thrombosis NOS
10022777 Intradermal test positive
10022779 Intraductal breast cancer (in situ)
10022781 Intraductal papilloma of breast
10022782 Intraepidermal carcinoma
10022783 Intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma
10022784 Intrahepatic bile duct cancer
10022785 Intrahepatic bile duct cancer non-resectable
10022786 Intrahepatic bile duct cancer NOS
10022787 Intrahepatic bile duct cancer recurrent
10022788 Intrahepatic bile duct cancer resectable
10022789 Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma
10022790 Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma non-resectable
10022791 Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma recurrent
10022792 Intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma resectable
10022793 Intrahepatic biliary obstruction
10022794 Intramural leiomyoma of uterus
10022797 Intraocular melanoma NOS
10022798 Intraocular melanoma, non-spindle cell
10022799 Intraocular melanoma, spindle cell
10022801 Intraocular pressure
10022802 Intraocular pressure abnormal
10022803 Intraocular pressure abnormal NOS
10022804 Intraocular pressure decreased
10022805 Intraocular pressure high
10022806 Intraocular pressure increased
10022807 Intraocular pressure low
10022808 Intraocular pressure normal
10022809 Intraocular pressure raised
10022810 Intraocular retinoblastoma
10022811 Intrapleural fluid retention of
10022812 Intraretinal yellow white spot
10022813 Intraspinal abscess
10022814 Intrauterine death affecting management of mother
10022815 Intrauterine death, affecting management of mother, antepartum
10022816 Intrauterine death, affecting management of mother, delivered
10022819 Intrauterine growth retardation
10022821 Intrauterine synechiae
10022822 Intravascular haemolysis
10022824 Intravenous cholangiography
10022825 Intravenous cholangiography abnormal
10022826 Intravenous cholangiography normal
10022827 Intravenous cholecystogram
10022828 Intravenous cholecystogram abnormal
10022829 Intravenous cholecystogram normal
10022830 Intravenous drug abuser
10022831 Intravenous drug user (IVDU)
10022832 Intravenous pyelogram
10022833 Intravenous pyelogram abnormal
10022834 Intravenous pyelogram normal
10022835 Intravenous pyelography
10022836 Intravenous urogram
10022837 Intravenous urogram abnormal
10022838 Intravenous urogram normal
10022839 Intraventricular block
10022840 Intraventricular haemorrhage
10022841 Intraventricular haemorrhage neonatal
10022842 Intraventricular haemorrhage NOS
10022844 Intraventricular hemorrhage neonatal
10022847 Intrinsic asthma
10022848 Intrinsic asthma with status asthmaticus
10022850 Intrinsic cartilagenous obstruction of Eustachian tube
10022851 Intrinsic factor antibody
10022852 Intrinsic factor antibody abnormal
10022853 Intrinsic factor antibody negative
10022854 Intrinsic factor antibody normal
10022855 Intrinsic factor antibody positive
10022856 Introital stretch
10022857 Introspective & anxiety-prone patient
10022858 Introverted disorder of childhood
10022859 Introverted personality
10022860 Intubation
10022861 Intubation difficult
10022862 Intubation NOS
10022863 Intussusception
10022864 Inulin clearance
10022865 Inulin clearance decreased
10022866 Inulin clearance increased
10022867 Inulin clearance normal
10022868 Inulin renal clearance
10022869 Inulin renal clearance abnormal
10022870 Inulin renal clearance decreased
10022871 Inulin renal clearance increased
10022872 Inulin renal clearance low
10022873 Inulin renal clearance normal
10022874 Invagination of colon
10022875 Invagination of intestine
10022876 Invalid
10022877 Invasive bladder cancer
10022878 Invasive bladder cancer stage II
10022879 Invasive bladder cancer stage III
10022880 Invasive bladder cancer stage IV
10022881 Invasive bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
10022882 Invasive ductal breast cancer
10022884 Inversion of uterus, postpartum
10022886 Inverted T waves
10022887 Inverting papilloma of the nasal cavity
10022888 Inverting papilloma of the paranasal sinus
10022889 Investigation abnormal NOS
10022890 Investigation NOS abnormal
10022894 Involuntary dystonic movements
10022895 Involuntary movement (NOS)
10022896 Involuntary movement oral
10022897 Involuntary movement oral (circumoral)
10022898 Involuntary muscle movement
10022899 Involutional depression
10022900 Involutional melancholia
10022901 Iodide eruption
10022902 Iodide intoxication
10022903 Iodine 131 uptake decreased
10022904 Iodine 131 uptake increased
10022907 Iodine goitre congenital
10022908 Iodine hypothyroidism
10022911 Iodine isotope uptake decreased
10022912 Iodine isotope uptake increased
10022913 Iodine protein-bound decreased
10022914 Iodine protein-bound increased
10022917 Iodine uptake
10022918 Iodine uptake abnormal
10022919 Iodine uptake abnormal NOS
10022920 Iodine uptake decreased
10022921 Iodine uptake high
10022922 Iodine uptake increased
10022923 Iodine uptake low
10022924 Iodine uptake normal
10022925 Iodine uptake NOS decreased
10022926 Iodism
10022927 Iodism symptom
10022928 Iodo acne
10022929 Ionized calcium
10022930 Ionized calcium decreased
10022931 Ionized calcium increased
10022932 Ionized calcium normal
10022933 Ionized magnesium
10022934 Ionized magnesium abnormal
10022935 Ionized magnesium decreased
10022936 Ionized magnesium increased
10022937 Ionized magnesium normal
10022938 Irascibility
10022939 Irascible
10022940 Iridectomy
10022941 Iridocyclitis
10022942 Iridodialysis
10022943 Iridoschisis
10022944 Iridotomy
10022945 Iris adhesions
10022948 Iris atrophy
10022949 Iris cyst
10022950 Iris disorder NOS
10022954 Iris vascular disorder NOS
10022955 Iritis
10022956 Iron
10022957 Iron abnormal NOS
10022959 Iron binding capacity decreased
10022960 Iron binding capacity total
10022961 Iron binding capacity total abnormal
10022962 Iron binding capacity total abnormal NOS
10022963 Iron binding capacity total decreased
10022964 Iron binding capacity total high
10022965 Iron binding capacity total increased
10022966 Iron binding capacity total low
10022967 Iron binding capacity total normal
10022968 Iron decreased
10022970 Iron deficiency
10022972 Iron deficiency anaemia
10022974 Iron deficiency anemia
10022975 Iron deficiency anemia secondary to blood loss (chronic)
10022976 Iron deficiency anemia secondary to inadequate dietary iron intake
10022977 Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified
10022980 Iron high
10022981 Iron increased
10022982 Iron low
10022983 Iron metabolism disorder
10022985 Iron normal
10022986 Iron serum decreased
10022987 Iron serum increased
10022988 Irradiation cystitis
10022989 Irrational
10022990 Irregular astigmatism
10022991 Irregular menstrual cycle
10022992 Irregular menstruation
10022993 Irregular periods
10022994 Irregular pulse
10022995 Irregular sleep phase
10022996 Irresponsibility
10022997 Irreversible renal failure
10022998 Irritability
10023000 Irritable
10023001 Irritable bladder
10023002 Irritable bowel
10023003 Irritable bowel syndrome
10023004 Irritable colon
10023005 Irritable colon syndrome
10023006 Irritable excitation
10023007 Irritable hyperkinesis
10023008 Irritable sensation transient
10023009 Irritable stomach
10023010 Irritable symptom
10023011 Irritant cough
10023012 Irritation conjunctival
10023013 Irritation eye
10023014 Irritation gastric
10023015 Irritation gastrointestinal
10023016 Irritation of eyes
10023017 Irritation skin
10023018 Irritative cough
10023020 Ischaemia peripheral
10023022 Ischaemic feet
10023023 Ischaemic foot
10023024 Ischaemic heart disease
10023025 Ischaemic hepatitis
10023026 Ischaemic leg ulcer
10023027 Ischaemic stroke NOS
10023028 Ischemia bowel
10023029 Ischemia cerebral
10023030 Ischemia cerebrovascular
10023031 Ischemia coronary artery origin
10023033 Ischemia myocardial
10023034 Ischemia peripheral
10023035 Ischemia placental
10023036 Ischemia retinal
10023037 Ischemic colitis
10023038 Ischemic feet
10023039 Ischemic foot
10023040 Ischemic hepatitis
10023041 Ischemic optic neuropathy
10023042 Ischial neuralgia
10023044 Ischiatic hernia
10023045 Ischiocapsular (ligament) sprain
10023046 Ischiorectal abscess
10023047 Ischiorectal hernia
10023048 Ishihara chart tests
10023049 Ishihara chart tests abnormal
10023050 Ishihara chart tests normal
10023052 Isoimmune haemolytic disease
10023058 Isoimmunization NOS
10023059 Isolated cellular immune defect
10023060 Isolated explosive disorder
10023061 Isolated tracheal or bronchial tuberculosis
10023069 Isopropanol
10023070 Isopropanol decreased
10023071 Isopropanol high
10023072 Isopropanol increased
10023073 Isopropanol normal
10023074 Isospora belli
10023076 Isosporiasis
10023077 Isosthenuria
10023078 Isotope pleura therapy
10023079 Isotope therapy to pleura
10023080 Isotope therapy to thyroid
10023081 Isotope thyroid therapy
10023082 Itch
10023083 Itch burning
10023084 Itching
10023085 Itching - generalised
10023086 Itching all over
10023087 Itching both hands
10023088 Itching eyes
10023089 Itchy
10023090 Itchy eyes
10023091 Itchy legs
10023092 Itchy rash
10023093 Itchy scalp
10023094 Itchy skin
10023096 IUCD
10023097 IUCD complication
10023098 IUCD expelled
10023100 IUD complication
10023101 IUD embedded
10023102 IUD expelled
10023104 IVDU
10023105 IVP
10023106 IVP abnormal
10023107 IVP normal
10023108 IVth nerve injury
10023109 IVth nerve palsy
10023110 IVth nerve paralysis
10023111 IVU
10023112 IVU abnormal
10023113 IVU normal
10023114 Jacksonian epilepsy
10023115 Jacksonian seizures
10023116 Jacob-Creutzfeld disease
10023117 Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease
10023118 Jamais vu
10023119 Japanese B encephalitis
10023120 Japanese B viral encephalitis
10023122 Japanese B virus encephalitis
10023123 Japanese encephalitis
10023124 Jargon aphasia
10023125 Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
10023126 Jaundice
10023127 Jaundice (excl neonatal)
10023128 Jaundice acholuric
10023129 Jaundice cholestatic
10023130 Jaundice extrahepatic obstructive
10023131 Jaundice extrahepatic obstructive NOS
10023132 Jaundice haemolytic
10023133 Jaundice hematogenous
10023135 Jaundice hemolytic
10023136 Jaundice hepatocellular
10023137 Jaundice in baby
10023138 Jaundice neonatal
10023139 Jaundice NOS
10023140 Jaundice nuclear
10023141 Jaundice of newborn
10023142 Jaundice, unspecified, not of newborn
10023143 Jaw bone pain
10023144 Jaw breathing
10023145 Jaw cramp
10023146 Jaw cyst
10023147 Jaw dislocation
10023148 Jaw disorder NOS
10023149 Jaw fracture
10023150 Jaw inflammation
10023151 Jaw joint rigid state of
10023152 Jaw lesion excision
10023153 Jaw malformation
10023154 Jaw malformation NOS
10023155 Jaw movements disturbance
10023156 Jaw osteitis
10023157 Jaw pain
10023158 Jaw spasm
10023159 Jaw sprain
10023161 Jaw stiffness
10023163 JC virus infection
10023164 Jealous delusion
10023165 Jefferson's fracture
10023166 Jejunal cancer
10023167 Jejunal cancer metastatic
10023168 Jejunal cancer non-resectable
10023169 Jejunal cancer NOS
10023170 Jejunal cancer recurrent
10023171 Jejunal cancer resectable
10023172 Jejunal gangrene
10023173 Jejunal haemorrhage
10023174 Jejunal perforation
10023175 Jejunal resection
10023176 Jejunal stenosis
10023177 Jejunal ulcer
10023178 Jejunal ulcer perforation
10023179 Jejunal operation NOS
10023180 Jejunostomy
10023181 Jejunostomy refashioning
10023182 Jejunum cancer
10023183 Jejunum cancer metastatic
10023184 Jejunum cancer non-resectable
10023185 Jejunum cancer NOS
10023186 Jejunum cancer recurrent
10023187 Jejunum cancer resectable
10023188 Jerkiness
10023189 Jerky movement NOS
10023190 Jet lag
10023191 Jitteriness
10023192 Job change
10023193 Job dissatisfaction
10023194 Job layoff
10023195 Job problems
10023196 Job's syndrome
10023197 Joint ache
10023198 Joint ankylosis
10023199 Joint arthrodesis
10023200 Joint aspiration
10023201 Joint contracture
10023202 Joint deposit
10023203 Joint destruction
10023204 Joint dislocation
10023206 Joint dislocation pathological
10023207 Joint dislocation recurrent
10023209 Joint dislocation temporomandibular
10023211 Joint disorder
10023212 Joint disorder NOS
10023214 Joint dysfunction
10023215 Joint effusion
10023216 Joint infection
10023217 Joint inflammation
10023218 Joint injection
10023219 Joint malformation
10023220 Joint manipulation
10023222 Joint pain
10023223 Joint prosthesis removal
10023224 Joint prosthesis replacement
10023225 Joint reconstruction
10023227 Joint replacement
10023228 Joint replacement (excl hip and knee)
10023229 Joint sprain
10023230 Joint stiffness
10023231 Joint subluxation
10023232 Joint swelling
10023233 Joint swelling inflammatory
10023234 Joint swelling noninflammatory
10023235 Joint swelling non-inflammatory
10023236 Judgement impaired
10023237 Jugular vein thrombosis
10023238 Jugular venous pressure
10023239 Jugular venous pressure decreased
10023240 Jugular venous pressure increased
10023241 Jugular venous pressure normal
10023242 Jugular venous pressure raised
10023243 Jumpiness
10023244 Jumpy
10023245 Junctional naevus
10023246 Junctional tachycardia
10023247 Junin virus infection
10023248 Juvenile chronic myeloid leukaemia
10023249 Juvenile chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia
10023250 Juvenile chronic polyarthritis
10023251 Juvenile delinquency
10023252 Juvenile dermatitis herpetiformis
10023253 Juvenile diabetes
10023254 Juvenile epithelial corneal dystrophy
10023255 Juvenile melanoma
10023256 Juvenile melanoma benign
10023257 Juvenile neurosyphilis
10023258 Juvenile neurosyphilis, unspecified
10023259 Juvenile osteochondrosis
10023260 Juvenile osteochondrosis of foot
10023262 Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity, excluding foot
10023263 Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine
10023264 Juvenile osteochondrosis of upper extremity
10023265 Juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma
10023266 Juvenile RA
10023267 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
10023268 Juvenile seropositive polyarticular disease
10023269 Juvenile spring eruption
10023270 JVP normal
10023271 K
10023272 K+
10023273 K+ decreased
10023274 K+ increased
10023275 Kala-azar
10023276 Kallman's syndrome
10023277 Kanner's syndrome
10023278 Kaolin cephalin clotting time
10023279 Kaolin cephalin clotting time abnormal
10023280 Kaolin cephalin clotting time abnormal NOS
10023281 Kaolin cephalin clotting time normal
10023282 Kaolin cephalin clotting time prolonged
10023283 Kaolin cephalin clotting time shortened
10023284 Kaposi's sarcoma
10023286 Kaposi's sarcoma AIDS related
10023287 Kaposi's sarcoma classical
10023288 Kaposi's sarcoma classical type
10023289 Kaposi's sarcoma epidemic type
10023290 Kaposi's sarcoma NOS
10023291 Kaposi's sarcoma, gastrointestinal sites
10023292 Kaposi's sarcoma, lung
10023293 Kaposi's sarcoma, lymph nodes
10023295 Kaposi's sarcoma, palate
10023296 Kaposi's sarcoma, skin
10023297 Kaposi's sarcoma, soft tissue
10023298 Kaposi's sarcoma, unspecified
10023299 Kartagener's syndrome
10023300 Karyotype abnormal
10023301 Karyotype abnormal NOS
10023302 Karyotype analysis
10023303 Karyotype analysis abnormal NOS
10023304 Karyotype analysis normal
10023305 Karyotype normal
10023306 Karyotyping
10023307 Kasai procedure
10023308 Kaschin-Beck disease
10023309 Kaschin-Beck disease involving ankle and foot
10023310 Kaschin-Beck disease involving forearm
10023311 Kaschin-Beck disease involving hand
10023312 Kaschin-Beck disease involving lower leg
10023316 Kaschin-Beck disease involving shoulder region
10023317 Kaschin-Beck disease involving upper arm
10023318 Kaschin-Beck disease, site unspecified
10023319 Katayama fever
10023320 Kawasaki's disease
10023321 Kayser-Fleischer ring
10023322 KCCT
10023323 KCCT decreased
10023324 KCCT increased
10023325 Keeled breast
10023326 Keeled chest
10023327 Kielland's forceps delivery
10023328 Keller's operation
10023329 Keloid
10023330 Keloid scar
10023331 Kennedy's syndrome
10023332 Keratitis
10023333 Keratitis bacterial NOS
10023334 Keratitis herpetic
10023335 Keratitis interstitial
10023336 Keratitis NOS
10023338 Keratitis punctate
10023339 Keratitis sclerosing
10023340 Keratitis striate
10023341 Keratitis superficial
10023342 Keratitis superficial diffuse
10023343 Keratitis vascular
10023344 Keratitis vesicular
10023345 Keratitis viral NOS
10023346 Keratitis, unspecified
10023347 Keratoacanthoma
10023348 Keratoconjunctivitis
10023349 Keratoconjunctivitis measles
10023350 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
10023352 Keratoconjunctivitis, unspecified
10023353 Keratoconus
10023354 Keratoconus, acute hydrops
10023355 Keratoconus, stable condition
10023356 Keratoconus, unspecified
10023357 Keratoderma
10023358 Keratoderma blenorrhagica
10023359 Keratoderma blenorrhagicum
10023360 Keratoderma, acquired
10023361 Keratomalacia
10023362 Keratomalacia NOS
10023363 Keratometry
10023364 Keratomycosis
10023365 Keratopathy
10023366 Keratopathy band
10023367 Keratopathy NOS
10023368 Keratosis
10023369 Keratosis follicular
10023370 Keratosis gonococcal
10023371 Keratosis obturans
10023372 Keratosis palmaris
10023374 Keratotomy
10023375 Kerion
10023376 Kernicterus
10023377 Kernicterus due to isoimmunization of fetus or newborn
10023378 Kernicterus of fetus or newborn not due to isoimmunization
10023379 Ketoacidosis
10023380 Ketoacidosis (diabetic)
10023383 Ketone bodies
10023384 Ketone bodies urine positive
10023387 Ketones
10023388 Ketonuria
10023389 Acetone urine absent
10023390 Acetone urine present
10023391 Ketosis
10023392 Ketosis-prone diabetes mellitus
10023393 Ketosteroids urine elevated
10023394 Kidney abscess
10023395 Kidney anastomosis
10023396 Kidney atrophic
10023397 Kidney atrophy
10023398 Kidney biopsy
10023399 Kidney calculus
10023400 Kidney cancer
10023401 Kidney cancer recurrent
10023402 Kidney cancer stage I
10023403 Kidney cancer stage II
10023404 Kidney cancer stage III
10023405 Kidney cancer stage IV
10023406 Kidney carcinoma
10023407 Kidney carcinoma recurrent
10023408 Kidney carcinoma stage I
10023409 Kidney carcinoma stage II
10023410 Kidney carcinoma stage III
10023411 Kidney carcinoma stage IV
10023412 Kidney contracted
10023413 Kidney contusion
10023414 Kidney cortex necrosis
10023415 Kidney crystallisation
10023416 Kidney duplex
10023417 Kidney dysfunction
10023418 Kidney failure
10023419 Kidney failure acute
10023420 Kidney failure chronic
10023421 Kidney fibrosis
10023422 Kidney function abnormal
10023423 Kidney hypermobility
10023424 Kidney infection
10023425 Kidney infection acute
10023426 Kidney infection acute NOS
10023427 Kidney infection chronic
10023428 Kidney infection chronic NOS
10023429 Kidney infection NOS
10023430 Kidney malformation
10023432 Kidney pain
10023433 Kidney polycystic
10023434 Kidney rupture
10023435 Kidney small
10023436 Kidney stone
10023437 Kidney stones
10023438 Kidney transplant
10023439 Kidney transplant rejection
10023440 Kidney tubular disorder
10023441 Kidney tubular necrosis
10023442 Kidney tubule disorder
10023443 Kidney tubule necrosis
10023444 Kidney tumors recurrent
10023445 Kidney tumors stage I
10023446 Kidney tumors stage II
10023447 Kidney tumors stage III
10023448 Kidney tumors stage IV
10023449 Kidney vasculitis
10023450 Kinesthetic hallucination
10023451 Kinking of ureter
10023452 Kinky hair syndrome
10023453 Kissing spine
10023454 Klebsiella infection NOS
10023456 Klebsiella pneumonia
10023457 Klebsiella pneumoniae cystitis
10023458 Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia
10023459 Klebsiellal cystitis
10023460 Klebsiellal pneumonia
10023461 Kleptomania
10023463 Klinefelter's syndrome
10023464 Klippel-Feil syndrome
10023465 Klismaphilia
10023466 Klumpke's palsy
10023467 Klumpke's paralysis
10023468 Knee arthrodesis
10023469 Knee arthroplasty
10023470 Knee deformity (acquired)
10023471 Knee deformity NOS
10023472 Knee derangement
10023473 Knee dislocation
10023474 Knee effusion
10023475 Knee ligament repair
10023476 Knee osteoarthritis
10023477 Knee pain
10023478 Knee sprain
10023479 Knee total replacement
10023480 Knock-knee
10023482 Koeppe nodules
10023483 Koilocytotic pap smear
10023484 Korean haemorrhagic fever
10023485 Korsakoff's disease
10023487 Korsakoff's psychosis (non-alcoholic)
10023490 Korsakov's psychosis, alcoholic
10023491 Kosher diet
10023492 Krabbe's disease
10023493 KUB X-ray
10023494 Kugelberg-Welander disease
10023495 Kupffer cell decrease
10023497 Kuru
10023498 Kuru agent infection
10023499 Kussmaul respiration
10023500 Kussmaul's disease
10023501 Kussmaul's sign positive
10023502 Kussmauls sign absent
10023503 Kussmauls sign positive
10023504 Kwashiorkor
10023505 Kyasanur Forest disease
10023506 Kyphoscoliosis
10023508 Kyphoscoliotic heart disease
10023509 Kyphosis
10023510 Kyphosis (acquired)
10023511 Kyphosis (acquired) (postural)
10023513 Kyphosis due to radiation
10023514 Kyphosis post surgical
10023515 Kyphosis radiation
10023517 L. infantum
10023518 L.braziliensis
10023519 L.donovani
10023520 L.mexicana
10023521 L.tropica
10023523 La belle indifference
10023524 Lab test abnormal
10023526 Lab test interference
10023527 Labia enlarged
10023528 Labial abscess drainage
10023531 Labial operation NOS
10023532 Labile affect
10023533 Labile blood pressure
10023534 Lability emotional
10023535 Labium majus pudendi purulence
10023536 Labium majus pudendi redness
10023537 Labium majus pudendi swelling
10023538 Labium majus pudendi ulcer
10023539 Labor abnormal
10023540 Labor induced
10023541 Labor interrupted
10023543 Labor pains stopped
10023544 Labor precipitous
10023545 Labor premature
10023546 Labor prolonged
10023547 Laboratory test abnormal
10023548 Laboratory test abnormal NOS
10023550 Laboratory test interference
10023551 Laboratory test interference NOS
10023552 Labored breathing
10023553 Labour onset delayed
10023554 Labour pains stopped
10023555 Labour premature
10023556 Laboured breathing
10023557 Laboured respiration
10023558 Labyrinthine disorder
10023559 Labyrinthine disorder NOS
10023560 Labyrinthine disorders
10023561 Labyrinthine dysfunction
10023562 Labyrinthine dysfunction, unspecified
10023563 Labyrinthine fistula
10023565 Labyrinthine fistula, unspecified
10023567 Labyrinthitis
10023568 Labyrinthitis (excl dizziness)
10023569 Labyrinthitis NOS
10023570 Labyrinthitis, unspecified
10023571 Lacerated cervix
10023572 Laceration
10023573 Laceration of abdomen
10023574 Laceration of arm
10023575 Laceration of blood vessel
10023576 Laceration of breast
10023579 Laceration of cervix, with delivery
10023580 Laceration of chest
10023581 Laceration of eyelid
10023582 Laceration of eyelid involving lacrimal passages
10023583 Laceration of eyelid, full-thickness, not involving lacrimal passages
10023584 Laceration of face
10023585 Laceration of foot
10023586 Laceration of hand
10023587 Laceration of head
10023592 Laceration of kidney with open wound into cavity
10023593 Laceration of kidney without mention of open wound into cavity
10023594 Laceration of leg
10023595 Laceration of liver, major, with open wound into cavity
10023596 Laceration of liver, major, without mention of open wound into cavity
10023597 Laceration of liver, minor, with open wound into cavity
10023598 Laceration of liver, minor, without mention of open wound into cavity
10023599 Laceration of liver, moderate, with open wound into cavity
10023600 Laceration of liver, moderate, without mention of open wound into cavity
10023602 Laceration of lung without open wound into thorax
10023603 Laceration of mouth
10023604 Laceration of neck
10023605 Laceration of skin of eyelid and periocular area
10023607 Laceration of spleen extending into parenchyma, with open wound into cavity
10023608 Laceration of thigh
10023609 Lack of coordination
10023610 Lack of drug effect
10023611 Lack of expected normal physiological development
10023613 Lack of libido
10023614 Lack of motivation
10023615 Lack of spontaneous speech
10023618 Lacrimal atrophy
10023619 Lacrimal cyst NOS
10023620 Lacrimal disorder NOS
10023622 Lacrimal duct obstruction
10023623 Lacrimal duct obstruction (acquired)
10023624 Lacrimal duct obstruction (excl acquired)
10023625 Lacrimal duct obstruction congenital
10023626 Lacrimal duct obstruction NOS
10023627 Lacrimal duct pigmentation
10023628 Lacrimal fistula
10023630 Lacrimal gland disorder
10023631 Lacrimal gland disorder NOS
10023632 Lacrimal gland enlargement
10023633 Lacrimal gland operation
10023634 Lacrimal mucocele
10023635 Lacrimal passage granuloma
10023636 Lacrimal punctum agenesis
10023637 Lacrimal sac cellulitis
10023639 Lacrimation
10023640 Lacrimation abnormal
10023641 Lacrimation abnormal NOS
10023642 Lacrimation decreased
10023643 Lacrimation disorder
10023644 Lacrimation increased
10023645 Lacrimation reduced
10023647 LaCrosse virus infection
10023648 Lactase deficiency
10023649 Lactate
10023650 Lactate blood increase
10023651 Lactate blood increased
10023652 Lactate decreased
10023653 Lactate dehydrogenase
10023654 Lactate dehydrogenase increased
10023655 Lactate dehydrogenase normal
10023656 Lactate dehydrogenase urine
10023657 Lactate dehydrogenase urine increased
10023658 Lactate dehydrogenase urine normal
10023659 Lactate high
10023660 Lactate increased
10023661 Lactate low
10023662 Lactate normal
10023663 Lactation decreased
10023664 Lactation disorder NOS
10023666 Lactation induced
10023667 Lactation male
10023668 Lactation non-puerperal
10023670 Lactation puerperal decreased
10023671 Lactation puerperal increased
10023672 Lactation suppressed
10023673 Lactic acid
10023674 Lactic acid blood increased
10023675 Lactic acid decreased
10023676 Lactic acidosis
10023678 Lactic dehydrogenase activity increased
10023679 Lactic dehydrogenase increased
10023680 Lactose diarrhoea
10023681 Lactose intolerance
10023682 Lactose intolerant
10023683 Lagophthalmos
10023684 Lagophthalmos, unspecified
10023685 LAK cell therapy
10023686 Lamellar ichthyosis
10023687 Laminectomy spinal
10023688 Langerhans' cell granulomatosis
10023689 Lap sterilisation
10023690 Laparoscopic sterilisation
10023691 Laparoscopic sterilization
10023692 Laparoscopically assisted hysterectomy
10023693 Laparoscopy
10023694 Laparoscopy abnormal
10023695 Laparoscopy normal
10023696 Laparotomy
10023698 Large arm swelling
10023699 Large B-cell lymphoma subtype primary mediastinal (Thymic) large B-cell lymphoma
10023700 Large B-cell lymphoma subtype primary mediastinal (Thymic) large B-cell lymphoma recurrent
10023701 Large B-cell lymphoma subtype primary mediastinal (Thymic) large B-cell lymphoma refractory
10023702 Large B-cell lymphoma subtype primary mediastinal (Thymic) large B-cell lymphoma stage I
10023703 Large B-cell lymphoma subtype primary mediastinal (Thymic) large B-cell lymphoma stage II
10023704 Large B-cell lymphoma subtype primary mediastinal (Thymic) large B-cell lymphoma stage III
10023705 Large B-cell lymphoma subtype primary mediastinal (Thymic) large B-cell lymphoma stage IV
10023706 Large bowel anastomosis
10023707 Large bowel endoscopy NOS
10023708 Large bowel endoscopy NOS abnormal
10023709 Large bowel endoscopy NOS normal
10023710 Large bowel gangrene
10023711 Large bowel obstruction
10023712 Large bowel perforation
10023713 Large bowel stricture
10023714 Large bowel ulcer
10023715 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract
10023716 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract recurrent
10023717 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract stage 0
10023718 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract stage I
10023719 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract stage II
10023720 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract stage III
10023721 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract stage IIIA
10023722 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract stage IIIB
10023723 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract stage IV
10023724 Large cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract stage unspecified
10023725 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types)
10023726 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) recurrent
10023727 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) stage I
10023728 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) stage II
10023729 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) stage III
10023730 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) stage IV
10023731 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Anaplastic large cell T- and null-cell types) refractory
10023732 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10023733 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10023734 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10023735 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10023736 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10023737 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10023738 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angiocentric lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10023739 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10023740 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10023741 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) recurrent
10023742 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) refractory
10023743 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) stage II
10023744 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) stage III
10023745 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma) stage IV
10023746 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma)
10023747 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) recurrent
10023748 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) refractory
10023749 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage I
10023750 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage II
10023751 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage III
10023752 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage IV
10023753 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10023754 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10023755 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10023756 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10023757 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10023758 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10023759 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Intestinal T-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10023760 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Working Formulation)
10023761 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) recurrent
10023762 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) refractory
10023763 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage I
10023764 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage II
10023765 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage III
10023766 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage IV
10023767 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10023768 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10023769 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10023770 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10023771 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10023772 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10023773 Large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10023774 Large cell lung cancer
10023775 Large cell lung cancer recurrent
10023776 Large cell lung cancer stage 0
10023777 Large cell lung cancer stage I
10023778 Large cell lung cancer stage II
10023779 Large cell lung cancer stage III
10023780 Large cell lung cancer stage IV
10023781 Large cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) NOS
10023782 Large cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10023783 Large cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10023784 Large cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) Stage I
10023785 Large cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) Stage II
10023786 Large cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) Stage III
10023787 Large cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) Stage IV
10023788 Large fontanelle bulging
10023789 Large for dates baby
10023790 Large for gestational age
10023791 Large granular lymphocytosis
10023792 Large haematemesis
10023793 Large intestinal obstruction NOS
10023794 Large intestinal obstruction reduction
10023795 Large intestinal perforation NOS
10023797 Large intestinal stricture
10023798 Large intestinal stricture NOS
10023799 Large intestinal ulcer
10023800 Large intestine anastomosis
10023801 Large intestine endoscopy
10023802 Large intestine metastases
10023804 Large intestine perforation
10023805 Large intestine ulcer
10023806 Large noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10023807 Large noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10023808 Large noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) Stage I
10023809 Large noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) Stage II
10023810 Large noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) Stage III
10023811 Large noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) NOS
10023812 Large-for-dates pregnancy
10023822 Laryngeal biopsy
10023823 Laryngeal biopsy abnormal
10023824 Laryngeal biopsy normal
10023825 Laryngeal cancer
10023827 Laryngeal cancer NOS
10023828 Laryngeal cancer recurrent
10023829 Laryngeal cancer stage 0
10023830 Laryngeal cancer stage I
10023831 Laryngeal cancer stage II
10023832 Laryngeal cancer stage III
10023833 Laryngeal cancer stage IV
10023834 Laryngeal carcinoma in situ
10023835 Laryngeal carcinoma in situ NOS
10023836 Laryngeal diphtheria
10023837 Laryngeal disorder NOS
10023838 Laryngeal edema
10023839 Laryngeal keratotic plaque
10023840 Laryngeal neoplasia
10023841 Laryngeal neoplasm
10023842 Laryngeal neoplasm benign NOS
10023843 Laryngeal neoplasm NOS
10023845 Laryngeal oedema
10023846 Laryngeal operation NOS
10023848 Laryngeal pain
10023849 Laryngeal papilloma
10023850 Laryngeal papillomatosis
10023851 Laryngeal polyp
10023852 Laryngeal polypectomy
10023853 Laryngeal repair
10023854 Laryngeal spasm
10023856 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
10023857 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10023858 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10023859 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10023860 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10023861 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10023862 Laryngeal stenosis
10023863 Laryngeal stricture
10023864 Laryngeal ulceration
10023865 Laryngeal verrucous carcinoma
10023866 Laryngeal verrucous carcinoma recurrent
10023867 Laryngeal verrucous carcinoma stage I
10023868 Laryngeal verrucous carcinoma stage II
10023869 Laryngeal verrucous carcinoma stage III
10023870 Laryngeal verrucous carcinoma stage IV
10023871 Laryngeal web
10023872 Laryngectomy
10023873 Laryngismus
10023874 Laryngitis
10023875 Laryngitis (acute)
10023876 Laryngitis acute NOS
10023877 Laryngitis chronic
10023878 Laryngitis chronic NOS
10023879 Laryngitis NOS
10023880 Laryngitis viral
10023881 Laryngitis viral NOS
10023882 Laryngotracheitis
10023883 Laryngo-tracheitis acute NOS
10023885 Laryngocele
10023886 Laryngoparalysis
10023887 Laryngopharyngitis NOS
10023888 Laryngoscopy
10023889 Laryngoscopy abnormal
10023890 Laryngoscopy normal
10023891 Laryngospasm
10023892 Laryngotracheal edema
10023893 Laryngotracheal oedema
10023894 Laryngotracheitis acute NOS
10023895 Laryngotracheitis chronic NOS
10023896 Laryngotracheitis NOS
10023897 Laryngotracheitis obstructive
10023898 Laryngotracheobronchitis
10023899 Larynx burning pain of
10023900 Larynx cancer
10023901 Larynx cancer recurrent
10023902 Larynx cancer stage I
10023903 Larynx cancer stage II
10023904 Larynx cancer stage III
10023905 Larynx cancer stage IV
10023906 Larynx carcinoma
10023907 Larynx carcinoma recurrent
10023908 Larynx carcinoma stage I
10023909 Larynx carcinoma stage II
10023910 Larynx carcinoma stage III
10023911 Larynx carcinoma stage IV
10023912 Larynx edema
10023913 Larynx muscle hypersensitive
10023914 Larynx neoplasm benign
10023915 Larynx neoplasm malignant
10023916 Larynx neoplasm malignant recurrent
10023917 Larynx neoplasm malignant stage I
10023918 Larynx neoplasm malignant stage II
10023919 Larynx neoplasm malignant stage III
10023920 Larynx neoplasm malignant stage IV
10023921 Larynx oedema
10023922 Larynx pain
10023923 Larynx ulcer
10023924 Larynx ulceration
10023925 Laser prostatectomy
10023926 Laser therapy NOS
10023927 Lassa fever
10023928 Lassa virus infection
10023929 Lassitude
10023931 Late amputation stump complication
10023934 Late congenital syphilis, latent
10023935 Late congenital syphilis, unspecified
10023936 Late developer
10023941 Late effect of burn of unspecified site
10023946 Late effect of complication of pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium
10023950 Late effect of dislocation
10023952 Late effect of fracture of lower extremities
10023954 Late effect of fracture of neck of femur
10023957 Late effect of fracture of upper extremities
10023960 Late effect of injury to cranial nerve
10023965 Late effect of internal injury to chest
10023966 Late effect of internal injury to intra-abdominal organs
10023967 Late effect of internal injury to intraabdominal organs
10023975 Late effect of radiation
10023976 Late effect of spinal cord injury
10023979 Late effect of superficial injury
10023980 Late effect of tendon injury
10023981 Late effect of toxic effect of nonmedical substances
10023983 Late effect of traumatic amputation
10023984 Late effect of unspecified injury
10023985 Late effects of acute poliomyelitis
10023986 Late effects of central nervous system tuberculosis
10023987 Late effects of cerebrovascular disease
10023988 Late effects of genitourinary tuberculosis
10023994 Late effects of other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases
10023996 Late effects of other infectious and parasitic diseases
10023999 Late effects of tuberculosis
10024001 Late effects of tuberculosis of other specified organs
10024002 Late effects of viral encephalitis
10024003 Late lesions of pinta
10024004 Late metabolic acidosis of newborn
10024005 Late onset asthma
10024006 Late onset epilepsy
10024007 Late onset hypogammaglobulinaemia
10024008 Late period
10024009 Late symptomatic syphilis, unspecified
10024010 Late syphilis, latent
10024011 Late syphilis, unspecified
10024012 Late vomiting of pregnancy
10024013 Late vomiting of pregnancy, antepartum
10024014 Late vomiting of pregnancy, delivered
10024015 Late vomiting of pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10024016 Latent diabetes
10024017 Latent infection appearance of
10024018 Latent nystagmus
10024019 Latent schizophrenia
10024020 Latent schizophrenia, chronic state
10024021 Latent schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10024022 Latent schizophrenia, in remission
10024023 Latent schizophrenia, subchronic state
10024024 Latent schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10024025 Latent schizophrenia, unspecified state
10024026 Latent syphilis, unspecified
10024027 Latent yaws
10024028 Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh decompression
10024029 Lateral dislocation of tibia, proximal end, closed
10024030 Lateral dislocation of tibia, proximal end, open
10024031 Lateral displacement of globe
10024032 Lateral epicondylitis
10024033 Lateral medullary syndrome
10024034 Lateral popliteal decompression
10024035 Lateral popliteal nerve biopsy
10024036 Lateral popliteal nerve lesion NOS
10024037 Latissimus dorsi flap
10024038 Latissimus flap
10024039 Lattice corneal dystrophy
10024040 Lattice degeneration of retina
10024041 Laugh incontinence
10024043 Laxative abuse
10024044 Laxative supportive care
10024045 Laxity of ligament
10024046 LBBB
10024047 LCM virus infection
10024048 LDH
10024051 LDH increased
10024052 LDH increased serum
10024053 LDH increased urine
10024054 LDL
10024055 LDL cholesterol increased
10024057 LDL increased
10024058 LDL low
10024059 LDL raised
10024060 LE arthritis
10024061 LE cells absent
10024062 LE cells present
10024064 LE reaction systemic
10024065 LE syndrome
10024066 LE syndrome aggravated
10024067 LE systemic
10024068 LE test abnormal
10024069 LE test abnormality
10024070 LE type reaction
10024071 LE-like butterfly rash
10024072 LE-like discoid rash
10024073 LE-like drug eruption
10024075 Lead
10024076 Lead decreased
10024077 Lead high
10024078 Lead increased
10024079 Lead line
10024080 Lead low
10024081 Lead normal
10024082 Lead pipe rigidity
10024083 Lead poisoning
10024084 Lead urine
10024085 Lead urine abnormal
10024086 Lead urine decreased
10024087 Lead urine high
10024088 Lead urine increased
10024089 Lead urine low
10024090 Lead urine normal
10024091 Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid
10024092 Learning disability
10024093 Learning disorder NOS
10024096 Left anterior hemiblock
10024097 Left arm paresis
10024098 Left arm venogram
10024099 Left atrial myxoma
10024100 Left bundle branch block
10024101 Left bundle branch hemiblock
10024102 Left cardiac failure
10024103 Left cataract
10024104 Left cataract extraction
10024105 Left deep vein thrombosis
10024106 Left heart failure
10024107 Left hemicolectomy
10024108 Left hemiplegia
10024109 Left inguinal hernia
10024110 Left main stem disease
10024111 Left oophorectomy
10024112 Left otitis externa
10024113 Left otitis media (acute, non-supp)
10024114 Left posterior hemiblock
10024115 Left salpingo-oophorectomy
10024116 Left sided paralysis
10024117 Left ventricular angiography
10024118 Left ventricular ejection decreased
10024119 Left ventricular failure
10024121 Left ventriculogram
10024122 Left ventriculography
10024123 Left-sided ulcerative (chronic) colitis
10024124 Leg amputation
10024125 Leg cramps
10024126 Leg crushing
10024127 Leg edema
10024128 Leg fracture
10024129 Leg oedema
10024130 Leg pain
10024131 Leg paralysis
10024132 Leg spasticity
10024133 Leg traumatic amputation
10024135 Legal blindness, as defined in U.S.A.
10024137 Legal problem
10024138 Legal problem NOS
10024139 Legally induced abortion
10024180 Legionella pneumophila pneumonia
10024181 Legionellal pneumonia
10024182 Legionnaire's disease
10024183 Legs restless
10024184 Leiomyoma
10024185 Leiomyoma NOS
10024186 Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified
10024187 Leiomyoma uterine degenerated
10024189 Leiomyosarcoma
10024191 Leiomyosarcoma metastatic
10024192 Leiomyosarcoma non-metastatic
10024193 Leiomyosarcoma NOS
10024194 Leiomyosarcoma recurrent
10024195 Leishmania braziliensis infection
10024196 Leishmania donovani infection
10024197 Leishmania tropica infection
10024198 Leishmaniasis
10024199 Leishmaniasis NOS
10024200 Leishmaniasis visceral (kala-azar)
10024201 Leishmaniasis, unspecified
10024202 Lens abnormality, congenital
10024203 Lens dislocation
10024204 Lens disorder NOS
10024206 Lens implant
10024207 Lens implant removal
10024208 Lens opacity
10024211 Lens-induced iridocyclitis
10024212 Lenticular deposit
10024213 Lenticular deposits
10024214 Lenticular opacities
10024215 Lenticular opacity
10024216 Lenticular pigmentation
10024217 Lentigo
10024218 Lentigo maligna
10024219 Lentigo maligna melanoma
10024220 Lentigo maligna recurrent
10024221 Lentigo maligna stage I
10024222 Lentigo maligna stage II
10024223 Lentigo maligna stage III
10024224 Lentigo maligna stage IV
10024225 Lentigo maligna stage unspecified
10024226 Lentigo melanoma
10024227 Lepromatous leprosy
10024229 Leprosy
10024231 Leprosy NOS
10024232 Leprosy, unspecified
10024233 Leptomeningeal metastases
10024235 Leptospira interrogans infection mild
10024236 Leptospira interrogans infection severe
10024237 Leptospiral meningitis (aseptic)
10024238 Leptospirosis
10024239 Leptospirosis icterohaemorrhagica
10024240 Leptospirosis icterohemorrhagica
10024241 Leptospirosis, unspecified
10024242 Leriche syndrome
10024243 Lesbian mother
10024244 Lesbianism
10024245 Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
10024246 Lesion corneal
10024247 Lesion of lateral popliteal nerve
10024248 Lesion of medial popliteal nerve
10024249 Lesion of plantar nerve
10024250 Lesion of radial nerve
10024251 Lesion of sciatic nerve
10024252 Lesion of ulnar nerve
10024253 Less alert on arising
10024254 Lesser curvature gastric ulcer
10024255 Lethal midline granuloma
10024256 Lethal midline granuloma recurrent
10024257 Lethal midline granuloma stage II
10024258 Lethal midline granuloma stage IV
10024259 Lethal midline granuloma refractory
10024260 Lethal midline granuloma stage I
10024261 Lethal midline granuloma stage III
10024262 Lethargic
10024263 Lethargic tendency
10024264 Lethargy
10024265 Letterer-Siwe disease
10024266 Letterer-Siwe disease involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10024267 Letterer-Siwe disease involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10024268 Letterer-Siwe disease involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10024269 Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10024270 Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10024271 Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10024272 Letterer-Siwe disease involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10024273 Letterer-Siwe disease involving spleen
10024275 Leucine aminopeptidase increased
10024276 Leucocoria
10024277 Leucocytes agglutination
10024278 Leucocytoclastic vasculitis
10024279 Leucocytosis NOS
10024280 Leucodystrophy
10024281 Leucoerythroblastic anaemia
10024282 Leucomelanoderma
10024283 Leucopenia
10024284 Leucopenia neonatal
10024285 Leukopenia NOS
10024286 Leucopenic enteritis
10024287 Leucotomy
10024288 Leukaemia
10024289 Leukaemia acute
10024293 Leukaemia basophilic
10024294 Leukaemia chronic
10024299 Leukaemia granulocytic
10024300 Leukaemia granulocytic NOS
10024301 Leukaemia lymphatic
10024302 Leukaemia lymphocytic
10024304 Leukaemia lymphoid
10024305 Leukaemia monocytic
10024306 Leukaemia monocytic NOS
10024307 Leukaemia myelogenous
10024308 Leukaemia myeloid
10024311 Leukaemia neonatal
10024312 Leukaemia NOS
10024313 Leukaemia NOS (in remission)
10024314 Leukaemia of unspecified cell type
10024315 Leukaemia of unspecified cell type, acute
10024316 Leukaemia of unspecified cell type, chronic
10024317 Leukaemia of unspecified cell type, subacute
10024318 Leukaemia plasmacytic
10024319 Leukaemia plasmacytic (in remission)
10024320 Leukaemia plasmacytic NOS (in remission)
10024321 Leukaemia stem cell
10024322 Leukaemia undifferentiated
10024323 Leukaemia unspecified
10024325 Leukaemic lymphoma
10024326 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis
10024327 Leukaemoid
10024328 Leukaemoid reaction
10024329 Leukemia
10024330 Leukemia acute
10024331 Leukemia aleukemic
10024332 Leukemia basophilic
10024333 Leukemia chronic
10024334 Leukemia eosinophilic
10024335 Leukemia granulocytic
10024336 Leukemia granulocytic NOS
10024337 Leukemia lymphatic
10024338 Leukemia lymphoblastic acute
10024339 Leukemia lymphocytic
10024340 Leukemia lymphocytic chronic
10024341 Leukemia lymphoid
10024342 Leukemia monoblastic acute
10024343 Leukemia monocytic
10024344 Leukemia monocytic chronic
10024345 Leukemia monocytic NOS
10024346 Leukemia myeloblastic acute
10024347 Leukemia myelocytic chronic
10024348 Leukemia myelogenous
10024349 Leukemia myeloid
10024350 Leukemia neonatal
10024351 Leukemia NOS
10024352 Leukemia of unspecified cell type
10024353 Leukemia of unspecified cell type, acute
10024354 Leukemia of unspecified cell type, chronic
10024356 Leukemia of unspecified cell type, subacute
10024357 Leukemia plasmacytic
10024358 Leukemia stem cell
10024359 Leukemia undifferentiated
10024361 Leukemic lymphoma
10024362 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis
10024363 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10024364 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10024365 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10024366 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10024367 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10024370 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis involving spleen
10024372 Leukemoid
10024373 Leukemoid reaction
10024374 Leukocyte interferon therapy
10024375 Leukocyte vacuolization
10024376 Leukocytes abnormal (NOS)
10024377 Leukocytoclastic vasculitis
10024378 Leukocytosis
10024380 Leukoderma
10024381 Leukodystrophy
10024382 Leukoencephalopathy
10024383 Leukoerythroblastosis
10024384 Leukopenia
10024387 Leukoplakia genital
10024388 Leukoplakia NOS
10024389 Leukoplakia oesophageal
10024390 Leukoplakia of anus
10024391 Leukoplakia of cervix (uteri)
10024392 Leukoplakia of mouth
10024393 Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, including tongue
10024394 Leukoplakia of penis
10024395 Leukoplakia of vagina
10024396 Leukoplakia oral
10024397 Leukoplakia oral hairy
10024398 Leukoplakia oral NOS
10024399 Leukoplakic vulvitis
10024400 Leukorrhea
10024401 Leukorrhea, not specified as infective
10024402 Leukorrhoea
10024403 Leukorrhoea, not specified as infective
10024404 Leukostasis
10024405 Leydig cell agenesis
10024406 Leydig cell hypoplasia
10024407 Leydig cell tumour of the testis
10024409 LFTs raised
10024411 LH
10024412 LH abnormal
10024413 LH blood decreased
10024415 LH decreased
10024417 LH increased
10024418 LH normal
10024419 Libido decreased
10024420 Libido disorder NOS
10024421 Libido increased
10024422 Libido lack
10024423 Libido loss of
10024424 Lice infestation
10024425 Lice NOS
10024426 Lichen
10024427 Lichen amyloidosis
10024428 Lichen nitidus
10024429 Lichen planus
10024430 Lichen planus aggravated
10024431 Lichen planus-like dermatitis
10024432 Lichen planus-like eruption
10024434 Lichen sclerosus
10024435 Lichen simplex
10024436 Lichen spinulosus
10024437 Lichen unspecified
10024438 Lichenification
10024440 Lichenoid changes mouth
10024441 Lichenoid dermatitis
10024443 Lid lag
10024447 Life support
10024448 Life support machine
10024449 Life supporting machine
10024451 Ligament disorder NOS
10024452 Ligament laxity
10024453 Ligament sprain
10024454 Ligand-conjugated DNA or receptor-mediated in vivo gene therapy
10024455 Ligation of esophageal varices
10024456 Ligation of piles
10024457 Ligation of testicular vein
10024458 Light anaesthesia
10024459 Light chain disease
10024460 Light chain disease myeloma associated
10024461 Light headedness
10024462 Light periods
10024463 Light reflex sluggish
10024464 Light reflex tests pupillary
10024465 Light reflex tests pupillary abnormal
10024466 Light reflex tests pupillary normal
10024467 Light urticaria
10024490 Light-headed
10024491 Light-headed feeling
10024492 Lightheadedness
10024493 Lightning strike
10024494 Limb defects
10024495 Limb deformities NOS
10024496 Limb deformities NOS (acquired)
10024497 Limb discomfort NOS
10024498 Limb hyperextension
10024499 Limb injury NOS
10024500 Limb malformation
10024501 Limb malformation NOS
10024503 Limb reduction defect
10024504 Limb reduction deformity
10024505 Limb X-ray NOS
10024506 Limb X-ray NOS abnormal
10024507 Limb X-ray NOS normal
10024509 Limbs stiffness
10024511 Limited symptom panic attack
10024512 Linear Ig A disease
10024513 Linear IgA
10024514 Linear IgA bullous disease of childhood
10024515 Linear IgA disease
10024516 Linear morphoea
10024517 Linear nevoid hypermelanosis
10024518 Linear scleroderma
10024519 Lingua geographica
10024520 Linitis plastica
10024521 Linitis plastica in situ
10024522 Linitis plastica recurrent
10024523 Linitis plastica stage 0
10024524 Linitis plastica stage I
10024525 Linitis plastica stage II
10024526 Linitis plastica stage III
10024527 Linitis plastica stage IV NOS
10024528 Linitis plastica stage IV with metastases
10024529 Linitis plastica stage IV without metastases
10024533 Lip and palate cleft
10024534 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer NOS
10024535 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer recurrent
10024536 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer stage 0
10024537 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer stage I
10024538 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer stage II
10024539 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer stage III
10024540 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer stage IV
10024541 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer stage unspecified
10024542 Lip basal cell carcinoma
10024543 Lip biopsy
10024544 Lip biopsy abnormal
10024545 Lip biopsy normal
10024546 Lip burning sensation of
10024547 Lip cleft
10024548 Lip colour altered
10024549 Lip discolouration
10024550 Lip disorder NOS
10024552 Lip dry
10024553 Lip edema
10024554 Lip feeling dry
10024555 Lip lesion excision
10024556 Lip neoplasm benign
10024557 Lip neoplasm malignant stage unspecified
10024558 Lip oedema
10024559 Lip of pudendum hypertrophy
10024561 Lip pain
10024562 Lip pigmental spot
10024563 Lip pigmentation
10024564 Lip redness
10024565 Lip repair
10024566 Lip rough
10024567 Lip smacking
10024568 Lip sore
10024569 Lip soreness
10024570 Lip swelling
10024571 Lip ulcer
10024572 Lip ulceration
10024573 Lipase decreased
10024574 Lipase increased
10024575 Lipase normal
10024576 Lipase urine
10024577 Lipase urine decreased
10024578 Lipase urine increased
10024582 Lipid metabolism disorder NOS
10024583 Lipid pneumonia
10024585 Lipidosis
10024586 Lipidosis NOS
10024587 Lipids
10024588 Lipids abnormal
10024589 Lipids blood decreased
10024590 Lipids blood increased
10024591 Lipids decreased
10024592 Lipids increased
10024593 Lipids normal
10024594 Lipids NOS
10024595 Lipids NOS abnormal
10024596 Lipids NOS decreased
10024597 Lipids NOS high
10024598 Lipids NOS increased
10024599 Lipids NOS low
10024600 Lipids NOS normal
10024601 Lipids serum increased
10024602 Lipiduria
10024603 Lipoatrophic diabetes
10024604 Lipoatrophy
10024605 Lipoatrophy injection site
10024607 Lipodermatosclerosis
10024608 Lipodystrophy
10024609 Lipofection ex vivo gene therapy
10024610 Lipofection in vivo gene therapy
10024611 Lipoid pneumonia
10024612 Lipoma
10024613 Lipoma buttock excision
10024614 Lipoma excision
10024615 Lipoma NOS
10024616 Lipoma of breast
10024617 Lipoma of intra-abdominal organs
10024618 Lipoma of intrathoracic organs
10024622 Lipoma of spermatic cord
10024623 Lipoma, unspecified site
10024626 Lipoprotein deficiency
10024627 Liposarcoma
10024629 Liposarcoma metastatic
10024630 Liposarcoma non-metastatic
10024631 Liposarcoma NOS
10024632 Liposarcoma recurrent
10024633 Liposarcoma stage unspecified
10024635 Lips cyanosed
10024636 Lips swelling non-specific
10024637 Liquorrhea
10024638 Listeria infection
10024640 Listeria monocytogenes infection
10024641 Listeriosis
10024642 Listless
10024643 Listlessness
10024644 Lithium poisoning
10024645 Lithotripsy renal
10024646 Litigation
10024647 Little bleeding with period
10024648 Livedo reticularis
10024649 Livedo vasculitis
10024650 Livedoid
10024651 Livedoid vasculitis
10024652 Liver abscess
10024654 Liver abscess drainage
10024655 Liver biopsy
10024656 Liver biopsy abnormal
10024657 Liver biopsy normal
10024658 Liver carcinoma
10024659 Liver carcinoma non-resectable
10024660 Liver carcinoma recurrent
10024661 Liver carcinoma resectable
10024662 Liver cell carcinoma non-resectable
10024663 Liver cell carcinoma recurrent
10024664 Liver cell carcinoma resectable
10024665 Liver cell damage
10024666 Liver cholestasis
10024667 Liver cirrhosis
10024668 Liver damage
10024669 Liver damage aggravated
10024670 Liver disorder
10024676 Liver enlargement
10024677 Liver enzyme abnormal
10024678 Liver failure
10024679 Liver fat embolism
10024680 Liver fatty
10024681 Liver fatty change
10024682 Liver fatty degeneration
10024683 Liver fatty deposit
10024684 Liver fatty deposition
10024685 Liver fatty infiltration
10024686 Liver fatty metamorphosis
10024687 Liver fatty phanerosis
10024688 Liver fluke infection
10024690 Liver function test abnormal
10024691 Liver function tests
10024692 Liver function tests abnormal
10024693 Liver function tests abnormal NOS
10024695 Liver function tests NOS
10024696 Liver function tests NOS abnormal
10024697 Liver function tests NOS normal
10024699 Liver lobectomy
10024700 Liver metastases
10024701 Liver necrosis
10024702 Liver neoplasm
10024703 Liver pain
10024704 Liver palpable subcostal
10024705 Liver repair
10024706 Liver rupture
10024707 Liver scan
10024708 Liver scan NOS
10024709 Liver scan NOS abnormal
10024710 Liver scan NOS normal
10024711 Liver tender
10024712 Liver tenderness
10024713 Liver tenderness of
10024714 Liver transplant
10024715 Liver transplant rejection
10024716 Liver transplantation
10024717 Liver tumor
10024718 Liver tumor NOS
10024719 Liver tumour NOS
10024720 Liver, cancer of
10024721 Liver, cancer of, non-resectable
10024722 Liver, cancer of, primary
10024723 Liver, cancer of, primary non-resectable
10024724 Liver, cancer of, primary recurrent
10024725 Liver, cancer of, primary resectable
10024726 Liver, cancer of, recurrent
10024727 Liver, cancer of, resectable
10024728 Lividity
10024729 Living alone
10024730 Living in care
10024731 Living in convalescent center
10024732 Living in nursing home
10024733 Living in residential institution
10024734 Lizard bite
10024736 Loa loa infection
10024737 Lobar collapse
10024738 Lobar pneumonia
10024739 Lobar pneumonia NOS
10024741 Lung lobectomy
10024742 Lobectomy (thyroid)
10024743 Lobomycosis
10024744 Lobular breast carcinoma (in situ)
10024745 Lobular breast carcinoma invasive
10024746 Lobular breast carcinoma stage I
10024747 Lobular breast carcinoma stage II
10024748 Lobular breast carcinoma stage III
10024749 Lobular breast carcinoma stage IV
10024750 Lobular carcinoma of breast
10024751 Lobular carcinoma recurrent
10024752 Lobular carcinoma stage I
10024753 Lobular carcinoma stage II
10024754 Lobular carcinoma stage III
10024755 Lobular carcinoma stage IV
10024756 Lobular neoplasia
10024758 Local anaesthesia
10024759 Local anaesthetic
10024760 Local anesthetic
10024761 Local antibacterial prophylaxis
10024762 Local antibacterial therapy
10024763 Local antifungal prophylaxis
10024764 Local antifungal treatment
10024765 Local antiviral prophylaxis
10024766 Local antiviral treatment
10024767 Local deformities of orbit due to bone disease
10024769 Local reaction
10024770 Local swelling
10024771 Local throat irritation
10024772 Localised exfoliation
10024773 Localised fibrous mesothelioma
10024774 Localised infection
10024775 Localised numbness
10024776 Localised osteoarthritis
10024777 Localised skin reaction
10024778 Localised visceral arteritis
10024780 Localized adiposity
10024781 Localized erythema
10024782 Localized salmonella infection, unspecified
10024786 Localized vascularization of cornea
10024787 Locked twins
10024788 Locked twins, antepartum
10024789 Locked twins, unspecified as to episode of care in pregnancy
10024790 Locked twins, with delivery
10024791 Locked-in state
10024792 Locked-in syndrome
10024793 Lockjaw
10024794 Loeffler's syndrome
10024795 Logomania
10024796 Logorrhoea
10024797 Loiasis
10024798 Loin pain
10024799 Loneliness
10024800 Long labor
10024801 Long labour
10024802 Long QT
10024803 Long QT syndrome
10024804 Long-leg arthropathy
10024805 Long-sighted
10024806 Long-term memory loss
10024823 Looked pale
10024824 Loop colostomy
10024825 Loose associations
10024827 Loose body in forearm joint
10024828 Loose body in hand joint
10024829 Loose body in joint
10024833 Loose body in joint of shoulder region
10024834 Loose body in joint, site unspecified
10024835 Loose body in knee
10024836 Loose body in upper arm joint
10024837 Loose bowel
10024838 Loose bowels
10024839 Loose motions
10024840 Loose stools
10024841 Lord's procedure
10024842 Lordosis
10024843 Lordosis (acquired)
10024844 Lordosis (acquired) (postural)
10024846 Lordosis post surgical
10024848 Losing memory in mornings
10024849 Losing wt
10024850 Loss of affect
10024851 Loss of all interest
10024852 Loss of all pleasure
10024853 Loss of ambition
10024854 Loss of confidence
10024855 Loss of consciousness
10024858 Loss of control of blood sugar
10024859 Loss of control of diabetes
10024860 Loss of control of legs
10024861 Loss of employment
10024862 Loss of energy
10024863 Loss of eyelashes
10024864 Loss of identity
10024865 Loss of inhibition
10024866 Loss of initiative
10024867 Loss of interest
10024868 Loss of labyrinthine reactivity, bilateral
10024869 Loss of labyrinthine reactivity, unilateral
10024870 Loss of libido
10024871 Loss of memory
10024872 Loss of memory ability
10024873 Loss of posture
10024874 Loss of sensation
10024875 Loss of skin elasticity
10024876 Loss of skin markings
10024877 Loss of smell
10024878 Loss of taste
10024879 Loss of teeth
10024881 Loss of vision
10024882 Loss of voice
10024883 Loss of weight
10024885 Lost consciousness
10024886 Lost weight
10024887 Louping ill
10024888 Louse-borne (epidemic) typhus
10024889 Louse-borne relapsing fever
10024890 Low back ache
10024891 Low back pain
10024892 Low back pain (without radiation)
10024893 Low back strain
10024894 Low bladder compliance
10024895 Low blood pressure
10024896 Low BP
10024897 Low caloric diet
10024898 Low calorie diet
10024899 Low cardiac output syndrome
10024900 Low density lipoprotein
10024901 Low density lipoprotein abnormal
10024902 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol
10024903 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol abnormal NOS
10024904 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased
10024905 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol high
10024906 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol increased
10024907 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol low
10024908 Low density lipoprotein cholesterol normal
10024909 Low density lipoprotein decreased
10024910 Low density lipoprotein increased
10024911 Low density lipoprotein normal
10024912 Low drug level
10024913 Low frequency deafness
10024914 Low grade lymphoma
10024915 Low HDL
10024916 Low income
10024917 Low LDL
10024918 Low level illiteracy
10024919 Low mood
10024920 Low output state
10024921 Low pH
10024922 Low platelets
10024923 Low potassium syndrome
10024925 Low pulse rate
10024926 Low renal clearance
10024927 Low salt syndrome
10024928 Low serum lipid levels
10024929 Low set ears
10024930 Low sodium syndrome
10024931 Low tension glaucoma
10024932 Low vision, both eyes
10024933 Low vision, one eye
10024935 Low visual acuity
10024936 Low VLDL
10024937 Lower abdomen pressure sensation of
10024938 Lower abdomen strange feeling of
10024939 Lower abdomen tense feeling of
10024940 Lower abdominal pain
10024941 Lower abdominal pressure sensation of
10024942 Lower extremities deep decreased reflex test
10024943 Lower extremities discomfort
10024944 Lower extremities ill feeling of
10024945 Lower extremities phlebothrombus of
10024946 Lower extremities ulcers of
10024947 Lower extremities weakness of
10024949 Lower gastrointestinal tract X-ray
10024950 Lower gastrointestinal tract X-ray abnormal
10024951 Lower gastrointestinal tract X-ray normal
10024952 Lower GI tract X-ray
10024953 Lower GI tract X-ray abnormal
10024954 Lower GI tract X-ray normal
10024955 Lower legs erythematous
10024958 Lower limb vessel congenital anomaly
10024959 Lower limb X-ray
10024960 Lower limb X-ray abnormal
10024961 Lower limb X-ray normal
10024962 Lower motor neurone lesion
10024963 Lower nephron nephrosis
10024968 Lower respiratory tract infection
10024969 Lower respiratory tract infection NOS
10024977 Lower segment Caesarean section
10024978 Lower skeletal extremity X-ray
10024979 Lower skeletal extremity X-ray abnormal
10024980 Lower skeletal extremity X-ray normal
10024981 Lower urinary tract infection
10024982 Lowered blood pressure
10024983 Lowered seizure threshold during ECT
10024984 Lown-Ganong-Levine syndrome
10024985 LP
10024986 LRTI
10024988 Lumbago
10024989 Lumbago (excl lumbar disc lesion)
10024990 Lumbar cushion
10024991 Lumbar disc degeneration
10024992 Lumbar disc disease
10024993 Lumbar disc lesion
10024994 Lumbar discectomy
10024995 Lumbar hernia
10024996 Lumbar myelography
10024997 Lumbar nerve decompression
10024998 Lumbar pain
10024999 Lumbar puncture
10025000 Lumbar puncture abnormal
10025001 Lumbar puncture headache
10025002 Lumbar puncture normal
10025003 Lumbar spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury
10025004 Lumbar spinal cord lesion without spinal bone injury
10025005 Lumbar spinal stenosis
10025006 Lumbar spine degeneration
10025007 Lumbar spondylosis
10025008 Lumbar sprain
10025010 Lumbar strain
10025011 Lumbar sympathectomy
10025012 Lumbo-sacral pain
10025013 Lumbo-sacral spondylosis
10025014 Lumbosacral (joint) (ligament) sprain
10025015 Lumbosacral plexus injury
10025016 Lumbosacral plexus lesion
10025019 Lumbosacral root pain
10025020 Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy
10025021 Lumbosacral sprain
10025022 Lumbosacral strain
10025023 Lump excision
10025025 Lumpectomy (breast cancer)
10025026 Lumpy breasts
10025028 Lung abscess
10025029 Lung abscess drainage
10025030 Lung abscess NOS
10025031 Lung adenocarcinoma
10025032 Lung adenocarcinoma NOS
10025033 Lung adenocarcinoma recurrent
10025034 Lung adenocarcinoma stage 0
10025035 Lung adenocarcinoma stage I
10025036 Lung adenocarcinoma stage II
10025037 Lung adenocarcinoma stage III
10025038 Lung adenocarcinoma stage IV
10025040 Lung biopsy
10025041 Lung biopsy abnormal
10025042 Lung biopsy normal
10025043 Lung caesium therapy
10025044 Lung cancer
10025045 Lung cancer cell type unspecified stage I
10025046 Lung cancer cell type unspecified stage IV
10025047 Lung cancer in situ
10025048 Lung cancer non-small cell recurrent
10025049 Lung cancer non-small cell stage 0
10025050 Lung cancer non-small cell stage I
10025051 Lung cancer non-small cell stage II
10025052 Lung cancer non-small cell stage III
10025053 Lung cancer non-small cell stage IIIA
10025054 Lung cancer non-small cell stage IIIB
10025055 Lung cancer non-small cell stage IV
10025056 Lung cancer NOS
10025057 Lung cancer recurrent
10025058 Lung cancer stage 0
10025059 Lung cancer stage I
10025060 Lung cancer stage II
10025061 Lung cancer stage III
10025062 Lung cancer stage IV
10025064 Lung carcinoma
10025065 Lung carcinoma cell type unspecified recurrent
10025066 Lung carcinoma cell type unspecified stage 0
10025067 Lung carcinoma cell type unspecified stage I
10025068 Lung carcinoma cell type unspecified stage II
10025069 Lung carcinoma cell type unspecified stage III
10025070 Lung carcinoma cell type unspecified stage IV
10025071 Lung carcinoma in situ
10025072 Lung carcinoma recurrent
10025073 Lung carcinoma stage 0
10025074 Lung carcinoma stage I
10025075 Lung carcinoma stage II
10025076 Lung carcinoma stage III
10025077 Lung carcinoma stage IV
10025078 Lung cobalt therapy
10025079 Lung congestion
10025080 Lung consolidation
10025081 Lung disease obstructive
10025082 Lung disorder
10025083 Lung disorder NOS
10025084 Lung edema
10025085 Lung electron beam therapy
10025086 Lung external beam radiation therapy
10025087 Lung external beam therapy
10025088 Lung fibrosis
10025089 Lung fibrosis interstitial
10025090 Lung fluke infection
10025091 Lung function
10025092 Lung function abnormal
10025093 Lung function decreased
10025094 Lung function decreased (NOS)
10025095 Lung function normal
10025096 Lung function NOS
10025097 Lung function test NOS abnormal
10025098 Lung function test NOS normal
10025099 Lung function tests
10025100 Lung hemorrhage
10025102 Lung infiltration
10025103 Lung infiltration NOS
10025104 Lung injury NOS
10025106 Lung injury, without mention of open wound into thorax
10025109 Lung involvement in systemic sclerosis
10025110 Lung irritation
10025111 Lung metastases
10025112 Lung oedema
10025113 Lung operation NOS
10025114 Lung orthovoltage therapy
10025115 Lung photon radiation therapy
10025117 Lung sarcoid
10025118 Lung scan
10025119 Lung secondaries
10025120 Lung squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10025121 Lung squamous cell carcinoma stage 0
10025122 Lung squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10025123 Lung squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10025124 Lung squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10025125 Lung squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10025126 Lung squamous cell carcinoma stage unspecified
10025127 Lung transplant
10025128 Lupoid dermatitis
10025129 Lupoid hepatic cirrhosis
10025130 Lupus encephalitis
10025132 Lupus erythematosis discoid
10025133 Lupus erythematosis disseminated
10025134 Lupus erythematosus
10025137 Lupus erythematosus discoid
10025138 Lupus erythematosus discoides
10025139 Lupus erythematosus systemic
10025140 Lupus nephritis
10025141 Lupus pernio
10025142 Lupus syndrome
10025143 Lupus vulgaris
10025144 Luteal cyst of ovary
10025145 Luteinising hormone decreased
10025146 Luteinising hormone increased
10025147 Luteinising hormone normal
10025148 Luteinizing hormone decreased
10025149 Luteinizing hormone increased
10025151 Lutotrophin abnormal NOS
10025152 Lutotrophin decreased
10025153 Lutotrophin increased
10025154 Lutotrophin normal
10025155 Lutotropin
10025156 Lutotropin abnormal NOS
10025157 Lutotropin decreased
10025158 Lutotropin high
10025159 Lutotropin increased
10025160 Lutotropin low
10025161 Lutotropin normal
10025162 Luxation of globe
10025163 LVF
10025164 LVH
10025166 Lyell syndrome
10025167 Lyell's disease
10025168 Lyell's syndrome
10025169 Lyme disease
10025170 Lyme's disease
10025172 Lymph gland abscess drainage
10025173 Lymph gland biopsy
10025174 Lymph gland biopsy abnormal
10025175 Lymph gland biopsy normal
10025176 Lymph node biopsy
10025177 Lymph node biopsy abnormal
10025178 Lymph node biopsy normal
10025179 Lymph node excision
10025180 Lymph node fibrosis
10025181 Lymph node metastases
10025182 Lymph node pain
10025183 Lymph node tuberculosis
10025184 Lymph node tuberculosis NOS
10025185 Lymph nodes cervical swollen
10025186 Lymph nodes enlarged
10025187 Lymph nodes, enlarged (excl lymphadenitis)
10025188 Lymphadenitis
10025189 Lymphadenitis acute
10025190 Lymphadenitis cervical
10025191 Lymphadenitis chronic
10025192 Lymphadenitis NOS
10025193 Lymphadenitis submandibular
10025194 Lymphadenitis suppurative
10025195 Lymphadenitis, cervical
10025197 Lymphadenopathy
10025199 Lymphadenopathy associated virus positive
10025200 Lymphadenopathy cervical
10025201 Lymphadenopathy fibrotic
10025202 Lymphadenopathy hilar
10025203 Lymphadenopathy inguinal
10025204 Lymphadenopathy massive
10025205 Lymphadenopathy mediastinal
10025206 Lymphadenopathy paratracheal
10025207 Lymphadenopathy suppurative
10025208 Lymphadenopathy thoracic
10025209 Lymphadenosis
10025210 Lymphangiectasia
10025211 Lymphangiectasia cavernous
10025212 Lymphangiectasia cystic
10025213 Lymphangiectasia intestinal
10025214 Lymphangiectasis
10025215 Lymphangiogram
10025216 Lymphangiogram abnormal
10025217 Lymphangiogram normal
10025218 Lymphangiograph
10025219 Lymphangioma
10025220 Lymphangioma, any site
10025222 Lymphangiopathy NOS
10025223 Lymphangiosarcoma
10025225 Lymphangiosarcoma NOS
10025226 Lymphangitis
10025227 Lymphangitis carcinomatosis
10025228 Lymphatic duct rupture
10025229 Lymphatic filariasis
10025230 Lymphatic leukemia
10025233 Lymphedema
10025234 Lymphoblastic leukaemia NOS
10025235 Lymphoblastic leukemia NOS
10025236 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia)
10025237 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) recurrent
10025238 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) refractory
10025239 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) stage I
10025240 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) stage II
10025241 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) stage III
10025242 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) stage IV
10025243 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation
10025244 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) (Working Formulation) stage I
10025245 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) recurrent
10025246 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) refractory
10025247 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia) stage III
10025248 Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis
10025250 Lymphocyte adoptive therapy
10025251 Lymphocyte count
10025252 Lymphocyte count abnormal
10025253 Lymphocyte count abnormal NOS
10025254 Lymphocyte count CSF high
10025255 Lymphocyte count CSF increased
10025256 Lymphocyte count decreased
10025257 Lymphocyte count high
10025258 Lymphocyte count increased
10025259 Lymphocyte count low
10025260 Lymphocyte count normal
10025261 Lymphocyte morphology NOS abnormal
10025262 Lymphocyte morphology NOS normal
10025263 Lymphocytes
10025264 Lymphocytes atypical
10025265 Lymphocytes raised
10025266 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
10025267 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection
10025268 Lymphocytic colitis
10025270 Lymphocytic leukaemia
10025271 Lymphocytic leukemia
10025272 Lymphocytic malignant thymoma
10025273 Lymphocytic malignant thymoma invasive
10025274 Lymphocytic malignant thymoma noninvasive
10025275 Lymphocytic malignant thymoma recurrent
10025276 Lymphocytic thyroiditis
10025278 Lymphocytopenia
10025279 Lymphocytopenia neonatal
10025280 Lymphocytosis
10025281 Lymphoduct rupture
10025282 Lymphoedema
10025283 Lymphoedema congenital
10025284 Lymphoedema NOS
10025285 Lymphoedema praecox
10025286 Lymphoepithelial malignant thymoma
10025287 Lymphoepithelial malignant thymoma invasive
10025288 Lymphoepithelial malignant thymoma noninvasive
10025289 Lymphoepithelial malignant thymoma recurrent
10025290 Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10025291 Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10025292 Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10025293 Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10025294 Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10025295 Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10025296 Lymphoepithelioid lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10025297 Lymphogranuloma venereum
10025298 Lymphoid hyperplasia of appendix
10025299 Lymphoid leukaemia
10025300 Lymphoid leukaemia (in remission)
10025301 Lymphoid leukaemia, acute
10025302 Lymphoid leukaemia, chronic
10025303 Lymphoid leukaemia, subacute
10025304 Lymphoid leukemia
10025305 Lymphoid leukemia, acute
10025306 Lymphoid leukemia, chronic
10025307 Lymphoid leukemia, subacute
10025310 Lymphoma
10025311 Lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's)
10025312 Lymphoma AIDS related
10025313 Lymphoma benign
10025314 Lymphoma like reaction
10025315 Lymphoma malignant
10025316 Lymphoma NOS
10025317 Lymphoma-like disorder
10025318 Lymphoma-like reaction
10025325 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis
10025326 Lymphomoid
10025327 Lymphopenia
10025328 Lymphoplasmacytic type lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10025329 Lymphoplasmacytic type lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10025330 Lymphoplasmacytic type lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10025331 Lymphoplasmacytic type lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10025332 Lymphoplasmacytic type lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10025333 Lymphoplasmacytic type lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10025334 Lymphoplasmacytic type lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10025335 Lymphoplasmacytoid immunocytoma
10025336 Lymphoplasmacytoid immunocytoma recurrent
10025337 Lymphoplasmacytoid immunocytoma refractory
10025338 Lymphoplasmacytoid immunocytoma stage I
10025339 Lymphoplasmacytoid immunocytoma stage II
10025340 Lymphoplasmacytoid immunocytoma stage III
10025341 Lymphoplasmacytoid immunocytoma stage IV
10025342 Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma
10025344 Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma NOS
10025345 Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma recurrent
10025346 Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma refractory
10025347 Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma stage I
10025348 Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma stage II
10025349 Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma stage III
10025350 Lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma/immunocytoma stage IV
10025351 Lymphoproliferative disorder NOS
10025352 Lymphoproliferative disorder NOS (in remission)
10025354 Lymphosarcoma
10025356 Lymphosarcoma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10025357 Lymphosarcoma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10025358 Lymphosarcoma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10025359 Lymphosarcoma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10025360 Lymphosarcoma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10025361 Lymphosarcoma involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10025362 Lymphosarcoma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10025363 Lymphosarcoma involving spleen
10025364 Lymphosarcoma, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
10025365 Lymphosarcomoid
10025366 Lymphoscintigraphy radionuclide
10025367 Lysis bone implant
10025370 M-CSF prophylaxis
10025371 M-CSF therapy
10025373 MAC lymphadenitis
10025374 Machupo virus infection
10025375 MacLeod's syndrome
10025376 Macroamylasaemia
10025377 Macrobiotic diet
10025378 Macrocheilia
10025379 Macrocytic anaemia due to folate deficiency
10025380 Macrocytic anaemia NOS
10025381 Macrocytic anemia
10025382 Macrocytosis
10025383 Macrocytosis (excl anaemia)
10025384 Macrodactylia (fingers)
10025385 Macrodactylia of toes
10025386 Macrodactyly
10025387 Macrogenia
10025388 Macroglobulin present
10025389 Macroglobulinaemia NOS
10025390 Macroglobulinemia
10025391 Macroglossia
10025392 Macrophages decreased
10025393 Macropsia
10025394 Macrosomia
10025395 Macrostomia
10025396 Macrotia
10025397 Macula abnormality
10025398 Macula lutea abnormal reflex
10025399 Macula lutea abnormality
10025400 Macula lutea degeneration
10025401 Macula lutea haemorrhage
10025402 Macula lutea oedema
10025403 Macula lutea opacity
10025404 Macula lutea vasospasm
10025405 Macular & posterior pole degeneration
10025406 Macular corneal dystrophy
10025407 Macular cyst
10025409 Macular degeneration
10025410 Macular degeneration (senile) of retina, unspecified
10025411 Macular degeneration senile
10025412 Macular dystrophy congenital
10025413 Macular keratitis
10025414 Macular luteal degeneration
10025415 Macular oedema
10025416 Macular opacity
10025417 Macular puckering of retina
10025418 Macular rash
10025419 Macular reflex abnormal
10025420 Macular vasospasm
10025421 Macule
10025422 Maculo-papular
10025423 Maculo-papular rash
10025424 Maculopapular rash
10025425 Maculopathy
10025426 Made anxiety worse
10025427 Madelung's deformity
10025428 Madura foot
10025429 Magical thinking
10025430 Magnesium
10025431 Magnesium abnormal NOS
10025432 Magnesium decreased
10025433 Magnesium deficiency
10025434 Magnesium high
10025435 Magnesium increased
10025436 Magnesium level
10025437 Magnesium low
10025438 Magnesium metabolism disorder
10025440 Magnesium normal
10025441 Magnesium serum decreased
10025442 Magnesium serum increased
10025443 MAI lymphadenitis
10025444 Main stem disease
10025445 Maintenance of anaesthesia
10025446 Major abnormality of bony pelvis, not further specified, antepartum
10025452 Major convulsion
10025453 Major depressive disorder NOS
10025454 Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode
10025455 Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, in full remission
10025463 Major depressive disorder, single episode
10025464 Major depressive disorder, single episode in full remission
10025471 Major depressive illness
10025476 Malabsorption
10025478 Malabsorption from injection site
10025479 Malabsorption syndrome
10025482 Malaise
10025484 Malar and maxillary bones, closed fracture
10025485 Malar and maxillary bones, open fracture
10025486 Malar fracture reduction
10025487 Malaria
10025489 Malaria NOS
10025494 Malaria prophylaxis
10025495 Malaria, antepartum
10025496 Malaria, postpartum
10025497 Malaria, unspecified
10025498 Malarial prophylaxis
10025499 Malayan filariasis
10025500 Maldescended testicle
10025501 Maldescended testis
10025503 Male erectile disorder
10025505 Male genital pain
10025507 Male genital tract tuberculosis NOS
10025508 Male genital vascular disorder NOS
10025509 Male hormone imbalance
10025511 Male infertility, unspecified
10025512 Male lactation
10025513 Male orgasmic disorder
10025514 Male pattern baldness
10025515 Male pseudohermaphroditism
10025516 Male reproductive tract carcinoma in situ NOS
10025519 Male reproductive tract neoplasm NOS
10025520 Male sex maturation accelerated
10025521 Male sex maturation retarded
10025523 Malformation biliary
10025524 Malformation foot
10025525 Malformation foot NOS
10025526 Malformation hand
10025527 Malformation hand NOS
10025528 Malformation heart (NOS)
10025529 Malformation of hand
10025530 Malformation skull
10025531 Malformation tooth
10025532 Malformation venous
10025533 Malformations multiple
10025534 Malformed ear
10025536 Malignant anorectal neoplasm NOS
10025538 Malignant ascites
10025539 Malignant brain neoplasm NOS
10025540 Malignant breast lump removal
10025541 Malignant breast neoplasm
10025542 Malignant breast neoplasm male
10025543 Malignant cardiac neoplasm NOS
10025544 Malignant cerebral meningioma
10025545 Malignant cranial nerve neoplasm NOS
10025546 Malignant endocrine neoplasm NOS
10025547 Malignant epididymal neoplasm NOS
10025548 Malignant essential hypertension
10025549 Malignant eye neoplasm NOS
10025550 Malignant female genital neoplasm NOS
10025551 Malignant female reproductive tract neoplasm NOS
10025552 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
10025554 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma metastatic
10025555 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma non-metastatic
10025556 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma NOS
10025557 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone
10025558 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone localized
10025559 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone metastatic
10025560 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone recurrent
10025561 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma recurrent
10025562 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma stage unspecified
10025564 Malignant giant cell tumor
10025565 Malignant gum neoplasm
10025566 Malignant haemangiopericytoma
10025567 Malignant haemangiopericytoma metastatic
10025568 Malignant haemangiopericytoma non-metastatic
10025569 Malignant haemangiopericytoma NOS
10025570 Malignant haemangiopericytoma recurrent
10025571 Malignant haemangiopericytoma stage unspecified
10025572 Malignant hepatic neoplasm
10025573 Malignant hepatic neoplasm non-resectable
10025574 Malignant hepatic neoplasm recurrent
10025575 Malignant hepatic neoplasm resectable
10025576 Malignant hepatobiliary neoplasm NOS
10025578 Malignant hepatoma non-resectable
10025579 Malignant hepatoma recurrent
10025580 Malignant hepatoma resectable
10025581 Malignant histiocytosis
10025582 Malignant histiocytosis involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10025583 Malignant histiocytosis involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10025584 Malignant histiocytosis involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10025585 Malignant histiocytosis involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10025586 Malignant histiocytosis involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10025587 Malignant histiocytosis involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10025588 Malignant histiocytosis involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10025589 Malignant histiocytosis involving spleen
10025598 Malignant hydatidiform mole
10025599 Malignant hyperpyrexia
10025600 Malignant hypertension
10025601 Malignant hypertension NOS
10025603 Malignant hypertensive heart disease
10025607 Malignant hyperthermia
10025608 Malignant ileal neoplasm
10025609 Malignant ileal neoplasm metastatic
10025610 Malignant ileal neoplasm non-resectable
10025611 Malignant ileal neoplasm NOS
10025612 Malignant ileal neoplasm recurrent
10025613 Malignant ileal neoplasm resectable
10025615 Malignant large intestinal neoplasm NOS
10025616 Malignant large intestinal neoplasm recurrent NOS
10025617 Malignant large intestinal neoplasm stage I NOS
10025618 Malignant large intestinal neoplasm stage II NOS
10025619 Malignant large intestinal neoplasm stage III NOS
10025620 Malignant large intestinal neoplasm stage IV NOS
10025621 Malignant lip cancer
10025622 Malignant lip neoplasm
10025623 Malignant liver tumor
10025624 Malignant liver tumor non-resectable
10025625 Malignant liver tumor recurrent
10025626 Malignant liver tumor resectable
10025627 Malignant liver tumour
10025628 Malignant liver tumour non-resectable
10025629 Malignant liver tumour recurrent
10025630 Malignant liver tumour resectable
10025631 Malignant lymphoid neoplasm NOS
10025632 Malignant lymphoma
10025633 Malignant lymphoma NOS
10025635 Malignant lymphoma unclassifiable high grade
10025636 Malignant lymphoma unclassifiable low grade
10025637 Malignant male reproductive tract neoplasm NOS
10025638 Malignant mast cell neoplasm
10025649 Malignant mediastinal neoplasm NOS
10025650 Malignant melanoma
10025651 Malignant melanoma excision
10025652 Malignant melanoma in situ
10025654 Malignant melanoma of sites other than skin
10025655 Malignant melanoma of skin
10025656 Malignant melanoma of skin of ear and external auditory canal
10025658 Malignant melanoma of skin of eyelid, including canthus
10025659 Malignant melanoma of skin of lip
10025660 Malignant melanoma of skin of lower limb, including hip
10025663 Malignant melanoma of skin of trunk, except scrotum
10025664 Malignant melanoma of skin of upper limb, including shoulder
10025665 Malignant melanoma of skin stage unspecified
10025666 Malignant melanoma of the anus
10025667 Malignant melanoma site/stage unspecified
10025668 Malignant melanoma stage I
10025669 Malignant melanoma stage II
10025670 Malignant melanoma stage III
10025671 Malignant melanoma stage IV
10025672 Malignant meningioma
10025674 Malignant mesenchymoma metastatic
10025675 Malignant mesenchymoma non-metastatic
10025676 Malignant mesenchymoma NOS
10025677 Malignant mesenchymoma recurrent
10025678 Malignant mesenchymoma stage unspecified
10025679 Malignant middle ear neoplasm NOS
10025682 Malignant nasopharyngeal neoplasm
10025683 Malignant nasopharyngeal neoplasm recurrent
10025684 Malignant nasopharyngeal neoplasm stage 0
10025685 Malignant nasopharyngeal neoplasm stage I
10025686 Malignant nasopharyngeal neoplasm stage II
10025687 Malignant nasopharyngeal neoplasm stage III
10025688 Malignant nasopharyngeal neoplasm stage IV
10025689 Malignant neoplasm aggravated
10025690 Malignant neoplasm disseminated
10025691 Malignant neoplasm NOS
10025692 Malignant neoplasm of abdomen
10025693 Malignant neoplasm of abdominal esophagus
10025694 Malignant neoplasm of abdominal oesophagus
10025695 Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus, unspecified
10025696 Malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland
10025697 Malignant neoplasm of ampulla of Vater
10025698 Malignant neoplasm of anal canal
10025699 Malignant neoplasm of anterior aspect of epiglottis
10025700 Malignant neoplasm of anterior mediastinum
10025701 Malignant neoplasm of anterior portion of floor of mouth
10025702 Malignant neoplasm of anterior two-thirds of tongue, part unspecified
10025703 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx
10025704 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx recurrent
10025705 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx stage 0
10025706 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx stage I
10025707 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx stage II
10025708 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx stage III
10025709 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of nasopharynx stage IV
10025710 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder
10025711 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder recurrent
10025716 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder stage II
10025717 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder stage III
10025718 Malignant neoplasm of anterior wall of urinary bladder stage IV
10025719 Malignant neoplasm of anus, unspecified
10025721 Malignant neoplasm of appendix vermiformis
10025723 Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect
10025724 Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect recurrent
10025725 Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect stage 0
10025726 Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect stage I
10025727 Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect stage II
10025728 Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect stage III
10025729 Malignant neoplasm of aryepiglottic fold, hypopharyngeal aspect stage IV
10025730 Malignant neoplasm of ascending colon
10025732 Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of female breast
10025733 Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue
10025734 Malignant neoplasm of biliary tract, part unspecified
10025735 Malignant neoplasm of bladder
10025736 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck
10025737 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck recurrent
10025738 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck stage 0, with cancer in situ
10025739 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck stage 0, without cancer in situ
10025740 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck stage I, with cancer in situ
10025741 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck stage I, without cancer in situ
10025742 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck stage II
10025743 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck stage III
10025744 Malignant neoplasm of bladder neck stage IV
10025745 Malignant neoplasm of bladder recurrent
10025746 Malignant neoplasm of bladder stage 0, with cancer in situ
10025747 Malignant neoplasm of bladder stage 0, without cancer in situ
10025748 Malignant neoplasm of bladder stage I, with cancer in situ
10025749 Malignant neoplasm of bladder stage I, without cancer in situ
10025750 Malignant neoplasm of bladder stage II
10025751 Malignant neoplasm of bladder stage III
10025752 Malignant neoplasm of bladder stage IV
10025753 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified
10025754 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified recurrent
10025755 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified stage 0, with cancer in situ
10025756 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified stage 0, without cancer in situ
10025757 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified stage I, with cancer in situ
10025758 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified stage I, without cancer in situ
10025759 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified stage II
10025760 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified stage III
10025761 Malignant neoplasm of bladder, part unspecified stage IV
10025762 Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas
10025763 Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas metastatic
10025764 Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas non-resectable
10025765 Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas recurrent
10025766 Malignant neoplasm of body of pancreas resectable
10025767 Malignant neoplasm of body of penis
10025768 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach
10025769 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach in situ
10025770 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach recurrent
10025771 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach stage 0
10025772 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach stage I
10025773 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach stage II
10025774 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach stage III
10025775 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach stage IV NOS
10025776 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach stage IV with metastases
10025777 Malignant neoplasm of body of stomach stage IV without metastases
10025778 Malignant neoplasm of body of uterus
10025783 Malignant neoplasm of brain
10025784 Malignant neoplasm of brain stem
10025785 Malignant neoplasm of brain, unspecified
10025788 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung cell type unspecified stage I
10025789 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung cell type unspecified stage II
10025790 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung cell type unspecified stage III
10025791 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung cell type unspecified stage IV
10025792 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung in situ
10025793 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung recurrent
10025794 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung stage 0
10025795 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung stage I
10025796 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung stage II
10025797 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung stage III
10025798 Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung stage IV
10025800 Malignant neoplasm of caecum
10025801 Malignant neoplasm of caecum recurrent
10025802 Malignant neoplasm of caecum stage 0
10025803 Malignant neoplasm of caecum stage I
10025804 Malignant neoplasm of caecum stage II
10025805 Malignant neoplasm of caecum stage III
10025806 Malignant neoplasm of caecum stage IV
10025807 Malignant neoplasm of cardia
10025808 Malignant neoplasm of cardia in situ
10025809 Malignant neoplasm of cardia stage 0
10025810 Malignant neoplasm of cardia stage I
10025811 Malignant neoplasm of cardia stage II
10025812 Malignant neoplasm of cardia stage III
10025813 Malignant neoplasm of cardia stage IV NOS
10025814 Malignant neoplasm of cardia stage IV with metastases
10025815 Malignant neoplasm of cardia stage IV without metastases
10025816 Malignant neoplasm of carotid body
10025817 Malignant neoplasm of cecum
10025818 Malignant neoplasm of cecum recurrent
10025819 Malignant neoplasm of cecum stage 0
10025820 Malignant neoplasm of cecum stage I
10025821 Malignant neoplasm of cecum stage II
10025822 Malignant neoplasm of cecum stage III
10025823 Malignant neoplasm of cecum stage IV
10025824 Malignant neoplasm of central portion of female breast
10025825 Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum
10025826 Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum NOS
10025827 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges
10025828 Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles
10025829 Malignant neoplasm of cervical esophagus
10025830 Malignant neoplasm of cervical oesophagus
10025831 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
10025832 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri recurrent
10025833 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri stage I
10025834 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri stage II
10025835 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri stage III
10025836 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri stage IV
10025837 Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri, unspecified
10025838 Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa
10025839 Malignant neoplasm of choroid
10025840 Malignant neoplasm of clitoris
10025841 Malignant neoplasm of clitoris metastatic
10025842 Malignant neoplasm of clitoris recurrent
10025843 Malignant neoplasm of clitoris stage 0
10025844 Malignant neoplasm of clitoris stage I
10025845 Malignant neoplasm of clitoris stage II
10025846 Malignant neoplasm of clitoris stage III
10025847 Malignant neoplasm of clitoris stage IV
10025848 Malignant neoplasm of colon
10025849 Malignant neoplasm of colon recurrent, other
10025850 Malignant neoplasm of colon stage I
10025851 Malignant neoplasm of colon stage I, unspecified
10025852 Malignant neoplasm of colon stage II
10025853 Malignant neoplasm of colon stage II, unspecified
10025854 Malignant neoplasm of colon stage III
10025855 Malignant neoplasm of colon stage III, unspecified
10025856 Malignant neoplasm of colon stage IV
10025857 Malignant neoplasm of colon stage IV, unspecified
10025859 Malignant neoplasm of colon, unspecified
10025860 Malignant neoplasm of commissure of lip
10025861 Malignant neoplasm of conjunctiva
10025871 Malignant neoplasm of cornea
10025872 Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, except isthmus
10025873 Malignant neoplasm of cranial nerves
10025874 Malignant neoplasm of descending colon
10025875 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder
10025876 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder recurrent
10025877 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder stage 0, with cancer in situ
10025878 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder stage 0, without cancer in situ
10025879 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder stage I, with cancer in situ
10025880 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder stage I, without cancer in situ
10025881 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder stage II
10025882 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder stage III
10025883 Malignant neoplasm of dome of urinary bladder stage IV
10025884 Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue
10025885 Malignant neoplasm of duodenum
10025886 Malignant neoplasm of duodenum metastatic
10025887 Malignant neoplasm of duodenum non-resectable
10025888 Malignant neoplasm of duodenum NOS
10025889 Malignant neoplasm of duodenum recurrent
10025890 Malignant neoplasm of duodenum resectable
10025891 Malignant neoplasm of endocervix
10025892 Malignant neoplasm of endocervix recurrent
10025893 Malignant neoplasm of endocervix stage I
10025894 Malignant neoplasm of endocervix stage II
10025895 Malignant neoplasm of endocervix stage III
10025896 Malignant neoplasm of endocervix stage IV
10025897 Malignant neoplasm of endocrine gland, site unspecified
10025898 Malignant neoplasm of epididymis
10025899 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus
10025900 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus NOS
10025901 Malignant neoplasm of esophagus, unspecified
10025902 Malignant neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus
10025903 Malignant neoplasm of exocervix
10025904 Malignant neoplasm of exocervix recurrent
10025905 Malignant neoplasm of exocervix stage I
10025906 Malignant neoplasm of exocervix stage II
10025907 Malignant neoplasm of exocervix stage III
10025908 Malignant neoplasm of exocervix stage IV
10025909 Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile ducts
10025910 Malignant neoplasm of eye
10025911 Malignant neoplasm of eye, part unspecified
10025912 Malignant neoplasm of eyeball, except conjunctiva, cornea, retina, and choroid
10025913 Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube
10025914 Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube metastatic
10025915 Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube NOS
10025916 Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube stage I
10025917 Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube stage II
10025918 Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube stage III
10025919 Malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube stage IV
10025920 Malignant neoplasm of female breast
10025921 Malignant neoplasm of female breast, unspecified
10025922 Malignant neoplasm of female genital organ, site unspecified
10025923 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth
10025924 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth recurrent
10025925 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth stage 0
10025926 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth stage I
10025927 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth stage II
10025928 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth stage III
10025929 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth stage IV
10025930 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, part unspecified
10025931 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, part unspecified recurrent
10025932 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, part unspecified stage 0
10025933 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, part unspecified stage I
10025934 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, part unspecified stage II
10025935 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, part unspecified stage III
10025936 Malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth, part unspecified stage IV
10025937 Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe
10025938 Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus
10025939 Malignant neoplasm of fundus of stomach
10025940 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder
10025942 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts localized
10025943 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts non-resectable
10025944 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts recurrent
10025945 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder localized
10025946 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder non-resectable
10025947 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder recurrent
10025948 Malignant neoplasm of glans penis
10025949 Malignant neoplasm of glottis
10025950 Malignant neoplasm of greater curvature of stomach, unspecified
10025951 Malignant neoplasm of gum
10025952 Malignant neoplasm of gum, unspecified
10025953 Malignant neoplasm of hard palate
10025954 Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas
10025955 Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas metastatic
10025956 Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas non-resectable
10025957 Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas recurrent
10025958 Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas resectable
10025959 Malignant neoplasm of head, face, and neck
10025960 Malignant neoplasm of head, face, and neck NOS
10025961 Malignant neoplasm of heart
10025962 Malignant neoplasm of hepatic flexure
10025963 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx
10025964 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx recurrent
10025965 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx stage 0
10025966 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx stage I
10025967 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx stage II
10025968 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx stage III
10025969 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx stage IV
10025970 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified
10025971 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified, recurrent
10025972 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified, stage 0
10025973 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified, stage I
10025974 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified, stage II
10025975 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified, stage III
10025976 Malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx, unspecified, stage IV
10025977 Malignant neoplasm of ileum
10025978 Malignant neoplasm of ileum metastatic
10025979 Malignant neoplasm of ileum non-resectable
10025980 Malignant neoplasm of ileum NOS
10025981 Malignant neoplasm of ileum recurrent
10025982 Malignant neoplasm of ileum resectable
10025986 Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the lip and oral cavity stage 0
10025987 Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the lip and oral cavity stage I
10025988 Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the lip and oral cavity stage II
10025990 Malignant neoplasm of ill-defined sites within the lip and oral cavity stage IV
10025992 Malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, part unspecified
10025993 Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts
10025994 Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts non-resectable
10025995 Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts recurrent
10025996 Malignant neoplasm of intrahepatic bile ducts resectable
10025997 Malignant neoplasm of islets of Langerhans
10025998 Malignant neoplasm of isthmus
10025999 Malignant neoplasm of jejunum
10026000 Malignant neoplasm of jejunum metastatic
10026001 Malignant neoplasm of jejunum non-resectable
10026002 Malignant neoplasm of jejunum NOS
10026003 Malignant neoplasm of jejunum recurrent
10026004 Malignant neoplasm of jejunum resectable
10026005 Malignant neoplasm of junctional region of oropharynx
10026006 Malignant neoplasm of junctional zone of tongue
10026008 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis
10026009 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis, recurrent
10026010 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis, stage I
10026011 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis, stage II
10026012 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis, stage III
10026013 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except pelvis, stage IV
10026014 Malignant neoplasm of labia majora
10026015 Malignant neoplasm of labia majora metastatic
10026016 Malignant neoplasm of labia majora recurrent
10026017 Malignant neoplasm of labia majora stage 0
10026018 Malignant neoplasm of labia majora stage I
10026019 Malignant neoplasm of labia majora stage II
10026020 Malignant neoplasm of labia majora stage III
10026021 Malignant neoplasm of labia majora stage IV
10026022 Malignant neoplasm of labia minora
10026023 Malignant neoplasm of labia minora metastatic
10026024 Malignant neoplasm of labia minora recurrent
10026025 Malignant neoplasm of labia minora stage 0
10026026 Malignant neoplasm of labia minora stage I
10026027 Malignant neoplasm of labia minora stage II
10026028 Malignant neoplasm of labia minora stage III
10026029 Malignant neoplasm of labia minora stage IV
10026030 Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal duct
10026031 Malignant neoplasm of lacrimal gland
10026032 Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilages
10026033 Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilages recurrent
10026034 Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilages stage I
10026035 Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilages stage II
10026036 Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilages stage III
10026037 Malignant neoplasm of laryngeal cartilages stage IV
10026038 Malignant neoplasm of larynx
10026039 Malignant neoplasm of larynx recurrent
10026040 Malignant neoplasm of larynx stage I
10026041 Malignant neoplasm of larynx stage II
10026042 Malignant neoplasm of larynx stage III
10026043 Malignant neoplasm of larynx stage IV
10026044 Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspecified
10026045 Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspecified, recurrent
10026046 Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspecified, stage I
10026047 Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspecified, stage II
10026048 Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspecified, stage III
10026049 Malignant neoplasm of larynx, unspecified, stage IV
10026050 Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth
10026051 Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth recurrent
10026052 Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth stage 0
10026053 Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth stage I
10026054 Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth stage II
10026055 Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth stage III
10026056 Malignant neoplasm of lateral portion of floor of mouth stage IV
10026057 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx
10026058 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx recurrent
10026059 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx stage 0
10026060 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx stage I
10026061 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx stage II
10026062 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx stage III
10026063 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of nasopharynx stage IV
10026064 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of oropharynx
10026065 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder
10026066 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder recurrent
10026071 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder stage II
10026072 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder stage III
10026073 Malignant neoplasm of lateral wall of urinary bladder stage IV
10026074 Malignant neoplasm of lesser curvature of stomach, unspecified
10026075 Malignant neoplasm of lingual tonsil
10026076 Malignant neoplasm of lip
10026077 Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, inner aspect
10026078 Malignant neoplasm of lip, unspecified, vermilion border
10026080 Malignant neoplasm of liver, not specified as primary or secondary
10026081 Malignant neoplasm of liver, primary
10026082 Malignant neoplasm of liver, primary non-resectable
10026083 Malignant neoplasm of liver, primary recurrent
10026084 Malignant neoplasm of liver, primary resectable
10026085 Malignant neoplasm of liver, specified as secondary
10026086 Malignant neoplasm of long bones of lower limb
10026087 Malignant neoplasm of lower gum
10026088 Malignant neoplasm of lower jaw bone
10026089 Malignant neoplasm of lower limb
10026090 Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, inner aspect
10026091 Malignant neoplasm of lower lip, vermilion border
10026097 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung, in situ
10026098 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung, recurrent
10026099 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung, stage 0
10026100 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung, stage I
10026101 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung, stage II
10026102 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung, stage III
10026103 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung, stage IV
10026104 Malignant neoplasm of lower third of esophagus
10026105 Malignant neoplasm of lower third of oesophagus
10026106 Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of female breast
10026107 Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of female breast
10026108 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus
10026109 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus cell type unspecified stage I
10026110 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus cell type unspecified stage II
10026111 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus cell type unspecified stage III
10026112 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus cell type unspecified stage IV
10026113 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus in situ
10026114 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus recurrent
10026115 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus stage 0
10026116 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus stage I
10026117 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus stage II
10026118 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus stage III
10026119 Malignant neoplasm of main bronchus stage IV
10026121 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands recurrent
10026122 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands stage 0
10026123 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands stage I
10026124 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands stage II
10026125 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands stage III
10026126 Malignant neoplasm of major salivary glands stage IV
10026127 Malignant neoplasm of male breast
10026128 Malignant neoplasm of male genital organ, site unspecified
10026129 Malignant neoplasm of mandible
10026130 Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus
10026131 Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum
10026132 Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum metastatic
10026133 Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum non-resectable
10026134 Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum NOS
10026135 Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum recurrent
10026136 Malignant neoplasm of Meckel's diverticulum resectable
10026137 Malignant neoplasm of mediastinum, part unspecified
10026143 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung, in situ
10026144 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung, recurrent
10026145 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung, stage 0
10026146 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung, stage I
10026147 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung, stage II
10026148 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung, stage III
10026149 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung, stage IV
10026150 Malignant neoplasm of middle third of esophagus
10026151 Malignant neoplasm of middle third of oesophagus
10026152 Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified
10026153 Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified recurrent
10026154 Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified stage 0
10026155 Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified stage I
10026156 Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified stage II
10026157 Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified stage III
10026158 Malignant neoplasm of mouth, unspecified stage IV
10026159 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavities
10026161 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx
10026162 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx recurrent
10026163 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx stage 0
10026164 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx stage I
10026165 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx stage II
10026166 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx stage III
10026167 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx stage IV
10026168 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified
10026169 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified, recurrent
10026170 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified, stage 0
10026171 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified, stage I
10026172 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified, stage II
10026173 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified, stage III
10026174 Malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx, unspecified, stage IV
10026175 Malignant neoplasm of nervous system, part unspecified
10026179 Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe
10026180 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus
10026181 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus NOS
10026182 Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus, unspecified
10026183 Malignant neoplasm of orbit
10026184 Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx
10026185 Malignant neoplasm of oropharynx, unspecified
10026193 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth recurrent
10026194 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth stage 0
10026195 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth stage I
10026196 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth stage II
10026197 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth stage III
10026198 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth stage IV
10026201 Malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified testis
10026204 Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands recurrent
10026205 Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands stage 0
10026206 Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands stage I
10026207 Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands stage II
10026208 Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands stage III
10026209 Malignant neoplasm of other major salivary glands stage IV
10026216 Malignant neoplasm of other parts of bronchus or lung, in situ
10026217 Malignant neoplasm of other parts of bronchus or lung, recurrent
10026218 Malignant neoplasm of other parts of bronchus or lung, stage 0
10026219 Malignant neoplasm of other parts of bronchus or lung, stage I
10026220 Malignant neoplasm of other parts of bronchus or lung, stage II
10026221 Malignant neoplasm of other parts of bronchus or lung, stage III
10026222 Malignant neoplasm of other parts of bronchus or lung, stage IV
10026226 Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth recurrent
10026227 Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth stage 0
10026228 Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth stage I
10026229 Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth stage II
10026230 Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth stage III
10026231 Malignant neoplasm of other sites of floor of mouth stage IV
10026233 Malignant neoplasm of other sites of lip
10026238 Malignant neoplasm of other sites within the lip and oral cavity recurrent
10026239 Malignant neoplasm of other sites within the lip and oral cavity stage 0
10026240 Malignant neoplasm of other sites within the lip and oral cavity stage I
10026241 Malignant neoplasm of other sites within the lip and oral cavity stage II
10026242 Malignant neoplasm of other sites within the lip and oral cavity stage III
10026243 Malignant neoplasm of other sites within the lip and oral cavity stage IV
10026249 Malignant neoplasm of other specified parts of mouth recurrent
10026250 Malignant neoplasm of other specified parts of mouth stage 0
10026251 Malignant neoplasm of other specified parts of mouth stage I
10026252 Malignant neoplasm of other specified parts of mouth stage II
10026253 Malignant neoplasm of other specified parts of mouth stage III
10026254 Malignant neoplasm of other specified parts of mouth stage IV
10026257 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of bladder recurrent
10026262 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of bladder stage II
10026263 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of bladder stage III
10026264 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of bladder stage IV
10026267 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of cervix recurrent
10026268 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of cervix stage I
10026269 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of cervix stage II
10026270 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of cervix stage III
10026271 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of cervix stage IV
10026281 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of hypopharynx recurrent
10026282 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of hypopharynx stage 0
10026283 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of hypopharynx stage I
10026284 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of hypopharynx stage II
10026285 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of hypopharynx stage III
10026286 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of hypopharynx stage IV
10026289 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of larynx recurrent
10026290 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of larynx stage I
10026291 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of larynx stage II
10026292 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of larynx stage III
10026293 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of larynx stage IV
10026296 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of nasopharynx recurrent
10026297 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of nasopharynx stage 0
10026298 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of nasopharynx stage I
10026299 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of nasopharynx stage II
10026300 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of nasopharynx stage III
10026301 Malignant neoplasm of other specified sites of nasopharynx stage IV
10026310 Malignant neoplasm of ovary
10026312 Malignant neoplasm of palate, unspecified
10026313 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas
10026314 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas metastatic
10026315 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas non-resectable
10026316 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas recurrent
10026317 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas resectable
10026318 Malignant neoplasm of pancreas, part unspecified
10026319 Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct
10026320 Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct metastatic
10026321 Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct non-resectable
10026322 Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct recurrent
10026323 Malignant neoplasm of pancreatic duct resectable
10026324 Malignant neoplasm of parametrium
10026325 Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland
10026326 Malignant neoplasm of paraurethral glands
10026327 Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe
10026328 Malignant neoplasm of parietal pleura
10026329 Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland
10026330 Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland recurrent
10026331 Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland stage 0
10026332 Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland stage I
10026333 Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland stage II
10026334 Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland stage III
10026335 Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland stage IV
10026337 Malignant neoplasm of pelvis
10026339 Malignant neoplasm of penis, part unspecified
10026340 Malignant neoplasm of peritoneum, unspecified
10026341 Malignant neoplasm of pharynx stage 0
10026342 Malignant neoplasm of pharynx stage I
10026343 Malignant neoplasm of pharynx stage II
10026344 Malignant neoplasm of pharynx stage III
10026345 Malignant neoplasm of pharynx stage IV
10026346 Malignant neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified
10026347 Malignant neoplasm of pineal parenchyma
10026348 Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland
10026350 Malignant neoplasm of placenta
10026351 Malignant neoplasm of pleura
10026352 Malignant neoplasm of pleura NOS
10026353 Malignant neoplasm of pleura, parietal
10026354 Malignant neoplasm of pleura, unspecified
10026355 Malignant neoplasm of pleura, visceral
10026356 Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region of hypopharynx
10026357 Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region of hypopharynx recurrent
10026358 Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region of hypopharynx stage 0
10026359 Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region of hypopharynx stage I
10026360 Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region of hypopharynx stage II
10026361 Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region of hypopharynx stage III
10026362 Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region of hypopharynx stage IV
10026363 Malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall
10026364 Malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall recurrent
10026365 Malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall stage 0
10026366 Malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall stage I
10026367 Malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall stage II
10026368 Malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall stage III
10026369 Malignant neoplasm of posterior hypopharyngeal wall stage IV
10026370 Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum
10026371 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx
10026372 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx recurrent
10026373 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx stage 0
10026374 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx stage I
10026375 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx stage II
10026376 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx stage III
10026377 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of nasopharynx stage IV
10026378 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of oropharynx
10026379 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder
10026380 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder recurrent
10026385 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder stage II
10026386 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder stage III
10026387 Malignant neoplasm of posterior wall of urinary bladder stage IV
10026388 Malignant neoplasm of prepuce
10026389 Malignant neoplasm of prostate
10026390 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum
10026391 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum in situ
10026392 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum recurrent
10026393 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum stage 0
10026394 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum stage I
10026395 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum stage II
10026396 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum stage III
10026397 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum stage IV NOS
10026398 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum stage IV with metastases
10026399 Malignant neoplasm of pyloric antrum stage IV without metastases
10026400 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus
10026401 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus in situ
10026402 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus recurrent
10026403 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus stage 0
10026404 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus stage I
10026405 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus stage II
10026406 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus stage III
10026407 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus stage IV NOS
10026408 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus stage IV with metastases
10026409 Malignant neoplasm of pylorus stage IV without metastases
10026410 Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus
10026411 Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus recurrent
10026412 Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus stage 0
10026413 Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus stage I
10026414 Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus stage II
10026415 Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus stage III
10026416 Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus stage IV
10026417 Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction
10026418 Malignant neoplasm of rectum
10026419 Malignant neoplasm of rectum recurrent
10026420 Malignant neoplasm of rectum stage I
10026421 Malignant neoplasm of rectum stage II
10026422 Malignant neoplasm of rectum stage III
10026423 Malignant neoplasm of rectum stage IV
10026424 Malignant neoplasm of rectum stage unspecified
10026426 Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis
10026427 Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis and ureter localized transitional cell
10026428 Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis and ureter metastatic transitional cell
10026429 Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis and ureter NOS transitional cell
10026430 Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis and ureter recurrent transitional cell
10026431 Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis and ureter transitional cell regional
10026432 Malignant neoplasm of retina
10026433 Malignant neoplasm of retina NOS
10026434 Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area
10026435 Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area recurrent
10026436 Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area stage 0
10026437 Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area stage I
10026438 Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area stage II
10026439 Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area stage III
10026440 Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area stage IV
10026441 Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum
10026444 Malignant neoplasm of round ligament of uterus
10026445 Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland, unspecified
10026446 Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland, unspecified, recurrent
10026447 Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland, unspecified, stage 0
10026448 Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland, unspecified, stage I
10026449 Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland, unspecified, stage II
10026450 Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland, unspecified, stage III
10026451 Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland, unspecified, stage IV
10026453 Malignant neoplasm of scrotum
10026454 Malignant neoplasm of short bones of lower limb
10026456 Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon
10026457 Malignant neoplasm of skin, other
10026458 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum
10026459 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum metastatic
10026460 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum non-resectable
10026461 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum recurrent
10026462 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, including duodenum resectable
10026463 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, unspecified
10026464 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, unspecified metastatic
10026465 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, unspecified non-resectable
10026466 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, unspecified recurrent
10026467 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, unspecified resectable
10026468 Malignant neoplasm of soft palate
10026469 Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum
10026470 Malignant neoplasm of spermatic cord
10026471 Malignant neoplasm of sphenoidal sinus
10026472 Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord
10026473 Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges
10026475 Malignant neoplasm of splenic flexure
10026476 Malignant neoplasm of stomach
10026477 Malignant neoplasm of stomach in situ
10026478 Malignant neoplasm of stomach recurrent
10026479 Malignant neoplasm of stomach stage 0
10026480 Malignant neoplasm of stomach stage I
10026481 Malignant neoplasm of stomach stage II
10026482 Malignant neoplasm of stomach stage III
10026483 Malignant neoplasm of stomach stage IV NOS
10026484 Malignant neoplasm of stomach stage IV with metastases
10026485 Malignant neoplasm of stomach stage IV without metastases
10026486 Malignant neoplasm of stomach, unspecified
10026487 Malignant neoplasm of subglottis
10026488 Malignant neoplasm of subglottis recurrent
10026489 Malignant neoplasm of subglottis stage I
10026490 Malignant neoplasm of subglottis stage II
10026491 Malignant neoplasm of subglottis stage III
10026492 Malignant neoplasm of subglottis stage IV
10026493 Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland
10026494 Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland recurrent
10026495 Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland stage 0
10026496 Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland stage I
10026497 Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland stage II
10026498 Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland stage III
10026499 Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland stage IV
10026500 Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland
10026501 Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland recurrent
10026502 Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland stage 0
10026503 Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland stage I
10026504 Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland stage II
10026505 Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland stage III
10026506 Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland stage IV
10026507 Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx
10026508 Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx recurrent
10026509 Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx stage 0
10026510 Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx stage I
10026511 Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx stage II
10026512 Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx stage III
10026513 Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx stage IV
10026514 Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis
10026515 Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis recurrent
10026516 Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis stage I
10026517 Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis stage II
10026518 Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis stage III
10026519 Malignant neoplasm of supraglottis stage IV
10026520 Malignant neoplasm of suprarenal gland
10026521 Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas
10026522 Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas metastatic
10026523 Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas non-resectable
10026524 Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas recurrent
10026525 Malignant neoplasm of tail of pancreas resectable
10026526 Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe
10026527 Malignant neoplasm of testis
10026528 Malignant neoplasm of testis, other and unspecified
10026529 Malignant neoplasm of testis, undescended
10026530 Malignant neoplasm of thoracic esophagus
10026531 Malignant neoplasm of thoracic oesophagus
10026532 Malignant neoplasm of thorax
10026533 Malignant neoplasm of thymus
10026535 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland
10026537 Malignant neoplasm of tongue
10026538 Malignant neoplasm of tongue, unspecified
10026539 Malignant neoplasm of tonsil
10026540 Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa
10026541 Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar pillars (anterior) (posterior)
10026542 Malignant neoplasm of trachea
10026548 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung, in situ
10026549 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung, recurrent
10026550 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung, stage 0
10026551 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung, stage I
10026552 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung, stage II
10026553 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung, stage III
10026554 Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus, and lung, stage IV
10026555 Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon
10026556 Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder
10026557 Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder recurrent
10026558 Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder stage 0, with cancer in situ
10026560 Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder stage I, with cancer in situ
10026562 Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder stage II
10026563 Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder stage III
10026564 Malignant neoplasm of trigone of urinary bladder stage IV
10026565 Malignant neoplasm of undescended testis
10026566 Malignant neoplasm of upper gum
10026567 Malignant neoplasm of upper limb
10026568 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, inner aspect
10026569 Malignant neoplasm of upper lip, vermilion border
10026575 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung, in situ
10026576 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung, recurrent
10026577 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung, stage 0
10026578 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung, stage I
10026579 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung, stage II
10026580 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung, stage III
10026581 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, bronchus or lung, stage IV
10026582 Malignant neoplasm of upper respiratory tract, part unspecified
10026583 Malignant neoplasm of upper third of esophagus
10026584 Malignant neoplasm of upper third of oesophagus
10026585 Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of female breast
10026586 Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of female breast
10026587 Malignant neoplasm of urachus
10026588 Malignant neoplasm of urachus recurrent
10026589 Malignant neoplasm of urachus stage 0, with cancer in situ
10026590 Malignant neoplasm of urachus stage 0, without cancer in situ
10026591 Malignant neoplasm of urachus stage I, with cancer in situ
10026592 Malignant neoplasm of urachus stage I, without cancer in situ
10026593 Malignant neoplasm of urachus stage II
10026594 Malignant neoplasm of urachus stage III
10026595 Malignant neoplasm of urachus stage IV
10026596 Malignant neoplasm of ureter
10026597 Malignant neoplasm of ureter local
10026598 Malignant neoplasm of ureter metastatic
10026599 Malignant neoplasm of ureter recurrent
10026600 Malignant neoplasm of ureter regional
10026601 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice
10026602 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice recurrent
10026603 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice stage 0, with cancer in situ
10026604 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice stage 0, without cancer in situ
10026605 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice stage I, with cancer in situ
10026606 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice stage I, without cancer in situ
10026607 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice stage II
10026608 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice stage III
10026609 Malignant neoplasm of ureteric orifice stage IV
10026610 Malignant neoplasm of urethra
10026611 Malignant neoplasm of urethra local
10026612 Malignant neoplasm of urethra metastatic
10026613 Malignant neoplasm of urethra recurrent
10026614 Malignant neoplasm of urethra regional
10026615 Malignant neoplasm of urinary organ, site unspecified
10026616 Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa
10026617 Malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa, unspecified
10026618 Malignant neoplasm of uterus, part unspecified
10026619 Malignant neoplasm of uvula
10026620 Malignant neoplasm of vagina
10026621 Malignant neoplasm of vagina metastatic
10026622 Malignant neoplasm of vagina recurrent
10026623 Malignant neoplasm of vagina stage 0
10026624 Malignant neoplasm of vagina stage I
10026625 Malignant neoplasm of vagina stage II
10026626 Malignant neoplasm of vagina stage III
10026627 Malignant neoplasm of vagina stage IVA
10026628 Malignant neoplasm of vagina stage IVB
10026629 Malignant neoplasm of vallecula
10026630 Malignant neoplasm of ventral surface of tongue
10026631 Malignant neoplasm of ventricles
10026632 Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column, excluding sacrum and coccyx
10026633 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth
10026634 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth recurrent
10026635 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth stage 0
10026636 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth stage I
10026637 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth stage II
10026638 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth stage III
10026639 Malignant neoplasm of vestibule of mouth stage IV
10026640 Malignant neoplasm of visceral pleura
10026641 Malignant neoplasm of vulva metastatic
10026642 Malignant neoplasm of vulva recurrent
10026643 Malignant neoplasm of vulva stage 0
10026644 Malignant neoplasm of vulva stage I
10026645 Malignant neoplasm of vulva stage II
10026646 Malignant neoplasm of vulva stage III
10026647 Malignant neoplasm of vulva stage IV
10026648 Malignant neoplasm of vulva, unspecified
10026649 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring
10026650 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring stage 0
10026651 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring stage I
10026652 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring stage II
10026653 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring stage III
10026654 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring stage IV
10026655 Malignant neoplasm without specification of site
10026656 Malignant nervous system neoplasm NOS
10026657 Malignant nipple neoplasm NOS
10026659 Malignant oligodendroglioma
10026661 Malignant otitis externa
10026662 Malignant ovarian cyst
10026663 Malignant palate neoplasm
10026664 Malignant pancreatic islet neoplasm
10026665 Malignant paraganglion neoplasm
10026666 Malignant pericarditis
10026667 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
10026668 Malignant peritoneal effusion
10026669 Malignant peritoneal neoplasm NOS
10026670 Malignant pineal neoplasm
10026671 Malignant pituitary tumor
10026672 Malignant pituitary tumour
10026673 Malignant pleural effusion
10026674 Malignant renal hypertension
10026675 Malignant renovascular hypertension
10026676 Malignant respiratory tract neoplasm NOS
10026677 Malignant salivary gland cancer
10026678 Malignant salivary gland cancer recurrent
10026679 Malignant salivary gland cancer stage 0
10026680 Malignant salivary gland cancer stage I
10026681 Malignant salivary gland cancer stage II
10026682 Malignant salivary gland cancer stage III
10026683 Malignant salivary gland cancer stage IV
10026684 Malignant salivary gland neoplasm
10026685 Malignant salivary gland neoplasm recurrent
10026686 Malignant salivary gland neoplasm stage 0
10026687 Malignant salivary gland neoplasm stage I
10026688 Malignant salivary gland neoplasm stage II
10026689 Malignant salivary gland neoplasm stage III
10026690 Malignant salivary gland neoplasm stage IV
10026691 Malignant secondary hypertension
10026692 Malignant secondary hypertension NOS
10026693 Malignant skin neoplasm NOS
10026694 Malignant small intestinal neoplasm metastatic NOS
10026695 Malignant small intestinal neoplasm non-resectable NOS
10026696 Malignant small intestinal neoplasm NOS
10026697 Malignant small intestinal neoplasm recurrent NOS
10026698 Malignant small intestinal neoplasm resectable NOS
10026699 Malignant soft tissue neoplasm NOS
10026700 Malignant spinal cord neoplasm NOS
10026701 Malignant spinal meningioma
10026702 Malignant splenic neoplasm
10026703 Malignant tongue cancer
10026704 Malignant tongue neoplasm
10026705 Malignant tumour excision NOS
10026706 Malignant urinary tract neoplasm NOS
10026707 Malignant ventricular arrhythmias
10026709 Malingering
10026710 Mallet finger
10026711 Mallory Weiss tear
10026712 Mallory-Weiss syndrome
10026713 Malnutrition NOS
10026716 Malnutrition protein-calorie
10026717 Malocclusion NOS
10026718 Malocclusion, unspecified
10026720 Malposition of heart and cardiac apex
10026721 Malposition of uterus
10026724 Malt worker's lung
10026725 Malt workers' lung
10026726 Malta fever
10026727 Maltreated child
10026729 Malunion of fracture
10026730 Mammary duct ectasia
10026731 Mammary dysplasia (benign)
10026732 Mammary hyperplasia bilateral
10026733 Mammary hypertrophy
10026735 Mammogram
10026736 Mammogram abnormal
10026737 Mammogram normal
10026738 Manchester repair
10026739 Mandible closed fracture
10026740 Mandible open fracture
10026741 Mandibular hyperplasia
10026742 Mandibular hypoplasia
10026743 Manganese
10026744 Manganese decreased
10026745 Manganese high
10026746 Manganese increased
10026747 Manganese low
10026748 Manganese normal
10026749 Mania
10026750 Mania acute
10026751 Mania aggravated
10026752 Manic
10026754 Manic depression
10026755 Manic depressive
10026756 Manic depressive illness
10026757 Manic depressive psychosis
10026758 Manic depressive reaction
10026759 Manic disorder, recurrent episode
10026760 Manic disorder, recurrent episode, in full remission
10026769 Manic disorder, single episode
10026770 Manic disorder, single episode, in full remission
10026778 Manic episode
10026779 Manic excitement
10026780 Manic psychosis
10026781 Manic reaction
10026782 Manic state
10026783 Manic state aggravated
10026784 Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently depressed
10026785 Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type but currently manic
10026786 Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, current condition not specified
10026787 Manic-depressive psychosis, circular type, mixed
10026789 Manic-depressive psychosis, unspecified
10026790 Manic-depressive psychosis, depressed type
10026791 Manic-depressive psychosis, manic type
10026792 Manifest refraction
10026793 Manipulation NOS
10026794 Manipulation of spine
10026795 Manipulative personality
10026796 Mannerism
10026797 Mansonella ozzardi infection
10026799 Mantle cell lymphoma NOS
10026800 Mantle cell lymphoma recurrent
10026801 Mantle cell lymphoma refractory
10026802 Mantle cell lymphoma stage I
10026803 Mantle cell lymphoma stage II
10026804 Mantle cell lymphoma stage III
10026805 Mantle cell lymphoma stage IV
10026806 Mantle zone lymphoma
10026807 Mantle zone lymphoma recurrent
10026808 Mantle zone lymphoma refractory
10026809 Mantle zone lymphoma stage I
10026810 Mantle zone lymphoma stage II
10026811 Mantle zone lymphoma stage III
10026812 Mantle zone lymphoma stage IV
10026814 MAP decreased
10026815 MAP increased
10026816 Maple bark-strippers' lung
10026817 Maple syrup disease
10026818 Maple syrup urine disease
10026819 Maple-bark-strippers' lung
10026820 Marasmus
10026821 Marble bone disease
10026822 Marburg disease
10026823 Marburg viral haemorrhagic fever
10026825 Marburg virus infection
10026826 March fracture
10026827 March haemoglobinuria
10026828 Marchiafava-Bignami disease
10026829 Marfan's syndrome
10026830 Marginal keratitis
10026831 Marginal perforation of tympanum
10026832 Mariotte's spot enlarged
10026833 Marital disharmony
10026834 Marital problem
10026835 Marital stress
10026837 Marked inactivity of chest wall on inspiratory effort
10026838 Marked restlessness
10026839 Marked rigidity
10026840 Markedly increased food intake
10026841 Markedly reduced food intake
10026842 Marriage
10026843 Married
10026844 Marrow aspirate
10026845 Marrow biopsy
10026846 Marrow depression
10026848 Marrow depression of
10026849 Marrow dysplasia
10026850 Marrow hypercellular
10026851 Marrow hyperplasia
10026852 Marrow hyperplasia of
10026853 Marrow hypoplasia
10026854 Marrow maturation arrest
10026855 Marrow trephine
10026856 Marsupialisation of Bartholin's abscess
10026858 Masculinisation
10026859 Masculinization
10026860 Mask like expression
10026861 Mask like facies
10026862 Masked face
10026863 Masked facies
10026864 Masochism
10026865 Mass
10026867 Mass breast fibrocystic
10026868 Mass in abdomen
10026869 Mass in pelvis
10026870 Mass injection site
10026871 Massage
10026872 Massive aspiration syndrome of newborn
10026873 Massive haematemesis
10026874 Massive parenchyma disruption of spleen with open wound into cavity
10026876 Mastalgia
10026877 Mastatrophy
10026878 Mastectomy
10026880 Mastectomy NOS
10026881 Mastectomy radical
10026882 Mastication disorder
10026883 Mastitis
10026884 Mastitis acute female
10026885 Mastitis chronic
10026886 Mastitis female
10026887 Mastitis infective
10026888 Mastitis male
10026889 Mastitis postpartum
10026890 Mastocytoma
10026891 Mastocytosis
10026892 Mastodynia
10026893 Mastoid abscess NOS
10026894 Mastoid disorder NOS
10026896 Mastoid exploration
10026897 Mastoid operation NOS
10026899 Mastoidectomy
10026900 Mastoiditis
10026902 Mastoiditis NOS
10026912 Maternal death affecting foetus
10026913 Maternal diabetes mellitus affecting neonate
10026914 Maternal disorder NOS affecting foetus
10026915 Maternal distress
10026920 Maternal distress, with delivery, with mention of postpartum complication
10026922 Maternal drug exposure
10026923 Maternal drugs affecting foetus
10026924 Maternal hypertension affecting foetus
10026926 Maternal hypotension syndrome
10026928 Maternal hypotension syndrome, antepartum
10026929 Maternal hypotension syndrome, postpartum
10026935 Maternal pyrexia during labor, unspecified
10026936 Maternal pyrexia during labour, unspecified
10026938 Maternal use of illicit drugs
10026940 Maturation arrest erythroid
10026941 Maturation arrest marrow
10026942 Maturation arrest myeloid
10026943 Maturation arrest platelet
10026944 Maturation sex accelerated
10026945 Mature B-cell type acute leukaemia
10026946 Mature B-cell type acute leukemia
10026947 Maturity onset diabetes
10026948 Maturity-onset diabetes of the young
10026950 Maxillary antrum operation
10026951 Maxillary asymmetry
10026952 Maxillary fracture elevation
10026953 Maxillary hyperplasia
10026954 Maxillary hypoplasia
10026955 Maxillary sinus polyp
10026956 Maxillofacial sinus neoplasm
10026957 Maxillofacial sinuses neoplasm
10026958 Maximal voluntary ventilation
10026959 Maximal voluntary ventilation abnormal
10026960 Maximal voluntary ventilation abnormal NOS
10026961 Maximal voluntary ventilation decreased
10026962 Maximal voluntary ventilation high
10026963 Maximal voluntary ventilation increased
10026964 Maximal voluntary ventilation low
10026965 Maximal voluntary ventilation normal
10026966 Maximum breathing capacity
10026967 Maximum voluntary ventilation abnormal
10026969 McArdle's disease
10026970 McArdles disease
10026971 MCH
10026972 MCH decreased
10026973 MCH normal
10026974 MCHC
10026975 MCTD
10026976 MCV
10026977 MCV abnormal
10026979 MEA Type I
10026980 MEA Type II
10026981 Mean arterial BP decreased
10026982 Mean arterial pressure
10026983 Mean arterial pressure decreased
10026984 Mean arterial pressure high
10026985 Mean arterial pressure increased
10026986 Mean arterial pressure low
10026987 Mean blood pressure decreased
10026988 Mean BP decreased
10026989 Mean cell haemoglobin
10026990 Mean cell haemoglobin concentration
10026991 Mean cell haemoglobin concentration decreased
10026992 Mean cell haemoglobin concentration increased
10026993 Mean cell haemoglobin concentration low
10026994 Mean cell haemoglobin concentration normal
10026995 Mean cell haemoglobin decreased
10026996 Mean cell haemoglobin increased
10026997 Mean cell haemoglobin normal
10026998 Mean cell hemoglobin low
10026999 Mean cell volume
10027000 Mean cell volume abnormal
10027001 Mean cell volume abnormal NOS
10027002 Mean cell volume decreased
10027003 Mean cell volume high
10027004 Mean cell volume increased
10027005 Mean cell volume low
10027006 Mean cell volume normal
10027007 Mean corpuscular haemoglobin
10027008 Mean corpuscular volume
10027009 Mean corpuscular volume abnormal
10027010 Mean corpuscular volume normal
10027011 Measles
10027012 Measles antibody negative
10027013 Measles antibody positive
10027014 Measles keratoconjunctivitis
10027015 Measles like illness
10027016 Measles NOS antibody negative
10027017 Measles NOS antibody positive
10027022 Measles-like rash
10027023 Measly rash
10027024 Meat allergy
10027025 Meatal stenosis
10027026 Mechanical acne
10027047 Mechanical ectropion
10027048 Mechanical entropion
10027049 Mechanical lagophthalmos
10027050 Mechanical ptosis
10027051 Mechanical strabismus
10027053 Mechanical strabismus, unspecified
10027054 Meckel's diverticulitis
10027055 Meckel's diverticulum
10027057 Meconium aspiration
10027058 Meconium ileus
10027059 Meconium increased
10027061 Meconium turbidity
10027062 Medial dislocation of tibia, proximal end, closed
10027063 Medial dislocation of tibia, proximal end, open
10027064 Medial epicondylitis
10027065 Medial popliteal nerve lesion NOS
10027066 Medial sclerosis
10027067 Median nerve injury
10027068 Median nerve lesion NOS
10027069 Median rhomboid glossitis
10027070 Mediastinal abscess
10027071 Mediastinal disorder NOS
10027073 Mediastinal emphysema
10027074 Mediastinal fibrosis
10027075 Mediastinal lymphadenopathy
10027076 Mediastinal mass
10027077 Mediastinal metastases
10027078 Mediastinal neoplasm NOS
10027082 Mediastinitis
10027083 Mediastinoscopy
10027084 Mediastinoscopy abnormal
10027085 Mediastinoscopy normal
10027086 Mediastinum neoplasm
10027087 Medical diet
10027088 Medical diet NOS
10027089 Medical treatment contraindicated
10027090 Medically induced abortion
10027091 Medication error
10027092 Medication tampering
10027093 Mediterranean anaemia (with other haemoglobinopathy)
10027094 Mediterranean fever
10027095 Medullary carcinoma of breast
10027096 Medullary carcinoma of breast recurrent
10027097 Medullary carcinoma of breast stage I
10027098 Medullary carcinoma of breast stage II
10027099 Medullary carcinoma of breast stage III
10027100 Medullary carcinoma of breast stage IV
10027101 Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
10027102 Medullary cystic disease
10027103 Medullary cystic kidney
10027104 Medullary sponge kidney
10027105 Medullary thyroid cancer
10027106 Medulloadrenal hyperfunction
10027107 Medulloblastoma
10027108 Mee's line
10027109 Mees' lines
10027110 Megacolon
10027111 Megacolon acquired
10027113 Megacolon congenital
10027114 Megacolon NOS
10027115 Megacolon toxic
10027116 Megacolon, other than Hirschsprung's
10027117 Megakaryocytic leukemia without mention of remission
10027118 Megakaryocytes abnormal
10027119 Megakaryocytes decreased
10027120 Megakaryocytes increased
10027121 Megakaryocytic leukaemia
10027122 Megakaryocytic leukaemia NOS
10027123 Megakaryocytic leukaemia NOS (in remission)
10027124 Megakaryocytic leukemia
10027125 Megakaryocytic leukemia in remission
10027126 Megaloblast increased
10027127 Megaloblastic anaemia due to folate deficiency
10027128 Megaloblastic anaemia NOS
10027129 Megaloblastic anemia
10027130 Megaloblastosis
10027131 Megaloblasts increased
10027134 Meibomian cyst
10027135 Meibomian cyst curettage
10027136 Meibomian cyst infected
10027137 Meibomianitis
10027138 Meige's syndrome
10027139 Meigs' syndrome
10027140 Meigs' syndrome-like symptom
10027141 Melaena
10027143 Melancholia
10027144 Melancholic depression
10027145 Melanocytic naevus
10027146 Melanoderma
10027147 Melanodermia
10027148 Melanoma in situ
10027149 Melanoma limited to extremity
10027150 Melanoma malignant
10027151 Melanoma of choroid
10027152 Melanoma of skin (malignant)
10027155 Melanoma skin
10027157 Melanosis
10027158 Melanosis coli
10027159 Melanosis congenital
10027160 Melanotic freckle of Hutchinson
10027161 Melasma
10027162 Melena
10027164 Melenay's syndrome
10027165 Melioidosis
10027166 Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
10027167 Membrane mucous disorder (NOS)
10027168 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
10027169 Membranous labyrinthectomy
10027170 Membranous nephropathy
10027171 Memory deficit
10027172 Memory disturbance
10027173 Memory disturbance (excl dementia)
10027174 Memory impaired
10027175 Memory impairment
10027176 Memory loss
10027178 Memory loss of
10027179 Memory loss transient
10027180 MEN Type I
10027181 MEN Type II
10027182 Menarche
10027183 Meniere's disease
10027184 Meniere's disease, unspecified
10027185 Meniere's syndrome
10027186 Meningeal disorder NOS
10027188 Meningeal irritation
10027189 Meningeal neoplasm NOS
10027190 Meningeal tuberculosis
10027191 Meningioma
10027192 Meningioma benign
10027193 Meningioma malignant
10027194 Meningioma malignant NOS
10027197 Meningism
10027198 Meningismus
10027199 Meningitis
10027200 Meningitis anaerobic bacterial NOS
10027201 Meningitis aseptic
10027202 Meningitis bacterial
10027204 Meningitis bacterial NOS
10027205 Meningitis candida
10027206 Meningitis chemical
10027207 Meningitis coccidioides
10027208 Meningitis coxsackie viral
10027209 Meningitis cryptococcal
10027210 Meningitis due to anaerobic bacteria
10027211 Meningitis due to coxsackie virus
10027212 Meningitis due to ECHO virus
10027213 Meningitis due to enterovirus
10027217 Meningitis due to herpes simplex virus
10027218 Meningitis due to herpes zoster virus
10027219 Meningitis due to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
10027220 Meningitis due to mumps virus
10027227 Meningitis due to trypanosomiasis
10027228 Meningitis due to unspecified bacterium
10027229 Meningitis due to unspecified enterovirus
10027231 Meningitis echo viral
10027232 Meningitis enterococcal
10027233 Meningitis enteroviral
10027234 Meningitis eosinophilic
10027236 Meningitis fungal
10027238 Meningitis fungal NOS
10027239 Meningitis gonococcal
10027240 Meningitis gram-negative bacterial NOS
10027241 Meningitis haemophilus
10027242 Meningitis herpes
10027243 Meningitis histoplasma
10027246 Meningitis in sarcoidosis
10027247 Meningitis leptospiral
10027248 Meningitis listeria
10027249 Meningitis meningococcal
10027250 Meningitis mumps
10027251 Meningitis NOS
10027252 Meningitis of unspecified cause
10027253 Meningitis pneumococcal
10027254 Meningitis salmonella
10027255 Meningitis staphylococcal
10027256 Meningitis streptococcal
10027257 Meningitis torula
10027258 Meningitis trypanosomal
10027259 Meningitis tuberculous
10027260 Meningitis viral
10027262 Meningitis viral NOS
10027264 Meningitis-like
10027265 Meningitis-like reaction
10027266 Meningocele
10027267 Meningocele repair
10027268 Meningococcaemia
10027269 Meningococcal arthropathy
10027270 Meningococcal carditis
10027271 Meningococcal carditis, unspecified
10027272 Meningococcal encephalitis
10027273 Meningococcal endocarditis
10027274 Meningococcal infection
10027276 Meningococcal meningitis
10027277 Meningococcal myocarditis
10027278 Meningococcal optic neuritis
10027279 Meningococcal pericarditis
10027280 Meningococcal sepsis
10027281 Meningococcemia
10027282 Meningoencephalitis
10027283 Meningoencephalitis adenoviral
10027284 Meningoencephalitis due to toxoplasmosis
10027285 Meningoencephalitis herpetic
10027286 Meningoencephalocele repair
10027287 Meningomyelocele
10027288 Meningomyelocele repair
10027290 Meniscus of knee removal
10027291 Meniscus tear of knee
10027292 Menke's kinky hair syndrome
10027293 Menkes' kinky hair syndrome
10027294 Menkes' syndrome
10027295 Menometrorrhagia
10027296 Menopausal
10027298 Menopausal arthritis
10027301 Menopausal hot flushes
10027302 Menopausal menorrhagia
10027304 Menopausal symptoms
10027305 Menopausal symptoms aggravated
10027306 Menopausal syndrome
10027307 Menopausal urethral atrophy
10027308 Menopause
10027310 Menopause delayed
10027311 Menopause flushing
10027312 Menopause premature
10027313 Menorrhagia
10027314 Mesenchymal neoplasm of the testis
10027315 Menses delayed
10027317 Menses irregular
10027318 Menses irregular with excessive bleeding
10027319 Menses lack of
10027320 Menses onset delayed
10027321 Menses painful
10027322 Menses regular with excessive bleeding
10027323 Menstrual cramp
10027324 Menstrual cramps
10027325 Menstrual cycle abnormal
10027326 Menstrual cycle shortened
10027327 Menstrual disorder
10027328 Menstrual disorder NOS
10027329 Menstrual disturbance NOS
10027330 Menstrual flooding
10027331 Menstrual flow altered
10027332 Menstrual flow excessive
10027333 Menstrual irregularity
10027334 Menstruation abnormal
10027336 Menstruation delayed
10027337 Menstruation frequent
10027338 Menstruation increased
10027339 Menstruation irregular
10027340 Menstruation prolonged
10027344 Mental abnormality acute transient
10027345 Mental activity decreased
10027346 Mental concentration decreased
10027347 Mental concentration difficult
10027348 Mental concentration difficulty
10027349 Mental concentration impaired
10027350 Mental confusion
10027351 Mental deficiency
10027352 Mental deterioration
10027353 Mental disability
10027354 Mental disability NOS
10027355 Mental disorder NOS
10027356 Mental disorder NOS due to a general medical condition
10027357 Mental disorder NOS post organic brain damage
10027358 Mental disorder post brain damage
10027359 Mental disorder transient
10027364 Mental disorders of mother, antepartum
10027367 Mental disorders of mother, postpartum
10027370 Mental distress
10027371 Mental dullness
10027372 Mental function decreased
10027373 Mental handicap NOS
10027374 Mental impairment
10027376 Mental impairment NOS
10027377 Mental lability symptom
10027378 Mental retardation
10027380 Mental retardation severity unspecified
10027381 Mental state abnormal
10027382 Mental tension
10027383 Mental torpor
10027385 Meralgia paraesthetica
10027386 Meralgia paresthetica
10027387 Merycism
10027388 Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis
10027389 Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma
10027390 Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma localized
10027391 Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma metastatic
10027392 Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma recurrent
10027393 Mesenteric adenitis
10027394 Mesenteric arterial occlusion
10027395 Mesenteric artery embolism
10027396 Mesenteric artery stenosis
10027397 Mesenteric artery thrombosis
10027398 Mesenteric fibrosis
10027399 Mesenteric occlusion
10027401 Mesenteric vascular insufficiency
10027402 Mesenteric vein thrombosis
10027403 Mesenteric venous occlusion
10027404 Mesomelia
10027405 Mesonephric duct cyst
10027406 Mesothelioma
10027407 Mesothelioma malignant
10027408 Mesothelioma malignant advanced
10027409 Mesothelioma malignant localised
10027410 Mesothelioma malignant NOS
10027411 Mesothelioma malignant recurrent
10027415 Metabolic abnormality management
10027417 Metabolic acidosis
10027418 Metabolic acidosis exacerbated
10027419 Metabolic acidosis NOS
10027420 Metabolic acidosis NOS exacerbated
10027421 Metabolic acidosis worsened
10027423 Metabolic alkalosis
10027426 Metabolic disorder NOS
10027429 Metabolic encephalopathy NOS
10027430 Metabolic function test abnormal NOS
10027431 Metabolic function test NOS abnormal
10027435 Metacarpal excision
10027436 Metagonimiasis
10027437 Metaiiodobenzguanidine (MIBG) scan
10027438 Metal fume fever
10027439 Metal poisoning
10027440 Metallosis of globe
10027442 Metamorphosis fatty liver
10027443 Metanephrine urine abnormal NOS
10027444 Metanephrine urine decreased
10027445 Metanephrine urine increased
10027446 Metanephrine urine low
10027447 Metanephrine urine normal
10027448 Metaplasia myeloid
10027449 Metastases NOS
10027450 Metastases to abdominal cavity
10027451 Metastases to adrenals
10027452 Metastases to bone
10027453 Metastases to brain
10027454 Metastases to breast
10027455 Metastases to kidney
10027456 Metastases to large intestine
10027457 Metastases to liver
10027458 Metastases to lung
10027459 Metastases to lymph nodes
10027460 Metastases to neck
10027461 Metastases to nervous system NOS
10027462 Metastases to ovary
10027463 Metastases to pleura
10027464 Metastases to reproductive organ NOS
10027465 Metastases to skin
10027466 Metastases to small intestine
10027468 Metastases to spine
10027469 Metastases to the mediastinum
10027470 Metastases to the respiratory system NOS
10027472 Metastases to urinary tract unspecified organ
10027473 Metastasis in lung
10027475 Metastatic breast cancer
10027477 Metastatic carcinoma
10027478 Metastatic disease
10027479 Metastatic liver carcinoma
10027480 Metastatic malignant melanoma
10027481 Metastatic melanoma
10027482 Metastatic neoplasm NOS, primary site unknown
10027483 Metastatic neoplasm of liver
10027484 Metastatic pain
10027485 Metastatic thyroid cancer scintigraphy
10027486 Metatarsal excision
10027487 Metatarsalgia
10027488 Metatarsophalangeal (joint) sprain
10027489 Metatarsus primus varus
10027490 Metatarsus primus varus, congenital
10027491 Metatarsus varus, congenital
10027492 Metatypical basal cell carcinoma
10027493 Meteorism
10027494 Methaemoglobin urine
10027495 Methaemoglobin urine positive
10027496 Methaemoglobinaemia
10027497 Methaemoglobinaemia NOS
10027498 Methaemoglobinuria
10027499 Methaemoglobin urine absent
10027500 Methaemoglobin urine present
10027501 Methanol
10027502 Methanol decreased
10027503 Methanol high
10027504 Methanol increased
10027505 Methanol normal
10027506 Methemoglobinemia
10027507 Methemoglobinuria
10027508 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection
10027509 Metopirone test
10027510 Metopirone test abnormal
10027511 Metopirone test normal
10027512 Metratrophia
10027513 Metropathia haemorrhagica
10027514 Metrorrhagia
10027515 Metyrapone challenge test
10027516 Metyrapone challenge test abnormal
10027517 Metyrapone challenge test normal
10027518 Mg reduced
10027519 Mg++
10027520 Mg++ decreased
10027521 Mg++ increased
10027522 MGUS
10027523 MGUS undetermined
10027525 Microalbuminuria
10027526 Microaneurysms
10027527 Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
10027528 Microbial substitution
10027532 Microcephalic
10027533 Microcephalus
10027534 Microcephaly
10027535 Microcheilia
10027537 Microcystoid degeneration of retina
10027538 Microcytic anaemia
10027539 Microcytic anemia
10027540 Microcytosis
10027541 Microgenia
10027542 Microglossia
10027543 Micrognathia
10027544 Microhaemorrhage
10027545 Microhemorrhage
10027546 Micromelia
10027547 Microphthalmia
10027548 Microphthalmos
10027550 Microphthalmos, unspecified
10027551 Micropsia
10027552 Microscopic haematuria
10027553 Microstomia
10027554 Microsurgery to hand
10027555 Microtia
10027556 Microvesicular fat disease of liver
10027557 Miction frequency decreased
10027560 Micturition burning
10027561 Micturition disorder
10027562 Micturition frequency
10027563 Micturition involuntary
10027564 Micturition painful
10027565 Micturition reflex decreased
10027566 Micturition urgency
10027567 Mid cycle pain
10027568 Mid stream urine NAD
10027569 Mid-life crisis
10027570 Mid-life crisis NOS
10027571 Mid-life crisis-female
10027572 Mid-life crisis-male
10027573 Mid-stream specimen of urine
10027574 Midcycle bleeding
10027575 Middle aged
10027576 Middle cerebral artery aneurysm
10027577 Middle cerebral artery embolism
10027578 Middle cerebral artery infarct
10027579 Middle cerebral artery occlusion
10027580 Middle cerebral artery stroke
10027581 Middle cerebral artery thrombosis
10027582 Middle ear adhesions
10027583 Middle ear disorder NOS
10027585 Middle ear infection
10027587 Middle ear lesion excision
10027589 Middle ear prosthesis insertion
10027590 Middle insomnia
10027591 Midline malignant reticulosis
10027592 Midline malignant reticulosis recurrent
10027593 Midline malignant reticulosis refractory
10027594 Midline malignant reticulosis stage I
10027595 Midline malignant reticulosis stage II
10027596 Midline malignant reticulosis stage III
10027597 Midline malignant reticulosis stage IV
10027598 Midthigh amputation
10027599 Migraine
10027600 Migraine aggravated
10027601 Migraine aura
10027602 Migraine headache
10027604 Migraine hemiplegic
10027605 Migraine NOS
10027606 Migraine type headaches
10027607 Migraine with aura
10027608 Migraine, unspecified
10027611 Migrainous headache
10027612 Migrainous neuralgia
10027613 Migration of implant
10027618 Mild mental retardation
10027626 Milia
10027627 Miliaria
10027628 Miliaria rubra
10027629 Miliary TB
10027630 Miliary tuberculosis
10027631 Miliary tuberculosis, acute
10027632 Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified
10027633 Milk allergy
10027634 Milk overproduction
10027635 Milk-alkali syndrome
10027636 Mimicry
10027638 Mineral deficiency NOS
10027640 Mineral metabolism disorder NOS
10027642 Minimal brain dysfunction
10027643 Minimal change glomerulonephritis
10027644 Minimum inhibitory concentration
10027645 Minor opacity of cornea
10027646 Miosis
10027649 Miscarriage
10027650 Miscarriage of pregnancy
10027702 Misery and unhappiness disorder specific to childhood and adolescence
10027703 Mismatched donor bone marrow transplantation therapy
10027704 Missed abortion
10027705 Missed beats
10027706 Mitchell's osteotomy
10027707 Mitochondria antibody
10027708 Mitochondria antibody negative
10027709 Mitochondria antibody positive
10027710 Mitochondrial myopathy
10027711 Mitogen stimulation test NOS abnormal
10027712 Mitogen stimulation test NOS normal
10027715 Mitral incompetence
10027716 Mitral insufficiency
10027717 Mitral leaflet prolapse
10027718 Mitral regurgitation
10027719 Mitral stenosis
10027720 Mitral stenosis & incompetence
10027721 Mitral stenosis rheumatic
10027722 Mitral stenosis with insufficiency
10027724 Mitral valve disease mixed
10027725 Mitral valve disease NOS
10027727 Mitral valve incompetence
10027730 Mitral valve prolapse
10027731 Mitral valve repair NOS
10027732 Mitral valve replacement
10027733 Mitral valve stenosis
10027736 Mitral valvotomy
10027737 Mittelschmerz
10027738 Mixed acid-base balance disorder
10027740 Mixed affective disorder (psychosis)
10027741 Mixed anxiety & depressive
10027742 Mixed aortic valve disease
10027743 Mixed astrocytoma-ependymoma
10027744 Mixed astrocytoma-oligodendroglioma
10027745 Mixed cell intraocular melanoma
10027746 Mixed cell sarcoma metastatic
10027747 Mixed cell sarcoma non-metastatic
10027748 Mixed cell sarcoma NOS
10027749 Mixed cell sarcoma recurrent
10027750 Mixed cell sarcoma stage unspecified
10027752 Mixed conductive and sensorineural deafness
10027753 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
10027754 Mixed connective tissue disease
10027756 Mixed cryoglobulinemia
10027757 Mixed deafness
10027758 Mixed development disorder
10027760 Mixed disturbance of conduct and emotions
10027761 Mixed hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma
10027762 Mixed hyperlipidaemia
10027763 Mixed hyperlipidemia
10027765 Mixed intestinal helminthiasis
10027766 Mixed lesions of pinta
10027767 Mixed malaria
10027768 Mixed mitral valve disease
10027769 Mixed oligo-astrocytoma
10027770 Mixed osteosarcoma
10027771 Mixed osteosarcoma localized
10027772 Mixed osteosarcoma metastatic
10027773 Mixed osteosarcoma recurrent
10027774 Mixed parotid tumor
10027775 Mixed parotid tumour
10027777 Mixed pediculosis infestation
10027778 Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder
10027779 Mixed salivary tumor
10027780 Mixed salivary tumour
10027781 Mixed sensory & motor neuropathy
10027782 Mixed stones
10027783 Moaning
10027784 Mobile kidney
10027786 Mobitz (type) II atrioventricular block
10027787 Mobitz type I
10027788 Mobitz type II
10027789 Mobius II syndrome
10027790 Mobius' II syndrome
10027791 Moderate mental retardation
10027796 Modified ECT
10027797 Modified measles
10027799 Modified radical mastectomy
10027800 Modified smallpox
10027801 Modified vaginal hysterectomy
10027802 Moebius II syndrome
10027804 Moist rales
10027805 Mole excision
10027806 Mole of skin
10027807 Molluscum contagiosum
10027809 Molluscum contagiosum virus infection
10027810 Molluscum contagious
10027811 Monarthritis
10027812 Monckeberg's sclerosis
10027813 Money problem NOS
10027814 Monges disease
10027815 Mongolian spot
10027816 Mongolism
10027817 Monilia NOS
10027818 Monilia of nail
10027819 Monilia of skin NOS
10027820 Monilial balanitis
10027821 Monilial infection
10027822 Monilial intertrigo
10027823 Monilial nappy rash
10027824 Monilial rash
10027825 Moniliasis
10027826 Moniliasis axillary
10027827 Moniliasis cutaneous
10027828 Moniliasis gastrointestinal
10027829 Moniliasis genital
10027830 Moniliasis genital female
10027831 Moniliasis GI
10027832 Moniliasis intertriginous
10027834 Moniliasis NOS
10027835 Moniliasis oral
10027836 Moniliasis pulmonary
10027837 Moniliasis respiratory system
10027838 Moniliasis skin
10027839 Moniliasis vaginal
10027840 Monoarthritic rheumatoid arthritis
10027841 Monoarthritis
10027842 Monoarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
10027844 Monoclonal antibody chemoimmunoconjugate therapy
10027845 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with actinides therapy
10027846 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with alpha amanitin therapy
10027847 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with astatine-211 therapy
10027848 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with bismuth-212 therapy
10027849 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with boron-10 therapy
10027850 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with bromine-77 therapy
10027851 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with diphtheria therapy
10027852 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with iodine-125 therapy
10027853 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with iodine-131 therapy
10027854 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with palladium-109 therapy
10027855 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with pseudomonas exotoxin therapy
10027856 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with ricin therapy
10027857 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with scandium-47 therapy
10027858 Monoclonal antibody conjugated with yttrium-90 therapy
10027859 Monoclonal antibody immunoconjugate therapy
10027860 Monoclonal antibody radioconjugate therapy
10027862 Monoclonal antibody toxin conjugate therapy
10027863 Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance
10027864 Monoclonal immunoglobulin present
10027865 Monoclonal immunoglobulin spike NOS present
10027866 Monoclonal paraproteinaemia
10027867 Monoclonal paraproteinemia
10027868 Monocular esotropia
10027872 Monocular exotropia
10027876 Monocyte count
10027877 Monocyte count abnormal NOS
10027878 Monocyte count decreased
10027879 Monocyte count high
10027880 Monocyte count increased
10027881 Monocyte count low
10027882 Monocyte count normal
10027883 Monocyte morphology NOS abnormal
10027884 Monocytes
10027885 Monocytes abnormal
10027886 Monocytes decreased
10027887 Monocytes increased
10027888 Monocytic leukaemia
10027889 Monocytic leukaemia NOS (in remission)
10027890 Monocytic leukaemia, acute
10027891 Monocytic leukaemia, chronic
10027892 Monocytic leukaemia, subacute
10027893 Monocytic leukaemia, unspecified
10027894 Monocytic leukemia
10027895 Monocytic leukemia, acute
10027896 Monocytic leukemia, chronic
10027897 Monocytic leukemia, subacute
10027898 Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell lymphoma of MALT type)
10027899 Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell of MALT type) recurrent
10027900 Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell of MALT type) refractory
10027901 Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell of MALT type) stage I
10027902 Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell of MALT type) stage II
10027903 Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell of MALT type) stage III
10027904 Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma (Extranodal marginal zone low grade B-cell of MALT type) stage IV
10027905 Monocytopenia
10027906 Monocytosis
10027907 Monofixation syndrome
10027910 Mononeuritis
10027911 Mononeuritis multiplex
10027912 Mononeuritis of lower limb
10027913 Mononeuritis of lower limb, unspecified
10027916 Mononeuritis of upper limb, unspecified
10027918 Mononeuropathy multiplex
10027919 Mononeuropathy NOS
10027920 Mononucleosis heterophile test
10027921 Mononucleosis heterophile test negative
10027922 Mononucleosis heterophile test positive
10027923 Mononucleosis infectious
10027924 Mononucleosis syndrome
10027925 Monoparesis
10027926 Monoplegia
10027927 Monoplegia of lower limb
10027928 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting dominant side
10027929 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting nondominant side
10027930 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting unspecified side
10027931 Monoplegia of upper limb
10027932 Monoplegia of upper limb affecting dominant side
10027933 Monoplegia of upper limb affecting nondominant side
10027934 Monoplegia of upper limb affecting unspecified side
10027935 Monoplegic
10027936 Monoplegic infantile cerebral palsy
10027937 Mood alteration NOS
10027940 Mood altered
10027941 Mood change
10027942 Mood depression
10027943 Mood depressions
10027944 Mood disorder due to a general medical condition
10027945 Mood disorder NOS
10027949 Mood elevated
10027950 Mood elevation inappropriate
10027951 Mood swings
10027952 Mood variable
10027953 Moon face
10027955 Mooren's ulcer
10027956 Moraxella acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
10027958 Moraxella catarrhalis pneumonia
10027959 Moraxella catarrhalis secondary bacterial infection of acute bronchitis
10027960 Moraxella infection NOS
10027962 Moraxella otitis medial
10027963 Moraxella pneumonia
10027964 Moraxella secondary bacterial infection of acute bronchitis
10027965 Morbid dreams
10027966 Morbid obesity
10027967 Morbilliform eruption
10027968 Morbilliform erythema
10027969 Morbilliform papular rash
10027970 Morbilliform rash
10027971 Morgagni's disease
10027972 Morgagni-Adam's Stokes syndrome
10027973 Morning after pill
10027974 Morning glory syndrome
10027975 Morning sickness
10027976 Moronity
10027977 Morose
10027978 Moroseness
10027979 Morphea
10027980 Morphea guttate
10027981 Morpheaform basal cell carcinoma
10027982 Morphoea
10027983 Morquio disease
10027984 Morton's metatarsalgia
10027985 Mosquito-borne haemorrhagic fever
10027986 Mosquito-borne hemorrhagic fever
10027987 Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis
10027988 Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
10027989 Motility of spermatozoa increased or decreased
10027990 Motion sickness
10027991 Motor activity exaggerated
10027992 Motor activity retarded
10027993 Motor cycling accident
10027994 Motor disinhibition
10027995 Motor dysfunction NOS
10027996 Motor nerve conduction studies
10027997 Motor nerve conduction studies abnormal
10027998 Motor nerve conduction studies normal
10027999 Motor nerve stimulation tests
10028000 Motor nerve stimulation tests abnormal
10028001 Motor nerve stimulation tests normal
10028002 Motor neuron disease
10028003 Motor neurone disease
10028005 Motor peripheral neuropathy
10028006 Motor restlessness
10028007 Motor unrest compulsive
10028008 Motor vehicle accident
10028009 Mottled pigmentation
10028010 Mottled skin
10028011 Mottled teeth
10028012 Mottling enamel
10028013 Mountain sickness acute
10028014 Mountain sickness chronic
10028015 Mouth abscess
10028016 Mouth became dry
10028017 Mouth breathing
10028018 Mouth cancer
10028019 Mouth carcinoma
10028020 Mouth cyst
10028021 Mouth dry
10028022 Mouth feeling dry
10028023 Mouth floor cancer
10028024 Mouth haemorrhage
10028025 Mouth hemorrhage
10028026 Mouth irritation
10028027 Mouth movement impaired
10028028 Mouth necrosis
10028029 Mouth neoplasia
10028030 Mouth pain
10028031 Mouth paresthesia
10028032 Mouth plaque
10028033 Mouth ulcer
10028034 Mouth ulceration
10028035 Movement disorder
10028036 Movement disorder NOS
10028038 Movement of device from original site
10028039 Movements abnormal
10028040 Movements disturbance NOS
10028041 Movements involuntary
10028043 Movements involuntary of limbs
10028044 Movements involuntary of muscle
10028045 Movements reduced
10028046 Movements spastic involuntary
10028047 Moyamoya disease
10028048 MPS I H
10028049 MRI
10028050 MRI abnormal
10028051 MRI normal
10028053 MS
10028054 MS aggravated
10028055 MS-like syndrome
10028056 MSSU
10028058 Mucinous breast cancer
10028059 Mucinous breast cancer recurrent
10028060 Mucinous breast cancer stage I
10028061 Mucinous breast cancer stage II
10028062 Mucinous breast cancer stage III
10028063 Mucinous breast cancer stage IV
10028064 Mucinous carcinoma of the small intestine metastatic
10028065 Mucinous carcinoma of the small intestine non-resectable
10028066 Mucinous carcinoma of the small intestine NOS
10028067 Mucinous carcinoma of the small intestine recurrent
10028068 Mucinous carcinoma of the small intestine resectable
10028069 Mucinous cyst of ovary
10028070 Mucinous ductal breast carcinoma
10028071 Mucinous ductal breast carcinoma recurrent
10028072 Mucinous ductal breast carcinoma stage I
10028073 Mucinous ductal breast carcinoma stage II
10028074 Mucinous ductal breast carcinoma stage III
10028075 Mucinous ductal breast carcinoma stage IV
10028076 Mucinous endometrial carcinoma
10028077 Muco-cutaneo-ocular syndrome
10028078 Mucocele of mouth
10028079 Mucocele of salivary gland
10028080 Mucocutaneous candidiasis
10028083 Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome
10028084 Mucocutaneous ulceration
10028085 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity
10028086 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity recurrent
10028087 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity stage 0
10028088 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity stage I
10028089 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity stage II
10028090 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity stage III
10028091 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the oral cavity stage IV
10028092 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the tongue
10028093 Mucopolysaccharidosis
10028094 Mucopolysaccharidosis IH
10028095 Mucopolysaccharidosis IV
10028096 Mucopolysaccharidosis NOS
10028097 Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
10028098 Mucormycosis
10028099 Mucosa bleeding spot
10028101 Mucosa erosion crust
10028102 Mucosa haemorrhage NOS
10028103 Mucosa vesicle
10028104 Mucosal biopsy NOS
10028105 Mucosal biopsy NOS abnormal
10028106 Mucosal biopsy NOS normal
10028107 Mucosal bulla
10028108 Mucosal cyst of postmastoidectomy cavity
10028109 Mucosal discoloration GI
10028110 Mucosal discolouration GI
10028111 Mucosal dryness
10028112 Mucosal dryness NOS
10028113 Mucosal erosion NOS
10028115 Mucosal haemorrhage NOS
10028116 Mucosal inflammation
10028117 Mucosal inflammation NOS
10028118 Mucosal leishmaniasis
10028119 Mucosal membrane hyperplasia
10028120 Mucosal oedema NOS
10028121 Mucosal sores
10028122 Mucosal swelling
10028123 Mucosal swelling NOS
10028124 Mucosal ulceration
10028125 Mucosal ulceration NOS
10028126 Mucosal vesicle NOS
10028127 Mucositis
10028128 Mucositis management
10028129 Mucositis NOS
10028130 Mucositis oral
10028131 Mucous colitis
10028133 Mucous membrane disorder
10028135 Mucous membrane disorder NOS
10028136 Mucous membrane hyperplasia
10028138 Mucous polyp of cervix
10028139 Mucous stool
10028140 Mucous stools
10028141 Mucoviscidosis
10028142 Mucus from eyes
10028143 Mucus in eyes
10028144 Muffled hearing in both ears
10028145 MUGA scan
10028146 MUGA scan abnormal
10028147 MUGA scan abnormal NOS
10028148 MUGA scan normal
10028149 Mugged
10028150 Multi gravida
10028151 Multi organ failure
10028152 Multi-antibiotic resistance
10028153 Multi-infarct dementia
10028154 Multi-organ failure
10028155 Multi-vitamin deficiency
10028156 Multi-vitamins deficiency
10028157 Multifocal extrasystoles
10028158 Multifocal ventricular tachycardia
10028159 Multiform ventricular tachycardia
10028160 Multigravida
10028161 Multilobar pneumonia
10028162 Multiorgan failure
10028163 Multiparous
10028164 Multiple allergies
10028175 Multiple burns
10028176 Multiple carboxylase deficiency
10028178 Multiple cardiac defects
10028182 Multiple congenital abnormalities
10028183 Multiple congenital anomalies
10028185 Multiple congenital malformations
10028186 Multiple cranial nerve palsies
10028187 Multiple defects of retina without detachment
10028188 Multiple digits
10028189 Multiple endocrine adenomatosis NOS
10028190 Multiple endocrine adenomatosis Type I
10028191 Multiple endocrine adenomatosis Type II
10028194 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type I
10028195 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type II
10028197 Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia
10028200 Multiple fractures
10028206 Multiple fractures of hand bones, closed
10028207 Multiple fractures of hand bones, open
10028208 Multiple gastric erosions
10028209 Multiple gastric ulcers
10028210 Multiple gastrointestinal atresias
10028211 Multiple gated acquisition scan
10028212 Multiple gated acquisition scan abnormal
10028213 Multiple gated acquisition scan normal
10028214 Multiple gestation
10028219 Multiple gestation, unspecified
10028220 Multiple haemorrhagic sarcoma
10028221 Multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma
10028222 Multiple idiopathic hemorrhagic sarcoma
10028224 Multiple injuries
10028226 Multiple intrahepatic bile duct strictures
10028228 Multiple myeloma
10028231 Multiple myeloma in remission
10028233 Multiple myeloma without mention of remission
10028237 Multiple organ failure
10028240 Multiple perforations of tympanic membrane
10028241 Multiple personality
10028242 Multiple personality disorder
10028243 Multiple pregnancy
10028245 Multiple sclerosis
10028246 Multiple sclerosis aggravated
10028247 Multiple sclerosis like syndrome
10028248 Multiple sclerosis-like syndrome
10028249 Multiple sites of mandible closed fracture
10028250 Multiple sites of mandible open fracture
10028251 Multiple sites of spinal cord injury without spinal bone injury
10028253 Multiple telangiectases
10028255 Multiple trichoepitheliomas
10028256 Multisystemic disseminated toxoplasmosis
10028257 Mumps
10028258 Mumps encephalitis
10028259 Mumps epididymitis
10028260 Mumps epididymo-orchitis
10028261 Mumps hepatitis
10028262 Mumps like illness
10028263 Mumps meningitis
10028264 Mumps orchitis
10028265 Mumps pancreatitis
10028266 Mumps polyneuropathy
10028267 Mumps reaction
10028269 Mumps virus encephalitis
10028270 Mumps virus epididymitis
10028271 Mumps virus epididymo-orchitis
10028272 Mumps virus infection
10028273 Mumps virus meningitis
10028278 Munchausen's by proxy
10028279 Munchausen's syndrome
10028280 Murder
10028281 Murine (endemic) typhus
10028282 Murine typhus
10028283 Murmur functional
10028284 Muscae volitantes
10028286 Muscarinic effects
10028287 Muscle ache
10028289 Muscle atrophy
10028290 Muscle biopsy
10028291 Muscle biopsy abnormal
10028292 Muscle biopsy normal
10028293 Muscle contractions involuntary
10028294 Muscle cramp
10028295 Muscle cramps
10028296 Muscle cramps aggravated
10028297 Muscle damage
10028298 Muscle degeneration
10028299 Muscle discomfort
10028300 Muscle disorder
10028301 Muscle disorder NOS
10028303 Muscle dissolution
10028304 Muscle fasciculation
10028305 Muscle fibrillation
10028306 Muscle fibrosis atrophy
10028307 Muscle fibrous atrophy
10028308 Muscle flaccid
10028309 Muscle haemorrhage
10028310 Muscle hemorrhage
10028311 Muscle hypertrophy
10028312 Muscle incision
10028313 Muscle inflammation
10028314 Muscle injury
10028316 Muscle injury NOS
10028317 Muscle lesion excision
10028318 Muscle malformation
10028319 Muscle movement involuntary
10028320 Muscle necrosis
10028322 Muscle pain
10028324 Muscle paralysis eye
10028325 Muscle reattachment
10028327 Muscle relaxant
10028328 Muscle relaxation
10028329 Muscle release
10028330 Muscle rigidity
10028331 Muscle rupture
10028332 Muscle soreness
10028333 Muscle spasm
10028334 Muscle spasms
10028335 Muscle spasticity
10028336 Muscle spasticity aggravated
10028339 Muscle stiffness
10028340 Muscle suture
10028341 Muscle tenderness any site
10028344 Muscle tone decreased
10028345 Muscle tone flaccid
10028346 Muscle twitch
10028347 Muscle twitching
10028348 Muscle wasting
10028349 Muscle wasting (disuse)
10028350 Muscle weakness
10028351 Muscle weakness NOS
10028353 Muscular contraction wave abnormal
10028356 Muscular dystrophy
10028357 Muscular dystrophy NOS
10028358 Muscular hyperactivity
10028359 Muscular incoordination
10028360 Muscular injury
10028361 Muscular pain
10028362 Muscular pains
10028363 Muscular rheumatism
10028364 Muscular rigidity spastic
10028365 Muscular sarcoidosis
10028366 Muscular spasm
10028367 Muscular tone excessive
10028368 Muscular tone increased
10028369 Muscular tonus increased
10028370 Muscular unrest
10028372 Muscular weakness
10028373 Musculocutaneous nerve injury
10028375 Musculoskeletal congenital anomaly
10028379 Musculoskeletal disorder NOS
10028388 Musculoskeletal malfunction arising from mental factors
10028391 Musculoskeletal pain
10028397 Mushroom workers' lung
10028398 Mushroom-workers' lung
10028399 Mushy stool
10028400 Mutagenic effect
10028401 Mutagenic effect female
10028402 Mutagenic effect male
10028403 Mutism
10028406 MVV
10028407 MVV abnormal
10028408 MVV decreased
10028409 MVV increased
10028410 MVV normal
10028411 Myalgia
10028413 Myalgia intercostal
10028414 Myalgic encephalomyelitis
10028415 Myasthenia
10028417 Myasthenia gravis
10028418 Myasthenia gravis aggravated
10028419 Myasthenia gravis neonatal
10028420 Myasthenia gravis paralytica
10028421 Myasthenia gravis-like paralysis
10028422 Myasthenia gravis-like reaction
10028423 Myasthenia gravis-like syndrome
10028424 Myasthenic syndrome
10028426 Mycetoma mycotic
10028427 Mycetoma NOS
10028429 Mycobacteria blood test negative
10028430 Mycobacteria blood test positive
10028432 Mycobacteria sputum test negative
10028433 Mycobacteria sputum test positive
10028434 Mycobacteria tissue specimen test negative
10028435 Mycobacteria tissue specimen test positive
10028436 Mycobacteria urine test negative
10028437 Mycobacteria urine test positive
10028438 Mycobacteria wound test negative
10028439 Mycobacteria wound test positive
10028441 Mycobacterial infection NOS
10028444 Mycobacterium avium complex lymphadenitis
10028446 Mycobacterium avium intracellulare lymphadenitis
10028447 Mycobacterium kansasii infection
10028448 Mycobacterium kansasii lymphadenitis
10028449 Mycobacterium leprae infection (lepromatous)
10028450 Mycobacterium leprae infection (tuberculoid)
10028451 Mycobacterium leprae infection NOS
10028452 Mycobacterium marinum infection
10028453 Mycobacterium tuberculosis cervical adenitis
10028454 Mycobacterium tuberculosis dermatitis
10028455 Mycobacterium tuberculosis disseminated
10028456 Mycobacterium tuberculosis epididymitis
10028457 Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection osteomyelitis
10028458 Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection reactivated
10028459 Mycobacterium tuberculosis meningitis
10028460 Mycobacterium tuberculosis nephritis
10028461 Mycobacterium tuberculosis NOS
10028462 Mycobacterium tuberculosis pneumonia
10028463 Mycobacterium tuberculosis pneumonia aggravated
10028464 Mycobacterium tuberculosis salpingitis
10028465 Mycoplasma hominis pelvic inflammatory disease
10028466 Mycoplasma hominis postabortal fever
10028467 Mycoplasma hominis postpartum fever
10028468 Mycoplasma hominis pyelonephritis
10028469 Mycoplasma infection NOS
10028471 Mycoplasma pneumoniae pharyngitis
10028472 Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia
10028473 Mycoplasma pneumoniae tracheobronchitis
10028475 Mycoplasmal pelvic inflammatory disease
10028476 Mycoplasmal pericarditis
10028477 Mycoplasmal pharyngitis
10028478 Mycoplasmal pneumonia
10028479 Mycoplasmal postabortal fever
10028480 Mycoplasmal postpartum fever
10028481 Mycoplasmal pyelonephritis
10028482 Mycoplasmal tracheobronchitis
10028483 Mycosis fungoides
10028485 Mycosis fungoides (Working Formulation)
10028486 Mycosis fungoides (Working Formulation) recurrent
10028487 Mycosis fungoides (Working Formulation) refractory
10028488 Mycosis fungoides (Working Formulation) stage I
10028489 Mycosis fungoides (Working Formulation) stage II
10028490 Mycosis fungoides (Working Formulation) stage III
10028491 Mycosis fungoides (Working Formulation) stage IV
10028492 Mycosis fungoides involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10028493 Mycosis fungoides involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10028494 Mycosis fungoides involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10028495 Mycosis fungoides involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10028496 Mycosis fungoides involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10028497 Mycosis fungoides involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10028498 Mycosis fungoides involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10028499 Mycosis fungoides involving spleen
10028500 Mycosis fungoides NOS
10028501 Mycosis fungoides recurrent
10028502 Mycosis fungoides refractory
10028503 Mycosis fungoides stage I
10028504 Mycosis fungoides stage II
10028505 Mycosis fungoides stage III
10028506 Mycosis fungoides stage IV
10028508 Mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome
10028509 Mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome NOS
10028510 Mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome recurrent
10028511 Mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome refractory
10028512 Mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome stage I
10028513 Mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome stage II
10028514 Mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome stage III
10028515 Mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome stage IV
10028516 Mycosis pulmonary
10028517 Mycotic aneurysm
10028518 Mycotic corneal ulcer
10028520 Mycotoxicosis
10028521 Mydriasis
10028523 Myectomy
10028524 Myelitis
10028526 Myelitis NOS
10028527 Myelitis transverse
10028528 Myeloblastic leukaemia
10028529 Myeloblastic leukemia
10028530 Myelocytic leukaemia
10028531 Myelocytic leukemia
10028532 Myelodysplasia
10028533 Myelodysplastic syndrome
10028534 Myelodysplastic syndrome NOS
10028535 Myelodysplastic syndrome unclassifiable
10028537 Myelofibrosis
10028538 Myelofibrosis with myelometaplasia
10028539 Myelogram
10028540 Myelogram abnormal
10028541 Myelogram normal
10028542 Myelograph spinal
10028543 Myelograph spinal abnormal
10028544 Myelograph spinal normal
10028545 Myelography
10028546 Myelography abnormal
10028547 Myelography normal
10028548 Myeloid dysplasia
10028549 Myeloid leukaemia
10028550 Myeloid leukaemia NOS
10028551 Myeloid leukaemia NOS (in remission)
10028552 Myeloid leukaemia, acute
10028553 Myeloid leukaemia, chronic
10028554 Myeloid leukaemia, subacute
10028555 Myeloid leukemia
10028556 Myeloid leukemia NOS
10028557 Myeloid leukemia, acute
10028558 Myeloid leukemia, chronic
10028559 Myeloid leukemia, subacute
10028560 Myeloid maturation arrest
10028561 Myeloid metaplasia
10028562 Myeloid sarcoma
10028563 Myeloid sarcoma (in remission)
10028564 Myeloid sarcoma in remission
10028565 Myeloid sarcoma without mention of remission
10028566 Myeloma
10028567 Myeloma, malignant
10028568 Myelomatosis
10028569 Myelomatosis multiple
10028570 Myelopathy
10028571 Myelopathy cervical
10028574 Myelopathy neurological
10028575 Myelopathy radiation
10028576 Myeloproliferative disorder
10028577 Myeloproliferative disorder NOS
10028579 Myelosis erythremic
10028580 Myelosis non-leukaemic
10028581 Myelosis non-leukemic
10028583 Myelosis-non-leukaemic
10028584 Myelosuppression
10028585 Myelosuppression adult
10028586 Myiasis
10028587 Myocardial contraction decreased
10028588 Myocardial decompensation
10028589 Myocardial degeneration
10028591 Myocardial disorder
10028592 Myocardial disorder allergic
10028594 Myocardial fibrosis
10028595 Myocardial infarct
10028596 Myocardial infarction
10028597 Myocardial infarction acute
10028598 Myocardial infarction old
10028599 Myocardial infarction old healed
10028600 Myocardial ischaemia
10028601 Myocardial ischemia
10028602 Myocardial necrosis
10028603 Myocardial perfusion scan
10028604 Myocardial rupture
10028605 Myocardial rupture (post infarct)
10028606 Myocarditis
10028607 Myocarditis allergic
10028609 Myocarditis due to toxoplasmosis
10028610 Myocarditis eosinophilic
10028611 Myocarditis interstitial
10028612 Myocarditis meningococcal
10028613 Myocarditis NOS
10028614 Myocarditis rheumatic
10028615 Myocarditis septic
10028616 Myocarditis syphilitic
10028617 Myocarditis toxoplasmal
10028618 Myocarditis viral NOS
10028619 Myocarditis, unspecified
10028621 Myoclonic jerks
10028622 Myoclonus
10028623 Myodesopsia
10028624 Myogenic ptosis
10028625 Myoglobin blood increased
10028626 Myoglobin urine
10028627 Myoglobin urine increased
10028628 Myoglobin urine normal
10028629 Myoglobinuria
10028630 Myoglobin urine absent
10028631 Myoglobin urine present
10028632 Myokymia
10028633 Myoma striocellulare
10028634 Myomectomy
10028635 Myometrial increase
10028636 Myonecrosis
10028641 Myopathy
10028642 Myopathy aggravated
10028643 Myopathy endocrine
10028645 Myopathy of extraocular muscles
10028646 Myopathy steroid
10028647 Myopathy steroid-induced
10028648 Myopathy toxic
10028649 Myopathy, unspecified
10028650 Myopericarditis
10028651 Myopia
10028652 Myopia transient
10028653 Myositis
10028654 Myositis-like syndrome
10028655 Myotonia congenita
10028656 Myotonia NOS
10028657 Myotonic cataract
10028658 Myotonic disorders
10028659 Myringitis bullous
10028660 Myringitis NOS
10028661 Myringoplasty
10028662 Myringotomy
10028663 Myxedema
10028664 Myxedema juvenile
10028665 Myxoedema
10028666 Myxoma peritonei
10028668 Na increased
10028669 Na+
10028670 Na+ depletion
10028671 Na+ reduced
10028672 Na+ retention
10028673 Nabothian cyst
10028677 Naevi melanocytic
10028678 Naevi pigmented
10028679 Naevus
10028680 Naevus, non-neoplastic
10028681 NAG increased
10028683 Nail ablation
10028684 Nail abnormality NOS
10028686 Nail avulsion
10028687 Nail bed infection NOS
10028688 Nail candida
10028689 Nail changes
10028690 Nail deformation
10028691 Nail discoloration
10028692 Nail discolouration
10028693 Nail discomfort
10028694 Nail disorder
10028695 Nail disorder congenital
10028696 Nail disorder NOS
10028698 Nail dystrophy
10028699 Nail fungal infection NOS
10028700 Nail hypertrophy
10028702 Nail pitting
10028703 Nail psoriasis
10028704 Nail removal NOS
10028705 Nail tinea
10028706 Nails cyanosed
10028708 Nappy rash
10028709 Nappy rash monilial
10028710 Nappy rash NOS
10028711 Narcissistic personality
10028712 Narcissistic personality disorder
10028713 Narcolepsy
10028717 Narcosis carbon dioxide
10028718 Narcotic abuse
10028720 Nasal abscess
10028721 Nasal abscess NOS
10028723 Nasal bleeding
10028724 Nasal bones resetting
10028725 Nasal bones, closed fracture
10028726 Nasal bones, open fracture
10028727 Nasal burning
10028728 Nasal catarrh
10028729 Nasal cavity cancer
10028730 Nasal cavity cancer NOS
10028732 Nasal cavity esthesioneuroblastoma
10028733 Nasal cavity packing
10028734 Nasal cavity strange sensation of
10028735 Nasal congestion
10028737 Nasal discharge
10028738 Nasal discharge watery excessive
10028740 Nasal dryness
10028741 Nasal inflammation
10028742 Nasal irritation
10028743 Nasal itching
10028744 Nasal mucosal necrosis
10028746 Nasal mucus blood tinged
10028747 Nasal necrosis
10028748 Nasal obstruction
10028749 Nasal obstruction increased
10028750 Nasal oedema
10028751 Nasal operation NOS
10028753 Nasal passage irritation
10028754 Nasal polyp
10028755 Nasal polypectomy
10028756 Nasal polyps
10028757 Nasal septal biopsy
10028758 Nasal septal biopsy abnormal
10028759 Nasal septal biopsy normal
10028760 Nasal septal operation
10028761 Nasal septal perforation repair
10028762 Nasal septum deviation
10028763 Nasal septum disorder
10028764 Nasal septum disorder NOS
10028765 Nasal septum perforation
10028766 Nasal septum ulceration
10028767 Nasal sinus cancer
10028768 Nasal sinus congestion
10028769 Nasal soreness
10028770 Nasal stinging
10028771 Nasal stuffiness
10028772 Nasal T-cell lymphoma
10028773 Nasal T-cell lymphoma recurrent
10028774 Nasal T-cell lymphoma refractory
10028775 Nasal T-cell lymphoma stage I
10028776 Nasal T-cell lymphoma stage II
10028777 Nasal T-cell lymphoma stage III
10028778 Nasal T-cell lymphoma stage IV
10028779 Nasal turbinate hypertrophy
10028780 Nasal ulcer
10028781 Nasal vestibulitis
10028782 Nasal vestibulitis NOS
10028783 Naso-lacrimal duct probe
10028784 Nasogastric tube insertion
10028785 Nasolacrimal duct pigmentation
10028786 Nasopharyngeal cancer NOS
10028787 Nasopharyngeal cancer recurrent
10028788 Nasopharyngeal cancer stage 0
10028789 Nasopharyngeal cancer stage I
10028790 Nasopharyngeal cancer stage II
10028791 Nasopharyngeal cancer stage III
10028792 Nasopharyngeal cancer stage IV
10028793 Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
10028794 Nasopharyngeal diphtheria
10028795 Nasopharyngeal lymphoepithelioma recurrent
10028796 Nasopharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage 0
10028797 Nasopharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage I
10028798 Nasopharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage II
10028799 Nasopharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage III
10028800 Nasopharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage IV
10028802 Nasopharyngeal neoplasm benign
10028803 Nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
10028804 Nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10028805 Nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage 0
10028806 Nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10028807 Nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10028808 Nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10028809 Nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10028810 Nasopharyngitis
10028811 Natural killer-cell leukaemia
10028812 Natural menopause
10028813 Nausea
10028818 Nausea postoperative
10028822 Nauseated
10028823 Nauseous
10028825 Near vision disturbance
10028826 Necatoriasis due to necator americanus
10028827 Neck abscess drainage
10028828 Neck cramps
10028829 Neck crushing
10028830 Neck deformity NOS
10028831 Neck discomfort
10028834 Neck oedema
10028835 Neck oedema of
10028836 Neck pain
10028837 Neck rash
10028838 Neck rigid
10028839 Neck rigidity
10028840 Neck sprain
10028842 Neck stiff
10028843 Neck stiffness
10028844 Neck strange feeling of
10028845 Neck tightness
10028846 Necrobacillosis
10028847 Necrobiosis lipoidica
10028848 Necrolysis epidermal
10028849 Necrolysis epidermal toxic (Lyell type)
10028850 Necrophilia
10028851 Necrosis
10028852 Necrosis adrenal
10028853 Necrosis adrenal cortex
10028855 Necrosis bone
10028856 Necrosis bowel
10028857 Necrosis conjunctival
10028858 Necrosis corneal
10028859 Necrosis hepatocellular
10028860 Necrosis injection site
10028861 Necrosis intestinal
10028862 Necrosis ischaemic
10028863 Necrosis ischemic
10028864 Necrosis kidney cortex
10028865 Necrosis kidney papillary
10028866 Necrosis kidney tubular
10028867 Necrosis liver
10028868 Necrosis liver focal
10028869 Necrosis mouth
10028870 Necrosis myocardium
10028871 Necrosis nasal
10028872 Necrosis of artery
10028873 Necrosis of implanted tissue
10028874 Necrosis of the pulp
10028875 Necrosis ovary
10028876 Necrosis papillary kidney
10028877 Necrosis pituitary
10028878 Necrosis placenta
10028879 Necrosis skin
10028880 Necrosis tubular kidney
10028881 Necrosis, pressure
10028883 Necrotic intraocular melanoma
10028884 Necrotising enterocolitis
10028885 Necrotising fasciitis
10028886 Necrotising fasciitis NOS
10028887 Necrotising fasciitis staphylococcal
10028888 Necrotising fasciitis streptococcal
10028890 Necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis
10028891 Necrotizing pancreatitis
10028892 Necrotizing vasculitis
10028893 Needle biopsy site unspecified abnormal
10028894 Needle biopsy site unspecified normal
10028895 Needle stick/puncture
10028896 Needle track marks
10028897 Negative pregnancy test
10028898 Negative skin test
10028899 Negativism
10028900 Neglect of person appearance
10028901 Neglect of personal appearance
10028902 Neisseria gonorrhoeae arthritis
10028903 Neisseria gonorrhoeae cervicitis acute
10028904 Neisseria gonorrhoeae cervicitis chronic
10028905 Neisseria gonorrhoeae neonatal conjunctivitis
10028906 Neisseria gonorrhoeae proctitis
10028907 Neisseria gonorrhoeae urethritis acute
10028908 Neisseria gonorrhoeae urethritis chronic
10028910 Neisseria meningitides meningitis
10028911 Neisseria meningitidis infection NOS
10028912 Neisseria meningitis sepsis
10028913 Nelson's syndrome
10028915 Neoangiogenesis
10028916 Neologism
10028917 Neonatal adverse effect
10028918 Neonatal alveolar aeration excessive
10028919 Neonatal and infancy disorder
10028921 Neonatal anoxia
10028922 Neonatal apnoeic attack
10028923 Neonatal asphyxia
10028924 Neonatal candida infection
10028925 Neonatal cardiac arrest
10028928 Neonatal complications of substance abuse NOS
10028931 Neonatal conjunctivitis NOS
10028932 Neonatal convulsion
10028933 Neonatal diabetes mellitus
10028934 Neonatal disorder
10028936 Neonatal effect NOS
10028937 Neonatal exchange blood transfusion
10028938 Neonatal feeding disorder
10028939 Neonatal fit
10028943 Neonatal hypoglycaemia
10028944 Neonatal hypoglycemia
10028945 Neonatal hypoventilation
10028948 Neonatal infection NOS
10028950 Neonatal infective mastitis
10028951 Neonatal intestinal obstruction
10028953 Neonatal jaundice
10028954 Neonatal jaundice associated with preterm delivery
10028957 Neonatal jaundice due to delayed conjugation, cause unspecified
10028958 Neonatal leukaemia
10028959 Neonatal leukemia
10028960 Neonatal meningitis
10028963 Neonatal myasthenia gravis
10028966 Neonatal respiratory acidosis
10028967 Neonatal respiratory alkalosis
10028968 Neonatal respiratory arrest
10028970 Neonatal respiratory depression
10028973 Neonatal respiratory distress
10028974 Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
10028975 Neonatal respiratory failure
10028976 Neonatal thyrotoxicosis
10028977 Neonate
10028978 Neoplasia GI
10028979 Neoplasia renal
10028980 Neoplasm
10028981 Neoplasm adrenal
10028982 Neoplasm biliary tract
10028983 Neoplasm bladder
10028984 Neoplasm bone
10028985 Neoplasm breast
10028986 Neoplasm cervix
10028987 Neoplasm cervix recurrent
10028988 Neoplasm cervix stage I
10028989 Neoplasm cervix stage II
10028990 Neoplasm cervix stage III
10028991 Neoplasm cervix stage IV
10028992 Neoplasm CNS
10028993 Neoplasm endometrium
10028994 Neoplasm growth accelerated
10028995 Neoplasm larynx
10028996 Neoplasm liver
10028997 Neoplasm malignant
10028998 Neoplasm malignant aggravated
10028999 Neoplasm mouth
10029000 Neoplasm NOS
10029001 Neoplasm of the mouth
10029002 Neoplasm of the prostate
10029004 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bladder
10029011 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of genitourinary organs
10029034 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of placenta
10029035 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of plasma cells
10029039 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin
10029045 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior, site unspecified
10029046 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of bladder
10029053 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of genitourinary organs
10029074 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of placenta
10029075 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of plasma cells
10029079 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour of skin
10029085 Neoplasm of uncertain behaviour, site unspecified
10029086 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of bladder
10029088 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of brain
10029089 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of breast
10029090 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of digestive system
10029094 Neoplasm of unspecified nature of respiratory system
10029095 Neoplasm of unspecified nature, site unspecified
10029096 Neoplasm prostate
10029097 Neoplasm recurrence NOS
10029098 Neoplasm skin
10029099 Neoplasm thyroid
10029100 Neoplasm urinary bladder
10029101 Neoplasm urogenital
10029102 Neoplasm uterine
10029103 Neoplasm uterine cervix
10029113 Neovascularisation
10029114 Neovascularization
10029115 Nephelopsia transient
10029116 Nephrectomy
10029117 Nephritis
10029118 Nephritis acute
10029119 Nephritis aggravated
10029120 Nephritis allergic
10029132 Nephritis haemorrhagic
10029133 Nephritis hemorrhagic
10029134 Nephritis interstitial
10029135 Nephritis interstitial acute
10029136 Nephritis interstitial chronic
10029138 Nephritis NOS
10029139 Nephritis NOS aggravated
10029140 Nephritis radiation
10029141 Nephritis SLE
10029142 Nephritis systemic lupus erythematosus
10029143 Nephritis-glomerular
10029145 Nephroblastoma
10029146 Nephrocalcinosis
10029147 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
10029148 Nephrolithiasis
10029151 Nephropathy
10029152 Nephropathy hypercalcemic
10029153 Nephropathy hypertensive
10029154 Nephropathy NOS
10029155 Nephropathy toxic
10029156 Nephropathy tubular
10029157 Nephroplasty
10029158 Nephroptosis
10029159 Nephrosclerosis
10029160 Nephrosclerosis arteriolar
10029161 Nephrosis
10029162 Nephrosis lower nephron
10029163 Nephrosis osmotic
10029164 Nephrotic syndrome
10029166 Nephrotic syndrome with lesion of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
10029167 Nephrotic syndrome with lesion of membranous glomerulonephritis
10029168 Nephrotic syndrome with lesion of minimal change glomerulonephritis
10029169 Nephrotic syndrome with lesion of proliferative glomerulonephritis
10029172 Nephrotic syndrome with unspecified pathological lesion in kidney
10029173 Nerve block
10029174 Nerve compression
10029175 Nerve conduction studies abnormal
10029176 Nerve conduction studies normal
10029177 Nerve damage
10029178 Nerve deafness
10029179 Nerve graft
10029180 Nerve injury, peripheral
10029181 Nerve pain
10029183 Nerve root injury cervical
10029184 Nerve root injury lumbar
10029185 Nerve root injury NOS
10029186 Nerve root injury sacral
10029187 Nerve root injury thoracic
10029188 Nerve root lesion
10029189 Nerve root lesion NOS
10029191 Nerve stimulation test
10029192 Nerve stimulation test abnormal
10029193 Nerve stimulation test normal
10029194 Nerve stimulation tests NOS
10029195 Nerve stimulation tests NOS abnormal
10029196 Nerve stimulation tests NOS normal
10029197 Nervous
10029198 Nervous breakdown
10029199 Nervous debility
10029200 Nervous exhaustion
10029201 Nervous system complications from surgically implanted device
10029202 Nervous system disorder
10029203 Nervous system disorder NOS
10029204 Nervous system disorder, central
10029206 Nervous system metastases NOS
10029207 Nervous system neoplasm benign NOS
10029208 Nervous system neoplasm NOS
10029214 Nervous tension
10029216 Nervousness
10029220 Nettle rash
10029221 Neural deafness
10029222 Neural hearing loss
10029223 Neuralgia
10029224 Neuralgia affecting finger tips
10029225 Neuralgia facial
10029226 Neuralgia NOS
10029227 Neuralgia trigeminal
10029229 Neuralgic amyotrophy
10029231 Neurasthenia
10029232 Neurectomy of cochlea
10029233 Neurectomy of vestibular apparatus
10029234 Neurilemmoma
10029235 Neurilemmoma benign
10029236 Neurilemmoma malignant
10029237 Neurilemoma
10029238 Neurilemoma benign
10029239 Neurilemoma malignant
10029240 Neuritis
10029241 Neuritis B6 deficiency
10029244 Neuritis cranial
10029245 Neuritis motor
10029246 Neuritis NOS
10029247 Neuritis optic
10029248 Neuritis peripheral
10029249 Neuritis retrobulbar
10029250 Neuritis sciatic
10029251 Neuritis sensory
10029252 Neuritis ulnar
10029253 Neuro sensory deafness
10029254 Neuro-Behcet disease
10029255 Neuro-ophthalmological test
10029256 Neuro-ophthalmological test abnormal
10029257 Neuro-ophthalmological test normal
10029258 Neuro-ophthalmological tests NOS abnormal
10029259 Neuro-ophthalmological tests NOS normal
10029260 Neuroblastoma
10029261 Neuroblastoma NOS
10029262 Neurocirculatory asthenia
10029263 Neurodermatitis
10029264 Neurodermatitis aggravated
10029265 Neurodermia
10029266 Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin
10029267 Neurofibroma
10029268 Neurofibromatosis
10029269 Neurofibromatosis aggravated
10029270 Neurofibromatosis, type 1 (von Recklinghausen's disease)
10029271 Neurofibromatosis, type 2 (acoustic neurofibromatosis)
10029272 Neurofibromatosis, unspecified
10029274 Neurofibrosarcoma metastatic
10029275 Neurofibrosarcoma non-metastatic
10029276 Neurofibrosarcoma NOS
10029277 Neurofibrosarcoma recurrent
10029278 Neurofibrosarcoma stage unspecified
10029279 Neurogenic bladder
10029281 Neuroleptic malignant
10029282 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
10029283 Neurologic changes
10029286 Neurologic disorder NOS
10029287 Neurologic findings abnormal
10029288 Neurologic findings abnormal (NOS)
10029289 Neurologic neglect syndrome
10029290 Neurologic reaction
10029291 Neurologic symptoms
10029297 Neurological complication from device
10029298 Neurological disorder NOS
10029302 Neurological eyelid disorder NOS
10029303 Neurological findings abnormal
10029304 Neurological findings abnormal NOS
10029307 Neurological symptoms NOS
10029308 Neuroma
10029309 Neuroma excision
10029310 Neuroma NOS
10029311 Neuroma of amputation stump
10029313 Neuromuscular block
10029314 Neuromuscular block prolonged
10029315 Neuromuscular blockade
10029316 Neuromuscular disorder NOS
10029321 Neuromyasthenia
10029322 Neuromyelitis optica
10029323 Neuromyopathy
10029324 Neuronitis
10029325 Neuroparalysis
10029326 Neuropathic arthropathy
10029327 Neuropathic bladder
10029328 Neuropathy
10029330 Neuropathy NOS
10029331 Neuropathy peripheral
10029332 Neuropathy vitamin B6 deficiency
10029333 Neurosis
10029334 Neurosis cardiovascular
10029335 Neurosis conversion
10029337 Neurosis NOS
10029338 Neurospinal claudication
10029339 Neurosyphilis
10029340 Neurosyphilis, unspecified
10029341 Neurotensinoma
10029342 Neurotic depression
10029343 Neurotic disorder of childhood
10029345 Neurotic disorders of childhood
10029346 Neurotic personality
10029347 Neurotic reaction
10029350 Neurotoxicity
10029351 Neurotoxicity NOS
10029352 Neurotransmitter level altered
10029353 Neurotrophic keratoconjunctivitis
10029354 Neutropenia
10029356 Neutropenia aggravated
10029357 Neutropenia malignant
10029358 Neutropenia neonatal
10029359 Neutropenic enterocolitis
10029360 Neutrophil chemotaxis
10029361 Neutrophil chemotaxis abnormal
10029362 Neutrophil chemotaxis normal
10029363 Neutrophil count
10029364 Neutrophil count abnormal NOS
10029365 Neutrophil count CSF positive
10029366 Neutrophil count decreased
10029367 Neutrophil count high
10029368 Neutrophil count increased
10029369 Neutrophil count low
10029370 Neutrophil count normal
10029371 Neutrophil function disorder NOS
10029372 Neutrophil function test NOS abnormal
10029373 Neutrophil function test NOS normal
10029374 Neutrophil hypersegmented morphology present
10029375 Neutrophil morphology NOS abnormal
10029376 Neutrophil morphology NOS normal
10029377 Neutrophil Pelger-Huet anomaly present
10029378 Neutrophil toxic granulation present
10029379 Neutrophilia
10029380 Neutrophils
10029381 Neutrophils increased
10029382 Neutrophils reduced
10029383 Neville-Barnes forceps delivery
10029384 Nevus
10029385 Nevus melanotic
10029386 Nevus sebaceous
10029387 Nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn
10029388 Nevus spider acquired
10029389 Nevus spider congenital
10029390 Nevus vascular
10029391 Nevus, non-neoplastic
10029392 Newborn
10029393 Newcastle disease
10029395 Newcastle virus conjunctivitis
10029396 Newcastle virus infection
10029397 Nezelof's syndrome
10029399 Nickel sensitivity
10029400 Nicotinic acid deficiency
10029401 Nicotinic effects
10029402 NIDDM
10029403 Niemann-Pick disease
10029404 Night blindness
10029406 Night blindness associated with vitamin A deficiency
10029407 Night blindness, unspecified
10029408 Night cramps
10029409 Night sweat
10029410 Night sweats
10029411 Night terrors
10029412 Nightmare
10029413 Nightmare disorder
10029414 Nightmares
10029415 Nikolsky's sign
10029416 Nipple discharge
10029417 Nipple disorder
10029418 Nipple exudate bloody
10029419 Nipple infection
10029420 Nipple infection male
10029421 Nipple pain
10029422 Nipple supernumerary
10029423 Nipple ulcer
10029424 Nipple ulceration
10029425 Nitrogen balance negative
10029427 Nitrogen retention
10029428 Nitrogen urea blood increased
10029429 NK-cell leukaemia
10029430 NK-cell leukemia
10029432 NMR
10029433 NMR abnormal
10029434 NMR normal
10029436 No adverse effect
10029437 No drug effect
10029439 No hearing
10029441 No toxic effect
10029442 Nocardia asteroides infection
10029444 Nocardiosis
10029446 Nocturia
10029447 Nocturia aggravated
10029448 Nocturnal awakening
10029449 Nocturnal confusion
10029450 Nocturnal cough
10029451 Nocturnal diarrhea
10029452 Nocturnal disorientation
10029453 Nocturnal enuresis
10029454 Nocturnal frequency
10029455 Nocturnal headache
10029456 Nocturnal leg muscle cramps
10029457 Nocturnal psychotic delusions
10029458 Nodal arrhythmia
10029459 Nodal block
10029460 Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
10029462 Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma NOS
10029463 Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma recurrent
10029464 Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma refractory
10029465 Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma stage I
10029466 Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma stage II
10029467 Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma stage III
10029468 Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma stage IV
10029469 Nodal osteoarthritis
10029470 Nodal rhythm
10029471 Nodal tachycardia
10029472 Nodding of head
10029473 Nodular (follicular) lymphoma
10029474 Nodular atherosclerosis
10029475 Nodular degeneration of cornea
10029476 Nodular episcleritis
10029477 Nodular glomerulosclerosis
10029478 Nodular lymphoma
10029479 Nodular lymphoma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10029480 Nodular lymphoma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10029481 Nodular lymphoma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10029482 Nodular lymphoma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10029483 Nodular lymphoma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10029484 Nodular lymphoma involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10029485 Nodular lymphoma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10029486 Nodular lymphoma involving spleen
10029488 Nodular melanoma
10029491 Nodular vasculitis
10029492 Nodule injection site
10029493 Nodule on finger
10029494 Nodule skin
10029495 Nodule subcutaneous
10029496 Nodulo-ulcerative basal cell carcinoma
10029499 Noise induced hearing loss
10029500 Noise-induced hearing loss
10029501 Noises in head
10029502 Noma
10029503 Nominal aphasia
10029504 Non-depolarising relaxant
10029505 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
10029506 Non-Q wave MI
10029508 Non-renal cell carcinoma of kidney NOS
10029514 Non-small cell lung cancer NOS
10029515 Non-small cell lung cancer recurrent
10029516 Non-small cell lung cancer stage 0
10029517 Non-small cell lung cancer stage I
10029518 Non-small cell lung cancer stage II
10029519 Non-small cell lung cancer stage III
10029520 Non-small cell lung cancer stage IIIA
10029521 Non-small cell lung cancer stage IIIB
10029522 Non-small cell lung cancer stage IV
10029524 Nonspecific chest pain
10029525 Nontropical sprue
10029526 Non-A non-B hepatitis
10029527 Non-accidental injury
10029528 Non-accidental injury to child
10029529 Non-accidental overdose
10029530 Non-alcoholic fatty liver
10029531 Non-arthropod borne lymphocytic choriomeningitis
10029533 Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
10029535 Non-autoimmune hemolytic anemia, unspecified
10029537 Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema
10029538 Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
10029539 Non-caseating epithelioid cell granulomas
10029540 Non-consummation
10029541 Non-dependent tobacco abuse
10029542 Non-fluent aphasia
10029543 Non-functioning gallbladder
10029544 Non-genital warts NOS
10029545 Non-gonococcal urethritis
10029546 Non-granulomatous ulcerative jejunoileitis
10029547 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
10029549 Non-lymphoblastic leukaemia acute
10029550 Non-lymphoblastic leukaemia NOS
10029551 Non-lymphoblastic leukemia acute
10029552 Non-lymphoblastic leukemia NOS
10029553 Non-lymphocytic leukaemia chronic
10029554 Non-lymphocytic leukemia chronic
10029555 Non-resolving diverticulitis
10029556 Non-secretory adenoma of pituitary
10029557 Non-seminoma testicular cancer
10029560 Non-smoker
10029562 Non-specific vaginitis
10029563 Non-specific viral rash
10029564 Non-suppurative otitis media
10029579 Nondependent abuse of alcohol
10029581 Nondependent abuse of cannabis
10029582 Nondependent abuse of drugs
10029583 Nondependent abuse of drugs of amphetamine type
10029584 Nondependent abuse of drugs of cocaine type
10029585 Nondependent abuse of drugs of morphine type
10029586 Nondependent abuse of drugs, antidepressants
10029587 Nondependent abuse of hallucinogens
10029588 Nondependent abuse of tobacco
10029589 Nonexudative senile macular degeneration of retina
10029593 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS
10029594 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS recurrent
10029595 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS refractory
10029596 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS stage I
10029597 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS stage II
10029598 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS stage III
10029599 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma NOS stage IV
10029600 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma recurrent
10029601 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma refractory
10029602 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma stage I
10029603 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma stage II
10029604 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma stage III
10029605 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma stage IV
10029607 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma transformed recurrent NOS
10029609 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology aggressive recurrent
10029610 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology aggressive refractory
10029611 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology aggressive stage I
10029612 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology aggressive stage II
10029613 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology aggressive stage III
10029614 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology aggressive stage IV
10029615 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology high grade recurrent
10029616 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology high grade refractory
10029617 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology high grade stage I
10029618 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology high grade stage II
10029619 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology high grade stage III
10029620 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology high grade stage IV
10029622 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology indolent stage I
10029623 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology indolent stage II
10029624 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology indolent stage III
10029625 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology indolent stage IV
10029626 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology intermediate grade recurrent
10029627 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology intermediate grade refractory
10029628 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology intermediate grade stage I
10029629 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology intermediate grade stage II
10029630 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology intermediate grade stage III
10029631 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology intermediate grade stage IV
10029632 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology low grade stage I
10029633 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology low grade stage II
10029634 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology low grade stage III
10029635 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology low grade stage IV
10029637 Noninfectious disorder of lymphatic channels
10029639 Noninfective disorder of lymphatic channels, unspecified
10029640 Noninfective disorders of lymphatic channels
10029645 Noninvasive ductal carcinoma
10029646 Nonketotic hyperglycaemic-hyperosmolar coma
10029647 Nonketotic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar coma
10029662 Nonsecretory myeloma
10029665 Nonsmoker
10029667 Nonspecific abnormal auditory function studies
10029668 Nonspecific abnormal echoencephalogram
10029669 Nonspecific abnormal electro-oculogram (eog)
10029671 Nonspecific abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG)
10029672 Nonspecific abnormal electromyogram (EMG)
10029673 Nonspecific abnormal findings in amniotic fluid
10029674 Nonspecific abnormal findings in cerebrospinal fluid
10029676 Nonspecific abnormal findings in saliva
10029677 Nonspecific abnormal findings in semen
10029678 Nonspecific abnormal findings in stool contents
10029679 Nonspecific abnormal findings on chromosomal analysis
10029690 Nonspecific abnormal function study, cardiovascular, unspecified
10029692 Nonspecific abnormal oculomotor studies
10029693 Nonspecific abnormal Papanicolaou smear of cervix
10029696 Nonspecific abnormal response to unspecified nerve stimulation
10029698 Nonspecific abnormal results of function study of basal metabolism
10029700 Nonspecific abnormal results of function study of kidney
10029701 Nonspecific abnormal results of function study of liver
10029703 Nonspecific abnormal results of function study of pulmonary system
10029704 Nonspecific abnormal results of function study of thyroid
10029705 Nonspecific abnormal results of function study, cardiovascular
10029708 Nonspecific abnormal retinal function studies
10029709 Nonspecific abnormal toxicological findings
10029710 Nonspecific abnormal vestibular function studies
10029711 Nonspecific abnormal visually evoked potential
10029713 Nonspecific findings on examination of blood
10029715 Nonspecific hepatitis
10029717 Nonspecific mesenteric lymphadenitis
10029718 Nonspecific positive culture findings
10029719 Nonspecific reaction
10029720 Nonspecific reaction to tuberculin test
10029721 Nonspecific serologic evidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
10029722 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory analgesic supportive therapy
10029725 Nontoxic goiter
10029726 Nontoxic goitre
10029727 Nontoxic multinodular goiter
10029728 Nontoxic multinodular goitre
10029729 Nontoxic nodular goiter
10029730 Nontoxic nodular goitre
10029732 Nontoxic uninodular goiter
10029733 Nontoxic uninodular goitre
10029746 Nonunion of fracture
10029748 Noonan syndrome
10029749 Norepinephrine abnormal NOS
10029750 Norepinephrine decreased
10029751 Norepinephrine elevated serum
10029752 Norepinephrine increased
10029753 Norepinephrine low
10029754 Norepinephrine normal
10029755 Normal appearance
10029756 Normal arthroscopy
10029757 Normal baby
10029758 Normal birth
10029759 Normal delivery
10029760 Normal delivery (live child)
10029761 Normal ECG
10029762 Normal EKG
10029763 Normal electrocardiogram
10029764 Normal electroencephalogram
10029765 Normal electromyogram
10029766 Normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate
10029767 Normal labour
10029768 Normal neonate
10029769 Normal newborn
10029770 Normal newborn NOS
10029771 Normal pregnancy
10029773 Normal pressure hydrocephalus
10029774 Normal pressure hydrocephaly
10029775 Normal pulse rate
10029776 Normal retina
10029777 Normal sperm analysis
10029778 Normal stroke volume
10029779 Normal synacthen test
10029780 Normal thyroid function
10029781 Normal urine examination
10029782 Normochromic anaemia
10029783 Normochromic normocytic anaemia
10029784 Normocytic anaemia
10029785 Normocytic anemia
10029786 North Asian tick fever
10029787 North Asian tick typhus
10029788 Norwalk viral gastroenteritis
10029790 Norwalk virus gastroenteritis
10029791 Norwegian scabies
10029792 Nose bleed
10029793 Nose bleeds
10029794 Nose congestion
10029795 Nose deformity NOS
10029796 Nose dry feeling of
10029797 Nose dryness
10029798 Nose edema
10029799 Nose infection NOS
10029800 Nose oedema
10029802 Nosebleed
10029803 Nosocomial infection
10029805 Not sexually active
10029808 NPN decreased
10029809 NPN increased
10029811 Nuclear antibody
10029812 Nuclear antibody negative
10029813 Nuclear cataract
10029814 Nuclear jaundice
10029815 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
10029816 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging abnormal
10029817 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging brain
10029818 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging brain abnormal
10029819 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging brain normal
10029820 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging gadolinium-enhanced
10029821 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging gadolinium-enhanced abnormal
10029822 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging gadolinium-enhanced normal
10029823 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging normal
10029825 Nucleated red cells
10029826 Nulli gravida
10029827 Nulliparous
10029829 Numbness
10029830 Numbness along 7th cranial nerve
10029831 Numbness along L 7th cranial nerve
10029832 Numbness circumoral
10029833 Numbness facial
10029834 Numbness generalized
10029835 Numbness in back of head
10029836 Numbness in face
10029837 Numbness in fingers
10029839 Numbness in leg
10029840 Numbness in shoulder
10029841 Numbness localised
10029842 Numbness localized
10029843 Numbness of eyelid
10029844 Numbness of eyelids
10029845 Numbness of fingers
10029846 Numbness of head
10029847 Numbness of limbs
10029848 Numbness of limbs-trunk
10029850 Numbness of lower extremities
10029851 Numbness of mouth angular
10029852 Numbness of tongue
10029853 Numbness of upper arm
10029854 Numbness of upper extremities
10029855 Numbness oral
10029856 Numbness perioral
10029857 Nummular dermatitis
10029859 Nutritional marasmus
10029860 Nutritional optic neuropathy
10029861 Nutritional support
10029862 Nyctalopia
10029863 Nylon skin sensitivity
10029864 Nystagmus
10029867 Nystagmus congenital
10029868 Nystagmus NOS
10029869 Nystagmus, unspecified
10029871 O/A spine
10029873 O2 saturation
10029875 OA hip
10029876 OA hips
10029877 OA knee
10029878 OA lumbar spine
10029879 OA neck
10029880 OA spine
10029881 OA toes
10029882 Oat cell carcinoma
10029883 Obesity
10029885 Obesity, unspecified
10029886 Objective tinnitus
10029887 Oblique inguinal hernia
10029888 Obliterative bronchiolitis
10029889 Obliterative bronchitis
10029890 Obliterative cardiomyopathy
10029891 Obscure cardiomyopathy of Africa
10029892 Observes Jewish dietary laws
10029893 Obsessional neurosis
10029894 Obsessional personality
10029895 Obsessional state
10029896 Obsessive reaction
10029897 Obsessive thoughts
10029898 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
10029900 Obsessive-compulsive neurosis
10029901 Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
10029902 Obsessive-compulsive reaction
10029904 Obstetric complication NOS
10029905 Obstetric disorder NOS
10029907 Obstetric procedure complication NOS
10029908 Obstetrical air embolism
10029914 Obstetrical blood-clot embolism
10029915 Obstetrical blood-clot embolism, antepartum
10029920 Obstetrical damage to pelvic joints and ligaments
10029921 Obstetrical inversion of uterus
10029922 Obstetrical laceration of cervix
10029923 Obstetrical pelvic haematoma
10029924 Obstetrical pelvic hematoma
10029925 Obstetrical pulmonary embolism
10029932 Obstipation
10029933 Obstructed labor
10029934 Obstructed labour
10029935 Obstructed labour NOS
10029936 Obstructed labour, unspecified
10029937 Obstruction bowel
10029938 Obstruction bronchial
10029939 Obstruction by abnormal pelvic soft tissues during labor
10029940 Obstruction by abnormal pelvic soft tissues during labor, antepartum
10029942 Obstruction by abnormal pelvic soft tissues during labor, with delivery
10029943 Obstruction by abnormal pelvic soft tissues during labour
10029944 Obstruction by bony pelvis during labor
10029945 Obstruction by bony pelvis during labor, antepartum
10029946 Obstruction by bony pelvis during labor, unspecified as to episode of care
10029947 Obstruction by bony pelvis during labor, with delivery
10029948 Obstruction by bony pelvis during labour
10029949 Obstruction caused by malposition of fetus at onset of labor
10029954 Obstruction colon
10029955 Obstruction duodenal
10029956 Obstruction esophagus
10029957 Obstruction gastric
10029958 Obstruction intestinal
10029959 Obstruction lung disease
10029960 Obstruction NOS
10029961 Obstruction of bile duct
10029963 Obstruction of Eustachian tube
10029964 Obstruction of Eustachian tube, unspecified
10029965 Obstruction of gallbladder
10029966 Obstruction of intestine by gallstone
10029967 Obstruction of nasolacrimal duct, neonatal
10029968 Obstruction pyloric
10029969 Obstruction small intestine
10029970 Obstruction ureter
10029971 Obstruction urinary bladder
10029972 Obstructive airways disease (chronic)
10029973 Obstructive airways disorder NOS
10029975 Obstructive arteriosclerosis of lower extremities
10029977 Obstructive chronic bronchitis
10029978 Obstructive chronic bronchitis with acute exacerbation
10029981 Obstructive hydrocephalus
10029982 Obstructive jaundice
10029983 Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
10029984 Obstructive uropathy
10029985 Obtundation
10029986 Obtundation mental
10029987 Obturator hernia
10029988 OC
10029989 Occiput posterior
10029999 Occlusion carotid
10030000 Occlusion coronary
10030001 Occlusion coronary artery
10030002 Occlusion mesenteric
10030003 Occlusion mesenteric artery
10030004 Occlusion mesenteric vein
10030006 Occlusion of cerebral arteries
10030007 Occlusion of ureter NOS
10030008 Occlusion retinal artery
10030009 Occlusion retinal vein
10030010 Occult bleeding test positive
10030011 Occupational air problem
10030012 Occupational dermatitis
10030013 Occupational environmental problem NOS
10030015 Occupational erosion of teeth
10030016 Occupational exposure to air contaminants NOS
10030017 Occupational exposure to dust
10030018 Occupational exposure to extreme temperature
10030019 Occupational exposure to noise
10030020 Occupational exposure to radiation
10030021 Occupational exposure to toxic agents NOS
10030022 Occupational exposure to toxic agricultural agents
10030023 Occupational exposure to vibration
10030024 Occupational noise problem
10030026 Occupational physical problem
10030027 Occupational physical problem NOS
10030028 Occupational problem environmental
10030033 Ocular displacement
10030034 Ocular fistula
10030036 Ocular fundus arteriosclerosis
10030037 Ocular fundus bleeding of
10030038 Ocular fundus pigment epithelium degeneration
10030039 Ocular haemorrhage
10030040 Ocular hemorrhage
10030041 Ocular hyperaemia
10030042 Ocular hyperemia
10030043 Ocular hypertension
10030044 Ocular infection bacillary
10030048 Ocular itching
10030050 Ocular laceration without prolapse of intraocular tissue
10030051 Ocular lateral crisis
10030062 Ocular perforation
10030065 Ocular stinging
10030066 Ocular tension increased
10030068 Oculo-muco-cutaneous syndrome
10030069 Oculofacial paralysis
10030070 Oculoglandular tularemia
10030071 Oculogyric crisis
10030072 Oculomotor dyskinesia
10030073 Oculomotor nerve operation
10030074 Oculomotor nerve paralysis
10030075 Oculomotor paralysis
10030076 Oculomotor paresis
10030077 Oculomotor spasm
10030078 Oculomotor study abnormal
10030079 Oculomotor study NOS abnormal
10030080 Oculomotor study NOS normal
10030081 Oculomucocutaneous syndrome
10030082 Oculopneumoplethysmogram
10030083 Oculopneumoplethysmogram abnormal
10030084 Oculopneumoplethysmogram normal
10030085 Oculopneumoplethysmography
10030086 Oculopneumoplethysmography abnormal
10030087 Oculopneumoplethysmography normal
10030088 Oddi's sphincter constriction
10030089 Oddi's sphincter spasm
10030090 Odontalgia
10030091 Odontogenesis impaired
10030092 Odor body
10030093 Odor breath
10030094 Odynophagia
10030095 Oedema
10030096 Oedema arms
10030097 Oedema auricular
10030098 Oedema cerebral
10030100 Oedema dependent
10030101 Oedema face
10030102 Oedema generalised
10030104 Oedema genital
10030105 Oedema legs
10030106 Oedema like
10030108 Oedema lips & face
10030109 Oedema lower limb
10030110 Oedema mouth
10030111 Oedema mucosal
10030112 Oedema mucosal NOS
10030114 Oedema NOS
10030115 Oedema of extremities
10030116 Oedema of larynx
10030117 Oedema of legs
10030118 Oedema of lower extremities
10030119 Oedema of suture site
10030121 Oedema palmar
10030123 Oedema periorbital
10030124 Oedema peripheral
10030125 Oedema pharynx
10030126 Oedema pulmonary
10030127 Oedema retroperitoneal
10030128 Oedema scrotal
10030129 Oedema scrotum
10030130 Oedema trachea
10030131 Oedema transient
10030132 Oedema upper limb
10030133 Oedema-like
10030134 Oedematous feet
10030135 Oedematous weight gain
10030136 Oesophageal achalasia
10030137 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma
10030138 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma in situ
10030139 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma NOS
10030140 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma recurrent
10030141 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma stage 0
10030142 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma stage I
10030143 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma stage II
10030144 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma stage III
10030145 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma stage IV
10030146 Oesophageal atresia
10030147 Oesophageal biopsy
10030148 Oesophageal biopsy abnormal
10030149 Oesophageal biopsy normal
10030150 Oesophageal burn
10030151 Oesophageal cancer
10030152 Oesophageal cancer NOS
10030153 Oesophageal candida
10030154 Oesophageal candidiasis
10030155 Oesophageal carcinoma
10030156 Oesophageal carcinoma in situ
10030157 Oesophageal carcinoma NOS
10030158 Oesophageal carcinoma NOS stage 0
10030159 Oesophageal carcinoma recurrent
10030160 Oesophageal carcinoma site unspecified recurrent
10030161 Oesophageal carcinoma site unspecified stage 0
10030162 Oesophageal carcinoma stage 0
10030164 Oesophageal dilatation
10030165 Oesophageal disease NOS
10030166 Oesophageal disorder NOS
10030169 Oesophageal diverticulitis
10030170 Oesophageal epidermoid carcinoma NOS
10030171 Oesophageal erosions
10030172 Oesophageal haemorrhage
10030174 Oesophageal lesion excision
10030175 Oesophageal neoplasm NOS
10030178 Oesophageal obstruction
10030180 Oesophageal pain
10030181 Oesophageal perforation
10030182 Oesophageal reflux
10030183 Oesophageal reflux aggravated
10030184 Oesophageal spasm
10030185 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in situ
10030186 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma NOS
10030187 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10030188 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage 0
10030189 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10030190 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10030191 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10030192 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10030193 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third recurrent
10030194 Oesophageal stenosis
10030195 Oesophageal stenosis acquired
10030197 Oesophageal stenosis congenital
10030198 Oesophageal stent insertion
10030199 Oesophageal stricture
10030200 Oesophageal tuberculosis
10030201 Oesophageal ulcer
10030202 Oesophageal ulcer haemorrhage
10030203 Oesophageal ulceration
10030205 Oesophageal ulceration haemorrhage
10030207 Oesophageal variceal injection
10030208 Oesophageal variceal ligation
10030210 Oesophageal varices haemorrhage
10030211 Oesophageal varices in cirrhosis of liver
10030212 Oesophageal varices NOS
10030213 Oesophageal varices with bleeding
10030214 Oesophageal varices without mention of bleeding
10030215 Oesophagectomy
10030216 Oesophagitis
10030217 Oesophagitis aggravated
10030218 Oesophagitis chemical
10030219 Oesophagitis haemorrhagic
10030220 Oesophagitis NOS
10030221 Oesophagoenterostomy
10030222 Oesophagoscopy
10030223 Oesophagoscopy abnormal
10030224 Oesophagoscopy normal
10030225 Oesophagospasm
10030226 Oesophagus achalasia of
10030227 Oestradiol
10030228 Oestradiol abnormal NOS
10030229 Oestradiol decreased
10030230 Oestradiol high
10030231 Oestradiol increased
10030232 Oestradiol low
10030233 Oestradiol normal
10030234 Oestriol
10030235 Oestriol abnormal NOS
10030236 Oestriol decreased
10030237 Oestriol increased
10030238 Oestriol normal
10030239 Oestriol urine
10030240 Oestriol urine abnormal NOS
10030241 Oestriol urine decreased
10030242 Oestriol urine increased
10030243 Oestriol urine normal
10030244 Oestrogen
10030245 Oestrogen abnormal NOS
10030246 Oestrogen decreased
10030247 Oestrogen deficiency
10030248 Oestrogen increased
10030249 Oestrogen low
10030250 Oestrogen normal
10030251 Oestrogen replacement therapy
10030252 Oestrogen therapy
10030253 Oestrogens total urine
10030254 Oestrogens total urine abnormal NOS
10030255 Oestrogens total urine decreased
10030256 Oestrogens total urine high
10030257 Oestrogens total urine increased
10030258 Oestrogens total urine low
10030259 Oestrogens total urine normal
10030260 Offensive vaginal discharge
10030261 Oil acne
10030262 Oil sensitivity
10030263 Old bucket handle tear of medial meniscus
10030264 Old disruption of anterior cruciate ligament
10030265 Old disruption of lateral collateral ligament
10030266 Old disruption of medial collateral ligament
10030268 Old disruption of posterior cruciate ligament
10030269 Old laceration of cervix
10030272 Old myocardial infarction
10030276 Old tuberculosis
10030277 Old vaginal laceration
10030278 Olecranon bursitis
10030279 Olecranon fracture
10030280 Olfactory hallucination
10030283 Oligoclonal band CSF abnormal
10030284 Oligoclonal band CSF absent
10030285 Oligoclonal band CSF present
10030286 Oligodendroglioma
10030287 Oligodendroglioma benign
10030288 Oligodendroglioma malignant
10030289 Oligohydramnios
10030291 Oligohydramnios, antepartum
10030293 Oligohydramnios, unspecified as to episode of care
10030294 Oligomenorrhea
10030295 Oligomenorrhoea
10030296 Oligomenorrhoea NOS
10030297 Oligomenorrhoea primary
10030298 Oligomenorrhoea secondary
10030299 Oligophrenia
10030300 Oligospermia
10030301 Oligozoospermia
10030302 Oliguria
10030304 Oliguria transient
10030305 Omentectomy
10030306 Omphalitis
10030307 Omphalitis of the newborn
10030308 Omphalocele
10030309 Omphalocoele
10030310 Omsk haemorrhagic fever
10030311 Omsk hemorrhagic fever
10030312 On and off phenomenon
10030313 Onchocerca volvulus infection
10030314 Onchocerciasis
10030331 One leg standing difficult
10030332 Oneirism
10030333 Onychia
10030336 Onychogryphosis
10030337 Onycholysis
10030338 Onychomycosis
10030339 Oophorectomy bilateral
10030340 Oophorectomy left
10030341 Oophorectomy NOS
10030342 Oophorectomy partial
10030343 Oophorectomy right
10030344 Oophorectomy unilateral
10030345 Oophoritis
10030346 Opacity corneal
10030347 Opacity lenticular
10030348 Open angle glaucoma
10030349 Open angle glaucoma NOS
10030350 Open angle with borderline glaucoma findings
10030351 Open anterior dislocation of elbow
10030352 Open anterior dislocation of humerus
10030353 Open dislocation interphalangeal (joint), hand
10030354 Open dislocation of acromioclavicular (joint)
10030355 Open dislocation of ankle
10030356 Open dislocation of carpometacarpal (joint)
10030357 Open dislocation of elbow
10030358 Open dislocation of elbow, unspecified site
10030359 Open dislocation of finger
10030360 Open dislocation of finger, unspecified part
10030361 Open dislocation of foot
10030362 Open dislocation of foot, unspecified part
10030363 Open dislocation of hip
10030364 Open dislocation of hip, unspecified site
10030365 Open dislocation of interphalangeal (joint), foot
10030366 Open dislocation of jaw
10030367 Open dislocation of metacarpal (bone), proximal end
10030368 Open dislocation of metacarpophalangeal (joint)
10030369 Open dislocation of metatarsal (bone), joint unspecified
10030370 Open dislocation of metatarsophalangeal (joint)
10030371 Open dislocation of midcarpal (joint)
10030372 Open dislocation of midtarsal (joint)
10030374 Open dislocation of other part of wrist
10030376 Open dislocation of other site of shoulder
10030377 Open dislocation of radiocarpal (joint)
10030378 Open dislocation of radioulnar (joint), distal
10030379 Open dislocation of shoulder
10030380 Open dislocation of shoulder, unspecified
10030381 Open dislocation of tarsal (bone), joint unspecified
10030382 Open dislocation of tarsometatarsal (joint)
10030383 Open dislocation of wrist
10030384 Open dislocation of wrist, unspecified part
10030385 Open dislocation, cervical vertebra
10030386 Open dislocation, cervical vertebra, unspecified
10030387 Open dislocation, coccyx
10030388 Open dislocation, fifth cervical vertebra
10030389 Open dislocation, first cervical vertebra
10030390 Open dislocation, fourth cervical vertebra
10030391 Open dislocation, lumbar vertebra
10030395 Open dislocation, sacrum
10030396 Open dislocation, second cervical vertebra
10030397 Open dislocation, seventh cervical vertebra
10030398 Open dislocation, sixth cervical vertebra
10030399 Open dislocation, sternum
10030400 Open dislocation, third cervical vertebra
10030402 Open dislocation, thoracic vertebra
10030403 Open dislocation, vertebra, unspecified site
10030527 Open fracture
10030528 Open fracture of acetabulum
10030529 Open fracture of acromial end of clavicle
10030530 Open fracture of acromial process of scapula
10030531 Open fracture of base of other metacarpal bone(s)
10030542 Open fracture of base of thumb (first) metacarpal
10030554 Open fracture of capitate bone (os magnum) of wrist
10030555 Open fracture of carpal bone, unspecified
10030558 Open fracture of cervical vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
10030559 Open fracture of cervical vertebra without mention of spinal cord lesion
10030560 Open fracture of cervical vertebra, unspecified level
10030561 Open fracture of clavicle
10030562 Open fracture of clavicle, unspecified part
10030563 Open fracture of coracoid process
10030569 Open fracture of eight or more ribs
10030570 Open fracture of fifth cervical vertebra
10030571 Open fracture of first cervical vertebra
10030572 Open fracture of five ribs
10030573 Open fracture of four ribs
10030574 Open fracture of fourth cervical vertebra
10030576 Open fracture of hamate (unciform) bone of wrist
10030577 Open fracture of ilium
10030578 Open fracture of ischium
10030580 Open fracture of lower end of forearm, unspecified
10030583 Open fracture of lumbar vertebra without mention of spinal cord injury
10030584 Open fracture of lumbar vertebra without mention of spinal cord lesion
10030585 Open fracture of lunate (semilunar) bone of wrist
10030586 Open fracture of metacarpal bone(s), site unspecified
10030587 Open fracture of metacarpal bones
10030589 Open fracture of multiple cervical vertebrae
10030590 Open fracture of multiple ribs, unspecified
10030593 Open fracture of navicular (scaphoid) bone of wrist
10030594 Open fracture of neck of metacarpal bone(s)
10030597 Open fracture of one rib
10030598 Open fracture of other bone of wrist
10030601 Open fracture of patella
10030603 Open fracture of pisiform bone of wrist
10030604 Open fracture of pubis
10030605 Open fracture of rib(s)
10030606 Open fracture of rib(s), unspecified
10030615 Open fracture of scapula
10030616 Open fracture of scapula, unspecified part
10030617 Open fracture of second cervical vertebra
10030618 Open fracture of seven ribs
10030619 Open fracture of seventh cervical vertebra
10030620 Open fracture of shaft of clavicle
10030621 Open fracture of shaft of fibula
10030623 Open fracture of shaft of metacarpal bone(s)
10030624 Open fracture of shaft of tibia
10030625 Open fracture of six ribs
10030626 Open fracture of sixth cervical vertebra
10030627 Open fracture of sternal end of clavicle
10030628 Open fracture of sternum
10030639 Open fracture of third cervical vertebra
10030640 Open fracture of three ribs
10030641 Open fracture of trapezium bone (larger multangular) of wrist
10030642 Open fracture of trapezoid bone (smaller multangular) of wrist
10030643 Open fracture of triquetral (cuneiform) bone of wrist
10030644 Open fracture of two ribs
10030645 Open fracture of unspecified part of fibula
10030652 Open fracture of upper end of fibula
10030654 Open fracture of upper end of tibia
10030662 Open fracture of vault of skull without intracranial injury
10030669 Open inferior dislocation of humerus
10030670 Open lateral dislocation of elbow
10030671 Open lung biopsy
10030672 Open medial dislocation of elbow
10030673 Open obturator dislocation of hip
10030674 Open pericardial biopsy
10030675 Open pericardial biopsy abnormal
10030676 Open pericardial biopsy normal
10030677 Open pleural biopsy
10030678 Open posterior dislocation of elbow
10030679 Open posterior dislocation of hip
10030680 Open posterior dislocation of humerus
10030681 Open reduction of dislocated joint
10030682 Open reduction of fracture
10030683 Open reduction of fracture with internal fixation
10030684 Open reduction of spinal fracture
10030685 Open spina bifida
10030697 Open wound of back
10030704 Open wound of buttock
10030714 Open wound of ear
10030732 Open wound of eyeball
10030790 Open wound of neck
10030795 Open wound of ocular adnexa
10030849 Open wound of vulva, complicated
10030850 Open wound of vulva, without mention of complication
10030856 Open-angle glaucoma
10030857 Open-angle glaucoma, unspecified
10030858 Operation NOS
10030859 Operation site bleed
10030860 Operative haemorrhage
10030861 Ophthalmia neonatorum
10030863 Ophthalmia nodosa
10030865 Ophthalmic herpes zoster
10030867 Ophthalmic migraine
10030868 Ophthalmic zoster
10030869 Ophthalmitis
10030874 Ophthalmopathy NOS
10030875 Ophthalmoplegia
10030876 Ophthalmoplegia externa
10030877 Ophthalmoplegia interna
10030878 Ophthalmoplegia NOS
10030879 Ophthalmoscopy normal
10030880 Opiate analgesic supportive therapy
10030881 Opiate toxicity
10030882 Opiate withdrawal symptoms
10030883 Opiates NOS decreased
10030884 Opiates NOS high
10030885 Opiates NOS increased
10030886 Opiates NOS normal
10030887 Opioid abuse
10030888 Opioid abuse, continuous use
10030889 Opioid abuse, episodic use
10030890 Opioid abuse, in remission
10030891 Opioid abuse, unspecified use
10030892 Opioid type dependence
10030893 Opioid type dependence, continuous use
10030894 Opioid type dependence, episodic use
10030895 Opioid type dependence, in remission
10030896 Opioid type dependence, unspecified use
10030897 Opisthorchiasis
10030898 Opisthotonos
10030899 Opisthotonus
10030900 Opium addiction
10030901 Opportunistic infection
10030903 Oppositional
10030904 Oppositional disorder of childhood or adolescence
10030906 Oppression
10030907 OPT abnormal
10030908 OPT normal
10030910 Optic atrophy
10030912 Optic atrophy, unspecified
10030914 Optic disc anomaly, congenital NOS
10030915 Optic disc atrophy
10030916 Optic disc disorder NOS
10030917 Optic disc drusen
10030918 Optic disc engorgement
10030919 Optic disc haemorrhage
10030920 Optic disc inflammation
10030922 Optic disc pallor excessive
10030923 Optic discs blurred
10030924 Optic ischaemic neuropathy
10030925 Optic ischemic neuropathy
10030927 Optic nerve anomaly congenital NOS
10030929 Optic nerve congestion
10030930 Optic nerve cup/disc ratio
10030931 Optic nerve cupping
10030932 Optic nerve disorder NOS
10030934 Optic nerve edema
10030935 Optic nerve glioma
10030936 Optic nerve infarction
10030938 Optic nerve injury
10030939 Optic nerve injury NOS
10030940 Optic nerve oedema
10030941 Optic nerve sheath haemorrhage
10030942 Optic neuritis
10030943 Optic neuritis meningococcal
10030944 Optic neuritis NOS
10030945 Optic neuritis retrobulbar
10030946 Optic neuritis, unspecified
10030947 Optic neuropathy NOS
10030948 Optic papillitis
10030949 Optic pathway injury
10030951 Optic pathway injury NOS
10030953 Optic tract glioma
10030954 Optical illusion
10030955 Opticokinetic nystagmus tests
10030956 Opticokinetic nystagmus tests abnormal
10030957 Opticokinetic nystagmus tests normal
10030959 Oral angular pain
10030960 Oral aphthae
10030961 Oral cancer stage unspecified
10030962 Oral candida
10030963 Oral candidiasis
10030964 Oral carcinoma
10030965 Oral carcinoma in situ
10030966 Oral cavity discomfort
10030970 Oral contraception
10030971 Oral contraceptive
10030972 Oral discharge
10030973 Oral discomfort
10030974 Oral dryness
10030976 Oral dyskinesia
10030977 Oral fluid replacement
10030978 Oral haemorrhage
10030979 Oral hairy leukoplakia
10030980 Oral hemorrhage
10030981 Oral hot feeling
10030982 Oral leukoplakia NOS
10030983 Oral lichen planus
10030984 Oral moniliasis
10030985 Oral mucosa bleeding
10030986 Oral mucosa blister
10030987 Oral mucosa blistering
10030988 Oral mucosa discolouration
10030989 Oral mucosa ecchymosis
10030990 Oral mucosa pain
10030991 Oral mucosa redness
10030993 Oral mucosa swollen
10030994 Oral mucosal anaesthesia
10030995 Oral mucosal blistering
10030996 Oral mucosal discolouration
10030997 Oral mucosal eruption
10030998 Oral mucosal petechiae
10030999 Oral mucosal sloughing
10031000 Oral neoplasm benign
10031001 Oral neoplasm malignant
10031002 Oral neoplasm malignant recurrent
10031003 Oral neoplasm malignant stage 0
10031004 Oral neoplasm malignant stage I
10031005 Oral neoplasm malignant stage II
10031006 Oral neoplasm malignant stage III
10031007 Oral neoplasm malignant stage IV
10031008 Oral neoplasm NOS
10031009 Oral pain
10031010 Oral papule
10031011 Oral redness
10031012 Oral rehydration
10031014 Oral soft tissue disorder NOS
10031023 Oral submucosal fibrosis
10031025 Oral submucous fibrosis, including of tongue
10031026 Oral thrush
10031027 Oral ulceration
10031029 Orbit atrophy
10031030 Orbit biopsy
10031031 Orbit biopsy abnormal
10031032 Orbit biopsy normal
10031033 Orbit deformity NOS
10031034 Orbit plastic repair
10031035 Orbital biopsy
10031036 Orbital cellulitis
10031037 Orbital cyst
10031038 Orbital cysts
10031039 Orbital deformities associated with craniofacial deformities
10031040 Orbital disorder NOS
10031042 Orbital floor (blow-out) closed fracture
10031043 Orbital floor (blow-out) open fracture
10031044 Orbital granuloma
10031045 Orbital haemorrhage
10031046 Orbital hemorrhage
10031047 Orbital implant insertion
10031048 Orbital implant removal
10031050 Orbital myositis
10031051 Orbital oedema
10031052 Orbital osteomyelitis
10031053 Orbital pain
10031054 Orbital periostitis
10031056 Orbital tendonitis
10031058 Orbivirus infection
10031059 Orchiatrophy
10031060 Orchidectomy
10031061 Orchidopexy
10031062 Orchiectomy
10031063 Orchiopexy
10031064 Orchitis
10031068 Orchitis mumps
10031069 Orchitis NOS
10031071 Orf
10031072 Organic affective syndrome
10031073 Organic anxiety disorder
10031074 Organic anxiety syndrome
10031075 Organic blood flow disorder
10031077 Organic brain syndrome
10031078 Organic delusional syndrome
10031079 Organic hallucinosis syndrome
10031080 Organic mood disorder
10031081 Organic mood syndrome
10031082 Organic personality syndrome
10031083 Organic psychotic conditions (chronic), other
10031084 Organic writers' cramp
10031085 Orgasm abnormal
10031087 Orientation disturbed
10031088 Ornithosis
10031092 Ornithosis, unspecified
10031093 Oro-facial spasm
10031094 Orofacial dyskinesia
10031095 Orofacial oedema
10031096 Oropharyngeal cancer
10031098 Oropharyngeal cancer recurrent
10031099 Oropharyngeal cancer stage 0
10031100 Oropharyngeal cancer stage I
10031101 Oropharyngeal cancer stage II
10031102 Oropharyngeal cancer stage III
10031103 Oropharyngeal cancer stage unspecified
10031104 Oropharyngeal lymphoepithelioma
10031105 Oropharyngeal lymphoepithelioma recurrent
10031106 Oropharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage 0
10031107 Oropharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage I
10031108 Oropharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage II
10031109 Oropharyngeal lymphoepithelioma stage III
10031110 Oropharyngeal neoplasm benign
10031111 Oropharyngeal spasm
10031112 Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
10031113 Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10031114 Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage 0
10031115 Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10031116 Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10031117 Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10031118 Oropharyngeal swelling
10031120 Orphan
10031121 Orthodontic procedure
10031122 Orthopnea
10031123 Orthopnoea
10031124 Orthostatic albuminuria
10031125 Orthostatic dizziness
10031126 Orthostatic edema
10031127 Orthostatic hypotension
10031128 Orthostatic oedema
10031129 Orthostatic proteinuria
10031130 Osgood-Schlatter's disease
10031131 Osler's nodes
10031132 Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
10031133 Osmolality
10031134 Osmolality abnormal NOS
10031135 Osmolality decreased
10031136 Osmolality high
10031137 Osmolality increased
10031138 Osmolality low
10031139 Osmolality normal
10031140 Osmolar gap
10031141 Osmolar gap abnormal
10031142 Osmolar gap normal
10031143 Osseous obstruction of Eustachian tube
10031144 Ossicle disorder NOS
10031145 Ossicular chain reconstruction
10031146 Ossicular operations NOS
10031147 Ossiculoplasty
10031148 Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical region
10031149 Osteitis
10031150 Osteitis condensans
10031151 Osteitis deformans
10031154 Osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumor
10031155 Osteitis deformans without mention of bone tumour
10031156 Osteitis NOS
10031157 Osteitis tuberculous
10031158 Osteo arthritis knees
10031159 Osteo arthritis shoulders
10031160 Osteoarthritis of neck
10031161 Osteoarthritis
10031162 Osteoarthritis aggravated
10031163 Osteoarthritis deformans endemica
10031164 Osteoarthritis generalised
10031165 Osteoarthritis knee
10031166 Osteoarthritis knees
10031167 Osteoarthritis NOS
10031168 Osteoarthritis of cervical spine
10031169 Osteoarthritis of lumbar spine
10031170 Osteoarthritis of thoracic spine
10031171 Osteoarthritis shoulders
10031172 Osteoarthritis spinal
10031173 Osteoarthropathy
10031174 Osteoarthrosis
10031180 Osteoarthrosis, generalized
10031181 Osteoarthrosis, generalized, involving hand
10031183 Osteoarthrosis, generalized, involving unspecified site
10031186 Osteoarthrosis, localized, not specified whether primary or secondary
10031196 Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary
10031198 Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, involving forearm
10031199 Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, involving hand
10031200 Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, involving lower leg
10031203 Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, involving shoulder region
10031204 Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, involving unspecified site
10031205 Osteoarthrosis, localized, primary, involving upper arm
10031206 Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary
10031208 Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, involving forearm
10031209 Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, involving hand
10031210 Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, involving lower leg
10031213 Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, involving shoulder region
10031214 Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, involving unspecified site
10031215 Osteoarthrosis, localized, secondary, involving upper arm
10031216 Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized
10031218 Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, involving forearm
10031219 Osteoarthrosis, unspecified whether generalized or localized, involving hand
10031226 Osteoblastic osteosarcoma
10031227 Osteoblastic osteosarcoma localized
10031228 Osteoblastic osteosarcoma metastatic
10031229 Osteoblastic osteosarcoma recurrent
10031230 Osteochondritis
10031231 Osteochondritis dissecans
10031232 Osteochondropathies
10031233 Osteochondrosis
10031234 Osteochondrosis juvenilis
10031235 Osteochondrosis of femoral head
10031236 Osteochondrosis of foot
10031237 Osteochondrosis of leg (excl hip)
10031238 Osteochondrosis of tibial tubercle
10031239 Osteochondrosis of upper limb
10031240 Osteodystrophy
10031241 Osteodystrophy aluminum
10031242 Osteodystrophy NOS
10031243 Osteogenesis imperfecta
10031244 Osteogenic sarcoma
10031245 Osteogenic sarcoma localized
10031246 Osteogenic sarcoma metastatic
10031247 Osteogenic sarcoma recurrent
10031248 Osteolysis
10031249 Osteoma
10031250 Osteomalacia
10031251 Osteomalacia, unspecified
10031252 Osteomyelitis
10031253 Osteomyelitis acute
10031254 Osteomyelitis acute NOS
10031255 Osteomyelitis blastomyces
10031256 Osteomyelitis chronic
10031257 Osteomyelitis chronic NOS
10031258 Osteomyelitis drainage
10031259 Osteomyelitis NOS
10031260 Osteomyelitis of arm drainage
10031261 Osteomyelitis of leg drainage
10031262 Osteomyelitis salmonella
10031264 Osteonecrosis
10031265 Osteoneuralgia
10031271 Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis, involving forearm
10031272 Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis, involving hand
10031273 Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis, involving lower leg
10031277 Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis, involving shoulder region
10031279 Osteopathy resulting from poliomyelitis, involving upper arm
10031280 Osteopetrosis
10031281 Osteopoikilosis
10031282 Osteoporosis
10031283 Osteoporosis fracture
10031284 Osteoporosis NOS
10031285 Osteoporosis postmenopausal
10031286 Osteoporosis senile
10031287 Osteoporosis steroid-induced
10031288 Osteoporosis with fracture
10031289 Osteoporosis, unspecified
10031290 Osteoporotic fracture
10031291 Osteosarcoma
10031292 Osteosarcoma extraskeletal
10031293 Osteosarcoma localised
10031294 Osteosarcoma metastatic
10031295 Osteosarcoma NOS
10031296 Osteosarcoma recurrent
10031297 Osteosarcoma stage unspecified
10031298 Osteosclerosis
10031299 Osteosis
10031300 Osteotomy
10031301 Ostium primum defect
10031302 Ostium secundum defect
10031303 Ostium secundum type atrial septal defect
10031304 Otalgia
10031305 Otalgia, unspecified
10031468 Other acute otitis externa
10031548 Other and unspecified derangement of medial meniscus
10031604 Other and unspecified mitral valve diseases
10031675 Other back pain with radiating symptoms
10031749 Other closed anterior dislocation of hip
10031765 Other complication of colostomy or enterostomy
10031839 Other congenital anomaly NOS
10031848 Other congenital deformity of hip (joint)
10031865 Other corneal disorder
10031892 Other derangement of lateral meniscus
10031896 Other diffuse or generalized dystrophy of choroid, partial
10031897 Other diffuse or generalized dystrophy of choroid, total
10031924 Other dislocation of knee, compound
10031926 Other dislocation of knee, simple
10031955 Other disorders of ear, other
10031957 Other disorders of esophagus
10031969 Other disorders of intestine
10031995 Other disorders of peritoneum, other
10032042 Other esophagitis
10032095 Other haemoglobinopathies
10032104 Other hernia
10032124 Other immediate postpartum hemorrhage, postpartum
10032177 Other jaw asymmetry
10032235 Other malignant neoplasm of colon recurrent
10032262 Other middle ear adhesions and combinations
10032304 Other non-articular rheumatism
10032318 Other nonspecific abnormal findings, other
10032340 Other obstetrical trauma, other
10032342 Other ocular manifestations of vitamin A deficiency
10032343 Other open anterior dislocation of hip
10032420 Other primary progressive tuberculosis, confirmed by animal inoculation
10032421 Other primary progressive tuberculosis, confirmed by bacterial culture
10032422 Other primary progressive tuberculosis, confirmed histologically
10032445 Other respiratory tuberculosis, other
10032453 Other rupture of synovium
10032459 Other seborrheic dermatitis
10032486 Other specific learning delay
10032607 Other specified cystic kidney disease
10032633 Other specified diseases of the salivary glands
10032717 Other specified effects of reduced temperature
10032793 Other specified leukaemia
10032795 Other specified leukemia
10032816 Other specified miliary tuberculosis, confirmed by animal inoculation
10032817 Other specified miliary tuberculosis, confirmed by bacterial culture
10032818 Other specified miliary tuberculosis, confirmed histologically
10032837 Other specified nonspecific findings on examination of blood
10032882 Other specified retention of urine
10032893 Other specified sites of sacroiliac region sprain
10032961 Other symptomatic late congenital syphilis
10033007 Other ulcerative colitis
10033035 Other venous embolism & thrombosis
10033069 Other, multiple, and ill-defined dislocations
10033071 Otitis
10033072 Otitis externa
10033073 Otitis externa (excl boil of meatus)
10033074 Otitis externa (excl boil of meatus) fungal NOS
10033075 Otitis externa (excl boil of meatus) NOS
10033076 Otitis externa candida
10033077 Otitis externa due to herpes zoster
10033078 Otitis media
10033079 Otitis media acute
10033080 Otitis media acute NOS
10033081 Otitis media chronic
10033082 Otitis media chronic NOS
10033083 Otitis media moraxella
10033084 Otitis media NOS
10033085 Otitis media post measles
10033086 Otitis media serous
10033087 Otitis media serous acute
10033088 Otitis media serous acute NOS
10033089 Otitis media serous chronic
10033090 Otitis media serous chronic NOS
10033091 Otitis media serous NOS
10033092 Otitis media suppurative
10033093 Otitis media suppurative acute
10033094 Otitis media suppurative acute NOS
10033095 Otitis media suppurative chronic
10033096 Otitis media suppurative chronic NOS
10033097 Otitis media suppurative NOS
10033098 Otogenic pain
10033099 Otorrhea
10033100 Otorrhea, unspecified
10033101 Otorrhoea
10033102 Otosalpingitis
10033103 Otosclerosis
10033104 Otosclerosis exacerbated
10033106 Otosclerosis involving oval window, obliterative
10033107 Otosclerosis, other
10033108 Otosclerosis, unspecified
10033109 Ototoxicity
10033115 Oval window fistula
10033116 Ovalbumin allergy
10033117 Ovale malaria
10033118 Ovalocytosis
10033119 Ovarian abscess
10033120 Ovarian agenesis
10033122 Ovarian atrophy
10033123 Ovarian atypical proliferating tumor
10033124 Ovarian biopsy
10033125 Ovarian biopsy abnormal
10033126 Ovarian biopsy normal
10033127 Ovarian brachytherapy
10033128 Ovarian cancer
10033130 Ovarian cancer NOS
10033131 Ovarian carcinoma
10033132 Ovarian cyst
10033133 Ovarian cyst benign (excl physiological)
10033134 Ovarian cyst malignant
10033135 Ovarian cyst NOS
10033136 Ovarian cyst ruptured
10033137 Ovarian cystectomy
10033138 Ovarian cystoma
10033139 Ovarian disorder
10033140 Ovarian disorder NOS
10033141 Ovarian dysfunction
10033144 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage I
10033145 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage I A
10033146 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage I B
10033147 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage I C
10033148 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage II
10033149 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage II A
10033150 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage II B
10033151 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage II C
10033152 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage III
10033153 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage III A
10033154 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage III B
10033155 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage III C
10033156 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage IV
10033157 Ovarian enlargement
10033158 Ovarian epithelial cancer metastatic
10033159 Ovarian epithelial cancer NOS
10033160 Ovarian epithelial cancer recurrent
10033161 Ovarian epithelial cancer stage I
10033162 Ovarian epithelial cancer stage II
10033163 Ovarian epithelial cancer stage III
10033164 Ovarian epithelial cancer stage IV
10033165 Ovarian failure
10033167 Ovarian failure postoperative
10033168 Ovarian failure primary
10033169 Ovarian function insufficiency
10033170 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage I
10033171 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage I A
10033172 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage I B
10033173 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage I C
10033174 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage II
10033175 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage II A
10033176 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage II B
10033177 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage II C
10033178 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage III
10033179 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage III A
10033180 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage III B
10033181 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage III C
10033182 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS stage IV
10033183 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage I
10033184 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage I A
10033185 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage I B
10033186 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage I C
10033187 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage II
10033188 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage II A
10033189 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage II B
10033190 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage II C
10033191 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage III
10033192 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage III A
10033193 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage III B
10033194 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage III C
10033195 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma stage IV
10033196 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage I
10033197 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage I A
10033198 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage I B
10033199 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage I C
10033200 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage II
10033201 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage II A
10033202 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage II B
10033203 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage II C
10033204 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage III
10033205 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage III A
10033206 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage III B
10033207 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage III C
10033208 Ovarian germ cell embryonal carcinoma stage IV
10033209 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage I A
10033210 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage I B
10033211 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage I C
10033212 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage II A
10033213 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage II B
10033214 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage II C
10033215 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage III A
10033216 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage III B
10033217 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage III C
10033218 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage I
10033219 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage II
10033220 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage III
10033221 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage IV
10033223 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage I
10033224 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage I A
10033225 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage I B
10033226 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage I C
10033227 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage II
10033228 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage II A
10033229 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage II B
10033230 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage II C
10033231 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage III
10033232 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage III A
10033233 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage III B
10033234 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage III C
10033235 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma stage IV
10033236 Ovarian germ cell teratoma benign
10033237 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage I
10033238 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage I A
10033239 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage I B
10033240 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage I C
10033241 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage II
10033242 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage II A
10033243 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage II B
10033244 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage II C
10033245 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage III
10033246 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage III A
10033247 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage III B
10033248 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage III C
10033249 Ovarian germ cell teratoma stage IV
10033250 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage I
10033251 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage I A
10033252 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage I B
10033253 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage I C
10033254 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage II
10033255 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage II A
10033256 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage II B
10033257 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage II C
10033258 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage III
10033259 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage III A
10033260 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage III B
10033261 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage III C
10033262 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor stage IV
10033263 Ovarian haematoma
10033264 Ovarian hyperfunction
10033265 Ovarian hyperstimulation
10033266 Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
10033267 Ovarian low malignant potential tumor
10033268 Ovarian low malignant potential tumour
10033269 Ovarian metastases
10033270 Ovarian necrosis
10033271 Ovarian neoplasia
10033272 Ovarian neoplasm NOS
10033275 Ovarian pain
10033276 Ovarian pregnancy
10033277 Ovarian prolapse
10033278 Ovarian repair
10033279 Ovarian rupture
10033280 Ovarian torsion
10033281 Ovarian tumor benign
10033282 Ovarian tumour benign
10033284 Ovary biopsy
10033285 Ovary enlarged
10033286 Ovary removal
10033287 Ovary repair
10033288 Overactive
10033289 Overactive child
10033290 Overactive ileostomy
10033291 Overactivity
10033292 Overanxious disorder of childhood
10033293 Overanxious disorder specific to childhood and adolescence
10033294 Overcrowded housing
10033295 Overdose
10033297 Overdose accidental
10033298 Overdose deliberate self-inflicted
10033300 Overdose intentional
10033301 Overdose NOS
10033302 Overgrowth bacterial
10033303 Overhydration
10033304 Overprotective parent
10033305 Oversedation
10033307 Overweight
10033308 Overwork
10033309 Ovulation bleeding
10033310 Ovulation delayed
10033311 Ovulation failure
10033312 Ovulation induction
10033313 Ovulation inhibited
10033314 Ovulation pain
10033315 Oxycorticosteroids increased
10033316 Oxygen saturation
10033317 Oxygen saturation abnormal
10033318 Oxygen saturation decreased
10033319 Oxygen saturation high
10033320 Oxygen saturation increased
10033321 Oxygen saturation low
10033322 Oxygen saturation normal
10033323 Oxygen tension
10033324 Oxygen tension abnormal NOS
10033325 Oxygen tension decreased
10033326 Oxygen tension increased
10033327 Oxygen tension normal
10033328 Oxysteroid activity increased
10033329 Oxytocin
10033330 Oxytocin abnormal
10033331 Oxytocin abnormal NOS
10033332 Oxytocin decreased
10033333 Oxytocin increased
10033334 Oxytocin normal
10033335 Ozena
10033336 P
10033337 P wave disappearance of
10033338 P+
10033343 P24
10033344 P24 antibody
10033345 P24 antibody decreased
10033346 P24 antibody high
10033347 P24 antibody increased
10033348 P24 antibody negative
10033349 P24 antigen positive
10033351 Pacemaker battery replacement
10033352 Pacemaker insertion (cardiac)
10033353 Pacemaker removal (cardiac)
10033355 Packed cell volume
10033356 Packed cell volume decreased
10033357 Packed cell volume increased
10033358 Packed cell volume normal
10033359 Packed red blood cell transfusion
10033360 Packing of nose
10033361 Paedophilia
10033362 Paget's disease
10033363 Paget's disease of bone
10033364 Paget's disease of nipple
10033365 Paget's disease of penis
10033366 Paget's disease of skin
10033367 Paget's disease of the breast
10033368 Paget's disease of the nipple
10033369 Paget's disease of the vulva
10033370 Paid plasma donor
10033371 Pain
10033374 Pain abdominal
10033375 Pain after application
10033376 Pain aggravated
10033377 Pain anal
10033379 Pain ankle
10033380 Pain back
10033381 Pain behind eyes
10033382 Pain biliary
10033383 Pain bladder
10033384 Pain bone
10033385 Pain breast
10033386 Pain burning
10033387 Pain chest
10033388 Pain chest substernal
10033390 Pain disorder associated with psychological factors
10033391 Pain dorsal
10033392 Pain dull
10033393 Pain ear
10033394 Pain epigastric
10033395 Pain esophageal
10033396 Pain exacerbated
10033397 Pain eye
10033398 Pain femoral
10033399 Pain flank
10033400 Pain foot
10033401 Pain gas
10033402 Pain gastric
10033403 Pain groin
10033404 Pain gum
10033405 Pain head
10033407 Pain hunger
10033420 Pain in ankle
10033421 Pain in arm
10033422 Pain in calf
10033423 Pain in ear
10033424 Pain in elbow
10033425 Pain in extremity
10033426 Pain in eyes
10033427 Pain in face
10033428 Pain in fingers
10033429 Pain in foot
10033430 Pain in hand
10033431 Pain in heel
10033432 Pain in hip
10033433 Pain in jaw
10033434 Pain in joint
10033436 Pain in joint involving forearm
10033437 Pain in joint involving hand
10033438 Pain in joint involving lower leg
10033442 Pain in joint involving shoulder region
10033443 Pain in joint involving upper arm
10033444 Pain in joint, site unspecified
10033445 Pain in knee
10033446 Pain in leg
10033447 Pain in limb
10033449 Pain in testis
10033450 Pain in thoracic spine
10033451 Pain in thumb
10033452 Pain in toe
10033453 Pain injection site
10033454 Pain irritated
10033455 Pain jaw
10033456 Pain joint
10033457 Pain kidney
10033458 Pain knee
10033459 Pain legs
10033460 Pain loin
10033461 Pain lower ribs
10033462 Pain lumbosacral
10033463 Pain menstrual
10033464 Pain mouth
10033465 Pain mucosal
10033466 Pain muscle
10033467 Pain neck
10033469 Pain nerve
10033470 Pain NOS
10033471 Pain of extremities
10033473 Pain of lower extremities
10033474 Pain of skin
10033475 Pain on lower thigh
10033476 Pain oral
10033477 Pain ovarian
10033478 Pain over the back
10033479 Pain pelvic
10033480 Pain peptic ulcer
10033481 Pain pharynx
10033482 Pain pleural
10033483 Pain precordial
10033484 Pain prophylaxis
10033485 Pain prostatic
10033486 Pain rectal
10033487 Pain relief
10033488 Pain retrosternal
10033489 Pain right upper quadrant
10033491 Pain sacroiliac
10033492 Pain stomach
10033493 Pain substernal
10033494 Pain throat
10033495 Pain thyroid
10033496 Pain tongue
10033497 Pain ureteral
10033498 Pain urethral
10033499 Pain worsened
10033501 Painful ankle
10033502 Painful arc syndrome
10033503 Painful arm
10033504 Painful breasts
10033505 Painful external genitals
10033506 Painful feet
10033507 Painful genitalia (female)
10033508 Painful hand
10033509 Painful hips
10033510 Painful intercourse
10033511 Painful joints
10033512 Painful knee
10033513 Painful L arm
10033514 Painful periods
10033515 Painful R arm
10033516 Painful red eyes
10033517 Painful respiration
10033518 Painful response to normal stimuli
10033520 Painful sensitiveness to sound
10033521 Painful urination
10033522 Pains in legs
10033523 Paint-stripper's asthma
10033524 Palatal biopsy
10033525 Palatal biopsy abnormal
10033526 Palatal biopsy normal
10033528 Palate and lip cleft
10033529 Palate cleft
10033531 Palatine arch swollen
10033532 Pale
10033533 Pale skin
10033534 Palindromic rheumatism
10033536 Palindromic rheumatism involving forearm
10033537 Palindromic rheumatism involving hand
10033538 Palindromic rheumatism involving lower leg
10033542 Palindromic rheumatism involving shoulder region
10033543 Palindromic rheumatism involving upper arm
10033544 Palindromic rheumatism, site unspecified
10033545 Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis
10033546 Pallor
10033548 Pallor facial
10033549 Pallor generalized
10033550 Pallor of skin
10033551 Palmar erythema
10033553 Palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome
10033554 Palmoplantar keratoderma
10033555 Palpebral conjunctiva bleeding
10033556 Palpitation
10033557 Palpitations
10033558 Palsy
10033559 Palsy Bells
10033560 Palsy cerebral
10033561 Palsy extraocular
10033562 Palsy of conjugate gaze
10033563 Palsy peroneal
10033564 Palsy radial
10033566 Pampinocele
10033568 Panarteritis
10033569 Panarteritis nodosa
10033570 Pancarditis
10033571 Pancoast's tumor
10033572 Pancoast's tumour
10033573 Pancolitis
10033574 Pancreas caesium therapy
10033575 Pancreas cancer
10033576 Pancreas carcinoma
10033577 Pancreas carcinoma recurrent
10033578 Pancreas carcinoma resectable
10033579 Pancreas cobalt therapy
10033580 Pancreas cyst
10033581 Pancreas disorder
10033582 Pancreas electron beam therapy
10033583 Pancreas enzymes decreased
10033584 Pancreas enzymes increased
10033585 Pancreas excision
10033586 Pancreas external beam radiation therapy
10033587 Pancreas external beam therapy
10033588 Pancreas haemorrhage
10033589 Pancreas neoplasm malignant
10033590 Pancreas neoplasm malignant metastatic
10033591 Pancreas neoplasm malignant non-resectable
10033592 Pancreas neoplasm malignant recurrent
10033593 Pancreas neoplasm malignant resectable
10033594 Pancreas orthovoltage therapy
10033595 Pancreas photon radiation therapy
10033596 Pancreatectomy
10033599 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma metastatic
10033600 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma non-resectable
10033601 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma recurrent
10033602 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma resectable
10033603 Pancreatic atrophy
10033604 Pancreatic cancer
10033605 Pancreatic cancer metastatic
10033606 Pancreatic cancer non-resectable
10033607 Pancreatic cancer recurrent
10033608 Pancreatic cancer resectable
10033609 Pancreatic carcinoma
10033610 Pancreatic carcinoma metastatic
10033611 Pancreatic carcinoma non-resectable
10033612 Pancreatic carcinoma NOS
10033613 Pancreatic carcinoma recurrent
10033614 Pancreatic carcinoma resectable
10033615 Pancreatic cyst
10033616 Pancreatic disorder
10033617 Pancreatic disorder NOS
10033619 Pancreatic enzyme abnormality
10033620 Pancreatic enzyme disorder NOS
10033621 Pancreatic enzymes NOS abnormal
10033622 Pancreatic enzymes NOS decreased
10033623 Pancreatic enzymes NOS increased
10033624 Pancreatic enzymes NOS normal
10033625 Pancreatic haemorrhage
10033626 Pancreatic hemorrhage
10033627 Pancreatic injury
10033628 Pancreatic insufficiency
10033629 Pancreatic islet cell neoplasm benign NOS
10033630 Pancreatic islet cell neoplasm malignant NOS
10033631 Pancreatic lesion excision
10033635 Pancreatic pseudocyst
10033636 Pancreatic pseudocyst drainage
10033637 Pancreatic pseudocyst excision
10033639 Pancreatic resection
10033641 Pancreatic steatorrhea
10033642 Pancreatic steatorrhoea
10033643 Pancreatic trauma
10033644 Pancreaticoduodenectomy
10033645 Pancreatitis
10033647 Pancreatitis acute
10033648 Pancreatitis acute on chronic
10033649 Pancreatitis chronic
10033650 Pancreatitis haemorrhagic
10033651 Pancreatitis hemorrhage
10033652 Pancreatitis hemorrhagic
10033653 Pancreatitis mumps
10033654 Pancreatitis necrotising
10033655 Pancreatitis necrotizing
10033656 Pancreatitis NOS
10033657 Pancreatitis relapsing
10033658 Pancreatitis steroid-induced
10033659 Pancreatoduodenectomy
10033660 Pancreatogenous diabetes
10033661 Pancytopenia
10033662 Panhypopituitarism
10033663 Panhypopituitarism foetal
10033664 Panic attack
10033665 Panic attacks
10033666 Panic disorder
10033667 Panic disorder NOS
10033668 Panic disorder without agoraphobia
10033670 Panic reaction
10033673 Panmyelosis
10033675 Panniculitis
10033677 Panniculitis lobar
10033678 Panniculitis lobular
10033679 Panniculitis specified as affecting neck
10033680 Panniculitis, unspecified
10033681 Panniculitis, unspecified site
10033682 Pannus (corneal)
10033683 Panophthalmitis
10033684 Panproctocolectomy
10033685 Pantothenic acid deficiency
10033687 Panuveitis
10033690 PAP smear
10033691 Papanicolaou smear suspicious
10033695 Papillary kidney necrosis
10033696 Papillary muscle disorder NOS
10033697 Papillary muscle infarction
10033698 Papillary muscle rupture
10033699 Papillary necrosis renal
10033700 Papillary serous endometrial carcinoma
10033701 Papillary thyroid cancer
10033702 Papillary tumour of renal pelvis
10033703 Papilledema
10033707 Papilledema, unspecified
10033708 Papillitis
10033709 Papillitis NOS
10033710 Papillitis optic
10033711 Papillitis renal necrotizing
10033712 Papilloedema
10033713 Papilloma
10033714 Papilloma excision
10033715 Papilloma NOS
10033716 Papilloma of axilla
10033717 Papilloma of bladder
10033718 Papilloma of eyelid
10033719 Papilloma of face
10033720 Papilloma of scalp
10033721 Papilloma of skin
10033722 Papilloma skin
10033723 Papilloma viral infection NOS
10033725 Papillomata
10033726 Papular rash
10033727 Papular rash circumocular-blepharal
10033728 Papular rash on arms
10033729 Papular rash on hands
10033730 Papular skin eruption
10033731 Papular urticaria
10033732 Papular urticarial eruption
10033733 Papule
10033734 Papule red lichenoid
10033735 Papule scarlet
10033736 Papulo-squamous rash
10033737 Papulo-vesicular rash
10033739 Papulosquamous rash
10033740 Papulovesicular rash
10033741 Papyraceous fetus
10033742 Papyraceous fetus, antepartum
10033745 Papyraceous foetus
10033746 Para
10033747 Para-umbilical hernia
10033748 Paracentesis abdomen
10033749 Paracentesis abdomen abnormal
10033750 Paracentesis abdomen normal
10033751 Paracentesis abdominal
10033752 Paracentesis abdominal abnormal
10033753 Paracentesis abdominal normal
10033754 Paracentesis abdominis
10033755 Paracentesis ear
10033756 Paracentesis ear abnormal
10033757 Paracentesis ear normal
10033758 Paracentesis ears
10033759 Paracentesis eye
10033760 Paracentesis eye abnormal
10033761 Paracentesis eye normal
10033762 Paracetamol
10033763 Paracetamol decreased
10033764 Paracetamol increased
10033765 Paracetamol normal
10033766 Paracoccidioides infection NOS
10033768 Paracoccidioidomycosis
10033770 Paradoxical bronchospasm
10033771 Paradoxical pressor response
10033772 Paradoxical pulse
10033774 Paraesophageal hiatal hernia
10033775 Paraesthesia
10033776 Paraesthesia circumoral
10033777 Paraesthesia distal
10033778 Paraesthesia generalised
10033779 Paraesthesia mouth
10033780 Paraesthesia mucosal
10033781 Paraesthesia mucosal NOS
10033783 Paraesthesia of fingers
10033784 Paraesthesia of limbs
10033785 Paraesthesia oral NOS
10033786 Paraesthesia skin
10033787 Paraesthesia tongue
10033789 Paraffinoma formation
10033790 Paraganglion neoplasm benign
10033791 Paraganglion neoplasm malignant
10033792 Paraganglion neoplasm NOS
10033793 Parageusia
10033794 Paragonimiasis
10033795 Paragonimus westermani infection
10033797 Parainfluenzae viral laryngotracheobronchitis
10033798 Paralysed
10033799 Paralysis
10033801 Paralysis agitans
10033802 Paralysis arm
10033803 Paralysis ascending
10033804 Paralysis bulbar
10033806 Paralysis ciliary muscle
10033807 Paralysis extraocular muscle (s)
10033808 Paralysis facial
10033809 Paralysis flaccid
10033810 Paralysis flaccid congenital
10033811 Paralysis gastric
10033812 Paralysis ileum
10033813 Paralysis intestinal
10033814 Paralysis leg
10033815 Paralysis lower motor neuron type
10033816 Paralysis lower motor neurone
10033817 Paralysis muscle general skeletal
10033818 Paralysis muscle local skeletal
10033819 Paralysis NOS
10033820 Paralysis oculomotor
10033821 Paralysis of bladder
10033822 Paralysis of colon
10033823 Paralysis of diaphragm
10033824 Paralysis of intestine
10033826 Paralysis one side of body
10033827 Paralysis periodic
10033828 Paralysis peroneal
10033829 Paralysis radial
10033830 Paralysis recurrent laryngeal nerve
10033831 Paralysis skeletal muscle
10033832 Paralysis spastic
10033834 Paralysis spastic congenital
10033835 Paralysis urinary bladder
10033836 Paralysis vocal cord
10033837 Paralysis voluntary muscle
10033839 Paralysis, unspecified
10033840 Paralytic gait
10033841 Paralytic ileus
10033842 Paralytic lagophthalmos
10033843 Paralytic ptosis
10033844 Paralytic strabismus
10033845 Paralytic strabismus, unspecified
10033846 Paralyzed
10033847 Parametritis
10033848 Paramnesia
10033849 Paranasal biopsy
10033850 Paranasal biopsy abnormal
10033851 Paranasal biopsy normal
10033854 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant neoplasm NOS
10033855 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant neoplasm recurrent
10033856 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant neoplasm stage 0
10033857 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant neoplasm stage I
10033858 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant neoplasm stage II
10033859 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant neoplasm stage III
10033860 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant neoplasm stage IV
10033861 Paranasal sinus cancer
10033862 Paranasal sinus cancer NOS
10033863 Paranasal sinus esthesioneuroblastoma
10033864 Paranoia
10033865 Paranoia aggravated
10033867 Paranoid delusions
10033868 Paranoid personality
10033869 Paranoid personality disorder
10033870 Paranoid psychosis
10033871 Paranoid reaction
10033872 Paranoid schizophrenia
10033873 Paranoid state (excl schizophrenia)
10033874 Paranoid state, simple
10033876 Paranoid traits
10033877 Paranoid type schizophrenia
10033878 Paranoid type schizophrenia, chronic state
10033879 Paranoid type schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10033880 Paranoid type schizophrenia, in remission
10033881 Paranoid type schizophrenia, subchronic state
10033882 Paranoid type schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10033883 Paranoid type schizophrenia, unspecified state
10033884 Paraoesophageal hiatal hernia
10033885 Paraparesis
10033886 Parapharyngeal abscess
10033887 Parapharyngeal abscess NOS
10033888 Paraphilia
10033890 Paraphimosis
10033891 Paraphrenia
10033892 Paraplegia
10033893 Paraplegic
10033895 Paraprotein present
10033896 Paraproteinaemia NOS
10033897 Paraproteinemia
10033898 Parapsoriasis
10033899 Parapsoriasis en plaques
10033900 Pararenal aneurysm
10033901 Parasite cervical specimen test negative
10033902 Parasite cervical specimen test positive
10033904 Parasite stool test negative
10033905 Parasite stool test positive
10033906 Parasite tissue specimen test negative
10033907 Parasite tissue specimen test positive
10033908 Parasite urine test negative
10033909 Parasite urine test positive
10033910 Parasitic chronic lymphatic obstruction
10033911 Parasitic conjunctivitis
10033912 Parasitic endophthalmitis NOS
10033913 Parasitic infection intestinal
10033914 Parasitic infection NOS
10033915 Parasitic infestation of eyelid
10033916 Parasitic infestation of orbit
10033918 Parasomnia due to organic factors
10033919 Parasomnia NOS
10033921 Parasternal pain (excl organic)
10033927 Parasuicide
10033928 Parasympathomimetic syndrome
10033929 Parasystole
10033930 Parasystolia
10033931 Parathormone
10033933 Parathyrin
10033934 Parathyrin abnormal NOS
10033935 Parathyrin decreased
10033936 Parathyrin high
10033937 Parathyrin increased
10033938 Parathyrin low
10033939 Parathyrin normal
10033940 Parathyroid adenoma
10033941 Parathyroid chief cell adenoma
10033942 Parathyroid disorder
10033943 Parathyroid disorder NOS
10033946 Parathyroid gland biopsy
10033947 Parathyroid gland biopsy abnormal
10033948 Parathyroid gland biopsy normal
10033950 Parathyroid gland excision
10033952 Parathyroid hormone
10033953 Parathyroid hormone abnormal
10033955 Parathyroid hormone decreased
10033956 Parathyroid hormone increased
10033957 Parathyroid hormone normal
10033958 Parathyroid mixed cell type adenoma
10033959 Parathyroid reimplantation
10033960 Parathyroid scintigraphy
10033961 Parathyroid transitional clear cell adenoma
10033962 Parathyroid tumor
10033963 Parathyroid tumour
10033964 Parathyroid tumour benign
10033965 Parathyroid tumour malignant
10033966 Parathyroid tumour NOS
10033967 Parathyroidal disturbance
10033968 Parathyroidectomy
10033969 Paratracheal lymphadenopathy
10033970 Paratyphoid
10033971 Paratyphoid fever
10033972 Paratyphoid fever A
10033973 Paratyphoid fever B
10033974 Paratyphoid fever C
10033975 Paratyphoid fever, unspecified
10033976 Paravaccinia
10033978 Paravaccinia, unspecified
10033980 Parent-child conflict
10033981 Parent-child problem
10033982 Parenteral fluid replacement
10033983 Parenteral rehydration
10033984 Parents separated
10033985 Paresis
10033986 Paresis of accommodation
10033987 Paresthesia
10033988 Paresthesia circumoral
10033989 Paresthesia distal
10033990 Paresthesia mouth
10033991 Paresthesia mucosal
10033992 Paresthesia skin
10033993 Parietal cell antibody
10033994 Parietal cell antibody negative
10033995 Parietal cell antibody normal
10033996 Parietal cell antibody positive
10033997 Parity
10033998 Parity 1
10033999 Parity 2
10034000 Parity 3
10034001 Parity 4
10034002 Parity 5
10034003 Parity 6
10034006 Parkinson's disease aggravated
10034007 Parkinson's disease NOS
10034008 Parkinson's syndrome
10034009 Parkinsonian-like tremor
10034010 Parkinsonism
10034011 Parkinsonism aggravated
10034013 Parkinsonism post encephalitic
10034015 Paroniria
10034016 Paronychia
10034017 Paronychia drainage
10034018 Parosmia
10034019 Parotid abscess
10034020 Parotid calculus
10034021 Parotid duct obstruction
10034022 Parotid enlargement
10034023 Parotid gland enlargement
10034024 Parotid gland enlargement of
10034025 Parotid hypertrophy
10034026 Parotid pain
10034027 Parotid region pain
10034028 Parotid swelling
10034029 Parotid tumor malignant
10034030 Parotid tumor malignant recurrent
10034031 Parotid tumor malignant stage 0
10034032 Parotid tumor malignant stage I
10034033 Parotid tumor malignant stage II
10034034 Parotid tumor malignant stage III
10034035 Parotid tumor malignant stage IV
10034036 Parotidectomy
10034037 Parotiditis
10034038 Parotitis
10034039 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
10034040 Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
10034041 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
10034042 Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
10034043 Paroxysmal sneeze
10034044 Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
10034045 Paroxysmal tachycardia (NOS)
10034046 Paroxysmal tachycardia (supraventricular)
10034047 Paroxysmal tachycardia, unspecified
10034048 Paroxysmal ventricular fibrillation
10034049 Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia
10034050 Paroxysmal VT
10034051 Pars plana cyst
10034052 Pars planitis
10034053 Part of body of mandible closed fracture of other and unspecified part
10034054 Partial adrenalectomy
10034055 Partial androgen resistance
10034056 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
10034058 Partial epilepsy, with impairment of consciousness
10034059 Partial epilepsy, with impairment of consciousness, with intractable epilepsy
10034065 Partial gastrectomy
10034066 Partial glossectomy
10034067 Partial hepatectomy
10034068 Partial loss of memory
10034071 Partial mastectomy
10034072 Partial nephrectomy
10034073 Partial oophorectomy
10034074 Partial optic atrophy
10034075 Partial parathyroidectomy
10034076 Partial permanent deafness
10034077 Partial pressure CO2
10034078 Partial pressure CO2 decreased
10034079 Partial pressure CO2 increased
10034080 Partial pressure O2
10034081 Partial pressure O2 abnormal NOS
10034082 Partial pressure O2 decreased
10034083 Partial pressure O2 increased
10034084 Partial pressure O2 normal
10034085 Partial prothrombin time
10034086 Partial removal ovary
10034087 Partial retinal arterial occlusion
10034088 Partial salpingectomy
10034089 Partial seizures NOS
10034090 Partial seizures, complex
10034091 Partial seizures, simple
10034092 Partial sight
10034094 Partial thromboplastin time prolonged
10034095 Partial transitory deafness
10034096 Partialism
10034097 Partially resolved traumatic cataract
10034099 Parvovirus B19 infection
10034100 Passed out
10034101 Passive immunisation
10034102 Passive personality
10034103 Passive-aggressive personality
10034104 Past-pointing
10034105 Pasteurella cellulitis
10034106 Pasteurella infection
10034108 Pasteurella multocida cellulitis
10034109 Pasteurella multocida infection
10034110 Pasteurella multocida sepsis
10034111 Pasteurella sepsis
10034113 Pasteurellosis
10034115 Patau's syndrome
10034116 Patch test negative
10034117 Patch test normal
10034118 Patch test positive
10034120 Patchy rash
10034121 Patella dislocation
10034122 Patella fracture
10034123 Patellar tendinitis
10034124 Patellar tendon reflex decreased
10034125 Patellar tendon reflex increased
10034126 Patellectomy
10034127 Patellofemoral dislocation
10034128 Patellofemoral joint dislocation
10034130 Patent ductus arteriosus
10034131 Patent ductus arteriosus repair
10034132 Paterson-Brown-Kelly syndrome
10034133 Pathogen resistance
10034134 Pathologic fracture of distal radius and ulna
10034135 Pathologic fracture of humerus
10034136 Pathologic fracture of neck of femur
10034139 Pathologic fracture of tibia and fibula
10034140 Pathologic fracture of vertebrae
10034141 Pathologic fracture, unspecified site
10034142 Pathological dislocation
10034144 Pathological dislocation of forearm joint
10034145 Pathological dislocation of hand joint
10034146 Pathological dislocation of joint of lower leg
10034150 Pathological dislocation of joint of shoulder region
10034151 Pathological dislocation of joint, site unspecified
10034152 Pathological dislocation of upper arm joint
10034153 Pathological drug intoxication
10034154 Pathological drunkenness
10034155 Pathological emotionally
10034156 Pathological fracture
10034158 Pathological gambling
10034159 Pathological resorption of hard tooth tissue
10034160 Pathological resorption of tooth external
10034161 Pathological resorption of tooth internal
10034162 Pathological tooth resorption
10034163 Patulous Eustachian tube
10034164 Pauciarticular JRA
10034165 Pauciarticular juvenile chronic RA
10034166 Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
10034167 Paul Bunnell test
10034168 Paul-Bunnell test
10034169 Paving stone degeneration of retina
10034170 PAWP
10034171 PAWP decreased
10034173 PAWP raised
10034174 Pb
10034175 Pb++
10034177 PBI decreased
10034178 PBI increased
10034180 PCO2
10034181 PCO2 decreased
10034182 PCO2 elevated
10034183 PCO2 increased
10034185 PCV
10034186 PCV decreased
10034187 PCV increased
10034188 PCV normal
10034192 Peak expiratory flow rate
10034193 Peak expiratory flow rate abnormal
10034194 Peak expiratory flow rate abnormal NOS
10034195 Peak expiratory flow rate decreased
10034196 Peak expiratory flow rate increased
10034197 Peak expiratory flow rate normal
10034198 Peak flow
10034199 Peak flow abnormal
10034200 Peak flow decreased
10034201 Peak flow increased
10034202 Peanut allergy
10034203 Pectus carinatum
10034204 Pectus excavatum
10034205 Pectus galliatum
10034206 Pedal edema
10034208 Pediculosis
10034210 Pediculosis capitis
10034211 Pediculosis corporis
10034212 Pediculosis pubis
10034213 Pediculosis, unspecified
10034214 Pediculus capitis (head louse)
10034215 Pediculus corporis (body louse)
10034216 Pedophile
10034217 Pedophilia
10034218 Peeling
10034219 Peeling of hands & feet on soles
10034220 Peely skin
10034221 Peeping
10034223 PEFR
10034224 PEFR abnormal
10034225 PEFR decreased
10034226 PEFR increased
10034227 PEFR normal
10034228 Peliosis
10034229 Peliosis hepatis
10034230 Peliosis hepatitis
10034231 Pellagra
10034232 Pelvi-ureteric obstruction
10034233 Pelvic & hip X-ray
10034234 Pelvic & hip X-ray abnormal
10034235 Pelvic & hip X-ray normal
10034236 Pelvic abscess
10034237 Pelvic abscess drainage
10034238 Pelvic adhesions
10034240 Pelvic congestion
10034241 Pelvic congestion syndrome
10034242 Pelvic deformity NOS
10034243 Pelvic endometriosis excision
10034244 Pelvic fibrosis
10034245 Pelvic floor repair
10034248 Pelvic haematoma obstetric
10034249 Pelvic hematoma, delivered with postpartum complication
10034250 Pelvic hematoma, postpartum
10034252 Pelvic hematoma, with delivery
10034253 Pelvic inflammation
10034254 Pelvic inflammatory disease
10034255 Pelvic inflammatory disease chlamydial
10034256 Pelvic inflammatory disease mycoplasmal
10034257 Pelvic inflammatory disease NOS
10034258 Pelvic inlet contraction
10034259 Pelvic kidney
10034260 Pelvic mass
10034261 Pelvic muscles inadequate
10034262 Pelvic outlet contraction
10034263 Pelvic pain
10034264 Pelvic pain NOS
10034265 Pelvic pain NOS (female)
10034266 Pelvic peritoneal adhesions
10034267 Pelvic peritoneal adhesions (female)
10034268 Pelvic prolapse
10034269 Pelvic sprain
10034271 Pelvic varices
10034272 Pelvic venous thrombosis
10034273 Pelvic X-ray
10034274 Pelvic X-ray abnormal
10034275 Pelvic X-ray normal
10034276 Pelvirectal achalasia
10034277 Pemphigoid
10034279 Pemphigoid reaction
10034280 Pemphigus
10034281 Pemphigus erythematous
10034282 Pemphigus-like lesion
10034283 Penetrating abdominal trauma
10034284 Penetrating eye injury
10034285 Penetrating eye injury repair
10034286 Penetrating lateral abdominal wounds
10034287 Penetrating posterior abdominal wounds
10034288 Penetrating wound of orbit with foreign body
10034289 Penetrating wound of orbit, without mention of foreign body
10034291 Penetration of eyeball with magnetic foreign body
10034292 Penicillin allergy
10034293 Penicillin shock
10034294 Penile abscess
10034295 Penile biopsy
10034296 Penile biopsy abnormal
10034297 Penile biopsy normal
10034298 Penile boil
10034299 Penile cancer
10034301 Penile candida
10034302 Penile cellulitis
10034303 Penile disorder NOS
10034305 Penile haemorrhage
10034306 Penile infection NOS
10034307 Penile malignant neoplasm NOS
10034310 Penile pain
10034311 Penile size reduced
10034312 Penile squamous cell carcinoma in situ
10034313 Penile squamous cell carcinoma metastatic
10034314 Penile squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10034315 Penile squamous cell carcinoma stage I
10034316 Penile squamous cell carcinoma stage II
10034317 Penile squamous cell carcinoma stage III
10034318 Penile squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10034319 Penile swelling
10034320 Penile thrush
10034321 Penile ulcer
10034322 Penile ulceration
10034323 Penile vascular disorder
10034324 Penile vein thrombosis
10034325 Penile wart
10034326 Penile warts
10034327 Penile warts excision
10034328 Penis carcinoma in situ
10034329 Penis carcinoma metastatic
10034330 Penis carcinoma NOS
10034331 Penis carcinoma recurrent
10034332 Penis carcinoma stage I
10034333 Penis carcinoma stage II
10034334 Penis carcinoma stage III
10034335 Penis carcinoma stage IV
10034336 Penis disorder
10034337 Penis enlarged
10034338 Penis inflammation
10034339 Pentetreotide scan
10034340 Peptic duodenitis
10034341 Peptic ulcer
10034342 Peptic ulcer aggravated
10034343 Peptic ulcer disease
10034344 Peptic ulcer haemorrhage
10034348 Peptic ulcer haemorrhagic
10034350 Peptic ulcer hemorrhage
10034351 Peptic ulcer hemorrhagic
10034352 Peptic ulcer pain
10034353 Peptic ulcer perforated
10034354 Peptic ulcer perforation
10034358 Peptic ulcer perforation, obstructive
10034359 Peptic ulcer reactivated
10034360 Peptic ulcer syndrome
10034361 Peptic ulcer type pain
10034365 Peptic ulcer, obstructive
10034367 Peptic ulcer, site unspecified
10034369 Peptic ulceration
10034370 Peptic ulceration (healed)
10034372 Per vaginal bleeding
10034373 Percent vital capacity decreased
10034375 Perceptive deafness
10034376 Perceptual distortion
10034377 Perceptual distortions
10034378 Perceptual disturbance
10034379 Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography
10034380 Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography abnormal
10034381 Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography normal
10034382 Perennial allergic rhinitis
10034383 Perennial rhinitis
10034384 Perforated bladder (surgical complication)
10034385 Perforated bowel
10034386 Perforated colon
10034387 Perforated corneal ulcer
10034389 Perforated duodenal ulcer oversewing
10034390 Perforated duodenal ulcer repair
10034391 Perforated eardrum
10034392 Perforated gastric ulcer
10034393 Perforated GU
10034394 Perforated intestinal ulcer
10034395 Perforated large intestine
10034396 Perforated peptic ulcer
10034397 Perforated peptic ulcer oversewing
10034398 Perforated stomach ulcer
10034399 Perforated ulcer of ileum
10034400 Perforated ulcer of jejunum
10034405 Perforation bile duct
10034406 Perforation bowel
10034407 Perforation colon
10034408 Perforation corneal
10034409 Perforation duodenal
10034410 Perforation esophagus
10034411 Perforation gastrointestinal
10034412 Perforation ileal
10034413 Perforation intestinal
10034414 Perforation jejunal
10034415 Perforation large intestine
10034416 Perforation nasal septum
10034417 Perforation of bile duct
10034418 Perforation of colon
10034419 Perforation of esophagus
10034420 Perforation of gallbladder
10034421 Perforation of intestine
10034422 Perforation of oesophagus
10034423 Perforation of sinus
10034424 Perforation of tympanic membrane
10034425 Perforation of tympanic membrane, unspecified
10034426 Perforation of uterus
10034427 Perforation post barium enema
10034428 Perforation post colonoscopy
10034429 Perforation small intestine
10034430 Perforation stomach
10034431 Perforation uterine
10034432 Performance fear
10034433 Perfringens gastroenteritis
10034434 Perfume sensitivity
10034435 Peri-nephric abscess
10034436 Peri-nephric abscess NOS
10034437 Peri-nipple pigmentation
10034438 Peri-oral dermatitis
10034439 Peri-ureteric fibrosis
10034440 Peri-urethral abscess
10034441 Peri-urethral abscess NOS
10034442 Periampullary carcinoma metastatic
10034443 Periampullary carcinoma non-resectable
10034444 Periampullary carcinoma NOS
10034445 Periampullary carcinoma recurrent
10034446 Periampullary carcinoma resectable
10034447 Perianal abscess
10034448 Perianal abscess drainage
10034449 Perianal candida
10034450 Perianal dermatophyte infection
10034451 Perianal fungal infection NOS
10034452 Perianal irritation
10034453 Perianal itching
10034454 Perianal polyp
10034455 Perianal thrush
10034456 Perianal tinea
10034457 Perianal warts
10034458 Periapical abscess with sinus
10034459 Periapical abscess without sinus
10034460 Periapical dental abscess
10034462 Periarteritis nodosa
10034463 Periarteritis nodosa with necrosis
10034464 Periarthritis
10034465 Pericardial biopsy
10034466 Pericardial biopsy abnormal
10034467 Pericardial biopsy normal
10034470 Pericardial disease NOS
10034471 Pericardial drainage
10034472 Pericardial drainage abnormal
10034473 Pericardial drainage normal
10034474 Pericardial effusion
10034475 Pericardial excision
10034476 Pericardial haemorrhage
10034477 Pericardial hemorrhage
10034478 Pericardial mesothelioma malignant advanced
10034479 Pericardial mesothelioma malignant localised
10034480 Pericardial mesothelioma malignant recurrent
10034481 Pericardial window
10034482 Pericardiectomy
10034483 Pericardiocentesis
10034484 Pericarditis
10034485 Pericarditis acute infective
10034486 Pericarditis adhesive
10034487 Pericarditis constrictive
10034488 Pericarditis gonococcal
10034489 Pericarditis histoplasma
10034491 Pericarditis malignant
10034492 Pericarditis meningococcal
10034493 Pericarditis mycoplasmal
10034495 Pericarditis NOS
10034496 Pericarditis rheumatic
10034497 Pericarditis syphilitic
10034498 Pericarditis uraemic
10034499 Pericarditis viral NOS
10034500 Pericardium incision
10034501 Pericholangitis
10034502 Perichondritis of pinna
10034503 Perichondritis of pinna, unspecified
10034504 Pericoronitis
10034505 Peridiverticular abscess
10034506 Perihepatitis gonococcal
10034510 Perinatal herpes simplex infection
10034511 Perinatal infection NOS
10034512 Perinatal intestinal perforation
10034513 Perinatal jaundice due to hepatocellular damage
10034519 Perineal abscess drainage
10034520 Perineal haematoma
10034521 Perineal laceration
10034522 Perineal laceration (3rd or 4th degree)
10034523 Perineal laceration (excl 3rd or 4th degree)
10034524 Perineal operation NOS
10034525 Perineal pain female
10034526 Perineal pain male
10034527 Perineal pain NOS
10034528 Perineal repair breakdown
10034529 Perineoplasty
10034530 Perineotomy
10034531 Perinephric abscess
10034532 Period pains
10034533 Periodic fever
10034534 Periodontal abscess
10034535 Periodontal destruction
10034536 Periodontal disease
10034537 Periodontal disorder NOS
10034538 Periodontal infection
10034539 Periodontitis
10034540 Periodontosis
10034541 Perioral dermatitis
10034542 Perioral numbness
10034543 Perioral tension
10034544 Periorbital haematoma
10034545 Periorbital oedema
10034546 Periorbital pain
10034548 Periosteal abnormality
10034549 Periosteal disorder
10034550 Periosteitis
10034551 Periostitis
10034552 Periostitis hypertrophic
10034553 Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis
10034555 Periostitis, without mention of osteomyelitis, involving forearm
10034556 Periostitis, without mention of osteomyelitis, involving hand
10034557 Periostitis, without mention of osteomyelitis, involving lower leg
10034561 Periostitis, without mention of osteomyelitis, involving shoulder region
10034562 Periostitis, without mention of osteomyelitis, involving unspecified site
10034563 Periostitis, without mention of osteomyelitis, involving upper arm
10034567 Peripheral circulatory failure
10034568 Peripheral coldness
10034569 Peripheral degenerations of cornea
10034570 Peripheral edema
10034571 Peripheral embolism NOS
10034574 Peripheral gangrene
10034575 Peripheral iridectomy
10034576 Peripheral ischaemia
10034577 Peripheral ischaemia NOS
10034578 Peripheral ischemia
10034579 Peripheral ischemia NOS
10034580 Peripheral motor neuropathy
10034581 Peripheral nerve biopsy
10034582 Peripheral nerve biopsy abnormal
10034583 Peripheral nerve biopsy normal
10034584 Peripheral nerve destruction
10034585 Peripheral nerve injection
10034586 Peripheral nerve injury
10034587 Peripheral nerve neurostimulation
10034589 Peripheral nerve sheath tumor malignant
10034590 Peripheral nerve sheath tumour malignant
10034591 Peripheral nervous system function test abnormal
10034593 Peripheral neuritis
10034594 Peripheral neuritis antepartum
10034595 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy
10034596 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10034597 Peripheral neuritis in pregnancy, with delivery
10034599 Peripheral neuritis NOS
10034601 Peripheral neuroepithelioma
10034602 Peripheral neuroepithelioma of bone localised
10034603 Peripheral neuroepithelioma of bone metastatic
10034604 Peripheral neuroepithelioma of bone NOS
10034605 Peripheral neuroepithelioma of bone recurrent
10034608 Peripheral neuropathy aggravated
10034609 Peripheral neuropathy hereditary
10034610 Peripheral neuropathy NOS
10034611 Peripheral oedema
10034612 Peripheral opacity of cornea
10034613 Peripheral plasma cell myeloma
10034615 Peripheral pterygium, stationary
10034616 Peripheral retinal degeneration, unspecified
10034618 Peripheral retinitis
10034620 Peripheral sensory neuropathy
10034621 Peripheral shutdown
10034623 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified
10034624 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified NOS
10034625 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified recurrent
10034626 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified refractory
10034627 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified stage I
10034628 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified stage II
10034629 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified stage III
10034630 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified stage IV
10034631 Peripheral uveitis
10034633 Peripheral vascular disease
10034634 Peripheral vascular disease NOS
10034635 Peripheral vascular disease, unspecified
10034636 Peripheral vascular disorder
10034637 Peripheral vascular disorder NOS
10034639 Peripheral vasoconstriction
10034641 Peripheral vertigo, unspecified
10034642 Peripheral vision defective
10034643 Periportal sinus dilatation
10034644 Periproctal redness
10034645 Periproctal swelling
10034646 Periproctitis
10034647 Peristalsis visible
10034648 Peritomy
10034649 Peritoneal abscess
10034650 Peritoneal adhesions
10034651 Peritoneal adhesions division
10034656 Peritoneal biopsy
10034657 Peritoneal biopsy abnormal
10034658 Peritoneal biopsy normal
10034659 Peritoneal chlamydia infection
10034660 Peritoneal dialysis
10034661 Peritoneal disorder NOS
10034662 Peritoneal effusion
10034663 Peritoneal effusion (chronic)
10034664 Peritoneal effusion bloody
10034665 Peritoneal fibrosis
10034666 Peritoneal haemorrhage
10034667 Peritoneal hemorrhage
10034669 Peritoneal mesothelioma malignant advanced
10034670 Peritoneal mesothelioma malignant localised
10034671 Peritoneal mesothelioma malignant recurrent
10034672 Peritoneal metastases
10034673 Peritoneal neoplasm NOS
10034674 Peritonitis
10034675 Peritonitis bacterial NOS
10034676 Peritonitis bile acid
10034677 Peritonitis biliary
10034678 Peritonitis gonococcal
10034680 Peritonitis perforative
10034681 Peritonitis pneumococcal
10034682 Peritonitis sclerosing
10034683 Peritonitis suppurative
10034684 Peritonitis syphilitic
10034685 Peritonitis, unspecified
10034686 Peritonsillar abscess
10034687 Peritonsillar abscess drainage
10034688 Peritonsillar abscess NOS
10034689 Peritubal adhesions
10034690 Periumbilical sepsis
10034691 Permanent colostomy
10034692 Permanent deafness
10034693 Permanent urethral catheterisation
10034694 Permeability capillary increased
10034695 Pernicious anaemia
10034696 Pernicious anaemia NOS
10034697 Pernicious anemia
10034698 Pernio
10034699 Peroneal muscular atrophy
10034700 Peroneal nerve injury
10034701 Peroneal nerve palsy
10034702 Persecutory delusion
10034703 Perseveration
10034706 Persistent disorder of initiating or maintaining wakefulness
10034707 Persistent dry cough
10034708 Persistent foetal circulation
10034710 Persistent hyaloid
10034711 Persistent hyperplasia of thymus
10034712 Persistent non-productive cough
10034714 Persistent school failure
10034715 Persistent vegetative state
10034716 Persistent vomiting
10034717 Personal appearance neglect of
10034718 Personal irresponsibility
10034719 Personality change
10034720 Personality change due to a general medical condition
10034721 Personality disorder
10034722 Personality disorder NOS
10034723 Personality disorder of childhood
10034731 Personality syndrome organic
10034732 Personality unstable
10034733 Personnel clash at work
10034734 Perspiration excessive
10034735 Perthes disease
10034736 Pertrochanteric fracture of femur, closed
10034737 Pertrochanteric fracture of femur, open
10034738 Pertussis
10034739 Pervasive developmental disorder NOS
10034741 Perversion olfactory
10034743 Pes cavus
10034744 Pes planus
10034745 Pes planus, congenital
10034746 Pes valgus
10034747 Pesticide poisoning
10034749 PET scan
10034750 PET scan abnormal
10034751 PET scan normal
10034752 Petechia
10034753 Petechia at injection site
10034754 Petechiae
10034755 Petechiae oral mucosa
10034756 Petechial rash
10034757 Petit mal
10034758 Petit mal convulsion
10034759 Petit mal epilepsy
10034760 Petit mal status, epileptic
10034761 Petroleum distillate poisoning
10034762 Petrositis
10034763 Petrositis, unspecified
10034764 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
10034765 Peyronie's disease
10034766 Peyronies disease
10034767 PFR
10034768 PFR abnormal
10034769 PFR decreased
10034770 PFR increased
10034771 PFR normal
10034772 pH
10034773 pH abnormal NOS
10034774 pH body fluid NOS
10034775 pH body fluid NOS abnormal
10034776 pH body fluid NOS decreased
10034777 pH body fluid NOS increased
10034778 pH decreased
10034779 pH high
10034780 pH increased
10034781 pH normal
10034782 pH NOS
10034783 pH reduced
10034784 pH semen
10034785 pH semen abnormal NOS
10034786 pH semen decreased
10034787 pH semen high
10034788 pH semen increased
10034789 pH semen low
10034790 pH semen normal
10034791 pH urine
10034792 pH urine abnormal
10034793 pH urine decreased
10034794 pH urine high
10034795 pH urine increased
10034796 pH urine low
10034797 pH urine normal
10034798 Phacolytic glaucoma
10034799 Phaehyphomycosis
10034800 Phaeochromocytoma
10034801 Phaeochromocytoma aggravated
10034802 Phanerosis fatty liver
10034804 Phantom limb pain
10034805 Phantom pregnancy
10034806 Pharmacological urticaria
10034808 Pharyngeal biopsy
10034809 Pharyngeal biopsy abnormal
10034810 Pharyngeal biopsy normal
10034811 Pharyngeal cancer
10034813 Pharyngeal cancer recurrent
10034814 Pharyngeal cancer stage 0
10034815 Pharyngeal cancer stage I
10034816 Pharyngeal cancer stage II
10034817 Pharyngeal cancer stage III
10034818 Pharyngeal cancer stage IV
10034819 Pharyngeal cancer stage unspecified
10034820 Pharyngeal chlamydia infection
10034821 Pharyngeal cyst
10034822 Pharyngeal disorder NOS
10034825 Pharyngeal fistula
10034826 Pharyngeal gonococcal infection
10034827 Pharyngeal haemorrhage
10034828 Pharyngeal neoplasm benign
10034829 Pharyngeal oedema
10034830 Pharyngeal operation NOS
10034832 Pharyngeal pouch
10034833 Pharyngeal reconstruction
10034834 Pharyngeal ulceration
10034835 Pharyngitis
10034836 Pharyngitis (excl tonsillitis)
10034837 Pharyngitis mycoplasmal
10034838 Pharyngitis NOS
10034839 Pharyngitis streptococcal
10034840 Pharyngitis viral NOS
10034841 Pharyngo-oral irritation
10034842 Pharyngoconjunctival fever
10034843 Pharyngoconjunctival fever of children
10034844 Pharyngolaryngeal pain
10034846 Pharyngolarynx foreign body feeling
10034847 Pharyngoplasty
10034848 Pharynx biopsy
10034849 Pharynx burning sensation of
10034850 Pharynx closed sensation of
10034851 Pharynx discomfort
10034852 Pharynx dry
10034853 Pharynx edema
10034854 Pharynx ill sensation of
10034855 Pharynx irritated sensation of
10034856 Pharynx itchy sensation of
10034857 Pharynx neoplasm malignant
10034858 Pharynx neoplasm malignant stage 0
10034859 Pharynx neoplasm malignant stage I
10034860 Pharynx neoplasm malignant stage II
10034861 Pharynx neoplasm malignant stage III
10034862 Pharynx neoplasm malignant stage IV
10034863 Pharynx redness of
10034864 Pharynx strange sensation of
10034865 Pharynx strangled sensation of
10034866 Phase-shift disruption of 24-hour sleep-wake cycle
10034871 Phenylalaninemia
10034872 Phenylketonuria
10034873 Phenylketonuria (PKU)
10034875 Phenylpyruvic oligophrenia
10034876 Pheochromocytoma
10034877 Philadelphia chromosome positive
10034878 Phimosis
10034879 Phlebitis
10034880 Phlebitis (following medical procedure)
10034897 Phlebitis deep
10034898 Phlebitis injection site
10034899 Phlebitis NOS
10034900 Phlebitis of leg superficial
10034901 Phlebitis postpartum
10034902 Phlebitis superficial
10034903 Phlebography
10034904 Phlebothrombosis
10034905 Phlebotomus fever
10034907 Phlegmon
10034908 Phlegmonous dacryocystitis
10034909 Phlegmonous gastritis
10034910 Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis
10034912 Phobia
10034913 Phobia of exams
10034914 Phobia of flying
10034915 Phobia, unspecified
10034917 Phobic anxiety
10034918 Phobic avoidance
10034919 Phobic disorder
10034921 Phobic reaction
10034922 Phobic state
10034923 Phocomelia
10034924 Phonation difficulty
10034925 Phonological disorder
10034926 Phosphatase acid increased
10034927 Phosphatase alkaline increased
10034928 Phosphate
10034929 Phosphate abnormal NOS
10034930 Phosphate decreased
10034931 Phosphate high
10034932 Phosphate increased
10034933 Phosphate level
10034934 Phosphate low
10034935 Phosphate normal
10034936 Phosphenes
10034937 Phosphokinase creatine serum increased
10034938 Phospholipid decreased
10034939 Phosphorus
10034940 Phosphorus metabolism disorder NOS
10034942 Photodynamic therapy
10034943 Photogenic urticaria
10034944 Photokeratitis
10034945 Photon radiation therapy NOS
10034946 Photon radiation therapy to bladder
10034947 Photon radiation therapy to bone
10034948 Photon radiation therapy to brain
10034949 Photon radiation therapy to breast
10034950 Photon radiation therapy to colon
10034951 Photon radiation therapy to ear, nose, or throat
10034952 Photon radiation therapy to lung
10034953 Photon radiation therapy to pancreas
10034954 Photon radiation therapy to pleura
10034955 Photon radiation therapy to prostate
10034956 Photon radiation therapy to skin
10034957 Photon radiation therapy to thyroid
10034958 Photon radiation therapy to uterus
10034959 Photoonycholysis
10034960 Photophobia
10034961 Photophobia aggravated
10034962 Photopsia
10034963 Photosensitive dermatitis
10034964 Photosensitive rash
10034965 Photosensitive reaction
10034966 Photosensitivity
10034970 Photosensitivity allergic reaction
10034972 Photosensitivity reaction
10034973 Photosensitivity reaction NOS
10034974 Photosensitivity toxic reaction
10034975 Photosensitized
10034977 Phototoxicity
10034978 Phthirus pubis (pubic louse)
10034979 Phthisical cornea
10034980 Phthisis
10034981 Phyma
10034982 Physical abuse
10034983 Physical assault
10034984 Physical assault victim (not sexual)
10034985 Physical assault with weapon
10034986 Physical examination
10034987 Physical examination NOS abnormal
10034988 Physical examination NOS normal
10034990 Physical urticaria
10034991 Physical wandering
10034992 Physically challenged relative
10034993 Physically restless
10034994 Physiologic hypogammaglobulinemia
10034995 Physiological jaundice of infancy
10034996 Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors
10034997 Physiological polycythaemia
10034998 Physiotherapy
10034999 Phytanic acid storage disease
10035000 Phytonadione deficiency
10035001 Pica
10035002 PICA (posterior inferior cerebellar artery ) thrombosis
10035003 Pick's disease
10035004 Pickwickian syndrome
10035007 PID Pelvic inflammatory disease
10035008 PIE syndrome
10035009 Pierre Robin syndrome
10035010 Pigeon chest
10035011 Pigeon-chested
10035012 Pigment deposits lens
10035013 Pigment precipitation
10035014 Pigment stones
10035015 Pigmentary glaucoma
10035016 Pigmentary iris degeneration
10035017 Pigmentary retinal dystrophy
10035018 Pigmentation
10035019 Pigmentation abnormal
10035020 Pigmentation buccal
10035022 Pigmentation disorder NOS
10035024 Pigmentation lenticular
10035025 Pigmentation lip
10035026 Pigmentation of colon mucosa
10035027 Pigmentation retinal
10035028 Pigmentation skin
10035029 Pigmented basal cell carcinoma
10035030 Pigmented hairy epidermal naevus
10035031 Pigmented naevus
10035032 Pigmented retinopathy NOS
10035033 PIH Pregnancy induced hypertension
10035034 Pilar cyst
10035036 Pile operation NOS
10035037 Piles
10035038 Pill hangover
10035039 Piloerection
10035040 Pilomatricoma
10035041 Pilonidal abscess
10035042 Pilonidal abscess drainage
10035043 Pilonidal cyst
10035044 Pilonidal cyst with abscess
10035045 Pilonidal cyst without mention of abscess
10035046 Pilonidal sinus infected
10035047 Pilonidal sinus repair
10035048 Pimple
10035049 Pimples
10035051 Pin-point pupils
10035052 Pineal germinoma
10035053 Pineal neoplasm NOS
10035054 Pineal parenchymal neoplasm malignant NOS
10035056 Pinealblastoma
10035057 Pinealoma
10035058 Pineoblastoma
10035059 Pineocytoma
10035060 Pinguecula
10035061 Pingueculum
10035062 Pinguicula
10035063 Pinhole meatus
10035064 Pink macular rash on exposed areas
10035065 Pinna repair
10035066 Pinnaplasty
10035067 Pins and needles
10035068 Pinta
10035069 Pinta, unspecified
10035070 Pinworm infection
10035071 Pinworms
10035073 Pipe smoker
10035074 Piston pulse
10035075 Pithiatism
10035076 Pitting oedema
10035077 Pituitary activity decreased
10035078 Pituitary activity increased
10035079 Pituitary adenoma
10035080 Pituitary adrenal system suppression of
10035082 Pituitary disorder NOS
10035083 Pituitary dwarfism
10035084 Pituitary function depression
10035085 Pituitary gland brachytherapy
10035086 Pituitary gland neoplasm
10035087 Pituitary gonadotropins decreased
10035088 Pituitary gonadotropins increased
10035091 Pituitary hormone deficiency
10035092 Pituitary infarction
10035093 Pituitary insufficiency
10035094 Pituitary macroadenoma
10035095 Pituitary microadenoma
10035096 Pituitary neoplasm benign
10035097 Pituitary neoplasm NOS
10035100 Pituitary tumor benign
10035101 Pituitary tumor malignant
10035102 Pituitary tumor NOS
10035103 Pituitary tumor removal
10035104 Pituitary tumour
10035105 Pituitary tumour benign NOS
10035106 Pituitary tumour malignant NOS
10035107 Pituitary tumour NOS
10035108 Pituitary tumour removal
10035109 Pituitary-dependent Cushing's syndrome
10035110 Pityriasis
10035111 Pityriasis alba
10035113 Pityriasis lichenoides
10035114 Pityriasis rosea
10035115 Pityriasis rosea gibert
10035116 Pityriasis rubra pilaris
10035117 Pityriasis versicolor
10035118 PKU
10035119 Placenta praevia
10035121 Placenta praevia haemorrhage
10035122 Placenta praevia without haemorrhage
10035123 Placenta previa affecting fetus or newborn
10035125 Placenta previa without hemorrhage
10035126 Placenta previa without hemorrhage, antepartum
10035127 Placenta previa without hemorrhage, unspecified as to episode of care
10035128 Placenta previa without hemorrhage, with delivery
10035131 Placental choriocarcinoma
10035132 Placental disorder
10035133 Placental disorder NOS
10035134 Placental gonadotropins decreased
10035135 Placental gonadotropins deficiency
10035136 Placental gonadotropins increased
10035137 Placental incarceration
10035138 Placental insufficiency
10035139 Placental necrosis
10035140 Placental neoplasm NOS
10035142 Placental polyp
10035143 Placental polyp, postpartum
10035146 Placental transfusion syndrome
10035148 Plague
10035149 Plague, unspecified
10035150 Planar warts
10035151 Planar xanthoma
10035152 Plane xanthoma
10035153 Plant skin sensitivity
10035154 Plantar fascial fibromatosis
10035155 Plantar fasciitis
10035156 Plantar nerve lesion NOS
10035157 Plantar response extensor
10035158 Plantar warts
10035159 Plaque mouth
10035160 Plaque or mold skin brachytherapy
10035161 Plasma acid phosphatase
10035162 Plasma acid phosphatase abnormal
10035163 Plasma acid phosphatase decreased
10035164 Plasma acid phosphatase increased
10035165 Plasma acid phosphatase normal
10035166 Plasma albumin
10035167 Plasma albumin abnormal
10035168 Plasma albumin decreased
10035169 Plasma albumin increased
10035170 Plasma albumin normal
10035171 Plasma aldosterone
10035172 Plasma aldosterone abnormal
10035173 Plasma aldosterone decreased
10035174 Plasma aldosterone increased
10035175 Plasma aldosterone normal
10035176 Plasma alkaline phosphatase - bone
10035177 Plasma alkaline phosphatase - liver
10035178 Plasma alkaline phosphatase normal
10035179 Plasma alkaline phosphatase NOS
10035180 Plasma aluminium
10035181 Plasma amylase
10035182 Plasma amylase decreased
10035183 Plasma amylase increased
10035184 Plasma antidiuretic hormone
10035185 Plasma antidiuretic hormone abnormal
10035186 Plasma antidiuretic hormone decreased
10035187 Plasma antidiuretic hormone increased
10035188 Plasma antidiuretic hormone normal
10035194 Plasma bicarbonate
10035195 Plasma bicarbonate abnormal
10035196 Plasma bicarbonate increased
10035197 Plasma bicarbonate normal
10035198 Plasma bilirubin
10035199 Plasma bilirubin direct
10035200 Plasma bilirubin indirect
10035201 Plasma bilirubin normal
10035202 Plasma bilirubin total
10035203 Plasma bromide
10035204 Plasma bromide abnormal
10035205 Plasma bromide increased
10035206 Plasma bromide normal
10035207 Plasma calcitonin
10035208 Plasma calcitonin abnormal
10035209 Plasma calcitonin decreased
10035210 Plasma calcitonin increased
10035211 Plasma calcitonin normal
10035212 Plasma calcium
10035213 Plasma calcium abnormal
10035214 Plasma calcium decreased
10035215 Plasma calcium increased
10035216 Plasma calcium normal
10035217 Plasma catecholamines
10035218 Plasma catecholamines abnormal
10035219 Plasma catecholamines decreased
10035220 Plasma catecholamines increased
10035221 Plasma catecholamines normal
10035222 Plasma cell leukaemia
10035223 Plasma cell leukemia
10035224 Plasma cell leukemia in remission
10035225 Plasma cell leukemia without mention of remission
10035226 Plasma cell myeloma
10035229 Plasma cell tumor
10035230 Plasma cells absent
10035231 Plasma cells increased
10035232 Plasma cells present
10035233 Plasma chloride
10035234 Plasma chloride abnormal
10035235 Plasma chloride decreased
10035236 Plasma chloride increased
10035237 Plasma chloride normal
10035238 Plasma cholesterol
10035239 Plasma cholesterol abnormal
10035240 Plasma cholesterol increased
10035241 Plasma cholesterol normal
10035242 Plasma cholesterol total normal
10035243 Plasma cholinesterase
10035244 Plasma cholinesterase decreased
10035245 Plasma cholinesterase increased
10035246 Plasma cholinesterase normal
10035247 Plasma copper
10035248 Plasma copper abnormal
10035249 Plasma copper increased
10035250 Plasma copper normal
10035251 Plasma corticosterone
10035252 Plasma corticosterone abnormal
10035253 Plasma corticosterone decreased
10035254 Plasma corticosterone increased
10035255 Plasma corticosterone normal
10035256 Plasma corticotrophin
10035257 Plasma corticotrophin abnormal
10035258 Plasma corticotrophin decreased
10035259 Plasma corticotrophin increased
10035260 Plasma corticotrophin normal
10035261 Plasma cortisol
10035262 Plasma cortisol abnormal
10035263 Plasma cortisol decreased
10035264 Plasma cortisol increased
10035265 Plasma cortisol normal
10035266 Plasma creatine
10035267 Plasma creatine phosphokinase
10035268 Plasma creatine phosphokinase abnormal
10035269 Plasma creatine phosphokinase increased
10035270 Plasma creatine phosphokinase MB
10035271 Plasma creatine phosphokinase MB abnormal
10035272 Plasma creatine phosphokinase MB increased
10035273 Plasma creatine phosphokinase MB normal
10035274 Plasma creatine phosphokinase normal
10035275 Plasma creatinine
10035276 Plasma creatinine abnormal
10035277 Plasma creatinine decreased
10035278 Plasma creatinine increased
10035279 Plasma creatinine normal
10035280 Plasma donor
10035281 Plasma electrolytes NOS
10035282 Plasma electrolytes NOS abnormal
10035283 Plasma electrolytes NOS normal
10035288 Plasma expander transfusion
10035289 Plasma fibrinogen
10035290 Plasma fibrinogen abnormal
10035291 Plasma fibrinogen increased
10035292 Plasma fibrinogen normal
10035293 Plasma follicle stimulating hormone
10035294 Plasma follicle stimulating hormone abnormal
10035295 Plasma follicle stimulating hormone decreased
10035296 Plasma follicle stimulating hormone increased
10035297 Plasma follicle stimulating hormone normal
10035298 Plasma glucagon
10035299 Plasma glucagon abnormal
10035300 Plasma glucagon decreased
10035301 Plasma glucagon increased
10035302 Plasma glucagon normal
10035303 Plasma glucose
10035304 Plasma glucose abnormal
10035305 Plasma glucose decreased
10035306 Plasma glucose normal
10035307 Plasma glutamic-oxaloacetic transferase
10035308 Plasma gonadotrophin
10035309 Plasma gonadotrophin abnormal
10035310 Plasma gonadotrophin normal
10035311 Plasma growth hormone
10035312 Plasma growth hormone abnormal
10035313 Plasma growth hormone decreased
10035314 Plasma growth hormone increased
10035315 Plasma growth hormone normal
10035316 Plasma immunoglobulin A
10035317 Plasma immunoglobulin A decreased
10035318 Plasma immunoglobulin A increased
10035319 Plasma immunoglobulin A normal
10035320 Plasma immunoglobulin E
10035321 Plasma immunoglobulin E decreased
10035322 Plasma immunoglobulin E increased
10035323 Plasma immunoglobulin E normal
10035324 Plasma immunoglobulin G
10035325 Plasma immunoglobulin G decreased
10035326 Plasma immunoglobulin G increased
10035327 Plasma immunoglobulin G normal
10035328 Plasma immunoglobulin M
10035329 Plasma immunoglobulin M decreased
10035330 Plasma immunoglobulin M increased
10035331 Plasma immunoglobulin M normal
10035332 Plasma insulin
10035333 Plasma insulin abnormal
10035334 Plasma insulin increased
10035335 Plasma insulin normal
10035336 Plasma iron
10035337 Plasma iron abnormal
10035338 Plasma iron decreased
10035339 Plasma iron increased
10035340 Plasma iron normal
10035341 Plasma lactate dehydrogenase
10035342 Plasma lactate dehydrogenase abnormal
10035343 Plasma lactate dehydrogenase normal
10035344 Plasma lactic acid
10035345 Plasma lactic acid abnormal
10035346 Plasma lactic acid decreased
10035347 Plasma lactic acid increased
10035348 Plasma lactic acid normal
10035349 Plasma lactic dehydrogenase increased
10035350 Plasma lead
10035351 Plasma lead abnormal
10035352 Plasma lead decreased
10035353 Plasma lead increased
10035354 Plasma lead normal
10035355 Plasma luteinising hormone
10035356 Plasma luteinising hormone abnormal
10035357 Plasma luteinising hormone decreased
10035358 Plasma luteinising hormone increased
10035359 Plasma luteinising hormone normal
10035360 Plasma magnesium
10035361 Plasma magnesium abnormal
10035362 Plasma magnesium decreased
10035363 Plasma magnesium increased
10035364 Plasma magnesium normal
10035374 Plasma oestradiol
10035375 Plasma oestradiol abnormal
10035376 Plasma oestradiol normal
10035377 Plasma oestrogen
10035378 Plasma oestrogen abnormal
10035379 Plasma oestrogen decreased
10035380 Plasma oestrogen increased
10035381 Plasma oestrogen normal
10035383 Plasma osmolality
10035384 Plasma osmolality abnormal
10035385 Plasma osmolality decreased
10035386 Plasma osmolality increased
10035387 Plasma osmolality normal
10035388 Plasma osmolarity
10035389 Plasma osmolarity abnormal
10035390 Plasma osmolarity increased
10035391 Plasma osmolarity normal
10035392 Plasma parathyroid hormone
10035393 Plasma parathyroid hormone abnormal
10035394 Plasma parathyroid hormone decreased
10035395 Plasma parathyroid hormone increased
10035396 Plasma parathyroid hormone normal
10035397 Plasma pH decreased
10035398 Plasma pH increased
10035399 Plasma pH NOS
10035400 Plasma phosphate
10035401 Plasma phosphate abnormal
10035402 Plasma phosphate decreased
10035403 Plasma phosphate increased
10035404 Plasma phosphate normal
10035405 Plasma placental gonadotrophins decreased
10035406 Plasma placental gonadotrophins increased
10035407 Plasma potassium
10035408 Plasma potassium abnormal
10035409 Plasma potassium decreased
10035410 Plasma potassium increased
10035411 Plasma potassium normal
10035412 Plasma prolactin
10035413 Plasma prolactin abnormal
10035414 Plasma prolactin decreased
10035415 Plasma prolactin increased
10035416 Plasma prolactin normal
10035417 Plasma protein / albumin
10035418 Plasma protein metabolism disorder NOS
10035419 Plasma pyruvic acid
10035420 Plasma pyruvic acid abnormal
10035421 Plasma pyruvic acid decreased
10035422 Plasma pyruvic acid increased
10035423 Plasma pyruvic acid normal
10035424 Plasma selenium
10035425 Plasma selenium abnormal
10035426 Plasma selenium decreased
10035427 Plasma selenium increased
10035428 Plasma selenium normal
10035429 Plasma sodium
10035430 Plasma sodium abnormal
10035431 Plasma sodium increased
10035432 Plasma sodium normal
10035433 Plasma testosterone
10035434 Plasma testosterone abnormal
10035435 Plasma testosterone decreased
10035436 Plasma testosterone increased
10035437 Plasma testosterone normal
10035438 Plasma thrombin
10035439 Plasma thrombin abnormal
10035440 Plasma thrombin decreased
10035441 Plasma thrombin increased
10035442 Plasma thrombin normal
10035443 Plasma thromboplastin
10035444 Plasma thromboplastin abnormal
10035445 Plasma thromboplastin decreased
10035446 Plasma thromboplastin increased
10035447 Plasma thromboplastin normal
10035448 Plasma thyroid stimulating hormone
10035449 Plasma thyroid stimulating hormone abnormal
10035450 Plasma thyroid stimulating hormone decreased
10035451 Plasma thyroid stimulating hormone increased
10035452 Plasma thyroid stimulating hormone normal
10035453 Plasma transfusion
10035454 Plasma triglycerides
10035455 Plasma triglycerides abnormal
10035456 Plasma triglycerides increased
10035457 Plasma triglycerides normal
10035458 Plasma urea
10035459 Plasma urea abnormal
10035463 Plasma urea decreased
10035464 Plasma urea increased
10035465 Plasma urea normal
10035466 Plasma uric acid
10035467 Plasma viscosity
10035468 Plasma viscosity abnormal
10035469 Plasma viscosity abnormal NOS
10035470 Plasma viscosity decreased
10035471 Plasma viscosity increased
10035472 Plasma viscosity normal
10035473 Plasma zinc
10035474 Plasma zinc abnormal
10035475 Plasma zinc increased
10035476 Plasma zinc normal
10035477 Plasmacytic-lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10035478 Plasmacytic-lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10035479 Plasmacytic-lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10035480 Plasmacytic-lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10035481 Plasmacytic-lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage II
10035482 Plasmacytic-lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage III
10035483 Plasmacytic-lymphocytic lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage IV
10035484 Plasmacytoma
10035485 Plasmacytosis
10035486 Plasmapheresis
10035487 Plasmaphoresis
10035488 Plasmid or naked DNA in vivo gene therapy
10035489 Plasmin increased
10035490 Plasmin inhibitor decreased
10035491 Plasmin inhibitor increased
10035492 Plasminogen activity increased
10035493 Plasminogen decreased
10035494 Plasminogen high
10035495 Plasminogen increased
10035496 Plasminogen normal
10035497 Plasmocytosis
10035498 Plasmocytosis circumorificialis
10035500 Plasmodium falciparum infection
10035501 Plasmodium malariae infection
10035502 Plasmodium ovale infection
10035503 Plasmodium vivax infection
10035504 Plastic operation on nose
10035505 Plastic operation to the face
10035506 Plastic repair of pinna
10035507 Plastic rigidity
10035508 Plastic sensitivity
10035509 Plastic surgery to the face
10035510 Plateau pulse
10035511 Platelet abnormalities
10035512 Platelet abnormalities NOS
10035513 Platelet adhesiveness abnormal NOS
10035514 Platelet adhesiveness decreased
10035515 Platelet adhesiveness increased
10035516 Platelet adhesiveness low
10035517 Platelet aggregation decreased
10035518 Platelet aggregation increased
10035519 Platelet aggregation NOS abnormal
10035520 Platelet aggregation NOS decreased
10035521 Platelet aggregation NOS increased
10035522 Platelet aggregation NOS normal
10035524 Platelet changes
10035525 Platelet count
10035526 Platelet count abnormal
10035527 Platelet count abnormal NOS
10035528 Platelet count decreased
10035529 Platelet count low
10035530 Platelet count normal
10035531 Platelet destruction increased
10035532 Platelet disorder
10035535 Platelet function NOS abnormal
10035536 Platelet function NOS normal
10035537 Platelet maturation arrest
10035538 Platelet morphology abnormal
10035539 Platelet morphology NOS abnormal
10035540 Platelet production decreased
10035541 Platelet stickiness decreased
10035542 Platelet stickiness increased
10035543 Platelet transfusion
10035544 Platelets abnormal
10035545 Platelets decreased
10035546 Platelets giant morphology present
10035547 Platelets increased
10035549 Platypnea
10035550 Platypnoea
10035551 Pleocytosis
10035552 Pleomorphic medium and large T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10035553 Pleomorphic medium and large T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10035554 Pleomorphic medium and large T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10035555 Pleomorphic medium and large T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10035556 Pleomorphic medium and large T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10035557 Pleomorphic medium and large T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10035558 Pleomorphic medium and large T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10035559 Pleomorphic medium sized and large T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10035560 Pleomorphic medium sized and large T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10035561 Pleomorphic medium sized and large T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10035562 Pleomorphic medium sized and large T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10035563 Pleomorphic medium sized and large T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10035564 Pleomorphic medium sized and large T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10035565 Pleomorphic medium sized and large T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10035566 Pleomorphic small T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10035567 Pleomorphic small T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10035568 Pleomorphic small T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10035569 Pleomorphic small T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10035570 Pleomorphic small T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10035571 Pleomorphic small T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10035572 Pleomorphic small T-cell HTLV1 lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10035573 Pleomorphic small T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10035574 Pleomorphic small T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10035575 Pleomorphic small T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10035576 Pleomorphic small T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10035577 Pleomorphic small T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10035578 Pleomorphic small T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10035579 Pleomorphic small T-cell lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10035580 Pleura biopsy
10035581 Pleura caesium therapy
10035582 Pleura cobalt therapy
10035583 Pleura electron beam therapy
10035584 Pleura external beam therapy
10035585 Pleura orthovoltage therapy
10035586 Pleura photon radiation therapy
10035587 Pleuracentesis
10035588 Pleural adhesion
10035589 Pleural biopsy
10035590 Pleural biopsy abnormal
10035591 Pleural biopsy normal
10035592 Pleural calcification
10035593 Pleural cavity aspiration
10035595 Pleural disorder
10035596 Pleural disorder NOS
10035598 Pleural effusion
10035599 Pleural external beam radiation therapy
10035600 Pleural fibrosis
10035601 Pleural haemorrhage
10035603 Pleural mesothelioma
10035604 Pleural mesothelioma benign
10035605 Pleural mesothelioma malignant advanced
10035606 Pleural mesothelioma malignant localised
10035607 Pleural mesothelioma malignant recurrent
10035608 Pleural metastases
10035609 Pleural neoplasm NOS
10035611 Pleural operation NOS
10035613 Pleural pain
10035615 Pleural rub
10035616 Pleural thickening
10035617 Pleurectomy
10035618 Pleurisy
10035619 Pleurisy (excl TB)
10035620 Pleurisy obliterative
10035623 Pleuritic pain
10035624 Pleuritis
10035625 Pleurodesis
10035626 Pleurodynia
10035627 Pleuroscopy
10035628 Pleurothotonus
10035630 Plicated tongue
10035631 Pluerothotonus
10035632 Plummer-Vinson syndrome
10035638 PNET of bone localized
10035639 PNET of bone metastatic
10035640 PNET of bone recurrent
10035641 PNET of bone stage unspecified
10035642 Pneumaturia
10035643 Pneumococcal acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
10035644 Pneumococcal infection NOS
10035645 Pneumococcal meningitis
10035646 Pneumococcal peritonitis
10035647 Pneumococcal pneumonia
10035649 Pneumococcal secondary bacterial infection of acute bronchitis
10035650 Pneumococcal septicaemia
10035651 Pneumococcal septicemia
10035653 Pneumoconiosis
10035656 Pneumoconiosis NOS
10035657 Pneumoconiosis, unspecified
10035658 Pneumocystis carinii infection
10035659 Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
10035661 Pneumocystis pneumonia
10035662 Pneumocystosis
10035663 Pneumonectomy
10035664 Pneumonia
10035665 Pneumonia adenoviral
10035666 Pneumonia anaerobic bacterial NOS
10035667 Pneumonia anthrax
10035669 Pneumonia aspiration
10035670 Pneumonia bacterial NOS
10035671 Pneumonia blastomyces
10035672 Pneumonia bordetella
10035673 Pneumonia chlamydial
10035674 Pneumonia congenital NOS
10035675 Pneumonia congestive
10035676 Pneumonia cytomegaloviral
10035677 Pneumonia due to adenovirus
10035678 Pneumonia due to anaerobes
10035679 Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli (E. Coli)
10035680 Pneumonia due to Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae)
10035681 Pneumonia due to Hemophilus Influenzae (H. influenzae)
10035683 Pneumonia due to mycoplasma pneumoniae
10035690 Pneumonia due to parainfluenza virus
10035691 Pneumonia due to pseudomonas
10035692 Pneumonia due to respiratory syncytial virus
10035693 Pneumonia due to Staphylococcus
10035694 Pneumonia due to Streptococcus
10035695 Pneumonia due to Streptococcus, group a
10035696 Pneumonia due to Streptococcus, group b
10035697 Pneumonia due to unspecified Streptococcus
10035698 Pneumonia eosinophilic
10035699 Pneumonia escherichia
10035700 Pneumonia fungal NOS
10035701 Pneumonia gram-negative bacterial NOS
10035702 Pneumonia haemophilus
10035703 Pneumonia herpes viral
10035704 Pneumonia in anthrax
10035705 Pneumonia in aspergillosis
10035706 Pneumonia in cytomegalic inclusion disease
10035708 Pneumonia in measles
10035709 Pneumonia in ornithosis
10035712 Pneumonia in tularaemia
10035713 Pneumonia in whooping cough
10035714 Pneumonia influenzal
10035715 Pneumonia interstitial
10035716 Pneumonia interstitial diffuse
10035717 Pneumonia klebsiella
10035718 Pneumonia legionella
10035719 Pneumonia lipid
10035720 Pneumonia lipoid
10035721 Pneumonia lobar
10035722 Pneumonia measles
10035723 Pneumonia moraxella
10035724 Pneumonia mycoplasmal
10035725 Pneumonia NOS
10035726 Pneumonia NOS congenital
10035727 Pneumonia parainfluenzae viral
10035728 Pneumonia pneumococcal
10035729 Pneumonia post measles
10035730 Pneumonia primary atypical
10035731 Pneumonia pseudomonal
10035732 Pneumonia respiratory syncytial viral
10035733 Pneumonia salmonella
10035734 Pneumonia staphylococcal
10035735 Pneumonia streptococcal
10035736 Pneumonia tularaemia
10035737 Pneumonia viral
10035738 Pneumonia viral NOS
10035739 Pneumonia, organism unspecified
10035740 Pneumonic plague, unspecified
10035741 Pneumonic, unspecified plague
10035742 Pneumonitis
10035743 Pneumonitis allergic
10035744 Pneumonitis aspiration
10035745 Pneumonitis chemical
10035746 Pneumonitis cryptococcal
10035752 Pneumonitis due to toxoplasmosis
10035753 Pneumonitis fume inhalation
10035754 Pneumonitis hypersensitivity
10035755 Pneumonitis NOS
10035756 Pneumonitis toxoplasmal
10035759 Pneumothorax
10035760 Pneumothorax (excl traumatic)
10035762 Pneumothorax NOS
10035763 Pneumothorax spontaneous
10035764 Pneumothorax spontaneous tension
10035765 Pneumothorax traumatic
10035766 PO2
10035767 PO2 abnormal NOS
10035768 PO2 decreased
10035769 PO2 increased
10035770 PO2 normal
10035771 Pocket erosion
10035772 Podagra
10035773 Podopompholyx
10035774 Poikilocytosis
10035775 Poison ivy rash
10035776 Poison oak rash
10035778 Poisoning accidental
10035779 Poisoning by acidifying agents
10035780 Poisoning by adrenal cortical steroids
10035785 Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system
10035787 Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system
10035788 Poisoning by agents primarily affecting the gut
10035789 Poisoning by alcohol deterrents
10035790 Poisoning by alkalizing agents
10035791 Poisoning by analeptics
10035796 Poisoning by anterior pituitary hormones
10035797 Poisoning by anthelminthics
10035798 Poisoning by anthelmintics
10035799 Poisoning by anti-common cold drugs
10035800 Poisoning by anti-common-cold drugs
10035802 Poisoning by anti-Parkinsonism drugs
10035804 Poisoning by antiasthmatics
10035805 Poisoning by antibiotic drugs
10035806 Poisoning by antibiotics
10035808 Poisoning by anticoagulants
10035810 Poisoning by antidepressants
10035811 Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs
10035812 Poisoning by antidiarrhoeal drugs
10035814 Poisoning by antifungal antibiotics
10035818 Poisoning by antineoplastic antibiotics
10035819 Poisoning by antipruritics
10035820 Poisoning by antirheumatics (antiphlogistics)
10035821 Poisoning by antithyroid agents
10035822 Poisoning by antitussives
10035823 Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents
10035824 Poisoning by antiviral drugs
10035826 Poisoning by arsenical anti-infectives
10035827 Poisoning by bacterial vaccines
10035828 Poisoning by barbiturates
10035829 Poisoning by BCG vaccine
10035830 Poisoning by benzodiazepine-based tranquilizers
10035831 Poisoning by benzodiazepine-based tranquillizers
10035832 Poisoning by bromine compounds
10035833 Poisoning by butyrophenone-based tranquilizers
10035834 Poisoning by butyrophenone-based tranquillizers
10035835 Poisoning by capillary-active drugs
10035836 Poisoning by carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors
10035837 Poisoning by cardiac rhythm regulators
10035839 Poisoning by central nervous system muscle-tone depressants
10035840 Poisoning by central nervous system stimulants
10035843 Poisoning by cholera vaccine
10035844 Poisoning by coronary vasodilators
10035845 Poisoning by dental drugs topically applied
10035846 Poisoning by dietetics
10035847 Poisoning by digestants
10035848 Poisoning by diphtheria vaccine
10035849 Poisoning by drugs primarily affecting the ANS
10035850 Poisoning by drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system
10035852 Poisoning by emetics
10035853 Poisoning by emollient cathartics
10035857 Poisoning by expectorants
10035859 Poisoning by fibrinolysis-affecting drugs
10035860 Poisoning by fungi
10035861 Poisoning by gamma globulin
10035862 Poisoning by ganglion-blocking agents
10035864 Poisoning by halothane
10035865 Poisoning by heavy metal anti-infectives
10035866 Poisoning by heroin
10035868 Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives
10035870 Poisoning by intravenous anaesthetics
10035871 Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics
10035873 Poisoning by irritant cathartics
10035875 Poisoning by lipotropic drugs
10035880 Poisoning by measles vaccine
10035881 Poisoning by mercurial diuretics
10035882 Poisoning by methadone
10035883 Poisoning by methaqualone compounds
10035888 Poisoning by opiate antagonists
10035890 Poisoning by opium (alkaloids), unspecified
10035897 Poisoning by other and unspecified drugs and medicaments
10035915 Poisoning by other central nervous system depressants
10035939 Poisoning by oxazolidine derivatives
10035940 Poisoning by oxytocic agents
10035941 Poisoning by paraldehyde
10035943 Poisoning by parasympathomimetics (cholinergics)
10035945 Poisoning by penicillins
10035949 Poisoning by pharmaceutical excipients
10035950 Poisoning by phenothiazine-based tranquilizers
10035951 Poisoning by phenothiazine-based tranquillizers
10035952 Poisoning by plague vaccine
10035953 Poisoning by poliomyelitis vaccine
10035954 Poisoning by posterior pituitary hormones
10035956 Poisoning by psychodysleptics (hallucinogens)
10035957 Poisoning by psychostimulants
10035958 Poisoning by psychotropic agents
10035959 Poisoning by purine derivative diuretics
10035960 Poisoning by pyrazole derivatives
10035962 Poisoning by rabies vaccine
10035963 Poisoning by salicylates
10035964 Poisoning by saluretics
10035966 Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants
10035967 Poisoning by smallpox vaccine
10035968 Poisoning by smooth muscle relaxants
10035969 Poisoning by spinal anaesthetics
10035970 Poisoning by spinal anesthetics
10035971 Poisoning by succinimides
10035972 Poisoning by sulfonamides
10035975 Poisoning by sympatholytics (antiadrenergics)
10035976 Poisoning by sympathomimetics (adrenergics)
10035977 Poisoning by tetanus vaccine
10035981 Poisoning by typhus vaccine
10035986 Poisoning by unspecified antibiotic
10035988 Poisoning by unspecified drug or medicament
10035989 Poisoning by unspecified drug or medicinal substance
10035990 Poisoning by unspecified drug primarily affecting autonomic nervous system
10035991 Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic agent
10035993 Poisoning by unspecified systemic agent
10035994 Poisoning by uric acid metabolism drugs
10035995 Poisoning by vitamin K (Phytonadione)
10035999 Poisoning by yellow fever vaccine
10036000 Poisoning deliberate
10036001 Poisoning deliberate self-inflicted
10036005 Poisonous plant ingestion
10036006 Poland's anomaly
10036007 Poland's syndrome
10036008 Polio
10036009 Polio acute
10036010 Polio-like paralysis
10036011 Polioencephalitis
10036012 Poliomyelitis
10036013 Poliomyelitis (acute)
10036014 Poliomyelitis acute
10036015 Poliomyelitis late effects of
10036016 Poliomyelitis NOS
10036018 Pollakiuria
10036019 Pollen allergy
10036020 Pollinosis
10036021 Pollution
10036022 Pollution NOS
10036023 Polyangiitis
10036024 Polyarteritis nodosa
10036026 Polyarteritis nodosa of childhood
10036027 Polyarteritis nodosum
10036028 Polyarteritis with pulmonary involvement
10036029 Polyarthralgia
10036030 Polyarthritis
10036031 Polyarthritis acute
10036032 Polyarthritis generalised
10036033 Polyarthritis generalized
10036034 Polyarthropathy
10036035 Polyarthropathy (excl rheumatoid arthritis)
10036036 Polyarticular JCA
10036037 Polyarticular juvenile chronic RA
10036038 Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, acute
10036039 Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, chronic or unspecified
10036040 Polychromasia
10036041 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia
10036042 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia
10036043 Polycystic disease of pancreas
10036044 Polycystic disease pancreas
10036045 Polycystic kidney
10036046 Polycystic kidney, autosomal dominant
10036047 Polycystic kidney, autosomal recessive
10036048 Polycystic kidney, unspecified type
10036049 Polycystic ovaries
10036050 Polycystic ovary
10036051 Polycythaemia
10036053 Polycythaemia due to excess erythopoetin production
10036054 Polycythaemia due to hypoxia
10036055 Polycythaemia NOS
10036056 Polycythaemia rubra vera
10036057 Polycythaemia vera
10036058 Polycythemia
10036059 Polycythemia neonatorum
10036060 Polycythemia rubra vera
10036061 Polycythemia vera
10036062 Polycythemia, secondary
10036063 Polydactyly
10036064 Polydactyly of fingers
10036065 Polydactyly of toes
10036066 Polydactyly, unspecified digits
10036067 Polydipsia
10036068 Polydipsia (nocturnal)
10036069 Polydipsia psychogenic
10036070 Polydypsia
10036071 Polyglandular activity in multiple endocrine adenomatosis
10036072 Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type I
10036073 Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type II
10036074 Polyglandular disorder
10036075 Polyglandular disorder NOS
10036077 Polyglandular dysfunction, unspecified
10036079 Polyhydramnios
10036081 Polyhydramnios, antepartum complication
10036082 Polyhydramnios, unspecified as to episode of care
10036086 Polymenorrhoea
10036087 Polymorphic light eruption
10036088 Polymorphic reticulosis
10036089 Polymorphic reticulosis recurrent
10036090 Polymorphic reticulosis refractory
10036091 Polymorphic reticulosis stage I
10036092 Polymorphic reticulosis stage II
10036093 Polymorphic reticulosis stage III
10036094 Polymorphic reticulosis stage IV
10036095 Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia
10036096 Polymorphonuclear leucocytosis
10036097 Polymyalgia
10036098 Polymyalgia aggravated
10036099 Polymyalgia rheumatica
10036100 Polymyalgia rheumatica aggravated
10036101 Polymyalgia worsened
10036102 Polymyositis
10036103 Polymyositis hemorrhagica
10036104 Polyneuritis
10036105 Polyneuropathy
10036106 Polyneuropathy alcoholic
10036111 Polyneuropathy idiopathic progressive
10036112 Polyneuropathy in collagen vascular disease
10036113 Polyneuropathy in diabetes
10036114 Polyneuropathy in malignancy
10036115 Polyneuropathy in malignant disease
10036117 Polyneuropathy mumps
10036118 Polyneuropathy NOS
10036120 Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of bone
10036121 Polyp endometrial
10036122 Polyp NOS
10036123 Polyp of body of uterus
10036124 Polyp of cervix
10036125 Polyp of cervix adenomatous
10036126 Polyp of corpus uteri
10036128 Polyp of nasal cavity
10036129 Polyp of vagina
10036130 Polyp of vocal cord
10036132 Polyphagia
10036133 Polypnoea
10036134 Polypoid sinus degeneration
10036135 Polyposis coli
10036136 Polyposis gastric
10036137 Polyps
10036138 Polyps nasal
10036139 Polyradiculitis
10036140 Polyradiculopathy
10036141 Polyserositis
10036142 Polyuria
10036143 Pompe's disease
10036144 Pompholyx
10036145 Pompholyx eczema
10036146 Pontine bleed
10036147 Pontine haemorrhage
10036148 Pontine hemorrhage
10036149 Poor concentration
10036155 Poor peripheral circulation
10036156 Poor peripheral perfusion
10036157 Poor reader
10036158 Poor reading skills
10036159 Poor sanitation
10036160 Poor sleep
10036161 Poor urinary stream
10036162 Poor verbal skills
10036163 Poor vision
10036164 Poor weight gain
10036165 Poor writer
10036166 Poor writing skills
10036167 Popliteal arterial obstruction
10036168 Popliteal artery aneurysm
10036169 Porencephalia
10036170 Porencephalic cyst
10036171 Porencephalus
10036172 Porencephaly
10036173 Poriomania
10036174 Pork tapeworm infection
10036175 Porokeratosis
10036176 Porphobilinogen abnormal
10036177 Porphobilinogen high
10036178 Porphobilinogen increased
10036179 Porphobilinogen normal
10036180 Porphobilinogen urine increased
10036181 Porphyria
10036182 Porphyria acute
10036183 Porphyria cutanea tarda
10036184 Porphyria hepatic
10036185 Porphyria hepatic aggravated
10036186 Porphyria non-acute
10036187 Porphyria non-acute aggravated
10036188 Porphyria NOS
10036189 Porphyria type syndrome
10036190 Porphyrin metabolism disorder NOS
10036192 Porphyrins urinary excretion increased
10036193 Porphyrinuria
10036194 Porphyromonas infection NOS
10036196 Port wine naevus
10036197 Port wine stain
10036198 Portacaval shunt
10036199 Portal anastomosis
10036200 Portal hypertension
10036202 Portal pyaemia
10036203 Portal pyemia
10036204 Portal shunt
10036205 Portal vein phlebitis
10036206 Portal vein thrombosis
10036207 Portoenterostomy
10036208 Positional dizziness
10036210 Positive Babinski
10036211 Positive Babinski response
10036212 Positive Hess test
10036213 Positive Kussmaul's sign
10036214 Positive Kussmauls sign
10036215 Positive pregnancy test
10036216 Positive Rombergism
10036218 Positive skin test
10036219 Positive test for HIV
10036220 Positron emission tomogram
10036221 Positron emission tomogram abnormal
10036222 Positron emission tomogram normal
10036223 Positron emission tomography
10036224 Positron emission tomography abnormal
10036225 Positron emission tomography normal
10036226 Possetting
10036228 Postinfarction
10036229 Post inflammatory pigmentation change
10036230 Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis
10036231 Post MI
10036232 Post myocardial infarction pericarditis
10036233 Post myocardial infarction syndrome
10036234 Postnasal polypectomy
10036235 Postnatal blues
10036236 Postoperative pain relief
10036238 Postoperative vomiting
10036239 Post polio syndrome
10036240 Post spinal headache
10036241 Post transfusion hepatitis
10036242 Post vaccination syndrome
10036244 Post abortion complication
10036245 Post abortion complication NOS
10036246 Post abortion haemorrhage
10036247 Post abortion infection NOS
10036249 Postauricular abscess drainage
10036250 Post coital bleeding
10036251 Post coital contraception
10036252 Post concussive amnesia
10036253 Post concussive amnestic disorder
10036254 Post encephalitic syndrome
10036255 Post gastrectomy syndrome
10036256 Post gastric surgery syndrome
10036257 Post gonococcal urethritis
10036259 Post inflammatory depigmentation
10036260 Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation
10036261 Post inflammatory hypopigmentation
10036265 Postmastoidectomy complication NOS
10036266 Postmature labour
10036267 Postmaturity
10036269 Postmenopausal depression
10036270 Post myelography headache
10036271 Postnatal depression (excl psychosis)
10036273 Postoperative antibiotic cover
10036276 Postoperative analgesia
10036277 Postoperative bleeding
10036278 Postoperative complications NOS
10036279 Postoperative depression
10036280 Postoperative fistula NOS
10036281 Postoperative haematoma
10036283 Postoperative hematoma
10036285 Postoperative nausea
10036287 Postoperative stitch abscess
10036288 Postoperative stitch sinus
10036291 Postoperative wound necrosis
10036292 Postpartum disorder NOS
10036294 Postpartum haemorrhage (primary)
10036295 Postpartum haemorrhage (secondary)
10036296 Postpartum haemorrhage NOS
10036297 Postpartum hypopituitarism
10036299 Postpartum thrombophlebitis
10036300 Postpartum venous thrombosis
10036301 Postphlebitic limb
10036302 Post pill amenorrhoea
10036303 Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
10036304 Post surgical diarrhea
10036305 Post surgical diarrhoea
10036306 Post-term infant, not heavy-for-dates
10036307 Post-term pregnancy
10036308 Post-traumatic amnesia
10036309 Post-traumatic amnestic disorder
10036310 Post-traumatic brain syndrome
10036311 Post-traumatic dementia
10036312 Post-traumatic epilepsy
10036313 Post-traumatic headache
10036314 Post-traumatic muscle contracture
10036315 Post-traumatic osteoporosis
10036316 Post-traumatic stress disorder
10036317 Post-traumatic wound infection
10036319 Post vagotomy diarrhoea
10036320 Post viral debility
10036321 Post viral fatigue
10036327 Post adrenalectomy syndrome
10036329 Postauricular fistula
10036333 Postconcussional syndrome
10036334 Postcricoid cancer
10036346 Posterior capsule opacification
10036347 Posterior cerebral artery aneurysm
10036348 Posterior cerebral artery embolism
10036349 Posterior cerebral artery occlusion
10036350 Posterior cerebral artery thrombosis
10036351 Posterior communicating aneurysm
10036352 Posterior corneal pigmentations
10036353 Posterior dislocation of lens
10036354 Posterior dislocation of tibia, proximal end, closed
10036355 Posterior dislocation of tibia, proximal end, open
10036356 Posterior inferior cerebellar artery occlusion
10036357 Posterior inferior cerebellar artery thrombosis
10036358 Posterior inferior cerebral artery embolism
10036359 Posterior inferior cerebral artery thrombosis
10036360 Posterior nasal drip
10036362 Posterior scleritis
10036364 Posterior subcapsular cataract
10036366 Posterior subcapsular polar senile cataract
10036367 Posterior synechiae of iris
10036368 Posterior tibial nerve injury
10036369 Posterior urethral valves
10036370 Posterior uveitis
10036371 Posterior vaginal hernia
10036372 Postero-lateral thoracotomy
10036376 Post herpetic neuralgia
10036377 Postherpetic polyneuropathy
10036379 Posthitis
10036380 Posthitis NOS
10036389 Postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome
10036390 Postmastectomy lymphoedema syndrome
10036391 Postmastoidectomy complication, unspecified
10036392 Postmature baby
10036393 Postmature birth
10036394 Postmaturity syndrome
10036398 Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis
10036399 Postmenopausal bleeding
10036400 Postmenopausal hemorrhage
10036401 Postmyocardial infarction syndrome
10036402 Postnasal drip
10036403 Postnatal mastitis
10036404 Postoperative heterotopic calcification
10036406 Postoperative recurrent ventral hernia
10036408 Postoperative urethral stricture
10036409 Postoperative wound breakdown
10036410 Postoperative wound infection
10036417 Postpartum haemorrhage
10036418 Postpartum hemorrhage
10036419 Postpartum neurosis
10036421 Postpartum pyrexia
10036422 Postpartum sepsis
10036423 Postpartum uterine subinvolution
10036424 Postpartum varicose veins of legs
10036425 Postphlebitic syndrome
10036426 Post surgery gastroparesis
10036430 Post surgical malabsorption NOS
10036432 Postural edema
10036433 Postural hypotension
10036434 Postural oedema
10036435 Postural proteinuria
10036436 Posture abnormal
10036437 Posturing
10036439 Potassium
10036440 Potassium abnormal
10036441 Potassium abnormal NOS
10036442 Potassium blood decreased
10036443 Potassium decreased
10036445 Potassium deficiency
10036446 Potassium high
10036447 Potassium hydroxide preparation
10036448 Potassium hydroxide preparation negative
10036449 Potassium hydroxide preparation positive
10036450 Potassium increased
10036452 Potassium low
10036453 Potassium normal
10036454 Potassium retention
10036455 Potassium serum decreased
10036456 Potassium serum increased
10036457 Potato allergy
10036458 Potency of penis erection increased
10036460 Pott's disease
10036461 Pott's fracture
10036462 Potter's syndrome
10036463 Pouchitis
10036464 Pounding in head
10036465 Poverty
10036466 Poverty emotional
10036467 Poverty of speech
10036468 Poverty of thought content
10036469 Poxvirus in vivo gene therapy
10036470 PQ interval prolonged
10036471 PR interval prolonged
10036472 PR interval shortened
10036473 PR prolongation
10036474 PR shortened
10036475 Practolol syndrome
10036476 Prader-Willi syndrome
10036477 Pre infarction syndrome
10036479 Pre-auricular sinus congenital
10036481 Pre-diabetes
10036482 Pre-diabetic
10036485 Pre-eclampsia
10036492 Pre-eclampsia toxemia
10036493 Pre-eclamptic toxaemia
10036494 Pre-endometrial resection
10036495 Pre-existing condition improved
10036496 Pre-frontal leucotomy
10036497 Pre-malignant changes to oesophagus
10036499 Pre-medicate
10036500 Premedication
10036501 Pre-menopausal menorrhagia
10036502 Pre-menstrual tension syndrome
10036503 Pre-patellar bursitis
10036504 Pre-sacral sympathectomy
10036505 Pre-school booster
10036506 Pre-senile dementia
10036507 Pre-syncope
10036508 Prealbumin
10036509 Preauricular cyst
10036511 Precerebral artery occlusion
10036513 Precerebral artery stenosis
10036515 Precipitate labor
10036516 Precipitate labor, antepartum
10036517 Precipitate labor, unspecified as to episode of care
10036518 Precipitate labor, with delivery
10036519 Precipitate labour
10036520 Precocious puberty NOS
10036522 Precordial pain
10036523 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma
10036525 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS
10036526 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS recurrent
10036527 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS refractory
10036528 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS stage I
10036529 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS stage II
10036530 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS stage III
10036531 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma NOS stage IV
10036532 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma stage I
10036533 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma stage II
10036534 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma stage III
10036535 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma stage IV
10036536 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia
10036537 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia stage I
10036538 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia recurrent
10036539 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia refractory
10036540 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia stage II
10036541 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia stage III
10036542 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia stage IV
10036543 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia
10036545 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia NOS
10036546 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia recurrent
10036547 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia refractory
10036548 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia stage I
10036549 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia stage II
10036550 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia stage III
10036551 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia stage IV
10036555 Preglaucoma, unspecified
10036556 Pregnancy
10036558 Pregnancy disorder
10036559 Pregnancy ectopic
10036560 Pregnancy false
10036561 Pregnancy illegitimate
10036562 Pregnancy in habitual aborter
10036563 Pregnancy induced hypertension
10036564 Pregnancy multiple
10036565 Pregnancy normal
10036566 Pregnancy NOS
10036567 Pregnancy on oral contraceptive
10036568 Pregnancy phantom
10036570 Pregnancy spurious
10036571 Pregnancy termination
10036572 Pregnancy test
10036573 Pregnancy test false positive
10036574 Pregnancy test negative
10036575 Pregnancy test positive
10036576 Pregnancy test urine
10036577 Pregnancy test urine negative
10036578 Pregnancy test urine positive
10036579 Pregnancy unexpected
10036580 Pregnancy unintended
10036582 Pregnancy with advanced maternal age
10036583 Pregnancy with intrauterine device
10036584 Pregnancy with IUD
10036586 Pregnant
10036587 Preleukaemia
10036588 Premalignant changes to esophagus
10036589 Premature adrenarche
10036590 Premature baby
10036591 Premature beat atrial
10036592 Premature beats
10036593 Premature beats, unspecified
10036594 Premature birth
10036595 Premature delivery
10036596 Premature ejaculation
10036597 Premature ejaculation disorder
10036598 Premature epiphyseal closure
10036599 Premature labor
10036600 Premature labour
10036601 Premature menopause
10036602 Premature ovarian failure
10036603 Premature rupture of membranes
10036605 Premature rupture of membranes, antepartum
10036607 Premature rupture of membranes, unspecified as to episode of care
10036608 Premature separation of placenta
10036609 Premature separation of placenta, antepartum
10036610 Premature separation of placenta, unspecified as to episode of care
10036611 Premature separation of placenta, with delivery
10036612 Premature thelarche
10036613 Premature VEB's
10036614 Premature ventricular contractions
10036615 Prematurity
10036617 Premenopausal menorrhagia
10036618 Premenstrual syndrome
10036619 Premenstrual tension
10036621 Premonition of epileptic fit
10036622 Prepatellar bursitis
10036623 Prepuce dorsal slit
10036624 Prepuce redundant
10036625 Presbyacusia
10036626 Presbyacusis
10036627 Presbycusis
10036628 Presbyopia
10036629 Presence of Q wave
10036630 Presence of Q wave noted
10036631 Presenile dementia
10036633 Presenile dementia with delusional features
10036634 Presenile dementia with depressive features
10036635 Presenile dementia, uncomplicated
10036636 Pressor response paradoxical
10036638 Pressure arterial decreased
10036639 Pressure arterial increased
10036640 Pressure blood increased
10036641 Pressure central venous increased
10036642 Pressure cerebrospinal fluid increased
10036643 Pressure chest
10036644 Pressure feet
10036645 Pressure in limbs
10036646 Pressure in vagina
10036647 Pressure intracranial increased
10036648 Pressure intraocular increased
10036649 Pressure of speech
10036650 Pressure sensation of right hypochondrium
10036651 Pressure sore
10036652 Pressure venous increased
10036653 Presyncope
10036654 Prevention
10036655 Prevention of malaria
10036656 Previous caesarean section
10036661 Priapism
10036662 Prick pain
10036663 Prick pain feeling
10036664 Prick test
10036665 Pricking skin sensation
10036666 Prickling of hand
10036667 Prickly heat
10036668 Primaquine sensitivity anaemia
10036669 Primary achalasia
10036670 Primary acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia
10036671 Primary acquired hypogammaglobulinemia
10036672 Primary amenorrhoea
10036673 Primary amyloidosis
10036674 Primary anal syphilis
10036675 Primary angle-closure glaucoma
10036676 Primary angle-closure glaucoma, unspecified
10036679 Primary atypical pneumonia
10036680 Primary biliary cirrhosis
10036681 Primary cancer of liver
10036682 Primary cancer of liver non-resectable
10036683 Primary cancer of liver recurrent
10036684 Primary cancer of liver resectable
10036685 Primary central nervous system lymphoma
10036686 Primary cerebellar degeneration
10036687 Primary coccidioidomycosis (pulmonary)
10036689 Primary dysmenorrhoea
10036690 Primary erythrocytosis
10036691 Primary extrapulmonary coccidioidomycosis
10036692 Primary hyperaldosteronism
10036693 Primary hyperparathyroidism
10036694 Primary hypersomnia
10036695 Primary hypertension
10036696 Primary hypoadrenalism
10036697 Primary hypothyroidism
10036699 Primary idiopathic aplastic anaemia
10036701 Primary insomnia
10036702 Primary iridocyclitis
10036703 Primary lacrimal atrophy
10036704 Primary lateral sclerosis
10036705 Primary lesions of pinta
10036706 Primary liver cancer non-resectable
10036707 Primary liver cancer recurrent
10036708 Primary liver cancer resectable
10036709 Primary malignant neoplasm of liver
10036710 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma
10036712 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma NOS
10036713 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma recurrent
10036714 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma refractory
10036715 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma stage I
10036716 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma stage II
10036717 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma stage III
10036718 Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma stage IV
10036719 Primary open angle glaucoma
10036720 Primary optic atrophy
10036721 Primary ovarian failure
10036722 Primary plasmin inhibitor decreased
10036723 Primary plasmin inhibitor increased
10036724 Primary pneumonic plague
10036725 Primary polycythaemia
10036726 Primary polycythemia
10036727 Primary pulmonary hypertension
10036728 Primary pulmonary TB
10036729 Primary pyoderma
10036732 Primary sclerosing cholangitis
10036733 Primary suture of wound
10036734 Primary testicular failure
10036735 Primary thrombocytopenia
10036736 Primary tuberculous complex
10036739 Primary tuberculous complex, confirmed by animal inoculation
10036740 Primary tuberculous complex, confirmed by bacterial culture
10036741 Primary tuberculous complex, confirmed histologically
10036742 Primary tuberculous complex, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10036743 Primary tuberculous complex, unspecified examination
10036744 Primary tuberculous infection
10036745 Primary tuberculous infection, unspecified type
10036749 Primary tuberculous infection, unspecified type, confirmed by bacterial culture
10036750 Primary tuberculous infection, unspecified type, confirmed histologically
10036752 Primary tuberculous infection, unspecified type, unspecified examination
10036753 Primary uterine inertia
10036754 Primary uterine inertia, antepartum
10036756 Primary uterine inertia, with delivery
10036757 Primigravida
10036758 Primiparous
10036759 Prinzmetal angina
10036762 PRL increased
10036763 Pro-lymphocytic leukaemia
10036764 Pro-thrombin time
10036765 Proarrhythmia
10036766 Proarrhythmic effect
10036767 Problems with aged parents/in-laws
10036769 Procedural site reaction
10036770 Procedure repeated
10036772 Proctalgia
10036773 Proctalgia fugax
10036774 Proctitis
10036776 Proctitis chlamydial
10036777 Proctitis gonococcal
10036778 Proctitis haemorrhagic
10036779 Proctitis hemorrhagic
10036780 Proctitis herpes
10036781 Proctitis monilial
10036782 Proctitis NOS
10036783 Proctitis ulcerative
10036784 Proctocolitis
10036785 Proctocolitis, idiopathic
10036786 Proctoscopy
10036787 Proctoscopy abnormal
10036788 Proctoscopy normal
10036789 Proctosigmoiditis
10036790 Productive cough
10036791 Profound mental retardation
10036792 Profound vision impairment, both eyes
10036793 Profound vision impairment, one eye
10036794 Progeria
10036795 Progesterone levels
10036796 Progestin replacement therapy
10036797 Progestin therapy
10036798 Progressive acute diverticulitis
10036799 Progressive autonomic failure
10036800 Progressive bulbar palsy
10036801 Progressive cerebellar degeneration
10036802 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia
10036804 Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis
10036805 Progressive massive fibrosis
10036806 Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
10036807 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
10036808 Progressive muscular atrophy
10036809 Progressive myositis ossificans
10036810 Progressive paraparesis chronic
10036811 Progressive pigmented purpura
10036812 Progressive renal failure
10036813 Progressive supranuclear palsy
10036814 Progressive systemic sclerosis
10036815 Proinsulin
10036816 Proinsulin abnormal NOS
10036817 Proinsulin decreased
10036818 Proinsulin high
10036819 Proinsulin increased
10036820 Proinsulin low
10036821 Proinsulin normal
10036822 Prolactin
10036823 Prolactin abnormal NOS
10036824 Prolactin decreased
10036825 Prolactin high
10036826 Prolactin increased
10036827 Prolactin levels decreased
10036828 Prolactin levels increased
10036829 Prolactin low
10036830 Prolactin normal
10036831 Prolactin-producing pituitary tumour
10036832 Prolactinoma
10036833 Prolapse of cord complicating labor and delivery
10036834 Prolapse of cord complicating labor and delivery, antepartum
10036835 Prolapse of cord complicating labor and delivery, delivered
10036837 Prolapse of cord complicating labour and delivery
10036841 Prolapse repair NOS
10036842 Prolapse vaginal
10036843 Prolapsed arm of fetus
10036844 Prolapsed arm of fetus, delivered
10036846 Prolapsed arm, antepartum condition or complication
10036847 Prolapsed cervical disc
10036849 Prolapsed disc NOS
10036850 Prolapsed disc repair
10036851 Prolapsed haemorrhoid
10036852 Prolapsed lumbar disc
10036853 Prolapsed mitral valve
10036854 Prolapsed umbilical cord
10036855 Prolapsed urethral mucosa
10036856 Proliferative arthritis
10036857 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
10036858 Proliferative retinopathy
10036859 Prolonged 1st stage
10036860 Prolonged 2nd stage
10036861 Prolonged drug response
10036862 Prolonged first stage of labor
10036863 Prolonged first stage of labor, antepartum
10036864 Prolonged first stage of labor, delivered
10036865 Prolonged first stage of labor, unspecified as to episode of care
10036866 Prolonged first stage of labour
10036867 Prolonged heavy periods
10036868 Prolonged labor, unspecified
10036869 Prolonged labor, unspecified type, antepartum
10036870 Prolonged labor, unspecified type, delivered
10036871 Prolonged labor, unspecified type, unspecified as to episode of care
10036872 Prolonged labour
10036873 Prolonged labour, unspecified
10036874 Prolonged menses
10036875 Prolonged periods
10036877 Prolonged pregnancy
10036878 Prolonged pregnancy, antepartum
10036879 Prolonged pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10036880 Prolonged pregnancy, with delivery
10036881 Prolonged second stage of labor
10036882 Prolonged second stage of labor, antepartum
10036883 Prolonged second stage of labor, delivered
10036884 Prolonged second stage of labor, unspecified as to episode of care
10036885 Prolonged second stage of labour
10036886 Prolonged ventricular conduction time
10036887 Prolonged ventricular repolarisation
10036888 Prolymphocytic leukaemia
10036889 Prolymphocytic leukemia
10036890 Promiscuity
10036891 Promotion
10036892 Promotion of wound healing
10036893 Prophylactic
10036894 Prophylactic antibiotic therapy
10036895 Prophylactic chemotherapy
10036897 Prophylactic vaccination
10036898 Prophylaxis
10036899 Prophylaxis against chemotherapy induced vomiting
10036900 Prophylaxis against drug-induced peptic ulcers
10036901 Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting
10036902 Prophylaxis against radiation induced nausea and vomiting
10036903 Prophylaxis NOS
10036904 Prophylaxis of NSAID gastric ulceration
10036905 Proptosis
10036906 Prostate adenoma
10036907 Prostate caesium therapy
10036909 Prostate cancer metastatic
10036910 Prostate cancer NOS
10036911 Prostate cancer recurrent
10036912 Prostate cancer stage 0
10036913 Prostate cancer stage A
10036914 Prostate cancer stage B
10036915 Prostate cancer stage C
10036916 Prostate cancer stage D
10036917 Prostate cancer stage I
10036918 Prostate cancer stage II
10036919 Prostate cancer stage III
10036920 Prostate cancer stage IV
10036921 Prostate carcinoma
10036922 Prostate cobalt therapy
10036923 Prostate electron beam therapy
10036924 Prostate external beam radiation therapy
10036925 Prostate external beam therapy
10036926 Prostate implant brachytherapy
10036927 Prostate neoplasia
10036929 Prostate orthovoltage therapy
10036930 Prostate photon radiation therapy
10036931 Prostate specific antigen increased
10036932 Prostate transurethral resection
10036933 Prostatectomy NOS
10036934 Prostatic abscess
10036935 Prostatic acid phosphatase
10036936 Prostatic acid phosphatase abnormal
10036937 Prostatic acid phosphatase abnormal NOS
10036938 Prostatic acid phosphatase increased
10036939 Prostatic acid phosphatase normal
10036940 Prostatic adenoma
10036941 Prostatic atrophy
10036942 Prostatic biopsy
10036943 Prostatic biopsy abnormal
10036944 Prostatic biopsy normal
10036945 Prostatic calculus
10036946 Prostatic cancer
10036947 Prostatic cancer metastatic
10036948 Prostatic cancer recurrent
10036949 Prostatic cancer stage 0
10036950 Prostatic cancer stage I
10036951 Prostatic cancer stage II
10036952 Prostatic cancer stage III
10036953 Prostatic cancer stage IV
10036954 Prostatic carcinoid tumor
10036955 Prostatic carcinoma
10036956 Prostatic disorder
10036957 Prostatic disorder NOS
10036960 Prostatic haemorrhage
10036961 Prostatic hyperplasia
10036962 Prostatic hypertrophy
10036963 Prostatic hypertrophy (benign)
10036964 Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
10036965 Prostatic neoplasm NOS
10036968 Prostatic pain
10036971 Prostatic specific antigen decrease
10036972 Prostatic specific antigen decreased
10036974 Prostatic specific antigen increase
10036975 Prostatic specific antigen increased
10036976 Prostatism
10036977 Prostatism aggravated
10036978 Prostatitis
10036979 Prostatitis gonococcal
10036981 Prostatitis trichomonal
10036982 Prostatitis, unspecified
10036983 Prostatocystitis
10036984 Prosthetic valve endocarditis
10036985 Prostration
10036986 Protan defect
10036987 Protein
10036988 Protein abnormal NOS
10036989 Protein albumin ratio
10036990 Protein albumin ratio abnormal
10036991 Protein albumin ratio abnormal NOS
10036992 Protein albumin ratio decreased
10036993 Protein albumin ratio high
10036994 Protein albumin ratio increased
10036995 Protein albumin ratio low
10036996 Protein albumin ratio normal
10036997 Protein anabolism increased
10037001 Protein bound iodine decreased
10037002 Protein bound iodine increased
10037003 Protein bound iodine serum decreased
10037004 Protein bound iodine serum increased
10037005 Protein C decreased
10037006 Protein deficiency anaemia
10037007 Protein energy malnutrition
10037010 Protein NOS
10037011 Protein NOS normal
10037012 Protein total abnormal
10037013 Protein total abnormal NOS
10037014 Protein total decreased
10037015 Protein total high
10037016 Protein total increased
10037017 Protein total normal
10037018 Protein urine
10037019 Protein urine negative
10037020 Protein urine positive
10037021 Protein-bound iodine decreased
10037022 Protein-bound iodine increased
10037024 Protein-bound iodine serum decreased
10037026 Protein-bound iodine serum increase
10037027 Protein-calorie malnutrition
10037028 Protein-deficiency anaemia
10037029 Protein-deficiency anemia
10037030 Proteins Bence Jones present
10037031 Proteins serum plasma low
10037032 Proteinuria
10037033 Protein urine absent
10037036 Proteus infection NOS
10037038 Prothrombin
10037039 Prothrombin abnormal
10037040 Prothrombin activity
10037041 Prothrombin activity decreased
10037042 Prothrombin activity increased
10037043 Prothrombin consumption increased
10037044 Prothrombin decreased
10037045 Prothrombin deficiency
10037046 Prothrombin increased
10037047 Prothrombin level
10037048 Prothrombin level abnormal
10037049 Prothrombin level abnormal NOS
10037050 Prothrombin level decreased
10037051 Prothrombin level increased
10037052 Prothrombin level normal
10037053 Prothrombin normal
10037054 Prothrombin ratio
10037055 Prothrombin ratio decreased
10037056 Prothrombin time
10037057 Prothrombin time abnormal
10037058 Prothrombin time abnormal NOS
10037059 Prothrombin time decreased
10037061 Prothrombin time increased
10037062 Prothrombin time normal
10037063 Prothrombin time prolonged
10037064 Prothrombin time ratio
10037065 Prothrombin time ratio abnormal NOS
10037066 Prothrombin time ratio decreased
10037067 Prothrombin time ratio high
10037068 Prothrombin time ratio increased
10037069 Prothrombin time ratio low
10037070 Prothrombin time shortened
10037073 Protozoal infection NOS
10037076 Protrusion tongue
10037077 Proximal myelopathy
10037078 Proximal myopathy
10037079 Proximal myopathy aggravated
10037080 Proximal renal tubular acidosis
10037081 Proximal renal tubular dysfunction
10037083 Prurigo
10037084 Prurigo nodularis
10037085 Pruritic rash
10037087 Pruritus
10037089 Pruritus ani
10037090 Pruritus cutaneous
10037091 Pruritus facial
10037092 Pruritus generalized
10037093 Pruritus genital
10037094 Pruritus genital female
10037095 Pruritus genital NOS
10037096 Pruritus NOS
10037097 Pruritus of both hands
10037098 Pruritus of genital organs
10037099 Pruritus perineal
10037100 Pruritus senile
10037101 Pruritus vulvae
10037102 PSA increased
10037103 Pseudallescheria infection NOS
10037105 Pseudo aldosteronism
10037106 Pseudo leukaemia
10037107 Pseudo leukemia
10037108 Pseudo lymphoma
10037110 Pseudo mononucleosis
10037111 Pseudo-Bartter syndrome
10037112 Pseudo-blepharoptosis
10037113 Pseudoaldosteronism
10037114 Pseudobulbar palsy
10037115 Pseudocowpox
10037116 Pseudocyesis
10037117 Pseudodiverticular disease
10037118 Pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
10037119 Pseudoexfoliation of lens capsule
10037120 Pseudofolliculitis barbae
10037121 Pseudogout
10037122 Pseudohermaphroditism
10037123 Pseudohermaphroditism female
10037124 Pseudohermaphroditism male
10037125 Pseudohermaphroditism NOS
10037126 Pseudohypoparathyroidism
10037127 Pseudolymphoma
10037128 Pseudomembranous colitis
10037129 Pseudomembranous conjunctivitis
10037130 Pseudomembranous enterocolitis
10037131 Pseudomembranous patch
10037133 Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection NOS
10037135 Pseudomonas infection NOS
10037136 Pseudomonas mallei infection
10037137 Pseudomonas pseudomallei infection
10037138 Pseudomyxoma peritonei
10037139 Pseudoneoplasm abdominal
10037140 Pseudopapilledema
10037141 Pseudopapilloedema
10037142 Pseudoparkinsonism
10037143 Pseudopolyposis
10037144 Pseudopolyposis of colon
10037145 Pseudoporphyria
10037146 Pseudoprecocious puberty
10037147 Pseudopterygium
10037148 Pseudoseizure
10037149 Pseudotumor cerebri
10037150 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
10037151 Psittacosis
10037152 Psoralen with long wavelength ultraviolet light
10037153 Psoriasis
10037154 Psoriasis aggravated
10037156 Psoriasis flare-up
10037157 Psoriasis of scalp
10037158 Psoriasis palm & soles
10037159 Psoriasis pustular
10037160 Psoriatic arthritis
10037161 Psoriatic arthritis aggravated
10037162 Psoriatic arthropathy
10037164 Psoriatic arthropathy aggravated
10037165 Psoriatic erythrodermia
10037166 Psoriatic spondylitis
10037167 Psorospermiasis
10037169 PSP test abnormal
10037171 Psychalgia
10037172 Psychasthenia
10037174 Psychiatric disorder NOS
10037179 Psychiatric symptom NOS
10037183 Psychic disturbance
10037185 Psychogenic aerophagia
10037186 Psychogenic amnesia
10037187 Psychogenic aphonia
10037188 Psychogenic backache
10037189 Psychogenic bowel disorder
10037190 Psychogenic coma
10037191 Psychogenic disorder NOS
10037192 Psychogenic dysmenorrhea
10037193 Psychogenic dyspareunia
10037194 Psychogenic dysphonia
10037195 Psychogenic dysuria
10037196 Psychogenic fugue
10037197 Psychogenic genitourinary malfunction, unspecified
10037198 Psychogenic pain disorder
10037199 Psychogenic pain, site unspecified
10037200 Psychogenic paranoid psychosis
10037201 Psychogenic polydipsia
10037202 Psychogenic rumination
10037203 Psychogenic torticollis
10037204 Psychogenic vaginismus
10037205 Psychogenic vomiting
10037206 Psychoinfantile personality
10037207 Psychological factor affecting medical condition
10037208 Psychomotor development impaired
10037209 Psychomotor epilepsy
10037210 Psychomotor excitability
10037211 Psychomotor hyperactivity
10037212 Psychomotor restlessness
10037213 Psychomotor retardation
10037214 Psychomotor seizures
10037215 Psychoneuropathy NOS
10037216 Psychoneurosis
10037217 Psychopath
10037218 Psychopathic personality
10037220 Psychophysiologic reaction
10037222 Psychosexual disorder
10037223 Psychosexual disorder NOS
10037224 Psychosexual dysfunction
10037226 Psychosexual dysfunction with inhibited female orgasm
10037227 Psychosexual dysfunction with inhibited male orgasm
10037228 Psychosexual dysfunction with inhibited sexual desire
10037229 Psychosexual dysfunction with inhibited sexual excitement
10037231 Psychosexual dysfunction with premature ejaculation
10037232 Psychosexual dysfunction, unspecified
10037233 Psychosexual problems
10037234 Psychosis
10037235 Psychosis affective
10037236 Psychosis alcoholic
10037237 Psychosis depressive
10037238 Psychosis disintegrative
10037239 Psychosis manic
10037240 Psychosis manic-depressive
10037241 Psychosis NOS
10037242 Psychosis of childhood NOS
10037243 Psychosis paranoid
10037244 Psychosis postpartum
10037245 Psychosis senile
10037246 Psychosocial support
10037247 Psychotherapy
10037248 Psychotic
10037249 Psychotic behaviour
10037250 Psychotic depression
10037251 Psychotic disorder due to a general medical condition NOS
10037253 Psychotic disorder NOS
10037254 Psychotic episode
10037255 Psychotic family member
10037256 Psychotic reaction NOS
10037257 Psychotic relative
10037258 Psychotic spouse
10037259 Psychotic state
10037261 PT increased
10037262 PT prolonged
10037263 Pterygium
10037264 Pterygium operation
10037265 Pterygium, unspecified
10037266 PTH
10037267 PTH abnormal
10037268 PTH high
10037269 PTH increased
10037270 PTH low
10037271 PTH normal
10037272 Ptosis
10037273 Ptosis of eyelid
10037274 Ptosis of eyelid, unspecified
10037275 Ptosis repair
10037276 PTT prolonged
10037277 Ptyalism
10037278 Pubertal mastitis
10037279 Pubertal menorrhagia
10037280 Puberty
10037281 Puberty bleeding
10037282 Puberty precocious
10037283 Pubic abscess
10037284 Pubic lice
10037285 Pubic rami fracture
10037286 Pubis pediculosis
10037287 PUD
10037288 Pudendal hernia
10037289 Puerperal depression
10037290 Puerperal fever
10037291 Puerperal mastitis
10037292 Puerperal neurosis
10037293 Puerperal psychosis
10037294 Puerperal pyrexia
10037296 Puerperal pyrexia of unknown origin, postpartum
10037298 Puerperal sepsis
10037299 Puerperal uterine subinvolution
10037300 Puerperal venous thrombosis
10037301 Puerperal venous thrombosis (deep)
10037302 Puerperal venous thrombosis (superficial)
10037303 Puffiness face
10037304 Pugnacious
10037305 Pulled hamstring
10037308 Pulmonary A-V fistula
10037309 Pulmonary A-V malformation
10037310 Pulmonary actinomycotic infection
10037311 Pulmonary adenomatosis
10037312 Pulmonary agenesis
10037313 Pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage
10037314 Pulmonary alveolar hemorrhage
10037315 Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis
10037316 Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
10037317 Pulmonary alveolitis
10037318 Pulmonary angiogram
10037319 Pulmonary angiogram abnormal
10037320 Pulmonary angiogram normal
10037321 Pulmonary anthrax
10037322 Pulmonary aplasia
10037323 Pulmonary arrest
10037324 Pulmonary arterial pressure increased
10037325 Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure
10037326 Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure abnormal
10037327 Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure decreased
10037328 Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure high
10037329 Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure increased
10037330 Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure low
10037331 Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure normal
10037332 Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula
10037333 Pulmonary arteriolar resistance decreased
10037334 Pulmonary arteriolar resistance increased
10037335 Pulmonary arteriolar resistance within normal range
10037336 Pulmonary artery aneurysm
10037337 Pulmonary artery atresia
10037338 Pulmonary artery stenosis
10037339 Pulmonary artery stenosis congenital
10037340 Pulmonary artery thrombosis
10037341 Pulmonary capillary pressure increased
10037342 Pulmonary carcinoid tumor
10037343 Pulmonary carcinoid tumour
10037344 Pulmonary carcinoma
10037345 Pulmonary carcinoma cell type unspecified recurrent
10037346 Pulmonary carcinoma cell type unspecified stage I
10037347 Pulmonary carcinoma cell type unspecified stage II
10037348 Pulmonary carcinoma cell type unspecified stage III
10037349 Pulmonary carcinoma cell type unspecified stage IV
10037350 Pulmonary carcinoma in situ
10037351 Pulmonary carcinoma recurrent
10037352 Pulmonary carcinoma stage 0
10037353 Pulmonary carcinoma stage I
10037354 Pulmonary carcinoma stage II
10037355 Pulmonary carcinoma stage III
10037356 Pulmonary carcinoma stage IV
10037357 Pulmonary coccidioides
10037358 Pulmonary coccidioides chronic
10037359 Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis, unspecified
10037360 Pulmonary collapse
10037361 Pulmonary complications of anaesthesia or other sedation in labour and delivery
10037362 Pulmonary complications of anesthesia or other sedation in labor and delivery
10037368 Pulmonary congestion
10037370 Pulmonary contusion
10037371 Pulmonary cryptococcosis
10037373 Pulmonary disorder
10037374 Pulmonary echinococciasis
10037375 Pulmonary edema
10037377 Pulmonary embolism
10037380 Pulmonary embolus
10037381 Pulmonary empyema
10037382 Pulmonary eosinophilia
10037383 Pulmonary fibrosis
10037384 Pulmonary fibrosis (post inflammatory)
10037386 Pulmonary function impairment
10037387 Pulmonary function test NOS abnormal
10037388 Pulmonary function test NOS decreased
10037389 Pulmonary function test NOS low
10037390 Pulmonary function test NOS normal
10037391 Pulmonary granuloma
10037392 Pulmonary granuloma NOS
10037393 Pulmonary granulomatosis
10037394 Pulmonary haemorrhage
10037396 Pulmonary haemosiderosis
10037397 Pulmonary hemorrhage
10037399 Pulmonary hemosiderosis
10037400 Pulmonary hypertension
10037402 Pulmonary hypertension aggravated
10037403 Pulmonary hypertension NOS
10037404 Pulmonary hypertension NOS aggravated
10037405 Pulmonary hypertension primary
10037406 Pulmonary hypertension secondary
10037407 Pulmonary hypoplasia
10037408 Pulmonary incompetence
10037409 Pulmonary infarct
10037410 Pulmonary infarction
10037411 Pulmonary infiltration
10037412 Pulmonary infiltration eosinophilic
10037413 Pulmonary infiltration NOS
10037415 Pulmonary interstitial emphysema syndrome
10037416 Pulmonary interstitial shadow
10037417 Pulmonary irritation
10037418 Pulmonary lymphoma
10037419 Pulmonary malformation
10037420 Pulmonary metastases
10037421 Pulmonary microemboli
10037422 Pulmonary mycosis
10037423 Pulmonary oedema
10037426 Pulmonary oedema NOS
10037427 Pulmonary oedema post fume inhalation
10037428 Pulmonary osteoarthropathy hypertrophic
10037429 Pulmonary radiation injury NOS
10037430 Pulmonary sarcoidosis
10037431 Pulmonary sclerosis
10037433 Pulmonary stenosis
10037434 Pulmonary syphilis
10037435 Pulmonary TB
10037436 Pulmonary thromboembolism
10037437 Pulmonary thrombosis
10037438 Pulmonary thrombosis NOS
10037440 Pulmonary tuberculosis
10037441 Pulmonary tuberculosis aggravated
10037442 Pulmonary tuberculosis reactivated
10037443 Pulmonary tuberculosis, unspecified
10037444 Pulmonary tularemia
10037446 Pulmonary valve disease NOS
10037447 Pulmonary valve disorders
10037448 Pulmonary valve incompetence
10037449 Pulmonary valve replacement
10037450 Pulmonary valve stenosis
10037451 Pulmonary valve stenosis congenital
10037452 Pulmonary valvotomy
10037453 Pulmonary vascular disorder NOS
10037456 Pulmonary vascular resistance abnormality
10037457 Pulmonary vasculitis
10037458 Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
10037459 Pulmonary venous thrombosis
10037460 Pulmonic stenosis
10037462 Pulp degeneration
10037463 Pulpitis
10037464 Pulpitis dental
10037465 Pulsating exophthalmos
10037466 Pulse abnormal
10037467 Pulse abnormal NOS
10037468 Pulse abnormalities
10037469 Pulse absent
10037470 Pulse bounding
10037471 Pulse decreased
10037472 Pulse immeasurable
10037473 Pulse impalpable
10037474 Pulse increased
10037475 Pulse irregular
10037476 Pulse irregularity NOS
10037477 Pulse normal
10037478 Pulse pressure abnormal
10037479 Pulse pressure abnormal NOS
10037480 Pulse pressure decreased
10037481 Pulse pressure high
10037482 Pulse pressure increased
10037483 Pulse pressure normal
10037484 Pulse rapid
10037485 Pulse rate
10037486 Pulse rate decrease
10037487 Pulse rate decrease marked
10037488 Pulse rate decreased
10037489 Pulse rate fell
10037490 Pulse rate increased
10037491 Pulse rate low
10037492 Pulse thready
10037493 Pulse waveform abnormal NOS
10037494 Pulse weak
10037495 Pulseless
10037496 Pulseless disease
10037497 Pulselessness
10037498 Pulsus alternans
10037499 Pulsus bigeminis
10037500 Pulsus bigeminus
10037501 Pulsus bisferiens
10037502 Pulsus durus
10037503 Pulsus intercidens
10037504 Pulsus paradoxus
10037505 Pulsus undulosis
10037506 Punch biopsy of cervix
10037507 Punctate basophilia
10037508 Punctate keratitis
10037509 Punctate keratosis
10037510 Puncture of maxillary antrum
10037511 PUO
10037512 Pupil Adie's
10037513 Pupil Argyll Robertson
10037515 Pupil fixed
10037516 Pupil fixed dilated
10037517 Pupil unequal
10037519 Pupillary accommodation disorder
10037520 Pupillary block
10037521 Pupillary disorder
10037522 Pupillary disorder NOS
10037523 Pupillary light reflex lost
10037524 Pupillary light reflex tests
10037525 Pupillary light reflex tests abnormal
10037526 Pupillary light reflex tests abnormal bilaterally
10037527 Pupillary light reflex tests abnormal unilaterally
10037528 Pupillary light reflex tests normal
10037529 Pupillary reaction abnormal
10037530 Pupillary reaction slow
10037531 Pupillary reflex absent
10037532 Pupillary reflex impaired
10037534 Pupils constricted
10037535 Pupils dilated
10037536 Pupils fixed
10037537 Pupils pinpoint
10037538 Pupils unequal
10037539 Pure hypercholesterolaemia
10037540 Pure hypercholesterolemia
10037541 Pure hyperglyceridaemia
10037542 Pure hyperglyceridemia
10037543 Pure intrahepatic cholestasis
10037544 Purging
10037545 Purine metabolism disorder NOS
10037548 Purple red macule
10037549 Purpura
10037551 Purpura allergic
10037552 Purpura anaphylactoid
10037556 Purpura fulminans
10037557 Purpura neonatal
10037559 Purpura NOS
10037560 Purpura senile
10037561 Purpura thrombocytopenic
10037562 Purpura thrombopaenic thrombotic
10037563 Purpura thrombopenic thrombotic
10037564 Purpura vascular
10037565 Purpura vascular allergic
10037566 Purpuric rash
10037567 Purulence NOS
10037568 Purulent conjunctivitis
10037569 Purulent discharge
10037570 Purulent endophthalmitis
10037571 Purulent endophthalmitis, unspecified
10037572 Pustular acne
10037574 Pustular eczema
10037575 Pustular psoriasis
10037576 Pustular rash
10037577 Pustular skin eruption
10037578 Pustule
10037579 Pustules on hand
10037580 PUVA
10037583 Pyaemia
10037584 Pyelitis
10037586 Pyelitis, acute
10037587 Pyelogram
10037588 Pyelogram abnormal
10037589 Pyelogram intravenous
10037590 Pyelogram intravenous abnormal
10037591 Pyelogram intravenous normal
10037592 Pyelogram normal
10037593 Pyelogram retrograde
10037594 Pyelogram retrograde abnormal
10037595 Pyelogram retrograde normal
10037596 Pyelonephritis
10037597 Pyelonephritis acute
10037598 Pyelonephritis acute necrotising
10037599 Pyelonephritis acute necrotizing
10037600 Pyelonephritis acute NOS
10037601 Pyelonephritis chronic
10037602 Pyelonephritis chronic NOS
10037603 Pyelonephritis mycoplasmal
10037604 Pyelonephritis NOS
10037605 Pyelonephritis or pyonephrosis, not specified as acute or chronic
10037606 Pyelonephritis, unspecified
10037607 Pyeloplasty
10037608 Pyeloureteritis cystica
10037609 Pyemia
10037610 Pylephlebitis
10037611 Pylethrombosis
10037612 Pyloric carcinoma
10037613 Pyloric carcinoma in situ
10037614 Pyloric carcinoma recurrent
10037615 Pyloric carcinoma stage 0
10037616 Pyloric carcinoma stage I
10037617 Pyloric carcinoma stage II
10037618 Pyloric carcinoma stage III
10037619 Pyloric carcinoma stage IV NOS
10037620 Pyloric carcinoma stage IV without metastases
10037621 Pyloric stenosis
10037623 Pyloric stenosis congenital
10037624 Pyloric stenosis NOS
10037625 Pyloric ulcer
10037626 Pyloromyotomy
10037627 Pyloroplasty
10037628 Pylorospasm
10037629 Pylorus hypertrophic congenital
10037630 Pylorus ulcer
10037631 Pyoarthrosis
10037632 Pyoderma
10037633 Pyoderma (skin infection)
10037634 Pyoderma gangenosum
10037635 Pyoderma gangrenosum
10037636 Pyoderma gangrenous
10037637 Pyoderma streptococcal
10037638 Pyogenic arthritis
10037640 Pyogenic arthritis involving forearm
10037641 Pyogenic arthritis involving hand
10037642 Pyogenic arthritis involving lower leg
10037646 Pyogenic arthritis involving shoulder region
10037647 Pyogenic arthritis involving upper arm
10037648 Pyogenic arthritis, site unspecified
10037649 Pyogenic granuloma
10037650 Pyogenic granuloma of skin and subcutaneous tissue
10037651 Pyometra
10037652 Pyomyositis
10037653 Pyonephrosis
10037654 Pyonephrosis NOS
10037655 Pyorrhea
10037656 Pyorrhoea
10037657 Pyosalpinx
10037658 Pyothorax
10037659 Pyramidal tract lesion
10037660 Pyrexia
10037661 Pyrexia abnormal
10037662 Pyrexia drug
10037663 Pyrexia NOS
10037664 Pyrexia of unknown origin
10037665 Pyrexia of unknown origin (excl puerperal)
10037666 Pyrexia of unknown origin during the puerperium
10037667 Pyrexia puerperal
10037668 Pyrexial
10037669 Pyrexial cold
10037670 Pyrexial fit
10037671 Pyridoxine deficiency
10037672 Pyridoxine deficiency anemia
10037673 Pyrogenic liver abscess
10037674 Pyromania
10037675 Pyrophosphate arthropathy
10037676 Pyrosis
10037677 Pyruvate
10037678 Pyruvate abnormal NOS
10037679 Pyruvate decreased
10037680 Pyruvate high
10037681 Pyruvate increased
10037682 Pyruvate kinase deficiency anaemia
10037683 Pyruvate low
10037684 Pyruvate normal
10037685 Pyruvic acid
10037686 Pyuria
10037687 Q axis, left axis deviation
10037688 Q fever
10037690 Q wave MI
10037691 Q waves
10037692 Q-fever
10037693 QRS complex
10037694 QRS increase in time
10037695 QRS increased in time
10037696 QRS normal
10037697 QRS prolonged
10037698 QRS time prolonged
10037699 QRS widened
10037700 QT increased
10037701 QT interval
10037702 QT interval normal
10037703 QT interval prolonged
10037704 QT interval shortened
10037705 QT prolonged
10037706 QT shortened
10037707 QTc
10037711 Quadrantic hemianopia
10037712 Quadrantic hemianopsia
10037713 Quadraplegic
10037714 Quadriplegia
10037719 Quadriplegia, unspecified
10037720 Quadriplegic infantile cerebral palsy
10037721 Quadruple vessel bypass graft
10037722 Quadruplet pregnancy
10037725 Quadruplet pregnancy, delivered
10037726 Quadruplet pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10037728 Quarrelsomeness
10037729 Quartan malaria
10037730 Queasy
10037731 Queensland tick typhus
10037732 Queyrat erythroplasia
10037733 Quick pulse
10037734 Quincke's edema
10037735 Quincke's oedema
10037736 Quinine intoxication
10037737 Quinsy
10037739 R sciatica
10037740 RA
10037741 RA latex test
10037742 Rabies
10037744 Rabies virus infection
10037745 Radial artery injury
10037746 Radial collateral ligament sprain
10037747 Radial head fracture
10037748 Radial nerve decompression
10037749 Radial nerve injury
10037750 Radial nerve lesion NOS
10037751 Radial nerve palsy
10037752 Radial pulse impalpable
10037753 Radial styloid tenosynovitis
10037754 Radiation alveolitis
10037755 Radiation associated pain
10037756 Radiation cataract
10037758 Radiation fibrosis - lung
10037760 Radiation injury
10037761 Radiation injury NOS
10037762 Radiation injury NOS affecting foetus
10037763 Radiation mucositis
10037764 Radiation myelopathy
10037765 Radiation pneumonitis
10037766 Radiation proctitis
10037767 Radiation recall reaction (dermatologic)
10037768 Radiation recall syndrome
10037769 Radiation skin sensitivity
10037770 Radiation therapy
10037771 Radical hysterectomy
10037772 Radical lymphadenectomy
10037773 Radical mastectomy
10037774 Radical mastoidectomy
10037775 Radical nephrectomy
10037776 Radicular cyst
10037777 Radicular cyst dental
10037778 Radiculitis brachial
10037779 Radiculopathy
10037780 Radiculopathy NOS
10037781 Radiculotomy
10037782 Radioactive implant
10037783 Radioactive implant of pituitary gland
10037784 Radioactive iodine therapy
10037785 Radioactive isotope pleura therapy
10037786 Radioactive isotope thyroid therapy
10037787 Radioallergosorbent test
10037788 Radioallergosorbent test negative
10037789 Radioallergosorbent test positive
10037790 Radiocontrast nephropathy
10037791 Radiohumeral (joint) sprain
10037793 Radiosensitisers therapy
10037794 Radiotherapy
10037795 Radiotherapy NOS
10037798 Radioulnar synostosis
10037799 Radium implant
10037800 Radium implant in vagina
10037801 Radium implant to ovary
10037802 Radius fracture
10037803 RAEB
10037804 Rage
10037805 Raised bilirubin
10037806 Raised blood pressure
10037807 Raised blood urea
10037808 Raised BP
10037809 Raised CO2 tension
10037810 Raised drug level
10037811 Raised drug levels in blood
10037812 Raised drug levels in cerebrospinal fluid
10037813 Raised ESR
10037814 Raised HDL
10037815 Raised IgA
10037816 Raised IgG
10037817 Raised IgM
10037818 Raised INR
10037819 Raised IOP
10037820 Raised JVP
10037821 Raised LDL
10037822 Raised LFTs
10037823 Raised liver enzymes
10037824 Raised P24
10037825 Raised serum creatinine
10037826 Raised serum lipid levels
10037827 Raised serum uric acid
10037829 Raised triglycerides
10037830 Raised VLDL
10037831 Raised WBC
10037832 Rale
10037833 Rales
10037834 Ramsay-Hunt syndrome
10037835 Ramstedt's operation
10037836 Ramus of mandible closed fracture of unspecified part
10037837 Ramus of mandible of unspecified part open fracture
10037838 Ranula
10037840 Rape victim
10037841 Rapid eye movements sleep abnormal
10037842 Rapid progress of labour
10037843 Rapist
10037844 Rash
10037845 Rash (nonspecific)
10037847 Rash acneiform
10037848 Rash all over
10037850 Rash at site of injection
10037851 Rash both legs
10037852 Rash bullous
10037853 Rash desquamating
10037854 Rash ecchymotic
10037855 Rash erythematous
10037856 Rash face
10037857 Rash follicular
10037858 Rash generalised
10037859 Rash haemorrhagic
10037860 Rash hemorrhagic
10037861 Rash herpetiform
10037862 Rash impetiginous
10037863 Rash in the outer ear
10037864 Rash injection site
10037866 Rash lupus-like
10037867 Rash macular
10037868 Rash maculo-papular
10037869 Rash measly
10037870 Rash morbilliform
10037871 Rash neonatal
10037872 Rash NOS
10037873 Rash on face
10037874 Rash on legs & arms
10037875 Rash over arms
10037876 Rash papular
10037877 Rash papulo-squamous
10037878 Rash papulo-vesicular
10037879 Rash papulosquamous
10037880 Rash papulovesicular
10037881 Rash pemphigoid
10037882 Rash petechial
10037883 Rash photosensitivity
10037884 Rash pruritic
10037885 Rash psoriaform
10037887 Rash purpuric
10037888 Rash pustular
10037889 Rash scaly
10037890 Rash scarlatiniform
10037891 Rash seborrheic
10037892 Rash seborrhoeic
10037895 Rash urticaria-like
10037896 Rash urticarial
10037897 Rash varicelliform
10037898 Rash vesicular
10037899 Rash vesiculo-bullous
10037900 Rash vesiculo-pustular
10037901 Rash vesiculobullous
10037902 Rash vesiculopustular
10037903 RAST
10037904 Rat-bite fever
10037905 Rat-bite fever unspecified
10037906 Rat-bite spirillary fever
10037907 Rat-bite streptobacillary fever
10037909 Raynaud like disorder
10037910 Raynaud's disease
10037911 Raynaud's disease aggravated
10037912 Raynaud's phenomenon
10037913 Raynaud's phenomenon aggravated
10037914 Raynaud's syndrome
10037915 Raynaud-like disorder
10037916 Raynaud-like phenomena
10037917 Raynauds
10037918 Raynauds phenomena of feet
10037920 RBBB
10037921 RBC abnormal (NOS)
10037922 RBC count
10037923 RBC count abnormal
10037924 RBC count increased
10037925 RBC count normal
10037926 RBC decreased
10037927 RBC sedimentation increased
10037928 RBC sedimentation rate increased
10037929 RBC urine
10037930 Reaction aggravation
10037931 Reaction alarm
10037932 Reaction allergic (NOS)
10037934 Reaction antisocial
10037935 Reaction anxiety
10037936 Reaction application site
10037937 Reaction asocial
10037938 Reaction belligerent
10037939 Reaction catabolic
10037940 Reaction catatonic
10037941 Reaction combative
10037942 Reaction conversion
10037943 Reaction dissociative
10037944 Reaction eczematous
10037945 Reaction emotional
10037946 Reaction febrile
10037947 Reaction gastrointestinal
10037948 Reaction hypersensitivity (NOS)
10037949 Reaction hypoglycemic
10037950 Reaction injection site (NOS)
10037951 Reaction leukemoid
10037952 Reaction lymphoma-like
10037953 Reaction manic
10037954 Reaction manic-depressive
10037955 Reaction mononucleoid
10037956 Reaction myasthenia gravis-like
10037958 Reaction neurotic
10037959 Reaction nonspecific
10037961 Reaction obsessive-compulsive
10037962 Reaction panic
10037963 Reaction paranoid
10037964 Reaction perinatal
10037965 Reaction phobic
10037967 Reaction psychophysiologic
10037968 Reaction schizoid
10037969 Reaction scleroderma-like
10037970 Reaction serum sickness-like
10037973 Reaction to azo-dyes
10037974 Reaction to colouring
10037975 Reaction to drug excipient
10037976 Reaction to drug preservatives
10037977 Reaction to food additive
10037978 Reaction to food coloring
10037979 Reaction to metabisulphite
10037980 Reaction to monosodium glutamate
10037981 Reaction to sodium benzoate
10037983 Reaction to sulphite
10037984 Reaction to tartrazine
10037985 Reaction unevaluable
10037987 Reactivated duodenal ulcer
10037988 Reactivated GU
10037989 Reactivated peptic ulcer
10037990 Reactivated PU
10037991 Reactivated pulmonary TB
10037992 Reactivation of carcinoma
10037993 Reactive airways disease
10037994 Reactive arthritis
10037995 Reactive arthropathy
10037996 Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
10037997 Reactive confusion
10037998 Reactive depression
10037999 Reading disorder
10038000 Rebound & guarding
10038001 Rebound effect
10038002 Rebound hypertension
10038008 Receptive aphasia
10038009 Receptive dysphasia
10038010 Receptor silent type acute leukaemia
10038011 Recession of chamber angle of eye
10038012 Reciprocating tachycardia
10038013 Reconciliation with partner
10038014 Reconciliation with spouse
10038015 Reconstruction of larynx
10038016 Recovered smoker
10038017 Recrudescent typhus
10038018 Rectal abscess drainage
10038019 Rectal adenocarcinoma
10038020 Rectal adenocarcinoma Dukes A
10038021 Rectal adenocarcinoma Dukes B1
10038022 Rectal adenocarcinoma Dukes B2
10038023 Rectal adenocarcinoma Dukes C
10038024 Rectal adenocarcinoma Dukes D
10038025 Rectal adenocarcinoma recurrent
10038026 Rectal adenocarcinoma stage I
10038027 Rectal adenocarcinoma stage II
10038028 Rectal adenocarcinoma stage III
10038029 Rectal adenocarcinoma stage IV
10038030 Rectal adenocarcinoma stage unspecified
10038031 Rectal atresia
10038032 Rectal biopsy
10038033 Rectal biopsy abnormal
10038034 Rectal biopsy normal
10038035 Rectal bleeding
10038036 Rectal bleeding (excl gut haemorrhage and piles)
10038037 Rectal blood loss
10038038 Rectal cancer
10038040 Rectal cancer Dukes A
10038041 Rectal cancer Dukes B1
10038042 Rectal cancer Dukes B2
10038043 Rectal cancer Dukes C
10038044 Rectal cancer Dukes D
10038045 Rectal cancer NOS
10038046 Rectal cancer recurrent
10038047 Rectal cancer stage 0
10038048 Rectal cancer stage I
10038049 Rectal cancer stage II
10038050 Rectal cancer stage III
10038051 Rectal cancer stage IV
10038052 Rectal carcinoma
10038053 Rectal carcinoma in situ
10038054 Rectal carcinoma recurrent
10038055 Rectal carcinoma stage 0
10038056 Rectal carcinoma stage II
10038057 Rectal carcinoma stage III
10038058 Rectal carcinoma stage IV
10038059 Rectal carcinoma stage unspecified
10038060 Rectal disorder
10038061 Rectal disorder NOS
10038062 Rectal fistula
10038063 Rectal haemorrhage
10038064 Rectal hemorrhage
10038065 Rectal implant brachytherapy
10038066 Rectal inflammatory process
10038067 Rectal interstitial brachytherapy
10038068 Rectal laceration (surgical complication)
10038069 Rectal laceration postoperative
10038070 Rectal lesion excision
10038071 Rectal neoplasm NOS
10038072 Rectal pain
10038073 Rectal perforation
10038074 Rectal polyp
10038075 Rectal polypectomy
10038076 Rectal pressure severe
10038077 Rectal prolapse
10038078 Rectal prolapse repair
10038079 Rectal stenosis
10038080 Rectal ulcer
10038081 Rectal ulcer haemorrhage
10038082 Rectal ulcer haemorrhagic
10038083 Recto-sigmoidectomy
10038084 Rectocele
10038085 Rectopexy
10038086 Rectosigmoid cancer
10038087 Rectosigmoid cancer Dukes A
10038088 Rectosigmoid cancer Dukes B1
10038089 Rectosigmoid cancer Dukes B2
10038090 Rectosigmoid cancer Dukes C
10038091 Rectosigmoid cancer Dukes D
10038092 Rectosigmoid cancer in situ
10038093 Rectosigmoid cancer NOS
10038094 Rectosigmoid cancer recurrent
10038095 Rectosigmoid cancer stage 0
10038096 Rectosigmoid cancer stage I
10038097 Rectosigmoid cancer stage II
10038098 Rectosigmoid cancer stage III
10038099 Rectosigmoid cancer stage IV
10038100 Rectosigmoid cancer stage unspecified
10038101 Rectum biopsy
10038102 Rectum to skin fistula
10038103 Rectus muscle strain
10038104 Recurrent abortion
10038105 Recurrent bilateral femoral hernia with gangrene
10038106 Recurrent bilateral femoral hernia with obstruction
10038107 Recurrent bilateral femoral hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10038110 Recurrent bilateral inguinal hernia, without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10038111 Recurrent cancer
10038112 Recurrent cholesteatoma of postmastoidectomy cavity
10038113 Recurrent dislocation of ankle and foot joint
10038114 Recurrent dislocation of elbow
10038115 Recurrent dislocation of forearm joint
10038116 Recurrent dislocation of hand joint
10038117 Recurrent dislocation of hip
10038118 Recurrent dislocation of joint
10038122 Recurrent dislocation of joint of shoulder region
10038123 Recurrent dislocation of joint, site unspecified
10038124 Recurrent dislocation of lower leg joint
10038125 Recurrent dislocation of patella
10038126 Recurrent dislocation of shoulder
10038127 Recurrent dislocation of upper arm joint
10038128 Recurrent erosion of cornea
10038129 Recurrent iridocyclitis
10038130 Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy
10038131 Recurrent pterygium
10038132 Recurrent PV thrush
10038133 Recurrent respiratory tract infections
10038140 Recurrent urinary tract infection
10038141 Recurrent UTI
10038142 Recurring boils
10038143 Recurring skin boils
10038145 Red blood cell abnormalities (excl anaemia)
10038146 Red blood cell abnormality NOS
10038147 Red blood cell agglutination present
10038149 Red blood cell anisocytosis NOS present
10038150 Red blood cell count
10038151 Red blood cell count abnormal
10038152 Red blood cell count abnormal NOS
10038153 Red blood cell count decreased
10038154 Red blood cell count high
10038155 Red blood cell count increased
10038156 Red blood cell count low
10038157 Red blood cell count normal
10038159 Red blood cell elliptocytosis present
10038160 Red blood cell Heinz bodies present
10038161 Red blood cell hypochromic morphology present
10038162 Red blood cell macrocytes present
10038163 Red blood cell microcytes present
10038164 Red blood cell morphology NOS abnormal
10038165 Red blood cell nucleated morphology present
10038166 Red blood cell poikilocytosis NOS present
10038167 Red blood cell punctate basophilia present
10038168 Red blood cell rouleaux formation present
10038169 Red blood cell schistocytes present
10038170 Red blood cell sickled cells present
10038171 Red blood cell target cells present
10038172 Red blood cell vacuolization present
10038173 Red blood cells CSF positive
10038174 Red blood cells in cerebrospinal fluid
10038175 Red blood cells in CSF
10038176 Red blood cells semen
10038177 Red blood cells semen abnormal NOS
10038178 Red blood cells semen high
10038179 Red blood cells semen negative
10038180 Red blood cells semen positive
10038182 Red blood cells urine positive
10038183 Red blotches
10038184 Red cell aplasia
10038186 Red confluent rash
10038187 Red confluent rash both legs
10038188 Red confluent rash cheeks
10038189 Red eye
10038190 Red face
10038192 Red man syndrome
10038193 Red man's syndrome
10038194 Red neck
10038195 Red neck syndrome
10038196 Red throat
10038197 Red urine
10038198 Redness
10038200 Redness facial
10038201 Redness generalised
10038202 Redness generalized
10038203 Redness of external ear
10038204 Redness of eyelid
10038205 Redness of eyes
10038206 Redness of face
10038207 Redness of legs
10038208 Redness of nares
10038210 Reduced CO2 tension
10038211 Reduced interest in usual activities
10038212 Reduced lacrimal gland secretion
10038213 Reduced platelet count
10038214 Reduced serum creatinine
10038215 Reduced tear production
10038216 Reducing test urine false positive
10038220 Reduction of closed fracture
10038221 Reduction of dislocated knee
10038222 Reduction of dislocated shoulder
10038223 Reduction of fractured jaw
10038224 Reduction of fractured nose
10038225 Reduction of large bowel intussusception
10038226 Reduction of large bowel obstruction
10038227 Reduction of torsion of testes
10038228 Reduction of workforce
10038229 Redundant employee
10038231 Redundant prepuce
10038234 Refashioning of colostomy
10038235 Refashioning of ileostomy
10038236 Refeeding syndrome
10038237 Referred otogenic pain
10038238 Reflex Babinski positive
10038239 Reflex bladder
10038241 Reflex loss
10038242 Reflex neurobladder
10038243 Reflex plantar extensor
10038244 Reflex plantar upgoing
10038245 Reflex positive pathological
10038246 Reflex response audiometry
10038247 Reflex response audiometry abnormal
10038248 Reflex response audiometry normal
10038249 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
10038251 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the lower limb
10038252 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the upper limb
10038253 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, unspecified
10038254 Reflexes abnormal
10038256 Reflexes absent
10038257 Reflexes decreased
10038258 Reflexes increased
10038260 Reflexes tendon increased
10038261 Reflexology
10038262 Reflux esophagitis
10038263 Reflux oesophagitis
10038264 Refraction disorder
10038265 Refraction disorder of
10038266 Refractive amblyopia
10038268 Refractive errors NOS
10038269 Refractory anaemia
10038270 Refractory anaemia with an excess of blasts
10038271 Refractory anaemia with excess blasts in transformation
10038272 Refractory anaemia with ringed sideroblasts
10038273 Refractory anemia
10038274 Refractory hypertension
10038275 Refsum's disease
10038278 Refusal of treatment for reason of religion
10038279 Refusal of treatment for reasons of religion of parent
10038280 Regional enteritis
10038281 Regional enteritis of large intestine
10038282 Regional enteritis of small intestine
10038284 Regional enteritis of unspecified site
10038285 Regional ileitis aggravated
10038286 Regional nerve block
10038287 Regular astigmatism
10038288 Regurgitation of food
10038289 Reifenstein's syndrome
10038290 Reinfusion
10038291 Reintubate
10038292 Reiter syndrome
10038293 Reiter's disease
10038294 Reiter's syndrome
10038295 Reiters disease
10038296 Rejection acute hepatic
10038297 Rejection acute renal
10038298 Rejection chronic hepatic
10038299 Rejection chronic renal
10038300 Relapsing fever
10038301 Relapsing fever, louse-borne
10038302 Relapsing fever, tick-borne
10038304 Relapsing polychondritis
10038305 Relationship breakdown
10038307 Relative erythrocytosis
10038308 Relaxation
10038309 Relaxation therapy
10038310 Relaxed
10038311 Release extensor origin
10038312 Releasing factor agonist therapy
10038313 REM sleep abnormal
10038315 Remarriage
10038316 Remnant hyperlipidaemia
10038317 Removal of ambulatory peritoneal catheter
10038318 Removal of Bartholin's cyst
10038319 Removal of celestin tube
10038321 Removal of dirt from skin
10038322 Removal of epiphyseal fixation
10038323 Removal of fibrosarcoma
10038324 Removal of foreign body from conjunctiva
10038325 Removal of foreign body from esophagus
10038326 Removal of foreign body from external ear
10038327 Removal of foreign body from eye
10038328 Removal of foreign body from eyelids
10038329 Removal of foreign body from joint
10038330 Removal of foreign body from larynx
10038331 Removal of foreign body from lens
10038332 Removal of foreign body from nose
10038333 Removal of foreign body from oesophagus
10038334 Removal of foreign body from throat
10038335 Removal of foreign body NOS
10038336 Removal of hip prosthesis
10038337 Removal of inert matter from skin or subcutaneous tissue
10038338 Removal of internal fixation
10038339 Removal of kidney stone
10038340 Removal of knee prosthesis
10038341 Removal of meniscus of knee
10038342 Removal of metal from skin
10038343 Removal of other matter from skin or subcutaneous tissue
10038344 Removal of renal stone
10038345 Removal of renal transplant
10038346 Removal of Shirodkar suture
10038347 Removal of toe nail
10038348 Removal of urethral catheter
10038349 Removal of wisdom teeth
10038350 Removal retained placenta
10038351 Renal abscess
10038352 Renal abscess NOS
10038353 Renal acidosis tubular
10038354 Renal agenesis
10038356 Renal agenesis congenital
10038357 Renal amyloidosis
10038366 Renal aneurysm
10038367 Renal angle tenderness
10038368 Renal arteriovenous malformation
10038369 Renal arteriogram
10038370 Renal arteriogram abnormal
10038371 Renal arteriogram normal
10038372 Renal arteriosclerosis
10038373 Renal arteritis
10038374 Renal artery aneurysm
10038375 Renal artery atherosclerosis
10038376 Renal artery embolism
10038377 Renal artery hyperplasia
10038378 Renal artery stenosis
10038379 Renal artery stenosis NOS
10038380 Renal artery thrombosis
10038381 Renal atrophy
10038382 Renal biopsy
10038383 Renal biopsy abnormal
10038384 Renal biopsy normal
10038385 Renal calculi
10038386 Renal calculus
10038387 Renal calculus NOS
10038388 Renal calculus removal
10038389 Renal cancer
10038390 Renal cancer recurrent
10038391 Renal cancer stage I
10038392 Renal cancer stage II
10038393 Renal cancer stage III
10038394 Renal cancer stage IV
10038395 Renal carcinoma
10038396 Renal carcinoma recurrent
10038397 Renal carcinoma stage I
10038398 Renal carcinoma stage II
10038399 Renal carcinoma stage III
10038400 Renal carcinoma stage IV
10038401 Renal cell adenocarcinoma
10038402 Renal cell adenocarcinoma recurrent
10038403 Renal cell adenocarcinoma stage I
10038404 Renal cell adenocarcinoma stage II
10038405 Renal cell adenocarcinoma stage III
10038406 Renal cell adenocarcinoma stage IV
10038407 Renal cell cancer
10038409 Renal cell carcinoma NOS
10038410 Renal cell carcinoma recurrent
10038411 Renal cell carcinoma stage I
10038412 Renal cell carcinoma stage II
10038413 Renal cell carcinoma stage III
10038414 Renal cell carcinoma stage IV
10038415 Renal cell carcinoma stage unspecified
10038416 Renal clear cell carcinoma
10038417 Renal clearance NOS decreased
10038418 Renal clearances low
10038419 Renal colic
10038421 Renal concentrating power decreased
10038422 Renal cortical necrosis
10038423 Renal cyst
10038424 Renal cyst (excl congenital)
10038425 Renal cyst excision
10038426 Renal cyst NOS
10038427 Renal cystectomy
10038428 Renal disorder
10038429 Renal disorder NOS
10038432 Renal dysgenesis
10038433 Renal dysplasia
10038435 Renal failure
10038436 Renal failure acute
10038437 Renal failure acute hypotensive
10038438 Renal failure acute ischaemic
10038439 Renal failure acute ischemic
10038440 Renal failure acute on chronic
10038441 Renal failure acute uratic
10038442 Renal failure aggravated
10038444 Renal failure chronic
10038445 Renal failure chronic aggravated
10038447 Renal failure neonatal
10038448 Renal failure NOS
10038449 Renal failure unspecified
10038450 Renal failure, unspecified
10038451 Renal function abnormal
10038452 Renal function abnormal glomer
10038453 Renal function aggravated
10038455 Renal function disorder
10038456 Renal function tests NOS abnormal
10038457 Renal glycosuria
10038458 Renal granular cell carcinoma
10038459 Renal haematoma
10038460 Renal haemorrhage
10038462 Renal hematoma
10038463 Renal hemorrhage
10038464 Renal hypertension
10038467 Renal hypertension NOS
10038468 Renal hypertrophy
10038469 Renal impairment NOS
10038470 Renal infarct
10038471 Renal infarction
10038473 Renal injury NOS
10038474 Renal insufficiency
10038475 Renal interstitial fibrosis
10038476 Renal interstitium disorder
10038477 Renal lesion excision
10038479 Renal medullary necrosis
10038480 Renal metastases
10038481 Renal necrosis
10038483 Renal necrosis NOS
10038484 Renal neoplasia
10038485 Renal neoplasm NOS
10038489 Renal osteodystrophy
10038490 Renal pain
10038491 Renal papillary necrosis
10038492 Renal papillitis
10038493 Renal papillitis necrotising
10038494 Renal papillitis necrotizing
10038495 Renal parenchymal haemorrhage
10038496 Renal parenchymal hemorrhage
10038497 Renal pelvis and ureter transitional cell cancer localized
10038498 Renal pelvis and ureter transitional cell cancer metastatic
10038499 Renal pelvis and ureter transitional cell cancer NOS
10038500 Renal pelvis and ureter transitional cell cancer recurrent
10038501 Renal pelvis and ureter transitional cell cancer regional
10038503 Renal pelvis and ureteral cancer transitional cell localized
10038504 Renal pelvis and ureteral cancer transitional cell metastatic
10038505 Renal pelvis and ureteral cancer transitional cell NOS
10038506 Renal pelvis and ureteral cancer transitional cell recurrent
10038507 Renal pelvis and ureteral cancer transitional cell regional
10038508 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer localized transitional cell
10038509 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer metastatic transitional cell
10038510 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer NOS transitional cell
10038511 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer recurrent transitional cell
10038512 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer regional transitional cell
10038513 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer transitional cell localized
10038514 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer transitional cell metastatic
10038515 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer transitional cell NOS
10038516 Renal pelvis and ureteric cancer transitional cell recurrent
10038517 Renal pelvis cancer NOS
10038518 Renal polyarteritis
10038519 Renal rickets
10038520 Renal scan
10038521 Renal scan NOS
10038522 Renal scan NOS abnormal
10038523 Renal scan NOS normal
10038524 Renal sclerosis
10038525 Renal sclerosis, unspecified
10038526 Renal shutdown acute
10038527 Renal stone
10038528 Renal stone removal
10038530 Renal syphilis
10038531 Renal TB
10038532 Renal tract inflammation
10038533 Renal transplant
10038534 Renal tuberculosis
10038535 Renal tubular acidosis
10038536 Renal tubular atrophy
10038537 Renal tubular disorder
10038538 Renal tubular disorder acute
10038539 Renal tubular disorder NOS
10038540 Renal tubular necrosis
10038541 Renal tubular necrosis acute
10038542 Renal tumour excision
10038544 Renal vascular disorder NOS
10038546 Renal vasculitis
10038547 Renal vein embolism
10038548 Renal vein thrombosis
10038549 Renal venogram
10038550 Renal venogram abnormal
10038551 Renal venogram normal
10038552 Renal vessel congenital anomaly
10038553 Renal vessel disorder
10038554 Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome
10038555 Renin
10038556 Renin abnormal
10038557 Renin decreased
10038558 Renin high
10038559 Renin increased
10038560 Renin low
10038561 Renin normal
10038562 Renovascular hypertension
10038563 Reocclusion
10038564 Repair aortic aneurysm
10038565 Repair detached retina
10038566 Repair hiatus hernia
10038567 Repair hydrocele
10038568 Repair multiple pelvic injuries
10038569 Repair of imperforate anus
10038570 Repair of imperforate rectum
10038571 Repair of pharynx
10038572 Repair of urinary tract injuries
10038573 Repair pelvic floor
10038574 Repair penetrating eye injury
10038575 Repair rectal prolapse
10038576 Repair uterine prolapse
10038577 Repair varicocele
10038578 Repeated parasuicide
10038579 Repeated surgical procedure
10038580 Reperfusion arrhythmias
10038581 Repetitive intrusions of sleep
10038582 Repetitive motion injury
10038583 Repetitive speech
10038584 Repetitive strain injury
10038585 Replacement of urethral catheter
10038603 Reproductive organ metastases NOS
10038610 Reproductive tract disorder NOS
10038614 RES stimulated
10038615 Resection of bladder neck
10038616 Resection of rectum
10038617 Resection of rectum (exc.abdomino-perineal)
10038618 Residual foreign body in soft tissue
10038619 Residual function
10038620 Residual function abnormal
10038621 Residual function decreased
10038622 Residual function high
10038623 Residual function increased
10038624 Residual function low
10038625 Residual function normal
10038626 Residual haemorrhoidal skin tags
10038627 Residual hemorrhoidal skin tags
10038628 Residual schizophrenia
10038629 Residual schizophrenia, chronic state
10038630 Residual schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10038631 Residual schizophrenia, in remission
10038632 Residual schizophrenia, subchronic state
10038633 Residual schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10038634 Residual schizophrenia, unspecified state
10038635 Residual stage of angle-closure glaucoma
10038636 Residual stage of open angle glaucoma
10038637 Resistance bacterial
10038638 Resistance capillary decreased
10038639 Resistant oral thrush
10038640 Resolving infantile idiopathic scoliosis
10038641 Resonance disorder
10038642 Resorption bone increased
10038644 Resp gas exchange disorder NOS
10038647 Respiration abnormal
10038648 Respiration biot-type
10038649 Respiration Cheyne-Stokes-type
10038650 Respiration depressed
10038651 Respiration failure
10038652 Respiration irregularity
10038653 Respiration labored
10038654 Respiration laboured
10038655 Respiration rate decreased
10038656 Respiration rate increased
10038657 Respiration spontaneous decreased
10038658 Respiration stimulated
10038659 Respiratory abnormality, unspecified
10038661 Respiratory acidosis
10038662 Respiratory acidosis neonatal
10038664 Respiratory alkalosis
10038665 Respiratory alkalosis neonatal
10038669 Respiratory arrest
10038677 Respiratory congenital anomaly
10038678 Respiratory depression
10038679 Respiratory depression neonatal
10038681 Respiratory depth decreased
10038682 Respiratory depth increased
10038683 Respiratory disorder
10038684 Respiratory disorder NOS
10038685 Respiratory disorder NOS neonatal
10038687 Respiratory distress
10038688 Respiratory distress neonatal
10038690 Respiratory distress syndrome (neonatal)
10038691 Respiratory distress syndrome adult
10038692 Respiratory distress syndrome in newborn
10038693 Respiratory distress syndrome newborn
10038694 Respiratory dysfunction NOS
10038695 Respiratory failure
10038697 Respiratory failure neonatal
10038698 Respiratory fume inhalation disorder NOS
10038699 Respiratory gas exchange disorder NOS
10038700 Respiratory infection
10038701 Respiratory insufficiency
10038703 Respiratory malfunction arising from mental factors
10038704 Respiratory metastases
10038705 Respiratory moniliasis
10038706 Respiratory obstruction unspecified
10038707 Respiratory papilloma
10038708 Respiratory paralysis
10038709 Respiratory rate
10038710 Respiratory rate decreased
10038711 Respiratory rate high
10038712 Respiratory rate increased
10038713 Respiratory rate low
10038714 Respiratory rhythm disorder
10038715 Respiratory sounds decreased
10038718 Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis
10038719 Respiratory system disorder
10038721 Respiratory system immature
10038724 Respiratory tract carcinoma in situ
10038727 Respiratory tract haemorrhage
10038728 Respiratory tract haemorrhage neonatal
10038729 Respiratory tract haemorrhage NOS
10038730 Respiratory tract hemorrhage
10038731 Respiratory tract irritation
10038733 Respiratory tract malformation
10038734 Respiratory tract malformation NOS
10038735 Respiratory tract neoplasm NOS
10038739 Responses voluntary reduced
10038740 Restless
10038741 Restless leg syndrome
10038742 Restless legs
10038743 Restlessness
10038744 Restlessness (drug related)
10038745 Restlessness (phenothiazine)
10038746 Restlessness marked
10038747 Restricted affect
10038748 Restrictive cardiomyopathy
10038749 Resuscitation
10038751 Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, magnetic
10038753 Retained dental root
10038754 Retained foreign body in eye
10038755 Retained foreign body of eyelid
10038756 Retained foreign body of middle ear
10038757 Retained placenta
10038758 Retained placenta or membranes
10038759 Retained placenta or membranes, without haemorrhage
10038760 Retained placenta or membranes, without hemorrhage
10038761 Retained placenta without haemorrhage
10038762 Retained placenta without hemorrhage
10038773 Retained products of conception
10038774 Retained tampon
10038775 Retardation mental
10038776 Retching
10038778 Retention carbon dioxide
10038779 Retention electrolyte blood
10038780 Retention gastric
10038781 Retention of urine
10038782 Retention sulfobromophthalein
10038783 Retention urinary
10038784 Retention urine
10038785 Retention water
10038786 Retention with overflow
10038787 Reticulocyte count
10038788 Reticulocyte count abnormal
10038789 Reticulocyte count abnormal NOS
10038790 Reticulocyte count decreased
10038791 Reticulocyte count high
10038792 Reticulocyte count increased
10038793 Reticulocyte count low
10038794 Reticulocyte count normal
10038795 Reticulocytopenia
10038796 Reticulocytosis
10038799 Reticuloendothelial dysfunction
10038800 Reticuloendothelial hyperplasia
10038801 Reticuloendothelial system stimul
10038802 Reticuloendothelial system stimulated
10038803 Reticuloendotheliosis
10038804 Reticulosarcoma
10038805 Reticulosarcoma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10038806 Reticulosarcoma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10038807 Reticulosarcoma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10038808 Reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10038809 Reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10038810 Reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10038811 Reticulosarcoma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10038812 Reticulosarcoma involving spleen
10038813 Reticulosarcoma recurrent
10038814 Reticulosarcoma refractory
10038815 Reticulosarcoma stage I
10038816 Reticulosarcoma stage II
10038817 Reticulosarcoma stage III
10038818 Reticulosarcoma stage IV
10038820 Retina normal
10038821 Retinal anomaly congenital
10038822 Retinal arterial branch occlusion
10038823 Retinal arterial nipping
10038824 Retinal arteriovenous malformation
10038825 Retinal arteriosclerosis
10038826 Retinal artery embolism
10038827 Retinal artery occlusion
10038828 Retinal artery platelet emboli to eye
10038829 Retinal artery spasm
10038830 Retinal artery stenosis
10038831 Retinal artery thrombosis
10038832 Retinal atrophy
10038833 Retinal AV nipping
10038834 Retinal biopsy
10038835 Retinal biopsy abnormal
10038836 Retinal biopsy normal
10038838 Retinal blister
10038839 Retinal cyst
10038840 Retinal cyst excision
10038841 Retinal damage
10038842 Retinal damage NOS
10038843 Retinal defect, unspecified
10038845 Retinal degeneration
10038846 Retinal depigmentation
10038847 Retinal deposits
10038848 Retinal detachment
10038852 Retinal detachments and defects, unspecified
10038853 Retinal disorder
10038854 Retinal disorder NOS
10038857 Retinal dystrophy
10038860 Retinal edema
10038862 Retinal exudates
10038864 Retinal exudates hard
10038865 Retinal exudates soft
10038866 Retinal function test abnormal
10038867 Retinal haemorrhage
10038868 Retinal haemorrhage spotted
10038870 Retinal hemorrhage
10038871 Retinal ischaemia
10038872 Retinal ischemia
10038873 Retinal laser coagulation
10038874 Retinal layer separation
10038875 Retinal layer separation, unspecified
10038876 Retinal macula lutea degeneration
10038877 Retinal macula lutea opacity
10038878 Retinal melanoma
10038879 Retinal microaneurysms
10038880 Retinal microaneurysms NOS
10038881 Retinal microcirculation disorder
10038882 Retinal microvascular aneurysm
10038884 Retinal neovascularization NOS
10038885 Retinal nerve fiber bundle defects
10038886 Retinal oedema
10038887 Retinal oedema (excl papilloedema)
10038888 Retinal oedema opacity
10038889 Retinal opacity
10038891 Retinal pallor
10038892 Retinal pigment degeneration
10038893 Retinal pigment epitheliopathy
10038894 Retinal pigmentation
10038895 Retinal scar
10038897 Retinal tear
10038899 Retinal telangiectasia
10038900 Retinal tumour excision
10038901 Retinal vascular disorder
10038902 Retinal vascular disorder NOS
10038903 Retinal vascular occlusion
10038904 Retinal vascular occlusion, unspecified
10038905 Retinal vasculitis
10038906 Retinal vein branch occlusion
10038907 Retinal vein occlusion
10038908 Retinal vein thrombosis
10038910 Retinitis
10038911 Retinitis central
10038912 Retinitis histoplasma
10038913 Retinitis NOS
10038914 Retinitis pigmentosa
10038915 Retinitis viral
10038916 Retinoblastoma
10038917 Retinoblastoma bilateral
10038918 Retinoblastoma NOS
10038919 Retinoblastoma unilateral
10038921 Retinoic acid syndrome
10038922 Retinol deficiency
10038923 Retinopathy
10038924 Retinopathy background
10038925 Retinopathy diabetic
10038926 Retinopathy hypertensive
10038927 Retinopathy hypertensive grade 3
10038928 Retinopathy hypertensive grade 4
10038930 Retinopathy hyperviscosity
10038933 Retinopathy of prematurity
10038934 Retinopathy proliferative
10038935 Retinopathy sickle cell
10038936 Retinopathy solar
10038938 Retinoschisis congenital
10038939 Retinoschisis NOS
10038940 Retinoschisis, unspecified
10038941 Retired
10038942 Retirement
10038943 Retirement of spouse
10038944 Retracted nipple
10038945 Retracted nipple (excl lactation)
10038946 Retracted nipple associated with childbirth
10038951 Retractile testes
10038952 Retraction clot accelerated
10038953 Retraction clot retard
10038954 Retractive breathing
10038955 Retro-bulbar neuritis
10038956 Retro-orbital neoplasm
10038957 Retro-peritoneal space operation
10038958 Retro-pharyngeal abscess
10038959 Retro-pharyngeal abscess drainage
10038960 Retro-pharyngeal abscess NOS
10038961 Retro-pubic prostatectomy
10038962 Retrobulbar neuritis
10038963 Retrobulbar neuritis (acute)
10038964 Retrocedent gout
10038965 Retrograde amnesia
10038966 Retrograde cystogram
10038967 Retrograde ejaculation
10038968 Retrograde pyelogram
10038969 Retrograde pyelogram abnormal
10038970 Retrograde pyelogram normal
10038971 Retrograde ureteral catheterisation
10038972 Retrograde urethrocystography
10038973 Retrolental fibro-dysplasia
10038974 Retrolental fibroplasia
10038975 Retroperitoneal abscess
10038976 Retroperitoneal bleed
10038977 Retroperitoneal cancer
10038978 Retroperitoneal colon injury
10038979 Retroperitoneal fibrosis
10038980 Retroperitoneal haemorrhage
10038981 Retroperitoneal hemorrhage
10038982 Retroperitoneal hernia
10038983 Retroperitoneal oedema
10038984 Retropharyngeal abscess
10038985 Retrosternal burning
10038986 Retrosternal chest pain
10038987 Retrosternal discomfort
10038988 Retrosternal pain
10038989 Retroverted and incarcerated gravid uterus
10038990 Retroverted and incarcerated gravid uterus, antepartum
10038993 Retroverted and incarcerated gravid uterus, postpartum
10038995 Retroverted uterus
10038996 Retroviral infection NOS
10038998 Retrovirus ex vivo gene therapy
10039000 Rett's disorder
10039001 Return of adult child
10039002 Return to family home
10039003 Reversal of ileojejunal bypass
10039004 Reversal of opiate activity
10039005 Reversal of sterilisation
10039006 Reversal of vasectomy
10039007 Reversed sleep rhythm
10039008 Reversible airways obstruction NOS
10039009 Revision of aortic bifurcation graft
10039010 Revision of internal fixation
10039011 Revision of stapedectomy
10039012 Reye's syndrome
10039016 Rh isoimmunization
10039017 Rh-negative
10039018 Rh-positive
10039019 Rhabdoid tumour of the kidney
10039020 Rhabdomyolysis
10039021 Rhabdomyoma
10039022 Rhabdomyosarcoma
10039024 Rhabdomyosarcoma NOS
10039025 Rhabdomyosarcoma previously treated
10039026 Rhabdomyosarcoma previously untreated
10039027 Rhabdomyosarcoma recurrent
10039028 Rhabdosarcoma
10039029 Rhabdosarcoma previously treated
10039030 Rhabdosarcoma recurrent
10039031 Rhagades
10039033 Rhesus antibodies
10039034 Rhesus antibodies (anti-D)
10039035 Rhesus antibodies negative
10039036 Rhesus antibodies positive
10039037 Rhesus haemolytic disease of newborn
10039038 Rhesus isoimmunization
10039039 Rhesus isoimmunization affecting management of mother
10039040 Rhesus isoimmunization, affecting management of mother, antepartum condition
10039042 Rhesus isoimmunization, unspecified as to episode of care in pregnancy
10039043 Rhesus negative
10039044 Rhesus positive
10039045 Rheumatic aortic incompetence
10039046 Rheumatic aortic insufficiency
10039047 Rheumatic aortic stenosis
10039048 Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency
10039049 Rheumatic chorea
10039053 Rheumatic diseases of pulmonary valve
10039054 Rheumatic fever
10039059 Rheumatic heart disease NOS
10039060 Rheumatic heart disease, other and unspecified
10039061 Rheumatic heart disease, unspecified
10039062 Rheumatic heart failure (congestive)
10039063 Rheumatic mitral incompetence
10039064 Rheumatic mitral insufficiency
10039065 Rheumatic mitral stenosis
10039066 Rheumatic myocarditis
10039067 Rheumatic pneumonia
10039068 Rheumatics
10039070 Rheumatism
10039071 Rheumatism (joints only)
10039073 Rheumatoid arthritis
10039074 Rheumatoid arthritis aggravated
10039077 Rheumatoid arthropathy
10039079 Rheumatoid factor
10039080 Rheumatoid factor positive
10039081 Rheumatoid lung
10039082 Rheumatoid spondylitis
10039083 Rhinitis
10039084 Rhinitis (infective)
10039085 Rhinitis allergic
10039086 Rhinitis allergic atopic
10039087 Rhinitis allergic NOS
10039088 Rhinitis atrophic
10039089 Rhinitis exacerbated
10039090 Rhinitis medicamentosa
10039091 Rhinitis medicamentous
10039092 Rhinitis NOS
10039093 Rhinitis NOS exacerbated
10039094 Rhinitis perennial
10039095 Rhinitis seasonal
10039096 Rhinitis ulcerative
10039097 Rhinoconjunctivitis
10039098 Rhinophyma
10039099 Rhinoplasty
10039100 Rhinorrhea
10039101 Rhinorrhoea
10039102 Rhinoscleroma
10039104 Rhinosporidiosis
10039107 Rhinovirus infection NOS
10039108 Rhodesian trypanosomiasis
10039109 Rhonchi
10039110 Rhonchus
10039111 Rhythm idioventricular
10039113 Rhythm nodal
10039115 Rhytidectomy
10039116 Rib excision
10039117 Rib fracture
10039118 Riboflavin deficiency
10039119 Rickets
10039120 Rickets (vitamin D resistant)
10039121 Rickets - vitamin D resistant
10039122 Rickets familial hypophosphataemic
10039123 Rickets NOS
10039124 Rickets, active
10039125 Rickets, late effect
10039126 Rickettsia akari infection
10039127 Rickettsia australis infection
10039128 Rickettsia conorii infection
10039129 Rickettsia prowazekii infection
10039130 Rickettsia rickettsii infection
10039131 Rickettsia siberica infection
10039132 Rickettsia tsutsugamushi infection
10039133 Rickettsia typhi infection
10039137 Rickettsialpox
10039138 Rickettsioses not tick borne
10039139 Rickettsiosis NOS
10039140 Rickettsiosis, unspecified
10039141 Riding accident
10039142 Riedel's thyroiditis
10039143 Rift Valley fever
10039145 Rift Valley fever virus infection
10039146 Right arm paresis
10039147 Right bundle branch block
10039148 Right bundle branch block and left anterior fascicular block
10039149 Right bundle branch block and left posterior fascicular block
10039150 Right cataract
10039151 Right cataract extraction
10039152 Right heart failure
10039153 Right hemicolectomy
10039154 Right hemiplegia
10039155 Right inguinal hernia
10039156 Right main stem disease
10039157 Right oophorectomy
10039158 Right otitis externa
10039159 Right otitis media (acute, non-supp)
10039160 Right salpingo-oophorectomy
10039161 Right sided paralysis
10039162 Right upper quadrant pain
10039163 Right ventricular failure
10039165 Right-sided colitis
10039166 Rigid hymen
10039167 Rigid hymen (excl imperforate)
10039168 Rigidity
10039169 Rigidity bodily
10039170 Rigidity cogwheel
10039171 Rigidity masticatory
10039172 Rigidity muscle
10039173 Rigidity neck
10039174 Rigidity of limbs
10039176 Rigoring
10039177 Rigors
10039178 Rigors awaking
10039179 Riley-Day syndrome
10039180 Ring block
10039181 Ring corneal ulcer
10039182 Ring staphyloma
10039183 Ringing in ears
10039184 Ringworm NOS
10039185 Ringworm of body
10039186 Ringworm of foot
10039187 Ringworm of groin
10039188 Ringworm of nail
10039189 Ringworm of scalp
10039190 Rinne tuning fork test
10039191 Rinne tuning fork test abnormal
10039192 Rinne tuning fork test abnormal NOS
10039193 Rinne tuning fork test negative
10039194 Rinne tuning fork test normal
10039195 Rinne tuning fork test positive
10039196 Rise in blood pressure
10039197 Rise in BP
10039198 Risus sardonicus
10039199 Ritter's disease
10039200 Ritter's-Lyells syndrome
10039201 Ritual circumcision
10039202 River blindness
10039203 Road traffic accident
10039204 Robin's anomalad
10039205 Robin's syndrome
10039206 Rochalimaea quintana infection
10039207 Rocky mountain spotted fever
10039208 Rodent ulcer
10039209 Rodent ulcer excision
10039210 Rolling hiatal hernia
10039211 Romano Ward syndrome
10039212 Rombergism positive
10039213 Room going round
10039214 Root abscess
10039215 Root canal X-ray
10039216 Root canal X-ray abnormal
10039217 Root canal X-ray normal
10039218 Rosacea
10039220 Rosacea conjunctivitis
10039221 Rosacea-like dermatitis
10039222 Roseola
10039223 Roseola infantum
10039224 Rotator cuff (capsule) sprain
10039226 Rotator cuff injury
10039227 Rotator cuff syndrome
10039229 Rotator cuff tear
10039230 Rotaviral gastroenteritis
10039232 Rotavirus gastroenteritis
10039233 Roth spots
10039234 Rotor's syndrome
10039235 Rough facial skin
10039236 Roughness oral
10039237 Rougnon-Heberden disease
10039238 Rouleaux formation
10039239 Round hole of retina without detachment
10039240 Round window fistula
10039241 Roundworm infection NOS
10039242 Routine childhood immunisation
10039243 Routine immunisation
10039244 Routine vaccination
10039245 Roux loop conversion
10039246 Royal Free disease
10039249 RTI
10039250 Rubber
10039251 Rubber sensitivity
10039252 Rubella
10039253 Rubella (excl pregnancy)
10039254 Rubella antibodies negative
10039255 Rubella antibodies not present
10039256 Rubella antibodies positive
10039257 Rubella antibody negative
10039258 Rubella antibody positive
10039259 Rubella antibody test
10039261 Rubella immunity (confirmed)
10039262 Rubella immunity confirmed
10039263 Rubella immunity status
10039264 Rubella in pregnancy
10039265 Rubella infection neurological NOS
10039271 Rubella virus congenital infection
10039272 Rubella with neurological complications
10039279 Rubella, antepartum
10039280 Rubella, postpartum
10039281 Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
10039282 Rubeola
10039283 Rubeola antibodies negative
10039284 Rubeola antibodies NOS
10039285 Rubeola antibodies positive
10039286 Rubeola antibody negative
10039287 Rubeola antibody NOS
10039288 Rubeola antibody positive
10039290 Rubeola virus infection
10039291 Rubeosis iridis
10039292 Rumination disorder
10039293 Rumination psychogenic
10039294 Ruminations
10039295 Rumpel-Leede reaction positive
10039296 Runny nose
10039299 Rupture in Descemet's membrane
10039300 Rupture of artery
10039302 Rupture of bulbous urethra
10039303 Rupture of chordae tendinae
10039304 Rupture of chordae tendineae
10039306 Rupture of membranous urethra
10039308 Rupture of ovarian mucinous cysts
10039309 Rupture of papillary muscle
10039310 Rupture of spleen
10039311 Rupture of synovium
10039312 Rupture of synovium, unspecified
10039314 Rupture of uterus before onset of labor
10039318 Rupture of uterus before onset of labour
10039320 Rupture of uterus during and after labour
10039325 Rupture spleen
10039326 Rupture tendon
10039327 Rupture uterus
10039328 Ruptured Achilles tendon
10039329 Ruptured bladder
10039330 Ruptured cerebral aneurysm
10039331 Ruptured diverticulum of colon
10039332 Ruptured kidney
10039333 Ruptured papillary muscle
10039334 Ruptured suture
10039335 Ruptured uterus
10039336 Ruptured uterus (labour complication)
10039337 Ruptured venous valve
10039338 RUQ pain
10039340 RVF
10039341 RVH
10039342 S.boydii gastroenteritis
10039343 S.dysenteriae gastroenteritis
10039344 S.flexneri gastroenteritis
10039345 S.sonnei gastroenteritis
10039346 SA block
10039347 Saccular cerebral aneurysm
10039348 SACD (sub-acute combined degeneration of cord)
10039349 Sacral edema
10039350 Sacral oedema
10039353 Sacral tuberculosis
10039354 Sacro-iliac pain
10039355 Sacro-iliac spondylosis
10039356 Sacrococcygeal X-ray
10039357 Sacrococcygeal X-ray abnormal
10039358 Sacrococcygeal X-ray normal
10039359 Sacroiliac (ligament) sprain
10039360 Sacroiliac sprain
10039361 Sacroiliitis
10039363 Sacrospinatus (ligament) sprain
10039364 Sacrotuberous (ligament) sprain
10039365 Saddle embolus of aorta
10039366 Saddle PE
10039367 Sadism
10039368 Sadomasochism
10039369 Sagittal sinus thrombosis
10039371 Salaam attacks
10039372 Salicylate
10039373 Salicylate decreased
10039374 Salicylate high
10039375 Salicylate increased
10039376 Salicylate intoxication
10039377 Salicylate normal
10039378 Salicylism
10039379 Saliva altered
10039380 Saliva decreased
10039381 Saliva increased
10039382 Saliva secretion excessive
10039383 Saliva secretion increased
10039384 Saliva viscid
10039385 Salivary duct calculus
10039386 Salivary duct obstruction
10039387 Salivary duct operation
10039388 Salivary duct stenosis
10039389 Salivary gland abscess NOS
10039390 Salivary gland atrophy
10039391 Salivary gland biopsy
10039392 Salivary gland biopsy abnormal
10039393 Salivary gland biopsy normal
10039394 Salivary gland calculus
10039395 Salivary gland calculus removal
10039397 Salivary gland cancer NOS
10039398 Salivary gland cancer recurrent
10039399 Salivary gland cancer stage 0
10039400 Salivary gland cancer stage I
10039401 Salivary gland cancer stage II
10039402 Salivary gland cancer stage III
10039403 Salivary gland cancer stage IV
10039405 Salivary gland disorder NOS
10039408 Salivary gland enlargement
10039410 Salivary gland enlargement NOS
10039411 Salivary gland fistula
10039412 Salivary gland hypertrophy
10039413 Salivary gland infection
10039414 Salivary gland infection (excl mumps)
10039416 Salivary gland mucocele
10039417 Salivary gland neoplasm benign NOS
10039418 Salivary gland neoplasm NOS
10039421 Salivary gland pain
10039422 Salivary gland resection
10039424 Salivary hypersecretion
10039425 Salivary hyposecretion
10039426 Salivary scan
10039427 Salivary scintigraphy
10039428 Salivation
10039429 Salmon patch
10039430 Salmonella
10039431 Salmonella arthritis
10039432 Salmonella enteritidis gastroenteritis
10039433 Salmonella enteritis
10039434 Salmonella gastroenteritis
10039435 Salmonella infection (other than S. typhi)
10039436 Salmonella infection NOS
10039437 Salmonella infection, unspecified
10039439 Salmonella meningitis
10039440 Salmonella osteomyelitis
10039441 Salmonella paratyphi infection
10039442 Salmonella pneumonia
10039443 Salmonella poisoning
10039444 Salmonella septicaemia
10039445 Salmonella septicemia
10039446 Salmonella typhi infection
10039447 Salmonellosis
10039448 Salpingeal tuberculosis
10039449 Salpingectomy
10039450 Salpingectomy NOS
10039451 Salpingectomy partial
10039452 Salpingectomy total
10039453 Salpingitis
10039454 Salpingitis acute NOS
10039456 Salpingitis chronic NOS
10039457 Salpingitis gonococcal
10039458 Salpingitis gonococcal acute
10039459 Salpingitis gonococcal chronic
10039460 Salpingitis gonococcal NOS
10039461 Salpingitis infection
10039462 Salpingitis NOS
10039463 Salpingitis tuberculous
10039464 Salpingo-oophorectomy
10039465 Salpingo-oophorectomy bilateral
10039466 Salpingo-oophorectomy NOS
10039467 Salpingo-oophorectomy unilateral
10039468 Salpingogram
10039469 Salpingogram abnormal
10039470 Salpingogram normal
10039471 Salpingography
10039472 Salpingography abnormal
10039473 Salpingography normal
10039474 Salpingolysis
10039475 Salt deficiency
10039476 Salt depletion
10039477 Salt intoxication
10039478 Salt retention
10039480 Sanitation problem
10039483 Sarcocystis infection
10039485 Sarcoid
10039486 Sarcoidosis
10039488 Sarcoidosis cordis
10039489 Sarcoidosis cutaneous
10039490 Sarcoidosis NOS
10039491 Sarcoma
10039492 Sarcoma bone
10039493 Sarcoma excision
10039494 Sarcoma NOS
10039495 Sarcoma of skin
10039496 Sarcoma osteogenic
10039497 Sarcoma uterus
10039500 Sarcomatosis
10039501 Sarcomatous malignant mesothelioma
10039502 Sarcoptes scabeii infestation
10039503 Sarcosporidiosis
10039504 Saturnism
10039509 Scab
10039510 Scabbing
10039511 Scabies
10039512 Scabies infestation
10039514 Scald
10039515 Scalded skin syndrome
10039516 Scalding micturition
10039518 Scales
10039519 Scalp injury NOS
10039520 Scalp numbness
10039521 Scalp tenderness
10039522 Scalp tinea
10039523 Scan adrenal NOS
10039524 Scan adrenal NOS abnormal
10039525 Scan adrenal NOS normal
10039526 Scan gallium
10039527 Scan gallium abnormal
10039528 Scan gallium normal
10039529 Scan liver NOS
10039530 Scan liver NOS abnormal
10039531 Scan liver NOS normal
10039532 Scan NOS abdomen
10039533 Scan NOS abdomen abnormal
10039534 Scan NOS abdomen normal
10039535 Scan NOS abnormal
10039536 Scan NOS adrenal gland
10039537 Scan NOS adrenal gland abnormal
10039538 Scan NOS adrenal gland normal
10039539 Scan NOS bone
10039540 Scan NOS bone abnormal
10039541 Scan NOS bone normal
10039542 Scan NOS brain
10039543 Scan NOS brain abnormal
10039544 Scan NOS brain normal
10039545 Scan NOS lymph nodes
10039546 Scan NOS lymph nodes abnormal
10039547 Scan NOS lymph nodes normal
10039548 Scan NOS myocardial perfusion
10039549 Scan NOS myocardial perfusion abnormal
10039550 Scan NOS myocardial perfusion normal
10039551 Scan NOS normal
10039552 Scan NOS parathyroid
10039553 Scan NOS parathyroid abnormal
10039554 Scan NOS parathyroid normal
10039555 Scan NOS renal
10039556 Scan NOS renal abnormal
10039557 Scan NOS renal normal
10039558 Scan NOS salivary gland
10039559 Scan NOS salivary gland abnormal
10039560 Scan NOS salivary gland normal
10039561 Scan NOS somatostatin receptor
10039562 Scan NOS somatostatin receptor abnormal
10039563 Scan NOS somatostatin receptor normal
10039564 Scan NOS spleen
10039565 Scan NOS spleen abnormal
10039566 Scan NOS spleen normal
10039567 Scan NOS stomach
10039568 Scan NOS stomach abnormal
10039569 Scan NOS stomach normal
10039570 Scan NOS testes
10039571 Scan NOS testes abnormal
10039572 Scan NOS testes normal
10039573 Scan NOS thyroid gland
10039574 Scan NOS thyroid gland abnormal
10039575 Scan NOS thyroid gland normal
10039576 Scan with contrast NOS abnormal
10039577 Scan with contrast NOS normal
10039579 Scapula fracture
10039580 Scar
10039582 Scar corneal
10039583 Scar excision
10039584 Scar removal
10039585 Scar revision
10039586 Scarlatina
10039587 Scarlet fever
10039588 Scarletina
10039589 Scarring
10039590 Scarring (due trauma)
10039591 Scarring of conjunctiva
10039592 Scatologia
10039593 Schamberg's disease
10039594 Scheuermann's disease
10039595 Schilder's disease
10039596 Schilling test
10039597 Schilling test abnormal
10039598 Schilling test normal
10039599 Schistosoma haematobium infection
10039600 Schistosoma japonicum infection
10039601 Schistosoma mansoni infection
10039602 Schistosoma mekongi infection
10039603 Schistosomiasis
10039604 Schistosomiasis (bilharziasis)
10039605 Schistosomiasis bladder
10039606 Schistosomiasis cutaneous
10039607 Schistosomiasis due to schistosoma haematobium
10039608 Schistosomiasis due to schistosoma japonicum
10039609 Schistosomiasis due to schistosoma mansoni
10039610 Schistosomiasis liver
10039612 Schizo-affective type of psychosis
10039613 Schizo-affective type schizophrenia
10039614 Schizo-affective type schizophrenia, chronic state
10039615 Schizo-affective type schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10039616 Schizo-affective type schizophrenia, in remission
10039617 Schizo-affective type schizophrenia, subchronic state
10039618 Schizo-affective type schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10039619 Schizo-affective type schizophrenia, unspecified state
10039621 Schizoaffective disorder
10039622 Schizoaffective psychosis
10039623 Schizoid personality
10039624 Schizoid personality disorder
10039625 Schizoid personality disorder, unspecified
10039626 Schizophrenia
10039627 Schizophrenia aggravated
10039629 Schizophrenia childhood
10039630 Schizophrenia exacerbated
10039632 Schizophrenia NOS
10039633 Schizophrenia NOS aggravated
10039634 Schizophrenia residual
10039635 Schizophrenia schizoaffective
10039636 Schizophrenia simple
10039637 Schizophrenia, catatonic type
10039638 Schizophrenia, disorganised type
10039639 Schizophrenia, paranoid type
10039640 Schizophrenia, residual type
10039641 Schizophrenic child
10039643 Schizophrenic psychoses
10039644 Schizophrenic reaction
10039645 Schizophrenic relative
10039646 Schizophrenic spouse
10039647 Schizophreniform disorder
10039648 Schizophreniform illness
10039649 Schizophrenoid state transient
10039650 Schizotypal personality
10039651 Schizotypal personality disorder
10039652 Schlichter test
10039653 Schmorl's nodes
10039654 Schmorl's nodes of lumbar region
10039656 Schmorl's nodes of thoracic region
10039657 Schmorl's nodes of unspecified region
10039658 Schoenlein-Henoch purpura
10039659 School phobia
10039660 School refusal
10039662 Schumm's test
10039663 Schumm's test abnormal
10039664 Schumm's test negative
10039665 Schumm's test normal
10039666 Schumm's test positive
10039667 Schwannoma
10039668 Schwannoma benign
10039669 Sciatic hernia
10039670 Sciatic nerve injury
10039671 Sciatic nerve lesion NOS
10039672 Sciatic nerve palsy
10039673 Sciatic neuralgia
10039674 Sciatica
10039675 Sciatica (excl lumbar disc lesion)
10039676 Sciatica aggravated
10039677 Scintillating scotoma
10039678 Scirrhous carcinoma of the colon
10039679 Scirrhous carcinoma of the colon recurrent
10039680 Scirrhous carcinoma of the colon stage I
10039681 Scirrhous carcinoma of the colon stage II
10039682 Scirrhous carcinoma of the colon stage III
10039683 Scirrhous carcinoma of the colon stage IV
10039684 Scirrhous carcinoma of the rectum recurrent
10039685 Scirrhous carcinoma of the rectum stage I
10039686 Scirrhous carcinoma of the rectum stage II
10039687 Scirrhous carcinoma of the rectum stage III
10039688 Scirrhous carcinoma of the rectum stage IV
10039689 Scirrhous carcinoma of the rectum stage unspecified
10039690 Scirrhous gastric carcinoma
10039691 Scleral biopsy
10039692 Scleral biopsy abnormal
10039693 Scleral biopsy normal
10039694 Scleral cyst
10039695 Scleral degeneration NOS
10039696 Scleral discolouration
10039697 Scleral disorder NOS
10039698 Scleral disorder, congenital NOS
10039699 Scleral ectasia
10039701 Scleral operation NOS
10039703 Sclerema
10039704 Sclerema neonatorum
10039705 Scleritis
10039707 Scleritis NOS
10039708 Scleritis with corneal involvement
10039709 Scleritis, unspecified
10039710 Scleroderma
10039712 Scleroderma circumscribed
10039713 Scleroderma-like change
10039714 Scleroderma-like reaction
10039715 Scleromalacia perforans
10039716 Sclerosing basal cell carcinoma
10039717 Sclerosing cholangitis
10039718 Sclerosing keratitis
10039719 Sclerosing peritonitis
10039720 Sclerosis multiple
10039721 Sclerotherapy
10039722 Scoliosis
10039725 Scoliosis due to radiation
10039726 Scoliosis radiation
10039727 Scoliosis surgery
10039728 Scorpion sting
10039729 Scotoma
10039730 Scotoma annular
10039731 Scotoma central
10039732 Scotoma involving central area
10039733 Scotoma of blind spot area
10039734 Scotoma peripheral
10039735 Scotoma scintillating
10039736 Scotoma transient
10039737 Scratch
10039738 Scratch eye
10039739 Scratch test positive
10039740 Screaming
10039741 Screaming syndrome
10039742 Screening neural tube defect (maternal serum AFP)
10039743 Scrotal abscess drainage
10039744 Scrotal cancer
10039746 Scrotal edema
10039747 Scrotal exploration
10039748 Scrotal gangrene
10039749 Scrotal haematoma
10039750 Scrotal hematoma
10039751 Scrotal hernia
10039752 Scrotal infection NOS
10039753 Scrotal irritation
10039755 Scrotal oedema
10039756 Scrotal operation NOS
10039757 Scrotal pain
10039758 Scrotal sebaceous cysts
10039759 Scrotal swelling
10039760 Scrotal ulcer
10039761 Scrotal varices
10039762 Scrotal varicose veins
10039763 Scrotum erosion
10039764 Scrotum swelling
10039765 Scrotum ulceration
10039766 Scrub typhus
10039767 Scurf
10039768 Scurvy
10039769 Se
10039770 Se levels low
10039771 Se++
10039772 Se++ low
10039773 Sea sickness
10039774 Sea sickness symptom
10039775 Seasonal affective disorder
10039776 Seasonal allergic rhinitis
10039777 Seasonal rhinitis
10039778 Sebaceous cyst
10039779 Sebaceous cyst excision
10039780 Sebaceous cyst removal
10039781 Sebaceous gland disorder NOS
10039783 Sebaceous gland overactivity
10039784 Sebaceous glands overactivity
10039785 Sebaceous naevus
10039786 Seborrhea
10039787 Seborrhea capitis
10039788 Seborrheic dermatitis
10039789 Seborrheic dermatitis, unspecified
10039790 Seborrheic infantile dermatitis
10039791 Seborrheic keratosis
10039792 Seborrhoea
10039793 Seborrhoeic dermatitis
10039794 Seborrhoeic dermatitis capitis
10039795 Seborrhoeic eczema
10039796 Seborrhoeic keratosis
10039797 Seborrhoeic wart
10039798 Second degree burns
10039799 Second degree haemorrhoids
10039800 Second pregnancy
10039801 Second primary malignancy
10039802 Second-degree perineal laceration during delivery
10039805 Secondary acquired hypogammaglobulinaemia
10039806 Secondary acquired hypogammaglobulinemia
10039807 Secondary adrenocortical insufficiency
10039808 Secondary aldosteronism
10039809 Secondary amenorrhoea
10039811 Secondary amyloidosis
10039812 Secondary anaemia
10039824 Secondary carcinoma
10039825 Secondary carcinoma (known primary)
10039826 Secondary cardiomyopathy, unspecified
10039827 Secondary cataract
10039828 Secondary corneal edema
10039829 Secondary dementia
10039830 Secondary dysmenorrhoea
10039831 Secondary glaucoma
10039832 Secondary gout
10039834 Secondary hypertension
10039836 Secondary hypertension NOS
10039837 Secondary hypertension, benign
10039838 Secondary hypertension, malignant
10039839 Secondary hypertension, unspecified
10039840 Secondary hypothyroidism
10039842 Secondary impetigo
10039843 Secondary infertility (female)
10039844 Secondary iridocyclitis, infectious
10039845 Secondary iridocyclitis, noninfectious
10039846 Secondary lacrimal atrophy
10039847 Secondary malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland
10039850 Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast
10039851 Secondary malignant neoplasm of genital organs
10039852 Secondary malignant neoplasm of kidney
10039854 Secondary malignant neoplasm of lung
10039855 Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum
10039862 Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
10039864 Secondary malignant neoplasm of ovary
10039865 Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura
10039868 Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin
10039869 Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine including duodenum
10039870 Secondary malignant neoplasm of suprarenal gland
10039871 Secondary pancytopenia
10039872 Secondary parkinsonism
10039873 Secondary pigmentary degeneration of retina
10039874 Secondary pneumonic plague
10039875 Secondary polycythaemia
10039877 Secondary suture of wound
10039881 Secondary syphilis, relapse
10039882 Secondary syphilitic hepatitis
10039883 Secondary syphilitic periostitis
10039884 Secondary thrombocytopenia
10039885 Secondary thrombocytopenic purpura
10039886 Secondary treatment of wound
10039887 Secondary uterine inertia
10039888 Secondary uterine inertia, antepartum
10039890 Secondary uterine inertia, with delivery
10039891 Secondary vitreoretinal degenerations
10039892 Secretion gastric absent
10039893 Secretory adenoma of pituitary
10039894 Secretory diarrhea
10039895 Secretory otitis media
10039897 Sedation
10039898 Sedation excessive
10039899 Sedation intra op
10039900 Sedentary
10039903 Sedimentation rate decreased
10039904 Sedimentation rate increased
10039905 Segmented hyalinizing vasculitis
10039906 Seizure
10039907 Seizure anoxic
10039908 Seizure cerebral
10039909 Seizure grand mal
10039910 Seizures
10039913 Seizures cerebral
10039914 Selected hysterosalpingography
10039915 Selective IgA immunodeficiency
10039916 Selective IgM immunodeficiency
10039917 Selective mutism
10039918 Selenium
10039919 Selenium abnormal NOS
10039920 Selenium decreased
10039921 Selenium deficiency
10039922 Selenium high
10039923 Selenium increased
10039924 Selenium low
10039925 Selenium normal
10039926 Self mutilation
10039927 Self-estrangement
10039929 Semen abnormal
10039930 Semen analysis NOS normal
10039931 Semen liquefaction
10039932 Semen liquefaction abnormal NOS
10039933 Semen liquefaction normal
10039934 Semen liquefaction prolonged
10039935 Semen liquefaction shortened
10039936 Semen viscosity
10039937 Semen viscosity abnormal NOS
10039938 Semen viscosity decreased
10039939 Semen viscosity high
10039940 Semen viscosity increased
10039941 Semen viscosity low
10039942 Semen viscosity normal
10039943 Semen volume abnormal
10039944 Semen volume decreased
10039945 Semen volume high
10039946 Semen volume increased
10039947 Semen volume low
10039948 Semen volume normal
10039950 Semi-coma
10039951 Semi-conscious
10039952 Semicircular canal fistula
10039953 Seminal vesicle operation NOS
10039954 Seminal vesiculitis
10039955 Seminal vesiculitis gonococcal
10039956 Seminoma
10039957 Senile amyloidosis
10039959 Senile atrophy of choroid
10039960 Senile cataract
10039961 Senile cataract, unspecified
10039962 Senile corneal changes
10039963 Senile deafness
10039964 Senile degeneration of brain
10039965 Senile degeneration of brain with dementia
10039966 Senile dementia
10039967 Senile dementia NOS
10039970 Senile dementia with delusional features
10039972 Senile dementia with depressive features
10039974 Senile dementia, simple type
10039975 Senile dementia, uncomplicated
10039976 Senile ectropion
10039977 Senile entropion
10039978 Senile ichthyosis
10039979 Senile keratoma
10039980 Senile keratosis
10039981 Senile lentigo
10039982 Senile macular degeneration
10039983 Senile nuclear sclerosis
10039984 Senile osteoporosis
10039985 Senile presbyacusis
10039986 Senile pruritus
10039987 Senile psychosis
10039988 Senile reticular degeneration of retina
10039989 Senile skin atrophy
10039990 Senile vaginitis
10039991 Senile warts
10039992 Senility
10039993 Senility without mention of psychosis
10039994 Sensation loss
10039995 Sensation of block in ear
10039996 Sensation of blood flow
10039997 Sensation of cold
10039998 Sensation of foreign body NOS
10039999 Sensation of heat
10040000 Sensation of heaviness
10040001 Sensation of inadequate defaecation
10040002 Sensation of inadequate defecation
10040003 Sensation of pressure
10040004 Sensation of pressure in ear
10040005 Sensation of pressure NOS
10040006 Sensation of warmth
10040007 Sense of oppression
10040009 Sensitisation rash
10040010 Sensitive dentin
10040011 Sensitivity of gums
10040012 Sensitivity of teeth
10040015 Sensorineural deafness
10040016 Sensorineural hearing loss
10040018 Sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified
10040019 Sensorium decreased
10040020 Sensory aberrations
10040022 Sensory abnormality of lower extremities
10040023 Sensory and motor neuritis
10040024 Sensory deprivation delirium
10040026 Sensory disturbance
10040027 Sensory disturbance NOS
10040028 Sensory hallucinations
10040029 Sensory hearing loss
10040030 Sensory loss
10040031 Sensory nerve conduction studies
10040032 Sensory nerve conduction studies abnormal
10040033 Sensory nerve conduction studies normal
10040034 Sensory nerve stimulation tests
10040035 Sensory nerve stimulation tests abnormal
10040036 Sensory nerve stimulation tests normal
10040037 Sensory neuropathy hereditary
10040038 Sensory peripheral neuropathies
10040039 Sensory peripheral neuropathy
10040040 Sensory polyneuropathy axonal
10040041 Sentenced to jail
10040042 Separated from partner (unmarried)
10040043 Separation
10040044 Separation anxiety
10040045 Separation anxiety disorder
10040046 Separation of retinal layers
10040047 Sepsis
10040048 Sepsis meningococcal
10040049 Sepsis neonatal
10040050 Sepsis NOS
10040051 Sepsis pasteurella
10040052 Sepsis postpartum
10040053 Sepsis secondary
10040055 Septal defect interatrial
10040056 Septic abortion
10040057 Septic arthritis
10040058 Septic arthritis gonococcal
10040059 Septic arthritis haemophilus
10040060 Septic arthritis hemophilus
10040061 Septic arthritis neisserial
10040062 Septic arthritis NOS
10040063 Septic arthritis staphylococcal
10040064 Septic arthritis streptobacillus
10040065 Septic bursitis
10040066 Septic emboli
10040067 Septic embolus
10040068 Septic myocarditis
10040069 Septic pelvic thrombophlebitis
10040070 Septic shock
10040071 Septic spots
10040072 Septicaemia
10040073 Septicaemia anthrax
10040074 Septicaemia bacterial anaerobic NOS
10040075 Septicaemia due to anaerobes
10040077 Septicaemia escherichia
10040078 Septicaemia gram-negative NOS
10040079 Septicaemia haemophilus
10040080 Septicaemia herpetic
10040081 Septicaemia meningococcal
10040082 Septicaemia NOS
10040083 Septicaemia pseudomonal
10040084 Septicaemia salmonella
10040085 Septicaemia serratia
10040086 Septicaemia staphylococcal
10040087 Septicaemia streptococcal
10040088 Septicaemic plague
10040089 Septicemia
10040090 Septicemia due to anaerobes
10040091 Septicemia due to Escherichia coli (E. coli)
10040092 Septicemia due to gram-negative organism, unspecified
10040093 Septicemia due to Hemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae)
10040095 Septicemia due to pseudomonas
10040096 Septicemia due to serratia
10040097 Septicemic plague
10040098 Septoplasty
10040099 Septum atrial patent
10040100 Septum interventricular patent
10040101 Sero negative arthropathy
10040102 Seroma
10040103 Seronegative arthritis NOS
10040104 Seronegative arthropathy
10040105 Seronegative juvenile chronic arthritis
10040106 Seropositive RA
10040107 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis
10040108 Serotonin syndrome
10040109 Serous choroidal detachment
10040110 Serous conjunctivitis, except viral
10040111 Serous detachment of retinal pigment epithelium
10040112 Serous labyrinthitis
10040113 Serous otitis media (glue ear)
10040114 Serous retinal detachment
10040116 Serum acid phosphatase
10040117 Serum acid phosphatase abnormal
10040118 Serum acid phosphatase decreased
10040119 Serum acid phosphatase increased
10040120 Serum acid phosphatase normal
10040121 Serum albumin
10040122 Serum albumin abnormal
10040123 Serum albumin decreased
10040124 Serum albumin increased
10040125 Serum albumin normal
10040126 Serum aldosterone
10040127 Serum aldosterone abnormal
10040128 Serum aldosterone decreased
10040129 Serum aldosterone increased
10040130 Serum aldosterone normal
10040131 Serum alkaline phosphatase - bone
10040132 Serum alkaline phosphatase - liver
10040133 Serum alkaline phosphatase elevated
10040134 Serum alkaline phosphatase normal
10040135 Serum alkaline phosphatase NOS
10040136 Serum aluminium
10040137 Serum amylase
10040138 Serum amylase decreased
10040139 Serum amylase increased
10040140 Serum antidiuretic hormone
10040141 Serum antidiuretic hormone abnormal
10040142 Serum antidiuretic hormone decreased
10040143 Serum antidiuretic hormone increased
10040144 Serum antidiuretic hormone normal
10040145 Serum bactericidal titer
10040151 Serum beta 2 microglobulin increased
10040152 Serum beta2 microglobulin increased
10040153 Serum bicarbonate
10040154 Serum bicarbonate abnormal
10040155 Serum bicarbonate increased
10040156 Serum bicarbonate normal
10040157 Serum bilirubin
10040158 Serum bilirubin direct
10040159 Serum bilirubin increased
10040160 Serum bilirubin indirect
10040161 Serum bilirubin normal
10040162 Serum bilirubin total
10040163 Serum bromide
10040164 Serum bromide abnormal
10040165 Serum bromide increased
10040166 Serum bromide normal
10040167 Serum calcitonin
10040168 Serum calcitonin abnormal
10040169 Serum calcitonin decreased
10040170 Serum calcitonin increased
10040171 Serum calcitonin normal
10040172 Serum calcium
10040173 Serum calcium abnormal
10040174 Serum calcium decreased
10040175 Serum calcium increased
10040176 Serum calcium normal
10040177 Serum carnitine decreased
10040178 Serum catecholamines
10040179 Serum catecholamines abnormal
10040180 Serum catecholamines decreased
10040181 Serum catecholamines increased
10040182 Serum catecholamines normal
10040183 Serum chloride
10040184 Serum chloride abnormal
10040185 Serum chloride decreased
10040186 Serum chloride increased
10040187 Serum chloride normal
10040188 Serum cholesterol
10040189 Serum cholesterol abnormal
10040190 Serum cholesterol increased
10040191 Serum cholesterol normal
10040192 Serum cholesterol total normal
10040193 Serum cholinesterase
10040194 Serum cholinesterase decreased
10040195 Serum cholinesterase increased
10040196 Serum cholinesterase normal
10040197 Serum complement titer decreased
10040198 Serum complement titer increased
10040199 Serum complement titre high
10040200 Serum complement titre low
10040201 Serum copper
10040202 Serum copper abnormal
10040203 Serum copper decreased
10040204 Serum copper increased
10040205 Serum copper normal
10040206 Serum corticosterone
10040207 Serum corticosterone abnormal
10040208 Serum corticosterone decreased
10040209 Serum corticosterone increased
10040210 Serum corticosterone normal
10040211 Serum corticotrophin
10040212 Serum corticotrophin abnormal
10040213 Serum corticotrophin decreased
10040214 Serum corticotrophin increased
10040215 Serum corticotrophin normal
10040216 Serum cortisol
10040217 Serum cortisol abnormal
10040218 Serum cortisol decreased
10040219 Serum cortisol increased
10040220 Serum cortisol normal
10040221 Serum creatine
10040222 Serum creatine phosphokinase
10040223 Serum creatine phosphokinase abnormal
10040224 Serum creatine phosphokinase increased
10040225 Serum creatine phosphokinase MB
10040226 Serum creatine phosphokinase MB abnormal
10040227 Serum creatine phosphokinase MB increased
10040228 Serum creatine phosphokinase MB normal
10040229 Serum creatine phosphokinase normal
10040230 Serum creatinine
10040231 Serum creatinine abnormal
10040232 Serum creatinine decreased
10040233 Serum creatinine increased
10040234 Serum creatinine normal
10040235 Serum electrolytes NOS
10040236 Serum electrolytes NOS abnormal
10040237 Serum electrolytes NOS decreased
10040238 Serum electrolytes NOS increased
10040239 Serum electrolytes NOS normal
10040244 Serum FDP increased
10040245 Serum Fe++ abnormal
10040246 Serum ferritin
10040247 Serum ferritin abnormal
10040248 Serum ferritin abnormal NOS
10040249 Serum ferritin decreased
10040250 Serum ferritin increased
10040251 Serum ferritin normal
10040252 Serum folate test abnormal
10040253 Serum follicle stimulating hormone
10040254 Serum follicle stimulating hormone abnormal
10040255 Serum follicle stimulating hormone decreased
10040256 Serum follicle stimulating hormone increased
10040257 Serum follicle stimulating hormone normal
10040258 Serum free fatty acid increased
10040259 Serum gastrin decreased
10040260 Serum gastrin increased
10040261 Serum glucagon
10040262 Serum glucagon abnormal
10040263 Serum glucagon decreased
10040264 Serum glucagon increased
10040265 Serum glucagon normal
10040266 Serum glucose
10040267 Serum glucose abnormal
10040268 Serum glucose decreased
10040269 Serum glucose normal
10040271 Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic ta increased
10040272 Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase increased
10040273 Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transferase
10040275 Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase increased
10040276 Serum gonadotrophin
10040277 Serum gonadotrophin abnormal
10040278 Serum gonadotrophin normal
10040279 Serum growth hormone
10040280 Serum growth hormone abnormal
10040281 Serum growth hormone decreased
10040282 Serum growth hormone increased
10040283 Serum growth hormone normal
10040284 Serum hepatitis
10040285 Serum immunoglobulin A
10040286 Serum immunoglobulin A decreased
10040287 Serum immunoglobulin A increased
10040288 Serum immunoglobulin A normal
10040289 Serum immunoglobulin E
10040290 Serum immunoglobulin E decreased
10040291 Serum immunoglobulin E increased
10040292 Serum immunoglobulin E normal
10040293 Serum immunoglobulin G
10040294 Serum immunoglobulin G decreased
10040295 Serum immunoglobulin G increased
10040296 Serum immunoglobulin G normal
10040297 Serum immunoglobulin M
10040298 Serum immunoglobulin M decreased
10040299 Serum immunoglobulin M increased
10040300 Serum immunoglobulin M normal
10040301 Serum inorganic phosphate decreased
10040302 Serum inorganic phosphate increased
10040303 Serum insulin
10040304 Serum insulin abnormal
10040305 Serum insulin increased
10040306 Serum insulin normal
10040307 Serum iron
10040308 Serum iron abnormal
10040309 Serum iron decreased
10040310 Serum iron increased
10040311 Serum iron normal
10040312 Serum lactate dehydrogenase
10040313 Serum lactate dehydrogenase abnormal
10040314 Serum lactate dehydrogenase normal
10040315 Serum lactic acid
10040316 Serum lactic acid abnormal
10040317 Serum lactic acid decreased
10040318 Serum lactic acid increased
10040319 Serum lactic acid normal
10040320 Serum lactic dehydrogenase increased
10040321 Serum LDH
10040322 Serum LDH raised
10040323 Serum lead
10040324 Serum lead abnormal
10040325 Serum lead decreased
10040326 Serum lead increased
10040327 Serum lead normal
10040328 Serum lipid abnormal NOS
10040329 Serum luteinising hormone
10040330 Serum luteinising hormone abnormal
10040331 Serum luteinising hormone decreased
10040332 Serum luteinising hormone increased
10040333 Serum luteinising hormone normal
10040334 Serum magnesium
10040335 Serum magnesium abnormal
10040336 Serum magnesium decreased
10040337 Serum magnesium increased
10040338 Serum magnesium normal
10040348 Serum noradrenaline increased
10040349 Serum oestradiol
10040350 Serum oestradiol abnormal
10040351 Serum oestradiol normal
10040352 Serum oestrogen
10040353 Serum oestrogen abnormal
10040354 Serum oestrogen decreased
10040355 Serum oestrogen increased
10040356 Serum oestrogen normal
10040357 Serum osmolality
10040358 Serum osmolality decreased
10040359 Serum osmolality increased
10040360 Serum parathyroid hormone
10040361 Serum parathyroid hormone abnormal
10040362 Serum parathyroid hormone decreased
10040363 Serum parathyroid hormone increased
10040364 Serum parathyroid hormone normal
10040365 Serum pH decreased
10040366 Serum pH increased
10040367 Serum pH NOS
10040368 Serum phosphate
10040369 Serum phosphate abnormal
10040370 Serum phosphate decreased
10040371 Serum phosphate increased
10040372 Serum phosphate normal
10040373 Serum placental gonadotrophins decreased
10040374 Serum placental gonadotrophins increased
10040376 Serum potassium
10040377 Serum potassium abnormal
10040378 Serum potassium decreased
10040379 Serum potassium increased
10040380 Serum potassium normal
10040381 Serum prolactin
10040382 Serum prolactin abnormal
10040383 Serum prolactin decreased
10040384 Serum prolactin increased
10040385 Serum prolactin normal
10040386 Serum protein / albumin
10040387 Serum protein decreased
10040388 Serum protein electrophoresis
10040389 Serum pyruvic acid
10040390 Serum pyruvic acid abnormal
10040391 Serum pyruvic acid decreased
10040392 Serum pyruvic acid increased
10040393 Serum pyruvic acid normal
10040394 Serum reaction
10040395 Serum selenium
10040396 Serum selenium abnormal
10040397 Serum selenium decreased
10040398 Serum selenium increased
10040399 Serum selenium normal
10040400 Serum sickness
10040401 Serum sickness-like disorder
10040402 Serum sickness-like reaction
10040403 Serum sodium
10040404 Serum sodium abnormal
10040405 Serum sodium increased
10040406 Serum sodium normal
10040407 Serum T3 level abnormal
10040408 Serum T4 level abnormal
10040409 Serum testosterone
10040410 Serum testosterone abnormal
10040411 Serum testosterone decreased
10040412 Serum testosterone increased
10040413 Serum testosterone normal
10040414 Serum thyroid stimulating hormone
10040415 Serum thyroid stimulating hormone abnormal
10040416 Serum thyroid stimulating hormone decreased
10040417 Serum thyroid stimulating hormone increased
10040418 Serum thyroid stimulating hormone normal
10040419 Serum total protein decreased
10040420 Serum total protein increased
10040421 Serum transaminase increased
10040422 Serum triglycerides
10040423 Serum triglycerides abnormal
10040424 Serum triglycerides increased
10040425 Serum triglycerides normal
10040426 Serum urea
10040427 Serum urea abnormal
10040431 Serum urea decreased
10040432 Serum urea increased
10040433 Serum urea normal
10040434 Serum uric acid
10040435 Serum zinc
10040436 Serum zinc abnormal
10040437 Serum zinc increased
10040438 Serum zinc normal
10040439 Serum-sickness like disorder
10040440 Setting fires
10040442 Severe imbecility
10040443 Severe mental retardation
10040450 Severed digit reimplantation
10040451 Severed limb reimplantation
10040452 Sex change operation
10040454 Sex chromosome abnormality NOS
10040455 Sex chromosome disorder
10040456 Sex differentiation abnormal
10040457 Sex differentiation abnormal NOS
10040458 Sex inhibition
10040459 Sex maturation female accelerated
10040460 Sex maturation male accelerated
10040461 Sexual abuse
10040462 Sexual abuser
10040463 Sexual aggression
10040465 Sexual arousal decreased
10040467 Sexual assault
10040468 Sexual assault victim
10040469 Sexual aversion disorder
10040471 Sexual desire increased
10040472 Sexual deviancy
10040473 Sexual deviation NOS
10040474 Sexual deviation of childhood
10040476 Sexual disorder NOS
10040477 Sexual dysfunction
10040479 Sexual dysfunction NOS
10040481 Sexual feeling decreased
10040482 Sexual function abnormal
10040483 Sexual inhibition
10040484 Sexual masochism
10040485 Sexual offender
10040486 Sexual problem
10040487 Sexual sadism
10040488 Sexual transmission of infection
10040490 Sexually transmitted disease
10040491 Sexually transmitted disease carrier
10040492 Sexually transmitted disease NOS
10040493 Sezary syndrome
10040494 Sezary syndrome recurrent
10040495 Sezary syndrome refractory
10040496 Sezary syndrome stage I
10040497 Sezary syndrome stage II
10040498 Sezary syndrome stage III
10040499 Sezary syndrome stage IV
10040500 Sezary's disease
10040501 Sezary's disease involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10040502 Sezary's disease involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10040503 Sezary's disease involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10040504 Sezary's disease involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10040505 Sezary's disease involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10040506 Sezary's disease involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10040507 Sezary's disease involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10040508 Sezary's disease involving spleen
10040509 Sezary's disease recurrent
10040510 Sezary's disease refractory
10040511 Sezary's disease stage I
10040512 Sezary's disease stage II
10040513 Sezary's disease stage III
10040514 Sezary's disease stage IV
10040515 Sezary's disease, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
10040516 Sezary's syndrome
10040517 Sezary's syndrome refractory
10040518 Sezary's syndrome stage I
10040519 Sezary's syndrome stage II
10040520 Sezary's syndrome stage III
10040521 Sezary's syndrome stage IV
10040522 Sezary's syndrome recurrent
10040523 SGOT
10040524 SGOT increased
10040525 SGPT
10040526 SGPT increased
10040527 Shakiness
10040528 Shaking
10040529 Shaking inside
10040530 Shaking of hands
10040531 Shaky feelings
10040532 Shallow anterior chamber
10040533 Shallow breathing
10040534 Shared paranoid disorder
10040535 Shared psychotic disorder
10040536 Sheath
10040537 Sheehan's syndrome
10040538 Shell shock
10040539 Shellfish allergy
10040540 Shift-work related sleep disturbance
10040544 Shigella boydii gastroenteritis
10040546 Shigella dysenteriae gastroenteritis
10040548 Shigella flexneri gastroenteritis
10040549 Shigella gastroenteritis
10040552 Shigella sonnei gastroenteritis
10040553 Shigellosis
10040554 Shigellosis, unspecified
10040555 Shingles
10040556 Shirodkar operation
10040557 Shirodkar suture
10040558 Shivering
10040559 Shivers
10040560 Shock
10040561 Shock (excl traumatic and specific cause)
10040563 Shock cardiogenic
10040564 Shock circulatory
10040576 Shock hypoglycaemic
10040577 Shock hypoglycemic
10040578 Shock insulin
10040579 Shock lung
10040580 Shock septic
10040581 Shock symptom
10040583 Shock vascular
10040584 Shock without mention of trauma
10040585 Shock, unspecified
10040586 Shock-like symptom
10040587 Shop lifting
10040588 Shoplifter
10040589 Shoplifting
10040591 Short cord complicating labor and delivery
10040592 Short cord complicating labor and delivery, antepartum
10040593 Short cord complicating labor and delivery, delivered
10040594 Short cord complicating labor and delivery, unspecified as to episode of care
10040595 Short cord complicating labour and delivery
10040596 Short of breath
10040598 Short QT
10040599 Short sightedness
10040600 Short stature
10040601 Short-sighted
10040602 Short-term memory loss
10040603 Shortening of menstrual cycle
10040604 Shortness of breath
10040607 Shoulder (girdle) dystocia, antepartum
10040608 Shoulder (girdle) dystocia, unspecified as to episode of care
10040609 Shoulder (girdle) dystocia, with delivery
10040610 Shoulder blade pain
10040611 Shoulder bursitis
10040612 Shoulder dislocation
10040613 Shoulder dystocia
10040614 Shoulder hand syndrome
10040616 Shoulder osteoarthritis
10040617 Shoulder pain
10040618 Shoulder pain (due joint disorder)
10040620 Shoulder sprain
10040621 Shunt occlusion
10040622 Shutdown renal
10040623 Shy-Drager syndrome
10040624 Shyness
10040625 Shyness disorder of childhood
10040626 SIADH
10040627 Sialadenitis
10040628 Sialoadenitis
10040629 Sialoadenitis infection
10040630 Sialoadenitis NOS
10040631 Sialolithiasis
10040632 Siamese twins
10040633 Sicca syndrome
10040634 Sick building syndrome
10040635 Sick child
10040636 Sick person in family
10040637 Sick relative
10040638 Sick role
10040639 Sick sinus syndrome
10040640 Sick spouse
10040641 Sickle cell anaemia
10040642 Sickle cell anaemia with crisis
10040643 Sickle cell crisis
10040644 Sickle cell disease
10040645 Sickle cell disease NOS
10040646 Sickle cell disorders
10040647 Sickle cell retinopathy
10040648 Sickle cell SC disease
10040649 Sickle cell thalassaemia
10040650 Sickle cell trait
10040652 Sickle-cell anaemia
10040653 Sickle-cell anemia
10040654 Sickle-cell anemia, unspecified
10040655 Sickle-cell beta thalassaemia
10040656 Sickle-cell trait
10040658 Sickness
10040661 Sideroblastic anaemia
10040662 Sideroblastic anaemia NOS
10040663 Sideroblastic anemia
10040664 Sideropenic dysphagia
10040665 Siderosis of globe
10040666 SIDS
10040667 SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome)
10040668 Sigmoid hemicolectomy
10040669 Sigmoidoscopy
10040670 Sigmoidoscopy abnormal
10040671 Sigmoidoscopy normal
10040672 Sign Babinski present
10040677 Silicon granuloma
10040678 Silicosis
10040679 Simian crease
10040681 Simple and unspecified goitre
10040682 Simple buphthalmos
10040683 Simple chronic bronchitis
10040684 Simple chronic conjunctivitis
10040685 Simple dislocation of ankle
10040686 Simple dislocation of elbow
10040687 Simple dislocation of finger
10040688 Simple dislocation of foot
10040689 Simple dislocation of hip
10040690 Simple dislocation of jaw
10040691 Simple dislocation of shoulder
10040692 Simple dislocation of wrist
10040693 Simple dislocation, cervical vertebra
10040694 Simple dislocation, multiple and ill-defined sites
10040698 Simple disturbance of activity and attention
10040699 Simple goitre
10040700 Simple mastectomy
10040701 Simple mastoidectomy
10040702 Simple microphthalmos
10040703 Simple partial seizures
10040704 Simple phobia
10040705 Simple schizophrenia
10040706 Simple type schizophrenia
10040707 Simple type schizophrenia, chronic state
10040708 Simple type schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10040709 Simple type schizophrenia, in remission
10040710 Simple type schizophrenia, subchronic state
10040711 Simple type schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10040712 Simple type schizophrenia, unspecified state
10040713 Simpson's forceps delivery
10040716 Singers nodules
10040717 Single bypass
10040718 Single father
10040719 Single homeless person
10040720 Single mother
10040721 Single parent family
10040722 Single photon emission computerised tomogram
10040723 Single photon emission computerised tomogram abnormal
10040724 Single photon emission computerised tomogram normal
10040725 Single photon emission computerised tomography
10040726 Single photon emission computerised tomography abnormal
10040727 Single photon emission computerised tomography normal
10040728 Single pregnancy
10040729 Single ventricle
10040730 Single vessel bypass graft
10040731 Single vessel disease
10040732 Singultation
10040733 Singultous
10040734 Singultus
10040736 Sinoatrial block
10040737 Sinoatrial node dysfunction
10040738 Sinus arrest
10040739 Sinus arrhythmia
10040740 Sinus barotrauma
10040741 Sinus bradycardia
10040742 Sinus congestion
10040744 Sinus headache
10040745 Sinus infection
10040746 Sinus operation NOS
10040747 Sinus pain
10040748 Sinus perforation
10040749 Sinus polyp
10040750 Sinus polyp degeneration
10040751 Sinus pressure
10040752 Sinus tachycardia
10040753 Sinusitis
10040754 Sinusitis acute NOS
10040755 Sinusitis chronic NOS
10040756 Sinusitis NOS
10040757 Sistrunk procedure
10040758 Site of vaccination painful
10040760 Situational anxiety
10040761 Situs inversus
10040763 Sixth nerve paralysis
10040765 Sjogren's
10040766 Sjogren's disease
10040767 Sjogren's syndrome
10040770 Skeletal injury NOS
10040771 Skeletal malformation
10040772 Skeletal malformation NOS
10040773 Skeletal muscle atony
10040774 Skeletal muscle enzymes NOS
10040775 Skeletal muscle paralysis
10040777 Skeletal pain
10040779 Skeletal survey
10040780 Skeletal survey abnormal
10040781 Skeletal survey normal
10040782 Skeletal traction
10040784 Skin & subcutaneous tissue abscess
10040799 Skin atrophy
10040800 Skin atrophy senile
10040801 Skin autograft NOS
10040802 Skin benign neoplasm
10040803 Skin biopsy
10040804 Skin biopsy abnormal
10040805 Skin biopsy normal
10040806 Skin blotches
10040807 Skin caesium therapy
10040808 Skin cancer
10040809 Skin candida NOS
10040810 Skin carcinoma
10040811 Skin carcinoma NOS
10040812 Skin change ichthyosiform
10040813 Skin chapped
10040814 Skin clip removal
10040815 Skin cobalt therapy
10040816 Skin cold clammy
10040817 Skin colouring
10040818 Skin colouring yellow
10040819 Skin cyst excision
10040820 Skin cyst removal
10040821 Skin cysts
10040822 Skin cysts NOS
10040824 Skin degenerative disorder NOS
10040825 Skin depigmentation
10040826 Skin desquamation
10040827 Skin desquamation NOS
10040828 Skin discoloration
10040829 Skin discolouration
10040830 Skin discomfort
10040831 Skin disorder
10040832 Skin disorder arising from mental factors
10040833 Skin disorder NOS
10040835 Skin dry
10040836 Skin dystrophy
10040838 Skin dystrophy NOS
10040839 Skin electron beam therapy
10040840 Skin erosion
10040841 Skin eruption
10040842 Skin erythema
10040843 Skin erythema desquamative
10040844 Skin exfoliation
10040845 Skin external beam radiation therapy
10040846 Skin external beam therapy
10040848 Skin fissure
10040849 Skin fissures
10040850 Skin flushed
10040851 Skin fragility
10040853 Skin fungal infection NOS
10040855 Skin graft infection
10040856 Skin graft NOS
10040857 Skin granuloma
10040858 Skin greasy
10040859 Skin growth NOS
10040861 Skin hair bearing graft
10040863 Skin hyperaemia
10040864 Skin hyperemia
10040865 Skin hyperpigmentation
10040867 Skin hypertrophy
10040868 Skin hypopigmentation
10040869 Skin hypoplasia
10040872 Skin infection
10040873 Skin infection aggravated
10040874 Skin infection NOS
10040875 Skin infection pyogenic
10040876 Skin inflammation NOS
10040878 Skin injury NOS
10040880 Skin irritation
10040881 Skin keratosis
10040882 Skin lesion
10040883 Skin lesion biopsy
10040884 Skin lesion destruction
10040886 Skin lesion NOS
10040887 Skin loss
10040888 Skin malformation
10040890 Skin malignant neoplasm NOS
10040891 Skin melanoma
10040892 Skin metastases
10040893 Skin necrosis
10040894 Skin necrosis haemorrhagic
10040895 Skin neoplasm malignant
10040896 Skin neoplasm malignant NOS
10040897 Skin neoplasm NOS
10040902 Skin nodule
10040903 Skin odor abnormal
10040904 Skin odour abnormal
10040905 Skin or subcutaneous tissue suture
10040906 Skin orthovoltage therapy
10040907 Skin papilloma
10040908 Skin peeling
10040909 Skin photon radiation therapy
10040910 Skin pigmentation
10040913 Skin rash
10040914 Skin reaction
10040915 Skin reaction localised
10040916 Skin red
10040917 Skin rough
10040918 Skin roughness
10040919 Skin sarcoidosis lesion
10040920 Skin scaly
10040921 Skin sclerosis finger and palm
10040922 Skin seborrheic
10040923 Skin seborrhoeic
10040924 Skin split autograft
10040925 Skin striae
10040926 Skin superficial X-ray therapy
10040927 Skin swelling of
10040928 Skin tags
10040929 Skin test
10040930 Skin test abnormal
10040931 Skin test normal
10040932 Skin test NOS negative
10040933 Skin test NOS positive
10040934 Skin test positive
10040935 Skin test reaction
10040936 Skin thickening
10040937 Skin thinness
10040938 Skin thinning of
10040939 Skin tuberculosis
10040940 Skin tumor
10040941 Skin tumor NOS
10040942 Skin tumor-like condition NOS
10040943 Skin ulcer
10040944 Skin ulcer excision
10040945 Skin ulcer NOS
10040946 Skin ulcer removal
10040947 Skin ulceration
10040949 Skin vasculitis NOS
10040950 Skin vasodilatation
10040951 Skin vasodilating
10040952 Skin warm
10040954 Skin wrinkling
10040955 Skin xerodermic
10040956 Skipped beats
10040959 Skull fracture NOS
10040960 Skull fractured base
10040962 Skull lesion excision
10040963 Skull malformation NOS
10040964 Skull X-ray
10040965 Skull X-ray abnormal
10040966 Skull X-ray normal
10040967 SLE
10040968 SLE arthritis
10040969 SLE encephalopathy
10040970 SLE nephritis
10040971 SLE rash
10040972 SLE syndrome aggravated
10040973 SLE-like symptom
10040974 SLE-like symptoms
10040975 Sleep apnea
10040976 Sleep apnea syndrome
10040977 Sleep apnoea
10040979 Sleep apnoea syndrome
10040980 Sleep apnoea syndromes
10040981 Sleep attacks
10040982 Sleep decreased
10040983 Sleep difficult
10040984 Sleep disorder
10040985 Sleep disorder due to general medical condition, hypersomnia type
10040986 Sleep disorder due to general medical condition, insomnia type
10040987 Sleep disorder due to general medical condition, mixed type
10040988 Sleep disorder due to general medical condition, parasomnia type
10040989 Sleep disorder NOS
10040990 Sleep disorder therapy
10040995 Sleep disturbance
10040999 Sleep disturbed
10041000 Sleep excessive
10041001 Sleep loss
10041002 Sleep paralysis
10041003 Sleep phase rhythm disturbance
10041005 Sleep problem
10041006 Sleep REM abnormal
10041007 Sleep restless
10041008 Sleep rhythm reversal
10041009 Sleep talking
10041010 Sleep terror
10041011 Sleep unwell
10041012 Sleep walking
10041013 Sleep-wake schedule disorder
10041014 Sleepiness
10041016 Sleeping sickness
10041017 Sleeplessness
10041018 Sleepy
10041019 Sliding hiatal hernia
10041020 Sliding inguinal hernia
10041021 Slight fever
10041022 Slightly irritable
10041023 Slimmers disease
10041024 Slimming diet
10041025 Slipped cervical disc
10041026 Slipped disc
10041027 Slipped femoral capital epiphysis
10041028 Slipped femoral epiphysis
10041029 Slipped femoral epiphysis operation
10041030 Slipped lumbar disc
10041031 Slit-lamp examination
10041032 Slit-lamp tests
10041033 Slit-lamp tests abnormal
10041034 Slit-lamp tests normal
10041035 Slough injection site
10041036 Sloughing
10041037 Sloughing glans penis
10041038 Sloughing of buccal mucosa
10041040 Sloughing of mouth
10041041 Sloughing of skin
10041044 Slow pulse
10041045 Slow response to stimuli
10041046 Slow speech development
10041047 Slow virus infection
10041048 Slow virus infection of central nervous system
10041049 Slowed thinking
10041050 Slowing of urinary stream
10041051 Sluggish thinking
10041052 Sluggishness
10041053 Slurred speech
10041054 Small and large bowel atresias
10041055 Small bowel obstruction
10041056 Small cell carcinoma
10041057 Small cell carcinoma of the cervix
10041058 Small cell carcinoma of the lung
10041067 Small cell lung cancer
10041068 Small cell lung cancer extensive stage
10041069 Small cell lung cancer limited stage
10041070 Small cell lung cancer recurrent
10041071 Small cell lung cancer stage unspecified
10041079 Small cleaved follicular cell lymphoma (Mantle cell lymphoma) (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10041080 Small cleaved follicular cell lymphoma (Mantle cell lymphoma) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10041081 Small cleaved follicular cell lymphoma (Mantle cell lymphoma) recurrent
10041082 Small cleaved follicular cell lymphoma (Mantle cell lymphoma) refractory
10041083 Small cleaved follicular cell lymphoma (Mantle cell lymphoma) stage II
10041084 Small cleaved follicular cell lymphoma (Mantle cell lymphoma) stage III
10041085 Small cleaved follicular cell lymphoma (Mantle cell lymphoma) stage IV
10041086 Small cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma recurrent
10041087 Small cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma refractory
10041088 Small cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma stage I
10041089 Small cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma stage II
10041090 Small cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma stage III
10041091 Small cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma stage IV
10041092 Small for dates baby
10041093 Small for gestational age
10041094 Small intestinal anastomosis
10041095 Small intestinal endoscopy
10041096 Small intestinal endoscopy abnormal
10041097 Small intestinal endoscopy normal
10041098 Small intestinal gangrene NOS
10041099 Small intestinal intussusception reduction
10041101 Small intestinal obstruction
10041102 Small intestinal obstruction NOS
10041103 Small intestinal perforation
10041104 Small intestinal perforation NOS
10041105 Small intestinal resection
10041106 Small intestinal stenosis NOS
10041107 Small intestinal stricture
10041108 Small intestinal stricture NOS
10041109 Small intestinal ulcer NOS
10041110 Small intestinal ulcer NOS haemorrhage
10041111 Small intestine adenocarcinoma metastatic
10041112 Small intestine adenocarcinoma metastatic NOS
10041113 Small intestine adenocarcinoma non-resectable
10041114 Small intestine adenocarcinoma non-resectable NOS
10041115 Small intestine adenocarcinoma NOS
10041116 Small intestine adenocarcinoma recurrent
10041117 Small intestine adenocarcinoma recurrent NOS
10041118 Small intestine adenocarcinoma resectable
10041119 Small intestine adenocarcinoma resectable NOS
10041120 Small intestine cancer (excl sarcoma and lymphoma)
10041121 Small intestine carcinoma metastatic
10041122 Small intestine carcinoma non-resectable
10041123 Small intestine carcinoma NOS
10041124 Small intestine carcinoma recurrent
10041125 Small intestine carcinoma resectable
10041126 Small intestine gangrene
10041127 Small intestine leiomyosarcoma
10041128 Small intestine metastases
10041129 Small intestine obstruction
10041131 Small intestine perforation
10041132 Small intestine stenosis
10041133 Small intestine ulcer
10041134 Small intestine ulcer haemorrhagic
10041135 Small kidney
10041136 Small kidney of unknown cause
10041137 Small kidney, unspecified
10041138 Small lymphocyte B lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10041139 Small lymphocyte B lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10041140 Small lymphocyte B lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10041141 Small lymphocyte B lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10041142 Small lymphocyte B lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage II
10041143 Small lymphocyte B lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage III
10041144 Small lymphocyte B lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage IV
10041145 Small lymphocytic lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation)
10041146 Small lymphocytic lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10041147 Small lymphocytic lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) refractory
10041148 Small lymphocytic lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage I
10041149 Small lymphocytic lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage II
10041150 Small lymphocytic lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage III
10041151 Small lymphocytic lymphoma (Nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10041152 Small lymphocytic lymphoma, consistent with CLL (Working Formulation)
10041153 Small lymphocytic lymphoma, consistent with CLL (Working Formulation) recurrent
10041154 Small lymphocytic lymphoma, consistent with CLL (Working Formulation) refractory
10041155 Small lymphocytic lymphoma, consistent with CLL (Working Formulation) stage I
10041156 Small lymphocytic lymphoma, consistent with CLL (Working Formulation) stage II
10041157 Small lymphocytic lymphoma, consistent with CLL (Working Formulation) stage III
10041158 Small lymphocytic lymphoma, consistent with CLL (Working Formulation) stage IV
10041159 Small lymphocytic plasmacytoid lymphoma (Working Formulation)
10041160 Small lymphocytic plasmacytoid lymphoma (Working Formulation) recurrent
10041161 Small lymphocytic plasmacytoid lymphoma (Working Formulation) refractory
10041162 Small lymphocytic plasmacytoid lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage I
10041163 Small lymphocytic plasmacytoid lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage II
10041164 Small lymphocytic plasmacytoid lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage III
10041165 Small lymphocytic plasmacytoid lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage IV
10041166 Small non-cleaved cell Burkitt's lymphoma (working formulation) recurrent
10041167 Small non-cleaved cell Burkitt's lymphoma (working formulation) refractory
10041168 Small non-cleaved cell Burkitt's lymphoma (working formulation) stage I
10041169 Small non-cleaved cell Burkitt's lymphoma (working formulation) stage II
10041170 Small non-cleaved cell Burkitt's lymphoma (working formulation) stage III
10041171 Small non-cleaved cell Burkitt's lymphoma (working formulation) stage IV
10041172 Small noncleaved cell non-Burkitt's lymphoma (Working Formulation)
10041173 Small noncleaved cell non-Burkitt's lymphoma (Working Formulation) recurrent
10041174 Small noncleaved cell non-Burkitt's lymphoma (Working Formulation) refractory
10041175 Small noncleaved cell non-Burkitt's lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage I
10041176 Small noncleaved cell non-Burkitt's lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage II
10041177 Small noncleaved cell non-Burkitt's lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage III
10041178 Small noncleaved cell non-Burkitt's lymphoma (Working Formulation) stage IV
10041179 Small non-cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Burkitt's lymphoma) recurrent
10041180 Small non-cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Burkitt's lymphoma) refractory
10041181 Small non-cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Burkitt's lymphoma) stage I
10041182 Small non-cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Burkitt's lymphoma) stage II
10041183 Small non-cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Burkitt's lymphoma) stage III
10041184 Small non-cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (Burkitt's lymphoma) stage IV
10041185 Small noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma)
10041186 Small noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage I
10041187 Small noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage II
10041188 Small noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like lymphoma) stage IV
10041189 Small noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like) recurrent
10041190 Small noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like) refractory
10041191 Small noncleaved follicular center cell lymphoma (High grade B-cell Burkitt-like) stage III
10041192 Small non-cleaved follicular center cell lymphoma recurrent
10041193 Small papule
10041194 Small stature
10041195 Small vessel disease of diabetes mellitus
10041196 Small-for-dates baby
10041197 Smallpox
10041198 Smallpox, unspecified
10041201 Smear
10041202 Smear buccal
10041203 Smear buccal abnormal
10041204 Smear buccal normal
10041205 Smear cervix
10041206 Smear cervix abnormal
10041207 Smear cervix normal
10041208 Smear site unspecified abnormal
10041209 Smear site unspecified normal
10041210 Smear test
10041211 Smear test normal
10041212 Smear test NOS
10041213 Smear test NOS abnormal
10041214 Smear vagina
10041215 Smell alteration
10041216 Smell change
10041217 Smell loss
10041218 Smell perversion
10041219 Smelly body
10041220 Smelly breath
10041221 Smelly feet
10041222 Smelly sensation
10041223 Smith's fracture
10041224 Smoker's blindness
10041225 SMON
10041226 SMON symptom
10041227 Smooth muscle antibody
10041228 Smooth muscle antibody negative
10041229 Smooth muscle antibody positive
10041230 Snake bite
10041231 Snappy
10041232 Sneezing
10041233 Sneezing excessive
10041234 Snore
10041235 Snoring
10041236 Snow blindness
10041241 Social alcohol drinker
10041242 Social anxiety disorder
10041243 Social avoidant behaviour
10041245 Social degeneration
10041246 Social disinhibition
10041247 Social fear
10041248 Social irresponsibility
10041250 Social phobia
10041251 Social problem - poverty
10041252 Social problem NOS
10041253 Social withdrawal
10041254 Socialized conduct disorder
10041259 Socialized disturbance of conduct
10041260 Sociopath
10041261 Sociopathic personality
10041262 Sociopathy
10041263 Sodium
10041264 Sodium abnormal NOS
10041265 Sodium blood decreased
10041266 Sodium blood increased
10041267 Sodium chloride intoxication
10041268 Sodium decreased
10041270 Sodium depletion
10041271 Sodium high
10041272 Sodium increased
10041274 Sodium low
10041275 Sodium normal
10041277 Sodium retention
10041278 Sodium urine abnormal NOS
10041279 Sodium urine decreased
10041280 Sodium urine high
10041281 Sodium urine increased
10041282 Sodium urine low
10041283 Sodium urine normal
10041285 Soft corn
10041287 Soft retinal exudates
10041289 Soft tissue disorder NOS
10041290 Soft tissue inflammation
10041291 Soft tissue injury
10041292 Soft tissue injury NOS
10041300 Soft X-ray of breast
10041301 Soft X-ray of breast abnormal
10041302 Soft X-ray of breast normal
10041303 Solar dermatitis
10041304 Solar keratosis
10041305 Solar retinopathy
10041306 Solar sensitiveness
10041307 Solar urticaria
10041308 Soliloquy
10041309 Solitary bone cyst
10041310 Solitary cyst of breast
10041311 Solitary hepatocellular adenoma
10041312 Solitary rectal ulcer
10041313 Solitary ulcer of anus (sphincter)
10041314 Solitary ulcer of rectum (sphincter)
10041315 Solvent poisoning
10041316 Solvent sensitivity
10041317 Somatic delusion
10041318 Somatisation disorder
10041319 Somatization disorder
10041321 Somatoform disorder cardiovascular
10041322 Somatoform disorder gastrointestinal
10041324 Somatoform disorder pregnancy
10041325 Somatoform disorder skin
10041327 Somatostatin analogue therapy
10041328 Somatostatin receptor scan
10041329 Somatostatinoma
10041330 Somatotrophic hormone
10041331 Somatotrophin
10041332 Somatotrophin abnormal NOS
10041333 Somatotrophin decreased
10041334 Somatotrophin increased
10041335 Somatotropin
10041336 Somatotropin abnormal
10041337 Somatotropin abnormal NOS
10041338 Somatotropin decreased
10041339 Somatotropin high
10041340 Somatotropin increased
10041341 Somatotropin low
10041342 Somatotropin normal
10041343 Somatotropin suppression test
10041344 Somatotropin suppression test abnormal
10041345 Somatotropin suppression test normal
10041346 Somnambulation
10041347 Somnambulism
10041349 Somnolence
10041350 Somnolence neonatal
10041351 Sonogram abnormal
10041352 Sonogram normal
10041353 Sore back
10041354 Sore breasts
10041356 Sore eye
10041357 Sore eyes
10041358 Sore feet
10041359 Sore gums
10041361 Sore inner canthus
10041362 Sore mouth
10041363 Sore nipple
10041364 Sore nose
10041365 Sore oesophagus
10041367 Sore throat
10041368 Sore throat NOS
10041369 Sore tongue
10041370 Soreness breast
10041371 Soreness gum
10041372 Soreness in eyes
10041373 Sour stomach
10041374 Spaced out
10041375 Sparganosis (larval diphyllobothriasis)
10041377 Spasm biliary
10041378 Spasm bronchial
10041379 Spasm carpopedal
10041380 Spasm cerebrovascular
10041381 Spasm ciliary muscle
10041382 Spasm coronary artery
10041383 Spasm esophageal
10041384 Spasm eyelid
10041385 Spasm generalised
10041386 Spasm generalized
10041387 Spasm glottis
10041388 Spasm intestinal
10041389 Spasm larynx
10041390 Spasm muscle
10041391 Spasm oculogyric
10041392 Spasm oculomotor
10041393 Spasm of accommodation
10041394 Spasm of artery
10041395 Spasm of conjugate gaze
10041396 Spasm of muscle
10041397 Spasm of sphincter of Oddi
10041398 Spasm of the arteries
10041399 Spasm of vein
10041400 Spasm oropharyngeal
10041401 Spasm pyloric
10041402 Spasm temporomandibular
10041403 Spasm tongue
10041404 Spasm uterine
10041405 Spasm uterine cervix
10041406 Spasm vascular retinal
10041407 Spasmodic torticollis
10041408 Spasms
10041409 Spastic colon
10041410 Spastic ectropion
10041411 Spastic entropion
10041412 Spastic gait
10041413 Spastic hemiplegia
10041414 Spastic palsy (infantile)
10041415 Spastic paralysis
10041416 Spasticity
10041417 Spasticity congenital
10041418 Spasticity muscle
10041419 Spec senses congenital anom NOS
10041420 Special senses congenital anomaly
10041422 Specific academic or work inhibition
10041423 Specific allergy (drug)
10041425 Specific arithmetical retardation
10041432 Specific gravity body fluid NOS
10041433 Specific gravity body fluid NOS abnormal
10041434 Specific gravity body fluid NOS decreased
10041435 Specific gravity body fluid NOS increased
10041436 Specific gravity body fluid NOS normal
10041438 Specific gravity urine
10041439 Specific gravity urine abnormal
10041440 Specific gravity urine normal
10041443 Specific learning delay (excl mental retardation)
10041445 Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders due to organic brain damage
10041446 Specific phobia
10041447 Specific reading retardation
10041458 SPECT
10041463 Speech audiometry
10041464 Speech audiometry abnormal
10041465 Speech audiometry normal
10041466 Speech disorder
10041467 Speech disorder developmental
10041469 Speech impairment NOS
10041470 Speech loss
10041471 Speech pitch disorder
10041472 Speech slurred
10041473 Spens' syndrome
10041474 SPEP
10041475 Sperm absent
10041476 Sperm analysis
10041477 Sperm analysis abnormal
10041478 Sperm analysis normal
10041479 Sperm count
10041480 Sperm count abnormal
10041481 Sperm count decreased
10041482 Sperm count increased
10041483 Sperm count normal
10041484 Sperm count zero
10041485 Sperm disorder of
10041486 Sperm formation disorder
10041487 Sperm motility abnormal
10041488 Sperm motility decreased
10041489 Sperm motility normal
10041490 Spermatocele
10041491 Spermatocele aspiration
10041492 Spermatocele excision
10041493 Spermatogenesis abnormal
10041494 Spermatogenesis arrest
10041495 Spermatogenesis arrested
10041496 Spermatogenesis reversible inhibition of
10041497 Spermatorrhoea
10041498 Spermatozoa abnormal
10041499 Spermatozoa abnormal NOS
10041500 Spermatozoa count zero
10041501 Spermatozoa morphology
10041502 Spermatozoa morphology abnormal
10041503 Spermatozoa morphology normal
10041504 Spermatozoa progressive motility abnormal
10041505 Spermatozoa progressive motility abnormal NOS
10041506 Spermatozoa progressive motility decreased
10041507 Spermatozoa progressive motility normal
10041508 Sphenoid sinus operation
10041509 Spherocytic anaemia
10041511 Spherocytosis
10041512 Spherophacia
10041513 Spherophakia
10041514 Sphincterotomy (bladder)
10041515 Sphingomyelin lipidosis
10041516 Spider angioma
10041517 Spider bite
10041518 Spider naevi
10041519 Spider naevus
10041520 Spider nevi
10041521 Spider nevus
10041522 Spigelian hernia
10041523 Spiking temperature
10041524 Spina bifida
10041525 Spina bifida occulta
10041526 Spina bifida with hydrocephalus
10041532 Spina bifida, without mention of hydrocephalus, cervical region
10041533 Spina bifida, without mention of hydrocephalus, dorsal (thoracic) region
10041534 Spina bifida, without mention of hydrocephalus, lumbar region
10041535 Spina bifida, without mention of hydrocephalus, unspecified region
10041536 Spinal anaesthesia
10041538 Spinal anesthesia
10041539 Spinal claudication
10041540 Spinal column stenosis
10041541 Spinal compression fracture
10041542 Spinal cord abscess NOS
10041546 Spinal cord biopsy
10041547 Spinal cord biopsy abnormal
10041548 Spinal cord biopsy normal
10041549 Spinal cord compression
10041550 Spinal cord disorder NOS
10041551 Spinal cord drainage
10041552 Spinal cord injury
10041553 Spinal cord injury cauda equina
10041554 Spinal cord injury cervical
10041555 Spinal cord injury lumbar
10041557 Spinal cord injury sacral
10041558 Spinal cord injury thoracic
10041560 Spinal cord lesion biopsy
10041562 Spinal cord neoplasm benign NOS
10041563 Spinal decompression
10041564 Spinal deformity correction
10041565 Spinal disorder NOS
10041566 Spinal enthesopathy
10041568 Spinal fluid culture
10041569 Spinal fracture
10041570 Spinal fracture (excl compression)
10041571 Spinal fracture NOS
10041572 Spinal fractures
10041575 Spinal fusion
10041576 Spinal laminectomy
10041577 Spinal laminectomy & removal of disc
10041578 Spinal manipulation
10041579 Spinal meningioma benign
10041580 Spinal meningioma malignant
10041581 Spinal metastases
10041582 Spinal muscular atrophy
10041583 Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified
10041584 Spinal myelograph
10041585 Spinal myelograph abnormal
10041586 Spinal myelograph normal
10041587 Spinal nerve root disorder NOS
10041588 Spinal nerves paralysis permanent
10041589 Spinal operation NOS
10041591 Spinal osteoarthritis
10041592 Spinal secondaries
10041593 Spinal stenosis cervical
10041594 Spinal stenosis in cervical region
10041595 Spinal stenosis lumbar
10041596 Spinal stenosis NOS
10041597 Spinal stenosis of lumbar region
10041599 Spinal stenosis of thoracic region
10041602 Spinal vascular disorder NOS
10041603 Spinal vessel congenital anomaly
10041604 Spinal X-ray
10041605 Spinal X-ray abnormal
10041606 Spinal X-ray normal
10041607 Spindle cell malignant thymoma
10041608 Spindle cell malignant thymoma invasive
10041609 Spindle cell malignant thymoma noninvasive
10041610 Spindle cell malignant thymoma recurrent
10041611 Spine malformation
10041612 Spine malformation NOS
10041613 Spine manipulation
10041614 Spine rigidly extended
10041615 Spine X-ray
10041616 Spine X-ray abnormal
10041617 Spine X-ray normal
10041619 Spinning sensation
10041620 Spinocerebellar disease
10041621 Spinocerebellar disease, unspecified
10041622 Spinocerebellar disorder NOS
10041623 Spiral CT
10041624 Spirillary fever
10041626 Spirochaete infection NOS
10041628 Spirochetal infection, unspecified
10041629 Spirometry
10041630 Spirometry abnormal
10041631 Spirometry normal
10041632 Spitz naevus
10041633 Spleen disorder
10041634 Spleen disorder NOS
10041636 Spleen dullness enlarged
10041637 Spleen enlarged
10041638 Spleen rupture of
10041639 Spleen scintigraphy
10041640 Spleen tuberculosis
10041642 Splenectomy
10041643 Splenic abscess
10041644 Splenic abscess drainage
10041645 Splenic artery aneurysm
10041646 Splenic haematoma
10041647 Splenic haemorrhage
10041648 Splenic infarction
10041649 Splenic injury
10041651 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma NOS
10041652 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma recurrent
10041653 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma refractory
10041654 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma stage I
10041655 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma stage II
10041656 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma stage III
10041657 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma stage IV
10041658 Splenic rupture
10041659 Splenic vein thrombosis
10041660 Splenomegaly
10041661 Splenorenal shunt
10041662 Splinter
10041663 Splinter haemorrhages
10041664 Splinter hemorrhages
10041665 Split ends
10041666 Split skin autograft
10041667 Split thickness skin graft
10041668 Splitting of urinary stream
10041670 Spondylitic myelopathy
10041671 Spondylitis ankylopoietica
10041672 Spondylitis ankylosing
10041673 Spondylitis NOS
10041674 Spondylolisthesis acquired
10041675 Spondylolisthesis, congenital
10041676 Spondylolysis, congenital, lumbosacral region
10041677 Spondylopathy traumatic
10041678 Spondylosis
10041680 Spondylosis and allied disorders, other
10041681 Spondylosis NOS
10041682 Spondylosis of unspecified site
10041684 Spondylosis of unspecified site without mention of myelopathy
10041687 Spontaneous abortion
10041727 Spontaneous allergy
10041728 Spontaneous bone fracture
10041729 Spontaneous bruising
10041730 Spontaneous ecchymoses
10041731 Spontaneous fracture
10041732 Spontaneous tension pneumothorax
10041735 Sporothrix schenckii infection
10041736 Sporotrichosis
10041737 Sporotrichosis NOS
10041738 Sports injury
10041739 Spot of depigmentation
10041740 Spot pigmented
10041741 Spots before eyes
10041744 Spotting between menses
10041745 Spotting menstrual
10041746 Spousal abuse
10041747 Sprain
10041748 Sprain of carpal (joint) of wrist
10041749 Sprain of carpometacarpal (joint) of hand
10041750 Sprain of coccyx
10041751 Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee
10041752 Sprain of interphalangeal (joint) of hand
10041753 Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee
10041754 Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee
10041755 Sprain of metacarpophalangeal (joint) of hand
10041760 Sprain of radiocarpal (joint) (ligament) of wrist
10041761 Sprain of ribs
10041762 Sprain of sacrum
10041763 Sprain of septal cartilage of nose
10041764 Sprain of tibiofibular (joint) (ligament) superior, of knee
10041765 Sprain of unspecified site of back
10041767 Sprain of unspecified site of hand
10041771 Sprain of unspecified site of wrist
10041772 Sprained ankle
10041773 Sprained back
10041799 Sprue
10041800 Sprue NOS
10041801 Spurious polycythaemia
10041802 Sputum
10041803 Sputum abnormal NOS
10041804 Sputum bloody
10041805 Sputum changes
10041806 Sputum discolored
10041807 Sputum discoloured
10041808 Sputum excretion difficulty
10041809 Sputum excretion increased
10041810 Sputum expectoration difficult
10041812 Sputum increased
10041813 Sputum sticking sensation of
10041814 Sputum viscosity increased
10041816 Squamous blepharitis
10041817 Squamous cell bladder carcinoma recurrent
10041818 Squamous cell bladder carcinoma stage 0
10041819 Squamous cell bladder carcinoma stage I
10041820 Squamous cell bladder carcinoma stage II
10041821 Squamous cell bladder carcinoma stage III
10041822 Squamous cell bladder carcinoma stage IV
10041823 Squamous cell carcinoma
10041824 Squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus
10041825 Squamous cell carcinoma of esophagus NOS
10041826 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung
10041827 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung in situ
10041828 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung stage 0
10041829 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung stage I
10041830 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung stage II
10041831 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung stage III
10041832 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung stage IV
10041833 Squamous cell carcinoma of lung stage unspecified
10041834 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin
10041835 Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus recurrent
10041836 Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus stage I
10041837 Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus stage II
10041838 Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus stage III
10041839 Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus stage IV
10041840 Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus stage unspecified
10041841 Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder recurrent
10041842 Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage 0
10041843 Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage I
10041844 Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage II
10041845 Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage III
10041846 Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage IV
10041847 Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder stage unspecified
10041848 Squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix
10041849 Squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx
10041850 Squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx recurrent
10041851 Squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx stage 0
10041852 Squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx stage I
10041853 Squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx stage II
10041854 Squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx stage III
10041855 Squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx stage IV
10041856 Squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal cavity
10041857 Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity
10041858 Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity recurrent
10041859 Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity stage 0
10041860 Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity stage I
10041861 Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity stage II
10041862 Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity stage III
10041863 Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity stage IV
10041864 Squamous cell carcinoma of the paranasal sinus
10041865 Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue
10041866 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina
10041867 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina metastatic
10041868 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina recurrent
10041869 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina stage 0
10041870 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina stage I
10041871 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina stage II
10041872 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina stage III
10041873 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina stage IVA
10041874 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vagina stage IVB
10041875 Squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva
10041876 Squamous cell with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder NOS
10041877 Squamous cell with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder recurrent
10041878 Squamous cell with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st 0
10041879 Squamous cell with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st I
10041880 Squamous cell with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st II
10041881 Squamous cell with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st III
10041882 Squamous cell with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder st IV
10041883 Squamous endometrial carcinoma
10041884 Squint
10041885 Squint correction
10041886 ST depressed
10041887 ST elevated
10041888 St. Louis hysteria
10041889 ST normal
10041890 ST segment
10041891 ST segment depressed
10041892 ST segment depression
10041893 ST segment elevated
10041894 ST segment elevation
10041895 ST segment normal
10041896 St. Louis encephalitis
10041898 St. Louis encephalitis virus infection
10041899 Stab wound
10041900 Stag horn calculus
10041901 Stage fright
10041902 Staggering
10041903 Staggering gait
10041904 Stagnant loop syndrome
10041905 Stagnation of intestinal contents
10041906 Stain tooth
10041907 Staining cornea
10041908 Staining corneal
10041910 Stammer
10041912 Stammering
10041914 Standstill cardiac
10041915 Stapedectomy
10041916 Stapes mobilization
10041917 Staphylococcal abscess
10041918 Staphylococcal cellulitis
10041919 Staphylococcal endocarditis
10041920 Staphylococcal eye infection
10041921 Staphylococcal food poisoning
10041922 Staphylococcal gastroenteritis
10041923 Staphylococcal impetigo
10041924 Staphylococcal infection NOS
10041926 Staphylococcal meningitis
10041927 Staphylococcal ophthalmic infection
10041928 Staphylococcal pneumonia
10041929 Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
10041930 Staphylococcal septicaemia
10041931 Staphylococcal septicemia
10041932 Staphylococcal toxaemia
10041933 Staphylococcal toxemia
10041934 Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome
10041935 Staphylococcus aureus abscess
10041936 Staphylococcus aureus cellulitis
10041937 Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis
10041938 Staphylococcus aureus gastroenteritis
10041939 Staphylococcus aureus impetigo
10041940 Staphylococcus aureus meningitis
10041941 Staphylococcus aureus ophthalmic infection
10041942 Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia
10041943 Staphylococcus aureus septicaemia
10041944 Staphylococcus aureus toxic shock syndrome
10041945 Staphylococcus epidermidis abscess
10041946 Staphylococcus epidermidis cellulitis
10041947 Staphylococcus epidermidis endocarditis
10041948 Staphylococcus epidermidis meningitis
10041949 Staphylococcus epidermidis septicaemia
10041951 Staphyloma
10041952 Staphyloma posticum
10041953 Staring
10041954 Starvation
10041955 Stasis dermatitis
10041956 Stasis syndrome
10041957 Stasis ulcer
10041960 Stature short
10041961 Status asthmaticus
10041962 Status epilepticus
10041963 Status epilepticus grand mal
10041964 Status epilepticus petit mal
10041965 Steal phenomenon
10041966 Stealing
10041967 Stealing childhood
10041968 Steatorrhea
10041969 Steatorrhoea
10041970 Steatosis hepatic
10041971 Stein-Leventhal syndrome
10041972 Stenocardia
10041974 Stenosis aortic valve
10041975 Stenosis bladder
10041976 Stenosis bronchial
10041977 Stenosis colon
10041978 Stenosis esophageal
10041979 Stenosis ileum
10041980 Stenosis intestinal
10041981 Stenosis jejunum
10041982 Stenosis of bronchus
10041983 Stenosis of colon
10041984 Stenosis of ileum
10041985 Stenosis of jejunum
10041986 Stenosis of lacrimal canaliculi
10041987 Stenosis of lacrimal punctum
10041988 Stenosis of lacrimal sac
10041989 Stenosis of larynx
10041990 Stenosis of nasolacrimal duct, acquired
10041991 Stenosis of pulmonary valve, congenital
10041993 Stenosis pulmonic valve
10041994 Stenosis pyloric
10041995 Stenosis pyloric hypertrophic congenital
10041996 Stenosis small intestine
10041997 Stenosis trigone urinary bladder
10041998 Stenosis ureteral
10041999 Stenosis urinary bladder
10042001 Stercoral ulcer of anus (sphincter)
10042002 Stercoral ulcer of rectum (sphincter)
10042003 Stereotactic needle biopsy of breast
10042004 Stereotyped repetitive movements
10042005 Stereotypic movement disorder
10042006 Stereotypic movement disorder (of childhood)
10042008 Stereotypy
10042009 Stereotypy/habit disorder
10042010 Sterile pyuria
10042011 Sterilisation reversal
10042012 Sterility
10042013 Sterility female
10042014 Sterilization reversal
10042015 Sternal fracture
10042016 Sternal wiring
10042017 Sternoarticular pyarthrosis
10042018 Sternoclavicular (joint) (ligament) sprain
10042019 Sternum sprain
10042020 Sternum sprain, unspecified part
10042022 Steroid abuse
10042023 Steroid acne
10042024 Steroid myopathy
10042025 Steroid nephropathy
10042026 Steroid responders borderline glaucoma
10042027 Steroid therapy NOS
10042028 Steroid withdrawal syndrome
10042029 Stevens Johnson reaction
10042030 Stevens Johnson syndrome
10042031 Stevens Johnson type reaction
10042033 Stevens-Johnson syndrome
10042034 STH
10042035 Sticky discharge from eye
10042036 Sticky eye
10042037 Sticky eyes
10042038 Sticky feeling in eyes
10042039 Stiff back
10042040 Stiff fingers
10042041 Stiff joint
10042042 Stiff knees
10042043 Stiff neck
10042044 Stiff-man syndrome
10042045 Stiffness
10042046 Stiffness around back
10042047 Stiffness joints
10042048 Stiffness muscle
10042060 Stiffness shoulder
10042061 Still's disease
10042062 Stillbirth
10042063 Stillbirth NOS
10042064 Stimulation CNS
10042065 Sting
10042066 Stinging
10042067 Stinging of nose
10042068 Stinging sensation in eyes
10042069 Stippling basophilic
10042070 Stitch abscess
10042071 Stitch sinus
10042073 Stokes Adams syndrome
10042074 Stokes-Adams syndrome
10042075 Stoma care
10042076 Stomach ache
10042077 Stomach atony
10042078 Stomach biopsy
10042079 Stomach burning sensation of
10042080 Stomach cancer
10042081 Stomach cancer in situ
10042082 Stomach cancer recurrent
10042083 Stomach cancer stage 0
10042084 Stomach cancer stage I
10042085 Stomach cancer stage II
10042086 Stomach cancer stage III
10042087 Stomach cancer stage IV NOS
10042088 Stomach cancer stage IV with metastases
10042089 Stomach cancer stage IV without metastases
10042090 Stomach carcinoma
10042091 Stomach carcinoma in situ
10042092 Stomach carcinoma recurrent
10042093 Stomach carcinoma stage 0
10042094 Stomach carcinoma stage I
10042095 Stomach carcinoma stage II
10042096 Stomach carcinoma stage III
10042097 Stomach carcinoma stage IV NOS
10042098 Stomach carcinoma stage IV with metastases
10042099 Stomach carcinoma stage IV without metastases
10042100 Stomach dilatation
10042101 Stomach discomfort
10042102 Stomach dull pain of
10042103 Stomach erosion
10042104 Stomach feeling heavy
10042105 Stomach flu
10042106 Stomach fullness
10042107 Stomach function disorder
10042108 Stomach heaviness
10042109 Stomach hemorrhage
10042110 Stomach inflammation
10042111 Stomach irritated feeling of
10042112 Stomach pain
10042113 Stomach perforation
10042114 Stomach pressure sensation of
10042115 Stomach tonus increased
10042116 Stomach ulcer
10042117 Stomach ulcer hemorrhage
10042118 Stomach ulcer reactivated
10042119 Stomach ulcer with hemorrhage
10042122 Stomach ulcer with perforation
10042124 Stomach upset
10042125 Stomach virus
10042126 Stomachache
10042127 Stomal ulcer
10042128 Stomatitis
10042131 Stomatitis aphthous
10042132 Stomatitis haemorrhagic
10042133 Stomatitis hemorrhagic
10042134 Stomatitis monilial
10042135 Stomatitis necrotising
10042136 Stomatitis necrotizing
10042137 Stomatitis radiation
10042138 Stomatitis ulcerative
10042139 Stomatitis ulcerative aphthous
10042140 Stone in gallbladder
10042141 Stone urinary bladder
10042142 Stones common duct
10042143 Stool black
10042144 Stool bloody
10042145 Stool culture
10042146 Stool culture negative
10042147 Stool culture positive
10042148 Stool discoloration
10042149 Stool discolored
10042150 Stool light colored
10042151 Stool light coloured
10042152 Stool tablet in
10042153 Stool tarry
10042154 Stools abnormal
10042155 Stools hard
10042156 Stools loose
10042157 Stools watery
10042158 Strabismic amblyopia
10042159 Strabismus
10042161 Strabismus congenital
10042163 Strabismus NOS
10042164 Strain
10042165 Strange smell sensation
10042166 Strangulated hernia
10042167 Strangulated hernia repair
10042168 Strangulated herniorrhaphy
10042169 Strangulation
10042170 Strangury
10042171 Strawberry mark
10042172 Strawberry naevus
10042173 Streak ovaries
10042174 Strength loss of
10042175 Streptobacillary fever
10042176 Streptococcal abscess
10042177 Streptococcal cellulitis
10042178 Streptococcal impetigo
10042179 Streptococcal infection NOS
10042181 Streptococcal meningitis
10042182 Streptococcal pharyngitis
10042183 Streptococcal pyoderma
10042184 Streptococcal septicaemia
10042185 Streptococcal septicemia
10042186 Streptococcal sore throat
10042189 Streptococcal tonsillitis
10042190 Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome
10042191 Streptococcus faecalis endocarditis
10042193 Streptococcus pneumoniae acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
10042194 Streptococcus pneumoniae meningitis
10042195 Streptococcus pneumoniae pneumonia
10042196 Streptococcus pneumoniae secondary bacterial infection of acute bronchitis
10042197 Streptococcus pneumoniae septicaemia
10042198 Streptococcus pyogenes abscess
10042199 Streptococcus pyogenes cellulitis
10042200 Streptococcus pyogenes impetigo
10042201 Streptococcus pyogenes pharyngitis
10042202 Streptococcus pyogenes septicaemia
10042203 Streptococcus pyogenes toxic shock syndrome
10042204 Streptokinase antibody high
10042205 Streptolysin O antibody
10042206 Streptolysin O antibody abnormal
10042207 Streptolysin O antibody normal
10042208 Streptolysin O antibody positive
10042209 Stress
10042210 Stress at work
10042212 Stress fracture
10042213 Stress incontinence
10042214 Stress incontinence, female
10042215 Stress incontinence, male
10042216 Stress induced hyperglycemia
10042217 Stress polycythaemia
10042218 Stress symptoms
10042219 Stress test
10042220 Stress ulcer
10042221 Stress-due acute transient situational disturbance
10042222 Stretch marks
10042223 Striae
10042224 Striae atrophic
10042225 Striae atrophicae
10042226 Striae purple
10042227 Striae skin
10042231 Stricture esophagus
10042232 Stricture intestinal
10042233 Stricture of artery
10042234 Stricture of colon
10042235 Stricture of esophagus
10042236 Stricture of ileum
10042237 Stricture of male genital organs
10042238 Stricture of pelviureteric juncture
10042241 Stridor
10042242 Stridor inspiratory
10042243 Stripping of rectal mucosa
10042244 Stroke
10042245 Stroke volume
10042246 Stroke volume decreased
10042247 Stroke volume high
10042248 Stroke volume increased
10042249 Stroke volume low
10042250 Stroke volume normal
10042251 Stromal corneal pigmentations
10042253 Strongyloides stercoralis infection
10042254 Strongyloidiasis
10042255 Struck by lightning
10042262 Stumbling
10042263 Stump hallucination
10042264 Stupor
10042265 Sturge-Weber syndrome
10042266 Stutter
10042267 Stuttering
10042268 Sty
10042269 Stye
10042270 Subacromial bursitis
10042271 Subacute bacterial endocarditis
10042272 Subacute combined cord degeneration
10042274 Subacute confusional state
10042275 Subacute delirium
10042276 Subacute endocarditis
10042277 Subacute hepatic necrosis
10042278 Subacute intestinal obstruction
10042279 Subacute leukaemia NOS
10042280 Subacute leukaemia NOS (in remission)
10042281 Subacute leukemia of unspecified cell type in remission
10042282 Subacute leukemia of unspecified cell type without mention of remission
10042283 Subacute liver disease
10042284 Subacute lymphoid leukaemia
10042285 Subacute lymphoid leukaemia (in remission)
10042286 Subacute lymphoid leukemia in remission
10042287 Subacute lymphoid leukemia without mention of remission
10042288 Subacute monocytic leukaemia
10042289 Subacute monocytic leukaemia (in remission)
10042290 Subacute monocytic leukemia in remission
10042291 Subacute monocytic leukemia without mention of remission
10042292 Subacute myeloid leukaemia
10042293 Subacute myeloid leukaemia (in remission)
10042294 Subacute myeloid leukemia in remission
10042295 Subacute myeloid leukemia without mention of remission
10042297 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
10042298 Subacute thyroiditis
10042299 Subaortic stenosis, congenital
10042316 Subarachnoid haemorrhage
10042317 Subarachnoid haemorrhage neonatal
10042318 Subarachnoid haemorrhage NOS
10042319 Subarachnoid haemorrhage of newborn
10042320 Subarachnoid hemorrhage
10042324 Subarachnoid hemorrhage of newborn
10042325 Subarachnoid pressure increased
10042330 Subcapsular cataract
10042331 Subclavian artery aneurysm
10042332 Subclavian artery embolism
10042333 Subclavian artery embolus
10042334 Subclavian artery thrombosis
10042335 Subclavian steal syndrome
10042336 Subclinical diabetes
10042337 Subcondylar process of mandible closed fracture
10042338 Subcondylar process of mandible open fracture
10042339 Subconjunctival cyst
10042340 Subconjunctival ecchymosis
10042341 Subconjunctival haemorrhage
10042342 Subcorneal pustular dermatosis
10042343 Subcutaneous abscess
10042344 Subcutaneous emphysema
10042345 Subcutaneous haematoma
10042346 Subcutaneous hematoma
10042347 Subcutaneous mastectomy
10042348 Subcutaneous nodule
10042349 Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma (Provisional subtype)
10042350 Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma (Provisional subtype) recurrent
10042351 Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma (Provisional subtype) refractory
10042352 Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma (Provisional subtype) stage I
10042353 Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma (Provisional subtype) stage II
10042354 Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma (Provisional subtype) stage III
10042355 Subcutaneous panniculitic T-cell lymphoma (Provisional subtype) stage IV
10042357 Subcutaneous urticaria
10042360 Subdural empyema
10042361 Subdural haematoma
10042362 Subdural haematoma (traumatic)
10042363 Subdural haematoma evacuation
10042364 Subdural haemorrhage
10042365 Subdural haemorrhage neonatal
10042380 Subdural hematoma
10042381 Subdural hematoma (traumatic)
10042382 Subdural hematoma removal
10042384 Subdural hemorrhage
10042389 Subepithelial opacities
10042390 Suberosis
10042391 Subfertility
10042392 Subfertility (female)
10042393 Subglottic edema
10042394 Subglottic oedema
10042395 Subglottic stenosis
10042396 Subinvolution of uterus (puerperal)
10042397 Subinvolution uterine
10042398 Subjective tinnitus
10042399 Subjective visual disturbance, unspecified
10042400 Subjective visual disturbances
10042401 Sublingual varices
10042402 Subluxation
10042403 Subluxation elbow
10042404 Subluxation finger
10042405 Subluxation hip
10042406 Subluxation jaw
10042407 Subluxation knee
10042408 Subluxation of lens
10042409 Subluxation of toe
10042410 Subluxation patella
10042411 Subluxation patellofemoral joint
10042412 Subluxation shoulder
10042413 Subluxation thumb
10042414 Submammary intertrigo
10042415 Submandibular calculus
10042416 Submandibular duct stone
10042417 Submandibular lymphadenitis
10042418 Submaxillary gland enlarged
10042419 Submaxillary gland enlargement
10042420 Submucous leiomyoma of uterus
10042421 Submucous resection of nasal septum
10042422 Subperiosteal abscess of mastoid
10042424 Subscapularis (muscle) strain
10042425 Subserous leiomyoma of uterus
10042426 Substandard housing
10042427 Substernal chest pain
10042428 Substernal pain
10042429 Subtotal hysterectomy
10042430 Subungual haematoma
10042431 Subvalvular aortic stenosis
10042432 Sucrose intolerance
10042433 Suction curette retained placenta
10042434 Sudden death
10042435 Sudden death NOS
10042436 Sudden death unexplained
10042437 Sudden death, cause unknown
10042438 Sudden hearing loss, unspecified
10042439 Sudden infant death
10042440 Sudden infant death syndrome
10042441 Sudden visual loss
10042442 Sudeck's atrophy
10042443 Suffocation
10042444 Suffocation feeling
10042445 Sugar blood decreased
10042446 Sugar blood increased
10042448 Sugar blood level increased
10042451 Sugar fasting blood level increased
10042453 Sugar in urine
10042455 Sugar urinary
10042456 Sugar urinary present
10042457 Suicidal depression
10042458 Suicidal ideation
10042461 Suicidal tendency
10042462 Suicide
10042463 Suicide (accomplished)
10042464 Suicide attempt
10042465 Suicide attempt other than overdose
10042466 Suicide gesture
10042467 Suicide of brother
10042468 Suicide of child
10042469 Suicide of close relative
10042470 Suicide of companion
10042471 Suicide of daughter
10042472 Suicide of friend
10042473 Suicide of husband
10042474 Suicide of relative
10042475 Suicide of sibling
10042476 Suicide of sister
10042477 Suicide of son
10042478 Suicide of spouse
10042479 Suicide of wife
10042481 Sulfhemoglobinemia
10042482 Sulfobromophthalein retention
10042483 Sulfonamide crystalluria
10042484 Sulphaemoglobin abnormal
10042485 Sulphaemoglobin decreased
10042486 Sulphaemoglobin high
10042487 Sulphaemoglobin increased
10042488 Sulphaemoglobin low
10042489 Sulphaemoglobin normal
10042490 Sulphaemoglobinaemia
10042491 Sulphobromophthalein retention
10042492 Sumac rash
10042493 Sun blister
10042494 Sun sensitivity
10042495 Sun stroke
10042496 Sunburn
10042497 Sunken eyes
10042498 Sunstroke
10042503 Superficial basal cell carcinoma
10042504 Superficial burn
10042505 Superficial dyspareunia
10042506 Superficial femoral arterial stenosis
10042526 Superficial injuries of other, multiple, and unspecified sites
10042527 Superficial injury of conjunctiva
10042528 Superficial injury of cornea
10042530 Superficial injury of eye
10042542 Superficial keratitis, unspecified
10042544 Superficial phlebitis of leg
10042545 Superficial phlebothrombosis
10042546 Superficial scaly dermatitis
10042547 Superficial spreading melanoma
10042548 Superficial spreading melanoma in situ
10042549 Superficial spreading melanoma stage I
10042550 Superficial spreading melanoma stage II
10042551 Superficial spreading melanoma stage III
10042552 Superficial spreading melanoma stage IV
10042553 Superficial spreading melanoma stage unspecified
10042554 Superficial thrombophlebitis
10042556 Superficial thrombophlebitis in pregnancy and the puerperium
10042557 Superficial thrombophlebitis of leg
10042560 Superficial thrombophlebitis, antepartum
10042561 Superficial thrombophlebitis, postpartum
10042562 Superficial thrombosis of veins
10042563 Superficial venous thrombosis of arm
10042564 Superficial venous thrombosis of leg
10042565 Superficial X-ray therapy
10042566 Superinfection
10042567 Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
10042568 Superior vena caval obstruction
10042569 Superior vena cava syndrome
10042570 Superior venacaval thrombosis
10042571 Supernumerary nipple
10042572 Supernumerary teeth
10042573 Superovulation
10042574 Supinator tendonitis
10042575 Supporting machine
10042576 Suppressed lactation
10042579 Suppressed lactation, unspecified as to episode of care
10042582 Suppression amblyopia
10042583 Suppression of binocular vision
10042584 Suppuration gum
10042586 Suppurative labyrinthitis
10042587 Suppurative lymphadenopathy
10042588 Suppurative peritonitis, other
10042589 Suppurative thrombophlebitis
10042590 Supracervical hysterectomy
10042591 Supracondylar fracture of femur, closed
10042592 Supracondylar fracture of femur, open
10042593 Suprapatellar bursitis
10042594 Suprapubic prostatectomy
10042597 Supraspinatus tendonitis
10042598 Supravalvular aortic stenosis
10042599 Supraventricular arrhythmia NOS
10042601 Supraventricular ectopics
10042602 Supraventricular extrasystoles
10042603 Supraventricular premature beats
10042604 Supraventricular tachycardia
10042606 Sural nerve biopsy
10042607 Surfactant deficiency syndrome adult
10042608 Surfactant deficiency syndrome neonatal
10042609 Surgery
10042610 Surgery prolonged
10042611 Surgery refused due to parent's wishes
10042612 Surgery refused due to patient's wishes
10042615 Surgical emphysema
10042616 Surgical menopause
10042618 Surgical procedure repeated
10042619 Surgical site reaction
10042620 Surgical skin tear
10042635 Suspiciousness
10042637 Suture of tendon sheath
10042638 Suture of wound, primary
10042639 Suture of wound, secondary
10042640 Suture removal
10042641 Suturing of wound
10042645 Swallowing difficult
10042646 Swallowing disorder
10042647 Swallowing impaired
10042648 Swallowing painful
10042649 Swallowing spasm
10042650 Swan-neck deformity
10042651 Swaying feeling
10042652 Sweat discolouration
10042653 Sweat gland disorder
10042654 Sweat gland disorder NOS
10042655 Sweat gland excision
10042656 Sweat gland inflammation
10042657 Sweat gland tumor
10042658 Sweat gland tumour
10042659 Sweat gland tumour NOS
10042660 Sweat rash
10042661 Sweating
10042662 Sweating abnormal
10042663 Sweating attack
10042664 Sweating decreased
10042665 Sweating easily
10042666 Sweating fever
10042667 Sweating increased
10042668 Sweating increased armpits
10042669 Sweating increased palms
10042670 Sweaty
10042673 Sweet's syndrome
10042674 Swelling
10042676 Swelling (l) testicle
10042677 Swelling (r) testicle
10042678 Swelling abd
10042679 Swelling abdomen
10042680 Swelling arm
10042681 Swelling auricular
10042682 Swelling face
10042684 Swelling lips
10042686 Swelling non-inflammatory
10042687 Swelling NOS
10042689 Swelling of elbows
10042690 Swelling of eyelid
10042691 Swelling of face
10042693 Swelling of feet
10042694 Swelling of fingers
10042695 Swelling of hands
10042696 Swelling of injection site
10042697 Swelling of knees
10042698 Swelling of L knee
10042699 Swelling of leg's soft tissue
10042700 Swelling of legs
10042701 Swelling of limb
10042702 Swelling of limbs
10042703 Swelling of lips
10042704 Swelling of R knee
10042705 Swelling of the ear
10042706 Swelling of tongue
10042707 Swelling of wrists
10042711 Swinging flashlight tests
10042712 Swinging flashlight tests abnormal
10042713 Swinging flashlight tests normal
10042714 Swollen abdomen
10042715 Swollen ankles
10042716 Swollen arm
10042717 Swollen elbows
10042718 Swollen eyelid
10042719 Swollen eyes
10042720 Swollen glands
10042721 Swollen joint
10042722 Swollen joints
10042723 Swollen lips
10042724 Swollen mouth
10042725 Swollen of face feeling
10042726 Swollen thumb
10042727 Swollen tongue
10042728 Swollen wrists
10042730 Swyer-James syndrome
10042731 Sycosis barbae
10042732 Sydenham's chorea
10042734 Syllable stumbling
10042735 Sylvatic yellow fever
10042736 Symblepharon
10042738 Sympathectomy
10042739 Sympathetic ganglion destruction
10042740 Sympathetic nerve destruction
10042741 Sympathetic nerve injury
10042742 Sympathetic ophthalmia
10042743 Sympathetic ophthalmitis
10042744 Sympathetic posterior cervical syndrome
10042745 Sympathetic uveitis
10042747 Symphysiolysis
10042748 Symphysis of body of mandible closed fracture
10042749 Symphysis of body of mandible open fracture
10042750 Symptom masked
10042751 Symptomatic diffuse esophageal spasm
10042752 Symptomatic early congenital syphilis
10042753 Symptomatic inflammatory myopathy
10042755 Symptomatic torsion dystonia
10042756 Symptomless state induced
10042767 Synacthen test
10042768 Synacthen test abnormal
10042769 Synacthen test normal
10042771 Syncopal attack
10042772 Syncope
10042774 Syncope exertional
10042775 Syncope postural
10042777 Syncope vasovagal
10042778 Syndactyly
10042779 Syndactyly of fingers with fusion of bone
10042780 Syndactyly of fingers without fusion of bone
10042782 Syndactyly of toes with fusion of bone
10042783 Syndactyly of toes without fusion of bone
10042784 Syndrome abdominal acute
10042785 Syndrome Adams-Stokes
10042787 Syndrome adult respiratory distress
10042788 Syndrome anticholinergic
10042789 Syndrome atropine-like
10042790 Syndrome brain acute
10042792 Syndrome buccoglossal
10042793 Syndrome Budd-Chiari
10042795 Syndrome cerebellar
10042796 Syndrome cholinergic
10042797 Syndrome corticosteroid withdrawal
10042798 Syndrome Cushing's
10042799 Syndrome DiGuglielmo's
10042800 Syndrome disseminated lupus erythematosis
10042801 Syndrome Down's
10042802 Syndrome dyskinetic
10042803 Syndrome effort
10042804 Syndrome extrapyramidal
10042805 Syndrome Fanconi-like
10042806 Syndrome fetal distress
10042807 Syndrome flu
10042808 Syndrome Gilles de la Tourette
10042811 Syndrome Goodpasture's
10042812 Syndrome Guillain-Barre
10042813 Syndrome head-face-neck
10042814 Syndrome hemolytic uremic
10042815 Syndrome hepatorenal
10042816 Syndrome hyperkinetic
10042817 Syndrome hypokalemic
10042818 Syndrome inappropriate ADH
10042819 Syndrome low salt
10042820 Syndrome lupus
10042822 Syndrome malabsorption
10042823 Syndrome Meniere's
10042824 Syndrome menopausal
10042825 Syndrome MS-like
10042826 Syndrome nephrotic
10042829 Syndrome of infant of a diabetic mother
10042830 Syndrome parasympatholytic
10042831 Syndrome parasympathomimetic
10042834 Syndrome peptic ulcer
10042835 Syndrome Polands
10042836 Syndrome postmaturity
10042838 Syndrome premenstrual
10042839 Syndrome respiratory distress adult
10042840 Syndrome respiratory distress newborn
10042841 Syndrome restless legs
10042843 Syndrome screaming
10042844 Syndrome sicca
10042845 Syndrome sick sinus
10042846 Syndrome Sjogren's
10042847 Syndrome sprue-like
10042849 Syndrome Stevens-Johnson
10042850 Syndrome Stokes-Adams
10042852 Syndrome toxic shock
10042853 Syndrome uremic
10042854 Syndrome withdrawal
10042855 Syndrome Zollinger Ellison
10042856 Synostosis
10042857 Synovectomy
10042858 Synovial cyst
10042859 Synovial cyst of popliteal space
10042860 Synovial cyst, unspecified
10042861 Synovial disorder NOS
10042862 Synovial rupture
10042863 Synovial sarcoma
10042864 Synovial sarcoma metastatic
10042865 Synovial sarcoma non-metastatic
10042866 Synovial sarcoma NOS
10042867 Synovial sarcoma recurrent
10042868 Synovitis
10042872 Synovitis of elbow
10042873 Synovitis of knee
10042874 Synovitis of shoulder
10042875 Synovitis villonodular
10042877 Syphilis anal
10042878 Syphilis carrier
10042880 Syphilis genital
10042881 Syphilis musculoskeletal
10042882 Syphilis NOS
10042883 Syphilis of bone
10042884 Syphilis of kidney
10042885 Syphilis of liver
10042886 Syphilis of lung
10042889 Syphilis of mother, complicating pregnancy, with delivery
10042891 Syphilis of muscle
10042893 Syphilis test false positive
10042894 Syphilis, antepartum
10042895 Syphilis, postpartum
10042896 Syphilis, unspecified
10042897 Syphilitic acoustic neuritis
10042898 Syphilitic alopecia
10042899 Syphilitic aneurysm of aorta
10042900 Syphilitic aortitis
10042901 Syphilitic chancre
10042902 Syphilitic chorioretinitis (secondary)
10042903 Syphilitic disseminated retinochoroiditis
10042904 Syphilitic encephalitis
10042905 Syphilitic endocarditis
10042906 Syphilitic endocarditis of aortic valve
10042907 Syphilitic endocarditis of heart valve
10042908 Syphilitic endocarditis of mitral valve
10042909 Syphilitic endocarditis of pulmonary valve
10042910 Syphilitic endocarditis of tricuspid valve
10042911 Syphilitic endocarditis of valve, unspecified
10042912 Syphilitic episcleritis
10042913 Syphilitic gumma
10042914 Syphilitic interstitial keratitis
10042915 Syphilitic iridocyclitis (secondary)
10042916 Syphilitic meningitis
10042917 Syphilitic myocarditis
10042918 Syphilitic optic atrophy
10042919 Syphilitic parkinsonism
10042920 Syphilitic pericarditis
10042921 Syphilitic peritonitis
10042922 Syphilitic retrobulbar neuritis
10042923 Syphilitic ruptured cerebral aneurysm
10042924 Syphilitic uveitis, unspecified
10042925 Syringobulbia
10042926 Syringocystadenoma papilliferum
10042927 Syringoma
10042928 Syringomyelia
10042930 Systemic anaphylactic reaction
10042931 Systemic anaphylaxis
10042933 Systemic antibacterial therapy
10042935 Systemic antifungal treatment
10042937 Systemic antiviral treatment
10042938 Systemic candida
10042939 Systemic candidiasis
10042941 Systemic fungal infection NOS
10042942 Systemic hypercoagulative disorder
10042943 Systemic juvenile chronic arthritis
10042944 Systemic lupus erythematosis
10042945 Systemic lupus erythematosus
10042946 Systemic lupus erythematosus rash
10042947 Systemic lupus erythematosus synd
10042948 Systemic lupus erythematosus syndrome aggravated
10042949 Systemic mastocytosis
10042950 Systemic moniliasis
10042951 Systemic necrotizing vasculitis
10042952 Systemic rheumatoid arthritis
10042953 Systemic sclerosis
10042954 Systemic sclerosis pulmonary
10042955 Systolic blood pressure
10042956 Systolic bruit
10042957 Systolic hypertension
10042958 Systolic murmur
10042959 Systolic pressure decreased
10042960 Systolic pressure increased
10042961 Systolic pressure normal
10042962 T amplitude decreased
10042963 T inverted
10042964 T wave amplitude decreased
10042965 T wave flattening of
10042966 T wave inversion
10042967 T wave inversion of
10042968 T wave inverted
10042969 T wave sharp
10042970 T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
10042971 T-cell lymphoma
10042972 T-cell lymphoma NOS
10042973 T-cell lymphoma NOS recurrent
10042974 T-cell lymphoma NOS refractory
10042975 T-cell lymphoma NOS stage I
10042976 T-cell lymphoma NOS stage II
10042977 T-cell lymphoma NOS stage III
10042978 T-cell lymphoma NOS stage IV
10042979 T-cell lymphoma recurrent
10042980 T-cell lymphoma refractory
10042981 T-cell lymphoma stage I
10042982 T-cell lymphoma stage II
10042983 T-cell lymphoma stage III
10042984 T-cell lymphoma stage IV
10042985 T-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia
10042986 T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
10042987 T-cell type acute leukaemia
10042989 T-cell unclassifiable lymphoma high grade
10042990 T-cell unclassifiable lymphoma low grade
10042991 T-helper cells
10042992 T-helper cells decreased
10042993 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Kiel Classification)
10042994 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10042995 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Kiel Classification) refractory
10042996 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Kiel Classification) stage I
10042997 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Kiel Classification) stage II
10042998 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Kiel Classification) stage III
10042999 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10043000 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10043001 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) recurrent
10043002 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) refractory
10043003 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage I
10043004 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage II
10043005 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage III
10043006 T-immunoblastic lymphoma (Peripheral T-cell lymphoma unspecified) stage IV
10043007 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10043008 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10043009 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10043010 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10043011 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage II
10043012 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage III
10043013 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukaemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage IV
10043014 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types)
10043015 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) recurrent
10043016 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) refractory
10043017 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) stage I
10043018 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) stage II
10043019 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) stage III
10043020 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Anaplastic large cell lymphoma T- and null-cell types) stage IV
10043021 T-large cell anaplastic (Ki-1+) lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10043022 T-large cell anaplastic (Ki-1+) lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10043023 T-large cell anaplastic (Ki-1+) lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10043024 T-large cell anaplastic (Ki-1+) lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10043025 T-large cell anaplastic (Ki-1+) lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10043026 T-large cell anaplastic (Ki-1+) lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10043027 T-large cell anaplastic (Ki-1+) lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10043028 T-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10043029 T-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10043030 T-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10043031 T-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10043032 T-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10043033 T-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10043034 T-lymphoblastic lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10043035 T-tube cholangiogram
10043036 T-zone lymphoma (Kiel Classification)
10043037 T-zone lymphoma (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10043038 T-zone lymphoma (Kiel Classification) refractory
10043039 T-zone lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage I
10043040 T-zone lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage II
10043041 T-zone lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage III
10043042 T-zone lymphoma (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10043046 T1-T6 level spinal cord injury, unspecified
10043047 T1-T6 level with anterior cord syndrome
10043048 T1-T6 level with central cord syndrome
10043049 T1-T6 level with complete lesion of spinal cord
10043051 T3
10043052 T3 decreased
10043053 T3 increased
10043054 T3 normal
10043055 T3 uptake
10043056 T3 uptake abnormal NOS
10043057 T3 uptake decreased
10043058 T3 uptake increased
10043059 T3U
10043060 T4
10043061 T4 abnormal
10043062 T4 decreased
10043063 T4 increased
10043064 T7-T12 level spinal cord injury, unspecified
10043065 T7-T12 level with anterior cord syndrome
10043066 T7-T12 level with central cord syndrome
10043067 T7-T12 level with complete lesion of spinal cord
10043069 Tabes dorsalis
10043070 Tablet in stool
10043071 Tachycardia
10043072 Tachycardia (excl paroxysmal)
10043073 Tachycardia atrial
10043074 Tachycardia foetal
10043075 Tachycardia irregular
10043076 Tachycardia nervous
10043077 Tachycardia nodal
10043078 Tachycardia NOS
10043079 Tachycardia paroxysmal
10043080 Tachycardia paroxysmal atrial
10043081 Tachycardia paroxysmal NOS
10043082 Tachycardia paroxysmal ventricular
10043083 Tachycardia sinus
10043084 Tachycardia supraventricular
10043085 Tachycardia ventricular
10043086 Tachycardia, unspecified
10043087 Tachyphylaxis
10043088 Tachypnea
10043089 Tachypnoea
10043090 Tactile sense reduced
10043091 Taenia echinococcus infection
10043092 Taenia saginata infection
10043093 Taenia solium infection
10043094 Taenia solium infection, intestinal form
10043095 Taeniasis
10043096 Taeniasis, unspecified
10043097 Takayasu's arteritis
10043098 Takayasu's disease
10043099 Talc granuloma
10043100 Talc pneumoconiosis
10043101 Talipes
10043102 Talipes calcaneovalgus
10043103 Talipes cavus
10043104 Talipes equines
10043105 Talipes equinovarus
10043106 Talipes equinovarus, congenital
10043107 Talipes equinus
10043108 Talipes valgus, congenital
10043109 Talipes varus, congenital
10043110 Talipes, unspecified
10043111 Talkativeness
10043112 Tampering with medication
10043113 Tamponade cardiac
10043114 Tangentiality
10043115 Tanning
10043116 Tapeworm infection NOS
10043118 Tardive dyskinesia
10043119 Tarry stools
10043120 Tarsal tunnel decompression
10043121 Tarsal tunnel syndrome
10043122 Tarsometatarsal (joint) (ligament) sprain
10043123 Taste abnormality
10043124 Taste absent
10043125 Taste alteration
10043126 Taste altered
10043127 Taste bitter
10043128 Taste bitter-salty
10043129 Taste changed
10043130 Taste diminished
10043132 Taste disturbance
10043133 Taste garlic
10043134 Taste loss
10043135 Taste metallic
10043136 Taste peculiar
10043137 Taste perversion
10043139 Taste salty
10043140 Taste sour
10043141 Taste sweet
10043143 Tattoo
10043145 Tattoo excision
10043146 Tattoo removal
10043147 Tay-Sachs disease
10043148 TB
10043149 TB - late effects of
10043150 TB bone
10043151 TB empyema
10043152 TB epididymitis
10043153 TB Gland neck
10043154 TB hydrothorax
10043155 TB meningitis
10043156 TB of glottis
10043157 TB of neck gland
10043158 TB of pleura
10043159 TB prophylaxis
10043160 TB salpingitis
10043161 TB spine
10043162 TBG
10043163 TCT
10043164 Tear disorder
10043165 Tear duct block congenital
10043166 Tear film insufficiency, unspecified
10043167 Tear of lateral cartilage or meniscus of knee, current
10043168 Tear of medial cartilage or meniscus of knee, current
10043169 Tearfulness
10043170 Tearing decreased
10043171 Tearing eyes
10043172 Teary eyes
10043173 Teeth brittle
10043174 Teeth chattering
10043175 Teeth grating
10043176 Teeth grinding
10043177 Teeth mottled
10043178 Teeth mottling
10043179 Teeth stained
10043180 Teeth staining
10043181 Teeth yellow
10043182 Teeth-grinding
10043183 Teething
10043184 Teething syndrome
10043185 Teetotaller
10043186 Teichopsia
10043187 Telangiectases acquired
10043188 Telangiectases congenital
10043189 Telangiectasia
10043191 Telangiectasia congenital NOS
10043192 Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans
10043193 Telangiectasis
10043194 Telangiectasis facial
10043195 Telangiectatic osteosarcoma
10043196 Telangiectatic osteosarcoma localized
10043197 Telangiectatic osteosarcoma metastatic
10043198 Telangiectatic osteosarcoma recurrent
10043199 Telogen alopecia
10043200 Telogen effluvium
10043201 Temper tantrum
10043202 Temperature body decrease
10043204 Temperature elevation
10043205 Temperature regulation disorder NOS
10043207 Temporal arteritis
10043208 Temporal headache
10043209 Temporal lobe epilepsy
10043210 Temporal pallor (optic disc)
10043211 Temporary blindness due to vascular insufficiency
10043212 Temporary colostomy
10043213 Temporary ileostomy
10043214 Temporary urethral catheterisation
10043215 Temporomandibular joint arthralgia
10043216 Temporomandibular joint disorder
10043217 Temporomandibular joint disorder NOS
10043220 Temporomandibular joint syndrome
10043221 TEN
10043224 Tenderness
10043226 Tenderness breast
10043227 Tenderness epigastric
10043228 Tenderness eye
10043229 Tenderness liver
10043230 Tenderness muscle
10043231 Tenderness NOS
10043232 Tendinitis
10043233 Tendinous contracture
10043235 Tendinous xanthoma
10043236 Tendon achilles rupture of
10043238 Tendon decompression
10043239 Tendon disorder
10043240 Tendon disorder NOS
10043241 Tendon elongation
10043242 Tendon injury
10043244 Tendon reconstruction
10043245 Tendon reflex decreased
10043246 Tendon reflex exaggerated
10043247 Tendon repair
10043248 Tendon rupture
10043249 Tendon rupture NOS
10043250 Tendon sheath incision
10043251 Tendon sheath lesion excision
10043252 Tendon strain
10043253 Tendon transfer
10043254 Tendon xanthoma
10043255 Tendonitis
10043256 Tendonitis exacerbated
10043258 Tennis elbow
10043259 Tenorrhaphy
10043260 Tenosynovectomy
10043261 Tenosynovitis
10043263 Tenotomy
10043264 Tenotomy (adductor)
10043265 Tenotomy (psoas)
10043266 Tense
10043267 Tenseness
10043268 Tension
10043269 Tension headache
10043270 Tension headache (excl migraine)
10043271 Tension headaches
10043272 Tension nervous
10043273 Tension ocular increased
10043274 Tension pneumothorax
10043275 Teratogenicity
10043276 Teratoma
10043277 Teratoma NOS
10043278 Teratoma of testes
10043279 Teratoma of testis
10043280 Terminal ileitis
10043281 Termination of pregnancy
10043283 Termination of pregnancy (surgical)
10043284 Termination of pregnancy - elective
10043285 Termination of pregnancy - medical
10043286 Terrien's marginal degeneration
10043287 Terrifying dreams
10043288 Tertian malaria
10043289 Tertiary hypothyroidism
10043290 Tertiary Treponema pallidum infection
10043291 Test thymol turbidity
10043292 Testes biopsy
10043293 Testes exploration
10043294 Testicle maldescended
10043295 Testicle undescended
10043298 Testicular atrophy
10043299 Testicular biopsy
10043300 Testicular biopsy abnormal
10043301 Testicular biopsy normal
10043302 Testicular cancer
10043303 Testicular choriocarcinoma stage I
10043304 Testicular choriocarcinoma stage II
10043305 Testicular choriocarcinoma stage III
10043306 Testicular disorder
10043307 Testicular disorder NOS
10043308 Testicular dysfunction
10043309 Testicular embryonal carcinoma stage I
10043310 Testicular embryonal carcinoma stage II
10043311 Testicular embryonal carcinoma stage III
10043312 Testicular endodermal sinus tumor stage I
10043313 Testicular endodermal sinus tumor stage II
10043314 Testicular endodermal sinus tumor stage III
10043315 Testicular failure
10043316 Testicular failure NOS
10043317 Testicular failure postoperative
10043318 Testicular failure primary
10043319 Testicular feminisation syndrome
10043320 Testicular function depressed
10043321 Testicular germ cell cancer NOS
10043323 Testicular germ cell tumor mixed incl yolk sac tumor and choriocarcinoma stage I
10043326 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage I
10043327 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage II
10043328 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage III
10043329 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed incl yolk sac tumour stage I
10043330 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed incl yolk sac tumour stage II
10043331 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed stage I
10043332 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed stage II
10043333 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed stage III
10043334 Testicular hyperfunction
10043335 Testicular hypogonadism
10043336 Testicular hypoplasia
10043337 Testicular infarction
10043338 Testicular malignant germ cell tumor NOS
10043339 Testicular malignant teratoma stage I
10043340 Testicular malignant teratoma stage II
10043341 Testicular malignant teratoma stage III
10043342 Testicular neoplasm NOS
10043344 Testicular non-dysgerminoma
10043345 Testicular pain
10043346 Testicular prosthesis insertion
10043347 Testicular prosthesis removal
10043348 Testicular retraction
10043349 Testicular scan
10043350 Testicular seminoma (pure) stage I
10043351 Testicular seminoma (pure) stage II
10043352 Testicular seminoma (pure) stage III
10043353 Testicular seminoma pure NOS
10043354 Testicular swelling
10043355 Testicular teratoma benign
10043356 Testicular torsion
10043357 Testicular yolk sac tumour stage I
10043358 Testicular yolk sac tumour stage II
10043359 Testicular yolk sac tumour stage III
10043360 Testis cancer (excl germ cell)
10043361 Testis disorder
10043362 Testis neoplasm malignant
10043363 Testis torsion
10043364 Testosterone
10043365 Testosterone abnormal
10043366 Testosterone abnormal NOS
10043368 Testosterone decreased
10043369 Testosterone high
10043370 Testosterone increased
10043371 Testosterone low
10043372 Testosterone normal
10043373 Tests for infertility
10043374 Tetanic cataract
10043375 Tetanic spasm generalized
10043376 Tetanus
10043378 Tetanus neonatorum
10043379 Tetanus-like
10043380 Tetany
10043381 Tetany hypocalcemic
10043382 Tetany-like seizure
10043383 Tetracosactrin test positive
10043384 Tetralogy of Fallot
10043385 Tetraplegia
10043386 TFTs
10043388 Thalassaemia
10043390 Thalassaemia alpha
10043391 Thalassaemia beta
10043392 Thalassaemia major
10043393 Thalassaemia minor
10043394 Thalassaemia NOS
10043395 Thalassaemia sickle cell
10043396 Thalassaemia trait
10043399 Thallium myocardial perfusion imaging
10043400 Thallium scan
10043401 Thallium scan abnormal
10043402 Thallium scan normal
10043403 The bends
10043404 The pill
10043405 Theft
10043406 Therapeutic abortion
10043407 Therapeutic agent poisoning
10043408 Therapeutic agent toxicity
10043412 Therapeutic effect unexpected
10043414 Therapeutic response decreased
10043415 Therapeutic response increased
10043416 Therapeutic response prolonged
10043417 Therapeutic response unexpected
10043419 Thermal injury vasculitis
10043420 Thermogram
10043421 Thermogram abnormal
10043422 Thermogram normal
10043423 Thermography
10043424 Thermography abnormal
10043425 Thermography normal
10043426 Thiamine & niacin deficiency
10043429 Thief
10043430 Thigh strain
10043431 Thinking abnormal
10043433 Thinking abnormal NOS
10043435 Thinking irrational
10043436 Thinking reduced
10043437 Thinking slow
10043438 Thinking slowed
10043439 Thinking sluggish
10043440 Third degree AV block
10043441 Third degree burns
10043442 Third degree haemorrhoids
10043443 Third degree hemorrhoids
10043444 Third nerve paralysis
10043447 Third stage haemorrhage
10043448 Third stage hemorrhage
10043449 Third stage postpartum haemorrhage
10043450 Third-degree perineal laceration during delivery
10043451 Third-degree perineal laceration, postpartum
10043454 Third-stage postpartum haemorrhage
10043455 Third-stage postpartum hemorrhage
10043458 Thirst
10043459 Thirst excessive
10043460 Thompson hip prosthesis
10043461 Thomsen's disease
10043462 Thoracentesis
10043463 Thoracic aneurysm without mention of rupture
10043464 Thoracic aneurysm, ruptured
10043465 Thoracic aortic aneurysm
10043468 Thoracic myelography
10043471 Thoracic pain
10043473 Thoracic root pain
10043474 Thoracic sarcoma excision
10043476 Thoracic spine degeneration
10043477 Thoracic spondylosis
10043478 Thoracic spondylosis without myelopathy
10043479 Thoracic sprain
10043481 Thoracoabdominal aneurysm, ruptured
10043483 Thoracogenic scoliosis
10043484 Thoracoplasty
10043485 Thoracoscopic lung biopsy
10043486 Thoracoscopic pericardial biopsy
10043487 Thoracoscopic pericardial biopsy abnormal
10043488 Thoracoscopic pericardial biopsy normal
10043489 Thoracoscopic pleural biopsy
10043490 Thoracoscopy
10043491 Thoracotomy
10043492 Thorax pain
10043493 Thorax X-ray
10043494 Thought block
10043495 Thought blocking
10043496 Thought insertion
10043497 Thought withdrawal
10043498 Thoughts of self harm
10043499 Threadworm infection
10043500 Threadworms
10043501 Thready pulse
10043502 Threat of redundancy
10043503 Threat of unemployment
10043504 Threatened abortion
10043505 Threatened abortion, antepartum
10043506 Threatened abortion, delivered
10043507 Threatened abortion, unspecified as to episode of care
10043508 Threatened labour
10043509 Threatened premature labor
10043510 Threatened premature labor, antepartum
10043511 Threatened premature labor, unspecified as to episode of care
10043512 Three-month colic
10043513 Threshold convulsion lowered
10043514 Throat burning sensation of
10043515 Throat cancer
10043516 Throat cancer NOS
10043517 Throat constriction
10043518 Throat dry
10043519 Throat edema
10043520 Throat infection
10043521 Throat irritation
10043522 Throat oedema
10043523 Throat pain
10043524 Throat sore
10043525 Throat swelling
10043526 Throat swelling non-specific
10043527 Throat swelling NOS
10043528 Throat tightness
10043529 Thrombasthenia
10043530 Thrombectomy
10043531 Thrombin
10043532 Thrombin clotting time
10043533 Thrombin clotting time normal
10043534 Thrombin clotting time prolonged
10043535 Thrombin clotting time shortened
10043536 Thrombin decreased
10043537 Thrombin increased
10043538 Thrombin normal
10043539 Thrombin time
10043540 Thromboangiitis obliterans
10043541 Thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger's disease)
10043542 Thromboarteritis
10043543 Thromboasthenia
10043544 Thrombocyte count
10043545 Thrombocyte count abnormal
10043546 Thrombocyte count decreased
10043547 Thrombocyte count normal
10043548 Thrombocytes abnormal (NOS)
10043549 Thrombocythaemia
10043550 Thrombocythemia
10043552 Thrombocytopaenic purpura
10043553 Thrombocytopathy
10043554 Thrombocytopenia
10043556 Thrombocytopenia aggravated
10043557 Thrombocytopenia neonatal
10043558 Thrombocytopenia purpura
10043559 Thrombocytopenia toxic
10043560 Thrombocytopenia, unspecified
10043561 Thrombocytopenic purpura
10043562 Thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombotic
10043563 Thrombocytosis
10043565 Thromboembolic event
10043566 Thromboembolism
10043567 Thromboembolism NOS
10043568 Thrombolysis
10043569 Thrombopenia
10043570 Thrombophlebitis
10043571 Thrombophlebitis arm
10043572 Thrombophlebitis arm deep
10043573 Thrombophlebitis arm superficial
10043574 Thrombophlebitis cerebral vein
10043575 Thrombophlebitis deep
10043576 Thrombophlebitis injection site
10043577 Thrombophlebitis leg
10043578 Thrombophlebitis leg deep
10043579 Thrombophlebitis leg superficial
10043580 Thrombophlebitis mesenteric vein
10043581 Thrombophlebitis migrans
10043582 Thrombophlebitis multiple
10043583 Thrombophlebitis multiple deep
10043585 Thrombophlebitis multiple superficial
10043586 Thrombophlebitis neonatal
10043587 Thrombophlebitis NOS
10043588 Thrombophlebitis of the arm
10043589 Thrombophlebitis of the leg
10043590 Thrombophlebitis of vena cava
10043591 Thrombophlebitis pelvic vein
10043592 Thrombophlebitis retinal vein
10043593 Thrombophlebitis septic
10043594 Thrombophlebitis septic pelvic
10043595 Thrombophlebitis superficial
10043596 Thrombophlebitis vena cava
10043597 Thromboplastin
10043598 Thromboplastin decreased
10043599 Thromboplastin increased
10043600 Thromboplastin normal
10043601 Thrombosed haemorrhoids (NOS)
10043602 Thrombosed hemorrhoids (NOS)
10043603 Thrombosed piles external
10043604 Thrombosed piles internal
10043605 Thrombosed varicose vein
10043606 Thrombosed vein penis
10043607 Thrombosis
10043609 Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of unspecified site
10043610 Thrombosis arm
10043611 Thrombosis arterial
10043613 Thrombosis arterial arm
10043614 Thrombosis arterial leg
10043616 Thrombosis carotid
10043617 Thrombosis carotid artery
10043618 Thrombosis cerebellar arterial
10043619 Thrombosis cerebral
10043620 Thrombosis cerebral arterial
10043621 Thrombosis cerebral vein
10043622 Thrombosis coronary
10043623 Thrombosis leg
10043624 Thrombosis mesenteric artery
10043625 Thrombosis mesenteric vein
10043626 Thrombosis mesenteric vessel
10043627 Thrombosis multiple
10043628 Thrombosis NOS
10043629 Thrombosis of intracranial veins
10043630 Thrombosis of leg deep venous
10043631 Thrombosis of leg superficial venous
10043632 Thrombosis of venous sinuses
10043633 Thrombosis portal vein
10043634 Thrombosis prophylaxis
10043635 Thrombosis pulmonary
10043636 Thrombosis pulmonary artery
10043637 Thrombosis retinal artery
10043638 Thrombosis retinal vein
10043639 Thrombosis vena cava inferior
10043640 Thrombosis venous
10043641 Thrombosis venous arm
10043642 Thrombosis venous deep
10043643 Thrombosis venous superficial
10043644 Thrombotic arteritis
10043645 Thrombotic microangiopathy
10043646 Thrombotic microangiopathy NOS
10043647 Thrombotic stroke
10043648 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
10043649 Thrush
10043650 Thrush balanitis
10043651 Thrush NOS
10043652 Thrush of skin NOS
10043653 Thrush oral
10043654 Thrush vaginal
10043656 Thumb amputation
10043657 Thumb dislocation
10043658 Thumb osteoarthritis
10043659 Thumb sprain
10043660 Thumb traumatic amputation
10043661 Thymectomy
10043662 Thymic aplasia
10043663 Thymic hypertrophy
10043664 Thymic-parathyroid aplasia
10043665 Thymol turbidity abnormal
10043666 Thymol turbidity normal
10043667 Thymol turbidity test
10043668 Thymol turbidity test abnormal
10043669 Thymol turbidity test normal
10043670 Thymoma
10043671 Thymoma malignant invasive
10043672 Thymoma malignant noninvasive
10043673 Thymoma malignant NOS
10043674 Thymoma malignant recurrent
10043675 Thymoma NOS
10043676 Thymus abscess
10043678 Thymus disorder NOS
10043679 Thymus gland biopsy
10043680 Thymus gland biopsy abnormal
10043681 Thymus gland biopsy normal
10043682 Thymus hypertrophy
10043683 Thyroglossal cyst excision
10043684 Thyroglossal fistula excision
10043685 Thyroid 131 I uptake increased
10043686 Thyroid activity decreased
10043687 Thyroid adenocarcinoma
10043688 Thyroid adenoma
10043689 Thyroid adenoma (nontoxic)
10043690 Thyroid adenoma NOS
10043691 Thyroid adenoma removal
10043693 Thyroid atrophy
10043694 Thyroid atrophy NOS
10043695 Thyroid binding globulin
10043696 Thyroid binding globulin abnormal NOS
10043697 Thyroid binding globulin decreased
10043698 Thyroid binding globulin increased
10043699 Thyroid binding globulin normal
10043700 Thyroid caesium therapy
10043701 Thyroid cancer scan
10043702 Thyroid carcinoma
10043703 Thyroid carcinoma NOS
10043704 Thyroid cobalt therapy
10043705 Thyroid crisis
10043706 Thyroid cyst
10043707 Thyroid cyst (not adenoma)
10043708 Thyroid cystadenoma
10043709 Thyroid disorder
10043710 Thyroid disorder NOS
10043718 Thyroid dysfunction, antepartum
10043719 Thyroid dysfunction, postpartum
10043720 Thyroid echinococciasis
10043721 Thyroid electron beam therapy
10043722 Thyroid electron radiation therapy
10043723 Thyroid enlarged
10043724 Thyroid external beam radiation therapy
10043725 Thyroid external beam therapy
10043726 Thyroid function abnormal
10043727 Thyroid function decreased
10043728 Thyroid function normal
10043729 Thyroid function test
10043730 Thyroid function test abnormal
10043731 Thyroid function test normal
10043732 Thyroid function tests NOS
10043733 Thyroid function tests NOS abnormal
10043734 Thyroid function tests NOS normal
10043735 Thyroid gland biopsy
10043736 Thyroid gland biopsy abnormal
10043737 Thyroid gland biopsy normal
10043738 Thyroid gland cancer
10043742 Thyroid infarction
10043743 Thyroid neoplasia
10043744 Thyroid neoplasm
10043745 Thyroid neoplasm malignant
10043746 Thyroid neoplasm NOS
10043750 Thyroid nodular
10043751 Thyroid nodule
10043752 Thyroid nodule (nontoxic)
10043753 Thyroid nodule (toxic)
10043754 Thyroid nodule removal
10043756 Thyroid orthovoltage therapy
10043757 Thyroid pain
10043758 Thyroid papillary carcinoma
10043759 Thyroid photon radiation therapy
10043761 Thyroid region sprain
10043763 Thyroid releasing hormone challenge test
10043764 Thyroid releasing hormone challenge test abnormal
10043765 Thyroid releasing hormone challenge test normal
10043766 Thyroid scintigraphy
10043768 Thyroid stimulating hormone
10043769 Thyroid stimulating hormone decreased
10043770 Thyroid stimulating hormone increased
10043771 Thyroid stimulating hormone normal
10043772 Thyroid stimulating hormone-producing pituitary tumour
10043773 Thyroid storm
10043774 Thyroid tuberculosis
10043775 Thyroidectomy NOS
10043776 Thyroidectomy partial
10043777 Thyroidectomy total
10043778 Thyroiditis
10043780 Thyroiditis acute
10043781 Thyroiditis chronic
10043782 Thyroiditis fibrous chronic
10043783 Thyroiditis NOS
10043784 Thyroiditis subacute
10043785 Thyroiditis, unspecified
10043786 Thyrotoxic crisis
10043787 Thyrotoxic exophthalmos
10043788 Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis
10043789 Thyrotoxicosis
10043790 Thyrotoxicosis aggravated
10043791 Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid nodule
10043797 Thyrotoxicosis with goitre
10043800 Thyrotoxicosis without goitre
10043805 Thyrotrophin
10043806 Thyrotrophin decreased
10043807 Thyrotrophin increased
10043808 Thyrotropin
10043809 Thyrotropin decreased
10043810 Thyrotropin high
10043811 Thyrotropin increased
10043812 Thyrotropin low
10043813 Thyroxine
10043814 Thyroxine abnormal
10043815 Thyroxine abnormal NOS
10043816 Thyroxine decreased
10043817 Thyroxine high
10043818 Thyroxine increased
10043819 Thyroxine low
10043820 Thyroxine normal
10043821 TIA
10043822 TIBC
10043823 TIBC abnormal
10043824 TIBC decreased
10043825 TIBC increased
10043826 TIBC normal
10043827 Tibia fracture
10043828 Tibia pain
10043829 Tibial artery thrombosis
10043830 Tibial collateral ligament bursitis
10043831 Tibialis tendinitis
10043832 Tibiofibular (ligament) sprain, distal
10043833 Tic
10043834 Tic disorder, unspecified
10043837 Tic douloureux
10043839 Tick bite
10043840 Tick borne Rickettsioses
10043841 Tick-borne fever
10043842 Tick-borne fever NOS
10043843 Tick-borne relapsing fever
10043846 Tick-borne rickettsiosis, unspecified
10043847 Tick-borne viral encephalitis
10043848 Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
10043849 Tics
10043851 Tietze's disease
10043852 Tietze's syndrome
10043853 Tight band round head
10043854 Tight chest
10043855 Tight foreskin
10043856 Tight hymen (excl imperforate)
10043857 Tight hymenal ring
10043858 Tightness in chest
10043859 Tightness in jaw
10043860 Tightness of jaw muscles
10043861 TIL therapy
10043862 Time coagulation prolonged
10043863 Time coagulation shortened
10043864 Tinea
10043865 Tinea blanca
10043866 Tinea capitis
10043867 Tinea corporis
10043868 Tinea cruris
10043869 Tinea infection NOS
10043871 Tinea nigra
10043872 Tinea NOS
10043873 Tinea pedis
10043874 Tinea unguium
10043875 Tinea versicolor
10043876 Tingling
10043877 Tingling feet/hands
10043878 Tingling mucosa
10043879 Tingling mucosal
10043880 Tingling sensation
10043881 Tingling skin
10043882 Tinnitus
10043883 Tinnitus aggravated
10043884 Tinnitus, unspecified
10043885 Tired all the time
10043887 Tired eye
10043888 Tired eyes
10043889 Tired out
10043890 Tiredness
10043892 Tissue failure of implant
10043893 Tissue fluid increased
10043894 Tissue puffing
10043895 Titubation
10043896 TLC
10043897 TLC abnormal
10043898 TLC decreased
10043899 TLC normal
10043900 TMJ syndrome
10043901 To facilitate intubation
10043902 Toadstool poisoning
10043903 Tobacco abuse
10043904 Tobacco amblyopia
10043906 Tobacco use disorder
10043907 Tobacco use disorder, continuous use
10043908 Tobacco use disorder, episodic use
10043909 Tobacco use disorder, in remission
10043910 Tobacco use disorder, unspecified use
10043911 Tocopherol deficiency
10043912 Todd's cirrhosis
10043913 Toe amputation
10043914 Toe arthrodesis
10043915 Toe crushing
10043916 Toe deformities (acquired)
10043917 Toe deformities NOS
10043918 Toe dislocation
10043919 Toe nail removal
10043920 Toe operation
10043921 Toe osteoarthritis
10043922 Toe sprain
10043923 Toe traumatic amputation
10043924 Toenail hypertrophy
10043925 Toenail wedge resection
10043926 Toes webbed
10043931 Tolerance glucose decreased
10043933 Tone increased
10043934 Tongue abnormal feeling of
10043935 Tongue aphtha formation
10043936 Tongue biopsy
10043937 Tongue biopsy abnormal
10043938 Tongue biopsy normal
10043939 Tongue black
10043940 Tongue black furry
10043941 Tongue black hairy
10043942 Tongue blistering
10043943 Tongue brown
10043944 Tongue coat
10043945 Tongue coated
10043947 Tongue desquamation
10043948 Tongue discoloration
10043949 Tongue discolouration
10043950 Tongue discolouration NOS
10043951 Tongue disorder
10043952 Tongue disorder NOS
10043955 Tongue edema
10043957 Tongue geographic
10043959 Tongue haematoma
10043960 Tongue hairy
10043961 Tongue inflammation
10043962 Tongue irritation
10043963 Tongue movement disturbance
10043964 Tongue movement impaired
10043965 Tongue neoplasm benign
10043966 Tongue neoplasm malignant stage unspecified
10043967 Tongue oedema
10043969 Tongue pain
10043970 Tongue papillary atrophy NOS
10043971 Tongue papillary hypertrophy NOS
10043972 Tongue paralysis
10043974 Tongue protrusion spastic involuntary
10043976 Tongue redness
10043977 Tongue rough
10043978 Tongue sensation loss of
10043979 Tongue sluggish
10043980 Tongue sore
10043981 Tongue spasm
10043982 Tongue surface redness
10043984 Tongue swelling non-specific
10043986 Tongue thick
10043987 Tongue tie
10043988 Tongue tie operation
10043989 Tongue tip numbness of
10043990 Tongue tremor
10043991 Tongue ulceration
10043992 Tongue weak
10043993 Tongue white
10043994 Tonic convulsion
10043995 Tonic pupillary reaction
10043996 Tonic seizure
10043997 Tonic seizures
10043998 Tonic-clonic convulsion
10043999 Tonic-clonic epilepsy
10044000 Tonic-clonic seizures
10044001 Tonic/ clonic convulsions
10044002 Tonsil cancer
10044003 Tonsillar hypertrophy
10044004 Tonsillar neoplasm benign
10044006 Tonsillectomy
10044007 Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy
10044008 Tonsillitis
10044009 Tonsillitis acute NOS
10044010 Tonsillitis chronic NOS
10044011 Tonsillitis NOS
10044012 Tonsillitis recurrent
10044013 Tonsillitis streptococcal
10044014 Tonsillitis viral NOS
10044015 Tooth abnormal
10044016 Tooth abscess
10044017 Tooth ache
10044019 Tooth ankylosis
10044020 Tooth caries
10044021 Tooth caries aggravated
10044022 Tooth caries aggravated NOS
10044023 Tooth caries NOS
10044024 Tooth coloured yellow
10044025 Tooth corrosion
10044026 Tooth decalcification
10044027 Tooth decay
10044028 Tooth delamination
10044029 Tooth deposit
10044030 Tooth development disorder
10044031 Tooth discoloration
10044032 Tooth discolouration
10044033 Tooth discolouration congenital
10044034 Tooth disorder
10044035 Tooth disorder NOS
10044038 Tooth erosion
10044039 Tooth extraction NOS
10044040 Tooth formation retarded
10044041 Tooth hypoplasia
10044042 Tooth impacted
10044043 Tooth injury
10044044 Tooth loss
10044045 Tooth lost
10044046 Tooth malformation
10044047 Tooth malformation hereditary
10044051 Tooth repair
10044052 Tooth resorption
10044053 Tooth socket haemostasis
10044054 Tooth socket suture
10044055 Toothache
10044056 TOP
10044057 TOP on medical grounds
10044058 TOP on mental grounds
10044059 Topography corneal
10044060 Topography corneal abnormal
10044061 Topography corneal normal
10044062 Torn Achilles tendon (traumatic)
10044063 Torn muscle
10044064 Torpor
10044065 Torpor mental
10044066 Torsade de pointes
10044067 Torsades de pointes
10044068 Torsion of hydatid of Morgagni
10044069 Torsion of ovary
10044071 Torsion of spermatic cord
10044072 Torsion of testes reduction
10044073 Torsion of testis
10044074 Torticollis
10044076 Torticollis psychogenic
10044077 Torticollis spastic
10044078 Torticollis, unspecified
10044079 Torulosis
10044080 Total abdominal hysterectomy
10044081 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
10044083 Total colectomy
10044086 Total gastrectomy
10044087 Total hepatectomy
10044088 Total hip replacement
10044089 Total iron binding capacity
10044090 Total iron binding capacity abnormal
10044091 Total iron binding capacity decreased
10044092 Total iron binding capacity increased
10044093 Total iron binding capacity normal
10044094 Total knee replacement
10044095 Total lipodystrophy
10044096 Total loss of memory
10044097 Total lung capacity
10044098 Total lung capacity abnormal
10044099 Total lung capacity abnormal NOS
10044100 Total lung capacity decreased
10044101 Total lung capacity low
10044102 Total lung capacity normal
10044103 Total ophthalmoplegia
10044106 Total pancreatectomy
10044107 Total parenteral nutrition
10044108 Total perforation of tympanic membrane
10044109 Total permanent deafness
10044110 Total protein high
10044111 Total protein low
10044112 Total protein normal
10044113 Total pulmonary resistance decreased
10044114 Total pulmonary resistance increased
10044115 Total pulmonary resistance within normal range
10044116 Total replacement of knee
10044117 Total salpingectomy
10044118 Total spinal column myelography
10044119 Total systemic resistance decreased
10044120 Total systemic resistance raised
10044121 Total systemic resistance within normal range
10044122 Total transitory deafness
10044123 Total traumatic cataract
10044124 Touch sensitivity increased
10044126 Tourette's disorder
10044127 Tourette's syndrome
10044128 Toxaemia bacterial NOS
10044129 Toxaemia of liver
10044130 Toxaemia of pregnancy
10044131 Toxemia bacterial
10044132 Toxemia of liver
10044133 Toxemia of pregnancy
10044134 Toxic acute liver disease
10044135 Toxic cataract
10044136 Toxic confusional state
10044137 Toxic congestive cardiomyopathy
10044138 Toxic dementia
10044139 Toxic diffuse goiter
10044141 Toxic diffuse goiter without mention of thyrotoxic crisis or storm
10044142 Toxic diffuse goitre
10044144 Toxic dilatation of colon
10044145 Toxic dilatation of intestine
10044146 Toxic effect of acids
10044148 Toxic effect of alcohol
10044151 Toxic effect of asbestos
10044156 Toxic effect of carbon disulfide
10044157 Toxic effect of carbon monoxide
10044158 Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride
10044159 Toxic effect of caustic alkalis
10044160 Toxic effect of caustic, unspecified
10044161 Toxic effect of chlorinated hydrocarbons
10044162 Toxic effect of chlorine gas
10044163 Toxic effect of chromium
10044164 Toxic effect of corrosive aromatics
10044166 Toxic effect of ethyl alcohol
10044168 Toxic effect of freon
10044169 Toxic effect of fusel oil
10044171 Toxic effect of hydrocyanic acid gas
10044172 Toxic effect of inorganic lead compounds
10044173 Toxic effect of isopropyl alcohol
10044174 Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas
10044175 Toxic effect of latex
10044177 Toxic effect of liquefied petroleum gases
10044180 Toxic effect of methyl alcohol
10044182 Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides
10044183 Toxic effect of nitroglycol
10044185 Toxic effect of organic lead compounds
10044203 Toxic effect of other substances (excl drugs)
10044205 Toxic effect of petroleum products
10044206 Toxic effect of silicone
10044208 Toxic effect of solvents other than petroleum-based
10044210 Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide
10044211 Toxic effect of sulphur dioxide
10044212 Toxic effect of tobacco
10044213 Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol
10044215 Toxic effect of unspecified lead compound
10044216 Toxic effect of unspecified metal
10044219 Toxic effect of venom
10044220 Toxic encephalitis
10044221 Toxic encephalopathy
10044223 Toxic epidermal necrolysis
10044224 Toxic erythema
10044226 Toxic granula
10044227 Toxic induced encephalopathy
10044228 Toxic labyrinthitis
10044229 Toxic leucocytes granulation
10044230 Toxic maculopathy of retina
10044231 Toxic multinodular goiter
10044234 Toxic multinodular goitre
10044235 Toxic myocarditis
10044237 Toxic myopathy
10044238 Toxic nephropathy
10044239 Toxic nodular goiter, unspecified type
10044242 Toxic nodular goitre
10044243 Toxic nodular goitre, unspecified
10044244 Toxic nodular goitre, unspecified type
10044245 Toxic optic neuropathy
10044246 Toxic pustuloderma
10044247 Toxic reaction (NOS)
10044248 Toxic shock syndrome
10044249 Toxic shock syndrome NOS
10044250 Toxic shock syndrome staphylococcal
10044251 Toxic shock syndrome streptococcal
10044252 Toxic symptom
10044253 Toxic uninodular goiter
10044256 Toxic uninodular goitre
10044258 Toxicity renal
10044259 Toxicoderma
10044262 Toxicology NOS abnormal
10044263 Toxicology NOS normal
10044264 Toxin associated diarrhea
10044265 Toxin associated diarrhoea
10044266 Toxocara canis infection
10044267 Toxocara cati infection
10044268 Toxocara infection
10044269 Toxocariasis
10044270 Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis
10044271 Toxoplasmal encephalitis
10044272 Toxoplasmosis
10044273 Toxoplasmosis NOS
10044275 Toxoplasmosis, unspecified
10044276 TPN
10044277 Trabeculectomy
10044278 Trace element deficiency
10044280 Tracheal abnormal feeling
10044282 Tracheal biopsy
10044283 Tracheal biopsy abnormal
10044284 Tracheal biopsy normal
10044285 Tracheal cancer
10044286 Tracheal carcinoma in situ NOS
10044287 Tracheal deviation
10044289 Tracheal edema
10044290 Tracheal lesion excision
10044291 Tracheal obstruction
10044292 Tracheal obstruction by foreign body
10044293 Tracheal obstruction extrinsic
10044294 Tracheal obstruction intraluminal
10044295 Tracheal obstruction NOS
10044296 Tracheal oedema
10044298 Tracheal plastic repair
10044299 Tracheal ulcer
10044302 Tracheitis
10044303 Tracheitis NOS
10044304 Tracheitis obstructive
10044305 Tracheitis viral NOS
10044307 Tracheo-bronchial secretion excess
10044308 Tracheo-laryngeal bronchitis
10044309 Tracheo-laryngeal bronchitis NOS
10044310 Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
10044311 Tracheo-oesophageal fistula NOS
10044313 Tracheobroncheopathia osteoclastica
10044314 Tracheobronchitis
10044315 Tracheobronchitis mycoplasmal
10044316 Tracheobronchomegaly
10044317 Tracheoesophageal fistula
10044319 Tracheopathia osteoplastica
10044320 Tracheostomy
10044321 Tracheostomy complication
10044322 Tracheostomy malfunction
10044323 Tracheostomy obstruction
10044324 Tracheostomy tube removal
10044325 Trachoma
10044326 Trachoma inclusion conjunctivitis
10044327 Trachoma, active stage
10044328 Trachoma, initial stage
10044329 Trachoma, unspecified
10044330 Track marks
10044331 Traction detachment of retina
10044332 Traffic accident
10044333 TRAM flap breast reconstruction
10044334 Trance
10044335 Tranquillization excessive
10044336 Tranquillizer abuse
10044337 Trans-sexualism
10044338 Trans-sexualism with asexual history
10044339 Trans-sexualism with heterosexual history
10044340 Trans-sexualism with homosexual history
10044341 Trans-sexualism with unspecified sexual history
10044342 Trans-vesical prostatectomy
10044344 Transaminase glutamic-oxalacetic increased
10044345 Transaminase glutamic-pyruvic increased
10044346 Transaminase NOS increased
10044347 Transaminase value increased
10044348 Transbronchial lung biopsy
10044349 Transcervical fracture, closed
10044350 Transcervical fracture, open
10044351 Transcutaneous electrical stimulation
10044352 Transsexualism
10044353 Transfer factor reduced
10044354 Transferrin
10044355 Transferrin abnormal NOS
10044356 Transferrin decreased
10044357 Transferrin increased
10044358 Transferrin normal
10044359 Transfusion reaction
10044360 Transfusion with incompatible blood
10044361 Transient alteration of awareness
10044362 Transient arthropathy
10044364 Transient arthropathy involving forearm
10044365 Transient arthropathy involving hand
10044366 Transient arthropathy involving lower leg
10044370 Transient arthropathy involving shoulder region
10044371 Transient arthropathy involving upper arm
10044372 Transient arthropathy, site unspecified
10044373 Transient blindness
10044374 Transient cerebral ischaemia
10044375 Transient cerebral ischemia
10044378 Transient disorder of initiating or maintaining wakefulness
10044379 Transient dysmnesic syndrome
10044380 Transient global amnesia
10044381 Transient hemiparesis
10044382 Transient hypertension of pregnancy
10044383 Transient hypertension of pregnancy, antepartum
10044384 Transient hypertension of pregnancy, postpartum
10044385 Transient hypertension of pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10044386 Transient hypertension of pregnancy, with delivery
10044388 Transient hypogammaglobulinaemia of infancy
10044390 Transient ischaemic attack
10044391 Transient ischemic attacks
10044392 Transient ischemic deafness
10044393 Transient neonatal neutropenia
10044394 Transient neonatal thrombocytopenia
10044395 Transient organic psychosis
10044396 Transient organic psychotic conditions
10044397 Transient organic psychotic conditions, other
10044398 Transient organic psychotic conditions, unspecified
10044399 Transient paralysis of limb
10044400 Transient refractive change
10044401 Transient retinal arterial occlusion
10044402 Transient situational disturbance
10044403 Transient tachypnoea of the newborn
10044404 Transient tic disorder of childhood
10044405 Transient visual loss
10044406 Transitional cell cancer of renal pelvis and ureter metastatic
10044407 Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter
10044408 Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter localised
10044409 Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter NOS
10044410 Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter recurrent
10044411 Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter regional
10044412 Transitional cell carcinoma
10044413 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder stage 0 with cancer in situ
10044414 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder stage 0 without cancer in situ
10044415 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder stage I with cancer in situ
10044416 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder stage I without cancer in situ
10044417 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder stage II
10044418 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder stage III
10044419 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder stage IV
10044420 Transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder stage unspecified
10044421 Transitional cell carcinoma ureter
10044422 Transitional cell carcinoma ureter local
10044423 Transitional cell carcinoma ureter metastatic
10044424 Transitional cell carcinoma ureter recurrent
10044425 Transitional cell carcinoma ureter regional
10044426 Transitional cell carcinoma urethra
10044427 Transitional cell carcinoma urethra local
10044428 Transitional cell carcinoma urethra metastatic
10044429 Transitional cell carcinoma urethra recurrent
10044430 Transitional cell carcinoma urethra regional
10044431 Transitory deafness
10044432 Transitory ileus of newborn
10044434 Transitory postpartum mood disturbance
10044435 Transitory tachypnea of newborn
10044436 Transitory tachypnoea of newborn
10044437 Translumbar aortograph
10044438 Transmission of drug via semen
10044439 Transplant rejection
10044440 Transposition aorta-pulmonary artery
10044441 Transposition of aorta
10044442 Transposition of great vessels
10044443 Transposition of the great vessels
10044444 Transthoracic lung biopsy
10044445 Transurethral prostatectomy
10044446 Transvaginal sonography normal
10044447 Transverse colectomy
10044448 Transverse deficiency of lower limb
10044449 Transverse deficiency of upper limb
10044450 Transverse lie
10044456 Transverse presentation
10044457 Transverse sinus thrombosis
10044458 Transvestism
10044459 Trapped finger
10044460 Trapped nerve
10044461 Trauma
10044463 Trauma ear drum
10044464 Trauma NOS
10044465 Trauma to perineum and vulva during delivery
10044466 Trauma to perineum and vulva during delivery, unspecified
10044477 Traumatic amputation NOS
10044497 Traumatic amputation of thumb complete
10044501 Traumatic anuria
10044502 Traumatic arthropathy
10044504 Traumatic arthropathy involving forearm
10044505 Traumatic arthropathy involving hand
10044506 Traumatic arthropathy involving lower leg
10044510 Traumatic arthropathy involving shoulder region
10044511 Traumatic arthropathy involving upper arm
10044512 Traumatic arthropathy, site unspecified
10044514 Traumatic blindness
10044515 Traumatic cataract
10044516 Traumatic cataract, unspecified
10044517 Traumatic chest injury NOS
10044519 Traumatic deafness (noise induced)
10044520 Traumatic delivery
10044521 Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia
10044522 Traumatic haematoma
10044525 Traumatic hematoma
10044528 Traumatic injury
10044529 Traumatic intracranial haemorrhage NOS
10044530 Traumatic myositis ossificans
10044531 Traumatic periodontal lesion
10044536 Traumatic pneumothorax
10044541 Traumatic shock
10044542 Traumatic spinal cord compression
10044543 Traumatic spondylopathy
10044544 Traumatic subcutaneous emphysema
10044545 Traumatic torticollis
10044546 Traumatic ulcer
10044547 Traumatic urethral stricture
10044548 Travel sickness
10044549 Travel sickness NOS
10044550 Travel to developing country
10044551 Travel to foreign country
10044552 Traveller's diarrhea
10044553 Traveller's diarrhoea
10044554 Treacher-Collins' syndrome
10044555 Treadmill test
10044557 Treatment refused due to parent's wishes
10044558 Treatment refused due to patient's wishes
10044559 Trematode infection, unspecified
10044562 Tremble
10044563 Trembling
10044565 Tremor
10044567 Tremor coarse
10044568 Tremor familial
10044569 Tremor fine
10044570 Tremor finger
10044571 Tremor intention
10044572 Tremor limb
10044573 Tremor muscle
10044575 Tremor neonatal
10044576 Tremor nerve
10044577 Tremor of hands
10044578 Tremor perioral
10044579 Tremor semirrhythmic
10044580 Tremulousness
10044582 Trench fever
10044584 Trench foot
10044586 Trendelenburg procedure
10044588 Treponema pallidum infection
10044589 Trepopnea
10044590 Trepopnoea
10044591 Tri-iodothyronine
10044592 Tri-iodothyronine abnormal
10044593 Tri-iodothyronine abnormal NOS
10044594 Tri-iodothyronine decreased
10044595 Tri-iodothyronine high
10044596 Tri-iodothyronine increased
10044597 Tri-iodothyronine low
10044598 Tri-iodothyronine normal
10044599 Tri-iodothyronine uptake
10044600 Tri-iodothyronine uptake abnormal NOS
10044601 Tri-iodothyronine uptake decreased
10044602 Tri-iodothyronine uptake increased
10044603 Tri-iodothyronine uptake normal
10044604 Trichiasis
10044605 Trichiasis of eyelid without entropion
10044606 Trichinella infection
10044607 Trichinella spiralis infection
10044608 Trichiniasis
10044609 Trichinosis
10044610 Trichoepithelioma
10044611 Trichofolliculoma
10044612 Tricholemmoma
10044613 Trichomegaly
10044614 Trichomonal prostatitis
10044615 Trichomonal urethritis
10044616 Trichomonal vaginitis
10044617 Trichomonal vulvovaginitis
10044619 Trichomonas on cervical smear
10044620 Trichomoniasis
10044621 Trichomoniasis intestinal
10044623 Trichomoniasis, unspecified
10044624 Trichophagia
10044625 Trichorrhexis
10044626 Trichorrhexis nodosa
10044627 Trichostrongyliasis
10044628 Trichothiodystrophy
10044629 Trichotillomania
10044630 Trichuriasis
10044631 Trichuris trichiuria infection
10044633 Tricuspid dysfunction
10044634 Tricuspid incompetence
10044635 Tricuspid insufficiency
10044636 Tricuspid stenosis
10044638 Tricuspid valve disease NOS
10044640 Tricuspid valve incompetence
10044641 Tricuspid valve replacement
10044642 Tricuspid valve stenosis
10044643 Tricuspid valvotomy
10044644 Trifascicular block
10044646 Trigeminal nerve ablation
10044647 Trigeminal nerve disorder NOS
10044648 Trigeminal nerve disorder, unspecified
10044650 Trigeminal nerve exploration
10044651 Trigeminal nerve injection
10044652 Trigeminal neuralgia
10044653 Trigeminy
10044654 Trigger finger
10044655 Trigger finger (acquired)
10044656 Trigger thumb
10044658 Triglyceride decreased
10044659 Triglyceride increased
10044660 Triglycerides
10044661 Triglycerides abnormal
10044662 Triglycerides abnormal NOS
10044663 Triglycerides decreased
10044664 Triglycerides elevated serum
10044665 Triglycerides low
10044666 Triglycerides normal
10044667 Triglycerides total abnormal NOS
10044668 Trigonitis
10044669 Trip-hammer pulse
10044670 Triiodothyronine increased
10044671 Trimalleolar fracture, closed
10044672 Trimalleolar fracture, open
10044673 Trimming of turbinate bones
10044675 Triple vessel bypass graft
10044676 Triple vessel disease
10044679 Triplet pregnancy
10044682 Triplet pregnancy, delivered
10044683 Triplet pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10044684 Trismus
10044685 Trisomy 11
10044686 Trisomy 13
10044687 Trisomy 17 & 18
10044688 Trisomy 21
10044689 Trisomy 22
10044690 Tritan defect
10044691 Trochlear nerve operation
10044692 Trochlear nerve paralysis
10044693 Trophedema
10044695 Tropical pyomyositis
10044696 Tropical spastic paresis
10044697 Tropical sprue
10044698 Trouble falling asleep
10044699 Trouser graft
10044700 Truancy
10044701 True precocious puberty
10044702 Truncal vagotomy
10044703 Truncus arteriosus persistent
10044704 Trunk bowed back
10044705 Trunk crushing NOS
10044706 Trypanosoma cruzi infection
10044707 Trypanosomiasis
10044709 Trypanosomiasis NOS
10044710 Trypanosomiasis, unspecified
10044712 TSH
10044714 TSH decrease
10044715 TSH decreased
10044717 TSH increase
10044718 TSH increased
10044719 Tsutsugamushi fever
10044720 Tubal diathermy
10044721 Tubal insufflation
10044722 Tubal ligation
10044724 Tubal pregnancy
10044725 Tuberculid
10044726 Tuberculin test
10044727 Tuberculin test negative
10044728 Tuberculin test positive
10044729 Tuberculoid leprosy
10044730 Tuberculoid leprosy (type t)
10044731 Tuberculoma of brain
10044739 Tuberculoma of meninges
10044747 Tuberculoma of spinal cord
10044755 Tuberculosis
10044757 Tuberculosis aggravated
10044758 Tuberculosis bladder
10044759 Tuberculosis cerebral
10044761 Tuberculosis gastrointestinal NOS
10044762 Tuberculosis genitourinary NOS
10044763 Tuberculosis indurativa
10044764 Tuberculosis late effects
10044765 Tuberculosis late effects of
10044766 Tuberculosis NOS
10044767 Tuberculosis NOS aggravated
10044768 Tuberculosis of adrenal glands
10044771 Tuberculosis of adrenal glands, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044772 Tuberculosis of adrenal glands, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044773 Tuberculosis of adrenal glands, confirmed histologically
10044775 Tuberculosis of adrenal glands, unspecified examination
10044776 Tuberculosis of bladder
10044777 Tuberculosis of bladder, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10044779 Tuberculosis of bladder, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044780 Tuberculosis of bladder, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044781 Tuberculosis of bladder, confirmed histologically
10044782 Tuberculosis of bladder, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044783 Tuberculosis of bladder, unspecified examination
10044786 Tuberculosis of bronchus
10044794 Tuberculosis of central nervous system NOS
10044795 Tuberculosis of ear
10044796 Tuberculosis of ear, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10044798 Tuberculosis of ear, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044799 Tuberculosis of ear, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044800 Tuberculosis of ear, confirmed histologically
10044801 Tuberculosis of ear, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044802 Tuberculosis of ear, unspecified examination
10044803 Tuberculosis of epididymis
10044806 Tuberculosis of epididymis, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044807 Tuberculosis of epididymis, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044808 Tuberculosis of epididymis, confirmed histologically
10044809 Tuberculosis of epididymis, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044811 Tuberculosis of esophagus
10044814 Tuberculosis of esophagus, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044815 Tuberculosis of esophagus, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044816 Tuberculosis of esophagus, confirmed histologically
10044817 Tuberculosis of esophagus, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044818 Tuberculosis of esophagus, unspecified examination
10044819 Tuberculosis of eye
10044820 Tuberculosis of eye, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10044822 Tuberculosis of eye, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044823 Tuberculosis of eye, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044824 Tuberculosis of eye, confirmed histologically
10044825 Tuberculosis of eye, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044826 Tuberculosis of eye, unspecified examination
10044827 Tuberculosis of female genital organs
10044828 Tuberculosis of genitourinary system
10044829 Tuberculosis of hip
10044830 Tuberculosis of hip, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10044832 Tuberculosis of hip, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044833 Tuberculosis of hip, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044834 Tuberculosis of hip, confirmed histologically
10044835 Tuberculosis of hip, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044836 Tuberculosis of hip, unspecified examination
10044842 Tuberculosis of intestines and mesenteric glands, confirmed histologically
10044846 Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes
10044849 Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044850 Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044851 Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed histologically
10044853 Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, unspecified examination
10044854 Tuberculosis of kidney
10044855 Tuberculosis of kidney, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10044857 Tuberculosis of kidney, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044858 Tuberculosis of kidney, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044859 Tuberculosis of kidney, confirmed histologically
10044860 Tuberculosis of kidney, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044861 Tuberculosis of kidney, unspecified examination
10044862 Tuberculosis of knee
10044863 Tuberculosis of knee, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10044865 Tuberculosis of knee, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044866 Tuberculosis of knee, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044867 Tuberculosis of knee, confirmed histologically
10044868 Tuberculosis of knee, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044869 Tuberculosis of knee, unspecified examination
10044870 Tuberculosis of limb bones
10044873 Tuberculosis of limb bones, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044874 Tuberculosis of limb bones, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044875 Tuberculosis of limb bones, confirmed histologically
10044876 Tuberculosis of limb bones, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044877 Tuberculosis of limb bones, unspecified examination
10044878 Tuberculosis of lung with cavitation
10044886 Tuberculosis of lung, infiltrative
10044894 Tuberculosis of lung, nodular
10044902 Tuberculosis of mastoid
10044903 Tuberculosis of mastoid, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10044905 Tuberculosis of mastoid, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044906 Tuberculosis of mastoid, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044907 Tuberculosis of mastoid, confirmed histologically
10044908 Tuberculosis of mastoid, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044909 Tuberculosis of mastoid, unspecified examination
10044965 Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes
10044968 Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044969 Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044970 Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes, confirmed histologically
10044972 Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes, unspecified examination
10044973 Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous cellular tissue
10044981 Tuberculosis of spinal cord
10044982 Tuberculosis of spine
10044983 Tuberculosis of spleen
10044984 Tuberculosis of spleen, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10044986 Tuberculosis of spleen, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044987 Tuberculosis of spleen, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044988 Tuberculosis of spleen, confirmed histologically
10044989 Tuberculosis of spleen, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10044990 Tuberculosis of spleen, unspecified examination
10044991 Tuberculosis of thyroid gland
10044994 Tuberculosis of thyroid gland, confirmed by animal inoculation
10044995 Tuberculosis of thyroid gland, confirmed by bacterial culture
10044996 Tuberculosis of thyroid gland, confirmed histologically
10044997 Tuberculosis of thyroid gland, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10045007 Tuberculosis of ureter
10045008 Tuberculosis of ureter, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10045010 Tuberculosis of ureter, confirmed by animal inoculation
10045011 Tuberculosis of ureter, confirmed by bacterial culture
10045012 Tuberculosis of ureter, confirmed histologically
10045013 Tuberculosis of ureter, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10045014 Tuberculosis of ureter, unspecified examination
10045015 Tuberculosis of vertebral column
10045018 Tuberculosis of vertebral column, confirmed by animal inoculation
10045019 Tuberculosis of vertebral column, confirmed by bacterial culture
10045020 Tuberculosis of vertebral column, confirmed histologically
10045022 Tuberculosis of vertebral column, unspecified examination
10045023 Tuberculosis prophylaxis
10045024 Tuberculosis pulmonary reactivated
10045025 Tuberculosis reactivated
10045026 Tuberculosis ureter
10045027 Tuberculosis, antepartum
10045028 Tuberculosis, postpartum
10045029 Tuberculous abscess of brain
10045037 Tuberculous abscess of spinal cord
10045046 Tuberculous bone
10045047 Tuberculous bronchiectasis
10045055 Tuberculous bronchopneumonia
10045056 Tuberculous empyema
10045064 Tuberculous fibrosis of lung
10045072 Tuberculous laryngitis
10045080 Tuberculous meningitis
10045096 Tuberculous peritonitis
10045097 Tuberculous peritonitis, bacteriological or histological examination not done
10045099 Tuberculous peritonitis, confirmed by animal inoculation
10045100 Tuberculous peritonitis, confirmed by bacterial culture
10045101 Tuberculous peritonitis, confirmed histologically
10045102 Tuberculous peritonitis, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10045103 Tuberculous peritonitis, unspecified examination
10045104 Tuberculous pleurisy
10045120 Tuberculous pneumonia (any form)
10045128 Tuberculous pneumothorax
10045136 Tuberculous salpingitis
10045137 Tuberculous spine
10045138 Tuberous sclerosis
10045139 Tuberous xanthoma
10045141 Tubo-ovarian varicocele
10045144 Tubular necrosis
10045145 Tubular vision
10045146 Tularaemia
10045147 Tularemia
10045148 Tummy ache
10045149 Tumor embolus
10045150 Tumor flare
10045151 Tumor liver
10045152 Tumor lysis syndrome
10045153 Tumor of epidermal appendage NOS
10045154 Tumor of fibrous tissue NOS
10045155 Tumor of pleura
10045156 Tumor of the dermis NOS
10045157 Tumor of the epidermis NOS
10045158 Tumor pain
10045160 Tumor-like skin condition NOS
10045167 Tumour cell marker test NOS
10045168 Tumour embolism
10045169 Tumour flare
10045170 Tumour lysis syndrome
10045171 Tumour pain
10045173 Tumour vaccine therapy NOS
10045174 Tumour vaccine therapy, antigen specified
10045175 Tumour vaccine therapy, antigen unspecified
10045176 Tumour-like skin condition NOS
10045178 Tunnel vision
10045180 Turbinectomy
10045181 Turner's syndrome
10045182 TURP
10045183 TV Trichomonas vaginalis
10045184 Twiddler's syndrome
10045188 Twin pregnancy
10045189 Twin pregnancy with fetal loss and retention of one fetus
10045193 Twin pregnancy, delivered
10045194 Twin pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10045195 Twisted knee
10045196 Twitch skeletal muscle
10045197 Twitches
10045198 Twitching
10045199 Twitching cervical
10045200 Twitching facial
10045201 Twitching flexor
10045202 Twitching masticatory
10045203 Twitching of limbs
10045204 Twitching of neck and face
10045205 Tyloma
10045206 Tylosis
10045207 Tylosis palmaris
10045208 Tympanic membrane atrophic
10045209 Tympanic membrane disorder NOS
10045210 Tympanic membrane perforation
10045211 Tympanic membrane pressure sensation of
10045212 Tympanic membrane repair
10045213 Tympanites
10045214 Tympanometry
10045215 Tympanometry abnormal
10045216 Tympanometry normal
10045217 Tympanoplasty
10045218 Tympanosclerosis
10045221 Tympanosclerosis involving tympanic membrane only
10045224 Type 1 (distal) RTA
10045226 Type 2 (proximal) RTA
10045227 Type 4 (hyperkalemic) RTA
10045228 Type I diabetes mellitus
10045229 Type I diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolar coma
10045230 Type I diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis
10045231 Type I diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestations
10045232 Type I diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestations
10045235 Type I diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorders
10045236 Type I diabetes mellitus with renal manifestations
10045238 Type I diabetes mellitus without mention of complication
10045239 Type I glycogen storage disease
10045240 Type I hypersensitivity
10045241 Type I lipidaemia
10045242 Type II diabetes mellitus
10045243 Type II diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolar coma
10045244 Type II diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis
10045245 Type II diabetes mellitus with neurological manifestations
10045246 Type II diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic manifestations
10045249 Type II diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory disorders
10045250 Type II diabetes mellitus with renal manifestations
10045252 Type II diabetes mellitus without mention of complication
10045253 Type II glycogen storage disease
10045254 Type II hyperlipidaemia
10045255 Type II hyperlipidemia
10045256 Type II interferon therapy
10045257 Type II lipidaemia
10045258 Type II lipidemia
10045259 Type II non-obese diabetic
10045260 Type II obese diabetic
10045261 Type IIa hyperlipidaemia
10045262 Type IIa hyperlipidemia
10045263 Type IIb hyperlipidaemia
10045264 Type IIb hyperlipoproteinaemia
10045265 Type III hypersensitivity reaction
10045266 Type III lipidaemia
10045267 Type IV lipidaemia
10045269 Type V glycogen storage disease
10045270 Type V lipidaemia
10045271 Typhlitis
10045272 Typhoid
10045274 Typhoid carrier
10045275 Typhoid fever
10045277 Typhus NOS
10045278 Typhus, unspecified
10045279 U wave appearance
10045281 U-wave appearance
10045283 UC aggravated
10045284 UGI bleed
10045285 Ulcer
10045286 Ulcer anal
10045287 Ulcer aphthous
10045288 Ulcer aphthous oral
10045289 Ulcer bleeding duodenal
10045290 Ulcer bleeding gastric
10045291 Ulcer bleeding peptic
10045292 Ulcer buccal
10045293 Ulcer colon
10045294 Ulcer conjunctival
10045295 Ulcer corneal
10045296 Ulcer corneal perforated
10045297 Ulcer duodenal
10045298 Ulcer duodenal hemorrhage
10045299 Ulcer duodenal reactivated
10045301 Ulcer duodenal with perforation
10045302 Ulcer esophageal
10045303 Ulcer foot
10045304 Ulcer gastric
10045305 Ulcer gastroduodenal
10045306 Ulcer gastrointestinal
10045307 Ulcer gastrojejunal
10045309 Ulcer haemorrhage NOS
10045310 Ulcer ileum
10045311 Ulcer ileum perforated
10045312 Ulcer intestinal
10045313 Ulcer intestinal perforated
10045314 Ulcer jejunum
10045315 Ulcer jejunum perforated
10045316 Ulcer large intestine
10045317 Ulcer lip
10045318 Ulcer management
10045319 Ulcer mouth
10045320 Ulcer NOS
10045323 Ulcer of esophagus
10045324 Ulcer of ileum
10045325 Ulcer of jejunum
10045326 Ulcer of lower limbs, except decubitus ulcer
10045327 Ulcer of oesophagus
10045328 Ulcer peptic
10045329 Ulcer peptic reactivated
10045330 Ulcer peptic with hemorrhage
10045332 Ulcer peptic with perforation
10045333 Ulcer rectal
10045334 Ulcer skin
10045335 Ulcer small intestine
10045336 Ulcer stomach
10045337 Ulcer stomach reactivated
10045338 Ulcer stomach with hemorrhage
10045340 Ulcer stomach with perforation
10045341 Ulcer stress
10045342 Ulcer syndrome peptic
10045343 Ulcer type pain
10045344 Ulcer-like dyspepsia
10045345 Ulcerated varicose eczema
10045346 Ulcerated varicose veins
10045347 Ulceration around penis
10045348 Ulceration gum
10045349 Ulceration mouth
10045350 Ulceration of anus
10045351 Ulceration of intestine
10045352 Ulceration of mouth
10045353 Ulceration of trachea
10045354 Ulceration of vagina
10045355 Ulceration of vulva
10045357 Ulceration of vulva, unspecified
10045358 Ulceration tongue
10045359 Ulcerative (chronic) enterocolitis
10045360 Ulcerative (chronic) ileocolitis
10045361 Ulcerative (chronic) proctitis
10045362 Ulcerative (chronic) proctosigmoiditis
10045363 Ulcerative blepharitis
10045365 Ulcerative colitis
10045366 Ulcerative colitis, unspecified
10045367 Ulcerative enterocolitis
10045368 Ulcerative proctitis
10045369 Ulcerative stomatitis
10045370 Ulcerative stomatitis, acute
10045371 Ulceroglandular tularemia
10045372 Ulcers aphthous oral
10045373 Ulcers of extremities
10045374 Ulcus ventriculi
10045375 Ulna fracture
10045376 Ulnar collateral ligament sprain
10045377 Ulnar nerve decompression
10045378 Ulnar nerve injury
10045379 Ulnar nerve lesion NOS
10045380 Ulnar neuritis
10045381 Ulnar neurapraxia
10045382 Ulnohumeral (joint) sprain
10045384 Ultrasonic angiogram
10045385 Ultrasonic angiogram NOS abnormal
10045386 Ultrasonic angiogram NOS normal
10045387 Ultrasonic angiography
10045388 Ultrasonic angiography abnormal
10045389 Ultrasonic angiography normal
10045390 Ultrasonic antenatal screen
10045391 Ultrasonic antenatal screening
10045392 Ultrasonic antenatal screening abnormal
10045393 Ultrasonic antenatal screening for abnormalities
10045394 Ultrasonic antenatal screening for abnormalities abnormal
10045395 Ultrasonic antenatal screening for abnormalities normal
10045396 Ultrasonic antenatal screening normal
10045397 Ultrasonography NOS abnormal
10045398 Ultrasonography NOS normal
10045399 Ultrasound antenatal screen
10045400 Ultrasound antenatal screen abnormal
10045401 Ultrasound antenatal screen normal
10045402 Ultrasound antenatal screening NOS
10045403 Ultrasound antenatal screening NOS abnormal
10045404 Ultrasound antenatal screening NOS normal
10045405 Ultrasound anterior segment of eye
10045406 Ultrasound bladder
10045407 Ultrasound bladder abnormal
10045408 Ultrasound bladder normal
10045409 Ultrasound breast
10045410 Ultrasound breast abnormal
10045411 Ultrasound breast normal
10045412 Ultrasound Doppler
10045413 Ultrasound Doppler abnormal
10045414 Ultrasound Doppler normal
10045415 Ultrasound Doppler NOS
10045416 Ultrasound eye
10045417 Ultrasound eye abnormal
10045418 Ultrasound eye normal
10045419 Ultrasound guided liver biopsy
10045420 Ultrasound guided renal biopsy
10045421 Ultrasound kidney
10045422 Ultrasound kidney abnormal
10045423 Ultrasound kidney normal
10045424 Ultrasound kidneys
10045425 Ultrasound kidneys abnormal
10045426 Ultrasound kidneys normal
10045427 Ultrasound liver
10045428 Ultrasound liver abnormal
10045429 Ultrasound liver normal
10045430 Ultrasound posterior segment of eye
10045431 Ultrasound prostate
10045432 Ultrasound prostate abnormal
10045433 Ultrasound prostate normal
10045434 Ultrasound scan
10045435 Ultrasound scan NOS
10045436 Ultrasound scan NOS abnormal
10045437 Ultrasound scan NOS normal
10045438 Ultrasound scan vagina
10045439 Ultrasound scan vagina abnormal
10045440 Ultrasound scan vagina normal
10045441 Ultrasound skull
10045442 Ultrasound skull abnormal
10045443 Ultrasound skull neonatal
10045444 Ultrasound skull normal
10045445 Umbilical artery hypoplasia
10045446 Umbilical cord abnormality NOS
10045447 Umbilical cord around neck
10045451 Umbilical cord compression
10045452 Umbilical cord prolapse
10045453 Umbilical cord short
10045454 Umbilical cord vascular disorder
10045455 Umbilical haemorrhage
10045456 Umbilical haemorrhage after birth
10045457 Umbilical hemorrhage after birth
10045458 Umbilical hernia
10045460 Umbilical hernia gangrenous
10045461 Umbilical hernia NOS
10045462 Umbilical hernia repair
10045463 Umbilical hernia with gangrene
10045464 Umbilical hernia with obstruction
10045465 Umbilical hernia with obstruction, but without mention of gangrene
10045466 Umbilical hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10045467 Umbilical hernia, obstructive
10045468 Umbilical herniorrhaphy
10045469 Umbilical malformation
10045470 Umbilical sepsis
10045471 Umbilical sepsis NOS
10045475 Unattended death
10045476 Uncinate fits
10045477 Uncomplicated hypertension
10045478 Unconjugated bilirubinaemia
10045479 Unconscious
10045480 Unconscious partial
10045481 Unconsciousness
10045482 Uncontrollable crying
10045484 Undefined cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10045485 Undefined cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10045486 Undefined cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10045487 Undefined cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10045488 Undefined cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage II
10045489 Undefined cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage III
10045490 Undefined cell lymphoma (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage IV
10045491 Under achievement in school
10045492 Underachievement
10045493 Underactive
10045494 Underactivity
10045495 Undersocialized conduct disorder, aggressive type
10045500 Undersocialized conduct disorder, unaggressive type
10045505 Undescended testicle
10045506 Undescended testis
10045507 Undetectable pulse
10045509 Undifferentiated lymphoma Burkitt's variety recurrent
10045510 Undifferentiated lymphoma Burkitt's variety refractory
10045511 Undifferentiated lymphoma Burkitt's variety stage I
10045512 Undifferentiated lymphoma Burkitt's variety stage II
10045513 Undifferentiated lymphoma Burkitt's variety stage III
10045514 Undifferentiated lymphoma Burkitt's variety stage IV
10045515 Undifferentiated sarcoma
10045516 Undifferentiated type acute leukaemia
10045517 Undulant fever
10045518 Unemployed husband
10045519 Unemployed wife
10045520 Unemployment
10045521 Unequal leg length (acquired)
10045522 Unequal pupils
10045523 Unequal reflexes
10045524 Unevaluable reaction
10045526 Unexpected pregnancy
10045527 Unexpected therapeutic effect
10045528 Unilateral blindness
10045529 Unilateral complete paralysis of vocal cords
10045530 Unilateral ECT
10045538 Unilateral partial paralysis of vocal cords
10045539 Unilateral renal artery stenosis
10045540 Unilateral small kidney
10045541 Unilateral testicular swelling
10045542 Unintended pregnancy
10045543 Unipolar depression
10045544 Unipolar depressive illness
10045545 Univentricular heart
10045546 Universal ulcerative (chronic) colitis
10045547 Unknown primary cancer
10045548 Unmodified ECT
10045549 Unpleasant personality
10045550 Unqualified appendicitis
10045551 Unqualified visual loss, both eyes
10045552 Unqualified visual loss, one eye
10045553 Unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation therapy
10045555 Unresponsive to stimuli
10045556 Unrest
10045557 Unsocialized disturbance of conduct
10045574 Unspecified abnormal function study of brain and central nervous system
10045576 Unspecified abnormality of labor
10045577 Unspecified abnormality of labor, antepartum
10045578 Unspecified abnormality of labor, unspecified as to episode of care
10045579 Unspecified abnormality of labor, with delivery
10045580 Unspecified abnormality of labour
10045581 Unspecified abortion
10045613 Unspecified acquired deformity of head
10045614 Unspecified acquired deformity of hip
10045615 Unspecified acquired deformity of toe
10045616 Unspecified acute reaction to stress
10045617 Unspecified adjustment reaction
10045620 Unspecified affective psychosis
10045621 Unspecified alcoholic psychosis
10045622 Unspecified allergic alveolitis
10045626 Unspecified alveolar anomaly
10045627 Unspecified anemia
10045628 Unspecified anomaly of eye, congenital
10045629 Unspecified anomaly of jaw size
10045631 Unspecified anomaly of upper limb, congenital
10045632 Unspecified antepartum haemorrhage
10045633 Unspecified antepartum hemorrhage
10045634 Unspecified antepartum hemorrhage, antepartum
10045635 Unspecified antepartum hemorrhage, unspecified as to episode of care
10045636 Unspecified antepartum hemorrhage, with delivery
10045637 Unspecified antepartum hypertension
10045638 Unspecified antepartum renal disease
10045639 Unspecified anterior horn cell disease
10045640 Unspecified arthropathy
10045641 Unspecified bacteraemia
10045642 Unspecified bacteremia
10045644 Unspecified birth trauma
10045645 Unspecified breast disorder
10045646 Unspecified brucellosis
10045649 Unspecified cataract
10045650 Unspecified cause of encephalitis
10045651 Unspecified cerebral degeneration in childhood
10045652 Unspecified cerebrovascular disease
10045653 Unspecified chest pain
10045654 Unspecified childhood psychosis
10045655 Unspecified childhood psychosis, current or active state
10045656 Unspecified childhood psychosis, residual state
10045658 Unspecified cholera
10045659 Unspecified chronic bronchitis
10045661 Unspecified chronic liver disease without mention of alcohol
10045662 Unspecified chronic suppurative otitis media
10045663 Unspecified circulatory system disorder
10045664 Unspecified closed fracture of pelvis
10045671 Unspecified complication of colostomy and enterostomy
10045679 Unspecified complication of pregnancy
10045680 Unspecified complication of pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10045681 Unspecified complication of pregnancy, with delivery
10045682 Therapeutic procedural complication
10045684 Unspecified complication, antepartum
10045691 Unspecified condition of the tongue
10045692 Unspecified condition originating in the perinatal period
10045698 Unspecified congenital anomaly of ear
10045699 Unspecified congenital anomaly of ear with impairment of hearing
10045703 Unspecified congenital anomaly of heart
10045704 Unspecified congenital anomaly of lower limb
10045705 Unspecified congenital anomaly of respiratory system
10045708 Unspecified congenital anomaly of upper alimentary tract
10045710 Unspecified congenital syphilis
10045711 Unspecified contusion of eye
10045713 Unspecified crystal arthropathy
10045714 Unspecified crystal arthropathy involving ankle and foot
10045715 Unspecified crystal arthropathy involving forearm
10045716 Unspecified crystal arthropathy involving hand
10045717 Unspecified crystal arthropathy involving lower leg
10045718 Unspecified crystal arthropathy involving multiple sites
10045720 Unspecified crystal arthropathy involving pelvic region and thigh
10045721 Unspecified crystal arthropathy involving shoulder region
10045722 Unspecified crystal arthropathy involving upper arm
10045723 Unspecified crystal arthropathy, site unspecified
10045724 Unspecified curvature of spine
10045726 Unspecified deafness
10045728 Unspecified deficiency anaemia
10045729 Unspecified deficiency anemia
10045730 Unspecified deformity of ankle and foot, acquired
10045731 Unspecified deformity of finger
10045732 Unspecified deformity of forearm, excluding fingers
10045733 Unspecified delay in development
10045736 Unspecified derangement of forearm joint
10045737 Unspecified derangement of hand joint
10045738 Unspecified derangement of joint
10045742 Unspecified derangement of joint of shoulder region
10045743 Unspecified derangement of joint, site unspecified
10045744 Unspecified derangement of upper arm joint
10045745 Unspecified dermatitis due to sun
10045746 Unspecified diffuse connective tissue disease
10045747 Unspecified disease of hair and hair follicles
10045748 Unspecified disease of hard tissues of teeth
10045749 Unspecified disease of larynx
10045750 Unspecified disease of nail
10045751 Unspecified disease of pancreas
10045752 Unspecified disease of pericardium
10045753 Unspecified disease of pharynx
10045754 Unspecified disease of pulmonary circulation
10045755 Unspecified disease of respiratory system
10045756 Unspecified disease of sebaceous glands
10045757 Unspecified disease of spinal cord
10045759 Unspecified disease of the salivary glands
10045760 Unspecified disease of thymus gland
10045761 Unspecified disease of white blood cells
10045767 Unspecified disorder of adrenal glands
10045768 Unspecified disorder of amino-acid metabolism
10045771 Unspecified disorder of autonomic nervous system
10045772 Unspecified disorder of biliary tract
10045773 Unspecified disorder of binocular eye movements
10045774 Unspecified disorder of bladder
10045776 Unspecified disorder of choroid
10045777 Unspecified disorder of coccyx
10045778 Unspecified disorder of conjunctiva
10045779 Unspecified disorder of cranial nerves
10045780 Unspecified disorder of ear
10045781 Unspecified disorder of esophagus
10045783 Unspecified disorder of eye
10045786 Unspecified disorder of eyelid
10045788 Unspecified disorder of forearm joint
10045789 Unspecified disorder of gallbladder
10045790 Unspecified disorder of globe
10045791 Unspecified disorder of hand joint
10045792 Unspecified disorder of immune mechanism
10045793 Unspecified disorder of intestine
10045795 Unspecified disorder of joint
10045797 Unspecified disorder of joint of shoulder region
10045798 Unspecified disorder of joint, site unspecified
10045800 Unspecified disorder of lacrimal system
10045801 Unspecified disorder of lactation
10045807 Unspecified disorder of lipoid metabolism
10045808 Unspecified disorder of liver
10045809 Unspecified disorder of lower leg joint
10045811 Unspecified disorder of metabolism
10045813 Unspecified disorder of mineral metabolism
10045815 Unspecified disorder of oesophagus
10045819 Unspecified disorder of parathyroid gland
10045820 Unspecified disorder of penis
10045822 Unspecified disorder of plasma protein metabolism
10045827 Unspecified disorder of sweat glands
10045832 Unspecified disorder of thyroid
10045833 Unspecified disorder of tooth development and eruption
10045834 Unspecified disorder of tympanic membrane
10045835 Unspecified disorder of upper arm joint
10045837 Unspecified disorder of uterus
10045840 Unspecified disorders of arteries and arterioles
10045849 Unspecified disturbance of conduct
10045850 Unspecified drug dependence
10045851 Unspecified drug dependence, continuous use
10045852 Unspecified drug dependence, episodic use
10045853 Unspecified drug dependence, in remission
10045854 Unspecified drug dependence, unspecified use
10045855 Unspecified drug psychosis
10045856 Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder
10045857 Unspecified ectopic pregnancy
10045859 Unspecified effect of reduced temperature
10045861 Unspecified emotional disturbance of childhood or adolescence
10045863 Unspecified endocrine disorder
10045864 Unspecified enthesopathy
10045865 Unspecified erythematous condition
10045866 Unspecified essential hypertension
10045867 Unspecified Eustachian tube disorder
10045874 Unspecified filariasis
10045875 Unspecified fistula involving female genital tract
10045876 Unspecified fracture of ankle, closed
10045877 Unspecified fracture of ankle, open
10045880 Unspecified functional disorder of stomach
10045885 Unspecified genital prolapse
10045894 Unspecified glaucoma
10045896 Unspecified haemorrhage in early pregnancy
10045899 Unspecified haemorrhoids without mention of complication
10045900 Unspecified hearing loss
10045902 Unspecified hemorrhage in early pregnancy
10045903 Unspecified hemorrhage in early pregnancy, antepartum
10045904 Unspecified hemorrhage in early pregnancy, delivered
10045905 Unspecified hemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10045906 Unspecified hemorrhage of newborn
10045909 Unspecified hemorrhoids without mention of complication
10045916 Unspecified hypertensive heart disease
10045918 Unspecified hypertensive heart disease without congestive heart failure
10045920 Unspecified hypothyroidism
10045921 Unspecified idiopathic peripheral neuropathy
10045922 Unspecified immunity deficiency
10045927 Unspecified infection of bone
10045931 Unspecified infection of bone of shoulder region
10045933 Unspecified infection of bone, forearm
10045934 Unspecified infection of bone, hand
10045935 Unspecified infection of bone, lower leg
10045936 Unspecified infection of bone, site unspecified
10045937 Unspecified infection of bone, upper arm
10045938 Unspecified infection of the breast and nipple associated with childbirth
10045948 Unspecified infective arthritis
10045950 Unspecified infective arthritis involving forearm
10045951 Unspecified infective arthritis involving hand
10045952 Unspecified infective arthritis involving lower leg
10045956 Unspecified infective arthritis involving shoulder region
10045957 Unspecified infective arthritis involving upper arm
10045958 Unspecified infective arthritis, site unspecified
10045959 Unspecified inflammation of eyelid
10045963 Unspecified inflammatory disease of uterus
10045964 Unspecified inflammatory disease of uterus, except cervix
10045965 Unspecified inflammatory polyarthropathy
10045966 Unspecified inflammatory spondylopathy
10045968 Unspecified injury of heart without mention of open wound into thorax
10045970 Unspecified injury of lung without open wound into thorax
10045973 Unspecified injury to liver with open wound into cavity
10045974 Unspecified injury to liver without mention of open wound into cavity
10045976 Unspecified injury to spleen without mention of open wound into cavity
10045977 Unspecified internal derangement of knee
10045978 Unspecified intestinal malabsorption
10045979 Unspecified intestinal obstruction
10045980 Unspecified intracranial haemorrhage
10045981 Unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
10045982 Unspecified intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum
10045983 Unspecified intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum pelvic region and thigh
10045984 Unspecified intrapelvic protrusion of acetabulum, site unspecified
10045985 Unspecified iridocyclitis
10045988 Unspecified keratitis
10045989 Unspecified laceration of eye
10045990 Unspecified late complication of amputation stump
10045991 Unspecified leukaemia
10045992 Unspecified leukemia
10045993 Unspecified leukemia in remission
10045994 Unspecified leukemia without mention of remission
10045995 Unspecified local infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue
10045996 Unspecified lymphoid leukaemia
10045997 Unspecified lymphoid leukemia
10045998 Unspecified lymphoid leukemia in remission
10045999 Unspecified lymphoid leukemia without mention of remission
10046004 Unspecified mastoiditis
10046007 Unspecified meningococcal infection
10046009 Unspecified mental retardation
10046011 Unspecified miliary tuberculosis
10046013 Unspecified miliary tuberculosis, confirmed by animal inoculation
10046014 Unspecified miliary tuberculosis, confirmed by bacterial culture
10046015 Unspecified miliary tuberculosis, confirmed histologically
10046017 Unspecified miliary tuberculosis, unspecified examination
10046018 Unspecified monoarthritis
10046020 Unspecified monoarthritis involving forearm
10046021 Unspecified monoarthritis involving hand
10046022 Unspecified monoarthritis involving lower leg
10046025 Unspecified monoarthritis involving shoulder region
10046026 Unspecified monoarthritis involving upper arm
10046027 Unspecified monoarthritis, site unspecified
10046028 Unspecified monocytic leukaemia
10046029 Unspecified monocytic leukemia
10046030 Unspecified monocytic leukemia in remission
10046031 Unspecified monocytic leukemia without mention of remission
10046033 Unspecified monoplegia
10046034 Unspecified multiple gestation
10046039 Unspecified myeloid leukaemia
10046040 Unspecified myeloid leukemia
10046041 Unspecified myeloid leukemia in remission
10046042 Unspecified myeloid leukemia without mention of remission
10046043 Unspecified nasal polyp
10046045 Unspecified neurotic disorder
10046048 Unspecified noninfectious disorder of lymphatic channels
10046049 Unspecified noninfective disorder of lymphatic channels
10046052 Unspecified noninflammatory disorder of vagina
10046054 Unspecified nonpsychotic mental disorder following organic brain damage
10046058 Unspecified nutritional deficiency
10046059 Unspecified obstetrical trauma
10046060 Unspecified obstetrical trauma, antepartum
10046061 Unspecified obstetrical trauma, delivered, with postpartum complication
10046062 Unspecified obstetrical trauma, postpartum
10046063 Unspecified obstetrical trauma, unspecified as to episode of care
10046064 Unspecified obstetrical trauma, with delivery
10046065 Unspecified obstructed labor
10046066 Unspecified obstructed labor, antepartum
10046067 Unspecified obstructed labor, unspecified as to episode of care
10046068 Unspecified obstructed labor, with delivery
10046069 Unspecified obstructed labour
10046070 Unspecified ocular penetration
10046071 Unspecified open fracture of pelvis
10046072 Unspecified open wound of eyeball
10046073 Unspecified open wound of ocular adnexa
10046074 Unspecified organic brain syndrome (chronic)
10046075 Unspecified osteochondropathy
10046076 Unspecified osteomyelitis
10046078 Unspecified osteomyelitis involving forearm
10046079 Unspecified osteomyelitis involving hand
10046080 Unspecified osteomyelitis involving lower leg
10046084 Unspecified osteomyelitis involving shoulder region
10046085 Unspecified osteomyelitis involving upper arm
10046086 Unspecified osteomyelitis, site unspecified
10046087 Unspecified otitis media
10046088 Unspecified ovarian dysfunction
10046089 Unspecified paralysis of vocal cords
10046090 Unspecified paranoid state
10046091 Unspecified perinatal disorder of digestive system
10046092 Unspecified perineal laceration during delivery
10046093 Unspecified perineal laceration, postpartum
10046096 Unspecified peritonitis
10046097 Unspecified personality disorder
10046098 Unspecified plague
10046099 Unspecified pleural effusion
10046111 Unspecified postpartum hypertension
10046112 Unspecified postpartum renal disease
10046117 Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition
10046118 Unspecified protozoal intestinal disease
10046119 Unspecified pruritic disorder
10046120 Unspecified psychophysiological malfunction
10046121 Unspecified psychosexual disorder
10046122 Unspecified psychosis
10046123 Unspecified pulmonary tuberculosis
10046131 Unspecified rat-bite fever
10046133 Unspecified reduction deformity of upper limb, congenital
10046134 Unspecified relapsing fever
10046135 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10046136 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy, with delivery
10046138 Unspecified renal disease in pregnancy, without mention of hypertension
10046139 Unspecified renovascular hypertension
10046143 Unspecified respiratory tract infection
10046144 Unspecified retinal detachment
10046146 Unspecified retinal disorder
10046148 Unspecified rheumatic heart disease
10046149 Unspecified schistosomiasis
10046150 Unspecified schizophrenia
10046151 Unspecified schizophrenia, chronic state
10046152 Unspecified schizophrenia, chronic state with acute exacerbation
10046153 Unspecified schizophrenia, in remission
10046154 Unspecified schizophrenia, subchronic state
10046155 Unspecified schizophrenia, subchronic state with acute exacerbation
10046156 Unspecified schizophrenia, unspecified state
10046157 Unspecified secondary hypertension
10046158 Unspecified secondary syphilis
10046160 Unspecified senile psychotic condition
10046161 Unspecified septicemia
10046163 Unspecified sexual deviation
10046164 Unspecified sinusitis (chronic)
10046165 Unspecified site of ankle sprain
10046166 Unspecified site of foot sprain
10046167 Unspecified site of mandible open fracture
10046168 Unspecified site of mandible, closed fracture
10046169 Unspecified site of sacroiliac region sprain
10046174 Unspecified sleep disturbance
10046175 Unspecified slow virus infection of central nervous system
10046176 Unspecified spinocerebellar disease
10046177 Unspecified suppurative otitis media
10046180 Unspecified testicular dysfunction
10046181 Unspecified thrombosed haemorrhoids
10046182 Unspecified thrombosed hemorrhoids
10046183 Unspecified transient cerebral ischemia
10046184 Unspecified transient organic mental disorder
10046186 Unspecified trauma to perineum and vulva during delivery
10046187 Unspecified trauma to perineum and vulva, postpartum
10046189 Unspecified trauma to perineum and vulva, with delivery
10046190 Unspecified tuberculosis of central nervous system
10046199 Unspecified tularemia
10046202 Unspecified type maternal pyrexia, antepartum
10046218 Unspecified urinary incontinence
10046219 Unspecified urticaria
10046220 Unspecified vascular insufficiency of intestine
10046227 Unspecified ventral hernia with gangrene
10046231 Unspecified viraemia
10046236 Unspecified viral meningitis
10046237 Unspecified viremia
10046238 Unspecified visual disturbance
10046239 Unspecified visual loss
10046240 Unspecified vitamin A deficiency
10046241 Unspecified vitamin B deficiency
10046242 Unspecified vitamin D deficiency
10046243 Unspecified vitamin deficiency
10046244 Unspecified vomiting of pregnancy
10046245 Unspecified vomiting of pregnancy, antepartum
10046246 Unspecified vomiting of pregnancy, delivered
10046247 Unspecified vomiting of pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10046248 Unspecified yellow fever
10046249 Unspecified zoonotic bacterial disease
10046251 Unstable angina
10046252 Unstable bladder
10046253 Unstable feeling
10046254 Unstable fetal lie
10046255 Unstable foetal lie
10046256 Unstable lie of fetus
10046260 Unsteadiness
10046261 Unsteady gait
10046262 Unsuccessful suicide
10046263 Unusually large fetus causing disproportion
10046264 Unusually large fetus causing disproportion, antepartum
10046265 Unusually large fetus causing disproportion, delivered
10046266 Unusually large fetus causing disproportion, unspecified as to episode of care
10046267 Unwanted pregnancy
10046268 Unwell
10046269 Unwitnessed cardiac death
10046270 Up and down phenomenon
10046271 Upgoing plantars
10046272 Upper abdominal pain
10046273 Upper back pain
10046274 Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage
10046276 Upper gastrointestinal symptoms
10046277 Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy
10046278 Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy abnormal
10046279 Upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy normal
10046280 Upper gastrointestinal tract X-ray
10046281 Upper gastrointestinal tract X-ray abnormal
10046282 Upper gastrointestinal tract X-ray normal
10046284 Upper GI blood loss
10046285 Upper GI series
10046286 Upper GI series with small bowel follow through
10046287 Upper GI tract X-ray
10046288 Upper GI tract X-ray abnormal
10046289 Upper GI tract X-ray normal
10046290 Upper limb amputation
10046291 Upper limb fracture NOS
10046294 Upper limb vessel congenital anomaly
10046295 Upper limb X-ray
10046296 Upper limb X-ray abnormal
10046297 Upper limb X-ray normal
10046298 Upper motor neurone lesion
10046300 Upper respiratory infection
10046301 Upper respiratory inflammation due to fumes and vapors
10046302 Upper respiratory inflammation due to fumes and vapours
10046305 Upper respiratory tract hypersensitivity reaction, site unspecified
10046306 Upper respiratory tract infection
10046307 Upper respiratory tract infection NOS
10046308 Upper respiratory tract infection viral NOS
10046314 Upper skeletal extremity X-ray
10046315 Upper skeletal extremity X-ray abnormal
10046316 Upper skeletal extremity X-ray normal
10046317 Upset gastrointestinal
10046318 Upset stomach
10046319 Upward deviation of eyes
10046320 Uraemia
10046321 Uraemia of renal origin
10046323 Uraemia primary symptoms
10046324 Uraemic acidosis
10046325 Uraemic coma
10046326 Uraemic encephalopathy
10046328 Uraemic neuropathy
10046329 Uraemic pericarditis
10046330 Uraemic syndrome
10046332 Urate
10046333 Urate crystalluria
10046334 Urate high
10046335 Urate increased
10046336 Urate low
10046337 Urate nephropathy
10046338 Urate urine abnormal NOS
10046339 Urate urine decreased
10046340 Urate urine high
10046341 Urate urine increased
10046342 Urate urine low
10046343 Urate urine normal
10046344 Urates blood increased
10046345 Urban yellow fever
10046346 Urea
10046348 Urea blood elevated
10046349 Urea blood level increased
10046350 Urea clearance decreased
10046351 Urea decreased
10046352 Urea high
10046353 Urea increased
10046354 Urea low
10046355 Urea nitrogen blood increased
10046356 Urea nitrogen increased
10046357 Urea renal clearance abnormal
10046358 Urea renal clearance decreased
10046359 Urea renal clearance low
10046360 Urea renal clearance normal
10046361 Urea urine abnormal
10046362 Urea urine decreased
10046363 Urea urine high
10046364 Urea urine increased
10046365 Urea urine low
10046366 Urea urine normal
10046368 Ureaplasma urethritis
10046369 Uremia
10046370 Uremia of renal origin
10046371 Uremic coma
10046372 Uremic neuropathy
10046373 Uremic pericarditis
10046374 Uremic syndrome
10046375 Ureter cancer
10046376 Ureter cancer local
10046377 Ureter cancer metastatic
10046378 Ureter cancer recurrent
10046379 Ureter cancer regional
10046380 Ureter double
10046381 Ureter obstruction
10046382 Ureter transitional cell cancer
10046383 Ureteral calculus
10046384 Ureteral cancer
10046385 Ureteral fistula
10046386 Ureteral injury
10046387 Ureteral pain
10046388 Ureteral sludge
10046389 Ureterectomy
10046390 Ureteric calculus
10046391 Ureteric calculus removal
10046392 Ureteric cancer
10046393 Ureteric cancer local
10046394 Ureteric cancer metastatic
10046395 Ureteric cancer NOS
10046396 Ureteric cancer recurrent
10046397 Ureteric cancer regional
10046398 Ureteric colic
10046399 Ureteric dilatation
10046403 Ureteric diversion operation
10046404 Ureteric fistula
10046405 Ureteric injury
10046406 Ureteric obstruction
10046408 Ureteric reflux
10046409 Ureteric reimplantation
10046410 Ureteric repair
10046411 Ureteric stenosis
10046412 Ureterolithotomy
10046413 Ureteroscopy
10046414 Ureteroscopy abnormal
10046415 Ureteroscopy normal
10046416 Ureteroureterostomy
10046417 Urethra biopsy
10046418 Urethra cancer
10046419 Urethra cancer local
10046420 Urethra cancer metastatic
10046421 Urethra cancer recurrent
10046422 Urethra cancer regional
10046423 Urethra papilloma
10046424 Urethral abscess
10046425 Urethral atrophy menopausal
10046426 Urethral biopsy
10046427 Urethral biopsy abnormal
10046428 Urethral biopsy normal
10046429 Urethral burning on micturition
10046430 Urethral calculus
10046431 Urethral cancer
10046432 Urethral cancer local
10046433 Urethral cancer metastatic
10046434 Urethral cancer NOS
10046435 Urethral cancer recurrent
10046436 Urethral cancer regional
10046437 Urethral caruncle
10046438 Urethral caruncle removal
10046439 Urethral catheterisation
10046440 Urethral cyst (female)
10046441 Urethral cyst female
10046442 Urethral dilatation
10046443 Urethral discharge
10046444 Urethral discharge NOS
10046445 Urethral disorder
10046446 Urethral disorder NOS
10046449 Urethral diverticulum
10046450 Urethral false passage
10046451 Urethral fistula
10046452 Urethral hypermobility
10046454 Urethral injury
10046455 Urethral instability
10046456 Urethral intrinsic sphincter deficiency
10046457 Urethral meatotomy
10046459 Urethral obstruction
10046461 Urethral pain
10046462 Urethral papilloma
10046463 Urethral repair
10046464 Urethral spasm
10046466 Urethral stricture
10046467 Urethral stricture (excl congenital)
10046468 Urethral stricture due to infection
10046470 Urethral stricture post infection
10046471 Urethral stricture postoperative
10046472 Urethral stricture traumatic
10046473 Urethral stricture, postoperative
10046474 Urethral stricture, unspecified
10046477 Urethral syndrome
10046478 Urethral syndrome NOS
10046479 Urethral valves
10046480 Urethritis
10046481 Urethritis (non-venereal)
10046482 Urethritis chlamydial
10046483 Urethritis gonococcal
10046484 Urethritis gonococcal acute
10046485 Urethritis gonococcal chronic
10046486 Urethritis gonococcal NOS
10046487 Urethritis non-specific
10046488 Urethritis nonspecific
10046489 Urethritis trichomonal
10046490 Urethritis ureaplasmal
10046492 Urethritis, unspecified
10046493 Urethroplasty
10046494 Urge incontinence
10046495 Urge incontinence syndrome
10046496 Urgency of mict
10046497 Urgency urination
10046498 Urgent diarrhoea
10046500 Uric acid blood decreased
10046501 Uric acid blood increased
10046502 Uric acid level increased
10046503 Uric acid nephrolithiasis
10046504 Uric acid nephropathy
10046505 Uric acid nephropathy acute
10046507 Uric acid retention
10046508 Uricaciduria
10046509 Urinalysis
10046510 Urinalysis - NAD (no abnormality detected)
10046511 Urinalysis abnormal NOS
10046513 Urinary acetone present
10046514 Urinary aldosterone
10046515 Urinary aldosterone increased
10046516 Urinary beta 2 microglobulin urine increased
10046517 Urinary beta2 microglobulin increased
10046518 Urinary bladder carcinoma
10046519 Urinary bladder carcinoma recurrent
10046520 Urinary bladder carcinoma stage 0, with cancer in situ
10046521 Urinary bladder carcinoma stage 0, without cancer in situ
10046522 Urinary bladder carcinoma stage I, with cancer in situ
10046523 Urinary bladder carcinoma stage I, without cancer in situ
10046524 Urinary bladder carcinoma stage II
10046525 Urinary bladder carcinoma stage III
10046526 Urinary bladder carcinoma stage IV
10046527 Urinary bladder excision
10046528 Urinary bladder haemorrhage
10046529 Urinary bladder obstruction
10046530 Urinary bladder rupture
10046531 Urinary calculus
10046532 Urinary calculus, unspecified
10046533 Urinary casts
10046534 Urinary catecholamines elevated
10046536 Urinary crystals
10046537 Urinary cystectomy
10046538 Urinary free cortisol
10046539 Urinary frequency
10046540 Urinary haemoglobin
10046541 Urinary hesitancy
10046542 Urinary hesitation
10046543 Urinary incontinence
10046544 Urinary infection
10046545 Urinary lactic dehydrogenase increased
10046546 Urinary metanephrine increased
10046547 Urinary nitrogen increased
10046548 Urinary obstruction unspecified
10046549 Urinary osmotic pressure increased
10046550 Urinary output arrest of
10046551 Urinary output diminished
10046552 Urinary production scanty
10046553 Urinary protein increased
10046554 Urinary protein positive
10046555 Urinary retention
10046556 Urinary sodium increased
10046558 Urinary system X-ray
10046559 Urinary system X-ray NOS
10046560 Urinary system X-ray NOS abnormal
10046561 Urinary system X-ray NOS normal
10046562 Urinary test abnormal
10046563 Urinary tract bleed microscopic
10046564 Urinary tract bleeding
10046565 Urinary tract carcinoma in situ NOS
10046566 Urinary tract disorder
10046567 Urinary tract disorder NOS
10046568 Urinary tract disorder of
10046571 Urinary tract infection
10046572 Urinary tract infection enterococcal
10046573 Urinary tract infection neonatal
10046574 Urinary tract infection NOS
10046575 Urinary tract infection NOS neonatal
10046576 Urinary tract infection, site not specified
10046578 Urinary tract injury NOS
10046580 Urinary tract malformation
10046581 Urinary tract malformation NOS
10046582 Urinary tract metastases NOS
10046583 Urinary tract neoplasm NOS
10046587 Urinary tract obstruction NOS
10046589 Urinary tract stone
10046592 Urinary urate increased
10046593 Urinary urgency
10046596 Urinary-genital tract fistula, female
10046597 Urinary-genital tract fistulae, female
10046598 Urination abnormal NOS
10046599 Urination difficulty
10046600 Urination frequency of
10046601 Urination impaired
10046602 Urination involuntary
10046603 Urination pain
10046604 Urination urgency of
10046605 Urine abnormal
10046606 Urine abnormal NOS
10046607 Urine abnormality
10046608 Urine aminolevulinic acid
10046609 Urine amylase
10046610 Urine amylase abnormal
10046611 Urine amylase decreased
10046612 Urine amylase increased
10046613 Urine amylase normal
10046614 Urine analysis
10046615 Urine analysis abnormal NOS
10046616 Urine analysis NOS normal
10046617 Urine bilious
10046618 Urine colouring black
10046619 Urine colouring yellow
10046620 Urine constituents abnormal
10046621 Urine containing pus
10046622 Urine culture
10046623 Urine culture negative
10046624 Urine culture positive
10046625 Urine delta aminolevulinate
10046626 Urine delta aminolevulinate increased
10046627 Urine delta aminolevulinate normal
10046628 Urine discoloration
10046629 Urine discolouration
10046631 Urine electrolytes abnormal
10046632 Urine electrolytes NOS
10046633 Urine electrolytes NOS decreased
10046634 Urine electrolytes NOS normal
10046635 Urine electrophoresis
10046636 Urine electrophoresis abnormal
10046637 Urine electrophoresis normal
10046638 Urine examination normal
10046639 Urine findings aggravated
10046640 Urine flow decreased
10046641 Urine formation failure of
10046643 Urine glucose
10046644 Urine glucose false positive
10046645 Urine incontinence
10046646 Urine myoglobin increased
10046647 Urine normal
10046648 Urine odour foul
10046649 Urine osmolality
10046650 Urine osmolality decreased
10046651 Urine osmolality increased
10046652 Urine osmolarity
10046653 Urine osmolarity decreased
10046654 Urine osmolarity increased
10046655 Urine pH
10046656 Urine pH decreased
10046657 Urine pH increased
10046658 Urine porphobilinogen increased
10046659 Urine porphobilinogen normal
10046660 Urine potassium
10046661 Urine potassium abnormal NOS
10046662 Urine potassium decreased
10046663 Urine potassium increased
10046664 Urine potassium normal
10046665 Urine production scanty
10046666 Urine purulent
10046668 Urine RBC increased
10046669 Urine red blood cells increased
10046670 Urine sodium abnormal NOS
10046671 Urine sodium decreased
10046672 Urine sodium increased
10046673 Urine sodium normal
10046674 Urine specific gravity
10046675 Urine specific gravity abnormal
10046676 Urine specific gravity fixed
10046677 Urine specific gravity normal
10046678 Urine sugar positive
10046680 Urine viscosity increased
10046681 Urine volume decreased
10046683 Urine volume increased
10046684 Urine WBC increased
10046685 Urine white blood cell increased
10046686 Urobilinogen appeared
10046687 Urobilinogen negative
10046688 Urobilinogen urine positive
10046689 Urobilinuria
10046692 Urogenital anomaly
10046693 Urogenital anomaly NOS
10046694 Urogenital disorder
10046695 Urogenital disorder NOS
10046696 Urogenital fistula
10046697 Urogenital fistula (female)
10046698 Urogenital fistula NOS
10046699 Urogenital malformation
10046700 Urogenital malformation anomaly
10046701 Urogenital neoplasia
10046702 Urogenital neoplasm
10046703 Urogenital neoplasm NOS
10046704 Urogenital trichomoniasis
10046705 Urogenital trichomoniasis, unspecified
10046706 Urolith
10046707 Urolithiasis
10046709 Uropathy
10046710 Uropathy obstructive
10046711 Urophilia
10046712 Uroporphyrin excretion increased
10046713 Urostomy
10046714 Urothelial carcinoma bladder
10046715 Urothelial carcinoma bladder recurrent
10046716 Urothelial carcinoma bladder stage 0, with cancer in situ
10046717 Urothelial carcinoma bladder stage 0, without cancer in situ
10046718 Urothelial carcinoma bladder stage I, with cancer in situ
10046719 Urothelial carcinoma bladder stage I, without cancer in situ
10046720 Urothelial carcinoma bladder stage II
10046721 Urothelial carcinoma bladder stage III
10046722 Urothelial carcinoma bladder stage IV
10046723 Urothelial carcinoma ureter
10046724 Urothelial carcinoma ureter local
10046725 Urothelial carcinoma ureter metastatic
10046726 Urothelial carcinoma ureter recurrent
10046727 Urothelial carcinoma ureter regional
10046728 Urothelial carcinoma urethra
10046729 Urothelial carcinoma urethra local
10046730 Urothelial carcinoma urethra metastatic
10046731 Urothelial carcinoma urethra recurrent
10046732 Urothelial carcinoma urethra regional
10046733 URTI
10046734 URTI (upper respiratory tract infection)
10046735 Urticaria
10046737 Urticaria acute
10046738 Urticaria aggravated
10046739 Urticaria aquagenic
10046740 Urticaria cholinergic
10046741 Urticaria cold
10046742 Urticaria contact
10046744 Urticaria giant
10046745 Urticaria heat
10046746 Urticaria idiopathic
10046747 Urticaria injection site
10046748 Urticaria light
10046749 Urticaria NOS
10046750 Urticaria papular
10046751 Urticaria physical
10046752 Urticaria pigmentosa
10046753 Urticaria subcutaneous
10046754 Urticaria thermal NOS
10046755 Urticaria vesiculosa
10046756 Urticaria, unspecified
10046758 Urticarial rash
10046759 Urticarial symptom
10046760 Urticated rash
10046761 Urtication
10046762 Uterine adnexitis
10046763 Uterine atony
10046764 Uterine atrophy
10046765 Uterine bleeding
10046766 Uterine cancer
10046767 Uterine cancer NOS
10046768 Uterine cancer, body
10046769 Uterine carcinoma
10046770 Uterine carcinoma in situ
10046771 Uterine cervix carcinoma stage 0
10046772 Uterine cervix hypertrophy
10046774 Uterine contraction strong excessively
10046775 Uterine contraction tonic
10046777 Uterine contractions abnormal NOS
10046778 Uterine contractions weak
10046779 Uterine disorder
10046780 Uterine disorder cervix
10046781 Uterine disorder NOS
10046782 Uterine enlargement
10046783 Uterine fibroid
10046784 Uterine fibroids
10046785 Uterine fibroids degenerated
10046786 Uterine fibroids enlarged
10046787 Uterine fibromyoma
10046788 Uterine haemorrhage
10046789 Uterine hemorrhage
10046790 Uterine hypertonus
10046791 Uterine hypertrophy
10046792 Uterine hypotonus
10046793 Uterine inflammation
10046794 Uterine inflammation NOS
10046795 Uterine injury NOS
10046796 Uterine inversion
10046797 Uterine ischaemia
10046798 Uterine leiomyoma
10046799 Uterine leiomyosarcoma
10046800 Uterine malposition
10046801 Uterine myoma
10046802 Uterine myotonia
10046803 Uterine neoplasm
10046804 Uterine neoplasm NOS
10046809 Uterine pain
10046810 Uterine perforation
10046811 Uterine polyp
10046812 Uterine polyp NOS
10046813 Uterine polypectomy
10046814 Uterine prolapse
10046815 Uterine prolapse repair
10046818 Uterine relaxation
10046819 Uterine retroversion
10046820 Uterine rupture
10046821 Uterine sarcoma NOS
10046823 Uterine spasm
10046824 Uterine subinvolution
10046825 Uterine suspension
10046826 Uterine synechiae
10046827 Uterine tenderness
10046829 Utero-ovarian varicocele
10046830 Uterovaginal prolapse
10046831 Uterovaginal prolapse, complete
10046832 Uterovaginal prolapse, incomplete
10046833 Uterovaginal prolapse, unspecified
10046834 Uterus atony of
10046835 Uterus caesium therapy
10046836 Uterus cobalt therapy
10046837 Uterus electron beam therapy
10046838 Uterus enlarged
10046840 Uterus external beam radiation therapy
10046841 Uterus external beam therapy
10046842 Uterus orthovoltage therapy
10046843 Uterus photon radiation therapy
10046844 Uterus relaxed
10046845 Uterus rupture
10046846 Uterus ruptured
10046847 Uterus superficial X-ray therapy
10046848 UTI
10046850 UV light therapy
10046851 Uveitis
10046852 Uveitis anterior
10046854 Uveitis due to secondary syphilis
10046855 Uveitis NOS
10046858 V/Q scan
10046859 Vaccination
10046860 Vaccination adverse reaction
10046861 Vaccination complication
10046862 Vaccination failure
10046863 Vaccinia aggravated
10046865 Vaccinia virus infection
10046866 Vacuolization erythrocyte
10046867 Vacuolization leukocyte
10046868 Vacuum extractor delivery
10046869 Vagal reaction
10046870 Vagina biopsy
10046871 Vaginal adenocarcinoma metastatic
10046872 Vaginal adenocarcinoma recurrent
10046873 Vaginal adenocarcinoma stage 0
10046874 Vaginal adenocarcinoma stage I
10046875 Vaginal adenocarcinoma stage II
10046876 Vaginal adenocarcinoma stage III
10046877 Vaginal adenocarcinoma stage IVA
10046878 Vaginal adenocarcinoma stage IVB
10046879 Vaginal atresia
10046880 Vaginal biopsy
10046881 Vaginal biopsy abnormal
10046882 Vaginal biopsy normal
10046883 Vaginal bleeding
10046884 Vaginal brachytherapy
10046885 Vaginal cancer
10046886 Vaginal cancer in situ
10046887 Vaginal cancer metastatic
10046888 Vaginal cancer NOS
10046889 Vaginal cancer recurrent
10046890 Vaginal cancer stage 0
10046891 Vaginal cancer stage I
10046892 Vaginal cancer stage II
10046893 Vaginal cancer stage III
10046894 Vaginal cancer stage IVA
10046895 Vaginal cancer stage IVB
10046897 Vaginal candida
10046898 Vaginal candidiasis
10046899 Vaginal construction
10046900 Vaginal cyst
10046901 Vaginal discharge
10046902 Vaginal discomfort
10046903 Vaginal disorder NOS
10046904 Vaginal dryness
10046905 Vaginal dysplasia
10046907 Vaginal fistula repair
10046908 Vaginal foreign body feeling
10046909 Vaginal haematoma
10046910 Vaginal haemorrhage
10046911 Vaginal hematoma
10046912 Vaginal hemorrhage
10046913 Vaginal hysterectomy
10046914 Vaginal infection
10046915 Vaginal infection NOS
10046916 Vaginal inflammation
10046918 Vaginal itching
10046919 Vaginal laceration
10046920 Vaginal lesion excision
10046921 Vaginal leukoplakia
10046922 Vaginal moniliasis
10046923 Vaginal mycosis
10046924 Vaginal neoplasm benign
10046925 Vaginal neoplasm malignant
10046926 Vaginal neoplasm malignant metastatic
10046927 Vaginal neoplasm malignant recurrent
10046928 Vaginal neoplasm malignant stage 0
10046929 Vaginal neoplasm malignant stage I
10046930 Vaginal neoplasm malignant stage II
10046931 Vaginal neoplasm malignant stage III
10046932 Vaginal neoplasm malignant stage IVA
10046933 Vaginal neoplasm malignant stage IVB
10046935 Vaginal odour
10046937 Vaginal pain
10046939 Vaginal polyp
10046940 Vaginal prolapse
10046941 Vaginal reconstruction
10046943 Vaginal ulceration
10046944 Vaginal wall congestion
10046945 Vaginal yeast
10046946 Vaginal yeast infection
10046947 Vaginismus
10046948 Vaginismus (excl psychogenic)
10046949 Vaginismus psychogenic
10046950 Vaginitis
10046954 Vaginitis atrophic
10046956 Vaginitis bacterial NOS
10046957 Vaginitis gardnerella
10046958 Vaginitis trichomonal
10046959 Vaginitis ulcerative
10046960 Vaginosis bacterial
10046961 Vaginosis bacterial NOS
10046962 Vaginosis fungal NOS
10046963 Vagotomy
10046965 Vagotonia
10046966 Vagus nerve disorder NOS
10046970 Valgus deformity of wrist (acquired)
10046972 Valvular heart disease NOS
10046974 Variant angina
10046978 Variations in hair color
10046979 Variations in hair colour
10046980 Varicella
10046981 Varicella (hemorrhagic) pneumonitis
10046983 Varicella zoster
10046984 Varices esophageal
10046986 Varicocele
10046987 Varicocele excision
10046988 Varicocele ovarian
10046989 Varicocele repair
10046990 Varicocele utero-ovarian
10046991 Varicocelectomy
10046992 Varicole
10046993 Varicose eczema
10046994 Varicose inflammation
10046995 Varicose ulceration
10046996 Varicose vein
10046997 Varicose vein injection
10046998 Varicose vein operation NOS
10046999 Varicose vein ruptured
10047000 Varicose vein, ruptured
10047001 Varicose veins
10047003 Varicose veins (with ulceration)
10047004 Varicose veins (without ulcer)
10047006 Varicose veins ligation
10047008 Varicose veins NOS
10047010 Varicose veins of legs in pregnancy and the puerperium
10047013 Varicose veins of lower extremities
10047014 Varicose veins of lower extremities with inflammation
10047015 Varicose veins of lower extremities with ulcer
10047016 Varicose veins of lower extremities with ulcer and inflammation
10047017 Varicose veins of lower extremities without mention of ulcer or inflammation
10047025 Varicose veins pelvic
10047026 Varicose veins stripping
10047027 Varicose veins sublingual
10047028 Varicose veins vulval
10047029 Varicosity
10047030 Variegate porphyria
10047031 Variola major
10047034 Varus deformity of wrist (acquired)
10047035 Varying retinal vessel calibre
10047036 Vasa praevia
10047037 Vasa previa complicating labor and delivery
10047038 Vasa previa complicating labor and delivery, antepartum
10047041 Vasa praevia complicating labour and delivery
10047050 Vascular anomaly
10047051 Vascular anomaly NOS
10047052 Vascular collapse
10047055 Vascular dementia, uncomplicated
10047056 Vascular dementia, with delirium
10047057 Vascular dementia, with delusions
10047058 Vascular dementia, with depressed mood
10047059 Vascular disorder
10047062 Vascular disorder NOS
10047063 Vascular disorder peripheral
10047064 Vascular disorder retinal
10047073 Vascular fragility
10047074 Vascular graft rejection
10047077 Vascular headache
10047080 Vascular injury
10047081 Vascular injury NOS
10047082 Vascular insufficiency of intestine
10047083 Vascular insufficiency of intestine, unspecified
10047089 Vascular malformation cerebral
10047090 Vascular malformation peripheral
10047093 Vascular myelopathy
10047095 Vascular pain
10047097 Vascular purpura
10047098 Vascular resistance
10047099 Vascular resistance decreased
10047100 Vascular resistance increased
10047101 Vascular resistance NOS
10047102 Vascular resistance NOS normal
10047103 Vascular resistance pulmonary decreased
10047104 Vascular resistance pulmonary normal
10047105 Vascular resistance systemic
10047106 Vascular resistance systemic decreased
10047107 Vascular resistance systemic increased
10047108 Vascular resistance systemic normal
10047109 Vascular skin condition NOS
10047111 Vasculitic rash
10047115 Vasculitis
10047117 Vasculitis aggravated
10047118 Vasculitis allergic
10047119 Vasculitis cerebral
10047120 Vasculitis diffuse
10047121 Vasculitis Henoch-Schonlein like
10047122 Vasculitis kidney
10047123 Vasculitis legs
10047124 Vasculitis necrotising
10047125 Vasculitis necrotizing
10047126 Vasculitis neutrophilic
10047127 Vasculitis nodular
10047128 Vasculitis NOS
10047129 Vasculitis NOS aggravated
10047130 Vasculitis pulmonary
10047131 Vasculitis retinal
10047132 Vasculitis worsened
10047133 Vasectomy
10047134 Vasectomy failed reversal
10047135 Vasectomy NOS
10047136 Vasectomy repeat
10047137 Vasectomy reversal
10047138 Vaso vagal attack
10047139 Vasoconstriction
10047140 Vasoconstriction peripheral
10047141 Vasodilatation
10047143 Vasomotor collapse
10047145 Vasomotor rhinitis
10047146 Vasopressin
10047147 Vasopressin abnormal
10047148 Vasopressin abnormal NOS
10047149 Vasopressin challenge test
10047150 Vasopressin challenge test abnormal
10047151 Vasopressin challenge test normal
10047152 Vasopressin decreased
10047153 Vasopressin decreased urine output
10047154 Vasopressin high
10047155 Vasopressin increased
10047156 Vasopressin low
10047157 Vasopressin normal
10047158 Vasopressin test
10047159 Vasopressin test abnormal
10047160 Vasopressin test negative
10047161 Vasopressin test normal
10047162 Vasopressin test positive
10047163 Vasospasm
10047164 Vasospasm cerebral
10047165 Vasovagal attack
10047166 Vasovagal reaction
10047167 Vasovagal symptoms
10047168 Vasovasostomy
10047169 VC
10047170 VC abnormal
10047171 VC decreased
10047173 VD
10047174 VDRL false positive
10047175 VEB's
10047176 Vector-borne transmission of infection
10047178 Vegan
10047179 Vegetarian
10047180 Vegetative state chronic
10047181 Vehicular accident
10047182 Vein compression
10047183 Vein discolouration
10047184 Vein disorder
10047185 Vein disorder NOS
10047186 Vein distended
10047187 Vein pain
10047188 Vein thrombosis mesenteric
10047189 Vein varicose
10047190 Vein wall hypertrophy
10047191 Vein, ruptured valve in
10047192 Vein, ruptured varicose
10047193 Vena cava embolism
10047194 Vena cava injury
10047195 Vena cava thrombosis
10047196 Vena cava thrombosis and embolism
10047198 Venereal disease NOS
10047199 Venereal disease, unspecified
10047202 Venereal warts
10047203 Venesection
10047204 Venezuelan equine encephalitis
10047205 Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus infection
10047206 Venezuelan equine fever
10047207 Veno-occlusive liver damage
10047208 Venogram
10047209 Venogram abnormal
10047210 Venogram normal
10047211 Venogram renal
10047212 Venogram renal abnormal
10047213 Venogram renal normal
10047214 Venograph
10047215 Venograph renal
10047216 Venoocclusive liver disease
10047217 Venoocclusive syndrome of the liver
10047218 Venospasm
10047219 Venostasis
10047220 Venous (peripheral) insufficiency, unspecified
10047223 Venous complications in pregnancy and the puerperium, other
10047225 Venous embolism and thrombosis, other
10047226 Venous embolism NOS
10047227 Venous engorgement of retina
10047228 Venous injury
10047229 Venous malformation NOS
10047230 Venous obstruction
10047234 Venous pressure abnormal
10047235 Venous pressure decreased
10047236 Venous pressure increased
10047237 Venous pressure jugular
10047238 Venous pressure jugular abnormal
10047239 Venous pressure jugular decreased
10047240 Venous pressure jugular increased
10047241 Venous pressure jugular normal
10047242 Venous pressure NOS decreased
10047243 Venous pressure NOS increased
10047244 Venous pressure NOS normal
10047245 Venous stasis
10047246 Venous stasis ulcer
10047247 Venous thrombophlebitis
10047248 Venous thrombophlebitis (limb)
10047249 Venous thrombosis
10047250 Venous thrombosis (limbs)
10047251 Venous thrombosis deep (limbs)
10047252 Venous thrombosis deep limb
10047253 Venous thrombosis NOS
10047254 Venous thrombosis NOS (limbs)
10047255 Venous thrombosis NOS limb
10047256 Venous thrombosis superficial (limbs)
10047257 Venous thrombosis superficial limb
10047258 Venous tributary (branch) occlusion of retina
10047259 Venous ulcer NOS
10047260 Venous ulceration
10047261 Venous valve ruptured
10047262 Ventilation difficult
10047263 Ventilation pneumonitis
10047264 Ventilation/perfusion scan
10047265 Ventilation/perfusion scan abnormal
10047266 Ventilation/perfusion scan normal
10047267 Ventilatory failure
10047268 Ventouse extraction
10047269 Ventral (incisional) hernia with gangrene
10047270 Ventral (incisional) hernia with obstruction, but without mention of gangrene
10047272 Ventral hernia
10047273 Ventral hernia repair
10047274 Ventral hernia with gangrene
10047275 Ventral hernia with obstruction
10047276 Ventral hernia with obstruction, but without mention of gangrene
10047277 Ventral hernia without mention of obstruction or gangrene
10047278 Ventral herniorrhaphy
10047279 Ventricle rupture
10047280 Ventricular aneurysm
10047281 Ventricular arrhythmia
10047282 Ventricular arrhythmia NOS
10047284 Ventricular asystole
10047285 Ventricular asystolia
10047286 Ventricular cisternostomy
10047287 Ventricular contractions premature
10047288 Ventricular ectopics
10047289 Ventricular extrasystoles
10047290 Ventricular fibrillation
10047292 Ventricular fibrillation paroxysm
10047293 Ventricular fibrillation paroxysmal
10047294 Ventricular flutter
10047295 Ventricular hypertrophy
10047296 Ventricular hypoplasia
10047297 Ventricular rhythm
10047298 Ventricular septal defect
10047299 Ventricular septal defect acquired
10047300 Ventricular septal defect NOS
10047301 Ventricular septal defect repair
10047302 Ventricular tachycardia
10047303 Ventriculitis
10047304 Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
10047305 Ventriculo-pleural shunt
10047306 Ventriculo-vascular shunt
10047311 VEP's abnormal
10047312 VEP's normal
10047313 Verbigeration
10047315 Verbosity
10047317 Vernal conjunctivitis
10047318 Verner-Morrison syndrome
10047319 Vernet's syndrome
10047320 Verruca
10047321 Verruca viral
10047322 Verruca vulgaris
10047323 Verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity
10047324 Verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity recurrent
10047325 Verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity stage 0
10047326 Verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity stage I
10047327 Verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity stage II
10047328 Verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity stage III
10047329 Verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity stage IV
10047330 Vertebral artery stenosis
10047331 Vertebral artery syndrome
10047332 Vertebral collapse
10047333 Vertebral fracture
10047334 Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
10047335 Vertebrobasilar artery syndrome
10047336 Vertical heterophoria
10047337 Vertical infection transmission
10047338 Vertiginous disorder
10047340 Vertigo
10047341 Vertigo (excl dizziness)
10047342 Vertigo aggravated
10047343 Vertigo CNS origin
10047344 Vertigo labyrinthine
10047346 Vertigo objective
10047347 Vertigo of central origin
10047348 Vertigo positional
10047349 Vertigo subjective
10047350 Very few granulocyte precursors
10047351 Very low density lipoprotein
10047352 Very low density lipoprotein abnormal
10047353 Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol
10047354 Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol abnormal NOS
10047355 Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased
10047356 Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol high
10047357 Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol increased
10047358 Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol low
10047359 Very low density lipoprotein cholesterol normal
10047360 Very low density lipoprotein decreased
10047361 Very low density lipoprotein increased
10047362 Very low density lipoprotein normal
10047363 Vesical fistula
10047365 Vesical rupture
10047366 Vesical tenesmus
10047367 Vesicle
10047368 Vesicles
10047369 Vesicles at injection site
10047370 Vesicoureteric reflux
10047371 Vesicoureteral reflux
10047374 Vesicoureteral reflux with reflux nephropathy, bilateral
10047375 Vesicoureteral reflux with reflux nephropathy, unilateral
10047376 Vesicular eruption
10047377 Vesicular rash
10047378 Vesiculo-bullous eruption
10047379 Vesiculo-bullous rash
10047380 Vesiculo-pustular rash
10047381 Vesiculobullous rash
10047382 Vesiculopustular rash
10047383 Vestibular abnormalities
10047384 Vestibular apparatus operation
10047385 Vestibular ataxia
10047386 Vestibular disorder
10047387 Vestibular disorder NOS
10047388 Vestibular function disorder
10047389 Vestibular function test
10047390 Vestibular function test abnormal
10047391 Vestibular function test normal
10047392 Vestibular nerve damage
10047393 Vestibular neuronitis
10047394 Vestibulitis, nasal
10047396 Vibratory urticaria
10047397 Vibrio cholera gastroenteritis
10047398 Vibrio cholerae gastroenteritis
10047399 Vibrio gastroenteritis
10047401 Victim of child abuse
10047403 Victim of crime NOS
10047404 Victim of elder abuse
10047405 Victim of spousal abuse
10047406 Video-assisted thoracoscopic lung biopsy
10047407 Videoscopic assisted thoracoscopic pleural biopsy
10047409 VIIIth nerve injury
10047410 VIIIth nerve lesion NOS
10047411 VIIth nerve injury
10047412 VIIth nerve lesion
10047413 Villonodular synovitis
10047415 Villonodular synovitis involving forearm
10047416 Villonodular synovitis involving hand
10047417 Villonodular synovitis involving lower leg
10047421 Villonodular synovitis involving shoulder region
10047422 Villonodular synovitis involving upper arm
10047423 Villonodular synovitis, site unspecified
10047424 Vincent's angina
10047425 Violence
10047426 Violence-related symptom
10047427 Violent
10047428 Violent behaviour
10047429 Violent thoughts
10047430 Vipoma
10047431 Viraemia NOS
10047434 Viraemia, unspecified
10047436 Viral arthritis
10047437 Viral conjunctivitis
10047439 Viral encephalitis
10047441 Viral exanthem
10047442 Viral exanthema, unspecified
10047444 Viral eye infection NOS
10047445 Viral gastroenteritis
10047446 Viral hepatitis
10047447 Viral hepatitis A
10047450 Viral hepatitis B
10047457 Viral hepatitis C
10047458 Viral hepatitis carrier
10047459 Viral hepatitis NOS
10047461 Viral infection
10047463 Viral infection NOS
10047466 Viral labyrinthitis
10047467 Viral laryngitis
10047469 Viral meningitis
10047470 Viral myocarditis
10047471 Viral ophthalmic infection
10047472 Viral pericarditis
10047473 Viral pharyngitis
10047474 Viral pneumonia
10047475 Viral pneumonia, unspecified
10047476 Viral rash
10047477 Viral rash NOS
10047478 Viral retinitis
10047479 Viral sore throat
10047480 Viral tonsillitis
10047481 Viral tracheitis
10047482 Viral upper respiratory tract infection
10047484 Viral warts
10047485 Viral warts, unspecified
10047486 Virilism
10047487 Virilism foetal
10047488 Virilization
10047489 Virus hepatitis
10047491 Virus NOS blood identified
10047492 Virus NOS blood no organisms observed
10047493 Virus NOS body fluid identified
10047494 Virus NOS body fluid no organisms observed
10047495 Virus stool test negative
10047496 Virus stool test positive
10047497 Virus throat test negative
10047498 Virus throat test positive
10047499 Virus tissue specimen test negative
10047500 Virus tissue specimen test positive
10047501 Virus urine test negative
10047502 Virus urine test positive
10047503 Visceral arterial ischaemia
10047504 Visceral larva migrans
10047505 Visceral leishmaniasis
10047506 Visceral transposition (excl dextrocardia)
10047507 Visible peristalsis
10047508 Vision abnormal
10047509 Vision abnormal aggravated
10047510 Vision abnormal NOS
10047511 Vision abnormal neonatal
10047512 Vision abnormal NOS exacerbated
10047513 Vision blurred
10047514 Vision central defective
10047515 Vision color tinged
10047516 Vision decreased
10047517 Vision dim
10047519 Vision double
10047520 Vision halo
10047522 Vision loss
10047523 Vision loss night
10047524 Vision peripheral decreased
10047525 Vision peripheral defective
10047526 Vision tubular
10047527 Vision yellow
10047528 Visual accommodation disturbance of
10047530 Visual acuity lost
10047531 Visual acuity reduced
10047532 Visual acuity reduced transiently
10047533 Visual acuity tests
10047534 Visual acuity tests abnormal
10047535 Visual acuity tests distance
10047536 Visual acuity tests near
10047537 Visual acuity tests normal
10047539 Visual deprivation nystagmus
10047540 Visual discomfort
10047543 Visual disturbance
10047544 Visual disturbance NOS
10047545 Visual disturbances
10047546 Visual disturbances subjective
10047547 Visual evoked potentials
10047549 Visual evoked potentials abnormal
10047550 Visual evoked potentials normal
10047551 Visual field checking procedures
10047552 Visual field checking procedures abnormal
10047553 Visual field checking procedures normal
10047554 Visual field constriction
10047555 Visual field defect
10047556 Visual field defect NOS
10047560 Visual field perimetric tests
10047561 Visual field perimetric tests abnormal
10047562 Visual field perimetric tests normal
10047563 Visual field tangent screen tests
10047564 Visual field tangent screen tests abnormal
10047565 Visual field tangent screen tests normal
10047566 Visual field tests
10047567 Visual field tests abnormal
10047568 Visual field tests normal
10047569 Visual flashes
10047570 Visual hallucinations
10047571 Visual impairment
10047572 Visual pathway disorder NOS
10047574 Visual phenomena
10047575 Visual response audiometry
10047576 Visual response audiometry abnormal
10047577 Visual response audiometry normal
10047578 Vit D resistant rickets
10047579 Vital capacity
10047580 Vital capacity abnormal
10047581 Vital capacity abnormal NOS
10047582 Vital capacity decreased
10047583 Vital capacity normal
10047584 Vital dye staining cornea absent
10047585 Vital dye staining cornea present
10047586 Vitamin A deficiency
10047587 Vitamin A deficiency eye disorder NOS
10047588 Vitamin A deficiency related conjunctival disorder
10047589 Vitamin A deficiency related corneal disorder
10047590 Vitamin A deficiency with Bitot's spot and conjunctival xerosis
10047591 Vitamin A deficiency with conjunctival xerosis
10047592 Vitamin A deficiency with conjunctival xerosis and Bitot's spot
10047593 Vitamin A deficiency with corneal ulceration and xerosis
10047594 Vitamin A deficiency with corneal xerosis
10047595 Vitamin A deficiency with keratomalacia
10047596 Vitamin A deficiency with night blindness
10047597 Vitamin A deficiency with xerophthalmic scars of cornea
10047599 Vitamin B complex deficiency NOS
10047601 Vitamin B1 deficiency
10047602 Vitamin B12
10047603 Vitamin B12 abnormal NOS
10047604 Vitamin B12 absorption decreased
10047605 Vitamin B12 absorption test
10047606 Vitamin B12 absorption test abnormal
10047607 Vitamin B12 absorption test normal
10047608 Vitamin B12 decreased
10047609 Vitamin B12 deficiency
10047610 Vitamin B12 increased
10047611 Vitamin B12 normal
10047612 Vitamin B2 deficiency
10047613 Vitamin B6
10047614 Vitamin B6 abnormal
10047615 Vitamin B6 abnormal NOS
10047616 Vitamin B6 decreased
10047617 Vitamin B6 deficiency
10047618 Vitamin B6 increased
10047619 Vitamin B6 normal
10047620 Vitamin C
10047621 Vitamin C abnormal NOS
10047622 Vitamin C decreased
10047623 Vitamin C deficiency
10047624 Vitamin C increased
10047625 Vitamin C normal
10047626 Vitamin D deficiency
10047628 Vitamin deficiency
10047629 Vitamin deficiency NOS
10047630 Vitamin depletion
10047631 Vitamin E deficiency
10047632 Vitamin excess specified
10047633 Vitamin excess unspecified
10047634 Vitamin K deficiency
10047636 Vitamin toxicity
10047637 Vitamin toxicity specified
10047638 Vitamin toxicity unspecified
10047639 VIth nerve injury
10047640 VIth nerve palsy
10047641 VIth nerve paralysis
10047642 Vitiligo
10047643 Vitiligo vulgaris
10047644 Vitrectomy
10047646 Vitreous abscess
10047648 Vitreous collapse
10047649 Vitreous degeneration
10047650 Vitreous detachment
10047651 Vitreous disorder
10047652 Vitreous disorder NOS
10047653 Vitreous floater
10047654 Vitreous floaters
10047655 Vitreous haemorrhage
10047656 Vitreous hemorrhage
10047658 Vitreous opacities
10047659 Vitreous opacity
10047660 Vitreous paracentesis
10047661 Vitreous prolapse
10047662 Vitreus disorder NOS
10047663 Vitritis
10047664 Vivax malaria
10047665 Vivax malaria (benign tertian)
10047666 Vivid dreams
10047667 VLDL
10047668 VLDL decreased
10047669 VLDL raised
10047670 Vocal cord disorder NOS
10047671 Vocal cord dysfunction
10047672 Vocal cord edema
10047673 Vocal cord oedema
10047674 Vocal cord paralysis
10047675 Vocal cord polyp
10047676 Vocal cord thickening
10047677 Vocal tone disorder
10047678 Vocal volume disorder
10047679 Vogt-Koyanagi syndrome
10047680 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
10047681 Voice alteration
10047682 Voice disturbance
10047683 Voice disturbance, unspecified
10047684 Voice lowered
10047685 Voiding difficulty
10047686 Volatile solvent abuser
10047687 Volkmann's ischaemic contracture
10047688 Volkmann's ischemic contracture
10047689 Volume blood decreased
10047690 Volume blood increased
10047691 Volume depletion
10047692 Volume plasma decreased
10047693 Volume plasma increased
10047694 Volume urine decreased
10047695 Voluntary redundancy
10047696 Volunteer blood donor
10047697 Volvulus
10047698 Volvulus of bowel
10047699 Vomited
10047700 Vomiting
10047702 Vomiting blood
10047703 Vomiting following gastrointestinal surgery
10047704 Vomiting in pregnancy
10047705 Vomiting neonatal
10047706 Vomiting NOS
10047707 Vomiting postoperative
10047708 Vomiting projectile
10047709 Vomiting psychogenic
10047711 Von Gierke's disease
10047712 Von Recklinghausen's disease (of nerve)
10047713 Von Recklinghausen's disease of bone
10047714 Von Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia
10047715 Von Willebrand's disease
10047716 Von Hippel-Lindau disease
10047717 Voyeurism
10047719 VQ scan
10047720 VSD
10047723 Vth nerve injury
10047724 Vulva abnormal
10047725 Vulva biopsy
10047726 Vulva discomfort
10047727 Vulva disorder
10047728 Vulva disorder NOS
10047729 Vulva feeling swollen
10047731 Vulva ulceration
10047732 Vulval abscess
10047733 Vulval abscess drainage
10047735 Vulval angiokeratoma
10047736 Vulval atrophic
10047737 Vulval biopsy
10047738 Vulval biopsy abnormal
10047739 Vulval biopsy normal
10047740 Vulval boil
10047741 Vulval cancer
10047742 Vulval cancer metastatic
10047743 Vulval cancer NOS
10047744 Vulval cancer recurrent
10047745 Vulval cancer stage 0
10047746 Vulval cancer stage I
10047747 Vulval cancer stage II
10047748 Vulval cancer stage III
10047749 Vulval cancer stage IV
10047751 Vulval candida
10047752 Vulval cellulitis
10047753 Vulval discomfort
10047754 Vulval disorder
10047755 Vulval disorder NOS
10047756 Vulval haematoma
10047757 Vulval haematoma evacuation
10047758 Vulval itching
10047759 Vulval laceration
10047760 Vulval leukoplakia
10047761 Vulval lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
10047763 Vulval oedema
10047764 Vulval operation NOS
10047765 Vulval polyp
10047766 Vulval pruritus
10047768 Vulval ulceration
10047769 Vulval varices
10047770 Vulval wart
10047771 Vulval warts
10047772 Vulval warts removal
10047777 Vulvar cancer
10047778 Vulvar cancer in situ
10047779 Vulvectomy
10047780 Vulvitis
10047781 Vulvodynia
10047782 Vulvovaginal atrophy
10047783 Vulvovaginal candida
10047784 Vulvovaginal candidiasis
10047786 Vulvovaginal discomfort
10047787 Vulvovaginal disorder
10047788 Vulvovaginal disorder NOS
10047791 Vulvovaginal dryness
10047793 Vulvovaginal warts
10047794 Vulvovaginitis
10047795 Vulvovaginitis atrophic
10047796 Vulvovaginitis atrophy
10047797 Vulvovaginitis infection
10047798 Vulvovaginitis NOS
10047799 Vulvovaginitis trichomonal
10047800 Wakefulness
10047801 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia
10047803 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia NOS
10047804 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia recurrent
10047805 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia refractory
10047806 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia stage I
10047807 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia stage II
10047808 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia stage III
10047809 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia stage IV
10047810 Walking difficulty
10047811 Walking pneumonia
10047812 Wall chart acuity tests
10047813 Wall chart acuity tests abnormal
10047814 Wall chart acuity tests normal
10047815 Wandering
10047816 Wandering around
10047817 Wandering atrial pacemaker
10047818 Wandering pacemaker
10047819 Wandering thoughts
10047820 Wariness
10047821 Warm type autoimmune haemolysis
10047822 Warm type haemolytic anaemia
10047823 Warmness in eyes
10047825 Wart
10047826 Wart (viral)
10047827 Wart excision
10047828 Warts
10047829 Warts (viral)
10047830 Washed-out
10047831 Wasp sting
10047832 Wasting
10047833 Wasting generalized
10047835 Water contamination
10047836 Water excessive loss of
10047837 Water intoxication
10047838 Water pollution
10047839 Water retention
10047840 Water retention in tissues
10047844 Waterbrash
10047845 Waterhammer pulse
10047846 Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome, meningococcal
10047847 Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
10047848 Watering eyes
10047849 Watery diarrhoea
10047851 Wave slowing
10047852 Wax in ear
10047853 Waxy flexibility
10047854 WBC
10047855 WBC abnormal
10047856 WBC abnormal NOS
10047857 WBC classification abnormal
10047858 WBC count
10047861 Weak labor
10047862 Weakness
10047863 Weakness detrusor muscle
10047864 Weakness generalised
10047865 Weakness generalized
10047866 Weakness left or right side
10047867 Weakness muscle
10047868 Weakness of limbs
10047869 Weakness postural
10047870 Weakness voluntary muscle
10047871 Weariness
10047873 Web of larynx
10047874 Webbed fingers
10047875 Webbing & fusion 2-4th fingers L hand
10047876 Webbing of neck
10047877 Weber tuning fork test
10047878 Weber tuning fork test abnormal
10047879 Weber tuning fork test central
10047880 Weber tuning fork test lateralised left
10047881 Weber tuning fork test lateralised right
10047882 Weber tuning fork test normal
10047883 Weber-Christian disease
10047884 Wedge resection toenail
10047886 Weeping
10047887 Weepy
10047888 Wegener's granulomatosis
10047889 Wegeners granulomatosis
10047890 Weight
10047891 Weight birth excessive
10047892 Weight birth subnormal
10047893 Weight decrease
10047894 Weight decrease neonatal
10047895 Weight decreased
10047896 Weight gain
10047897 Weight gain poor
10047898 Weight increase
10047899 Weight increased
10047900 Weight loss
10047901 Weight loss diet
10047902 Weight loss neonatal
10047903 Weil's disease
10047904 Weird feeling
10047905 Well educated
10047906 Welts
10047907 Wen
10047908 Wenckebach
10047909 Wenckebach phenomenon
10047910 Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
10047911 Wernicke's encephalopathy
10047912 Wernicke's syndrome
10047913 Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
10047914 Western blot for HIV
10047915 Western equine encephalitis
10047916 Western equine encephalitis virus infection
10047917 Wet prep positive
10047918 Wheals
10047919 Wheat-free diet
10047920 Wheelchair user
10047921 Wheeze
10047922 Wheeze worsened
10047923 Wheezes
10047924 Wheezing
10047925 Wheezing expiratory
10047926 Wheezing inspiratory
10047927 Wheezy
10047928 Wheezy bronchitis
10047929 Whiplash injury
10047930 Whiplash injury to neck
10047931 Whipple's disease
10047932 Whipple's operation
10047933 Whipples disease
10047934 Whipworm infection
10047935 White blood cell abnormalities
10047937 White blood cell agglutination present
10047939 White blood cell count
10047940 White blood cell count abnormal
10047941 White blood cell count abnormal NOS
10047942 White blood cell count decreased
10047943 White blood cell count increased
10047944 White blood cell count normal
10047945 White blood cell count NOS CSF
10047946 White blood cell count NOS CSF abnormal
10047947 White blood cell count NOS CSF increased
10047948 White blood cell count NOS CSF negative
10047949 White blood cell count NOS CSF normal
10047950 White blood cell count NOS CSF positive
10047951 White blood cell count semen high
10047952 White blood cell count semen normal
10047953 White blood cell disorder NOS
10047955 White blood cells
10047956 White blood cells semen
10047957 White blood cells semen abnormal
10047958 White blood cells semen increased
10047959 White blood cells semen negative
10047960 White blood cells semen positive
10047961 White blood cells stool
10047962 White blood cells stool negative
10047963 White blood cells stool positive
10047964 White blood cells urine increased
10047965 White blood cells urine negative
10047966 White blood cells urine normal
10047967 White blood cells urine positive
10047968 White cells
10047969 White dermatographia
10047970 White papule
10047972 Whiteheads
10047973 Whole blood transfusion
10047974 Whooping cough
10047975 Whooping cough due to bordetella parapertussis (B. parapertussis)
10047976 Whooping cough due to bordetella pertussis (B. pertussis)
10047979 Whorled nevoid hypermelanosis
10047980 Wickham's striae
10047981 Wide excision of melanoma
10047982 Wide-based gait
10047983 Widespread non-itchy dull red patchy rash
10047984 Widespread rash
10047985 Wilms tumor
10047986 Wilms tumour
10047987 Wilms' tumor
10047988 Wilson's disease
10047989 Wind
10047990 Winter itch
10047991 Wisdom teeth removal
10047992 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
10047996 With hydrocephalus, spina bifida, unspecified region
10047997 Withdrawal arrhythmia
10047998 Withdrawal bleed
10047999 Withdrawal bleeding
10048000 Withdrawal bleeding missed
10048001 Withdrawal convulsions
10048002 Withdrawal emotional
10048003 Withdrawal epilepsy
10048004 Withdrawal fits
10048005 Withdrawal from social contacts
10048006 Withdrawal headache
10048007 Withdrawal hypertension
10048008 Withdrawal reaction
10048009 Withdrawal seizures
10048010 Withdrawal syndrome
10048011 Withdrawal syndrome corticosteroid
10048012 Withdrawal syndrome neonatal
10048013 Withdrawn
10048014 Withdrawn from social contacts
10048015 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
10048016 Woodworker's lung
10048017 Woolly hair
10048018 Wooziness
10048019 Woozy
10048020 Word salad
10048021 Work environment adverse effects
10048022 Work problem
10048023 Workaholic
10048024 Worn out
10048025 Worry
10048026 Worsening of auditory acuity
10048027 Worsening of diabetes
10048028 Worsening of oesophagitis
10048029 Worsening of tinnitus
10048030 Wound debridement
10048031 Wound dehiscence
10048032 Wound desloughing
10048034 Wound dressing
10048035 Wound exploration
10048036 Wound healing delayed
10048037 Wound healing disturbance of
10048038 Wound infection
10048040 Wound surface unfolded
10048041 WPW syndrome
10048042 Wrinkles
10048043 Wrinkling
10048044 Wrist arthrodesis
10048045 Wrist deformity NOS
10048046 Wrist drop
10048047 Wrist drop (acquired)
10048048 Wrist effusion
10048049 Wrist fracture
10048050 Wrist osteoarthritis
10048051 Wrist sprain
10048053 Writing impaired
10048054 Wrong dose administered
10048055 Wrong drug administered
10048056 Wrong patient received medication
10048057 Wrong route of administration
10048058 Wry neck
10048059 Wryneck
10048060 Wt gain
10048061 Wt loss
10048062 Wuchereria bancroftii infection
10048063 X-linked ichthyosis
10048064 X-ray
10048065 X-ray abnormal
10048066 X-ray fingers
10048067 X-ray normal
10048068 X-ray NOS
10048069 X-ray NOS abnormal
10048070 X-ray NOS chest
10048071 X-ray NOS chest abnormal
10048072 X-ray NOS chest normal
10048073 X-ray NOS face and mouth
10048074 X-ray NOS face and mouth abnormal
10048075 X-ray NOS face and mouth normal
10048076 X-ray NOS female genital organs
10048077 X-ray NOS female genital organs abnormal
10048078 X-ray NOS female genital organs normal
10048079 X-ray NOS gastrointestinal tract
10048080 X-ray NOS gastrointestinal tract abnormal
10048081 X-ray NOS gastrointestinal tract normal
10048082 X-ray NOS limb
10048083 X-ray NOS limb abnormal
10048084 X-ray NOS limb normal
10048085 X-ray NOS lower gastrointestinal tract
10048086 X-ray NOS lower gastrointestinal tract abnormal
10048087 X-ray NOS lower gastrointestinal tract normal
10048088 X-ray NOS lower limb
10048089 X-ray NOS lower limb abnormal
10048090 X-ray NOS lower limb normal
10048091 X-ray NOS normal
10048095 X-ray NOS skull
10048096 X-ray NOS skull abnormal
10048097 X-ray NOS skull normal
10048098 X-ray NOS spine
10048099 X-ray NOS spine abnormal
10048100 X-ray NOS spine normal
10048101 X-ray NOS upper gastrointestinal tract
10048102 X-ray NOS upper gastrointestinal tract abnormal
10048103 X-ray NOS upper gastrointestinal tract normal
10048104 X-ray NOS upper limb
10048105 X-ray NOS upper limb abnormal
10048106 X-ray NOS upper limb normal
10048107 X-ray NOS urinary system
10048108 X-ray NOS urinary system abnormal
10048109 X-ray NOS urinary system normal
10048110 X-ray of ankle & foot
10048111 X-ray of ankle & foot abnormal
10048112 X-ray of ankle & foot normal
10048113 X-ray of cervical spine
10048114 X-ray of cervical spine abnormal
10048115 X-ray of cervical spine normal
10048116 X-ray of elbow & forearm
10048117 X-ray of elbow & forearm abnormal
10048118 X-ray of elbow & forearm normal
10048119 X-ray of fallopian tubes & uterus
10048120 X-ray of fallopian tubes & uterus abnormal
10048121 X-ray of fallopian tubes & uterus normal
10048122 X-ray of fingers abnormal
10048123 X-ray of fingers normal
10048124 X-ray of frontal area
10048125 X-ray of frontal area abnormal
10048126 X-ray of frontal area normal
10048127 X-ray of gravid uterus
10048128 X-ray of gravid uterus abnormal
10048129 X-ray of gravid uterus normal
10048130 X-ray of kidney, ureter & bladder
10048131 X-ray of larynx
10048132 X-ray of larynx abnormal
10048133 X-ray of larynx normal
10048134 X-ray of limb NOS
10048135 X-ray of lower GI tract
10048136 X-ray of lower GI tract abnormal
10048137 X-ray of lower GI tract normal
10048138 X-ray of mandible
10048139 X-ray of mandible abnormal
10048140 X-ray of mandible normal
10048141 X-ray of maxilla
10048142 X-ray of maxilla abnormal
10048143 X-ray of maxilla normal
10048144 X-ray of nasal sinuses
10048145 X-ray of nasal sinuses abnormal
10048146 X-ray of nasal sinuses normal
10048147 X-ray of nasolacrimal duct
10048148 X-ray of nasolacrimal duct abnormal
10048149 X-ray of nasolacrimal duct normal
10048150 X-ray of nasopharynx
10048151 X-ray of nasopharynx abnormal
10048152 X-ray of nasopharynx normal
10048153 X-ray of nose
10048154 X-ray of nose abnormal
10048155 X-ray of nose normal
10048156 X-ray of orbit
10048157 X-ray of orbit abnormal
10048158 X-ray of orbit normal
10048159 X-ray of pelvis and hip
10048160 X-ray of pelvis and hip abnormal
10048161 X-ray of pelvis and hip normal
10048162 X-ray of salivary gland
10048163 X-ray of salivary gland abnormal
10048164 X-ray of salivary gland normal
10048165 X-ray of shoulder & upper arm
10048166 X-ray of shoulder & upper arm abnormal
10048167 X-ray of shoulder & upper arm normal
10048168 X-ray of skull
10048169 X-ray of skull abnormal
10048170 X-ray of skull normal
10048171 X-ray of supraorbital area
10048172 X-ray of supraorbital area abnormal
10048173 X-ray of supraorbital area normal
10048174 X-ray of symphysis menti
10048175 X-ray of symphysis menti abnormal
10048176 X-ray of symphysis menti normal
10048177 X-ray of thigh, knee & lower leg
10048178 X-ray of thigh, knee & lower leg abnormal
10048179 X-ray of thigh, knee & lower leg normal
10048180 X-ray of thoracic spine
10048181 X-ray of thoracic spine abnormal
10048182 X-ray of thoracic spine normal
10048183 X-ray of upper GI tract
10048184 X-ray of upper GI tract abnormal
10048185 X-ray of upper GI tract normal
10048186 X-ray of whole skeleton
10048187 X-ray of whole skeleton abnormal
10048188 X-ray of whole skeleton normal
10048189 X-ray of wrist & hand
10048190 X-ray of wrist & hand abnormal
10048191 X-ray of wrist & hand normal
10048192 X-ray of zygomaticomaxillary complex
10048193 X-ray of zygomaticomaxillary complex abnormal
10048194 X-ray of zygomaticomaxillary complex normal
10048195 X-ray therapy NOS
10048196 X-ray therapy to bladder
10048197 X-ray therapy to bone
10048198 X-ray therapy to brain
10048199 X-ray therapy to breast
10048200 X-ray therapy to colon
10048201 X-ray therapy to ear, nose, or throat
10048202 X-ray therapy to lung
10048203 X-ray therapy to pancreas
10048204 X-ray therapy to pleura
10048205 X-ray therapy to prostate
10048206 X-ray therapy to skin
10048207 X-ray therapy to thyroid
10048208 X-ray therapy to uterus
10048209 X-ray treatment
10048210 X-ray with contrast upper gastrointestinal tract
10048211 Xanthelasma
10048212 Xanthelasma of eyelid
10048213 Xanthochromia
10048214 Xanthoma
10048215 Xanthomatosis
10048216 Xanthopsia
10048217 Xenograft of skin
10048218 Xeroderma
10048219 Xeroderma of eyelid
10048220 Xeroderma pigmentosum
10048221 Xerophthalmia
10048222 Xerosis
10048223 Xerostomia
10048224 XIIth nerve injury
10048225 XIth nerve injury
10048226 XO genotype
10048227 XXO genotype
10048228 XXXY syndrome
10048229 XXY syndrome
10048230 XXYY syndrome
10048231 Yawn
10048232 Yawning
10048233 Yawning excessive
10048234 Yaws
10048235 Yaws of bone
10048236 Yaws of skin
10048237 Yaws, unspecified
10048238 Yeast vaginitis
10048240 Yellow fever
10048242 Yellow fever virus infection
10048243 Yellow fever, unspecified
10048244 Yellow nail syndrome
10048245 Yellow skin
10048246 Yellowing of sebaceous glands
10048247 Yersinia enterocolitica gastroenteritis
10048248 Yersinia gastroenteritis
10048250 Yersinia pestis infection
10048251 Yolk sac tumour site unspecified
10048252 Yttrium implant
10048253 Z-E syndrome
10048254 Zadeks procedure
10048255 Zieve syndrome
10048256 Zinc
10048257 Zinc abnormal NOS
10048258 Zinc decreased
10048259 Zinc deficiency
10048261 Zinc high
10048262 Zinc increased
10048263 Zinc low
10048264 Zinc normal
10048265 Zinc sulfate turbidity abnormal
10048266 Zinc sulfate turbidity decreased
10048267 Zinc sulfate turbidity increased
10048268 Zinc sulfate turbidity normal
10048269 Zinc sulphate turbidity abnormal
10048270 Zinc sulphate turbidity abnormal NOS
10048271 Zinc sulphate turbidity decreased
10048272 Zinc sulphate turbidity increased
10048273 Zinc sulphate turbidity normal
10048274 Zn
10048275 Zn abnormal
10048276 Zn increased
10048277 Zn levels low
10048278 Zn normal
10048279 Zn++
10048280 Zn++ low
10048281 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
10048282 Zoonosis
10048283 Zoonotic bacterial infection NOS
10048284 Zoonotic infection NOS
10048285 Zoophilia
10048286 Zygomatic arch fracture reduction
10048287 Zygomatic hyperplasia
10048288 Zygomatic hypoplasia
10048290 Zygomycosis NOS
10048291 Leukaemia secondary
10048292 Leukemia secondary
10048293 Leukemia secondary to oncology chemotherapy
10048294 Mental status changes
10048295 Multi-vitamin maintenance
10048296 Tooth cavity
10048297 Dental decay
10048298 Dental cavity
10048299 Pneumoperitoneum
10048301 Stent insertion NOS
10048302 Tubulointerstitial nephritis
10048303 Urine cannabinoids NOS increased
10048304 Urine cannabinoids NOS decreased
10048305 Birth defects
10048306 Dermatitis exfoliative aggravated
10048307 Nail growth cessation
10048308 Pruritus aggravated
10048309 Pruritus ani aggravated
10048310 Rash erythematous aggravated
10048311 Vitiligo aggravated
10048312 Auditory meatus external erosion
10048313 Arthropathy aggravated
10048314 Joint effusion aggravated
10048315 Cervical spasm
10048316 Dystonia aggravated
10048317 Myalgia aggravated
10048318 Torticollis aggravated
10048319 Vasculitis gastrointestinal
10048320 Ataxia aggravated
10048321 Confusion aggravated
10048322 Narcolepsy aggravated
10048323 Cataplexy aggravated
10048324 Dizziness aggravated
10048326 Hyperactivity syndrome aggravated
10048327 Supranuclear palsy
10048328 Stammering aggravated
10048329 Tremor aggravated
10048330 Enuresis aggravated
10048331 Angioedema aggravated
10048332 Rash aggravated
10048333 Hemiparesis transient
10048334 Mobility decreased
10048335 Urinary incontinence aggravated
10048336 Panic reaction aggravated
10048337 Restlessness aggravated
10048338 Amnesia aggravated
10048339 Anxiety aggravated
10048340 Impotence aggravated
10048341 Obsessional neurosis aggravated
10048342 Phobic disorder aggravated
10048343 Psychosis aggravated
10048344 Sedation aggravated
10048345 Mental state abnormal aggravated
10048346 Constipation aggravated
10048347 Flushing aggravated
10048348 Hypotension aggravated
10048349 Hypotension postural aggravated
10048350 Mouth dry aggravated
10048351 Palpitations aggravated
10048352 Syncope aggravated
10048353 Tachycardia aggravated
10048354 Glaucoma aggravated
10048356 Vomiting aggravated
10048357 Myopia aggravated
10048358 Abdominal pain aggravated
10048359 Dysphagia aggravated
10048360 Gastritis aggravated
10048361 Gastritis haemorrhagic aggravated
10048363 Haemorrhoids aggravated
10048364 Nausea aggravated
10048365 Pancreatitis aggravated
10048366 Mouth ulceration aggravated
10048367 Gynaecomastia aggravated
10048369 Hepatic disorder aggravated
10048370 Hepatitis aggravated
10048371 Glycosuria aggravated
10048372 Hypercalcaemia aggravated
10048373 Hypercholesterolaemia aggravated
10048374 Hypoglycaemia aggravated
10048375 Hyponatraemia aggravated
10048376 Oedema aggravated
10048377 Cardiomyopathy acute
10048379 Haemorrhage NOS aggravated
10048380 Aneurysm ruptured
10048381 Cough aggravated
10048382 Pneumonia aggravated
10048383 Hypertension pulmonary aggravated
10048384 Upper limb oedema
10048385 Pneumonia aspergillus
10048387 Ichthyosis aggravated
10048388 Diverticulitis aggravated
10048389 Gingivitis aggravated
10048390 Meniere's disease aggravated
10048391 Muscle weakness aggravated
10048393 Multiple sclerosis relapse
10048394 Hearing impairment aggravated
10048395 Cellulitis aggravated
10048396 Bone marrow transplant rejection
10048397 Endometrial stromal sarcoma
10048398 Spondylitis ankylosing aggravated
10048399 Myotonia aggravated
10048400 Pre-eclampsia aggravated
10048401 Dysuria aggravated
10048402 Haematuria aggravated
10048403 Micturition disorder aggravated
10048404 Urinary frequency aggravated
10048405 Urethral pain aggravated
10048406 Breast cancer aggravated
10048407 Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
10048408 Vulvovaginitis aggravated
10048409 Brain malformation
10048410 Cataract congenital aggravated
10048411 Dandy-Walker syndrome
10048412 Back pain aggravated
10048413 Chest pain aggravated
10048414 Chest tightness aggravated
10048415 Fatigue aggravated
10048417 Uterine fibroids aggravated
10048418 Herpes simplex aggravated
10048419 Granuloma annulare aggravated
10048420 Priapism aggravated
10048422 Dry eyes aggravated
10048423 Genital wart
10048425 Demyelination disorder NOS
10048426 Talipes congenital
10048428 Abscess perianal
10048429 Pulmonary oedema aggravated
10048430 Croup aggravated
10048431 Haemolysis aggravated
10048432 Pancytopenia aggravated
10048433 Proteinuria aggravated
10048434 Melanoma malignant aggravated
10048435 Tourette's syndrome aggravated
10048436 Prealbumin decreased
10048437 Anti-thyroid antibodies
10048438 Huntington's chorea aggravated
10048439 Fibromyalgia
10048440 HIV infection CDC category A1
10048441 HIV infection CDC category B1
10048442 HIV infection CDC category C1
10048443 HIV infection CDC category A2
10048444 HIV infection CDC category B2
10048445 HIV infection CDC category C2
10048446 HIV infection CDC category A3
10048447 HIV infection CDC category B3
10048448 HIV infection CDC category C3
10048449 Phlebitis arm
10048450 Fasciitis eosinophilic
10048451 Surgical intervention
10048452 Operation site inflammation
10048454 Fistula incomplete
10048455 Increased stool urgency
10048456 Increased stool frequency
10048457 Ingrowing nails
10048458 Porphyria aggravated
10048459 Pain trauma activated
10048460 Teratoma benign
10048461 Genital infection
10048462 Growth of eyelashes
10048463 Pain inflammation activated
10048466 Bowel motility disorder
10048468 AGEP
10048469 Kidney enlargement
10048470 Lip disorder
10048471 Lips dry
10048472 Cholesterol crystal emboli
10048473 Retinol binding protein decreased
10048474 Fat redistribution
10048475 Bladder prolapse
10048476 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome NOS
10048477 Faecal incontinence aggravated
10048479 Buccal mucosal roughening
10048481 Drug craving
10048487 Retinopathy NOS
10048488 Growth intrauterine retard
10048489 Intrauterine growth retard
10048490 Leukemic reticuloendotheliosis involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10048491 Carcinoma of liver
10048492 Corneal ulcer
10048533 Hypervigilance
10048534 Antibody NOS abnormal
10048535 Biopsy prostate abnormal
10048536 Biopsy chorionic villous
10048537 Biopsy chorionic villous abnormal
10048538 Biopsy chorionic villous normal
10048539 Cervical cautery
10048540 Chemotherapy extravasation management
10048541 Intravenous catheter management
10048542 Mammary microductectomy
10048543 Ophthalmodynamometry
10048544 Ophthalmodynamometry abnormal
10048545 Ophthalmodynamometry normal
10048546 Red blood cells urine negative
10048547 Suture rupture
10048548 Adhesions NOS postoperative
10048549 Brief psychotic disorder with marked stressors
10048550 Korsakoff's psychosis non-alcoholic
10048551 Leukocyte count NOS
10048552 Leukocyte count decreased
10048553 Leukocyte count increased
10048554 Endothelial dysfunction
10048555 Incontinence NOS
10048556 Liver function tests raised
10048557 Raised liver function tests
10048558 Antabuse effect
10048559 Paralysis flaccid congenital aggravated
10048560 Coronary artery disease aggravated
10048561 Stent placement
10048562 Discoid lupus erythematosus aggravated
10048563 Akathisia aggravated
10048564 Facial palsy aggravated
10048565 Congestive cardiac failure aggravated
10048566 Bruxism aggravated
10048567 Headache aggravated
10048570 Allergic conjunctivitis aggravated
10048571 Irritable bowel syndrome aggravated
10048572 Cytomegalovirus retinitis aggravated
10048573 Hepatitis chronic active aggravated
10048574 Rheumatoid factor negative
10048575 Limb hypoplasia congenital
10048576 Kyphosis congenital
10048577 Labyrinthine dysfunction aggravated
10048579 Diagnostic ultrasound prostate
10048580 Bone marrow hypocellular
10048581 Pelvic pain female
10048586 Plagiocephaly
10048588 Ovulation painful
10048589 Post phlebitic syndrome
10048590 Infection staphylococcal
10048591 Post thrombotic syndrome
10048592 Musculoskeletal disorder
10048593 Pituitary disorder
10048594 Allergic granulomatous angiitis
10048595 Histiocytosis haematophagic
10048596 Umbilical cord abnormality
10048597 Bladder exstrophy
10048598 Cognitive disorders
10048599 Cognitive function abnormal
10048601 Linear IgA bullous dermatosis
10048602 Achilles tendon discomfort
10048603 Intermenstrual pain
10048604 Bladder malformation
10048605 Prostatic operation NOS
10048606 Cardiac catheterization
10048607 Bleeding peripartum
10048608 Gerstmann's syndrome
10048610 Cardiotoxicity
10048611 Cholaemia
10048612 Hydrothorax
10048613 Benign muscle neoplasm NOS
10048614 Glomerulosclerosis NOS
10048615 Hypertonia neonatal
10048616 Intestinal polyp
10048617 Pseudarthrosis
10048618 Myositis ossificans
10048619 Factor VIII inhibition
10048620 Intracardiac thrombus
10048621 Tumour marker increased
10048622 Pancreatic transplant
10048623 Atrial hypertrophy
10048624 Physical disability
10048625 Skin maceration
10048626 Subdural hygroma
10048627 Thoracic outlet syndrome
10048628 Rheumatoid vasculitis
10048629 Wound secretion
10048630 Pericardial effusion malignant
10048631 Coronary artery dissection
10048632 Atrial thrombosis
10048634 Infusion site erythema
10048635 Pustular folliculitis
10048636 Self-induced vomiting
10048637 Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia
10048638 Haematocrit decrease aggravated
10048639 Infusion site redness
10048640 Kimura's disease
10048641 Hydrocele aggravated
10048642 Lymphocele
10048643 Hypereosinophilic syndrome
10048644 Haemopneumothorax
10048645 Lymphocytic infiltrates NOS
10048646 Polyp colorectal
10048647 Shift to the left (haematological)
10048648 Injection site ischaemia
10048649 Koebner phenomenon
10048650 Cholinesterase inhibition
10048651 Oedema abdomen
10048652 Enzyme induction
10048653 Enzyme inhibition
10048654 Muscle fibrosis
10048655 Thyroid malformation NOS
10048656 Myogelosis
10048657 Neurogenic bowel
10048658 Cranial neuropathy NOS
10048659 Concomitant disease progression
10048660 Contractures NOS
10048661 Wyburn Mason's syndrome
10048662 Insulin sparing effect
10048663 Agnosia
10048664 Agonal death struggle
10048666 Renal mass NOS
10048667 Restrictive pulmonary disease
10048668 Sympathomimetic effect NOS
10048669 Terminal state
10048670 Urogenital prolapse
10048671 Venous stenosis
10048672 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II
10048673 Tear discolouration
10048674 Partial seizures with secondary generalization
10048675 Pituitary enlargement
10048676 Sjogren-Larsson syndrome
10048677 Buttock pain
10048678 Antiphospholipid antibodies positive
10048679 Bladder prolapse aggravated
10048680 Bardet-Biedl syndrome
10048681 Anti-erythropoietin antibody positive
10048682 Hepatosis
10048683 Advanced cancer
10048684 Hepatosis aggravated
10048685 Oral infection
10048686 Drug label confusion
10048687 Drug name confusion
10048688 Osteopenia periarticular
10048690 Wheezing aggravated
10048691 Cardiac valve leak
10048692 Wrist pain
10048693 Intercostal pain
10048694 Rheumatoid nodule
10048695 Pedal pulse absent
10048696 Environmental allergy
10048697 Drug intolerance NOS
10048698 Upper extremity mass
10048699 Schimke immunoosseous dysplasia
10048701 Liposuction
10048702 Urticaria haemorrhagica
10048703 Balanoposthitis aggravated
10048704 Skin tear
10048705 Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
10048706 Joint range of motion decreased
10048707 Homocystinaemia
10048708 Infantile septic granulomatosis
10048709 Urosepsis
10048710 Sacral pain
10048711 Costal pain
10048712 Gastroduodenitis haemorrhagic
10048713 Joint dislocation aggravated
10048714 Gastroduodenitis
10048715 Cardiac thrombosis
10048716 Spinal cord degeneration
10048717 Peripheral pulse absent
10048718 Peripheral pulse decreased
10048719 Defaecation frequency decreased
10048720 Bowel sounds increased
10048721 Hyperactive bowel sounds
10048722 Rib pain
10048723 Multiple-drug resistance
10048724 Pericardial fibrosis
10048725 Hydropneumothorax
10048726 Cerebral perfusion pressure decreased
10048727 Postictal state
10048728 Congenital dermal sinus
10048729 Estrogenic effect
10048730 Neoplasm eye NOS
10048731 Pneumopericardium
10048732 Deformity thorax NOS
10048733 Low weight
10048734 Phakomatosis
10048735 Pleurocutaneous fistula
10048736 Pneumocephalus
10048737 Poor venous access
10048738 Postpartum state
10048739 Diagnostic procedure NOS
10048740 Application site maceration
10048741 Electrocardiogram poor R-wave progression
10048743 Stress ulcer aggravated
10048744 Fear of falling
10048745 Periarticular disorder
10048746 Abdominal bloating
10048747 Renal graft function delayed
10048748 Graft loss
10048749 Renal graft loss
10048750 Axillary pain
10048751 Explosion injury
10048752 Cholemia
10048754 Tumor marker increased
10048755 Breast mass NOS
10048757 Oncocytoma
10048758 Pale lips
10048759 Pale nail beds
10048760 Oxyphil adenoma
10048761 Atrial rupture
10048762 Tooth infection
10048763 Fluid in middle ear
10048764 Venipuncture site bruise
10048765 Lower extremity mass
10048766 Occult blood NOS positive
10048767 Oral fungal infection NOS
10048768 Dermatosis
10048769 Evaluation for heart transplantation
10048770 Hospitalisation for further diagnosis
10048771 Puncture wound
10048773 Tocolysis
10048774 Lymphocytotoxic antibody positive
10048775 Hand and foot syndrome secondary to sickle cell anaemia
10048776 Hand and foot syndrome secondary to chemotherapy
10048777 Carotid bruit
10048778 Goose bumps
10048779 Energy increased
10048780 Myofascial pain syndrome
10048781 Accessory kidney
10048782 Breast calcifications
10048783 Cancer hormonal therapy
10048784 Congenital cerebellar agenesis
10048785 Congenital choroid plexus cyst
10048786 Keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome
10048787 Radiculitis NOS
10048788 Cerebral haemangioma
10048789 Ureteral stricture
10048790 Arterial stent insertion NOS
10048791 Prealbumin increased
10048792 Spastic paraplegia
10048793 Coxarthrosis
10048794 Gonarthrosis
10048795 Brain lymphoma
10048796 Fixed pigmented erythema
10048797 Angiodysplasia of small intestine
10048798 Biliary adenoma
10048799 Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis
10048800 Congenital scrotal hypertrophy
10048801 Congenital thymus absence
10048802 Elevated diaphragm
10048803 Hypoglycaemic seizure
10048804 Kearns-Sayre syndrome
10048805 Laryngeal ventricle prolapse
10048806 Ludwig angina
10048807 Lymphocytic dermatitis
10048808 Oesophageal tear
10048809 Roemheld syndrome
10048810 Sebaceous hyperplasia
10048811 Bechterew's disease
10048812 Deafness unilateral
10048813 Desquamative cheilitis
10048814 Crystal deposit intestine
10048815 Sinus rhythm
10048816 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
10048817 Epiduritis
10048818 Arterial obstruction NOS
10048819 Laboratory test result spurious NOS
10048820 Urticarial vasculitis
10048821 Spotting vaginal
10048822 Venipuncture site swelling
10048823 Venipuncture site pain
10048824 Cerebral ventricle dilatation
10048825 Anticonvulsant drug level NOS below therapeutic
10048826 Phenobarbital level below therapeutic
10048827 Autophony
10048828 Underweight
10048829 Rectal adenoma
10048830 Abdominal neoplasm NOS
10048831 Chest wall necrosis
10048832 Colon adenoma
10048833 Congenital epiglottal anomaly NOS
10048834 Polycystic liver disease
10048835 Postoperative bruise
10048836 Postoperative rehabilitation
10048837 Cystitis glandularis
10048838 Soft stools
10048839 Ulcero-necrotic skin lesion
10048840 Ant bite
10048841 Bowel cancer
10048842 XIth nerve paralysis
10048843 Cytomegalovirus chorioretinitis
10048844 Epiduroscopy
10048845 Hemiapraxia
10048846 Intraosseous angioma
10048847 Lung infection NOS
10048848 Meningitis toxoplasmal
10048849 Myocardial haemorrhage
10048850 Necrotic preservation injury of graft
10048851 Necrotising scleritis
10048852 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty
10048853 Carcinoma ampulla of Vater
10048854 Herniated nucleus pulposus
10048855 Immature larynx
10048856 Intervertebral disc herniation
10048857 Mosquito bite
10048858 Ischaemic cardiomyopathy
10048859 Superinfection lung
10048860 Acetabular calcification
10048861 Anaemia postoperative
10048862 Cesarean section
10048863 Hemorrhagic stroke
10048864 Benign cervical tumor
10048865 Hypoacusis
10048866 Macular dystrophy
10048867 Pseudophakia
10048868 Parkinsonian crisis
10048869 Peritoneal hernia
10048870 Prophylaxis against transplant rejection
10048871 Sensory integrative dysfunction
10048872 Testicular cyst
10048873 Traumatic arthritis
10048874 Phlebectomy
10048875 Synoviorthesis
10048876 Hypoacusis unilateral
10048877 Vertebral lesion
10048878 Vulval lesion
10048879 Paraesthesia of scalp
10048880 Smoker
10048881 Osteopathic treatment
10048882 Pelvic neoplasm NOS
10048883 Electrocardiogram R on T phenomenon
10048884 Sensorimotor disorder NOS
10048885 Abdominal tumour
10048886 Onychoclasis
10048887 Cardiac operation NOS
10048888 Genu varum congenital
10048890 Congenital kyphoscoliosis
10048891 Nail bed bleeding
10048892 Rectal examination
10048893 Rib hypoplasia
10048894 Bursitis infective staphylococcal
10048895 Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta
10048896 Retinal fovea disorder
10048897 Mucha-Habermann disease
10048898 Acute parapsoriasis varioliformis
10048899 Radiation oesophagitis
10048900 Radiation esophagitis
10048901 Dapsone syndrome
10048902 Osteoma cutis
10048903 Vaginal irritation
10048904 Vaginal mucosal blistering
10048905 Steatocystoma multiplex
10048906 Cystometrogram
10048907 Premature closure of cranial sutures
10048908 Seasonal allergy
10048909 Boredom
10048910 Pachygyria
10048911 Lissencephaly
10048912 Smooth muscle cell neoplasm NOS
10048913 Joint tenderness
10048914 Macrogyria
10048915 Agyria
10048916 Orthostatic collapse
10048917 Complication of pregnancy NOS
10048918 Foetal disorder NOS
10048919 Performance status decreased
10048920 Uterine cervical disorder NOS
10048921 Alcohol use
10048922 Ankle ulcer
10048923 Bladder irrigation
10048924 Congenital cerebral haemangioma
10048925 Acoustic schwannoma
10048926 Cellulitis of abdominal wall
10048927 Cellulitis of axilla
10048928 Colitis collagenous
10048929 Otoscopy
10048930 Factor V deficiency
10048931 Uterine cyst
10048932 Vena cava filter insertion
10048933 Convergence insufficiency
10048934 Deafness total
10048935 Open heart surgery
10048936 Pelvic tumour
10048937 Vaginal lesion
10048938 Application site bleeding
10048939 Application site bruising
10048940 Application site paresthesia
10048941 Application site vesicles
10048942 Application site burning
10048943 Application site dryness
10048944 Epigastralgia
10048945 Angiolipoma
10048946 Anal abscess
10048947 Rectal abscess
10048948 Bedridden
10048949 Parotid lipomatosis
10048950 Sciatic nerve neuropathy
10048951 Uhl's anomaly
10048952 Tongue papule
10048953 Congenital hyperextension of spine
10048954 Congenital hyperextension of knee
10048955 Retinal toxicity
10048956 Lymphadenectomy
10048958 Paradoxical drug reaction
10048959 Peripheral swelling
10048960 Streptococcal sepsis
10048961 Localised oedema
10048962 Brain oedema
10048963 Basilar artery occlusion
10048964 Carotid artery occlusion
10048965 Vertebral artery occlusion
10048966 Precerebral artery occlusion NOS
10048967 Frontal headache
10048968 Occipital headache
10048969 Parietal headache
10048970 Arm spasticity
10048971 General body pain
10048972 Intraocular haemorrhage
10048973 Pain in thigh
10048974 Cardiac pseudoaneurysm
10048975 Vascular pseudoaneurysm
10048976 Traumatic pseudoaneurysm
10048977 Pseudoaneurysm
10048978 Gastrostomy
10048979 Sinobronchitis
10048980 Salivary oestriol increased
10048981 T-helper cells low
10048982 Osteodermia
10048983 Cytomegalovirus colitis
10048984 Pancreatic abscess
10048986 Acquired retrospondylolisthesis
10048987 Congenital retrospondylolisthesis
10048988 Renal artery occlusion
10048989 Cellulitis of arm
10048990 Neonatal disorder NOS
10048991 Ovarian adenoma
10048992 Spinal cord haemorrhage
10048993 Superinfection oral
10048994 Bladder spasm
10048995 Erythrocyanosis
10048996 Aspiration of gastrointestinal contents into airways
10048997 Encephalitis brain stem
10048998 Acute phase reaction
10048999 Leukoencephalomyelitis
10049000 Malignant goitre
10049001 Acute endocarditis
10049002 Scar pain
10049003 Accelerated idioventricular rhythm
10049004 Angelman's syndrome
10049005 Arachnoid cyst
10049006 Cystourethrocele
10049007 Spondylolisthesis NOS
10049008 Coxarthritis
10049009 Anaemia splenic
10049010 Carcinoma hepatocellular
10049011 Congenital limb hyperextension
10049012 Ankle operation
10049013 Anti factor VIII antibody positive
10049014 Cytomegalovirus duodenitis
10049015 Cytomegalovirus enterocolitis
10049016 Cytomegalovirus gastritis
10049017 Cytomegalovirus gastroesophagitis
10049018 Cytomegalovirus oesophagitis
10049019 Cytomegalovirus proctocolitis
10049020 Encephalitis periaxialis diffusa
10049021 Axillary mass
10049022 Cellulitis of hand
10049023 Cellulitis of oral soft tissues
10049024 Blood culture positive for salmonella
10049025 Persistent generalised lymphadenopathy
10049026 AIDS related complication NOS
10049027 Bladder trabeculation
10049028 Camptodactyly congenital
10049029 Denture wearer
10049030 LDL/HDL ratio increased
10049031 Genotype drug resistance test
10049032 Knee injury
10049033 Spastic bladder
10049034 Heel ulcer
10049035 Drug-induced encephalopathy
10049036 Closed head injury
10049037 Coma acidotic
10049038 Metastatic bone pain
10049039 Impingement syndrome shoulder
10049040 Weight fluctuation
10049041 Application site infection
10049042 Application site inflammation
10049043 Application site papules
10049044 Application site pustules
10049045 Radiation castration
10049046 Autoimmune thyroiditis
10049047 Chapped lips
10049048 Erythrokeratodermia variabilis
10049049 LDL/HDL ratio elevated
10049050 Back abscess
10049051 Renal dialysis
10049052 Aortic surgery NOS
10049053 Benign spleen tumor
10049054 Brain death
10049055 Cholestasis of pregnancy
10049056 Colon operation NOS
10049057 Congenital adrenal gland hypoplasia
10049058 HELLP syndrome
10049059 Urinary tract infection fungal
10049060 Vascular graft occlusion
10049061 Visual acuity decreased
10049062 Blindness impairment level not further specified
10049063 Nephelopia
10049064 Nephelopia transient
10049065 Deterioration of visual acuity temporarily
10049066 Cohen syndrome
10049067 Spindle cell sarcoma
10049068 Sialectasia
10049069 Saliva discolouration
10049070 Breast hypoplasia
10049071 Vascular operation
10049072 AIDS encephalopathy
10049073 Carbohydrate antigen 19-9
10049074 Cytomegalovirus enteritis
10049075 Disseminated cytomegaloviral infection
10049076 End stage AIDS
10049077 Hernia pain
10049078 Meningitis borrelia
10049079 Labile hypertension
10049080 Yeast infection
10049081 Normal foetus
10049082 Pancreatic mass
10049083 Respiratory tract infection NOS
10049084 Weight loss poor
10049085 Antifungal prophylaxis
10049086 Antibacterial prophylaxis
10049087 Antiviral prophylaxis
10049088 Osteopenia
10049089 Mammary gland hypoplasia
10049090 Anaphylaxis prophylaxis
10049091 Chemotherapy antiemetic prophylaxis
10049092 Chemotherapy cytokine prophylaxis
10049093 Colony stimulating factor prophylaxis
10049094 Congenital urethral anomaly NOS
10049095 Decerebration
10049096 Dysmorphophobia
10049097 Normetanephrine urine increased
10049098 Oesophagitis ulcerative
10049099 Pancreatic neoplasm NOS
10049100 Pyelocystitis
10049101 Rectal discharge
10049102 Renal hypoplasia
10049103 Tumour excision NOS
10049104 Varicose vein incision
10049105 Anaemia of malignant disease
10049106 Asthma chronic
10049107 CMV viraemia
10049108 Heel exostosis
10049109 Lymphadenopathy axillary
10049110 Nocturnal agitation
10049111 Numbness of extremities
10049112 Peribronchitis
10049113 Urinary stasis
10049114 Systemic antibacterial prophylaxis
10049115 Systemic antiviral prophylaxis
10049116 Inability to lose weight
10049117 Varicotomy
10049118 Spontaneous penile erection
10049119 Emotional distress
10049120 Scalp pain
10049121 Heaviness of head
10049122 Premenstrual headache
10049123 Drug level NOS fluctuating
10049124 Sedation during medical procedure
10049125 Cardio-respiratory failure
10049126 Corrective lens wearer
10049127 Arm fracture
10049128 Shoulder fracture
10049129 Non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy
10049130 Back surgery
10049131 Billroth's operation I
10049132 Camptodactyly acquired
10049133 Complete left bundle branch block
10049134 Cytomegalovirus prophylaxis
10049135 Erythema periorbital
10049136 Gastrointestinal cramps
10049137 Ruptured appendix
10049138 Sigmoid polyp
10049139 Stool odour abnormal
10049140 Pharyngotonsillitis
10049141 Acne fulminans
10049142 Histoplasmosis cutaneous
10049143 Patellofemoral pain syndrome
10049144 Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody positive
10049145 Gastric operation NOS
10049146 Neck mass
10049147 Scrotal mass
10049148 Oesophageal operation NOS
10049149 Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
10049150 Necrotising gastritis
10049151 Neutropenic sepsis
10049152 Choledochoenterostomy
10049153 Allergic sinusitis
10049154 Crepitations NOS
10049155 Visual brightness
10049156 Denture discolouration
10049157 Hyperexcitability neonatal
10049158 Lymph node disorder
10049159 Pneumonia MRSA
10049160 Candidaemia
10049161 Choledochojejunostomy
10049162 Chronic subdural haematoma
10049163 Chronic subdural hematoma
10049164 Fractured coccyx
10049165 Cerebrovascular accident prophylaxis
10049166 Coronary artery thrombosis prophylaxis
10049167 Gastric stapling
10049168 Ocular myasthenia
10049169 Pancreas transplant rejection
10049170 Plethysmography
10049171 Pulmonary vein stenosis
10049172 Eosinophilic pustulosis
10049173 Urethrotomy
10049174 Leukaemia relapse prophylaxis
10049175 Arteriosclerotic heart disease
10049176 Asthma-like condition
10049177 Drug screen positive
10049178 Post MI left ventricular dysfunction
10049181 White blood cell count NOS
10049182 White blood cell decreased
10049183 White blood cell increased
10049184 Red blood cell sedimentation rate
10049185 Pericardial drainage test
10049186 Red blood cell sedimentation rate abnormal
10049187 Red blood cell sedimentation rate increased
10049188 Red blood cell sedimentation rate decreased
10049189 Red blood cell vacuolization
10049190 Red blood cell agglutination
10049191 Red blood cell enzymes abnormal
10049192 Pancreatic fistula
10049193 Drug exposure during pregnancy
10049194 Stable angina pectoris
10049195 Maculo-papular exanthema
10049196 Worsening of stroke
10049197 Silent myocardial ischaemia
10049198 Generalized urticaria
10049199 Hepatic cytolysis
10049200 Asthmatic wheezing
10049201 Generalized rash
10049202 Bronchiolitis obliterans
10049203 Bradycardia-tachycardia syndrome
10049204 Joint ligament rupture
10049205 Clitoris abscess
10049206 Muscle abscess
10049207 Adactyly
10049208 Parotid duct cyst
10049209 Aorta hypoplasia
10049210 Finger hypoplasia
10049211 Mitral valve hypoplasia
10049212 Phalangeal hypoplasia
10049213 Congenital peripheral nervous system anomaly NOS
10049214 Monopodia
10049215 Psychomotor skills impaired
10049216 Sympodia
10049217 Tricuspid regurgitation
10049218 Autonomic instability
10049219 Obnubilation
10049220 C-reactive protein decreased
10049221 Haematocrit abnormal
10049222 Neonatal hyponatraemia
10049223 Neonatal hypotension
10049224 Electrocardiogram ST-T segment depression
10049225 Electrocardiogram ST-T segment elevation
10049226 Oxalosis
10049227 Bleeding time abnormal
10049228 Blood alkaline phosphatase NOS abnormal
10049229 Paresis in arms
10049230 Paraesthesia hand
10049231 Sharp's syndrome
10049232 Fertility decreased
10049233 Xerotic eczema
10049234 Vocal cord paresis
10049235 Nocturnal dyspnoea
10049236 Spinal epidural haemorrhage
10049237 Acute cellular rejection
10049238 Food aversion
10049239 Aversion to drug
10049240 Enlarged prostate
10049241 Blepharophimosis congenital
10049242 Cauda equina syndrome (toxic effect without vascular insufficiency)
10049243 Ankyloglossia acquired
10049244 Ankyloglossia congenital
10049245 Gallbladder operation NOS
10049246 Carotid artery disease NOS
10049247 Arthrectomy
10049248 Carbohydrate antigen 125
10049249 Carbohydrate antigen 15-3
10049250 Carbohydrate antigen 27.29
10049251 Heyde's syndrome
10049252 Injection site arthritis
10049253 Sepsis MRSA
10049254 CA 125
10049255 CA 15-3
10049256 CA 27.29
10049257 CA 19-9
10049258 Lymphoblastosis
10049259 Injection site hydrarthrosis
10049260 Injection site joint swelling
10049261 Injection site joint pain
10049262 Injection site joint warmth
10049263 Injection site joint redness
10049264 Hypsarrhythmia
10049266 Eye burns NOS
10049267 Thermal burns of eye
10049268 Nail bed tenderness
10049269 Pelvic exenteration
10049270 Pharyngeal mass
10049271 Pneumonia necrotizing
10049272 Viral load NOS decreased
10049273 Viral load NOS increased
10049274 Onychomadesis
10049275 Nail infection NOS
10049276 Inner ear disorder NOS
10049277 Ureterostomy site discomfort
10049278 Unable to walk
10049279 Arterial stenosis of transplanted kidney
10049280 Solid tumour
10049281 Nail loss
10049282 Hypersplenism congenital
10049283 Hypersplenism acquired
10049284 Lipidosis congenital
10049285 Lipidosis acquired
10049286 Lipodystrophy congenital
10049287 Lipodystrophy acquired
10049289 Umbilical haemorrhage acquired
10049290 Feminisation acquired
10049291 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome congenital
10049292 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome acquired
10049294 Mouth injury
10049295 Hypoaesthesia lips
10049296 Paraesthesia lips
10049297 Lip haemorrhage
10049298 Lip sloughing
10049299 Tongue sloughing
10049300 Gingival injury
10049301 Paraesthesia gingival
10049302 Hypoaesthesia gingival
10049303 Gingival sloughing
10049304 Gingival blister
10049305 Gingival oedema
10049306 Gingival pruritus
10049307 Lip blister
10049308 Sensitive mouth
10049309 Tender mouth
10049310 Stinging mouth
10049311 Burned mouth
10049312 Parathyroid adenoma removal
10049313 Cuts in mouth
10049314 Injured mouth
10049315 Tingling mouth
10049316 Peeling mouth
10049317 Desquamation mouth
10049318 Sores mouth
10049319 Cold sore mouth
10049320 Sores roof of mouth
10049321 Redness mouth
10049322 Raw mouth
10049323 Irritation roof of mouth
10049324 Chapped mouth
10049325 Inflammation of mouth
10049326 Rash mouth
10049327 Migraine with prolonged aura
10049328 Mouth broke out
10049329 Inflammation under tongue
10049330 Rough mouth
10049331 Bleeding mouth
10049332 Mouth puckered
10049336 Intraoral pruritus
10049337 Itching mouth
10049338 Numbness mouth
10049339 Numb mouth
10049340 Rash lips
10049341 Bumps lip
10049342 Irritation lips
10049343 Raw lips
10049344 Redness corner of mouth
10049345 Inflammation lips
10049346 Split lip
10049347 Cracked lips
10049348 Soreness corner mouth
10049349 Burning corner of mouth
10049350 Canker sore lip
10049351 Sores lip
10049352 Cold sores lip
10049353 Numb lips
10049354 Numbness lips
10049355 Tingling lips
10049356 Paresthesia lips
10049357 Burning lips
10049358 Tender lips
10049359 Stinging lips
10049360 Sensitive lips
10049361 Blister lip
10049362 Fever blister
10049363 Hemorrhage lips
10049364 Bleeding lips
10049365 Peeling lips
10049366 Bumps tongue
10049367 Rash tongue
10049368 Raw tongue
10049370 Sensitive tongue
10049371 Tender tongue
10049372 Stinging tongue
10049373 Tingling tongue
10049374 Peeling tongue
10049375 Raw gums
10049376 Redness gum
10049377 Rough gum
10049378 Abrasion gingival
10049379 Rash gum
10049380 Bumps gum
10049381 Cuts on gum
10049382 Torn skin on gum
10049383 Tingling gum
10049384 Tingling gingival
10049385 Paraesthesia gum
10049386 Hypoaesthesia gum
10049387 Numbness gum
10049388 Numbness gingival
10049389 Sloughing gums
10049390 Sloughing gingival
10049391 Peeling gingival
10049392 Peeling gum
10049393 Desquamation gum
10049394 Desquamation gingival
10049395 Blisters gum
10049396 Oedema gum
10049397 Itching gum
10049398 Gingival ulceration
10049399 Paresthesia gingival
10049400 Burning gum
10049401 Stinging gum
10049402 Throbbing gum
10049403 Ache gum
10049404 Tender gum
10049405 Irritation gum
10049406 Sores gum
10049407 Sores gingival
10049408 Red blood cell sedimentation rate normal
10049409 Gastric stapling reversal
10049410 Respiratory tract infection viral NOS
10049411 Anti-prothrombin antibody positive
10049412 Bladder operation NOS
10049413 Bronchoalveolar lavage
10049414 Treatment noncompliance
10049415 Renin-angiotensin system inhibition
10049416 Short-bowel syndrome
10049417 Stent removal NOS
10049418 Sudden cardiac death
10049419 Throat secretion increased
10049420 Ear vestibulitis
10049421 Chronic cellular rejection
10049422 Precancerous skin lesion
10049423 Precancerous skin lesion face
10049424 Frontal lobe epilepsy
10049425 Postoperative infection NOS
10049426 Scaphocephaly
10049427 Joint lock NOS
10049428 Skin turgor decreased
10049429 Werner's syndrome
10049430 Peripartum cardiomyopathy
10049431 Femoral bruit
10049432 Renal bruit
10049433 Piriformis syndrome
10049434 Cardiac pacemaker replacement
10049436 Occupational exposure to toxic agent
10049437 Laryngeal infiltration NOS
10049438 General physical health deterioration
10049439 Anti-islet cell antibody positive
10049440 Spinal artery embolism
10049441 Cerebellar lesion NOS
10049442 Implantable defibrillator insertion
10049443 Intestinal villi atrophy
10049444 Fibromatosis
10049445 Stoma site discomfort
10049446 Subclavian vein thrombosis
10049447 Tachyarrhythmia
10049448 Urethral ulcer
10049449 Congenital facial nerve hypoplasia
10049450 Perirenal haematoma
10049451 Algodystrophy
10049452 Back strain
10049453 Calcaneus fracture
10049454 Sternal pain
10049455 Crying abnormal neonatal
10049456 Adamkiewicz artery embolism
10049457 Palmar fibromatosis
10049458 Herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis neonatal
10049459 Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
10049460 Abasia
10049461 Abasic
10049462 Lymphangiomyomatosis
10049463 Drug clearance decreased
10049464 Somatosensory evoked potentials abnormal
10049465 Erythroblastopenia
10049466 Erythroblastosis
10049467 Erythropoiesis abnormal
10049468 Intestinal stoma site bleeding
10049469 Gestational trophoblastic detachment
10049470 Bone density decreased
10049471 Blood phosphorus decreased
10049472 Erythroid series abnormal
10049473 Duodenal villi atrophy
10049474 Meniscus rupture
10049475 Chronic pain
10049476 Intestinal spasm
10049477 Removal of cervical os suture
10049478 Liver graft loss
10049479 Gastrointestinal fungal infection
10049480 Intra-uterine contraceptive device insertion
10049481 Intra-uterine contraceptive device removal
10049482 Dehydroepiandrosterone increased
10049483 Glutamate dehydrogenase increased
10049484 Submandibular mass
10049485 Bruton's agammaglobulinemia
10049486 Cervical conization
10049487 Clostridium difficile toxin test
10049488 Synovitis chronic
10049489 Straight hair curled
10049490 Pneumopathy
10049491 Degenerative joint disease
10049492 Acquired macrocephaly
10049493 Cervicectomy
10049494 Aregenerative anaemia
10049495 Heart valve operation NOS
10049496 Congenital macrocephaly
10049497 Assisted delivery NOS
10049498 Lung nodule
10049499 Macrocephaly NOS
10049500 Ruptured diverticulum NOS
10049501 Ultrasound thyroid
10049502 Urethral cyst
10049503 Breast feeding problem (maternal)
10049504 Analgesic effect decreased
10049505 Head circumference increased neonatal
10049506 Investigation NOS
10049507 Brain stem auditory evoked response
10049508 Brain stem auditory evoked response normal
10049509 Brain stem auditory evoked response abnormal
10049510 Urine sodium
10049511 Fuchs' syndrome
10049512 Pharyngolaryngeal abscess
10049513 Luteal phase deficiency
10049514 Traumatic fracture
10049515 Non-traumatic fracture
10049516 Malignant tumor
10049517 Pituitary hypothyroidism
10049518 Pituitary diabetes insipidus
10049519 Surgical shock
10049520 Reticulin increased
10049521 Angiotensin converting enzyme decreased
10049522 Anisochromia
10049523 Anti-erythrocyte antibody
10049524 Coproporphyrinogen increased
10049525 Anti-sperm antibody
10049526 Tissue polypeptide antigen increased
10049527 Pyroglutamate increased
10049528 Vanillyl mandelic acid urine increased
10049529 Serum serotonin increased
10049530 Angiotensin converting enzyme increased
10049531 Female sex hormone binding globulin decreased
10049532 Male sex hormone binding globulin decreased
10049533 Arteriogram NOS abnormal
10049534 Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody positive
10049535 Adverse event NOS
10049536 Stomatocytes present
10049537 Gamma butyric dehydrogenase increased
10049538 Hydroxyproline urine increased
10049539 Thromboplastin antibody
10049540 Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase increased
10049541 Antipyresis
10049542 Wound pain
10049543 Wound erythema
10049544 Extravascular eosinophils
10049545 Factor VIII antibodies in blood
10049546 Anti-factor VIII antibodies
10049547 Antithrombin III decreased
10049548 Knee operation
10049549 Lip neoplasm NOS
10049550 Live birth
10049551 Shoulder arthroplasty
10049552 Blood dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
10049553 Foetal heart rate disorder NOS
10049554 Gallbladder gangrene
10049555 Anal haemorrhage
10049556 Bone marrow tumour cell infiltration
10049557 Bone marrow leukaemic cell infiltration
10049558 Vaginal delivery
10049559 Autonomic dysfunction
10049560 Benign parotid tumor
10049561 Cerebral damage
10049562 Shoulder replacement
10049563 Anal bleeding
10049564 Impaired driving ability
10049565 Muscle fatigue
10049566 Cytomegalovirus pancreatitis
10049567 Miller Fisher syndrome
10049568 Neck swelling
10049569 Needle biopsy NOS
10049570 Penile neoplasm NOS
10049571 Scrotal abscess
10049572 Testicular necrosis
10049573 Vaginal abscess
10049574 Vaginal neoplasm NOS
10049575 Vulval neoplasm NOS
10049576 Bladder neck sclerosis
10049577 Unspecified disorder of knee joint
10049578 Liver nodule
10049579 Encephalic vertigo
10049580 Gingival hyperpigmentation
10049581 Graft rejection episode
10049582 Soft tissue infection NOS
10049583 Douglas' abscess
10049584 Arteritis obliterans
10049585 Infantile asthma
10049586 Trichophyton infection NOS
10049587 Psychosomatic disease
10049588 Myoclonic seizure NOS
10049589 Afterbirth pain
10049590 Upper respiratory tract inflammation
10049591 Tinea imbricata
10049592 Peritonsillitis
10049593 Familial hypercholesterolaemia
10049594 Osteoarthritis deformans
10049595 Neck, shoulder and arm syndrome
10049596 Obsession
10049597 Astatic seizure
10049599 Late effects of cerebral stroke
10049600 Late effects of cerebral infarction
10049601 Chronic cerebral circulatory disorder
10049602 Maldigestion
10049603 Pulmonary suppuration
10049604 Lymphogranuloma inguinale
10049605 Carcinomatous ascites
10049606 Climacteric disturbance
10049607 Dentoalveolar abscess
10049608 Pelvic peritonitis
10049609 Atypical petit mal
10049610 Lichen simplex chronicus Vidal
10049611 Purulent sialoadenitis
10049612 Autonomic seizure
10049613 Sycosis vulgaris
10049614 Poisoning by hypnotic
10049615 Late effects of head trauma
10049616 Infantile vaginitis
10049617 Renal parenchymal hypertension
10049618 Periarthritis scapulohumeralis
10049619 Trichophytia pompholyciformis
10049620 Acute upper respiratory tract inflammation
10049621 Trichophytia maculovesiculosa
10049622 Postpartum pain
10049623 Arthrosis deformans
10049624 Coombs test NOS
10049625 Coombs test NOS positive
10049626 Coombs test NOS negative
10049627 Anti-globulin positive
10049628 Bilateral orchidectomy
10049629 Male operative castration
10049630 Oedema due to renal disease
10049631 Oedema due to hepatic disease
10049632 Oedema due to cardiac disease
10049633 Shoshin beriberi
10049634 Cholecystocholangitis
10049635 Hypoglycemic episode
10049636 Renal induced oedema
10049637 Renal induced edema
10049638 Hepatic induced oedema
10049639 Hepatic induced edema
10049640 Cardiac induced oedema
10049641 Cardiac induced edema
10049642 Man-in-the-barrel syndrome
10049643 Denervation atrophy
10049644 Williams syndrome
10049645 Hypercatabolism
10049646 Lymphohistiocytosis
10049647 Adrenal cyst
10049648 Diabetic ulcer NOS
10049649 Enterocolitis viral NOS
10049650 Parainfluenzae virus infection NOS
10049651 Pharyngeal candidiasis
10049652 Intranasal fungal infection
10049653 Hepatic candidiasis
10049654 Spinal cord infection
10049655 Oropharyngitis fungal NOS
10049656 Fungal oesophagitis
10049657 Cerebral fungal infection
10049658 Mycobacterium chelonei infection
10049659 Mycobacterium fortuitum infection
10049660 Incision site abscess
10049661 Penile prosthesis insertion
10049662 Knee surgery NOS
10049663 Intradermal naevus
10049664 Cerebral mycosis
10049665 Umbilical cord sepsis NOS
10049666 Homicidal ideation
10049667 Ovarian cystadenofibroma
10049668 Mass NOS
10049669 Dyscalculia
10049670 Ovarian cyst torsion
10049671 Negative cardiac inotropic effect
10049672 Ovarian cystoadenofibroma
10049673 Precancerous cells present
10049674 Lung infiltration malignant NOS
10049675 Hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm
10049676 Stenosis of vesicourethral anastomosis
10049677 Salpingo-oophoritis
10049678 Endometrial dysplasia
10049679 Spinal shock
10049680 Quadriparesis
10049681 Numbness in hand
10049682 Pansinusitis
10049683 Monitored anesthesia care sedation
10049685 Redness in breast
10049686 Ovarian serous cystadenofibroma
10049687 Pseudotumor
10049688 HTLV-1 antibody positive
10049689 HTLV-2 antibody positive
10049690 Lhermitte's sign
10049691 Morton's neuroma
10049692 Douglas' pouch effusion
10049693 Anti-borrelia antibody positive
10049694 Left ventricular dysfunction
10049695 Basophil count
10049696 Creatinine urine
10049697 Haemophagocytosis
10049698 Adenomatous goitre
10049699 Biliary cystadenoma
10049700 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia I
10049701 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia II
10049702 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia III
10049703 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia NOS
10049704 Gallbladder polyp
10049705 Acute hypotension
10049706 Eczematous dermatitis infected
10049707 Spastic quadriparesis
10049708 Feeling guilty
10049709 Depressive state
10049710 Urethral haemorrhage
10049711 Exposure to communicable disease
10049712 Dysacusis
10049713 Tongue dry
10049714 Abdominal migraine
10049715 Localised accumulation of lymphatic fluid
10049716 Bladder malposition acquired
10049717 Metastases to heart
10049718 Metastases to stomach
10049719 Metastases to gastrointestinal tract NOS
10049720 Metastases to biliary tract NOS
10049721 Metastases to pancreas
10049722 Metastases to bladder
10049723 Metastases to thyroid
10049724 Metastases to eye
10049725 Metastases to placenta
10049726 Metastases to uterus
10049727 Metastases to fallopian tube
10049728 Metastases to pituitary gland
10049729 Metastases to soft tissue NOS
10049730 Metastases to muscle
10049731 Bladder distension
10049732 Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis
10049733 Blood homocysteine increased
10049734 Blood homocysteine decreased
10049735 Blood homocysteine abnormal
10049736 Blood homocysteine normal
10049737 Treatment related secondary malignancy
10049738 Ligament injury NOS
10049739 Renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia
10049740 Metastases to pericardium
10049741 Serum homocysteine increased
10049742 Serum homocysteine decreased
10049743 Serum homocysteine abnormal
10049744 Serum homocysteine normal
10049745 Knee ligament injury
10049746 Insulin-requiring type II diabetes mellitus
10049747 Pubic pain
10049748 Mitral commissurotomy
10049749 Post procedural pain
10049750 Tumour haemorrhage
10049751 Ureteral disorder NOS
10049752 Peau d'orange
10049753 Postoperative wound complication NOS
10049754 Rectal oily spotting
10049755 Eye strain
10049756 Lumboischialgia
10049757 Herniotomy
10049758 Iris hyperpigmentation
10049759 Pericardial rub
10049760 Pituitary haemorrhage
10049761 Ventricular pre-excitation
10049762 Spinal cord neoplasm NOS
10049763 Fat necrosis NOS
10049764 Appendiceal abscess
10049765 Bradyarrhythmia
10049766 Grimacing NOS
10049767 Congenital tricuspid valve atresia
10049768 Silent myocardial infarction
10049769 Pontine infarction
10049770 Stiffness hip
10049771 Shock haemorrhagic
10049772 Ulcer prepyloric
10049773 Left ventricular hypertrophy
10049774 Pseudophaeochromocytoma
10049775 Neonatal tachycardia
10049776 Renal impairment neonatal
10049777 Melaena neonatal
10049778 Neonatal anuria
10049779 Peripheral oedema neonatal
10049780 Neonatal cardiac failure
10049781 Hypertension neonatal
10049782 Endosalpingiosis
10049783 Mendelson's syndrome
10049784 Plasma cell disorder NOS
10049785 Atrial pressure increased
10049786 Accessory breast
10049787 Contact lens discolouration
10049788 Trigeminal palsy
10049789 Femoral nerve palsy
10049790 Lung neoplasm NOS
10049791 Breast microcalcification
10049792 Spermatic cord mass
10049793 Neonatal neuroblastoma
10049794 Urinary bladder polyp
10049795 Neonatal anoxic brain damage
10049796 Excoriation
10049797 Calcification of muscle
10049798 Axillary lump
10049799 Numbness in toes
10049800 Numbness in feet
10049801 Uterine tumour of mixed cellularity
10049802 Arterial haemorrhage NOS
10049803 Blood glucose fluctuation
10049804 Colorectostomy
10049805 Interleukin-6 increased
10049806 Pacing threshold increased
10049807 Single umbilical artery
10049808 Thanatophoric dwarfism
10049809 Alpha TNF increased
10049810 Ureteric rupture
10049811 Extraskeletal ossification
10049812 Medical device implantation
10049813 Non-obstructive cardiomyopathy
10049814 Renal cyst ruptured
10049815 Vascular bypass dysfunction NOS
10049816 Muscle tightness
10049817 Diarrhoea cryptosporidial
10049818 Blood sugar level fluctuation
10049819 Tightness of back muscles
10049820 Urine chloride decreased
10049821 Urinary sediment present
10049822 Tonsillar neoplasm NOS
10049823 Anal sphincter atony
10049824 Bone infarction
10049825 Urine epithelial cells increased
10049826 Blood HIV RNA
10049827 Blood HIV RNA increased
10049828 Blood HIV RNA decreased
10049829 Blood HIV RNA below assay limit
10049830 Disease progression NOS
10049831 Disease recurrence NOS
10049832 HIV viral load increased
10049833 HIV RNA copy number increased
10049834 HIV RNA rebound
10049835 HIV viral load decreased
10049836 HIV RNA copy number decreased
10049837 HIV RNA undetectable
10049838 HIV viral load undetectable
10049839 HIV RNA copy number undetectable
10049840 Junctional rhythm
10049841 Myotonia congenital
10049842 Anal sphincter tone decreased
10049843 Acneiform eruption
10049844 Acute liver failure
10049845 Acute thrombosis abdominal aorta
10049846 Anteroseptal infarction
10049847 Anteroseptal necrosis
10049848 Balance disorder
10049849 Bilious taste
10049850 Blepharoedema
10049851 Bloody vaginal discharge
10049852 Burning anal
10049853 Burning finger
10049854 Burning foot
10049855 Burning hip
10049856 Burning infusion site
10049857 Burning leg
10049858 Burning mouth
10049859 Cellulitis calf
10049860 Cervicodynia
10049861 Cheiloschisis
10049862 Abnormal clotting factor
10049863 Puncture site abscess
10049864 Achromotrichia congenital
10049865 Achromotrichia acquired
10049866 Aphagia
10049867 Arterial stenosis limb
10049868 Asthma exacerbation prophylaxis
10049869 Blood bilirubin decreased
10049870 Tongue haemorrhage
10049871 Abdominal aortic aneurysm haemorrhage
10049872 Breast discomfort
10049873 Caecum perforation
10049874 Cardio-respiratory distress
10049875 Alertness decreased
10049876 Alveolar cell carcinoma
10049877 Arm discomfort
10049878 Cacosmia
10049880 Cervicobrachialgia
10049881 Caecum rupture
10049882 Bleeding from tongue
10049883 Arterial stenosis leg
10049884 Chrysiasis
10049885 Convulsion prophylaxis
10049886 Flu prophylaxis
10049887 Coronary revascularisation
10049888 Rectal cramps
10049889 Craniosynostosis
10049890 Cholecystolithiasis
10049891 Choledocholithiasis
10049892 Choledochus stenosis
10049893 Cholestatic icterus
10049894 Chronic alcoholism
10049895 Coffee ground emesis
10049896 Colectasia
10049897 Colopathy
10049898 Bowel cramps
10049899 Finger cramps
10049900 Intestinal cramps
10049901 Stomach cramps
10049902 Cruralgia
10049903 Deep venous thrombosis arm
10049904 Osteoporosis prophylaxis
10049905 Oedema upper extremities
10049906 Pathological dislocation hip joint
10049907 Pneumocystis carinii prophylaxis
10049908 Thrombosis prophylaxis in hemodialysis
10049909 Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis
10049910 Thromboembolism prophylaxis
10049911 Dysesthesia thigh
10049912 Joint dislocation postoperative
10049913 Dislocation of joint prosthesis
10049914 Migraine with acute onset aura
10049915 Deep venous thrombosis distal
10049916 Deep venous thrombosis femoral
10049917 Deep venous thrombosis groin
10049918 Deep venous thrombosis proximal
10049919 Dysesthesia extremity
10049920 Dysesthesia of lips
10049921 Dysesthesia of tongue
10049922 Fingernail discoloration
10049923 Gangrene toe
10049924 Infection prophylaxis
10049925 Laceration of finger
10049926 Laceration of thumb
10049927 Dry gangrene
10049928 Menopausal symptoms prophylaxis
10049929 Dislocation hip joint post surgical
10049930 Dislocation hip prosthesis
10049931 Dry gangrene toe
10049932 Eosinophilic folliculitis
10049933 Hypophosphatasia
10049934 Endolymphatic hydrops
10049935 Lipaemia retinalis
10049936 Stent occlusion
10049937 Congenital hydroureter
10049938 Congenital pyelocaliectasis
10049939 Faecal volume increased
10049940 Lipogranuloma
10049941 Mediastinal haematoma
10049942 Renal artery dissection
10049943 Double vessel disease
10049944 Labyrinthine hydrops
10049945 Biliary stent occlusion
10049946 Cervical vertebral fracture
10049947 Lumbar vertebral fracture
10049948 Thoracic vertebral fracture
10049949 Intercostal neuralgia
10049950 Cervical vertebral fracture C1
10049951 Cervical vertebral fracture C2
10049952 Cervical vertebral fracture C4
10049953 Cervical vertebral fracture C3
10049954 Cervical vertebral fracture C5
10049955 Cervical vertebral fracture C6
10049956 Cervical vertebral fracture C7
10049957 Lumbar vertebral fracture L1
10049958 Lumbar vertebral fracture L2
10049959 Lumbar vertebral fracture L3
10049960 Lumbar vertebral fracture L4
10049961 Lumbar vertebral fracture L5
10049962 Thoracic vertebral fracture T1
10049963 Thoracic vertebral fracture T10
10049964 Thoracic vertebral fracture T11
10049965 Thoracic vertebral fracture T12
10049966 Thoracic vertebral fracture T2
10049967 Thoracic vertebral fracture T3
10049968 Thoracic vertebral fracture T4
10049969 Thoracic vertebral fracture T5
10049970 Thoracic vertebral fracture T6
10049971 Thoracic vertebral fracture T7
10049972 Thoracic vertebral fracture T8
10049973 Thoracic vertebral fracture T9
10049974 Reduction of increased intracranial pressure NOS
10049975 Uterine contractions during pregnancy
10049976 Impatience
10049977 Intracranial hypotension
10049978 Morton's neuroma excision
10049979 Airway complication of anaesthesia
10049980 Airway complications of anaesthesia
10049981 Drug-induced pruritus
10049982 Pulmonary aspiration during anesthetic induction
10049983 Pulmonary aspiration during anesthetic emergence
10049984 Airway obstruction on anaesthetic induction
10049985 Airway obstruction on anaesthetic emergence
10049986 Mental status changes postoperative
10049987 Confusion postoperative
10049988 Anxiety postoperative
10049989 Agitation postoperative
10049990 Peroneal nerve palsy postoperative
10049991 Candidal infection NOS
10049992 Immobilization prolonged
10049993 Cardiac death
10049994 Drug half-life reduced
10049995 Neonatal hepatomegaly
10049996 Ductus arteriosus premature closure
10049998 Idiosyncratic drug reaction
10049999 Intoxication by breast feeding
10050000 Ischaemia NOS
10050001 Nephrostomy
10050002 Oculocephalogyric reflex absent
10050003 Pupillotonia
10050004 Rash maculovesicular
10050005 Gastric ulcer prophylaxis
10050006 Nerve paralysis
10050007 Shooting pain
10050009 Bone mass increased
10050010 Hard of hearing
10050011 Electromechanical dissociation
10050012 Bradyphrenia
10050013 Abulia
10050014 Sudden onset of sleep
10050015 Femoral greater trochanter fracture
10050016 Osteophytosis
10050017 Lung cancer metastatic
10050018 Renal cancer metastatic
10050019 Cervical bulla
10050020 Cervix haematoma uterine
10050021 Cervical friability
10050022 Cervix haemorrhage uterine
10050023 Vaginal burning sensation
10050024 Cervical sloughing
10050025 Vaginal sloughing
10050026 Panmyelopathy
10050027 Intestinal villi apoptosis
10050028 Pharyngeal stenosis
10050029 Mitochondrial cytopathy
10050030 Neoplasm of orbit NOS
10050031 Muscle strain
10050032 Benign gastric polyp
10050033 Gallbladder tumour
10050034 Gallbladder tumor
10050035 Metastatic colon cancer
10050036 Shoulder ligament rupture
10050037 Duodenal villi apoptosis
10050038 Hepatectomy NOS
10050039 Paralysis of cranial nerve NOS
10050040 VIIth nerve paralysis
10050041 Ventricular failure NOS
10050042 Abnormal first heart sound
10050043 Left ventricular dilatation
10050044 Hypochondrium pain left
10050045 Paralysis legs
10050046 Diplegia of lower limbs
10050047 Paresis of fourth cranial nerve
10050048 Sixth disease
10050049 Dental operation NOS
10050050 Skin operation NOS
10050051 Trendelenburg's symptom
10050052 Lung crepitation
10050053 Pseudotruncus arteriosus
10050054 Strumectomy
10050055 Exeresis NOS
10050056 Gastrostomy failure
10050057 Injection site cellulitis
10050058 Urogenital haemorrhage
10050059 End stage heart disease
10050060 End stage liver disease
10050061 Cerebellar metastases
10050062 Angiography
10050063 Edema extremity upper
10050064 Edema fingers
10050065 Edema hands
10050066 Edema infusion site
10050067 Edema knees
10050068 Edema limbs
10050069 Edema palpebral
10050070 Edema thigh
10050071 Embolism lung
10050072 Endocervical polyp
10050073 Equilibrium loss
10050074 Equilibrium trouble
10050075 Metastatic bronchiogenic carcinoma
10050076 Metastatic renal carcinoma
10050077 Ectopic atrial beats
10050078 Bleeding urogenital
10050079 Exeresis
10050080 Hypothermia neonatal
10050081 Neonatal hypoxia
10050082 Injection site coldness
10050083 Intestinal atresia NOS
10050084 Lipomeningocele
10050085 Radiculitis lumbosacral
10050086 Poor weight gain neonatal
10050087 Postoperative fever
10050088 Rhinitis purulent
10050089 Sever's disease
10050090 Sputum purulent
10050091 Urinoma
10050092 Radiculitis cervical
10050093 Consciousness fluctuating
10050094 Duodenal stenosis
10050095 Ochlophobia
10050096 Phagophobia
10050097 Application site bullae
10050098 Application site cold feeling
10050099 Application site eczema
10050100 Application site hyperaesthesia
10050101 Application site nodule
10050102 Application site pallor
10050103 Application site paraesthesia
10050104 Application site urticaria
10050105 Arterial murmur
10050106 Paroxysmal arrhythmia
10050107 Intraoperative haemorrhage
10050108 Borrelia infection NOS
10050109 Bradytachycardia
10050110 Carcinoid tumour of the duodenum
10050111 Cardiomyopathy neonatal
10050112 Carotid murmur
10050113 Headache unilateral
10050114 Application site bruise
10050115 Application site hyperalgesia
10050116 Electroneuromyography
10050117 Autopsy
10050118 Bed rest
10050119 Diadynamic electrotherapy
10050120 Posturography
10050121 Culdocentesis
10050122 Ophthalmoplegic migraine
10050123 Temporomandibular joint surgery
10050124 Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry
10050125 Hysteroscopy
10050126 Urethroscopy
10050127 Electroneurography
10050128 Joint prosthesis insertion
10050129 Achilles tendon thickening
10050130 Midsystolic murmur
10050131 Diastolic click
10050132 First cardiac sound abnormality
10050133 Gallop rhythm
10050134 Fourth cardiac sound
10050135 Third cardiac sound
10050136 Midsystolic click
10050137 Paradoxical splitting
10050138 Prosthetic valve sound
10050139 Second cardiac sound abnormality
10050140 First rib fracture
10050141 Second rib fracture
10050142 Third rib fracture
10050143 Fourth rib fracture
10050144 Fifth rib fracture
10050145 Sixth rib fracture
10050146 Seventh rib fracture
10050147 Eighth rib fracture
10050148 Ninth rib fracture
10050149 Tenth rib fracture
10050150 Eleventh rib fracture
10050151 Twelfth rib fracture
10050152 Colocentesis
10050153 Cyclodialysis
10050154 Hip prosthesis insertion
10050155 Knee prosthesis insertion
10050156 Glaucoma surgery
10050157 Cerebral haemorrhage foetal
10050158 Gastrointestinal dysplasia
10050159 Enterochromaffin cell hyperplasia
10050160 Gastric cell hyperplasia
10050161 Gastric dysplasia
10050162 Spinal epidural haematoma
10050163 Intracranial epidural haematoma
10050164 Spinal subdural haematoma
10050165 Intracranial subdural haematoma
10050166 Left ventricular hypokinesia
10050167 Lymph node abscess
10050168 Mediastinal cyst
10050169 Meningoradiculitis
10050170 Oedema uvula
10050171 Oesophageal dysplasia
10050172 Oral mucosa atrophy
10050173 Prepyloric stenosis
10050174 Prepyloric ulcer
10050175 Rachialgia
10050176 Renal oncocytoma
10050177 Scrotal disorder NOS
10050178 Scrotal eczema
10050179 Electrocardiogram ST-T change NOS
10050180 Subclavian artery stenosis
10050181 Vulvovaginal ulceration
10050182 Application site purpura
10050183 Macrocephaly
10050184 Pneumomediastinum
10050185 Palmoplantar pustulosis
10050186 G cell hyperplasia
10050187 Pseudocroup
10050188 Duodenal scarring
10050189 Dural tap
10050190 Haemolysis neonatal
10050191 Hemiblock NOS
10050192 Pregnancy of partner
10050193 Sterilisation NOS
10050194 Foot infection fungal NOS
10050195 Ankle arthroplasty
10050196 Blood phosphorus increased
10050197 Diabetes mellitus malnutrition-related
10050198 Tropical diabetes
10050199 Parotid adenoma
10050200 Thirst decreased
10050201 Vocal cord atrophy
10050202 Carotid sinus syndrome
10050203 Adnexa uteri cyst
10050204 Skin breakdown
10050205 Carotid sinus syncope
10050206 Macrophage activation
10050207 Skin fibrosis
10050208 Teratospermia
10050209 Spinal cord ischaemia
10050210 Epiglottis ulcer
10050211 Tonsillar ulcer
10050212 Pancreatic nodule
10050213 Prophylaxis against postmenopausal osteoporosis
10050214 Pseudomembranous proctocolitis
10050215 Carnitine palmitoyltransferase deficiency
10050216 Paget-Schroetter syndrome
10050217 Cervical radiculopathy
10050218 Difficulty in standing
10050219 Lumbar radiculopathy
10050220 Malignant pleurisy
10050221 Ischialgia
10050222 Psychological disorder NOS
10050223 Carnitine palmityltransferase deficiency
10050224 Paget-von Schroetter syndrome
10050225 Effort thrombosis
10050226 Anaesthetic complication vascular NOS
10050227 Postoperative wound site erythema
10050228 Postoperative dizziness
10050229 Bucking, anesthesia related
10050230 Coughing on induction
10050231 Laryngospasm on emergence
10050232 Disorientation on emergence
10050233 Delirium on emergence
10050234 Cervical bleeding
10050235 Hypertension on emergence
10050236 Neck injury NOS
10050237 Operative spinal fusion
10050238 Spinal fusion NOS
10050239 Aptyalia
10050240 Asialia
10050241 Stress echocardiogram
10050242 Stress echocardiography
10050243 Axillary adenitis
10050244 Anti-platelet antibodies
10050245 Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
10050246 Postauricular lymphadenitis
10050247 Anal inflammation
10050248 Faecal volume decreased
10050249 Hygroma colli
10050250 Anaemia prophylaxis
10050251 Castleman's disease
10050252 Occipital lymphadenopathy
10050253 Inflamed anus
10050254 Decreased stool volume
10050255 Pancreas neoplasm NOS
10050256 Dysstasia
10050257 Cardiovascular deconditioning
10050258 Basilar migraine
10050259 Erythredema polyneuropathy
10050260 Bilderbeck's disease
10050261 Selter's disease
10050262 Swift disease
10050263 Swift-Feer disease
10050264 Feer's disease
10050265 Cartilage neoplasm NOS
10050266 Ureteral necrosis
10050267 Sudden hearing loss NOS
10050268 Congenital labia pudendi adhesions
10050269 Groin abscess
10050270 Kidney operation NOS
10050271 Lower limb fracture NOS
10050272 Renal function tests NOS normal
10050273 Renal function studies NOS abnormal
10050274 Renal function tests NOS
10050275 Casts urinary pigmented
10050276 Tubular cells in urine
10050277 Femoropopliteal artery bypass
10050278 Urine calcium increased
10050279 Cholestatic hepatic disorder
10050280 Self esteem decreased
10050281 Leukaemia relapse
10050282 Blast crisis in myelogenous leukaemia
10050283 Tumour ulceration
10050284 Melorheostosis
10050285 Acromioplasty
10050286 Aldolase
10050287 Ammonia
10050288 Androgens NOS
10050289 Angiotensin converting enzyme
10050290 Arteriogram NOS
10050291 Breath alcohol
10050292 Lung hernia
10050293 Reversal of sedation
10050294 Spleen congestion
10050295 Hearing aid wearer
10050296 Intervertebral disc protrusion
10050297 Joint operation NOS
10050298 Shoulder operation NOS
10050299 Hip operation NOS
10050300 Weight control
10050301 Dietary control
10050302 Low sodium diet
10050303 High calorie diet
10050304 Low fat diet
10050305 Cast application
10050306 Cast removal
10050307 Ureteral stent insertion
10050308 Iron replacement
10050309 HIV wasting syndrome
10050310 Serum procollagen type III N-terminal propeptide
10050311 Body surface area
10050312 Maximum heart rate
10050313 Diastolic left ventricular internal diameter
10050314 Enema administration
10050315 Physical examination NOS
10050316 Dental examination
10050317 Gynaecological examination
10050318 Neurological examination
10050319 Otic examination
10050320 Ophthalmological examination
10050321 Prostate examination
10050322 Oxygen supplementation
10050323 Bladder fistula repair
10050324 Rotator cuff repair
10050325 Wound drainage
10050326 Right ventricular hypertrophy
10050327 Dental surgery NOS
10050328 Cystorrhaphy
10050329 Coronary angioplasty
10050330 Herniated disc
10050331 Varicella-like rash
10050332 Potassium replacement
10050333 Sodium replacement
10050334 Physical therapy
10050335 Renal tubular dysfunction
10050336 Cerumen removal
10050337 Cerumen impaction
10050338 Gingival operation
10050339 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
10050340 Ear wax removal
10050341 Gingival surgery
10050342 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid
10050343 Alveolitis necrotising
10050344 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
10050345 Nasal candidiasis
10050346 Oropharyngeal candidiasis
10050347 Foetal acidosis
10050348 Genital infection NOS, female
10050349 Goldenhar's syndrome
10050350 Lung cyst benign
10050351 Alternation
10050352 Menstrual cycle prolonged
10050353 Miscarriage of partner
10050354 Necrosis of bronchioli
10050355 Paresis cranial nerve NOS
10050356 Postoperative hernia
10050357 Splenosis
10050358 Device blockage
10050359 Venipuncture site haemorrhage
10050360 Wallenberg syndrome
10050361 Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
10050362 Anovulvar fistula
10050363 Anthracosilicosis
10050364 Cardiopulmonary insufficiency
10050365 Fear of crowded places
10050366 Fear of eating
10050367 Haemangioendothelioma malignant
10050368 Haematoma post vessel puncture
10050369 Left ventricular overload
10050370 Nasal septal mucosa necrosis
10050371 Nasal septal inflammation
10050372 Paralysis median nerve
10050373 Paresis anal sphincter
10050374 Paresis median nerve
10050375 Paresis ulnar nerve
10050376 Paroxysmal atrial flutter
10050377 Skin ulcer haemorrhage
10050378 Total spinal block
10050379 Weakness of arms
10050380 Electrocardiogram T wave abnormal
10050381 Electrocardiogram T wave normal
10050382 Electrocardiogram T wave biphasic
10050383 Electrocardiogram P wave normal
10050384 Electrocardiogram P wave abnormal
10050385 Alveolitis necrotizing
10050386 Mechanical alternans
10050387 Thrombus in catheter
10050388 P wave changes
10050389 Cerebral ataxia
10050390 Abdominal operation NOS
10050391 Cardiac troponin T
10050392 Face injury
10050393 Hypercapnic encephalopathy
10050394 Hyperkaliuria
10050395 Neonatal oversedation
10050396 Subileus
10050397 Troponin I
10050398 Angiodysplasia of caecum
10050399 Chronic gastrointestinal bleeding
10050400 Vigilance decreased
10050401 Neonatal multi-organ failure
10050402 Abdominal X-ray NOS
10050403 Carotid artery dissection
10050404 Retroperitoneal infection
10050405 Artificial anus
10050406 Perichondritis NOS
10050407 Serology NOS
10050408 Serology abnormal
10050409 Serology positive
10050410 Serology negative
10050411 Serology normal
10050412 Syphilis test NOS
10050413 Urine leukocyte esterase
10050414 Homocysteine level
10050415 Homocysteine level increased
10050416 Protein C
10050417 Protein S
10050418 Double stranded DNA antibody
10050419 Sputum culture
10050420 Hepatitis viral test NOS
10050421 TB exposure
10050422 Percutaneous fistula
10050423 VDRL
10050424 Podiatric examination
10050425 Paternal drugs affecting foetus
10050426 Transmission of drug via breast milk
10050428 Fallopian tube abscess
10050429 Disinfectant poisoning
10050430 Chronic post rheumatic fever arthropathy
10050431 Lumbar root pain
10050432 Prophylaxis against heart transplant rejection
10050433 Prophylaxis against lung transplant rejection
10050434 Prophylaxis against liver transplant rejection
10050435 Prophylaxis against pancreas transplant rejection
10050436 Prophylaxis against renal transplant rejection
10050437 Prophylaxis against heart and lung transplant rejection
10050438 Prophylaxis against renal and pancreas transplant rejection
10050439 Sodium hypochlorite toxicity
10050440 Acute renal insufficiency
10050441 Chronic renal insufficiency
10050442 Laryngospasm on induction
10050443 Granulocytes maturation arrest
10050444 Microangiopathy NOS
10050445 Urine oxalate, quantitative
10050446 Urine uric acid, quantitative
10050447 Uterine infection NOS
10050448 Virus serology test NOS
10050449 Haemorrhoids necrosis
10050450 Uric acid high
10050451 Hospitalization NOS
10050452 Blood stem cell transplant
10050453 T-cell depletion
10050454 Donor leukocyte infusion
10050455 Refractoriness to platelet transfusion
10050456 Anastomotic leak
10050457 Pancreatic anastomotic leak
10050458 Biliary anastomotic leak
10050459 Pulmonary oedema neonatal
10050460 Skin lesion excision NOS
10050461 Endocardial ischemia
10050462 Feeling dazed
10050463 Pulmonary edema in newborn
10050464 Morbid thoughts
10050466 Peripancreatic fluid collection
10050467 Tongue biting
10050468 Haematosalpinx
10050469 Holt-Oram syndrome
10050470 Uncarthrosis
10050471 Achilles tendon pain
10050472 Bloated feeling general
10050473 Abscess limb
10050474 Abscess soft tissue
10050475 Vulva cyst
10050476 Testicular appendage torsion
10050477 Abscess leg
10050478 Feeling remorse
10050479 Genital labial cyst
10050480 Indecisiveness
10050481 Abscess hand
10050482 Jittery baby
10050483 Pain localised
10050484 Cement embolism
10050485 Joint swelling of hand
10050486 Acne conglobate
10050487 Pinealoblastoma
10050488 Arrhythmia sinus
10050489 Situs inversus thoracic organ
10050490 Papanicolaou smear normal
10050491 Papanicolaou smear positive
10050492 Bowel incontinence
10050493 Labor onset delayed
10050494 Vitamin B complex deficiency symptom
10050495 Allescheriasis
10050496 Reversible ischaemic neurological deficit
10050497 Eyelid tumour
10050498 Traction
10050499 Sinoscopy
10050500 Infected naevus
10050501 Lithium toxicity
10050502 Neuropathic ulcer
10050503 Driving ability disturbed
10050504 Leukopenia neonatal
10050505 Spinal fusion surgery
10050506 Spinal fusion acquired
10050507 Spinal fusion congenital
10050508 Scleral haemorrhage
10050509 Urinary bladder perforation intraoperative
10050510 Ventricular hypokinesia
10050511 Pisa syndrome
10050512 Intra-abdominal cancer advanced
10050513 Metastatic renal cell carcinoma
10050514 Erythema diutinum
10050515 Hyposmia
10050516 Anti-islet cell antibody
10050517 Autoantibody NOS
10050518 Blast cells NOS
10050519 Blood test NOS
10050520 Urine calcium
10050521 Cerebrovascular spasm
10050522 Chest tube insertion
10050523 Cold agglutinins
10050524 Cytomegalovirus antibody
10050525 Cytomegalovirus antibody positive
10050526 Cytomegalovirus antigen
10050527 Ejection fraction
10050528 Ejection fraction decreased
10050529 Hepatitis B surface antigen
10050530 Malignant muscle neoplasm NOS
10050531 Metabolic function test NOS
10050532 Occult blood NOS
10050533 Pain assessment
10050534 Trichostasis spinulosa
10050535 Urine cytomegalovirus
10050536 Urine cytomegalovirus positive
10050537 Protein total
10050538 Urine chloride
10050539 Mean platelet volume
10050540 Blood test normal
10050541 Cytomegalovirus antigen positive
10050542 Hepatitis B surface antigen negative
10050543 Metabolic function test NOS normal
10050544 Occult blood NOS negative
10050545 Haematotoxicosis
10050546 Smoke inhalation
10050547 Angina tonsillaris
10050548 CMV antigen positive
10050549 Cerebral thrombosis NOS
10050550 Retinal vascular thrombosis NOS
10050551 Lupus-like syndrome
10050552 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
10050553 Neurological examination abnormality
10050554 Gastric bypass NOS
10050555 Arm deformity NOS
10050556 Leg deformity NOS
10050557 Hand deformity NOS
10050558 Mitral valve calcification
10050559 Aortic valve calcification
10050560 Keith-Wagener-Barker retinopathy grade 1
10050561 Keith-Wagener-Barker retinopathy grade 2
10050562 Keith-Wagener-Barker retinopathy grade 3
10050563 Keith-Wagener-Barker retinopathy grade 4
10050564 Partial hearing loss
10050565 Early systolic murmur
10050566 Holosystolic murmur
10050567 Late systolic murmur
10050568 Systolic ejection murmur
10050569 Early diastolic murmur
10050570 Late diastolic murmur
10050571 Middiastolic murmur
10050572 Austin-Flint murmur
10050573 Presystolic murmur
10050574 Hypermelanosis
10050575 Hypomelanosis
10050576 Psoriasis vulgaris
10050577 Psoriatic plaque
10050578 Cutaneous fungal disease
10050579 Auditory canal polyp
10050580 Blepharal edema
10050581 Left ventricular enlargement
10050582 Right ventricular enlargement
10050583 Therapeutic reaction time decreased NOS
10050584 Contusion
10050585 Edentulous
10050586 Neurological reaction time decreased
10050587 Hypertension retinopathy grade 1
10050588 Hypertension retinopathy grade 2
10050589 Breast absent
10050590 Testicle absent
10050591 Isolated systolic hypertension
10050592 Arterial operation NOS
10050593 Venous operation NOS
10050594 Bone operation NOS
10050595 Limb operation NOS
10050596 Fracture treatment NOS
10050597 Breast operation NOS
10050598 Brain operation NOS
10050599 Autonomic nerve operation NOS
10050600 CSF shunt operation NOS
10050601 Peripheral nerve operation NOS
10050602 Corneal operation NOS
10050603 Eyelid operation NOS
10050604 Retinal operation NOS
10050605 Anorectal operation NOS
10050606 Large intestine operation NOS
10050607 Intestinal operation NOS
10050608 Pancreatic operation NOS
10050609 Small intestine operation NOS
10050610 Facial operation NOS
10050612 Uterine operation NOS
10050613 Vaginal operation NOS
10050614 Ureteric operation NOS
10050615 Urethral operation NOS
10050616 Diaphragmatic operation NOS
10050617 Nail operation NOS
10050618 Skin implant NOS
10050619 Fascial operation NOS
10050620 Muscle operation NOS
10050621 Tendon operation NOS
10050622 Anorectal operation
10050623 Esophageal operation
10050624 Biliary tract operation NOS
10050625 Liver operation NOS
10050626 Penile operation NOS
10050627 Pilonidal cyst pain
10050628 L4 spondylolisthesis
10050629 Alcohol detoxification
10050630 Digital necrosis
10050631 Postoperative hypertension
10050632 Postoperative hypotension
10050633 Awareness during anaesthesia
10050634 Unwanted awareness during anaesthesia
10050635 Hypotension on induction
10050636 Bronchospasm on induction
10050637 Skin tightness
10050638 Langer-Giedion syndrome
10050639 Allergic pharyngitis
10050640 Antithrombin III
10050641 Atrial pressure
10050642 Blood elastase
10050643 Calcium/creatinine ratio
10050644 Capillaroscopy
10050645 Cardioactive drug level NOS
10050646 Ceruloplasmin
10050647 Chemotherapeutic drug level NOS
10050648 Blood erythropoietin
10050649 CMV IgM antibody positive
10050650 Coxsackie virus antibody test
10050651 Culture NOS
10050652 Cytology NOS
10050653 Cytomegalovirus serology NOS
10050654 Toxicology NOS
10050655 Echovirus serology
10050656 Electrocardiogram PR interval
10050657 Epstein-Barr virus serology
10050658 Leukonychia
10050659 Lipase
10050660 Penile discharge
10050661 Platelet aggregation inhibition
10050662 Prostate infection
10050663 White blood cells urine
10050664 Viral load NOS
10050665 Zinc sulphate turbidity test
10050666 Virus antibody test NOS
10050667 Virus antibody test normal
10050668 Virus antibody test abnormal
10050669 CMV IgM antibody negative
10050670 Blood erythropoietin normal
10050671 Blood erythropoietin abnormal
10050672 Blood elastase increased
10050673 Blood elastase decreased
10050674 Calcium urine (24 hour sample)
10050675 Epithelial cells urine
10050676 Red blood cells urine
10050677 ANCA
10050678 Norepinephrine urine
10050679 Epinephrine urine
10050680 Echovirus test
10050681 Epstein-Barr virus test
10050683 Dopamine urine
10050684 Engraftment syndrome
10050685 Cytokine storm
10050686 White blood cells joint fluid increased
10050687 Cystitis-like symptom
10050689 Synovial fluid leukocytosis
10050690 Nodule on extremity
10050691 Alpha hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase
10050692 Anti-insulin antibody
10050693 Chemotherapy NOS
10050694 Congenital scoliosis
10050695 Electroretinogram
10050696 Exophthalmos congenital
10050697 Fallopian tube cyst
10050698 Hepatitis A screen
10050699 Herpes simplex antibody
10050700 Chronic respiratory disease NOS
10050701 Congenital pulmonary hypertension
10050702 Crush syndrome
10050703 Oesophageal manometry
10050704 Prostatic specific antigen
10050705 Radioisotope scan NOS
10050706 Retinopathy congenital
10050707 Scintigraphy NOS
10050708 Sputum cytology
10050709 Total fluid output
10050710 Urea urine
10050711 Urine phosphorus
10050712 Vitamin A
10050713 Vitamin D
10050714 Monoclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia NOS
10050715 Phosphorus low
10050716 Alpha hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase increased
10050717 Alpha hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase decreased
10050718 Radioisotope scan normal NOS
10050719 Radioisotope scan abnormal NOS
10050720 Vitamin A normal NOS
10050721 Vitamin A abnormal NOS
10050722 Vitamin A increased NOS
10050723 Vitamin A decreased NOS
10050724 Vitamin D increased NOS
10050725 Vitamin D decreased NOS
10050726 Vitamin D abnormal NOS
10050727 RI scan
10050728 Scintigraphy
10050729 Self-medication
10050730 Congenital acrochordon
10050731 Congenital anaemia NOS
10050732 Extremity contracture
10050733 Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A-1 ratio
10050734 Atrial natriuretic peptide
10050735 Blood isotope clearance
10050736 Haematotoxicity NOS
10050737 Collagen antigen type 1
10050738 Complement factor NOS
10050739 Erosive balanitis
10050740 Inability to crawl
10050741 Retro-orbital pain
10050742 Free thyroxine index
10050743 Haemodynamic test NOS
10050744 Haptoglobin
10050745 Beta 2 microglobulin
10050746 Free thyroxine index normal
10050747 Free thyroxine index abnormal
10050748 Free thyroxine index decreased
10050749 Free thyroxine index increased
10050750 Anoxic encephalopathy
10050751 Blood gastrin
10050752 Congenital cerebral anomaly NOS
10050753 ANP
10050754 Gastrin
10050755 B2 microglobulin
10050756 Radical prostatectomy
10050757 Creatinine urine increased
10050758 Helicobacter pylori antibody positive
10050759 Band neutrophil count increased
10050760 Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio increased
10050761 Red blood cell burr cells present
10050762 Candiduria
10050763 CSF glucose increased
10050764 Red blood cell hyperchromic morphology present
10050765 Metamyelocyte count increased
10050766 Myeloblast count increased
10050767 Promyelocyte count increased
10050768 Red blood cell siderocytes present
10050769 Synovial fluid white blood cells positive
10050770 Transferrin saturation decreased
10050771 Transferrin saturation increased
10050772 Specific gravity urine decreased
10050773 Specific gravity urine increased
10050774 Urine iron decreased
10050775 Urine iron increased
10050776 Emphysematous bulla
10050778 Walking aid user
10050779 Ventricular bigeminy
10050780 Ventricular trigeminy
10050781 Ventricular quadrigeminy
10050782 Erythrocytes decreased
10050783 Erythrocytes increased
10050784 Erythrocyturia
10050785 Fasting blood glucose decreased
10050786 Fasting blood glucose increased
10050787 Folic acid decreased
10050788 Folic acid increased
10050789 Hypochromasia
10050790 Kaluresis
10050791 Leukocyturia
10050792 Urine bilirubin increased
10050793 Casts urinary white cells
10050794 Casts urinary renal epithelial cells
10050795 Urine leukocyte esterase positive
10050797 Type I second degree atrioventricular block
10050798 Type II second degree atrioventricular block
10050799 Nonspecific ST segment change
10050800 Neurogenic pain
10050801 Nasotracheal aspiration
10050802 Endotracheal aspiration
10050803 Transtracheal aspiration
10050804 Kaliuresis
10050805 Urine mucous
10050806 Urinary renal tubular epithelial cells
10050808 Hyperchromasia
10050809 Walker user
10050810 Brace user
10050811 Cane user
10050812 Crutch user
10050813 Bigeminal pulse
10050814 Trigeminal pulse
10050815 Quadrigeminal pulse
10050816 Tracheal stenosis
10050817 Pruritus breast
10050818 Itching scar
10050819 Musculoskeletal chest pain
10050820 Oral dysaesthesia
10050821 Groin infection
10050822 Suprapubic pain
10050823 Lymph gland infection
10050824 Axillary lymphadenitis
10050825 Polymorphonuclear chromatin clumping
10050827 Drug level NOS
10050828 Heparin-induced platelet activation test
10050829 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia test
10050830 Lithotripsy NOS
10050831 Pancreas lipomatosis
10050832 Residual urine volume
10050833 Vanillyl mandelic acid urine
10050834 Culture peritoneum
10050835 Juxtaglomerular cell hyperplasia
10050836 Vanillyl mandelic acid urine decreased
10050837 Drug screen
10050839 Bartter's syndrome
10050840 Lithotripsy gallbladder
10050841 Hemorrhagic shock
10050842 Liver carcinoma ruptured
10050843 Genital labial lesion
10050844 Pancreatitis due to gallstones
10050845 Cardioactive drug level increased
10050846 Cardioactive drug level decreased
10050847 Digoxin level increased
10050848 Digoxin level decreased
10050849 Orthodontic appliance user
10050850 Joint prosthesis user
10050851 Middle ear prosthesis user
10050852 Hearing aid user
10050853 External ear prosthesis user
10050854 Breast prosthesis user
10050855 Testicular prosthesis user
10050856 Heart valvular prosthesis user
10050857 Dental prosthesis user
10050858 Corrective lens user
10050859 Artificial cardiac pacemaker user
10050860 Orbital implant user
10050861 Limb prosthesis user
10050862 Hand prosthesis user
10050863 Foot prosthesis user
10050864 Penile prosthesis user
10050865 Eye prosthesis user
10050866 Cosmetic body piercing
10050867 Hip prosthesis user
10050868 Knee prosthesis user
10050869 Shoulder prosthesis user
10050870 Ossicular prosthesis user
10050871 Breast implant user
10050872 Testicular implant user
10050873 Dental implant user
10050874 Contact lens wearer
10050875 Eyeglasses wearer
10050876 Leg prosthesis user
10050877 Arm prosthesis user
10050878 Penile implant user
10050879 Orthodontic appliance wearer
10050880 Joint prosthesis wearer
10050881 Middle ear prosthesis wearer
10050882 External ear prosthesis wearer
10050883 Breast prosthesis wearer
10050884 Testicular prosthesis wearer
10050885 Heart valvular prosthesis wearer
10050886 Dental prosthesis wearer
10050887 Artificial cardiac pacemaker wearer
10050888 Orbital implant wearer
10050889 Limb prosthesis wearer
10050890 Hand prosthesis wearer
10050891 Foot prosthesis wearer
10050892 Penile prosthesis wearer
10050893 Eye prosthesis wearer
10050894 Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive vasculitis
10050895 Drug screen negative
10050896 Naevus spider congenital
10050897 Portal hypertensive gastropathy
10050898 Oesophageal tamponade
10050899 Porcelain gallbladder
10050900 Increased ventricular preload
10050901 Increased ventricular afterload
10050902 Postoperative thrombosis
10050903 Postmenopausal symptoms
10050904 Cytolytic hepatitis
10050905 Decreased ventricular preload
10050906 Decreased ventricular afterload
10050907 Postmenopausal syndrome
10050908 Uvular spasm
10050909 Hyperkeratosis follicularis et parafollicularis
10050910 Bone marrow disorder NOS
10050911 Hyperkeratosis parafollicularis
10050912 Kyrle's disease
10050913 Hyperkeratosis follicularis et parafollicularis in cutem penetrans
10050914 Hepatitis B e antigen
10050915 HDL/cholesterol ratio
10050916 Immune agglutinins NOS
10050917 Immunofluorescence
10050918 Interleukin-6
10050919 Legionella infection NOS
10050920 Lymphocyte morphology NOS
10050921 Malaria antibody test
10050922 Megakaryocytes
10050923 Mycoplasma antibody
10050924 Myeloblast count
10050925 Norepinephrine
10050926 Osteocalcin
10050927 Platelet distribution width
10050928 Porphyria screen
10050929 Pyruvate kinase
10050930 Rickettsia NOS antibody
10050931 Ross river virus infection
10050932 Transaminase NOS
10050933 Transtubular potassium gradient
10050934 Interleukin-6 decreased
10050935 Megakaryocytes normal
10050936 Antidepressant drug clearance NOS
10050937 Antidepressant drug clearance increased
10050938 Antidepressant drug clearance decreased
10050939 Osteocalcin increased
10050940 Osteocalcin decreased
10050941 Toxoplasma serology
10050942 Methaemoglobin
10050943 Bone Gla protein
10050944 Bone Gla protein increased
10050945 Bone Gla protein decreased
10050946 BGP
10050947 Toxoplasma immunoglobulin G
10050948 Toxoplasma immunoglobulin M
10050949 Treponema pallidum antibody
10050950 Troponin NOS
10050951 Water loading test
10050952 HBeAG
10050953 Lower gastrointestinal haemorrhage
10050954 Activities of daily living impaired
10050955 Nerve operation NOS
10050956 Oral surgery NOS
10050957 Urine protein, quantitative
10050958 Borrelia burgdorferi antibody positive
10050959 Borreliosis antibody positive
10050960 Dyschesia
10050961 Myeloblast count decreased
10050962 Complement factor C3
10050963 Complement factor C4
10050964 Lymphocyte transformation test
10050965 Metamyelocyte count
10050966 Myelocyte count
10050967 Polymerase chain reaction
10050968 Promyelocyte count
10050969 Secretin test
10050970 Urine nitrogen
10050971 Vitamin E increased
10050972 Western blot test
10050973 Bone densitometry
10050974 Bronchial dilator level NOS
10050975 Congenital hydronephrosis
10050976 Eye exercises NOS
10050977 Hypocalciuria
10050978 Immunosuppressant drug level NOS
10050979 Lymphorrhoea
10050980 Adenovirus serology NOS
10050981 Complement factor C3 decreased
10050982 Complement factor C4 increased
10050983 Complement factor C4 decreased
10050984 Metamyelocyte count decreased
10050985 Myelocyte count increased
10050986 Myelocyte count decreased
10050987 Promyelocyte count decreased
10050988 Prothrombin time test
10050989 Schirmer's test
10050990 Spinal tap
10050991 Adenovirus test
10050992 PCR
10050993 Prothrombin test
10050994 Quick's test
10050995 Schirmer's blotting paper test
10050996 Rhabdomyolysis-induced renal failure
10050997 Spleen pain
10050998 ECG signs of ventricular hypertrophy
10050999 Blood creatine phosphokinase BB increased
10051000 Paracentesis NOS
10051001 Unilateral renal agenesis
10051002 Q axis, right axis deviation
10051003 Acute myelocytic leukaemia
10051004 Floppy infant
10051005 Sokolow-Lyon index positive
10051006 Plasma cell count
10051007 Transferrin saturation
10051008 Iron saturation
10051009 Artery NOS dissection
10051010 Duodenal varices
10051011 Fibrinous bronchitis
10051012 Gastric varices
10051013 Homans' sign
10051014 Post procedural bleeding
10051015 Radiation hepatitis
10051016 Sinusitis aspergillus
10051017 Staphylococcal bacteraemia
10051018 Streptococcal bacteraemia
10051019 Biliary tract infection NOS
10051020 Elbow injury
10051021 Foot injury
10051022 Mesenteric ischaemia
10051023 Toe injury
10051024 Wrist injury
10051025 Eagle Barrett syndrome
10051026 Croupous bronchitis
10051027 Plastic bronchitis
10051028 Membranous bronchitis
10051029 Pseudo-membranous bronchitis
10051030 Exudative bronchitis
10051031 Homans' sign positive
10051032 Radiation-induced liver disease
10051034 Amaurosis temporary
10051035 Prune belly syndrome
10051036 Triad syndrome
10051037 Shoulder muscle stiffness
10051039 Glycopeptide antibiotic resistant enterococcal infection
10051040 Hyper IgE syndrome
10051041 Feeding tube insertion
10051042 Plastic surgery NOS
10051043 Central line placement
10051044 Iris naevus
10051045 Eye naevus
10051046 Genitourinary operation NOS
10051047 Dental cleaning
10051048 Wrist operation NOS
10051049 Congenital iris naevus
10051050 Congenital eye naevus
10051051 Renal disease
10051052 Kidney disorder
10051053 Foot infection
10051054 Lung disease
10051055 Deep vein thrombosis
10051056 Joint surgery
10051057 Idiopathic thrombocytopenia
10051058 Macular hole
10051059 Oral surgery
10051060 Hip surgery
10051061 Renal surgery
10051062 Wrist surgery
10051063 Buckley's syndrome
10051064 Werlhof's syndrome
10051065 Vitreomacular traction syndrome
10051066 Gastrointestinal stromal tumour
10051067 Accelerated phase chronic myologenic leukaemia
10051068 Gallbladder empyema
10051069 Mastoid empyema
10051070 Idiopathic lenticular mucocutaneous pigmentation
10051071 Purulent pericarditis
10051072 Empyema articuli
10051073 Laugier-Hunziker syndrome
10051074 Pericardial empyema
10051075 Drug exposure via breast milk
10051076 Prescribed overdose
10051077 Post procedural haemorrhage
10051078 Lacunar infarction
10051079 Orthopedic procedure
10051080 Mycotic sepsis
10051081 Nodular regenerative hyperplasia
10051082 Therapy non-responder
10051083 Therapy responder
10051084 Exercise test with imaging
10051085 Endodontic procedure
10051086 Intraneural cyst
10051087 Cerebellar disorder NOS
10051088 Finger operation
10051089 Hand operation
10051090 Leg operation
10051091 Arm operation
10051092 Root canal procedure
10051093 Cardiopulmonary failure
10051094 Vascular access NOS complication
10051095 Intestinal fistula infection
10051096 Ileovaginal fistula
10051097 Rectovaginal fistula
10051098 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor foetopathy
10051099 Catheter site haemorrhage
10051100 Incision site haemorrhage
10051101 Puncture site haemorrhage
10051102 Tracheal decannulation
10051103 Tissue calcification NOS
10051104 Cervical root syndrome
10051105 Urine drug screen positive
10051106 Urine drug screen negative
10051107 Blood drug screen positive
10051108 Blood drug screen negative
10051109 Catheter site bleeding
10051110 Incision site bleeding
10051111 Glucose test site bleeding
10051112 ACE inhibitor fetopathy
10051113 Arterial restenosis
10051115 Antithrombin III increased
10051116 Foreign body sensation in eyes
10051117 Suture line pain
10051118 Drug ineffective for unapproved indication
10051119 Eye exam NOS
10051120 Protein S decreased
10051121 CD4/CD8 ratio increased
10051122 Acquired dysfibrinogenaemia
10051123 Congenital dysfibrinogenaemia
10051124 Hyperfibrinogenaemia
10051125 Hypofibrinogenaemia
10051126 Scleritis allergic
10051127 Allergic oedema NOS
10051128 Blood pressure inadequately controlled
10051129 Cheilitis granulomatosa
10051130 Congenital hepatomegaly
10051131 Mastoptosis
10051132 Meconium abnormal
10051133 Meconium in amniotic fluid
10051134 Nasal mucosal disorder NOS
10051135 Nerve root compression NOS
10051136 Foetal heart rate decreased
10051137 Foetal heart rate
10051138 Foetal heart rate increased
10051139 Foetal heart rate abnormal
10051140 Foetal heart rate normal
10051141 Myeloblastoma
10051142 Allergic angioedema
10051143 Blood bicarbonate low
10051144 Blood lactate dehydrogenase high
10051145 Blood parathyroid hormone high
10051146 Blood progesterone low
10051147 Congenital hydrocele renalis
10051148 Renal hydrocele NOS
10051149 Catheter occlusion
10051150 Perforated ulcer NOS
10051151 Hyperviscosity syndrome
10051152 Laugier-Hunziker-Baran syndrome
10051153 Diabetic gastroparesis
10051154 Self-injurious ideation
10051155 Hydremia
10051156 Ascites infection
10051157 Deoxypyridinoline/creatinine ratio
10051158 Electrocardiogram QRS complex shortened
10051159 Electrocardiogram T wave amplitude increased
10051160 Hepatitis B core antigen
10051161 Hyperglucagonaemia
10051162 Lymphoblast morphology NOS
10051163 Lymphoblast morphology normal
10051164 Lymphoblast morphology abnormal
10051165 Mycobacteria blood test
10051166 Parotid gland haemorrhage
10051167 Pleural infection NOS
10051168 Red cell distribution width
10051169 Splenic cyst
10051170 Plantar erythema
10051171 Tonic clonic movements
10051172 Coronary stent occlusion
10051173 Hyperglyceridaemia
10051174 Peripheral nerve disorder NOS
10051175 Ureteral stent occlusion
10051176 Premature recovery from anaesthesia
10051177 Electrocardiogram Q wave abnormal
10051178 Peristomal abscess NOS
10051179 Hypodipsia
10051180 Globus feeling in pharynx
10051181 Nasal odour
10051182 Postoperative abscess
10051183 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid in urine increased
10051184 Total spinal block unintentional
10051185 Unintentional dural puncture
10051186 Respiratory sighs
10051187 Transurethral resection syndrome
10051188 Electrocardiogram Q wave pathological
10051189 Gastric gland polyp
10051190 Pneumonia Pseudomonas aeruginosa
10051191 Accoucheur's hand
10051192 Roughness circumoral
10051193 Gastric gland cyst
10051194 Fundic gland polyp
10051195 Hyperplasia of gastric epithelial cells
10051196 Lump feeling in throat
10051197 Oxygen saturation immeasurable
10051198 Double vessel bypass graft
10051199 Hepatic artery stenosis
10051200 Pulmonary calcification
10051201 Congenital neurological disorder NOS
10051202 Congenital neuropathy NOS
10051203 Spinal muscular atrophy congenital
10051204 Lower motor neurone lesion NOS
10051205 Upper motor neurone lesion NOS
10051206 Pendulous breasts
10051207 Spinal amyotrophy
10051208 Nasal mucosa atrophy
10051209 Swollen tear duct
10051210 Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure decreased
10051211 Pulmonary toxicity NOS
10051212 Speech rehabilitation
10051213 Varicella exposure
10051214 Rubella exposure
10051215 Rubeola exposure
10051216 Metastatic trophoblastic disease
10051217 Speech therapy
10051218 Synchysis scintillans
10051219 Spermatic cord granuloma
10051220 Spermatic cord inflammation
10051221 Spermatic cord pain
10051222 Toxic oil syndrome
10051223 Adenoiditis
10051224 Akinaesthesia
10051226 Campylobacter infection
10051227 Chemodectoma
10051228 Chylothorax
10051229 Cryofibrinogenaemia
10051230 Eosinophiluria
10051231 Hypermethioniuria
10051232 Hyperphosphaturia
10051233 Hypophonesis
10051234 Urine calcium decreased
10051235 Madarosis
10051236 Perimetritis
10051238 Scleredema
10051239 No light perception
10051240 Cystoid macular edema
10051241 Descemetitis
10051242 Amnionitis
10051243 Elschnig's bodies
10051244 Dyschezia
10051245 Hypermethioninaemia
10051246 Photodermatosis
10051247 Amylophagia
10051248 Circumcised
10051249 Uncircumcised
10051250 Ureteritis
10051251 Xanthogranuloma
10051252 Pancreatolithiasis
10051253 Ochronosis
10051254 Abdominal wall infection
10051255 Adrenal gland abscess
10051256 Meningoencephalitis bacterial
10051257 Bladder leukoplakia
10051258 Bladder necrosis
10051259 Therapy naive
10051260 Adrenoleukodystrophy
10051261 Aphakic cystoid macular edema
10051262 Sclerodactylia
10051263 Bladder fistula
10051264 Blepharal carcinoma
10051265 Spondyloarthropathy
10051266 Phacosclerosis
10051267 Facial paresis
10051268 Anastomotic stenosis
10051269 Graft thrombosis
10051270 Glossopharyngeal nerve paralysis
10051271 Facial weakness
10051272 Facial muscle weakness
10051273 IXth nerve paralysis
10051274 Phenolsulfonphthalein test
10051275 Phenolsulfonphthalein test abnormal
10051276 Phenolsulfonphthalein test normal
10051277 Pseudodiverticulum
10051278 Papillomatosis
10051279 PSP test
10051280 PSP test normal
10051281 Sun tanning
10051282 Sun bathing
10051283 Fluid imbalance
10051284 Parenteral nutrition
10051286 Hyperhomocysteinaemia
10051288 Central nervous system inflammation
10051289 Purpura symptomatica
10051290 Central nervous system lesion
10051291 Cerebrospinal infection
10051292 Protein S deficiency
10051293 Blood viscosity increased
10051294 Red blood cell distribution width increased
10051295 Neurological infection
10051296 Periumbilical abscess
10051297 Soft tissue haemorrhage
10051298 Protein C deficiency
10051299 Cancer of lymph node
10051300 Palmoplantar oedema
10051301 Exercise tolerance decreased
10051302 RDW increased
10051303 Venous aneurysm NOS
10051304 Retinal bleeding
10051305 Arrhythmia prophylaxis
10051306 Hepatobiliary disease NOS
10051307 Ischaemic neuropathy
10051308 Radiation pericarditis
10051309 Haemorrhoid bleeding friction rub
10051310 Device implant NOS
10051312 Neutropenic fever
10051313 B-lymphocyte count decreased
10051314 Congenital great vessel anomaly NOS
10051315 Congenital hypoparathyroidism
10051316 SAPHO syndrome
10051317 Syphilis test positive
10051318 T-lymphocyte count decreased
10051319 Thrombin time abnormal
10051320 Thyroglossal cyst
10051321 Urine phosphate increased
10051322 Syphilis test negative
10051323 Urine phosphate decreased
10051324 Urine phosphate abnormal NOS
10051325 Urine phosphate normal
10051326 Ligament calcification
10051327 Pharmaceutical product complaint
10051328 Carotid aneurysm rupture
10051329 CMV antibody positive
10051330 T-cell count decreased
10051331 IgG kappa increased
10051332 Surgical procedure
10051333 Guanase increased
10051334 White blood cell morphology NOS abnormal
10051335 Gastrooesophageal heterotopia
10051336 Gastric inlet patch
10051337 Ectopic gastric mucosa
10051338 Gastric cell heterotopia
10051339 Primary graft dysfunction
10051340 Transplant abscess
10051341 Bile duct stenosis
10051342 Bile duct stenosis traumatic
10051343 Bile output decreased
10051344 Bile output abnormal
10051345 Bile output
10051346 Hyperglycaemia steroid-induced
10051347 Ureter abscess NOS
10051348 Gastric ulcer helicobacter
10051349 Cytomegalovirus gastroenteritis
10051350 Cytomegalovirus urinary tract infection
10051351 Gastritis fungal NOS
10051352 Gastritis bacterial NOS
10051353 Bronchitis bacterial NOS
10051354 Oesophagitis bacterial NOS
10051355 Aortic ectasy
10051356 Aspergillosis NOS
10051357 Bronchitis fungal NOS
10051358 Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder
10051359 CMV colitis
10051360 Acute respiratory decompensation
10051361 Adipositas
10051362 Stool culture positive for salmonella
10051363 Tachyarrhythmia absoluta
10051364 Hyperuricosuria
10051365 Never functioning graft
10051366 Kidney graft dysfunction
10051367 Liver graft dysfunction
10051368 Liver graft function delayed
10051369 Renal transplant abscess
10051370 Liver transplant abscess
10051371 CMV UTI
10051372 Injection site sclerosis
10051373 Wound haemorrhage
10051374 Joint crepitation
10051375 Aura NOS
10051376 Accidental overdose (nontherapeutic agent or chemical)
10051377 Enteritis haemorrhagic
10051378 Myofascial spasm
10051379 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome
10051380 Pneumonia aerobacter
10051381 Myeloma recurrence
10051382 Respiration abnormal NOS
10051383 Necrosis NOS
10051384 Bronchial mucus plug
10051385 Drug-induced headache
10051386 Wound bleeding
10051387 Catheter infection
10051388 Enterobacter cloacae pneumonia
10051389 Thrombin time normal
10051390 Thrombin time prolonged
10051391 Thrombin time shortened
10051392 Diapedesis
10051393 Thrombin clotting time abnormal
10051394 Allergic cystitis
10051395 Chondropathy NOS
10051396 Delayed engraftment
10051397 Bacteria NOS body fluid no organisms observed
10051398 Malignant neoplasm progression
10051399 Mechanical ileus
10051400 Urine amphetamine positive
10051401 Small bowel angioedema
10051402 Dysentery
10051403 Mitochondrial DNA deletion
10051404 Gastrostomy tube obstructed
10051405 Acupressure
10051406 Allergy to chemicals NOS
10051407 Amniotic infection syndrome of Blane
10051408 Arachnophobia
10051409 Biopsy artery
10051410 Bone marrow harvest
10051411 Buccal polyp
10051412 Biopsy chest wall
10051413 Biopsy diaphragm
10051414 Carbohydrate antigen 125 increased
10051415 Carbohydrate antigen 15-3 increased
10051416 Carbohydrate antigen 549
10051417 Carbohydrate antigen 549 increased
10051418 Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 increased
10051419 Carbohydrate antigen 27.29 increased
10051420 Thyroxin binding globulin increased
10051421 Thyroxin binding globulin decreased
10051422 Thyroxin binding globulin normal
10051423 Thyroxin binding globulin abnormal
10051424 Thyroxin binding globulin
10051425 Enterocutaneous fistula
10051426 Biopsy fallopian tube
10051427 Cancer antigen 125
10051428 Cancer antigen 15-3
10051429 Cancer antigen 19-9
10051430 Cancer antigen 27.29
10051431 Epithelioid leiomyoma
10051432 Febrile urine
10051433 Cancer antigen 125 increased
10051434 CA 125 increased
10051435 Cancer antigen 15-3 increased
10051436 CA 15-3 increased
10051437 Cancer antigen 549
10051438 CA 549
10051439 Cancer antigen 549 increased
10051440 CA 549 increased
10051441 Cancer antigen 19-9 increased
10051442 CA 19-9 increased
10051443 Cancer antigen 27.29 increased
10051444 CA 27.29 increased
10051445 Foetal warfarin syndrome
10051446 Transient acantholytic dermatosis
10051447 Retinopathy haemorrhagic
10051448 Hepatojugular reflux
10051449 Biopsy intestine
10051450 Iridocele
10051451 Iridoncus
10051452 Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
10051453 Biopsy ligament
10051454 Biopsy tendon
10051455 Malignant myopia
10051456 Mandibulofacial dysostosis
10051457 Mikulicz's disease
10051458 Myometritis
10051459 Imminent abortion
10051460 Interstitial plasma cell pneumonia
10051461 Milroy's disease
10051462 Trophoedema
10051463 Grover's disease
10051464 Franceschetti's syndrome
10051465 Mastalgia male
10051466 Myoplasty
10051467 Nephrectasia
10051468 Nitrituria
10051469 Nitrite urine present
10051470 Biopsy pancreas
10051471 Pancreatography NOS
10051472 Periorbital infection
10051473 Pharyngectomy
10051474 Phlebolith
10051475 Phleboplasty
10051476 Pneumocentesis
10051477 Post poliomyelitic contracture
10051478 Proctoparalysis
10051479 Proctoplasty
10051480 Proctotomy
10051481 Prognathism
10051482 Prostatomegaly
10051483 Prostatovesiculitis
10051484 Purulent synovitis
10051485 Neural cyst
10051486 Nipple pain male
10051487 Nipple pain female
10051488 Plasma cell dyscrasia
10051489 Posner-Schlossmann syndrome
10051490 Prostatodynia
10051491 Pyelolithotomy
10051492 Pyelotomy
10051493 Pylorectomy
10051494 Radiation prostatitis
10051495 Strawberry tongue
10051496 Rhinalgia
10051497 Rhinotracheitis
10051498 Amusia
10051499 Sialocele
10051500 Splenorrhaphy
10051501 Sternotomy
10051502 Tonsillar atrophy
10051503 Chondromatosis
10051504 Thelitis
10051505 Transcranial magnetic stimulation
10051506 Ureteral polyp
10051507 Urethral polyp
10051508 Urinary tract pain NOS
10051509 Biopsy uterus NOS
10051510 Venous lake
10051511 Viral diarrhoea
10051512 Viral myositis
10051513 Viral sinusitis
10051514 Biopsy vocal cord
10051515 Vocal cord cyst
10051516 Strabotomy
10051517 Trousseau's twitching
10051518 Chvostek's sign
10051519 Raspberry tongue
10051520 Sensory amusia
10051521 Submerged tonsil
10051522 Synovial chondromatosis
10051523 Synovial chondroma
10051524 Leukapheresis
10051525 Cytapheresis
10051526 Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
10051527 Focal laser coagulation
10051528 Scatter laser coagulation
10051529 Retinal laser photocoagulation
10051530 Scatter laser photocoagulation
10051531 Panretinal laser photocoagulation
10051532 Focal laser photocoagulation
10051533 Leukopheresis
10051534 Psychogenic impotence
10051535 Organic impotence
10051536 Intraoperative bleeding
10051537 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
10051538 Mitral valve sclerosis
10051539 Anal infection NOS
10051540 Anal fistula infection
10051541 Haemorrhoid infection
10051542 Bone fistula
10051543 Bone lesion NOS
10051544 Osteolytic lesion
10051545 Acquired bronchial cyst
10051546 Congenital bronchial cyst
10051547 Bronchial ulceration
10051548 Burn infection
10051549 Cardiac neoplasm unspecified
10051550 Carotidynia
10051551 Central nervous system infection NOS
10051552 Complement factor C1 decreased
10051553 Complement factor C1
10051554 Complement factor C1 increased
10051555 Complement factor C2 decreased
10051556 Complement factor C2
10051557 Complement factor C2 increased
10051558 Corneal bleeding
10051559 Corneal defect
10051560 Bronchial ulcer
10051561 Carotodynia
10051562 Cyst rupture NOS
10051563 Intestinal mucosal hypertrophy
10051564 Haematoma infection
10051565 Hepatic displacement
10051566 Fasting blood glucose
10051567 Hepatic vein obstruction
10051568 Chest wall abscess
10051569 Hard palate neoplasm
10051570 Soft palate neoplasm
10051571 Hepatic adenocarcinoma
10051572 Injection site discolouration
10051573 Fasting blood glucose abnormal
10051574 Fasting blood glucose normal
10051575 Palatal myoclonus
10051576 Generalised erythema
10051577 Dental treatment NOS
10051578 Hemoglobin A1C increased
10051579 Asthmatic attack atopic
10051580 Subacute fulminant hepatitis
10051581 White coat hypertension
10051582 Cervical discopathy
10051583 Wound NOS
10051584 Acquired bronchomalacia
10051585 Gastric antral vascular ectasia
10051586 Preshock
10051587 Myalgia of lower extremities
10051588 Physical deconditioning
10051589 Large intestine polyp
10051590 Hepatosplenic candidiasis
10051591 Steroid activity
10051592 Acute coronary syndrome
10051593 Blood cannabinoids NOS
10051594 Infectious disease prophylaxis NOS
10051595 Neoplasm progression NOS
10051596 Arteriovenous fistula infection
10051597 Cerebral aspergillosis
10051598 Chylomicrons
10051599 Diabetes mellitus management
10051600 Haemoglobin S
10051601 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia NOS
10051602 Laziness
10051603 Liver and pancreas transplant rejection
10051604 Lung transplant rejection
10051605 Lymphoblast count increased
10051606 Necrotising colitis
10051607 Neurapraxia NOS
10051608 Platelet count increased
10051610 Renal and pancreas transplant rejection
10051611 Somatosensory evoked potentials
10051612 Sputum culture positive
10051613 Brain stem herniation
10051614 Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
10051615 Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
10051616 Prophylaxis against cornea transplant rejection
10051617 White blood cell count low
10051618 17-hydroxycorticosteroid activity
10051619 Aspergillus infection NOS
10051620 Cytomegalovirus test positive
10051621 Cytomegalovirus test NOS
10051622 Cytomegalovirus test negative
10051623 Cannabinoids
10051624 Myocardial reperfusion injury
10051625 Conjunctival hyperaemia
10051626 Conjunctivitis bacterial NOS
10051627 Eyelids pruritus
10051628 Hyperaemia eyelid
10051629 Hyperemia eyelid
10051630 Erythema eyelid
10051631 Conjunctival papillae
10051632 No-reflow phenomenon
10051633 Coronary spastic angina
10051634 Abdominal wall cyst
10051635 Gastrointestinal tract adenoma
10051636 Salivary gland adenoma
10051637 Testicle adenoma
10051638 Urethral adenoma
10051639 Urinary bladder adenoma
10051640 Ammoniuria
10051641 Amniorrhexis
10051642 Scrotal angiokeratoma
10051643 Congenital multiplex arthrogryposis
10051644 Atrioventricular extrasystoles
10051645 Idiopathic neutropenia
10051646 Blood stem cell harvest
10051647 Cerebrospinal fistula
10051648 Encephalotomy
10051649 Chest wall cyst
10051650 Chilaiditi's syndrome
10051651 Dermatitis papillaris capillitii
10051652 Tongue dysplasia
10051653 Parathyroid gland enlargement
10051654 Intestinal cyst NOS
10051655 Large intestine fibroma
10051656 Oral fibroma
10051657 Ovarian fibrosis
10051658 Haemophilia carrier
10051659 Hepatic siderosis
10051660 Intranasal paraesthesia
10051661 Lipid proteinosis
10051662 Metastases to bone marrow
10051663 Metastases to chest wall
10051664 Metastases to abdominal wall
10051665 Metastases to diaphragm
10051666 Metastases to Eustachian tube
10051667 Metastases to gallbladder
10051668 Metastases to larynx
10051669 Metastases to mouth
10051670 Metastases to nasal sinuses
10051671 Metastases to oesophagus
10051672 Metastases to penis
10051673 Metastases to perineum
10051674 Metastases to peripheral nervous system
10051675 Metastases to peripheral vasculature
10051676 Metastases to peritoneum
10051677 Metastases to pharynx
10051678 Metastases to prostate
10051679 Metastases to rectum
10051680 Metastases to retroperitoneum
10051681 Metastases to salivary gland
10051682 Metastases to spleen
10051683 Metastases to testicle
10051684 Metastases to thorax
10051685 Metastases to trachea
10051686 Pachydermoperiostosis
10051687 Pituitary cyst
10051688 Pulmonary bulla
10051689 Retroperitoneum cyst
10051690 Urinary bladder sarcoma
10051691 Sympathicotonia
10051692 Upper respiratory fungal infection NOS
10051693 Urinary bladder atrophy
10051694 Vaginectomy
10051695 Pituitary gland enlargement
10051696 Metastases to meninges
10051697 Pulmonary valve regurgitation
10051698 McCune-Albright syndrome
10051699 Acne keloid
10051700 Folliculitis keloidalis
10051701 Keloidal folliculitis
10051702 Sycosis nuchae
10051703 Large bowel fibroma
10051704 Costovertebral angle tenderness
10051705 Hepatic cyst infection
10051706 Laryngeal erythema
10051707 Oculocerebrorenal syndrome
10051708 Lymphoma cutis
10051709 Gastrinoma malignant
10051710 Phaeochromocytoma malignant
10051711 Nasal neoplasm benign
10051712 Nasal cyst
10051713 Ota's naevus
10051714 Calciphylaxis
10051715 Nephrostomy tube placement
10051716 Peripheral blood stem cell apheresis
10051717 Erythrocytapheresis
10051718 Low density lipoprotein apheresis
10051719 Plateletpheresis
10051720 Percussion test
10051721 Percussion test abnormal
10051722 Percussion test normal
10051723 Fluctuance
10051724 Splenic infection NOS
10051725 Splenic candidiasis
10051726 White blood cell scan
10051727 Red blood cell scan
10051728 Bone erosion
10051729 Periosteal elevation
10051730 Pericardial cyst
10051731 Pharyngeal leukoplakia
10051732 Poisoning NOS
10051733 Portal vein stenosis
10051734 Hepatic vein stenosis
10051735 Protein S increased
10051736 Protein S abnormal
10051737 Protein S normal
10051738 Pulmonary cavitation
10051739 Pulmonary sepsis
10051740 Pyloric abscess
10051741 Pancreas infection
10051742 Retinal infarction
10051743 Galactography
10051744 Hepatic lesion NOS
10051745 Lenticular polychromasia
10051746 Lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage
10051747 Multiple endocrine neoplasia
10051748 Nasal turbinate edema
10051749 Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
10051750 Posterior urethral valve obstruction
10051751 Free plasma hemoglobin
10051752 Free plasma haemoglobin
10051753 Vascular calcification
10051754 Lowe's syndrome
10051755 Ota's nevus
10051756 Peripheral blood stem cell harvest
10051757 LDL apheresis
10051758 Leukocyte scan
10051759 WBC scan
10051760 Erythrocyte scan
10051761 RBC scan
10051762 Cortical bone erosion
10051763 Bone marrow oedema
10051765 Leukoaraiosis
10051766 Perineurial cyst
10051767 Prophylaxis against multiple organ transplant rejection
10051768 Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
10051769 Hemangioma-thrombocytopenia syndrome
10051770 Tarlov's cyst
10051771 White blood cell count high
10051772 Oddiplasty
10051773 Bile duct stent insertion
10051774 Ethmoid sinus surgery
10051775 Postmenopause
10051776 Adnexal mass
10051777 Staging laparotomy
10051778 Factor IX inhibition
10051779 Bone marrow toxicity
10051780 Hypoaesthesia teeth
10051781 Vestibular paralysis
10051782 Colitis herpes
10051783 Congenital abnormality prophylaxis
10051784 Gastritis herpes
10051785 Gastritis viral NOS
10051786 Intestinal transplant
10051787 Multiple organ transplant rejection
10051788 Sticky skin
10051789 Infusion associated symptoms
10051790 Helicobacter pylori gastritis
10051791 Gastritis viral
10051792 Infusion related reaction
10051793 Blood beta-D-glucan increased
10051794 Blood beta-D-glucan decreased
10051795 Blood beta-D-glucan abnormal
10051796 Blood beta-D-glucan normal
10051797 Skin tenderness
10051798 Postoperative constipation
10051799 Aponeurositis
10051800 Cervicitis human papilloma virus
10051801 HDL/cholesterol ratio increased
10051802 HDL/cholesterol ratio decreased
10051803 HDL/cholesterol ratio abnormal
10051804 HDL/cholesterol ratio normal
10051805 Endometrioma
10051806 Factor XII deficiency
10051807 Pseudosarcoma
10051808 Lymphoid tissue hyperplasia
10051809 Myelocytosis
10051810 Angiomyolipoma
10051811 Cerebral lymphoma
10051812 Small cell lymphocytic lymphoma
10051813 Myelemia
10051814 Eschar
10051815 Choledochoduodenostomy
10051816 Thyroglossal duct cyst
10051817 Palilalia
10051818 Encephalomalacia
10051819 Cyanopsia
10051820 Sordes
10051821 Retrognathia
10051822 Prostitute
10051823 Lumbar spine flattening
10051824 Cervical spine flattening
10051825 Excision of ampulla of Vater
10051826 Premenopause
10051828 Gastric neoplasm NOS
10051829 Sinus disorder NOS
10051830 Tongue neoplasm NOS
10051831 Abdominal aortic bruit
10051832 Aortic bruit
10051833 Iliac bruit
10051834 Dysostosis
10051835 Drepanocytosis
10051836 Perimenopausal symptoms
10051837 Skin induration
10051838 Adhesive tape allergy
10051839 Loss of lumbar lordosis
10051840 Loss of cervical lordosis
10051841 Exposure to allergen
10051842 Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein decreased
10051843 Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein increased
10051844 Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein abnormal
10051845 Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein normal
10051846 Angiodysplasia NOS
10051847 Lipomatosis NOS
10051848 Laryngeal cyst
10051849 Fallopian tube neoplasm NOS
10051850 Duodenal neoplasm NOS
10051851 Bladder injury NOS
10051852 Palmomental reflex
10051853 Secondary infection NOS
10051854 Secondary transmission
10051855 Primary infection NOS
10051856 Primary transmission
10051857 Blood alcohol test positive
10051858 Mean corpuscular volume decreased
10051859 Mean corpuscular volume increased
10051860 Left atrial enlargement
10051861 Incomplete left bundle branch block
10051862 Incomplete right bundle branch block
10051863 Gastric candidiasis
10051864 Marinesco-Radovici reflex
10051865 Palm-chin reflex
10051866 Tracheal neoplasm NOS
10051867 Tracheal injury
10051868 Ureteral neoplasm NOS
10051869 Urethral neoplasm NOS
10051870 Psoas sign
10051871 Sexual relationship change
10051872 Testicular injury
10051873 Vaginal relaxation
10051874 Pulmonary percussion test abnormality
10051875 Tangier disease
10051876 Testicular choriocarcinoma NOS
10051877 Testicular haemorrhage
10051878 Thyroid gland abscess
10051879 Tongue cyst
10051880 Tracheal calcification
10051881 Free thyroxine increased
10051882 Free T4 increased
10051883 Free thyroxine decreased
10051884 Free T4 decreased
10051885 Total body radiation therapy
10051886 Gastric necrosis
10051887 Splenic neoplasm
10051888 Syncope micturition
10051889 Abdominal spasm
10051890 Eczema impetiginous
10051891 Kaposi's varicelliform eruption
10051892 Abdominal wall neoplasm NOS
10051893 Acholia
10051894 Acinetobacter infection
10051895 Acute chest syndrome
10051896 Adrenomegaly
10051897 Promotion of peripheral circulation
10051898 Alloimmunisation NOS
10051899 Anaemic hypoxia
10051900 Benign congenital hypotonia
10051901 Bronchomalacia NOS
10051902 Cerebrovascular operation
10051903 Cholesterolosis NOS
10051904 Citrobacter infection
10051905 Coronavirus infection
10051906 Cowden's disease
10051907 Detoxification NOS
10051908 Endometrial ablation
10051909 Endometrial atrophy
10051910 Enterobacter infection
10051911 Enterococcal infection NOS
10051912 Physical treatment of lymphatic oedema
10051913 Cerebrovascular surgery
10051914 Cholesterosis
10051915 Cowden syndrome
10051916 Multiple hamartoma syndrome
10051917 Enteroviral infection NOS
10051918 Oesophagocardiomyotomy
10051919 Fusarium infection
10051920 Glomerulonephropathy
10051921 Haematinuria
10051922 Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome
10051923 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus infection NOS
10051924 Hypercholia
10051925 Intestinal adenocarcinoma
10051926 Kidney adenoma
10051927 Lactobacillus infection NOS
10051928 Lymphadenocyst
10051929 Lymphoplasia
10051930 Mesothelioma malignancy unspecified
10051931 Neisseria infection NOS
10051932 Diaphragm neoplasm
10051933 Lymphatic system neoplasm NOS
10051934 Oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia
10051935 Oesophageal polyp
10051936 Oocyte harvest
10051937 Osteorrhagia
10051938 Ovarian adenocarcinoma
10051939 Ovariocentesis
10051940 Pararenal pseudocyst
10051941 Peripheral nervous system neoplasm NOS
10051942 Peritoneal cyst
10051943 Pharyngeal polyp
10051944 Pituitary hypoplasia
10051945 Pleura carcinoma
10051946 Propionibacterium infection
10051947 Pyelocaliectasis NOS
10051948 Renal adenoma
10051949 Peritoneal sarcoma
10051950 Pleural sarcoma
10051951 Scimitar syndrome
10051952 Serratia infection NOS
10051953 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infection
10051954 Tendon neoplasm NOS
10051955 Tracheal pain
10051956 Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome
10051957 Tympanectomy
10051958 Ureteral spasm
10051959 Urinary bladder abscess
10051960 Uterine cervix ulcer
10051961 Uvulectomy
10051962 Uvulitis
10051963 Vulvar carcinoma
10051964 Yersinia infection NOS
10051965 Fibrothorax
10051966 Intranasal cyst
10051967 Lacrimal duct carcinoma
10051968 Leukemid
10051969 Liver adenocarcinoma
10051970 Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection
10051971 Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
10051972 Pterygium colli
10051973 Pulmonary hamartoma
10051974 Retroperitoneal carcinoma
10051975 Salivary gland carcinoma
10051976 Tonsillar carcinoma
10051977 Urethral rupture NOS
10051978 Enterococcus faecalis infection
10051979 Esophagocardiomyotomy
10051980 Hematinuria
10051981 Lynch syndrome
10051982 OAV syndrome
10051983 Mandibulofacial dysostosis with epibulbar dermosis
10051984 Trachealgia
10051985 Renal pelvis fistula
10051986 Pneumatosis
10051987 Ventricular wall thickening
10051988 Acute and transient psychotic disorder
10051989 Internal hernia
10051990 Cortical laminar necrosis
10051991 Hepatic artery occlusion
10051992 Lip erosion
10051993 Baboon syndrome
10051994 Pacemaker syndrome
10051995 Pulmonary failure
10051996 Phlebitis lower limb
10051998 Febrile infection
10051999 Anogenital dysplasia
10052000 Measles post vaccine
10052001 Teething pain
10052002 Tongue eruption
10052003 Erectile dysfunction NOS
10052004 Organic erectile dysfunction
10052005 Psychogenic erectile dysfunction
10052006 Spinal cord compression NOS
10052007 Infected epidermal cyst
10052008 Vomiting of medication
10052009 Tablet in vomitus
10052010 Congenital cyst NOS
10052011 Foetal cystic hygroma
10052012 Congenital teratoma
10052013 Spondylolysis
10052014 Fractionated bile acids
10052015 Cytokine release syndrome
10052016 Drug screen false positive
10052017 Drug-induced lymphocyte stimulation test
10052018 Facet joint block
10052019 Femoral artery occlusion
10052020 Anti-HBc antibody
10052021 Anti-HBc antibody positive
10052022 Anti-HBc antibody negative
10052023 Anti-HBe antibody
10052024 Anti-HBe antibody positive
10052025 Anti-HBe antibody negative
10052026 Anti-HBs antibody
10052027 Anti-HBs antibody positive
10052028 Anti-HBs antibody negative
10052029 Immunosuppressant drug level NOS decreased
10052030 Immunosuppressant drug level NOS increased
10052031 Pancreatic islets hyperplasia
10052032 Albright's disease
10052033 Absolute neutrophil count
10052034 Coprophagia
10052035 Islets of Langerhans hyperplasia
10052036 Postoperative ureteral leak
10052037 Cyclosporine toxicity
10052038 Ultrasound abdomen
10052039 Ultrasound abdomen abnormal
10052040 Ultrasound abdomen normal
10052041 Ultrasound pelvis
10052042 Ultrasound pelvis abnormal
10052043 Ultrasound pelvis normal
10052044 Insertion of implantable cardioverter device
10052045 Vaginal enlargement
10052046 Neural tube defect
10052047 Gastrointestinal disorder congenital NOS
10052048 Hepatitis B screen
10052049 Hepatitis C screen
10052050 Legionella NOS antibody
10052051 Legionella NOS serology test
10052052 No previous exposure to drug NOS
10052053 No reaction on previous exposure to drug
10052054 Retrospondylolisthesis NOS
10052055 Ross river virus serology test
10052056 Enterovirus serology test
10052057 Neuroborreliosis
10052058 Sigmoiditis
10052059 Retinal vein disorder NOS
10052060 Pain in spine
10052061 Megaesophagus
10052062 Prophylaxis against intestinal transplant rejection
10052063 Instillation site burning
10052064 Instillation site stinging
10052065 Chronic phase chronic myeloid leukaemia
10052066 Metabolic syndrome
10052067 Latent tetany
10052069 Cardiac syndrome X
10052070 Metabolic syndrome X
10052071 Club toe
10052072 Fibrosing colonopathy
10052073 Juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
10052074 Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis NOS
10052075 Acquired epileptic aphasia
10052076 Haemodynamic instability
10052077 Vagal nerve stimulator implantation
10052078 Vagal nerve stimulator removal
10052079 Nose prosthesis insertion
10052080 Gastroduodenal endoscopic therapy
10052082 Batten's disease
10052083 Landau-Kleffner syndrome
10052084 High weight
10052085 Haemorrhagic transformation due to acute stroke
10052086 Coronary arterial stent insertion
10052087 Oscillopsia
10052088 Foetal cardiac disorder
10052089 Ovarian operation
10052090 Vascular bypass graft NOS
10052091 Jejunostomy malfunction
10052093 Somogyi phenomenon
10052094 Fallopian tube disorder
10052095 Shunt malfunction NOS
10052096 Hydrometra
10052097 Dawn phenomenon
10052098 Iodine allergy
10052099 Serum serotonin decreased
10052100 Beta haemolytic streptococcal infection
10052101 Glycopeptide antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection
10052102 Lisp
10052103 Metacarpal joint disorder
10052104 Dry heaves
10052105 Gastrointestinal hypomotility
10052106 Rhinosinusitis
10052107 Broken blood vessel in eye
10052108 Pancreatic duct stone
10052109 Uterine cramps
10052110 Bronchopulmonary infection
10052111 Ovarian surgery
10052112 Fluid in uterus
10052113 Malignant syndrome NOS
10052114 Conjunctival bleb
10052115 Corneal bleb
10052116 Corneal clouding
10052117 Corneal decompensation
10052118 Corneal striae
10052119 Cyclitic membrane
10052120 Corneal cyst NOS
10052121 Conjunctival discharge
10052122 Dellen
10052123 Lid margin discharge
10052124 Meibomian gland discharge
10052125 Intraocular lens dislocation
10052126 Vitreous fibrin
10052127 Anterior chamber flare
10052128 Glare
10052129 Ciliary hyperaemia
10052130 Episcleral hyperaemia
10052131 Eyelid margin hyperaemia
10052132 Eyelid margin crusting
10052133 Intraocular lens repositioning
10052134 Pigment dispersion syndrome
10052135 Ear canal erythema
10052136 Ear congestion
10052137 Ear discomfort
10052138 Ear pruritus
10052139 Eye oedema
10052140 Eye pruritus
10052141 Eyelid scales
10052142 Blanching
10052143 Ocular discomfort
10052144 Retinal pseudomembrane
10052145 Vitreous aspiration
10052146 Vitreous aspiration abnormal
10052147 Vitreous aspiration normal
10052148 Aqueous aspiration
10052149 Aqueous aspiration abnormal
10052150 Aqueous aspiration normal
10052151 Follicular conjunctivitis
10052152 Conjunctival cicatrix
10052153 Sticky eye sensation
10052154 Tympanic membrane hyperaemia
10052155 Fuchs' dimples
10052156 IOL dislocation
10052157 Meibomitis
10052158 IOL repositioning
10052159 Eardrum hyperaemia
10052160 Burning esophagus
10052161 Thermal burn of esophagus
10052162 Application site discharge
10052163 Application site scabbing
10052164 Application site skin breakdown
10052165 Elevated insulin-like growth factor I
10052166 Angiokeratoma NOS
10052167 Baker's cyst excision
10052168 Bone cyst excision
10052169 Breast cyst excision
10052171 Peritoneal carcinoma
10052172 Cerebral cyst excision
10052173 Cerebrospinal thrombotic tamponade
10052174 Dermoidectomy
10052175 Empedobacter brevis infection
10052176 Gammopathy NOS
10052177 Intranasal numbness
10052178 Lymphocytic lymphoma
10052179 Mouth cyst excision
10052180 Pharyngeal neoplasm NOS
10052181 Oculopharyngeal dystrophy
10052182 Vaginal papilloma
10052183 Parotid cyst excision
10052184 Pilonidal cyst excision
10052185 Pseudohyperkalaemia
10052186 Radiotherapy to bone NOS
10052187 Radiotherapy to breast NOS
10052188 Radiotherapy to ear NOS
10052189 Radiotherapy to nose NOS
10052190 Radiotherapy to throat NOS
10052191 Radiotherapy to gastrointestinal tract NOS
10052192 Radiotherapy to lung NOS
10052193 Radiotherapy to pancreas NOS
10052194 Radiotherapy to prostate NOS
10052195 Radiotherapy to skin NOS
10052196 Radiotherapy to brain NOS
10052197 Radiotherapy to thyroid NOS
10052198 Radiotherapy to urinary bladder NOS
10052199 Radiotherapy to uterus NOS
10052200 Respiratory syncytial virus infection NOS
10052201 Uterine cystectomy
10052202 Vaginal cyst excision
10052203 Fungus NOS stool identified
10052204 Ovarian carcinosarcoma
10052205 Elevated IGF
10052206 Dermoid cyst excision
10052207 Radiotherapy to spine NOS
10052208 Yeast in stool identified
10052209 Klebsiella pneumoniae infection
10052210 Infantile genetic agranulocytosis
10052211 Oesophageal rupture
10052212 Organ transplant NOS
10052213 Kostmann's syndrome
10052214 Thought broadcasting
10052215 Leucine aminopeptidase decreased
10052216 Thymol turbidity test decreased
10052217 Thymol turbidity test increased
10052219 Basophil percentage decreased
10052220 Basophil percentage increased
10052221 Eosinophil percentage decreased
10052222 Eosinophil percentage increased
10052223 Neutrophil percentage decreased
10052224 Neutrophil percentage increased
10052225 Myeloblast percentage decreased
10052226 Myeloblast percentage increased
10052227 Myelocyte percentage decreased
10052228 Myelocyte percentage increased
10052229 Monocyte percentage decreased
10052230 Monocyte percentage increased
10052231 Lymphocyte percentage decreased
10052232 Lymphocyte percentage increased
10052233 Mycobacterium kansasii pneumonia
10052234 Citrate toxicity
10052235 Transfusion-related acute lung injury
10052236 Cerebral atrophy congenital
10052237 Drug detoxification
10052238 Escherichia urinary tract infection
10052239 Full blood count increased
10052240 Septicaemia candida
10052241 Aural cystadenoma
10052242 Nephroangiosclerosis
10052243 Tumour associated fever
10052244 Thromboendarterectomy
10052245 Bronchial neoplasm
10052246 Gallbladder abscess
10052247 Bronchial neoplasm benign
10052248 Salivary gland cyst
10052249 Dialysis device complication
10052250 Circumoral oedema
10052251 Respiratory tract congestion
10052252 Upper respiratory tract congestion
10052253 Catheter related complication
10052254 Hepatic impairment
10052255 Catheter blockage
10052256 Catheter leakage
10052257 Blood clot in dialyzer line
10052259 Artificial kidney clotting during dialysis
10052260 Blood leak in dialyzer
10052261 Clotting of extracorporeal circuit
10052262 Catheter site ecchymosis
10052263 Catheter site edema
10052264 Catheter site erythema
10052265 Catheter site hematoma
10052266 Catheter site hemorrhage
10052267 Catheter site inflammation
10052268 Catheter site pain
10052269 Catheter site phlebitis
10052270 Catheter site pruritus
10052271 Catheter site rash
10052272 Catheter site urticaria
10052273 Dystrophic calcification
10052274 Hepatopulmonary syndrome
10052275 Ureteral stent removal
10052276 Pseudodementia
10052277 Small intestine transplant
10052278 Renal and pancreas transplant
10052279 Renal and liver transplant
10052280 Liver and small intestine transplant
10052281 Injury asphyxiation
10052282 Markedly reduced dietary intake
10052283 Markedly increased dietary intake
10052285 Focal nodular hyperplasia
10052286 High-pitched crying
10052287 Urinary occult blood positive
10052288 Morton's neuralgia
10052289 Myocardial bridging
10052290 Keratolysis exfoliativa congenital
10052291 Keratolysis exfoliativa acquired
10052292 Thoracic disc degeneration
10052293 Haemorrhagic anaemia
10052294 Hemorrhagic anemia
10052295 Systremma
10052296 Coronary myocardial bridging
10052297 Hepatitis B e antigen negative
10052298 Urethral infection
10052299 Urethral carbuncle
10052300 Urine chloride increased
10052301 Vaginal cellulitis
10052302 Impaired work ability
10052303 Self injurious behavior
10052304 Verbally abused
10052305 Popliteal stenosis
10052306 Periprosthetic osteolysis
10052307 Bordetella infection
10052308 Caffeine consumption
10052311 Ovarian germ cell cancer NOS
10052312 Kaufman-McKusick syndrome
10052313 Liddle's syndrome
10052314 Lymphatic disorder
10052315 Lymphatic obstruction
10052316 Majocchi's purpura
10052317 Mikulicz's syndrome
10052318 Myocardial reinfarction
10052319 Nasal flaring
10052320 Enterovaginal fistula
10052321 Epididymal calculus
10052322 Epididymal enlargement
10052323 Epididymal tenderness
10052324 Epstein-Barr virus antibody positive
10052325 Exercise capacity decreased
10052326 Femoral artery dissection
10052327 Large intestinal ulcer NOS haemorrhage
10052328 Hepatitis B core antigen positive
10052329 Hepatitis B e antigen positive
10052330 Herpes oesophagitis
10052331 Leukocyte antigen B-27 positive
10052332 Jejunitis
10052333 Electrocardiogram ST-T segment abnormal
10052334 Brain mass
10052335 Xyphoid retraction
10052336 Supraclavicular retraction
10052337 Diastolic dysfunction
10052338 LDL/HDL ratio decreased
10052339 Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
10052340 Decreased insulin requirement
10052341 Impaired insulin secretion
10052342 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type III
10052343 Colpectomy
10052344 Left ventricular strain pattern
10052345 Unequal arm length
10052346 Brain contusion
10052347 Left lower quadrant pain
10052348 Left ventricular heave
10052349 Monospot test positive
10052350 Multifocal atrial tachycardia
10052351 Iritic melanoma
10052352 Chemical pleurodesis
10052353 Junctional arrhythmia
10052354 Nasal turbinate abnormality
10052355 Nasal disorder NOS
10052356 Lymphatic cyst
10052357 Lewandowsky-Lutz disease
10052358 Colorectal cancer metastatic
10052359 Gingival abscess
10052360 Colorectal adenocarcinoma
10052361 HIV post exposure prophylaxis
10052362 Metastatic colorectal cancer
10052363 Epstein-Barr virus antigen positive
10052364 Semen discolouration
10052365 Deep mycosis
10052366 Systemic mycosis
10052367 Meningeal leukaemia
10052368 Leukaemic infiltration pulmonary
10052369 Encephalitis lethargica
10052370 Cerebral hygroma
10052371 Ventricular assist device insertion
10052372 Back stiffness
10052373 Triglycerides high
10052374 Left ventricular assist device insertion
10052375 Right ventricular assist device insertion
10052376 Pancreatobiliary sphincterotomy
10052377 Pancreatic sphincterotomy
10052378 Biliary sphincterotomy
10052379 Sphincterotomy of Oddi's sphincter
10052380 Malleolus oedema
10052381 Primary adrenal insufficiency
10052382 Secondary adrenal insufficiency
10052383 Dilatation intrahepatic duct acquired
10052384 Biliary cyst
10052385 Rachiotomy
10052386 Intestinal hypomotility
10052387 Ovarian failure secondary
10052388 Ectopic GH syndrome
10052389 Pre-surgical treatment of acromegaly
10052390 Laryngeal dyspnoea
10052391 Convulsion in childhood
10052392 Microlithiasis NOS
10052393 Borderline mental impairment
10052394 Self esteem inflated
10052395 First trimester pregnancy
10052396 Second trimester pregnancy
10052397 Third trimester pregnancy
10052398 Stature tall
10052399 Neuroendocrine tumour
10052400 Oedematous pancreatitis
10052401 Vomiting post chemotherapy
10052402 Gastrointestinal hypermotility
10052403 Frequent headaches
10052404 Impaired self-care
10052405 Gastric hypomotility
10052406 Gastric hypermotility
10052407 Paraesthesia foot
10052408 Paraesthesia upper limb
10052409 Paraesthesia lower limb
10052410 Unilateral leg pain
10052411 Irradiating pain
10052412 Lancinating pain
10052413 Sexual function decreased
10052414 Unilateral carpal tunnel syndrome
10052415 Unilateral renal calculus
10052416 Hairy skin itching
10052417 Hemithyroidectomy
10052418 Bilateral abnormal vision
10052419 Unilateral abnormal vision
10052421 Mesenteric carcinoid syndrome
10052422 Colic carcinoid syndrome
10052423 Small intestine carcinoid syndrome
10052424 HbA1C increased
10052425 HbA1C decreased
10052426 Glucose intolerance
10052427 Nocturnal perspiration
10052428 Wound
10052429 Acute lumbago
10052430 Chronic lumbago
10052431 Euthymia
10052432 Unequal leg length
10052433 Paraesthesia ear
10052434 Ear canal abrasion
10052435 Ear NOS abrasion
10052436 Hypertrophic pachymeningitis
10052437 Nasal discomfort
10052438 Paranasal sinus discomfort
10052439 Erythema ear canal
10052440 Erythema ear
10052441 Cerebral pachymeninx hypertrophy
10052442 Radicular syndrome
10052443 Myofascitis
10052444 Bulbitis of duodenum
10052446 Nitritoid crisis
10052447 False colonic obstruction
10052448 Ocular neoplasm
10052449 Orgasmic sensation decreased
10052450 Ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency
10052451 Osteoporosis circumscripta cranii
10052452 Osteoporosis-pseudoglioma syndrome
10052453 Palatal disorder
10052454 Palatal dysplasia
10052455 Paraesophageal abscess
10052456 Paraovarian cyst
10052457 Perineal abscess
10052458 Periorbital abscess
10052459 Polysubstance abuse
10052460 Primary sequestrum
10052461 Secondary sequestrum
10052462 Tertiary sequestrum
10052463 Total lung capacity increased
10052464 Electrocardiogram repolarisation abnormality
10052465 Congenital poikiloderma
10052466 Salpingo-oophorec abscess
10052467 Ophthalmic medication residue
10052468 Red blood cell antibody positive
10052469 Postictal paralysis
10052470 Postictal headache
10052471 Iliac vein thrombosis
10052472 Anticonvulsant toxicity
10052473 Factor III deficiency
10052474 Factor X deficiency
10052475 Age indeterminate myocardial infarction
10052476 Fructose semen decreased
10052477 Fructose semen increased
10052478 Seminal vesicular disorder
10052479 Seminal vesicular calculus
10052480 Seminal vesicular cyst
10052481 Shoulder deformity NOS
10052482 Kidney absent
10052483 Spur cell anaemia
10052484 Testicular embryonal carcinoma NOS
10052485 Thyroglossal cyst infection
10052486 Choroidal sclerosis
10052487 Pacemaker spike
10052488 Oesophageal ulcer perforation
10052489 Abdominal rebound tenderness
10052490 Nitrofurantoin crystalluria
10052491 Strumpell's disease
10052492 Tinel's sign
10052493 Retrospondylolisthesis
10052494 Somogyi effect
10052495 Orthostatic presyncope
10052496 Oxalate crystalluria
10052497 Large intestinal ulcer perforation
10052498 Small intestinal ulcer perforation
10052499 Cope's sign
10052500 Reciprocal beat
10052501 Detachment of retinal pigment epithelium
10052502 Splenic flexure syndrome
10052503 Streptobacillus infection NOS
10052504 Ogilvie's syndrome
10052505 Schuller's disease
10052506 Palatal lesion
10052507 Palatal nodule
10052508 Palatinus torus
10052509 Electrocardiogram repolarization abnormality
10052510 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
10052511 Shoulder-girdle syndrome
10052512 Spur cell anemia
10052513 Ornithine carbamoyltransferase deficiency
10052514 Age indeterminate anterior myocardial infarction
10052515 Age indeterminate inferior myocardial infarction
10052516 Age indeterminate lateral myocardial infarction
10052517 Age indeterminate posterior myocardial infarction
10052518 FTA present
10052519 RPR syphilis test positive
10052520 Rapid plasma reagin test positive
10052521 Nasal sinus drainage
10052529 Prolonged morning erection
10052530 Fracture of penis
10052531 Testis discomfort
10052532 Incisional drainage
10052533 Electroretinogram abnormal
10052534 Large intestinal haemorrhage
10052535 Small intestinal haemorrhage
10052536 Bowel peristalsis increased
10052537 Bowel peristalsis decreased
10052538 Adverse drug reaction NOS
10052539 Myosin light chain increased
10052540 Elevation in serum phospholipid
10052541 Gastric volvulus
10052542 Excessive sexual fantasies
10052543 Diuretic effect
10052544 Paraesthesia of genital male
10052545 Flu symptoms
10052546 Paraesthesia of penis
10052550 Liver induration
10052553 Hepatitis acute toxic
10052554 Foetor hepaticus
10052556 Deafness bilateral
10052557 Otitis externa fungal
10052558 Otitis externa NOS
10052562 High income
10052563 Imprisoned
10052564 Childhood sexual assault victim
10052565 Murderer
10052568 Urticaria chronic
10052569 Urticaria generalised
10052570 Urticaria drug-induced
10052571 Urticaria vibratory
10052572 Urticaria pressure
10052573 Hyperkeratosis palmaris and plantaris
10052574 Hairy oral leukoplakia
10052575 Xanthoma multiplex
10052576 Pruritus generalised
10052577 Pure dermal mastocytosis
10052578 Nettleship's disease
10052579 Leukoplakia buccalis
10052580 Leukoplakia labialis
10052581 Leukoplakia lingualis
10052582 Subacute generalised exfoliative dermatitis
10052583 Chronic generalised exfoliative dermatitis
10052584 Wilson-Brocq's disease
10052585 Erythema annulare rheumaticum
10052586 Lichen sclerosis atrophicus
10052587 Periorificial lentiginosis
10052588 Skin and subcutaneous tissue abscess NOS
10052589 Rheumatic purpura
10052590 Bateman's purpura senilis
10052591 Enteral nutrition
10052592 Gastrostomy tube insertion
10052593 Meningorrhagia
10052594 Periventricular leukomalacia
10052595 Tube placement for enteral nutrition
10052596 Nosocomial pneumonia
10052597 Coronary stent placement
10052598 Meningeal bleeding
10052599 Bone marrow dysplasia
10052600 Saline infusion sonohysterography
10052601 Ultrasound uterus
10052602 Ultrasound ovary
10052603 Transvaginal ultrasound scan
10052604 Saline infusion sonogram
10052605 Saline infusion ultrasound scan
10052606 Fanconi syndrome congenital
10052607 Fanconi syndrome acquired
10052608 Skin cosmetic procedure
10052609 Glabellar frown lines
10052610 Frown lines
10052611 Crow's feet
10052612 Venoocclusive disease NOS
10052613 Allergic bronchitis
10052614 Comminuted fracture
10052615 Acquired deformity NOS
10052616 Intraoperative care
10052617 Postoperative care
10052618 Preoperative care
10052620 Intraoperative complications
10052621 Oroticaciduria
10052622 Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency
10052623 Acquired pyrimidine metabolism disorder
10052624 Burnett syndrome
10052625 Anorectic
10052626 Adipositas per magna
10052627 Type III diabetes mellitus
10052628 J type diabetes
10052629 Z type diabetes
10052630 Jamaica type diabetes mellitus
10052631 Orotic aciduria
10052640 Mitochondrial DNA duplication
10052641 Mitochondrial DNA mutation
10052642 Iris coloboma
10052643 Retinal coloboma
10052644 Congenital pulmonary valve atresia
10052645 Thymus hypoplasia
10052646 Chromosomal deletion NOS
10052647 Chromosomal mutation NOS
10052648 Cancer gene carrier
10052649 Primary hypogonadism
10052650 Idiopathic cardiomegaly
10052651 Afibrinogenaemia
10052652 Happy puppet syndrome
10052653 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis gene carrier
10052654 Asymptomatic gene carrier NOS
10052655 Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene carrier
10052656 Cystic fibrosis carrier
10052657 Fragile X carrier
10052658 Macrognathia
10052659 Primary hypogenitalism
10052660 Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism
10052661 Testicular operation
10052662 Thalamotomy
10052663 Biopsy blood vessel
10052664 Vascular shunt
10052665 Suture insertion
10052666 Epiglottidectomy
10052667 Hemilaryngectomy
10052668 Laryngorrhaphy
10052669 Vocal cordectomy
10052670 Laryngopharyngectomy
10052671 Eye muscle operation
10052672 Zonulolysis
10052673 Wound irrigation
10052674 Wound packing
10052675 Vocational rehabilitation
10052676 Reading rehabilitation
10052677 Vascular imaging
10052678 Vascular test NOS
10052679 Vascular cauterisation
10052680 Vascular catheter specimen collection
10052681 Valvuloplasty cardiac
10052682 Uvuloplasty
10052683 Uterine tumour excision
10052684 Urological examination
10052685 Urodynamics measurement
10052686 Ureteroneocystostomy
10052687 Ureterocelectomy
10052688 Ureteral meatotomy
10052689 Ureteral catheterisation
10052690 Tricuspid valve repair
10052691 Pulmonary valve repair NOS
10052692 Aortic valve repair NOS
10052693 Transurethral bladder resection
10052694 Tracheoscopy
10052695 Tracheal operation NOS
10052696 Tracheal fistula repair
10052697 Trabeculoplasty
10052698 Catheterisation venous
10052699 Tongue operation NOS
10052700 Tilt table test
10052701 Thyroid operation NOS
10052702 Thyroxine therapy
10052703 Thoracic operation
10052704 Thoracic outlet surgery
10052705 Therapeutic procedure NOS
10052706 Drug therapy changed
10052707 Leukocyte scintigraphy
10052708 Erythrocyte scintigraphy
10052709 Portal systemic shunt
10052710 Wound curettage
10052711 Vascular cauterization
10052712 Uterine benign neoplasm removal
10052713 Uterine malignant neoplasm removal
10052714 Femoral-popliteal shunt
10052715 Mesocaval shunt
10052716 Peritoneovenous shunt
10052717 Systemic-pulmonary artery shunt
10052718 Subclavian pulmonary artery shunt
10052719 Uroflowmetry
10052720 Totally implanted venous catheterisation
10052721 Partially implanted venous catheterization
10052735 Medically prescribed overdose
10052744 High risk pregnancy
10052746 Uterine adenocarcinoma
10052747 Adenocarcinoma pancreas
10052748 Bacterial allergy
10052749 Diaphragmalgia
10052750 Ear infection viral NOS
10052751 Bronchial prosthesis insertion
10052752 Accessory liver lobe
10052753 Fibrous cortical defect
10052754 Haemophilic arthritis
10052755 Heart valve stenosis NOS
10052756 Intestinal polypectomy
10052757 Micromastia
10052758 Mycotic allergy
10052759 Ovarian dysgerminoma stage unspecified
10052760 Phlebosclerosis
10052761 Pleurisy viral
10052762 Septic necrosis
10052763 Torsion of the urethra
10052764 Oral polypectomy
10052765 Pancreatic duct obstruction
10052773 Oroticaciduria congenital
10052784 Retinal migraine
10052786 Masugi's nephritis
10052787 Migraine without aura
10052788 Fulminant meningococcemia
10052789 Coronary restenosis
10052792 Schizophrenia, undifferentiated type
10052793 Body dysmorphic disorder
10052795 Spanish toxic oil syndrome
10052796 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe
10052797 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe
10052798 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe
10052799 Traumatic pneumohaemothorax
10052800 Immunocomplex mediated hypersensitivity
10052801 Pemphigoid gestationis
10052802 Pemphigus vulgaris
10052803 Analgesic effect
10052804 Drug tolerance
10052805 Drug tolerance decreased
10052806 Drug tolerance increased
10052807 Unexpected therapeutic drug effect
10052808 No adverse drug effect
10052809 Death unexplained
10052810 Death sudden
10052811 Anal discomfort
10052812 Acute diverticulitis
10052813 Aerophagia
10052814 Perirectal abscess
10052815 Antibiotic associated colitis
10052816 Anomaly congenital gastrointestinal
10052817 Cytomegalovirus gastrointestinal infection
10052818 Necrotizing enterocolitis neonatal
10052819 Carcinoid tumour of the small bowel
10052820 Acquired oesophageal web
10052822 Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis
10052824 Erythroplasia of penis
10052825 Erythroplasia of vulva
10052826 Erythroplasia of lip
10052829 Congenital methaemoglobinaemia (due to enzyme deficiency)
10052830 Methaemoglobinaemia congenital (NADH-dependent)
10052831 Cobalamin deficiency
10052832 Eosinophilic pneumonia acute
10052833 Eosinophilic pneumonia chronic
10052834 Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis
10052835 Pneumonia eosinophilic acute
10052836 Pneumonia eosinophilic chronic
10052837 Endocarditis fibroplastica
10052838 Oedema neonatal NOS
10052839 Aortic valve insufficiency
10052840 Cardiac flutter
10052841 Loeffler's endocarditis
10052842 Pulmonary valve insufficiency
10052844 Induced abortion haemorrhage
10052845 Induced abortion infection
10052846 Abortion early
10052847 Abortion late
10052848 Brow presentation
10052849 Oblique presentation
10052850 Anaesthetic complication foetal
10052851 Anaesthetic complication neonatal
10052852 Fetal monitoring
10052853 Pudendal block
10052854 Perineum stimulation
10052855 Labour stimulation
10052856 Labour induction
10052857 Radiologic pelvimetry
10052858 Ultrasound examination
10052859 Prenatal care
10052860 Lochia malodorous
10052861 Braxton Hicks contractions
10052862 Brow presentation of fetus
10052864 Brachytherapy to blood
10052865 Electron radiation therapy to blood
10052866 Gamma radiation therapy to blood
10052867 Photon radiation therapy to blood
10052868 Radiotherapy to blood NOS
10052869 X-ray therapy to blood
10052870 Brachytherapy to liver
10052871 Electron radiation therapy to liver
10052872 Gamma radiation therapy to liver
10052873 Photon radiation therapy to liver
10052874 Radiotherapy to liver NOS
10052875 X-ray therapy to liver
10052877 Brachytherapy to soft tissue
10052878 Electron radiation therapy to soft tissue
10052879 Gamma radiation therapy to soft tissue
10052880 Photon radiation therapy to soft tissue
10052881 Radiotherapy to soft tissue NOS
10052882 X-ray therapy to soft tissue
10052883 Tuberculoma of central nervous system
10052884 Tuberculous abscess central nervous system
10052885 Third nerve paresis
10052886 Fourth nerve paresis
10052887 Neuro-optic myelitis
10052888 Pseudobulbar paralysis
10052889 ALS
10052890 Salaam's tic
10052891 Skin bacterial infection
10052892 Necrotising fasciitis fungal
10052894 Oral pruritus
10052895 Coronary artery insufficiency
10052896 Ocular vascular disorder
10052897 Nerve injury
10052898 Penile blister
10052899 Ingrown hair
10052900 Murphy's sign positive
10052901 Terminal dribbling
10052902 Mole changes
10052903 Neoplasm of cornea unspecified malignancy
10052904 Musculoskeletal stiffness
10052905 Angiogram cerebral
10052906 Angiogram cerebral abnormal
10052907 Angiogram cerebral normal
10052908 Arterial massage
10052909 Cardiac rehabilitation therapy
10052910 Cardiac septal defect repair
10052911 Cardioplegia
10052913 Cartilage operation
10052914 Chondrectomy
10052915 Catheter placement
10052916 Catheter removal
10052917 Cecectomy
10052918 Cecum operation
10052919 Meningeal repair
10052920 Spinal support
10052921 Cervical os suture removal
10052922 Chelation therapy
10052923 Choledochectomy
10052924 Choledochostomy
10052925 Cholelithotomy
10052926 Spinal cordotomy
10052927 Cingulectomy
10052928 Clamping of blood vessel
10052929 Coccygectomy
10052930 Cold compress therapy
10052931 Colon fistula repair
10052932 Conjunctivoplasty
10052933 Constipation prophylaxis
10052934 Continuous positive airway pressure
10052935 Corn removal
10052936 Corpora cavernosa surgery
10052937 Craniectomy
10052938 Cyst removal
10052939 Dacryocystectomy
10052940 Cerebral decompression
10052941 Dental disorder prophylaxis
10052942 Dental fluoride therapy
10052943 Dental impression procedure
10052944 Dental prosthesis placement
10052945 Status migrainosus
10052946 Dermatofibroma removal
10052947 Ventricular drainage
10052948 Hemangioma removal
10052949 Arterial therapeutic procedure
10052950 Cartilage removal
10052951 Cerebral meningeal repair
10052952 Cervical spine support
10052953 Cervix cerclage removal
10052954 Spinal chordotomy
10052955 X-ray dental
10052956 CPAP
10052957 Drain of cerebral subdural space
10052958 Implantable defibrillator removal
10052959 Intermittent positive pressure breathing
10052960 Penile repair
10052961 Physiotherapy chest
10052962 Ultrasound chest
10052963 Uterine repair
10052964 Venous repair
10052965 Vascular ultrasound
10052966 Continuous passive motion machine therapy
10052967 Nasopharyngeal surgery
10052968 Nasal decongestion therapy
10052969 Muscle electrostimulation therapy
10052970 Drug withdrawal maintenance therapy
10052971 Medical device removal
10052972 Mediastinal biopsy
10052973 Mandibulectomy
10052974 Lymphoma operation
10052975 Lymphoid tissue operation
10052976 Loop electrosurgical excision procedure
10052977 Lip operation
10052978 Ligament repair
10052979 Lesion excision
10052980 Lenticular operation
10052981 Laryngostomy
10052982 Laryngotracheal biopsy
10052983 Laryngeal fistula repair
10052984 Laryngotracheal operation
10052985 Laryngeal prosthesis placement
10052986 Lactose tolerance test
10052987 Joint irrigation
10052988 Joint dislocation reduction
10052989 Intra-aortic balloon placement
10052990 Intestinal stoma
10052991 Intestinal fistula repair
10052992 Intestinal anastomosis revision
10052993 Intestinal adhesion lysis
10052994 Chemonucleolysis
10052995 Injection
10052996 Inhalation therapy
10052997 Ileocolostomy
10052998 Hysterosalpingectomy
10052999 Scan NOS hepatobiliary
10053000 Hepaticojejunostomy
10053001 Surgical haemostasis
10053002 Spinal rod insertion
10053003 Carotid artery bypass
10053004 Couples psychotherapy
10053005 Family psychotherapy
10053006 Group psychotherapy
10053007 Interpersonal psychotherapy
10053008 Supportive psychotherapy
10053009 Cognitive psychotherapy
10053010 Biopsy ilium
10053011 High protein therapeutic diet
10053012 Low phosphorus therapeutic diet
10053013 Low potassium therapeutic diet
10053014 Low protein therapeutic diet
10053015 Cardioverter placement
10053016 Cardioverter removal
10053017 Carotid artery ultrasound
10053018 Chordee release
10053019 Laryngostomy revision
10053020 Intestinal stoma revision
10053021 Gram-positive bacterial infection
10053022 Septicaemia gram-positive
10053023 Meningitis gram-positive bacterial
10053024 Pneumonia gram-positive bacterial
10053025 Endemic syphilis
10053026 Pneumonic plague
10053028 Gynaecological chlamydia infection
10053029 Oro-pharyngeal aspergillosis
10053030 Corynebacterium minutissimum infection
10053031 Stanton's disease
10053032 Treponema carateum infection
10053033 Treponema pallidum spp. pertenue infection
10053034 Torulopsidosis
10053035 Maduramycosis
10053037 Mycetoma foot
10053038 Treponema pallidum spp. endemicum infection
10053039 Glandular plague
10053040 Plague haemorrhagic
10053041 Tinea trichophytina cruris
10053042 Alveolar echinococcosis
10053043 Epididymitis ureaplasmal
10053044 Contagious ecthyma
10053045 Milker's nodules
10053046 Cardiovascular evaluation
10053047 Medical observation
10053048 Spinal rod removal
10053049 Gastrostomy closure
10053050 Gastrointestinal tube insertion
10053051 Scan NOS gastrointestinal
10053052 Female genital operation
10053053 Female sterilization
10053054 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
10053055 Ethmoidectomy
10053056 Oesophagostomy
10053057 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
10053058 Oesophagogastroscopy
10053059 Oesophagram
10053060 Oesophageal graft
10053061 Oesophageal motility test
10053062 Escharotomy
10053063 Epithelioma excision
10053064 Epiphyseal surgery
10053065 Enzyme supplementation
10053066 Pericardial repair
10053067 Enteroclysis
10053068 Endocrine gland operation
10053069 Emergency care examination
10053070 Ecchondroma surgery
10053072 Duodenostomy
10053073 Diuretic therapy
10053074 Gastrointestinal disorder therapy
10053075 Microbiology test
10053076 Haematology test
10053077 Medicinal leech application
10053078 Hepatic embolization
10053079 Fibroma removal
10053080 Oesophagojejunostomy
10053081 Shoulder dislocation reduction
10053082 Hip dislocation reduction
10053083 Iridencleisis
10053084 Ileorectal fistula closure
10053085 Intrauterine device removal
10053086 Ileovaginal fistula closure
10053087 Hepatitis prophylaxis
10053088 Aspiration liver
10053089 Haemorrhage control
10053090 Haemofiltration
10053091 Femoral-femoral arterial bypass
10053092 Femoral-tibial arterial bypass
10053093 Epicardial lead placement
10053094 Doppler echocardiography
10053095 Gavage
10053096 Enteral feeding
10053097 ENT examination
10053106 Erythroblasts
10053107 Foetal activity test
10053108 Foetal non-stress test
10053109 Bacteria NOS urine no organism observed
10053110 Bacteria NOS urine identified
10053111 Bence Jones protein urine absent
10053112 Bence Jones protein urine present
10053113 Bilirubin urine
10053114 Crystal urine
10053115 Cystine urine
10053116 Cystine urine present
10053117 Cysteine urine
10053118 Cysteine urine present
10053119 Globulin urine
10053120 Homocysteine urine
10053121 Homocysteine urine present
10053122 Hydroxyprolinuria
10053123 Protein urine present
10053124 Urobilin urine absent
10053125 Urobilin urine present
10053126 Trichuris infection
10053127 Ileosigmoidostomy
10053128 Malignant nipple neoplasm male
10053129 Malignant nipple neoplasm female
10053130 Cystosarcoma phylloides
10053131 Intraductal breast neoplasm
10053132 Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa
10053133 Chronic idiopathic xanthomatosis
10053134 Osteomyelofibrosis
10053135 Hand-Schueller-Christian disease
10053137 Campylobacter intestinal infection
10053138 Congenital aplastic anaemia
10053139 Biopsy foetal
10053140 Ultrasound foetal
10053141 Oligodipsia
10053142 Olfacto genital dysplasia
10053143 Secondary hypogenitalism
10053144 Hypogonadotropic hypogenitalism
10053145 de Morsier-Kallman's syndrome
10053146 de Morsier's syndrome
10053147 Acquired porphyria
10053148 Hydroxyprolinaemia
10053149 Drug-induced porphyria
10053150 Leukocoria
10053151 Gibert's pityriasis
10053152 Adherent leukoma
10053153 Congenital floppy infant
10053154 Sight disability
10053155 Epigastric discomfort
10053156 Musculoskeletal discomfort
10053157 Leg ulcer (excl varicose)
10053158 Candida pneumonia
10053159 Organ failure
10053160 Bronchitis viral
10053161 Graft overgrowth
10053162 Spinal infection viral
10053163 Conjunctival opacity
10053164 Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
10053165 Perianal bleeding
10053166 Candida sepsis
10053167 Methicillin resistant staphylococcal culture
10053168 Joint clicking
10053169 Joint catching
10053170 Pain post biopsy
10053174 Post procedural cellulitis
10053175 Post procedural drainage
10053176 Cyclic neutropenia
10053177 Epidermolysis
10053178 Genital cyst
10053179 Genital lesion NOS
10053180 Leukaemia cutis
10053181 Therapeutic response delayed
10053182 Arteriovenous graft thrombosis
10053183 Catheter site cellulitis
10053185 Glycogen storage disease type II
10053186 Globulin urine present
10053187 Coxiella infection
10053188 Torulopsis infection
10053189 Insect bite allergy
10053190 Splenic neoplasm malignancy unspecified
10053191 Induced abortion failed
10053192 Popliteal bursitis
10053193 Thermal burn oesophageal
10053194 Hearing disability
10053195 Delusional disorder, persecutory type
10053196 Eyelid bleeding
10053198 Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
10053199 Leukoerythroblastic anaemia
10053200 Leukotomy
10053201 Paralytic disability
10053202 Posterior segment of eye anomaly congenital
10053203 Abdominal strangulated hernia
10053204 Walking disability
10053205 Congenital methaemoglobinaemia M type
10053206 Fracture displacement
10053207 Unequal leg length acquired
10053208 Wound decomposition
10053209 Skin graft failure
10053210 Wound breakdown
10053211 Skin graft breakdown
10053212 Catheter sepsis
10053213 Febrile bone marrow aplasia
10053214 Fontanelle depressed
10053215 Haemoglobin E disease
10053216 Iliac artery stenosis
10053217 Inguinal mass
10053218 Portal triaditis
10053219 Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
10053220 Hip injury
10053221 Blood parathyroid hormone low
10053222 Left ventricular ejection fraction decreased
10053223 Febrile aplasia
10053224 Homozygous haemoglobin E
10053225 Heterozygous haemoglobin E
10053226 Iron binding capacity unsaturated
10053227 AIDS retinopathy
10053228 Iron binding capacity unbound
10053229 UIBC
10053230 Discography
10053231 Adenoid cystic carcinoma
10053232 Discogram
10053233 Scalp disorder
10053234 Pain during injection
10053235 Adrenal mass
10053236 Mixed incontinence
10053237 Ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction
10053238 Amimia
10053239 Prophylaxis against graft versus host disease
10053240 Glycogen storage disease type VI
10053241 Glycogen storage disease type VII
10053242 Glycogen storage disease type VIII
10053243 Polysubstance dependence
10053244 Hepatocellular foamy cell syndrome
10053245 Glycogenosis type V
10053246 Type II diabetes peripheral angiopathy
10053247 Insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes mellitus
10053248 Hepatic hematoma
10053249 Glycogen storage disease type IV
10053250 Glycogen storage disease type III
10053251 Glycogenosis type VI
10053252 Glycogenosis type VII
10053253 Glycogenosis type VIII
10053254 Hers glycogenosis
10053255 Tarui disease
10053256 Hepatic glycogenosis
10053257 Polytoxicomania
10053258 Andersen disease
10053259 Narcotic intoxication
10053260 Secondary hyperthyroidism
10053261 Coronary artery reocclusion
10053262 Skin swelling
10053263 Idiopathic thrombocytosis
10053264 Rhinomanometry
10053265 Rhinomanometry normal
10053266 Rhinomanometry abnormal
10053267 Rectal fistula repair
10053268 Ostectomy
10053269 Osteosynthesis
10053270 Cardiac pacemaker lead removal
10053271 Cardiac pacemaker revision
10053272 Optic nerve operation
10053273 Biopsy ear
10053274 Biopsy ear normal
10053275 Biopsy ear abnormal
10053276 Epididymal operation
10053277 Respite care
10053278 Foetal monitoring
10053279 Oxytocin challenge test
10053280 Stomach lesion excision
10053281 Biopsy small intestine
10053282 Biopsy small intestine normal
10053283 Biopsy small intestine abnormal
10053284 Proctosigmoidoscopy
10053285 Proctosigmoidoscopy normal
10053286 Proctosigmoidoscopy abnormal
10053287 Cholecystography oral
10053288 Cholecystography oral normal
10053289 Cholecystography oral abnormal
10053290 Politzerisation
10053291 Rheumatoid nodule removal
10053292 Renal revascularisation surgery
10053293 Nephroureterectomy
10053294 Phacocystectomy
10053295 Spleen operation
10053296 Middle ear prosthesis removal
10053297 Pancreaticosplenectomy
10053298 Abdominal panniculectomy
10053299 Ophthalmic fluid drainage
10053300 Eye irrigation
10053301 Nervous system neoplasm surgery
10053302 Nervous system surgery
10053303 Neurolysis
10053304 Neurolysis chemical
10053305 Neurolysis surgical
10053306 Retrosternal fluid evacuation
10053308 Polypectomy
10053309 Abdominal exploration
10053310 Neck exploration
10053311 Neuroma removal
10053312 Splint application
10053313 Saline gargle
10053314 Radiofrequency ablation
10053315 Patient isolation
10053316 Patient restraint
10053317 Hydrophobia
10053318 Nerve conduction studies
10053319 Sleep study
10053320 Sleep study abnormal
10053321 Sleep study normal
10053322 Otorhinolaryngological surgery
10053323 Office visit
10053324 Heat therapy
10053325 Smoking cessation therapy
10053326 Spermatic cord operation
10053327 Obstetrical procedure
10053328 Oral cavity neoplasm surgery
10053329 Paraovarian cystectomy
10053330 Paralytic hydrophobia
10053331 Pancreatic sphincter operation
10053332 Pancreaticojejunostomy
10053333 Parathyroid gland operation
10053334 Penis reattachment
10053335 Neurorrhaphy
10053336 Psychiatric evaluation
10053337 Psychiatric evaluation normal
10053338 Psychiatric evaluation abnormal
10053339 Routine health maintenance
10053340 Rhinitis prophylaxis
10053341 Polio prophylaxis
10053342 Nausea prophylaxis
10053343 Neoplasm prophylaxis
10053344 Rhinoscopy
10053345 Pneumatic retinopexy
10053346 Skin squamous cell carcinoma surgery
10053347 Ommaya reservoir placement
10053348 Spinal cord operation
10053349 Pharmacokinetic study
10053350 Peripheral vascular shunt
10053351 Peripheral revascularisation
10053352 Blood pressure orthostatic
10053353 Blood pressure orthostatic normal
10053354 Blood pressure orthostatic abnormal
10053355 Blood pressure orthostatic increased
10053356 Blood pressure orthostatic decreased
10053357 Indwelling catheter management
10053358 Nitrate compound therapy
10053359 Thermometry
10053360 Pheochromocytoma excision
10053361 Explorative laparotomy
10053362 Oximetry
10053363 Oximetry abnormal
10053364 Oximetry normal
10053365 Oximetry decreased
10053366 Oximetry increased
10053367 Transesophageal echocardiography
10053368 Transthoracic echocardiography
10053369 Sperm donation
10053370 Oocyte donation
10053371 Cholecystogram oral
10053372 Cholecystogram oral normal
10053373 Cholecystogram oral abnormal
10053374 Politzerization
10053375 Peripheral revascularization
10053376 Nitroglycerine therapy
10053377 Central venous catheterisation
10053378 Central venous catheterization
10053379 Partially implanted venous catheterisation
10053380 Jugular catheterisation
10053381 Jugular catheterization
10053382 Subclavian catheterisation
10053383 Subclavian catheterization
10053384 Totally implanted venous catheterization
10053385 Polyp removal
10053386 Poliomyelitis vaccine
10053387 Bladder catheter management
10053388 Peritoneal catheter management
10053389 Retinal photography
10053390 Otic thermometry
10053391 Oral thermometry
10053392 Rectal thermometry
10053393 Panoramic dental X-ray
10053394 Pregnancy with injectable contraceptive
10053395 Progressive multiple sclerosis
10053396 Injection site photosensitivity reaction
10053397 Colitis psychogenic
10053398 Clonic convulsion
10053399 Drug half-life increased
10053400 Endothelin increased
10053401 Endothelin
10053402 Endothelin decreased
10053403 Endothelin abnormal
10053404 Endothelin normal
10053405 Brain natriuretic peptide increased
10053406 Brain natriuretic peptide
10053407 Brain natriuretic peptide decreased
10053408 Brain natriuretic peptide abnormal
10053409 Brain natriuretic peptide normal
10053410 Atrial natriuretic peptide abnormal
10053411 Atrial natriuretic peptide normal
10053412 Atrial natriuretic peptide increased
10053413 Atrial natriuretic peptide decreased
10053414 Application site blister
10053415 Delusion of observation
10053416 Contraceptive failure with injectable contraceptive
10053417 Gastroesophageal junction ulcer
10053418 Peritonitis viral
10053419 Trichophytic granuloma
10053420 Bronchopulmonary disease
10053421 Bronchomalacia
10053422 Majocchi granuloma
10053423 Myelinolysis
10053424 Application site swelling
10053425 Injection site swelling
10053426 Gastroenteritis methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
10053427 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus test positive
10053428 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus test negative
10053429 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus test
10053430 Erythrophagocytosis
10053431 Erythrocytophagy
10053432 Congenital generalized lipodystrophy
10053433 Condyloma
10053434 Condyloma anal
10053435 Benign tumour excision
10053436 Biopsy bile duct
10053437 Sequestrectomy
10053438 Cardiac monitoring
10053439 Cardiac monitoring normal
10053440 Cardiac monitoring abnormal
10053441 Cardiac pacemaker evaluation
10053442 Cardiac ventriculogram right
10053443 Cardiac ventriculogram right normal
10053444 Cardiac ventriculogram right abnormal
10053445 Cardiac ventriculogram
10053446 Cardiac ventriculogram normal
10053447 Cardiac ventriculogram abnormal
10053448 Cardiac telemetry
10053449 Cardiac telemetry normal
10053450 Cardiac telemetry abnormal
10053451 Cardiac imaging procedure
10053452 Cardiac imaging procedure normal
10053453 Cardiac imaging procedure abnormal
10053454 Uterine cervical motion tenderness
10053455 Anal ultrasound
10053456 Anal ultrasound normal
10053457 Anal ultrasound abnormal
10053458 Antacid therapy
10053459 Secretion discharge
10053460 Antiplatelet therapy
10053461 Trichosporon infection
10053462 Allergy test
10053463 Allen's test
10053464 Apnoea test
10053465 Surgical stapling
10053466 Carcinoma excision
10053467 Antiinflammatory therapy
10053468 Anticoagulant therapy
10053469 Analgesic therapy
10053470 Canalith repositioning procedure
10053471 Pudendal nerve terminal motor latency test
10053472 Pudendal nerve terminal motor latency test normal
10053473 Pudendal nerve terminal motor latency test abnormal
10053474 Anorectal manometry
10053475 Colon transit time study
10053476 Traumatic haemorrhage
10053477 Tonsillar disorder
10053478 Physical breast examination
10053479 Physical breast examination normal
10053480 Physical breast examination abnormal
10053481 Bronchopleural fistula
10053482 Infusion site induration
10053483 Infusion site pain
10053484 Infusion site warmth
10053485 Venous angioma of brain
10053486 Pacemaker generated arrhythmia
10053487 Exposure to toxic agent
10053488 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 1 increased
10053489 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 2 increased
10053490 Tracheal disorder
10053491 Artificial urinary sphincter implant
10053492 Aorto-iliac bypass
10053493 Aortic-superior mesenteric artery bypass
10053494 Aneurysmectomy
10053495 Ankle brachial test
10053496 Vaginal stricture
10053497 Cardiac ventriculogram left
10053498 Cardiac ventriculogram left normal
10053499 Cardiac ventriculogram left abnormal
10053500 Human immunodeficiency virus transmission
10053501 Hemipelvectomy
10053502 Scan bone marrow
10053503 Scan bone marrow normal
10053504 Scan bone marrow abnormal
10053505 Infusion site swelling
10053506 Uvula aplasia
10053507 Cleft uvula
10053508 Astrocytoma resection
10053509 Venomous bite
10053510 Venomous sting
10053511 Anal sphincter electromyography
10053512 Anal sphincter electromyography normal
10053513 Anal sphincter electromyography abnormal
10053514 Anoscopy
10053515 Dysrhythmia prophylaxis
10053516 Acetabular surgery
10053517 Malignant polyp removal
10053518 Small non-cleaved cell lymphoma
10053519 Vertebral sclerosis
10053520 Antrotomy sinus
10053521 Angioma surgery
10053522 Haemangioma removal
10053523 Bone marrow scintigraphy
10053524 Apnea test
10053525 Abdominopelvic amputation
10053526 Bisexual human immunodeficiency virus transmission
10053527 Heterosexual human immunodeficiency virus transmission
10053528 Homosexual human immunodeficiency virus transmission
10053529 Vertical human immunodeficiency virus transmission
10053530 Serous discharge
10053531 Arytenoidopexy
10053532 Infusion site tenderness
10053533 Uvula bifida
10053534 Trichosporon beigelii infection
10053535 Trichosporon cutaneum infection
10053536 Urine protein/creatinine ratio decreased
10053537 Urine protein/creatinine ratio
10053538 Urine protein/creatinine ratio increased
10053539 Urine protein/creatinine ratio abnormal
10053540 Urine protein/creatinine ratio normal
10053541 Urine albumin/creatinine ratio increased
10053542 Urine albumin/creatinine ratio
10053543 Urine albumin/creatinine ratio normal
10053544 Urine albumin/creatinine ratio abnormal
10053545 Urine albumin/creatinine ratio decreased
10053546 Prostatic acid phosphatase decreased
10053547 Congenital generalised lipodystrophy
10053548 Gastrointestinal cancer metastatic
10053549 Altered visual depth perception
10053550 Perinephric effusion
10053551 Intractable epilepsy
10053552 Allodynia
10053553 Haemorrhoidal bleeding
10053554 Removal of surgical hardware
10053555 Arthritis bacterial
10053556 CMV gastroenteritis
10053557 Small bowel resection
10053558 Subendocardial myocardial infarction
10053559 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm
10053560 Itchy throat
10053561 Tonic clonic jerking
10053562 Surgical wound infection
10053563 Tumor progression
10053564 Ureteral reconstruction
10053565 Pericardial tamponade
10053566 Breast ductal carcinoma
10053568 Slight temperature
10053569 Allodynia injection site
10053570 Instillation site allodynia
10053571 Melanoma
10053572 Septic joint
10053573 Abscess jaw
10053574 Immunoblastic lymphoma
10053575 Pallidotomy
10053576 Abscess neck
10053577 Inguinal abscess
10053578 Photalgia
10053579 Drug chemical incompatibility
10053580 Drug physiologic incompatibility
10053581 Drug therapeutic incompatibility
10053582 Bronchopneumopathy
10053583 Peritoneal tuberculosis
10053584 Neonatal pneumonia
10053585 Disseminated neonatal herpes simplex
10053586 Meningoencephalitis herpes simplex neonatal
10053587 Neonatal mucocutaneous herpes simplex
10053588 Group B streptococcus neonatal sepsis
10053589 Hereditary stomatocytosis
10053590 Pyelectasia
10053591 Immune haemolytic anaemia drug-induced
10053592 Newborn persistent pulmonary hypertension
10053593 Premature baby 26 to 32 weeks
10053594 Premature baby 33 to 36 weeks
10053595 Premature placental detachment
10053596 Early onset neonatal sepsis
10053597 Gram-negative enteric bacilli neonatal sepsis
10053598 Late onset neonatal sepsis
10053599 Nosocomially acquired neonatal sepsis
10053600 Sepsis neonatorum
10053601 Foetal cerebrovascular disorder
10053602 Radiation injury affecting foetus
10053603 Red blood cell poikilocytosis present
10053604 TdP ventricular tachycardia
10053605 Indurated penis plastica
10053606 Fibrous cavernitis
10053607 Penile induration
10053608 Fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa
10053609 Chlamydial ophthalmia neonatorum
10053610 Early onset neonatal pneumonia
10053611 Late onset neonatal pneumonia
10053612 Hypersensitivity type II
10053613 Type IV hypersensitivity reaction
10053614 Type III immune complex mediated reaction
10053615 Thermal burn
10053616 Sweat chloride test
10053617 Sweat chloride test normal
10053618 Sweat chloride test abnormal
10053619 Sweat chloride test elevated
10053620 Temporary vision loss
10053621 Vancomycin-resistant enterococcal infection
10053622 Asplenia
10053623 Fluid intake restriction
10053624 Solitary kidney
10053625 Solitary kidney secondary
10053626 Free haemoglobin
10053627 Circulating anticoagulant
10053628 Free hemoglobin
10053629 Cholangiectasis acquired
10053630 Cholangiectasis congenital
10053631 Bone swelling
10053632 Reactive psychosis
10053633 Cerebellar artery occlusion
10053634 Oesophageal discomfort
10053635 Extraocular muscle disorder
10053636 Obstetric infection
10053637 Hilar mass
10053638 Infectious meningitis
10053639 Complications due to internal joint prosthesis
10053640 Lower limb deformity
10053641 Mazzotti reaction
10053642 Metastatic neoplasm NOS, primary site known
10053643 Neurodegenerative disorder
10053644 IIIrd nerve disorder
10053645 Optic nerve neoplasm
10053646 VIth nerve disorder
10053647 Upper limb deformity
10053648 Vascular occlusion
10053649 Vascular rupture
10053650 Bone neoplasm malignant
10053651 Knee fracture
10053652 Limb deformity
10053653 Femur fracture subtrochanteric
10053654 Apnoea syndrome
10053655 Electrocardiogram PR interval prolonged
10053656 Electrocardiogram PQ interval prolonged
10053657 Electrocardiogram PR prolongation
10053658 Pachymeningitis
10053659 Dilatation biliary tract
10053660 Cerebellar artery obstruction
10053661 Oculomotor nerve disorder
10053662 Abducens nerve disorder
10053663 Infusion site phlebitis
10053664 Infusion site pruritus
10053665 VATER syndrome
10053666 Contraceptive sponge
10053667 Artificial heart device user
10053668 Laryngeal prosthesis user
10053669 Prosthesis user
10053670 Mandibular prosthesis user
10053671 Maxillofacial prosthesis user
10053672 Truss user
10053673 Iris convex
10053674 Iris exfoliation
10053675 Iris incarceration
10053676 Iris prolapse
10053677 Iris transillumination defect
10053678 Iridocorneal endothelial syndrome
10053679 Ecouvillonage
10053680 Tourniquet application
10053681 Compression stockings application
10053682 Brachycephaly
10053683 Medical device discomfort
10053684 Cerebrohepatorenal syndrome
10053685 Urinary assistance device user
10053686 Cardiac assistance device user
10053687 Wolman's disease
10053688 Kinesitherapy
10053689 Cardiovascular autonomic function test
10053690 Cardiovascular autonomic function test normal
10053691 Cardiovascular autonomic function test abnormal
10053692 Wound complication
10053693 Excessive ocular convergence
10053694 Saccadic eye movement
10053695 Diabetic dermopathy
10053696 Vorticella infection
10053697 Fistula repair
10053698 Electrocardiogram QTc interval prolonged
10053699 Artificial kidney device user
10053700 Foetal macrosomia
10053701 Iris degeneration
10053702 Elastic stockings application
10053703 Keratic precipitates
10053704 Centipede bite
10053705 Millipede bite
10053706 Zellweger syndrome
10053707 Kinesiotherapy
10053708 Major depressive disorder with melancholic features
10053709 Pulmonary function challenge test
10053710 Pulmonary function challenge test normal
10053711 Pulmonary function challenge test abnormal
10053712 Hypersomnia-bulimia syndrome
10053713 Allergenic desensitisation procedure
10053714 Spinal nerve stimulator implantation
10053715 Defecography
10053716 Wound necrosis
10053717 Fibrous histiocytoma
10053718 Macrosomatia
10053719 Pulmonary exercise test
10053720 Pulmonary exercise test normal
10053721 Pulmonary exercise test abnormal
10053722 Pulmonary cold air challenge test
10053723 Pulmonary cold air challenge test normal
10053724 Pulmonary cold air challenge test abnormal
10053725 Pulmonary methacholine challenge test
10053726 Pulmonary methacholine challenge test normal
10053727 Pulmonary methacholine challenge test abnormal
10053728 Pulmonary histamine challenge test
10053729 Pulmonary histamine challenge test normal
10053730 Pulmonary histamine challenge test abnormal
10053731 Pulmonary adenosine 5'-monophosphate challenge test
10053732 Pulmonary adenosine 5'-monophosphate challenge test normal
10053733 Pulmonary adenosine 5'-monophosphate challenge test abnormal
10053734 Pulmonary AMP challenge test
10053735 Pulmonary antigen challenge test
10053736 Pulmonary antigen challenge test normal
10053737 Pulmonary antigen challenge test abnormal
10053738 Pulmonary segmented antigen challenge test
10053739 Pulmonary segmented antigen challenge test normal
10053740 Pulmonary segmented antigen challenge test abnormal
10053741 Allergenic desensitization procedure
10053742 Kleine-Levin syndrome
10053743 Spinal neurostimulator implantation
10053744 Proctography
10053745 Acquired haemophilia
10053746 Drug use for unapproved indication
10053747 Blast cell crisis
10053748 Cardiac valve replacement complication
10053749 Brain tumour operation
10053750 Skeleton dysplasia
10053751 Hemophilia A with anti factor VIII
10053752 Hemophilia B with anti factor IX
10053753 Hemophilia A without inhibitors
10053754 Hemophilia B without inhibitors
10053755 Vitamin K antagonist
10053756 Invasive procedure
10053757 Therapeutic procedure
10053758 Noninvasive procedure
10053759 Growth retardation
10053760 Acquired hemophilia
10053761 Acquired hemophilia with anti FVIII, XI, or XIII
10053762 Off label use
10053763 Astrocytoma surgery
10053764 Brain tumor operation
10053765 Meningioma surgery
10053766 Pulmonary dysmaturity syndrome
10053767 Wilson-Mikity syndrome
10053768 Gastroduodenal haemorrhage
10053769 Gastroduodenal hemorrhage
10053770 Sigmoidectomy
10053771 White clot in blood present
10053772 Superficial punctate keratitis
10053773 Deep punctate keratitis
10053774 Abdominoplasty
10053775 B-lymphocyte abnormalities
10053776 Eosinophilic cellulitis
10053777 Meniscus lesion
10053778 Conus medullaris syndrome
10053779 Allergic cough
10053780 Wells syndrome
10053781 Anterior chamber cell
10053782 Hyposideraemia
10053783 Sideropenic anaemia
10053784 Sideropenic anemia
10053785 Blood testosterone free increased
10053786 Blood testosterone free decreased
10053787 Blood testosterone free
10053788 Blood testosterone free normal
10053789 Blood testosterone free abnormal
10053790 Tri-iodothyronine free increased
10053791 Tri-iodothyronine free decreased
10053792 Tri-iodothyronine free
10053793 Tri-iodothyronine free normal
10053794 Tri-iodothyronine free abnormal
10053795 Blood erythropoietin increased
10053796 Blood erythropoietin decreased
10053797 Streptokinase antibody increased
10053798 CSF monocyte count increased
10053799 CSF monocyte count
10053800 CSF monocyte count decreased
10053801 CSF monocyte count positive
10053802 CSF monocyte count negative
10053803 CSF neutrophil count increased
10053804 CSF neutrophil count decreased
10053805 CSF white blood cell count increased
10053806 CSF white blood cell count decreased
10053807 Blood oestrone increased
10053808 Blood androstenedione increased
10053809 Blood androstenedione decreased
10053810 Blood 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol increased
10053811 Blood 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol decreased
10053812 Blood 25-hydroxycholecalciferol increased
10053813 Blood 25-hydroxycholecalciferol decreased
10053814 Anti-insulin antibody positive
10053815 Anti-insulin antibody increased
10053816 Anti-insulin antibody decreased
10053817 Epstein-Barr virus antibody
10053818 Epstein-Barr virus antibody negative
10053819 Hepatitis B virus core antigen IgM antibody positive
10053820 Anti-HBc IgG antibody positive
10053821 Hair growth increased
10053822 Hair growth decreased
10053823 Epstein-Barr virus IgG antibody positive
10053824 Helicobacter pylori IgG antibody positive
10053825 Hepatitis A virus IgM antibody positive
10053826 Blood estrone increased
10053827 Blood 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D increased
10053828 Blood 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D decreased
10053829 Blood 25-hydroxy vitamin D2 increased
10053830 Blood 25-hydroxy vitamin D2 decreased
10053831 Epstein-Barr virus IgG antibody negative
10053832 Anti-HBc IgM antibody positive
10053833 Histone antibody positive
10053834 Free prostate-specific antigen decreased
10053835 Free prostate-specific antigen positive
10053836 Free prostate-specific antigen negative
10053837 Free prostate-specific antigen
10053838 Free prostate-specific antigen increased
10053839 Ubiquinone decreased
10053840 Bacterial sepsis
10053841 Sneddon's syndrome
10053842 Gianotti-Crosti syndrome
10053843 Vaginal hypoplasia
10053844 Sinus tarsi syndrome
10053845 Skin implant removal
10053846 Glaucoma drug therapy
10053847 Soft tissue aspiration
10053848 Hepatitis B virus core antigen antibody positive
10053849 Hepatitis B virus surface antigen antibody positive
10053850 Chronic headaches
10053851 Chronic insomnia
10053852 Fungus culture positive
10053853 Coenzyme Q decreased
10053854 Opsoclonus myoclonus
10053855 Kinsbourne syndrome
10053856 Myoclonic encephalopathy of infants
10053857 Partial lipodystrophy
10053858 Generalized lipodystrophy
10053859 Progressive congenital lipodystrophy
10053860 Lawrence-Seip syndrome
10053861 Progressive partial lipodystrophy
10053862 Progressive lipodystrophy
10053863 Simons' disease
10053864 Aspiration breast
10053865 Benign fallopian tube neoplasm
10053866 Prostatic fluid leukocytes increased
10053867 Macrophage activation syndrome
10053868 Asherman's syndrome
10053869 POEMS syndrome
10053870 Alagille syndrome
10053871 Trisomy 8
10053872 MELAS syndrome
10053873 Evans syndrome
10053874 Facial hemiatrophy
10053875 Computerised tomogram thorax
10053876 Computerised tomogram abdomen
10053877 Congenital oculomotor apraxia
10053878 Greig's syndrome
10053879 Sepsis syndrome
10053880 Blood pancreatic amylase increased
10053881 Blood pancreatic amylase decreased
10053882 Necrotising duodenitis
10053883 Blue sclerae
10053884 Trisomy 18
10053885 Gaisboeck's syndrome
10053886 Biopsy ileum
10053887 Creatinine urine 24 hour increased
10053888 Arterial blood pH increased
10053889 Arterial blood pH decreased
10053890 Venous blood pH increased
10053891 Venous blood pH decreased
10053892 Hepatitis B exposure
10053893 Hepatitis C exposure
10053894 Herpes zoster exposure
10053895 Human immunodeficiency virus exposure
10053896 Confusional migraine
10053897 Carotid pulse decreased
10053898 Carotid pulse increased
10053899 Brachial pulse decreased
10053900 Brachial pulse increased
10053901 Femoral pulse decreased
10053902 Femoral pulse increased
10053903 Radial pulse decreased
10053904 Radial pulse increased
10053905 Popliteal pulse decreased
10053906 Popliteal pulse increased
10053907 Blood pancreatic amylase
10053908 Blood alpha amylase
10053909 Blood alpha amylase increased
10053910 Blood alpha amylase decreased
10053911 Blood gamma amylase
10053912 Blood gamma amylase increased
10053913 Blood gamma amylase decreased
10053914 Amenorrhoea traumatica
10053915 Crow-Fukase syndrome
10053916 Trisomy 8 mosaic
10053917 Acrodermatitis papulosa infantum
10053918 Parry-Romberg's disease
10053919 Facial hair decreased
10053920 Red cell distribution width increased
10053921 Red cell distribution width decreased
10053922 Red cell distribution width normal
10053923 Red cell distribution width abnormal
10053924 Body hair increased
10053925 Trisomy 17
10053926 Carotid pulse
10053927 Carotid pulse normal
10053928 Carotid pulse abnormal
10053929 Brachial pulse
10053930 Brachial pulse normal
10053931 Brachial pulse abnormal
10053932 Femoral pulse
10053933 Femoral pulse normal
10053934 Femoral pulse abnormal
10053935 Radial pulse
10053936 Radial pulse normal
10053937 Radial pulse abnormal
10053938 Popliteal pulse
10053939 Popliteal pulse normal
10053940 Popliteal pulse abnormal
10053941 Cogan's oculomotor apraxia
10053942 Cerebral haematoma
10053943 Haematopoietic stem cell mobilisation
10053944 Cerebral hematoma
10053945 Stem cell mobilisation
10053946 Stem cell mobilization
10053948 Hematopoietic stem cell mobilization
10053949 Vascular pseudoaneurysm ruptured
10053950 Blood candida antigen positive
10053951 N-telopeptide urine
10053952 N-telopeptide urine normal
10053953 N-telopeptide urine abnormal
10053954 N-telopeptide urine increased
10053955 N-telopeptide urine decreased
10053956 Collagen cross-linked N-telopeptide urine
10053957 Collagen cross-linked N-telopeptide urine normal
10053958 Collagen cross-linked N-telopeptide urine abnormal
10053959 Collagen cross-linked N-telopeptide urine increased
10053960 Collagen cross-linked N-telopeptide urine decreased
10053961 Mitochondrial toxicity
10053962 Epiphyseal fracture
10053963 Mineral supplementation
10053964 Carotid artery atheroma
10053965 Calcium supplementation
10053966 Magnesium supplementation
10053967 Potassium supplementation
10053968 Thrombin-antithrombin III complex increased
10053969 Thrombin-antithrombin III complex decreased
10053970 Thrombin-antithrombin III complex
10053971 Thrombin-antithrombin III complex normal
10053972 Thrombin-antithrombin III complex abnormal
10053973 Hepatic cyst ruptured
10053974 Thoracic cavity drainage abnormal
10053975 Thoracic cavity drainage
10053976 Aorto-iliac-femoral bypass
10053977 Neurectomy
10053978 Orthopedic examination
10053979 Injection site joint movement impairment
10053981 Murray Valley encephalitis
10053982 Microsporidia infection
10053983 Corona virus infection
10053984 Abortion induced incomplete
10053985 Ligneous thyroiditis
10053986 Invasive thyroiditis
10053987 Riedel-Tailhefer's thyroiditis
10053988 Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism
10053989 Hyperreninemic hypoaldosteronism
10053990 Dacryostenosis acquired
10053991 Inclusion conjunctivitis neonatal
10053992 Swimming pool conjunctivitis
10053993 Inclusion blenorrhoea
10053994 Cardiac ventricular thrombosis
10053995 Implant site haemorrhage
10053996 Puncture site reaction
10053997 Infusion site burning
10053998 Infusion site oedema
10053999 Endobrachyoesophagus
10054000 Type II hypersensitivity
10054001 Pilonidal dimple congenital
10054002 Congenital syphilitic osteochondritis
10054003 Computerised tomogram head
10054004 Computerised tomogram kidney
10054005 Scan NOS bladder
10054006 Scan NOS whole body
10054007 Mandibular operation
10054008 Delayed closure of cranial sutures
10054009 Lipoprotein (a) increased
10054010 Thyroglobulin increased
10054011 Thyroglobulin decreased
10054012 Blood human chorionic gonadotropin increased
10054013 Dentinogenesis imperfecta
10054014 Immune reconstitution syndrome
10054015 Agonal rhythm
10054016 General nutrition disorder
10054017 Cardiac pharmacologic stress test
10054018 Hemicorporectomy
10054019 Pilonidal cyst congenital
10054020 Lipoprotein (a)
10054021 Lipoprotein (a) decreased
10054022 Lipoprotein (a) normal
10054023 Lipoprotein (a) abnormal
10054024 Thyroglobulin present
10054025 Thyroglobulin absent
10054026 Blood human chorionic gonadotropin decreased
10054027 Blood human chorionic gonadotropin normal
10054028 Blood human chorionic gonadotropin abnormal
10054029 Blood human chorionic gonadotropin
10054030 Lafora's myoclonic epilepsy
10054031 Senile ankylosing vertebral hyperostosis
10054032 Pituitary gonadotropin hypofunction
10054033 Pituitary gonadotropin hyperfunction
10054034 Delayed fontanelle closure
10054035 Exposure to poison ivy
10054036 Plummer's disease
10054037 Lafora's disease
10054038 Sacral dimple congenital
10054039 Schaumann's disease
10054040 Forestier disease
10054041 Bekhterev's disease
10054042 Freiberg's disease
10054043 Trachelectomy
10054044 Diabetic microangiopathy
10054045 Anterior capsule contraction
10054046 Superficial punctate keratopathy
10054047 Pneumococcal sepsis
10054048 Postoperative ileus
10054049 Cannula site reaction
10054050 Venipuncture site reaction
10054051 Cannula site pain
10054052 Laboratory test normal
10054053 Oestrogen receptor assay
10054054 Oestrogen receptor assay positive
10054055 Oestrogen receptor assay negative
10054056 Progesterone receptor assay
10054057 Progesterone receptor assay positive
10054058 Progesterone receptor assay negative
10054059 Medication in stool
10054060 Estrogen receptor assay
10054061 Estrogen receptor assay positive
10054062 Estrogen receptor assay negative
10054063 Capsule in stool
10054064 Congenital bowing of long bones
10054065 Wegner's disease
10054066 Computerized tomogram head
10054067 Scan NOS parotid
10054068 Enlarged fontanelle
10054069 Capdepont's disease
10054070 Stainton's syndrome
10054071 Congenital bowing of forearm bones
10054072 Congenital ulnar bowing
10054073 Congenital radial bowing
10054074 Congenital humeral bowing
10054075 Nuclear magnetic resonance angiography brain
10054076 Nuclear magnetic resonance angiography brain normal
10054077 Nuclear magnetic resonance angiography brain abnormal
10054078 Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann's disease
10054079 Boeck's disease
10054080 Forestier and Rotes-Querol syndrome
10054081 Thallium stress test
10054082 Scan myocardial perfusion
10054083 Blood human chorionic gonadotropin positive
10054084 Blood human chorionic gonadotropin negative
10054085 Computerized tomogram kidney
10054086 Blood human chorionic gonadotrophin positive
10054087 Blood human chorionic gonadotrophin normal
10054088 Urinary tract infection bacterial
10054089 Depressive symptom
10054090 Wound infection due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa
10054091 Wound infection due to Staphylococcus aureus
10054092 Vessel puncture site haemorrhage
10054093 Vessel puncture site hemorrhage
10054094 Tumour necrosis
10054095 Neuropathic pain
10054096 Haemorrhagic tumour necrosis
10054097 Dysnomia
10054098 Amnesic aphasia
10054099 Skin atheroma
10054100 Vascular atheroma
10054101 Tumor necrosis
10054102 Hemorrhagic tumor necrosis
10054103 Blood oestrone decreased
10054104 Blood estrone decreased
10054105 Creatinine urine 12 hour increased
10054106 Joint warmth
10054107 Nodule
10054108 Wound evisceration
10054109 Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
10054110 Vaginal spasm
10054111 Colpospasm
10054112 Hospitalisation
10054113 Post biopsy bleeding
10054114 Needle injury
10054115 Laryngeal discomfort
10054116 Listeria encephalitis
10054117 Malassezia infection
10054118 Malignant syphilis
10054119 Intestinal anastomotic leak
10054120 Micrococcus infection
10054121 Microsporum infection
10054122 Myocardial calcification
10054123 Malarial myocarditis
10054124 Peptostreptococcus infection
10054125 Perihepatic discomfort
10054126 Post procedural discomfort
10054127 Premenopausal symptoms
10054128 Vitamin supplementation
10054129 Diphtheria immunisation
10054130 Hepatitis B immunisation
10054131 Tetanus immunisation
10054132 Thrombophlebitis prophylaxis
10054133 Prophylaxis of nausea and vomiting
10054134 Regressive behavior
10054135 Saliva alcohol test
10054136 Scrotal cystectomy
10054137 Stenotrophomonas sepsis
10054138 Stenotrophomonas infection
10054139 Vasoepididymostomy
10054140 Veillonella infection
10054141 Klebsiella ornitholytica infection
10054142 Klebsiella oxytoca infection
10054143 Legionella pneumophila infection
10054144 Visceral leishmaniasis Mediterranean
10054145 Moraxella catarrhalis infection
10054146 Necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis
10054147 Plasmodium infection
10054148 Pseudomembranous candidiasis
10054149 Rochalimaea henselae infection
10054150 Rochalimaea infection
10054151 Serratia marcescens infection
10054152 Skin candida
10054153 Somatoform disorder
10054154 Staphylococcus epidermidis infection
10054155 Toxoplasma gondii infection
10054156 Superior mesenteric artery syndrome
10054157 Violent dreams
10054158 Wuchereria infection
10054159 Yersinia enterocolitica infection
10054160 Klebsiella sepsis
10054161 Pontiac fever
10054162 Micrococcal sepsis
10054163 Lues maligna
10054164 Dumdum fever
10054165 Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis
10054166 Branhamella catarrhalis infection
10054167 Klebsiella septicemia
10054168 Klebsiella septicaemia
10054169 Micrococcal septicemia
10054170 Micrococcal septicaemia
10054171 Plaut-Vincent angina
10054172 Plaut's angina
10054173 Trench mouth
10054174 Espundia
10054175 Polio immunisation
10054176 Saliva alcohol test positive
10054177 Clostridium difficile sepsis
10054178 Shigella infection
10054179 Vaginal removal of intrauterine foreign body
10054180 Diphtheria immunization
10054181 Hepatitis B immunization
10054182 Perioperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis
10054183 Tetanus immunization
10054184 Small intestine carcinoma
10054185 Total adrenalectomy
10054186 Total glossectomy
10054187 Polio immunization
10054188 Clostridium difficile septicemia
10054189 Clostridium difficile septicaemia
10054190 Shigella sonnei infection
10054192 Central line infection
10054193 Intestinal resection
10054194 Amnestic aphasia
10054195 Amniotic fluid aspiration
10054196 Affect lability
10054197 Gait deviation
10054198 Exsiccosis
10054199 Affect alteration
10054200 Potency disturbance
10054201 IVth nerve paresis
10054202 IIIrd nerve paresis
10054203 Tuberculosis cutis indurativa
10054204 Acid fast bacilli infection
10054205 Aeromonas infection
10054206 Alcohol rehabilitation
10054207 Alternaria infection
10054208 Aortic calcification
10054209 Gastrointestinal discomfort
10054210 Brucella sepsis
10054211 Cardiac discomfort
10054212 Cardiac infection
10054213 Citrobacter sepsis
10054214 Coccidioides encephalitis
10054215 Congenital aural fistula
10054216 Cryptococcal cutaneous infection
10054217 Dental discomfort
10054218 Enterobacter pneumonia
10054219 Enterobacter sepsis
10054220 Enterobacter tracheobronchitis
10054221 Enterococcal sepsis
10054222 Flavobacterium infection
10054223 Fusobacterium infection
10054224 Anginal discomfort
10054225 Anogenital herpes
10054226 Bacillus cereus infection
10054227 Gram-negative bacteraemia
10054228 Gram-negative bacteremia
10054229 Campylobacter jejuni infection
10054230 Candida albicans infection
10054231 Cardiac pain
10054232 Catheter site discomfort
10054233 Chlamydia pneumoniae infection
10054234 Citrobacter freundii infection
10054235 Climacteric discomfort
10054236 Clostridium difficile infection
10054237 Corynebacterium diphtheriae infection
10054238 Corynebacterium jeikeium infection
10054239 Enterobacter agglomerans infection
10054240 Enterobacter cloacae infection
10054241 Enterococcus faecium infection
10054242 Escherichia coli infection
10054243 Groin discomfort
10054244 Herpes simplex anorectal
10054245 Hip discomfort
10054246 Leg discomfort
10054247 Shoulder discomfort
10054248 Bowel discomfort
10054249 Brucella septicemia
10054250 Brucella septicaemia
10054251 Chlamydia psittaci infection
10054252 Citrobacter septicemia
10054253 Citrobacter septicaemia
10054254 Enterobacter septicemia
10054255 Enterobacter septicaemia
10054256 Enterococcal septicemia
10054257 Enterococcal septicaemia
10054258 Escherichia bacteraemia
10054259 Escherichia vaginitis
10054260 Male genital tract operation
10054261 Flavivirus infection
10054262 Hepatitis B DNA detectable
10054263 Helicobacter infection
10054264 Helicobacter sepsis
10054265 Alpha haemolytic streptococcal infection
10054266 Injection site discomfort
10054267 Foot discomfort
10054268 Haemophilus parainfluenzae infection
10054269 Hemophilus parainfluenzae infection
10054270 Hemophilus infection
10054271 Enterobacter hafnia infection
10054272 Helicobacter gastritis
10054273 Coagulase negative staphylococcal infection
10054274 Coagulase positive staphylococcal infection
10054275 Gram-negative rod infection
10054276 Gram-positive cocci infection
10054277 Gram-positive rod infection
10054278 Bacterial infection due to streptococcus, group F
10054279 Escherichia coli bacteremia
10054280 Escherichia coli bacteraemia
10054281 Escherichia bacteremia
10054282 Escherichia coli vaginitis
10054283 HBV DNA detectable
10054284 Helicobacter septicemia
10054285 Helicobacter septicaemia
10054286 Alpha hemolytic streptococcal infection
10054287 Streptococcus viridans group infection
10054288 Acquired afibrinogenemia
10054289 Acquired dysfibrinogenemia
10054290 Acquired methemoglobinemia
10054291 Acute leukemia (in remission)
10054292 Acute lymphocytic leukemia (in remission)
10054293 Acute monocytic leukemia (in remission)
10054294 Acute myeloid leukemia (in remission)
10054295 Acute myeloid leukemia aggravated
10054296 Acute myeloid leukemia NOS
10054297 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia
10054298 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia
10054299 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia recurrent
10054300 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia refractory
10054301 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia stage I
10054302 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia stage II
10054303 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia stage III
10054304 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia stage IV
10054305 Airway complication of anesthesia
10054306 Allergic edema
10054307 Accelerated phase chronic myologenic leukemia
10054308 Alloimmunization
10054309 Anemia aggravated
10054310 Anemia of chronic disease
10054311 Anemia of malignant disease
10054312 Anemia postoperative
10054313 Anemia prophylaxis
10054314 Anemia splenic
10054315 Anemia vitamin B12 deficiency
10054316 Anemia vitamin B6 deficiency
10054317 Anesthetic complication cardiac
10054318 Anesthetic complication circulatory in labor or delivery
10054319 Anesthetic complication fetal
10054320 Anesthetic complication neonatal
10054321 Anesthetic complication neurological
10054322 Anesthetic complication
10054323 Anesthetic complication pulmonary
10054324 Anesthetic complication vascular
10054326 Angioneurotic edema aggravated
10054327 Antiestrogen therapy
10054328 Application site hyperesthesia
10054329 Aregenerative anemia
10054330 Awareness during anesthesia
10054331 Blood loss anemia neonatal
10054332 Blood estradiol abnormal
10054333 Blood estradiol decreased
10054334 Blood estradiol normal
10054335 Blood estrogen
10054336 Blood estrogen decreased
10054337 Blood estrogen increased
10054338 Blood estrogen normal
10054339 Brain stem ischemia
10054340 Breast edema
10054341 Carboxyhemoglobinemia
10054342 Cardiac catheterization abnormal
10054343 Catheterization cardiac
10054344 Catheterization cardiac abnormal
10054345 Catheterization cardiac normal
10054346 Catheterization venous
10054347 Chronic leukemia (in remission)
10054348 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (in remission)
10054349 Chronic monocytic leukemia (in remission)
10054350 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
10054351 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (in remission)
10054352 Chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia
10054353 Chronic renal failure anemia
10054354 Ciliary hyperemia
10054355 Cardiac catheterization normal
10054356 Catheterization arterial
10054357 Catheterization arterial abnormal
10054358 Catheterization arterial normal
10054359 Circumoral edema
10054360 Cold type hemolytic anemia
10054361 Congenital aplastic anemia
10054362 Congenital dysfibrinogenemia
10054363 Congenital methemoglobinemia M type
10054364 Conjunctival hyperemia
10054365 Coombs negative hemolytic anemia
10054366 Coronary revascularization
10054367 Cryofibrinogenemia
10054368 Deficiency anemia
10054369 Delayed recovery from anesthetic
10054370 Delta-beta thalassemia
10054371 Derealization
10054372 Diabetic retinal edema
10054373 Encephalitis post immunization
10054374 Eosinophil leukemia
10054375 Epidural anesthesia
10054376 Episcleral hyperemia
10054377 Eye examination under anesthetic
10054378 Eye edema
10054379 Eyelid margin hyperemia
10054380 Familial hypercholesterolemia
10054381 Familial hyperlipidemia
10054382 Feminization acquired
10054383 Fetal heart rate
10054384 Fetal heart rate abnormal
10054385 Fetal heart rate decreased
10054386 Fetal heart rate disorder
10054387 Fetal heart rate increased
10054388 Fetal heart rate normal
10054389 Fetal-maternal hemorrhage
10054390 Gallbladder edema
10054391 Galvanocauterization
10054392 Genital edema female
10054393 Genital edema male
10054394 Gingival edema
10054395 Hemolytic anemia enzyme specific
10054397 Hemolytic anemia, enzyme spec
10054398 Hand and foot syndrome secondary to sickle cell anemia
10054399 Hereditary hemolytic anemia
10054400 Hexokinase deficiency anemia
10054401 High fetal head
10054402 Homocystinemia
10054403 Hypercalcemia aggravated
10054404 Hypercalcemia therapy
10054405 Hypercholesterolemia aggravated
10054406 Hyperchromic anemia
10054407 Hyperfibrinogenemia
10054408 Hypergammaglobulinemia
10054409 Hypergammaglobulinemia benign monoclonal
10054410 Hyperglucagonemia
10054411 Hyperglyceridemia
10054412 Hyperlactacidemia
10054413 Hyperlipidemia secondary
10054414 Hypermethioninemia
10054415 Hypernitremia
10054416 Hypernitremia due to urea
10054417 Hyperprolactinemia aggravated
10054418 Hyperproteinemia
10054419 Hyperzincemia
10054420 Hypoesthesia eye
10054421 Hypoesthesia gingival
10054422 Hypoesthesia lips
10054423 Hypoesthesia oral
10054424 Hypoesthesia teeth
10054425 Hypoesthesia tongue
10054426 Hypocomplementemia
10054427 Hypogammaglobulinemia
10054428 Hypoglycemia aggravated
10054429 Hypoinsulinemia postoperative
10054430 Hyponatremia aggravated
10054431 Hypoprothrombinemia
10054432 Hypouricemia
10054433 Hypozincemia
10054434 Induction and maintenance of anesthesia
10054435 Induction of anesthesia
10054436 Injection site paresthesia
10054437 Intranasal paresthesia
10054438 Ischemia
10054439 Juvenile chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
10054440 Kidney crystallization
10054441 Leukemia cutis
10054442 Leukemia (in remission)
10054443 Leukemia plasmacytic (in remission)
10054444 Leukemia relapse
10054445 Leukemia relapse prophylaxis
10054446 Leukoerythroblastic anemia
10054447 Light anesthesia
10054448 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia)
10054449 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) recurrent
10054450 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) refractory
10054451 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) stage I
10054452 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) stage II
10054453 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) stage III
10054454 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) stage IV
10054455 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation
10054456 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) stage I
10054457 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) recurrent
10054458 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) refractory
10054459 Lymphoblastic lymphoma (Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia) stage III
10054460 Lymphedema congenital
10054461 Lymphedema praecox
10054462 Lymphoid leukemia (in remission)
10054463 Macroamylasemia
10054464 Macrocytic anemia due to folate deficiency
10054465 Macrocytosis (excl anemia)
10054466 Macula lutea edema
10054467 Macular edema
10054468 Maintenance of anesthesia
10054469 Malleolus edema
10054470 Marsupialization of Bartholin's abscess
10054471 Mediterranean anemia (with other hemoglobinopathy)
10054472 Meningeal leukemia
10054473 Mesenteric ischemia
10054474 Methemoglobinemia congenital (NADH-dependent)
10054475 Monoclonal hypergammaglobulinemia
10054476 Monocytic leukemia (in remission)
10054477 Monocytic leukemia, unspecified
10054478 Mucosal edema
10054479 Myeloid leukemia (in remission)
10054480 Nasal edema
10054481 Natural killer-cell leukemia
10054482 Neck edema
10054483 Neonatal hyponatremia
10054484 Normochromic anemia
10054485 Normochromic normocytic anemia
10054486 Edema abdomen
10054487 Edema aggravated
10054488 Edema auricular
10054489 Edema due to cardiac disease
10054490 Edema due to hepatic disease
10054491 Edema due to renal disease
10054492 Edema gum
10054493 Edema like
10054495 Edema lips & face
10054496 Edema mouth
10054497 Edema neonatal
10054498 Edema of lower extremities
10054499 Edema of suture site
10054500 Edema palmar
10054501 Edema retroperitoneal
10054502 Edema scrotum
10054503 Edema trachea
10054504 Edema transient
10054505 Edema upper extremities
10054506 Edema uvula
10054507 Edema-like
10054508 Estradiol abnormal
10054509 Estradiol decreased
10054510 Estradiol high
10054511 Estriol decreased
10054512 Estriol increased
10054513 Estriol urine decreased
10054514 Estrogen normal
10054515 Estrogen replacement therapy
10054516 Estrogen therapy
10054517 Estrogens total urine decreased
10054518 Estrogens total urine increased
10054519 Optic nerve sheath hemorrhage
10054520 Oral dysesthesia
10054521 Orbital edema
10054522 Orofacial edema
10054524 Palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia syndrome
10054525 Palmoplantar edema
10054526 Paresthesia ear
10054527 Paresthesia foot
10054528 Paresthesia generalized
10054529 Paresthesia gum
10054530 Paresthesia hand
10054531 Paresthesia lower limb
10054532 Paresthesia of fingers
10054533 Paresthesia of genital male
10054534 Paresthesia of limbs
10054535 Paresthesia of penis
10054536 Paresthesia of scalp
10054537 Paresthesia oral
10054538 Paresthesia tongue
10054539 Paresthesia upper limb
10054540 Passive immunization
10054541 Periorbital edema
10054542 Peripheral edema neonatal
10054543 Permanent urethral catheterization
10054544 Pharyngeal edema
10054545 Physical treatment of lymphatic edema
10054546 Physiological polycythemia
10054547 Pitting edema
10054548 Plasma estradiol
10054549 Plasma estradiol abnormal
10054550 Plasma estradiol normal
10054551 Plasma estrogen
10054552 Plasma estrogen abnormal
10054553 Plasma estrogen decreased
10054554 Plasma estrogen increased
10054555 Plasma estrogen normal
10054556 Pneumonia in tularemia
10054557 Pneumonia tularemia
10054558 Polycythemia due to excess erythopoetin production
10054559 Polycythemia due to hypoxia
10054560 Post anesthetic sleep
10054562 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia
10054563 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia recurrent
10054564 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia refractory
10054565 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia stage I
10054566 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia stage II
10054567 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia stage III
10054568 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia stage IV
10054569 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia
10054570 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia NOS
10054571 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia recurrent
10054572 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia refractory
10054573 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia stage I
10054574 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia stage II
10054575 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia stage III
10054576 Precursor T-lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia stage IV
10054577 Preleukemia
10054578 Premature recovery from anesthesia
10054579 Primaquine sensitivity anemia
10054580 Primary idiopathic aplastic anemia
10054581 Prolonged ventricular repolarization
10054582 Pro-lymphocytic leukemia
10054583 Protein deficiency anemia
10054584 Pseudohyperkalemia
10054586 Pulmonary edema aggravated
10054587 Pulmonary edema neonatal
10054588 Pulmonary edema post fume inhalation
10054589 Pyruvate kinase deficiency anemia
10054590 Receptor silent type acute leukemia
10054591 Red blood cell abnormalities (excl anemia)
10054592 Refractory anemia with an excess of blasts
10054593 Refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation
10054594 Refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts
10054595 Remnant hyperlipidemia
10054596 Retinal edema (excl papilledema)
10054597 Retinal edema opacity
10054598 Retrograde ureteral catheterization
10054599 Retroperitoneal edema
10054600 Reversal of sterilization
10054601 Routine childhood immunization
10054602 Routine immunization
10054603 Salivary estriol increased
10054604 Schistosoma hematobium infection
10054605 Schistosomiasis due to schistosoma hematobium
10054606 Secondary anemia
10054607 Secondary polycythemia
10054608 Septicemia anthrax
10054609 Septicemia bacterial anaerobic
10054610 Septicemia candida
10054611 Septicemia gram-negative
10054612 Septicemia gram-positive
10054613 Septicemia hemophilus
10054614 Septicemia herpetic
10054615 Septicemia meningococcal
10054616 Septicemia pseudomonal
10054617 Septicemia salmonella
10054618 Septicemia serratia
10054619 Septicemia staphylococcal
10054620 Septicemia streptococcal
10054621 Serum estradiol
10054622 Serum estradiol abnormal
10054623 Serum estradiol normal
10054624 Serum estrogen
10054625 Serum estrogen abnormal
10054626 Serum estrogen decreased
10054627 Serum estrogen increased
10054628 Serum estrogen normal
10054629 Sickle cell anemia
10054630 Sickle cell anemia with crisis
10054631 Sickle cell thalassemia
10054632 Silent myocardial ischemia
10054633 Spherocytic anemia
10054635 Spinal cord ischemia
10054636 Spurious polycythemia
10054637 Staphylococcal bacteremia
10054638 Staphylococcus aureus septicemia
10054639 Staphylococcus epidermidis septicemia
10054640 Sterilization
10054641 Streptococcal bacteremia
10054642 Streptococcus pneumoniae septicemia
10054643 Streptococcus pyogenes septicemia
10054644 Stress polycythemia
10054645 Subacute leukemia
10054646 Subacute leukemia NOS (in remission)
10054647 Subacute lymphoid leukemia
10054648 Subacute lymphoid leukemia (in remission)
10054649 Subacute monocytic leukemia
10054650 Subacute monocytic leukemia (in remission)
10054651 Subacute myeloid leukemia
10054652 Subacute myeloid leukemia (in remission)
10054654 T-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
10054655 T-cell type acute leukemia
10054656 Temporary urethral catheterization
10054657 Testicular feminization syndrome
10054658 Thalassemia
10054659 Thalassemia alpha
10054660 Thalassemia beta
10054661 Thalassemia major
10054662 Thalassemia minor
10054663 Thalassemia sickle cell
10054664 Thalassemia trait
10054665 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification)
10054666 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) recurrent
10054667 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) refractory
10054668 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage I
10054669 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage II
10054670 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage III
10054671 T-immunoblastic sarcoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Lukes-Collins Classification) stage IV
10054672 Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy
10054673 Tympanic membrane hyperemia
10054674 Type I lipidemia
10054675 Type IIb hyperlipidemia
10054676 Type IIb hyperlipoproteinemia
10054677 Type III lipidemia
10054678 Type IV lipidemia
10054679 Type V lipidemia
10054680 Unconjugated bilirubinemia
10054681 Undifferentiated type acute leukemia
10054682 Unwanted awareness during anesthesia
10054683 Upper limb edema
10054684 Uremia primary symptoms
10054685 Ureteral catheterization
10054686 Urethral catheterization
10054687 Uterine ischemia
10054688 Viremia
10054691 Viremia, unspecified
10054692 Visceral arterial ischemia
10054693 Von Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
10054694 Vulval edema
10054695 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia
10054696 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia NOS
10054697 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia recurrent
10054698 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia refractory
10054699 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia stage I
10054700 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia stage II
10054701 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia stage III
10054702 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia stage IV
10054703 Warm type hemolytic anemia
10054704 Congenital methemoglobinemia (due to enzyme deficiency)
10054705 Edema mucosal
10054706 Edematous pancreatitis
10054707 Estriol urine increased
10054708 Septicemia escherichia
10054709 Postoperative haemorrhage
10054710 Postoperative hip pain
10054711 Postoperative pain
10054713 Pituitary gonadotrophin
10054714 Pituitary gonadotrophin abnormal
10054715 Pituitary gonadotrophin normal
10054716 Disorder of globe
10054717 Disorder of orbit
10054718 Pituitary gonadotrophin decreased
10054719 Pituitary gonadotrophin increased
10054720 Regressive behaviour
10054721 Foetal haemoglobin
10054722 Lymphangiectasia intestinal congenital
10054723 Fetal arrhythmia
10054724 Fetal bradycardia
10054725 Fetal tachycardia
10054726 Persistent fetal circulation
10054727 Ductus arteriosus stenosis fetal
10054728 Fetal warfarin syndrome
10054729 Fetal cystic hygroma
10054730 Hypopituitarism fetal
10054731 Virilism fetal
10054732 Fetal activity test
10054733 Fetal hemoglobin
10054734 Fetal hemoglobin decreased
10054735 Fetal hemoglobin increased
10054736 Fetal hemoglobin normal
10054737 Fetal non-stress test
10054738 Biopsy fetal
10054739 Ultrasound fetal
10054740 Cerebral hemorrhage fetal
10054741 Cerebral infarction fetal
10054742 Fetal acidosis
10054743 Fetal damage
10054744 Fetal movements decreased
10054745 Fetal hemorrhage
10054746 Fetal growth retardation
10054747 Fetal malnutrition
10054748 Fetal arm prolapse
10054749 Charcot-Bouchard microaneurysms
10054750 Fetal cerebrovascular disorder
10054751 Vena cava thromboembolism
10054752 Venipuncture site inflammation
10054753 Vanishing bile duct syndrome
10054754 Karnofsky scale worsened
10054755 Karnofsky scale
10054756 Karnofsky scale improved
10054757 Venipuncture site haematoma
10054758 Venipuncture site hematoma
10054759 Venipuncture site hemorrhage
10054760 Corneal thinning
10054761 Increased viscosity of bronchial secretion
10054762 Eye infection intraocular
10054763 Scleral thinning
10054764 Decreased bronchial secretion
10054765 Anterior chamber inflammation
10054766 Intraocular lens extraction
10054767 Eye infection internal
10054768 Corneal crystalline deposits
10054769 Corneal plaque
10054770 Periocular rash
10054771 Intraocular lens replacement
10054772 Corneal stromal edema
10054773 Aqueous fibrin
10054774 Anterior chamber fibrin
10054775 Viral corneal ulcer
10054776 Bacterial corneal ulcer
10054777 Protozoal corneal ulcer
10054778 Medication residue
10054779 Intraocular lens explant
10054780 Corneal stromal oedema
10054781 Ophthalmic medication precipitation
10054782 Otic medication residue
10054783 Bifidobacterium infection
10054784 Contralateral breast cancer
10054785 Nasal cyst removal
10054786 Skin burning sensation
10054787 Haemorrhoidal haemorrhage
10054788 Cutis marmorata
10054789 Marbled skin
10054790 Commotio cerebri
10054791 Nycturia
10054792 Inappetence
10054793 Arterial fibrosis
10054794 Fibromuscular dysplasia
10054795 Transaminases decreased
10054796 Cerebral lobotomy
10054797 Subdural effusion
10054798 Retroplacental haematoma
10054799 Perioperative analgesia
10054801 Cervical vertebra injury
10054802 Thoracic vertebra injury
10054803 Lumbar vertebra injury
10054804 Premature aging
10054805 Macroangiopathy
10054806 Maxillofacial operation
10054807 Anticonvulsant drug level above therapeutic
10054808 Peripheral paralysis
10054809 Postoperative respiratory distress
10054810 Placental dysplasia
10054811 Buschke-Lowenstein's tumor
10054812 Injection site calcification
10054813 Facet joint syndrome
10054814 Fungus sputum test positive
10054815 Genital burning sensation
10054816 Genital erythema
10054817 Herpes simplex blepharitis
10054818 Hematocolpos
10054819 Diverticular hernia
10054820 Vertebral column mass
10054821 Lipase abnormal
10054822 Blood amylase abnormal
10054823 Blood phosphorus abnormal
10054824 Tubo-ovarian abscess
10054825 Prosthesis implantation
10054826 Pharyngeal lesion
10054827 Peritoneal lesion
10054828 Rectal lesion
10054829 Splenic lesion
10054830 Throat lesion
10054831 Breast prosthesis removal
10054832 Diffuse mesangial sclerosis
10054833 Painful defecation
10054834 Hypergonadism
10054835 Hyalitis
10054836 Lactescent serum
10054837 Myolipoma
10054838 Application site perspiration
10054839 Central cord syndrome
10054840 Submandibular gland nodule
10054841 Open wound of abdominal wall
10054842 Sacral agenesis
10054843 Anaphylactic reaction to food
10054844 Anaphylactic reaction to drug
10054845 Anaphylactic reaction to chemical
10054846 Corneal transplant
10054847 Hepatic duct stenosis
10054848 Growth hormone absent
10054849 Maxillofacial edema
10054850 Periumbilical pain
10054851 Metatarsal agenesis
10054852 Anal lesion
10054853 Mental exhaustion
10054854 Nose injury
10054855 Pyloric ulcer perforation
10054856 Pigmentary maculopathy
10054857 Herpes simplex virus conjunctivitis
10054858 Unverricht's syndrome
10054859 Myoclonic epilepsy
10054860 Cerebritis
10054861 Fetal supraventricular tachycardia
10054862 Ileoanal anastomosis
10054863 Serum sodium decreased
10054864 Fractured radial styloid process
10054865 Malleolar fracture
10054866 Pathological fracture of hip
10054867 Vertebral column neoplasm
10054868 Gingival dryness
10054869 HIV retinopathy
10054870 Vitreitis
10054871 Chylous serum
10054872 Macrophagic myofascitis
10054873 Nipple hyperesthesia
10054874 Sphenopalatine neuralgia
10054875 External auditory canal atresia
10054876 Morganella infection
10054877 Mucosal discolouration
10054878 Anaesthesia dolorosa
10054879 Phalangeal agenesis
10054880 Vascular insufficiency
10054881 Acquired pigmented retinopathy
10054882 Fibula agenesis
10054883 Fungus sputum test
10054884 Fungus sputum test negative
10054885 Hepatic haemangioma rupture
10054886 Blood amylase normal
10054887 Blood phosphorus normal
10054888 Transaminases
10054889 Transaminases increased
10054890 Retroplacental hematoma
10054891 Epidural analgesia
10054892 Dislocation of sternum
10054893 Maxillofacial oedema
10054894 Unverricht-Lundborg disease
10054895 Baltic myoclonic epilepsy
10054896 Foetal supraventricular tachycardia
10054897 Genital burning
10054898 Littre's hernia
10054899 Hypergenitalism
10054900 Hyaloiditis
10054901 Vitreocapsulitis
10054902 Nipple hyperaesthesia
10054903 Sluder's neuralgia
10054904 Morganella morganii infection
10054905 Mucosal discoloration
10054906 Anesthesia dolorosa
10054907 Hepatic hemangioma rupture
10054908 Blood LDH abnormal
10054909 Venous ulcer pain
10054910 Crackles lung
10054911 Venous ulcer discharge
10054912 Cystadenocarcinoma ovary
10054913 Serous cystadenocarcinoma ovary
10054914 Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma ovary
10054915 Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma appendix
10054916 Cardiac troponin I
10054917 Cardiac troponin
10054918 Cardiac troponin increased
10054919 Coughing after drug inhalation
10054920 Haemolytic icteroanaemia
10054921 Widal syndrome
10054922 Hemolytic icteroanemia
10054923 Inflammation of wound
10054924 Prophylaxis against motion sickness
10054925 Prophylaxis against HIV infection
10054926 Prophylaxis against drug-induced ulcer
10054927 Prophylaxis against bronchospasm
10054928 Allergy to plants
10054929 Allergy to fermented products
10054930 Prophylaxis of neural tube defect
10054931 Prophylaxis against dehydration
10054932 Vulvar dysplasia
10054933 Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome prophylaxis
10054934 Prophylaxis against traveller's diarrhoea
10054935 Aicardi's syndrome
10054936 Cardiac cirrhosis
10054937 Central nervous system mass
10054938 Cerebral disorder
10054939 Cervix dystocia
10054940 Dyslogia
10054941 Hip swelling
10054942 Malignant omentum neoplasm
10054943 Omentum neoplasm
10054944 Benign omentum neoplasm
10054945 Pericardial neoplasm
10054946 Malignant pericardial neoplasm
10054947 Benign pericardium neoplasm
10054948 Meniscus operation
10054949 Metaplasia
10054950 Scrotal erythema
10054951 Disseminated large cell lymphoma
10054952 Myeloradiculopathy
10054953 Psychological abuse
10054954 Congenital cerebral cyst
10054955 Tracheal atresia
10054956 Phonophobia
10054957 Allergy to grains
10054958 Allergy to molds
10054959 Allergy to nuts
10054960 Folate supplementation
10054961 Aortic aneurysm hemorrhage
10054962 Fetal heartbeat absent
10054963 Burn of face, unspecified degree
10054964 Dysphemia
10054965 Leg injury
10054966 Allergy to legumes
10054967 Macular drusen
10054968 Vogt-Spielmeyer disease
10054969 Transaminitis
10054970 Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome
10054971 Todd's paralysis
10054972 Pulmonary hematoma
10054973 Prophylaxis against AIDS
10054974 Pelvic haematoma
10054975 Abdominal haematoma
10054976 Antidepressant therapy
10054977 Electrolyte substitution therapy
10054978 Melanaemia
10054979 Secondary immunodeficiency
10054980 Immunosuppressant drug therapy
10054981 Prophylaxis against gastrointestinal ulcer
10054982 Aortic aneurysm haemorrhage
10054983 Prophylaxis against traveller's diarrhea
10054984 Foetal heartbeat absent
10054985 Batten's syndrome
10054986 Radiculomyelopathy
10054987 Pelvic hematoma
10054988 Abdominal hematoma
10054989 Melanemia
10054990 Immunodeficiency secondary to organ transplantation
10054991 Pulmonary haematoma
10054992 Cervix cerclage procedure
10054993 Metastatic epithelioma
10054994 Injection site pustule
10054995 Infusion site ulcer
10054996 Infusion site reaction
10054997 Infusion site infection
10054998 Neuroglycopenia
10054999 Koilonychia
10055000 Bromhidrosis
10055001 Hypodontia
10055002 Monorchidism
10055003 Creatinine urine decreased
10055004 Sexual activity increased
10055005 Ovarian infection
10055006 Pancreatic sarcoma
10055007 Carcinoid tumour of the pancreas
10055008 Gastric sarcoma
10055009 Cardiac fibroma
10055010 Cardiac lymphangioma
10055011 Cardiac haemangioma benign
10055012 Cardiac neurofibroma
10055013 Cardiac granuloma
10055014 Cardiac stress test abnormal
10055015 Corneal hypertrophy
10055016 Ear neoplasm
10055017 Ear neoplasm malignant
10055018 Gingival cyst
10055019 Haemoglobin D disease
10055020 Haemoglobin D trait
10055021 Haemoglobin C trait
10055022 Vulva injury
10055023 Anal injury
10055024 Pancreatic enlargement
10055025 Prostate examination abnormal
10055026 Prostatic obstruction
10055027 Sweat gland infection
10055028 Tongue atrophy
10055029 Umbilical erythema
10055030 Urine phosphorus increased
10055031 Vascular neoplasm
10055032 Electrocardiogram U-wave abnormality
10055033 Testicular papilloma
10055034 Epidural blood patch
10055035 Erythema dyschromicum perstans
10055036 Atypical mycobacterium pericarditis
10055037 Contact lens complication
10055038 Intervertebral disc calcification
10055039 Intervertebral disc compression
10055040 Intervertebral disc injury
10055041 Intervertebral disc space narrowing
10055042 Vertebral osteophyte
10055043 Blood dihydrotestosterone decreased
10055044 Blood dihydrotestosterone increased
10055045 Epididymal disorder
10055046 Lichen myxoedematosus
10055047 Splenic necrosis
10055048 Allergy to vaccine
10055049 Vaginal swelling
10055050 Nasoendoscopy
10055051 Electroglottography
10055052 Mean platelet volume increased
10055053 Mean platelet volume decreased
10055054 Infective chondritis
10055055 Laryngeal cyst removal
10055056 Biopsy eyelid
10055057 Biopsy seminal vesicle
10055058 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type III
10055059 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IX
10055060 Epstein-Barr virus IgM antibody positive
10055061 Transesophageal echocardiogram
10055062 Transthoracic echocardiogram
10055063 Cardiac stress test normal
10055064 Prostate examination normal
10055065 Urine phosphorus decreased
10055066 Urine phosphorus normal
10055067 Urine phosphorus abnormal
10055068 Electrocardiogram U-wave biphasic
10055069 Pericarditis tuberculous
10055070 Mean platelet volume normal
10055071 Mean platelet volume abnormal
10055072 Megarectum
10055073 Partial anodontia
10055074 Monorchism
10055075 Carcinoid tumor of the pancreas
10055076 Adrenal adenocarcinoma
10055077 Cardiac hemangioma benign
10055078 Bronchial infection
10055079 Hemoglobin D disease
10055080 Hemoglobin D trait
10055081 Hemoglobin C trait
10055082 Lip injury
10055083 Mastoid infection
10055084 Lichen myxedematosus
10055085 Lichen fibromucinoidosus
10055086 Ureteral infection
10055087 Papular mucinosis
10055088 Miliary pneumonia
10055089 Near sudden infant death syndrome
10055090 Near missed SIDS
10055091 Near SIDS
10055092 Near SIDS episode
10055093 Brain cancer metastatic
10055094 Cervix cancer metastatic
10055095 Adrenal gland cancer metastatic
10055096 Anal cancer metastatic
10055097 Rectal cancer metastatic
10055098 Oral cavity cancer metastatic
10055099 Ocular cancer metastatic
10055100 Otic cancer metastatic
10055101 Bone cancer metastatic
10055102 Oesophageal cancer metastatic
10055103 Testicular cancer metastatic
10055104 Pharyngeal cancer metastatic
10055105 Sinus cancer metastatic
10055106 Pituitary cancer metastatic
10055107 Thyroid cancer metastatic
10055108 Thymic cancer metastatic
10055109 Tongue cancer metastatic
10055110 Hepatic cancer metastatic
10055111 Biliary cancer metastatic
10055112 Lymph node cancer metastatic
10055113 Breast cancer metastatic
10055114 Colon cancer metastatic
10055115 Skin cancer metastatic
10055116 Chemical eye injury
10055117 Instillation site irritation
10055118 Chemical keratitis
10055119 Chemical conjunctivitis
10055120 Antitussive therapy
10055122 Arteriovenous fistula site complication
10055123 Arteriovenous fistula site haemorrhage
10055124 Arteriovenous fistula site infection
10055125 Arteriovenous graft site complication
10055126 Arteriovenous graft site haemorrhage
10055127 Arteriovenous graft site infection
10055128 Autoimmune neutropenia
10055129 Arteriovenous fistula site ecchymosis
10055130 Arteriovenous fistula site edema
10055131 Arteriovenous fistula site erythema
10055132 Arteriovenous fistula site inflammation
10055133 Arteriovenous fistula site pain
10055134 Arteriovenous fistula site pruritus
10055135 Arteriovenous fistula site rash
10055136 Arteriovenous fistula site stenosis
10055137 Arteriovenous fistula site urticaria
10055139 Arteriovenous graft site cellulitis
10055140 Arteriovenous graft site ecchymosis
10055141 Arteriovenous graft site erythema
10055142 Arteriovenous graft site hematoma
10055143 Arteriovenous graft site inflammation
10055144 Arteriovenous graft site pain
10055145 Arteriovenous graft site pruritus
10055146 Arteriovenous graft site rash
10055147 Arteriovenous graft site stenosis
10055148 Arteriovenous graft site urticaria
10055150 Arteriovenous fistula site haematoma
10055151 Arteriovenous fistula site hemorrhage
10055152 Arteriovenous graft site haematoma
10055153 Arteriovenous graft site hemorrhage
10055154 Arteriovenous fistula site cellulitis
10055155 Arteriovenous fistula site hematoma
10055156 Tubulisation nerve repair
10055157 Thyroxine free
10055158 Thyroxine free abnormal
10055159 Thyroxine free normal
10055160 Tubulization nerve repair
10055161 Haematocolpos
10055162 Thyroxine free decreased
10055163 Thyroxine free increased
10055164 Body fat disorder
10055165 Von Willebrand's factor multimers abnormal
10055166 Verbal abuse
10055167 Victim of sexual abuse
10055168 Von Willebrand's factor deficiency
10055169 Von Willebrand's factor multimers test
10055170 Von Willebrand's factor multimers normal
10055171 Hypertensive nephropathy
10055172 Creutzfeld-Jakob disease
10055174 Angiohemophilia
10055175 Angiohaemophilia
10055176 Pseudohemophilia
10055177 Pseudohaemophilia
10055178 Vascular hemophilia
10055179 Vascular haemophilia
10055180 Hyperhomocysteinemia
10055181 BK virus infection
10055182 Eczema weeping
10055183 Wound weeping
10055184 Cerebrovascular disorder fetal
10055185 Panhypopituitarism fetal
10055186 Arrhythmia fetal
10055187 Bradycardia fetal
10055188 Fetal cardiac disorder
10055189 Fetal macrosomia
10055190 Tachycardia fetal
10055191 Acquired hemolytic anemia
10055192 Addisonian pernicious anemia
10055193 Anemia hemolytic
10055194 Anemia hemolytic DCN
10055195 Anemia hemolytic DCP
10055196 Anemia hemolytic G6PD
10055197 Anemia hemolytic ICP
10055198 Anemia hemolytic, angiopathic
10055199 Anemia- Hypochromic microcytic picture
10055200 Anemia sickle cell
10055201 Anemia spherocytic
10055202 Congenital hemolytic anemia
10055203 Cooley's anemia
10055204 Coombs positive hemolytic anemia
10055205 Erythrocyte abnormalities (excl anemia)
10055206 Fanconi's anemia
10055207 Hemolytic anemia acquired
10055208 Hemolytic anemia drug-induced
10055209 Hereditary hemolytic anemia enzyme deficiency
10055210 Hereditary sideroblastic anemia
10055211 Hypochromic anemia of chronic disease
10055212 Hypochromic microcytic anemia
10055213 Immune hemolytic anemia drug-induced
10055214 Megaloblastic anemia due to folate deficiency
10055215 Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
10055216 Non-autoimmune hemolytic anemia
10055217 Ischemic cardiomyopathy
10055218 Ischemic heart disease
10055219 Ischemic leg ulcer
10055220 Ischemic neuropathy
10055221 Ischemic stroke
10055222 Non-ischemic cardiomyopathy
10055223 Reversible ischemic neurological deficit
10055224 Cardiac ischemia
10055225 Injection site ischemia
10055226 Anal hemorrhage
10055227 Anastomotic ulcer hemorrhage
10055228 Antepartum hemorrhage
10055229 Argentine hemorrhagic fever
10055230 Arterial hemorrhage
10055231 Bladder hemorrhage
10055232 Bleeding PR (excl gut hemorrhage & piles)
10055233 Bolivian hemorrhagic fever
10055234 Breast hemorrhage
10055235 Cerebral arteriovenous malformation hemorrhagic
10055236 Cerebral hemorrhage traumatic
10055238 Cervix hemorrhage uterine
10055239 Choroidal hemorrhage
10055240 Diverticulitis intestinal hemorrhagic
10055241 Diverticulum intestinal hemorrhagic
10055242 Duodenal hemorrhage
10055243 Duodenal ulcer, acute with hemorrhage
10055244 Ear hemorrhage
10055245 Ebola hemorrhagic fever
10055246 Encephalitis hemorrhagic
10055247 Eyelid hemorrhage
10055249 Gastric submucosal hemorrhage
10055250 Gastric ulcer chronic or unspecified with hemorrhage
10055251 Gastric ulcer hemorrhage
10055252 Gastric ulcer hemorrhage, obstructive
10055253 Gastric ulcer, acute with hemorrhage
10055254 Gastritis alcoholic hemorrhagic
10055255 Gastritis atrophic hemorrhagic
10055256 Gastritis hemorrhagic aggravated
10055257 Gastroduodenitis hemorrhagic
10055258 Gastrointestinal angiodysplasia hemorrhagic
10055259 Gastrojejunal ulcer, acute with hemorrhage
10055260 Genital hemorrhage
10055261 Hemorrhage abnormal
10055262 Hemorrhage brain stem
10055263 Hemorrhage cerebellar
10055264 Hemorrhage control
10055265 Hemorrhage from vagina
10055266 Hemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified
10055267 Hemorrhage into ovarian cyst
10055268 Hemorrhage intraabdominal
10055269 Hemorrhage aggravated
10055270 Hemorrhage of digestive tract
10055271 Hemorrhage pharyngeal
10055272 Hemorrhage purpuric
10055273 Hemorrhage rectum
10055274 Hemorrhage subcutaneous
10055275 Hemorrhage subepidermal
10055276 Hemorrhage symptom
10055277 Hemorrhagic cerebral AV malformation
10055278 Hemorrhagic cerebral infarction
10055279 Hemorrhagic disorder
10055280 Hemorrhagic fever arenaviral
10055281 Hemorrhagic fever
10055282 Hemorrhagic infarction
10055283 Hemorrhagic leptospirosis with jaundice
10055284 Hemorrhagic transformation due to acute stroke
10055285 Hemorrhagic ulcer
10055286 Idiopathic hemorrhagic sarcoma
10055287 Ileal hemorrhage
10055288 Implant site hemorrhage
10055289 Incision site hemorrhage
10055290 Induced abortion hemorrhage
10055291 Intra-abdominal hemorrhage
10055292 Intraarticular hemorrhage
10055293 Intra-cerebral hemorrhage
10055294 Intracranial hemorrhage ruptured aneurysm
10055295 Intracranial hemorrhage, unspecified
10055297 Intraocular hemorrhage
10055298 Intraoperative hemorrhage
10055299 Intraventricular hemorrhage
10055300 Jejunal hemorrhage
10055301 Korean hemorrhagic fever
10055302 Large intestinal hemorrhage
10055303 Large intestinal ulcer hemorrhage
10055304 Lip hemorrhage
10055305 Macula lutea hemorrhage
10055306 Marburg viral hemorrhagic fever
10055307 Metropathia hemorrhagica
10055308 Myocardial hemorrhage
10055309 Esophagitis hemorrhagic
10055310 Operative hemorrhage
10055311 Optic disc hemorrhage
10055312 Pancreas hemorrhage
10055313 Parotid gland hemorrhage
10055314 Penile hemorrhage
10055315 Pharyngeal hemorrhage
10055316 Pituitary hemorrhage
10055318 Plague hemorrhagic
10055319 Pleural hemorrhage
10055320 Post procedural hemorrhage
10055321 Post abortion hemorrhage
10055322 Postoperative hemorrhage
10055323 Postpartum hemorrhage (primary)
10055324 Postpartum hemorrhage (secondary)
10055325 Prostatic hemorrhage
10055326 Puncture site hemorrhage
10055327 Rectal bleeding (excl gut hemorrhage and piles)
10055328 Rectal ulcer hemorrhage
10055329 Rectal ulcer hemorrhagic
10055330 Respiratory tract hemorrhage neonatal
10055331 Retinal hemorrhage spotted
10055332 Retinopathy hemorrhagic
10055333 Scleral hemorrhage
10055334 Shock hemorrhagic
10055335 Skin necrosis hemorrhagic
10055336 Skin ulcer hemorrhage
10055337 Small intestinal hemorrhage
10055338 Small intestinal ulcer hemorrhage
10055339 Small intestine ulcer hemorrhagic
10055340 Soft tissue hemorrhage
10055341 Spinal cord hemorrhage
10055342 Spinal epidural hemorrhage
10055343 Splenic hemorrhage
10055344 Subarachnoid hemorrhage neonatal
10055345 Subconjunctival hemorrhage
10055346 Subdural hemorrhage neonatal
10055347 Testicular hemorrhage
10055348 Tongue hemorrhage
10055349 Traumatic hemorrhage
10055350 Traumatic intracranial hemorrhage
10055351 Tumor hemorrhage
10055352 Ulcer hemorrhage
10055353 Umbilical hemorrhage
10055354 Umbilical hemorrhage acquired
10055356 Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage
10055357 Urethral hemorrhage
10055358 Urogenital hemorrhage
10055359 Urticaria hemorrhagica
10055360 Wound hemorrhage
10055361 Broad ligament hematoma
10055362 Cerebellar hematoma
10055363 Cervix hematoma uterine
10055364 Colonic hematoma
10055365 Drainage of subdural hematoma
10055366 Evacuation of subdural hematoma
10055367 Hematoma drainage
10055368 Hematoma infection
10055369 Hematoma post vessel puncture
10055370 Hematoma postoperative
10055371 Injection site hematoma
10055372 Intracerebral hematoma evacuation
10055373 Intracranial epidural hematoma
10055374 Intracranial subdural hematoma
10055375 Mediastinal hematoma
10055376 Ovarian hematoma
10055377 Pelvic hematoma obstetric
10055378 Perineal hematoma
10055379 Periorbital hematoma
10055380 Perirenal hematoma
10055381 Spinal epidural hematoma
10055383 Spinal subdural hematoma
10055384 Splenic hematoma
10055385 Subdural hematoma evacuation
10055386 Subungual hematoma
10055387 Tongue hematoma
10055388 Vulval hematoma
10055389 Vulval hematoma evacuation
10055390 Cerebral hemangioma
10055391 Cherry hemangioma
10055392 Congenital cerebral hemangioma
10055393 Hemangioma of breast
10055394 Intra-abdominal hemangioma
10055395 Intracranial hemangioma
10055396 Acute angio edema
10055397 Bone marrow edema
10055398 Cerebral edema management
10055399 Corneal edema postoperative
10055400 Dependent edema
10055401 Disc edema in ocular fundus
10055402 Epiglottic edema
10055403 Erythema edematous
10055404 Glossal edema
10055405 Infusion site edema
10055407 Neck edema of
10055408 Bacterial diarrhea
10055409 Diarrhea cryptosporidial
10055410 Diarrhea functional (due to spastic colon)
10055411 Diarrhea infectious
10055412 Diarrhea infectious neonatal
10055413 Diarrhea postoperative
10055414 Explosive diarrhea
10055415 Frank diarrhea
10055416 Functional diarrhea (due to spastic colon)
10055417 Infectious diarrhea (presumed)
10055418 Lactose diarrhea
10055419 Post vagotomy diarrhea
10055420 Urgent diarrhea
10055421 Viral diarrhea
10055422 Watery diarrhea
10055423 Breath odor alcohol
10055424 Breath odor almonds
10055425 Breath odor ketones
10055427 Nasal odor
10055428 Stool odor abnormal
10055429 Urine odor foul
10055430 Vaginal odor
10055431 Angiodysplasia of cecum
10055432 Cecum perforation
10055433 Cecum rupture
10055435 Cecal cancer recurrent (excl carcinoid)
10055436 Cecal cancer stage 0 (excl carcinoid)
10055437 Cecal cancer stage I (excl carcinoid)
10055438 Cecal cancer stage II (excl carcinoid)
10055439 Cecal cancer stage III (excl carcinoid)
10055440 Cecal cancer stage IV (excl carcinoid)
10055442 Cecal inflammation
10055443 Cecal lesion excision
10055444 Ileocecal anastomosis
10055445 Defecation frequency decreased
10055446 Increased frequency of defecation
10055447 Acquired esophageal web
10055448 Acquired tracheo-esophageal fistula
10055449 Benign esophageal neoplasm
10055450 Bile reflux (esophageal)
10055451 Burn esophageal
10055452 Congenital esophageal anomaly
10055453 Congenital esophageal stenosis
10055454 Congenital tracheo-esophageal fistula
10055455 Diverticulitis esophageal
10055456 Dyskinesia esophageal
10055457 Esophageal achalasia
10055458 Esophageal adenocarcinoma
10055459 Esophageal adenocarcinoma in situ
10055460 Esophageal atresia
10055461 Esophageal biopsy abnormal
10055462 Esophageal biopsy normal
10055463 Esophageal burn
10055464 Esophageal carcinoma recurrent
10055466 Esophageal discomfort
10055467 Esophageal dysplasia
10055468 Esophageal graft
10055469 Esophageal lesion excision
10055470 Esophageal manometry
10055471 Esophageal motility test
10055472 Esophageal perforation
10055473 Esophageal polyp
10055474 Esophageal reflux aggravated
10055475 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in situ
10055476 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
10055477 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10055478 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage 0
10055479 Esophageal stenosis acquired
10055480 Esophageal stenosis congenital
10055481 Esophageal stent insertion
10055482 Esophageal tamponade
10055483 Esophageal tear
10055484 Esophageal tuberculosis
10055485 Esophageal ulcer perforation
10055486 Esophageal ulceration
10055487 Esophageal variceal injection
10055488 Esophageal variceal ligation
10055489 Esophageal varices in cirrhosis of liver
10055490 Thermal burn esophageal
10055491 Biopsy esophagus
10055492 Bouginage of esophagus
10055493 Dilatation of esophagus
10055494 Foreign body feeling of esophagus
10055495 Imperforate esophagus
10055496 Metastases to esophagus
10055497 Esophagus achalasia of
10055498 Pre-malignant changes to esophagus
10055499 Sore esophagus
10055500 Constipation (excl fecal impaction)
10055502 Enterococcus fecalis endocarditis
10055504 Fecal impaction (causing obstruction)
10055505 Fecal impaction (excl obstruction)
10055507 Fecal incontinence aggravated
10055508 Fecal volume decreased
10055509 Fecal volume increased
10055510 Streptococcus fecalis endocarditis
10055511 Blindness color total
10055512 Breast discoloration
10055513 Color blindness acquired
10055514 Color vision tests
10055515 Color vision tests abnormal
10055516 Color vision tests normal
10055517 Colored sweat
10055518 Coloring yellow
10055519 Contact lens discoloration
10055520 Defective color vision
10055521 Denture discoloration
10055522 Gastrointestinal tract mucosal discoloration
10055524 Gum discoloration
10055525 Hair color changes
10055526 Hair color renewed
10055527 Hallucination with color
10055529 Injection site coloration
10055530 Injection site discoloration
10055531 Lip color altered
10055532 Lip discoloration
10055533 Reaction to coloring
10055534 Saliva discoloration
10055535 Scleral discoloration
10055536 Semen discoloration
10055537 Skin coloring
10055538 Skin coloring yellow
10055539 Sweat discoloration
10055540 Tear discoloration
10055541 Tooth colored yellow
10055542 Tooth discoloration congenital
10055543 Urine coloring black
10055544 Urine coloring yellow
10055545 Vein discoloration
10055546 Dyspnea on effort
10055547 Exercise dyspnea
10055548 Exertional dyspnea
10055549 Laryngeal dyspnea
10055550 Nocturnal dyspnea
10055551 Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
10055552 Abnormal labor affecting fetus
10055553 Anesthetic complication cardiac in labor or delivery
10055554 Anesthetic complication pulmonary in labor or delivery
10055555 Arrested labor
10055557 Complication of labor
10055559 Failed induction of labor
10055560 Failed trial of labor
10055561 False labor
10055562 Induced labor
10055563 Labor induction
10055564 Labored respiration
10055565 Maternal distress (during labor)
10055566 Normal labor
10055567 Obstructed labor, unspecified
10055568 Postmature labor
10055569 Prolonged labor
10055570 Rapid progress of labor
10055571 Ruptured uterus (labor complication)
10055572 Threatened labor
10055573 Endemic hemoptysis
10055574 Apnea attack
10055575 Apnea syndrome
10055576 Central sleep apnea syndrome
10055577 Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
10055578 Gynecomastia aggravated
10055579 Sickle-cell beta thalassemia
10055580 Carboxyhemoglobin
10055581 Carboxyhemoglobin abnormal
10055582 Carboxyhemoglobin decreased
10055583 Carboxyhemoglobin high
10055584 Carboxyhemoglobin increased
10055585 Carboxyhemoglobin low
10055586 Carboxyhemoglobin normal
10055587 Glycosylated hemoglobin abnormal
10055588 Glycosylated hemoglobin decreased
10055589 Glycosylated hemoglobin high
10055590 Glycosylated hemoglobin increased
10055591 Glycosylated hemoglobin normal
10055592 Hemoglobin A absent
10055593 Hemoglobin A present
10055594 Hemoglobin Barts absent
10055595 Hemoglobin Barts present
10055596 Hemoglobin C disease
10055597 Hemoglobin E disease
10055598 Hemoglobin high
10055599 Hemoglobin increased
10055600 Hemoglobin low
10055601 Hemoglobin normal
10055602 Hemoglobin protein abnormal
10055603 Hemoglobin S
10055604 Hemoglobin S absent
10055605 Hemoglobin S decreased
10055606 Hemoglobin S increased
10055607 Hemoglobin S normal
10055608 Hemoglobin SC disease
10055609 Hemoglobin urine absent
10055610 Hemoglobinopathy
10055611 Heterozygous hemoglobin E
10055612 Heterozygous hemoglobin S
10055613 Homozygous hemoglobin E
10055614 March hemoglobinuria
10055615 Mean cell hemoglobin
10055616 Mean cell hemoglobin concentration
10055617 Mean cell hemoglobin concentration decreased
10055618 Mean cell hemoglobin concentration increased
10055619 Mean cell hemoglobin concentration low
10055620 Mean cell hemoglobin concentration normal
10055621 Mean cell hemoglobin decreased
10055622 Mean cell hemoglobin increased
10055623 Mean cell hemoglobin normal
10055624 Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
10055625 Methemoglobin urine
10055626 Methemoglobin urine absent
10055627 Methemoglobin urine positive
10055628 Methemoglobin urine present
10055629 Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
10055630 Sulphemoglobin abnormal
10055631 Sulphemoglobin decreased
10055632 Sulphemoglobin high
10055633 Sulphemoglobin increased
10055634 Sulphemoglobin low
10055635 Sulphemoglobin normal
10055636 Sulphemoglobinemia
10055637 Urinary hemoglobin
10055638 Arterial catheterization
10055639 Arterial catheterization abnormal
10055640 Arterial catheterization normal
10055641 Sensitization rash
10055642 Enterocolitis necrotizing
10055643 Fasciitis necrotizing
10055644 Necrotizing colitis
10055645 Necrotizing duodenitis
10055646 Necrotizing enterocolitis
10055647 Necrotizing fasciitis
10055648 Necrotizing fasciitis fungal
10055649 Necrotizing fasciitis staphylococcal
10055650 Necrotizing fasciitis streptococcal
10055651 Necrotizing gastritis
10055652 Necrotizing scleritis
10055653 Agglutination leukocytes
10055654 Toxic leukocytes granulation
10055655 Granulation toxic leukocytes
10055656 Leukocytes agglutination
10055657 Leukomelanoderma
10055658 Polymorphonuclear leukocytosis
10055659 Pre-frontal leukotomy
10055660 Antidiarrhoeal supportive care
10055661 Endocardial ischaemia
10055662 Catheter site haematoma
10055663 Caecum operation
10055664 Painful defaecation
10055665 Corneal neovascularisation
10055666 Retinal neovascularisation
10055667 Necrotising enterocolitis neonatal
10055668 Necrotising oesophagitis
10055669 Necrotizing esophagitis
10055670 Necrotising ulcerative gingivostomatitis
10055671 Necrotising ulcerative periodontitis
10055672 Pneumonia necrotising
10055673 Urinary bladder hemorrhage
10055674 Carcinoid tumor of the cecum
10055675 Congenital esophageal web
10055676 Hemorrhage from rectum (excl intestinal/piles)
10055677 Haemorrhagic transformation stroke
10055678 Hemorrhagic transformation stroke
10055679 Hematoma traumatic
10055680 Desensitization injection
10055681 Diabetic neovascularization
10055682 Hospitalization for further diagnosis
10055683 Lap sterilization
10055684 Renal revascularization surgery
10055689 Foetal blood loss
10055690 Foetal death
10055691 Foetal death in utero
10055692 Foetal distress, affecting management of mother, antepartum
10055694 Foetal distress, unspecified as to time of onset, in liveborn infant
10055695 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified
10055696 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified {weight}
10055697 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, 1,000-1,249 grams
10055698 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, 1,250-1,499 grams
10055699 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, 1,500-1,749 grams
10055700 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, 1,750-1,999 grams
10055701 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, 2,000-2,499 grams
10055702 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, 2,500+ grams
10055703 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, 500-749 grams
10055704 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, 750-999 grams
10055705 Foetal growth retardation, unspecified, less than 500 grams
10055709 Syndrome foetal distress
10055710 Twin pregnancy with foetal loss and retention of one foetus
10055711 Addison-Biermer anaemia
10055712 Addisonian anaemia
10055713 Addison's anaemia
10055714 Anaemia B6 deficiency
10055715 Anaemia cobalamin deficiency
10055716 Anaemia haemolytic direct Coombs negative
10055717 Anaemia haemolytic direct Coombs positive
10055718 Anaemia haemolytic indirect Coombs negative
10055719 Anaemia haemolytic indirect Coombs positive
10055720 Anaemia haemolytic occult
10055721 Anaemia pyridoxine deficiency
10055722 Anaemia refractory
10055723 Anaemia, antepartum
10055724 Anaemia, postpartum
10055725 B12 deficiency anaemia
10055726 Haemolytic anaemia direct Coombs negative
10055727 Haemolytic anaemia direct Coombs positive
10055728 Haemolytic anaemia G6PD deficiency
10055729 Haemolytic anaemia glucose-6-phos dehydrogenase deficiency
10055730 Haemolytic anaemia indirect Coombs neg
10055731 Haemolytic anaemia indirect Coombs negative
10055732 Haemolytic anaemia indirect Coombs pos
10055733 Haemolytic anaemia indirect Coombs positive
10055734 Haemolytic anaemia neg drug, auto antibody
10055735 Haemolytic anaemia with antidrug antibody
10055736 Iron deficiency anaemia secondary to blood loss (chronic)
10055737 Iron deficiency anaemia secondary to inadequate dietary iron intake
10055738 Iron deficiency anaemia, unspecified
10055739 Non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, unspecified
10055740 Pyridoxine deficiency anaemia
10055741 Sickle-cell anaemia, unspecified
10055742 Unspecified anaemia
10055743 Acute ischaemic colitis
10055744 Ischaemic colitis
10055745 Ischaemic optic neuropathy
10055746 Transient ischaemic deafness
10055747 Bowel ischaemia
10055748 Ischaemia bowel
10055749 Ischaemia cerebral
10055750 Ischaemia cerebrovascular
10055751 Ischaemia coronary artery origin
10055752 Ischaemia myocardial
10055753 Ischaemia placental
10055754 Ischaemia retinal
10055755 Unspecified transient cerebral ischaemia
10055756 Alcoholic gastritis, without mention of haemorrhage
10055757 Allograft-associated haemorrhagic sarcoma
10055758 Angiodysplasia of intestine (without mention of haemorrhage)
10055759 Angiodysplasia of intestine with haemorrhage
10055760 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum (without mention of haemorrhage)
10055761 Angiodysplasia of stomach and duodenum with haemorrhage
10055762 Atonic haemorrhage
10055763 Atrophic gastritis, with haemorrhage
10055764 Atrophic gastritis, without mention of haemorrhage
10055765 Choroidal haemorrhage, unspecified
10055774 Classical type haemorrhagic sarcoma
10055775 Conjunctiva haemorrhage
10055776 Dengue haemorrhagic fever
10055777 Diverticulitis of colon (without mention of haemorrhage)
10055778 Diverticulitis of colon with haemorrhage
10055779 Diverticulitis of small intestine (without mention of haemorrhage)
10055780 Diverticulitis of small intestine with haemorrhage
10055781 Diverticulosis of colon (without mention of haemorrhage)
10055782 Diverticulosis of colon with haemorrhage
10055783 Diverticulosis of small intestine (without mention of haemorrhage)
10055784 Diverticulosis of small intestine with haemorrhage
10055786 Duodenitis, with haemorrhage
10055787 Duodenitis, without mention of haemorrhage
10055788 Endemic type haemorrhagic sarcoma
10055789 Expulsive choroidal haemorrhage
10055791 Gangrene haemorrhagic
10055792 Gastric mucosal hypertrophy, with haemorrhage
10055793 Gastric mucosal hypertrophy, without mention of haemorrhage
10055796 Gingivitis haemorrhagic
10055798 Haemorrhage
10055799 Haemorrhage adrenal
10055800 Haemorrhage brain
10055801 Haemorrhage breast
10055802 Haemorrhage colon
10055803 Haemorrhage coronary artery
10055804 Haemorrhage duodenum
10055805 Haemorrhage eye
10055806 Haemorrhage from placenta praevia, antepartum
10055807 Haemorrhage from placenta praevia, unspecified as to episode of care
10055808 Haemorrhage from placenta praevia, with delivery
10055809 Haemorrhage gastrointestinal
10055810 Haemorrhage gingival
10055811 Haemorrhage gum
10055812 Haemorrhage ileum
10055813 Haemorrhage in optic nerve sheaths
10055814 Haemorrhage injection site
10055815 Haemorrhage intracerebral
10055816 Haemorrhage intraocular
10055817 Haemorrhage intrapericardial
10055818 Haemorrhage intraperitoneal
10055819 Haemorrhage jejunum
10055820 Haemorrhage kidney
10055821 Haemorrhage lips
10055822 Haemorrhage lung
10055823 Haemorrhage mouth
10055824 Haemorrhage muscle
10055825 Haemorrhage of anterior chamber of eye
10055826 Haemorrhage of colon
10055827 Haemorrhage of eyelid
10055828 Haemorrhage of ileum
10055829 Haemorrhage of jejunum
10055830 Haemorrhage of liver
10055831 Haemorrhage of mouth
10055832 Haemorrhage of pregnancy
10055833 Haemorrhage oral
10055834 Haemorrhage pericardial
10055835 Haemorrhage peritoneal
10055836 Haemorrhage placental
10055837 Haemorrhage pleural
10055838 Haemorrhage postmenopausal
10055839 Haemorrhage postpartum
10055840 Haemorrhage pregnancy
10055841 Haemorrhage pulmonary
10055842 Haemorrhage rectal
10055843 Haemorrhage retinal
10055844 Haemorrhage stomach
10055845 Haemorrhage subarachnoid
10055846 Haemorrhage urinary bladder
10055847 Haemorrhage urinary tract
10055848 Haemorrhage uterine
10055849 Haemorrhage vaginal
10055850 Haemorrhage withdrawal (contraceptive)
10055851 Haemorrhagic choroidal detachment
10055852 Haemorrhagic colitis
10055853 Haemorrhagic cystitis
10055854 Haemorrhagic detachment of retinal pigment epithelium
10055855 Haemorrhagic enterocolitis
10055856 Haemorrhagic gastritis
10055857 Haemorrhagic nephritis
10055858 Haemorrhagic pancreatitis
10055859 Haemorrhagic proctitis
10055860 Haemorrhagic shock
10055861 Intestinal infection due to enterohaemorrhagic E. coli
10055862 Lung haemorrhage
10055863 Multiple idiopathic haemorrhagic sarcoma
10055864 Other immediate postpartum haemorrhage, postpartum
10055866 Placenta praevia without haemorrhage, antepartum
10055867 Placenta praevia without haemorrhage, unspecified as to episode of care
10055868 Placenta praevia without haemorrhage, with delivery
10055869 Polymyositis haemorrhagica
10055870 Postmenopausal haemorrhage
10055871 Stomach haemorrhage
10055872 Stomach ulcer haemorrhage
10055873 Stomach ulcer with haemorrhage
10055876 Ulcer duodenal haemorrhage
10055877 Ulcer peptic with haemorrhage
10055878 Ulcer stomach with haemorrhage
10055879 Unspecified antepartum haemorrhage, antepartum
10055880 Unspecified antepartum haemorrhage, unspecified as to episode of care
10055881 Unspecified antepartum haemorrhage, with delivery
10055883 Unspecified haemorrhage in early pregnancy, antepartum
10055884 Unspecified haemorrhage in early pregnancy, delivered
10055885 Unspecified haemorrhage in early pregnancy, unspecified as to episode of care
10055886 Unspecified haemorrhage of newborn
10055887 Varicella (haemorrhagic) pneumonitis
10055888 Haematoma cerebral
10055889 Haematoma injection site
10055890 Haematoma muscle
10055891 Haematoma of spleen, without rupture of capsule, with open wound into cavity
10055893 Haematoma subdural
10055894 Pelvic haematoma, delivered with postpartum complication
10055895 Pelvic haematoma, postpartum
10055896 Pelvic haematoma, with delivery
10055897 Subdural haematoma removal
10055898 Haemangioma arterial
10055899 Haemangioma cavernous
10055900 Haemangioma extensum
10055901 Haemangioma of intra-abdominal structures
10055902 Haemangioma of intracranial structures
10055903 Haemangioma of unspecified site
10055904 Haemangioma sclerosing
10055905 Haemangioma senile
10055906 Haemangioma simplex
10055907 Aphakic cystoid macular oedema
10055908 Blepharal oedema
10055909 Catheter site oedema
10055910 Corneal oedema due to wearing of contact lenses
10055911 Corneal oedema, unspecified
10055912 Oedema angioneurotic
10055913 Oedema application site
10055914 Oedema at application site
10055915 Oedema brain
10055916 Oedema conjunctival
10055917 Oedema extremities
10055918 Oedema extremity upper
10055919 Oedema eyelid
10055920 Oedema fingers
10055921 Oedema glottis
10055922 Oedema infusion site
10055923 Oedema injection site
10055924 Oedema knees
10055925 Oedema labial genital
10055926 Oedema laryngotracheal
10055927 Oedema larynx
10055928 Oedema lip
10055929 Oedema lung
10055930 Oedema of cornea
10055931 Oedema of eyelid
10055932 Oedema of male genital organs
10055933 Oedema of mouth
10055934 Oedema of penis
10055935 Oedema palpebral
10055936 Oedema Quincke's
10055937 Oedema retinal
10055938 Oedema thigh
10055939 Oedema tongue
10055940 Oedema vascular
10055941 Oedema vocal cord
10055942 Oedema vulva
10055943 Idiopathic corneal oedema
10055944 Myxoedema juvenile
10055945 Nasal turbinate oedema
10055949 Papilloedema, unspecified
10055950 Pedal oedema
10055951 Pharynx oedema
10055952 Pulmonary oedema in newborn
10055953 Scleroedema
10055954 Secondary corneal oedema
10055955 Acute diarrhoea
10055956 Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea
10055957 Bloody diarrhoea
10055958 Idiopathic diarrhoea
10055959 Nocturnal diarrhoea
10055960 Secretory diarrhoea
10055961 Faint odour of sulfur
10055962 Lochia malodourous
10055963 Odour body
10055964 Odour breath
10055965 Defaecation desire
10055966 Achalasia oesophageal
10055967 Bleeding oesophageal ulcer
10055968 Bleeding oesophageal varices
10055969 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal in situ
10055970 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage I
10055971 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage II
10055972 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage III
10055973 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage IV
10055974 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage unspecified
10055975 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma cervical in situ
10055976 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma cervical recurrent
10055977 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage 0
10055978 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage I
10055979 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage II
10055980 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage III
10055981 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage IV
10055982 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma cervical stage unspecified
10055983 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma lower third in situ
10055984 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma lower third recurrent
10055985 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage 0
10055986 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage I
10055987 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage II
10055988 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage III
10055989 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage IV
10055990 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma lower third stage unspecified
10055991 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma middle third in situ
10055992 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma middle third recurrent
10055993 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage 0
10055994 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage I
10055995 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage II
10055996 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage III
10055997 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage IV
10055998 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma middle third stage unspecified
10055999 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified in situ
10056000 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified recurrent
10056001 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage 0
10056002 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage I
10056003 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage II
10056004 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage III
10056005 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma site unspecified stage IV
10056006 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma stage unspecified
10056007 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic in situ
10056008 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic recurrent
10056009 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage 0
10056010 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage I
10056011 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage II
10056012 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage III
10056013 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage IV
10056014 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma thoracic stage unspecified
10056015 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma upper third in situ
10056016 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma upper third recurrent
10056017 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage 0
10056018 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage I
10056019 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage II
10056020 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage III
10056021 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage IV
10056022 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma upper third stage unspecified
10056023 Oesophageal carcinoma abdominal recurrent
10056024 Oesophageal carcinoma cervical recurrent
10056025 Oesophageal carcinoma lower third recurrent
10056026 Oesophageal carcinoma middle third recurrent
10056027 Oesophageal carcinoma thoracic recurrent
10056028 Oesophageal carcinoma upper third recurrent
10056029 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal in situ
10056030 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal recurrent
10056031 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage 0
10056032 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage I
10056033 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage II
10056034 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage III
10056035 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage IV
10056036 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma abdominal stage unspecified
10056037 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical in situ
10056038 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical recurrent
10056039 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage 0
10056040 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage I
10056041 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage II
10056042 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage III
10056043 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage IV
10056044 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cervical stage unspecified
10056045 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third in situ
10056046 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third recurrent
10056047 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage 0
10056048 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage I
10056049 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage II
10056050 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage III
10056051 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage IV
10056052 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma lower third stage unspecified
10056053 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third in situ
10056054 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third recurrent
10056055 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage 0
10056056 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage I
10056057 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage II
10056058 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage III
10056059 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage IV
10056060 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma middle third stage unspecified
10056061 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma site unspecified recurrent
10056062 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma site unspecified stage I
10056063 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma site unspecified stage II
10056064 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma site unspecified stage IV
10056065 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma stage unspecified
10056066 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic in situ
10056067 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic recurrent
10056068 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage 0
10056069 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage I
10056070 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage II
10056071 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage III
10056072 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage IV
10056073 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma thoracic stage unspecified
10056074 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third in situ
10056075 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage 0
10056076 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage I
10056077 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage II
10056078 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage III
10056079 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage IV
10056080 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma upper third stage unspecified
10056081 Oesophageal tumour benign
10056082 Excision of oesophageal lesion
10056083 Injection of oesophageal varices
10056084 Ligation of oesophageal varices
10056085 Pain oesophageal
10056086 Paraoesophageal abscess
10056087 Spasm oesophageal
10056088 Stenosis oesophageal
10056089 Symptomatic diffuse oesophageal spasm
10056090 Ulcer oesophageal
10056091 Varices oesophageal
10056092 Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus
10056093 Burning oesophagus
10056094 Candidiasis of the oesophagus
10056095 Endobrachyooesophagus
10056096 Oesophagus burn
10056097 Oesophagus imperforate
10056098 Oesophagus ulceration
10056099 Injury to oesophagus without mention of open wound into cavity
10056100 Megaoesophagus
10056101 Obstruction oesophagus
10056102 Other disorders of oesophagus
10056103 Perforation oesophagus
10056104 Squamous cell carcinoma of oesophagus
10056105 Stricture oesophagus
10056106 Stricture of oesophagus
10056107 Thermal burn of oesophagus
10056108 Tuberculosis of oesophagus
10056111 Tuberculosis of oesophagus, confirmed by animal inoculation
10056112 Tuberculosis of oesophagus, confirmed by bacterial culture
10056113 Tuberculosis of oesophagus, confirmed histologically
10056114 Tuberculosis of oesophagus, tubercle bacilli found (in sputum) by microscopy
10056115 Tuberculosis of oesophagus, unspecified examination
10056116 Faecal-oral non-A non-B hepatitis
10056117 Impaction faecal
10056118 Incontinence faecal
10056119 Black coloured sweating
10056120 Decolouration skin
10056121 Discolouration nail
10056122 Discolouration skin
10056123 Discolouration stool
10056124 Discolouration tongue
10056125 Discolouration tooth
10056126 Discolouration urine
10056127 Fingernail discolouration
10056128 Hair discoloured
10056129 Halo of rainbow colours
10056130 Reaction to food colouring
10056131 Tinea versicolour
10056134 Failed mechanical induction of labour, antepartum
10056135 Failed mechanical induction of labour, delivered
10056136 Generalised infection during labour
10056137 Generalised infection during labour, antepartum
10056138 Generalised infection during labour, unspecified as to episode of care
10056139 Labour abnormal
10056140 Labour induced
10056141 Labour interrupted
10056142 Labour precipitous
10056143 Obstruction by abnormal pelvic soft tissues during labour, antepartum
10056145 Obstruction by abnormal pelvic soft tissues during labour, with delivery
10056146 Obstruction by bony pelvis during labour, antepartum
10056147 Obstruction by bony pelvis during labour, unspecified as to episode of care
10056148 Obstruction by bony pelvis during labour, with delivery
10056149 Obstruction caused by malposition of foetus at onset of labour, antepartum
10056151 Obstruction caused by malposition of foetus at onset of labour, with delivery
10056153 Precipitate labour, antepartum
10056154 Precipitate labour, unspecified as to episode of care
10056155 Precipitate labour, with delivery
10056156 Prolapse of cord complicating labour and delivery, antepartum
10056157 Prolapse of cord complicating labour and delivery, delivered
10056159 Prolonged first stage of labour, antepartum
10056160 Prolonged first stage of labour, delivered
10056161 Prolonged first stage of labour, unspecified as to episode of care
10056162 Prolonged labour, unspecified type, antepartum
10056163 Prolonged labour, unspecified type, delivered
10056164 Prolonged labour, unspecified type, unspecified as to episode of care
10056165 Prolonged second stage of labour, antepartum
10056166 Prolonged second stage of labour, delivered
10056167 Prolonged second stage of labour, unspecified as to episode of care
10056168 Rupture of uterus before onset of labour, with delivery
10056169 Short cord complicating labour and delivery, antepartum
10056170 Short cord complicating labour and delivery, delivered
10056171 Short cord complicating labour and delivery, unspecified as to episode of care
10056172 Threatened premature labour
10056173 Threatened premature labour, antepartum
10056174 Threatened premature labour, unspecified as to episode of care
10056175 Unspecified abnormality of labour, antepartum
10056176 Unspecified abnormality of labour, unspecified as to episode of care
10056177 Unspecified obstructed labour, antepartum
10056178 Unspecified obstructed labour, unspecified as to episode of care
10056179 Unspecified obstructed labour, with delivery
10056181 Vasa praevia complicating labour and delivery, antepartum
10056183 Weak labour
10056184 Decreased haemoglobin
10056185 Glycohaemoglobin increased
10056186 Haemoglobin A1C increased
10056187 Haemoglobin glycosylated
10056188 Mean cell haemoglobin low
10056189 ABO isoimmunisation
10056190 Ankle stabilisation
10056191 Arterialisation
10056192 Cataract with ocular neovascularisation
10056193 Cervical conisation
10056194 Crystallisation kidney
10056195 Decreased ventricular repolarisation
10056196 Deep vascularisation of cornea
10056197 Dermatitis autosensitisation
10056198 Encephalitis following immunisation procedures
10056199 Female sterilisation
10056200 Fertilisation
10056202 Haemolytic disease of foetus or newborn, due to isoimmunisation
10056203 Hepatic embolisation
10056204 In vitro fertilisation
10056205 Isoimmunisation
10056206 Kernicterus due to isoimmunisation of foetus or newborn
10056207 Kernicterus of foetus or newborn not due to isoimmunisation
10056208 Localised vascularisation of cornea
10056209 Partial seizures with secondary generalisation
10056210 Red blood cell vacuolisation
10056211 Red blood cell vacuolisation present
10056212 Stapes mobilisation
10056213 Tranquillisation excessive
10056214 Vacuolisation erythrocyte
10056215 Virilisation
10056216 Generalised necrotising angiitis
10056217 Hepatitis necrotising
10056218 Necrotising granulomatous vasculitis
10056219 Necrotising pancreatitis
10056220 Necrotising vasculitis
10056221 Papillitis renal necrotising
10056222 Systemic necrotising vasculitis
10056225 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal recurrent
10056226 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma abdominal stage 0
10056227 Pityriasis versicolour
10056228 Erythrocyte vacuolisation
10056229 Erythrocytes vacuolisation of
10056230 Unspecified abnormality of labour, with delivery
10056231 Rhesus isoimmunisation
10056232 Rh isoimmunisation
10056233 Rhesus isoimmunisation affecting management of mother
10056234 Rhesus isoimmunisation, affecting management of mother, antepartum condition
10056235 Rhesus isoimmunisation, unspecified as to episode of care in pregnancy
10056236 Complicated migraine
10056237 Migrainous infarction
10056238 Phantom pain
10056239 Unhappiness
10056240 Mucous diarrhoea
10056241 Mucous diarrhea
10056242 Parkinsonian gait
10056243 Protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist II
10056244 PIVKA II
10056245 Afferent loop syndrome
10056246 Eosinophilic cystitis
10056247 Protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist II increased
10056248 PIVKA II increased
10056249 Short-stepped gait
10056250 Injection site movement impairment
10056251 Metastases to urinary tract
10056252 Brodie's disease
10056253 Benign vascular neoplasm
10056254 Intrauterine infection
10056255 Lumboperitoneal shunt
10056256 Ischaemic chest pain
10056257 Ventricular angiography
10056258 Ventriculography
10056259 Ischemic chest pain
10056260 Right ventriculography
10056261 Cytomegalovirus myocarditis
10056262 Cytomegalovirus syndrome
10056263 Pericardiotomy
10056264 Obsessive rumination
10056265 Allergic contact dermatitis
10056266 Ovarian embryonal carcinoma
10056267 Gastroesophageal cancer
10056268 Adenomyosis
10056269 Adhesiolysis
10056270 Infusion site inflammation
10056271 Anorectal agenesis
10056272 Foreign body in knee
10056273 Perianal erythema
10056274 Erythema toxicum neonatorum
10056275 Osteomyelodysplasia
10056276 Palatoplasty
10056277 Pancreatorenal syndrome
10056278 Toxoplasma serology positive
10056279 Proctostomy
10056280 Radial tunnel syndrome
10056281 Viral vasculitis
10056282 Anticonvulsant drug level therapeutic
10056283 CD8 lymphocytes decreased
10056284 Lymph node calcification
10056285 Bronchial hyperactivity
10056286 Nipple neoplasm
10056287 Sternal injury
10056288 Neoplasm of appendix
10056289 Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome
10056290 Glutathione decreased
10056291 Fluid intake reduced
10056292 Androgen insensitivity syndrome
10056293 Renal vein occlusion
10056294 Kernig's sign
10056295 Catheter site necrosis
10056296 Neoplasm of thymus
10056297 Nymphomania
10056298 Satyrism
10056299 Toxoplasma serology negative
10056300 Pseudoparalysis
10056301 Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei
10056302 Hepatic dysplasia
10056303 Painful erection
10056304 Holoprosencephaly
10056305 Hypopharyngeal neoplasm
10056306 Aeromonas hydrophila infection
10056307 Mast cell aggregation
10056308 Vulval vestibulitis
10056309 Organic psychosis
10056310 Tracheostomy tube insertion
10056311 Caput succedaneum
10056312 Small cell carcinoma of esophagus
10056313 Squamous cell carcinoma of tonsil
10056315 Hepatic ischemia
10056316 Malignant neoplasm of maxilla
10056317 Benign neoplasm of maxilla
10056318 Neoplasm of maxilla
10056319 Ear canal injury
10056320 Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
10056321 Intestinal adhesions
10056322 Ileus adhesive
10056323 Somatoform disorder neurologic
10056325 Faecaloma
10056326 Transient psychosis
10056327 Anticonvulsant drug level below therapeutic
10056328 Hepatic ischaemia
10056329 Fecaloma
10056330 Coproma
10056331 Gastrooesophageal laceration-haemorrhage syndrome
10056332 Panencephalitis
10056333 Hysterical paresis
10056334 Stercoroma
10056335 Factor V inhibition
10056336 Deep brain stimulation
10056337 Bursa disorder
10056338 Myositis ossificans circumscripta
10056339 Autonomic failure syndrome
10056340 Diabetic ulcer
10056341 Barotitis
10056342 Pulmonary mass
10056343 Mediastinal haemorrhage
10056344 Menstrual discomfort
10056345 Rectovaginal septum abscess
10056346 Anastomotic haemorrhage
10056347 Alcoholic seizure
10056348 Spermatic cord disorder
10056349 Subdiaphragmatic abscess
10056350 Pain management
10056351 Emphysematous cystitis
10056352 Allergy test positive
10056353 Wean from ventilator
10056354 De Lange's syndrome
10056355 Lung mass
10056356 Mediastinal hemorrhage
10056357 Partial small intestinal obstruction
10056358 Partial large intestinal obstruction
10056359 Throbbing pain
10056360 Bowel sounds decreased
10056361 Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome
10056362 Allergy test negative
10056363 Rum fits
10056364 Nasal mucus increased
10056365 Meconium ileus equivalent syndrome
10056366 Difficult to wean from ventilator
10056367 Joint tuberculosis
10056368 Shift to the right
10056369 Blood incompatibility haemolytic anaemia of newborn
10056370 Congestive cardiomyopathy
10056371 Cerebrovascular arteriovenous malformation
10056372 Multiple endocrine adenomatosis Type III
10056373 Partial conductive deafness
10056374 Acquired pyloric stenosis
10056375 Bile duct obstruction
10056376 Immunodeficiency secondary to chemotherapy
10056377 Bone tuberculosis
10056378 Russian spring-summer encephalitis
10056379 Blast injury
10056380 Traumatic brain damage
10056381 Polytraumatism
10056382 Intraoperative cerebral artery occlusion
10056383 Shift to the left
10056384 X-ray NOS pelvis and hip
10056385 X-ray NOS pelvis and hip abnormal
10056386 X-ray NOS pelvis and hip normal
10056387 Encephalitis allergic
10056388 Olfactory nerve disorder
10056389 Brain damage
10056390 Uterine cervical laceration during labour
10056391 Maternal distress during labour
10056392 Perinatal brain damage
10056393 Postpartum depression
10056394 Postpartum stress disorder
10056395 Brief psychotic disorder without marked stressors
10056396 Asymptomatic bacteriuria
10056397 Tracheomalacia
10056398 Non-occupational exposure to chemical pollution
10056399 Non-occupational exposure to contaminated air
10056400 Non-occupational exposure to extreme temperature
10056401 Non-occupational exposure to noise
10056402 Non-occupational exposure to polluted soil
10056403 Non-occupational exposure to toxic agent
10056404 Non-occupational radiation exposure
10056405 Mentally late developer
10056406 Refusal of treatment by relative
10056407 Refusal of treatment by patient
10056408 Knee meniscectomy
10056409 Heart and lung transplant
10056410 Brain lobectomy
10056411 Contraceptive rhythm method
10056412 Artificial insemination by donor
10056413 Artificial insemination by partner
10056415 Uterus evacuation
10056416 Bladder neck operation
10056417 Monoclonal antibody unconjugated therapy
10056418 Arterial bypass operation
10056419 Dilated cardiomyopathy
10056420 Multiple endocrine adenomatosis Type IIb
10056421 Taiga encephalitis
10056422 Ogino-Knaus method
10056423 Uterine abrasion
10056424 Korsakoff's psychosis alcoholic
10056425 Refusal of treatment by parent
10056426 Salpingoplasty
10056427 Multiple endocrine adenomatosis Type IIa
10056428 Mucus nasal increased
10056429 Anastomotic hemorrhage
10056430 Staphylococcal sepsis
10056431 Rhizotomy
10056432 Endometrial thickening
10056433 Ureterocele
10056434 Congenital ureterocele
10056435 Latex allergy
10056436 Psychomotor agitation
10056437 Parkinsonian rest tremor
10056438 Growth hormone deficiency
10056439 Bladder suspension
10056440 Oppositional defiant disorder
10056441 Suprapubic catheter insertion
10056442 Swan ganz catheter placement
10056443 Forster's operation
10056444 Forster-Dandy's operation
10056445 Pill rolling
10056446 Marshall Marchetti Krantz operation
10056447 Pituitary apoplexy
10056448 Ventriculogram
10056449 Spondyloarthrosis
10056450 Mastocytic leukaemia
10056451 Mastocytic leukemia
10056452 Indolent systemic mastocytosis
10056453 Aggressive systemic mastocytosis
10056454 Cupulolithiasis
10056455 Benign paroxysmal postural vertigo
10056456 BPPV
10056457 Intra-abdominal haematoma
10056458 Hydrocele drainage test
10056459 Pericardial drainage test abnormal
10056460 Thoracic cavity drainage test
10056461 Hydrocele drainage test abnormal
10056462 Hydrocele drainage test normal
10056463 Pericardial drainage test normal
10056464 Thoracic cavity drainage test abnormal
10056465 Food craving
10056466 Lymphatic sinus catarrh
10056467 Cerebral dysgenesis
10056468 Oral mucosal disorder
10056469 Urine human chorionic gonadotropin
10056470 Urine human chorionic gonadotropin increased
10056471 Bradycardia neonatal
10056472 Ventricular hyperkinesia
10056473 Cubital tunnel syndrome
10056474 Erythrosis
10056475 Maxillary sinusitis
10056476 Corneal irritation
10056477 Astereognosis
10056478 Nicotine addiction
10056479 Urine human chorionic gonadotropin normal
10056480 Urine human chorionic gonadotropin abnormal
10056481 Urine human chorionic gonadotropin decreased
10056482 Urine human chorionic gonadotropin negative
10056483 Urine human chorionic gonadotropin positive
10056484 Nicotine craving
10056485 Hypoadrenocorticism
10056486 Pre-existing disease
10056487 Accidental needle stick
10056488 Device complication
10056489 Coronary artery restenosis
10056490 Kyphosis postoperative
10056491 Bucking, anaesthesia related
10056492 Haemophilia A with anti factor VIII
10056493 Haemophilia A without inhibitors
10056494 Haemophilia B with anti factor IX
10056495 Haemophilia B without inhibitors
10056496 Acquired haemophilia with anti FVIII, XI, or XIII
10056497 Glaucomatous cupping of optic disc
10056498 Eyelid trichiasis
10056499 Anal trichiasis
10056500 Infectious iridocyclitis
10056501 Bacterial dacryocystitis
10056502 Serum glutamic-pyruvic ta increased
10056503 Bleeding after stem cell transplantation
10056504 Vulval erythema
10056505 Renal disorder in pregnancy
10056506 Follicular mucinosis
10056507 Biliary anastomosis
10056508 Acquired epidermolysis bullosa
10056509 Cutaneous lupus erythematosus
10056510 Radiotherapy to thymus
10056511 Acquired epiblepharon
10056512 Dolichocolon acquired
10056513 Portal vein obstruction
10056514 Benign biliary neoplasm
10056515 Fascial infection
10056516 Retrosternal infection
10056517 Psoas abscess
10056518 Septic phlebitis
10056519 Abdominal infection
10056520 Catheter site infection
10056521 Hepatitis C carrier
10056522 Hepatic infection
10056523 Hepatobiliary infection
10056524 Postpartum vaginal laceration
10056525 Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy
10056526 Nail pterygium
10056527 Onychoschizia
10056528 Neonatal cholestasis
10056529 Biliary dyskinesia
10056530 Vulvovaginal pruritus
10056531 Congenital epiblepharon
10056532 Dolichocolon congenital
10056533 Congenital hepatic fibrosis
10056534 X-ray hepatobiliary
10056535 X-ray hepatobiliary normal
10056536 X-ray hepatobiliary abnormal
10056537 Onychorrhexis
10056538 Alopecia mucinosa
10056539 Chronic bullous disease of childhood
10056540 Dermatitis irritant contact
10056541 Senile epiblepharon
10056542 Hepatic insufficiency
10056543 X-ray biliary
10056544 X-ray biliary normal
10056545 X-ray biliary abnormal
10056546 Benign cholecystic neoplasm
10056547 Hepatic size reduced
10056548 Parathyroid gland abscess
10056549 Nail longitudinal striations
10056551 Urine alcohol test positive
10056552 Breath alcohol test positive
10056553 Therapeutic aspiration
10056554 X-linked chromosomal disorder
10056555 Y-linked chromosomal disorder
10056556 Perineal fistula
10056557 Gulf war syndrome
10056558 Peritoneal mesothelioma malignant
10056559 Graft infection
10056560 Diaphragmatic rupture
10056561 Lactose tolerance test abnormal
10056562 Peritoneal candidiasis
10056563 Glomus jugulare tumour
10056564 Urine alcohol test
10056565 Urine alcohol test negative
10056566 Breath alcohol test
10056567 Breath alcohol test negative
10056568 Lactose tolerance test normal
10056569 Surgery site fistula
10056570 Intra-abdominal infection
10056571 Skin tenting
10056572 Cotugno's disease
10056573 Glomus jugulare tumor
10056574 Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia
10056575 Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
10056576 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
10056583 Mediastinal operation
10056584 Fistulography
10056585 Neonatal warming therapy
10056586 Drug delivery device implantation
10056587 Pelvic exploration
10056588 Lipectomy
10056589 Exploratory operation
10056590 Drug delivery device removal
10056591 Rectal villous adenoma
10056592 Colorectal hyperplastic polyp
10056593 Malignant lymphoma of bone
10056594 Colonic lymphoma
10056595 Hepatic lymphoma
10056596 Heat sensitivity
10056597 Alcohol-induced flushing
10056598 Haemoglobin SD disease
10056599 Haemoglobin SE disease
10056600 Cryptorchidism
10056601 Colonic serrated adenoma
10056602 Colonic tubular adenoma
10056603 Colonic tubulovillous adenoma
10056604 Colonic villous adenoma
10056605 Aspiration biopsy
10056606 Drug-induced alcohol intolerance
10056607 Perineal hernia
10056608 Rectus abdominis hernia
10056609 Uraemia odour
10056610 Pseudoangina
10056611 Fistulography normal
10056612 Fistulography abnormal
10056613 Incubator therapy
10056614 Urine bilirubin decreased
10056615 Urinary nitrogen decreased
10056616 Angina pectoris falsa
10056617 Gonarthritis
10056618 Retroperitoneal exploration
10056619 Rectal ultrasound
10056620 Rectal ultrasound normal
10056621 Rectal ultrasound abnormal
10056622 Epigastric herniorrhaphy
10056623 Hot compress therapy
10056624 Uremia odor
10056625 Sternal wires broken
10056626 Pseudopolyp
10056627 Phlebitis infective
10056628 Ovarian bacterial infection
10056629 Dehydroepiandrosterone decreased
10056630 Apolipoprotein
10056631 Burn involving 10-19 percent of body surface
10056632 Burn involving 20-29 percent of body surface
10056633 Burn involving 30-39 percent of body surface
10056634 Burn involving 40-49 percent of body surface
10056635 Burn involving 50-59 percent of body surface
10056636 Burn involving 60-69 percent of body surface
10056637 Burn involving 70-79 percent of body surface
10056638 Burn involving 80-89 percent of body surface
10056639 Burn involving 90 percent or more of body surface
10056640 Burn involving less than 10 percent of body surface
10056641 Post procedural site wound infection
10056642 Dehydroepiandrosterone test
10056643 Apolipoprotein normal
10056644 Apolipoprotein abnormal
10056645 Apolipoprotein increased
10056646 Apolipoprotein decreased
10056647 Periorbital swelling
10056648 Phlebitis septic
10056649 Bulbar conjunctiva hyperaemia
10056650 Post procedural thoracic cavity drainage
10056651 Vestibulitis
10056652 Middle lobe syndrome
10056653 Bronchial injury
10056654 Colitis viral
10056655 Bladder agenesis
10056656 Secondary sexual characteristics absence
10056657 High fat diet
10056658 Pseudocyst
10056659 Sacral hypoplasia
10056660 Geotrichum infection
10056661 Feeding tube complication
10056662 Limb reattachment surgery
10056663 Gastric infection
10056664 Retroperitoneal neoplasm
10056665 Blood amino acid level increased
10056666 Nontherapeutic agent urine positive
10056667 Cogan's syndrome
10056668 Emphysematous cholecystitis
10056669 False positive laboratory result
10056670 Lymphomatoid papulosis
10056671 Mucocutaneous rash
10056672 Neuroectodermal neoplasm
10056673 Peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy
10056674 Oral pustule
10056675 Postoperative renal failure
10056676 Phobia of driving
10056677 Nerve degeneration
10056678 Dacryocystitis infective
10056679 Intraoperative hypotension
10056680 Blood amino acid level decreased
10056681 Salivary duct inflammation
10056682 Iron saturation decreased
10056683 Iron saturation increased
10056684 Tuberculous abscess
10056685 Vitreoretinal detachment
10056687 Necrotising gingivitis
10056688 Maxillectomy
10056689 Bockhart's impetigo
10056690 Pale mucous membrane
10056691 Perirenal pain
10056692 Tympanic membrane erythema
10056693 Laennec's cirrhosis
10056694 Lacrimal duct inflammation
10056695 Bronchial oedema
10056696 Gaze palsy
10056697 Tissue anoxia
10056698 Tenosynovitis stenosans
10056699 Atypical benign partial epilepsy
10056700 Therapeutic agent urine positive
10056701 Therapeutic agent urine negative
10056702 Nontherapeutic agent urine negative
10056703 Saliva alcohol test negative
10056704 Parasitic oesophagitis
10056705 Blood amino acid level
10056706 Blood amino acid level normal
10056707 Blood amino acid level abnormal
10056708 Brock's syndrome
10056709 Necrotizing gingivitis
10056710 Laurence-Moon syndrome
10056711 Bronchial edema
10056712 Downward deviation of eyes
10056713 De Quervain's tenosynovitis
10056714 Pseudo-Lennox syndrome
10056715 Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome
10056716 Parasitic esophagitis
10056717 Varicophlebitis
10056718 Placental chorioangioma
10056719 Implantable defibrillator malfunction
10056720 Muscle mass
10056721 Cytomegalovirus pericarditis
10056722 Meniscus removal
10056723 Dental care
10056724 Hemoglobin SD disease
10056725 Hemoglobin SE disease
10056726 Globulin gamma serum plasma decreased
10056727 Globulin serum plasma decreased
10056728 Iodine butanol-extractable serum decreased
10056729 Iodine isotope thyroid uptake decreased
10056730 Iodine radioactive uptake decreased
10056731 WBC decreased
10056732 Creatine phosphokinase serum increased
10056733 Globulin gamma serum plasma increased
10056734 Globulin serum plasma increased
10056735 Iodine butanol-extractable serum increased
10056736 Iodine isotope thyroid uptake increased
10056737 Iodine radioactive uptake increased
10056738 Uterine cervical laceration
10056739 WBC increased
10056740 Genital discharge
10056741 Diabetic enteropathy
10056742 Diabetic gastroenteropathy
10056743 Gastrointestinal ulcer haemorrhage
10056744 Egobronchophony
10056745 Postoperative thoracic procedure complication
10056746 Boil on scrotum
10056747 Catarrh of middle ear
10056748 Egophony
10056749 Purulent nasal discharge
10056750 Unstable sternum, postoperative
10056751 Gastrointestinal ulcer hemorrhage
10056752 Purulent rhinorrhea
10056753 Purulent rhinorrhoea
10056754 Uterine cervical lesion excision
10056755 Uterine cervical lesion
10056756 Intracranial pressure increased benign
10056757 Benign neoplasm of eyelid, incl canthus
10056758 Benign neoplasm of skin of lower limb, incl hip
10056759 Benign neoplasm of skin of upper limb, incl shoulder
10056760 Burn of unspecified degree of two or more digits of hand, incl thumb
10056761 Burn of unspecified degree of two or more digits of hand, not incl thumb
10056762 Carcinoma in situ of eyelid, incl canthus
10056763 Carcinoma in situ of skin of lower limb, incl hip
10056764 Carcinoma in situ of skin of upper limb, incl shoulder
10056765 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of two or more digits of hand incl thumb
10056766 Leukoplakia of oral mucosa, incl tongue
10056767 Malignant melanoma of skin of eyelid, incl canthus
10056768 Malignant melanoma of skin of lower limb, incl hip
10056769 Malignant melanoma of skin of upper limb, incl shoulder
10056770 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, incl duodenum
10056771 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, incl duodenum metastatic
10056772 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, incl duodenum non-resectable
10056773 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, incl duodenum recurrent
10056774 Malignant neoplasm of small intestine, incl duodenum resectable
10056775 Oral submucous fibrosis, incl of tongue
10056776 Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, incl sclerosing agents
10056777 Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, incl combinations with a pertussis component
10056778 Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine incl duodenum
10056779 Benign neoplasm of eyeball, excl conjunctiva, cornea, retina, and choroid
10056780 Benign neoplasm of kidney, excl pelvis
10056781 Benign neoplasm of pancreas, excl islets of Langerhans
10056782 Benign neoplasm of skin of trunk, excl scrotum
10056783 Blister, infected of face, neck and scalp excl eye
10056784 Burn of unspecified degree multiple sites of upper limb, excl wrist and hand
10056785 Burn of upper limb, excl wrist and hand
10056786 Burn of upper limb, excl wrist and hand, unspecified degree
10056787 Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk, excl scrotum
10056788 Congenital anomaly of middle ear, excl ossicles
10056789 Congenital hernia excl diaphragmatic or hiatal
10056790 Erythema due to burn (first degree) of upper limb, excl wrist and hand
10056791 Headache (excl migraine) aggravated
10056792 Malignant melanoma of skin of trunk, excl scrotum
10056793 Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum, excl lobes and ventricles
10056794 Malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri, excl isthmus
10056795 Malignant neoplasm of eyeball, excl conjunctiva, cornea, retina, and choroid
10056796 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, excl pelvis
10056797 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, excl pelvis, recurrent
10056798 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, excl pelvis, stage I
10056799 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, excl pelvis, stage II
10056800 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, excl pelvis, stage III
10056801 Malignant neoplasm of kidney, excl pelvis, stage IV
10056802 Serous conjunctivitis, excl viral
10056803 Ulcer of lower limbs, excl decubitus ulcer
10056804 Unspecified inflammatory disease of uterus, excl cervix
10056805 Leukoplakia (excl anogenital)
10056806 Bilirubin total increased
10056807 Ear, nose and throat examination
10056808 Bilirubin total normal
10056809 Bone formation decreased
10056810 Body height above normal
10056811 Body height below normal
10056812 Body height decreased
10056813 Body height increased
10056814 Weight abnormal
10056815 Weight above normal
10056816 Weight below normal
10056817 Weight normal
10056818 Asthma aspirin-sensitive
10056819 Gastric disorder
10056820 Hair breakage
10056821 Body height normal
10056822 Body height abnormal
10056823 Rectal examination normal
10056824 Rectal examination abnormal
10056825 Otoscopy normal
10056826 Otoscopy abnormal
10056827 Dental examination normal
10056828 Dental examination abnormal
10056829 Gynaecological examination normal
10056830 Gynaecological examination abnormal
10056831 Neurological examination normal
10056832 Neurological examination abnormal
10056833 Otic examination normal
10056834 Otic examination abnormal
10056835 Ophthalmological examination normal
10056836 Ophthalmological examination abnormal
10056837 Retinal photography normal
10056838 Retinal photography abnormal
10056839 Podiatric examination normal
10056840 Podiatric examination abnormal
10056841 Urological examination normal
10056842 Urological examination abnormal
10056843 Medical observation normal
10056844 Medical observation abnormal
10056845 Emergency care examination normal
10056846 Emergency care examination abnormal
10056847 Ear, nose and throat examination normal
10056848 Ear, nose and throat examination abnormal
10056849 Apgar score normal
10056850 Apgar score abnormal
10056851 Thermometry normal
10056852 Thermometry abnormal
10056853 Orthopedic examination normal
10056854 Orthopedic examination abnormal
10056855 Eye exam normal
10056856 Eye exam abnormal
10056857 Eye exam
10056858 ENT examination normal
10056859 ENT examination abnormal
10056860 Otic thermometry normal
10056861 Rectal thermometry normal
10056862 Rectal thermometry abnormal
10056863 Otic thermometry abnormal
10056864 Oral thermometry normal
10056865 Oral thermometry abnormal
10056866 Facial wasting
10056867 Activated protein C resistance
10056868 Angiosclerotic myasthenia
10056869 Activated protein C resistance congenital
10056870 Mondor's disease
10056871 Device failure
10056872 Palpable purpura
10056873 Tertiary syphilis
10056874 Chemical cystitis
10056875 Acrochordon excision
10056876 Septal panniculitis
10056877 Necrotising cellulitis
10056878 Dermatofibrosis lenticularis disseminata
10056879 Skin tag removal
10056880 Dermatoheliosis
10056881 Clitorimegaly
10056882 Necrotizing cellulitis
10056883 Secondary syphilis
10056884 Primary syphilis
10056885 Adenoviral hepatitis
10056886 Mucopolysaccharidosis I
10056887 Mucopolysaccharidosis IH/S
10056888 Mucopolysaccharidosis IS
10056889 Mucopolysaccharidosis II
10056890 Mucopolysaccharidosis III
10056891 Mucopolysaccharidosis V
10056892 Mucopolysaccharidosis VI
10056893 Mucopolysaccharidosis VII
10056894 XYY syndrome
10056895 Pharyngeal culture positive
10056896 Herpangina coxsackie
10056897 Glycogen storage disease type IB
10056898 ALT decreased
10056899 AFP amniotic fluid increased
10056900 AFP decreased
10056901 AST decreased
10056902 CEA antigen increased
10056903 CSF WBC positive
10056904 CMV test negative
10056905 Near drowning
10056906 EBV antibody positive
10056907 EBV antigen positive
10056908 GGT decreased
10056909 GGTP decreased
10056910 GGT increased
10056911 Glycogen storage disease type IA
10056912 C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
10056913 IOP increased
10056914 IOP decreased
10056915 Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
10056916 Hurler-Scheie syndrome
10056917 Hunter's syndrome
10056918 Sanfilippo's syndrome
10056919 Scheie's syndrome
10056920 Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome
10056921 Sly's syndrome
10056922 MRI brain abnormal
10056923 Thrombocyte count increased
10056924 PSA decreased
10056925 RAST negative
10056926 RAST positive
10056927 CSF RBC positive
10056928 Semen RBC positive
10056929 SPECT abnormal
10056930 SPECT normal
10056931 Urine culture positive viral
10056932 Urine CMV positive
10056933 Semen WBC positive
10056934 Blood culture positive viral
10056935 CSF WBC
10056936 CSF WBC negative
10056937 CSF WBC increased
10056938 CSF WBC decreased
10056939 Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase decreased
10056940 MRI brain normal
10056941 MRI brain
10056942 Pharyngeal culture positive viral
10056943 Drug poisoning
10056944 Arnold-Chiari malformation type I
10056945 Arnold-Chiari malformation type II
10056946 Arnold-Chiari malformation type III
10056947 CMV test positive
10056948 Automatic bladder
10056949 Atypical measles
10056950 Aldosteronoma
10056951 Actinic cheilitis
10056952 Septic cholangitis
10056953 Nodular cutaneous amyloidosis
10056954 Gottron's papules
10056955 Dissecting perifolliculitis of scalp
10056956 Subacute hepatic failure
10056957 Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis
10056958 Erythematous lichen planus
10056959 Atrophic lichen planus
10056960 Bullous lichen planus
10056961 Dissecting cellulitis of scalp
10056962 Electrocardiogram P wave biphasic
10056963 Exanthematic drug eruption
10056964 Premature atrial contraction
10056965 Premature nodal contraction
10056966 Renal vein thromboembolism
10056967 Chest pain with radiation to left arm
10056968 Erythema elevatum diutinum
10056969 Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum
10056970 Naegleria infection
10056971 Infective exacerbation of chronic obstructive airways disease
10056972 Hydrocholecystis
10056973 Melanomatous meningitis
10056974 Neonatal hypoparathyroidism
10056975 Pancreatic phlegmon
10056976 Hereditary pancreatitis
10056977 Alcoholic pancreatitis
10056978 Gastric cyst
10056979 Colitis microscopic
10056980 Large intestine mass
10056981 Adenomatous polyposis coli
10056982 Gingivectomy
10056983 Periodontal operation
10056984 Dental plaque
10056985 Diarrhoea post chemotherapy
10056986 Diarrhoea post irradiation
10056987 Congenital ectopic pancreas
10056988 Faecalith
10056989 Nausea post chemotherapy
10056990 Intestinal prolapse
10056991 Enterocolonic fistula
10056992 Oesophagobronchial fistula
10056993 Ileorectal fistula
10056994 Brunner's gland hyperplasia
10056995 Gastrointestinal mucosal disorder
10056996 Pharyngoesophageal diverticulum
10056997 Impaired fasting glucose
10056998 Palatal oedema
10056999 Cleft lip repair
10057000 Epididymal infection
10057001 Seminal vesicular infection
10057002 Salivary gland mass
10057003 Oesophageal mass
10057004 Bronchial dysplasia
10057005 Enterostomy
10057006 Ileectomy
10057007 Jejunectomy
10057008 Cystoprostatectomy
10057009 Pharyngeal erythema
10057010 Pancreatitis due to biliary obstruction
10057011 Rectal spasm
10057012 Rectal mass
10057013 Diarrhea post chemotherapy
10057014 Diarrhea post irradiation
10057015 Fecalith
10057016 Esophagobronchial fistula
10057017 Jejunocolonic fistula
10057018 Polyposis intestinal
10057019 Zenker diverticulum
10057020 Colocolostomy
10057021 Esophageal mass
10057022 Pancreatic sphincterectomy
10057023 Parasitic cyst removal
10057024 Oesophagogastrectomy
10057025 Esophagogastrectomy
10057026 Poisonous berries ingestion
10057027 Coxsackie myopericarditis
10057028 Meconium stain
10057029 Menetrier's disease
10057030 Pneumatosis intestinalis
10057031 Schatzki's ring
10057032 Granulomatous colitis
10057033 Cecal polyp
10057034 Crigler-Najjar syndrome type I
10057035 Crohn's ileocolitis
10057036 Osmotic diarrhea
10057037 Neonatal tetany
10057038 Vocal cord neoplasm
10057039 Pharynx diverticum, acquired
10057040 Temperature intolerance
10057041 Poikiloderma
10057042 Congenital cutis laxa
10057043 Dermatofibrosarcoma
10057044 Miliaria crystallina
10057045 Miliaria profunda
10057046 Miliaria pustulosa
10057047 Acne keloidalis nuchae
10057048 Large plaque parapsoriasis
10057049 Small plaque parapsoriasis
10057050 Retiform parapsoriasis
10057051 Pityriasis lichenoides chronica
10057052 Cicatricial pemphigoid
10057053 Pemphigus vegetans
10057054 Pemphigus foliaceous
10057056 Paraneoplastic pemphigus
10057057 Photocontact dermatitis
10057058 Prehepatic portal hypertension
10057059 Eruptive psoriasis
10057060 Surgical scar
10057061 Burn scar
10057062 Cradle cap
10057063 Dermatosis papulosa nigra
10057064 Skin laxity
10057065 Striae distensae
10057066 Delayed orgasm
10057067 Parapsoriasis guttata
10057068 Pityriasis lichenoid chronic
10057069 Pemphigus foliaceus
10057070 Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
10057071 Rectal tenesmus
10057072 Sickle cell Hb-C disease
10057073 Violent behavior
10057074 Enterostomy closure
10057075 Meconium plug syndrome
10057076 Granulomatous ileocolitis
10057077 Acholic stool
10057078 Colonic pseudo-obstruction
10057079 Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
10057080 Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
10057081 Antral G-cell hyperplasia
10057082 Antral ulcer
10057083 Granulomatous gastritis
10057084 Gastrointestinal tract mucosal pigmentation
10057085 Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency
10057086 Granulomatous ileitis
10057087 Ileocolic intussusception
10057088 Leukoplakia tongue
10057089 Pancreatic pseudocyst infection
10057090 Antral stenosis
10057091 Granulomatous proctocolitis
10057092 Granulomatous prostatitis
10057093 Genital discharge abnormality
10057094 Vaginal discharge abnormality
10057095 Diffuse Lewy body disease
10057096 Progression of pre-existing cancer
10057097 Drug use for unknown indication
10057098 Intra-ocular injection
10057099 Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia
10057100 Homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia
10057101 Congenital skin laxity
10057102 Pyopneumothorax
10057103 Cardiac valvulopathy
10057104 Cartilage repair
10057105 Eye laser surgery
10057106 Blood methaemoglobin present
10057107 Blast cells present
10057108 Anti-erythrocyte antibody positive
10057109 Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia
10057110 Hepatic mass
10057111 Synovial fluid red blood cells positive
10057112 Synovial fluid crystal present
10057113 Synovial fluid glucose present
10057114 Synovial fluid protein present
10057115 Platybasia
10057116 Polychromic red blood cells present
10057117 Prostate volume study
10057118 Urine homocystine present
10057120 Urine uric acid increased
10057121 Urine transitional cells present
10057122 CMV IgG antibody positive
10057123 Urine microalbumin present
10057124 Urine leucine crystals present
10057125 Urine uric acid crystals present
10057126 Urine hippuric acid crystals present
10057127 Hip hemiarthroplasty
10057128 Revision of hip arthroplasty
10057129 Revision of total knee arthroplasty
10057130 Monocytes atypical present
10057131 Open reduction with external fixation
10057132 Basilar invagination
10057133 Protein urine 24 hour increased
10057134 Revision of shoulder arthroplasty
10057135 Urine odour abnormal
10057136 Blast cells absent
10057137 Anti-erythrocyte antibody negative
10057138 Urine oxalate
10057139 Urine uric acid decreased
10057140 Urine uric acid normal
10057141 Urine uric acid abnormal
10057142 Urine uric acid
10057143 Medication crystals in urine
10057144 Urine leucine
10057146 Intestinal anastomosis
10057147 Fracture debridement
10057148 Colostomy revision
10057149 Large intestine anastomosis revision
10057150 Synovial fluid neutrophils present
10057151 Synovial fluid lymphocytes present
10057152 Synovial fluid monocytes present
10057153 Ileostomy revision
10057154 Urine microalbumin absent
10057155 Urine microalbumin
10057156 Hypophysectomy
10057157 Blood methaemoglobin
10057158 Blood methaemoglobin absent
10057159 Urine homocystine
10057160 Blood methemoglobin present
10057161 Gastrointestinal ulcer management
10057162 Blood methemoglobin
10057163 Blood methemoglobin absent
10057182 Periorbital cellulitis
10057183 Neonatal tachypnoea
10057194 Acute megakaryocytic leukaemia (in remission)
10057195 Acute megakaryocytic leukemia (in remission)
10057201 Esophageal dilation procedure
10057202 Biliary dilatation
10057203 Urethral dilation procedure
10057204 Anal dilation procedure
10057205 Biliary tract dilation procedure
10057206 Pylorus dilation procedure
10057207 Pylorus dilatation
10057208 Optical coherence tomography
10057209 Cervix enlargement
10057210 LEOPARD syndrome
10057211 Eyelid folliculitis
10057213 Isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency
10057214 Ketotic hypoglycaemia
10057215 Isotonic dehydration
10057216 Ketotic hypoglycemia
10057217 Isolated ACTH deficiency
10057218 Hypertonic dehydration
10057219 Ocular deviation
10057220 Acute post haemorrhagic anaemia
10057221 Acute post hemorrhagic anemia
10057222 Chronic post rheumatic arthropathy
10057223 Cirrhosis liver post necrotic
10057224 Irritability postvaccinal
10057225 Peripheral neuritis postpartum
10057226 Poliomyelitis post vaccine
10057227 Post ablative ovarian failure
10057228 Post anaesthetic sleep
10057229 Post cholecystectomy syndrome
10057230 Post concussion syndrome
10057231 Post dysenteric arthropathy
10057232 Post eruptive colour changes of teeth
10057233 Post eruptive color changes of teeth
10057234 Post herpetic trigeminal neuralgia
10057235 Post infectious encephalitis
10057236 Post inflammatory optic atrophy
10057237 Post inflammatory pulmonary fibrosis
10057238 Post injection phenomenon
10057239 Post laminectomy syndrome
10057240 Post surgical hypoinsulinaemia
10057241 Post surgical hypoinsulinemia
10057242 Post surgical hypothyroidism
10057243 Post varicella encephalitis
10057244 Post viral fatigue syndrome
10057245 Post void dribbling
10057246 Prolonged post-traumatic stress disorder
10057247 Apoptotic DNA damage
10057248 Cell death
10057249 Phagocytosis
10057250 Cell-mediated cytotoxicity
10057251 Acquired mitochondrial DNA deletion
10057252 Acquired mitochondrial DNA mutation
10057254 Connective tissue inflammation
10057255 Electrolysis therapy
10057256 Iliac vein obstruction
10057257 Infected insect bite
10057258 Infected varicose vein
10057259 Laryngeal dysplasia
10057260 Lower respiratory tract inflammation
10057261 Lung induration
10057262 Peritoneal infection
10057263 Prostate induration
10057264 T-lymphocyte count increased
10057265 Urine electrolytes increased
10057266 Signet-ring cell carcinoma
10057267 Periphlebitis
10057268 Spinal cord paralysis
10057269 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
10057270 Neuroendocrine carcinoma
10057271 Eosinophilic colitis
10057272 Malignant neoplasm of auricular cartilage
10057273 Ischemic enterocolitis
10057274 Phenobarbital level above therapeutic
10057275 Phenobarbital level therapeutic
10057276 Cervical spinal cord paralysis
10057277 Thoracic spinal cord paralysis
10057278 Lumbar spinal cord paralysis
10057279 Hypocytosis
10057280 Hematocytopenia
10057281 Medical device complication
10057282 Colon prolapse
10057283 T-lymphocyte count normal
10057284 T-lymphocyte count abnormal
10057285 Neuromuscular blocking therapy
10057286 Neuromuscular blockade reversal
10057287 Ischaemic enterocolitis
10057288 Endometriosis internal
10057289 Oropharyngitis
10057290 Curarization
10057291 Reversal of curarization
10057292 Lichen simplex chronicus
10057293 West Nile viral infection
10057294 Foetal therapeutic procedure
10057295 Vocal cord inflammation
10057296 Pseudoneurologic symptom
10057297 Mediterranean spotted fever
10057298 Exanthematic typhus
10057299 Kyphosis, post laminectomy
10057300 Lordosis, post laminectomy
10057301 Post measles encephalitis
10057302 Post measles otitis media
10057303 Post measles pneumonia
10057304 Uterine dilation and curettage
10057305 Oesophageal dilation procedure
10057306 Surgical dilation of bile duct
10057307 Neonatal tachypnea
10057308 Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade I
10057309 Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade II
10057310 Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grade III
10057311 Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia grade I
10057312 Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia grade II
10057313 Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia grade III
10057314 Benign colonic polyp
10057315 Daydreaming
10057316 Pituitary tumour recurrent
10057318 Total hysterectomy
10057319 Urethropexy
10057320 Venous insufficiency
10057321 Benign thyroid nodule
10057322 Intervertebral disc operation
10057323 Lumbar laminectomy
10057324 Lumbosacral syndrome
10057325 Pulled muscle
10057326 Teeth clenching
10057327 Trigger finger release
10057328 Bone injury
10057329 Benign skin neoplasm excision
10057330 Pituitary tumor recurrent
10057331 Rib injury
10057332 Loss of proprioception
10057333 Micrographia
10057334 Lung cyst removal
10057335 Therapeutic embolisation
10057336 Districhiasis
10057337 Vena cava stent insertion
10057338 Tracheal mass
10057339 Cystourethropexy
10057340 Testicular leiomyosarcoma
10057341 Adenolipoma
10057342 Onychophagia
10057343 Parvovirus infection
10057344 Pharyngeal hypertrophy
10057345 Renal lipomatosis
10057346 Bronchial polyp
10057347 Ear infection staphylococcal
10057348 Gastric ulcer surgery
10057349 Schirmer's syndrome
10057350 Folliculitis pityrosporon
10057351 Hyperplastic endometrial polyp
10057352 Metastatic carcinoma of the bladder
10057353 Blood clot in bladder
10057355 Inflammatory polyp of the bronchial mucosa
10057356 Hyperplastic nasal polyp
10057357 Spinal meningioma excision
10057358 Nasal mucosal hypertrophy
10057359 Cerebellar edema
10057360 Cerebellar oedema
10057361 Blood brain barrier defect
10057362 Underdose
10057363 Allergic exanthema
10057364 Reduced general condition
10057365 Oral leukoedema
10057366 Human polyomavirus infection
10057367 Vitreous syneresis
10057368 Hollenhorst plaque
10057369 Icteric sclera
10057370 Retinal atheromatous plaque
10057371 Hypoaesthesia oral
10057372 Paraesthesia oral
10057373 Adenoviral haemorrhagic cystitis
10057374 Rehabilitation therapy
10057375 Balint's syndrome
10057376 Ovarian granulosa-theca cell tumour
10057377 Adenoviral hemorrhagic cystitis
10057378 Ovarian granulosa-theca cell tumor
10057379 Addiction relapse
10057380 Allergic keratitis
10057381 Disc neovascularization
10057382 Allergic blepharoconjunctivitis
10057383 Allergic keratoconjunctivitis
10057384 Cross reactive drug hypersensitivity
10057385 Eyelid irritation
10057386 Forehead swelling
10057387 Inappropriate dilution of medication
10057388 Disc neovascularisation
10057390 Refractory cardiac ischemia
10057391 Hernial eventration
10057392 Paranasal sinus hypersecretion
10057393 Bifascicular block
10057394 Hepatitis C positive
10057395 Refractory cardiac ischaemia
10057396 Thrombophilia
10057397 Pyeloscopy
10057398 Hepatitis A positive
10057399 Calyceal diverticulum
10057400 Anterior chamber pigmentation
10057401 Canthoplasty
10057402 Choroidal coloboma
10057403 Choroidal infarction
10057404 Axenfeld's syndrome
10057405 Choroid neoplasm
10057406 Conjunctival neoplasm
10057407 Retinal neoplasm
10057408 Lacrimal duct neoplasm
10057409 Prostate tenderness
10057410 Hippus
10057411 Congenital iris anomaly
10057412 Iris neoplasm
10057413 Iris injury
10057414 Microcornea
10057415 Ciliary body disorder
10057416 Ocular haemangiopericytoma
10057417 Ciliary body haemorrhage
10057418 Iris haemorrhage
10057419 Cataract operation complication
10057420 Iris operation
10057421 Corneal light reflex test
10057422 Optic disc vascular disorder
10057423 Optic disc telangiectasia
10057424 Benign neoplasm of optic nerve
10057425 Periorbital disorder
10057426 Pupillary deformity
10057427 Retinal naevus
10057428 Retinal melanocytoma
10057429 Eales' disease
10057430 Retinal injury
10057431 Scleral oedema
10057432 Scleral pigmentation
10057433 Scleral graft
10057434 Visual tracking test
10057435 Vitreous adhesions
10057436 Vitreous injury
10057437 Epiglottic cyst
10057438 Epiglottic carcinoma
10057439 Laryngeal mass
10057440 Epiglottic mass
10057441 Laryngeal injury
10057442 Rhinolaryngitis
10057443 Nasal mucosa biopsy
10057444 Oropharyngeal neoplasm
10057445 Auricular pseudocyst
10057446 Ear injury
10057447 Paranasal sinus benign neoplasm
10057448 Paranasal sinus neoplasm
10057449 Adenoidal disorder
10057450 Tonsillar haemorrhage
10057451 Tonsillar cyst
10057452 Angiogram peripheral
10057453 Aortic dilatation
10057454 Aortic valve prolapse
10057455 Cardiac ventricular disorder
10057456 Cardiac teratoma
10057457 Haemodynamic test abnormal
10057458 Vascular test abnormal
10057459 Implantable defibrillator replacement
10057460 Atrioventricular canal
10057461 Cardiac procedure complication
10057462 Vascular procedure complication
10057463 Pericardial operation
10057464 Pulmonary valve calcification
10057465 Pulmonary valve sclerosis
10057466 Tricuspid valve calcification
10057467 Tricuspid valve sclerosis
10057468 Aortic bi-femoral bypass
10057469 Vascular stenosis
10057470 Lymph node palpable
10057471 Spleen palpable
10057472 Gallbladder palpable
10057473 Bernard-Soulier syndrome
10057474 Eye operation complication
10057475 Ear operation complication
10057476 Periodontal congenital anomaly
10057477 Bone marrow myelogram
10057478 Respiratory fremitus
10057479 Reactive haemophagocytic syndrome
10057480 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
10057481 Lupus pneumonitis
10057482 Dependence on respirator
10057483 Mediastinal infection
10057484 Urea urine 24 hour increased
10057485 Urea urine 24 hour decreased
10057486 Anterior subcapsular cataract
10057487 Chandler's syndrome
10057488 Scleral icterus
10057489 Hearing test
10057490 Age indeterminate anteroseptal myocardial infarction
10057491 Age indeterminate posterolateral myocardial infarction
10057492 Age indeterminate septal myocardial infarction
10057493 Renal artery angioplasty
10057494 Carotid artery repair
10057495 Borderline hypertension
10057496 Incomplete bundle branch block
10057497 Electrocardiogram J-point depression
10057498 Electrocardiogram J-point elevation
10057499 Jugular venous wave abnormality
10057500 Left atrial hypertrophy
10057501 Right atrial hypertrophy
10057502 ECG Nonspecific ST-T change
10057503 ECG P wave flattened
10057504 ECG P wave notched
10057505 QRS voltage decreased
10057506 QRS voltage increased
10057507 Wide complex supraventricular tachycardia
10057508 Pyeloscopy normal
10057509 Pyeloscopy abnormal
10057510 Congenital calyceal diverticulum
10057511 Corneal light reflex test normal
10057512 Corneal light reflex test abnormal
10057513 Optic nerve cup/disc ratio decreased
10057514 Visual tracking test normal
10057515 Visual tracking test abnormal
10057516 Angiogram peripheral normal
10057517 Angiogram peripheral abnormal
10057518 Peripheral artery angioplasty
10057519 Peripheral occlusion
10057520 Peripheral artery dissection
10057521 Peripheral artery aneurysm
10057522 Haemodynamic test normal
10057523 Vascular test normal
10057524 Atrioventricular junctional escape rhythm
10057525 Peripheral artery occlusion
10057526 ECG P wave inverted
10057527 Bone marrow myelogram normal
10057528 Bone marrow myelogram abnormal
10057529 Ovarian cancer metastatic
10057530 Ocular hemangiopericytoma
10057531 Ocular melanocytoma
10057532 Ciliary body hemorrhage
10057533 Iris hemorrhage
10057534 Optic disc infarction
10057535 Nasopharyngeal atresia repair
10057536 Scleral edema
10057537 Nasal mucosal discolouration
10057538 Nasopharyngeal disorder
10057539 Hearing test normal
10057540 Hearing test abnormal
10057541 Tonsillar hemorrhage
10057542 Pharyngitis ulcerative
10057543 Age indeterminate inferolateral myocardial infarction
10057544 Age indeterminate inferoposterior myocardial infarction
10057545 Anterior myocardial infarction
10057546 Inferior myocardial infarction
10057547 Lateral myocardial infarction
10057548 Posterior myocardial infarction
10057549 Septal myocardial infarction
10057550 Posterolateral myocardial infarction
10057551 Inferolateral myocardial infarction
10057553 Biventricular hypertrophy
10057554 Iliac artery dissection
10057555 Hemodynamic test abnormal
10057556 Hemodynamic test normal
10057557 Hemodynamic test
10057558 Intra-abdominal venous shunt
10057559 Electrocardiogram S wave abnormal
10057560 Popliteal-tibial bypass
10057561 Vascular implant infection
10057562 Encephalomeningocele
10057563 Spinal myelogram
10057564 Spinal myelogram normal
10057565 Spinal myelogram abnormal
10057566 Reactive hemophagocytic syndrome
10057567 Optic nerve cup/disc ratio increased
10057568 Tonsillar abscess
10057569 Brachial artery occlusion
10057570 Respiratory dyskinesia
10057571 Ocular retrobulbar haemorrhage
10057572 Gastric varices haemorrhage
10057573 Chronic hepatic failure
10057574 Pituitary gland radiotherapy
10057575 Ocular retrobulbar hemorrhage
10057576 Cardiac septal hypertrophy
10057577 Gastric varices bleeding
10057578 Hypophyseal radiotherapy
10057579 Gastric varices hemorrhage
10057580 Flapping tremor
10057581 Tobacco user
10057582 Lung infection pseudomonal
10057583 Partial hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase deficiency
10057584 Post procedural vomiting
10057585 Post procedural diarrhoea
10057586 Post procedural bile leak
10057587 Post procedural urine leak
10057588 Kelley-Seegmiller syndrome
10057589 Total hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase deficiency
10057590 Post procedural diarrhea
10057591 Vomiting post radiotherapy
10057592 Ketonaemia
10057593 Blood ketone body
10057594 Blood ketone body increased
10057595 Blood ketone body decreased
10057596 Urine ketone body absent
10057597 Urine ketone body present
10057598 Blood ketone body present
10057599 Ketonemia
10057600 Blood ketone body absent
10057601 Choledocholithotomy
10057602 Bursa injury
10057603 Syndesmophyte
10057604 Bursa calcification
10057605 Interferon gamma receptor deficiency
10057606 Bone electrostimulation therapy
10057607 Carotid sinus massage
10057608 Muscle graft
10057609 Fracture reduction
10057610 Peripheral nerve decompression
10057611 Urinary tract operation
10057612 Bone debridement
10057613 Thromboembolic stroke
10057614 Pericardial calcification
10057615 Endocrine hypertension
10057616 Anaesthesia reversal
10057617 Aortic bypass
10057618 Acrel's ganglion
10057619 Infective tenosynovitis
10057620 Central core disease
10057621 Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
10057622 QRS axis
10057623 QRS axis normal
10057624 QRS axis abnormal
10057625 Tendon infection
10057626 Waaler-Rose test positive
10057627 Waaler-Rose test
10057628 Waaler-Rose test negative
10057629 Shy-Magee syndrome
10057630 Protein allergy
10057631 House dust allergy
10057632 Facial fracture reduction
10057633 Aspiration prostatic fluid
10057634 Pre-excitation syndrome
10057635 Pre-excitation syndrome congenital
10057636 Rapid R wave transition
10057637 Junctional bradycardia
10057638 Ventricular fusion complex
10057639 Fusion beat
10057640 Anesthesia reversal
10057641 Dislocation of rib
10057642 Jeune's syndrome
10057643 Cockroach allergy
10057644 Testis cancer
10057645 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
10057646 Peripheral neuroepithelioma of soft tissue
10057647 Cytoreductive surgery
10057648 Cyclopia
10057649 Endometrial sarcoma
10057650 Calcification pancreatic duct
10057651 Cardiac valve vegetation
10057652 Olivopontocerebellar atrophy
10057653 Encephalocutaneous angiomatosis
10057654 Breast cancer female
10057655 Thyroid hyperplasia
10057656 Askin's tumour
10057657 Askin's tumor
10057658 Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection
10057659 Arteriovenous fistula site bleeding
10057660 Spinocerebellar ataxia
10057661 Milles' syndrome
10057662 Purple toes syndrome
10057663 Squamous cell breast cancer female
10057664 Injected limb mobility decreased
10057665 Injection site lymphadenopathy
10057666 Anxiety disorder
10057667 Bipolar disorder
10057668 Cognitive disorder
10057669 Colon injury
10057671 Female sexual dysfunction
10057672 Male sexual dysfunction
10057673 Maternal condition affecting foetus
10057674 Polyneuropathy toxic
10057675 Posterior segment of eye anomaly
10057676 Psychiatric investigation
10057677 Transplant
10057678 Vascular dementia
10057679 Wound closure
10057680 Venom poisoning
10057681 Joint arthroplasty
10057682 Tinea barbae
10057683 Mental dysequilibrium
10057684 Biopsy chest wall abnormal
10057685 Biopsy chest wall normal
10057686 Anomalous pulmonary venous discharge
10057687 Bloody discharge
10057688 Catheter site discharge
10057689 Acquired claw toe
10057690 Acute non-paralytic poliomyelitis
10057691 Acute non-paralytic poliomyelitis, poliovirus type I
10057692 Acute non-paralytic poliomyelitis, poliovirus type II
10057693 Acute non-paralytic poliomyelitis, poliovirus type III
10057694 Acute non-paralytic poliomyelitis, unspecified type poliovirus
10057695 Acute non-suppurative otitis media
10057696 Acute non-suppurative otitis media, unspecified
10057697 Alveolar soft part sarcoma non-metastatic
10057698 Amebic non-dysenteric colitis
10057699 Amoebic non-dysenteric colitis
10057700 Angiosarcoma non-metastatic
10057701 Anterior subcapsular polar non-senile cataract
10057702 Atherosclerosis of non-autologous vein bypass graft of the extremities
10057703 Coronary atherosclerosis of non-autologous biological bypass graft
10057704 Generalized non-convulsive epilepsy
10057705 Generalized non-convulsive epilepsy, with intractable epilepsy
10057706 Hemoperitoneum (non-traumatic)
10057707 Hepatic dysfunction non-icteric
10057708 Insect bite of foot and toe(s), non-venomous, infected
10057709 Insect bite of shoulder and upper arm, non-venomous, infected
10057710 Insect bite of trunk, non-venomous, infected
10057711 Insect bite, non-venomous of fingers, infected
10057712 Insect bite, non-venomous, of fingers, without mention of infection
10057713 Nitrogen non-protein blood increased
10057714 Non-exudative senile macular degeneration of retina
10057715 Non-gonococcal urethritis, other
10057716 Non-organic sleep disorder, unspecified
10057717 Non-ossifying fibroma
10057718 Non-protein nitrogen blood elevated
10057719 Non-protein nitrogen blood increased
10057720 Non-protein nitrogen increased
10057721 Non-purulent mastitis associated with childbirth
10057722 Non-purulent mastitis, antepartum
10057723 Non-purulent mastitis, postpartum
10057724 Non-pyogenic meningitis
10057725 Non-pyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous sinus
10057726 Non-senile cataract, unspecified
10057729 Non-traumatic rupture of achilles tendon
10057730 Non-traumatic rupture of patellar tendon
10057731 Non-traumatic rupture of quadriceps tendon
10057732 Non-traumatic rupture of unspecified tendon
10057733 Non-traumatic slipped upper femoral epiphysis
10057734 Non-venereal endemic syphilis
10057735 Nuclear non-senile cataract
10057736 Otosclerosis involving oval window, non-obliterative
10057737 Penetration of eyeball with (non-magnetic) foreign body
10057738 Posterior subcapsular polar non-senile cataract
10057739 Purpura non-thrombocytopenic
10057740 Retained (old) intraocular foreign body, non-magnetic
10057741 Rupture of bladder, non-traumatic
10057742 Rupture of muscle, non-traumatic
10057743 Rupture of tendon, non-traumatic
10057744 Specific disorders of sleep of non-organic origin
10057745 Toxic effect of unspecified substance, chiefly non-medicinal as to source
10057746 Tricuspid valve disorders, specified as non-rheumatic
10057747 Unspecified non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU)
10057748 Dysfunction hepatic non-icteric
10057749 Hepatitis non-icteric
10057750 Wound discharge increased
10057751 Post procedural discharge
10057753 Nasal sinus discharge
10057754 Postoperative discharge
10057755 Haematology test abnormal
10057756 Haematology test normal
10057757 Gamma GT abnormal
10057758 Gamma GT normal
10057759 Gamma GT decreased
10057760 Hematology test abnormal
10057761 Hematology test normal
10057762 Hematology test
10057763 Hematocrit abnormal
10057764 Colorectal anterior resection
10057765 Procedural complication
10057766 Therapy regimen changed
10057767 Corynebacterium sepsis
10057768 Post-cardiac injury syndrome
10057769 Nonconvulsive status epilepticus
10057770 Complex partial status epilepticus
10057771 Lymphocyte transformation test positive
10057772 Pneumonitis pseudomonas
10057773 Lymphocyte transformation test negative
10057774 Asymptomatic ventricular extrasystoles
10057775 Aortogram
10057776 Balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration
10057777 Vertebral artery thrombosis
10057778 Scan NOS
10057779 Angiogram femoral
10057780 Chemoembolization
10057781 Transcatheter arterial embolisation
10057782 Perioral oedema
10057783 Erythema polymorphe
10057784 MRI angiography
10057785 Computerised tomogram spinal myelogram
10057786 Cervical computerised tomogram myelography
10057787 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
10057788 Digital substraction angiography
10057789 Delayed anaphylactoid reaction
10057790 Delayed skin reaction
10057791 Abdominal CAT
10057792 Whole body CAT
10057793 Whole body MRI
10057794 Aortogram abnormal
10057795 Aortogram normal
10057796 Discography normal
10057797 Discography abnormal
10057798 Computerised tomogram abdomen abnormal
10057799 Computerised tomogram thorax abnormal
10057800 Computerised tomogram abdomen normal
10057801 Computerised tomogram thorax normal
10057802 Angiogram femoral abnormal
10057803 Angiogram femoral normal
10057804 Chemoembolisation
10057805 Transcatheter arterial embolization
10057806 Perioral edema
10057807 MRI angiography abnormal
10057808 MRI angiography normal
10057809 Computerized tomogram spinal myelogram
10057810 Computerised tomogram spinal myelogram abnormal
10057811 Computerized tomogram spinal myelogram abnormal
10057812 Computerised tomogram spinal myelogram normal
10057813 Computerized tomogram spinal myelogram normal
10057814 Cervical computerized tomogram myelography
10057815 Cervical computerised tomogram myelography abnormal
10057816 Cervical computerized tomogram myelography abnormal
10057817 Cervical computerised tomogram myelography normal
10057818 Cervical computerized tomogram myelography normal
10057819 Diskography normal
10057820 Diskography abnormal
10057821 Digital substraction angiography normal
10057822 Digital substraction angiography abnormal
10057823 Computerized tomogram abdomen
10057824 Thorax CAT
10057825 Computerized tomogram thorax
10057826 Computerized tomogram abdomen abnormal
10057827 Abdominal CAT abnormal
10057828 Computerized tomogram thorax abnormal
10057829 Thorax CAT abnormal
10057830 Computerized tomogram abdomen normal
10057831 Abdominal CAT normal
10057832 Computerized tomogram thorax normal
10057833 Thorax CAT normal
10057834 Whole body CAT normal
10057835 Whole body CAT abnormal
10057836 Diskography
10057837 Peritoneal lavage
10057838 Pituitary neoplasm malignant recurrent
10057839 Pituitary neoplasm benign recurrent
10057840 Major depression
10057841 Energy decreased
10057842 Intra-abdominal abscess drainage
10057843 Stoma site pain
10057844 Hearing loss bilateral
10057845 Hearing loss unilateral
10057846 Primitive neuroectodermal tumour
10057847 Biliary sepsis
10057848 Familial polyposis
10057849 Primitive neuroectodermal tumor
10057850 Ultrasound biliary tract normal
10057851 Ultrasound biliary tract abnormal
10057852 Nicotine dependence
10057853 Aryepiglottis edema
10057854 Cerebral toxoplasmosis
10057855 Hypotelorism of orbit
10057856 Anticonvulsant drug level increased
10057857 Anticonvulsant drug level decreased
10057858 Reproductive tract hypoplasia, male
10057859 Aryepiglottis oedema
10057860 Hypotelorism
10057861 Hypoplastic scrotum
10057862 Hypertelorism
10057863 Selective IgG subclass deficiency
10057864 Bone density increased
10057865 Multiple chemical sensitivity
10057866 Erythaema polymorphe
10057867 Multiple drug overdose
10057868 Upper respiratory tract infection bacterial
10057869 Pharyngitis bacterial
10057870 Head lag
10057871 Head lag abnormal
10057872 Head lag normal
10057873 Hereditary haemochromatosis
10057874 Hereditary hemochromatosis
10057875 Secondary haemochromatosis
10057876 Secondary hemochromatosis
10057877 Biliary enzyme increased
10057878 Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis
10057879 Abdominal cocoon
10057880 Injection site nodule
10057881 Application site abscess
10057882 Endocervical curettage
10057883 Purulent appendicitis
10057884 Bowman's membrane disorder
10057885 Blepharal papilloma
10057886 Congenital choroidal anomaly
10057887 Neonatal lupus erythematosus
10057888 Tendon calcification
10057889 Graves' ophthalmopathy
10057890 Lymph node dissection
10057891 Brachial plexus repair
10057892 Epimacular membrane
10057893 Graefe's sign
10057894 Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure decreased
10057895 Arterial bruit
10057896 Proliferative vitreoretinopathy
10057897 Marcus Gunn pupil
10057898 Foveal cyst
10057899 Jejunostomy revision
10057900 Ear tube insertion
10057901 Radial nerve transposition
10057902 Endometriosis ablation
10057903 Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
10057904 Rotator cuff tendinitis
10057905 Nearsighted
10057906 Farsighted
10057907 Pansystolic murmur
10057908 QRS complex narrowed
10057909 Biopsy endomyocardial
10057910 MIBI scan
10057911 MIBI scan normal
10057912 MIBI scan abnormal
10057913 Electrocardiogram U wave present
10057914 Hypoplastic iris
10057915 Diabetic macular oedema
10057916 Vitreous strands
10057917 Hypophoria
10057918 Retinitis proliferans
10057919 Granulomatous uveitis
10057920 Granulomatous iritis
10057921 Ventricular internal diameter
10057922 Ventricular internal diameter abnormal
10057923 Ventricular internal diameter normal
10057924 Dacryocanaliculitis infective
10057925 Transplant evaluation
10057926 Long QT syndrome congenital
10057927 Ear tube removal
10057928 Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
10057929 Chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus
10057930 Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension abnormal
10057931 Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension normal
10057932 Left ventricular end-systolic dimension abnormal
10057933 Left ventricular end-systolic dimension normal
10057934 Diabetic macular edema
10057935 Glaucomatous optic disc atrophy
10057936 Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
10057937 Systolic left ventricular internal diameter
10057938 Lacrimal duct infection
10057939 Left ventricular end-diastolic dimension
10057940 Left ventricular end-systolic dimension
10057941 Chemical burn of skin
10057942 Ileocecal ulcer
10057943 Ileocaecal ulcer
10057944 Combined valvular disease
10057945 Muscle enzyme increased
10057946 Noctiphobia
10057947 Emotional incontinence
10057948 Nocturnal fear
10057949 Familial amyloid polyneuropathy
10057950 Band neutrophil count decreased
10057951 Muscle enzyme
10057952 Muscle enzyme decreased
10057953 Segmented cell decreased
10057954 Congenital mitochondrial cytopathy
10057955 Convulsive status epilepticus
10057956 Schirmer's test abnormal
10057957 Schirmer's test normal
10057958 Spinal root pain
10057959 Hepatobiliary insufficiency
10057960 Hepatobiliary pain
10057961 Rheumatoid factor decreased
10057962 Rheumatoid factor increased
10057963 Enterocolitis methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
10057964 Cerebral ventriculogram
10057965 Iron binding capacity unsaturated increased
10057966 Iron binding capacity unsaturated decreased
10057967 Cerebral ventriculogram normal
10057968 Cerebral ventriculogram abnormal
10057969 Reflux gastritis
10057970 Toxic skin eruption
10057971 Toxicodermia
10057972 Bone callus excessive
10057973 Alveoloplasty
10057974 Epulis
10057975 Lactate pyruvate ratio
10057976 Lactate pyruvate ratio abnormal
10057977 Lactate pyruvate ratio increased
10057978 Lactate pyruvate ratio decreased
10057979 Call-Fleming syndrome
10057980 Lactate pyruvate ratio normal
10057981 Skin callus
10057982 Vaccine exposure during pregnancy
10057983 Viral vaccine exposure via breast milk
10057984 Rash rubelliform
10057985 Hepatitis E antibody positive
10057986 Appendiceal mucocoele
10057987 Gallbladder mucocoele
10057988 Maternal vaccine exposure
10057989 Viral vaccine antibody exposure via breast milk
10057990 Rash zosteriform
10057991 Trichilemmoma
10057992 Hepatitis E antibody
10057993 Hepatitis E antibody negative
10057994 Hepatitis E antibody abnormal
10057995 Hepatitis E antibody normal
10057996 Appendiceal mucocele
10057997 Gallbladder mucocele
10057998 Policeman's foot
10057999 Electrocardiogram pacemaker spike
10058000 Descemet's membrane disorder
10058001 Globulins decreased
10058002 Hypoglobulinaemia
10058003 Hematotoxicosis
10058004 Paradoxical splitting of second cardiac sound
10058005 Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure increased
10058006 Posterior vitreous detachment
10058007 Retinal arteriovenous nicking
10058008 Pseudomononucleosis
10058009 Subacute myelo-opticoneuropathy
10058010 Apoplectic fit
10058011 Aftercataract
10058012 Prostatic specific antigen abnormal
10058013 Foetal malpresentation
10058014 Infected neoplasm
10058015 Infected cyst
10058016 Infective thrombosis
10058017 Infective aneurysm
10058018 Postoperative complication
10058019 Cancer pain
10058020 Digital prostate exam abnormal
10058021 Fetal malpresentation
10058022 Prostatic specific antigen normal
10058023 Infected scar
10058024 Plasma cells decreased
10058025 Hypertensive hydrocephalus
10058026 Tympanostomy tube insertion
10058027 Tympanostomy tube removal
10058028 Shunt infection
10058029 Arthrofibrosis
10058030 Cartilage hypertrophy
10058031 Joint adhesion
10058032 Inhibiting antibodies
10058033 Neutralizing antibodies
10058034 Immune complex formation
10058035 Gastric ileus
10058036 Nasogastric output high
10058037 Cystatin C increased
10058038 Atrial bigeminy
10058039 Cardiac perforation
10058040 Abdominal sepsis
10058041 Wound sepsis
10058042 Wound abscess
10058043 Incision site pain
10058044 Colostomy prolapse
10058045 Anal sphincter injury
10058046 Post procedural complication
10058047 Knee adhesion
10058048 Bone splinter
10058049 Administration site pain
10058050 Narcotic ileus
10058051 Right lower quadrant pain
10058052 Gastrointestinal ulcer bleeding
10058053 Bleeding colon ulcer
10058054 Rectal mucous secretion
10058055 Ructus
10058056 Fecal peritonitis
10058057 Atrial trigeminy
10058058 Perineal sensation of burning
10058059 Anastomotic complication
10058060 Graft complication
10058061 Gastrointestinal oedema
10058062 Implant site irritation
10058063 Neutralising antibodies
10058064 Gastrointestinal edema
10058065 Intestinal edema
10058066 Perforation of anastomosis
10058067 Graft delamination
10058068 Graft hypertrophy
10058069 Critical limb ischemia
10058070 Intestinal oedema
10058071 Nasogastric tube irritation
10058072 Critical limb ischaemia
10058073 Anaesthetic premedication
10058074 Ear irrigation
10058075 Anesthetic premedication
10058076 Da Costa's syndrome
10058077 Radiotherapy to pleura
10058078 Tooth plaque
10058079 Anomalous pulmonary venous connection
10058080 Staphylococcal infection
10058081 Staphylococcus simulans infection
10058082 Staphylococcus saprophyticus infection
10058083 Loss of desire to void
10058084 Precocious puberty
10058085 Stool Guaiac test
10058086 Heart valve insufficiency
10058087 Yeast infection of the mouth
10058088 Yeast infection of the skin
10058089 Premature pubarche
10058090 Stool Guaiac test positive
10058091 Stool Guaiac test negative
10058092 Multi-organ disorder
10058093 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
10058094 Encephalitis influenzal
10058095 Peritoneal haematoma
10058096 Pancreatic necrosis
10058097 Metabolic disorder
10058098 Peritoneal hematoma
10058099 QRS complex, left axis deviation
10058100 Negative T wave
10058101 Onychoschisis
10058102 Bilirubin encephalopathy
10058103 Tonsillitis pyogenic
10058104 Influenza encephalopathy
10058105 Neutrophilic dermatosis
10058106 Glucose metabolism abnormal
10058107 Adhesive capsulitis
10058108 Dyslipidaemia
10058109 Hangnail
10058110 Dyslipidemia
10058111 Urethral stent insertion
10058112 Chondrolysis
10058113 Meconium peritonitis
10058114 Purple glove syndrome
10058115 Nevus cell nevus
10058116 Nephrogenic anaemia
10058117 Ocular icterus
10058118 Otocephaly
10058119 Neurogenic shock
10058120 Tuberculosis liver
10058121 Poor quality drug administered
10058122 Oesophageal varices ruptured
10058123 Renal anaemia
10058124 Nephrogenic anemia
10058125 Haemophagocytic syndrome
10058126 Yellow ocular colouring
10058127 Esophageal varices ruptured
10058128 Gastric varices ruptured
10058129 Brown urine
10058130 Asteatosis
10058131 Compound nevus
10058132 Renal anemia
10058133 Eosinophil percentage abnormal
10058134 Neutrophil percentage abnormal
10058135 CPK-MM increased
10058136 Yellow ocular coloring
10058137 Hepatic shock
10058138 Renal pelvic calcification
10058139 Hemophagocytic syndrome
10058140 Throbbing headache
10058141 Skin graft rejection
10058142 Intestine transplant rejection
10058143 Lupus vasculitis
10058144 Postinfarction angina
10058145 Subendocardial ischaemia
10058146 Libman-Sacks endocarditis
10058147 Marantic endocarditis
10058148 Pericarditis amoebic
10058149 Pericarditis lupus
10058150 Congenital aortic dilatation
10058151 Pulseless electrical activity
10058152 Coronary atherosclerosis of bypass graft
10058153 Subendocardial ischemia
10058154 Pericarditis amebic
10058155 Heart alternation
10058156 Reperfusion arrhythmia
10058157 Ventricle freewall rupture
10058158 Foetal distress before onset of labour, in liveborn infant
10058159 Foetal distress first noted during labour, in liveborn infant
10058160 Foetal death from asphyxia or anoxia during labour
10058161 Native valve endocarditis
10058162 Perleche
10058163 Papuloerythematous drug eruption
10058164 Angular cheilosis
10058165 Oesophageal hernia
10058166 Heart enzymes elevated
10058167 Esophageal hernia
10058168 Penile implant
10058169 Branchiogenic syndrome
10058170 Naevus cell naevus
10058171 Compound naevus
10058172 Fungus serology test
10058173 Fungus serology test abnormal
10058174 Fungus serology test normal
10058175 Aspergillus antibody positive
10058176 Phaeochromocytoma excision
10058177 Hyperkinetic heart syndrome
10058178 Aortic occlusion
10058179 Hypertensive emergency
10058180 Diffuse ventricular hypokinesia
10058181 Hypertensive urgency
10058182 Left anterior fascicular block
10058183 Electrical alternans
10058184 Ventricular parasystole
10058185 Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia
10058186 Aortic valve stenosis and insufficiency
10058187 Regional ventricular hypokinesia
10058188 Hydrops foetalis due to isoimmunisation
10058189 Hydrops foetalis not due to isoimmunisation
10058190 Osteoarthrosis, localised, primary
10058191 Osteoarthrosis, localised, primary, involving forearm
10058192 Osteoarthrosis, localised, primary, involving hand
10058193 Osteoarthrosis, localised, primary, involving lower leg
10058194 Osteoarthrosis, localised, primary, involving shoulder region
10058195 Osteoarthrosis, localised, primary, involving upper arm
10058196 Osteoarthrosis, localised, secondary
10058197 Osteoarthrosis, localised, secondary, involving forearm
10058198 Osteoarthrosis, localised, secondary, involving hand
10058199 Osteoarthrosis, localised, secondary, involving lower leg
10058200 Osteoarthrosis, localised, secondary, involving shoulder region
10058201 Osteoarthrosis, localised, secondary, involving upper arm
10058202 Cystoid macular oedema
10058203 Morphoea guttate
10058204 Oedema hands
10058205 Azotaemia of renal origin
10058206 Azotaemia renal
10058207 Parotid tumour malignant
10058208 Parotid tumour malignant recurrent
10058209 Parotid tumour malignant stage 0
10058210 Parotid tumour malignant stage I
10058211 Parotid tumour malignant stage II
10058212 Parotid tumour malignant stage III
10058213 Parotid tumour malignant stage IV
10058214 Septicaemia due to Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae)
10058215 Skin tumour
10058216 Leukocyte vacuolisation
10058217 Vacuolisation leukocyte
10058218 Tumour progression
10058219 Gonadotrophin placental increased
10058220 Placental gonadotrophins increased
10058221 Hyperlipoproteinaemia
10058222 Hypertensive cardiomyopathy
10058223 Mitral valve stenosis and insufficiency
10058224 Age indeterminate right ventricular infarction
10058225 Lupus endocarditis
10058226 Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis
10058227 Right atrial enlargement
10058228 Ovarian atypical proliferating tumour
10058229 Atypical proliferating ovarian tumour
10058230 Adenomatous goiter
10058231 Seborrheic wart
10058232 Polypnea
10058233 Foetopelvic disproportion
10058234 Foetopelvic disproportion, antepartum
10058235 Foetopelvic disproportion, delivered
10058236 Foetopelvic disproportion, unspecified as to episode of care
10058237 Hydrocephalic foetus causing disproportion
10058238 Hydrocephalic foetus causing disproportion, antepartum
10058239 Hydrocephalic foetus causing disproportion, delivered
10058240 Hydrocephalic foetus causing disproportion, unspecified as to episode of care
10058241 Unusually large foetus causing disproportion
10058242 Unusually large foetus causing disproportion, antepartum
10058243 Unusually large foetus causing disproportion, delivered
10058244 Unusually large foetus causing disproportion, unspecified as to episode of care
10058245 Chronic myelocytic leukaemia
10058246 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia
10058247 Leukaemia myelocytic chronic
10058248 Coeliac sprue
10058249 Transoesophageal echocardiogram
10058250 Transoesophageal echocardiography
10058251 Seborrhoeic infantile dermatitis
10058252 Ewing's tumour recurrent
10058253 Ewing's tumour metastatic
10058254 Ewing's tumour localised
10058255 Goitre diffuse
10058256 Goitre nodular
10058257 Naevus vascular
10058258 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10058259 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10058260 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10058261 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10058262 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10058264 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis involving spleen
10058265 Nonbacterial verrucous endocarditis
10058266 Troponin T
10058267 Troponin increased
10058268 Troponin I increased
10058269 Troponin T increased
10058270 Hemodynamic instability
10058271 Hyperexplexia
10058272 Toxoplasma antibody positive
10058273 Heller's esophagomyotomy
10058274 Startle disease
10058275 Hyperekplexia
10058276 Drug-induced cough
10058277 Heller's oesophagomyotomy
10058278 Panel-reactive antibody increased
10058279 Factor V Leiden mutation
10058280 Panel-reactive antibody
10058281 Gallbladder cancer stage II
10058282 Gallbladder cancer stage III
10058283 Gallbladder cancer stage IV
10058284 Allergy to arthropod sting
10058285 Allergy to arthropod bite
10058286 Gallbladder adenocarcinoma
10058287 Gallbladder adenocarcinoma stage II
10058288 Spider bite allergic reaction
10058289 Gallbladder adenocarcinoma stage III
10058290 Gallbladder adenocarcinoma stage IV
10058291 Ventricular ectopic beats
10058292 Premature ventricular ectopic beats
10058293 Aortic ectasia
10058294 Gonadotrophin placental decreased
10058295 Placental gonadotrophins decreased
10058296 Asymptomatic cerebral infarction
10058297 Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase deficiency
10058298 Argininosuccinate synthetase deficiency
10058299 Argininosuccinate lyase deficiency
10058300 Lysinuric protein intolerance
10058301 Lumbar discitis
10058302 Citrullinemia
10058303 Citrullinaemia
10058304 Infective cervicitis
10058305 Clostridium colitis
10058306 Metastatic bronchial carcinoma
10058307 Metastases to peripheral vascular system
10058308 Contact dermatitis syndrome
10058309 Affective incontinence
10058310 Subconjunctival injection procedure
10058311 Blood salivary amylase
10058312 Blood salivary amylase increased
10058313 Blood salivary amylase decreased
10058314 Dysplasia
10058315 HIV disease progression
10058316 Anti-infective therapy
10058317 ECG signs of myocardial ischaemia
10058318 Parakeratosis
10058319 Dysgraphia
10058320 Bladder mass
10058321 Binswanger's disease
10058322 Foetal heart rate deceleration
10058323 Thalamic syndrome
10058324 Therapeutic emesis
10058325 Lipoid nephrosis
10058326 Minimal change disease
10058327 Expired drug used
10058328 Twin-twin transfusion syndrome
10058329 ECG signs of myocardial ischemia
10058330 Melanonychia
10058331 Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response
10058332 Paratubal cyst
10058333 Fibrous mastopathy
10058334 Ovarian cystadenoma
10058335 Fetal heart rate deceleration
10058336 White clot syndrome
10058337 Mediastinum widened
10058338 Spondylarthritis
10058339 Splenitis
10058340 Maternal therapy to enhance foetal lung maturity
10058341 Antiphospholipid antibodies
10058342 Antiphospholipid antibodies negative
10058343 Late deceleration
10058344 Early deceleration
10058345 Variable deceleration
10058346 Dejerine-Roussy syndrome
10058347 Lupus anticoagulant positive
10058348 Lupus anticoagulant negative
10058352 Lienitis
10058353 Maternal therapy to enhance fetal lung maturity
10058354 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
10058355 Lupus anticoagulant
10058356 Physical testicle examination abnormal
10058357 Iridodonesis
10058358 Colitis erosive
10058359 Hypogonadism
10058360 Retroperitoneal haematoma
10058361 Retroperitoneal hematoma
10058362 Blood clot in urine
10058363 Eosinophils urine present
10058364 Biopsy artery abnormal
10058365 Biopsy bile duct abnormal
10058366 Biopsy diaphragm abnormal
10058367 Biopsy eyelid abnormal
10058368 Ergotherapy
10058369 Biopsy fallopian tube abnormal
10058370 Biopsy foetal abnormal
10058371 Biopsy intestine abnormal
10058372 Biopsy ligament abnormal
10058373 Biopsy tendon abnormal
10058374 Biopsy pancreas abnormal
10058375 Biopsy seminal vesicle abnormal
10058376 Biopsy uterus abnormal
10058377 Biopsy vocal cord abnormal
10058378 Mediastinal biopsy abnormal
10058379 Dermatologic examination
10058380 Dermatologic examination abnormal
10058381 Oesophageal fistula repair
10058382 Biliary fistula repair
10058383 Gallbladder fistula repair
10058384 Pancreatic fistula repair
10058385 Urogenital fistula repair
10058386 Bursal operation
10058387 Schwannoma malignant
10058388 Laryngotracheal biopsy abnormal
10058389 Dysbetalipoproteinemia
10058390 Peripheral haemopoietic stem cell transplant
10058391 Eosinophils urine
10058392 Eosinophils urine absent
10058393 Biopsy artery normal
10058394 Biopsy bile duct normal
10058395 Biopsy diaphragm normal
10058396 Biopsy eyelid normal
10058397 Biopsy fallopian tube normal
10058398 Biopsy foetal normal
10058399 Biopsy intestine normal
10058400 Biopsy ligament normal
10058401 Biopsy tendon normal
10058402 Biopsy pancreas normal
10058403 Biopsy seminal vesicle normal
10058404 Biopsy uterus normal
10058405 Biopsy vocal cord normal
10058406 Mediastinal biopsy normal
10058407 Dermatologic examination normal
10058408 Surgical vascular shunt
10058409 Biopsy blood vessel normal
10058410 Biopsy blood vessel abnormal
10058411 Biopsy fetal abnormal
10058412 Biopsy fetal normal
10058413 Laryngotracheal biopsy normal
10058414 Dysbetalipoproteinaemia
10058415 Peripheral hemopoietic stem cell transplant
10058416 Esophageal fistula repair
10058417 Hyaluronic acid
10058418 Hyaluronic acid normal
10058419 Hyaluronic acid abnormal
10058420 Hyaluronic acid increased
10058421 Hyaluronic acid decreased
10058422 Pseudothrombocytopenia
10058423 Haemangioma-thrombocytopenia syndrome
10058424 Urethral caruncle haemorrhage
10058425 Urethral caruncle hemorrhage
10058426 Herpes simplex skin chronic ulcers
10058427 Primary HIV infection
10058428 Herpes zoster multi-dermatomal
10058429 Tongue carcinoma stage 0
10058430 Tongue carcinoma stage I
10058431 Tongue carcinoma stage II
10058432 Tongue carcinoma stage III
10058433 Tongue carcinoma stage IV
10058434 Glutamate dehydrogenase level abnormal
10058435 Stomach granuloma
10058436 Hepatitis D antigen positive
10058437 Hepatitis D antigen
10058438 Liver prolapse
10058439 Esophageal anastomosis
10058440 Myocardiac abscess
10058441 Biliary ischaemia
10058442 Hypertrophic anal papilla
10058443 Neurocysticercosis
10058444 Hoffmann's sign
10058445 Toxic respiratory epitheliolysis
10058446 Anorectal pain
10058447 Condyloma excision
10058448 Peritoneal adenocarcinoma
10058449 Mycobacterium avium complex immune restoration disease
10058450 Glutamate dehydrogenase level normal
10058451 Hepatitis D antigen negative
10058452 Toxic epitheliolysis
10058453 Oesophageal anastomosis
10058454 Biliary ischemia
10058455 Nail pigmentation
10058456 Artificial crown procedure
10058457 Complete right bundle branch block
10058458 Artificial crown insertion
10058459 Artificial crown removal
10058460 Bacterial labyrinthitis
10058461 Orchitis noninfective
10058462 Noninfective thrombotic endocarditis
10058463 Urethral meatus stenosis
10058464 Infusion site abscess
10058465 Glasgow coma scale normal
10058466 Glasgow coma scale abnormal
10058467 Lung neoplasm malignant
10058468 Laparoscopic surgery
10058469 Paraesthesia of genital female
10058470 Cardiac function test
10058471 Arthroscopic surgery
10058472 Comatose
10058473 GPT abnormal
10058474 Oral mucosal irritation
10058475 Arterial occlusion
10058476 Glasgow coma scale
10058477 Blood bilirubin abnormal
10058478 Cardiac function test normal
10058479 Cardiac function test abnormal
10058480 Retching reflex decreased
10058481 Paresthesia of genital female
10058482 Bilirubin abnormal
10058483 Nuchal rigidity
10058484 Malacoplakia vesicae
10058485 Erythroblast count increased
10058486 Glabellar reflex abnormal
10058487 HTLV-1 antigen positive
10058488 HTLV-2 antigen positive
10058489 Human T-cell lymphocytic virus type II infection
10058490 Hyperoxia
10058491 Pulmonary artery dilatation
10058492 Wissler syndrome
10058493 Wissler-Fanconi syndrome
10058494 Filiform wart
10058495 Galactophoritis
10058496 Diaphragmatic calcification
10058497 Enthesitis
10058498 Endomyometritis
10058499 Intestinal adenoma
10058500 Intestinal tubular adenoma
10058501 Intestinal tubulovillous adenoma
10058502 Intestinal villous adenoma
10058503 Genital labial disorder
10058504 Ballismus
10058505 Erythroblast count decreased
10058506 Erythroblast count
10058507 Erythroblast count normal
10058508 Erythroblast count abnormal
10058509 Hyperprolinaemia
10058510 Hemiballismus
10058511 Hyperprolinaemia type I
10058512 Hyperprolinaemia type II
10058513 Hyperprolinemia type I
10058514 Hyperprolinemia type II
10058515 Hyperprolinemia
10058516 Hyperthrombinaemia
10058517 Hypothrombinaemia
10058518 Hypothromboplastinaemia
10058519 Hyperthrombinemia
10058520 Hypothrombinemia
10058521 Free haemoglobin present
10058522 Oesophageal injury
10058523 Bladder candidiasis
10058524 Bladder cyst
10058525 Nasal aspiration
10058526 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma metastatic
10058527 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma metastatic
10058528 Bile output increased
10058529 Anti-platelet antibody positive
10058530 Peripheral nerve palsy
10058531 Genital labial injury
10058532 Encephalocystocele
10058533 Esophagitis bacterial
10058534 Fungal esophagitis
10058535 Hemorrhoid infection
10058536 Infected nevus
10058537 Intradermal nevus
10058538 Oesophageal neoplasm metastatic
10058539 Free haemoglobin absent
10058540 Necrotising granulomatous lymphadenitis
10058541 Anti-platelet antibody negative
10058542 Anti-platelet antibody
10058543 Free hemoglobin absent
10058544 Free hemoglobin present
10058545 Esophageal injury
10058546 Esophageal adenocarcinoma metastatic
10058547 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma metastatic
10058548 Oesophagitis infection
10058549 Blepharal pain
10058550 Necrotizing granulomatous lymphadenitis
10058551 Esophagitis infection
10058552 Esophageal neoplasm metastatic
10058553 Diaphragmatic injury
10058554 Eisenmenger's syndrome
10058555 Immune restoration disease
10058556 Serositis
10058557 Temporal wasting
10058558 Hypoperfusion
10058559 Tandem gait test
10058560 Tandem gait test abnormal
10058561 Tandem gait test normal
10058562 Arteriovenous fistula occlusion
10058563 Pulmonary hilum mass
10058564 Keeled chest acquired
10058565 Funnel chest acquired
10058566 Cimino shunt
10058567 Brescia-Cimino fistula
10058568 Thrombosis arteriovenous fistula
10058569 Surgery herniated nucleus pulposus
10058570 Hyperdynamic precordium
10058571 Spinal cord infarction
10058572 Virus serology test positive
10058573 Virus culture positive
10058574 Coxsackie virus serology test positive
10058575 Echovirus serology test positive
10058576 Enterovirus serology test positive
10058577 Herpes simplex antibody positive
10058578 Ross river virus antibody positive
10058579 Adenovirus serology test positive
10058580 Human papilloma virus serology test
10058581 Human papilloma virus serology test negative
10058582 Human papilloma virus serology test positive
10058583 Virus serology test negative
10058584 Virus culture
10058585 Virus culture negative
10058586 Bacterial culture
10058587 Bacterial culture negative
10058588 Bacterial culture positive
10058589 Coxsackie virus serology test
10058590 Coxsackie virus serology test negative
10058591 Echovirus serology test
10058592 Echovirus serology test negative
10058593 Enterovirus serology test negative
10058594 Herpes simplex antibody negative
10058595 Human papilloma virus antibody positive
10058596 Renal cyst infection
10058597 Right ventricular dysfunction
10058598 Symptomatic hyperlactataemia
10058599 Lactic acidosis syndrome
10058600 Asymptomatic hyperlactataemia
10058601 Hyperlactatemia
10058602 Symptomatic hyperlactatemia
10058603 Hyperlactataemia
10058604 Cranial sutures widening
10058605 Poor sucking reflex
10058606 Loss of gag reflex
10058607 Red colored stools
10058608 Red coloured stools
10058609 Pyruvate kinase increased
10058610 Urine calcium/creatinine ratio increased
10058611 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid increased
10058612 Secretin test increased
10058613 Pyruvate kinase decreased
10058614 Urine calcium/creatinine ratio decreased
10058615 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid in urine decreased
10058616 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid decreased
10058617 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 3 increased
10058618 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 4 increased
10058619 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 5 increased
10058620 Urine calcium oxalate crystal present
10058621 Synovial fluid uric acid crystal present
10058623 Synovial fluid monosodium urate crystal present
10058624 Urine calcium/creatinine ratio
10058625 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 1 decreased
10058626 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 2 decreased
10058627 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 3 decreased
10058628 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 4 decreased
10058629 Blood lactate dehydrogenase 5 decreased
10058630 Total cholesterol/HDL ratio increased
10058631 Total cholesterol/HDL ratio decreased
10058632 Total cholesterol/HDL ratio
10058633 Total cholesterol/HDL ratio abnormal
10058634 Total cholesterol/HDL ratio normal
10058635 Epidermoid cyst
10058636 Central nervous system dermoid tumor
10058637 Central nervous system epidermoid tumor
10058638 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging thoracic
10058639 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging thoracic abnormal
10058640 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging thoracic normal
10058641 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging abdominal
10058642 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging abdominal abnormal
10058643 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging abdominal normal
10058644 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging whole body
10058645 Pelvic MRI
10058646 Arcus lipoides
10058647 Posterior embryotoxon
10058648 Aortic disorder
10058649 Sexual offense
10058650 Vascular markings increased
10058651 Arcus juvenilis
10058652 Anterior embryotoxon
10058653 Axenfeld anomaly
10058654 Verbal abuser
10058655 Delinquent
10058656 Tortuous aorta
10058657 Neuropraxia
10058658 Axonotmesis
10058659 Neurotmesis
10058660 Spinal ligament ossification
10058661 Ossification of yellow ligament
10058662 Ossification of anterior longitudinal ligament
10058663 Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament
10058664 Anterior chamber crystallisation
10058665 Breast milk discolouration
10058666 Cytomegalovirus infection reactivation
10058667 Oral toxicity
10058668 Clinodactyly
10058669 Global amnesia
10058670 Larynx irritation
10058671 Leukaemic infiltration hepatic
10058672 Negative thoughts
10058673 Onychomalacia
10058674 Pelvic infection
10058675 Dermatitis psoriasiform
10058676 Radiation exposure during pregnancy
10058677 Skin bleeding
10058678 Sinusitis fungal
10058679 Skin oedema
10058680 Nipple swelling
10058681 Eczema vesicular
10058682 Vaginitis viral
10058683 Injection site stinging
10058684 Acroedema
10058685 Retinal necrosis
10058686 Bilateral pneumonia
10058687 Enlargement breast female unilateral
10058688 Breast tension
10058689 Burning sensation in ears
10058690 Dysopia
10058691 Oedema trunk
10058692 Efflorescence
10058693 Exanthema generalised
10058694 Exanthema facial
10058695 Fluor vaginalis
10058696 Ovarian cyst functional
10058697 Breast enlargement male unilateral
10058698 Intermittent fever
10058699 Larynx itching
10058700 IUD dislocation
10058701 IUD migration
10058702 Mastopathy
10058703 Myorrhexis
10058704 Uterine cervical pain
10058705 Precoma
10058706 Pyoureter
10058707 Revision vascular bypass
10058708 Rotatory vertigo
10058709 Sopor
10058710 Subicteric
10058711 Visual impairment transient
10058712 Withdrawal bleeding delayed
10058713 Application site mass
10058714 Application site tenderness
10058715 Injection site hypalgesia
10058716 Injection site maceration
10058717 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia transformation
10058718 Anterior chamber crystallization
10058719 Breast milk discoloration
10058720 Edema trunk
10058721 Exanthema generalized
10058722 Leukemic infiltration hepatic
10058723 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia transformation
10058724 Skin edema
10058725 Leg dragging
10058726 Limping
10058727 CLL transformation
10058728 Richter's syndrome
10058729 Embolia cutis medicamentosa
10058730 Application site photosensitivity reaction
10058731 Nicolau syndrome
10058732 Localised itching
10058733 Localized itching
10058734 Migraine prophylaxis
10058735 Myoglobinaemia
10058736 HIV antibody positive
10058737 HIV antigen positive
10058738 Vitamin E decreased
10058739 Vitamin B1 increased
10058740 Vitamin B1 decreased
10058741 Vitamin B2 increased
10058742 Vitamin B2 decreased
10058743 Vitamin K increased
10058744 Vitamin K decreased
10058745 Anti factor V antibody positive
10058746 Anti factor VII antibody positive
10058747 Anti factor X antibody positive
10058748 Anti factor IX antibody positive
10058749 Anti factor XI antibody positive
10058750 Anti factor XII antibody positive
10058751 Hepatitis A antigen positive
10058752 Monoblast count increased
10058753 Plasmablast count increased
10058754 Antihuman immunodeficiency virus antibody positive
10058755 Antihuman immunodeficiency virus antigen positive
10058756 Drug-induced asthma
10058757 Urine vitamin K increased
10058758 Urine vitamin K decreased
10058759 Hepatitis A virus IgG antibody present
10058760 Meningitis noninfective
10058761 HIV antibody
10058762 HIV antibody negative
10058763 HIV antigen
10058764 HIV antigen negative
10058765 Vitamin E
10058766 Vitamin B1
10058767 Vitamin B2
10058768 Vitamin K
10058769 Nicotinamide increased
10058770 Nicotinamide
10058771 Monoblast count
10058772 Monoblast count decreased
10058773 Plasmablast count
10058774 Plasmablast count decreased
10058775 Fungus serology test positive
10058776 Fungus serology test negative
10058777 Fungus CSF test
10058778 Fungus CSF test negative
10058779 Fungus CSF test positive
10058780 Meningitis neonatal
10058781 Myoglobinemia
10058782 Antihuman immunodeficiency virus antibody
10058783 Antihuman immunodeficiency virus antibody negative
10058784 Antihuman immunodeficiency virus antigen
10058785 Antihuman immunodeficiency virus antigen negative
10058786 Thiamine increased
10058787 Thiamine
10058788 Thiamine decreased
10058789 Riboflavin increased
10058790 Riboflavin
10058791 Riboflavin decreased
10058792 Urine vitamin K
10058793 Vitamin B3
10058794 Vasodilation procedure
10058795 Stomach dilation procedure
10058796 Nicotinamide decreased
10058797 Vitamin B3 increased
10058798 Vitamin B3 decreased
10058799 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy
10058800 Sialidosis
10058801 Spasmophilia
10058802 Gingival infection
10058803 Oesophageal infection
10058804 Esophageal infection
10058805 Encephalitic infection
10058806 Mycobacterium avium complex infection
10058807 Mycobacterium avium intracellulare infection
10058808 Abdominal compartment syndrome
10058809 Eyelash discolouration
10058810 Eyelash thickening
10058811 Sensation of pressure in eye
10058812 Eyelash discoloration
10058813 Spondylosis deformans
10058814 Bechterew's disease acute episode
10058815 Crohn's disease acute episode
10058816 Colitis ulcerative acute episode
10058817 Synovial fluid calcium hydroxyapatite crystal present
10058818 Skin laceration
10058819 Hyperalbuminaemia
10058820 Acantholysis
10058821 Genital tract inflammation
10058822 Bone marrow necrosis
10058823 Ovarian mass
10058824 Pulmonary necrosis
10058825 Menopausal disorder
10058826 Abdominal pain generalized
10058827 Hepatitis B reactivation
10058828 Hyperalbuminemia
10058829 Elective surgery
10058830 Computerized tomogram abnormal
10058831 Lymphorrhea
10058832 Herpes esophagitis
10058833 Spermatorrhea
10058834 Open wound
10058835 Acquired macroglossia
10058836 Opportunistic mycosis
10058837 Extrapyramidal disorder aggravated
10058838 Enterocolitis infectious
10058839 Enteritis infectious
10058840 Refusal of examination
10058841 Adnexa uteri pain
10058842 Cerebrovascular insufficiency
10058843 Adnexa uteri tenderness
10058844 Flat philtrum
10058845 Pancreas transplant
10058846 Pancreas islet cell transplant
10058847 Ultrasound testes
10058848 Ultrasound testes abnormal
10058849 Tensilon test
10058850 Bladder lesion excision
10058851 Ovarian lesion excision
10058852 Clostridium bacteraemia
10058853 Bacteroides bacteraemia
10058854 Cytomegalovirus viraemia
10058855 Yersinia bacteraemia
10058856 Klebsiella bacteraemia
10058857 Enterobacter bacteraemia
10058858 Meningococcal bacteraemia
10058859 Pneumococcal bacteraemia
10058860 Fungal antigen test positive
10058861 Viral antigen test positive
10058862 Mastectomy bilateral
10058863 Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia
10058864 Ultrasound testes normal
10058865 Tensilon test normal
10058866 Tensilon test abnormal
10058867 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus sepsis
10058868 Edrophonium chloride test
10058869 Edrophonium chloride test normal
10058870 Edrophonium chloride test abnormal
10058871 Clostridium bacteremia
10058872 Fungal sepsis
10058873 Anthrax sepsis
10058874 Viraemia
10058875 Haemophilus sepsis
10058876 Herpes sepsis
10058877 Pseudomonal sepsis
10058878 Salmonella sepsis
10058879 Serratia sepsis
10058880 Bacteroides bacteremia
10058881 Cytomegalovirus viremia
10058882 Yersinia bacteremia
10058883 Klebsiella bacteremia
10058884 Enterobacter bacteremia
10058885 Meningococcal bacteremia
10058886 Pneumococcal bacteremia
10058887 Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
10058888 Hemophilus sepsis
10058889 Plague sepsis
10058890 Bacteroides infection
10058891 Fungal antibody test positive
10058892 Carnitine deficiency
10058893 West's syndrome
10058894 Brain sclerosis
10058895 Psychogenic seizure
10058896 Congenital thrombocyte disorder
10058897 Adnexa uteri mass
10058898 Hand dermatitis
10058899 DRESS syndrome
10058900 Thyroid mass
10058901 Testicular mass
10058902 Pancreatic adenoma
10058903 Age indeterminate anterolateral myocardial infarction
10058904 Posteroinferior myocardial infarction
10058905 Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy
10058906 Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalopathy
10058907 Spinal deformity
10058908 Aphrodisiac therapy
10058909 Muscle relaxant therapy
10058910 General physical condition normal
10058911 General physical condition abnormal
10058912 General physical condition
10058913 Bankart lesion
10058914 Hypotonic urinary bladder
10058915 Sundowning
10058916 Subdural hydroma
10058917 Pemphigus erythematosus
10058918 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome aggravated
10058919 Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
10058920 Restless legs syndrome
10058921 Serratia bacteraemia
10058922 Haemophilus bacteraemia
10058923 Pseudomonal bacteraemia
10058924 Salmonella bacteraemia
10058925 Serratia bacteremia
10058926 Hemophilus bacteremia
10058927 Pseudomonal bacteremia
10058928 Salmonella bacteremia
10058929 Disturbance in sexual arousal
10058930 Aortitis syndrome
10058931 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia
10058932 Continent ileostomy complication
10058933 Stomal nipple complication
10058934 Neonatal intestinal dilatation
10058935 Intrahepatic biloma
10058936 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase test increased
10058937 HBV-DNA polymerase increased
10058938 Acetonaemic vomiting
10058939 Thalamus haemorrhage
10058940 Putamen haemorrhage
10058941 Bile duct necrosis
10058942 Ulnar tunnel syndrome
10058943 Bladder thrombotic tamponade
10058944 Implant obstruction
10058945 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase test
10058946 2',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase test decreased
10058947 Haemobilia
10058948 Nephritis autoimmune
10058949 Cystic lymphangioma
10058950 Gallbladder haemorrhage
10058951 Manganese poisoning
10058952 Brain swelling
10058953 Adenomyosis uteri
10058954 Scleromalacia
10058955 Extradural neoplasm
10058956 Bicytopenia
10058957 Granulomatous myositis
10058958 Apraxia of eyelid
10058959 Hepatic nodular hyperplasia
10058960 Blink reflex abnormal
10058961 Gallbladder hemorrhage
10058962 Hemobilia
10058963 Acetonemic vomiting
10058964 Thalamus hemorrhage
10058965 Putamen hemorrhage
10058966 Tracheal cannula obstruction
10058967 2-5AS activity increased
10058968 Heart valve calcification
10058969 Rathke's cleft cyst
10058970 Hyperactive bladder
10058971 Hypoactive bladder
10058972 Bone metabolism disorder
10058973 Pseudallescheria sepsis
10058974 Victim of homicide
10058975 Natural killer-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
10058976 NK-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma
10058977 Spastic paresis
10058978 Spastic hemiparesis
10058979 Blennemesis
10058980 Retrocollis
10058981 Joint abscess
10058982 PCO2 abnormal
10058983 PCO2 normal
10058984 Victim of abuse
10058985 Organ donor
10058986 Kidney donor
10058987 Inferior vena caval occlusion
10058988 Superior vena cava occlusion
10058989 Portal vein occlusion
10058990 Venous occlusion
10058991 Hepatic vein occlusion
10058992 Iliac vein occlusion
10058993 Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
10058994 Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
10058995 Intentional misuse
10058996 Expectoration
10058997 Wound oozing
10058998 Intentional use by incorrect route
10058999 Intentional use for unlabeled indication
10059000 Intentional use beyond labeled duration
10059001 Brow ptosis
10059002 Localised muscle weakness
10059003 Localized muscle weakness
10059004 Phlegm
10059005 Application site discolouration
10059006 Application site excoriation
10059007 Injection site desquamation
10059008 Application site scar
10059009 Injection site scar
10059010 Application site discoloration
10059011 Rib deformity
10059012 Nipple oedema
10059013 Nocturnal emission
10059014 Missed labor
10059015 Dialysis device insertion
10059016 Hyperplastic intestine polyp
10059017 Intestinal mass
10059018 Haemorrhagic pericarditis
10059019 Hidrocystoma
10059020 Stoma site bleeding
10059021 Nipple edema
10059022 Hemorrhagic pericarditis
10059023 Glutathione test
10059024 Gastrointestinal toxicity
10059025 Coronary bypass thrombosis
10059026 Myocarditis mycotic
10059027 Brugada syndrome
10059028 Gastrointestinal ischaemia
10059029 Cullen's sign
10059030 Bone marrow harvest failure
10059031 Blood stem cell harvest failure
10059032 Blood stem cell transplant failure
10059033 Neonatal aspiration
10059034 Acute myeloid leukaemia recurrent
10059035 Postprandial hypoglycaemia
10059036 Tubal abortion
10059037 Oral lesion
10059038 Postprandial hypoglycemia
10059039 Gastrointestinal ischemia
10059040 Autologous peripheral haematopoietic stem cell transplant
10059041 Allogeneic peripheral haematopoietic stem cell transplant
10059042 Micturition frequency decreased
10059043 Autologous peripheral hematopoietic stem cell transplant
10059044 Allogeneic peripheral hematopoietic stem cell transplant
10059045 Scedosporium infection
10059046 Application site alopecia
10059047 Amyloidoma
10059048 Incision site complication
10059049 Neoplasm swelling
10059050 Intractable pain
10059051 Parathyroid haemorrhage
10059052 Stoma site candida
10059053 Shunt stenosis
10059054 Shunt thrombosis
10059055 Suture line infection
10059056 Ventricular dysfunction
10059057 Medical device pain
10059058 Stoma site reaction
10059059 Suture related complication
10059060 Intestinal stoma complication
10059061 Ligament tear
10059062 Anterior cruciate ligament tear
10059063 Central line complication
10059064 Chest pain exertional
10059065 Chest pressure exertional
10059066 Graft torsion
10059067 Incisional hernia infection
10059068 Metastatic neoplasm swelling
10059069 Ischemic ulcer
10059070 Pelvic sepsis
10059071 Stoma site rash
10059072 Stoma site irritation
10059073 Pain at rest
10059074 Spleen nodules
10059075 Sterile peritonitis
10059076 Suture line inflammation
10059077 Trochanteritis
10059078 Vaccination related malaise
10059079 Vaccination site erythema
10059080 Vaccination site reaction
10059081 Retinal white dots syndrome
10059082 Stools absent
10059083 Hypertrophic synovitis
10059084 Ischaemic ulcer
10059085 Parathyroid hemorrhage
10059086 Stoma site abscess
10059087 Infusion associated sensation of cold
10059088 Infusion associated chills
10059089 Infusion associated shivering
10059090 Infusion associated discomfort
10059091 Obstructed ileostomy
10059092 Obstructed colostomy
10059093 Ileostomy underactive
10059094 Intestinal stoma obstruction
10059095 Intestinal stoma leak
10059096 Scleral hyperaemia
10059097 Pallanaesthesia
10059098 Vibration test
10059099 Atrophie blanche
10059100 Vibration test normal
10059101 Vibration test abnormal
10059102 Pallanesthesia
10059103 Venous ulcer odor
10059104 Scleral hyperemia
10059105 Venous ulcer odour
10059106 Pneumonia following pulmonary infarction
10059107 Missed labour
10059108 Medical device change
10059109 Cerebral vasoconstriction
10059110 Vaginoplasty
10059111 Cystoplasty
10059112 Colpoplasty
10059113 Ulnar deviation
10059114 Perioral tingling
10059115 Intensive care unit syndrome
10059116 Diabetic foetopathy
10059117 Becker's muscular dystrophy
10059118 Biloma
10059119 Situs ambiguous
10059120 Diabetic fetopathy
10059121 Anicteric cholestasis
10059122 Arrhythmia absoluta
10059123 Arterial calcification
10059124 Polysplenia syndrome
10059125 Bilateral left-sidedness
10059126 Blue toe syndrome
10059127 True aneurysm
10059128 False aneurysm
10059129 Band neutrophil percentage increased
10059130 Band neutrophil percentage decreased
10059131 Segmented neutrophil percentage increased
10059132 Segmented neutrophil percentage decreased
10059133 Cluster headache
10059134 Diabetic mastopathy
10059135 Aortorenal bypass
10059136 Application site folliculitis
10059137 Peripheral occlusive disease
10059138 Glossoptosis
10059139 Infiltrative erythema
10059140 Large intestine carcinoma
10059141 Blood chromogranin A increased
10059142 Sjoegren's syndrome
10059143 Sjoegren-Larsson syndrome
10059144 Urine amino acid level increased
10059145 Urine amino acid level
10059146 Urine amino acid level decreased
10059147 Urine amino acid level normal
10059148 Urine amino acid level abnormal
10059149 Urine methylmalonic acid increased
10059150 Cerebrosclerosis
10059151 Bone marrow macrocytosis
10059152 Cholecystojejunostomy
10059153 Courvoisier's gallbladder
10059154 Coxitis
10059155 Mass forming pancreatitis
10059156 C1 esterase deficiency
10059157 Congenital visual acuity reduced
10059158 Infrequent bowel movements
10059159 Congenital eye disorder
10059160 Pulmonary sequestration
10059161 Tuberculous tenosynovitis
10059162 Ventricular dyskinesia
10059163 Cardiac massage
10059164 Papillary muscle haemorrhage
10059165 Oxygen consumption decreased
10059166 Keratorhexis
10059167 Oxygen consumption
10059168 Oxygen consumption increased
10059169 Gastroenterocolitis
10059170 Ectopic testis
10059171 Corneal rupture
10059172 Open cardiac massage
10059173 External cardiac massage
10059174 Papillary muscle hemorrhage
10059175 Intestinal haemorrhage
10059176 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
10059177 Juvenile arthritis
10059178 Intestinal hemorrhage
10059179 Abdominal obesity
10059180 Flat buttocks
10059181 Bichat's fat pad atrophy
10059182 Limb lipoatrophy
10059183 Familial hypertriglyceridaemia
10059184 Poor dental condition
10059185 Acquired diaphragmatic eventration
10059186 Early satiety
10059187 Euthyroid goiter
10059188 Gastroesophageal hernia
10059189 Haemorrhagic cyst
10059190 Euthyroid goitre
10059191 Familial hypertriglyceridemia
10059192 Hemorrhagic cyst
10059193 Acute hepatitis B
10059194 Adrenal haematoma
10059195 Iridocorneal mesenchymal dysgenesis
10059196 Iridocorneal goniodysgenesis
10059197 Rieger's syndrome
10059198 Rieger's anomaly
10059199 Anterior chamber cleavage syndrome
10059200 Cogan-Reese syndrome
10059201 Adrenal hematoma
10059202 Peters anomaly
10059203 Infusion site bruising
10059204 Labour pain
10059205 Fallot's pentalogy
10059206 Nail toxicity
10059207 Truncus arteriosus communis
10059208 Eyelid pain
10059209 Perinephric collection
10059210 Labor pain
10059211 Transmyocardial revascularisation
10059212 Tissue polypeptide antigen
10059213 CSF pressure
10059214 Pancreatic enzymes NOS
10059215 Electrocardiogram PQ interval
10059216 Leucine aminopeptidase
10059217 Metanephrine urine
10059218 Helicobacter pylori antibody
10059219 Bence Jones protein urine
10059220 Nitrite urine
10059221 Biopsy spleen
10059222 Urine ketone body
10059223 Urobilin urine
10059224 Blood oestrone
10059225 Helicobacter pylori antibody negative
10059226 Biopsy spleen normal
10059227 Biopsy spleen abnormal
10059228 Haemoglobin urine
10059229 Transmyocardial revascularization
10059230 Blood estrone
10059231 Hemoglobin urine
10059232 Epileptic psychosis
10059233 Prophylaxis against alcoholic withdrawal syndrome
10059234 Absolute neutrophil count decreased
10059235 Rhinitis hypertrophic
10059236 Osteodysplasty
10059237 Auriculotemporal syndrome
10059238 Hypertensive angiopathy
10059239 Leukaemic retinopathy
10059240 Lymphostasis
10059241 Incision site haematoma
10059242 Jaw operation
10059243 Latent hyperthyroidism
10059244 Latent hypothyroidism
10059245 Angiopathy
10059246 Incision site hematoma
10059247 Leukemic retinopathy
10059248 Frey's syndrome
10059249 Gustatory sweating syndrome
10059250 Gastrointestinal amyloidosis
10059251 Hypotensive anaesthesia procedure
10059252 Hypotensive anesthesia procedure
10059253 Macrocornea
10059254 Saphenectomy
10059255 Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
10059256 Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome
10059257 Sibilus
10059258 Arteriovenous shunt placement
10059259 Pulmonary aspergillosis
10059260 Overfeeding of infant
10059261 Urine cytology abnormal
10059262 Sputum cytology abnormal
10059263 Urine cytology
10059264 Urine cytology normal
10059265 Sputum cytology normal
10059266 Arteriovenous shunt operation
10059267 Delirium febrile
10059268 Haemodialysis-induced symptom
10059269 Hypotension during dialysis
10059270 Hemodialysis-induced symptom
10059271 Testicular dysplasia
10059272 Sexual desire decreased
10059273 Cerebellar haemangioma
10059274 Salivary gland swelling
10059275 Cerebellar hemangioma
10059276 Phacotrabeculectomy
10059277 Caffeine abuse
10059278 Choke on medication
10059279 Preretinal hemorrhage
10059280 Subhyaloid hemorrhage
10059281 Septicopyemia
10059282 Metastases to central nervous system
10059283 Sedative therapy
10059284 Epidermal necrosis
10059285 Phacoemulsification
10059286 Iodine deficiency goiter
10059287 Iodine deficiency goitre
10059288 Subhyaloid haemorrhage
10059289 Supine dyspnoea
10059290 Preretinal haemorrhage
10059291 Septicopyaemia
10059292 Keratinocyte necrosis
10059293 Supine dyspnea
10059294 Oily skin
10059295 Dry scalp
10059296 Intermittent headache
10059297 Corneal diameter increased
10059298 Corneal diameter decreased
10059299 Sarcosinaemia
10059300 Urine phosphate abnormal
10059301 Cystourethrogram
10059302 Urine phosphate crystal present
10059303 Urine sarcosine increased
10059304 Urine aspartic acid increased
10059305 Urine ornithine increased
10059306 Urine alanine increased
10059307 Urine beta-alanine increased
10059308 Urine asparagine increased
10059309 Urine isoleucine increased
10059310 Sarcosinemia
10059311 Urine phosphate
10059312 Anal dysplasia
10059313 Anogenital warts
10059314 Respiratory papillomatosis
10059315 Anal intraepithelial neoplasia
10059316 Gallbladder cancer stage 0
10059317 Gallbladder cancer stage I
10059318 Hepatic cancer stage I
10059319 Hepatic cancer stage II
10059320 Pancreatic carcinoma stage 0
10059321 Pancreatic carcinoma stage I
10059322 Pancreatic carcinoma stage II
10059323 Pancreatic carcinoma stage III
10059324 Hepatic cancer stage III
10059325 Hepatic cancer stage IV
10059326 Pancreatic carcinoma stage IV
10059327 Familial adenomatous polyposis
10059328 Gallbladder cancer stage IVA
10059329 Gallbladder cancer stage IVB
10059330 Hepatic cancer stage IIIA
10059331 Hepatic cancer stage IIIB
10059332 Hepatic cancer stage IVB
10059333 Pancreatic carcinoma stage IVA
10059334 Hepatic cancer stage IVA
10059335 Pancreatic carcinoma stage IVB
10059336 Haemodialysis fistula thrombosis
10059337 Hemodialysis fistula thrombosis
10059338 Bacterial screen positive
10059339 Parasitic screen positive
10059340 Mycobacterial screen positive
10059341 Fungal screen positive
10059342 Viral screen positive
10059343 Stenocephaly
10059344 Protein-losing gastroenteropathy
10059345 Postrenal failure
10059346 Viral haemorrhagic cystitis
10059347 Pneumonia hypostatic
10059348 Viral hemorrhagic cystitis
10059349 Vaginoperineoplasty
10059350 Lymphocele marsupialisation
10059351 Cystopexy
10059352 Desmoid tumour
10059353 Desmoid tumor
10059354 Abdominal fibromatosis
10059355 Colpoperineoplasty
10059356 Incision site ecchymosis
10059357 Lymphocele marsupialization
10059358 Post procedural tenderness
10059359 Infected lymphocele
10059360 Gastrocardiac syndrome
10059361 Pleuropericarditis
10059362 Fractured zygomatic arch elevation
10059363 Uraemic anaemia
10059364 Tumoral calcinosis
10059365 Politano-Leadbetter procedure
10059366 Uremic anemia
10059367 Tumoural calcinosis
10059368 Small intestine carcinoma stage 0
10059369 Small intestine carcinoma stage I
10059370 Small intestine carcinoma stage II
10059371 Small intestine carcinoma stage III
10059372 Small intestine carcinoma stage IV
10059373 Bile duct cancer stage I
10059374 Bile duct cancer stage II
10059375 Bile duct cancer stage III
10059376 Bile duct cancer stage IV
10059377 Extrahepatic bile duct cancer stage 0
10059378 Extrahepatic bile duct cancer stage I
10059379 Extrahepatic bile duct cancer stage II
10059380 Extrahepatic bile duct cancer stage III
10059381 Bile duct cancer stage IVA
10059382 Bile duct cancer stage IVB
10059383 Cervical carcinoma stage 0
10059384 Bile duct cancer stage 0
10059385 Extremity necrosis
10059386 Incision site pruritus
10059387 Caudal regression syndrome
10059388 Removal of foreign body from gastrointestinal tract
10059389 Removal of foreign body from rectum
10059390 Removal of foreign body from respiratory tract
10059391 Breast injury
10059392 Removal of transplanted organ
10059393 Hoigne's syndrome
10059394 Acanthoma
10059395 Fecaluria
10059396 Mitochondrial DNA depletion
10059397 Antimetropia
10059398 Otitis interna
10059399 Graft ischaemia
10059400 Inner ear infection
10059401 Graft ischemia
10059402 Actinodermatitis
10059403 Excited skin syndrome
10059404 Painful orgasm
10059405 Lithuresis
10059406 Pleuropneumonia
10059407 Parophthalmia
10059408 Supraglottic stenosis
10059409 Sneddon and Wilkinson syndrome
10059410 Faecaluria
10059411 Prolonged expiration
10059412 Perisigmoiditis
10059413 Pericolitis
10059414 Incipient abortion
10059415 Parathyroid hormone-related protein
10059416 Parathyroid hormone-related protein abnormal
10059417 Parathyroid hormone-related protein normal
10059418 Parathyroid hormone-related protein increased
10059419 Atypical psychosis
10059420 Paraneoplastic syndrome
10059421 Bacterial test positive
10059422 Parasitic test positive
10059423 Fungal test positive
10059424 Viral test positive
10059425 Benign spleen tumour
10059426 Mucosal hemorrhage
10059427 Buschke-Lowenstein's tumour
10059428 Postoperative infection
10059429 Influenza immunisation
10059430 Influenza immunization
10059431 Spurious aneurysm
10059432 Follicular mixed small and large cell lymphoma
10059433 Follicular mixed small and large cell lymphoma recurrent
10059434 Follicular mixed small and large cell lymphoma refractory
10059435 Follicular mixed small and large cell lymphoma stage I
10059436 Follicular mixed small and large cell lymphoma stage II
10059437 Follicular mixed small and large cell lymphoma stage III
10059438 Follicular mixed small and large cell lymphoma stage IV
10059439 Acute monoblastic leukaemia
10059440 Platelet toxicity
10059441 Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae
10059442 Wound infection staphylococcal
10059443 Skin neoplasm excision
10059444 Wound infection pseudomonas
10059445 Venipuncture
10059446 Gallbladder necrosis
10059447 Allergic colitis
10059448 Chemocauterisation
10059449 Candida endophthalmitis
10059450 Colpocele
10059451 Lingual frenectomy
10059452 Asymmetric ears
10059453 Infusion site infiltration
10059454 Tympanocentesis
10059455 Removal of supernumerary digits
10059456 Eye muscle weakness
10059457 Vaginocele
10059458 Urine nitrofurantoin crystal present
10059459 Urine sulfonamide crystal present
10059460 Chemocauterization
10059461 Fracture laryngotracheal
10059462 Lymphoblast count
10059463 Mitogen stimulation test
10059464 Eosinophil percentage
10059465 Urine volume
10059466 Anticonvulsant drug level
10059467 Neutrophil percentage
10059468 Band neutrophil percentage
10059469 Metamyelocyte percentage
10059470 Myelocyte percentage
10059471 Basophil percentage
10059472 Myeloblast percentage
10059473 Monocyte percentage
10059474 Bone mineral content decreased
10059475 Urobilinogen
10059476 Skin patch test
10059477 Band neutrophil count
10059478 White blood cell analysis
10059481 Segmented neutrophil percentage
10059482 Neutropenic infection
10059483 Postpericardiotomy syndrome
10059484 Haemodilution
10059485 Therapeutic hypothermia
10059486 Abdominal cavity drainage
10059487 Lung hyperinflation
10059488 Inappropriate speech
10059489 Hemodilution
10059490 Mucosal excoriation
10059491 Intracranial haematoma
10059492 Congenital genital malformation male
10059493 Myometrial polyp
10059494 Laryngopharyngeal reflux
10059495 Bulging amniotic membranes
10059496 Intracranial hematoma
10059497 Coma neonatal
10059498 Stewart-Treves syndrome
10059499 Haemorrhagic urticaria
10059500 Hemorrhagic urticaria
10059501 Urobilinogen faeces
10059502 Urobilinogen faeces increased
10059503 Urobilinogen faeces decreased
10059504 Urobilinogen faeces abnormal
10059505 Urobilinogen faeces normal
10059506 Urobilinogen urine
10059507 Urobilinogen feces
10059508 Urobilinogen feces increased
10059509 Urobilinogen feces decreased
10059510 Urobilinogen feces abnormal
10059511 Urobilinogen feces normal
10059512 Apoptosis
10059513 Palliative care
10059514 Small cell lung cancer metastatic
10059515 Non-small cell lung cancer metastatic
10059516 Skin toxicity
10059517 Bacterial pyelonephritis
10059518 Pleural mesothelioma malignant
10059519 Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
10059520 Phlegmasia caerulea dolens
10059521 Methylmalonic aciduria
10059522 Gastric fluid analysis abnormal
10059523 Cytology abnormal
10059524 Peritoneal fluid analysis abnormal
10059525 Saliva analysis abnormal
10059526 Synovial fluid analysis abnormal
10059527 Stool analysis abnormal
10059528 Hepatitis D antibody positive
10059529 Gastric fluid analysis
10059530 Gastric fluid analysis normal
10059531 Cytology normal
10059532 Saliva analysis
10059533 Saliva analysis normal
10059534 Synovial fluid analysis
10059535 Synovial fluid analysis normal
10059536 Stool analysis
10059537 Stool analysis normal
10059538 Hepatitis D antibody
10059539 Hepatitis D antibody negative
10059540 Hepatitis D RNA positive
10059541 Hepatitis D RNA
10059542 Hepatitis D RNA negative
10059543 Alpha globulin increased
10059544 Alpha globulin decreased
10059545 Beta globulin increased
10059546 Beta globulin decreased
10059547 Cutaneous larva migrans
10059548 Bacterial antibody positive
10059549 Bacterial antigen positive
10059550 Urine chromium increased
10059551 Urine copper increased
10059552 Urine dihydrotestosterone increased
10059553 Urine dihydrotestosterone decreased
10059554 Urine aluminium increased
10059555 Urine antimony increased
10059556 Urine arsenic increased
10059557 Urine barbiturates increased
10059558 Urine beryllium increased
10059559 Ancylostoma caninum infection
10059560 Loss of childhood developmental milestones
10059561 Beta globulin
10059562 Beta globulin abnormal
10059563 Beta globulin normal
10059564 Urine chromium
10059565 Urine chromium decreased
10059566 Urine copper
10059567 Urine copper decreased
10059568 Urine dihydrotestosterone
10059569 Blood alkaline phosphatase decreased
10059570 Blood alkaline phosphatase increased
10059571 Blood alkaline phosphatase abnormal
10059572 Urine aluminium
10059573 Urine aluminium decreased
10059574 Urine antimony
10059575 Urine antimony decreased
10059576 Urine arsenic
10059577 Urine arsenic decreased
10059578 Urine barbiturates
10059579 Urine barbiturates decreased
10059580 Urine beryllium
10059581 Urine beryllium decreased
10059582 Blood alkaline phosphatase renal decreased
10059583 Blood alkaline phosphatase renal abnormal
10059584 Blood alkaline phosphatase renal increased
10059585 Blood alkaline phosphatase renal
10059586 Blood alkaline phosphatase renal normal
10059587 Osteochondroma
10059588 Otoplasty
10059589 Dubowitz syndrome
10059590 Insulin-like growth factor decreased
10059591 Cotard's syndrome
10059592 Left upper quadrant pain
10059593 Spasmus nutans
10059594 Secondary hypogonadism
10059595 Kupffer cell increase
10059596 Insulin-like growth factor increased
10059597 Central hypogonadism
10059598 Heparin resistance
10059599 Pseudomeningocele
10059600 Donor site complication
10059601 Bleeding at graft site
10059602 Bleeding donor site
10059603 Radiation dysphagia
10059604 Radicular pain
10059605 Necrobiosis
10059606 Pancreatic pain
10059607 Chest cold
10059608 Factor XIII inhibition
10059609 Joint bleeding
10059610 Obesity surgery
10059611 Coronary artery perforation
10059612 Tobacco withdrawal symptoms
10059613 Stroke in evolution
10059614 Vestibular vertigo
10059615 Hyperventilation tetany
10059616 Hepatopathy
10059617 Overactive bladder
10059618 Plasminogen activator inhibitor increased
10059619 Plasminogen activator inhibitor decreased
10059620 Plasminogen activator inhibitor
10059621 Intra-abdominal abscess
10059622 Abdominal phlegmon
10059623 Haemorrhoid infrared coagulation procedure
10059624 Haemorrhoid operation
10059625 Abdominal wall disorder
10059626 Fahr's disease
10059627 Omarthrosis
10059628 Pericardial haematoma
10059629 Alternation between constipation and diarrhoea
10059630 Billroth's operation II
10059631 Penile squamous cell carcinoma
10059632 Gangrenous appendicitis
10059633 Pericardial hematoma
10059634 Alternation between constipation and diarrhea
10059635 Trantas' dots
10059636 Penile adhesion
10059637 Influenza antibody test
10059638 Mumps antibody test
10059639 Laryngeal obstruction
10059640 Ureaplasma infection
10059641 Drug clearance increased
10059642 Influenza antibody test positive
10059643 Influenza antibody test negative
10059644 Mumps antibody test positive
10059645 Mumps antibody test negative
10059646 Seroconversion test positive
10059647 Seroconversion test negative
10059648 Phlebotomy
10059649 Bloodletting
10059650 Implant site infection
10059651 Encephalopathy aluminium
10059652 Osteodystrophy aluminium
10059653 Pyridinoline urine
10059654 Sex hormone binding globulin
10059655 Blood smear test
10059656 Immunohistochemistry
10059657 Pyridinoline urine increased
10059658 Pyridinoline urine decreased
10059659 Sex hormone binding globulin increased
10059660 Sex hormone binding globulin decreased
10059661 Retinogram
10059662 Retinogram normal
10059663 Retinogram abnormal
10059664 Blood smear test normal
10059665 Blood smear test abnormal
10059666 Smoker's cough
10059667 Electroretinogram normal
10059668 Renal lymphocele
10059669 Laryngeal rheumatoid arthritis
10059670 Subocclusive syndrome
10059671 Melalgia
10059672 Seroconversion test
10059676 Arteriovenous graft
10059677 Graft dysfunction
10059678 Middle ear neoplasm
10059679 Unilateral vision loss
10059680 Graft pain
10059681 Transplant pain
10059682 Transplant tenderness
10059683 Ureterohydronephrosis
10059684 Plasmin decreased
10059685 Sputum retention
10059686 Reproductive hormone
10059687 Bile culture
10059688 Blood opiates
10059689 Endocrine test
10059690 CSF test
10059691 X-ray with contrast lower gastrointestinal tract
10059692 Blood heavy metal test
10059693 LDL/HDL ratio
10059694 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
10059695 Histone antibody
10059696 Scan with contrast
10059697 Galactose elimination capacity test
10059698 Bile culture positive
10059699 Bile culture negative
10059700 Endocrine test normal
10059701 Endocrine test abnormal
10059702 CSF test normal
10059703 CSF test abnormal
10059704 X-ray with contrast lower gastrointestinal tract normal
10059705 X-ray with contrast lower gastrointestinal tract abnormal
10059706 X-ray with contrast upper gastrointestinal tract normal
10059707 X-ray with contrast upper gastrointestinal tract abnormal
10059708 Histone antibody negative
10059709 Galactose elimination capacity test normal
10059710 Galactose elimination capacity test abnormal
10059711 Galactose elimination capacity test increased
10059712 Galactose elimination capacity test decreased
10059713 Ultrasound aorta
10059714 Lower GI series
10059715 Metanephrine blood test
10059716 Normetanephrine blood test
10059717 ELISA
10059718 Applanation tonometry
10059719 Galactose tolerance test
10059720 Endocrine function test
10059721 Direct immunofluorescence
10059722 Indirect immunofluorescence
10059723 Tooth pain
10059724 Drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome
10059725 Sinobronchial syndrome
10059726 Ampulla cardiomyopathy
10059727 Duodenal membranous stenosis
10059728 Anti-GAD antibody positive
10059729 Anti-GAD antibody
10059730 Anti-GAD antibody negative
10059731 Borrelia burgdorferi serology
10059732 Borrelia burgdorferi serology positive
10059733 Borrelia burgdorferi serology negative
10059734 Brucella serology positive
10059735 Brucella serology negative
10059736 Candida serology
10059737 Candida serology positive
10059738 Candida serology negative
10059739 Urine casomorphin normal
10059740 Urine casomorphin abnormal
10059741 T-lymphocyte count
10059742 Citric acid urine increased
10059743 Citric acid urine decreased
10059744 Coagulation factor
10059745 Hair metal test
10059746 Hair metal test normal
10059747 Hair metal test abnormal
10059748 CSF lactate normal
10059749 CSF lactate abnormal
10059750 CSF lactate increased
10059751 CSF lactate decreased
10059752 CSF myelin basic protein normal
10059753 CSF myelin basic protein abnormal
10059754 CSF myelin basic protein increased
10059755 CSF myelin basic protein decreased
10059756 Dexamethasone suppression test positive
10059757 Dexamethasone suppression test negative
10059758 Russell's viper venom time normal
10059759 Russell's viper venom time abnormal
10059760 Diphtheria toxin antibody present
10059761 Diphtheria toxin antibody absent
10059762 Diphtheria toxin antibody increased
10059763 Diphtheria toxin antibody decreased
10059764 Hair copper normal
10059765 Hair copper abnormal
10059766 Haemorrhagic ascites
10059767 Hemorrhagic ascites
10059768 Brucella serology
10059769 C1 inhibitor functional assay
10059770 Urine casomorphin
10059771 Citric acid urine
10059772 CSF lactate
10059773 CSF myelin basic protein
10059774 Dexamethasone suppression test
10059775 Russell's viper venom time
10059776 Diphtheria toxin antibody
10059777 Borrelia burgdorferi immunoglobulin G
10059778 Borrelia burgdorferi immunoglobulin M
10059779 C1q binding assay
10059780 Blood candida antibody positive
10059781 Cardiolipin immunoglobulin G
10059782 Cardiolipin immunoglobulin M
10059783 Hair copper
10059784 Narcosis
10059785 Digitalis level
10059786 Digoxin level
10059787 LDH decreased
10059788 Infected skin atheroma
10059789 Conjunctival concretion
10059790 Ulnar nerve palsy
10059792 Voicelessness
10059793 Drug-induced lymphocyte stimulation test positive
10059794 Drug-induced lymphocyte stimulation test negative
10059795 Corneal melt
10059796 Abusive behavior
10059797 Abusive behaviour
10059798 Preduodenal portal vein
10059799 Prostatic hypoplasia
10059800 Persistent urogenital sinus
10059801 Meningocele acquired
10059802 Macroscopic haematuria
10059803 Mantle field irradiation
10059804 Mitrofanoff procedure
10059805 Nephrolithotomy
10059806 Ovariohysterectomy
10059807 Paraproctitis
10059808 Pretibial edema
10059809 Pulmonitis
10059810 Sacrococcygeal teratoma
10059811 Seminal vesicle calcification
10059812 Sialorrhoea
10059813 Spinocellular carcinoma
10059814 Streptoderma
10059815 Suture granuloma
10059816 Skin trophic ulcer
10059817 Uracrasia
10059818 Urogenital sinus syndrome
10059819 Venipuncture site redness
10059820 VIIth nerve palsy
10059821 Vocal cord nodule
10059822 Onychocryptosis
10059823 Macroscopic hematuria
10059824 Microscopic hematuria
10059825 Pretibial oedema
10059826 Sialorrhea
10059827 Rhinitis infective
10059828 Respiratory therapy
10059829 Pneumatic compression therapy
10059830 Infusion site rash
10059831 Pacemaker generated rhythm
10059832 Ventricular-paced rhythm
10059833 AV dual-paced rhythm
10059834 Atrial-paced rhythm
10059835 Pacemaker complication
10059836 Inappropriate pacemaker firing
10059837 Adhesion
10059838 Urine cortisol/creatinine ratio
10059839 Urine cortisol/creatinine ratio decreased
10059840 Urine cortisol/creatinine ratio abnormal
10059841 Nasopharyngeal reflux
10059842 Urine cortisol/creatinine ratio increased
10059843 Urine cortisol/creatinine ratio normal
10059844 Hypothyroidic goitre
10059845 Hypothyroidic goiter
10059846 Renal cyst haemorrhage
10059847 Renal cyst hemorrhage
10059848 Proctocolectomy
10059849 Urogenital sinus mobilisation
10059850 Panaritium
10059851 Postprandial emesis
10059852 Chemical abuser
10059853 Toxaemia
10059854 Trochanteric bursitis
10059855 Urethral bulbitis
10059856 Whitlow
10059857 Toxemia
10059858 Urogenital sinus mobilization
10059859 High grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
10059860 Low grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
10059861 Pinkeye
10059862 Cardiac resynchronisation therapy
10059863 Flash pulmonary edema
10059864 Cardiac ablation
10059865 Jugular vein distension
10059866 Drug resistance
10059867 Non-ischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy
10059868 Non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy
10059869 Apical myocardial infarction
10059870 Flash pulmonary oedema
10059871 Pulmonary capillary pressure decreased
10059872 Rash trunk
10059873 Cardiac resynchronization therapy
10059874 Acute glaucoma
10059875 Device ineffective
10059876 Urinary tract yeast infection
10059877 Tendon friction rub
10059878 Friction rub
10059879 Joint tightness
10059880 Localised feeling of warmth
10059881 Localized feeling of warmth
10059882 Cytogenetic analysis
10059883 Fraction of inspired oxygen
10059884 Myoglobin blood
10059885 PEEP
10059886 Cytogenetic analysis normal
10059887 Cytogenetic analysis abnormal
10059888 Myoglobin blood present
10059889 Myoglobin blood absent
10059890 Positive end-expiratory pressure
10059891 Autologous blood transfusion
10059892 Epstein-Barr virus IgM antibody negative
10059893 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
10059894 Urine output
10059895 Urine output decreased
10059896 Urine output increased
10059897 Blood 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
10059898 5'nucleotidase
10059899 Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio
10059900 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
10059901 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase normal
10059902 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase abnormal
10059903 Glutamate dehydrogenase
10059904 Hydroxyproline urine
10059905 Lymphocyte percentage
10059906 Platelet morphology
10059907 Red blood cell morphology
10059908 White blood cell morphology
10059909 Volume plasma
10059910 Porphyrins urine
10059911 Porphyrins urine normal
10059912 Porphyrins urine abnormal
10059913 Protein bound iodine
10059914 Pulmonary function test
10059915 Red blood cell anisocytes present
10059916 Red blood cell spherocytes present
10059917 Reticulocyte percentage
10059918 Reticulocyte percentage normal
10059919 Reticulocyte percentage abnormal
10059920 Reticulocyte percentage increased
10059921 Reticulocyte percentage decreased
10059922 Retinol binding protein
10059923 Pharyngeal hypoaesthesia
10059924 Tongue injury
10059925 Non-protein nitrogen
10059926 Polymorphonuclear count
10059927 Acetylcholinesterase
10059929 Red blood cell cholinesterase
10059930 Segmented neutrophil count
10059931 Dental calculus
10059932 Dental tartar
10059933 Numbness throat
10059934 Pleural fluid exudate
10059935 Pericardial fluid exudate
10059936 Blood 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
10059937 Blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio decreased
10059938 Laboratory test
10059939 LE cells
10059940 Myoglobin blood decreased
10059941 Porphyrins urine increased
10059942 Porphyrins urine decreased
10059943 Pulmonary function test increased
10059944 Partial arterial pressure of carbon dioxide
10059945 Partial arterial pressure of oxygen
10059946 Protein bound iodine serum
10059947 Red blood cell poikilocytes present
10059948 Pharyngeal hypoesthesia
10059949 Blood 25-hydroxy vitamin D2
10059950 Lab test
10059951 Lupus erythematosus cells
10059952 Carnitine
10059953 Albumin CSF
10059954 Amoebic serology
10059955 Urine amphetamine
10059956 Antiacetylcholine receptor antibody
10059957 B. pertussis serology
10059958 Bacteria blood test
10059959 CSF bacteria test
10059960 Bacteria stool test
10059961 Base excess
10059962 Total bile acids
10059963 Blood alcohol
10059964 Blood androstenedione
10059965 Fredrickson Type IV lipidemia
10059966 B-lymphocyte count
10059967 Acetone urine
10059968 Alkaline reserve
10059969 Babesia serology positive
10059970 Betahydroxybutyrate
10059971 Bordet-Wassermann reaction
10059972 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid in urine
10059973 Antiviral drug level
10059974 Antiviral drug level above therapeutic
10059975 Antiviral drug level below therapeutic
10059976 Albumin CSF abnormal
10059977 Albumin CSF normal
10059978 Albumin CSF increased
10059979 Albumin CSF decreased
10059980 Plasmin inhibitor
10059981 Alpha tumour necrosis factor
10059982 Alpha tumour necrosis factor increased
10059983 Alpha tumour necrosis factor decreased
10059984 Amoebic serology positive
10059985 Amoebic serology negative
10059986 Urine amphetamine negative
10059987 Streptococcus serology
10059988 Streptococcus serology positive
10059989 Streptococcus serology negative
10059990 B. pertussis serology positive
10059991 B. pertussis serology negative
10059992 Parasitic blood test negative
10059993 Base excess increased
10059994 Base excess decreased
10059995 Blood alcohol abnormal
10059996 Gamma globulinemia
10059997 Fredrickson Type V lipidemia
10059998 B-lymphocyte count increased
10059999 Alkaline reserve normal
10060000 Alkaline reserve abnormal
10060001 Alpha tumor necrosis factor decreased
10060002 Hair aluminium normal
10060003 Hair aluminium abnormal
10060004 Hair aluminum normal
10060005 Hair aluminum abnormal
10060006 Hair aluminum
10060007 Amebic serology
10060008 Amebic serology positive
10060009 Amebic serology negative
10060010 Anti-Streptococcus DNase B test positive
10060011 Anti-Streptococcus DNase B test negative
10060012 Babesia serology negative
10060013 Blood alcohol increased
10060014 5-HIAA urine
10060015 Alpha 2 antiplasmin
10060016 Alpha tumor necrosis factor
10060017 Hair aluminium
10060018 Anti-Streptococcus DNase B test
10060019 Alpha tumor necrosis factor increased
10060020 Electron microscopy
10060021 Eosinophil cationic protein
10060022 Blood galactose
10060023 Interferon gamma level
10060024 Gastric pH
10060025 Head circumference
10060026 Hepaplastin test
10060027 Hepatitis B DNA assay
10060028 Hepatitis E antigen
10060029 Histamine level
10060030 Histamine urine
10060031 Extractable nuclear antibody
10060032 FIO2
10060033 Glyceric acid urine increased
10060034 HIV viral load
10060035 HIV-2 test
10060036 Blood galactose normal
10060037 Blood galactose abnormal
10060038 Blood galactose increased
10060039 Blood galactose decreased
10060040 Gastric pH increased
10060041 Gastric pH decreased
10060042 Head circumference normal
10060043 Head circumference abnormal
10060044 Haemoglobin E
10060045 Haemoglobin E absent
10060046 Haemoglobin E present
10060047 Hepatitis B DNA assay positive
10060048 Hepatitis B DNA assay negative
10060049 Hepatitis E antigen positive
10060050 Hepatitis E antigen negative
10060051 Histamine level increased
10060052 Histamine level decreased
10060053 Histamine urine present
10060054 Histamine urine absent
10060055 Antinuclear antibody positive
10060056 Hemoglobin E present
10060057 Hemoglobin E absent
10060058 HIV-2 test positive
10060059 HIV-2 test negative
10060060 ANA positive
10060061 ANA negative
10060062 Hemoglobin E
10060063 Influenza serology
10060064 Urine lactic acid
10060065 Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
10060066 Measles antibody
10060067 Blood mercury
10060068 Urine mercury
10060069 Intracutaneous test
10060070 Isoleucine increased
10060071 Leucine increased
10060072 Liver pyruvate kinase
10060073 Liver-kidney microsomal antibody
10060074 Hair mercury
10060075 Methylhistamine
10060078 Influenza serology positive
10060079 Influenza serology negative
10060080 Intelligence test
10060081 Intelligence test normal
10060082 Intelligence test abnormal
10060083 Light chain analysis
10060084 Light chain analysis increased
10060085 Light chain analysis decreased
10060086 Urine lactic acid increased
10060087 Urine lactic acid decreased
10060088 Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure increased
10060089 Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure decreased
10060090 Analgesic drug level
10060091 Venous pressure
10060092 Blood mercury normal
10060093 Blood mercury abnormal
10060094 Urine mercury normal
10060095 Urine mercury abnormal
10060096 IQ test normal
10060097 IQ test abnormal
10060098 Kappa light chain analysis increased
10060099 Kappa light chain analysis decreased
10060100 Lambda light chain analysis increased
10060101 Lambda light chain analysis decreased
10060102 Kappa/Lambda light chain ratio normal
10060103 Kappa/Lambda light chain ratio abnormal
10060104 Urine leucine increased
10060105 Liver function test
10060106 Liver function test normal
10060107 Liver-kidney microsomal antibody positive
10060108 Liver-kidney microsomal antibody negative
10060109 B. burgdorferi DNA positive
10060110 Mean venous pressure increased
10060111 Mean venous pressure decreased
10060112 Hair mercury normal
10060113 Hair mercury abnormal
10060114 Human herpes virus 6 serology
10060115 IQ test
10060116 Kappa light chain analysis
10060117 Kappa/Lambda light chain ratio
10060118 Lambda light chain analysis
10060119 Mean venous pressure
10060120 Urine methylhistamine
10060121 Squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck
10060122 Red blood cell microcytes
10060123 Neuron-specific enolase
10060124 Parasite blood test positive
10060125 Parvovirus B19 serology
10060126 Pertussis serology
10060127 Phenylalanine screen
10060128 Myeloperoxidase antibody test
10060129 Osmotic pressure
10060130 Urine osmotic pressure
10060131 Oxyhemoglobin
10060132 Pandy's test
10060133 Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
10060134 Plasma protein
10060135 Red blood cell microcytes absent
10060136 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive
10060137 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody negative
10060138 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody increased
10060139 Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody decreased
10060140 Neuron-specific enolase increased
10060141 Neuron-specific enolase decreased
10060142 Antipsychotic drug level
10060143 Antipsychotic drug level therapeutic
10060144 Antipsychotic drug level above therapeutic
10060145 Antipsychotic drug level below therapeutic
10060146 Parvovirus B19 serology positive
10060147 Parvovirus B19 serology negative
10060148 Pertussis serology positive
10060149 Pertussis serology negative
10060150 Phenylalanine screen positive
10060151 Phenylalanine screen negative
10060152 ANCA positive
10060153 ANCA decreased
10060154 ANCA increased
10060155 ANCA negative
10060156 Myeloperoxidase antibody test positive
10060157 Myeloperoxidase antibody test negative
10060158 Osmotic pressure abnormal
10060159 Osmotic pressure decreased
10060160 Osmotic pressure increased
10060161 Osmotic pressure normal
10060162 Urine osmotic pressure increased
10060163 Urine osmotic pressure decreased
10060164 Oxyhaemoglobin
10060165 Pandy's test normal
10060166 Pandy's test abnormal
10060167 Pandy's test decreased
10060168 Pandy's test increased
10060169 Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody positive
10060170 Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody negative
10060171 Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody increased
10060172 Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody decreased
10060173 p-ANCA positive
10060174 p-ANCA negative
10060175 p-ANCA increased
10060176 p-ANCA decreased
10060177 c-ANCA positive
10060178 c-ANCA negative
10060179 c-ANCA increased
10060180 c-ANCA decreased
10060181 Guthrie test
10060182 Guthrie test positive
10060183 Guthrie test negative
10060184 Newborn phenylketonuria screen
10060185 Newborn phenylketonuria screen positive
10060186 Newborn phenylketonuria screen negative
10060187 Plasma protein normal
10060188 Plasma protein abnormal
10060189 Cytomegalovirus antibody negative
10060190 Viral oesophagitis
10060191 Viral esophagitis
10060192 Platelet factor 4
10060193 Poliovirus serology
10060194 Potassium chloride sensitivity test
10060195 Proerythroblast count
10060196 Pulmonary arterial pressure
10060197 Red blood cell morphology normal
10060198 Rheumatoid factor quantitative
10060199 Right ventricular systolic pressure
10060200 Schistosoma serology
10060201 Soluble fibrin monomer
10060202 Protein C antigen
10060203 Protein S antigen
10060204 Protein S free
10060205 Protein S total
10060206 Proteinase-3 antibody
10060207 Pseudocholinesterase
10060208 Pulmonary arterial systolic pressure
10060209 Pulse oximetry
10060210 Rapid plasma reagin test
10060211 Ribonucleoprotein antibody
10060212 Rumpel-Leede reaction
10060213 Anti-SS-A antibody
10060214 Anti-SS-B antibody
10060215 SM antibody
10060216 Sonogram
10060217 Streptozyme test
10060218 Hair sulfur
10060219 Platelet factor 4 increased
10060220 Platelet factor 4 decreased
10060221 Platelet morphology normal
10060222 Poliovirus serology positive
10060223 Poliovirus serology negative
10060224 Potassium chloride sensitivity test normal
10060225 Potassium chloride sensitivity test abnormal
10060226 Proerythroblast count normal
10060227 Proerythroblast count abnormal
10060228 Proerythroblast count increased
10060229 Proerythroblast count decreased
10060230 Protein C increased
10060231 Pulmonary arterial pressure decreased
10060232 Pulmonary arterial pressure normal
10060233 Pulmonary arterial pressure abnormal
10060234 Rheumatoid factor quantitative increased
10060235 Rheumatoid factor quantitative decreased
10060236 Right ventricular systolic pressure increased
10060237 Right ventricular systolic pressure decreased
10060238 Schistosoma serology positive
10060239 Schistosoma serology negative
10060240 Muscle relaxant drug level
10060241 Muscle relaxant drug level therapeutic
10060242 Muscle relaxant drug level above therapeutic
10060243 Muscle relaxant drug level below therapeutic
10060244 Virus stool test
10060245 PSA
10060246 PSA abnormal
10060247 PSA normal
10060248 Protein C antigen decreased
10060249 Protein C antigen increased
10060250 Protein S antigen abnormal
10060251 Protein S antigen normal
10060252 Protein S antigen increased
10060253 Protein S antigen decreased
10060254 Protein S free increased
10060255 Protein S free decreased
10060256 Protein S total abnormal
10060257 Protein S total normal
10060258 Protein S total increased
10060259 Protein S total decreased
10060260 Proteinase-3 antibody positive
10060261 Proteinase-3 antibody increased
10060262 Proteinase-3 antibody decreased
10060263 Pulmonary arterial systolic pressure normal
10060264 Pulmonary arterial systolic pressure abnormal
10060265 Rapid plasma reagin test negative
10060266 VDRL negative
10060267 VDRL positive
10060268 RPR
10060269 RPR negative
10060270 RPR positive
10060271 FTA
10060272 FTA negative
10060273 FTA positive
10060274 Ribonucleoprotein antibody positive
10060275 Ribonucleoprotein antibody negative
10060276 Anti-SS-A antibody positive
10060277 Anti-SS-A antibody negative
10060278 Anti-Ro antibody
10060279 Anti-Ro antibody negative
10060280 Anti-Ro antibody positive
10060281 Anti-SS-B antibody positive
10060282 Anti-SS-B antibody negative
10060283 Anti-La antibody
10060284 Anti-La antibody negative
10060285 Anti-La antibody positive
10060286 SM antibody positive
10060287 SM antibody negative
10060288 Streptozyme test positive
10060289 Streptozyme test negative
10060290 Hair sulfur normal
10060291 Hair sulfur abnormal
10060292 Reverse tri-iodothyronine
10060293 Tetanus antibody
10060294 Urine selenium
10060295 Thyroid hormone binding index
10060296 Total phospholipids
10060297 Total white blood cell count
10060298 MHA-TP
10060299 Human T-cell leukemia virus III
10060300 Tryptophan increased
10060301 Tyrosine increased
10060302 Valine increased
10060303 Yersinia serology
10060304 Hair zinc
10060305 Urine volume 24 hour
10060306 Reverse tri-iodothyronine increased
10060307 Reverse tri-iodothyronine decreased
10060308 Tetanus antibody positive
10060309 Tetanus antibody negative
10060310 Anti-thyroid antibody positive
10060311 Anti-thyroid antibody negative
10060312 Antidepressant drug level
10060313 Urine selenium normal
10060314 Urine selenium abnormal
10060315 Urine selenium increased
10060316 Urine selenium decreased
10060317 Antibiotic level
10060318 Anticoagulation drug level
10060319 Anticoagulation drug level therapeutic
10060320 Anticoagulation drug level above therapeutic
10060321 Anticoagulation drug level below therapeutic
10060322 Reverse T3
10060323 Reverse T3 increased
10060324 Reverse T3 decreased
10060325 Anti-thyroid antibody
10060326 Thyroglobulin antibody positive
10060327 Thyroglobulin antibody negative
10060328 Thyroid hormone binding index increased
10060329 Thyroid hormone binding index decreased
10060330 Thyroid microsome antibody positive
10060331 Thyroid microsome antibody negative
10060332 MHA-TP negative
10060333 MHA-TP positive
10060334 MHA-TP false positive
10060335 Urine tryptophan increased
10060336 Urine tyrosine increased
10060337 Urine valine increased
10060338 Hair zinc abnormal
10060339 Hair zinc normal
10060340 Urine volume 24 hour increased
10060341 Urine volume 24 hour decreased
10060342 Thyroglobulin antibody
10060343 Thyroid microsome antibody
10060344 Tricyclic antidepressant level
10060345 Infusion
10060346 Transdermal contraception
10060347 Factor V Leiden heterozygote
10060348 Factor V Leiden homozygote
10060349 Acute leukaemia of unspecified cell type in remission
10060350 Acute leukaemia of unspecified cell type without mention of remission
10060351 Acute lymphoid leukaemia in remission
10060352 Acute lymphoid leukaemia without mention of remission
10060353 Acute monocytic leukaemia without mention of remission
10060354 Acute myeloblastic leukaemia
10060355 Acute myeloid leukaemia in remission
10060356 Acute myeloid leukaemia without mention of remission
10060357 Alkalaemia
10060358 Anaemia haemolytic G6PD deficiency
10060359 Azotaemia prerenal
10060360 Bruton's agammaglobulinaemia
10060361 Choroideraemia
10060362 Chronic erythraemia in remission
10060363 Chronic erythraemia without mention of remission
10060364 Chronic lymphoid leukaemia in remission
10060365 Chronic leukaemia of unspecified cell type in remission
10060366 Chronic leukaemia of unspecified cell type without mention of remission
10060367 Chronic lymphoid leukaemia without mention of remission
10060368 Chronic monocytic leukaemia without mention of remission
10060369 Chronic myeloid leukaemia without mention of remission
10060370 Enteric tularaemia
10060371 Fredrickson Type II hyperlipidaemia
10060372 Fulminant meningococcaemia
10060373 Human T-cell leukaemia virus type I infection
10060374 Hydraemia
10060375 Hypercholesteraemia
10060376 Hyperaemia of conjunctiva
10060377 Hypergastrinaemia
10060378 Hyperinsulinaemia
10060379 Hyperreninaemic hypoaldosteronism
10060380 Hyponatraemic
10060381 Hypocalcaemic tetany
10060382 Hypocholesteraemia
10060383 Hypocupraemia
10060384 Hypogammaglobulinaemia, unspecified
10060385 Hypoglycaemic episode
10060386 Hypolipaemia
10060387 Hypolipoproteinaemia
10060388 Hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism
10060389 Leukaemia eosinophilic
10060390 Leukaemia lymphoblastic acute
10060391 Leukaemia lymphocytic chronic
10060392 Leukaemia monoblastic acute
10060393 Leukaemia monocytic chronic
10060394 Leukaemia myeloblastic acute
10060395 Leukaemia secondary to oncology chemotherapy
10060396 Leukaemic reticuloendotheliosis involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10060397 Lymphatic leukaemia
10060398 Megakaryocytic leukaemia without mention of remission
10060399 Mixed cryoglobulinaemia
10060400 Myelaemia
10060401 Myelosis erythraemic
10060402 Nephropathy hypercalcaemic
10060403 Oculoglandular tularaemia
10060404 Phenylalaninaemia
10060405 Physiologic hypogammaglobulinaemia
10060406 Plasma cell leukaemia in remission
10060407 Plasma cell leukaemia without mention of remission
10060408 Pulmonary tularaemia
10060409 Reaction hypoglycaemic
10060410 Septicaemia due to pseudomonas
10060411 Septicaemia due to serratia
10060412 Septicaemia due to Escherichia coli (E. coli)
10060413 Septicaemia due to gram-negative organism, unspecified
10060414 Subacute leukaemia of unspecified cell type in remission
10060415 Subacute leukaemia of unspecified cell type without mention of remission
10060416 Subacute lymphoid leukaemia in remission
10060417 Subacute lymphoid leukaemia without mention of remission
10060418 Subacute monocytic leukaemia in remission
10060419 Subacute monocytic leukaemia without mention of remission
10060420 Subacute myeloid leukaemia in remission
10060421 Subacute myeloid leukaemia without mention of remission
10060422 Syndrome haemolytic uraemic
10060423 Syndrome hypokalaemic
10060424 Syndrome uraemic
10060425 Tetany hypocalcaemic
10060427 Type 4 (hyperkalaemic) RTA
10060428 Ulceroglandular tularaemia
10060429 Unspecified leukaemia in remission
10060430 Unspecified leukaemia without mention of remission
10060431 Unspecified lymphoid leukaemia in remission
10060432 Unspecified lymphoid leukaemia without mention of remission
10060433 Unspecified monocytic leukaemia in remission
10060434 Unspecified monocytic leukaemia without mention of remission
10060435 Unspecified myeloid leukaemia in remission
10060436 Unspecified myeloid leukaemia without mention of remission
10060437 Unspecified septicaemia
10060438 Unspecified tularaemia
10060439 Stress induced hyperglycaemia
10060440 Haematoporphyrinaemia
10060441 Arteriovenous fistula site oedema
10060442 Oedema limbs
10060443 Papyraceous foetus, antepartum
10060444 Foetoscopy
10060445 Cesarean delivery affecting foetus or newborn
10060446 Prolapsed arm of foetus
10060447 Prolapsed arm of foetus, delivered
10060448 Foetal distress affecting management of mother
10060449 Foetal-maternal haemorrhage, with delivery
10060450 High foetal head at term
10060451 Placenta praevia affecting foetus or newborn
10060452 Unstable lie of foetus
10060453 ACE inhibitor foetopathy
10060454 Brow presentation of foetus
10060455 Foetus or newborn affected by maternal complications of pregnancy
10060456 Acute duodenal ulcer with haemorrhage, without mention of obstruction
10060457 Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage, with obstruction
10060458 Acute gastric ulcer with haemorrhage, without mention of obstruction
10060459 Acute gastritis, with haemorrhage
10060460 Acute gastritis, without mention of haemorrhage
10060461 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer with haemorrhage, without mention of obstruction
10060462 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer, with haemorrhage, with obstruction
10060463 Alcoholic gastritis, with haemorrhage
10060464 Antihaemophilic factor
10060465 Haemarthrosis involving forearm
10060466 Haemarthrosis involving hand
10060467 Haemarthrosis involving lower leg
10060468 Haemarthrosis involving upper arm
10060469 Haemarthrosis, site unspecified
10060470 Haematocytopenia
10060471 Haematopoiesis depressed
10060472 Haematoporphyrinuria
10060473 Haemoperitoneum (non-traumatic)
10060474 Haemorrhage oesophageal
10060475 Jaundice haematogenous
10060476 Polycythaemia neonatorum
10060477 Polycythaemia, secondary
10060478 Thrombosis prophylaxis in haemodialysis
10060479 Human T-cell leukemia virus type I myelopathy
10060480 Hydroxyprolinemia
10060481 Hyperemia eye
10060482 Hyperbilirubinemia aggravated
10060483 Hyperbilirubinemia neonatal
10060484 Hyperbilirubinemia newborn
10060485 Hypercalcemic nephropathy
10060486 Hyperfluoremia
10060487 Hyperglycemia drug-induced
10060488 Hyperglycemia steroid-induced
10060489 Hypogammaglobulinemia late onset
10060490 Hypoglycemia night
10060491 Hypoglycemia unawareness
10060492 Hypoglycemic seizure
10060493 Hypoglycemic shock
10060494 Hyponatremic syndrome
10060495 Hypoprolactinemia
10060496 Hyposideremia
10060497 Hypothromboplastinemia
10060498 Juvenile chronic myeloid leukemia
10060499 Late onset hypogammaglobulinemia
10060500 Leukemia unspecified
10060501 Leukemic infiltration pulmonary
10060502 Pericarditis uremic
10060503 Rickets familial hypophosphatemic
10060504 Uremic acidosis
10060505 Uremic encephalopathy
10060506 Palatal edema
10060507 Alpha 1 fetoprotein
10060508 Alpha 1 fetoprotein amniotic fluid
10060509 Alpha 1 fetoprotein amniotic fluid increased
10060510 Alpha 1 fetoprotein amniotic fluid normal
10060511 Alpha 1 fetoprotein decreased
10060512 Alpha 1 fetoprotein increased
10060513 Alpha 1 fetoprotein normal
10060514 Alphafetoprotein decreased
10060515 Alphafetoprotein normal (maternal serum)
10060516 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor fetopathy
10060517 Dead fetus
10060518 Fetal therapeutic procedure
10060519 Maternal condition affecting fetus
10060520 Maternal death affecting fetus
10060521 Maternal drugs affecting fetus
10060522 Maternal hypertension affecting fetus
10060523 Normal fetus
10060524 Abdominal aortic aneurysm hemorrhage
10060525 ABO hemolytic disease of newborn
10060526 Anterior eye chamber hemorrhage
10060527 Beta hemolytic streptococcal infection
10060528 Blood incompatibility hemolytic anemia of newborn
10060529 Bronchitis hemophilus
10060530 Cephalhematoma
10060531 Cephalohematoma
10060532 Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever
10060533 Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever viral infection
10060534 Crimean hemorrhagic fever
10060535 Dehydration polycythemia
10060536 Diarrhea hemorrhagic
10060537 Extravascular hemolysis
10060538 Food poisoning due to Vibrio parahemolyticus
10060539 Frank hematuria
10060540 Hemangioendothelioma malignant
10060541 Hemangiopericytoma
10060542 Hematocele
10060543 Hematocele female
10060544 Hematochezia
10060545 Hematocrit high
10060546 Hematocrit low
10060547 Hematocrit decrease aggravated
10060548 Hematocrit value decreased
10060549 Hypoglycemic encephalopathy
10060550 Hypoglycemic attack
10060551 Conjugated bilirubinemia
10060552 Acquired sideroblastic anemia
10060553 Acute granulocytic leukemia
10060554 Acute leukemia of unspecified cell type
10060555 Acute lymphoid leukemia
10060556 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia
10060557 Acute myelocytic leukemia
10060558 Acute myeloid leukemia recurrent
10060559 Anemic
10060560 Anemic hypoxia
10060561 Asymptomatic hyperlactatemia
10060562 Bacteremia, unspecified
10060563 Benign monoclonal hypergammaglobulinemia
10060564 Blast crisis in myelogenous leukemia
10060565 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (Kiel Classification)
10060566 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (Kiel Classification) recurrent
10060567 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (Kiel Classification) refractory
10060568 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (Kiel Classification) stage I
10060569 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (Kiel Classification) stage II
10060570 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (Kiel Classification) stage III
10060571 B-Lymphocytic, prolymphocytic leukemia (Kiel Classification) stage IV
10060572 Bone marrow leukemic cell infiltration
10060573 Candidemia
10060574 Cerebral hyperemia
10060575 Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type
10060576 Chronic lymphoid leukemia
10060577 CMV viremia
10060578 Diabetic hyperglycemic coma
10060579 Diabetic ketoacidotic hyperglycemic coma
10060580 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation)
10060581 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) recurrent
10060582 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) refractory
10060583 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) stage I
10060584 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) stage II
10060585 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) stage III
10060586 Diffuse large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10060587 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation)
10060588 Drug-induced hyperglycemia
10060589 Eardrum hyperemia
10060590 Erythremic myelosis (in remission)
10060591 Exaggerated hypoprothrombinemia
10060592 Familial hypophosphatemic rickets
10060593 Fredrickson Type I lipidemia
10060594 Fredrickson Type II lipidemia
10060595 Fredrickson Type IIa hyperlipidemia
10060596 Fredrickson Type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia
10060597 Fredrickson Type IIa lipidemia
10060598 Fredrickson Type IIb hyperlipoproteinemia
10060599 Fredrickson Type III lipidemia
10060600 Hematocrit value increased
10060601 Hematopoiesis decreased
10060602 Hematosalpinx
10060603 Hematospermia
10060604 Hematuria aggravated
10060605 Hematuria microscopic
10060606 Hematuria traumatic
10060607 Hemodialyzed
10060608 Hemolysis aggravated
10060609 Hemolysis neonatal
10060610 Hemolytic type rash
10060611 Hemophagocytosis
10060612 Hemophilia A
10060613 Hemophilia A (Factor VIII)
10060614 Hemophilia B (Factor IX)
10060615 Hemophilia C (Factor XI)
10060616 Hemophilia carrier
10060617 Hemophilic arthritis
10060618 Hemophilus acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
10060619 Hemophilus bronchitis
10060620 Hemophilus ducreyi chancroid
10060621 Hemophilus ducreyi infection
10060622 Hemophilus endocarditis
10060623 Hemophilus influenza pneumonia
10060624 Hemophilus influenza acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
10060625 Hemophilus influenza infection
10060626 Hemophilus influenza meningitis
10060627 Hemophilus influenza secondary bacterial infection of acute bronchitis
10060628 Hemophilus parainfluenza acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
10060629 Hemophilus parainfluenza pneumonia
10060630 Hemophilus pneumonia
10060631 Hemophilus secondary bacterial infection of acute bronchitis
10060632 Hemopneumothorax
10060633 Hemopoiesis decreased
10060634 Hemopoiesis impaired
10060635 Hemopoiesis suppressed
10060636 Hemorrhage in pregnancy
10060637 Hemorrhoid bleeding friction rub
10060638 Hemorrhoid injection
10060639 Hemorrhoid ligation
10060640 Hemorrhoidal hemorrhage
10060641 Hemorrhoids aggravated
10060642 Hemorrhoids necrosis
10060643 Hemospermia
10060644 Hemostasis prolonged
10060645 Histiocytosis hematophagic
10060646 Intra-abdominal hematoma
10060647 Intravascular hemolysis
10060648 Isoimmune hemolytic disease
10060649 Large hematemesis
10060650 Malignant hemangiopericytoma
10060651 Malignant hemangiopericytoma metastatic
10060652 Malignant hemangiopericytoma non-metastatic
10060653 Malignant hemangiopericytoma recurrent
10060654 Malignant hemangiopericytoma stage unspecified
10060655 Massive hematemesis
10060656 Meningitis hemophilus
10060657 Esophageal ulcer hemorrhage
10060658 Pneumonia hemophilus
10060659 Prolapsed hemorrhoid
10060660 Rhesus hemolytic disease of newborn
10060661 Second degree hemorrhoids
10060662 Shift to the left (hematological)
10060663 Surgical hemostasis
10060664 Tooth socket hemostasis
10060665 Traumatic pneumohemothorax
10060666 Warm type autoimmune hemolysis
10060667 Placenta previa hemorrhage
10060668 Proteinase-3 antibody negative
10060676 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) recurrent
10060677 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) refractory
10060678 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) stage I
10060679 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) stage II
10060680 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) stage III
10060681 Diffuse mixed small and large cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) stage IV
10060682 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation)
10060683 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) stage I
10060684 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) stage II
10060685 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) (Working Formulation) stage IV
10060686 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) recurrent
10060687 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) refractory
10060688 Diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma (Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia) stage III
10060689 Exercise-induced anaphylaxis
10060690 Traumatic brain injury
10060691 Bullosis diabeticorum
10060692 Respiratory tract infection fungal
10060693 Respiratory tract infection bacterial
10060694 Acidemia
10060695 Residual urine
10060696 Presbyoesophagus
10060697 Arthritis flare up
10060698 Diabetic blister
10060699 Acidaemia
10060700 Presbyesophagus
10060701 Neuroretinitis
10060702 Conjunctival swelling
10060703 Verrucous gastritis
10060704 Eosinophil cationic protein increased
10060705 Eosinophil cationic protein decreased
10060706 Uveal effusion syndrome
10060707 MALT lymphoma
10060708 Induration
10060709 Gastrointestinal erosion
10060710 Galactostasis
10060711 Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia
10060712 Skin neoplasm bleeding
10060713 Virus urine test
10060714 Telangiosis
10060715 Vaginal erythema
10060716 Fibroma molle
10060717 Mesenteric haemorrhage
10060718 Hemorrhoidal sclerotherapy
10060719 Brachymenorrhea
10060720 Uterine fibroid cyst
10060721 Retention cyst
10060722 Adenovirus urine test positive
10060723 Mammary duct obstruction
10060724 Intravascular hemangioendothelioma
10060725 Masson's pseudoangiosarcoma
10060726 Mesenteric hemorrhage
10060727 Haemorrhoidal sclerotherapy
10060728 Brachymenorrhoea
10060729 Intravascular haemangioendothelioma
10060730 Sustained ventricular tachycardia
10060731 Non-sustained ventricular tachycardia
10060732 Rheumatoid arthritis flare up
10060733 Haematoma evacuation
10060734 Diabetic foot
10060735 Hematoma evacuation
10060736 Echoacousia
10060737 Congenital nephrotic syndrome
10060738 Intervertebral discitis
10060739 Penile bulbitis
10060740 Congenital nephrotic syndrome - finnish type
10060741 Familial nephrotic syndrome
10060742 Endocrine ophthalmopathy
10060743 Syncope hypotensive
10060744 Icterus index
10060745 Icterus index decreased
10060746 Alpha 1 foetoprotein amniotic fluid decreased
10060747 Congenital hypogammaglobulinaemia
10060748 Alpha 1 fetoprotein amniotic fluid decreased
10060749 Type I hyperlipidaemia
10060750 Type I hyperlipidemia
10060751 Type III hyperlipidaemia
10060752 Type III hyperlipidemia
10060753 Type IV hyperlipidaemia
10060754 Type IV hyperlipidemia
10060755 Type V hyperlipidaemia
10060756 Type V hyperlipidemia
10060757 Glyceric acid urine
10060758 Lymphocyte stimulation test
10060759 Lymphocyte stimulation test negative
10060760 Lymphocyte stimulation test positive
10060761 Mauriac syndrome
10060762 Eyelid erosion
10060763 Canthal erosion
10060764 Prophylaxis against solar radiation
10060765 Osmophobia
10060766 Heteroplasia
10060767 Carotid cavernous fistula
10060768 Nasal neoplasm
10060769 Therapeutic product ineffective
10060770 Therapeutic product ineffective for unapproved indication
10060771 Urticaria localised
10060772 Cerebrovascular infarction
10060773 Urticaria localized
10060774 Chondrosis
10060775 Urinary anastomotic leak
10060776 Vaginoperineorrhaphy
10060777 Patent processus vaginalis
10060778 Laparoscopic hysteroscopy
10060779 Lymphocytic alveolitis
10060780 Arnold neuralgia
10060781 Haemorrhagic ovarian cyst
10060782 Intervertebral chondrosis
10060783 Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst
10060784 Ileostomy closure
10060785 Gastric banding
10060786 Laryngomalacia
10060787 Sulfonamide allergy
10060788 Joint stabilisation
10060789 Joint stabilization
10060790 Ulcus cruris
10060791 Pacing threshold decreased
10060793 Hepatic enzyme
10060794 Hepatic enzyme decreased
10060795 Hepatic enzyme increased
10060796 5'nucleotidase decreased
10060797 Glutamate dehydrogenase decreased
10060798 White blood cell morphology normal
10060799 Nitrite urine absent
10060800 Hot flush
10060801 Erdheim-Chester disease
10060802 Abdominal hernia repair
10060803 Diabetic foot infection
10060804 Computerised tomogram coronary artery
10060805 Computerised tomogram coronary artery normal
10060806 Computerised tomogram coronary artery abnormal
10060807 Otospongiosis
10060808 Computerized tomogram coronary artery
10060809 Computerized tomogram coronary artery normal
10060810 Computerized tomogram coronary artery abnormal
10060811 Hollow visceral myopathy
10060812 Parasite stool test
10060813 Iliotibial band syndrome
10060814 Iliotibial band friction syndrome
10060815 Macular pseudohole
10060816 Filmy vision
10060817 Cloudy vision
10060818 Hazy vision
10060819 Myxoedema coma
10060820 Joint injury
10060821 Necrolytic migratory erythema
10060822 Acid hemolysin test
10060823 Choroidal neovascularisation
10060824 Plasminogen
10060825 Epiphyseal disorder
10060826 Meningeal carcinomatosis
10060827 Human herpes virus 6 serology positive
10060828 Human herpes virus 6 serology negative
10060829 Uroporphyrin
10060830 Cystic adenomatoid malformation
10060831 Parotid tumour
10060832 Acid hemolysin test negative
10060833 Infectious crystalline keratopathy
10060834 Myxedema coma
10060835 Ham test
10060836 Parotid tumor
10060837 Choroidal neovascularization
10060838 Acid hemolysin test positive
10060839 Embolic cerebral infarction
10060840 Ischaemic cerebral infarction
10060841 Sinusitis bacterial
10060842 Hypercapnic respiratory failure
10060843 Oropharyngeal hemorrhage
10060844 Hemorrhagic cardiac tamponade
10060845 Diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome
10060846 Oropharyngeal haemorrhage
10060847 Haemorrhagic cardiac tamponade
10060848 Ischemic cerebral infarction
10060849 Diarrhoea predominant irritable bowel syndrome
10060850 Gastric adenoma
10060851 Hyperphosphatasaemia
10060852 Hyperphosphatasemia
10060853 CSF cell count decreased
10060854 Post lumbar puncture syndrome
10060856 Recall phenomenon
10060857 Bacteria urine
10060858 Cardiovascular function test
10060859 Normetanephrine urine decreased
10060860 Neurological symptom
10060861 Keratitis sicca
10060862 Prostate cancer
10060863 Joint haematoma
10060864 Joint hematoma
10060865 Duodenogastric reflux
10060866 Light chain analysis normal
10060867 Light chain analysis abnormal
10060868 Supraspinatus syndrome
10060869 Lacrimal mucocoele
10060870 Salivary gland mucocoele
10060871 Mucocoele of salivary gland
10060872 Transplant failure
10060873 Hypophosphataemic rickets
10060874 Aortic rupture
10060875 Uraemic pruritus
10060876 Benign familial haematuria
10060877 IgA gammopathy
10060878 IgG gammopathy
10060879 IgM gammopathy
10060880 Monoclonal gammopathy
10060881 Adynamic bone disease
10060882 Immotile cilia syndrome
10060883 Hypophosphatemic rickets
10060884 Uremic pruritus
10060885 Benign familial hematuria
10060886 Thyroid adenoma toxic
10060887 Thyroid adenoma nontoxic
10060888 Skin test negative
10060889 Tinea infection
10060890 Trigeminal nerve disorder
10060891 General symptom
10060892 Haemoglobinopathy
10060893 Hereditary haemolytic anaemia
10060894 Abnormal chest sound
10060895 Anti-DNA antibody
10060896 Calcium ionised abnormal
10060897 Calcium ionised normal
10060898 Calcium ionised decreased
10060899 Calcium ionised increased
10060900 Calcium ionised
10060901 Nail thinning
10060902 Diffuse alveolar damage
10060903 Hereditary onycho-osteodysplasia
10060904 Freezing phenomenon
10060905 Trousseau's syndrome
10060906 Dilutional coagulopathy
10060907 Erythema necrolyticum migrans
10060908 Melnick-Needles syndrome
10060909 Impulsive behavior
10060910 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma recurrent
10060911 Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphoma refractory
10060912 Base excess positive
10060913 Cystostomy closure
10060914 Vesicostomy closure
10060915 Base excess negative
10060916 HTLV-I infection
10060917 Volume blood
10060918 Oesophageal erosion
10060919 Foetal malformation
10060920 Fetal malformation
10060921 Abdominal abscess
10060922 Abdominal hernia gangrenous
10060923 Abdominal hernia obstructive
10060924 Abdominal injury
10060925 Abdominal neoplasm
10060926 Abdominal symptom
10060927 Abnormal product of conception
10060928 Abortion induced complete
10060929 Accessory nerve disorder
10060930 Acute leukaemia in remission
10060931 Adenovirus infection
10060932 Postoperative adhesion
10060933 Adverse event
10060934 Allergic oedema
10060935 Alloimmunisation
10060936 Amniotic cavity disorder
10060937 Amniotic cavity infection
10060938 Anaesthetic complication
10060939 Anaesthetic complication vascular
10060940 Analgesic drug level above therapeutic
10060941 Analgesic drug level decreased
10060942 Analgesic drug level increased
10060943 Analgesic drug level therapeutic
10060944 Analgesic drug level below therapeutic
10060945 Bacterial infection
10060946 Pneumonia bacterial
10060947 Right ventricular insufficiency
10060948 Left ventricular insufficiency
10060949 Ventricular insufficiency
10060950 Intraocular pressure test
10060951 Intraocular pressure test abnormal
10060952 Intraocular pressure test normal
10060953 Ventricular failure
10060954 Abdominal hernia
10060955 Androgens abnormal
10060956 Angiogram abnormal
10060957 Anomaly of middle ear congenital
10060958 Anorectal infection bacterial
10060959 Antibody positive
10060960 Appendix disorder
10060961 Appetite disorder
10060962 Arm deformity
10060963 Arterial disorder
10060964 Arterial haemorrhage
10060965 Arterial stenosis
10060966 Arthritis fungal
10060967 Arthritis helminthic
10060968 Arthritis infective
10060969 Arthropod infestation
10060970 Arthropod-borne disease
10060971 Astrocytoma malignant
10060972 Autoantibody test
10060973 Autoantibody positive
10060974 Autoantibody negative
10060975 Autosomal chromosome anomaly
10060976 Bacillus infection
10060977 Bacteria stool identified
10060978 Basophil count abnormal
10060979 Antibody test
10060980 Granular cell tumour
10060981 Phospholipid increased
10060982 Granular cell tumor
10060983 Apical granuloma
10060984 Dental granuloma
10060985 Periapical granuloma
10060986 Radicular granuloma
10060987 Ultrasound thyroid abnormal
10060988 Ultrasound thyroid normal
10060989 Sputum normal
10060990 Sputum test
10060991 Sputum abnormal
10060992 Benign anorectal neoplasm
10060993 Benign bone neoplasm
10060994 Benign endocrine neoplasm
10060995 Benign female reproductive tract neoplasm
10060996 Benign gastrointestinal neoplasm
10060997 Benign lymph node neoplasm
10060998 Benign male reproductive tract neoplasm
10060999 Benign neoplasm
10061000 Benign pancreatic neoplasm
10061001 Benign renal neoplasm
10061002 Benign respiratory tract neoplasm
10061003 Benign small intestinal neoplasm
10061004 Benign soft tissue neoplasm
10061005 Cardiac myxoma
10061006 Benign urinary tract neoplasm
10061007 Benign uterine neoplasm
10061008 Biliary tract disorder
10061009 Bilirubin excretion disorder
10061010 Binocular eye movement disorder
10061011 Bladder disorder
10061012 Blood cannabinoids
10061013 Blood electrolytes
10061014 Blood electrolytes abnormal
10061015 Blood electrolytes normal
10061016 Blood test abnormal
10061017 Bone infection
10061018 Brachytherapy
10061019 Brain neoplasm
10061020 Breast cancer male
10061021 Breast disorder
10061022 Bursitis infective
10061023 Carbohydrate metabolism disorder
10061024 Cardiac disorder
10061025 Cardiac neoplasm malignant
10061026 Cardiac operation
10061027 Cardiac stress test
10061028 Cardioactive drug level
10061029 Cardiomyopathy primary
10061030 Brain tumour
10061031 Thymoma malignant
10061032 Carbohydrate transport disorder
10061033 Cardiomyopathy secondary
10061034 Catecholamines urine increased
10061035 Central nervous system enteroviral infection
10061036 Central nervous system infection
10061037 Central nervous system viral infection
10061038 Cerebellar haematoma
10061039 Cestode infection
10061040 Childhood psychosis
10061041 Chlamydial infection
10061042 Chronic leukaemia in remission
10061043 Clostridial infection
10061044 Central nervous system abscess
10061045 Colon neoplasm
10061046 Communication disorder
10061047 Complement factor abnormal
10061048 Complement factor decreased
10061049 Complement factor increased
10061050 Labour complication
10061051 Eye anterior chamber congenital anomaly
10061052 Congenital aortic anomaly
10061053 Congenital bladder anomaly
10061054 Congenital cardiovascular anomaly
10061055 Complement factor
10061056 Complement factor normal
10061057 Labor complication
10061058 Congenital cardiovascular disorder
10061059 Congenital corneal anomaly
10061060 Congenital coronary artery malformation
10061061 Congenital diaphragmatic anomaly
10061062 Congenital fallopian tube anomaly
10061063 Congenital gastric anomaly
10061064 Congenital hair disorder
10061065 Congenital hepatobiliary anomaly
10061066 Congenital hip deformity
10061067 Congenital intestinal malformation
10061068 Congenital knee deformity
10061069 Congenital oesophageal anomaly
10061070 Congenital oral malformation
10061071 Congenital ovarian anomaly
10061072 Congenital pancreatic anomaly
10061073 Congenital pharyngeal anomaly
10061074 Congenital pulmonary artery anomaly
10061075 Congenital pulmonary valve disorder
10061076 Congenital spinal cord anomaly
10061077 Congenital tongue anomaly
10061078 Congenital ureteric anomaly
10061079 Congenital uterine anomaly
10061080 Congenital great vessel anomaly
10061081 Sputum decreased
10061082 Cardiac valve sclerosis
10061083 Dull eye pain
10061084 Congenital valgus foot deformity
10061085 Congenital vitreous anomaly
10061086 Congenital white blood cell disorder
10061087 Connective tissue disorder
10061088 Connective tissue neoplasm
10061089 Coombs test negative
10061090 Coombs test positive
10061091 Copper metabolism disorder
10061092 Corynebacterium infection
10061093 Cranial nerve disorder
10061094 Cranial nerve injury
10061095 Cranial nerve neoplasm benign
10061096 Cranial neuropathy
10061097 Crush injury
10061098 CSF white blood cell count
10061099 CSF white blood cell count negative
10061100 CSF white blood cell count positive
10061101 Deficiency anaemia
10061102 Dependence on enabling machine or device
10061103 Dermatitis radiation
10061104 Diabetic complication
10061105 Dialysis
10061106 Diaphragmatic disorder
10061107 Disaccharide metabolism disorder
10061108 Disturbance in social behaviour
10061109 DNA antibody negative
10061110 DNA antibody positive
10061111 Drug abuser
10061112 Dust inhalation pneumopathy
10061113 Echo virus infection
10061114 Economic problem
10061115 Ectopic hormone secretion
10061116 Electrocardiogram change
10061117 Electrocardiogram ST-T change
10061118 Encephalitis protozoal
10061119 Encephalitis rickettsial
10061120 Endocardial disease
10061121 Endocrine neoplasm
10061122 Endocrine neoplasm malignant
10061123 Endocrine pancreatic disorder
10061124 Enterococcal infection
10061125 Eosinophil count abnormal
10061126 Escherichia infection
10061127 Eye degenerative disorder
10061128 Eye injury
10061129 Eye movement disorder
10061130 Eyelid disorder
10061131 DNA antibody
10061132 Drug level above therapeutic
10061133 Drug level below therapeutic
10061134 Drug level therapeutic
10061135 Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
10061136 Thyroglobulin
10061137 Ocular toxicity
10061138 Fungal peritonitis
10061139 Diabetic cystopathy
10061142 Arteriovenous shunt thrombosis
10061143 Hypoestrogenemia
10061144 Gastroesophageal junction ulcer hemorrhage
10061145 Eyelid function disorder
10061146 Congenital eyelid malformation
10061147 Eyelid vascular disorder
10061148 Feeding disorder
10061149 Female genital tract fistula
10061150 Female genital tract tuberculosis
10061151 Female genital-digestive tract fistula
10061152 Female genital-skin fistula
10061153 Female reproductive neoplasm
10061154 Female reproductive tract carcinoma in situ
10061155 Femoral nerve lesion
10061156 Finger deformity
10061157 Foetal disorder
10061158 Foetal heart rate disorder
10061159 Foot deformity
10061160 Foot operation
10061161 Pelvic fracture
10061162 Fungus stool identified
10061163 Gallbladder anomaly congenital
10061164 Gastric mucosal lesion
10061165 Gastrin secretion disorder
10061166 Gastroenteritis bacterial
10061167 Gastroenteritis noninfectious
10061168 Gastrointestinal carcinoma in situ
10061169 Embolism
10061170 Follicle centre lymphoma, follicular grade I, II, III
10061171 Gastrointestinal disorder postoperative
10061172 Gastrointestinal injury
10061173 Gastrointestinal motility disorder
10061174 Gastrointestinal neoplasm
10061175 Gastrointestinal protozoal infection
10061176 Genital disorder female
10061177 Genital disorder male
10061178 Genital haemorrhage
10061179 Genital infection bacterial
10061180 Genital infection fungal
10061181 Genitourinary tract gonococcal infection
10061182 Genitourinary tract infection
10061183 Genitourinary tract neoplasm
10061184 Germ cell cancer
10061185 Glossopharyngeal nerve disorder
10061186 Glucagon secretion disorder
10061187 Haematopoietic neoplasm
10061188 Haematotoxicity
10061189 Haemodynamic test
10061190 Haemophilus infection
10061191 Haemorrhage foetal
10061192 Haemorrhagic fever
10061193 Hamartoma
10061194 Hand deformity
10061195 Hematopoietic neoplasm
10061196 Hematotoxicity
10061197 Neonatal seizures
10061198 Hantaviral infection
10061199 Head deformity
10061200 Heart injury
10061201 Helminthic infection
10061202 Hepatobiliary carcinoma in situ
10061203 Hepatobiliary neoplasm
10061204 Hereditary cerebral degeneration
10061205 Hereditary disorder
10061206 Hernia gangrenous
10061207 Hernia obstructive
10061208 Herpes zoster infection neurological
10061209 Hip deformity
10061210 Hormone level abnormal
10061211 Hyperinsulinism
10061212 Hypoglossal nerve disorder
10061213 Iatrogenic injury
10061214 Immunology test abnormal
10061215 Impulse-control disorder
10061216 Infarction
10061217 Infestation
10061218 Inflammation
10061219 Lens disorder
10061220 Leukaemia in remission
10061221 Libido disorder
10061222 Ligament disorder
10061223 Ligament injury
10061224 Limb discomfort
10061225 Limb injury
10061226 Limb operation
10061227 Lipid metabolism disorder
10061228 Lipomatosis
10061229 Lung infection
10061230 Lung injury
10061231 Lymphangiopathy
10061232 Lymphoproliferative disorder
10061233 Lymphoproliferative disorder in remission
10061234 Male genital tract tuberculosis
10061235 Male reproductive tract carcinoma in situ
10061236 Male reproductive tract neoplasm
10061237 Malignant anorectal neoplasm
10061238 Malignant cranial nerve neoplasm
10061239 Malignant hepatobiliary neoplasm
10061240 Malignant lymphoid neoplasm
10061241 Malignant mediastinal neoplasm
10061242 Localised adiposity
10061243 Post procedural nausea
10061244 Acathisia
10061245 Internal injury
10061246 Intervertebral disc degeneration
10061247 Intestinal functional disorder
10061248 Intestinal ulcer perforation
10061249 Intra-abdominal haemorrhage
10061250 Intracranial injury
10061251 Intracranial venous sinus thrombosis
10061252 Intraocular melanoma
10061253 Investigation abnormal
10061254 Iris disorder
10061255 Ischaemia
10061256 Ischaemic stroke
10061257 Jaw disorder
10061258 Joint lock
10061259 Klebsiella infection
10061260 Lacrimal cyst
10061261 Lactation disorder
10061262 Large intestinal ulcer haemorrhage
10061263 Laryngeal disorder
10061264 Laryngopharyngitis
10061265 Learning disorder
10061266 Legionella infection
10061267 Malignant middle ear neoplasm
10061268 Malignant nervous system neoplasm
10061269 Malignant peritoneal neoplasm
10061270 Malignant respiratory tract neoplasm
10061271 Malignant soft tissue neoplasm
10061272 Malignant urinary tract neoplasm
10061273 Malnutrition
10061274 Malocclusion
10061275 Mantle cell lymphoma
10061276 Mastoid abscess
10061277 Mastoid disorder
10061278 Medial popliteal nerve lesion
10061279 Median nerve lesion
10061280 Mediastinal disorder
10061281 Meningeal disorder
10061282 Meningeal neoplasm
10061283 Nervous system neoplasm benign
10061284 Mental disorder
10061285 Mental disorder due to a general medical condition
10061286 Metabolic function test abnormal
10061287 Metastases to nervous system
10061288 Metastases to reproductive organ
10061289 Metastatic neoplasm
10061290 Middle ear disorder
10061291 Mineral deficiency
10061292 Mineral metabolism disorder
10061293 Monocyte count abnormal
10061294 Monocyte morphology abnormal
10061295 Monocytic leukaemia in remission
10061296 Motor dysfunction
10061297 Mucosal erosion
10061298 Mucosal haemorrhage
10061299 Multiple endocrine adenomatosis
10061300 Mycoplasma infection
10061301 Myeloid leukaemia in remission
10061302 Myringitis
10061303 Nail bed infection
10061304 Nail infection
10061305 Nasal mucosal disorder
10061306 Nasopharyngeal cancer
10061307 Neck deformity
10061308 Neonatal infection
10061309 Neoplasm progression
10061310 Nerve root injury
10061311 Nervous system neoplasm
10061312 Neurological eyelid disorder
10061313 Neutrophil count abnormal
10061314 Neutrophil function disorder
10061315 Obstetric procedure complication
10061316 Occupational exposure to air contaminants
10061317 Oedema neonatal
10061318 Oesophageal disorder
10061319 Oesophageal operation
10061320 Oesophagitis bacterial
10061321 Optic disc disorder
10061322 Optic nerve disorder
10061323 Optic neuropathy
10061324 Oral fungal infection
10061325 Oral neoplasm
10061326 Oral soft tissue disorder
10061327 Ossicle disorder
10061328 Ovarian epithelial cancer
10061329 Pancreatic enzyme decreased
10061330 Papillary muscle disorder
10061331 Papilloma viral infection
10061332 Paraganglion neoplasm
10061333 Paraproteinaemia
10061334 Partial seizures
10061335 Pelvic deformity
10061336 Pelvic neoplasm
10061337 Penile malignant neoplasm
10061338 Pericardial disease
10061339 Perineal pain
10061340 Peripheral embolism
10061341 Peripheral nerve operation
10061342 Peripheral neuroepithelioma of bone
10061343 Peritoneal disorder
10061344 Peritoneal neoplasm
10061345 Pervasive developmental disorder
10061346 pH body fluid
10061347 Phosphorus metabolism disorder
10061348 Pineal neoplasm
10061349 Placental neoplasm
10061350 Plasma protein metabolism disorder
10061351 Pleural infection
10061352 Pleural neoplasm
10061353 Pneumococcal infection
10061354 Pneumonia fungal
10061355 Poisoning
10061356 Porphyrin metabolism disorder
10061357 pH body fluid normal
10061358 Withdrawal bleeding irregular
10061360 Iris vascular disorder
10061361 Scrotal haemorrhage
10061362 Scrotal hemorrhage
10061363 Skeletal injury
10061364 Skin injury
10061365 Skull fracture
10061366 Soft tissue disorder
10061367 Spinal cord disorder
10061368 Spinal disorder
10061369 Spinal vascular disorder
10061370 Spirochaetal infection
10061371 Spondylitis
10061372 Streptococcal infection
10061373 Sudden hearing loss
10061374 Synovial disorder
10061375 Syphilis test
10061376 Temperature regulation disorder
10061377 Tendon neoplasm
10061378 Testicular germ cell cancer
10061379 Testicular neoplasm
10061380 Therapeutic reaction time decreased
10061381 Thymus disorder
10061382 Toxicologic test abnormal
10061383 Toxicologic test normal
10061384 Toxicologic test
10061385 Traumatic amputation
10061386 Chest injury
10061387 Traumatic intracranial haemorrhage
10061388 Trichophyton infection
10061389 Tricuspid valve disease
10061390 Tuberculosis gastrointestinal
10061391 Tuberculosis of central nervous system
10061392 Tumour excision
10061393 Typhus
10061394 Upper limb fracture
10061395 Ureter abscess
10061396 Urinary tract carcinoma in situ
10061397 Urinary tract injury
10061398 Urinary tract neoplasm
10061399 Urticaria thermal
10061400 Uterine contractions abnormal
10061401 Uterine injury
10061402 Vaginal disorder
10061403 Vagus nerve disorder
10061404 Limb traumatic amputation
10061405 Pelvic organ injury
10061406 Cardiac valve disease
10061407 Vascular bypass graft
10061408 Venous thrombosis limb
10061409 Victim of crime
10061410 Virus serology test
10061411 Visual pathway disorder
10061412 Vitamin A deficiency eye disorder
10061413 Vitamin C abnormal
10061414 White blood cell disorder
10061415 Wrist deformity
10061416 Yersinia infection
10061417 Zoonotic bacterial infection
10061418 Zygomycosis
10061419 Crystal arthropathy
10061420 Cyst aspiration abnormal
10061421 Cyst aspiration normal
10061422 Abnormal behaviour
10061423 Amnestic disorder
10061424 Anal cancer
10061425 Antibody test abnormal
10061426 Antibody test negative
10061427 Antibody test positive
10061428 Decreased appetite
10061429 Antibody test normal
10061430 Arthritis allergic
10061431 Glial scar
10061432 Urine retinol binding protein increased
10061433 Retinol binding protein increased
10061434 Free hydroxyproline urine increased
10061435 Creatinine clearance estimation increased
10061436 Creatinine clearance estimation decreased
10061437 Synovial fluid culture positive
10061438 Antasthmatic drug level above therapeutic
10061439 Antasthmatic drug level below therapeutic
10061440 Urine retinol binding protein
10061441 Urine retinol binding protein decreased
10061442 Antasthmatic drug level therapeutic
10061443 Antasthmatic drug level
10061444 Central nervous system stimulation
10061445 Cerebral cyst
10061446 Conjunctival disorder
10061447 Culture
10061448 Culture negative
10061449 Culture positive
10061450 Carcinoma in situ
10061451 Colorectal cancer
10061452 Complication of pregnancy
10061453 Corneal disorder
10061454 Dentofacial functional disorder
10061455 Dermatoglyphic anomaly
10061456 External ear disorder
10061457 Facial nerve disorder
10061458 Feeling of body temperature change
10061459 Gastrointestinal ulcer
10061460 Glucocorticoids abnormal
10061461 Erectile dysfunction
10061462 Eustachian tube disorder
10061463 Retinal function test normal
10061464 Central nervous system function test normal
10061465 Peripheral nervous system function test normal
10061466 Glucocorticoids decreased
10061467 Post abortion infection
10061468 Postoperative wound complication
10061469 Postpartum disorder
10061470 Proteus infection
10061471 Pseudomonas infection
10061472 Psychiatric symptom
10061473 Pulmonary radiation injury
10061474 Pulmonary vascular disorder
10061475 Pulse waveform abnormal
10061476 Purine metabolism disorder
10061477 Radial nerve lesion
10061478 Radioisotope scan
10061479 Renal clearance decreased
10061480 Renal function test abnormal
10061481 Renal injury
10061482 Renal neoplasm
10061483 Reproductive tract disorder
10061484 Respiratory disorder neonatal
10061485 Respiratory fume inhalation disorder
10061486 Respiratory tract neoplasm
10061487 Pulse waveform normal
10061488 Pulse waveform
10061489 Post procedural fistula
10061490 Renal function test
10061491 Renal function test normal
10061492 Retinoschisis
10061493 Retroviral infection
10061494 Rhinovirus infection
10061495 Rickettsiosis
10061496 Rubella infection neurological
10061497 Salivary gland neoplasm
10061498 Scan
10061499 Scan abnormal
10061500 Scan brain
10061501 Scan myocardial perfusion abnormal
10061502 Scan abdomen abnormal
10061503 Scan adrenal gland
10061504 Scan lymph nodes
10061505 Scan normal
10061506 Scan spleen
10061507 Scan parathyroid
10061508 Scan thyroid gland
10061509 Scleral degeneration
10061510 Scleral disorder
10061511 Sebaceous gland disorder
10061512 Serratia infection
10061513 Sex chromosome abnormality
10061514 Scan myocardial perfusion normal
10061515 Boerhaave's syndrome
10061516 Capillarectasia
10061517 Scrotal haematocoele
10061518 Scrotal hematocele
10061519 HIV infection CDC group IV
10061520 Ill-defined disorder
10061521 Intervertebral disc disorder
10061522 Karyotype analysis abnormal
10061523 Lip and/or oral cavity cancer
10061524 Inner ear disorder
10061525 Lacrimal disorder
10061526 Malignant mesenchymoma
10061527 Neurofibrosarcoma
10061528 Congenital optic nerve anomaly
10061529 Polyp
10061530 Congenital scleral disorder
10061531 Skin degenerative disorder
10061532 Mitral valve disease
10061533 Myotonia
10061534 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma
10061535 Ovarian neoplasm
10061536 Parkinson's disease
10061537 Pineal parenchymal neoplasm malignant
10061538 Pituitary tumour benign
10061539 Platelet function test abnormal
10061540 Platelet function test normal
10061541 Pulmonary valve disease
10061542 Radiotherapy to brain
10061543 Radiotherapy to lung
10061544 Radiotherapy to prostate
10061545 Radiotherapy to skin
10061546 Radiotherapy to urinary bladder
10061547 Radiotherapy to uterus
10061548 Red blood cell abnormality
10061549 Sensation of foreign body
10061550 Small intestinal ulcer haemorrhage
10061551 Spinocerebellar disorder
10061552 Oculogyration
10061553 Allergic airway syndrome
10061554 Staphylococcal pharyngitis
10061555 Pharyngeal injury
10061556 Tracheobronchitis viral
10061557 Allergic otitis media
10061558 Sensory level
10061559 Bladder sphincterectomy
10061560 Mass excision
10061561 Facial reconstructive surgery
10061562 Spinal osteomyelitis
10061563 Sensory deficit
10061564 Mucinous carcinoma
10061565 Gynecological infection
10061566 Supraglottitis
10061567 Sensory level abnormal
10061568 Sensory level normal
10061569 Goitre haemorrhage
10061570 Goiter hemorrhage
10061571 Gynaecological infection
10061572 Struma nodosa haemorrhage
10061573 Congenital pseudarthrosis
10061574 Urinary tract obstruction
10061575 Telangiectasia congenital
10061576 Troponin
10061577 Ulcer haemorrhage
10061578 Urine analysis normal
10061579 Urine electrolytes decreased
10061580 Vitamin B complex deficiency
10061581 Vocal cord disorder
10061582 X-ray gastrointestinal tract abnormal
10061583 X-ray gastrointestinal tract
10061584 X-ray gastrointestinal tract normal
10061585 X-ray limb
10061586 X-ray limb abnormal
10061587 X-ray limb normal
10061588 Adrenal neoplasm
10061589 Aortic valve disease
10061590 Blood disorder
10061591 Borrelia infection
10061592 Cardiac fibrillation
10061593 Echocardiogram abnormal
10061594 Facial neuralgia
10061595 Factitious disorder
10061596 Gastrointestinal malformation
10061597 Hodgkin's disease stage IV
10061598 Immunodeficiency
10061599 Lower limb fracture
10061600 Metastases to the respiratory system
10061601 Platelet aggregation abnormal
10061602 Pulmonary function test abnormal
10061603 Respiratory syncytial virus infection
10061604 Ultrasonic angiogram abnormal
10061605 Ultrasonic angiogram normal
10061606 Ultrasound scan abnormal
10061607 Ultrasound scan normal
10061608 17 ketosteroids urine abnormal
10061609 Abdominal operation
10061610 Abdominal wall neoplasm
10061611 Abdominal wall operation
10061612 Abdominal X-ray
10061613 Abnormal sleep-related event
10061614 Abortion complete
10061615 Abortion complicated
10061616 Abortion spontaneous complete
10061617 Abortion spontaneous incomplete
10061618 Acanthamoeba infection
10061619 Deformity
10061620 Adenocarcinoma with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder
10061621 Adjustment disorder
10061622 Adrenalectomy
10061623 Adverse drug reaction
10061624 AIDS related complication
10061625 Aldosterone urine abnormal
10061626 Allergy to chemicals
10061627 Amputation
10061628 Anal infection
10061629 Anal neoplasm
10061630 Adrenogenital syndrome
10061631 Analgesic intervention supportive therapy
10061632 Analgesic medication supportive therapy
10061633 Androgens
10061634 Androgens decreased
10061635 Androgens normal
10061636 Angiodysplasia
10061637 Angiogram
10061638 Angiogram normal
10061639 Angiokeratoma
10061640 Anorectal infection
10061641 Anterior chamber disorder
10061642 Antibiotic level above therapeutic
10061643 Antibiotic level below therapeutic
10061644 Antibiotic level therapeutic
10061645 Antidepressant drug clearance
10061646 Antidepressant drug level above therapeutic
10061647 Antidepressant drug level below therapeutic
10061648 Antidepressant drug level decreased
10061649 Antidepressant drug level increased
10061650 Antidepressant drug level therapeutic
10061651 Aortic surgery
10061652 Aortic valve repair
10061653 Apheresis
10061654 Apolipoprotein A-II abnormal
10061655 Arterial graft
10061656 Arterial repair
10061657 Arterial stent insertion
10061658 Arteriogram
10061659 Arteriogram abnormal
10061660 Artery dissection
10061661 Assisted delivery
10061662 Asymptomatic gene carrier
10061663 Atypical mycobacterial infection
10061664 Autoimmune disorder
10061665 Autonomic nerve operation
10061666 Autonomic neuropathy
10061667 Bacteria blood identified
10061668 Bacteria blood no organisms observed
10061669 Bacteria body fluid identified
10061670 Bacteria body fluid no organisms observed
10061671 Bacteria cervical specimen identified
10061672 Bacteria cervical specimen no organisms observed
10061673 Bacteria sputum identified
10061674 Bacteria sputum no organisms observed
10061675 Bacteria stool no organisms observed
10061676 Bacteria tissue specimen identified
10061677 Bacteria tissue specimen no organisms observed
10061678 Bacteria urine identified
10061679 Bacteria urine no organism observed
10061680 Bacteria wound identified
10061681 Bacteria wound no organisms observed
10061682 Arteriogram normal
10061683 Arthrodesis
10061684 Platelet function test
10061685 Struma nodosa hemorrhage
10061686 Barium double contrast abnormal
10061687 Barium double contrast normal
10061688 Barotrauma
10061689 Basophil morphology abnormal
10061690 Basophil morphology normal
10061691 Benign mesothelioma
10061692 Benign muscle neoplasm
10061693 Beta 2 microglobulin abnormal
10061694 Beta 2 microglobulin urine abnormal
10061695 Biliary tract infection
10061696 Biliary tract operation
10061697 Biopsy uterus
10061698 Bladder injury
10061699 Bladder operation
10061700 Blast cells
10061701 Blood alcohol decreased
10061702 Blood amphetamines decreased
10061703 Blood amphetamines increased
10061704 Blood barbiturates decreased
10061705 Blood barbiturates increased
10061706 Basophil morphology
10061707 Eosinophil morphology
10061708 Monocyte morphology
10061709 Neutrophil morphology
10061710 Blood amphetamines
10061711 Blood barbiturates
10061712 Blood cannabinoids decreased
10061713 Blood cannabinoids increased
10061714 Blood cannabinoids normal
10061715 Blood electrolytes decreased
10061716 Blood electrolytes increased
10061717 Blood heavy metal decreased
10061718 Blood heavy metal increased
10061719 Blood heavy metal normal
10061720 Blood insulin C-peptide abnormal
10061721 Blood opiates decreased
10061722 Blood opiates increased
10061723 Blood opiates normal
10061724 Blood pH
10061725 Blood proinsulin abnormal
10061726 Blood test
10061727 Blood uric acid abnormal
10061728 Bone lesion
10061729 Bone marrow disorder
10061730 Bone marrow transplant
10061731 Bone operation
10061732 Brain operation
10061733 Breast lump removal
10061734 Breast operation
10061735 Bronchitis acute viral
10061736 Bronchitis bacterial
10061737 Bronchitis fungal
10061738 Capnocytophaga infection
10061739 Cardiac electrophysiologic study
10061740 Cardioactive drug level above therapeutic
10061741 Cardioactive drug level below therapeutic
10061742 Cardioactive drug level therapeutic
10061743 Carotene abnormal
10061744 Carotid artery disease
10061745 Cartilage development disorder
10061746 Cartilage neoplasm
10061747 Catecholamines urine abnormal
10061748 Catecholamines urine decreased
10061749 Catecholamines urine normal
10061750 Cerebellar tumour
10061751 Cerebrovascular stenosis
10061752 Cervix operation
10061753 Chemical injury
10061754 Chemotherapeutic drug level
10061755 Chemotherapeutic drug level above therapeutic
10061756 Chemotherapeutic drug level below therapeutic
10061757 Chemotherapeutic drug level therapeutic
10061758 Chemotherapy
10061759 Chest wall operation
10061760 Cholangitis chronic
10061761 Chondrocalcinosis
10061762 Chondropathy
10061763 Chorioretinal disorder
10061764 Chromosomal deletion
10061765 Chromosomal mutation
10061766 Chromosome mapping abnormal
10061767 Chromosome mapping normal
10061768 Chronic respiratory disease
10061769 Ciliary body operation
10061770 Coagulation factor IX level abnormal
10061771 Coagulation factor V level abnormal
10061772 Coagulation factor VII level abnormal
10061773 Coagulation factor VIII level abnormal
10061774 Coagulation factor X level abnormal
10061775 Coagulation factor XI level abnormal
10061776 Coagulation factor XII level abnormal
10061777 Coagulation factor XIII level abnormal
10061778 Colectomy
10061779 Colon operation
10061780 Colporrhaphy
10061781 Complication of delivery
10061782 Conjunctival operation
10061783 Conjunctival vascular disorder
10061784 Conjunctivitis bacterial
10061785 Contracture
10061786 Coombs test
10061787 Corneal cyst
10061788 Corneal infection
10061789 Corneal operation
10061790 Cortisol free urine abnormal
10061791 Cranial nerve operation
10061792 CSF bacteria identified
10061793 CSF bacteria no organisms observed
10061794 CSF measles antibody negative
10061795 CSF measles antibody positive
10061796 CSF mycobacteria identified
10061797 CSF mycobacteria no organisms observed
10061798 CSF pressure abnormal
10061799 CSF shunt operation
10061800 CSF virus identified
10061801 CSF virus no organisms observed
10061802 Cyclosporidium infection
10061803 Cyst rupture
10061804 Cytology
10061805 Cytomegalovirus serology
10061806 Cytomegalovirus test
10061807 Cardiac electrophysiologic study normal
10061808 Cardiac electrophysiologic study abnormal
10061809 Cervix carcinoma stage 0
10061810 Deformity thorax
10061811 Demyelinating polyneuropathy
10061812 Dental operation
10061813 Dental treatment
10061814 Detoxification
10061815 Diabetic vascular disorder
10061816 Diagnostic procedure
10061817 Diaphragmatic operation
10061818 Disease progression
10061819 Disease recurrence
10061820 Diverticular perforation
10061821 Drug implantation
10061822 Drug intolerance
10061823 Drug level
10061824 Drug level fluctuating
10061825 Duodenal neoplasm
10061826 Duodenal operation
10061827 Dyssomnia
10061828 Ear abrasion
10061829 Ear canal stenosis
10061830 Ear infection viral
10061831 Ear operation
10061832 Eating disorder symptom
10061833 Elbow deformity
10061834 Electron radiation therapy
10061835 Diabetic nephropathy
10061836 Electrophoresis normal
10061837 Endocarditis viral
10061838 Endoscopy abnormal
10061839 Endoscopy large bowel
10061840 Endoscopy normal
10061841 Enterocolitis viral
10061842 Entropion
10061843 Eosinophil morphology abnormal
10061844 Eosinophil morphology normal
10061845 Epinephrine abnormal
10061846 Extradural abscess
10061847 Extragonadal primary germ cell cancer
10061848 Extragonadal primary malignant teratoma
10061849 Extragonadal primary non-seminoma
10061850 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (MALT type)
10061851 Eye exercises
10061852 Eye operation
10061853 Eyelid operation
10061854 Facial operation
10061855 Fallopian tube neoplasm
10061856 Fascial operation
10061857 Fat necrosis
10061858 Fluid replacement
10061859 Trematode infection
10061860 Endoscopy gastrointestinal abnormal
10061861 Endoscopy gastrointestinal normal
10061862 Neonatal complications of substance abuse
10061863 Neoplasm of orbit
10061864 Neoplasm recurrence
10061865 Nerve operation
10061866 Nerve root compression
10061867 Neutrophil function test abnormal
10061868 Neutrophil function test normal
10061869 Neutrophil morphology abnormal
10061870 Neutrophil morphology normal
10061871 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma transformed recurrent
10061872 Non-renal cell carcinoma of kidney
10061873 Non-small cell lung cancer
10061874 Norepinephrine abnormal
10061875 Nose deformity
10061876 Obstruction
10061877 Obstructive airways disorder
10061878 Occult blood
10061879 Occult blood negative
10061880 Occult blood positive
10061881 Oculomotor study normal
10061882 Oesophageal neoplasm
10061883 Oestriol abnormal
10061884 Oestriol urine abnormal
10061885 Oestrogens total urine abnormal
10061886 Neutrophil function test
10061887 Oculomotor study
10061888 Amaurotic familial idiocy
10061889 Oophorectomy
10061890 Organ transplant
10061891 Oropharyngitis fungal
10061892 Ossicular operation
10061893 Ovarian germ cell cancer
10061894 Ovarian germ cell cancer stage I
10061895 Ovarian germ cell cancer stage II
10061896 Ovarian germ cell cancer stage III
10061897 Ovarian germ cell cancer stage IV
10061898 Pancreatic enzymes
10061899 Pancreatic enzymes abnormal
10061900 Pancreatic enzymes increased
10061901 Pancreatic enzymes normal
10061902 Pancreatic neoplasm
10061903 Pancreatic operation
10061904 Pancreatography
10061905 Paracentesis
10061906 Paracoccidioides infection
10061907 Parainfluenzae virus infection
10061908 Cranial nerve paralysis
10061909 Paranasal sinus and nasal cavity malignant neoplasm
10061910 Parasomnia
10061911 Paresis cranial nerve
10061912 Penile infection
10061913 Penile neoplasm
10061914 Porphyromonas infection
10061915 Prolapse repair
10061916 Prostatectomy
10061917 Prostatic operation
10061918 Prothrombin time ratio abnormal
10061919 Pseudallescheria infection
10061920 Psychotic disorder
10061921 Psychotic disorder due to a general medical condition
10061922 Pulmonary function test decreased
10061923 Pulmonary function test normal
10061924 Pulmonary toxicity
10061925 Pulmonary valve repair
10061926 Purulence
10061927 Pyelocaliectasis
10061928 Radiculitis
10061929 Radioisotope scan abnormal
10061930 Radioisotope scan normal
10061931 Roundworm infection
10061932 Rubeola antibody
10061933 Ruptured diverticulum
10061934 Salivary gland cancer
10061935 Salivary gland disorder
10061936 Abdomen scan
10061937 Abdomen scan normal
10061938 Scan adrenal gland abnormal
10061939 Scan adrenal gland normal
10061940 Bladder scan
10061941 Bone scan abnormal
10061942 Bone scan normal
10061943 Brain scan abnormal
10061944 Brain scan normal
10061945 Gastrointestinal scan
10061946 Hepatobiliary scan
10061947 Liver scan abnormal
10061948 Liver scan normal
10061949 Lymph nodes scan abnormal
10061950 Lymph nodes scan normal
10061951 Parathyroid scan abnormal
10061952 Parathyroid scan normal
10061953 Renal scan abnormal
10061954 Renal scan normal
10061955 Salivary gland scan abnormal
10061956 Salivary gland scan normal
10061957 Follicle centre lymphoma diffuse small cell lymphoma
10061958 Food intolerance
10061959 Fracture treatment
10061960 Fungus body fluid identified
10061961 Fungus body fluid no organisms observed
10061962 Gallbladder operation
10061963 Gamma radiation therapy
10061964 Gammopathy
10061965 Gastrectomy
10061966 Gastric bypass
10061967 Gastric cancer stage IV
10061968 Gastric neoplasm
10061969 Gastric operation
10061970 Gastric stenosis
10061971 Gastritis bacterial
10061972 Gastritis fungal
10061973 Gastrointestinal disorder congenital
10061974 Gastrointestinal obstruction
10061975 Gastrointestinal ulcer perforation
10061976 Gender identity disorder
10061977 Genital infection female
10061978 Genital lesion
10061979 Genital pain
10061980 Urinary sediment abnormal
10061981 SUNCT syndrome
10061982 Severe acute respiratory syndrome
10061983 Subtherapeutic response
10061984 Oesophageal repair
10061985 Oesophagoplasty
10061986 SARS
10061987 Genitourinary operation
10061988 Gestational trophoblastic tumour
10061989 Glomerulosclerosis
10061990 Glycogen storage disorder
10061991 Grimacing
10061992 Haemophilia
10061993 Haemorrhage neonatal
10061994 Heart valve operation
10061995 Heart valve replacement
10061996 Heart valve stenosis
10061997 Hepatectomy
10061998 Hepatic lesion
10061999 Hepatitis viral test
10062000 Hepatobiliary disease
10062001 Hepatoblastoma
10062002 Hereditary ataxia
10062003 Hernia repair
10062004 Herpes ophthalmic
10062005 Histology
10062006 HLA marker study
10062007 Human T-cell lymphotropic virus infection
10062008 Hydrocele operation
10062009 Hydroxycorticosteroids urine abnormal
10062010 Ileal operation
10062011 Immune agglutinins
10062012 Immunodeficiency secondary to neoplasm
10062013 Immunosuppressant drug level
10062014 Immunosuppressant drug level decreased
10062015 Immunosuppressant drug level increased
10062016 Immunosuppression
10062017 Inborn error of bilirubin metabolism
10062018 Inborn error of metabolism
10062019 Infectious disease carrier
10062020 Infertility tests abnormal
10062021 Infertility tests normal
10062022 Intestinal atresia
10062023 Intestinal cyst
10062024 Intestinal operation
10062025 Intracerebral haematoma evacuation
10062026 Investigation
10062027 Jejunal operation
10062028 Keratitis bacterial
10062029 Keratitis viral
10062030 Genital labial operation
10062031 Lactobacillus infection
10062032 Large intestine operation
10062033 Laryngeal infiltration
10062034 Laryngeal operation
10062035 Laser therapy
10062036 Legionella serology
10062037 Leukoplakia
10062038 Lip neoplasm
10062039 Lithotripsy
10062040 Liver operation
10062041 Lung infiltration malignant
10062042 Lung neoplasm
10062043 Lung operation
10062044 Lymphatic system neoplasm
10062045 Lymphoblast morphology
10062046 Lymphocyte morphology
10062047 Lymphocyte morphology abnormal
10062048 Lymphocyte morphology normal
10062049 Lymphocytic infiltration
10062050 Malignant muscle neoplasm
10062051 Malignant nipple neoplasm
10062052 Malignant tumour excision
10062053 Manipulation
10062054 Mastoid operation
10062055 Red blood cell elliptocytes present
10062056 Esophageal repair
10062057 Esophagoplasty
10062058 Histology normal
10062059 Histology abnormal
10062060 Hyperlipidaemia
10062061 Knee deformity
10062062 Large intestinal obstruction
10062063 Penile operation
10062064 Penis carcinoma
10062065 Perforated ulcer
10062066 Perianal fungal infection
10062067 Perichondritis
10062068 Perineal operation
10062069 Peripheral nervous system neoplasm
10062070 Peritonitis bacterial
10062071 pH body fluid abnormal
10062072 pH body fluid decreased
10062073 pH body fluid increased
10062074 pH semen abnormal
10062075 Pharyngeal neoplasm
10062076 Pharyngeal operation
10062077 Photon radiation therapy
10062078 Physical examination abnormal
10062079 Physical examination normal
10062080 Pigmentation disorder
10062081 Plasma cell disorder
10062082 Plastic surgery
10062083 Platelet adhesiveness abnormal
10062085 Platelet aggregation normal
10062086 Pleural operation
10062087 PO2 abnormal
10062088 Radiotherapy to blood
10062089 Radiotherapy to bone
10062090 Radiotherapy to breast
10062091 Radiotherapy to ear
10062092 Radiotherapy to gastrointestinal tract
10062093 Radiotherapy to liver
10062094 Radiotherapy to nose
10062095 Radiotherapy to pancreas
10062096 Radiotherapy to soft tissue
10062097 Radiotherapy to throat
10062098 Radiotherapy to thyroid
10062099 Rectal neoplasm
10062100 Red blood cell morphology abnormal
10062101 Reduction of increased intracranial pressure
10062102 Removal of foreign body
10062104 Renal mass
10062105 Respiratory gas exchange disorder
10062106 Respiratory tract infection viral
10062107 Retinal operation
10062108 Retinal vascular thrombosis
10062109 Reversible airways obstruction
10062110 Rheumatic heart disease
10062111 Rickettsia antibody
10062112 Splenic infection
10062113 Splenic marginal zone lymphoma
10062114 Squamous cell with transitional cell carcinoma of bladder
10062115 Stent removal
10062116 Sterilisation
10062117 Steroid therapy
10062118 Streptobacillus infection
10062119 Sympathomimetic effect
10062120 Syphilis
10062121 Tendon operation
10062122 Testicular choriocarcinoma
10062123 Testicular embryonal carcinoma
10062124 Testicular seminoma (pure)
10062125 Thyroid malformation
10062126 Thyroid operation
10062127 Thyroidectomy
10062128 Toe deformity
10062129 Tongue neoplasm
10062130 Tongue operation
10062131 Tonsillar neoplasm
10062132 Tooth extraction
10062133 Tracheal neoplasm
10062134 Vitamin D increased
10062135 Vulval neoplasm
10062136 Vulval operation
10062137 White blood cell morphology abnormal
10062138 Urinary system x-ray abnormal
10062139 Urinary system x-ray normal
10062140 Somatostatin receptor scan abnormal
10062141 Somatostatin receptor scan normal
10062142 Spleen scan abnormal
10062143 Spleen scan normal
10062144 Stomach scan
10062145 Stomach scan abnormal
10062146 Stomach scan normal
10062147 Testicular scan abnormal
10062148 Testicular scan normal
10062149 Thyroid gland scan abnormal
10062150 Thyroid gland scan normal
10062151 Whole body scan
10062152 Scan with contrast abnormal
10062153 Scan with contrast normal
10062154 Scleral operation
10062155 Scrotal disorder
10062156 Scrotal infection
10062157 Scrotal operation
10062158 Secondary infection
10062159 Semen liquefaction abnormal
10062160 Semen viscosity abnormal
10062161 Seminal vesicle operation
10062162 Sensorimotor disorder
10062163 Serology test
10062164 Seronegative arthritis
10062165 Vaginal neoplasm
10062166 Vaginal operation
10062167 Vaginitis bacterial
10062168 Varicose vein operation
10062169 Vascular access complication
10062170 Vascular bypass dysfunction
10062171 Vascular skin disorder
10062172 Vascular test
10062173 Venoocclusive disease
10062174 Venous aneurysm
10062175 Venous operation
10062176 Venous pressure normal
10062177 VIIIth nerve lesion
10062178 Viral load
10062179 Viral load decreased
10062180 Viral load increased
10062181 Virus body fluid identified
10062182 Virus body fluid no organisms observed
10062183 Vitamin A abnormal
10062184 Vitamin A decreased
10062185 Vitamin A increased
10062186 Vitamin A normal
10062187 Vitamin B12 abnormal
10062188 Vitamin D abnormal
10062189 Vitamin D decreased
10062190 Metabolic encephalopathy
10062191 Metabolic function test
10062192 Metabolic function test normal
10062193 Metanephrine urine abnormal
10062194 Metastasis
10062195 Metastases to biliary tract
10062196 Metastases to gastrointestinal tract
10062197 Metastases to soft tissue
10062198 Microangiopathy
10062199 Microlithiasis
10062200 Mitogen stimulation test abnormal
10062201 Mitogen stimulation test normal
10062202 Mitral valve repair
10062203 Mononeuropathy
10062204 Moraxella infection
10062205 Mucosal biopsy
10062206 Muscle operation
10062207 Mycobacterial infection
10062208 Nail operation
10062209 Nasal disorder
10062210 Nasal operation
10062211 Neck injury
10062212 Neisseria infection
10062213 Tracheal operation
10062214 Transferrin abnormal
10062215 Tri-iodothyronine uptake abnormal
10062216 Tumour marker test
10062217 Tumour vaccine therapy
10062218 Tympanic membrane disorder
10062219 Upper respiratory fungal infection
10062220 Ureteral disorder
10062221 Ureteral neoplasm
10062222 Ureteric operation
10062223 Urethral neoplasm
10062224 Urethral operation
10062225 Urinary tract pain
10062226 Urine analysis abnormal
10062227 Urine cannabinoids decreased
10062228 Urine cannabinoids increased
10062229 Urine electrolytes
10062230 Urine electrolytes normal
10062231 Urine potassium abnormal
10062232 Urine sodium abnormal
10062233 Uterine infection
10062234 Uterine operation
10062235 Platelet adhesiveness
10062236 Platelet adhesiveness normal
10062237 Renal impairment
10062238 Semen analysis normal
10062239 Tumor marker test
10062240 Tumor vaccine therapy
10062241 Shoulder deformity
10062242 Shoulder operation
10062243 Shunt malfunction
10062244 Sinus disorder
10062245 Sinus operation
10062246 Skeletal muscle enzymes
10062247 Skin graft
10062248 Skin implant
10062249 Skin inflammation
10062250 Skin lesion excision
10062251 Skin operation
10062252 Small intestine operation
10062253 Smooth muscle cell neoplasm
10062254 Social problem
10062255 Soft tissue infection
10062256 Specific gravity body fluid
10062257 Specific gravity body fluid abnormal
10062258 Specific gravity body fluid decreased
10062259 Specific gravity body fluid increased
10062260 Specific gravity body fluid normal
10062261 Spinal cord neoplasm
10062262 Spinal operation
10062263 Small intestinal stenosis
10062264 Congenital hyperthyroidism
10062265 Synovial fluid culture
10062266 Synovial fluid culture negative
10062267 Septum pellucidum agenesis
10062268 Erythroblast morphology abnormal
10062269 Adrenalitis
10062270 Erythroblast morphology
10062271 Hepatolith
10062272 Cystitis granulomatous
10062273 Blood renin activity decreased
10062274 Blast cell count increased
10062275 Blast cell count decreased
10062276 Conjunctival pigmentation
10062277 Catecholamines urine
10062278 Esophageal rupture
10062279 Urinary tract infection pseudomonal
10062280 Urinary tract infection staphylococcal
10062281 Gastric melanoma
10062282 Silver-Russell syndrome
10062283 Nail ridging
10062284 Neuromuscular toxicity
10062285 Breath sounds absent
10062286 Stomal hernia
10062287 Varicella pneumonia
10062288 Menopausal diaphoresis
10062289 Paraneoplastic polyneuropathy
10062290 Osteomyelosclerosis
10062291 Osteoprotegerin
10062292 Osteoprotegerin decreased
10062293 Osteoprotegerin increased
10062294 Osteoprotegerin ligand
10062295 Carcinomatous pleurisy
10062296 sRANKL
10062297 Immunology test
10062298 Pulmonary stasis
10062299 Vesicular stomatitis
10062300 Procedural hypotension
10062301 Vaccine exposure via breast milk
10062302 Family history of cancer
10062303 Blood phenylalanine increased
10062304 Urine phenylalanine increased
10062305 Sputum eosinophils increased
10062306 Stool eosinophils present
10062307 Nasal eosinophils present
10062308 CSF syphilis test positive
10062309 Beta-hydroxybutyric acid increased
10062310 Joint hyperextension
10062311 Electrocardiogram low voltage
10062312 Congenital intrahepatic shunt
10062313 Obstructive pneumonia
10062314 Electrocardiogram U wave inversion
10062315 Lipohypertrophy
10062316 Genital abscess
10062317 Condyloma latum
10062318 Tenodesis
10062319 Circumoral cyanosis
10062320 Paranasal sinus mucocoele
10062321 Paranasal cyst
10062322 Apicoectomy
10062323 Syndesmopexy
10062324 Paranasal sinus mucocele
10062325 Congenital arterial malformation
10062326 Congenital cardiac septal defect
10062327 Congenital cerebrovascular anomaly
10062328 Congenital cyst
10062329 Congenital endocrine anomaly
10062330 Congenital epiglottal anomaly
10062331 Congenital Eustachian tube anomaly
10062332 Congenital foot malformation
10062333 Congenital genital malformation
10062334 Congenital genitourinary abnormality
10062335 Congenital hand malformation
10062336 Congenital jaw malformation
10062337 Congenital joint malformation
10062338 Congenital lacrimal passage anomaly
10062339 Anomaly of external ear congenital
10062340 Congenital anomaly of inner ear
10062341 Congenital anomaly of adrenal gland
10062342 Congenital gastrointestinal vessel anomaly
10062343 Congenital infection
10062344 Congenital musculoskeletal anomaly
10062345 Congenital neurological disorder
10062346 Congenital neuropathy
10062347 Congenital nose malformation
10062348 Skull malformation
10062349 Congenital urethral anomaly
10062350 Spleen malformation
10062351 Technetium myocardial imaging
10062352 Respiratory tract infection
10062353 Keratitis fungal
10062354 Ischaemic heart disease prophylaxis
10062355 Unevaluable event
10062356 Diabetic bullosis
10062357 SIRS
10062358 Viral test
10062359 Pancreatic exocrine secretion test
10062360 Pancreatic exocrine secretion test abnormal
10062361 Pancreatic exocrine secretion test normal
10062362 Viral test negative
10062363 Truncus coeliacus thrombosis
10062364 Osteoprotegerin ligand decreased
10062365 Osteoclast differentiation factor
10062366 sRANKL decreased
10062367 Abdominal pain localized
10062368 Abdominal tumor
10062369 Esophageal acid reflux
10062370 ACTH-producing pituitary tumor
10062371 Active immunization
10062372 Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
10062373 Adolescent antisocial behavior
10062374 Adrenal rest tumor of the testis
10062375 Aggressive behavior
10062376 Aggressive childhood behavior
10062377 Antisocial behavior
10062378 Attention-seeking behavior
10062379 Autistic behavior
10062380 Barrett's esophagitis with dysplasia
10062381 Benign bone giant cell tumor
10062382 Benign tumor excision
10062383 Bizarre behavior
10062384 Bladder tumor resection
10062385 Bone giant cell tumor benign
10062386 Bone marrow tumor cell infiltration
10062387 Borderline ovarian tumor
10062388 Brain computerized tomography
10062389 Cecal carcinoid tumor
10062390 Carcinoid tumor of the duodenum
10062391 Carcinoid tumor of the gastrointestinal tract
10062392 Carcinoid tumor of the small bowel
10062393 Carcinoid tumor of the stomach
10062394 Cholesterol embolization
10062395 Choroid tumor excision
10062396 Chronic generalized exfoliative dermatitis
10062397 Computerized axial tomogram
10062398 Computerized axial tomogram abnormal
10062399 Computerized axial tomogram normal
10062400 Computerized axial tomography
10062401 Computerized axial tomography abnormal
10062402 Computerized axial tomography normal
10062403 Computerized tomogram
10062404 Computerized tomography
10062405 Computerized tomogram normal
10062406 Computerized tomography normal
10062407 Computerized transverse axial tomogram
10062408 Computerized transverse axial tomogram abnormal
10062409 Computerized transverse axial tomogram normal
10062410 Computerized transverse axial tomography
10062411 Computerized transverse axial tomography abnormal
10062412 Computerized transverse axial tomography normal
10062413 Conjunctiva bulbi coloring yellow
10062414 Conjunctiva coloring yellow
10062415 Cytomegalovirus esophagitis
10062416 Dermatitis exfoliative generalized
10062417 Diathermy of bladder tumor
10062418 Discolored stools
10062419 Endodermal sinus tumor site unspecified
10062420 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed stage I
10062421 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed stage II
10062422 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed stage III
10062423 Eyelid tumor
10062424 Computerized tomography abnormal
10062425 Ewing's sarcoma localized
10062426 Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor
10062427 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
10062428 Generalized aching
10062429 Generalized arthritis
10062430 Generalized chest pain
10062431 Generalized eczematous reaction
10062432 Generalized eruption
10062433 Generalized erythema
10062434 Generalized exfoliative dermatitis
10062435 Generalized flushing
10062436 Generalized illness
10062437 Generalized itching
10062438 Generalized joint pain
10062439 Generalized macular rash
10062440 Generalized morphea
10062441 Generalized muscle aches
10062442 Generalized raised red spots limbs
10062443 Generalized raised red spots trunk
10062444 Generalized resistance to thyroid hormone
10062445 Generalized sensori-motor neuropathy
10062446 Generalized skin reaction
10062447 Generalized tetany
10062448 Generalized tonic-clonic seizure
10062449 Generalized urticarial rash
10062450 Gonadostromal tumor of the testis
10062451 Growth hormone-producing pituitary tumor
10062452 Hair follicle tumor benign
10062453 Hallucination-like abnormal behavior
10062454 High risk sexual behavior
10062455 Infection in an immunocompromized host
10062456 International normalized ratio
10062457 International normalized ratio abnormal
10062458 International normalized ratio decreased
10062459 International normalized ratio increased
10062460 International normalized ratio normal
10062461 Intracranial tumor hemorrhage
10062462 Labor stimulation
10062463 Leukoplakia esophageal
10062464 Leydig cell tumor of the testis
10062465 Localized accumulation of lymphatic fluid
10062466 Localized edema
10062467 Localized exfoliation
10062468 Localized fibrous mesothelioma
10062469 Localized infection
10062470 Localized osteoarthritis
10062471 Localized skin reaction
10062472 Localized visceral arteritis
10062473 Malignant tumor excision
10062474 Mesothelioma malignant localized
10062475 Nasal mucosal discoloration
10062476 Neuroendocrine tumor
10062477 Esophageal adenocarcinoma stage 0
10062478 Esophageal cancer metastatic
10062479 Esophagitis ulcerative
10062480 Esophagogastric fundoplasty
10062481 Esophagogastroscopy
10062482 Esophagojejunostomy
10062483 Esophagostomy
10062484 Chest expansion decreased
10062485 Retroperitoneal neoplasm metastatic
10062486 Bronchitis moraxella
10062487 Bronchitis pneumococcal
10062488 Erythema migrans
10062489 Leukaemia recurrent
10062490 Leukaemia recurrent prophylaxis
10062491 Pericarditis infective
10062492 Leukemia recurrent
10062493 Leukemia recurrent prophylaxis
10062494 Necromania
10062495 Unresponsive to pain stimuli
10062496 Syncope convulsive
10062497 Injection site leaking
10062498 Absolute neutrophil count abnormal
10062499 Gastric outlet obstruction
10062500 Talipes correction
10062501 Non-cardiac chest pain
10062502 Immunology test normal
10062503 Bronchial anastomosis complication
10062504 Heparin-induced platelet antibody
10062505 Bronchial anastomosis stenosis
10062506 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
10062507 Cerebellar arterial aneurysm
10062508 Dermatitis asteatotic
10062509 Dermatosis steroid-induced
10062510 Quick's value decreased
10062511 Quick's value increased
10062512 Gastroesophageal heterotopia
10062513 Umbilical cord complication
10062514 Contracted pelvis
10062515 Periorbital contusion
10062516 Exocrine pancreatic function test
10062517 Exocrine pancreatic function test abnormal
10062518 Exocrine pancreatic function test normal
10062519 Poor quality sleep
10062520 Allergy to wool
10062521 Genital infection male
10062522 Epidemic nephropathy
10062523 Wide complex tachycardia
10062524 Wide complex ventricular tachycardia
10062525 Beta-lipoprotein increased
10062526 Beta-lipoprotein decreased
10062527 Beta-lipoprotein abnormal
10062528 Alpha-lipoprotein increased
10062529 Alpha-lipoprotein decreased
10062530 Increased bronchial secretion
10062531 Chronic cervicitis
10062532 Erosive duodenitis
10062533 Alpha-lipoprotein abnormal
10062534 Anaesthetic complication spinal
10062535 Transient radicular irritation due to spinal anesthesia
10062536 Anaesthetic complication epidural
10062537 Hantavirus nephropathy
10062538 Nephropathia epidemica
10062539 Puumala virus nephropathy
10062540 Transient radicular irritation due to spinal anaesthesia
10062541 Anesthetic complication epidural
10062542 Arterial insufficiency
10062543 Tracheal haemorrhage
10062544 Tooth fracture
10062545 Middle ear effusion
10062546 Thrombosis in device
10062547 Congenital myopathy
10062548 Tracheal hemorrhage
10062549 Multicore myopathy
10062550 Renal salt-wasting syndrome
10062551 Vaginal adenosis
10062552 Apgar score
10062553 Scleroderma renal crisis
10062554 Hepatitis A exposure
10062555 Eversion of cervix
10062556 Grip strength decreased
10062557 Grip strength
10062558 Vaginal erosion
10062559 Vulvar erosion
10062560 Genital epithelial disruption
10062561 Vaginal abrasion
10062562 Cervical abrasion
10062563 Vulvar abrasion
10062564 Cementoblastoma
10062565 Emphysematous bullectomy
10062566 Bladder overdistension
10062567 Gastric hyperplasia
10062568 Gastric gland hyperplasia
10062569 Oxyuriasis
10062570 Enterovesical fistula
10062571 Generalised muscle weakness
10062572 Generalized muscle weakness
10062573 Brain stem thrombosis
10062574 Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
10062575 Muscle contracture
10062576 Dysmetabolic syndrome
10062577 Injectable contraception
10062578 Bone marrow conditioning regimen
10062579 Necrotising panniculitis
10062580 Injection site fat necrosis
10062581 Struma ovarii
10062582 Epiderma spongiosis
10062583 Herpes simplex serology positive
10062584 Cataphoria
10062585 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease
10062586 Uterine malignant mixed Muellerian tumor
10062587 Hemichorea
10062588 Myeloradiculitis
10062589 Popliteal vein thrombosis
10062590 Testicular inflammation
10062591 Testicular infection
10062592 Drug use via unapproved administration route
10062593 Uterine adenomyoma
10062594 Thecoma
10062595 Herpes simplex serology negative
10062596 Herpes simplex serology
10062597 Uterine malignant mixed Muellerian tumour
10062598 Necrotizing panniculitis
10062599 Arterial occlusive disease
10062600 Lowry-Wood syndrome
10062601 Thyroglossal fistula
10062602 HBV DNA increased
10062603 HBV DNA decreased
10062604 Oral wart
10062605 Decreased genital sensation
10062606 Septate uterus
10062607 Cervical syndrome
10062608 Endocarditis noninfective
10062609 Drug seeking behavior
10062610 Ischaemic limb pain
10062611 Oral administration complication
10062612 Tumour enlargement
10062613 Ischemic limb pain
10062614 Tumor enlargement
10062615 Limb immobilisation
10062616 Limb immobilization
10062617 Joint immobilisation
10062618 Joint immobilization
10062619 Gestosis
10062620 Continuous urinary leakage
10062621 Corneal endotheliitis
10062622 Pigment nephropathy
10062623 Hungry bone syndrome
10062624 High turnover osteopathy
10062625 Parasite allergy
10062626 Accessory navicular syndrome
10062627 Overuse syndrome
10062628 Gustatory rhinorrhoea
10062629 Autonomic vascular dystonia
10062630 Linea alba hernia
10062631 Cholecystitis infective
10062632 Gallbladder infection
10062633 High turnover bone disease
10062634 Low turnover bone disease
10062635 Blood creatine phosphokinase BB
10062636 Creatine kinase BB high
10062637 CMV IgM antibody
10062638 CMV IgG antibody
10062639 Herpes dermatitis
10062640 Herpes eyelid
10062641 Female sexual arousal disorder
10062642 Invasive mycosis
10062643 Injection site muscle reaction
10062644 Noninfective bronchitis
10062645 Hysterical psychosis
10062646 Pancreatic enzymes decreased
10062647 Ileocolitis
10062648 Rectovesical fistula
10062649 Metamyelocyte percentage increased
10062650 Ethanol gelation test positive
10062651 Ethanol gelation test negative
10062652 Ethanol gelation test
10062653 Ureterostomy
10062654 Foaming at mouth
10062655 Frothing at mouth
10062656 Bladder tamponade
10062657 Septic rash
10062658 Capillary fragility test
10062659 In vivo gene therapy
10062660 Sniffles
10062661 Sweaty hands
10062662 Uterine mass
10062663 Uterine cervical squamous metaplasia
10062664 Enteroparesis
10062665 Dysaesthesia pharynx
10062666 Dysesthesia pharynx
10062667 Laryngopharyngeal dysesthesia
10062668 Laryngopharyngeal dysaesthesia
10062669 Legionella serology positive
10062670 Mycoplasma serology
10062671 Mycoplasma serology positive
10062672 Chlamydia serology
10062673 Chlamydia serology positive
10062674 Pseudocholinesterase deficiency
10062675 Legionella antibody positive
10062676 Legionella antigen positive
10062677 Mycoplasma antibody positive
10062678 Peridiverticulitis
10062679 Gastroesophageal sphincter insufficiency
10062680 Medical device site reaction
10062681 Blood citric acid
10062682 Blood citric acid increased
10062683 Blood citric acid decreased
10062684 Somatic hallucination
10062685 Hepatic enzyme abnormal
10062686 Carpal collapse
10062687 Omarthritis
10062688 Transaminases abnormal
10062689 Hyposphagma
10062690 Fundus hypertonicus
10062691 Spondylodiscitis
10062692 Cystoptosis
10062693 Gallbladder enlargement
10062694 Premature baby less than 26 weeks
10062695 Arginase deficiency
10062696 Spider vein
10062697 Spinal arteriovenous malformation
10062698 Congenital carnitine deficiency
10062699 Temporal disorientation
10062700 Spatial disorientation
10062701 Nematodiasis
10062702 Capillary fragility decreased
10062703 Fabry crisis
10062704 Localised rash
10062705 Localized rash
10062706 Penis deviation
10062707 Parametric abscess
10062708 Biliary abscess
10062709 Blood glycoalbumin
10062710 Blood glycoalbumin increased
10062711 Blood glycoalbumin decreased
10062712 Blood glycoalbumin normal
10062713 Haemorrhagic diathesis
10062714 Dysglobulinaemia
10062715 Pancreatic islet cell carcinoma
10062716 Partial bowel obstruction
10062717 Increased upper airway secretion
10062718 Endocervical squamous metaplasia
10062719 Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis
10062720 Hemorrhagic diathesis
10062721 Dysglobulinemia
10062722 Drug-induced myasthenic syndrome
10062723 Prekallikrein test
10062724 Erythrocyte osmotic fragility test
10062725 Coagulation factor inhibitor assay
10062726 PPD skin test negative
10062727 Free fatty acids
10062728 Hemoglobin F
10062729 Sucrose hemolysis test
10062730 C1 esterase inhibitor test
10062731 Immunofixation
10062732 RSV serology
10062733 Nutritional supplement
10062734 Haemoglobin A2
10062735 Insulin-like growth factor
10062736 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide test
10062737 Haemoglobin F
10062738 Sucrose haemolysis test
10062739 Hemoglobin A2
10062740 Somatomedin C
10062741 VIP test
10062742 Fletcher factor assay
10062743 Prekallikrein screen
10062744 Thoracic haemorrhage
10062745 Thoracic hemorrhage
10062746 Carditis
10062747 Hypercreatininaemia
10062748 Red blood cell analysis
10062749 Ultrasound therapy
10062750 Calculous cholecystitis
10062751 Salivary gland nodule
10062752 Blood lithium level
10062753 Blood lithium level below therapeutic
10062754 Pleural cavity drainage
10062755 Hypercreatininemia
10062756 Andropause
10062757 Trisomy 15
10062758 Myasthenia gravis crisis
10062759 Congenital dyskeratosis
10062760 Ankle brachial index decreased
10062761 Ankle brachial index normal
10062762 Ankle brachial index
10062763 Multiple drug overdose accidental
10062764 Multiple drug overdose intentional
10062765 Multiple drug overdose prescribed
10062766 Stargardt's disease
10062767 Hypophysitis
10062768 Blood citric acid abnormal
10062769 Blood citric acid normal
10062770 Hyperamylasaemia
10062771 Nasal cavity mass
10062772 Myelocyte present
10062773 Pharyngeal erosion
10062774 Choledochal dilatation
10062775 Haemorrhage in bile duct
10062776 Retinal drusen
10062777 Hyperamylasemia
10062778 Hemorrhage in bile duct
10062779 Renal tubulitis
10062780 Gynecological chlamydia infection
10062781 Gynecological examination
10062782 Gynecological examination abnormal
10062783 Gynecological examination normal
10062784 Chlamydia trachomatis gynaecologic infection
10062785 Synechiae posterior
10062786 Linear morphea
10062787 Morphoeaform basal cell carcinoma
10062788 Blue nevus
10062789 Capillary nevus
10062790 Congenital eye nevus
10062791 Congenital iris nevus
10062792 Epidermal nevus
10062793 Eye nevus
10062794 Halo nevus
10062795 Iris nevus
10062796 Junctional nevus
10062797 Melanocytic nevus
10062798 Pigmented hairy epidermal nevus
10062799 Pigmented nevus
10062800 Port wine nevus
10062801 Retinal nevus
10062802 Spitz nevus
10062803 Strawberry nevus
10062804 Basal cell naevus syndrome
10062805 Dysplastic naevus
10062806 Naevus sebaceous of Jadassohn
10062807 Naevus spider acquired
10062808 Acanthameba infection
10062809 Amebic colitis
10062810 Amebic enteritis
10062811 Intestinal amoebiasis
10062812 Dependence on tranquillizers
10062813 Seborrheic eczema
10062814 Seborrhoeic dermatitis, unspecified
10062815 Facial paresthesia
10062816 Hyperesthesia symmetric of limbs
10062817 Hypoesthesia cornea
10062818 Hypoesthesia gum
10062819 Difficulty with anaesthesia
10062820 Dysaesthesia extremity
10062821 Dysaesthesia of lips
10062822 Dysaesthesia of tongue
10062823 Dysaesthesia thigh
10062824 Hallucination, synaesthetic
10062825 Monitored anaesthesia care sedation
10062826 Pulmonary aspiration during anaesthetic emergence
10062827 Pulmonary aspiration during anaesthetic induction
10062828 Ischemic heart disease prophylaxis
10062829 Anaemia pernicious type
10062830 Anaemia primaquine sensitivity type
10062831 Macroglobulinaemia
10062832 Congenital methemoglobinemia
10062833 Inflamed seborrhoeic keratosis
10062834 Other seborrhoeic dermatitis
10062835 Amenorrhea post pill
10062836 Amenorrhea primary
10062837 Amenorrhea secondary
10062838 Amenorrhea traumatica
10062839 Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea
10062840 Epimenorrhea
10062841 Galactorrhea aggravated
10062842 Gonorrhea carrier
10062843 Gonorrhea of anus
10062844 Gonorrheal discharge
10062845 Gonorrheal salpingitis
10062846 Gustatory rhinorrhea
10062847 Inclusion blenorrhea
10062848 Logorrhea
10062849 Oligomenorrhea primary
10062850 Oligomenorrhea secondary
10062851 Primary dysmenorrhea
10062852 Secondary dysmenorrhea
10062853 Mucocoele of mouth
10062854 Renal hydrocele
10062855 Haematocoele female
10062856 Giant cell tumour of tendon sheath benign
10062857 Malignant giant cell tumour
10062858 Caecal polyp
10062859 Caecectomy
10062860 Acroparesthesia
10062861 Airway obstruction on anesthetic emergence
10062862 Airway obstruction on anesthetic induction
10062863 Akinesthesia
10062864 Anesthesia intubation complication
10062865 Anesthesia lip
10062866 Anesthesia mouth
10062867 Anesthesia oral mucosa
10062868 Anesthesia tongue
10062869 Anesthetic complication circulatory
10062870 Anesthetic complication spinal
10062871 Difficult anesthetic procedure
10062872 Dysesthesia
10062873 Wound itching
10062874 Wound edema
10062875 Wound oedema
10062876 Antigliadin antibody positive
10062877 Gliadin immunoglobulin G antibody positive
10062878 Gastrooesophageal cancer
10062879 Gastrooesophageal sphincter insufficiency
10062880 Scarlet fever-like rash
10062881 Gliadin immunoglobulin A antibody positive
10062882 Polyomavirus interstitial nephritis
10062883 Biliary anastomosis complication
10062884 Biliary anastomotic stenosis
10062885 Social stay hospitalisation
10062886 Procedural hypertension
10062887 Social stay hospitalization
10062888 Intraoperative hypertension
10062889 Pingueculitis
10062890 Gastrolithiasis
10062891 Neovascular glaucoma
10062892 Congenital platelet storage pool disease
10062893 Rhizarthrosis
10062894 Capillary resistance test
10062895 Blood amphetamines normal
10062896 Blood barbiturates normal
10062897 Blood alcohol normal
10062898 Peritonitis lupus
10062899 Conjunctival hematoma
10062900 Conjunctival haematoma
10062901 Multiple lentigines syndrome
10062902 Peripheral nerve transposition
10062903 Urethritis noninfective
10062904 Hormone-refractory prostate cancer
10062905 Myocardial sclerosis
10062906 Gitelman's syndrome
10062907 Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
10062908 Schnitzler's syndrome
10062909 Netherton's syndrome
10062917 Haemoglobin E-thalassaemia disease
10062918 Dennie-Morgan fold
10062919 Sebaceous adenoma
10062920 Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
10062921 Thalassaemia intermedia
10062922 Vibices
10062923 Thalassemia intermedia
10062924 Hemoglobin E-thalassemia disease
10062925 Olfactory test
10062926 Olfactory test normal
10062927 Olfactory test abnormal
10062928 Olfactory acuity test
10062929 Olfactory acuity test normal
10062930 Olfactory acuity test abnormal
10062931 Gastric hypertonia
10062932 Wound treatment
10062933 Bile duct pressure
10062934 Bile duct pressure increased
10062935 Habitual abortion
10062936 Placenta accreta
10062937 Cyclic vomiting syndrome
10062938 Mitochondrial hepatopathy
10062939 Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fibers
10062940 Neuropathy, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa syndrome
10062941 Pearson's syndrome
10062942 Optic nerve hypoplasia
10062943 Alpers' disease
10062944 Immunoblastic sarcoma
10062945 Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
10062946 Placenta percreta
10062947 Placenta increta
10062948 Drug rash
10062949 Poliodystrophia cerebri
10062950 Leigh syndrome
10062951 Leber's hereditary optic atrophy neuropathy
10062952 Diffuse panbronchiolitis
10062953 Mammary gland mass
10062954 Sublingual mass
10062955 Naevus haemorrhage
10062956 Oral mucosal hypertrophy
10062957 Catheter bacteraemia
10062958 Subretinal fibrosis
10062959 Neutropenic colitis
10062960 Infective spondylitis
10062961 Epidural tumor
10062962 Subconjunctival redness
10062963 Subretinal haemorrhage
10062964 Retinal pigment clumping
10062965 Choroidal nevus
10062966 Bubonocele
10062967 Tongue deviation
10062968 Serous detachment of the macula
10062969 Macular pigment atrophy
10062970 Disciform macular degeneration
10062971 Retinal pigment epithelial tear
10062972 Abdominal catastrophe
10062973 Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy
10062974 Perimenopause
10062975 Sensory neuropathy
10062976 Neuromuscular weakness
10062977 Macular puckering
10062978 Nevus hemorrhage
10062979 Catheter bacteremia
10062980 Epidural tumour
10062981 Subretinal hemorrhage
10062982 Choroidal naevus
10062983 Premacular gliosis
10062984 Transurethral microwave therapy
10062985 Skin granuloma resection
10062986 Atrioventricular sequential pacing
10062987 Laryngo-onycho-cutaneous syndrome
10062988 Diamond-Blackfan anaemia
10062989 Diamond-Blackfan anemia
10062990 Inner ear operation
10062991 Positive cardiac inotropic effect
10062992 Kinematic imbalances due to suboccipital strain
10062993 Pedal pulse decreased
10062994 Blood homocysteine
10062995 Pedal pulse abnormal
10062996 KISS syndrome
10062997 Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia
10062998 Face lipoatrophy
10062999 Extrapulmonary atypical mycobacterial infection
10063000 Low turnover osteopathy
10063001 Human papilloma virus infection
10063002 Haemoglobin electrophoresis
10063003 Endocrine toxicity
10063004 Chest wall mass
10063005 Abdominal wall mass
10063006 Facial spasm
10063007 Hysteropexy
10063008 Hemifacial spasm
10063009 Activated coagulation time
10063010 Perionychitis
10063011 Hemoglobin electrophoresis
10063012 Uterine abscess
10063013 Haematotympanum
10063014 Rectorrhagia
10063015 Hematotympanum
10063016 Haemotympanum
10063017 Hemotympanum
10063018 Primary immunization
10063019 Post exposure immunization
10063020 Parsonage-Turner syndrome
10063021 Primary immunisation
10063022 Post exposure immunisation
10063023 Analgesic asthma syndrome
10063024 Sarcopenia
10063025 Atherectomy
10063026 Cryptic tonsil
10063027 Samter's syndrome
10063028 Frailty
10063029 Cystopyelonephritis
10063030 Coma vigil
10063031 Mesenteric panniculitis
10063032 Meningoencephalitis amoebic
10063033 Depressive delusion
10063034 Lues
10063035 Meningoencephalitis amebic
10063036 Spinal cord oedema
10063037 Spinal cord edema
10063038 Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody
10063039 Anti-GBM antibody
10063040 Goodpasture's antibody
10063041 Fibromyositis
10063042 Muir-Torre syndrome
10063043 Kidney palpable
10063044 Ectopic kidney
10063045 Effusion
10063046 Pelvic seroma
10063047 Abdominal seroma
10063048 Popliteal cyst
10063049 Excessive periungual granulation tissue
10063050 False positive tuberculosis test
10063051 Hepatitis B surface antibody
10063052 Malodorous flatulence
10063053 Malodorous burping
10063054 Exercise therapy
10063055 Trypanosoma serology positive
10063056 Faecal disimpaction
10063057 Cystitis noninfective
10063058 Fecal disimpaction
10063059 Bladder inflammation
10063060 Collagen antigen type IV
10063061 Anti-erythropoietin antibody
10063062 Peritoneal fluid analysis
10063063 Appendicitis noninfective
10063064 Bronchial cyst
10063065 Anterior rectum resection
10063066 Dental gangrene
10063067 Dialysis induced hypertension
10063068 Subarachnoid cyst
10063069 Palmar-plantar erythema
10063070 Laryngitis bacterial
10063071 Solar elastosis
10063072 Application site discomfort
10063073 Injection site scabbing
10063074 Oculo-respiratory syndrome
10063075 Cryptogenic cirrhosis
10063076 Cough variant asthma
10063077 Bronchoalveolar lavage normal
10063078 Bronchoalveolar lavage abnormal
10063079 Vascular anastomosis aneurysm
10063080 Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
10063081 Acute left ventricular failure
10063082 Acute right ventricular failure
10063083 Chronic left ventricular failure
10063084 Chronic right ventricular failure
10063085 Listeria sepsis
10063086 X-ray therapy to joint
10063087 Breast adenoma
10063088 Breast fibroma
10063089 False negative laboratory result
10063090 Fungus cervical specimen identified
10063091 Virus cervical specimen identified
10063092 Trisomy 12
10063093 Basilar artery thrombosis
10063094 Cerebral malaria
10063095 Gradenigo's syndrome
10063096 Reflex tachycardia
10063097 Peripheral vasodilatation
10063098 Systemic herpes zoster infection
10063099 Viral syndrome
10063100 Geromarasmus
10063101 Post procedural inflammation
10063102 Tubular breast cancer
10063103 Tubular breast cancer stage I
10063104 Tubular breast cancer stage II
10063105 Tubular breast cancer stage III
10063106 Tubular breast cancer stage IV
10063107 Tubular breast cancer metastatic
10063108 Autologous graft versus host disease
10063109 Transfusion associated GVHD
10063110 Extrapulmonary pneumocystosis
10063111 Viral mutation identified
10063112 Male climacterium
10063113 Gamma globulin urine present
10063114 Alpha 1 globulin urine present
10063115 Alpha 2 globulin urine present
10063116 Beta globulin urine present
10063117 Paroxysmal perceptual alteration
10063118 Chorioretinopathy
10063119 Anaphylactoid shock
10063120 Uterine cervix hypoplasia
10063121 Erythroplasia
10063122 Pregnancy with implant contraceptive
10063123 Vaginal contraceptive device complication
10063124 Vaginal contraceptive device expelled
10063125 Perianal ulcer
10063126 Worms
10063127 Peritendinitis
10063128 Colpitis
10063129 Persisting thrombocytopenia
10063130 Pregnancy with contraceptive device
10063131 Postmenopausal spotting
10063132 Proctorrhagia
10063133 Aortic valve fibrosis
10063134 Condyle fracture of tibia
10063135 Medial condyle fracture of tibia
10063136 Lateral condyle fracture of tibia
10063137 Anaesthesia insufficient
10063138 Anesthesia insufficient
10063139 Transvaginal sonography abnormal
10063140 Penile abrasion
10063141 Pregnancy with vaginal contraceptive device
10063142 Retroauricular pain
10063143 Polysyndactyly
10063144 Varicella zoster virus serology positive
10063145 Apolipoprotein E abnormal
10063146 Uterine hypoplasia
10063147 Gastropexy
10063148 Rotavirus antibody positive
10063149 West Nile virus antibody positive
10063150 Stool rotavirus antigen positive
10063151 Urine cystine crystal present
10063152 Urine bilirubin crystal present
10063153 Urine tyrosine crystal present
10063154 Urine cholesterol crystal present
10063155 Radiation exposure
10063156 Radiation exposure in utero
10063157 Metastatic glioma
10063158 Gangrenous cholecystitis
10063159 Empty follicle syndrome
10063160 Inverse psoriasis
10063161 Thyroid hormones increased
10063162 Acoustic neuritis
10063163 Vestibular ischemia
10063164 Vestibular ischaemia
10063165 Microvascular decompression
10063166 Lymphoid nodule
10063167 Venipuncture site rash
10063168 Urine viscosity decreased
10063169 Urine viscosity abnormal
10063170 Pulmonary artery banding
10063171 Nephropexy
10063172 Mesenteric atherosclerosis
10063173 Urine viscosity
10063174 Local anaesthetic complication
10063175 Hip dysplasia
10063176 Prosthetic cardiac valve thrombosis
10063177 Superior mesenteric atherosclerosis
10063178 Local anesthetic complication
10063179 Glucagon tolerance test
10063180 Pharmaceutical product counterfeit
10063181 Propofol infusion syndrome
10063182 Helicoidal ventricular tachycardia
10063183 Propofol syndrome
10063184 Cutaneous contour deformity
10063185 Macular scar
10063186 Night glare
10063187 Ocular bruit
10063188 Post procedural haematoma
10063189 Panhypogammaglobulinaemia
10063190 Rectal mucositis
10063191 Splenic lymphoma
10063192 Panhypogammaglobulinemia
10063193 Post procedural hematoma
10063194 Parasite DNA test
10063195 Parasite blood test
10063196 Blood tryptase
10063197 Babesia serology
10063198 Babesia DNA test
10063201 Proctitis fungal
10063202 Mycotic endophthalmitis
10063203 Jo-1 antibody positive
10063204 Anti-Smith antibody positive
10063205 Streptococcal hyaluronidase antibody increased
10063206 HIV-1 test positive
10063207 Hydroxyproline increased
10063208 Hydroxyproline
10063209 Chronic allograft nephropathy
10063210 Transplant glomerulopathy
10063211 Influenza A virus IgG
10063212 Influenza A virus IgM
10063213 Influenza A virus IgA
10063214 Influenza B virus IgG
10063215 Influenza B virus IgM
10063216 Influenza B virus IgA
10063217 Blood heavy metal abnormal
10063218 Coagulation factor X level normal
10063219 Coagulation factor XI level normal
10063220 Coagulation factor XII level normal
10063221 Coagulation factor XIII level normal
10063222 Chemotherapeutic drug level increased
10063223 Amphetamines negative
10063224 Barbiturates negative
10063225 Opiates negative
10063226 Chemotherapeutic drug level decreased
10063227 Amphetamines
10063228 Amphetamines positive
10063229 Barbiturates
10063230 Barbiturates positive
10063231 Opiates
10063232 Opiates positive
10063233 Mycobacteria test
10063234 Candida IgA
10063235 Candida IgG
10063236 Candida IgM
10063237 Polyclonal gammaglobulins
10063238 Rickettsia typhi IgG
10063239 Rickettsia typhi IgM
10063240 Tryptase
10063241 Blood gonadotrophin releasing hormone increased
10063242 Blood gonadotrophin releasing hormone decreased
10063243 Blood immunoglobulin D decreased
10063244 Blood immunoglobulin D increased
10063245 Prothrombin consumption time prolonged
10063246 Prothrombin consumption time shortened
10063247 Haemoglobin C present
10063248 Elevated insulin-like growth factor II
10063249 Blood galactose tolerance abnormal
10063250 Blood leucine increased
10063251 Blood leucine decreased
10063252 Free estriol increased
10063253 Free estriol decreased
10063254 Haemoglobin F increased
10063255 Fructose
10063256 Fructose decreased
10063257 Fructose increased
10063258 Amino acid level
10063259 Amino acid level increased
10063260 Amino acid level decreased
10063261 Amino acid level normal
10063262 Amino acid level abnormal
10063263 17-hydroxyprogesterone increased
10063264 17-hydroxyprogesterone decreased
10063265 Insulin C-peptide abnormal
10063266 Oestradiol abnormal
10063267 Oestrone
10063268 Oestrone decreased
10063269 Oestrone increased
10063270 Progesterone abnormal
10063271 Progesterone decreased
10063272 Progesterone increased
10063273 Progesterone normal
10063274 Myosin increased
10063275 Hemoglobin F increased
10063276 Hemoglobin C present
10063277 Free oestriol increased
10063278 Free oestriol decreased
10063279 Urine estradiol increased
10063280 Urine estradiol decreased
10063281 Estrone
10063282 Estrone decreased
10063283 Estrone increased
10063284 Urine estrone increased
10063285 Urine estrone decreased
10063286 Urine oestradiol increased
10063287 Urine oestradiol decreased
10063288 Urine oestrone increased
10063289 Urine oestrone decreased
10063290 Myosin heavy chain increased
10063291 Progesterone
10063292 Brain stem syndrome
10063293 CD4 lymphocytes abnormal
10063294 CD4 lymphocytes increased
10063295 Agraphesthesia
10063296 DNA test for fragile X
10063297 Ehrlichia serology
10063298 Bacterial DNA test
10063299 Filarial antibodies
10063300 Giardiasis test
10063301 Ehrlichia DNA test
10063302 Histamine abnormal
10063303 Histamine normal
10063304 Bacterial DNA test positive
10063305 Fungal DNA test positive
10063306 Viral DNA test positive
10063307 Herpes simplex DNA test positive
10063308 Aspergillus DNA test positive
10063309 Candida DNA test positive
10063310 Cytomegalovirus DNA test positive
10063311 Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA test positive
10063312 Pneumocystis carinii DNA test positive
10063313 Chlamydial DNA test positive
10063314 Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA test positive
10063315 Varicella zoster virus DNA test positive
10063316 Borrelia burgdorferi DNA test positive
10063317 Helicobacter pylori DNA test positive
10063318 Epstein-Barr virus DNA test positive
10063319 Haemophilus influenzae DNA test positive
10063320 Interferon alpha level
10063321 Interleukin level
10063322 Interleukin level increased
10063323 Interleukin level decreased
10063324 Granulocytic ehrlichiosis antibody
10063325 Monocytic ehrlichiosis antibody
10063326 Immune complex assay
10063327 Interleukin-13 level
10063328 Pertussis IgA
10063329 Pertussis IgG
10063330 Pertussis IgM
10063331 Phospholipid IgG
10063332 Phospholipid IgM
10063333 Culture bone positive
10063334 Culture peritoneum positive
10063335 Culture pleural fluid positive
10063336 Base excess abnormal
10063337 Lymphocyte percentage abnormal
10063338 Infantile spitting up
10063339 Phytotherapy
10063340 Herbal supplement
10063341 Metamorphopsia
10063342 Tryptase increased
10063343 Tryptase decreased
10063344 Microscopic polyangiitis
10063345 Pharyngeal mucosa atrophy
10063346 Subcortical vascular encephalopathy
10063347 Ruptured intervertebral disc
10063348 Bloody airway discharge
10063349 Endotracheal intubation complication
10063350 Pancreatic leak
10063351 International normalised ratio fluctuation
10063352 International normalized ratio fluctuation
10063353 Atypical hyperplasia of endometrium
10063354 Charles Bonnet syndrome
10063355 Cerebral parenchymal calcification
10063356 Amniotic fluid volume decreased
10063357 Amniotic fluid volume increased
10063358 Amniotic fluid volume
10063359 Antalgic gait
10063360 Cortical spoking
10063361 Geleophysic dysplasia
10063362 Pronator drift
10063363 Brachiocephalic vein thrombosis
10063364 Synovial fluid white blood cells
10063365 Synovial fluid red blood cells
10063366 Synovial fluid glucose
10063367 Synovial fluid cell count
10063368 Synovial fluid protein
10063369 Synovial fluid crystal
10063370 Drug therapy
10063371 Device therapy
10063372 Pantomography dental
10063373 Protein urine 24 hour
10063374 Pain scale
10063375 Synovial fluid gram stain
10063376 Synovial fluid viscosity
10063377 Synovial fluid color
10063378 Unknown cause of death
10063379 Synovial fluid colour
10063380 Synovial fluid polymorphonuclear leukocyte positive
10063381 Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
10063382 Vascular stent insertion
10063383 Wagner's disease
10063384 Fibroadenoma
10063385 Intellectualisation
10063386 Photocoagulation
10063387 Cystadenocarcinoma
10063388 Intellectualization
10063389 Venous stent insertion
10063390 Oral hygiene
10063391 Scleroma
10063392 Autolysis
10063393 Karyorrhexis
10063394 Bacillary peliosis hepatis
10063395 Dural tear
10063396 Usher's syndrome
10063397 Rosai-Dorfman syndrome
10063398 Pancreatic calculus removal
10063399 Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
10063400 Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
10063401 Primary progressive multiple sclerosis
10063402 Stickler's syndrome
10063403 Blood growth hormone releasing hormone increased
10063404 Balneotherapy
10063405 Bath therapy
10063406 Psoriasis facial
10063407 Psoriasis genital
10063408 Bladder hypertrophy
10063409 Acarodermatitis
10063410 Lumbarisation
10063411 Hepatitis B antigen positive
10063412 Gestational oedema
10063413 Odontogenic cyst
10063414 Hepatitis B antigen
10063415 Dentigerous cyst
10063416 Thyroid hot nodule
10063417 Salt-losing nephritis
10063418 Urinary sand
10063419 Flexion-extension injury
10063420 Loefgren syndrome
10063421 Neck strain
10063422 Cystic joint degeneration
10063423 Lumbarization
10063424 Gestational edema
10063425 Biliary drainage
10063426 Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiodrainage
10063427 PTCD
10063428 Athletic heart syndrome
10063429 Aase syndrome
10063430 Hepatitis A immunisation
10063431 Nail-patella syndrome
10063432 Paradenitis
10063433 Haemoglobin H disease
10063434 Alpha thalassemia intermedia
10063435 Hemoglobin H disease
10063436 Hepatitis A immunization
10063437 Congenital macroglossia
10063438 Pruritus allergic
10063439 Cardiac siderosis
10063440 Transmetatarsal amputation
10063441 Ponderal increased
10063442 Iliolumbar syndrome
10063443 Tyrosinaemia
10063444 Gram-positive bacteraemia
10063445 Catheter related septicemia
10063446 Tyrosinemia
10063447 Gram-positive bacteremia
10063448 Catheter related septicaemia
10063449 Hereditary areflexic dystasia
10063450 Roussy-Levy syndrome
10063451 Tingling of extremity
10063452 Arteriosclerotic retinopathy
10063453 Dysphylaxia
10063454 Tympanic membrane injection
10063455 Nasal mucosal swelling
10063456 Limbal hyperaemia
10063457 Congenital vaginal cyst
10063458 Rotavirus test positive
10063459 Rotavirus test
10063460 Rotavirus test negative
10063461 Thyrotropin receptor antibody positive
10063462 Rotavirus IgA antibody positive
10063463 Rotavirus IgG antibody positive
10063464 Limbal injection
10063465 Gastric acid increased
10063466 Vulvoscopy
10063467 Transient insomnia
10063468 Limbal hyperemia
10063469 Congenital androgen deficiency
10063470 Chitotriosidase
10063471 Chitotriosidase normal
10063472 Chitotriosidase abnormal
10063473 Chitotriosidase increased
10063474 Chitotriosidase decreased
10063475 Urinary retention postoperative
10063476 False negative pregnancy test
10063477 Gene mutation identification test
10063478 Gene mutation identification test positive
10063479 Gene mutation identification test negative
10063480 X-ray of lumbar spine
10063481 Urine drug screen
10063482 Medication dilution
10063483 Laryngeal leukoplakia
10063484 Laryngeal leucoplakia
10063485 Axillary thermometry abnormal
10063486 Gastric pH 24 hour
10063487 Cholescintigraphy
10063488 Body temperature fluctuation
10063489 Intubation complication
10063490 Muscular rigor
10063491 Herpes zoster oticus
10063492 Heparin-induced thrombosis
10063493 Premature ageing
10063494 Sexual offence
10063495 Self injurious behaviour
10063496 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism, continuous drinking behaviour
10063497 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism, episodic drinking behaviour
10063498 Acute alcoholic intoxication in alcoholism, unspecified drinking behaviour
10063499 Alcohol abuse, continuous drinking behaviour
10063500 Alcohol abuse, episodic drinking behaviour
10063501 Alcohol abuse, unspecified drinking behaviour
10063502 Drug seeking behaviour
10063503 Blood aluminum
10063504 Blood aluminum abnormal
10063505 Blood aluminum increased
10063506 Blood aluminum decreased
10063507 Aluminum decreased
10063508 Aluminium low
10063509 Aluminum increased
10063510 Aluminium high
10063511 Aluminum normal
10063512 Urine aluminum increased
10063513 Urine aluminum decreased
10063514 Plasma aluminum
10063515 Serum aluminum
10063516 Urine aluminum
10063517 Blood aluminum normal
10063518 Hypothenar hammer syndrome
10063519 Mesenteric oedema
10063520 Mesenteric edema
10063521 Patella alta
10063522 Varicella post vaccine
10063523 Colon cancer stage 0
10063524 Bronchial stricture
10063525 Exudative inflammation
10063526 Toxic nodular goiter
10063527 Allergic respiratory symptom
10063528 MRSA wound infection
10063529 Costochondral junction syndrome
10063530 Single functional kidney
10063531 Submandibular lymphadenopathy
10063532 Allergic respiratory disease
10063533 Surfer's ear
10063534 Ocular dysmetria
10063535 Dihydrotestosterone level
10063536 Vulvar adenocarcinoma
10063537 Dihydrotestosterone increased
10063538 Dihydrotestosterone decreased
10063539 Encysted pleurisy
10063540 Schinzel-Giedion syndrome
10063541 Bowel movement irregularity
10063542 Antihistamine therapy
10063543 Localised muscle pain
10063544 Renal embolism
10063545 Localized muscle pain
10063546 Nosophobia
10063547 Diabetic macroangiopathy
10063548 Hemispherical spondylosclerosis
10063549 Adenomyoma
10063550 Spondylolisthesis
10063551 Anterolisthesis
10063552 Unresponsive to verbal stimuli
10063553 Medication aspiration
10063554 Hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome
10063555 Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome
10063556 Coagulation test
10063557 Coagulation test abnormal
10063558 Coagulation test normal
10063559 Acute vestibular syndrome
10063560 Excessive granulation tissue
10063561 Pulmonary artery wall hypertrophy
10063562 Radiation skin injury
10063563 Congenital coagulopathy
10063564 Neurocytoma
10063565 Vertebroplasty
10063566 Oesophageal pH
10063567 Otoacoustic emissions test
10063568 Ultrasound joint
10063569 Metastatic squamous cell carcinoma
10063570 HSV infection
10063571 Human herpesvirus 7 infection
10063572 Metastatic planocellular carcinoma
10063573 Mercury poisoning
10063574 Esophageal pH
10063575 Bladder perforation
10063576 Circulating anticoagulant positive
10063577 Graft haemorrhage
10063578 Graft hemorrhage
10063579 Predisposition to disease
10063580 Atlantoaxial instability
10063581 Stem cell transplant
10063582 Constipation chronic
10063583 Bladder polypectomy
10063584 Blood lithium level above therapeutic
10063585 Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease
10063586 Wet gangrene
10063587 Catheter site bruise
10063588 Ortner's syndrome
10063589 Ventricular couplet
10063590 Arterial blood pH
10063591 Sinus histiocytosis
10063592 Helicobacter pylori identification test
10063593 Helicobacter pylori identification test positive
10063594 Helicobacter pylori identification test negative
10063595 Helicobacter pylori urease test
10063596 Helicobacter pylori urease test positive
10063597 Helicobacter pylori urease test negative
10063598 Injection site synovitis
10063599 Exposure to chemical pollution
10063600 Exposure to contaminated air
10063601 Exposure to extreme temperature
10063602 Exposure to noise
10063603 Exposure to polluted soil
10063604 Tympanic membrane scarring
10063605 Uveal prolapse
10063606 Closed femur fracture
10063607 Hymenoplasty
10063608 Bronchial fistula repair
10063609 Porocarcinoma
10063610 Radical neck dissection
10063611 Lung neoplasm surgery
10063612 Allergic shiner
10063613 Radiotherapy to eye
10063614 Radiotherapy to ovary
10063615 Radiotherapy to vagina
10063616 Radiotherapy to lymph nodes
10063617 Radiocastration procedure
10063618 Viral iritis
10063619 Bacterial iritis
10063620 Acute lymphocytic leukaemia recurrent
10063621 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia recurrent
10063622 Toxic conjunctivitis
10063623 Type I diabetes mellitus inadequate control
10063624 Type II diabetes mellitus inadequate control
10063625 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia recurrent
10063626 Acute lymphocytic leukemia recurrent
10063627 Expired medical agent used
10063628 Jessner's lymphocytic infiltration
10063629 Hippocampal sclerosis
10063630 Genital injury
10063631 Chronic pyelitis
10063632 Secondary epilepsy
10063633 Osteochondrosis of spine
10063634 Post transplant diabetes mellitus
10063635 Post transplant erythrocytosis
10063636 Pyramidal tract syndrome
10063637 Retroperitoneal effusion
10063638 Orbital fracture
10063639 Biochemical pregnancy
10063640 Radiation burn
10063641 Calcium phosphate product
10063642 Calcium phosphate product increased
10063643 Otoacoustic emissions test abnormal
10063644 Vital functions abnormal
10063645 Post procedural oedema
10063646 Rash peripheral
10063647 Post procedural edema
10063648 Cerebral artery stenosis
10063649 Psychovegetative syndrome
10063650 Vegetative dystonia
10063651 Herpetic fever
10063652 Kleihauer-Betke test
10063653 Bronchoplasty
10063654 Testotoxicosis
10063655 Erosive oesophagitis
10063656 Gonadotrophin-independent male sexual precocity
10063657 Erosive esophagitis
10063658 Intestinal strangulation
10063659 Aversion
10063660 Wearing off effect
10063661 Vascular encephalopathy
10063662 Aversion to tobacco
10063663 Neuropsychiatric lupus
10063664 Presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
10063665 Flame-shaped hemorrhage
10063666 Lymphogranulomatosis
10063667 Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium
10063668 Flame-shaped haemorrhage
10063669 Photoelectric conjunctivitis
10063670 No therapeutic response
10063671 Pregnancy after post coital contraception
10063672 Similar reaction on previous exposure to drug
10063673 Right atrial myxoma
10063674 Cerebellitis
10063675 Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
10063676 Rhesus incompatibility
10063677 Puncture site infection
10063678 Pelvic haemorrhage
10063679 Venipuncture site thrombosis
10063680 Pelvic hemorrhage
10063681 Actinic conjunctivitis
10063682 Venipuncture site thrombophlebitis
10063683 Application site hypersensitivity
10063684 Semenuria
10063685 Lymphocytic hypophysitis
10063686 Antipsychotic drug level increased
10063687 Blood lithium level increased
10063688 Gastric lavage test
10063689 Young's syndrome
10063690 Calculus prostatic removal
10063691 Oculodentodigital dysplasia
10063692 Eyelid cyst
10063693 Malignant neoplasm of eyelid
10063694 Iris hypopigmentation
10063695 Degloving injury
10063696 Paradoxical chest movement
10063697 Corneal lipid deposit
10063698 Corneal iron deposit
10063699 Hudson Stahli line
10063700 Lipid keratopathy
10063701 Limbal girdle of Vogt
10063702 Ciliary gland cyst
10063703 Cyst of Moll
10063704 Cyst of Zeis
10063705 Relative afferent pupillary defect
10063706 Malignant melanoma of eyelid
10063707 Benign neoplasm of eyelid
10063708 Helicobacter pylori urea breath test positive
10063709 Uraemic gastropathy
10063710 Kidney ablation
10063711 Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis
10063712 Duodenal sphincterotomy
10063713 Neuroanaemic syndrome
10063714 Epicondylectomy
10063715 Splenic sequestration
10063716 Hill-Sachs lesion
10063717 Pelvic insufficiency fracture
10063718 Bruck syndrome
10063719 Meniscitis
10063720 Papillotomy
10063722 Covered diverticular perforation
10063723 Uremic gastropathy
10063724 Neuroanemic syndrome
10063725 Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome
10063726 Congenital anomaly in offspring
10063727 Retinal angiosclerosis
10063728 Parulis
10063729 Gum boil
10063730 Bicuspid pulmonary valve
10063731 Pulmonary artery therapeutic procedure
10063732 Aorticopulmonary septal defect
10063733 Aorticopulmonary window
10063734 Subependymal haemorrhage
10063735 Cardiac cachexia
10063736 Subependymal hemorrhage
10063737 Retinal gliosis
10063738 Preretinal fibrosis
10063739 Krukenberg spindle
10063740 Haemoglobin E trait
10063741 Hepatic amoebiasis
10063742 L'Hermitte syndrome
10063743 Hypophagia
10063744 Hemoglobin E trait
10063745 Hepatic amebiasis
10063746 Accidental death
10063747 Therapeutic response unexpected with drug substitution
10063748 Electrocardiogram QT interval abnormal
10063749 Pulmonary pneumatocele
10063750 Life expectancy shortened
10063751 Ministroke
10063752 Generic substitution altered therapeutic response
10063753 Product substitution altered drug level
10063754 Generic drug substitution altered drug level
10063755 Anhydramnios
10063756 Corpus callosum agenesis
10063757 Cotton fever
10063758 Anterior cerebral artery stenosis
10063759 Middle cerebral artery stenosis
10063760 Posterior cerebral artery stenosis
10063761 Reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome
10063762 Instillation site erythema
10063763 Instillation site pruritus
10063764 Instillation site abnormal sensation
10063765 Instillation site reaction
10063766 Instillation site redness
10063767 Instillation site itching
10063768 Instillation site numbness
10063769 Instillation site coldness
10063770 Instillation site warm feeling
10063771 Instillation site foreign body sensation
10063772 Instillation site dryness
10063773 Instillation site gritty feeling
10063774 Implant site cellulitis
10063775 Implant site discharge
10063776 Implant site oedema
10063777 Implant site effusion
10063778 Implant site erosion
10063779 Implant site erythema
10063780 Implant site haematoma
10063781 Implant site inflammation
10063782 Implant site pain
10063783 Implant site paraesthesia
10063784 Implant site phlebitis
10063785 Implant site pruritus
10063786 Implant site rash
10063787 Implant site urticaria
10063788 Implant breakage
10063789 Implant removal
10063790 Implant site ecchymosis
10063791 Implant site fluid collection
10063792 Implant site leakage
10063793 Implant site seroma
10063794 Implant site edema
10063795 Implant site hematoma
10063796 Implant site paresthesia
10063797 Cataract operation
10063798 Urography
10063799 Urography abnormal
10063800 Urography normal
10063801 CT Urography
10063802 Genital erosion
10063803 Cervix erythema
10063804 Genital abrasion
10063805 Bloody cervical discharge
10063806 Cervix ecchymosis
10063807 Vaginal ecchymosis
10063808 Genital ecchymosis
10063809 Cervix epithelial disruption
10063810 Vaginal epithelial disruption
10063811 Vulval epithelial disruption
10063812 Cervix petechiae
10063813 Vaginal petechiae
10063814 Genital petechiae
10063815 Cervix warts
10063816 Vulval haemorrhage
10063817 Cervix oedema
10063818 Vaginal oedema
10063819 Vulval hemorrhage
10063820 Vulval ecchymosis
10063821 Cervix edema
10063822 Vaginal edema
10063823 Vulval petechiae
10063824 Endoleak
10063825 Extrauterine intra-abdominal localisation of IUD
10063826 Extrauterine intra-abdominal localization of IUD
10063827 Extramedullary haemopoiesis
10063828 Extramedullary hemopoiesis
10063829 Device malfunction
10063830 Crosstalk
10063831 Impedance decreased
10063832 Electromagnetic interference
10063833 Impedance increased
10063834 Oversensing
10063835 Undersensing
10063836 Atrioventricular septal defect
10063837 Reperfusion injury
10063838 Asymptomatic viral hepatitis
10063839 Application site induration
10063840 Visceroptosis
10063841 Spinal corpectomy
10063842 Splanchnoptosis
10063843 Transurethral needle ablation
10063844 Autism spectrum disorder
10063845 Skin avulsion injury
10063846 Splenic sequestration crisis
10063847 Arachnodactyly
10063848 Implant site abscess
10063849 Implant site atrophy
10063850 Implant site bruising
10063851 Implant site burning
10063852 Implant site calcification
10063853 Implant site coldness
10063854 Implant site cyst
10063855 Implant site dermatitis
10063856 Implant site extravasation
10063857 Implant site fibrosis
10063858 Implant site hypersensitivity
10063859 Implant site hypertrophy
10063860 Implant site induration
10063861 Implant site ischaemia
10063862 Implant site mass
10063863 Implant site necrosis
10063864 Implant site nerve injury
10063865 Implant site papules
10063866 Implant site pustules
10063867 Implant site swelling
10063868 Implant site thrombosis
10063869 Implant site ulcer
10063870 Implant site vesicles
10063871 Implant site warmth
10063872 Implant site desquamation
10063873 Implant site scar
10063874 Implant site discolouration
10063875 Uterine haematoma
10063876 Implant site sclerosis
10063877 Implant site stinging
10063878 Vulval irritation
10063879 Nipple tenderness
10063880 Vessel puncture site reaction
10063881 Vessel puncture site bruise
10063882 Implant site ischemia
10063883 Implant site discoloration
10063884 Uterine hematoma
10063885 Radiation thyroiditis
10063886 Renal insufficiency aggravated
10063887 Soft palate disorder
10063888 Soft palate repair
10063889 Oral intake reduced
10063890 Lower respiratory tract infection bacterial
10063891 Diabetic cheiropathy
10063892 Spermaturia
10063893 Osteoarticular pain
10063894 Sudden unexplained death in epilepsy
10063895 SUDEP
10063896 Anal ulcer haemorrhage
10063897 Renal ischaemia
10063898 Side stitch
10063899 Cochlear hydrops
10063900 Steal syndrome
10063901 Dyslipoproteinaemia
10063902 Anal ulcer hemorrhage
10063903 Dyslipoproteinemia
10063904 Renal ischemia
10063905 Heparin neutralisation therapy
10063906 Heparin neutralization therapy
10063907 APACHE II score increased
10063908 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology aggressive
10063909 Post procedural pulmonary embolism
10063910 Sleep disorder due to a general medical condition
10063911 APACHE II score
10063912 MRSE infection
10063913 Bone inflammation
10063914 Multimorbidity
10063916 Metastatic gastric cancer
10063917 Dolichocolon
10063918 Wound cleaning
10063919 Bypass surgery
10063920 Sebostasis
10063921 Folliculitis decalvans
10063922 Anti factor VIII antibody negative
10063923 Anti factor IX antibody negative
10063924 Psychogenic dysmenorrhoea
10063925 Phototherapy
10063926 Blood pressure management
10063927 Orthostatic intolerance
10063928 Amenorrhoea-galactorrhoea syndrome
10063929 Amenorrhea-galactorrhea syndrome
10063930 Chiari-Frommel syndrome
10063931 Forbes-Albright syndrome
10063932 Impingement syndrome
10063933 Coronary stent thrombosis
10063934 Vascular stent thrombosis
10063935 Kabuki make-up syndrome
10063936 Niikawa-Kuroki syndrome
10063937 Capsular block syndrome
10063938 Posterior capsule rupture
10063939 Posterior capsule plaque
10063940 Subcapsular plaque
10063941 Posterior capsule tear
10063942 Vitreous loss
10063943 Abdominal bruit
10063944 Granuloma faciale
10063945 Pulmonary amyloidosis
10063946 Encephalitis enteroviral
10063947 Geographic atrophy
10063948 Post-traumatic seizure disorder
10063949 Eye numbness
10063950 Ileocolectomy
10063951 Trichoblastoma
10063952 Charley horse
10063953 Negative myoclonus
10063954 Positive myoclonus
10063955 Lipoedema
10063956 Lipedema
10063957 Tonsillolith
10063958 Preservation media ineffective
10063959 Preservation media contamination
10063960 Vessel puncture site discharge
10063961 Delayed menarche
10063962 Sweat odor abnormal
10063963 Abnormal sensation in ear
10063964 Sweat odour abnormal
10063965 Posterior capsule fibrosis
10063966 Hair-thread tourniquet syndrome
10063967 Non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol increased
10063968 Upper airway resistance syndrome
10063969 Tuberculosis carrier
10063970 Choroidal effusion
10063971 Bilateral dilatation atrial
10063972 Vaccination error
10063973 Expired vaccine used
10063974 Inappropriate dose of vaccine administered
10063975 Inappropriate formulation of vaccine administered
10063976 Inappropriate schedule of vaccine administered
10063977 Vaccine administered at inappropriate site
10063978 Wrong vaccine administered
10063979 Anaphylactic reaction to vaccine
10063980 Inadvertent exposure to vaccine
10063981 No reaction on previous exposure to vaccine
10063982 Poor quality vaccine administered
10063983 CT angiography
10063984 Non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
10063985 Phytosterolaemia
10063986 Phytosterol level
10063987 Phytosterol level increased
10063988 Reaction to medical agent preservatives
10063989 Sitosterolaemia
10063990 Phytosterolemia
10063991 Sitosterolemia
10063992 Beta-sitosterol level increased
10063993 Campesterol level increased
10063994 Stigmasterol level increased
10063995 Reaction to vaccine preservatives
10063996 Post-traumatic encephalopathy
10063997 C1 esterase inhibitor decreased
10063998 Cricopharyngeal myotomy
10063999 Blood alpha 2 Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein decreased
10064000 Lichenoid keratosis
10064001 Blood alpha 2 Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein
10064002 Apolipoprotein C
10064003 Apolipoprotein C abnormal
10064004 White blood cell Auer bodies present
10064005 White blood cell Doehle's bodies present
10064006 Red blood cell Howell-Jolly bodies present
10064007 Lichen planus-like keratosis
10064008 Vulvovaginal adenosis
10064009 Percutaneous ethanol injection therapy
10064010 Brudzinski's sign
10064011 Fallot's trilogy
10064012 Central pain syndrome
10064013 Cancer anaemia
10064014 Cancer anemia
10064015 Cancer cachexia
10064016 Nocturnal polyuria
10064017 Vertebra dislocation reduction
10064018 Alpha 1 microglobulin urine
10064019 Alpha 1 microglobulin urine increased
10064020 Head posture abnormal
10064021 Cardiac septal defect
10064022 Prostatic mass
10064023 Fundoplication reversal
10064024 Intestinal malrotation
10064025 Merkel cell carcinoma
10064026 Pelvic floor muscle weakness
10064027 Prostatic nodule
10064028 Urine cortisone/creatinine ratio increased
10064029 Urine cortisone/creatinine ratio decreased
10064030 Crenocyte present
10064031 Limb crushing injury
10064032 Juvenile glaucoma
10064033 Infantile glaucoma
10064034 Nipah virus infection
10064035 Tussive syncope
10064036 Uterine cervix atrophy
10064037 Nasal pain
10064038 Controlled hypotension
10064039 Old cerebral infarction
10064040 Threatened ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
10064041 Foetal chromosome abnormality
10064042 Fetal chromosome abnormality
10064043 Nipple inflammation
10064044 Rectocele repair
10064045 Biopsy tonsil
10064046 Autonomy of thyroid gland
10064047 Vesicoureteral reflux surgery
10064048 Preoperative hormone treatment
10064049 Lung adenocarcinoma metastatic
10064050 Polymenorrhagia
10064051 Procalcitonin
10064052 Clostridium difficile toxin test positive
10064053 Hepatic lipogranuloma
10064054 Small intestinal leiomyoma
10064055 Lip squamous cell carcinoma
10064056 Still's disease adult onset
10064057 Tuberculin test false positive
10064058 Immune enhancement therapy
10064059 Antiallergic therapy
10064060 Multiple system atrophy
10064061 Penile erosion
10064062 Neurodevelopmental disorder
10064063 CHARGE syndrome
10064064 Gastrooesophageal reflux prophylaxis
10064065 Prophylaxis against diarrhoea
10064066 Passive smoking
10064067 Foetal tobacco exposure
10064068 Hormone suppression therapy
10064069 Gastrointestinal tube removal
10064070 Asbestos exposure
10064071 Vaquez's disease
10064072 Lack of early morning erection
10064073 Prosthesis failure
10064074 Poor swallowing reflex
10064075 Seafood allergy
10064076 Gallbladder wall thickening
10064077 Atypical angina
10064078 Gastric resection
10064079 Heart failure NYHA class I
10064080 Heart failure NYHA class II
10064081 Heart failure NYHA class III
10064082 Heart failure NYHA class IV
10064083 Nocardia infection
10064084 Gastroesophageal reflux prophylaxis
10064085 Prophylaxis against diarrhea
10064086 Congenital heart valve disorder
10064087 Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
10064088 Nail bed inflammation
10064089 Toxic synovitis
10064090 Landouzy-Dejerine syndrome
10064091 Iatrogenic infection
10064092 Vocal cord polypectomy
10064093 Suggestibility
10064094 Autonomic ganglionectomy
10064095 Cell marker increased
10064096 Drug abuse in remission
10064097 Avian influenza
10064098 Neurological status deterioration
10064099 Oropharyngeal cancer stage IV
10064100 Amniotic band syndrome
10064101 Dental packing
10064102 Diminished sense of smell
10064103 Ovariectomy
10064104 ADHD
10064105 Sternal deformity
10064106 Hamstring tendon injury
10064107 Pneumocystis jiroveci infection
10064108 Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
10064109 Incision site cellulitis
10064110 Sternitis
10064111 Injection site joint inflammation
10064112 Cartilage graft
10064113 Cartilage allograft
10064114 Sternal dehiscence
10064115 Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type III
10064116 Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
10064117 Familial risk factor
10064118 Pelvic floor dyssynergia
10064119 Family history of cardiovascular disorder
10064120 Punctal plug insertion
10064121 Eyelash hyperpigmentation
10064122 Eyelash darkening
10064123 Family history of diabetes
10064124 Cervical dystonia
10064125 Anismus
10064126 Lentigo simplex
10064127 Solar lentigo
10064128 Sun spots
10064129 Liver spots
10064130 Skin xerosis
10064131 Photoaging
10064132 Conjunctivochalasis
10064133 Loss of visual contrast sensitivity
10064134 Ovarian chocolate cyst
10064135 Polyneuropathy chronic
10064136 Unspecified agent exposure during pregnancy
10064137 Progression of multiple sclerosis
10064138 Unspecified agent exposure in utero
10064139 Beta 2 globulin
10064140 Hand-arm vibration syndrome
10064141 Urine volume 12 hour
10064142 Epstein-Barr virus IgM antibody
10064143 Dental implantation
10064144 Ejection fraction normal
10064145 Retinal aneurysm
10064146 Ultrasound biliary tract
10064147 Gastrointestinal inflammation
10064148 Vasopressive therapy
10064149 Culture pleural fluid
10064150 Ultrasound gallbladder
10064151 Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis
10064152 Radiotherapy to pelvis
10064153 Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection
10064154 Perihepatic fluid collection
10064155 Traumatic coma
10064156 Carbon dioxide abnormal
10064157 Foramen magnum stenosis
10064158 Acquired foramen magnum stenosis
10064159 Physical fitness training
10064160 Homicidal attempt
10064161 Laminaplasty
10064162 Genital labial adhesions
10064163 Periporitis staphylogenes
10064164 Natal teeth
10064165 Eruption of natal teeth
10064166 Fibronectin increased
10064167 Fibronectin decreased
10064168 Porphyrins stool increased
10064169 Fluoride urine increased
10064170 Pentosuria
10064171 Acquired digital fibrokeratoma
10064172 Oesophageal pH increased
10064173 Oesophageal pH decreased
10064174 Subcutaneous glucose increased
10064175 Subcutaneous glucose decreased
10064176 Lazy eye
10064177 Sacral colpopexy
10064178 Colpocephaly
10064179 Central line sepsis
10064180 Blood methylmalonic acid increased
10064181 Fetal fibronectin increased
10064182 Foetal fibronectin increased
10064183 Fetal fibronectin decreased
10064184 Foetal fibronectin decreased
10064185 Esophageal pH increased
10064186 Esophageal pH decreased
10064187 Oesophageal pH telemetry
10064188 Esophageal pH telemetry
10064189 Chronic pelvic pain syndrome
10064190 Cholestatic pruritus
10064191 Atrial conduction time prolongation
10064192 Parachute mitral valve
10064193 Persistent left superior vena cava
10064194 Commissurotomy of pulmonary valve
10064195 Right ventricle outflow tract obstruction
10064196 Blood count
10064197 Blood count normal
10064198 Blood count abnormal
10064199 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
10064200 Balloon atrial septostomy
10064201 Anorectal thrombophlebitis
10064202 Renal artery ultrasound
10064203 Renal artery ultrasound normal
10064204 Renal artery ultrasound abnormal
10064205 Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
10064206 Rashkind procedure
10064207 Major aortopulmonary collateral artery
10064208 Congenital heart valve dysplasia
10064209 Electrocardiogram P pulmonale
10064210 Bone fissure
10064211 Bone fragmentation
10064212 Eosinophilic oesophagitis
10064213 Caecal volvulus
10064214 Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
10064215 Gastric spasm
10064216 Pneumoencephalography
10064217 Parenchymatous goitre
10064218 Lymphocele fenestration
10064219 Cecal volvulus
10064220 Eosinophilic esophagitis
10064221 Parenchymatous goiter
10064222 Shaken baby syndrome
10064223 Angina bullosa haemorrhagica
10064224 Thyroid haemorrhage
10064225 Angina bullosa hemorrhagica
10064226 Thyroid hemorrhage
10064227 Vaginal flatulence
10064228 Heterotopic pregnancy
10064229 Pelvic discomfort
10064230 Nipple reconstruction
10064231 Epiploic appendagitis
10064232 Stool reducing substances increased
10064233 Chylomicron increased
10064234 Chylomicron decreased
10064235 Non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreased
10064236 Intermediate density lipoprotein increased
10064237 Intermediate density lipoprotein decreased
10064238 Gonalgia
10064239 Lambliasis
10064240 Polysomnography
10064241 Multiple sleep latency test
10064242 Kienbock's disease
10064243 Seasonal depression
10064244 Thyromegaly
10064245 Polysomnography abnormal
10064246 Multiple sleep latency test abnormal
10064247 Smear vaginal abnormal
10064248 Dry weight evaluation
10064249 Splenic granuloma
10064250 Staphylococcal osteomyelitis
10064251 Onychalgia
10064252 Vascular graft complication
10064253 Nail pain
10064254 Vascular graft pseudoaneurysm
10064255 Endometrial metaplasia
10064256 Cystocele repair
10064257 Ovarian fibroma
10064258 Palpatory finding abnormal
10064259 Vaginal examination abnormal
10064260 Douglas' pouch mass
10064261 Eyelid twitching
10064262 Refractory angina pectoris
10064263 Elective procedure
10064264 Pharyngeal pouch surgery
10064265 Skin haemorrhage
10064266 Skin hemorrhage
10064267 Cardiac valve abscess
10064268 Lacrimal duct procedure
10064269 Bone marrow oedema syndrome
10064270 Omphalorrhexis
10064271 Cervical contact bleeding
10064272 Bladder neoplasm surgery
10064273 Elective hospitalisation
10064274 Elective hospitalization
10064275 Ovarian infarction
10064276 Umbilical rupture
10064277 Bone marrow edema syndrome
10064278 Endometriosis externa
10064279 Conduct behaviour disorder
10064280 Calcifying fibrous pseudotumour
10064281 Malignant atrophic papulosis
10064282 Vaginal mucositis
10064283 Zenker's diverticulotomy
10064284 Calcifying fibrous pseudotumor
10064285 Autograft
10064286 Syncytial giant cell hepatitis
10064287 Kohlmeier-Degos syndrome
10064288 Conduct behavior disorder
10064294 Drug dose omission
10064295 Drug administration error
10064296 Drug prescribing error
10064297 Deteriorated drug administered
10064298 Counterfeit drug administered
10064299 Insufficient dosage
10064300 Drug dose prescribing error
10064301 Drug route prescribing error
10064302 Drug dosage form prescribing error
10064303 Drug schedule prescribing error
10064304 Incorrect route of drug administration
10064305 Incorrect drug dosage form administered
10064306 Incorrect drug administration rate
10064307 Incorrect drug administration duration
10064308 Respiratory formulation administered by other route
10064309 Rectal formulation administered by other route
10064310 Drug administration rate too fast
10064311 Drug administration rate too slow
10064312 Drug administration duration too long
10064313 Drug administration duration too short
10064314 Prescribed dosing duration not completed
10064315 Intravenous formulation administered by other route
10064316 Intramuscular formulation administered by other route
10064317 Subcutaneous injection formulation administered by other route
10064318 Intrathecal formulation administered by other route
10064319 Drug dose administration interval too short
10064320 Drug dose administration interval too long
10064321 Once daily dose taken more frequently
10064322 Once daily dose taken less frequently
10064323 Once weekly dose taken more frequently
10064324 Once weekly dose taken less frequently
10064325 Once monthly dose taken more frequently
10064326 Once monthly dose taken less frequently
10064327 Epstein-Barr virus serology positive
10064328 Human papilloma virus test positive
10064329 HTLV serology test positive
10064330 HTLV-1 serology test positive
10064331 HTLV-2 serology test positive
10064332 Complex regional pain syndrome
10064333 IUD removal complication
10064334 Complex regional pain syndrome Type I
10064335 Complex regional pain syndrome Type II
10064336 IUD insertion complication
10064337 Schizophrenia relapse
10064338 CSF immunoglobulin increased
10064339 CSF immunoglobulin decreased
10064340 CSF IgG increased
10064341 CSF IgG decreased
10064342 Oesophageal oedema
10064343 Esophageal edema
10064344 Lymphoma transformation
10064345 ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
10064346 STEMI
10064347 Non ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
10064348 Non STEMI
10064349 Postprandial nausea
10064350 Irrigoscopy
10064351 Localised erythema
10064352 Parametropathia spastica
10064353 Wrong technique in drug usage process
10064354 Drug dispensing error
10064355 Incorrect dose administered
10064356 Wrong solution used in drug reconstitution
10064357 Inhalation not administered correctly
10064358 Tablet split incorrectly
10064359 Tablet crushed incorrectly
10064360 Inappropriate removal of drug from capsule
10064361 Wrong drug strength selected
10064362 Wrong drug product selected
10064363 Wrong patient package insert selected during dispensing
10064364 Wrong label placed on medication during dispensing
10064366 Extra dose administered
10064367 Wrong drug selected
10064368 Accidental drug intake by child
10064369 Accidental exposure while preparing drug for administration
10064370 Accidental exposure while administering drug
10064371 Administered drug to incorrect patient
10064372 Documented hypersensitivity to administered drug
10064373 Labelled drug-drug interaction medication error
10064374 Labelled drug-food interaction medication error
10064375 Concomitant administration of known incompatible drugs
10064376 Known drug-drug interaction medication error
10064377 Documented allergy to administered drug
10064378 Labeled drug-drug interaction medication error
10064379 Labeled drug-food interaction medication error
10064381 Labelled drug-disease interaction medication error
10064382 Intercepted medication error
10064383 Labeled drug-disease interaction medication error
10064384 Enteral formulation administered by other route
10064385 Circumstance or information capable of leading to medication error
10064386 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation complication
10064387 Sotos' syndrome
10064388 Cerebral gigantism
10064389 Dysbacteriosis
10064390 Tumour invasion
10064392 Tumor invasion
10064393 Pharyngoscopy
10064394 Haematidrosis
10064395 Hematidrosis
10064396 Stent-graft endoleak
10064397 Aortic stent-graft thrombosis
10064398 Stent-graft endoleak type IA
10064399 Stent-graft endoleak type IB
10064400 Stent-graft endoleak type II
10064401 Stent-graft endoleak type III
10064402 Stent-graft endoleak type IV
10064403 Defibrillation threshold increased
10064404 Inappropriate device signal detection
10064405 Device psychogenic complication
10064406 Failure to capture
10064407 Battery failure
10064408 Cardiac vein dissection
10064409 Cardiac vein perforation
10064410 Coronary sinus dissection
10064411 Coronary sinus perforation
10064412 Phantom shocks
10064413 Device protrusion
10064414 Inappropriate device stimulation of tissue
10064415 Urine alanine aminopeptidase increased
10064416 Urine alanine aminopeptidase decreased
10064417 Urine glycolic acid increased
10064418 Urine gold increased
10064419 Blood gold increased
10064420 Photaugiaphobia
10064421 Vaginal douching
10064422 Urine oxalate increased
10064423 Urine oxalate decreased
10064424 Carbohydrate tolerance increased
10064425 Haemopexin decreased
10064426 Fluoroscopic imaging
10064427 CD19 lymphocytes increased
10064428 CD19 lymphocytes decreased
10064429 CD20 lymphocytes increased
10064430 CD20 lymphocytes decreased
10064431 CD25 interleukin-2 receptor B-cell lymphocytes increased
10064432 CD25 interleukin-2 receptor B-cell lymphocytes decreased
10064433 CD25 interleukin-2 receptor T-cell lymphocytes increased
10064434 CD25 interleukin-2 receptor T-cell lymphocytes decreased
10064435 CD3 lymphocytes increased
10064436 CD3 lymphocytes decreased
10064437 CD56 lymphocytes increased
10064438 CD56 lymphocytes decreased
10064439 Urine ferric chloride test positive
10064440 Nonprotein nitrogen urine increased
10064441 Hemopexin decreased
10064442 Herpes zoster visceral
10064443 Candidiasis of bronchi
10064444 Invasive cervix cancer
10064445 Extrapulmonary tuberculosis
10064446 HIV infection WHO clinical stage I
10064447 HIV infection WHO clinical stage II
10064448 HIV infection WHO clinical stage III
10064449 Atypical squamous cells, cannot exclude HSIL
10064450 Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
10064451 High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
10064452 ASC-US
10064453 ASC-H
10064454 LSIL
10064455 HSIL
10064456 HIV infection WHO clinical stage IV
10064457 Colposcopy abnormal
10064458 Penicilliosis
10064459 Candidiasis of trachea
10064460 Cryptococcosis extrapulmonary
10064461 AIDS-associated haemorrhagic sarcoma
10064467 Urothelial carcinoma
10064468 Anaemia post chemotherapy
10064469 Anemia post chemotherapy
10064470 Muscle swelling
10064471 Fetal tobacco exposure
10064472 Intentional use beyond labelled duration
10064473 Intentional use for unlabelled indication
10064474 Alcoholic relapse
10064475 Opiate dependency relapse
10064476 Secondary restless legs syndrome
10064478 Conduct disorder
10064479 Gustometry
10064480 Gustometry abnormal
10064481 Gustometry normal
10064482 Lip exfoliation
10064483 Vaginal exfoliation
10064484 Uterine cervical exfoliation
10064485 Penile exfoliation
10064486 Mucosal exfoliation
10064487 Oral mucosal exfoliation
10064488 Tongue exfoliation
10064489 Corneal exfoliation
10064490 Uterine cervical desquamation
10064491 Adrenal myelolipoma
10064492 Incarcerated umbilical hernia
10064493 Dissecting cerebral aneurysm
10064494 Injection site joint effusion
10064495 Gallbladder adenomyomatosis
10064496 Cell marker
10064497 KL-6
10064498 KL-6 increased
10064499 Nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy
10064500 Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD)
10064501 Spermatic cord funiculitis
10064502 Funisitis
10064503 Excessive skin
10064504 Acanthocytosis
10064505 Stoma site infection
10064506 Spinal funiculitis
10064507 Lysozyme increased
10064508 Lysozyme decreased
10064509 Salpingostomy
10064510 Fallopian tube operation
10064511 Monofilament pressure perception test
10064512 Monofilament pressure perception test abnormal
10064513 Vaginal septum
10064514 Femoral retroversion
10064515 Tibial torsion
10064516 Femoral anteversion
10064517 Skull plate internal fixation
10064518 Cranial operation
10064519 Internal tibial torsion
10064520 External tibial torsion
10064521 Urine ammonia increased
10064522 Carbohydrate tolerance urine analysis increased
10064523 Carbohydrate tolerance urine analysis decreased
10064524 Urine haemopexin decreased
10064525 Chlamydial cervicitis
10064526 Urine hemopexin decreased
10064527 Blood haemopexin decreased
10064528 Blood hemopexin decreased
10064529 Urine fat droplets present
10064530 Bilevel positive airway pressure
10064531 Hyoid bone suspension
10064532 Genioglossal advancement
10064533 Vertebral injury
10064534 Umbilical cord haemorrhage
10064535 Umbilical cord hemorrhage
10064536 Functional dyspepsia
10064537 Uterine perforation post procedural
10064538 Complication of device insertion
10064539 Autoimmune myocarditis
10064540 Schistosoma test negative
10064541 Schistosoma test
10064542 Human papilloma virus test
10064543 Human papilloma virus test negative
10064544 Hyperthyroidic goiter
10064545 Epstein-Barr virus test positive
10064546 Schistosoma test positive
10064547 HTLV test positive
10064548 HTLV-1 test positive
10064549 HTLV-2 test positive
10064550 Myocarditis post infection
10064551 Hyperthyroidic goitre
10064552 Shunt aneurysm
10064553 Dialysis amyloidosis
10064554 Amyloid arthropathy
10064555 Purulent bronchitis
10064556 Breakthrough pain
10064557 Cholinergic crisis
10064558 Total bile acids increased
10064559 Bone marrow plasmacyte count increased
10064560 Bone marrow metamyelocyte count increased
10064561 Bone marrow band neutrophil count increased
10064562 Bone marrow polymorphonuclear leukocyte count increased
10064563 Bone marrow eosinophilic leukocyte count increased
10064564 Bone marrow basophilic leukocyte count increased
10064565 Erosive osteoarthritis
10064566 Bone marrow cell count abnormal
10064567 Splenic laceration
10064568 Chronic infantile neurological cutaneous and articular syndrome
10064569 Muckle-Wells syndrome
10064570 Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome
10064571 Gene mutation
10064572 CINCA syndrome
10064573 Neonatal-onset multisystemic inflammatory disease
10064574 NOMID
10064575 FCAS
10064576 Cheiro-oral syndrome
10064577 Large unstained cell increased
10064578 Application site exfoliation
10064579 Exfoliative rash
10064580 Eyelid exfoliation
10064581 Desmoplastic small round cell tumour
10064582 Carotid intima-media thickness increased
10064583 Marcus Gunn syndrome
10064584 Myosclerosis
10064585 Bronchogenic cyst
10064586 Hystero-ligamentopexy
10064587 Desmoplastic small round cell tumor
10064588 Tetrahydrocortisol urine increased
10064589 Tetrahydrocortisol urine decreased
10064590 Tetrahydrocortisone urine increased
10064591 Tetrahydrocortisone urine decreased
10064592 Calcific deposits removal
10064593 Hepatic cyst excision
10064594 Oral mucosa erosion
10064595 Haemorrhagic arteriovenous malformation
10064596 Berdon's syndrome
10064597 Hemorrhagic arteriovenous malformation
10064598 Penile necrosis
10064599 Optic nerve pallor
10064600 Periodic limb movement disorder
10064601 Iliac artery occlusion
10064602 Venous thrombosis neonatal
10064603 Cyclic AMP increased
10064604 Cyclic AMP decreased
10064605 Sezary cells increased
10064606 Thromboxane increased
10064607 Thromboxane decreased
10064608 Electroporation therapy
10064609 Nasal cavity packing removal
10064610 Anticardiolipin antibody syndrome
10064611 Hyperactive airway disease
10064612 Type I hyperlipoproteinemia
10064613 Type II hyperlipoproteinaemia
10064614 Type IIa hyperlipoproteinaemia
10064615 Type III hyperlipoproteinaemia
10064616 Type IV hyperlipoproteinaemia
10064617 Type V hyperlipoproteinaemia
10064618 Myeloid cells increased
10064619 Vacuolated leukocytes present
10064620 Placental infarction
10064621 Catheter site burning
10064622 Catheter site redness
10064623 Defaecation frequency increased
10064624 Poor personal hygiene
10064625 Symphysiotomy
10064626 Nuclear furosemide renogram
10064627 Subclinical hypothyroidism
10064628 Pertussis identification test positive
10064629 Pseudohomozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia
10064630 Pulsatile tinnitus
10064631 Tubal recanalisation
10064632 Nasal balloon placement
10064633 Nasal balloon removal
10064634 Pertussis identification test negative
10064635 Pertussis identification test
10064636 Pseudohomozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
10064637 Tubal recanalization
10064638 Cyclic AMP abnormal
10064639 Cyclic AMP normal
10064640 Cyclic AMP blood increased
10064641 Cyclic AMP blood decreased
10064642 Cyclic AMP urine increased
10064643 Cyclic AMP urine decreased
10064644 Ventricular remodeling
10064645 Senile genital atrophy
10064646 Acinic cell carcinoma
10064647 Asiderotic anaemia
10064648 Asiderotic anemia
10064649 Serum amyloid A protein increased
10064650 Immune complex level increased
10064651 Osteitis fibrosa cystica
10064652 ADHF
10064653 Acute decompensated heart failure
10064654 Rotoscoliosis
10064655 Renal aplasia
10064656 Aseptic necrosis of jaw
10064657 Osteomyelitis of jaw
10064658 Osteonecrosis of jaw
10064659 Acquired lenticonus
10064660 Congenital lenticonus
10064661 Vagus nerve paralysis
10064662 Red blood cell acanthocytes present
10064663 Leukotriene increased
10064664 Leukotriene decreased
10064665 Macrophages increased
10064666 Peritoneal perforation
10064667 Multi-valvular regurgitation
10064668 Hepatic infiltration eosinophilic
10064669 Stercoraceous vomiting
10064670 Faecal vomiting
10064671 Fecal vomiting
10064672 Atrial rhythm
10064673 Bile duct T-tube insertion
10064674 Bile duct T-tube removal
10064675 Graft versus host disease in skin
10064676 Graft versus host disease in liver
10064677 Graft versus host disease in intestine
10064678 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin in situ
10064679 Basal cell carcinoma of skin in situ
10064680 Primary kidney transplant nonfunction
10064681 Primary liver transplant nonfunction
10064682 Humoral rejection
10064683 Antibody-mediated rejection
10064684 Device dislocation
10064685 Device occlusion
10064686 Complications of intestinal transplant
10064687 Device related infection
10064688 Primary heart transplant nonfunction
10064689 Primary pancreas transplant nonfunction
10064690 Primary intestinal transplant nonfunction
10064691 Primary lung transplant nonfunction
10064692 Intestinal graft dysfunction
10064693 Pancreas graft dysfunction
10064694 Heart graft dysfunction
10064695 Lung graft dysfunction
10064696 Vaginal reflux
10064697 Epiretinal membrane
10064698 Crusta lactea
10064699 Candida osteomyelitis
10064700 Hysterocele
10064701 Ureterolysis procedure
10064702 Kyphoplasty
10064703 Dermolipectomy
10064704 Decompensated cirrhosis
10064705 Type I hyperlipoproteinaemia
10064706 Type II hyperlipoproteinemia
10064707 Type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia
10064708 Type III hyperlipoproteinemia
10064709 Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia
10064710 Type V hyperlipoproteinemia
10064711 Portal venous gas
10064712 Mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase increased
10064713 Radiation corneal injury
10064714 Radiation retinopathy
10064715 Reexpansion pulmonary oedema
10064716 Carcinomatous peritonitis
10064717 Reexpansion pulmonary edema
10064718 Abscess management
10064719 Abscess cavity curettage
10064720 Lack of satiety
10064721 Prophylaxis against psychomotor agitation
10064722 Endocarditis prophylaxis
10064723 Thanatophobia
10064724 Testicular abscess
10064725 Diabetic diet
10064726 Antinuclear antibody increased
10064727 Renal artery stent placement
10064728 Transgender hormonal therapy
10064729 Dark circles under eyes
10064730 Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome
10064731 Body hair loss
10064732 Clotting disorder
10064733 Transgender operation
10064734 Dorsalgia
10064735 ANA increased
10064736 Antibiotic prophylaxis
10064737 Wrong injection technique
10064738 Mycobacterium avium complex prophylaxis
10064739 CSF polymorphonuclear cell count increased
10064740 CSF polymorphonuclear cell count decreased
10064741 CSF mononuclear cell count increased
10064742 CSF mononuclear cell count decreased
10064743 Prostatitis tuberculous
10064744 Supernumerary breast removal
10064745 Urine mucous increased
10064746 Transvaginal tape procedure
10064747 Coronary artery calcification
10064748 Urine colour abnormal
10064749 Intestinal diaphragm disease
10064750 Blood trypsin decreased
10064751 Blood trypsin increased
10064752 Urine color abnormal
10064753 Breast haematoma
10064754 Periarthritis calcarea
10064755 Atypical fibroxanthoma
10064756 Gastric foveolar hyperplasia
10064757 Bouveret syndrome I
10064758 Immune complex glomerulonephritis
10064759 Salivary gland operation
10064760 Restrictive respiratory insufficiency
10064761 Parafoveal telangiectasia
10064762 Aneurysmal arteriovenous fistula
10064763 Joint resurfacing surgery
10064764 Nail growth abnormal
10064765 Breast hematoma
10064766 Patellar resurfacing
10064767 Knee resurfacing surgery
10064768 Nail growth increased
10064769 Dactylitis
10064770 Sinusitis noninfective
10064771 Superior vena cava stenosis
10064772 Peritoneal equilibration test
10064773 Drug rehabilitation
10064774 Infusion site extravasation
10064775 Arteriovenous graft aneurysm
10064776 Cardiac valve prosthesis user
10064777 Helicobacter pylori urea breath test
10064778 Venous ligation
10064779 Breath sounds
10064780 Breath sounds abnormal
10064781 Kallmann's syndrome
10064782 Plateletcrit
10064783 Plateletcrit increased
10064784 Plateletcrit decreased
10064785 Plateletcrit abnormal
10064786 Plateletcrit normal
10064787 Reaction to drug excipients
10064788 Reaction to preservatives
10064789 Mycobacterium abscessus infection
10064790 Haemoglobin distribution width increased
10064791 Haemoglobin distribution width decreased
10064792 Stool chloride increased
10064793 Cholesterol absorption efficiency decreased
10064794 Stool chymotrypsin decreased
10064795 Stool magnesium increased
10064796 Phytanic acid increased
10064797 Human placental lactogen increased
10064798 Human placental lactogen decreased
10064799 Blood pregnenolone increased
10064800 Serum pristanic acid increased
10064801 Serum procollagen type I C-terminal propeptide increased
10064802 Serum procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide increased
10064803 Serum procollagen type III N-terminal propeptide increased
10064804 Ligamentitis
10064805 Tachyphrenia
10064806 Platelet distribution width increased
10064807 Platelet distribution width decreased
10064808 Biomedical photography
10064809 Mirizzi syndrome
10064810 Squamous cell carcinoma excision
10064811 Emesis occult blood positive
10064812 Popliteal plantar artery bypass
10064813 Blood proline increased
10064814 Blood proline decreased
10064815 Rotavirus neutralising antibody positive
10064816 Light sleep
10064817 Hemoglobin distribution width increased
10064818 Hemoglobin distribution width decreased
10064819 Rotavirus neutralizing antibody positive
10064820 Infusion site leaking
10064821 Mesenterium commune
10064822 Cerebral degeneration
10064823 Asthmatic crisis
10064824 Diabetic retinal angiopathy
10064825 Urinary tract infection viral
10064826 Duodenoenterostomy
10064827 Stool heavy metal positive
10064828 Stool pH increased
10064829 Stool pH decreased
10064830 Pus in stool
10064831 Stool sodium increased
10064832 Spinal cord herniation
10064833 Retinal infiltrates
10064834 Pneumocardiogram
10064835 Creatorrhoea
10064836 Micrographic skin surgery
10064837 Undigested meat fibers in stool
10064838 Stool vegetable fibers increased
10064839 Chemosurgery of skin
10064840 Chemical peel of skin
10064841 Macromastia
10064842 Creatorrhea
10064843 Mucus stools
10064844 Compensated cirrhosis
10064845 Amniotic fluid erythropoietin level increased
10064846 Sclerokeratitis
10064847 Drip infusion
10064848 Chronic kidney disease
10064849 Extrinsic iliac vein compression
10064850 Cystitis erosive
10064851 Bone marrow ischaemia
10064852 Gastroenteritis caliciviral
10064853 Ganglionic tuberculosis
10064854 Amotio retinae
10064855 Enteritis due to calicivirus
10064856 Bone marrow ischemia
10064857 Arthromyalgia
10064858 Pancreatic duct dilatation
10064859 Primary immunodeficiency syndrome
10064860 Koplik's spots
10064861 Gastrointestinal telangiectasia
10064862 Frustration
10064863 Waist circumference increased
10064864 Malaria antibody positive
10064865 Anti-sperm antibody positive
10064866 Laryngitis allergic
10064867 Epiphyseal injury
10064868 Endometrial curettage
10064869 Anterior membrane dystrophy
10064870 Cogan's dystrophy
10064871 Map dot fingerprint dystrophy
10064872 Meesman's dystrophy
10064873 Growth plate injury
10064874 Growth plate fracture
10064875 Intervertebral disc replacement
10064876 Ultrasound uterus abnormal
10064877 Preventive surgery
10064878 Abscess rupture
10064879 Smoker's lung
10064880 Post procedural dizziness
10064881 Hyperkeratosis removal
10064882 Procedural pain
10064883 Reflex bradycardia
10064884 Malignant endometriosis
10064885 Ovarian cystoma torsion
10064886 Renal medullary carcinoma
10064887 Hyperaluminaemia
10064888 Cervicogenic headache
10064889 Pulmonary effusion
10064890 Hypereosinophilia
10064891 Toxic gastroenteritis
10064892 Vertebral osteochondrosis
10064893 Hyperaluminemia
10064894 Pseudoradicular syndrome
10064895 Urethral atresia
10064896 Proctocolitis ulcerative
10064897 Phytophotodermatitis
10064898 Spinal cord lipoma
10064899 Vulvovaginal mycotic infection
10064900 Gout flare
10064901 Jock itch
10064902 Anomalous arrangement of pancreaticobiliary duct
10064903 Incision site inflammation
10064904 Granulomatous infection
10064905 Strangulation ileus
10064906 Gastralgia
10064907 Functional abdominal pain
10064908 Associated with (APAH)
10064909 Idiopathic (IPAH)
10064910 Familial (FPAH)
10064911 Pulmonary arterial hypertension
10064912 Malignant transformation
10064913 Bronchial disorder
10064914 Bronchopathy
10064915 Orbital infection
10064916 Cytomegalovirus radiculopathy
10064917 Preternatural anus
10064918 Burkholderia cepacia infection
10064919 Hypospermia
10064920 CMV radiculopathy
10064921 Urinary tract inflammation
10064922 Cardiac syncope
10064923 Low cerebrospinal fluid pressure syndrome
10064924 Mal de debarquement syndrome
10064925 Arteriovenous graft site abscess
10064926 Medication dose changed
10064927 Medication dose increased
10064928 Medication dose decreased
10064929 Cellulitis of male external genital organ
10064930 Age-related macular degeneration
10064931 Joint instability
10064932 Sacralisation
10064933 Sacralization
10064934 Matrix metalloproteinase-3
10064935 Matrix metalloproteinase-3 increased
10064936 Portal vein pressure increased
10064937 Anticonvulsant drug level abnormal
10064938 Tumour perforation
10064939 Cardiovascular event prophylaxis
10064940 Medication stuck in throat
10064941 Incorrect storage of drug
10064942 Tumor perforation
10064943 Parasite DNA test positive
10064944 Palatal implant
10064945 Reticular erythematous mucinosis
10064946 Tooth socket haemorrhage
10064947 Dental cosmetic procedure
10064948 Viral rhinitis
10064949 Carotid artery insufficiency
10064950 Head titubation
10064951 Penoscrotal fusion
10064952 Nocardia sepsis
10064953 Foetal nuchal translucency ultrasound
10064954 Invasive candidiasis
10064955 Reaction to sulfites
10064956 Reaction to aspartame
10064957 Head tremor
10064958 Thromboembolectomy
10064959 Fetal nuchal translucency ultrasound
10064960 Tooth socket hemorrhage
10064961 Thalamic infarction
10064962 Hypoplastic right heart syndrome
10064963 Weill-Marchesani syndrome
10064964 Phrenic nerve paralysis
10064965 Acinetobacter bacteraemia
10064966 Myocardial oedema
10064967 DEXA scan
10064968 Eyelid hematoma
10064969 Colopexostomy
10064970 Adenocarcinoma of the colon stage 0
10064971 Angular blepharitis
10064972 Anterior capsular phimosis
10064973 Allergic bronchospasm
10064974 Mohs micrographic surgery
10064975 Retinal macroaneurysm
10064976 Eyelid haematoma
10064977 Acinetobacter bacteremia
10064978 Myocardial edema
10064979 High frequency ablation
10064980 Neutralising antibodies positive
10064981 Neutralising antibodies negative
10064982 Non-neutralising antibodies positive
10064983 Neutralizing antibodies positive
10064984 Neutralizing antibodies negative
10064985 Non-neutralizing antibodies positive
10064986 Perivascular dermatitis
10064987 Leukaemic infiltration brain
10064988 Cystatin C
10064989 Cystatin C abnormal
10064990 Skin abrasion
10064991 Pseudosepsis
10064992 Leukemic infiltration brain
10064993 Rectal fissure
10064994 Subclavian coronary steal syndrome
10064995 Circulatory depression
10064996 Ulcerative keratitis
10064997 Necrotising retinitis
10064998 Drug exposure before pregnancy
10064999 Uterine cervix dilation procedure
10065000 Prophylaxis of abortion
10065001 Hepatitis C test negative
10065002 Hepatitis B test negative
10065003 Factor II mutation
10065004 Bacterial test negative
10065005 Non-ulcer dyspepsia
10065006 Popliteal artery occlusion
10065007 Amblyopia bilateral
10065008 Amblyopia unilateral
10065009 Amaurosis unilateral
10065010 Necrotizing retinitis
10065011 Prosthesis related infection
10065012 Limb paresis
10065013 Leg paresis
10065014 Multiple meningioma
10065015 Hot feeling generalised
10065016 Post-traumatic pain
10065017 Bone tenderness
10065018 Lymph node tenderness
10065019 Coital bleeding
10065020 Coelioscopy
10065021 Chondroplasty
10065022 Partner stress
10065023 Hepatitis C test positive
10065024 Hepatitis B test positive
10065025 Nutritional condition normal
10065026 Nutritional condition abnormal
10065027 Sudden deafness
10065028 Acute deafness
10065029 Celioscopy
10065030 BPH
10065031 Amaurosis bilateral
10065032 Mixed manic depressive episode
10065033 Ixodiasis
10065034 Squamous cell carcinoma of liver
10065035 Uthoff's phenomenon
10065036 Cytomegalovirus mucocutaneous ulcer
10065037 Broncholithiasis
10065038 Herpes zoster disseminated
10065039 Plasmablastic lymphoma
10065040 AIDS dementia complex
10065041 Rhodococcus infection
10065042 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
10065043 CMV mucocutaneous ulcer
10065044 Apparent life threatening event
10065045 ALTE
10065046 Herpes simplex pneumonia
10065047 Esophageal thrush
10065048 Latent tuberculosis
10065049 Umbilical cord infection
10065050 Perianal herpes simplex
10065051 Acute hepatitis C
10065052 Deep vein thrombosis leg
10065053 Hemophilic arthropathy
10065054 Hypopallaesthesia
10065055 Hypopallesthesia
10065056 Oesophageal thrush
10065057 Haemophilic arthropathy
10065058 Acquired corneal dystrophy
10065059 Application site burn
10065060 Congenital corneal dystrophy
10065061 Stinging skin
10065062 Meibomian gland dysfunction
10065063 Molar pregnancy
10065064 Device lead issue
10065065 Inadequate lead connection
10065066 Device connection issue
10065067 Connector block problem
10065068 Defective screw
10065069 Lead insulation failure
10065070 Lead microdislodgement
10065072 Far-field R-wave sensing
10065073 Loss of capture
10065074 Loss of sensing
10065075 Myopotential interference
10065076 Biopsy gingival
10065077 Uterine fibroid embolisation
10065078 Lasegue's test
10065079 Lasegue's test negative
10065080 Lasegue's test positive
10065081 Straight leg raise test
10065082 Straight leg raise test negative
10065083 Straight leg raise test positive
10065084 Partial traumatic amputation of limb
10065085 Loss of dreaming
10065086 Parasitosis
10065087 Speaking valve insertion
10065088 Eye muscle entrapment
10065089 Collagen implants insertion
10065090 Cataract steroid-induced
10065091 Uterine fibroid embolization
10065092 Therapeutic embolization
10065093 Tendinosis
10065094 Discogram abnormal
10065095 Discogram normal
10065096 Urogram
10065097 Urogram abnormal
10065098 Urogram normal
10065099 Ciliary function test abnormal
10065100 Gastrointestinal endoscopic therapy
10065101 Endoscopic mucosal resection
10065102 Endoscopic submucosal dissection
10065103 Mitochondrial myopathy acquired
10065104 Venoconstriction
10065105 Carotid artery distension test
10065106 Extensive swelling of vaccinated limb
10065107 Coronary artery restenosis prophylaxis
10065108 Coronary stent stenosis
10065109 Reactogenicity event
10065110 Epstein-Barr viraemia
10065111 Epstein-Barr viremia
10065112 EBV viremia
10065113 EBV viraemia
10065114 Post vaccination satellite lesions
10065115 Vaccination site desquamation
10065116 Lymphangitic streak
10065117 Vaccination site induration
10065118 Inflammation of lacrimal passage
10065119 Necrotising herpetic retinopathy
10065120 Oroantral fistula
10065121 Periorbital fat herniation
10065122 Ligament operation
10065123 Epidermal growth factor receptor increased
10065124 Epidermal growth factor receptor decreased
10065125 Globulin abnormal
10065126 Prealbumin abnormal
10065127 Membranous lipodystrophy
10065128 Vocal cord nodule removal
10065129 Interscapulothoracic amputation
10065130 Capillary nail refill test
10065131 Conductive keratoplasty
10065132 Progressive outer retinal necrosis
10065133 Hypoalphalipoproteinaemia
10065134 Biopsy gastrooesophageal junction
10065135 Dilated pore of Winer
10065136 Human papilloma virus exposure
10065137 Sesamoiditis
10065138 Prostatic polypectomy
10065139 Venous access device implantation
10065140 Microdiscectomy
10065141 Vascular diagnostic procedure
10065142 Portacath insertion
10065143 Malignant solid tumour
10065144 Renal scarring
10065145 Necrotizing herpetic retinopathy
10065146 Forequarter amputation
10065147 Malignant solid tumor
10065148 Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome
10065149 Fistulogram
10065150 Associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension
10065151 Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension
10065152 Familial pulmonary arterial hypertension
10065153 Ventilator associated pneumonia
10065154 Therapy cessation
10065155 Treatment withdrawal
10065156 Hypoalphalipoproteinemia
10065157 Biopsy gastroesophageal junction
10065158 Maternal alcohol use
10065159 Polychondritis
10065160 Gum recession
10065161 Polycystic ovarian syndrome
10065162 Streptococcus suis infection
10065163 Clonal evolution
10065164 Inferiority feeling
10065165 Central auditory processing disorder
10065166 Excessive eye blinking
10065167 Articulation problem
10065168 Argumentativeness
10065169 Tonsillar inflammation
10065170 Encephalitis fungal
10065171 Meningoencephalitis helminthic
10065172 Skin infection helminthic
10065173 Viral skin infection
10065174 Fungal labyrinthitis
10065175 Otitis media fungal
10065176 Otitis media bacterial
10065177 Otitis media viral
10065178 Otitis externa viral
10065179 Otitis externa bacterial
10065180 Eye infection helminthic
10065181 Bacterial rhinitis
10065182 Fungal rhinitis
10065183 Epidemic parotitis
10065184 West Nile virus meningoencephalitis
10065185 Encephalitis bacterial
10065186 Upper respiratory tract infection helminthic
10065187 Lower respiratory tract infection fungal
10065188 Lower respiratory tract infection viral
10065189 Pancreatitis helminthic
10065190 Pancreatitis fungal
10065191 Pancreatitis bacterial
10065192 Pancreatitis viral
10065193 Splenic infection helminthic
10065194 Splenic infection fungal
10065195 Splenic infection bacterial
10065196 Splenic infection viral
10065197 Cystitis viral
10065198 Cystitis bacterial
10065199 Cystitis helminthic
10065200 Biliary tract infection helminthic
10065201 Biliary tract infection viral
10065202 Biliary tract infection bacterial
10065203 Biliary tract infection fungal
10065204 Enterocolitis helminthic
10065205 Enterocolitis fungal
10065206 Enterocolitis bacterial
10065207 Gastritis helminthic
10065208 Lymphadenitis fungal
10065209 Lymphadenitis viral
10065210 Lymphadenitis helminthic
10065211 Mastitis fungal
10065212 Mastitis bacterial
10065213 Pyelonephritis viral
10065214 Pyelonephritis fungal
10065215 Hepatic infection bacterial
10065216 Hepatic infection helminthic
10065217 Hepatic infection fungal
10065218 Myocarditis bacterial
10065219 Myocarditis helminthic
10065220 Pericarditis fungal
10065221 Pericarditis helminthic
10065222 Genital infection viral
10065223 Genital infection helminthic
10065224 Lymphadenitis bacterial
10065225 Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting oedema syndrome
10065226 Non-dipping
10065227 Abnormal atrial relaxation
10065228 Cold antibody present
10065229 Obstructive cardiomyopathy
10065230 Preterminal renal insufficiency
10065231 Helicobacter gastroduodenitis
10065232 Absence of nocturnal arterial blood pressure descent
10065233 Oral bacterial infection
10065234 Oral viral infection
10065235 Tonsillitis bacterial
10065236 Tonsillitis fungal
10065237 Osteomyelitis bacterial
10065238 Osteomyelitis viral
10065239 Osteomyelitis fungal
10065240 Wound infection bacterial
10065241 Wound infection viral
10065242 Wound infection fungal
10065243 Wound infection helminthic
10065244 Nail bed infection bacterial
10065245 Nail bed infection viral
10065246 Pneumonia helminthic
10065247 Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica
10065248 Human anti-mouse antibody positive
10065249 Pancoast's syndrome
10065250 Pepsinogen I decreased
10065251 Subglottic obstruction
10065252 Solid tumor
10065253 Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema syndrome
10065254 RS3PE syndrome
10065255 Pseudovasculitis
10065256 Refractory Wegener's granulomatosis
10065257 Omphalectomy
10065258 Tropical eosinophilia
10065259 Dermo-hypodermitis
10065260 Splitting nails
10065261 Antecollis
10065262 Application site allergy
10065263 Deoxypyridinoline urine increased
10065264 Procollagen type I C-terminal propeptide increased
10065265 Biliopancreatic bypass
10065266 Finger arthritis
10065267 Electrodesiccation
10065268 Dental fistula
10065269 Diverticulectomy
10065270 Culdoplasty
10065271 Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy
10065272 Compulsive skin picking
10065273 Prominent epicanthal folds
10065274 Hepatic calcification
10065275 Spinal haemangioma
10065276 Ocular albinism
10065277 Baker's cyst ruptured
10065278 Eccrine spiradenoma
10065279 Nutcracker oesophagus
10065280 Cervicovaginitis
10065281 HIV seroconversion illness
10065282 Magnetic resonance cholangiography
10065283 Inconsolable crying
10065284 Nutcracker esophagus
10065285 Spinal hemangioma
10065286 Hyperchloruria
10065287 Palatal operation
10065288 Increased anteroposterior chest diameter
10065289 Monovision presbyopia corrective procedure
10065290 Stool haemoglobin-haptoglobin complex increased
10065291 Pulmonary hilar enlargement
10065292 Obturator neuropathy
10065293 Thighplasty
10065294 Intervertebral disc annular tear
10065295 Scrotal induration
10065296 Oligoovulation
10065297 Urinary lipids present
10065298 Stool hemoglobin-haptoglobin complex increased
10065299 Oval fat bodies present
10065300 Blepharectomy
10065301 Application site cellulitis
10065302 Malignant neoplasm growth accelerated
10065303 Medial tibial stress syndrome
10065304 Spontaneous haematoma
10065305 Cancer in remission
10065306 Post procedural hypothyroidism
10065307 Breast density increased
10065308 Alcohol craving
10065309 Premenstrual cramps
10065310 Spontaneous hematoma
10065311 Paraneoplastic retinopathy
10065312 Hypoaesthesia facial
10065313 Prostate adenoma removal
10065314 Gallstones removal
10065315 Daltonism
10065316 Oral lesion excision
10065317 Vertebral wedging
10065318 Tracheobronchial dyskinesia
10065319 Macular rupture
10065320 Osteoporomalacia
10065321 Intumescent cataract
10065322 Neurovegetative neurosis
10065323 Digital subtraction angiography abnormal
10065324 Digital subtraction angiography
10065325 Digital subtraction angiography normal
10065326 Peritonitis helminthic
10065327 Endocarditis helminthic
10065328 Vulvovaginitis helminthic
10065329 Oral helminthic infection
10065330 Abscess fungal
10065331 Application site fissure
10065332 Nasal infestation helminthic
10065333 BK virus nephropathy
10065334 Mucosal hyperaemia
10065335 Bilateral leg paresis
10065336 Partial epilepsy
10065337 Focal epilepsy
10065338 Foot agenesis
10065339 Cellulite
10065340 Mucosal hyperemia
10065341 Ventricular tachyarrhythmia
10065342 Supraventricular tachyarrhythmia
10065343 Magnetic therapy
10065344 Contact lens therapy
10065345 IUD not visible
10065346 IUD threads not visible
10065347 Premenstrual pain
10065348 Breast adenocarcinoma metastatic
10065349 Vaginal adenocarcinoma
10065350 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of cervix
10065351 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of cervix stage 0
10065352 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of cervix stage I
10065353 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of cervix stage II
10065354 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of cervix stage III
10065355 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of cervix stage IV
10065356 Complication of drug device insertion
10065357 Procoagulant therapy
10065358 Thyroid therapy
10065359 Thyreostatic therapy
10065360 Anal prolapse
10065361 Aconuresis
10065362 Handicap
10065363 Medical device replacement
10065364 Papanicolaou smear abnormal
10065365 Free fatty acids decreased
10065366 Sugar craving
10065367 Blood 1,5-anhydroglucitol decreased
10065368 Urinary fistula
10065369 Burnout syndrome
10065370 Fascial hernia
10065371 Hyperthecosis
10065372 Orbitotomy
10065373 Papillophlebitis
10065374 Von Willebrand's factor antigen increased
10065375 Urachal cyst
10065376 Pericarditis sicca
10065377 Febricula
10065378 Pulmonary hyperinsufflation
10065379 Parapyelitic cyst
10065380 Crossectomy
10065381 Polyomavirus-associated nephropathy
10065382 Diabetic triopathy
10065383 Pulmonary venous congestion
10065384 Cerebral hypoperfusion
10065385 Visceral pain
10065386 Ex-tobacco user
10065387 Ocular deposits removal
10065388 Pelvic fluid collection
10065389 Capsulorrhaphy
10065390 Inflammatory pain
10065391 Cystorectocele
10065392 Bladder laceration
10065393 Absolute neutrophil count increased
10065394 Absolute lymphocyte count increased
10065395 Absolute lymphocyte count decreased
10065396 Absolute monocyte count increased
10065397 Absolute monocyte count decreased
10065398 Absolute CD4 lymphocytes increased
10065399 Absolute CD4 lymphocytes decreased
10065400 Absolute CD8 lymphocytes increased
10065401 Absolute CD8 lymphocytes decreased
10065402 Aspiration site pain
10065403 Bone marrow aspiration site pain
10065404 Combined positron emission tomogram and computerised tomogram
10065405 Nasal sinus curettage
10065406 Oesophageal scarring
10065407 Tarsal coalition
10065408 Pleural scarring
10065409 Transient systolic hypotension
10065410 Combined positron emission tomogram and computerized tomogram
10065411 PET/CT scan
10065412 Esophageal scarring
10065413 PaO2/FiO2 ratio decreased
10065414 PF ratio decreased
10065415 Leser-Trelat sign
10065416 Putrid bronchitis
10065417 Brachial plexopathy
10065418 Arteriosclerosis obliterans
10065419 Craniotabes
10065420 Coronary artery dilatation
10065421 Congenital cranial osteoporosis
10065422 Infantile apnoeic attack
10065423 Mini mental status examination
10065424 Mini mental status examination abnormal
10065425 Mini mental status examination normal
10065426 Neuropsychological test abnormal
10065427 Reflux nephropathy
10065428 Acrotrophodynia
10065429 Poor oral hygiene
10065430 HER2 positive breast cancer
10065431 High frequency hyperthermia
10065432 Neuropsychological test
10065433 Ligament rupture
10065434 MMSE
10065435 Desmorrhexis
10065436 Alcoholisation procedure
10065437 Nephrological examination
10065438 Radiotherapy to kidney
10065439 Hydrogen breath test
10065440 Flow cytometry
10065441 Venous haemorrhage
10065442 Coagulation factor mutation
10065443 Malignant glioma
10065444 Radiosensitisation therapy
10065445 Arteriovenous fistula ligation
10065446 Hartmann's pouch procedure
10065447 Viral thyroiditis
10065448 Colonic irrigation
10065449 Alcoholization procedure
10065450 Venous hemorrhage
10065451 May-Hegglin anomaly
10065452 Angiodermatitis
10065453 Ectopic ossification
10065454 Infusion site atrophy
10065455 Infusion site cellulitis
10065456 Infusion site coldness
10065457 Infusion site cyst
10065458 Infusion site dermatitis
10065459 Infusion site desquamation
10065460 Infusion site discolouration
10065461 Infusion site erosion
10065462 Infusion site fibrosis
10065463 Infusion site haematoma
10065464 Infusion site haemorrhage
10065465 Infusion site blisters
10065466 Infusion site discoloration
10065467 Infusion site ecchymosis
10065468 Infusion site eruption
10065469 Infusion site hematoma
10065470 Infusion site hemorrhage
10065471 Infusion site hypersensitivity
10065472 Infusion site hypertrophy
10065473 Infusion site irritation
10065474 Infusion site ischaemia
10065475 Infusion site lymphadenopathy
10065476 Infusion site mass
10065477 Infusion site mobility decreased
10065478 Infusion site necrosis
10065479 Infusion site nerve damage
10065480 Infusion site hyperpigmentation
10065481 Infusion site hypopigmentation
10065482 Infusion site maceration
10065483 Infusion site muscle reaction
10065484 Infusion site nodule
10065485 Infusion site paraesthesia
10065486 Infusion site photosensitivity reaction
10065487 Infusion site pustule
10065488 Infusion site scar
10065489 Infusion site thrombosis
10065490 Infusion site urticaria
10065491 Infusion site vesicles
10065492 Infusion site pigmentation change
10065493 Infusion site pressure sensation
10065494 Infusion site sclerosis
10065495 Infusion site stinging
10065496 Infusion site thrombophlebitis
10065497 Infusion site anaesthesia
10065498 Infusion site anesthesia
10065499 Infusion site hypoesthesia
10065500 Infusion site hives
10065501 Infusion site hypalgesia
10065502 Infusion site hypesthesia
10065503 Infusion site numbness
10065504 Infusion site paresthesia
10065505 Infusion site granuloma
10065506 Infusion site bleeding
10065507 Infusion site ischemia
10065508 Orthostatic hypertension
10065509 Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor decreased
10065510 Aortic elongation
10065511 Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase activity increased
10065512 Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase activity decreased
10065513 Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody positive
10065514 Antiendomysial antibody positive
10065515 Antimyocardial antibody positive
10065516 Apolipoprotein B/Apolipoprotein A-1 ratio increased
10065517 Photopheresis
10065518 Intensity modulated radiation therapy
10065519 Intraoperative radiation therapy
10065520 Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 increased
10065521 Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 decreased
10065522 Ultrasound vaginal cervicometry
10065523 Alloplastic bone graft
10065524 Allogeneic bone graft
10065525 Autologous bone graft
10065526 Hypotestosteronism
10065527 NIH stroke scale
10065528 NIH stroke scale score increased
10065529 NIH stroke scale score decreased
10065530 Atheromatosis
10065531 NIH stroke scale abnormal
10065532 Cerebrospinal fluid retention
10065533 Thalamic pain
10065534 Macular ischaemia
10065535 Blood product transfusion dependent
10065536 Anterior interosseous syndrome
10065537 Posterior interosseous syndrome
10065538 Platelet transfusion dependent
10065539 Blood transfusion dependent
10065540 Menstrual migraine
10065541 Haglund deformity
10065542 Prediabetes
10065543 Nasal mucosal inflammation
10065544 Nasal mucosal erythema
10065545 Nasal mucosal hyperaemia
10065546 Nasal mucosal ulcer
10065547 Nasal septal erythema
10065548 Nasal mucosal pallor
10065549 Macular ischemia
10065550 Radiosensitization therapy
10065551 Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
10065552 Lemierre syndrome
10065553 Bone marrow failure
10065554 Myocardial infarction prophylaxis
10065555 CADASIL
10065556 Partial visual loss
10065557 Transient partial visual loss
10065558 Aortic arteriosclerosis
10065559 Cerebral arteriosclerosis
10065560 Mesenteric arteriosclerosis
10065561 Renal artery arteriosclerosis
10065562 Crocodile tears syndrome
10065563 Eosinophilic bronchitis
10065564 Floating patella
10065565 Venous bruit
10065566 Microvascular angina
10065567 Oesophageal food impaction
10065568 Lateral patellar compression syndrome
10065569 Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
10065570 Tenolysis
10065571 Oculodynia
10065572 Fetal lobulation of kidney
10065573 Pes supinatus
10065574 Foetal lobulation of kidney
10065575 Esophageal food impaction
10065576 Ophthalmalgia
10065577 Application site erosion
10065578 Application site peeling
10065579 Multifocal motor neuropathy
10065580 Lewis-Sumner syndrome
10065581 Focal glomerulosclerosis
10065582 Urogenital infection fungal
10065583 Urogenital infection bacterial
10065584 Urethral stenosis
10065585 Nodal bradycardia
10065586 Skin disinfection
10065587 Tympanic membrane infection
10065588 Thymus enlargement
10065589 Male contraception
10065590 Vasoligation
10065591 Male sterilisation
10065592 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of cervix recurrent
10065593 Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of cervix metastatic
10065594 Ultrasonography
10065595 Male sterilization
10065596 Female sex hormone level abnormal
10065597 Hyperandrogenism
10065598 Purpura cerebri
10065599 Puncture site pain
10065600 Injection site discharge
10065601 Involuntary bowel movement
10065602 Fluctuating fever
10065604 Suicidal behaviour
10065605 Human anti-mouse antibody increased
10065606 Postprandial pain
10065607 Suicidal behavior
10065608 Percutaneous coronary intervention
10065609 Mycobacterial prophylaxis
10065610 Abdominal aortic stenosis
10065611 Intestinal congestion
10065612 Loose tooth
10065613 Oral torus
10065614 Incision site oedema
10065615 Incision site erythema
10065616 Incision site infection
10065617 Psychosis postoperative
10065618 Mandibular torus
10065619 Incision site discomfort
10065620 Incision site edema
10065621 Cytomegalovirus myelomeningoradiculitis
10065622 Venous stasis retinopathy
10065623 Hypnagogic myoclonus
10065624 Graves-Basedow disease
10065625 Iris synechiae
10065626 LASIK eye surgery
10065627 Iris neovascularization
10065628 Poliosis
10065629 Decreased exercise endurance
10065630 Iris neovascularisation
10065631 Wrong drug dispensed
10065632 Wrong dosage form dispensed
10065633 Wrong directions typed on label
10065634 Drug dispensed to wrong patient
10065635 Deteriorated drug dispensed
10065636 Wrong route of administration dispensed
10065637 Wrong drug strength dispensed
10065638 Intercepted drug dispensing error
10065639 Intercepted drug administration error
10065640 Intercepted wrong drug selected
10065641 Intercepted wrong drug product selected
10065642 Intercepted wrong drug strength selected
10065643 Intercepted wrong dosage form selected
10065644 Intercepted wrong route of administration selected
10065645 Intercepted wrong patient selected
10065646 Hormone therapy
10065647 Systemic leakage
10065648 Virologic failure
10065649 PPD skin test positive
10065650 Therapeutic product contamination
10065651 Pharmaceutical product contamination
10065652 Instillation site discomfort
10065653 Instillation site lacrimation
10065654 Instillation site sandy feeling
10065655 Breast neoplasm benign male
10065656 Bullous lung disease
10065657 Paroxysmal choreoathetosis
10065658 Mount-Reback syndrome
10065659 Atrioventricular block third degree
10065660 Urine cotinine test
10065661 Urine cotinine test positive
10065662 Urine cotinine test negative
10065663 Post procedural headache
10065664 Intestinal stent insertion
10065665 ACTH stimulation test
10065666 Volvulus of small bowel
10065667 Haemorrhage prophylaxis
10065668 Liepmann's phenomenon
10065669 Stoma site inflammation
10065670 Scrotal cyst
10065671 Cranial nerve sensory neuropathy
10065672 Infusion related pain
10065673 Nephritic syndrome
10065674 ACTH stimulation test normal
10065675 ACTH stimulation test abnormal
10065676 Contraceptive device complication
10065677 Volvulus of large bowel
10065678 Urinary 6 beta hydroxycortisol/cortisol ratio
10065679 Intentional drug misuse
10065680 Embolic pneumonia
10065681 HIV peripheral neuropathy
10065682 Obstructive bronchitis
10065683 AIDS neuropathy
10065684 Atrophy of globe
10065685 Intraocular lens luxation
10065686 Intraocular lens subluxation
10065687 Bone loss
10065688 Therapeutic skin care topical
10065689 C1 esterase deficiency acquired
10065690 Hair dye user
10065691 Papanicolaou smear normal, class I
10065692 Papanicolaou smear normal, class II
10065693 Papanicolaou smear unspecifiable, class II W
10065694 Papanicolaou smear abnormal, class III
10065695 Papanicolaou smear abnormal, class III D
10065696 Papanicolaou smear abnormal, class IV a
10065697 Papanicolaou smear abnormal, class IV b
10065698 Papanicolaou smear abnormal, class V
10065699 Dysponesis
10065700 Ocular sarcoidosis
10065701 Dermatillomania
10065702 Weakness in extremity
10065703 Pancreatic duct stenosis
10065704 Peritoneal necrosis
10065705 Pharyngeal anastomotic leak
10065706 Pharyngeal necrosis
10065707 Rectal obstruction
10065708 Tracheoscopy abnormal
10065709 Rectal necrosis
10065710 Small intestinal mucositis
10065711 Small intestinal necrosis
10065712 Gastrointestinal stoma necrosis
10065713 Gastric fistula
10065714 Gastroscopy abnormal
10065715 Gastric mucositis
10065716 Pharyngeal inflammation
10065717 Pharyngeal examination abnormal
10065718 Gastrointestinal stoma complication
10065719 Jejunal fistula
10065720 Oral cavity fistula
10065721 Anal mucositis
10065722 Anal necrosis
10065723 Cecal obstruction
10065724 Cecal ulcer
10065725 Duodenal necrosis
10065726 Esophageal mucositis
10065727 Esophageal necrosis
10065728 Ileal fistula
10065729 Ileal necrosis
10065730 Ileal obstruction
10065731 Jejunal necrosis
10065732 Jejunal obstruction
10065733 Large intestinal mucositis
10065734 Anal exam abnormal
10065735 Laryngeal inflammation
10065736 Caecal obstruction
10065737 Oesophageal necrosis
10065738 Unequal limb length
10065739 Bronchial haemorrhage
10065740 Laryngeal haemorrhage
10065741 Ovarian haemorrhage
10065742 Spermatic cord haemorrhage
10065743 Ureteric haemorrhage
10065744 Arteritis infective
10065745 Prolapse of intestinal stoma
10065746 Bronchopulmonary hemorrhage
10065747 Cecal hemorrhage
10065748 Urostomy site bleeding
10065749 Tracheostomy site bleeding
10065750 Vas deferens haemorrhage
10065751 Caecal infection
10065752 Duodenal infection
10065753 Ileal infection
10065754 Jejunal infection
10065755 Lip infection
10065756 Bronchopulmonary haemorrhage
10065757 Bronchial hemorrhage
10065758 Caecal haemorrhage
10065759 Laryngeal hemorrhage
10065760 Ureteric hemorrhage
10065761 Cecal infection
10065762 Spermatic cord hemorrhage
10065763 Ovarian hemorrhage
10065764 Mucosal infection
10065765 Cranial nerve infection
10065766 Peripheral nerve infection
10065767 Upper aerodigestive tract infection
10065768 Visceral oedema
10065769 Soft tissue necrosis
10065770 Paranasal sinus infection
10065771 Small intestine infection
10065772 Vulval infection
10065773 Lymph leakage
10065774 Lymphedema related fibrosis
10065775 Abdominal soft tissue necrosis
10065776 Muscle weakness lower limb
10065777 Soft tissue necrosis lower limb
10065778 Soft tissue necrosis upper limb
10065779 Head soft tissue necrosis
10065780 Muscle weakness left-sided
10065781 Neck soft tissue necrosis
10065782 Lymphoedema related fibrosis
10065783 Musculoskeletal deformity
10065784 Central nervous system necrosis
10065785 External ear pain
10065786 Laryngeal fistula
10065787 Tracheal fistula
10065788 Fallopian tube anastomotic leak
10065789 Fallopian tube obstruction
10065790 Fallopian tube perforation
10065791 Fallopian tube stenosis
10065792 Kidney perforation
10065793 Pelvic soft tissue necrosis
10065794 Muscle weakness right-sided
10065795 Muscle weakness trunk
10065796 Joint range of motion decreased cervical spine
10065797 Upper extremity dysfunction
10065798 Superficial soft tissue fibrosis
10065799 Fibrosis deep connective tissue
10065800 Joint range of motion decreased lumbar spine
10065801 Peritoneal pain
10065802 Bladder anastomotic leak
10065803 Kidney anastomotic leak
10065804 Prostatic perforation
10065805 Spermatic cord obstruction
10065806 Spermatic cord perforation
10065807 Spermatic cord stenosis
10065808 Testicular perforation
10065809 Ureteric perforation
10065810 Urethral perforation
10065811 Uterine fistula
10065812 Uterine stenosis
10065813 Vaginal fistula
10065814 Ureteric anastomotic leak
10065815 Urethral anastomotic leak
10065816 Urostomy complication
10065817 Vaginal obstruction
10065818 Vaginal perforation
10065819 Vas deferens obstruction
10065820 Vas deferens perforation
10065821 Vas deferens stenosis
10065822 Prolapse of urostomy
10065823 Nipple deformity
10065824 Intraoperative injury
10065825 Intraoperative gastrointestinal injury
10065826 Intraoperative arterial injury
10065827 Intraoperative hepatobiliary injury
10065828 Intraoperative urinary injury
10065829 Intraoperative musculoskeletal injury
10065830 Intraoperative neurological injury
10065831 Intraoperative breast injury
10065832 Intraoperative respiratory injury
10065833 Reproductive tract anastomotic leak
10065834 Intraoperative endocrine injury
10065835 Oesophageal fistula
10065836 IVth nerve disorder
10065837 External ear inflammation
10065838 Middle ear inflammation
10065839 Pleural fistula
10065840 Intraoperative reproductive tract injury
10065841 Intraoperative ocular injury
10065842 Intraoperative head and neck injury
10065843 Intraoperative cardiac injury
10065844 Intraoperative ear injury
10065845 Intraoperative renal injury
10065846 Intraoperative skin injury
10065847 Intraoperative splenic injury
10065848 Intraoperative venous injury
10065849 Injury to jugular vein
10065850 Fistula of small intestine
10065851 Esophageal fistula
10065852 CNS germinoma
10065853 Nongerminomatous germ cell tumor of the CNS
10065854 Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia
10065855 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type
10065856 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma unspecified histology indolent
10065857 Primary effusion lymphoma
10065858 Ovarian stromal cancer
10065859 Congenital fibrosarcoma
10065860 AIDS-related anal cancer stage unspecified
10065861 Hurthle cell neoplasm of the thyroid
10065862 T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia
10065863 Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, primary cutaneous type
10065864 Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, primary systemic type
10065865 Clear cell sarcoma
10065866 Plexiform neurofibroma
10065867 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
10065868 Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
10065869 Astrocytoma, low grade
10065870 Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor of CNS
10065871 Nongerminomatous germ cell tumour of the CNS
10065872 Chronic eosinophilic leukemia
10065873 Pulmonary fistula
10065879 Gastrointestinal anastomotic leak
10065880 Laryngeal mucositis
10065881 Pharyngeal mucositis
10065882 Urostomy leak
10065883 Urostomy obstruction
10065884 Urostomy perforation
10065885 Urostomy stenosis
10065886 Uterine anastomotic leak
10065887 Vaginal anastomotic leak
10065888 Vas deferens anastomotic leak
10065889 Fibrillary astrocytoma
10065890 Oesophageal anastomotic leak
10065891 Large intestinal anastomotic leak
10065892 Small intestinal anastomotic leak
10065893 Gastric anastomotic leak
10065894 Rectal anastomotic leak
10065895 Muscle weakness upper limb
10065896 Vas deferens hemorrhage
10065897 Spermatic cord anastomotic leak
10065898 Stenosis of gastrointestinal stoma
10065899 Tracheal inflammation
10065900 Tracheal mucositis
10065901 Neonatal apneic attack
10065902 Vessel puncture site haematoma
10065903 Apneic attack
10065904 Infantile apneic attack
10065905 Vessel puncture site hematoma
10065906 Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity decreased
10065907 Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumour of CNS
10065908 Cystadenocarcinoma pancreas
10065909 Bladder ablation
10065910 Arginase increased
10065911 Arginase decreased
10065912 Argininosuccinate lyase increased
10065913 Argininosuccinate lyase decreased
10065914 Ureteral cyst
10065915 Cox-Maze procedure
10065916 Biopsy placenta
10065917 Caplan's syndrome
10065918 Prehypertension
10065919 Tongue amyloidosis
10065920 Smear vaginal clue cells present
10065921 Intervertebral disc vacuum phenomenon
10065922 Vaginal fissure
10065923 Lymphoblastic lymphoma
10065924 Rheumatoid pneumoconiosis
10065925 Varicocele embolisation
10065926 Varicocele embolization
10065927 Acute promyelocytic leukaemia differentiation syndrome
10065928 Uterine obstruction
10065929 Cardiovascular insufficiency
10065930 Left ventricle outflow tract obstruction
10065931 Neurosensory hearing reduced
10065932 Maxillotomy
10065933 Sternal depression
10065934 Amputation of uterus
10065935 Acute polysinusitis
10065936 Red-green colour blindness
10065937 Congenital small kidney
10065938 Thyroid hypoplasia
10065939 Visceral edema
10065940 Truncal obesity
10065941 Central obesity
10065942 Molar abortion
10065943 Corneal guttata
10065944 Photodamaged skin
10065945 Male sterility
10065946 Light sensitivity to eye
10065947 Costoclavicular syndrome
10065948 Patellar dysplasia
10065949 HCV coinfection
10065950 Cavopulmonary anastomosis
10065951 Retrograde menstruation
10065952 Hyperpathia
10065953 Tooth avulsion
10065954 Stubbornness
10065955 Hip arthrosis
10065956 End stage cancer
10065957 Virosis
10065958 Pap smear abnormal
10065959 Pocket formation of decubitus
10065960 Oesophageal mucositis
10065961 Esophageal anastomotic leak
10065963 Device electrical finding
10065964 Caecal ulcer
10065965 APL differentiation syndrome
10065966 Acute promyelocytic leukemia differentiation syndrome
10065967 Cox's maze procedure
10065968 Pharyngolaryngeal discomfort
10065969 Intentional misuse by dose change
10065970 Intentional dose decrease
10065971 Intentional dose increase
10065972 Intentional misuse in dosing frequency
10065973 Iron overload
10065974 Chronic iron overload
10065975 Hypoaesthesia of genital male
10065976 Hypoesthesia of genital male
10065977 Hypoesthesia of penis
10065978 Hypoaesthesia of penis
10065979 Lens luxation
10065980 Rash psoriasiform
10065981 Hypoglycaemic unconsciousness
10065982 Hypoglycemic unconsciousness
10065983 Pemphigus herpetiformis
10065984 Infusion site hypoaesthesia
10065985 Infusion site hypaesthesia
10065986 Injection site hypaesthesia
10065987 Hypaesthesia
10065988 Nodular fasciitis
10065989 Retroviral rebound syndrome
10065990 Post nucleotomy syndrome
10065991 Infected rash
10065992 SLE flare
10065993 Drug-drug pharmacodynamic interaction
10065994 Drug-drug pharmacokinetic interaction
10065995 Vision correction operation
10065996 Autoimmune inner ear disease
10065997 Trigger point pain
10065998 Pseudospondylolisthesis
10065999 Intraoperative floppy iris syndrome
10066000 Urethral bulking agent injection
10066001 Cardiac autonomic neuropathy
10066002 Varicose veins vaginal
10066003 Urinary control neurostimulator implantation
10066004 Pneumobilia
10066005 Vascular brachytherapy
10066006 Blepharopachynsis
10066007 Tendon graft
10066008 Urinary calculus removal
10066009 Vascular puncture site sealing
10066010 Injectable urethral collagen implant
10066011 Absolute reticulocyte count increased
10066012 Absolute reticulocyte count decreased
10066013 Spinal hemilaminectomy
10066014 Shin splints
10066015 Multifocal ventricular extrasystoles
10066016 Atypical mycobacteriosis
10066017 Angel-shaped phalango-epiphyseal dysplasia
10066018 ASPED
10066019 Nitritoid reaction
10066020 Tracheoesophageal puncture
10066021 Acquired colon polyposis
10066022 VACTERL syndrome
10066023 Necrotising appendicitis
10066024 EEG provocation test positive
10066025 Urine beta human chorionic gonadotropin
10066026 Urine beta human chorionic gonadotropin increased
10066027 Urine beta human chorionic gonadotropin normal
10066028 Urine beta human chorionic gonadotropin abnormal
10066029 Urine beta human chorionic gonadotropin decreased
10066030 Urine beta human chorionic gonadotropin negative
10066031 Urine beta human chorionic gonadotropin positive
10066032 Blood beta human chorionic gonadotropin
10066033 Blood beta human chorionic gonadotropin increased
10066034 Blood beta human chorionic gonadotropin decreased
10066035 Blood beta human chorionic gonadotropin normal
10066036 Blood beta human chorionic gonadotropin abnormal
10066037 Blood beta human chorionic gonadotropin negative
10066038 Necrotizing appendicitis
10066039 Phalen's test positive
10066040 Idiopathic plasmacytic lymphadenopathy
10066041 Injection site pallor
10066042 Eczema vaccinatum
10066043 Post vaccination autoinoculation
10066044 Injection site papule
10066045 Vaccination site pallor
10066046 Vaccination site papule
10066047 Vaccination site pustule
10066048 Vaccinia
10066049 Scalp laceration
10066050 Aneurysm repair
10066051 18q syndrome
10066052 In-stent arterial restenosis
10066053 Drug diversion
10066054 Dysmorphism
10066055 Upper limb paresis
10066056 Opioid naive
10066057 Mueller's mixed tumour
10066058 Perineal cyst
10066059 Paradoxical embolism
10066060 Leaking patch
10066061 Lymphomatous meningitis
10066062 Neoplastic meningitis
10066063 Muller's mixed tumor
10066064 Elevated pacing threshold
10066065 Device lead damage
10066066 Atrial lead implantation
10066067 Lead conductor fracture
10066068 Inappropriate phrenic nerve stimulation
10066069 Inappropriate stimulation of diaphragm
10066070 Inappropriate pectoral muscle stimulation
10066071 Pacemaker mediated tachycardia
10066072 Acral overgrowth
10066073 Tuberculosis serology test positive
10066074 Tuberculosis test positive
10066075 Sialometaplasia
10066076 Foster care
10066077 Diastolic hypotension
10066078 Tuberculosis skin test positive
10066079 Asymmetric thyroid
10066080 Bowel spasm
10066081 Enlarged tonsils
10066082 Cryosurgery
10066083 Injection site injury
10066084 Congenital aqueductal stenosis
10066085 Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
10066086 MRCP
10066087 Intracardiac mass
10066088 Fine motor delay
10066089 Nail biting
10066090 Bilateral alveolar infiltration
10066091 Bronchial hyperreactivity
10066092 Acaridae allergy
10066093 Birch pollen allergy
10066094 Torus fracture
10066095 Buckle fracture
10066096 Bloody semen
10066097 Intractable hiccups
10066098 Sexually active
10066099 Early sexual debut
10066100 Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy
10066101 Testicular hypertrophy
10066102 Carotid artery stent insertion
10066103 Lochial infection
10066104 Precursor B-lymphoblastic leukaemia acute
10066105 T-cell lymphoblastic leukaemia acute
10066106 Vesicular breathing abnormal
10066107 Nasal strip therapy
10066108 Transurethral ultrasound scan
10066109 Precursor B-lymphoblastic leukemia acute
10066110 T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia acute
10066111 Shunt blood flow excessive
10066112 Immobilisation prolonged
10066113 Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy
10066114 Nonarteritic ischemic optic neuropathy
10066115 Arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy
10066116 Central post stroke pain
10066117 Radiofrequency denervation
10066118 Driver in motor vehicle accident
10066119 Passenger in motor vehicle accident
10066120 Nonarteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy
10066121 Arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy
10066122 Achondrogenesis
10066123 Cardiopulmonary bypass
10066124 Extracorporeal circulation
10066125 Urachal abnormality
10066126 Urachal remnant
10066127 Ischaemic pancreatitis
10066128 Distichiasis
10066129 Arterial switch operation
10066130 Hyper IgM syndrome
10066131 Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome
10066132 Brush burn
10066133 Friction burn
10066134 Bimalleolar fracture
10066135 Contraction alkalosis
10066136 Huerthle cell carcinoma
10066137 Anti-MAG neuropathy
10066138 Bladder sling procedure
10066139 Mammary ductal intraepithelial neoplasia
10066140 Plateau iris syndrome
10066141 Oesophageal mucosal hyperplasia
10066142 Sandifer's syndrome
10066143 Stereotactic surgery
10066144 Stereotactic radiosurgery
10066145 Esophageal mucosal hyperplasia
10066146 Fasciitis plantar
10066147 Metaphyseal dysplasia
10066148 Pyle's disease
10066149 Application site odour
10066150 Evidence based treatment
10066151 Hyponatraemic encephalopathy
10066152 Transfusion
10066153 Acute diffuse infiltrative lung disease
10066154 Eye accommodation exam
10066155 Application site odor
10066156 Empiric treatment
10066157 Hyponatremic encephalopathy
10066158 Inappropriate device therapy
10066159 Decompensated heart failure
10066160 Inappropriate device detection of atrial arrhythmia
10066161 Inappropriate device detection of ventricular fibrillation
10066162 Inappropriate device detection of ventricular tachycardia
10066163 Inappropriate device therapy for atrial arrhythmia
10066164 Inappropriate device therapy for ventricular fibrillation
10066165 Inappropriate device therapy for ventricular tachycardia
10066166 Transient AV block complete
10066167 Ventricular pacing on T-wave
10066168 Ischemic pancreatitis
10066169 Substance abuse
10066170 Plasma cell mastitis
10066171 Lymphocytoma cutis
10066172 Burn-out syndrome
10066173 Allergic transfusion reaction
10066174 Transfusion-related circulatory overload
10066175 Transfusion-related immunomodulation reaction
10066176 Transfusion microchimerism
10066177 Transfusion-transmitted infectious disease
10066178 Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction
10066179 Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction
10066180 Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction
10066181 Acute haemolytic transfusion reaction
10066182 Delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction
10066183 Febrile nonhaemolytic transfusion reaction
10066184 Avulsion fracture
10066185 Extracorporeal shock wave therapy
10066186 Nail bed injury
10066187 Small bowel series
10066188 Foetor ex ore
10066189 Intervertebral foraminal encroachment
10066190 Dental prosthesis breakage
10066191 Angioid streaks
10066192 Enlarged uvula
10066193 Cryoretinopexy
10066194 Orthosis user
10066195 Hepatobiliary scan abnormal
10066196 Sensory ganglionitis
10066197 Anorexia post chemotherapy
10066198 Anal irritation
10066199 Gallbladder ejection fraction decreased
10066200 Thin glomerular basement membrane disease
10066201 Coronary calcium scan
10066202 Near fainting
10066203 Near syncope
10066204 Chronic lung disease of prematurity
10066205 Adenoid cystic breast carcinoma
10066206 Apocrine breast carcinoma
10066207 Papillary breast carcinoma
10066208 Venous oedema
10066209 Application site scab
10066210 Injection site scab
10066211 Infusion site scab
10066212 Infusion site scabbing
10066213 Diffuse axonal injury
10066214 Administration site infection
10066215 Supplementation therapy
10066216 Meteoropathy
10066217 Laryngeal granuloma
10066218 Stress urinary incontinence
10066219 Venous edema
10066220 Post-tussive vomiting
10066221 Injection site eczema
10066222 Paroxysmal cough
10066223 Bland-White-Garland syndrome
10066224 Acute post asthmatic amyotrophy
10066225 Post procedural haematuria
10066226 Metapneumovirus infection
10066227 Esophagectasia
10066228 Anal high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
10066229 Anal low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
10066230 Coitus interruptus
10066231 Central nervous system leukaemia
10066232 Artificial tear duct insertion
10066233 Hopkins syndrome
10066234 Oesophagectasia
10066235 Post procedural hematuria
10066236 Oropharyngeal gonococcal infection
10066237 Cervical high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
10066238 Cervical low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
10066239 Mediastinal shift
10066240 Encephalolith
10066241 Compulsive lip biting
10066242 Vertical talus
10066243 Aortic wall hypertrophy
10066244 Hepatic sequestration
10066245 Waddling gait
10066246 Breast fibroadenolipoma
10066247 Oral mucosal discoloration
10066248 Nephronophthisis
10066249 Hypertrophic facet joint disease
10066250 Cystorectocele repair
10066251 Bone contusion
10066252 Total vaginal hysterectomy
10066253 Cerebral calculus
10066254 Gliomatosis cerebri
10066255 Vincent's symptom
10066256 Lumbar disc herniation
10066257 Cervical disc herniation
10066258 Thoracic disc herniation
10066259 Inguinal lymphadenitis
10066260 Acute graft versus host disease
10066261 Chronic graft versus host disease
10066262 Acute graft versus host disease in skin
10066263 Acute graft versus host disease in liver
10066264 Acute graft versus host disease in intestine
10066265 Hysterometry
10066266 Abortion of ectopic pregnancy
10066267 Paraneoplastic dermatomyositis
10066268 Partial androgen deficiency of aging male
10066269 Leydig cell insufficiency
10066270 Metritis
10066271 Climacterium praecox
10066272 Sactosalpinx
10066273 Vulval eczema
10066274 Cytopenia
10066275 Comedocarcinoma of breast
10066276 Bladder leiomyoma
10066277 Unintentional use beyond labeled duration
10066278 Colour doppler scan normal
10066279 Unintentional use beyond labelled duration
10066280 Papillary transitional cell carcinoma of bladder
10066281 Life weariness
10066282 Death wishes
10066283 Suicidal plans
10066284 Diabetes prophylaxis
10066285 Polyarthritis rheumatica acuta
10066286 Stress cardiomyopathy
10066287 Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy
10066288 Uterine hyperstimulation
10066289 Mycobacterium ulcerans infection
10066290 Buruli ulcer
10066291 Uncontrolled haemorrhage
10066292 Uncontrolled hemorrhage
10066293 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging breast abnormal
10066294 Platelet anisocytosis
10066295 Keratosis pilaris
10066296 Cerebral calcification
10066297 Pseudohallucination
10066298 Temporospatial disorientation
10066299 Oil cyst
10066300 Koilocytotic atypia
10066301 Occipital calcification
10066302 Palatectomy
10066303 Bone marrow donation
10066304 Lip haematoma
10066305 Increased stool volume
10066306 Acoustic reflex threshold elevated
10066307 Cerebral revascularisation synangiosis
10066308 Cerebral revascularization synangiosis
10066309 Lip hematoma
10066310 Encephalo-myo-synangiosis
10066311 Omental transposition
10066312 Pial synangiosis
10066313 Pigeon toe
10066314 Intraocular lens opacity
10066315 Interleukin-2 receptor increased
10066316 Mixed venous blood saturation
10066317 Mixed venous blood saturation increased
10066318 Mixed venous blood saturation decreased
10066319 Mixed venous blood saturation abnormal
10066320 Mixed venous blood saturation normal
10066321 Bronchial anastomosis
10066322 Pleural decortication
10066323 Rectal tube insertion
10066324 Composite valve graft
10066325 ATRA syndrome
10066326 SvO2
10066327 SvO2 increased
10066328 SvO2 decreased
10066329 SvO2 normal
10066330 SvO2 abnormal
10066331 Arterial hypotension
10066332 Acute cardiac insufficiency
10066333 Idiopathic short stature
10066334 Tethered cord syndrome
10066335 Tracheostomy infection
10066336 Critical illness polyneuropathy
10066337 Abdominal wound dehiscence
10066338 Continuous haemodiafiltration
10066339 Intensive care neuropathy
10066340 Pericarditis epistenocardiaca
10066341 Multiple vessel bypass
10066342 Circulatory insufficiency
10066343 Partial duodenectomy
10066344 Perforation of prepyloric ulcer
10066345 Cold induced asthma
10066346 Portio polyp
10066347 Continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration
10066348 Continuous hemodiafiltration
10066349 Continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration
10066350 Adenocarcinoma of the gastrooesophageal junction
10066351 Collecting duct renal cancer
10066352 Renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features
10066353 Treatment related acute myeloid leukemia
10066354 Adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction
10066355 Treatment related acute myeloid leukaemia
10066356 Congenital hypofibrinogenaemia
10066357 Congenital hypofibrinogenemia
10066358 Von Willebrand's factor antibody positive
10066359 Prophylaxis against Rh isoimmunisation
10066360 Rhesus prophylaxis
10066361 Prophylaxis against Rh isoimmunization
10066362 Premature battery depletion
10066363 Haemodynamic rebound
10066364 Hypersexuality
10066365 Hemodynamic rebound
10066366 Toxic anterior segment syndrome
10066367 Adenosine deaminase deficiency
10066368 Genotype drug resistance test positive
10066369 Genotype drug resistance test negative
10066370 Genotype drug resistance test abnormal
10066371 Tendon pain
10066372 ADA deficiency
10066373 Floppy iris syndrome
10066374 Failure of child resistant mechanism for pharmaceutical product
10066375 Amniotic fluid leakage
10066376 Maternal death during childbirth
10066377 Therapy interrupted
10066378 Overmedication
10066379 Rhombencephalitis
10066380 Horripilation
10066381 Cutis anserina
10066382 Intestinal bacteria flora disturbance
10066383 Orbital apex syndrome
10066384 Conjunctival melanoma
10066385 Infrared therapy
10066386 Impacted fracture
10066387 Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
10066388 Glucose-galactose malabsorption
10066389 Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults
10066390 Hypoparathyroidism secondary
10066391 Lupus myocarditis
10066392 Fear of death
10066393 Respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease
10066394 RB-ILD
10066395 Slowly progressive insulin dependent diabetes
10066396 Cryptogenic organising pneumonia
10066397 Visceral congestion
10066398 Naturopathy
10066399 Naprapathy
10066400 Emergency care
10066401 Occupational therapy
10066402 Gastroduodenectomy
10066403 Beta-2 glycoprotein antibody
10066404 Beta-2 glycoprotein antibody positive
10066405 Beta-2 glycoprotein antibody negative
10066406 Atrophoderma of Pasini and Pierini
10066407 Inclusion body myositis
10066408 Cholesteatoma removal
10066409 Staphylococcal skin infection
10066410 Staphylococcal mediastinitis
10066411 Cyclosporiasis
10066412 Staphylococcus aureus skin infection
10066413 Staphylococcus aureus mediastinitis
10066414 Allergy to metals
10066415 Post procedural swelling
10066416 Vulvovaginal human papilloma virus infection
10066417 Posterior capsulotomy
10066418 Tenon's cyst
10066419 Compensatory sweating
10066420 Localized tingling
10066421 Vitreal cells
10066422 Retinal break
10066423 Retinal hole
10066424 Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction
10066425 Plantar hyperhidrosis
10066426 Hemiretinal vein occlusion
10066427 Localised tingling
10066428 Koilocytosis
10066429 Partial responder to therapy
10066430 Velo-cardio-facial syndrome
10066431 Kluver-Bucy syndrome
10066432 Infection of amputation stump
10066433 Perforation during colonoscopy
10066434 Expired drug administered
10066435 Human herpesvirus 8 infection
10066436 Ureteral diverticulum
10066437 Squamous cell carcinoma of rectum
10066438 Anorectal cancer
10066439 Hemophilia
10066440 Increased abdominal girth
10066441 Perianal carcinoma in situ
10066442 Rectal tear
10066443 Pelviectasis
10066444 Broken capillary
10066445 Capillary haemorrhage
10066446 Brain stem cyst
10066447 Cordocentesis
10066448 Penile dysplasia
10066449 Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling
10066450 Urethral irritation
10066451 Mucocutaneous herpes simplex
10066452 Dull tympanic membrane
10066453 Mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis
10066454 Weight bearing difficulty
10066455 Sudation increased
10066456 Cytolysis
10066457 Candida tropicalis infection
10066458 Stent-graft angulation
10066459 Stent-graft material failure
10066460 Stent-graft malfunction
10066461 Stent strut fracture
10066462 Stent-graft limb retraction
10066463 Stent-graft limb separation
10066464 Stent-graft separation
10066465 Stent-graft suture breakage
10066466 Stent-graft migration
10066468 Anaemia of pregnancy
10066469 Anemia of pregnancy
10066470 Amniorrhoea
10066471 Squamous cell carcinoma of pharynx
10066472 Systemic allergic reaction
10066473 Tubercular lymphadenitis
10066474 Thyroid cancer
10066475 Amniorrhea
10066476 Haematological malignancy
10066477 Organ preservation
10066478 Anxiolytic therapy
10066479 Iron supplementation
10066480 Avascular necrosis
10066481 Hematological malignancy
10066482 Exaggerated startle response
10066483 Burns fourth degree
10066484 Fetal anticonvulsant syndrome
10066485 Foetal anticonvulsant syndrome
10066486 Aggravated bleeding tendency
10066487 Burning sensation in joints worsened
10066488 Bursitis worsened
10066489 Progression of prostate cancer
10066490 Progression of non-small cell lung cancer
10066491 Oesophageal candidiasis recurrent
10066492 Oral candidiasis recurrent
10066493 Oropharyngeal candidiasis recurrent
10066494 Progression of bronchial carcinoma
10066495 Basal cell carcinoma recurrent
10066496 Recurrent cardiac decompensation
10066497 Cardiac disorder prophylaxis
10066498 Cardiac failure chronic aggravated
10066499 Chronic lower extremity cellulitis
10066500 Chagas disease recurrent
10066501 Chills worsened
10066502 Chlamydia recurrent
10066503 Acute cholestatic hepatitis
10066504 Chondrocalcinosis aggravated
10066505 CLL progression
10066506 CML progression
10066507 CMV colitis recurrent
10066508 CMV encephalitis recurrent
10066509 CMV esophagitis recurrent
10066510 CMV oesophagitis recurrent
10066511 CMV gastroenteritis recurrent
10066512 CMV mucocutaneous ulcer recurrent
10066513 CMV pneumonitis recurrent
10066514 CMV retinitis recurrent
10066515 Acute coagulopathy
10066516 Coccidiodal meningitis recurrent
10066517 Coccidiodes pulmonary recurrent
10066518 Coccidiodomycosis recurrent
10066519 Condyloma accuminata recurrent
10066520 Acute hepatic congestion
10066521 Coronary artery disease progression
10066522 Acute cough
10066523 Cryptococcal meningitis recurrent
10066524 Cryptococcosis pulmonary recurrent
10066525 Cryptococcosis recurrent
10066526 Cryptosporidiosis recurrent
10066527 Cyanosis aggravated
10066528 Acute cytolytic hepatitis
10066529 Deep vein thrombosis recurrent
10066530 Acute depression
10066531 Depressive symptom aggravated
10066532 Diabetes mellitus progression
10066533 Diarrhea recurrent
10066534 Diarrhoea recurrent
10066535 Dry skin aggravated
10066536 Allergy prophylaxis
10066537 Atherosclerosis prophylaxis
10066538 Acidosis aggravated
10066539 Paraesthesia aggravated
10066540 Paresthesia aggravated
10066541 Acute acidosis
10066542 Acute agranulocytosis
10066543 Acute allograft rejection
10066544 Acute alveolitis
10066545 Acute anemia
10066546 Acute antero septal myocardial infarction
10066547 Acute arthritis
10066548 Acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic bronchitis
10066549 Chronic anxiety
10066550 Chronic arthritis
10066551 Chronic atrial fibrillation
10066552 Chronic cerebral ischemia
10066553 Chronic cerebral ischaemia
10066554 Chronic chest pain
10066555 Chronic depression
10066556 Chronic diarrhea
10066557 Chronic diarrhoea
10066558 Chronic eczema
10066559 Chronic edema
10066560 Chronic edema of legs
10066561 Chronic empyema
10066562 Chronic epigastric pain
10066563 Chronic epistaxis
10066564 Chronic fatigue
10066565 Chronic fever
10066566 Chronic gastric stasis
10066567 Chronic heartburn
10066568 Chronic abdominal pain
10066569 Chronic acidosis
10066570 Progression of adenocarcinoma
10066571 Progression of Alzheimer's disease
10066573 Chronic iron deficiency anemia
10066574 Chronic unstable angina
10066575 Prophylaxis antibiotic pre-surgical
10066576 Anxiety disorder aggravated
10066577 Aphthous ulcer recurrent
10066578 Progression of rheumatoid arthritis
10066579 Progression of psoriatic arthritis
10066580 Aspergillosis recurrent
10066581 Atherosclerosis obliterans aggravated
10066582 Recurrent atrial fibrillation
10066583 Behcet's disease aggravated
10066584 Blastomyces pneumonia recurrent
10066585 Blastomycosis recurrent
10066586 Chronic gastroenteritis
10066587 Chronic oedema
10066588 Chronic oedema of legs
10066589 Recurrent depressive disorder
10066590 Post procedural pneumonia
10066591 Post procedural stroke
10066592 Post procedural myocardial infarction
10066593 Post procedural sepsis
10066594 Medulloblastoma recurrent
10066595 Neuroblastoma recurrent
10066596 Dry skin prophylaxis
10066597 Gastrooesophageal variceal haemorrhage prophylaxis
10066598 Gastritis prophylaxis
10066599 Hepatic encephalopathy prophylaxis
10066600 Melanoma recurrent
10066601 Drug toxicity prophylaxis
10066602 Dysentery amoebic recurrent
10066603 Dysentery recurrent
10066604 Dysplasia anogenital recurrent
10066605 Dysplasia cervical recurrent
10066606 Acute dyspnea
10066607 Acute dyspnoea
10066608 Acute dystonia
10066609 Epstein-Barr virus infection recurrent
10066610 Febrile convulsion prophylaxis
10066611 Fibromyalgia worsened
10066612 Acute gastric pain
10066613 Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage prophylaxis
10066614 Gonorrhea recurrent
10066615 Acute graft rejection
10066616 Acute graft thrombosis
10066617 Graves' ophthalmopathy worsened
10066618 Headache recurrent
10066619 Acute heart ischemia
10066620 Chronic hematuria
10066621 Chronic haematuria
10066622 Chronic hemodialysis
10066623 Chronic haemodialysis
10066624 Acute hemolytic anemia
10066625 Acute haemolytic anaemia
10066626 Hepatitis A aggravated
10066627 Hepatitis B aggravated
10066628 Hepatitis C aggravated
10066629 Mycobacterium avium complex infection recurrent
10066630 Malaria recurrent
10066631 Acute meningoencephalitis
10066632 Acute mental status changes
10066633 Metastatic pain worsened
10066634 Acute amphetamine intoxication
10066635 Acute migraine
10066636 Chronic migraine
10066637 Molluscum contagiosum recurrent
10066638 Acute myeloid leukemia progression
10066639 Myocardial infarct prophylaxis
10066640 Acute non-Q wave MI
10066641 Acute myocardial infarction, of anterior wall
10066642 Acute myocardial ischemia
10066643 Acute myocardial ischaemia
10066644 Myocardial ischaemia recurrent
10066645 Acute myocardial reinfarction
10066646 Acute myopathy
10066647 Chronic nasal congestion
10066648 Acute nasal congestion
10066649 Chronic post nasal drip
10066650 Subacute necrotising encephalomyopathy
10066651 Subacute necrotizing encephalomyopathy
10066652 Nephrolithiasis recurrent
10066653 Toxoplasmosis prophylaxis
10066654 Asthma prophylaxis
10066655 Sinusitis recurrent
10066656 Chronic cough
10066657 Acute torticollis
10066658 Spondylosis aggravated
10066659 Acute subdural hematoma
10066660 Acute subdural haematoma
10066661 Acute superior sagittal sinus thrombosis
10066662 Acute supraventricular tachycardia
10066663 Recurrent sustained ventricular tachycardia
10066664 Recurrent symptomatic atrial fibrillation
10066665 Acute synovitis
10066666 Chronic sore throat
10066667 Chronic thrombocytopenia
10066668 Recurrent thrush
10066669 Toxoplasmic encephalitis recurrent
10066670 Acute tuberculosis
10066671 Toxoplasmosis recurrent
10066672 Acute tracheobronchitis
10066673 Transmural myocardial infarction
10066674 Chronic tuberculosis
10066675 Tuberculosis extrapulmonary recurrent
10066676 Chronic peptic ulcer
10066677 Chronic leg ulcer
10066678 Acute ulcerative colitis
10066679 Acute upper respiratory tract infection
10066680 Urticaria recurrent
10066681 Acute uveitis
10066682 Chronic venous insufficiency
10066683 Venous ulcer recurrent
10066684 Chronic ventricular extrasystoles
10066685 Recurrent ventricular fibrillation
10066686 Recurrent ventricular tachycardia
10066687 Prophylaxis against vitamin deficiency
10066688 Weakness worsened
10066689 Chronic wheezing
10066690 Acute bacterial diarrhea
10066691 Acute haemorrhage
10066692 Acute bronchopneumonia
10066693 Acute bronchopneumopathy
10066694 Acute cardiac toxicity
10066695 Chronic hand dermatitis
10066696 Opportunistic infection prophylaxis
10066697 Ovarian cancer recurrent
10066698 Parasitic infection prophylaxis
10066699 Acute polyneuropathy
10066700 Prophylaxis urinary tract infection
10066701 Nephrotic syndrome worsened
10066702 Chronic neutropenia
10066703 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma progression
10066704 Prophylaxis NSAID gastropathy
10066705 Acute laryngeal edema
10066706 Acute laryngeal oedema
10066707 Oedema peripheral aggravated
10066708 Edema peripheral aggravated
10066709 Progressive optic neuropathy
10066710 Oral hairy leukoplakia recurrent
10066711 Osteomyelitis aggravated
10066712 Osteomyelitis recurrent
10066713 Otitis media recurrent
10066714 Acute pain
10066715 Pancreatitis recurrent
10066716 Paracoccidioidomycosis recurrent
10066717 Chronic parotiditis
10066718 Subacute pericarditis
10066719 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease aggravated
10066720 Acute peritonitis
10066721 Pleural effusion recurrent
10066722 Acute pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
10066723 Pneumocystosis recurrent
10066724 Acute pneumonia
10066725 Chronic interstitial pneumonia
10066726 Interstitial pneumonia aggravated
10066727 Pneumonia recurrent
10066728 Acute interstitial pneumonitis
10066729 Subacute polyneuropathy
10066730 Recurrent psoriatic arthritis
10066731 Chronic psychosis
10066732 Acute pulmonary alveolitis
10066733 Acute pulmonary congestion
10066734 Pulmonary edema recurrent
10066735 Pulmonary oedema recurrent
10066736 Subacute pulmonary edema
10066737 Subacute pulmonary oedema
10066738 Recurrent pulmonary embolism
10066739 Rash recurrent
10066740 Acute respiratory tract infection
10066741 Respiratory syncytial virus infection recurrent
10066742 Respiratory syncytial virus infection prophylaxis
10066743 Acute rhinitis
10066744 Acute rotatory vertigo
10066745 Salmonella sepsis recurrent
10066746 Seborrheic dermatitis recurrent
10066747 Seborrhoeic dermatitis recurrent
10066748 Postoperative shivering
10066749 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma stage 0
10066750 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma recurrent
10066751 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma stage I
10066752 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma stage IV
10066753 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma stage II
10066754 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma stage III
10066755 Cyanosis central aggravated
10066756 Mixed hepatocellular-cholestatic injury
10066757 Urinary tract abscess
10066758 Mixed liver injury
10066759 Chronic polyarthritis
10066760 Acute bacterial diarrhoea
10066761 Acute anaemia
10066762 Acute gastroenteritis
10066763 Chronic iron deficiency anaemia
10066764 Acute myeloid leukaemia progression
10066765 Acute heart ischaemia
10066766 Acute drug intoxication
10066767 Acute hemorrhage
10066768 Localised intraabdominal fluid collection
10066769 Testicular oedema
10066770 Motor tic
10066771 Vocal tic
10066772 Vascular access operation
10066773 Septal wall hypokinesia
10066774 Penile oedema
10066775 Localized intraabdominal fluid collection
10066776 Testicular edema
10066777 Steppage gait
10066778 Injection site streaking
10066779 Nail picking
10066780 Gagging on medication
10066781 Hypothalamic enlargement
10066782 Prevention of premature ovulation
10066783 Gingival graft
10066784 Pleural tenting
10066785 Scleral buckling surgery
10066786 Diabetic keratopathy
10066787 Otolith dislodgement
10066788 Scalenus syndrome
10066789 Subacromial decompression
10066790 Velopharyngeal incompetence
10066791 Injection site joint tenderness
10066792 Stomach mass
10066793 Anterior vaginal wall repair
10066794 Anterior colporrhaphy
10066795 Li-Fraumeni syndrome
10066796 Ameloblastoma
10066797 Injection site recall reaction
10066798 Bacterial tracheitis
10066799 Heterochromia iridis
10066800 Mitral valve atresia
10066801 Aortic valve atresia
10066802 Shone complex
10066803 In-toeing
10066804 Out-toeing
10066805 Renal pelvis dilatation
10066806 Sectoral heterochromia iridis
10066807 Acyanotic heart disease
10066808 Bone alkaline phosphatase decreased
10066809 Bone alkaline phosphatase increased
10066810 Bone alkaline phosphatase normal
10066811 N-telopeptide
10066812 C-telopeptide
10066813 Procollagen type I C-terminal propeptide
10066814 N-telopeptide serum
10066815 C-telopeptide serum
10066816 Bone marrow granuloma
10066817 Activation syndrome
10066818 Emmeniopathy
10066819 Menoxenia
10066820 Bronchial secretion retention
10066821 Mechanical ventilation complication
10066822 Unintended unilateral bronchial intubation
10066823 Unintended endotracheal extubation
10066824 Endotracheal tube cuff leak
10066825 Endotracheal tube cuff herniation
10066826 Endotracheal tube disconnection
10066827 Mechanical ventilation pressure high
10066828 Upper airway necrosis
10066829 Weaning failure
10066830 Endotracheal reintubation
10066831 Endotracheal tube obstruction
10066832 Multiple soft tissue injuries
10066833 Sertoli-cell-only syndrome
10066834 Aorticopulmonary window repair
10066835 Eagle's syndrome
10066836 Del Castillo syndrome
10066837 Gleich's syndrome
10066838 Pepsinogen I increased
10066839 Prothrombinopenia
10066840 Inflammation of vas deferens
10066842 Behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia
10066843 BPSD
10066844 Behavioral and psychiatric symptoms of dementia
10066845 Human herpesvirus 6 infection reactivation
10066846 In-stent coronary artery restenosis
10066847 Bronchiolitis obliterans with organising pneumonia
10066848 Esophageal candidiasis recurrent
10066849 Saccotomy
10066850 Plica syndrome
10066851 Labial frenectomy
10066852 Bone alkaline phosphatase
10066853 Penile edema
10066854 Periventricular nodular heterotopia
10066855 Taciturnity
10066856 Visual midline shift syndrome
10066857 Myocarditis infectious
10066858 Patent ductus arteriosus ligation
10066859 Immunoreactive insulin
10066860 Uncontrolled hypertension
10066861 Ureteric anastomosis complication
10066862 Tricuspid valve prolapse
10066863 Bronchial hypersensitivity
10066864 Staturo-ponderal retardation
10066865 Ureteric anastomotic stenosis
10066866 Ureteral anastomotic stricture
10066867 Hypoandrogenism
10066868 Constipation predominant irritable bowel syndrome
10066869 Molar ratio of total branched-chain amino acid to tyrosine
10066870 Aorto-oesophageal fistula
10066871 Disuse syndrome
10066872 Acid reflux (esophageal)
10066873 Oesophageal acid reflux
10066874 Gastroesophageal reflux disease
10066875 Congenital renal disorder
10066876 Perineal infection
10066877 Pseudothrombophlebitis
10066878 Muscle flap operation
10066879 Gallbladder cancer metastatic
10066880 Prostatic calcification
10066881 Deep vein thrombosis postoperative
10066882 Metastatic salivary gland cancer
10066883 Extramedullary plasmacytoma
10066884 Pseudocholelithiasis
10066885 Chemo brain
10066886 Oleogranuloma
10066887 Genital discomfort
10066888 Herpes pharyngitis
10066889 Von Hippel's disease
10066890 Genital irritation
10066891 External genitalia inflammation
10066892 Rectourethral fistula
10066893 Patella replacement
10066894 Anal sphincter hypertonia
10066895 Ureteropyelostomy
10066896 HER2 positive gastric cancer
10066897 Partial lung lobectomy
10066898 Extrinsic vascular compression
10066899 Venous thromboembolism
10066900 Keratoplasty
10066901 Treatment failure
10066902 Surgical failure
10066903 Vaccine positive rechallenge
10066904 Reaction to previous exposure to any vaccine
10066905 Old pulmonary tuberculosis
10066906 Selective polysaccharide antibody deficiency
10066907 Vertebral artery hypoplasia
10066908 Caldwell-Luc operation
10066909 Anal sphincterectomy
10066911 Sinus antrostomy
10066912 Incision site tenderness
10066913 Thyroid tumour
10066914 Thyroid tumor
10066915 Transient osteoporosis of the hip
10066916 Arteriovenous fistula aneurysm
10066917 Tumour related complication
10066918 Leg ischaemia
10066919 Epidemic polyarthritis
10066920 Leg ischemia
10066921 Tumor related complication
10066922 Ross river fever
10066923 Bladder hydrodistension
10066924 Foraminotomy
10066925 Conjunctival primary acquired melanosis
10066926 Ocular vasculitis
10066927 Pulmonary tuberculoma
10066928 Human antichimeric antibody test
10066929 Human anti-mouse antibody test
10066930 Numb chin syndrome
10066931 Fluorescent in situ hybridisation
10066932 Human anti-human antibody test
10066933 Anxiodepressive syndrome
10066934 Accelerated nodulosis
10066935 Rapid streptococcal test
10066936 HCV viral load
10066937 Bladder hydrodistention
10066938 HACA test
10066939 HAHA test
10066940 HAMA test
10066941 Fluorescent in situ hybridization
10066942 FISH test
10066943 Bowel preparation
10066944 Congenital condyloma
10066945 Lichen striatus
10066946 Craniofacial dysostosis
10066947 Germinal matrix haemorrhage
10066948 Myxofibrosarcoma
10066949 Closed reduction of fracture with internal fixation
10066950 Crouzon's disease
10066951 Vessel puncture site pain
10066952 Germinal matrix hemorrhage
10066953 Vaccine underdose
10066955 Lemmel's syndrome
10066956 Pain threshold decreased
10066957 Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma
10066958 Inappropriate preparation of medication
10066959 Polymedication
10066960 Haematomyelia
10066961 Hematomyelia
10066962 Procedural nausea
10066963 Procedural vomiting
10066964 Procedural dizziness
10066965 Procedural headache
10066966 Inner ear inflammation
10066967 Intentional device misuse
10066968 Corneal leukoma
10066969 Vitello-intestinal duct remnant
10066970 Corneal endothelial disorder
10066971 Macula corneae
10066972 Superinfection bacterial
10066973 Contrast media allergy
10066974 Blood beta human chorionic gonadotropin positive
10066975 EEG ground activity abnormal
10066976 EEG ground activity decreased
10066977 Uric acid normal
10066978 Uric acid decreased
10066979 Uric acid abnormal
10066980 Uric acid increased
10066981 Uric acid
10066982 Transient paralysis
10066983 Superinfection viral
10066984 Superinfection fungal
10066985 Retinopexy
10066986 Conjunctival sac plasty
10066987 Acute chest pain
10066988 Vessel puncture site anaesthesia
10066989 Vessel puncture site anesthesia
10066990 Gastrooesophageal burning
10066991 Tongue abscess
10066992 Mucosal induration
10066993 Umbilical hernia perforation
10066994 Joint fluid drainage
10066995 Alveolar osteitis
10066996 Heart racing
10066997 Venipuncture site numbness
10066998 Gastroesophageal burning
10066999 Vertebrogenic pain syndrome
10067000 Upper abdominal discomfort
10067001 Mini mental state examination
10067002 Mini mental state examination abnormal
10067003 Mini mental state examination normal
10067004 Streptococcus identification test positive
10067005 Streptococcus identification test negative
10067006 Streptococcus identification test
10067007 Group B beta hemolytic Streptococcus positive
10067008 Group B beta hemolytic Streptococcus negative
10067009 Group B beta hemolytic Streptococcus test
10067010 Anaphylactoid syndrome of pregnancy
10067011 Peritoneal cloudy effluent
10067012 Aseptic peritonitis
10067013 Normal tension glaucoma
10067014 Bariatric gastric balloon insertion
10067015 Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
10067016 Endoscopic ultrasound
10067017 Tetralogy of Fallot repair
10067018 Diabetic encephalopathy
10067019 Retrograde urethrogram
10067020 Endoscopic ultrasound abnormal
10067021 Endoscopic ultrasound normal
10067022 Hemisensory neglect
10067023 Implantable cardioverter defibrillator insertion
10067024 Pseudomonas bronchitis
10067025 Right ventricular overload
10067026 Group B beta haemolytic Streptococcus positive
10067027 Group B beta haemolytic Streptococcus negative
10067028 Group B beta haemolytic Streptococcus test
10067029 Menstrual cycle management
10067030 Venous thrombosis in pregnancy
10067031 Post coital pain
10067032 Peculiar taste of pharmaceutical product
10067033 Drug side effect
10067034 Per vaginal discharge
10067035 Fear of pregnancy
10067036 Decreased frequency of erections
10067037 Ectopic pregnancy with intrauterine device
10067038 Postponement of menstruation
10067039 Familial hemiplegic migraine
10067040 Hemicephalalgia
10067041 Vaginal pH normal
10067042 Vaginal pH abnormal
10067043 Vaginal pH increased
10067044 Vaginal pH decreased
10067045 Chemical contraception
10067046 Ear infection bacterial
10067047 Nausea gravidarum
10067048 Consumptive thrombohaemorrhagic syndrome
10067049 Blood pressure reading high
10067050 Blood pressure reading low
10067051 End stage cardiac failure
10067052 Consumptive thrombohemorrhagic syndrome
10067053 Mushy diarrhoea
10067054 Mushy diarrhea
10067055 Paradoxical pain
10067056 Cognitive rehabilitation
10067057 Basal ganglia haemorrhage
10067058 Cognitive training
10067059 Basal ganglia hemorrhage
10067060 Medication after taste
10067061 Family history of suicide
10067062 Suture fixation of intraocular lens
10067063 Progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis
10067064 Endometrial sarcoma recurrent
10067065 Endometrial sarcoma metastatic
10067066 Peritonism
10067067 Marburg's variant multiple sclerosis
10067068 Intranasal hypoaesthesia
10067069 Microinvasive cervix cancer
10067070 Follicular B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
10067071 Salivary gland hyperplasia
10067072 Intranasal hypoesthesia
10067073 Hyperthyroid goiter
10067074 Hyperthyroid goitre
10067075 Japan coma scale
10067076 Japan coma scale normal
10067077 Japan coma scale abnormal
10067078 Amniotic fluid index
10067079 Amniotic fluid index abnormal
10067080 Vasoplegia syndrome
10067081 Procalcitonin increased
10067082 Pregnancy with contraceptive patch
10067083 Polyglobulia
10067084 Acne excoriee
10067085 Myelomeningocele
10067086 Cerebral mass effect
10067087 Campylobacter like organism test
10067088 Campylobacter like organism test negative
10067089 Orthodontic appliance complication
10067090 Dental braces complication
10067091 Gastropleural fistula
10067092 AIDS cholangiopathy
10067093 Intraperitoneal hyperthermic chemotherapy
10067094 San Joaquin valley fever
10067095 Multiple myeloma progression
10067096 5q minus myelodysplastic syndrome
10067097 5q minus MDS
10067098 Central venous catheter removal
10067099 Sternal stabilisation
10067100 Elbow operation
10067101 Oesophageal polymer implantation
10067102 Radiation osteitis
10067103 Ocular surface disease
10067104 Intervertebral disc bulging
10067105 Portacath removal
10067106 Multiple skin ulcers
10067107 Sternal stabilization
10067108 Benign reactive follicular hyperplasia
10067109 Adenocarcinoma of lip
10067110 Esophageal polymer implantation
10067111 Catheter site excoriation
10067112 Cryptococcal fungaemia
10067113 Anaphylactic transfusion reaction
10067115 Neutrophilic panniculitis
10067116 Carotid arteriosclerosis
10067117 Leukaemic infiltration extramedullary
10067118 Adenotonsillitis
10067119 Perianal pain
10067120 Clavicle dislocation
10067121 Squamous cell metaplasia
10067122 Haemolytic transfusion reaction
10067123 Cryptococcal fungemia
10067124 Leukemic infiltration extramedullary
10067125 Liver injury
10067126 Seidel test positive
10067127 Papilloma conjunctival
10067128 Myopic retinal degeneration
10067129 Hypoglossal nerve paresis
10067130 Spastic diplegia
10067131 Buried penis syndrome
10067132 Synovitis wrist
10067133 Synovitis ankle
10067134 Synovitis hip
10067135 Epstein pearls
10067136 Acquired tracheobronchomalacia
10067137 Congenital tracheobronchomalacia
10067138 Staphylococcus identification test
10067139 Staphylococcus identification test negative
10067140 Staphylococcus identification test positive
10067141 Faciodigitogenital dysplasia
10067142 Immediate post-injection reaction
10067143 Fistula discharge
10067144 Staphylococcus serology negative
10067145 Staphylococcus serology positive
10067146 Sudoresis
10067147 Dystopic kidney
10067148 Aarskog-Scott syndrome
10067149 Congenital aortic regurgitation
10067150 Congenital mitral valve prolapse
10067151 Staphylococcus serology
10067152 Oral herpes
10067153 Cardiotocography
10067154 Violent ideation
10067155 Reactive perforating collagenosis
10067156 Ovarian adhesion
10067157 Biliary sand
10067158 HIV tropism test
10067159 Septo-optic dysplasia
10067160 HIV dual tropism positive
10067162 Asthenospermia
10067163 HIV CCR5 tropism
10067164 HIV CXCR4 tropism
10067165 Bilateral inguinal hernia
10067166 Asthenozoospermia
10067167 Cerebellar embolism
10067168 Ultrasound ovary abnormal
10067169 Shaving rash
10067170 Absent-minded
10067171 Regurgitation
10067172 Regurgitation of medication
10067173 Recurarisation
10067174 Epidural test dose
10067175 Implant site hyperpigmentation
10067176 Implant site hypopigmentation
10067177 AGUS
10067178 Recurarization
10067179 Atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance
10067180 Anal pap smear abnormal
10067181 Anal pap smear
10067182 Bronchial wall thickening
10067183 Congenital abdominal hernia
10067184 Burkitt's leukaemia
10067185 Vulvovaginitis streptococcal
10067186 Vaginitis chlamydial
10067187 Cervical pap smear abnormal
10067188 Cervical pap smear
10067189 Cervical pap smear normal
10067190 Toxic pancreatitis
10067191 Bronchial cuffing
10067192 Racing thoughts
10067193 Naevus flammeus
10067194 Burkitt's leukemia
10067195 Nevus flammeus
10067196 Stork bite
10067197 Tinea manuum
10067198 Chlamydia trachomatis infection
10067199 Lineal gingival erythema
10067200 Crack lung syndrome
10067201 Swollen lymph nodes
10067202 Trapezectomy
10067203 Tracheal papilloma
10067204 Airway burns
10067205 Mini-tracheostomy
10067206 Postural reflex impairment
10067207 Rebound tachycardia
10067208 Motor fluctuations
10067209 Unpredictable off motor fluctuations
10067210 GPT normal
10067211 SGPT normal
10067212 GOT normal
10067213 SGOT normal
10067214 Haemodiafiltration
10067215 Jumper's knee
10067216 Tendovaginitis
10067217 Patellar tendon reflex absent
10067218 Tendon reflex absent
10067219 Pharmacodynamic interaction
10067220 Pharmacokinetic interaction
10067221 Mechanical ventilation
10067222 Hemodiafiltration
10067223 Invasive mechanical ventilation
10067224 Noninvasive mechanical ventilation
10067230 Ganglion cyst
10067231 Harrison's groove
10067232 Vaginal low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
10067233 Anal atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
10067234 Vulvovaginitis chlamydial
10067235 Vulvovaginitis gonococcal
10067236 Cervicitis streptococcal
10067237 Free fatty acids abnormal
10067238 Monocyte percentage abnormal
10067239 Uvular erythema
10067240 Vaginitis gonococcal
10067241 Chlamydia trachomatis vulvovaginitis
10067242 Parotomegaly
10067243 Eosinophilic dermatitis
10067244 Gingivostomatitis
10067245 Immune complex reaction
10067246 Ocular toxoplasmosis
10067247 Acute retroviral syndrome
10067248 Congenital naevus
10067249 Acute HIV syndrome
10067250 Congenital nevus
10067251 Lead dislodgement
10067252 Injection site dryness
10067253 Injection site laceration
10067254 Vessel puncture site pruritus
10067255 Injection site macule
10067256 Chikungunya virus infection
10067257 Vessel puncture site ecchymosis
10067258 Jellyfish sting
10067259 Severed tendon
10067260 Coccyx injury
10067261 Ocular pain
10067262 Injection site abrasion
10067263 Occipital condylar fracture
10067264 Injection site wheal
10067265 Heterotaxia
10067266 Liver contusion
10067267 Stent related infection
10067268 Post procedural infection
10067269 Uterine fibrosis
10067270 Thrombosis corpora cavernosa
10067271 Iridoplegia
10067272 Anal erosion
10067273 Acute transmural myocardial infarction
10067274 Skin lightening
10067275 Vasogenic cerebral oedema
10067276 Cytotoxic oedema
10067277 Cerebral microhaemorrhage
10067278 Vasogenic cerebral edema
10067279 Cytotoxic edema
10067280 Cerebral microhemorrhage
10067281 Portopulmonary hypertension
10067282 Right atrial dilatation
10067283 Right atrial pressure increased
10067284 Pulmonary arteriopathy
10067285 Vascular resistance pulmonary increased
10067286 Left atrial dilatation
10067287 Penoscrotal transposition
10067288 Vertebral abscess
10067289 Cardiac cryotherapy
10067290 Webbed penis
10067291 Penis palmatus
10067292 Angiodynography
10067293 Colour doppler scan
10067294 Brain lesion
10067295 Death from natural causes
10067296 Suicide of parent
10067297 Myocardial ischemia recurrent
10067298 Capillary hemorrhage
10067299 Central nervous system leukemia
10067300 Peritoneal effluent leukocyte count increased
10067301 Peritoneal effluent erythrocyte count increased
10067302 Replacement of ambulatory peritoneal catheter
10067303 Peritoneal effluent analysis
10067304 Peritoneal effluent culture
10067305 Peritoneal effluent neutrophil count increased
10067306 Peritoneal effluent eosinophil count increased
10067307 Peritoneal effluent basophil count increased
10067308 Peritoneal effluent lymphocyte count increased
10067309 Peritoneal effluent monocyte count increased
10067310 Peritoneal dialysate effluent Gram stain positive
10067311 Peritoneal dialysate effluent Gram stain negative
10067312 Peritoneal dialysate effluent polymorphonuclear cell count increased
10067313 Peritoneal dialysate effluent mononuclear cell count increased
10067314 Peritoneal effluent leucocyte count increased
10067315 Sleep-related eating disorder
10067317 Oculorespiratory syndrome
10067318 Anterior cerebral artery aneurysm
10067319 Biliary tract infection cryptosporidial
10067320 Prostatitis Escherichia coli
10067321 Laryngitis fungal
10067322 Otitis media haemophilus
10067323 Septic arthritis streptococcal
10067324 Antioxidant therapy
10067325 Coeliac artery stenosis
10067326 Antiretroviral therapy
10067327 Hyperammonaemic encephalopathy
10067328 Proctitis bacterial
10067329 Chemical male castration
10067330 Mycosis
10067331 Barnett continent intestinal reservoir
10067332 Celiac artery stenosis
10067333 Hyperammonemic encephalopathy
10067334 Pleural infection bacterial
10067335 Staphylococcal parotitis
10067336 Endocarditis pseudomonal
10067337 Portal vein flow decreased
10067338 Retrograde portal vein flow
10067339 Arrhythmic storm
10067340 Coprostasis
10067341 Fenton's operation
10067342 Hyporexia
10067343 Hypostasis
10067344 Menostaxis
10067345 Paludism
10067346 Prosthesis fracture
10067347 Thrombotic cerebral infarction
10067348 Chiasma syndrome
10067349 Slipping rib syndrome
10067350 Hypercreatinaemia
10067351 Laryngeal necrosis
10067352 Osteoradionecrosis
10067353 Pharyngeal disorder
10067354 Radiation leukopenia
10067355 Thermoplegia
10067356 Hemialgia
10067357 Hiatus hernia, obstructive
10067358 Cyriax's syndrome
10067359 Hypercreatinemia
10067360 Tongue necrosis
10067361 Sulcus ulnaris syndrome
10067362 Radiation necrosis
10067363 Thoracostomy
10067364 Dural fistula
10067365 Hepatic hydrothorax
10067366 Palmar fasciitis
10067367 Congestive gastropathy
10067368 Gastrocolic reflex increased
10067369 Malignant mesenteric neoplasm
10067370 Schloffer tumor
10067371 Menopausal depression
10067372 Astringent therapy
10067373 Depression perimenopausal
10067374 Stypsis
10067375 Spinal meningeal cyst
10067376 Ampulla of Vater stenosis
10067377 Intestinal gastric metaplasia
10067378 HAIR-AN syndrome
10067379 Necrectomy
10067380 Costello syndrome
10067381 MLF syndrome
10067382 Medial longitudinal fasciculus syndrome
10067383 Abdominal wall haematoma
10067384 Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonitis
10067385 Spinal analgesia
10067386 Multiple myeloma transformation
10067387 Myelodysplastic syndrome transformation
10067388 Hepatic angiosarcoma
10067389 Herpes simplex hepatitis
10067390 Varioliform gastritis
10067391 High-sensitivity C-reactive protein abnormal
10067392 High-sensitivity C-reactive protein increased
10067393 hs-CRP abnormal
10067394 hs-CRP increased
10067395 Haemoperfusion
10067396 Hemoperfusion
10067397 Endotoxin adsorption therapy
10067398 Psychiatric decompensation
10067399 Acute biphenotypic leukaemia
10067400 Lumpectomy
10067401 Leiomyoblastoma
10067402 Surfactant protein increased
10067403 Surfactant protein D increased
10067404 Surfactant protein A increased
10067405 SP-D increased
10067406 SP-A increased
10067407 Right aortic arch
10067408 Enhanced external counterpulsation
10067409 Trichophytosis
10067410 Endotoxaemia
10067411 Diaphragmatic abnormal relaxation
10067412 Calcific pancreatitis
10067413 Pachypleuritis
10067414 HIDA scan
10067415 Ventricular filling pressure increased
10067416 EECP
10067417 Endotoxemia
10067418 Oral mucosal erythema
10067419 Gingival erythema
10067420 Retracted penis
10067421 Palatal erythema
10067422 Pharmacological cardioversion
10067423 Electrical cardioversion
10067424 Cloacal exstrophy
10067425 Jaccoud's arthropathy
10067426 Cholecystoenterostomy
10067427 Rheumatoid scleritis
10067428 Right ventricular hypokinesia
10067429 Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease
10067430 Tracheobronchial fistula
10067431 Leukaemic infiltration gingiva
10067432 Human seminal plasma hypersensitivity
10067433 Sacrospinous fixation
10067434 Intraocular lens implant
10067435 Leukemic infiltration gingiva
10067436 Pericementitis
10067437 Semen allergy
10067438 Arterial compression therapy
10067439 Haemostasis
10067440 Hemostasis
10067441 Myelomalacia
10067442 Bloody peritoneal effluent
10067443 Recurrent peritonitis
10067444 Lack of ultrafiltration
10067445 TRALI
10067446 Syrinx
10067447 Episodic ataxia
10067448 Ultrafiltration
10067450 Endotracheal intubation
10067453 Vulval lesion excision
10067454 Contact lens deterioration
10067455 Intraocular lens breakage
10067456 Surface reflection of intraocular lens
10067457 Intraocular lens discolouration
10067458 Glistening of intraocular lens
10067459 Rapidly destructive coxarthrosis
10067460 Simple retinopathy
10067461 Intraocular lens discoloration
10067462 Millard-Gubler syndrome
10067463 Cerebral softening
10067464 Chewing difficulty
10067465 Major depressive disorder aggravated
10067466 Cerebral microangiopathy
10067467 Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis
10067468 Dopamine dysregulation syndrome
10067469 Keratoleukoma
10067470 Rotavirus infection
10067471 Organizing pneumonia
10067472 Organising pneumonia
10067473 Immunomodulatory therapy
10067474 HIV dual tropism
10067475 Rhinopharyngitis
10067476 Apparent death
10067477 Cytogenetic abnormality
10067478 Choroid plexus carcinoma
10067479 Erythema nodosum leprosum
10067480 Emphysematous gangrene
10067481 No adverse drug reaction
10067482 No adverse event
10067483 No adverse reaction
10067484 Adverse reaction
10067485 Uhthoff's phenomenon
10067486 Epiglottic erythema
10067487 Failed back surgery syndrome
10067488 Phthisis bulbi
10067489 Coats' disease
10067490 Ovulation disorder
10067491 Toxic effect of arsenic
10067492 Sleep sex
10067493 Sleep inertia
10067494 Confusional arousal
10067495 Sleep driving
10067496 Trendelenburg position
10067497 Coccidioides posadasii infection
10067498 Cytolytic vaginosis
10067499 Selective abortion
10067500 Continent ileostomy
10067501 Os acromiale
10067502 Decreased vibratory sense
10067503 Cytolytic vaginitis
10067504 Metacarpal collapse
10067505 Vulvovaginal adhesion
10067506 Elective reduction
10067507 Vaginal adhesion
10067508 Low birth weight baby
10067509 Very low birth weight baby
10067510 Contact stomatitis
10067511 Tracheal diverticulum
10067512 Glycogenic acanthosis
10067513 Skinfold measurement
10067514 Erosive gastroduodenitis
10067515 Inguinal hernia strangulated
10067516 Pseudomembranous stomatitis
10067517 Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour
10067518 Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
10067519 Vessel puncture site paraesthesia
10067520 Bouveret-Hoffmann syndrome
10067521 Lingual fibroma
10067522 Meningematoma
10067523 Nutritional anemia
10067524 Thoracalgia
10067525 Venipuncture site paraesthesia
10067526 Zona
10067527 Segmented hyalinising vasculitis
10067528 5-alpha reductase inhibition therapy
10067529 Sialic acid storage disease
10067530 Hyposomnia
10067531 Salla disease
10067532 Infantile free sialic acid storage disease
10067533 Urinary casts absent
10067534 Urinary casts present
10067535 Blood immunoglobulin D
10067536 Chlamydia serology negative
10067537 Blood creatine phosphokinase MB decreased
10067538 Inappropriate route of vaccination
10067539 IgD increased
10067540 IgD decreased
10067541 IgD
10067542 CPK-MB abnormal
10067543 Cast urinary red cells negative
10067544 Casts urinary red cells positive
10067545 Casts urinary white cells negative
10067546 Casts urinary white cells positive
10067547 Diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain
10067548 Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome
10067549 Cytarabine syndrome
10067550 Neurally mediated syncope
10067551 Gastric xanthoma
10067552 Retinal vein tortuosity
10067553 Tubal rupture
10067554 Perihepatic abscess
10067555 Ex-alcoholic
10067556 Backwash ileitis
10067557 Dysmetropsia
10067558 Laparocele
10067559 Lyme borreliosis
10067560 Chemical phlebitis
10067561 Hyposexuality
10067562 Mechanical phlebitis
10067563 Nutritional anaemia
10067564 Anaesthesia procedure
10067565 Pneumonia cryptococcal
10067566 Pneumonia toxoplasmal
10067567 Diabetic ophthalmoplegia
10067568 Psychotic behavior
10067569 Tumor associated fever
10067570 Tumor ulceration
10067571 Nephrotoxicity
10067572 Oestrogenic effect
10067573 Electrocardiogram QT borderline prolonged
10067574 Oligoanuria
10067575 Aqueductal stenosis
10067576 Malignant dysphagia
10067577 Tumour related swallowing difficulty
10067578 Tumor related swallowing difficulty
10067579 Childhood
10067580 Haphephobia
10067581 Aphephobia
10067582 Haptephobia
10067583 Thixophobia
10067584 Type 1 diabetes mellitus
10067585 Type 2 diabetes mellitus
10067586 Quadriceps tendon rupture
10067587 Neurosensory hypoacusis
10067588 Nine-mile fever
10067589 Aphtha
10067590 Spontaneous occlusion of the circle of Willis
10067591 Transmission of an infectious agent via a medicinal product
10067592 Inappropriate chewing of medication
10067593 Suspected transmission of an infectious agent via a medicinal product
10067594 Peritoneal dialysis complication
10067595 Withdrawal of life support
10067596 Tissue sealing
10067597 Culture peritoneum negative
10067598 Neurogenic hypertension
10067599 Epidural lipomatosis
10067600 Parotid cyst
10067601 Dysmyelination
10067602 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes
10067603 MERRF syndrome
10067604 Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy
10067605 Disseminated necrotizing leukoencephalopathy
10067606 Tropical spastic paraparesis
10067607 Balo's concentric sclerosis
10067608 Canavan disease
10067609 Metachromatic leukodystrophy
10067610 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease
10067611 Disseminated necrotising leukoencephalopathy
10067612 Fungal foot infection
10067613 Child abuser
10067614 Elder abuser
10067615 Spousal abuser
10067616 Tumor debulking
10067617 Tumour debulking
10067618 Accessory cardiac pathway
10067619 Kent's bundle conduction
10067620 Quality of life decreased
10067621 Oral disorder
10067622 Tobacco interaction
10067623 Radiation interaction
10067624 Knee arthritis
10067625 Secondary prevention
10067626 Punding
10067627 Reduction ventriculoplasty
10067628 Winged scapula
10067629 Gastric hyperemia
10067630 Intestinal hyperemia
10067631 Bathyhypesthesia
10067632 Cartilage atrophy
10067633 Peripheral nerve lesion
10067634 Gastric hyperaemia
10067635 Intestinal hyperaemia
10067636 Batista operation
10067637 Scapula alata
10067638 Bathyhypaesthesia
10067639 Genital swelling
10067640 Prostatic cyst
10067641 Vulvovaginal burning sensation
10067642 Activated protein C resistance test
10067643 Device shape alteration
10067644 Immune-mediated thrombocytopenic purpura
10067645 Vulval burning sensation
10067646 Vascular graft rupture
10067647 Delivery
10067648 Activated protein C resistance test positive
10067649 Arterial thromboembolism prophylaxis
10067650 Pulmonary embolism prophylaxis
10067651 Atherothrombosis
10067652 Electrocardiogram RR interval prolonged
10067653 Tropical ulcer
10067654 Vasoplegic syndrome
10067655 Metatarsal head excision
10067656 Volume overload
10067657 Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index increased
10067658 Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index decreased
10067659 Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index abnormal
10067660 Heart valve incompetence
10067661 Capnogram abnormal
10067662 Capnogram normal
10067663 End-tidal CO2 abnormal
10067664 End-tidal CO2 increased
10067665 End-tidal CO2 decreased
10067666 End-tidal CO2 normal
10067667 Pregnancy on contraceptive
10067668 Arboviral infection
10067669 Prescription form tampering
10067670 Muscle building therapy
10067671 Disease complication
10067672 Spasmodic dysphonia
10067673 Heart valve regurgitation
10067674 Abdominal apoplexy
10067675 Intestinal crypt abscess
10067676 Takotsubo syndrome
10067677 Spastic dysphonia
10067678 Laryngeal dystonia
10067679 Inappropriate device programming
10067680 Pressure waveform artifact
10067681 Puncture site induration
10067682 FBSS
10067683 Eye laser scar
10067684 Iris bombe
10067685 Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
10067686 Pulsus celer
10067687 Pulsus tardus
10067688 Substance abuser
10067689 Ex-drug abuser
10067690 Peritoneal membrane failure
10067691 NT-proBNP
10067692 B-type natriuretic peptide
10067693 Acquired aqueductal stenosis
10067694 Polysubstance addiction
10067695 Acute overdose
10067696 Chronic overdose
10067697 Right ventricular outlet tract patch
10067698 Macrocheiria
10067699 Nephrostomy tube removal
10067700 Thoracic spine flattening
10067701 Ophthalmic fluid-air exchange procedure
10067702 Post-anoxic myoclonus
10067703 Intrapartum haemorrhage
10067704 Uterine aplasia
10067705 Cheiromegaly
10067706 Metatarsus primus elevatus
10067707 Splayfoot
10067709 Hypoferrism
10067710 Ceruminosis
10067711 Word finding difficulty
10067712 Wound tunneling
10067714 Lance Adams syndrome
10067715 Gastrointestinal sounds abnormal
10067716 Intrapartum hemorrhage
10067717 Gastric sounds abnormal
10067718 Bilirubin conjugated abnormal
10067719 Tinea faciei
10067720 Parasitic gastroenteritis
10067721 Oropharyngeal plaque
10067722 Toxic neuropathy
10067723 Skin plaque
10067724 Mucosal pigmentation
10067725 Hyperlipasaemia
10067726 Shortened cervix
10067727 Reduced dexterity
10067728 Beta ketothiolase deficiency
10067729 Mitochondrial enzyme deficiency
10067730 Mean cell haemoglobin concentration abnormal
10067731 Umbilical granuloma
10067732 Uterine cervix stenosis
10067733 Scalp plaque
10067734 Testosterone deficiency
10067735 Direct bilirubin abnormal
10067736 Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome
10067737 Lupus hepatitis
10067738 Lupus enteritis
10067739 Shrinking lung syndrome
10067740 Vascular graft
10067741 Balanoposthitis infective
10067742 Graft versus host disease in lung
10067743 Dieulafoy's vascular malformation
10067744 Capsular warning syndrome
10067745 Intestinal mucosal atrophy
10067746 Myofibroblastic tumor
10067748 Apical ballooning syndrome
10067749 Periungual erythema
10067750 Lupus pancreatitis
10067751 Acute lupus pancreatitis
10067752 Oesophageal hypomotility
10067753 Oesophageal peristalsis decreased
10067754 Mercury sensitivity
10067755 Esophageal peristalsis decreased
10067756 Vulvovaginal papilloma
10067757 Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
10067758 Residual urine volume increased
10067759 Residual urine volume decreased
10067760 Blood creatine phosphokinase decreased
10067761 Exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
10067762 Low temperature heat burn
10067763 Polydrug abuse
10067764 Eustachian tube stenosis
10067765 Culdoscopy
10067766 Papilla of Vater stenosis
10067767 Malacoplakia gastrointestinal
10067768 Antibiotic therapy
10067769 Congenital skin disorder
10067770 Rhinolithiasis
10067771 Schellong test
10067772 Parathyroid cyst
10067773 Pudendal canal syndrome
10067774 Tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome
10067775 Upper airway obstruction
10067776 Ocular pemphigoid
10067777 Oncologic complication
10067778 Bullous amyloidosis
10067779 Nasal calculus
10067780 Vesicular pharyngitis
10067781 Pharyngeal abscess
10067782 Lower airway obstruction
10067783 Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome
10067784 Urethral prolapse
10067785 Cervical plexus lesion
10067786 Haemorrhagic erosive gastritis
10067787 Coagulation factor deficiency
10067788 Abdominal wall haemorrhage
10067789 Parotid gland inflammation
10067790 Vasospastic angina
10067791 Wet macular degeneration
10067792 Dry macular degeneration
10067793 Spinal meningioma
10067794 Arterial stent occlusion
10067795 HCV viral load fluctuation
10067796 Haemorrhagic hepatic cyst
10067797 Hemorrhagic hepatic cyst
10067798 Hemorrhagic erosive gastritis
10067799 Abdominal wall hemorrhage
10067800 Femoral lesser trochanter fracture
10067801 Uterine dilation and evacuation
10067802 Sperm granuloma
10067803 N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide
10067804 Babinski reflex test
10067805 Gastrointestinal mucosal exfoliation
10067806 Debridement
10067807 Gingival cancer
10067808 Centrilobular emphysema
10067809 Gastrointestinal mucosal sloughing
10067810 Oral psoriasis
10067811 Laryngeal chondronecrosis
10067812 Carotid sinus hypersensitivity
10067813 Neurocardiogenic syncope
10067814 Broken heart syndrome
10067815 Crocodile shagreen
10067816 Cardioembolic stroke
10067817 Acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis
10067818 Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
10067819 Andropausal symptoms
10067820 Male climacteric disturbance
10067821 Head and neck cancer
10067822 Community acquired infection
10067823 Splenic varices
10067824 Prophylaxis against atrial fibrillation
10067825 Peripheral arterial disease
10067826 Pulmonary air leakage
10067827 Prolonged pulmonary air leakage
10067828 Pelvicaliectasis
10067829 Testicular microlithiasis
10067830 Thoracic duct ligation
10067831 Post-thoracotomy pain syndrome
10067832 Mesotherapy
10067833 Free radial artery forearm flap operation
10067834 Electrocardiogram event monitoring
10067835 Soft tissue release
10067836 Endometrial hydroablation
10067837 Acute biphenotypic leukemia
10067838 Abdominal wall hematoma
10067839 Myofibroblastic tumour
10067840 Hyperlipasemia
10067841 Mean cell hemoglobin concentration abnormal
10067842 Intravenous fluids replacement
10067843 Nicotine poisoning
10067844 Anterior Q wave
10067845 Inferior Q wave
10067846 Lateral Q wave
10067847 Symmetric T wave inversion
10067848 Retinal implant
10067849 Lung volume reduction surgery
10067850 Arcuate foramen
10067851 Endobronchial valve implantation
10067852 Lipofibroma
10067853 Anal sphincter insufficiency
10067854 Idiopathic hirsutism
10067855 Gastric occult blood positive
10067856 Non-erosive reflux disease
10067857 Nijmegen breakage syndrome
10067858 Secondary antibody deficiency
10067859 Allogenic stem cell transplantation
10067860 Recurrent infection
10067861 Allergy to intravenous contrast media
10067862 Allogeneic stem cell transplantation
10067863 Uridrosis
10067864 Urhidrosis
10067865 Uremic frost
10067866 Benign familial neonatal convulsions
10067867 Nail bed infection fungal
10067868 Skin mass
10067869 Reflux laryngitis
10067870 Retinal transplant
10067871 Immunotactoid glomerulonephritis
10067872 Fungus identification test
10067873 Hashitoxicosis
10067874 Gastric perforation repair
10067875 Self inflicted laceration
10067876 External counterpulsation
10067877 Kidney malrotation
10067878 Bowel resection
10067879 Surdity
10067880 Uhthoff sign
10067881 Urinary catheter insertion
10067882 Subcutaneous infection
10067883 Subcutaneous bacterial infection
10067884 Subcutaneous fungal infection
10067885 Subcutaneous viral infection
10067886 Neurocirculatory dystonia
10067887 Congenital tricuspid valve incompetence
10067888 Congenital tricuspid insufficiency
10067889 Dementia with Lewy bodies
10067890 Uraemic frost
10067891 Tophus removal operation
10067892 Skin dysplasia
10067893 Back muscle spasms
10067894 Expired drug dispensed
10067895 Tyramine reaction
10067896 Bone groove deepening
10067897 Acute polyradiculoneuritis
10067898 Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
10067899 Mentoplasty
10067900 Mandibular reconstruction
10067901 Dry eczema
10067902 Photorefractive keratectomy
10067903 Keratomileusis
10067904 Cholesterol polyp
10067905 Gallbladder inflammatory polyp
10067906 Phantosmia
10067907 Olfactism
10067908 Neurosurgery
10067909 Streptococcal colonization
10067910 Staphylococcal colonization
10067911 Enterococcus colonization
10067912 Candida colonization
10067913 Streptococcal colonisation
10067914 Staphylococcal colonisation
10067915 Enterococcus colonisation
10067916 Candida colonisation
10067917 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour
10067918 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor
10067919 Hyperprothrombinemia
10067920 Hyperprothrombinaemia
10067921 Macrocalcification
10067922 Viral DNA test negative
10067923 Vaccine breakthrough infection
10067924 Varicella zoster serology negative
10067925 Long thoracic nerve palsy
10067926 Epstein-Barr virus test negative
10067927 Inappropriate age at vaccine administration
10067928 CBC normal
10067929 CBC abnormal
10067930 Varicella zoster virus DNA test negative
10067931 Comprehensive metabolic panel
10067932 Breakthrough varicella
10067933 Epstein-Barr virus serology negative
10067934 West Nile virus serology negative
10067935 Microbiology test normal
10067936 Microbiology test abnormal
10067937 HLA marker study positive
10067938 Yersinia serology positive
10067939 Yersinia serology negative
10067940 Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
10067941 Creatine phosphokinase abnormal
10067942 Bispectral index decreased
10067943 Hereditary papillary renal carcinoma
10067944 Hereditary leiomyomatosis renal cell carcinoma
10067945 Hypernephroid tumor
10067946 Renal cell carcinoma
10067947 Compulsive sexual behaviour
10067948 Compulsive shopping
10067949 Compulsive sexual behavior
10067950 Oropharyngeal blistering
10067951 Salt craving
10067952 Androgenital syndrome
10067953 Radiation fibrosis
10067954 Oromandibular dystonia
10067955 Tongue dystonia
10067956 Lingual dystonia
10067957 Stercolith
10067958 Coprolith
10067959 Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia
10067960 Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia and ringed sideroblasts
10067961 Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status
10067962 Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status worsened
10067963 ECOG performance status
10067964 ECOG performance status worsened
10067965 Pharyngotracheal lumen airway insertion
10067966 Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
10067967 Brain injury
10067968 Hypernephroid tumour
10067969 Cholestatic liver injury
10067970 Acute liver injury
10067971 Chronic liver injury
10067972 Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis
10067973 Hospice care
10067974 Automated peritoneal dialysis
10067975 Aortic intramural haematoma
10067976 Trapped lung
10067977 Gallbladder cyst
10067978 Aortic intramural hematoma
10067979 Traumatic liver injury
10067980 Bouchard's disease
10067981 Coronaropathy
10067982 Butterfly rash
10067983 Malar rash
10067984 Therapeutic gargle
10067985 Melanoplakia oral
10067986 Apolipoprotein E
10067987 Lipomeningocele repair
10067988 Polyradiculoneuritis
10067989 Intellectual disability
10067990 Incision site blister
10067991 Decapitation
10067992 Traumatic death
10067993 Mucosal necrosis
10067994 Mucosal atrophy
10067995 Injection site vasculitis
10067996 Catheter site swelling
10067997 Iodine deficiency
10067998 Paranasal sinus mucosal hypertrophy
10067999 BNP normal
10068000 BNP abnormal
10068001 BNP increased
10068002 BNP decreased
10068003 Catheter site irritation
10068004 Autoimmune hyperthyroidism
10068005 Thyroid cold nodule
10068006 Bladder hyperplasia
10068007 Compulsive hoarding
10068008 Trigeminal nerve paresis
10068009 Thermohypoaesthesia
10068010 Thermoanaesthesia
10068011 Thermohyperaesthesia
10068012 Temperature perception test normal
10068013 Temperature perception test abnormal
10068014 Temperature perception test increased
10068015 Temperature perception test decreased
10068016 Temperature difference of extremities
10068017 Sweat sodium test
10068018 Sweat sodium test normal
10068019 Sweat sodium test abnormal
10068020 Sweat sodium test elevated
10068021 Bacterial rash
10068022 Temperature difference of legs
10068023 Temperature difference of arms
10068024 BNP
10068025 Sweat test
10068026 Sweat test normal
10068027 Sweat test abnormal
10068028 Thermohypoesthesia
10068029 Thermoanesthesia
10068030 Thermohyperesthesia
10068031 B-type NP
10068032 PHACES syndrome
10068033 Renal fusion anomaly
10068034 Adiposogenital dystrophy
10068035 Penile artery occlusion
10068036 Penis injury
10068037 Gonadal insufficiency
10068038 Froehlich syndrome
10068039 Erection prolonged
10068040 Penis laceration
10068041 Testicular induration
10068042 Premature ovulation
10068043 Pure white cell aplasia
10068044 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
10068045 Cervical pregnancy
10068046 Phlegmasia alba dolens
10068047 Vasovagal shock
10068048 Probiotic therapy
10068049 Faecal bacteriotherapy
10068050 Faecal transplant
10068051 Chimerism
10068052 Mosaicism
10068053 Fecal bacteriotherapy
10068054 Fecal transplant
10068055 Pleural fluid analysis
10068056 Pathology test
10068057 Dependent rubor
10068058 Nail atrophy
10068059 Accessory spleen
10068060 Thyroid remnant ablation
10068061 Aplastic anemia relapse
10068062 Ischemic gangrene
10068063 Aplastic anaemia relapse
10068064 Ischaemic gangrene
10068065 Burning mouth syndrome
10068066 Ileocolic bypass
10068067 Tumour thrombosis
10068068 Adenocarcinoma of salivary gland
10068069 Peritoneal carcinomatosis
10068070 Tumor thrombosis
10068071 Inhibitory drug interaction
10068072 Potentiating drug interaction
10068073 Chloasma gravidarum
10068074 Bacterial test
10068075 Tissue adhesion prophylaxis
10068076 Thyroid hormone replacement therapy
10068077 Synovial fluid uric acid
10068078 Popliteal cyst rupture
10068079 Vomiting prophylaxis
10068080 Raji cell immune complex assay
10068081 Engraft failure
10068082 Failure to engraft platelets
10068083 Failure to engraft neutrophils
10068084 Anesthesia procedure
10068085 Otitis media hemophilus
10068086 Venipuncture site paresthesia
10068087 Vessel puncture site paresthesia
10068088 Endocarditis hemophilus
10068089 Epiglottitis hemophilus
10068090 Hemophilus influenzae DNA test positive
10068091 Hydroxyproline decreased
10068092 Hydroxyproline abnormal
10068093 Gastrointestinal surgery
10068094 Endovenous ablation
10068095 Eruptive pseudoangiomatosis
10068096 Parasitic test
10068097 Raymond-Cestan syndrome
10068098 Norwood procedure
10068099 Trochanteric syndrome
10068100 Vascular parkinsonism
10068101 Vestibular nystagmus
10068102 Hydroxyproline urine decreased
10068103 Hydroxyproline urine abnormal
10068104 Pontine syndrome
10068105 Cystolithotomy
10068106 Occipital neuralgia
10068107 Thyroid fibrosis
10068108 Labyrinthine nystagmus
10068109 Anterolateral myocardial infarction
10068110 Intolerance to excipients
10068111 Near death experience
10068112 Intracranial pressure monitoring
10068113 HBV coinfection
10068114 Apical cyst
10068115 Metastatic carcinoid tumour
10068116 Metastatic uterine cancer
10068117 Metastatic ocular melanoma
10068118 Metastatic carcinoid tumor
10068119 Aortic dissection rupture
10068120 Dissecting aortic aneurysm, ruptured
10068121 Pharyngeal haematoma
10068122 Splenic vein occlusion
10068123 Haemangioma of spleen
10068124 Malignant neoplasm of seminal vesicle
10068125 Benign neoplasm of seminal vesicle
10068126 Pharyngeal hematoma
10068127 Hemangioma of spleen
10068128 Pseudologia
10068129 Mythomania
10068130 Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum
10068131 Tachypsychia
10068132 Anoplasty
10068133 Congenital ureterovesical junction anomaly
10068134 Schloffer tumour
10068135 Curarisation
10068136 Reversal of curarisation
10068137 Obstruction caused by malposition of foetus at onset of labour
10068138 Mitral perforation
10068139 Device toxicity
10068140 Peritoneal laceration
10068141 Device overstimulation of tissue
10068142 Radiation sickness syndrome
10068143 Liver laceration
10068144 Corneal epithelial microcysts
10068145 Undesired device stimulation of nerve
10068146 Inappropriate device stimulation of muscle
10068147 Myocardial contusion
10068148 Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphaema syndrome
10068149 Vessel perforation
10068150 Acoustic shock
10068151 Closed capsulotomy
10068152 Tentorial tear
10068153 Intraocular sunset syndrome
10068154 Chemical exposure
10068155 Dialysis dementia
10068156 Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema syndrome
10068157 Inadequate osteointegration
10068158 First use syndrome
10068159 Foreign body reaction
10068160 Spinal arachnoiditis
10068161 Corneal burn
10068162 Atrial perforation
10068163 Subclinical infection
10068164 Esophageal laceration
10068165 Cardiac valve rupture
10068166 Oesophageal laceration
10068167 Cusp tear
10068168 Androgenetic alopecia
10068169 Iodine hyperthyroidism
10068170 Hemophthalmos
10068171 Distorted vision
10068172 Anal pruritus
10068173 Haemophthalmos
10068174 Ubiquinone
10068175 Coenzyme Q
10068176 Coronary artery bypass graft
10068177 Leukocytopenia
10068178 Leucocytopenia
10068179 Post transplant distal limb syndrome
10068180 Atrioventricular conduction time shortened
10068181 Psoas hitch procedure
10068182 Dyshidrosis lamellosa sicca
10068183 Calcineurin inhibitor induced pain syndrome
10068184 Pulmonary trichosporonosis
10068185 Disseminated trichosporonosis
10068186 Summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis
10068187 Recurrent cerebral infarction
10068188 Heat illness
10068189 Gastroenteritis norovirus
10068190 Gastroenteritis sapovirus
10068191 Postresuscitation encephalopathy
10068192 Gastroenteritis Norwalk-like virus
10068193 Gastroenteritis small round-structured virus
10068194 Gastroenteritis Sapporo virus
10068195 Gastroenteritis Sapporo-like virus
10068196 Autonomic dysreflexia
10068197 Gastric tube reconstruction
10068198 Chronic enterocolitis
10068199 Submandibular adenitis
10068200 Superficial gastritis
10068201 Buried bumper syndrome
10068209 Spinal muscular atrophy adult onset
10068210 Diarrhoea rotavirus
10068211 Toenail discoloration
10068212 Toenail discolouration
10068213 Interferon alpha level increased
10068214 Interferon alpha level decreased
10068215 Respiratory syncytial virus serology
10068216 Respiratory syncytial virus serology positive
10068217 Respiratory syncytial virus serology negative
10068218 Diarrhea rotavirus
10068219 Flatback syndrome
10068220 Aspartylglucosaminuria
10068221 Dyschiria
10068222 Hydrometrocolpos
10068223 Extramammary Paget's disease
10068224 Anti-insulin receptor antibody
10068225 Anti-insulin receptor antibody positive
10068226 Anti-insulin receptor antibody increased
10068227 Anti-insulin receptor antibody decreased
10068228 Deposit on the surface of intraocular lens
10068229 Anti factor VIII antibody test
10068230 Cardiorenal syndrome
10068231 Facetectomy
10068232 Chronic myeloid leukaemia transformation
10068233 Trimethylaminuria
10068234 Fractional curettage
10068235 Frost suture
10068236 Vesicoamniotic shunt
10068237 Hypertransaminasaemia
10068238 Hypertransaminasemia
10068239 Pancreatic infarction
10068240 Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis
10068241 Intra-abdominal hypertension
10068242 Nonarteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy
10068243 Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy
10068244 Arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy
10068245 NAION
10068246 AION
10068247 AAION
10068248 Hyper LDL cholesterolaemia
10068249 Nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
10068250 Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
10068251 Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
10068252 Hyper LDL cholesterolemia
10068253 Breast macrocalcifications
10068254 Fractured spinous process
10068255 Peritoneal effluent leukocyte count
10068256 Peritoneal catheter dysfunction
10068257 Peritoneal effluent basophil count
10068258 Peritoneal effluent eosinophil count
10068259 Peritoneal effluent leucocyte count
10068260 Peritoneal effluent monocyte count
10068261 Peritoneal effluent erythrocyte count
10068262 Peritoneal effluent specific gravity
10068263 Peritoneal effluent platelet count
10068264 Peritoneal effluent lymphocyte count
10068265 Peritoneal effluent neutrophil count
10068266 Premature follicular ripening
10068267 Delayed follicular ripening
10068268 Tumour compression
10068269 Cremasteric reflex absent
10068270 Tumor compression
10068271 Cystic fibrosis related diabetes
10068272 Reflex test normal
10068273 Reflex test abnormal
10068278 Bone resorption test
10068279 Fibrillary glomerulonephritis
10068280 Cleft lip and nose
10068281 Bipolar aphthosis
10068282 Barre-Lieou syndrome
10068283 Tuberculosis test
10068284 Tuberculosis test negative
10068285 Interatrial septal aneurysm
10068286 Anorectal discomfort
10068287 Child-Pugh-Turcotte score increased
10068288 Cystic fibrosis pulmonary exacerbation
10068289 Cystic fibrosis hepatic disease
10068290 Anorectal squamous cell metaplasia
10068291 MRSA colonization
10068292 Pseudomonas colonization
10068293 Ex-intravenous drug user
10068294 Multi-antiviral resistance
10068295 Pneumocystis jiroveci prophylaxis
10068296 MRSA colonisation
10068297 Pseudomonas colonisation
10068298 Fear of needles
10068301 Antiangiogenic therapy
10068302 Low grade laryngeal intraepithelial neoplasia
10068303 Drug effect delayed
10068304 Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
10068305 Steroid psychosis
10068306 Gastrointestinal bacterial infection
10068307 ALT flare up
10068308 Arthrosclerosis
10068309 Pain upon movement
10068310 Leg ulcer
10068311 Death imminent
10068312 Recurrent TIA
10068313 Urethral atrophy
10068314 Pilonidal sinus
10068315 Fasting
10068316 Spice allergy
10068317 Application site haematoma
10068318 Oropharyngeal discomfort
10068319 Oropharyngeal pain
10068320 Microencephaly
10068321 Congenital inguinal hernia
10068322 Oral papilloma
10068323 Arthrotoxicity
10068324 Hyperpallaesthesia
10068325 Hyperpallesthesia
10068326 Placental hypertrophy
10068327 Vibratory sense increased
10068328 Gartner duct cyst
10068329 Unintentional weight loss
10068330 Symptomatic epilepsy
10068331 Inflammatory pseudotumour
10068332 Inflammatory pseudotumor
10068333 Bilateral right-sidedness
10068334 Asplenia syndrome
10068335 Ivemark's syndrome
10068336 Cardiothoracic ratio
10068337 Cryptococcus antigen
10068338 Aspergillus antigen
10068339 Serum immunoelectrophoresis
10068340 Urine immunoelectrophoresis
10068341 HIV-1 infection
10068342 Intracerebral haematoma
10068343 Cryptococcus antigen positive
10068344 Intracerebral hematoma
10068345 Application site hematoma
10068346 Anosognosia
10068347 Lack of insight into disease
10068348 X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome
10068349 Epstein-Barr virus associated lymphoproliferative disorder
10068350 Duncan syndrome
10068351 Ciliary zonular dehiscence
10068352 Cerebral ventriculomegaly
10068353 Intimal dissection
10068354 Hepatitis immunisation
10068355 Oral allergy syndrome
10068356 Biliary polyp
10068357 Neurological decompensation
10068358 Hepatic vascular resistance increased
10068359 Hyperdynamic left ventricle
10068360 Peripapillary atrophy
10068361 MDS
10068362 MDS transformation
10068363 M component present
10068364 M spike present
10068365 Femoral artery embolism
10068366 Idioglossia
10068367 Precancerous mucosal lesion
10068368 Neurocryptococcosis
10068369 Supportive care
10068370 Acquired protein S deficiency
10068371 Heterometropia
10068372 Prophylaxis against stem cell transplant rejection
10068373 Capsuloplasty
10068374 Polycystic hepatorenal disease
10068375 HBV viral load increased
10068376 HBV viral load decreased
10068377 Hepatitis C RNA increased
10068378 Hepatitis C RNA decreased
10068379 Hepatitis B DNA increased
10068380 Hepatitis B DNA decreased
10068381 HCV viral load increased
10068382 HCV viral load decreased
10068383 Drug delivery system malfunction
10068384 Hepatitis immunization
10068385 Stomatococcal infection
10068386 Adipomastia
10068387 Myopic astigmatism
10068388 Actinic elastosis
10068389 Prethrombosis retinal
10068390 Benign melanoma
10068391 Cardioneuropathy
10068392 Nodular elastosis
10068393 Neutrophilic asthma
10068394 Brain teratoma
10068395 Rabbit syndrome
10068396 Condom failure pregnancy
10068397 Weiss ring
10068398 Haematapostema
10068399 Trochanteric femoral fracture
10068400 Alpha 1 microglobulin urine decreased
10068401 Multiple cerebral infarction
10068402 Cervix inflammation
10068403 COMFORT scale score increased
10068404 COMFORT scale score decreased
10068405 Glucosuria
10068406 Capillaritis
10068407 Surrogate mother
10068408 Recurrence of neuromuscular blockade
10068409 Gestational carrier
10068410 Disarticulation
10068411 Intestinal metaplasia
10068412 Oesophageal intestinal metaplasia
10068413 Hematapostema
10068414 Paternal drug exposure before pregnancy
10068415 Hepatitis B virus test
10068416 Hepatitis C virus test
10068417 Alveolar oxygen partial pressure
10068418 Alveolar oxygen partial pressure increased
10068419 Alveolar oxygen partial pressure decreased
10068420 Alveolar oxygen partial pressure abnormal
10068421 Venous oxygen partial pressure
10068422 Venous oxygen partial pressure increased
10068423 Venous oxygen partial pressure decreased
10068424 Venous oxygen partial pressure abnormal
10068425 Venous oxygen saturation
10068426 Venous oxygen saturation increased
10068427 Venous oxygen saturation decreased
10068428 Venous oxygen saturation abnormal
10068429 Acute vascular leak syndrome
10068430 Arterial oxygen saturation
10068431 Arterial oxygen saturation increased
10068432 Arterial oxygen saturation decreased
10068433 Arterial oxygen saturation abnormal
10068434 Arterial oxygen partial pressure increased
10068435 Arterial oxygen partial pressure decreased
10068436 Arterial oxygen partial pressure abnormal
10068437 PaO2
10068438 PaO2 increased
10068439 PaO2 decreased
10068440 PaO2 abnormal
10068441 Incessant ventricular tachycardia
10068442 Intermittent loss of capture
10068443 Inappropriate extra-cardiac device stimulation
10068444 Device intolerance
10068445 Paternal drugs affecting fetus
10068446 Short-term memory impairment
10068447 Creatinine renal clearance abnormal
10068448 Femur-fibula-ulna complex
10068449 Fetal hypokinesia
10068450 Hysterocolpectomy
10068451 ADHD, combined type
10068452 ADHD, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type
10068453 ADHD, predominantly inattentive type
10068454 Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
10068455 Bipolar I disorder, hypomanic
10068456 Percutaneous liver biopsy
10068457 Laparoscopic liver biopsy
10068458 Transjugular liver biopsy
10068459 Fine needle aspiration of the liver
10068460 Needle aponeurotomy
10068461 Foetal hypokinesia
10068462 Eosinophilic asthma
10068463 Paucigranulocytic asthma
10068464 Esophageal intestinal metaplasia
10068465 Paternal drug exposure
10068466 Intestinal metaplasia of the gastric mucosa
10068468 Extrapleural pneumonectomy
10068469 Occupational exposure to drug
10068470 Cytokeratin 18
10068471 Cytokeratin 18 increased
10068472 CK18
10068473 CK18 increased
10068474 Venous oxygen saturation normal
10068475 Chemotherapy sensitivity and resistance assay
10068476 Electrochemotherapy
10068477 Axillary lymphadenectomy
10068478 Sentinel lymphadenectomy
10068479 SI QIII TIII pattern
10068480 ECG counterclockwise rotation
10068481 QS pattern
10068482 Semen analysis
10068483 Semen analysis abnormal
10068484 Septate hymen
10068485 Vocal cord lipoinjection
10068486 Platelet-large cell ratio
10068487 Platelet-large cell ratio increased
10068488 Platelet-large cell ratio decreased
10068489 Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis
10068490 Lymph node aspiration
10068491 Needle aspiration biopsy of the lung
10068492 Microwave therapy
10068493 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
10068494 Microvillous inclusion disease
10068495 Natural killer cell count
10068496 Natural killer cell count increased
10068497 Natural killer cell count decreased
10068498 Natural killer T cell count
10068499 Natural killer T cell count increased
10068500 Natural killer T cell count decreased
10068501 Cushing's syndrome, steroid-induced
10068502 Purulent pharyngitis
10068503 Iliofemoral bypass
10068504 Microvillous atrophy
10068505 Stomatomycosis
10068506 Lip laceration
10068507 NK cell count
10068508 NK cell count increased
10068509 NK cell count decreased
10068510 NKT cell count
10068511 NKT cell count increased
10068512 NKT cell count decreased
10068513 Pulmonary renal syndrome
10068514 Capsular contracture associated with breast implant
10068515 Exposure to contaminated device
10068516 Encapsulation reaction
10068517 Intraocular pressure fluctuation
10068518 Radiation overdose
10068519 Radiation underdose
10068520 Loss of range of motion associated with device
10068521 Tissue breakdown associated with device
10068522 Non-surgical treatment
10068523 Breath stacking
10068524 Suture abrasion
10068525 Corneal microcystic oedema
10068526 Disfigurement
10068527 Tissue erosion associated with device
10068528 Exposure to device contaminated with body fluid
10068529 Corneal microcystic edema
10068530 Macular degeneration progression
10068531 Post ablation tubal ligation syndrome
10068532 5q minus syndrome
10068533 18q minus syndrome
10068534 Coronary no-reflow phenomenon
10068535 Stent embolisation
10068536 Stent under-expansion
10068537 Stent malapposition
10068538 Intraluminal coronary thrombosis
10068539 Side branch loss
10068540 Distal branch loss
10068541 Abrupt coronary artery closure
10068542 Threatened coronary artery closure
10068543 Stent embolization
10068544 RSV serology negative
10068545 RSV serology positive
10068546 Traumatic occlusion
10068547 Bacterascites
10068548 Soft tissue atrophy
10068549 Suggillation
10068550 Spastic bronchitis
10068551 Pseudobulbar affect
10068552 Coxodynia
10068553 Mariscae
10068554 Polymicrobial bacterascites
10068555 Monomicrobial non-neutrocytic bacterascites
10068556 Anal fungal infection
10068557 Suicidal intention
10068558 Androgenic alopecia
10068559 C-reactive protein abnormal
10068560 Toxicodermatosis
10068561 Presence of abnormal F wave on EMG
10068562 Respiratory syncytial virus test
10068563 Respiratory syncytial virus test positive
10068564 Respiratory syncytial virus test negative
10068565 Ventriculo-cardiac shunt
10068566 Acute radiation toxicity
10068567 Vesicostomy
10068568 Ureterovesicostomy
10068569 Ureterocystostomy
10068570 Malone procedure
10068571 Radiation larynx injury
10068572 Adnexectomy
10068573 Adnexectomy bilateral
10068574 Adnexectomy unilateral
10068575 Intestinal anastomosis complication
10068576 Intestinal anastomosis stenosis
10068577 Intestinal atony
10068578 Taste bud hypertrophy
10068579 Invasive gastroenteritis
10068580 Noninvasive gastroenteritis
10068581 Acquired haemoglobinopathy
10068582 Breast sarcoma
10068583 Breast sarcoma metastatic
10068584 Breast sarcoma recurrent
10068585 Acquired hemoglobinopathy
10068586 Secondary oxalosis
10068587 Central diabetes insipidus
10068588 Hypothalamic diabetes insipidus
10068589 Haemorrhoidal crisis
10068590 Lichen sclerosus of penis
10068591 Kraurosis vulvae
10068592 Atypical breast hyperplasia
10068593 Congenital oxalosis
10068594 Hemorrhoidal crisis
10068595 Sarcoma metastatic
10068596 Papuloerythroderma of Ofuji
10068597 Bulbospinal muscular atrophy congenital
10068598 Congenital ocular melanocytosis
10068599 Cranial trepanation
10068600 Kennedy's disease
10068601 Glioneuronal tumour
10068602 Glioneuronal tumor
10068603 Angiocentric neuroepithelial tumor
10068604 Angiocentric neuroepithelial tumour
10068605 Venous recanalisation
10068606 Venous recanalization
10068607 Catheter site erosion
10068608 Splenic calcification
10068609 Cheilitis candida
10068610 Hepatitis virus-associated nephropathy
10068611 Intra-abdominal pressure increased
10068612 Candida retinitis
10068613 Fungal retinitis
10068614 Exertional headache
10068615 Respiratory failure aggravated
10068616 Drain removal
10068617 Coronary heart disease
10068618 Ischemic type biliary lesion
10068619 Ischaemic type biliary lesion
10068620 Post procedural constipation
10068621 Cerebellar ischaemia
10068622 Chronic intestinal obstruction
10068623 Ascites drainage
10068624 Peritoneal fluid analysis normal
10068625 Acquired phimosis
10068626 Cerebellar ischemia
10068627 Chronotropic incompetence
10068628 Prosthetic vessel implantation
10068629 Platyspondylia
10068630 Ear infection fungal
10068631 Childhood depression
10068632 Pogosta disease
10068633 Somnoplasty
10068634 Orthotripsy
10068635 Hairy elbow syndrome
10068636 Hypertrichosis cubiti
10068637 Metastasectomy
10068638 Vertebrectomy
10068639 Episioperineoplasty
10068640 Bamberger-Marie disease
10068641 Pleuroperitoneal communication
10068642 Choroidal haematoma
10068643 Calcanectomy
10068644 Brain stem stroke
10068645 Sinus pause
10068646 Cardiac compensatory pause
10068647 Mammoplasty
10068648 Leukocytapheresis
10068649 Choroidal hematoma
10068650 Pineal gland cyst
10068651 Dowling-Degos disease
10068652 Histamine intolerance
10068653 Bone abscess
10068654 Bladder neck stricture
10068655 Nail injury
10068656 Modified radical neck dissection
10068657 Selective neck dissection
10068658 Acromioclavicular separation
10068659 Perianal fistula
10068660 Double crush syndrome
10068661 Talipes valgus acquired
10068662 Splenic varices haemorrhage
10068663 Phrenicectomy
10068664 Liver sarcoidosis
10068665 Ductus venosus agenesis
10068666 Perineal rupture
10068667 Omalgia
10068668 Mucosal pigmented naevus
10068669 Gonitis
10068670 High grade atrioventricular block
10068671 Sleep maintenance insomnia
10068672 Splenic varices hemorrhage
10068673 Mucosal pigmented nevus
10068674 Coxa antetorta
10068675 Impaction bone graft
10068676 Pneumoretroperitoneum
10068677 Splenic embolism
10068678 Nicotine abuse
10068679 Tumour local invasion
10068680 Tumor local invasion
10068681 Microdactyly
10068682 Gangrenous balanitis
10068683 Corbus' disease
10068684 Paradoxical diarrhea
10068685 Paradoxical diarrhoea
10068686 Commando procedure
10068687 Infusion site exfoliation
10068688 Implant site exfoliation
10068689 Injection site exfoliation
10068690 Pulmonary vein occlusion
10068691 Lipemia
10068692 Lipaemia
10068693 Transurethral incision of prostate
10068694 Testicular germ cell cancer metastatic
10068695 TUIP
10068696 Lymphangiomatosis
10068697 Intrathecal pump insertion
10068698 Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia
10068699 Cardiac valve fibroelastoma
10068700 Nephroscopy
10068701 Levator syndrome
10068702 Familial benign hypercalcemia
10068703 Venous reflux
10068704 Familial benign hypercalcaemia
10068705 Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
10068706 Fungus culture
10068707 Inhibition of enzyme activity
10068708 Lysozyme
10068709 Glucosylceramide
10068710 Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase
10068711 Positional plagiocephaly
10068712 Umbilical haematoma
10068713 Cortical thumbing
10068714 Leg scissoring
10068715 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
10068716 Umbilical hematoma
10068717 Superficial vein prominence
10068718 Premature uterine contractions
10068719 Drug overdose
10068720 Sexually transmitted infection
10068721 Skene's duct cyst
10068722 Skene's duct abscess
10068723 Antifungal treatment
10068724 Antiviral treatment
10068725 Blood beta-D-glucan
10068726 Pulmonary hypertensive crisis
10068727 Hepatitis C RNA fluctuation
10068728 Pseudohyperphosphataemia
10068729 Amphetamine abuse
10068730 Pseudohyperphosphatemia
10068731 Cerebrospinal fluid reservoir placement
10068732 Anisomastia
10068733 Respiratory fatigue
10068734 Enlarged cerebral perivascular spaces
10068735 Decidual cast
10068736 Acute oliguric renal failure
10068737 Facial asymmetry
10068738 Histaminosis
10068739 Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
10068740 CTEPH
10068741 Meningitis serosa circumscripta
10068742 Decidual disorder
10068743 Chlamydia identification test
10068744 Chlamydia identification test positive
10068745 Chlamydia identification test negative
10068746 Microwave coagulation
10068747 Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis
10068748 Palmoplantar rash
10068749 Lung cyst
10068750 Viral resistance
10068751 Cross resistance
10068752 Acute on chronic hepatic failure
10068762 Angioleiomyoma
10068763 Adrenal incidentaloma
10068764 Ileocaecal valve carcinoma
10068765 Ileocecal valve carcinoma
10068766 Blood chromogranin A
10068767 Viral cardiomyopathy
10068768 Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
10068769 Abnormal cervical cytology
10068770 Cardiophobia
10068771 Soft tissue neoplasm
10068772 Erythrophobia
10068773 Mechanical urticaria
10068774 Skin flap necrosis
10068776 Post embolisation syndrome
10068777 Post embolization syndrome
10068778 Phaeochromocytoma crisis
10068779 Pheochromocytoma crisis
10068780 Acetate intolerance
10068781 Atypical ductal hyperplasia
10068782 Atypical lobular hyperplasia
10068783 Alstroem syndrome
10068784 Sebaceous carcinoma
10068785 Histiocytic medullary reticulosis
10068786 Overlap syndrome
10068787 Hepatitis D virus test
10068788 Sticky platelet syndrome
10068789 Bone density abnormal
10068790 Ligament pain
10068791 Administration site abscess
10068792 Gastrosplenic fistula
10068793 Anti-erythropoietin antibody negative
10068794 JC virus test
10068795 JC virus test positive
10068796 Wound contamination
10068797 Anastomotic fistula
10068798 Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody positive
10068799 Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody negative
10068800 Extensive interdialytic weight gain
10068801 Antisynthetase syndrome
10068802 Ileoproctostomy
10068803 Cryoplasty
10068804 Athetoid cerebral palsy
10068805 Follicular bronchiolitis
10068806 Ureterovesical junction obstruction
10068807 Subcutaneous cyst
10068808 Epitrochleitis
10068809 Palisaded neutrophilic granulomatous dermatitis
10068810 Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
10068811 Krukenberg tumour
10068812 West Nile virus test positive
10068813 West Nile virus test negative
10068814 Alstrom syndrome
10068815 Hepatitis A virus test
10068816 Krukenberg tumor
10068817 West Nile virus PCR positive
10068818 West Nile virus PCR negative
10068819 Conjunctival pallor
10068820 Mediastinal effusion
10068821 Periportal oedema
10068822 Emphysematous pyelonephritis
10068823 Pancreatic calcification
10068824 Macrovascular disease
10068825 Glucose-6-phosphate transporter deficiency
10068826 Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
10068827 Periportal edema
10068828 Marine Lenhart syndrome
10068829 Overconfidence
10068830 Slow reflow phenomenon
10068831 Parorexia
10068832 Ulorrhagia
10068833 Salvage therapy
10068834 Fungating wound
10068835 Limb salvage therapy
10068836 Metabolic myopathy
10068837 Enzyme deficiency myopathy
10068838 Enzyme activity decreased
10068839 Oesophagogastrostomy
10068840 Laryngeal hypertrophy
10068841 Cobb syndrome
10068842 Olmsted syndrome
10068843 Esophagogastrostomy
10068844 Pyogenic liver abscess
10068845 Gnathoschisis
10068846 Spider-burst
10068847 Iridopathy
10068848 Endemic goiter
10068849 Endemic goitre
10068850 Cryopyrin associated periodic syndrome
10068851 Splenic peliosis
10068852 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
10068853 Airway peak pressure increased
10068854 Artificial bladder implantation
10068855 Symbolic dysfunction
10068856 Warty dyskeratoma
10068857 Indirect calorimetry
10068858 Direct calorimetry
10068859 Aortic anastomosis
10068860 Urinary stone analysis
10068861 Spinal ligament operation
10068862 Steinert disease
10068863 Cold agglutinin disease
10068864 Interauricular communication
10068865 Staple removal
10068866 Angioscopy
10068867 Synechia vulvae
10068868 Aorta substitution
10068869 Aneurysm embolization
10068870 Aneurysm embolisation
10068871 Myotonic dystrophy
10068872 Toe walking
10068873 Adenosquamous cell carcinoma
10068874 Symphysis pubis dysfunction
10068875 Mirror syndrome
10068876 Silicotuberculosis
10068877 Vaccination site infection
10068878 Vaccination site inflammation
10068879 Vaccination site pain
10068880 Vaccination site hypersensitivity
10068881 Vaccination site pruritus
10068882 Pelvic pouch procedure
10068883 Effective peritoneal surface area increased
10068884 Cholelithiasis migration
10068885 Subarachnoid abscess
10068886 Radiation neuropathy
10068887 Tobacco poisoning
10068888 Radiation salivary gland injury
10068889 Schizoaffective disorder bipolar type
10068890 Schizoaffective disorder depressive type
10068891 Plastic surgery of the lips and mouth
10068892 Cerebrospinal fluid drainage
10068893 Middle ear operation
10068894 Palatitis
10068895 Puncture site discharge
10068896 Caudal dysplasia syndrome
10068897 Myelorrhagia
10068898 Appendicostomy
10068899 Pelvic cellulitis
10068900 Bariatric surgery
10068901 Brachialgia
10068902 Bull's eye maculopathy
10068903 Circulating thrombus
10068904 Palatoschisis
10068905 Pseudoileus
10068906 Computer vision syndrome
10068907 CGVHD
10068908 AGVHD
10068909 Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour metastatic
10068910 Primitive neuroectodermal tumour metastatic
10068911 Alcaligenes infection
10068912 Genital hypoaesthesia
10068913 Granulocyte percentage
10068914 Color vision change
10068915 Genital hypoesthesia
10068916 Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor metastatic
10068917 Primitive neuroectodermal tumor metastatic
10068918 Colour vision change
10068919 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
10068920 Cerebrospinal fluid glucose increased
10068921 Perianal streptococcal infection
10068922 Implant site nodule
10068923 Portal hypertensive enteropathy
10068924 Anorectal varices
10068925 Anorectal varices haemorrhage
10068926 Pelvic floor stimulation
10068927 Gastrooesophageal varices haemorrhage
10068928 Gastrooesophageal varices
10068929 Somniloquism
10068930 Nocturnal eating (drinking) syndrome
10068931 Sacral nerve stimulation
10068932 Terminal insomnia
10068933 Anorectal varices hemorrhage
10068934 Gastroesophageal varices hemorrhage
10068935 Gastroesophageal varices
10068936 Low phospholipid-associated cholelithiasis
10068937 Serial transverse enteroplasty
10068938 Fasting hyperglycemia
10068939 Fasting hyperglycaemia
10068940 Food toxi-infection
10068941 Migrating urinary calculus
10068942 Implantable pleural catheter insertion
10068943 Limb reconstructive surgery
10068944 Device failure to prime
10068945 Incorrect dose administered by device
10068947 Device insertion difficult
10068948 Device insertion failed
10068949 Device use beyond labeled duration
10068950 Device material deterioration
10068951 Partial expulsion of IUD
10068952 IUD breakage
10068953 Device use beyond labelled duration
10068954 Crime
10068955 Criminal
10068956 Respiratory tract inflammation
10068957 Eosinophilic rhinitis
10068958 Peripapillary crescent
10068959 Reticular pseudodrusen
10068960 Narrow anterior chamber angle
10068961 Hypo HDL cholesterolaemia
10068962 Hypo HDL cholesterolemia
10068963 Interrupted urinary stream
10068964 Atrial switch operation
10068965 Protozoal colonization
10068966 Intestinal steatosis
10068967 Manual lymphatic drainage
10068968 Frontotemporal dementia
10068969 Adjuvant therapy
10068970 Surgical preconditioning
10068971 Germ cell cancer metastatic
10068972 Radiotherapy to joint
10068973 Adrenal gland operation
10068974 Peritoneal carcinoma metastatic
10068975 Bone atrophy
10068976 Gastrointestinal examination normal
10068977 Gastrointestinal examination abnormal
10068978 Gastrointestinal examination
10068979 Imaging procedure
10068980 Female genital mutilation
10068981 Von Willebrand's factor antigen decreased
10068982 Von Willebrand's factor antigen normal
10068983 Von Willebrand's factor activity abnormal
10068984 Von Willebrand's factor activity normal
10068985 Von Willebrand's factor activity test
10068986 Von Willebrand's factor activity decreased
10068987 Von Willebrand's factor activity increased
10068988 Von Willebrand's factor antigen test
10068989 Von Willebrand's factor antigen abnormal
10068990 Vulvovaginal condyloma
10068991 Digital mucous cyst
10068992 Mustard operation
10068993 Senning operation
10068994 Female circumcision
10068995 Protozoal colonisation
10068996 Von Willebrand's factor high
10068997 Hepatic artery flow decreased
10068998 Peritoneal fluid protein increased
10068999 Peritoneal fluid protein decreased
10069000 Peritoneal fluid protein abnormal
10069001 Choanal polyp
10069002 Autoimmune pancreatitis
10069003 Maxillary prognathism
10069004 Underbite
10069005 Overbite
10069006 Mandibular prognathism
10069007 Pretibial myxoedema
10069008 Mastoid effusion
10069009 Pretibial myxedema
10069010 Carcinoid heart disease
10069011 CSF gram stain
10069012 Computed tomographic colonography
10069013 Venous intravasation
10069014 Colour-coded duplex sonogram
10069015 Virtual colonoscopy
10069016 Color-coded duplex sonogram
10069017 Diabetic arteriosclerosis
10069018 Brachiocephalic vein stenosis
10069019 Favre-Racouchot syndrome
10069020 Basal ganglia infarction
10069021 Clusterin
10069022 Kidney injury molecule-1
10069023 Urine mucus increased
10069024 Paruresis
10069025 Shy bladder
10069026 Thiopurine methyltransferase
10069027 Pyocystitis
10069028 Iliopsoas syndrome
10069029 Arthrolysis
10069030 Graft failure
10069031 Invasive arthrolysis
10069032 Non-invasive arthrolysis
10069033 High anion gap metabolic acidosis
10069034 Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis syndrome
10069035 Axillofemoral bypass
10069036 Percutaneous peripheral intervention
10069037 Drug-eluting coronary stent placement
10069038 Bare metal coronary stent placement
10069039 TINU syndrome
10069040 Bone oedema
10069041 Bone edema
10069042 Subchondral bone edema
10069043 Subchondral bone oedema
10069044 C-telopeptide increased
10069045 Bone resorption test abnormal
10069046 Deoxypyridinoline urine
10069047 Tension pneumocephalus
10069048 Maxillary sinus haematoma
10069049 Gastrointestinal viral infection
10069050 Maxillary sinus hematoma
10069051 Benign ear neoplasm
10069052 Bone formation test
10069053 Bone formation test abnormal
10069054 Pelvic laparoscopy
10069055 Vulvovaginal pain
10069056 Pelvic laparoscopy normal
10069057 Pelvic laparoscopy abnormal
10069058 Lactation inhibition therapy
10069059 Adnexal torsion involving hydatid of Morgagni
10069060 Eye prosthesis insertion
10069061 Eye prosthesis removal
10069062 Synovioma
10069063 Lower abdominal tenderness
10069064 Upper abdominal tenderness
10069065 Vestibuloplasty
10069066 Intramedullary rod insertion
10069067 Peritonectomy
10069068 Pulmonary mycotoxicosis
10069069 Enchondroma
10069070 Histiocytic necrotising lymphadenitis
10069071 Kikuchi disease
10069072 Defibrillator/pacemaker insertion
10069073 Coronary calcium scan normal
10069074 Coronary calcium scan abnormal
10069075 Adrenomyeloneuropathy without cerebral involvement
10069076 Adrenomyeloneuropathy with cerebral involvement
10069077 Bronchocele
10069078 Brachioplasty
10069079 Anterior capsular fibrosis of the eye
10069080 Spinal laminotomy
10069081 Bronchocoele
10069082 Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis
10069083 Barium impaction
10069084 Barolith
10069085 Atrophic glossitis
10069086 Vesicovaginal fistula
10069087 Premenarche
10069088 Myopic disc
10069089 Keratectomy
10069090 Intraocular lens complication
10069091 Pseudoendophthalmitis
10069092 Conjunctival naevus
10069093 Non-infectious endophthalmitis
10069094 Thyroid peroxidase antibody positive
10069095 Intraocular lens decentration
10069096 Conjunctival nevus
10069097 Omenn syndrome
10069098 Cutaneovisceral angiomatosis with thrombocytopenia
10069099 Holmes tremor
10069100 Epimenorrhagia
10069101 Epididymal neoplasm
10069102 Tenonectomy
10069103 Haemoglobin C
10069104 Penile prosthesis removal
10069105 Urostomy closure
10069106 Penile vascular reconstructive surgery
10069107 Stauffer's syndrome
10069108 Tonsillotomy
10069109 Hymenotomy
10069110 Hemoglobin C
10069111 Inferior vena cava dilatation
10069112 Hepatic vein dilatation
10069113 Pericardial adhesions
10069114 Paradoxical septal motion
10069115 Laryngeal cleft
10069116 Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency
10069117 Mammary ductectomy
10069118 Gross motor delay
10069119 Tracheal dilatation
10069120 Tracheobronchial stent insertion
10069121 Cardiac septal defect residual shunt
10069122 Lingual thyroid
10069123 Stapedotomy
10069124 Injection site dysaesthesia
10069125 Retinal angiomatous proliferation
10069126 Sebopsoriasis
10069127 Papillary breast carcinoma in situ
10069128 IgA kappa increased
10069129 Pars plana vitrectomy
10069130 Total mesorectal excision
10069131 Peripherally inserted central catheterisation
10069132 Uterine anteflexion
10069133 Peripherally inserted central catheterization
10069134 Injection site dysesthesia
10069135 Periprosthetic fracture
10069136 Strabismus correction
10069137 Fibroidectomy
10069138 Papulopustular rash
10069139 Pain localized
10069140 Myocardial depression
10069141 Septic encephalopathy
10069142 Sympatholysis
10069143 Ureteroileocutaneostomy
10069144 Acute respiratory insufficiency
10069145 Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection
10069146 ORSA infection
10069147 Hypergeusia
10069148 Multiple hereditary exostosis
10069149 Minor cognitive motor disorder
10069150 Discordant twin
10069151 Prenatal screening test abnormal
10069152 Granulomatous pneumonitis
10069153 Congenital myopia
10069154 Aldolase abnormal
10069155 Capsular haze
10069156 Ovarian remnant syndrome
10069157 Residual ovary syndrome
10069158 Hyperfocus
10069159 Catheter culture
10069160 Catheter culture positive
10069161 Catheter culture negative
10069162 Gasping syndrome
10069163 Eosinophilic peritonitis
10069164 Tongue pigmentation
10069165 Conjunctival filtering bleb leak
10069166 Blebitis
10069167 Kounis syndrome
10069168 Heart sounds
10069169 Eubacterium infection
10069170 Left ventricular ejection fraction
10069173 Product contamination
10069174 Product contamination chemical
10069175 Product contamination microbial
10069176 Product contamination physical
10069177 Product sterility lacking
10069178 Product impurities found
10069179 Product contamination bacterial
10069180 Product contamination endotoxin
10069181 Product contamination exotoxin
10069182 Product contamination endospores
10069183 Product contamination viral
10069184 Product contamination fungal
10069185 Product contamination soil
10069186 Product contamination insect
10069187 Product contamination metal
10069188 Product contamination plastic
10069189 Product contamination foreign material
10069190 Product contamination particulate matter
10069191 Product contamination hair
10069192 Product contamination glass
10069193 Product sterile packaging disrupted
10069194 Product sterile packaging missing
10069195 Abnormal withdrawal bleeding
10069196 Cytostatic chemotherapy
10069197 Yellow fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease
10069198 Yellow fever vaccine-associated neurotropic disease
10069199 Dent's disease
10069200 Eyelid injury
10069201 Smoke sensitivity
10069202 Nasal irrigation
10069203 Waardenburg syndrome
10069204 Electrocauterisation
10069205 Neurostimulator implantation
10069206 Neurostimulator removal
10069207 Tennis leg
10069208 Spastic paraparesis
10069209 Bladder neck contracture
10069210 Prostatic greenlight laser vapourisation
10069211 Diastolic heart failure
10069212 Electrocauterization
10069213 Prostatic greenlight laser vaporization
10069214 Large granular lymphocyte count increased
10069215 Peripheral lipodystrophy
10069216 Device adhesion issue
10069217 Needle issue
10069218 Syringe issue
10069220 Product friable
10069221 Product colour issue
10069222 Product coating issue
10069223 Product shape issue
10069224 Liquid product physical issue
10069226 Product odour abnormal
10069227 Product taste abnormal
10069228 Product formulation issue
10069229 Product solubility abnormal
10069230 Capsule issue
10069231 Product gel formation
10069232 Product dosage form issue
10069233 Product color variation
10069234 Product discoloration
10069235 Product coating cracked
10069236 Product coating incomplete
10069237 Capsule extra shell
10069238 Capsule open
10069239 Capsule fill abnormal
10069240 Capsule separation
10069241 Product viscosity variable
10069242 Product appearance cloudy
10069243 Product dosage form imprint incorrect
10069244 Product solubility decreased
10069245 Product solubility increased
10069246 Product dissolution decreased
10069247 Product dissolution increased
10069248 Liquid product flow abnormal
10069249 Product size issue
10069250 Product deposit
10069251 Tablet issue
10069252 Product odor abnormal
10069253 Product color issue
10069254 Product colour variation
10069255 Product discolouration
10069256 Product dissolution abnormal
10069257 Tablet clumping
10069258 Scored tablet splitting issue
10069259 Product precipitate present
10069260 Product crystals present
10069261 Product sedimentation present
10069262 Tablet damaged
10069263 Tablet chipped
10069264 Tablet cracked
10069266 Product lot number issue
10069267 Product identification number issue
10069268 Product label on wrong product
10069269 Product barcode issue
10069270 Product label counterfeit
10069271 Product expiration date issue
10069272 Physical product label issue
10069273 Product label confusion
10069274 Product lot number missing
10069275 Product lot number illegible
10069276 Product lot number incorrect
10069277 Product identification number missing
10069278 Product identification number illegible
10069279 Product identification number incorrect
10069280 Product barcode missing
10069281 Product barcode on wrong product
10069282 Product barcode readability issue
10069283 Product expiration date missing
10069284 Product expiration date illegible
10069285 Product expiration date incorrect
10069286 Product label missing text
10069287 Product label damaged
10069288 Product label loose
10069289 Product label issue
10069290 Product charge number issue
10069292 Product outer packaging issue
10069293 Product container issue
10069294 Product dropper issue
10069295 Product closure issue
10069296 Product closure removal difficult
10069297 Product commingling
10069298 Product container seal issue
10069299 Product packaging quantity issue
10069300 Product blister packaging issue
10069301 Product packaging counterfeit
10069302 Product container damaged
10069303 Product container leak
10069304 Product container size incorrect
10069305 Product container type incorrect
10069306 Package volume overfill
10069307 Unit-dose blister packaging partial fill
10069308 Product dropper missing
10069309 Product dropper tip missing
10069310 Product dropper tip issue
10069311 Product dropper improperly calibrated
10069312 Product dropper calibration unreadable
10069313 Product closure missing
10069314 Product closure deterioration
10069315 Product stopper coring
10069316 Wrong product and correct product in same container
10069317 Wrong and correct product strengths in same container
10069318 Package dosage units missing
10069319 Package quantity incorrect
10069320 Package empty units
10069321 Package volume underfill
10069322 Product blister packaging separated
10069323 Unit-dose blister pack issue
10069325 Product measured potency issue
10069326 Product substitution issue
10069327 Product quality issue
10069328 Incorrect product storage
10069329 Product compounding quality issue
10069330 Product tampering
10069331 Product counterfeit
10069332 Product name confusion
10069333 Product measured superpotent
10069334 Product measured subpotent
10069335 Product measured potency decrease over time
10069336 Product substitution issue brand to generic
10069337 Product substitution issue generic to brand
10069338 Product substitution issue brand to brand
10069339 Acute kidney injury
10069340 Product substitution issue generic to generic
10069341 Berger's disease
10069342 Legionella urinary antigen
10069343 Ahumada-del Castillo syndrome
10069344 Femoropopliteal stenosis
10069345 Solid pseudopapillary tumour of the pancreas
10069346 Autologous chondrocyte implantation
10069347 Subchondral bone cyst
10069348 Subchondral osteosclerosis
10069349 Central osteophyte
10069350 Osmotic demyelination syndrome
10069351 Acute lung injury
10069352 Rebound psoriasis
10069353 Small intestinal polypectomy
10069354 Duodenal polypectomy
10069355 Infectious pneumonitis
10069356 Subretinal fluid
10069357 Subretinal oedema
10069358 Subretinal edema
10069359 Leukaemic infiltration renal
10069360 Leukaemic infiltration
10069361 Leukemic infiltration renal
10069362 Leukemic infiltration
10069363 Traumatic lung injury
10069364 Meniscal degeneration
10069365 Naevus anaemicus
10069366 Hypophonia
10069367 Nevus anemicus
10069368 Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas
10069369 Myochosis
10069370 Zonesthesia
10069371 Onychotillomania
10069372 Zonaesthesia
10069373 Human antichimeric antibody negative
10069374 Microscopy
10069375 Human antichimeric antibody positive
10069376 Optical microscopy
10069377 Jo-1 antibody negative
10069378 Solitary epithelioid histiocytoma
10069379 Peripheral arterial reocclusion
10069380 Small-for-size liver syndrome
10069381 Capillary nail refill test abnormal
10069382 Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
10069383 Joint capsule rupture
10069384 Ischaemic nephropathy
10069385 Ocular ischaemic syndrome
10069386 Incision site hypoaesthesia
10069387 Wound odour
10069388 Pulmonary oil microembolism
10069389 Wound odor
10069390 Ischemic nephropathy
10069391 Ocular ischemic syndrome
10069392 Incision site hypoesthesia
10069393 Chiari network
10069394 Bronchitis chemical
10069395 Haemosiderinuria
10069396 Urethrotrigonitis
10069397 Hemosiderinuria
10069398 Breakthrough cancer pain
10069399 Necrotising mediastinitis
10069400 Swallow syncope
10069401 Necrotizing mediastinitis
10069402 Wildervanck syndrome
10069403 Insulin resistance test
10069404 Homeostasis model assessment
10069405 Product packaging issue
10069406 Lung scarring
10069407 Radiation therapy to ear, nose, or throat
10069408 Acanthamoeba keratitis
10069409 Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome
10069410 Cholecystectasia
10069411 Blalock-Taussig shunt
10069412 Blue baby syndrome
10069413 Premacular membrane
10069414 Confluent and reticulate papillomatosis
10069415 Verbal hallucinations
10069416 Subcostal retraction
10069417 Rippling muscle disease
10069418 Cyanotic heart disease
10069419 Pancreas divisum
10069420 Valsalva maneuver
10069421 Lymphatic fistula
10069422 Omentopexy
10069423 Pharmacophobia
10069424 Pleural plaque
10069425 Familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome
10069426 FAMMM
10069427 Borderline hypercholesterolemia
10069428 Colon adenomatous polyp
10069429 Ulnocarpal abutment syndrome
10069430 Borderline hypercholesterolaemia
10069431 Orthostatic heart rate response increased
10069432 Hashimoto's encephalopathy
10069433 Remnant gastritis
10069434 Omental implantation
10069435 Radiation proctopathy
10069436 Bone graft removal
10069437 Urachal abscess
10069438 Endoscopic nasobiliary drainage
10069439 Bunionette
10069440 Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritis
10069441 Coronary artery fistula
10069442 Persistent cloaca
10069443 Sebaceous gland infection
10069444 Bronchial metaplasia
10069445 Acrokeratosis verruciformis
10069446 Hyperopic astigmatism
10069447 Pitted keratolysis
10069448 Bladder dysplasia
10069449 Lymphatic duct injury
10069450 Hypoglossal nerve paralysis
10069451 Episcleral haemorrhage
10069452 Exudative pericarditis
10069453 Dry rhinitis
10069454 Partial atelectasis
10069455 Episcleral hemorrhage
10069456 Succinylacetone
10069457 Succinylacetone increased
10069458 Succinylacetone decreased
10069459 Tyrosinaemia type I
10069460 Tyrosinaemia type II
10069461 Tyrosinaemia type III
10069462 Tyrosinemia type I
10069463 Tyrosinemia type II
10069464 Tyrosinemia type III
10069465 NAT2 slow acetylator status
10069466 NAT2 rapid acetylator status
10069467 Urinary glycosaminoglycans increased
10069468 Urinary glycosaminoglycans
10069469 Postimplantation syndrome
10069470 Endotension
10069471 Small bowel pseudomelanosis
10069472 Vaccination site haematoma
10069473 Vaccination site hematoma
10069474 Vaccination site discolouration
10069475 Vaccination site haemorrhage
10069476 Vaccination site abscess sterile
10069477 Vaccination site dermatitis
10069478 Vaccination site discomfort
10069479 Vaccination site irritation
10069480 Vaccination site lymphadenopathy
10069481 Vaccination site paraesthesia
10069482 Vaccination site rash
10069483 Vaccination site burning
10069484 Vaccination site bruising
10069485 Vaccination site stinging
10069486 Vaccination site discoloration
10069487 Vaccination site hemorrhage
10069488 Vaccination site paresthesia
10069489 Vaccination site exfoliation
10069490 Azygos lobe
10069491 Thoracic cavity lavage
10069492 Herbal toxicity
10069493 Perennial allergy
10069494 Carcinomatous polyarthritis
10069495 Acquired Von Willebrand's disease
10069496 Vaccine exposure before pregnancy
10069497 Floppy eyelid syndrome
10069498 Knee impingement syndrome
10069499 Brittle eyelashes
10069500 Swine influenza
10069501 Left ventricular systolic dysfunction
10069502 Painful eye movement
10069503 Ectopic thyroid
10069504 Muscle induration
10069505 Congenital monorchidism
10069506 Aneurysm enlargement
10069507 Aortic aneurysm enlargement
10069508 Fungal tracheitis
10069509 Autoimmune pancytopenia
10069510 Subgaleal haematoma
10069511 Rhabdoid meningioma
10069512 Paraphasia
10069513 Terra firma-forme dermatosis
10069514 Subgaleal hematoma
10069515 Blood tyrosine
10069516 Alphaviral infection
10069517 Angiostrongylus infection
10069518 Anthrax immunisation
10069519 Platelet distribution width abnormal
10069520 Adverse event following immunisation
10069521 Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
10069522 Bacterial antigen test
10069523 Balamuthia infection
10069524 Basophil degranulation test
10069525 Adverse event following immunization
10069526 Allergic shock
10069527 Anthrax immunization
10069528 Atypical febrile seizure
10069529 Axillary thermometry
10069530 Bacterial dermatitis
10069531 Paranoid state
10069532 Gestational age test
10069533 Haemophilus influenzae type b immunisation
10069534 Immunoglobulin therapy
10069535 Japanese encephalitis immunisation
10069536 Mast cell degranulation test
10069537 Measles immunisation
10069538 Monkeypox
10069539 Mumps immunisation
10069540 Generalised vaccinia
10069541 Generalized vaccinia
10069542 Group A beta haemolytic Streptococcus positive
10069543 Hemophilus influenzae type b immunization
10069544 Japanese encephalitis immunization
10069545 Measles immunization
10069546 Mucosal eruption
10069547 Mumps immunization
10069548 Generalised lymphadenopathy
10069549 Generalized lymphadenopathy
10069550 Intrapericardial thrombosis
10069551 Brain midline shift
10069552 Diogenes syndrome
10069553 Rubella immunisation
10069554 Traumatic lumbar puncture
10069555 Use of accessory respiratory muscles
10069556 Vaccination site abscess
10069557 Smallpox immunisation
10069558 Snowshoe hare virus infection
10069559 Vaccination site cellulitis
10069560 Vaccination site discharge
10069561 Vaccination site eschar
10069562 Vaccination site granuloma
10069563 Thymic stress effect
10069564 Rubella immunization
10069565 Sedative intoxication
10069566 Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
10069567 Smallpox immunization
10069568 Ultrafiltration failure
10069569 Regional chemotherapy
10069570 Arterial infusion chemotherapy
10069571 Atrioventricular dissociation
10069572 Meibomian gland obstruction
10069573 Rabies immunisation
10069574 Restriction endonuclease assay
10069575 Restriction fragment-length polymorphism analysis
10069576 Robust take following exposure to vaccinia virus
10069577 Pertussis immunisation
10069578 Pneumococcal immunisation
10069579 Posterior fossa syndrome
10069580 Reappearance of infantile reflexes
10069581 Disease prodromal stage
10069582 Progressive vaccinia
10069583 Pulse volume decreased
10069584 Neurodevelopment test
10069585 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging spinal cord abnormal
10069586 Orthopox virus infection
10069587 Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis
10069588 Parasitic encephalitis
10069589 Rabies immunization
10069590 Regional lymphadenopathy
10069591 Revaccination
10069592 Persistent crying
10069593 Pertussis immunization
10069594 Pneumococcal immunization
10069595 Bed sharing
10069596 Cartilage-hair hypoplasia
10069597 CSF immunoglobulin G index
10069598 CSF leukocyte/erythrocyte ratio
10069599 Blood cytokine test
10069600 Body temperature normal
10069601 CSF leukocyte/erythrocyte ratio increased
10069602 CSF white blood cell differential
10069603 Exposure to vaccinated person
10069604 Gene sequencing
10069605 Co-sleeping
10069606 Crib death
10069607 CSF IgM increased
10069608 Borderline SIDS
10069609 Disseminated vaccinia
10069610 Entamoebic histolytica infection
10069611 Fluctuant lymph nodes
10069612 Vaccinia test positive
10069613 Varicella immunisation
10069614 Yellow fever immunisation
10069615 Pregnancy with young maternal age
10069616 Vaccination site nodule
10069617 Vaccination site oedema
10069618 Vaccination site scab
10069619 Vaccination site scar
10069620 Vaccination site swelling
10069621 Vaccination site ulcer
10069622 Vaccination site urticaria
10069623 Vaccination site vesicles
10069624 Vaccination site warmth
10069625 Vaccination site necrosis
10069626 Vaccinia gangrenosum
10069627 Vaccinia necrosum
10069628 Varicella immunization
10069629 Yellow fever immunization
10069630 Vaccination site edema
10069631 Vaccination site tenderness
10069632 Bladder dysfunction
10069633 Decreased eye contact
10069634 Post-exertional malaise
10069635 Red currant jelly stools
10069636 Disseminated BCG
10069637 Quadrantectomy
10069638 Peritoneal effluent abnormal
10069639 Sphingomonas paucimobilis infection
10069640 Hand and foot skin reaction
10069641 Blepharosynechia
10069642 Ebola Reston virus infection
10069643 Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma
10069644 Shield ulcer
10069645 Reduced bladder capacity
10069646 Camptocormia
10069647 Eye patch application
10069648 Urinary straining
10069649 Atopic cataract
10069650 Tendon necrosis
10069651 Oophoropexy
10069652 Retinal phototoxicity
10069653 Thelorrhagia
10069654 Otorrhagia
10069655 Urometry
10069656 Group A beta hemolytic Streptococcus positive
10069657 Burkholderia cepacia complex infection
10069658 HIV cardiomyopathy
10069659 Burkholderia dolosa infection
10069660 Burkholderia cenocepacia infection
10069661 Burkholderia multivorans infection
10069662 Disseminated mycobacterium avium complex infection
10069663 Bispectral index
10069664 Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
10069665 Mesenteritis
10069666 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism
10069667 Infusion site discomfort
10069668 Artificial sweetener intolerance
10069669 Application site stinging
10069670 Faecal calprotectin
10069671 Rupture of renal pelvis
10069672 Vaginal high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
10069673 Anti-SCL 70
10069674 Fecal calprotectin
10069675 Ventilation perfusion mismatch
10069676 Clotted haemothorax
10069677 Clotted hemothorax
10069678 Bone marrow reticulin fibrosis
10069679 Perineal ulceration
10069680 Eccrine carcinoma
10069681 Monomelic amyotrophy
10069682 O'Sullivan - McLeod syndrome
10069683 Peritoneal dialysate effluent Gram stain
10069684 Burkholderia cepacia complex sepsis
10069685 Thrombopoietin level abnormal
10069686 Fingerprint loss
10069687 Molybdenum cofactor deficiency
10069688 Acute phosphate nephropathy
10069689 Spinal column injury
10069690 Vertebral foraminal stenosis
10069691 HIV enteropathy
10069692 Orbital pseudotumour
10069693 Orbital pseudotumor
10069694 Brachiocephalic artery occlusion
10069695 Subclavian artery occlusion
10069696 Coeliac artery occlusion
10069697 Celiac artery occlusion
10069698 Langerhans' cell histiocytosis
10069699 Mesenteric traction syndrome
10069700 Hepatolithectomy
10069701 Nasopharyngeal atresia
10069702 Paranasal sinus haematoma
10069703 Bile acid malabsorption
10069704 Cutaneous loxoscelism
10069705 Flake fracture
10069706 Pseudaesthesia
10069707 Coma scale normal
10069708 Coma scale
10069709 Coma scale abnormal
10069710 Paranasal sinus hematoma
10069711 Pseudesthesia
10069712 HTLV-1 carrier
10069713 Primary ciliary dyskinesia
10069714 Ross syndrome
10069715 Submaxillary gland swelling
10069717 Cameron ulcer
10069718 Bacterial colonization
10069719 Bacterial colonisation
10069720 Inner ear vascular insufficiency
10069721 Leptin level increased
10069722 Complicated malaria
10069723 Loss of anatomical alignment after fracture reduction
10069724 Amputation stump pain
10069725 Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status improved
10069726 Cerebellopontine angle tumour
10069727 May-Thurner syndrome
10069728 Rectosigmoid cancer metastatic
10069729 Collateral circulation
10069730 Large cell lung cancer metastatic
10069731 Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia
10069732 Neurotrophic keratopathy
10069733 ECOG performance status improved
10069734 Necrotizing otitis externa
10069735 Distended pylorus
10069736 Distended bowel
10069737 Distended stomach
10069738 Distended ureter
10069739 Distended blood vessels
10069740 Distended bile duct
10069741 Distended pancreatic duct
10069742 Distended urethra
10069743 Distended anus
10069744 Distended coronary artery
10069745 Cerebellopontine angle tumor
10069746 Necrotising otitis externa
10069747 Burkholderia mallei infection
10069748 Burkholderia pseudomallei infection
10069749 Internal fixation of spine
10069750 Hydrolipoclasy
10069751 Low carbohydrate diet
10069752 Biopsy soft tissue
10069753 Laryngeal dilation procedure
10069754 Acquired gene mutation
10069755 K-ras gene mutation
10069756 Ecthyma gangrenosum
10069757 Glottis dilation procedure
10069758 Somatic mutation
10069759 KRAS mutation
10069760 Norrie's disease
10069761 Hematological infection
10069762 Haematological infection
10069763 Radiotoxicity
10069764 Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome
10069765 H1N1 influenza serology negative
10069766 H1N1 influenza immunization
10069767 H1N1 influenza
10069768 H1N1 influenza serology positive
10069769 H1N1 influenza serology
10069770 H1N1 influenza immunisation
10069771 Thyroid dermatopathy
10069772 Eyeglasses therapy
10069773 Administration related reaction
10069774 Congenital cranial nerve paralysis
10069777 Infertile partner
10069778 Vancomycin intermediate Staphylococcus aureus infection
10069779 Brugada-type ECG
10069780 Fibroxanthoma
10069798 Amniotic membrane graft
10069799 Device lead vegetation
10069800 Breast complication associated with device
10069801 Cardiac complication associated with device
10069802 Device related sepsis
10069803 Injury associated with device
10069804 Transient thyroid enlargement
10069805 Os trigonum
10069806 Os trigonum syndrome
10069807 Duodenal ulcer repair
10069808 Electrical burn
10069809 Pancreatic stent placement
10069810 Pancreatic stent removal
10069811 Respiratory syncytial virus bronchitis
10069812 Testicular choriocarcinoma recurrent
10069813 Testis cancer recurrent
10069814 Panhysterectomy
10069815 Discopathy
10069816 Hyperosteogeny
10069817 Thyroid fine needle aspiration
10069818 Peripheral lymphadenopathy
10069819 Congenital neutropenia
10069820 Tomaculous neuropathy
10069821 Maxillitis
10069822 Hysteromyoma
10069823 Strumitis
10069824 Oropharyngeal surgery
10069825 Myoclonic epilepsy and ragged-red fibres
10069826 Inflammatory marker increased
10069827 Coma blister
10069828 Trigemino-cardiac reflex
10069829 Intestinal haematoma
10069830 Unable to eat
10069831 Broken nails
10069832 Ovarian myoma
10069833 Autointoxication
10069834 Refractory shock
10069835 Intestinal hematoma
10069836 Neurological complication associated with device
10069837 Eye complication associated with device
10069838 Reproductive complication associated with device
10069839 Respiratory complication associated with device
10069840 Vascular complication associated with device
10069841 Device alarm issue
10069842 Device information output issue
10069843 Device computer issue
10069844 Device electrical impedance issue
10069845 Device-device incompatibility
10069846 Patient-device incompatibility
10069847 Device specification incorrect for patient
10069848 Device connection loose
10069849 Device computer software issue
10069851 Device electrical conduction issue
10069852 Chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia
10069853 Device difficult to use
10069854 Cronobacter bacteraemia
10069855 Cronobacter infection
10069856 Meningitis cronobacter
10069857 Cronobacter sakazakii infection
10069858 Cronobacter bacteremia
10069859 Infection induced asthma
10069860 Device signal detection issue
10069861 Device stimulation issue
10069862 Stent malfunction
10069863 Device optical issue
10069864 Device pacing issue
10069865 Device power source issue
10069866 Stent-graft compression
10069867 Device capturing issue
10069868 Device issue
10069869 Device component issue
10069870 Device damage
10069871 Device material issue
10069872 Device chemical property issue
10069873 Device colour issue
10069874 Device color issue
10069875 Device discolouration
10069876 Device discoloration
10069877 Product cleaning inadequate
10069878 Product contamination with body fluid
10069879 Device material opacification
10069880 Device physical property issue
10069881 Product biofilm coating
10069882 Product contamination with blood
10069883 Product contamination with blood derivative
10069884 Product label missing
10069885 Destructive thyroiditis
10069886 Omental infarction
10069887 Femur shaft fracture
10069889 Product adhesion issue
10069890 Needle broken
10069891 Syringe broken
10069892 Syringe leak
10069893 Syringe missing
10069894 Needle bent
10069895 Needle point burr
10069896 Needle cover defect
10069897 Needle dull
10069898 Needle leak
10069899 Needle missing
10069900 Needle plugged
10069901 Needle separated from collar
10069902 Product complaint
10069903 CSF volume increased
10069904 Malodorous diarrhea
10069905 Malodourous diarrhoea
10069906 Cerebrospinal fluid volume increased
10069907 Double stranded DNA antibody positive
10069908 Renal haemangioma
10069909 Metastatic pulmonary embolism
10069910 Antiribosomal P antibody positive
10069911 Colonoptosis
10069912 Anti-dsDNA antibody
10069913 Paraseptal emphysema
10069914 Anti-dsDNA antibody positive
10069915 Renal hemangioma
10069916 Rowell's syndrome
10069917 Orthostatic tremor
10069918 Bacterial prostatitis
10069919 Glomus tympanicum tumour
10069920 Glomus tympanicum tumor
10069921 Anti-androgen withdrawal syndrome
10069922 Vascular graft thrombosis
10069923 Traction alopecia
10069924 Acute fibrinous organising pneumonia
10069925 Device colonisation
10069926 Device colonization
10069927 Acute fibrinous organizing pneumonia
10069928 Lung wedge resection
10069929 Lung segmentectomy
10069930 Lacrimal haemorrhage
10069931 Lacrimal hemorrhage
10069932 Hemolacria
10069933 Eyelash thinning
10069934 Haemolacria
10069935 Ciliary madarosis
10069936 Superciliary madarosis
10069937 Joint prosthesis loosening
10069938 Medicinal patch adhesion issue
10069939 Cronobacter necrotising enterocolitis
10069940 Cronobacter necrotizing enterocolitis
10069941 Aortic murmur
10069942 Myocardial scintigraphy
10069943 Vaccine response impaired
10069944 Hyper HDL cholesterolaemia
10069945 Megakaryocyte destruction increased
10069946 Hyper HDL cholesterolemia
10069947 Urethral stent removal
10069948 Renal artery stent removal
10069949 Vascular stent removal
10069950 Arterial stent removal
10069951 Bile duct stent removal
10069952 Carotid artery stent removal
10069953 Coronary artery stent removal
10069954 Intestinal stent removal
10069955 Oesophageal stent removal
10069956 Actinomyces test positive
10069957 Aeromonas test positive
10069958 Bacteroides test positive
10069959 Bifidobacterium test positive
10069960 Burkholderia test positive
10069961 Bacillus test positive
10069962 Acinetobacter test positive
10069963 Citrobacter test positive
10069964 Empedobacter test positive
10069965 Actinomyces israeli test positive
10069966 Acinetobacter baumannii test positive
10069967 Bacteroides fragilis test positive
10069968 Burkholderia cepacia complex test positive
10069969 Aeromonas hydrophila test positive
10069970 Bacillus anthracis test positive
10069971 Bacillus cereus test positive
10069972 Bacillus fragilis test positive
10069973 Bacillus licheniformis test positive
10069974 Bacillus subtilis test positive
10069975 Burkholderia mallei test positive
10069976 Burkholderia pseudomallei test positive
10069977 Citrobacter freundii test positive
10069978 Empedobacter brevis test positive
10069979 Glutathione s-transferase increased
10069980 Glutathione s-transferase decreased
10069981 Glutathione s-transferase abnormal
10069982 Alpha GST increased
10069983 Alpha GST decreased
10069984 Alpha GST abnormal
10069985 Alpha glutathione s-transferase increased
10069986 Alpha glutathione s-transferase decreased
10069987 Alpha glutathione s-transferase abnormal
10069988 Urinary alpha glutathione s-transferase increased
10069989 Urinary alpha glutathione s-transferase decreased
10069990 Urinary alpha glutathione s-transferase abnormal
10069991 Pi GST increased
10069992 Pi GST decreased
10069993 Pi GST abnormal
10069994 Pi glutathione s-transferase increased
10069995 Pi glutathione s-transferase decreased
10069996 Pi glutathione s-transferase abnormal
10069997 Urinary pi glutathione s-transferase increased
10069998 Urinary pi glutathione s-transferase decreased
10069999 Urinary pi glutathione s-transferase abnormal
10070000 Lactobacillus test positive
10070001 Micrococcus test positive
10070002 Morganella test positive
10070003 Peptostreptococcus test positive
10070004 Propionibacterium test positive
10070005 Rhodococcus test positive
10070006 Stenotrophomonas test positive
10070007 Flavobacterium test positive
10070008 Stomatococcus test positive
10070009 Veillonella test positive
10070010 Bordetella test positive
10070011 Borrelia test positive
10070012 Morganella morganii test positive
10070013 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia test positive
10070014 Borrelia burgdorferi test positive
10070015 Borrelia antibody positive
10070016 Bordetella parapertussis test positive
10070017 Bordetella pertussis test positive
10070018 Bordetella pertussis serology positive
10070019 Pantoea agglomerans test positive
10070020 Pantoea agglomerans infection
10070021 Brucella test positive
10070022 Cronobacter test positive
10070023 Enterobacter test positive
10070024 Enterococcus test positive
10070025 Campylobacter test positive
10070026 Capnocytophaga test positive
10070027 Clostridium test positive
10070028 Corynebacterium test positive
10070029 Brucella abortus test positive
10070030 Brucella canis test positive
10070031 Brucella melitensis test positive
10070032 Brucella suis test positive
10070033 Corynebacterium diphtheriae test positive
10070034 Cronobacter sakazakii test positive
10070035 Enterobacter agglomerans test positive
10070036 Enterobacter cloacae test positive
10070037 Enterobacter aerogenes test positive
10070038 Enterobacter hafnia test positive
10070039 Enterococcus faecalis test positive
10070040 Enterococcus faecium test positive
10070041 Antibiotic resistant enterococcus test positive
10070042 Campylobacter jejuni test positive
10070043 Clostridium perfringens test positive
10070044 Clostridium novyi test positive
10070045 Clostridium sordellii test positive
10070046 Clostridium welchii test positive
10070047 Clostridium botulinum test positive
10070048 Clostridium difficile test positive
10070049 Clostridium tetani test positive
10070050 Corynebacterium jeikeium test positive
10070051 Corynebacterium minutissimum test positive
10070052 Staphylococcus test positive
10070053 Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus test positive
10070054 Streptobacillus test positive
10070055 Streptococcus test positive
10070056 Alpha hemolytic Streptococcus test positive
10070057 Beta haemolytic Streptococcus test positive
10070058 Beta hemolytic Streptococcus test positive
10070059 Non-hemolytic Streptococcus test positive
10070060 Non-haemolytic Streptococcus test positive
10070061 Streptococcus pneumoniae test positive
10070062 Streptococcus viridans group test positive
10070063 Streptococcus pyogenes test positive
10070064 Staphylococcus aureus test positive
10070065 Staphylococcus epidermidis test positive
10070066 Staphylococcus saprophyticus test positive
10070067 Staphylococcus simulans test positive
10070068 Streptobacillus moniliformis test positive
10070069 Alpha haemolytic Streptococcus test positive
10070070 Hypoinsulinaemia
10070071 Adiponectin increased
10070072 Tongue pruritus
10070073 Scapulothoracic dissociation
10070074 Tooth crowding
10070075 Tubo-ovarian cyst
10070076 Hypopnea syndrome
10070077 Application site petechiae
10070078 Soap allergy
10070079 Nominal dysphasia
10070080 Arteriovenous graft site edema
10070081 Arteriovenous graft site oedema
10070082 Hypoinsulinemia
10070083 Hypopnoea syndrome
10070084 Device placement at incorrect location
10070085 Device misdeployment (location)
10070086 Raoultella test positive
10070087 Raoultella ornithinolytica infection
10070088 Raoultella ornithinolytica test positive
10070089 Erysipelothrix test positive
10070090 Escherichia test positive
10070091 Klebsiella test positive
10070092 Legionella test positive
10070093 Leptospira test positive
10070094 Listeria test positive
10070095 Moraxella test positive
10070096 Neisseria test positive
10070097 Francisella test positive
10070098 Fusobacterium test positive
10070099 Gardnerella test positive
10070100 Haemophilus test positive
10070101 Helicobacter test positive
10070102 Escherichia coli test positive
10070103 Escherichia coli O157:H7 test positive
10070104 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli test positive
10070105 Helicobacter pylori test positive
10070106 Klebsiella ornithinolytica test positive
10070107 Klebsiella oxytoca test positive
10070108 Klebsiella pneumoniae test positive
10070109 Klebsiella granulomatis test positive
10070110 Legionella pneumophila test positive
10070111 Leptospira interrogans test positive
10070112 Listeria monocytogenes test positive
10070113 Moraxella catarrhalis test positive
10070114 Neisseria gonorrhoeae test positive
10070115 Francisella tularensis test positive
10070116 Fusobacterium necrophorum test positive
10070117 Gardnerella vaginalis test positive
10070118 Haemophilus ducreyi test positive
10070119 Hemophilus ducreyi test positive
10070120 Haemophilus influenzae test positive
10070121 Hemophilus influenzae test positive
10070122 Haemophilus parainfluenzae test positive
10070123 Hemophilus parainfluenzae test positive
10070124 Neisseria meningitidis test positive
10070125 Gonococcus test positive
10070126 Meningococcus test positive
10070127 Salmonella test positive
10070128 Serratia test positive
10070129 Shigella test positive
10070130 Spirillum test positive
10070131 Nocardia test positive
10070132 Pasteurella test positive
10070133 Porphyromonas test positive
10070134 Proteus test positive
10070135 Pseudomonas test positive
10070136 Salmonella enteritidis test positive
10070137 Salmonella choleraesuis test positive
10070138 Salmonella typhi test positive
10070139 Salmonella paratyphi test positive
10070140 Salmonella saintpaul test positive
10070141 Salmonella typhimurium test positive
10070142 Serratia marcescens test positive
10070143 Shigella boydii test positive
10070144 Shigella dysenteriae test positive
10070145 Shigella flexneri test positive
10070146 Shigella sonnei test positive
10070147 Spirillum minus test positive
10070148 Nocardia asteroides test positive
10070149 Nocardia brasiliensis test positive
10070150 Pasteurella multocida test positive
10070151 Porphyromonas gingivalis test positive
10070152 Proteus mirabilis test positive
10070153 Proteus morganii test positive
10070154 Proteus vulgaris test positive
10070155 Pseudomonas aeruginosa test positive
10070156 Ureaplasma test positive
10070157 Bartonella test positive
10070158 Treponema test positive
10070159 Chlamydia test positive
10070160 Mycoplasma test positive
10070161 Vibrio test positive
10070162 Yersinia test positive
10070163 Mycoplasma pneumoniae test positive
10070164 Mycoplasma hominis test positive
10070165 Bartonella bacilliformis test positive
10070166 Bartonella quintana test positive
10070167 Bartonella henselae test positive
10070168 Treponema pallidum test positive
10070169 Chlamydia trachomatis test positive
10070170 Chlamydia psittaci test positive
10070171 Chlamydia pneumoniae test positive
10070172 Vibrio cholerae test positive
10070173 Vibrio parahaemolyticus test positive
10070174 Vibrio vulnificus test positive
10070175 Vibrio fluvialis test positive
10070176 Yersinia enterocolitica test positive
10070177 Yersinia pseudotuberculosis test positive
10070178 Yersinia pestis test positive
10070179 Denys-Drash syndrome
10070180 Pathologic fracture of femur
10070181 Gastrointestinal vascular malformation
10070182 Intestinal vascular malformation
10070183 Radiation synovectomy
10070184 Subphrenic abscess
10070185 Ileoscopy
10070186 Ileoscopy abnormal
10070187 Ileoscopy normal
10070188 Dermatorrhexis
10070189 YAG laser surgery
10070190 Ischaemic gastritis
10070191 Urea reduction ratio
10070192 Ischemic gastritis
10070193 Typhus rickettsia test positive
10070194 Coxiella test positive
10070195 Ehrlichia test positive
10070196 Spotted fever rickettsia test positive
10070197 Rickettsia australis test positive
10070198 Rickettsia akari test positive
10070199 Rickettsia rickettsii test positive
10070200 Rickettsia prowazekii test positive
10070201 Rickettsia typhi test positive
10070202 Orientia tsutsugamushi test positive
10070203 Coxiella burnetii test positive
10070204 Ehrlichia canis test positive
10070205 Ehrlichia chaffeensis test positive
10070206 Rickettsia conorii test positive
10070207 Rickettsia sibirica test positive
10070208 Influenza B virus test positive
10070209 Influenza C virus test positive
10070210 Molluscipoxvirus test positive
10070211 Flavivirus test positive
10070212 Hantavirus test positive
10070213 Roseolovirus test positive
10070214 Varicella virus test positive
10070215 Influenza A virus test positive
10070216 Hepatitis A virus test positive
10070217 Hepatitis B virus test positive
10070218 Hepatitis C virus test positive
10070219 Hepatitis delta virus test positive
10070220 Hepatitis E virus test positive
10070221 Simplex virus test positive
10070222 Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 test positive
10070223 Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 test positive
10070224 Molluscum contagiosum virus test positive
10070225 Dengue virus test positive
10070226 Tick-borne encephalitis virus test positive
10070227 Yellow fever virus test positive
10070228 Human herpes virus 2 test positive
10070229 Human herpes virus 6 test positive
10070230 Human herpes virus 7 test positive
10070231 Varicella zoster virus test positive
10070232 Human herpes virus 3 test positive
10070233 Herpes simplex virus test positive
10070234 Human herpes virus 1 test positive
10070235 Penile torsion
10070236 Vitreomacular adhesion
10070237 Burning feet syndrome
10070238 Grierson-Gopalan syndrome
10070239 Recreational substance use
10070240 Sexually inappropriate behaviour
10070241 Degenerative disc disease
10070242 Sexually inappropriate behavior
10070243 Endocardial varices
10070244 Esophageal stent removal
10070245 Foreign body
10070246 Executive dysfunction
10070247 Marginal blepharitis
10070248 Lentivirus test positive
10070249 Human rhinovirus test positive
10070250 Rubivirus test positive
10070251 Viral titre decreased
10070252 Viral titre
10070253 Morbillivirus test positive
10070254 Henipavirus test positive
10070255 Coronavirus test positive
10070256 Viral titre increased
10070257 Human immunodeficiency virus test positive
10070258 Human immunodeficiency virus 1 test positive
10070259 Human immunodeficiency virus 2 test positive
10070260 Rubella virus test positive
10070261 Viral titer increased
10070262 Viral titer decreased
10070263 Viral titer
10070264 Measles virus test positive
10070265 Nipah virus test positive
10070266 Hendra virus test positive
10070269 Brucella test negative
10070270 Clostridium test
10070271 Clostridium test negative
10070272 Chlamydia test
10070273 Chlamydia test negative
10070274 Corynebacterium test
10070275 Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus test
10070276 Antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus test negative
10070277 Bordetella test
10070278 Bordetella test negative
10070279 Borrelia test
10070280 Borrelia test negative
10070281 Brucella test
10070282 Perineal induration
10070283 Renal transplant torsion
10070284 Hemorrhagic suffusion
10070285 Haemorrhagic suffusion
10070286 Pubis fracture
10070287 Mucocutaneous flap operation
10070288 Mucocutaneous flap necrosis
10070289 Physical thyroid examination
10070290 Physical thyroid examination normal
10070291 Physical thyroid examination abnormal
10070292 Manifest refraction normal
10070293 Manifest refraction abnormal
10070294 Inherited cardiac conduction disorder
10070295 Infective exacerbation of bronchiectasis
10070296 Arterioenteric fistula
10070297 Pancreaticogastrostomy
10070298 Bow legs
10070299 Gonococcal pelvic inflammatory disease
10070300 Streptococcal urinary tract infection
10070301 Uterine dehiscence
10070302 Motor developmental delay
10070303 Antiretroviral sparing therapy
10070304 Rhodococcus equi infection
10070305 Device kink
10070306 Device lead fracture
10070307 Gastrocoele
10070308 Refractory cancer
10070309 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency
10070310 Pulmonary ossification
10070311 Aminopyrine breathing test
10070312 Herniography
10070313 Cemento osseous dysplasia
10070314 Mammary fistula
10070315 Mammary fistula repair
10070316 MTHFR deficiency
10070317 Injection site excoriation
10070318 Ear reconstruction
10070319 Gastrocele
10070320 Endolymphatic sac decompression
10070321 Transient elastography
10070322 Lacteal fistula
10070323 Mycobacterium test positive
10070324 Mycobacterium leprae test positive
10070325 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex test positive
10070326 Atypical mycobacterium test positive
10070327 Mycobacterium bovis test positive
10070328 Mycobacterium africanum test positive
10070329 Mycobacterium tuberculosis test positive
10070330 Mycobacterium avium complex test positive
10070331 Mycobacterium chelonae test positive
10070332 Mycobacterium fortuitum test positive
10070333 Mycobacterium marinum test positive
10070334 Mycobacterium ulcerans test positive
10070335 Respirovirus test positive
10070336 Parapoxvirus test positive
10070337 Paravaccinia virus test positive
10070338 Parvovirus B19 test positive
10070339 Phlebovirus test positive
10070340 Aphthovirus test positive
10070341 Poliovirus test positive
10070342 Polyomavirus test positive
10070343 Prion agent test positive
10070344 Lyssavirus test positive
10070345 Pneumovirus test positive
10070346 Deltaretrovirus test positive
10070347 Rubulavirus test positive
10070348 Newcastle disease virus test positive
10070349 Orthopoxvirus test positive
10070350 Human parainfluenza virus 1 test positive
10070351 Human parainfluenza virus 3 test positive
10070352 Foot-and-mouth disease virus test positive
10070353 Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 test positive
10070354 Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 test positive
10070355 BK polyomavirus test positive
10070356 JC polyomavirus test positive
10070357 Rabies virus test positive
10070358 Human respiratory syncytial virus test positive
10070359 Human T-lymphotropic virus test positive
10070360 Mumps virus test positive
10070361 Human parainfluenza virus 2 test positive
10070362 Human parainfluenza virus 4 test positive
10070363 Vaccinia virus test positive
10070364 Variola virus test positive
10070365 Parvovirus B19 test negative
10070366 Parvovirus B19 test
10070367 Poliovirus test negative
10070368 Poliovirus test
10070369 Adenovirus test positive
10070370 Alphavirus test positive
10070371 Arbovirus test positive
10070372 Colorado tick fever virus test positive
10070373 Nairovirus test positive
10070374 Orthobunyavirus test positive
10070375 Orbivirus test positive
10070376 Arenavirus test positive
10070377 Astrovirus test positive
10070378 Calicivirus test positive
10070379 Norovirus test positive
10070380 Filovirus test positive
10070381 Ebola virus test positive
10070382 Marburg virus test positive
10070383 Sapovirus test positive
10070384 Coxsackie virus test positive
10070385 Echovirus test positive
10070386 Enterovirus test positive
10070387 Norwalk virus test positive
10070388 Human herpes virus 4 test positive
10070389 Sapporo virus test positive
10070390 Coxsackie virus A test positive
10070391 Coxsackie virus B test positive
10070392 Human herpesvirus 5 test positive
10070393 Coxsackie virus test negative
10070394 Coxsackie virus test
10070395 Echovirus test negative
10070396 Enterovirus test
10070397 Enterovirus test negative
10070398 Corynebacterium test negative
10070399 Ehrlichia test
10070400 Helicobacter test
10070401 Treponema test
10070402 Treponema test false positive
10070403 Treponema test negative
10070404 Typhus rickettsia test
10070405 Yersinia test
10070406 Yersinia test negative
10070407 Mycobacterium test
10070408 Mycobacterium test negative
10070409 Helicobacter test negative
10070410 Legionella test
10070411 Mycoplasma test
10070412 Staphylococcus test
10070413 Staphylococcus test negative
10070414 Streptococcus test
10070415 Streptococcus test negative
10070416 Influenza A virus test
10070417 Influenza A virus test negative
10070418 Dialysis efficacy test
10070419 Chemical peritonitis
10070420 CSF immunoglobulin
10070421 H1N1 influenza PCR
10070422 H1N1 Influenza PCR positive
10070423 H1N1 Influenza PCR negative
10070424 Kt/V
10070425 Multiple sclerosis exacerbation
10070426 Multiple sclerosis flare
10070427 Ascending aortic dissection
10070428 Descending thoracic aortic dissection
10070429 Retrograde aortic dissection
10070430 Ascending aortic rupture
10070431 Descending thoracic aorta rupture
10070432 Abdominal aortic rupture
10070433 Ascending aortic dissection rupture
10070434 Descending aortic dissection rupture
10070435 Unevaluable investigation
10070436 H5N1 influenza
10070437 Vulvovaginal erythema
10070438 Intrinsic factor deficiency
10070439 Autoimmune neuropathy
10070440 Congenital intrinsic factor deficiency
10070441 Peritoneal permeability decreased
10070442 Peritoneal permeability increased
10070443 Peritoneal membrane disorder
10070444 Varicella virus test
10070445 Varicella virus test negative
10070446 Alphavirus test
10070447 Barmah forest virus antibody test
10070448 Aspergillus test positive
10070449 Aspergillus test negative
10070450 Aspergillus test
10070451 Candida test positive
10070452 Candida test negative
10070453 Candida test
10070454 Pneumocystis test positive
10070455 Cryptococcus test positive
10070456 Cryptococcus test
10070457 Fungal test
10070458 Fungal test negative
10070459 Klebsiella ornithinolytica infection
10070460 Adenolymphoma
10070461 Pneumatosis coli
10070462 Ectopic pacemaker
10070463 Arthrotomy
10070464 Photoinduced acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis
10070465 Radical cystectomy
10070466 Partial cystectomy
10070467 Pelvic lymphadenectomy
10070468 Wrong device used
10070469 Wrong device dispensed
10070470 Drug administered in wrong device
10070471 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex test negative
10070472 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex test
10070473 Skin cryotherapy
10070474 Periappendicitis
10070475 Gastrocutaneous fistula
10070476 Haemodialysis complication
10070477 Photoinduced acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
10070478 Ehrlichia chaffeensis
10070479 Urobilinogen urine increased
10070480 Urobilinogen urine decreased
10070481 Saliva testosterone
10070482 Saliva testosterone abnormal
10070483 Saliva testosterone increased
10070484 Saliva testosterone decreased
10070485 Nuclear opacity
10070486 Cortical opacity
10070487 Brown tumour
10070488 Upper-airway cough syndrome
10070489 Brown tumor
10070490 Weeping edema
10070491 Weeping oedema
10070492 Limbal swelling
10070493 Herbal interaction
10070494 Japanese spotted fever
10070495 Multiple sclerosis relapse prophylaxis
10070496 Hemodialysis complication
10070497 Aqueous humour leakage
10070498 Dacryohaemorrhoea
10070499 Aqueous humor leakage
10070500 Dacryohemorrhea
10070501 Polymenorrhea
10070502 Adult product administered to child
10070503 Child product given to infant
10070504 Sclerotylosis
10070505 Urethroperineal fistula
10070506 Idiopathic mesenteric phlebosclerosis
10070507 Photodynamic diagnostic procedure
10070508 Inadequate haemodialysis blood flow
10070509 Inadequate hemodialysis blood flow
10070510 Traumatic renal injury
10070511 Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
10070512 Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
10070513 Ischemic encephalopathy
10070514 Ischaemic encephalopathy
10070515 Pepsinogen test positive
10070516 Type 1 lepra reaction
10070517 Type 2 lepra reaction
10070518 Gout attack
10070519 Vaginal prolapse repair
10070520 Bladder neck suspension
10070521 Muscle hernia
10070522 Myocoele
10070523 Myocele
10070524 Thornwaldt disease
10070525 Ragweed allergy
10070526 Grass allergy
10070527 Paralysis of arms
10070528 Dental filling failure
10070529 Multiple disabilities
10070530 Benign rolandic epilepsy
10070531 Foetal growth restriction
10070532 Fetal growth restriction
10070533 Nail bed disorder
10070534 Tongue mucositis
10070535 Fibrous dysplasia of jaw
10070536 Cherubism
10070537 Familial bilateral giant cell tumor
10070538 Gestational hypertension
10070539 Sound sensitivity increased
10070540 Proctitis infectious
10070541 Muscle tension
10070542 Tropical infectious disease
10070543 Travel to tropical country
10070544 HDL cholesterol increased
10070545 Bacterial translocation
10070546 Hy's law case
10070547 Central sensitisation
10070548 Central sensitization
10070549 Lens discolouration
10070550 Lens discoloration
10070551 Nuclear color increased
10070552 Best-corrected distance visual acuity decreased
10070553 Nuclear opacity increased
10070554 Cortical opacity increased
10070555 Posterior subcapsular opacity increased
10070556 Nuclear colour increased
10070557 White matter hyperintensities
10070558 Familial bilateral giant cell tumour
10070559 Distributive shock
10070560 Gastric banding reversal
10070561 Peritoneal gliomatosis
10070562 Kell blood group positive
10070563 Cerebellar mutism
10070564 Superficial siderosis of central nervous system
10070565 Metastasis to umbilicus
10070566 Venous valvular incompetency
10070567 Thyroid cancer stage 0
10070568 Thyroid C-cell hyperplasia
10070569 C-cell hyperplasia
10070570 C-cell hyperplasia diffuse
10070571 C-cell hyperplasia multifocal
10070572 C-cell hyperplasia neoplastic
10070573 Retained deciduous tooth
10070574 Interchange of vaccine products
10070575 Estrogen receptor positive breast cancer
10070576 Removal of retained deciduous teeth
10070577 Oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer
10070578 Multidrug resistant tuberculosis
10070579 Satoyoshi syndrome
10070580 Acral erythema
10070581 Immune tolerance induction
10070582 Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis
10070583 Vaccine virus shedding
10070584 Urinary hexose tetrasaccharide
10070585 Urinary hexose tetrasaccharide increased
10070586 Left-handedness
10070587 Food allergen sensitisation
10070588 Food allergen sensitization
10070589 Ischaemic contracture of the left ventricle
10070590 Ischemic contracture of the left ventricle
10070591 Stone heart
10070592 Product used for unknown indication
10070593 Intraocular lens haptic breakage
10070594 PFAPA syndrome
10070595 Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
10070596 Syndrome of periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, cervical adenitis
10070597 Disorder of sex development
10070598 Bone hyperpigmentation
10070599 Acute haemorrhagic oedema of infancy
10070600 Touraine Renault syndrome
10070601 Acute hemorrhagic edema of infancy
10070602 Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy
10070603 APMPPE
10070604 Rapid correction of hyponatraemia
10070605 Rapid correction of hyponatremia
10070606 Post stroke depression
10070607 Ovarian drilling
10070608 Infective pulmonary exacerbation of cystic fibrosis
10070609 Alloimmunisation in pregnancy
10070610 Alloimmunization in pregnancy
10070611 Lymphocytic meningitis
10070612 Meier-Gorlin syndrome
10070613 Post-TACE syndrome
10070614 Device extension damage
10070615 Device extension fracture
10070616 Device extension dislodgement
10070617 Device infusion issue
10070618 Device inversion
10070619 Pump reservoir issue
10070620 Pump overinfusion
10070621 Pump underinfusion
10070622 Pump not infusing
10070623 Pump inversion
10070624 Catheter access port issue
10070625 Inertia of accommodation
10070626 Hepatitis D virus test positive
10070627 Tumour rupture
10070628 Tumor rupture
10070629 Arrhythmia exertional
10070630 Carotenoderma
10070631 Paraspinal abscess
10070632 Loss of bladder sensation
10070633 Eyelid burning sensation
10070634 Irvine-Gass syndrome
10070635 Gait apraxia
10070636 External cephalic version
10070637 Emetophobia
10070638 Amniotic membrane sweeping
10070639 Nonketotic hyperglycinaemia
10070640 Thiopurine methyltransferase decreased
10070641 Nonketotic hyperglycinemia
10070642 Alpha 1 microglobulin
10070643 Alpha 1 microglobulin increased
10070644 Alpha 1 microglobulin decreased
10070645 Blood alpha 1 microglobulin increased
10070646 Blood alpha 1 microglobulin decreased
10070647 Vessel puncture site inflammation
10070648 Vessel puncture site swelling
10070649 Vessel puncture site thrombosis
10070650 Knuckle pads
10070651 Ultrasound penis
10070652 Penile plaque
10070653 Penile curvature
10070654 Ultrasound penis abnormal
10070655 Penile erythema
10070656 Penile haematoma
10070657 Penile ecchymosis
10070658 Penile petechiae
10070659 Garrod's nodes
10070660 Penile buckling
10070661 Penile bruise
10070662 Penile indentation
10070663 Penile hematoma
10070664 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia test positive
10070665 Mesoblastic nephroma
10070666 Cortical dysplasia
10070667 Leber's congenital amaurosis
10070668 Huntington's disease
10070669 Postictal psychosis
10070670 Limb asymmetry
10070671 Cerebral septic infarct
10070672 Focal cortical dysplasia
10070673 Gastric aphthous ulcer
10070674 Decreased arm swing
10070675 Postictal state prolongation
10070676 Heparin-platelet factor 4 antibody complex test positive
10070677 Medical induction of coma
10070678 Hepatitis C recurrent
10070679 Feeling stoned
10070680 Urethrectomy
10070681 Campylobacter sepsis
10070682 Cementoplasty
10070683 Purpura simplex
10070684 Hemoculture
10070685 Ostealgia
10070686 Haemoculture
10070687 Heavy exposure to ultraviolet light
10070688 Heavy sun exposure
10070689 Dilatation of sinotubular junction
10070690 Von Willebrand's factor inhibition
10070691 Device deployment issue
10070692 Device deposit issue
10070693 Vascular dissection
10070694 Paravalvular leak
10070695 Device positioned inappropriately
10070696 Device inappropriate sizing
10070697 Prosthetic valve stent creep
10070698 Delivery catheter withdrawal difficulty
10070699 Prosthesis deployment failure
10070700 Prosthesis deployment difficulty
10070701 Prosthetic tissue defect
10070702 Vascular spasm
10070703 Injury to ascending aorta
10070704 Prosthesis wear
10070705 Prosthesis calcification
10070706 Prosthetic leaflet tear
10070707 Perineal erythema
10070708 Perineal hyperemia
10070709 Vulvovaginal hyperemia
10070710 Skenitis
10070711 Troisier's sign
10070712 Perineal hyperaemia
10070713 Vulvovaginal hyperaemia
10070714 Band sensation
10070715 Influenza virus test
10070716 Multiple sclerosis pseudo relapse
10070717 Influenza virus test positive
10070718 Influenza virus test negative
10070719 MS hug
10070720 Girdle band sensation
10070721 Lip pruritus
10070722 Nodule excision
10070723 Bone anchored hearing aid implantation
10070724 Ascending aortic aneurysm enlargement
10070725 Descending thoracic aortic aneurysm enlargement
10070726 Abdominal aortic aneurysm enlargement
10070727 Cerebral hemosiderin deposition
10070728 Cerebral haemosiderin deposition
10070729 Product lot specific issue
10070730 Electrocorticogram
10070731 Electrocorticography
10070732 Electrocorticogram electrodes placement
10070733 Electrocorticogram electrodes removal
10070734 Electrocorticography electrodes placement
10070735 Electrocorticography electrodes removal
10070736 Phosphate-losing tubular acidosis
10070737 HIV associated nephropathy
10070738 Latent syphilis
10070739 Mons pubis abscess
10070740 Mons pubis ulceration
10070741 Frosted branch angiitis
10070742 Mons pubis pruritus
10070743 Oral gonorrhoea
10070744 Oral gonorrhea
10070745 Stress echocardiogram normal
10070746 Stress echocardiogram abnormal
10070747 False negative investigation result
10070748 False positive investigation result
10070749 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging breast
10070750 Corneal implant
10070751 Eye lubrication therapy
10070752 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging breast normal
10070753 Ophthalmologic treatment
10070754 Inner ear infarction
10070755 Therapeutic nerve ablation
10070756 Laparoscopic uterine nerve ablation
10070757 Muscle contusion
10070758 Lower extremity dysfunction
10070759 Spondylopathy
10070760 Acute bi-ventricular heart failure
10070761 Collateral arterial circulation
10070762 Ventricular escape rhythm
10070763 Nasal staphylococcus carrier
10070764 Abortion induced for medical grounds
10070765 Medical device entrapment
10070766 Prosthesis entrapment by tissue
10070767 Prosthesis entrapment by suture
10070768 Prosthesis closing defect
10070769 Prosthesis opening defect
10070770 Prosthesis entrapment by pannus
10070771 Capnothorax
10070772 Unintentional medical device removal by patient
10070773 Intentional medical device removal by patient
10070774 Respiratory tract oedema
10070775 Chemical burn of respiratory tract
10070776 Chemical burn of gastrointestinal tract
10070777 Airway oedema
10070778 Airway edema
10070779 Respiratory tract edema
10070780 Chemical burn of bronchi
10070781 Chemical burn of larynx
10070782 Chemical burn of oral cavity
10070783 Chemical burn of trachea
10070784 Superficial chemical burn
10070785 Alveolar oedema
10070786 Alveolar edema
10070787 Anuric renal failure
10070788 Ascending paraesthesia
10070789 Ascending paresthesia
10070790 Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates
10070791 Black pigmentation of hair roots
10070792 Bronze skin
10070793 Brown mucosal discolouration
10070794 Brown mucosal discoloration
10070795 Chemical burn of oesophagus
10070796 Chemical burn of esophagus
10070797 Chemical burns of upper airway
10070798 Coagulation necrosis
10070799 Colliquation necrosis
10070800 Liquefactive necrosis
10070801 Persistent cough
10070802 Defatted skin
10070803 Defatting dermatitis
10070804 Delayed blistering
10070805 Descending muscle weakness
10070806 Descending symmetrical flaccid paralysis
10070807 Green discoloration of skin
10070808 Green discolouration of skin
10070809 Tongue discoloration green
10070810 Tongue discolouration green
10070811 Discoloration urine green
10070812 Discolouration urine green
10070813 Cerebral gas embolism
10070814 Corrosive gastritis
10070815 Acute yellow liver atrophy
10070816 Corrosive oropharyngeal injury
10070817 Bone decalcification
10070818 Oesophageal irritation
10070819 Cerebellar cortex gliosis
10070820 Haemorrhagic mediastinitis
10070821 Hemorrhagic mediastinitis
10070822 Hyperaesthesia of feet
10070823 Hyperesthesia of feet
10070824 Acetylation increased
10070825 Corrosive lip injury
10070826 Dystaxic writing
10070827 Esophageal irritation
10070828 Flaccid paraparesis
10070829 Garlic breath odour
10070830 Garlic breath odor
10070831 Necrotising bronchiolitis
10070832 Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome
10070833 Respiratory muscle weakness
10070834 Sensitisation
10070835 Skin sensitisation
10070836 Occupational asthma
10070837 Oropharyngeal scar
10070838 Pulmonary sensitisation
10070839 Respiratory tract ulceration
10070840 Gastrointestinal tract irritation
10070841 Upper respiratory tract irritation
10070842 Local bone decalcification
10070843 Corrosive mouth injury
10070844 Pulmonary sensitization
10070845 Skin scarring
10070846 Sensitization
10070847 Skin sensitization
10070848 Urine coloring green
10070849 Urine colouring red
10070850 Urine coloring red
10070851 Yellow blistering
10070852 Necrotizing bronchiolitis
10070853 Painful cough
10070854 Perioral paraesthesia
10070855 Perioral paresthesia
10070856 Corrosive pharyngeal injury
10070857 Corneal sloughing
10070858 Gastrointestinal stinging
10070859 Corrosive tongue injury
10070860 Tooth discolouration blue
10070861 Tooth discoloration blue
10070862 Urine colouring green
10070863 Toxicity to various agents
10070864 Scapula pain
10070865 Kaliopenia
10070866 Degeneration of uterine leiomyoma
10070867 Uterine leiomyoma embolisation
10070868 Uterine leiomyoma embolization
10070869 Acquired cystic kidney disease
10070870 Dacryoplasty
10070871 Hypocitraturia
10070872 Persistent pupillary membrane
10070873 Malnutrition-inflammation-cachexia syndrome
10070874 Joint laxity
10070875 Dystaxia
10070876 Caterpillar allergy
10070877 Barmah Forest virus infection
10070878 Cerebral small vessel ischaemic disease
10070879 Cerebral small vessel ischemic disease
10070880 Malaria antibody test negative
10070881 Malaria antibody test positive
10070882 Inborn error in primary bile acid synthesis
10070883 Alien limb syndrome
10070884 Atypical femur fracture
10070885 Laryngeal haematoma
10070886 Laryngeal hematoma
10070887 Glottic haematoma
10070888 Ice pick headache
10070889 Glottic hematoma
10070890 Toxic pneumonitis
10070891 Infection reactivation
10070892 Globotriaosylceramide
10070893 Globotriaosylceramide increased
10070894 Tumour cell mobilisation
10070895 Transfusion associated graft versus host disease
10070896 Tumor cell mobilization
10070897 Nicotinic stomatitis
10070898 Smoker's palate
10070899 Femoroacetabular impingement
10070900 Body fluid analysis
10070901 Diabetic dyslipidaemia
10070902 Laryngeal cancer metastatic
10070903 Vaginal hyperplasia
10070904 Familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
10070905 Ovarian cancer stage I
10070906 Ovarian cancer stage II
10070907 Ovarian cancer stage III
10070908 Ovarian cancer stage IV
10070909 Metabolic cardiomyopathy
10070910 Chromopertubation
10070911 Inferior vena cava syndrome
10070912 Pharyngeal dyskinesia
10070913 Metastases to pelvis
10070914 Optic nerve cup/disc ratio normal
10070916 Familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
10070917 Eccentric fixation
10070918 Bone deformity
10070919 Erlenmeyer flask deformity
10070920 Visual cortex atrophy
10070921 Major bleed
10070922 Minor bleed
10070923 Necrotising vasculopathy
10070924 Necrotizing vasculopathy
10070925 Sperm concentration decreased
10070926 Sperm concentration increased
10070927 Sperm concentration abnormal
10070928 Sperm concentration normal
10070929 Sperm concentration
10070930 Sperm concentration zero
10070931 Total sperm count
10070932 Total sperm count decreased
10070933 Menstruation normal
10070934 Male genital examination abnormal
10070935 Male genital examination normal
10070936 Pulmonary physical examination abnormal
10070937 Pulmonary physical examination normal
10070938 Anal examination normal
10070939 Wound healing normal
10070940 Bowel sounds normal
10070941 Consciousness normal
10070942 Anal examination abnormal
10070943 Vaginal examination normal
10070944 Vascular access failure
10070945 Loading system issue
10070946 Delivery catheter system issue
10070947 Inspiratory pain
10070948 Upper abdominal pressure sensation
10070949 Metastatic cutaneous Crohn's disease
10070951 Diabetic dyslipidemia
10070952 JC virus nephropathy
10070953 Reynold's syndrome
10070954 Congenital hypercoagulation
10070955 Right ventricular heave
10070956 Muscle neoplasm
10070957 Choroidal haemangioma
10070958 Alveolar hypoventilation
10070959 Lamellar macular hole
10070960 Choroidal hemangioma
10070961 Mechanical device firing issue
10070962 Electrical device firing issue
10070963 Infective glossitis
10070964 Substance use
10070965 Tongue infection
10070966 Substance user
10070972 Gastroplasty
10070973 Leptomeningeal disease
10070974 Antibiotic resistance test
10070975 Chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy
10070976 Craniocerebral injury
10070977 Deviated septum repair
10070978 Sleeve gastrectomy
10070979 Oligodactyly
10070980 Colposcopy normal
10070981 Leptotrichia infection
10070982 Leuconostoc infection
10070983 Methylobacterium infection
10070984 Candida lusitaniae infection
10070985 Aspergillus niger infection
10070986 Candida guilliermondii infection
10070987 Candida krusei infection
10070988 Flavimonas oryzihabitans infection
10070989 Rhizopus infection
10070990 Stomatococcus mucilaginosus infection
10070991 Leptotrichia buccalis infection
10070992 Pseudomonas oryzihabitans infection
10070993 Rothia mucilaginosa infection
10070994 Gastric mucosa erythema
10070995 Vascular compression
10070996 Cannabis use
10070997 Korsakoff's syndrome
10070998 Korsakov's syndrome
10070999 Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
10071000 Multiple birth sibling
10071001 Serum fetuin-A
10071002 Rectal cleansing
10071003 Serum fetuin-A decreased
10071004 Detachment of macular retinal pigment epithelium
10071005 Viral uveitis
10071006 Phakic intraocular lens implant
10071007 Eyelid stinging
10071008 Device rejection
10071009 Vesicourethral anastomosis
10071010 Subchorionic haemorrhage
10071011 Spina bifida cystica
10071012 Subchorionic hemorrhage
10071013 Bone loss in jaw
10071014 Exposed bone in jaw
10071015 Laevocardia
10071016 Levocardia
10071017 Haemodilution induction procedure
10071018 Urogenital atrophy
10071019 Prostatic dysplasia
10071020 Creatinine urine normal
10071021 Creatinine urine abnormal
10071022 Abdominal wall neoplasm benign
10071023 Abdominal wall neoplasm malignant
10071024 Platelet glycoprotein gene mutation
10071025 Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa
10071026 Arterectomy
10071027 Thyroid cancer stage I
10071028 Thyroid cancer stage II
10071029 Thyroid cancer stage III
10071030 Thyroid cancer stage IV
10071031 Walking distance test normal
10071032 Walking distance test abnormal
10071033 Walking distance test
10071034 Microsomia
10071035 Vitreomacular interface abnormal
10071036 Artificial coma
10071037 Hemodilution induction procedure
10071038 Human anaplasmosis
10071039 Excessive dietary fibre intake
10071040 Excessive dietary fiber intake
10071041 Macular pigmentation
10071042 Voluntary euthanasia
10071043 Basal ganglia stroke
10071044 VIth nerve paresis
10071045 Plasminogen activator inhibitor polymorphism
10071046 PAI-1 polymorphism
10071047 PAI-1 4G/5G polymorphism
10071048 Seizure like phenomena
10071049 Perinatal HIV infection
10071050 Ankle deformity
10071051 Soft tissue mass
10071052 Blood pressure difference of extremities
10071053 Eye haemangioma
10071054 Eyelid haemangioma
10071055 Blood pressure difference of arms
10071056 Blood pressure difference of legs
10071057 Eyelid hemangioma
10071058 Eye hemangioma
10071059 Auditory perseveration
10071060 Palinacousis
10071061 Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
10071062 Drug administered to patient of inappropriate age
10071063 Endobronchial ultrasound
10071064 Ovarian calcification
10071065 Micturition frequency increased
10071066 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
10071067 Out of specification test results
10071068 Clinically isolated syndrome
10071069 Biliary cast syndrome
10071070 Autophobia
10071071 Self hatred
10071072 Preproliferative diabetic retinopathy
10071073 Segmented neutrophil count increased
10071074 Segmented neutrophil count decreased
10071075 Atypical mycobacterial pneumonia
10071076 Corneoconjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia
10071077 Tablet physical issue
10071078 Capsule physical issue
10071079 Primary insulin like growth factor-1 deficiency
10071080 Transitional cell carcinoma metastatic
10071081 Idiopathic generalised epilepsy
10071082 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
10071083 Luteinising hormone deficiency
10071084 Follicle stimulating hormone deficiency
10071085 Bipolar disorder relapse prophylaxis
10071086 Seasonal conjunctivitis
10071087 Stimulation of spermatogenesis
10071088 Hepatitis D immunisation
10071089 Allogenic blood transfusion
10071090 Transfusion related complication
10071091 Diabetic endorgan damage
10071092 N-acetylglutamate synthase deficiency
10071093 Cystathionine beta-synthase deficiency
10071094 Familial cold urticaria
10071095 Growth failure
10071096 Idiopathic generalized epilepsy
10071097 Beta-lactam antibiotic resistance
10071098 Macrolide antibiotic resistance
10071099 H5N1 influenza immunisation
10071100 H5N1 influenza immunization
10071101 Primary apnoea of premature newborns
10071102 Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
10071103 Opioid maintenance treatment
10071104 Glucocorticoid therapy
10071105 Alpha-L-iduronidase deficiency
10071106 Carbamylphosphate synthetase deficiency
10071107 Ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
10071108 Mobilisation of peripheral blood progenitor cells
10071109 Mobilization of peripheral blood progenitor cells
10071110 Atherothrombosis prophylaxis
10071111 Non ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome
10071112 Nephropathic cystinosis
10071113 Node-positive breast cancer
10071114 Metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma
10071115 Node-negative breast cancer
10071116 Contrast transpulmonary echocardiography
10071117 Plaque psoriasis
10071118 Alpha galactosidase A deficiency
10071119 Hormone-dependent prostate cancer
10071120 Congenital agammaglobulinaemia
10071121 Enhanced visualisation of malignant tissue during surgery
10071122 Enhanced visualization of malignant tissue during surgery
10071123 Zygote intra-fallopian transfer
10071124 Hepatitis D immunization
10071125 Complicated infection
10071126 Uncomplicated infection
10071127 Hepatitis C relapse
10071128 Opioid induced constipation
10071129 Neovascular age-related macular degeneration
10071130 Controlled ovarian stimulation
10071131 Luteinizing hormone deficiency
10071132 Primary apnea of premature newborns
10071133 Congenital agammaglobulinemia
10071134 Product physical issue
10071135 Branchio-oto-renal syndrome
10071136 Subcutaneous biopsy
10071137 Loin pain haematuria syndrome
10071138 Malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis syndrome
10071139 Behcet's uveitis
10071140 Subcutaneous biopsy abnormal
10071141 Rasmussen encephalitis
10071142 Branchiootorenal syndrome
10071143 Loin pain hematuria syndrome
10071144 Chronic focal encephalitis
10071145 Rasmussen syndrome
10071146 Human papilloma virus immunisation
10071147 Human papilloma virus immunization
10071148 Product distribution issue
10071149 Enostosis
10071150 Subependymal nodular heterotopia
10071151 Cold-stimulus headache
10071152 Injection related reaction
10071153 Wada test
10071154 Medical device battery replacement
10071155 Autoimmune arthritis
10071156 Administration site rash
10071157 Active tuberculosis
10071158 Left posterior fascicular block
10071159 Brain freeze
10071160 Ice cream headache
10071161 Colon dysplasia
10071162 Intracarotid sodium amobarbital procedure
10071163 Instillation site complication
10071164 Corneal thickening
10071165 Paranasal cystectomy
10071166 Bladder pain syndrome
10071167 Angiogenesis biomarker
10071168 Angiogenesis biomarker increased
10071169 Angiogenesis biomarker decreased
10071170 Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia
10071171 Hughes syndrome
10071172 Device battery issue
10071173 Battery recharge issue
10071174 Carton label issue
10071175 Lack of feeling emotions
10071176 Impaired reasoning
10071177 Malignant rheumatoid arthritis
10071178 Catheter damage
10071179 Device fracture
10071180 Traumatic tooth displacement
10071181 Vitreoretinal traction syndrome
10071182 Postpartum cardiomyopathy
10071183 Foetal methotrexate syndrome
10071184 Fetal methotrexate syndrome
10071185 Duodenal switch
10071186 Ventricular dyssynchrony
10071187 Retrograde p-waves
10071188 Implant site pocket pain
10071189 Lead insulation breach
10071190 Implant site pocket infection
10071191 LV dyssynchrony
10071192 Oesophageal papilloma
10071193 Homans' sign negative
10071194 Esophageal papilloma
10071195 Chronic anal fissure
10071196 Optic disc hyperaemia
10071197 Intestinal polyp haemorrhage
10071198 Allergic hepatitis
10071199 Periocular injection
10071200 Carbohydrate intolerance
10071201 Perineal reconstruction
10071202 Inherited bone marrow failure syndrome
10071203 Optic disc hyperemia
10071204 Intestinal polyp hemorrhage
10071205 Brain stem microhaemorrhage
10071206 Cerebellar microhaemorrhage
10071207 Cerebellar microhemorrhage
10071208 Brain stem microhemorrhage
10071209 Candida cervicitis
10071210 Human herpes virus 8 test positive
10071211 Vulvovaginal swelling
10071212 Vulvovaginal injury
10071213 Genu valgum congenital
10071214 HIV associated polyneuropathy
10071215 CNS toxicity
10071216 Central nervous system toxicity
10071217 Vaginal injury
10071218 Genital laceration
10071219 Vulval swelling
10071220 Withdrawal hepatitis
10071221 Hepatitis flare
10071222 Membranous ventricular septal defect
10071223 Muscular ventricular septal defect
10071224 Breast scan
10071225 Atrophy of macula
10071226 Left ventricular dyssynchrony
10071227 Cardiotocogram abnormal
10071228 Cardiotocogram
10071229 Procedural haemorrhage
10071230 Procedural hemorrhage
10071231 Procedural bleeding
10071232 Protuberant ear
10071233 Constricted ear deformity
10071234 Combined hyperlipidaemia
10071235 Combined hyperlipidemia
10071236 Acquired mixed hyperlipidaemia
10071237 Acquired mixed hyperlipidemia
10071238 Binge drinking
10071239 Lop ear
10071240 Prominent ear correction
10071241 Lop ear correction
10071242 Product origin unknown
10071243 Parkinsonism hyperpyrexia syndrome
10071244 Wrong active ingredient in product
10071245 Product manufacturer unknown
10071246 Retinal perivascular sheathing
10071247 Acute enterocolitis
10071248 Superior vena cava dilatation
10071249 Thalidomide embryopathy
10071250 Infectious thyroiditis
10071251 Tongue cancer recurrent
10071252 Haemorrhagic vasculitis
10071253 Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
10071254 Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient normal
10071255 Alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient increased
10071256 Aortic stent insertion
10071257 Pleural cyst
10071258 Gastrointestinal fistula repair
10071259 Gastric fistula repair
10071260 Carotid angioplasty
10071261 Mesenteric artery stent insertion
10071262 Partial lung resection
10071263 Compulsive handwashing
10071264 Electric injury
10071265 Diabetic hepatopathy
10071266 Amygdalotomy
10071267 Device exit block
10071268 Ovarian cyst drainage
10071269 Bursitis calcarea
10071270 Sterility post chemotherapy
10071271 Ablutomania
10071272 Pulmonary chondroma
10071273 Genital tract lymphoma
10071274 Hemorrhagic vasculitis
10071275 Functional gastrointestinal disorder
10071276 Idiopathic oedema
10071277 Transurethral resection of bladder tumour
10071278 Orthostatic dysregulation
10071279 Idiopathic edema
10071280 Transurethral resection of bladder tumor
10071281 TURBT
10071282 Mastocytic enterocolitis
10071283 Gorham's disease
10071284 Trousseau's sign
10071285 Trousseau's phenomenon
10071286 Hyperglycaemic unconsciousness
10071287 Suspected counterfeit product
10071288 Hyperglycemic unconsciousness
10071289 Lower urinary tract symptoms
10071290 Glaucoma simplex
10071291 Weak urinary stream
10071292 Injection site lump
10071293 Injection site hyperaemia
10071294 Injection site hyperemia
10071295 Ultrasound urinary system
10071296 Patellofemoral malalignment syndrome
10071297 Retinal capillary dilatation
10071298 Retinal capillary closure
10071299 Slow speech
10071300 Bradyarthria
10071301 Perihepatitis
10071302 Dyskinesia hyperpyrexia syndrome
10071303 Product ingredient issue
10071304 Blood cholesterol esterase increased
10071305 Hepatic capsulitis
10071306 Body surface area increased
10071307 Body surface area decreased
10071308 Melanocytic hyperplasia
10071309 Epidural fibrosis
10071310 Atypical melanocytic hyperplasia
10071311 Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans
10071312 Flegel disease
10071313 Hypoactive delirium
10071314 Hyperactive delirium
10071315 Mixed delirium
10071316 Spinal artery thrombosis
10071317 Central nervous system function test
10071318 Carbohydrate antigen 125 normal
10071319 Fallopian tube torsion
10071320 Smear vaginal normal
10071321 Commotio retinae
10071322 Troponin normal
10071323 Neuropsychiatric syndrome
10071324 Postictal depression
10071325 Human chorionic gonadotropin
10071326 CSF bilirubin positive
10071327 Femur head fracture
10071328 Hereditary motor neurone disease
10071329 Free androgen index decreased
10071330 Human chorionic gonadotropin abnormal
10071331 Human chorionic gonadotropin decreased
10071332 Human chorionic gonadotropin increased
10071333 Human chorionic gonadotropin negative
10071334 Human chorionic gonadotropin normal
10071335 Human chorionic gonadotropin positive
10071336 Berlin's oedema
10071337 Berlin's edema
10071338 Hereditary motor neuron disease
10071339 Free androgen index low
10071340 Asymptomatic hemorrhagic transformation of infarction
10071341 Asymptomatic haemorrhagic transformation of infarction
10071342 Hepatitis B core antibody
10071343 Hepatitis B e antibody
10071344 Hepatitis B core antibody positive
10071345 Hepatitis B core antibody negative
10071346 Hepatitis B surface antibody positive
10071347 Hepatitis B surface antibody negative
10071348 Hepatitis B e antibody positive
10071349 Hepatitis B e antibody negative
10071350 Seizure cluster
10071351 Generalised epileptic seizure
10071352 Generalized epileptic seizure
10071353 Hypermagnesuria
10071354 Urine magnesium increased
10071355 Internal carotid artery kinking
10071356 Urine magnesium decreased
10071357 Urine magnesium
10071358 Vocal cord leukoplakia
10071359 Congenital hemiparesis
10071360 Capsule endoscopy
10071361 Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
10071362 Viral sepsis
10071363 Salivary gland induration
10071364 Anterior chamber angle neovascularisation
10071365 Chondrotoxicity
10071366 Post-traumatic neck syndrome
10071367 Infected dermal cyst
10071368 Psychological trauma
10071369 Pancreatic cyst rupture
10071370 Lens extraction
10071371 Gouty pain
10071372 Retinal nerve fibre layer haemorrhage
10071373 Drance haemorrhage
10071374 Anterior chamber angle neovascularization
10071375 Retinal nerve fiber layer hemorrhage
10071376 Drance hemorrhage
10071377 Drop seizures
10071378 Ferropenic anemia
10071379 Ferropenic anaemia
10071380 Chronic hyperplastic eosinophilic sinusitis
10071381 Chest tube removal
10071382 Saliva culture
10071383 Expanded disability status scale
10071384 Expanded disability status scale score increased
10071385 Expanded disability status scale score decreased
10071386 Urinary hexose tetrasaccharide decreased
10071387 Intrahepatic stone
10071388 Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin
10071389 Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin increased
10071390 Resting tremor
10071391 Retinal fibrosis
10071392 Macular fibrosis
10071393 Retinal pigment epithelium atrophy
10071394 Hyperglycaemic seizure
10071395 Hyperglycemic seizure
10071396 Pulmonary necrotizing granuloma
10071397 Pulmonary necrotising granuloma
10071398 Vanishing twin syndrome
10071399 Chronic eosinophilic rhinosinusitis
10071400 Axial spondyloarthritis
10071401 Mycobacterium chelonae infection
10071402 Exposure during breast feeding
10071403 Exposure via father
10071404 Foetal exposure during pregnancy
10071405 Foetal exposure timing unspecified
10071406 Maternal exposure before pregnancy
10071407 Maternal exposure during delivery
10071408 Maternal exposure during pregnancy
10071409 Foetal exposure during delivery
10071410 Exposure via blood
10071411 Exposure via direct contact
10071412 Exposure via partner
10071413 Exposure via semen
10071414 Exposure via vaginal fluid
10071415 Maternal exposure timing unspecified
10071416 Foetal exposure via father
10071417 Fetal exposure via father
10071418 Paternal drug exposure during pregnancy
10071419 Fetal exposure during delivery
10071420 Exposure via birth canal
10071421 Fetal exposure during pregnancy
10071422 Foetal exposure during pregnancy, first trimester
10071423 Fetal exposure during pregnancy, first trimester
10071424 Foetal exposure during pregnancy, second trimester
10071425 Fetal exposure during pregnancy, second trimester
10071426 Foetal exposure during pregnancy, third trimester
10071427 Fetal exposure during pregnancy, third trimester
10071428 Exposure via placenta
10071429 Fetal exposure timing unspecified
10071430 Exposure via skin contact
10071431 Brow lift
10071432 Browplasty
10071433 Forehead lift
10071434 Biotinidase deficiency
10071435 Acetylcholinesterase deficiency
10071436 Systolic dysfunction
10071437 Dyschondrosteosis
10071438 Mucometra
10071439 Leri-Weill syndrome
10071440 Urocele
10071441 Epstein-Barr virus associated lymphoma
10071442 Renal lithiasis prophylaxis
10071443 Brachioradial pruritus
10071444 Biofeedback therapy
10071445 Bladder outlet obstruction
10071446 Kidney stone prevention
10071447 Neurofeedback therapy
10071448 Bradylalia
10071449 Parechovirus infection
10071450 Mesenteric lymphadenopathy
10071451 Mesenteric conglomerate lymphadenopathy
10071452 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin well differentiated
10071453 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin differentiated
10071454 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin undifferentiated
10071455 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin anaplastic
10071456 Active suicidal ideation
10071457 Passive suicidal ideation
10071458 Loss of visual contact
10071459 Plunging goitre
10071460 Plunging goiter
10071461 Anti-vimentin antibody
10071462 Anti-epithelial antibody
10071463 Anti-neuronal antibody
10071464 Anti-actin antibody
10071465 Anti-thrombin antibody
10071466 Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody
10071467 Anti-basal ganglia antibody
10071468 Anti-NMDA antibody
10071469 Anti-IA2 antibody
10071470 Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody
10071471 Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody
10071472 Anti-transglutaminase antibody
10071473 Anti-ganglioside antibody
10071474 Anti-exosome complex antibody
10071475 Anti-muscle specific kinase antibody
10071476 Anti-VGCC antibody
10071477 Anti-complement antibody
10071478 Anti-VGKC antibody
10071479 Anti-topoisomerase antibody
10071480 Anti-neuronal nuclear antibody-2
10071481 Anti-centromere antibody
10071482 Anti-p62 antibody
10071483 Anti-sp100 antibody
10071484 Anti-TSH receptor antibody
10071485 Anti-Hu antibody
10071486 Anti-Yo antibody
10071487 Anti-amphiphysin antibody
10071488 Anti-Ku antibody
10071489 Anti-cell membrane DNA antibody
10071490 Anti-U1 snRNP antibody
10071491 Anti-glycoprotein-210 antibody
10071492 ANNA-1
10071493 ANNA-2
10071494 Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibody
10071495 Anti-ZnT8 antibody
10071496 Anti-gp210 antibody
10071497 Anti-MuSK antibody
10071498 Anti-P/Q type voltage-gated calcium channel antibody
10071499 Anti-voltage-gated potassium channel antibody
10071500 Anti-neuronal nuclear antibody-1
10071501 Anti-nucleoporin p62 antibody
10071502 Intestinal varices
10071503 Crystal nephropathy
10071504 Wound haematoma
10071505 Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia
10071506 Foetal monitoring normal
10071507 Foetal monitoring abnormal
10071508 Cerebral revascularisation
10071509 Penetrating cardiac trauma
10071510 Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury
10071511 Apophysitis
10071512 Cardiotocography abnormal
10071513 Cardiotocography normal
10071514 Burn blister
10071515 STA-MCA bypass operation
10071516 Foetal non-stress test abnormal
10071517 Foetal non-stress test normal
10071518 Wound hematoma
10071519 Fetal monitoring normal
10071520 Fetal monitoring abnormal
10071521 Fetal activity test abnormal
10071522 Fetal non-stress test abnormal
10071523 Fetal non-stress test normal
10071524 Fetal activity test normal
10071525 Cerebral revascularization
10071526 Superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery revascularisation
10071527 Superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery revascularization
10071528 Foetal activity test abnormal
10071529 Foetal activity test normal
10071530 Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis
10071531 CRMO
10071532 Metastatic choriocarcinoma
10071533 Lung squamous cell carcinoma metastatic
10071534 Immunophenotyping
10071535 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma metastatic
10071536 Head and neck cancer stage IV
10071537 Head and neck cancer stage III
10071538 Head and neck cancer stage II
10071539 Head and neck cancer stage I
10071540 Head and neck cancer metastatic
10071541 Metastatic lymphoma
10071542 Neuroendocrine carcinoma metastatic
10071543 CD8 lymphocytes abnormal
10071544 Influenza B virus test
10071545 Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy with burst-suppression
10071546 Ohtahara syndrome
10071547 Trisomy 9
10071548 Trisomy 9 mosaicism
10071549 Bile reflux gastritis
10071550 Stroke in progression
10071551 Drug use in unapproved population
10071552 Hyporesponsive to stimuli
10071553 Nasal discharge discolouration
10071554 Oesophageal atony
10071555 Nasal discharge discoloration
10071556 Esophageal atony
10071557 Mesenteric haematoma
10071558 Mesenteric hematoma
10071559 Tuberculous endometritis
10071560 Bilirubin total decreased
10071561 Bilirubin total abnormal
10071562 GOT decreased
10071563 GOT abnormal
10071564 Limb amputation
10071565 Fluid wave test
10071566 Vesicocutaneous fistula
10071567 Intradiscal electrothermal therapy
10071568 Seasonal sinusitis
10071569 Immunoglobulin G4 related sclerosing disease
10071570 Ligneous conjunctivitis
10071571 Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection
10071572 Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis
10071573 Susac's syndrome
10071574 Testicular autoimmunity
10071575 Undifferentiated connective tissue disease
10071576 Autoimmune aplastic anaemia
10071577 Autoimmune hyperlipidaemia
10071578 Autoimmune retinopathy
10071579 Neuronal neuropathy
10071580 Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
10071581 IgG4 related sclerosing disease
10071582 PANDAS
10071583 Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
10071584 Autoimmune aplastic anemia
10071585 Autoimmune hyperlipidemia
10071586 Retinocochleocerebral vasculopathy
10071587 Product dosage form confusion
10071588 Vulvovaginal rash
10071589 Bilirubin total low
10071590 Urodynamics measurement abnormal
10071591 HLA-B*5701 assay
10071592 HLA-B*1502 assay
10071593 Anaplastic lymphoma receptor tyrosine kinase assay
10071594 Androgen receptor assay
10071595 C-kit receptor assay
10071596 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor assay
10071597 Vascular endothelial growth factor assay
10071598 Transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase assay
10071599 IL-2 receptor assay
10071600 NAT2 polymorphism
10071601 CYP2D6 polymorphism
10071602 Genetic polymorphism
10071603 CYP2C19 polymorphism
10071604 Drug metabolising enzyme test
10071605 Drug metabolising enzyme test normal
10071606 Drug metabolising enzyme test abnormal
10071607 Drug metabolising enzyme increased
10071608 Drug metabolising enzyme decreased
10071609 PDGF receptor assay
10071610 VEGF assay
10071611 CYP2D6 slow metaboliser status
10071612 CYP2D6 intermediate metaboliser status
10071613 CYP2D6 ultrarapid metaboliser status
10071614 CYP2C19 normal metaboliser status
10071615 CYP2C19 slow metaboliser status
10071616 CYP2C19 intermediate metaboliser status
10071617 CYP2C19 rapid metaboliser status
10071618 CYP2C19 ultrarapid metaboliser status
10071619 CD52 lymphocytes increased
10071620 Drug metabolizing enzyme increased
10071621 Drug metabolizing enzyme decreased
10071622 CYP2C19 normal metabolizer status
10071623 CYP2C19 slow metabolizer status
10071624 CYP2C19 intermediate metabolizer status
10071625 CYP2C19 rapid metabolizer status
10071626 CYP2C19 ultrarapid metabolizer status
10071627 Drug metabolizing enzyme test
10071628 Drug metabolizing enzyme test normal
10071629 Drug metabolizing enzyme test abnormal
10071630 CYP2D6 intermediate metabolizer status
10071631 CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolizer status
10071632 CYP2D6 slow metabolizer status
10071633 Drug not taken in context of intercepted medication error
10071634 Deficiency of bile secretion
10071635 Hypocholia
10071636 Oligocholia
10071637 Proud flesh
10071638 Stoma site redness
10071639 Post-traumatic punctate intraepidermal haemorrhage
10071640 Post-traumatic punctate intraepidermal hemorrhage
10071641 Bell's phenomenon
10071642 Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome
10071643 Talon noir
10071644 Schwartz-Bartter syndrome
10071645 Corneal xerosis
10071646 Great occipital trigeminal syndrome
10071647 Infectious peritonitis
10071648 Noninfectious peritonitis
10071649 Recurrent noninfectious peritonitis
10071650 Recurrent infectious peritonitis
10071651 Anterior displaced anus
10071652 Umbilical cord thrombosis
10071653 Gastrointestinal stromal cancer
10071654 Faecal elastase concentration normal
10071655 Faecal elastase concentration abnormal
10071656 Faecal elastase concentration decreased
10071657 Stool chymotrypsin normal
10071658 Stool chymotrypsin abnormal
10071659 N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide normal
10071660 N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide abnormal
10071661 N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide decreased
10071662 N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide increased
10071663 Peripheral nerve paresis
10071664 Bladder transitional cell carcinoma metastatic
10071665 Sinonasal papilloma
10071666 Atrial parasystole
10071667 Persistent atrial fibrillation
10071668 Permanent atrial fibrillation
10071669 Typical aura without headache
10071670 Acephalalgic migraine
10071671 Fecal elastase concentration normal
10071672 Sinonasal papillomatosis
10071673 Fecal elastase concentration abnormal
10071674 Fecal elastase concentration decreased
10071675 Silent migraine
10071676 Hyposthenia
10071677 Intravenous leiomyomatosis
10071678 Dry skin moisturizing
10071679 Fragrance sensitivity
10071680 Dry skin moisturising
10071681 Corneal endothelial cell loss
10071682 Periorbital fat atrophy
10071683 Diffuse lamellar keratitis
10071684 Anterior chamber collapse
10071685 Conjunctival staining
10071686 Bulbar conjunctival staining
10071687 Retinal vascular accident
10071688 Circumlimbal conjunctival staining
10071689 Residual astigmatism
10071690 Corneal flap complication
10071691 Corneal flap irregular
10071692 Miscreated corneal flap
10071693 Melting of corneal flap
10071694 Dental leakage
10071695 Pneumorrhachis
10071696 Intraspinal air
10071697 Periorbital haemorrhage
10071698 Periorbital hemorrhage
10071699 Infectious pleural effusion
10071700 Pancreatic serous cystadenoma
10071701 Pain in upper extremities
10071702 Vasoneurosis
10071703 Periorbital ecchymosis
10071704 Hair odor
10071705 Hair odour
10071706 Micropenis
10071707 Amygdalohippocampectomy
10071708 Precordial catch syndrome
10071709 Speech apraxia
10071710 Lenegre's disease
10071711 Transient bacteraemia
10071712 NT-proBNP increased
10071713 Transient bacteremia
10071714 Dysmasesis
10071715 Anal sex
10071716 Vertebral artery dissection
10071717 Eyelid skin dryness
10071718 Fowler's syndrome
10071719 Thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome
10071720 TAR syndrome
10071721 Punctate epithelial erosion
10071722 CYP450 2D6 slow metaboliser status
10071723 CYP450 2D6 ultrarapid metaboliser status
10071724 CYP450 2D6 intermediate metaboliser status
10071725 CYP450 2D6 slow metabolizer status
10071726 CYP450 2D6 intermediate metabolizer status
10071727 CYP450 2D6 ultrarapid metabolizer status
10071728 ALK receptor tyrosine kinase assay
10071729 Change in sleep pattern
10071730 Increased viscosity of nasal secretion
10071731 Thick nasal mucus
10071732 Retroperitoneal mass
10071733 Tracheal radiation injury
10071734 Pharynx radiation injury
10071735 Pre-engraftment immune reaction
10071736 Acute focal bacterial nephritis
10071737 Acute lobar nephronia
10071738 Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity
10071739 Supine hypotension syndrome
10071740 Ledderhose disease
10071741 Slow transit constipation
10071742 Poncet's disease
10071743 Device function test
10071744 Implantable defibrillator user
10071745 Implantable defibrillator evaluation
10071746 Cavernoma
10071747 Cerebral cavernous malformation
10071748 Rectus abdominis muscle haematoma
10071749 Rectus sheath hematoma
10071750 Rectus abdominis muscle hematoma
10071751 Rectus sheath haematoma
10071752 Embryonal tumor with abundant neuropil and true rosettes
10071753 Embryonal tumour with abundant neuropil and true rosettes
10071754 Milk soy protein intolerance
10071755 Blau syndrome
10071756 Danon disease
10071757 Annular pancreas
10071758 Male genital tract fistula
10071759 Muscle oedema
10071760 Koenig's syndrome
10071761 Muscle edema
10071762 Trisomy 14
10071763 Viral myelitis
10071764 Noninfectious myelitis
10071765 Somatic dysfunctional symptoms
10071766 Neck plastic surgery
10071767 Neck lift
10071769 Platysmaplasty
10071770 Self injurious behaviour without suicidal intent
10071771 Self injurious behavior without suicidal intent
10071772 Preparatory actions toward imminent suicidal behavior
10071773 Preparatory actions toward imminent suicidal behaviour
10071774 Costovertebral joint sprain
10071775 Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome
10071776 Phyllodes tumour
10071777 Phyllodes tumor
10071778 Abdominal wall bleeding
10071779 Adrenal bleeding
10071780 Anal ulcer bleeding
10071781 Anastomotic bleeding
10071782 Anastomotic ulcer bleeding
10071783 Anorectal varices bleeding
10071784 Antepartum bleeding
10071785 Arterial bleeding
10071786 Arteriovenous graft site bleeding
10071787 Basal ganglia bleeding
10071788 Brain stem bleeding
10071789 Brain stem microbleeding
10071790 Bronchial bleeding
10071791 Cerebellar bleeding
10071792 Cerebellar microbleeding
10071793 Cerebral bleeding
10071794 Foetal cerebral bleeding
10071795 Fetal cerebral bleeding
10071796 Neonatal cerebral bleeding
10071797 Traumatic cerebral bleeding
10071798 Cerebral microbleeding
10071799 Uterine cervix bleeding
10071800 Choroidal bleeding
10071801 Ciliary body bleeding
10071802 Duodenal ulcer bleeding
10071803 Ear bleeding
10071804 Eye bleeding
10071805 Foetal-maternal bleeding
10071806 Fetal-maternal bleeding
10071807 Gastric ulcer bleeding
10071808 Gastric ulcer bleeding, obstructive
10071809 Gastroduodenal bleeding
10071810 Prophylaxis of gastroesophageal variceal bleeding
10071811 Prophylaxis of gastrooesophageal variceal bleeding
10071812 Genital bleeding
10071813 Graft bleeding
10071814 Coronary artery bleeding
10071815 Foetal bleeding
10071816 Fetal bleeding
10071817 Neonatal bleeding
10071818 Bleeding prophylaxis
10071819 Subcutaneous bleeding
10071820 Subepidermal bleeding
10071821 Hepatic bleeding
10071822 Implant site bleeding
10071823 Bleeding from induced abortion
10071824 Intestinal bleeding
10071825 Intestinal polyp bleeding
10071826 Intra-abdominal bleeding
10071827 Intracranial tumour bleeding
10071828 Intracranial tumor bleeding
10071829 Intrapartum bleeding
10071830 Intraventricular bleeding
10071831 Neonatal intraventricular bleeding
10071832 Iris bleeding
10071833 Lacrimal bleeding
10071834 Large intestinal bleeding
10071835 Large intestinal ulcer bleeding
10071836 Laryngeal bleeding
10071837 Lip bleeding
10071838 Lower gastrointestinal bleeding
10071839 Mediastinal bleeding
10071840 Mouth bleeding
10071841 Mucosal bleeding
10071842 Muscle bleeding
10071843 Myocardial bleeding
10071844 Naevus bleeding
10071845 Ocular retrobulbar bleeding
10071846 Oesophageal bleeding
10071847 Operative bleeding
10071848 Nevus bleeding
10071849 Esophageal bleeding
10071850 Optic disc bleeding
10071851 Optic nerve sheath bleeding
10071852 Ovarian bleeding
10071853 Pancreatic bleeding
10071854 Papillary muscle bleeding
10071855 Parathyroid bleeding
10071856 Parotid gland bleeding
10071857 Pelvic bleeding
10071858 Penile bleeding
10071859 Bleeding peptic ulcer
10071860 Pericardial bleeding
10071861 Peritoneal bleeding
10071862 Pharyngeal bleeding
10071863 Pituitary bleeding
10071864 Placenta praevia bleeding
10071865 Pleural bleeding
10071866 Post abortion bleeding
10071867 Postpartum bleeding
10071868 Prostatic bleeding
10071869 Pulmonary alveolar bleeding
10071870 Pulmonary bleeding
10071871 Puncture site bleeding
10071872 Putamen bleeding
10071873 Rectal ulcer bleeding
10071874 Renal cyst bleeding
10071875 Renal bleeding
10071876 Respiratory tract bleeding
10071877 Neonatal respiratory tract bleeding
10071878 Retroperitoneal bleeding
10071879 Scleral bleeding
10071880 Skin ulcer bleeding
10071881 Small intestinal bleeding
10071882 Small intestinal ulcer bleeding
10071883 Soft tissue bleeding
10071884 Spermatic cord bleeding
10071885 Spinal cord bleeding
10071886 Spinal epidural bleeding
10071887 Splenic bleeding
10071888 Splenic varices bleeding
10071889 Splinter bleeding
10071890 Subarachnoid bleeding
10071891 Neonatal subarachnoid bleeding
10071892 Subchorionic bleeding
10071893 Subdural bleeding
10071894 Neonatal subdural bleeding
10071895 Testicular bleeding
10071896 Thalamus bleeding
10071897 Third stage postpartum bleeding
10071898 Thoracic bleeding
10071899 Thyroid bleeding
10071900 Tongue bleeding
10071901 Tonsillar bleeding
10071902 Tooth socket bleeding
10071903 Tracheal bleeding
10071904 Traumatic bleeding
10071905 Traumatic intracranial bleeding
10071906 Tumour bleeding
10071907 Ulcer bleeding
10071908 Umbilical cord bleeding
10071909 Umbilical bleeding
10071910 Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
10071911 Ureteric bleeding
10071912 Urethral bleeding
10071913 Urinary bladder bleeding
10071914 Urogenital bleeding
10071915 Vaccination site bleeding
10071916 Venous bleeding
10071917 Vessel puncture site bleeding
10071918 Vitreous bleeding
10071919 Vulval bleeding
10071920 Tumor bleeding
10071921 Middle ear bleeding
10071922 Anterior chamber bleeding
10071923 Bleeding from bone
10071924 Bleeding into fallopian tube
10071925 Mesenteric bleeding
10071926 Periorbital bleeding
10071927 Neurone-specific enolase
10071928 Neurone-specific enolase decreased
10071929 Neurone-specific enolase increased
10071930 Radial nerve compression
10071931 Peripheral nerve compression
10071932 Poor progression of labour
10071933 Poor progression of labor
10071934 Intraocular haematoma
10071935 Subretinal haematoma
10071936 Vitreous haematoma
10071937 Intraocular hematoma
10071938 Subretinal hematoma
10071939 Vitreous hematoma
10071943 AST low
10071944 GGT low
10071946 Dialysis related complication
10071952 K-ras status assay
10071953 N-ras status assay
10071954 H-ras status assay
10071955 EGFR status assay
10071956 C-kit gene status assay
10071957 CYP2D6 gene status assay
10071958 NAT2 gene status assay
10071959 HERG gene status assay
10071960 HLA-B gene status assay
10071961 Anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene and nucleophosmin gene fusion assay
10071962 BCL-2 gene status assay
10071963 BRCA1 gene mutation assay
10071964 Carbonic anhydrase gene mutation assay
10071965 CYP2C19 gene status assay
10071966 PTEN gene mutation assay
10071967 RET gene mutation assay
10071968 UGT1A1 gene mutation assay
10071969 Tyrosine kinase mutation assay
10071970 BRCA2 gene mutation assay
10071971 H-ras gene mutation
10071972 N-ras gene mutation
10071973 C-kit gene mutation
10071974 C-kit gene overexpression
10071975 EGFR gene mutation
10071976 HERG gene mutation
10071977 Anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene mutation
10071978 Anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene and nucleophosmin gene fusion overexpression
10071979 Androgen receptor gene overexpression
10071980 BRCA1 gene mutation
10071981 BRCA2 gene mutation
10071982 Carbonic anhydrase gene mutation
10071983 Oestrogen receptor gene overexpression
10071984 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor overexpression
10071985 Progesterone receptor gene overexpression
10071986 PTEN gene mutation
10071987 RET gene mutation
10071988 UGT1A1 gene mutation
10071989 Vascular endothelial growth factor overexpression
10071990 Tyrosine kinase mutation
10071991 Transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase overexpression
10071992 EGFR gene overexpression
10071993 Carbonic anhydrase II gene mutation assay
10071994 Carbonic anhydrase IV gene mutation assay
10071995 Carbonic anhydrase II gene mutation
10071996 Carbonic anhydrase IV gene mutation
10071997 VEGF overexpression
10071998 ALK-NPM gene fusion assay
10071999 ALK gene mutation
10072000 ALK-NPM gene fusion overexpression
10072001 Hypercalcitoninaemia
10072002 Fissured tongue
10072003 Scrotal tongue
10072004 Hypercalcitoninemia
10072005 Spinal pain
10072006 Male genital atrophy
10072007 Frenulum breve
10072008 Pain in cervical spine
10072009 Pain in lumbar spine
10072010 Hyper IgD syndrome
10072011 Hyper IgD with periodic fever syndrome
10072012 Palatal palsy
10072013 Radiation mastitis
10072014 Candida esophagitis
10072015 Candida of esophagus
10072016 Candidal esophagitis
10072017 Estrogen receptor gene overexpression
10072018 Radiofrequency ablation of oesophagus
10072019 Renal malposition
10072020 Pyospermia
10072021 Enzyme activity increased
10072022 Enzyme activity normal
10072023 Enzyme activity abnormal
10072024 Benign mesenteric neoplasm
10072025 Mesenteric neoplasm
10072026 Acute calculous cholecystitis
10072027 Chronic calculous cholecystitis
10072028 Radiofrequency ablation of esophagus
10072029 Electric ophthalmia
10072030 Flash keratoconjunctivitis
10072031 Persistent blood flow in false lumen of aortic dissection
10072032 Blood alkaline phosphatase high
10072033 Blood alkaline phosphatase low
10072034 Ethmoiditis
10072035 Ethmoidal sinusitis
10072036 Congenital melanocytic naevus
10072037 Congenital melanocytic nevus
10072038 Small size placenta
10072039 Eccyesis
10072040 Benign nipple neoplasm
10072041 Epidural injection
10072042 Parinaud syndrome
10072043 Central nervous system haemorrhage
10072044 Biloma rupture
10072045 Radiation alopecia
10072046 Topical cardiac cooling
10072047 Alopecia post chemotherapy
10072048 Left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis
10072049 Right coronary artery stenosis
10072050 Arterial laceration
10072051 Central nervous system hemorrhage
10072052 Plaque shift
10072053 Stent dislodgement
10072054 Device dislodgement
10072055 Botryomycosis
10072056 Cystourethritis
10072057 Hydrodipsomania
10072058 Perinephritis
10072059 Ovarian vein thrombosis
10072060 Prenatal screening test
10072061 Grand multiparity
10072062 Poisoning by tranquillizers
10072063 Exposure to lead
10072064 Exposure to body fluid
10072065 Management of reproduction
10072066 Artificial heart implant
10072067 Artificial skin graft
10072068 Stem cell donor
10072069 Bone marrow donor
10072070 Oocyte donor
10072071 Medical counselling
10072072 Behavioural insomnia of childhood
10072073 Body mass index normal
10072074 Exposure to mould
10072075 Gerstmann Straussler Scheinker syndrome
10072076 Critical illness myopathy
10072077 Fatal familial insomnia
10072078 Parapox virus infection
10072079 Glucocorticoid deficiency
10072080 Mineralocorticoid deficiency
10072081 Bandaemia
10072082 Environmental exposure
10072083 Exposure to violent event
10072084 Tuberculosis immunisation
10072085 Antenatal screening test
10072086 Liver donor
10072087 Medical counseling
10072088 Inappropriate diet
10072089 Screening test
10072090 Exposure to mold
10072091 Bandemia
10072092 Railroad related accident
10072093 Watercraft accident
10072094 Poisoning by tranquilizers
10072095 Explosive material accident
10072096 Machinery accident
10072097 Fire accident
10072098 Protozoal disease carrier
10072099 Tuberculosis immunization
10072100 Egg donor
10072101 Behavioral insomnia of childhood
10072102 Gerstmann-Straeussler-Scheinker syndrome
10072103 Incomplete course of vaccination
10072104 Fructose intolerance
10072105 Meniscus tear
10072106 Paraneoplastic neurological syndrome
10072107 Congenital haematological disorder
10072108 Acquired thalassaemia
10072109 Renal venous congestion
10072110 Glomerular haematuria
10072111 Myotenositis
10072112 Renal cortex atrophy
10072113 Congenital hematological disorder
10072114 Acquired thalassemia
10072115 Glomerular hematuria
10072116 Craniolacunia
10072117 Lacunar skull
10072118 Chronic idiopathic constipation
10072119 Digital ulcer
10072120 Ankle impingement
10072121 Peripheral obliterative arteriopathy
10072122 Myocardiodystrophy
10072123 Pseudostrabismus
10072124 Vomiturition
10072125 Infrapatellar fat pad inflammation
10072126 Pseudohyponatraemia
10072127 Myofascial low back pain
10072128 Circulatory encephalopathy
10072129 Pseudohyponatremia
10072130 Gastroduodenostomy
10072131 Ulcer of upper extremity
10072132 Fracture pain
10072133 Sleep onset paralysis
10072134 Anti-transglutaminase antibody increased
10072135 Hooded prepuce
10072136 Catheter site abscess
10072137 Nephroprotective therapy
10072138 Limbal stem cell deficiency
10072139 Ocular rosacea
10072140 Bladder wall calcification
10072141 Orbital decompression
10072142 Permanent cosmetic dermapigmentation
10072143 Conjunctival telangiectasia
10072144 Fordyce spots
10072145 Glycaemia control
10072146 Glycemia control
10072147 Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infection
10072148 Stiff person syndrome
10072149 Hypnopompic paralysis
10072150 Predormital paralysis
10072151 Postdormital paralysis
10072152 Hypnagogic paralysis
10072153 Lipoinjection
10072154 Brain infarction
10072155 Immune-mediated necrotising myopathy
10072156 Immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy
10072157 Meniscus cyst
10072158 Chronic graft versus host disease in intestine
10072159 Chronic graft versus host disease in skin
10072160 Chronic graft versus host disease in liver
10072161 Puncture site swelling
10072162 Thyroid cancer recurrent
10072163 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy abnormal
10072164 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy normal
10072165 Oesophagogastroscopy normal
10072166 Oesophagogastroscopy abnormal
10072167 Computerised tomogram head normal
10072168 Computerised tomogram head abnormal
10072169 Computerised tomogram kidney normal
10072170 Skin wound
10072171 Computerised tomogram kidney abnormal
10072172 Right ventricular strain pattern
10072173 Necrotising sialometaplasia
10072174 Axial myopathy
10072175 Necrotising granuloma
10072176 Necrotizing sialometaplasia
10072177 Necrotizing granuloma
10072178 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy abnormal
10072179 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy normal
10072180 Esophagogastroscopy normal
10072181 Esophagogastroscopy abnormal
10072182 Computerized tomogram head normal
10072183 Computerized tomogram head abnormal
10072184 Computerized tomogram kidney normal
10072185 Computerized tomogram kidney abnormal
10072186 Myocardial stunning
10072187 Breast milk substitute intolerance
10072188 Neonatal insufficient breast milk syndrome
10072189 Asymmetric gluteal fold
10072190 Preauricular skin tag
10072191 Still's murmur
10072192 Breast milk jaundice
10072193 Infant formula intolerance
10072194 Concha bullosa
10072195 Solar rash
10072196 Solar erythema
10072197 Solar eczema
10072198 Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
10072199 Bladder instillation procedure
10072200 Asymptomatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
10072201 Asymptomatic subarachnoid haemorrhage
10072202 Cardiac haemolytic anaemia
10072203 Red cell fragmentation syndrome
10072204 Carbohydrate deficient transferrin increased
10072205 Endothelial protein C receptor polymorphism
10072206 Janus kinase 2 mutation
10072207 Splenic fibrosis
10072208 Oesophageal fibrosis
10072209 Fascial rupture
10072210 Genital herpes zoster
10072211 Analgesic drug dependence
10072212 EPCR A3 polymorphism
10072213 JAK-2 mutation
10072214 Kidney stone attack
10072215 Gallstone attack
10072216 Cardiac hemolytic anemia
10072217 Esophageal fibrosis
10072218 Genital zoster
10072219 Mevalonic aciduria
10072220 Autoinflammatory disease
10072221 Mevalonate kinase deficiency
10072222 Pyogenic sterile arthritis pyoderma gangrenosum and acne syndrome
10072223 Majeed's syndrome
10072224 Deficiency of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist
10072225 PAPA syndrome
10072226 Renal vascular thrombosis
10072227 Neck surgery
10072228 Tooth pulp haemorrhage
10072229 Familial scaphocephaly syndrome
10072230 Tumourectomy
10072231 Tooth pulp hemorrhage
10072232 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging spinal
10072233 Enzyme level test
10072234 Enzyme level increased
10072235 Enzyme level decreased
10072236 Tumorectomy
10072237 Tooth pulp bleeding
10072238 Gnathodynia
10072239 Berant syndrome
10072240 Foetal placental thrombosis
10072241 Chorionic plate vessel thrombosis
10072242 Chorionic villi thrombosis
10072243 Foetal thrombotic vasculopathy
10072244 Fetal placental thrombosis
10072245 Fetal thrombotic vasculopathy
10072246 Allergic reaction to analgesics
10072247 Cytomegalovirus immunisation
10072248 Cytomegalovirus immunization
10072249 Writer's cramp
10072250 Focal hand dystonia
10072251 Carcinoid crisis
10072252 ECG electrically inactive area
10072253 Ischuria paradoxa
10072254 Paradoxical urinary retention
10072255 Blount's disease
10072256 Haemorrhagic thyroid cyst
10072257 Tibia vara
10072258 Hemorrhagic thyroid cyst
10072259 Atypical femur fracture bilateral
10072260 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-oedema/effusion
10072261 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-edema/effusion
10072262 ARIA-E
10072263 Delayed serologic transfusion reaction
10072264 Hypotensive transfusion reaction
10072265 Post transfusion purpura
10072266 Transfusion-associated dyspnoea
10072267 Transfusion-associated dyspnea
10072268 Drug-induced liver injury
10072269 Egocentrism
10072270 Self centeredness
10072271 Chronic villitis of unknown etiology
10072272 Inborn error of lipid metabolism
10072273 3-hydroxyacetyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency
10072277 VLCAD deficiency
10072278 LCHAD deficiency
10072279 SCAD deficiency
10072280 Oesophageal mucosa erythema
10072281 Radiation associated haemorrhage
10072282 Infected fistula
10072283 Posterior fossa decompression
10072284 Varicose veins of abdominal wall
10072285 Slit ventricle syndrome
10072286 Narcotic bowel syndrome
10072287 Duodenal vascular ectasia
10072288 Intracranial lipoma
10072289 Eye colour change
10072290 Mesenteric varices
10072291 Preseptal cellulitis
10072292 Esophageal mucosa erythema
10072293 Radiation associated hemorrhage
10072294 Radiation associated bleeding
10072295 Eye color change
10072296 Drug therapy enhancement
10072297 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging spinal cord normal
10072298 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging spinal cord
10072299 Sialography
10072300 Sialography normal
10072301 Sialography abnormal
10072302 X-ray with contrast
10072303 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging renal
10072304 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging liver
10072305 MRI arthrography
10072306 CT hysterosalpingography
10072307 CT venograph
10072308 CT arthrography
10072309 CT arteriogram
10072310 Insect repellent use
10072311 Product quality control issue
10072312 Product process control issue
10072313 Product raw material issue
10072314 Pregnancy loss
10072315 Venofibrosis
10072316 Phytobezoar
10072317 Non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis
10072318 Idiopathic portal hypertension
10072319 Gallbladder varices
10072320 Penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae infection
10072321 Multidrug resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae infection
10072322 Osteolytic bone metastases
10072323 Anti factor X antibody negative
10072324 Coproporphyrinogen decreased
10072325 Airway peak pressure decreased
10072326 Non-immune heparin associated thrombocytopenia
10072327 Amylase abnormal
10072328 Amylase normal
10072329 Intradermal test negative
10072330 Crystalloid fluid replacement
10072331 Colloid fluid replacement
10072332 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type I
10072333 Uterine necrosis
10072334 Anti factor X antibody
10072335 Leukotriene test
10072336 Biernacki's sign
10072337 Benzodiazepine drug level
10072338 Unilateral bronchospasm
10072339 Coproporphyrinogen
10072340 Airway peak pressure
10072341 Beach chair position
10072342 Multiple use of single-use product
10072343 Intradermal test
10072344 Volume replacement
10072345 Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
10072346 Chalky taste
10072347 Family history of seizure
10072348 Ascites amylase
10072349 Dermal filler injection
10072350 Oesophageal mucosal dissection
10072351 Cryolipolysis procedure
10072352 Pupil dilation procedure
10072353 Painful ejaculation
10072354 Epilation
10072355 Oily scalp
10072356 Vitreous debris
10072357 Esophageal mucosal dissection
10072358 Trichodysplasia spinulosa
10072359 Neuromyotonia
10072360 Peritumoural oedema
10072361 Hand-foot-genital syndrome
10072362 Rheumatoid neutrophilic dermatosis
10072363 Megabladder
10072364 Ochre dermatitis
10072365 Atrial ectopic tachycardia
10072366 Viral associated trichodysplasia of immunosuppression
10072367 Peritumoral edema
10072368 Isaac's syndrome
10072369 Pharyngeal exudate
10072370 Prerenal failure
10072371 Subtherapeutic INR
10072372 Prerenal insufficiency
10072373 Diet noncompliance
10072374 End-tidal CO2
10072375 Peritoneal effluent polymorphonuclear cell count
10072376 Psychogenic movement disorder
10072377 Psychogenic tremor
10072378 Encephalitis autoimmune
10072379 Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
10072380 Ear popping sensation
10072381 Sialogram
10072382 Sialogram normal
10072383 Sialogram abnormal
10072384 LCAD deficiency
10072385 Dopaminergic drug therapy
10072386 CT endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
10072387 Substance-induced mood disorder
10072388 Substance-induced psychotic disorder
10072389 Stimulant-induced psychosis
10072390 Cocaine-induced psychosis
10072391 Stimulant-induced mood disorder
10072392 Amphetamine-induced psychosis
10072393 Intercepted drug prescribing error
10072394 Anthropophobia
10072395 Atypical fracture
10072396 Atypical stress fracture
10072397 Vaso-occlusive crisis
10072398 Type 1.5 diabetes mellitus
10072400 Genital erythrodysesthesia
10072401 Genital erythrodysaesthesia
10072402 Complement split products increased
10072403 Asymmetric di-methylarginine increased
10072404 Asymmetric di-methylarginine decreased
10072405 Asymmetric di-methylarginine abnormal
10072406 Asymmetric di-methylarginine normal
10072407 Asymmetric di-methylarginine
10072408 Mesenteric abscess
10072409 Vital dye staining cornea
10072410 Red blood cell analysis abnormal
10072411 Red blood cell analysis normal
10072412 Cell marker decreased
10072413 Action tremor
10072414 ADMA increased
10072415 ADMA decreased
10072416 ADMA abnormal
10072417 ADMA normal
10072419 Oesophageal motility disorder
10072420 Esophageal motility disorder
10072421 Isaacs syndrome
10072422 Uterine fibromatosis
10072423 Acute apical periodontitis
10072424 Non-scalp psoriasis
10072425 Incentive spirometry
10072426 Antipsychotic drug level decreased
10072427 Amoeba test
10072428 Amoeba test negative
10072429 Giardia test negative
10072430 Giardia test positive
10072431 Amoeba test positive
10072432 Malignant neoplasm of pleura metastatic
10072433 Giardia test
10072434 Ameba test
10072435 Ameba test negative
10072436 Ameba test positive
10072437 Urine iodine increased
10072438 Dermal absorption impaired
10072439 Left atrial overload pattern
10072440 Right atrial overload pattern
10072441 Clostridium difficile immunisation
10072442 Dropped head syndrome
10072443 Clostridium difficile immunization
10072444 Grawitz tumor
10072445 Grawitz tumour
10072446 Delivery outside health facility
10072447 Blue naevus-like melanoma
10072448 Malignant blue naevus
10072449 Desmoplastic melanoma
10072450 Spitzoid melanoma
10072451 Subungual melanoma
10072452 Angiotropic melanoma
10072453 Blue nevus-like melanoma
10072454 Amelanotic melanoma
10072455 Malignant blue nevus
10072456 Hypocalcaemic seizure
10072457 Sirenomelia
10072458 Periureteral collection
10072459 Herpes simplex type I reactivation
10072460 Breakthrough seizure
10072461 Anaplastic carcinoma
10072462 Hypocalcemic seizure
10072463 Non-epileptic seizure
10072464 Mermaid syndrome
10072465 Glassy eyes
10072466 Tilt table test normal
10072467 Tilt table test positive
10072468 Fluorescent in situ hybridisation positive
10072469 Fluorescent in situ hybridisation negative
10072470 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide test normal
10072471 Glucosylceramide normal
10072472 Glucosylceramide increased
10072473 Glucosylceramide decreased
10072474 Glucosylceramide abnormal
10072475 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide test abnormal
10072476 Maximum heart rate increased
10072477 Maximum heart rate decreased
10072478 Gestational age test normal
10072479 Gestational age test abnormal
10072480 Faecal calprotectin normal
10072481 Faecal calprotectin abnormal
10072482 Faecal calprotectin increased
10072483 Faecal calprotectin decreased
10072484 Hydrogen breath test normal
10072485 Hydrogen breath test abnormal
10072486 Nasogastric output normal
10072487 Nasogastric output abnormal
10072488 Peritoneal effluent normal
10072489 Peritoneal equilibration test normal
10072490 Peritoneal equilibration test abnormal
10072491 Prekallikrein test normal
10072492 Prekallikrein test abnormal
10072493 Prekallikrein increased
10072494 Prekallikrein decreased
10072495 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide decreased
10072496 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide increased
10072497 Anti-IA2 antibody negative
10072498 Anti-IA2 antibody positive
10072499 Anti-NMDA antibody negative
10072500 Anti-NMDA antibody positive
10072501 Anti-VGCC antibody negative
10072502 Anti-VGCC antibody positive
10072503 Anti-VGKC antibody negative
10072504 Anti-VGKC antibody positive
10072505 Anti-actin antibody negative
10072506 Anti-actin antibody positive
10072507 Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody negative
10072508 Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody positive
10072509 Anti-basal ganglia antibody negative
10072510 Anti-basal ganglia antibody positive
10072511 Anti-epithelial antibody negative
10072512 Anti-epithelial antibody positive
10072513 Anti-exosome complex antibody negative
10072514 Anti-exosome complex antibody positive
10072515 Anti-ganglioside antibody negative
10072516 Anti-ganglioside antibody positive
10072517 Anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody negative
10072518 Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody negative
10072519 Anti-glycyl-tRNA synthetase antibody positive
10072520 Anti-islet cell antibody negative
10072521 Anti-muscle specific kinase antibody negative
10072522 Anti-muscle specific kinase antibody positive
10072523 Anti-neuronal antibody negative
10072524 Anti-neuronal antibody positive
10072525 Anti-sperm antibody negative
10072526 Anti-transglutaminase antibody negative
10072527 Anti-vimentin antibody negative
10072528 Anti-vimentin antibody positive
10072529 Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody negative
10072530 Anti-zinc transporter 8 antibody positive
10072531 Antimyocardial antibody
10072532 Antimyocardial antibody negative
10072533 Antiribosomal P antibody
10072534 Thromboplastin antibody negative
10072535 Thromboplastin antibody positive
10072536 Postictal confusion
10072537 Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma
10072538 Anti-voltage-gated potassium channel antibody negative
10072539 Fluorescent in situ hybridization positive
10072540 Fluorescent in situ hybridization negative
10072541 VIP test normal
10072542 VIP test abnormal
10072543 Fecal calprotectin normal
10072544 Fecal calprotectin abnormal
10072545 Fecal calprotectin increased
10072546 Fecal calprotectin decreased
10072547 VIP test decreased
10072548 VIP test increased
10072549 Anti-voltage-gated calcium channel antibody negative
10072550 Anti-voltage-gated calcium channel antibody positive
10072551 Anti-voltage-gated potassium channel antibody positive
10072552 Anti-ZnT8 antibody negative
10072553 Anti-ZnT8 antibody positive
10072554 Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibody negative
10072555 Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibody positive
10072556 Keratosis plantaris
10072557 Peripheral artery restenosis
10072558 Carotid artery restenosis
10072559 Carotid revascularisation
10072560 Peripheral endarterectomy
10072561 Peripheral artery bypass
10072562 Peripheral artery stent insertion
10072563 Peripheral artery stenosis
10072564 Peripheral artery thrombosis
10072565 In-stent carotid artery restenosis
10072566 In-stent peripheral artery restenosis
10072567 Peripheral arteriosclerosis
10072568 Carotid revascularization
10072569 Percutaneous absorption impaired
10072570 Transdermal absorption impaired
10072571 Contraceptive implant
10072572 Haemangioma of bone
10072573 Hemangioma of bone
10072574 Periodontal inflammation
10072575 Gingival inflammation
10072576 Kleihauer-Betke test negative
10072577 Kleihauer-Betke test positive
10072578 Chronic actinic dermatitis
10072579 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis
10072580 Granulomatous polyangiitis
10072581 Gastrointestinal submucosal tumour
10072582 Gastrointestinal submucosal tumor
10072583 Fulminant type I diabetes mellitus
10072584 Central nervous system bleeding
10072585 Duodenal papillitis
10072586 Anal abrasion
10072587 Rectal injury
10072588 Pseudomenstruation neonatal
10072589 Viral parotitis
10072590 Platonychia
10072591 Paranasal sinus necrosis
10072592 Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
10072593 Combined androgen blockade
10072594 Triple androgen blockade
10072595 Umbilical discharge
10072596 Subchorionic haematoma
10072597 Hypercapnic coma
10072598 Limy bile syndrome
10072599 Amyloid related imaging abnormalities
10072600 Genital boil
10072601 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-microhaemorrhages and haemosiderin deposits
10072602 Subchorionic hematoma
10072603 ARIA
10072604 ARIA-H
10072605 Neonatal behavioural syndrome
10072606 Neonatal behavioral syndrome
10072607 Poor neonatal adaptation syndrome
10072608 Inadequate aseptic technique in use of product
10072609 Adenine phosphoribosyl transferase deficiency
10072610 Skeletal dysplasia
10072611 Bone dysplasia
10072612 Electrocoagulation
10072613 Thyroid B-cell lymphoma
10072614 Synovial hernia
10072615 Synovial hernia of femoral neck
10072616 Sigmoid diverticulitis
10072617 Osteochondral defects
10072618 Disuse phenomena
10072619 Orthopedic disuse
10072620 Colon diverticulitis
10072621 Orthopaedic disuse
10072622 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-microhemorrhages and hemosiderin deposits
10072623 Avolition
10072624 Orthopaedic examination
10072625 Orthopaedic examination abnormal
10072626 Orthopaedic examination normal
10072627 Orthopaedic procedure
10072628 Fulminant type 1 diabetes mellitus
10072629 Intrahepatic portal hepatic venous fistula
10072630 Psychogenic respiratory distress
10072631 Acquired syringomyelia
10072632 Congenital thrombophilia
10072633 Excessive dietary supplement intake
10072634 Biopsy pineal gland
10072635 Cold sensitivity neuropathy
10072636 Tooth inflammation
10072637 Vertiginous syndrome
10072638 Articular cartilage defect
10072639 Aortocoronary bypass
10072640 Application site telangiectasia
10072641 Epidemic vomiting and diarrhoea
10072642 Epidemic vomiting and diarrhea
10072643 Notalgia paraesthetica
10072644 Notalgia paresthetica
10072645 Product package associated injury
10072646 Dental restoration damage
10072647 Dental restoration discolouration
10072648 Dental restoration discoloration
10072649 Hand-eye coordination impaired
10072650 CIDP
10072651 Postoperative respiratory failure
10072652 Puerperal infection
10072653 Long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency
10072654 Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency
10072655 Short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency
10072656 Very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency
10072657 Neck cervicoplasty
10072658 Ankle impingement syndrome
10072659 Type 3 diabetes mellitus
10072660 Chemical submission
10072661 Heine-Medin disease
10072662 Victim of chemical submission
10072663 Suspected chemical submission
10072665 Tooth demineralisation
10072666 White sponge naevus
10072667 Tooth demineralization
10072668 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
10072669 Tubular apocrine adenoma
10072670 Benign apocrine hamartoma
10072671 Cannon's disease
10072672 Cardiac hepatic fibrosis
10072673 Congestive hepatic fibrosis
10072674 Acute spongiotic dermatitis
10072675 Subacute spongiotic dermatitis
10072676 Brachymelia
10072677 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour
10072678 White sponge nevus
10072679 Nausea post radiotherapy
10072680 Fibroblast growth factor 23 increased
10072681 Fibroblast growth factor 23
10072682 FGF-23 increased
10072683 FGF-23
10072684 Refractory cytopenia with unilineage dysplasia
10072685 Microvascular coronary artery disease
10072686 Uveitic glaucoma
10072687 Intrapulmonary shunt
10072688 Transient neonatal pustular melanosis
10072689 Abnormal withdrawal haemorrhage
10072690 Abnormal withdrawal hemorrhage
10072691 Anovulatory haemorrhage
10072692 Anovulatory hemorrhage
10072693 Peripartum haemorrhage
10072694 Application site haemorrhage
10072695 Varicose vein haemorrhage
10072696 Varicose vein hemorrhage
10072697 Chronic gastrointestinal haemorrhage
10072698 Chronic gastrointestinal hemorrhage
10072699 Coital haemorrhage
10072700 Coital hemorrhage
10072701 Corneal haemorrhage
10072702 Corneal hemorrhage
10072703 Dysfunctional uterine haemorrhage
10072704 Dysfunctional uterine hemorrhage
10072705 Gingival haemorrhage
10072706 Gingival hemorrhage
10072707 Nail bed haemorrhage
10072708 Nail bed hemorrhage
10072709 Skin neoplasm haemorrhage
10072710 Skin neoplasm hemorrhage
10072711 Peripartum hemorrhage
10072712 Application site hemorrhage
10072713 Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
10072714 Renal pseudotumour
10072715 Pelvic cyst
10072716 Lid sulcus deepened
10072717 Amastia
10072718 Lacrimal punctum enlarged
10072719 Eyelid thickening
10072720 Medication overuse headache
10072721 Dromedary hump
10072722 Anterior chamber pseudoexfoliation debris
10072723 Analgesic rebound headache
10072724 Renal pseudotumor
10072725 Rebound headache
10072726 Chronic pigmented purpura
10072727 Extrarenal pelvis
10072728 Bilateral extrarenal pelvis
10072729 Delayed dark adaptation
10072730 Urine zinc
10072731 White matter lesion
10072732 Cerebral white matter lesion
10072733 Myocardial hypertrophy
10072734 DILI
10072735 Aluminium overload
10072736 Rheumatic disorder
10072737 Advanced breast cancer
10072738 Inflammatory rheumatism
10072739 Degenerative rheumatism
10072740 Locally advanced breast cancer
10072741 Aluminum overload
10072742 Late onset hypogonadism syndrome
10072743 LOH syndrome
10072744 Alcohol septal ablation
10072745 Enthesitis related arthritis
10072746 Lacrimal structural disorder
10072747 Hepatitis viral test negative
10072748 Hepatitis viral test positive
10072749 INR abnormal
10072750 INR normal
10072751 INR fluctuation
10072752 Trichotemnomania
10072753 Transmission of an infectious agent via product
10072754 Suspected transmission of an infectious agent via product
10072755 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis aggravated
10072756 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis flare
10072757 Chronic spontaneous urticaria
10072758 Chronic idiopathic urticaria
10072759 Incompetent cardia
10072760 Transient ischemic attack
10072761 Transient ischaemic attacks
10072762 Premalignant changes to oesophagus
10072763 Gastrooesophageal junction ulcer
10072764 Gastrooesophageal junction ulcer haemorrhage
10072765 Gastrooesophageal hernia
10072766 Oesophageal leukoplakia
10072767 Atresia of oesophagus
10072768 Atresia oesophagus
10072769 Small cell carcinoma of oesophagus
10072770 Oesophagalgia
10072771 Oesophagus ulceration haemorrhage
10072772 Oesophagitis, unspecified
10072773 Other oesophagitis
10072774 Cytomegalovirus gastrooesophagitis
10072775 Aorto-esophageal fistula
10072776 Barrett's esophagitis
10072777 Diverticulum esophagus
10072778 Esophageal erosion
10072779 Esophageal hypomotility
10072780 Esophageal neoplasm
10072781 Esophageal ulceration hemorrhage
10072782 Worsening of esophagitis
10072783 Esophagram
10072784 Tracheo-esophageal fistula
10072785 Pharyngo-oesophageal diverticulum
10072786 Tracheo-oesophageal puncture
10072787 Pancreatic steatosis
10072788 False lumen dilatation of aortic dissection
10072789 Iliac artery rupture
10072790 Anti-streptokinase antibody increased
10072791 Humidity intolerance
10072792 Tonsil cancer metastatic
10072793 Urethral melanoma metastatic
10072794 High output stoma
10072795 Drain placement
10072796 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome associated Kaposi's sarcoma
10072797 Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome associated tuberculosis
10072798 CD4 lymphocyte percentage decreased
10072799 Perianal thrombosis
10072800 IRIS associated Kaposi's sarcoma
10072801 IRIS associated TB
10072802 Thyroid associated orbitopathy
10072803 Acute febrile illness
10072804 Eventration repair
10072805 Central nervous system fungal infection
10072806 Chemotherapy toxicity attenuation
10072807 Traumatic ear amputation
10072808 Intratumoural aneurysm
10072809 Arterial wall hypertrophy
10072810 Vascular wall hypertrophy
10072811 Pregnancy of unknown location
10072812 Breast cyst rupture
10072813 Breast angiosarcoma
10072814 Breast angiosarcoma metastatic
10072815 Multiple caesarean sections
10072816 Oily hair
10072817 Synthetic rubber sensitivity
10072818 Abdominal disorder
10072819 Vestibular toxicity
10072820 Cochlear toxicity
10072821 Deafness toxic
10072822 Epidural empyema
10072823 Intimal thickening
10072824 Interface dermatitis
10072825 Seborrhoea capitis
10072826 Seborrheic dermatitis capitis
10072827 Intratumoral aneurysm
10072828 Vocal cord injection
10072829 Thyroid size decreased
10072830 Tumour fistulisation
10072831 Pharyngeal fistula repair
10072832 Intra-abdominal pressure monitoring
10072833 Bursal fluid accumulation
10072834 Vertebral body haemangioma
10072835 Vocal cord teflon injection
10072836 Insertion of surgical hardware
10072837 Tumor fistulization
10072838 Vertebral body hemangioma
10072839 Severe invasive streptococcal infection
10072840 Non-tobacco user
10072841 Female sex hormone level
10072842 Female hormone profile
10072843 Seton placement
10072844 Hepatitis C virus genotype 1a positive
10072845 Hepatitis C virus genotype 1b positive
10072846 Hepatitis C virus genotype 3a positive
10072847 Hepatitis C virus genotype 3b positive
10072848 Hepatitis C virus genotype 1 positive
10072849 Hepatitis C virus genotype 3 positive
10072850 Sensitivity to weather change
10072851 Post-injection delirium sedation syndrome
10072852 Post-injection delirium/sedation syndrome
10072853 Peritoneal mesothelial hyperplasia
10072854 Mononuclear cell count
10072855 Mononuclear cell percentage
10072856 Mononuclear cell count abnormal
10072857 Macrophage count
10072858 Human metapneumovirus test
10072859 Human metapneumovirus test positive
10072860 Agranulocyte count
10072861 Agranulocyte percentage
10072862 Agranulocyte count abnormal
10072863 hMPV test
10072864 hMPV test positive
10072865 Spontaneous passage of urinary calculus
10072866 Interferon gamma release assay positive
10072867 Device allergy
10072868 Chronic anaemia
10072869 Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response
10072870 Chronic anemia
10072871 Lymphatic mapping
10072872 Arteriogram liver
10072873 Sentinel lymph node mapping
10072874 Eccrine squamous syringometaplasia
10072875 Coronary sinus type atrial septal defect
10072876 Keratodermia tylodes palmaris progressiva
10072877 Intestinal fibrosis
10072878 Device use error
10072879 Ground glass opacity in thoracic CT
10072880 Ground glass opacity on chest X-ray
10072881 Modified Rankin score increased
10072882 Modified Rankin score decreased
10072883 Brachydactyly
10072884 Juvenile arthritis aggravated
10072885 Juvenile arthritis flare
10072886 Anti-interferon antibody
10072887 Anti-interferon antibody negative
10072888 Anti-interferon antibody positive
10072889 Muscle tone disorder
10072890 Intestinal smooth muscle hypertrophy
10072891 Skin angiosarcoma
10072892 Vitreous cyst
10072893 Pulmonary endarterectomy
10072894 Contrast encephalopathy
10072895 Penetrating chest trauma
10072896 Carotid-subclavian bypass
10072897 Implantable defibrillator revision
10072898 Jaw abscess drainage
10072899 Dislocation of coccyx
10072900 Traumatic intestinal perforation
10072901 Pulmonary vein isolation
10072902 Yersinia sepsis
10072903 Prostatic fibrosis
10072904 Ejection fraction low
10072905 Yersinia enterocolitica sepsis
10072906 Therapy cessation by healthcare provider
10072907 Therapy cessation by patient
10072908 Ear, nose and throat infection
10072909 Acute painful neuropathy of rapid glycaemic control
10072910 Acute painful neuropathy of rapid glycemic control
10072911 Insulin neuritis
10072912 Osteoarthritis flare up
10072913 Treatment-resistant schizophrenia
10072914 Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
10072915 Benign cartilage neoplasm
10072916 Radiography guided therapeutic aspiration
10072917 CSF shunt occlusion
10072918 Complex ovarian cyst
10072919 Non-functional ovarian cyst
10072920 ECG clockwise rotation
10072921 ECG T-U wave fusion
10072922 Septal Q wave
10072923 Complete bundle branch block
10072924 Diagnostic aspiration
10072925 Radiography guided diagnostic aspiration
10072926 Maxillary sinus pseudocyst
10072927 Mucolipidosis type I
10072928 Mucolipidosis type II
10072929 Mucolipidosis type III
10072930 Mucolipidosis type IV
10072931 Unintentional medical device removal
10072932 Corticosteroid binding globulin test
10072933 Corticosteroid binding globulin normal
10072934 Corticosteroid binding globulin abnormal
10072935 Corticosteroid binding globulin increased
10072936 Corticosteroid binding globulin decreased
10072937 Drug-induced hepatotoxicity
10072938 Unintentional medical device removal by healthcare professional
10072939 Mucolipidosis
10072940 Hypobulia
10072941 Olfactory nerve agenesis
10072942 Cerebellar dysplasia
10072943 Adnexal torsion
10072944 Fallopian tube necrosis
10072945 SILENT syndrome
10072946 Opioid toxicity
10072947 Fallopian tube haemorrhage
10072948 Syndrome of irreversible lithium-effectuated neurotoxicity
10072949 Fallopian tube hemorrhage
10072950 Accidental device ingestion
10072951 Accidental device ingestion by a child
10072952 Vital signs measurement
10072953 Term birth
10072954 Chest CT
10072955 Nutritional supplementation
10072956 Protein deficiency
10072957 Caloric supplementation
10072958 Carbohydrate supplementation
10072959 Birdshot chorioretinopathy
10072960 Chest wall tumour
10072961 Chest wall tumor
10072962 Organic acid analysis abnormal
10072963 Organic acid analysis
10072964 Gastrostomy tube removal
10072965 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus cellulitis
10072966 MRSA cellulitis
10072967 Obstructive thrombosis
10072968 Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy
10072969 Catheter site effusion
10072970 Meniscus injury
10072971 Gastropathy
10072972 Asymptomatic hypoglycemia
10072973 Photosensitivity urticaria
10072974 Asymptomatic hypoglycaemia
10072975 Abscess discharge
10072976 Lower limb wound
10072977 Upper limb wound
10072978 Congenital skin dimples
10072979 Bilateral acromial dimples
10072980 Varus gonarthrosis
10072991 Adenofibroma
10072992 Ulcerative proctitis aggravated
10072993 Living donor liver transplant
10072994 Clostridium difficile infection recurrence
10072995 Orthotopic liver transplant
10072996 Urinary bladder toxicity
10072997 Bronchoplegia
10072998 Soft tissue flap operation
10072999 Anterolateral thigh flap operation
10073000 Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
10073001 Acute necrotising haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
10073002 Brachial plexus neuritis
10073003 Perivenous encephalomyelitis
10073004 Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
10073005 Essential mixed cryoglobulinaemia
10073006 Progressive facial hemiatrophy
10073007 Septic vasculitis
10073008 Congenital central diabetes insipidus
10073009 Tendon laceration
10073010 Epidermal growth factor receptor gene mutation
10073011 Epidermal growth factor receptor gene overexpression
10073012 Epidermal growth factor receptor status assay
10073013 Anaphylactic reaction to venom
10073014 Human leukocyte antigen test
10073015 Human leukocyte antigen test positive
10073016 Chronic autoimmune glomerulonephritis
10073017 Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody
10073018 Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody negative
10073019 Anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody positive
10073020 Anti-islet antigen 2 antibody
10073021 Anti-islet antigen 2 antibody negative
10073022 Anti-islet antigen 2 antibody positive
10073023 Polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein, and skin changes
10073024 Preterm premature rupture of membranes
10073025 Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV infection
10073026 Intermittent preventative malaria therapy in pregnant women
10073027 Prolonged rupture of membranes
10073028 Surfactant protein
10073029 Antithyroid arthritis syndrome
10073030 Burkholderia gladioli infection
10073031 Burkholderia infection
10073032 Bloom syndrome
10073033 Psychotic symptom rating scale
10073034 Pulseless ventricular tachycardia
10073035 Frontal bossing
10073036 Short neck
10073037 Spastic ataxia
10073038 Congenital telangiectatic erythema
10073039 Surfactant protein D
10073040 Metastatic oropharyngeal cancer
10073041 Remnant-like lipoprotein particles increased
10073042 Remnant-like lipoprotein particles
10073043 Oxidized low density lipoprotein increased
10073044 Oxidized LDL increased
10073045 Oxidized low density lipoprotein
10073046 Oxidized LDL
10073047 Posterior lens capsulotomy
10073048 Lens capsulotomy
10073049 Anterior lens capsulotomy
10073050 Renal artery ablation
10073051 Anthracosis
10073052 Renal artery denervation
10073053 Post procedural persistent drain fluid
10073054 HIV encephalopathy
10073055 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour
10073056 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour mixed
10073057 Extragonadal primary seminoma (pure)
10073058 Haemangiopericytoma recurrent
10073059 Malignant neoplasm of unknown primary site
10073060 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor
10073061 Hemangiopericytoma recurrent
10073062 Biphasic mesothelioma
10073063 Desmoplastic mesothelioma
10073064 Epithelioid mesothelioma
10073065 Sarcomatoid mesothelioma
10073066 Pericardial mesothelioma malignant
10073067 Gallbladder adenosquamous carcinoma
10073068 Gallbladder squamous cell carcinoma
10073069 Hepatic cancer
10073070 Hepatic cancer recurrent
10073071 Hepatocellular carcinoma
10073072 Gallbladder neoplasm
10073073 Hepatobiliary cancer
10073074 Hepatobiliary cancer in situ
10073075 Bile duct cancer in situ
10073076 Combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma
10073077 Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
10073078 Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma recurrent
10073079 Gallbladder papillary adenocarcinoma
10073081 Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak syndrome
10073082 Liquorrhoea
10073083 Cerebrospinal fluid otorrhoea
10073084 Spontaneous CSF leak syndrome
10073085 Prescribed underdose
10073086 Iris melanoma
10073087 Malignant sweat gland neoplasm
10073088 Hidradenocarcinoma
10073089 Fibroepithelial basal cell carcinoma
10073090 Keratotic basal cell carcinoma
10073091 Microcystic adnexal carcinoma
10073092 Micronodular basal cell carcinoma
10073093 Nodular basal cell carcinoma
10073094 Intraductal proliferative breast lesion
10073095 Invasive ductal breast carcinoma
10073096 Invasive lobular breast carcinoma
10073097 Invasive lobular breast carcinoma recurrent
10073098 Invasive papillary breast carcinoma
10073099 Lobular breast carcinoma in situ
10073100 Metaplastic breast carcinoma
10073101 Mucinous breast carcinoma
10073102 Mucinous breast carcinoma recurrent
10073103 Neuroendocrine breast tumour
10073104 Tubular breast carcinoma
10073105 Neuroendocrine breast tumor
10073106 Bone giant cell tumour malignant
10073107 Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal bone tumour
10073108 Bone giant cell tumor malignant
10073109 Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal bone tumor
10073110 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone localised
10073111 Oxidised low density lipoprotein increased
10073112 Oxidised LDL increased
10073113 Oxidised low density lipoprotein
10073114 Oxidised LDL
10073115 Epididymal cancer
10073116 Genital cancer male
10073117 Sertoli cell testicular tumour
10073118 Spermatocytic seminoma
10073119 Testicular germ cell tumour mixed
10073120 Testicular malignant teratoma
10073121 Testicular yolk sac tumour
10073122 Verrucous carcinoma of penis
10073123 Warty (condylomatous) carcinoma of penis
10073124 Genital cancer male in situ
10073125 Sertoli cell testicular tumor
10073126 Testicular yolk sac tumor
10073127 Anaplastic meningioma
10073128 Anaplastic oligodendroglioma
10073129 Angiocentric glioma
10073130 Central nervous system neuroblastoma
10073131 Oligoastrocytoma
10073132 Plasma cell myeloma in remission
10073133 Plasma cell myeloma recurrent
10073134 Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
10073135 Dedifferentiated liposarcoma
10073136 Mixed-type liposarcoma
10073137 Myxoid liposarcoma
10073138 Pleomorphic liposarcoma
10073139 Round cell liposarcoma
10073140 Clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue
10073141 Malignant giant cell fibrous histiocytoma
10073142 Inflammatory malignant fibrous histiocytoma
10073143 Pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma
10073144 Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour of soft tissue
10073145 Soft tissue cancer
10073146 Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor of soft tissue
10073147 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumor mixed
10073148 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type 2A
10073149 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type 2
10073150 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type 1
10073151 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type 2B
10073152 Adrenal gland cancer
10073153 Familial medullary thyroid cancer
10073154 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type IIA
10073155 Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type IIB
10073156 Vessel puncture site induration
10073157 Vessel puncture site infection
10073158 Herpes simplex encephalomyelitis
10073159 Device difficult to handle
10073160 Systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
10073161 Arteriovenous graft leakage
10073162 Chance fracture
10073163 Seat belt fracture
10073164 Soluble fibrin monomer complex increased
10073165 Soluble fibrin monomer complex
10073166 Pyloric sphincter insufficiency
10073167 Pseudohernia
10073168 Incision site dermatitis
10073169 Diastasis recti abdominis
10073170 Fat tissue decreased
10073171 Muscle tissue increased
10073172 Gonadotrophin releasing hormone deficiency
10073173 Blood gonadotrophin releasing hormone
10073174 Injection site plaque
10073175 Induction of cervix ripening
10073176 Urinary bladder varices
10073177 Postponement of preterm delivery
10073178 Corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test
10073179 Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency
10073180 Prostate interstitial hyperthermia therapy
10073181 Prostate cryoablation
10073182 Free androgen index
10073183 Hyponatraemic seizure
10073184 Embryo transfer
10073185 Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
10073186 Central precocious puberty
10073187 Hypothalamic disorder
10073188 Hyperandrogenemia
10073189 Induction of follicle maturation
10073190 Primary nocturnal enuresis
10073191 Secondary nocturnal enuresis
10073192 Antidiuretic hormone deficiency
10073193 Vesical varices
10073194 Urethral inflammation
10073195 Abdominal diastasis
10073196 Cryotherapy of prostate
10073197 Moschcowitz syndrome
10073198 Thyroid peroxidase antibody
10073199 Hyperandrogenaemia
10073200 Blood gonadotropin releasing hormone
10073201 Delayed male sexual development
10073202 Delayed female sexual development
10073203 ACTH deficiency
10073204 Hyponatremic seizure
10073205 Booster dose missed
10073206 Infantile cortical hyperostosis
10073207 Congenital intestinal obstruction
10073208 Caffey's disease
10073209 Portal vein dilatation
10073210 Dystonic tremor
10073211 Postural tremor
10073212 Adrenal calcification
10073213 Complete oral rehabilitation
10073214 Peptic ulcer helicobacter
10073215 Peripancreatic varices
10073216 Haemangioma embolisation
10073217 Haemochromatosis trait
10073218 Portal vein enlarged
10073219 Rib fissure
10073220 Hemangioma embolization
10073221 Hemochromatosis trait
10073222 Somatotropin stimulation test
10073223 Beta 2 microglobulin urine
10073224 Hepatitis A antigen
10073225 Hepatitis A antigen negative
10073226 Urine iron
10073227 Growth hormone stimulation test
10073228 Kenny-Caffey syndrome
10073229 Scleroderma associated digital ulcer
10073230 Brain stem haematoma
10073231 Brain stem hematoma
10073232 Gastrointestinal dilation procedure
10073233 Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
10073234 Global ventricular hypokinesia
10073235 Bone prosthesis insertion
10073236 Matrixectomy
10073237 Matricectomy
10073238 Romberg test
10073239 Disseminated mucormycosis
10073240 Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome
10073241 Othello syndrome
10073242 Romberg test positive
10073243 Exserohilum test positive
10073244 Exserohilum infection
10073245 Meningitis aspergillus
10073246 Meningitis exserohilum
10073247 Exserohilum rostratum infection
10073248 Exserohilum test
10073249 Exserohilum test negative
10073250 Testicular germ cell tumor mixed
10073251 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma
10073252 Carcinoma of the collecting ducts of Bellini
10073253 Orthodontic appliance pain
10073254 Neoadjuvant therapy
10073255 Ovarian cryopreservation
10073256 Egg cryopreservation
10073257 Idiopathic angioedema
10073258 Brenner tumour
10073259 Ovarian germ cell tumour mixed
10073260 Ovarian granulosa cell tumour
10073261 Ovarian theca cell tumour
10073262 Ovarian germ cell choriocarcinoma
10073263 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour
10073264 Ovarian germ cell polyembryoma
10073265 Ovarian germ cell teratoma
10073266 Borderline mucinous tumour of ovary
10073267 Borderline serous tumour of ovary
10073268 Ovarian clear cell carcinoma
10073269 Ovarian endometrioid carcinoma
10073270 Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour
10073271 Brenner tumor
10073272 Ovarian germ cell tumor mixed
10073273 Ovarian granulosa cell tumor
10073274 Ovarian theca cell tumor
10073275 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor
10073276 Borderline mucinous tumor of ovary
10073277 Borderline serous tumor of ovary
10073278 Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
10073279 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour
10073280 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumor
10073281 Withdrawal symptom
10073282 Pancreastatin increased
10073283 Pancreastatin decreased
10073284 Pancreastatin abnormal
10073285 Tracheobronchial stent removal
10073286 Pathologic myopia
10073287 Leg infection
10073288 Degenerative myopia
10073289 Premenopausal breast cancer
10073290 Escherichia test
10073291 Escherichia test negative
10073292 Endometriosis male
10073293 Intravascular lipoma
10073294 Pituitary hyperplasia
10073295 Antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli test
10073296 Antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli test positive
10073297 Antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli test negative
10073298 Segmental tracheal resection
10073300 Exposure via body fluid
10073301 Exposure via contaminated device
10073302 Exposure via ingestion
10073303 Exposure via inhalation
10073305 Exposure to unspecified agent
10073306 Exposure to radiation
10073307 Exposure to potentially toxic agent
10073309 Exposure to contaminated water
10073311 Occupational exposure to product
10073312 Occupational exposure while preparing product for administration
10073313 Occupational exposure while administering product
10073314 Occupational exposure via ingestion of product
10073315 Occupational exposure via inhalation of product
10073317 Accidental exposure to product
10073318 Accidental exposure to product by child
10073319 Accidental ingestion of drug
10073320 Accidental ingestion of product
10073322 White blood cell analysis normal
10073323 White blood cell analysis abnormal
10073324 Keratinising squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx
10073325 Nonkeratinising carcinoma of nasopharynx
10073326 Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of nasopharynx
10073327 Nonkeratinizing carcinoma of nasopharynx
10073328 Undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma
10073329 Perineal injury
10073330 Bladder denervation procedure
10073331 Lenticular injury
10073332 Upper respiratory tract endoscopy
10073333 Neuronophagia
10073334 Rhabdoid tumour
10073335 Rhabdoid tumor
10073336 Exposure via eye contact
10073337 Pelvic bone injury
10073338 Optic glioma
10073339 Onychodystrophy
10073340 Multiple cesarean sections
10073341 Complete spinal cord injury
10073342 Partial spinal cord injury
10073343 Prostate surgery
10073344 Alveolar lung disease
10073345 Decorticate posture
10073346 Decerebrate posture
10073347 Gallbladder papilloma
10073348 Dental prosthesis related injury
10073349 24 hour electrocardiogram
10073350 Infectious endophthalmitis
10073351 Sterile endophthalmitis
10073352 Penile contusion
10073353 Post procedural contusion
10073354 Eye contusion
10073355 Genital contusion
10073356 Cardiac contusion
10073357 Bruised liver
10073358 Anal squamous cell carcinoma
10073359 Adenocarcinoma of appendix
10073360 Appendix cancer
10073361 Mucinous adenocarcinoma of appendix
10073362 Undifferentiated carcinoma of colon
10073363 Acinar cell carcinoma of pancreas
10073364 Ductal adenocarcinoma of pancreas
10073365 Intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma of pancreas
10073366 Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas
10073367 Pancreatoblastoma
10073368 Serous cystadenocarcinoma of pancreas
10073369 Acinic cell carcinoma of salivary gland
10073370 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland
10073371 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of salivary gland
10073372 Pleomorphic adenoma
10073373 Small intestine adenocarcinoma
10073374 Mucinous adenocarcinoma of colon
10073375 Signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma of colon
10073376 Mucinous adenocarcinoma gastric
10073377 Papillary adenocarcinoma gastric
10073378 Signet-ring cell adenocarcinoma gastric
10073379 Tubular adenocarcinoma gastric
10073380 Mitral face
10073381 Oedematous kidney
10073382 Device removal failed
10073383 Tinea of hand
10073384 Facies mitralis
10073385 Blister rupture
10073386 Multifocal seizure
10073387 Edematous kidney
10073388 Mitral facies
10073389 Cholangiostomy
10073390 Extramucosal pylorotomy
10073391 Platelet dysfunction
10073392 Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
10073393 Cardiorespiratory monitoring
10073394 Large intestine benign neoplasm
10073395 Small intestine polyp
10073396 Hemorrhoid operation
10073397 Large intestine angiodysplasia
10073398 Small intestine angiodysplasia haemorrhagic
10073399 Large intestine angiodysplasia haemorrhagic
10073400 Hyperplastic polyp of large intestine
10073401 Hyperplastic polyp of small intestine
10073402 Hemorrhoid infrared coagulation procedure
10073403 Small intestine angiodysplasia hemorrhagic
10073404 Large intestine angiodysplasia hemorrhagic
10073405 Bilirubin conjugated decreased
10073406 Troponin I normal
10073407 Troponin T normal
10073408 CD4 lymphocytes normal
10073409 Urine calcium normal
10073410 Urine osmolarity normal
10073411 Incision site rash
10073412 Implant site hypoaesthesia
10073413 Implant site hyperaesthesia
10073414 Implant site pallor
10073415 Implant site photosensitivity
10073416 Incision site ulcer
10073417 Incision site hyperaesthesia
10073418 Injection site hyperaesthesia
10073419 Breast ulceration
10073420 Genital paraesthesia
10073421 Genital hyperaesthesia
10073422 Anal paraesthesia
10073423 Eye ulcer
10073424 Arterial blood pH normal
10073425 ALT normal
10073426 SGOT decreased
10073427 GGT normal
10073428 Creatine kinase decreased
10073429 Cardiac troponin I normal
10073430 Cardiac troponin T normal
10073431 HDL cholesterol normal
10073432 LDL cholesterol normal
10073433 T4 normal
10073434 Implant site itching
10073435 Implant site numbness
10073436 Implant site tenderness
10073437 Catheter site tenderness
10073438 Implant site blisters
10073439 Incision site vesicles
10073440 Implant site hypoesthesia
10073441 Implant site hyperesthesia
10073442 Incision site hyperesthesia
10073443 Injection site hyperesthesia
10073444 Genital paresthesia
10073445 Genital hyperesthesia
10073446 Anal paresthesia
10073447 Blood trypsin
10073448 Stool chymotrypsin
10073449 Stool trypsin
10073450 Transferrin receptor assay
10073451 Influenza C virus test
10073452 Interleukin-2 receptor assay
10073453 Leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
10073454 Coxiella test
10073455 Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence malformation
10073456 Microcolon
10073457 Application site acne
10073458 Haemophobia
10073459 Injection site joint discomfort
10073460 Urine oestradiol
10073461 Surfactant protein A
10073462 Injection site allergic reaction
10073463 Adipsia
10073464 Purulent arthritis
10073465 Amniotic infection syndrome
10073466 Tinea incognito
10073467 Urine estradiol
10073468 TRAP sequence malformation
10073469 Hemophobia
10073470 Congenital retinoblastoma
10073471 Alcohol test false positive
10073472 Hydranencephaly
10073473 Cardiac neurasthenia
10073474 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging spinal abnormal
10073475 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging spinal normal
10073476 Tampon cord detachment
10073477 Sunburn-like rash
10073478 Anaplastic large-cell lymphoma
10073479 Acute undifferentiated leukaemia
10073480 B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia
10073481 Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma
10073482 Acute undifferentiated leukemia
10073483 B-cell prolymphocytic leukemia
10073484 Lipodermoid tumour
10073485 Abdominal lymphadenopathy
10073486 Pericolic abscess
10073487 Schizencephaly
10073488 Topectomy
10073489 Polymicrogyria
10073490 Double cortex syndrome
10073491 Corpus callosotomy
10073492 Congenital malignant neoplasm
10073493 Congenital benign neoplasm
10073494 Perinatal asphyxia
10073495 Mesial temporal sclerosis
10073496 Prompt effects of radiation
10073497 Lipodermoid tumor
10073498 Skull hypoplasia
10073499 Internal limiting membrane peeling
10073500 Lacrimal structure injury
10073501 Pupil constriction procedure
10073502 Lens induced glaucoma
10073503 Rhinolalia
10073504 Internal limiting membrane wrinkling
10073505 Lacrimal duct injury
10073506 Lacrimal gland injury
10073507 Lens particle glaucoma
10073508 Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
10073509 Hyperammonaemic crisis
10073510 Hyperammonemic crisis
10073511 Prosthetic cardiac valve malfunction
10073512 Prosthetic cardiac valve failure
10073513 Exposure during pregnancy
10073514 Mycobacterial peritonitis
10073515 Acquired aminoaciduria
10073516 Skin graft detachment
10073517 Skin graft scar contracture
10073518 Skin graft scar
10073519 Skin graft contracture
10073520 Skin scar contracture
10073521 Cultured epidermal autograft infection
10073522 Melting skin graft
10073523 Cultured epidermal autograft detachment
10073524 Cultured epidermal autograft failure
10073525 Hypercytokinemia
10073526 Hypercytokinaemia
10073527 HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis
10073528 Microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma
10073529 Arterial thromboembolism
10073530 Intestinal calcification
10073531 Iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis
10073532 Elbow bursitis
10073533 Spleen contusion
10073534 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage II
10073535 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage I
10073536 Hodgkin's disease nodular sclerosis stage II site unspecified
10073537 Urgency-frequency syndrome
10073538 Urinary incontinence surgery
10073539 Botulinum toxin injection
10073540 Intraductal papillary breast neoplasm
10073541 Length at birth
10073542 Interferon gamma release assay
10073543 Urea renal clearance
10073544 Urea renal clearance increased
10073545 Acid fast bacillus culture
10073546 Acid fast bacillus culture positive
10073547 Acid fast bacillus culture negative
10073548 CO2
10073549 HDL cholesterol
10073550 LDL cholesterol
10073551 Leucocyte count
10073552 Absolute lymphocyte count
10073553 PPD skin test
10073554 Sentinel node biopsy
10073555 Sentinel node biopsy normal
10073556 Sentinel node biopsy abnormal
10073557 Purified protein derivative skin test
10073558 Instillation site paraesthesia
10073559 Instillation site paresthesia
10073560 Optical coherence tomography normal
10073561 Optical coherence tomography abnormal
10073562 Retinal vessel avulsion
10073563 Spinal subdural haemorrhage
10073564 Spinal subarachnoid haemorrhage
10073565 Intracranial artery dissection
10073566 Intraspinal haemorrhage
10073567 Spinal subdural hemorrhage
10073568 Spinal subdural bleeding
10073569 Spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage
10073570 Spinal subarachnoid bleeding
10073571 Intraspinal hemorrhage
10073572 Intraspinal bleeding
10073573 Colonic abscess
10073574 Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans metastatic
10073575 Cough ineffective
10073576 Cough weak
10073577 Dermatofibrosarcoma metastatic
10073578 Oncovirus test positive
10073579 Oncovirus test negative
10073580 Oncovirus test
10073581 Bone marrow haemorrhage
10073582 Cutaneous extramedullary haemopoiesis
10073583 Subclinical hyperthyroidism
10073584 Pulmonary rheumatoid nodule
10073585 Neck pain (with radiation)
10073586 Bone marrow hemorrhage
10073587 Bone marrow bleeding
10073588 Cutaneous extramedullary hemopoiesis
10073589 Hemofiltration
10073590 Hyperhydration
10073591 Cough syncope
10073592 Triple A syndrome
10073593 Allgrove syndrome
10073594 Expired device used
10073595 Mouth bump
10073596 Passenger lymphocyte syndrome
10073597 Laser lipolysis
10073598 Vascular anastomosis
10073599 Myeloma cast nephropathy
10073600 Myeloma kidney
10073601 Instillation site exfoliation
10073602 Instillation site abscess
10073603 Instillation site anaesthesia
10073604 Instillation site atrophy
10073605 Instillation site burn
10073606 Instillation site discharge
10073607 Instillation site discolouration
10073608 Instillation site erosion
10073609 Instillation site haematoma
10073610 Instillation site haemorrhage
10073611 Instillation site hyperaesthesia
10073612 Instillation site hypersensitivity
10073613 Instillation site induration
10073614 Instillation site infection
10073615 Instillation site inflammation
10073616 Instillation site necrosis
10073617 Instillation site nodule
10073618 Instillation site odour
10073619 Instillation site oedema
10073620 Instillation site papules
10073621 Instillation site pustules
10073622 Instillation site rash
10073623 Instillation site scab
10073624 Instillation site swelling
10073625 Instillation site thrombosis
10073626 Instillation site ulcer
10073627 Instillation site urticaria
10073628 Instillation site vesicles
10073629 Instillation site warmth
10073630 Instillation site bruise
10073631 Instillation site anesthesia
10073632 Instillation site bleeding
10073633 Instillation site blister
10073634 Instillation site bullae
10073635 Instillation site discoloration
10073636 Instillation site ecchymosis
10073637 Instillation site edema
10073638 Instillation site eruption
10073639 Instillation site excoriation
10073640 Instillation site hematoma
10073641 Instillation site hemorrhage
10073642 Instillation site hypalgesia
10073643 Instillation site hyperesthesia
10073644 Instillation site hyperalgesia
10073645 Instillation site hyperpigmentation
10073646 Instillation site hypopigmentation
10073647 Instillation site odor
10073648 Instillation site peeling
10073649 Instillation site sclerosis
10073650 Instillation site tenderness
10073651 Instillation site lipoatrophy
10073652 Synovial biopsy
10073653 Visual perseveration
10073654 Congenital trichomegaly
10073655 Freeman-Sheldon syndrome
10073656 Palinopsia
10073657 Thresher's lung
10073658 Interaction with illicit drug
10073659 Intestinal neuronal dysplasia
10073660 Foetal megacystis
10073661 Pulmonary lymphangiectasia
10073662 Polyclonal gammopathy
10073663 Pseudoseptic arthritis
10073664 Aseptic endophthalmitis
10073665 Fetal megacystis
10073666 Congenital lipoatrophic diabetes
10073667 Acquired lipoatrophic diabetes
10073668 Berardinelli-Seip syndrome
10073669 Blueberry muffin baby
10073670 Hypocalvaria
10073671 Blueberry muffin lesion
10073672 Breakthrough infection
10073673 Neutrophilic folliculitis
10073674 Constitutional syndrome
10073675 HIV infection CDC category unspecified
10073676 Vulvar melanosis
10073677 Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy
10073678 Juvenile angiofibroma
10073679 Traumatic iritis
10073680 Chemical iritis
10073681 Epidural haemorrhage
10073682 Dravet syndrome
10073683 Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
10073684 Hypokinetic-rigid syndrome
10073685 Epidural hemorrhage
10073686 Sensory ataxia
10073687 Vascular access related sepsis
10073688 Vascular access related infection
10073689 Familial renal glycosuria
10073690 Traumatic arthrosis
10073691 Tear break up time test
10073692 Tear break up time decreased
10073693 Coliuria
10073694 Lupus pleurisy
10073695 Lupus pleuritis
10073696 Wallerian degeneration
10073697 Amylase creatinine clearance ratio
10073698 Amylase creatinine clearance ratio normal
10073699 Amylase creatinine clearance ratio abnormal
10073700 Drug administration monitoring procedure not performed
10073701 Drug administration monitoring procedure incorrectly performed
10073702 Therapeutic drug monitoring analysis not performed
10073703 Therapeutic drug monitoring analysis incorrectly performed
10073704 Drug ineffective during ongoing dose titration
10073705 Hyperplastic polyp
10073706 Cerebral ventricle collapse
10073707 Acquired acrodermatitis enteropathica
10073708 Obstructive shock
10073709 Myopic choroidal neovascularisation
10073710 Renal hypoperfusion
10073711 Myopic choroidal neovascularization
10073712 Prophylaxis of vaginal flora imbalance
10073713 Musculoskeletal injury
10073714 Primitive reflex test positive
10073715 Primitive reflex test
10073716 Intervertebral disc biopsy
10073717 Infective gastroenteritis
10073718 Feverish
10073719 Post pneumonectomy syndrome
10073720 Foetal retinoid syndrome
10073721 Morbihan disease
10073722 Fetal retinoid syndrome
10073723 Adenosine deaminase normal
10073724 Adenosine deaminase abnormal
10073725 Adenosine deaminase increased
10073726 Adenosine deaminase decreased
10073727 Ectopic pregnancy under hormonal contraception
10073728 Hormonal contraception
10073729 Dental enamel injury
10073730 Chipped tooth
10073731 Dental enamel damage
10073732 Faecal containment device insertion
10073733 Fecal containment device insertion
10073734 Microembolism
10073735 Embolic shower
10073736 Diffuse alopecia
10073737 Paederus dermatitis
10073738 Reversed hot-cold sensation
10073739 Stool chloride
10073740 Genitals enlarged
10073741 Pharyngeal enanthema
10073742 Streptococcal endocarditis
10073743 Arterial blood gases
10073744 Connatal cyst
10073745 Hydrocalyx
10073746 Thumb sucking
10073747 Hydrocalycosis
10073748 External fixation pin site infection
10073749 Radial head dislocation
10073750 Nursemaid's elbow
10073751 Intracranial germ cell tumour
10073752 Lack of injection site rotation
10073753 Fear of injection
10073754 Intracranial germ cell tumor
10073755 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia
10073756 Pneumocystis jirovecii infection
10073757 Pneumocystis jirovecii prophylaxis
10073758 Accidental use of placebo
10073759 Catheter site extravasation
10073760 Product physical consistency issue
10073761 Medication too hard to chew
10073762 Primary spontaneous pneumothorax
10073763 Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax
10073764 Mucous discharge
10073765 Mucus discharge
10073766 Acquired hip dysplasia
10073767 Developmental hip dysplasia
10073768 Incorrect dosage administered
10073769 Bohn's nodules
10073770 Haemophilic pseudotumour
10073771 Inhibiting antibodies positive
10073772 Inhibiting antibodies negative
10073773 Hemophilic pseudotumor
10073774 Lenticulostriatal vasculopathy
10073775 Stroke-like migraine attacks after radiation therapy
10073776 Osteopathia striata
10073777 SMART syndrome
10073778 Voorhoeve disease
10073779 Application site laceration
10073780 Application site skin tear
10073781 Acid haemolysin test
10073782 Acid haemolysin test negative
10073783 Acid haemolysin test positive
10073784 Anemia hemolytic autoimmune
10073785 Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
10073786 Haemorrhagic fever arenaviral
10073787 Haemophilus influenza acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
10073788 Haemophilus parainfluenza acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis
10073789 Haemoglobin protein abnormal
10073790 Haemorrhage aggravated
10073791 Foetal haemorrhage
10073792 Intracranial haemorrhage
10073793 Congenital haemolytic anaemia
10073794 Pancreatitis haemorrhage
10073795 Haemophilus parainfluenza pneumonia
10073796 Catheterisation arterial
10073797 Catheterisation arterial abnormal
10073798 Catheterisation arterial normal
10073799 Anaesthesia application site
10073800 Anaesthesia general
10073801 Anaesthetic induction and maintenance
10073802 Anaesthetic induction
10073803 Anaesthesia injection site
10073804 Anaesthetic maintenance
10073805 Bone tumour benign
10073806 Benign tumour of liver
10073807 Pseudotumour cerebri
10073808 Benign parotid tumour
10073809 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma
10073810 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma recurrent
10073811 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma refractory
10073812 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma involving intra-abdominal lymph nodes
10073813 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma involving intrapelvic lymph nodes
10073814 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma involving intrathoracic lymph nodes
10073815 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma stage I
10073816 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma involving lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
10073817 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma involving lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
10073818 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma involving lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
10073819 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma stage II
10073820 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma involving lymph nodes of multiple sites
10073821 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma involving spleen
10073822 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma stage III
10073823 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma stage IV
10073824 Burkitt's tumour or lymphoma, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
10073825 Prostatic carcinoid tumour
10073826 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage I
10073827 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour mixed incl yolk sac tumour stage I
10073828 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage II
10073829 Extragonadal primary germ cell tumour mixed incl choriocarcinoma stage III
10073830 Liver tumour
10073831 Tumour liver
10073832 Hepatic tumour malignant
10073833 Pituitary tumour malignant
10073834 Pseudotumour
10073835 Malignant tumour
10073836 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour
10073837 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage I A
10073838 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage I B
10073839 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage I C
10073840 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage I
10073841 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage I A
10073842 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage I B
10073843 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage I C
10073844 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage II A
10073845 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage II B
10073846 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage II C
10073847 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage II
10073848 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage II A
10073849 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage II B
10073850 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage II C
10073851 Tumour of ampulla of Vater
10073852 Osteofibroma
10073853 Osteochondral fracture
10073854 Preictal state
10073855 Ketogenic diet
10073856 Larsen syndrome
10073857 Brain sarcoma
10073858 Tracheostomy closure
10073859 Clouston syndrome
10073860 Paraganglioma
10073861 Tumor of ampulla of Vater
10073862 Vertebral pain
10073863 Tracheostomy revision
10073864 Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
10073865 Tumour of hepatopancreatic ampulla
10073866 Tumor of hepatopancreatic ampulla
10073867 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage III A
10073868 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage III B
10073869 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumour stage III C
10073870 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage III
10073871 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage III A
10073872 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage III B
10073873 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage III C
10073874 Ovarian germ cell yolk sac tumour stage IV
10073875 Plasma cell tumour
10073876 Tumour of pleura
10073877 Kidney tumours recurrent
10073878 Kidney tumours stage I
10073879 Kidney tumours stage II
10073880 Kidney tumours stage III
10073881 Kidney tumours stage IV
10073882 Excision of kidney tumour
10073883 Testicular endodermal sinus tumour stage I
10073884 Testicular endodermal sinus tumour stage II
10073885 Testicular endodermal sinus tumour stage III
10073886 Tumour embolus
10073887 Osmotic diarrhoea
10073888 Galactorrhoea female
10073889 Gonorrhoea recurrent
10073890 Gonorrhoea, antepartum
10073891 Gonorrhoea, postpartum
10073892 Oestriol low
10073893 Oestriol urine low
10073894 Oestriol high
10073895 Oestriol urine high
10073896 Hypo-oestrogenaemia
10073897 Naevus melanotic
10073898 Naevus sebaceous
10073899 Genital oedema
10073900 Mucosal oedema
10073901 Acro-oedema
10073902 Oedema tracheal
10073903 Socialised conduct disorder
10073904 Generalised arterial disease
10073905 Atherosclerosis generalised
10073906 Generalised arteriosclerosis
10073907 Generalised atheroma
10073908 Generalised joint pain
10073909 Wasting generalised
10073910 Chondroma sarcomatosum localised
10073911 Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma localised
10073912 Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma localised
10073913 Generalised lipodystrophy
10073914 Socialised disturbance of conduct
10073915 Unsocialised disturbance of conduct
10073916 Tranquilliser abuse
10073917 Fatiguability generalised
10073918 Gallbladder carcinoma localised
10073919 Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder localised
10073920 Generalised convulsive epilepsy
10073921 Numbness generalised
10073922 Generalised spasm
10073923 Tetanic spasm generalised
10073924 Hospitalisation-associated infection
10073925 Generalised osteoarthritis
10073926 Osteoarthrosis, generalised
10073927 Anaplastic osteosarcoma localised
10073928 Small fibre neuropathy
10073929 IRVAN syndrome
10073930 Symmastia
10073931 Genital herpes simplex
10073932 Herpes zoster keratitis
10073933 Herpes simplex oral
10073934 Dribbling ejaculation
10073935 Weak ejaculation
10073936 Anejaculation
10073937 Small fiber neuropathy
10073938 Ophthalmic herpes simplex
10073939 Idiopathic retinal vasculitis, aneurysms and neuroretinitis syndrome
10073940 Contact lens damage
10073941 Anorectal human papilloma virus infection
10073942 CYP2B6 gene status assay
10073943 CYP2B6 polymorphism
10073944 Nasal mucosal hyperemia
10073945 Perinatal stroke
10073946 Radioembolisation
10073947 Jejunocolostomy
10073948 Stroke in utero
10073949 Radioembolization
10073950 Necrotic uterine fibroid
10073951 Necrotic leiomyoma
10073952 Hypocarnitinaemia
10073953 Hypocarnitinemia
10073954 Intentional underdose
10073955 Squamous cell carcinoma, keratoacanthoma-type
10073956 Medication residue present
10073957 Composite lymphoma
10073958 Hippotherapy
10073959 MRSA meningitis
10073960 CANDLE syndrome
10073961 Chronic atypical neutrophilic dermatosis with lipodystrophy and elevated temperature syndrome
10073962 Soreness roof of mouth
10073963 Mammitis
10073964 Device end of service
10073965 Device telemetry issue
10073966 Device end of life
10073967 Pump migration
10073968 Device extension migration
10073969 Neurostimulator migration
10073970 Lead migration
10073971 Catheter breakage
10073972 Catheter kink
10073973 Catheter disconnection issue
10073974 Catheter dislodgment
10073975 Antenna cable breakage
10073976 Radiation menopause
10073977 Epicanthoplasty
10073978 Adenosquamous carcinoma of vagina
10073979 Portal vein cavernous transformation
10073980 Prosopagnosia
10073981 Tarsorrhaphy
10073982 Upper extremities discomfort
10073983 Mixed ductal lobular breast carcinoma
10073984 Mixed ductal lobular breast carcinoma in situ
10073985 Mixed ductal lobular breast carcinoma infiltrating
10073986 Arterial segmental pressure test
10073987 H7N9 influenza
10073988 Bird flu
10073989 Catheter site vesicles
10073990 Catheter site calcification
10073991 Catheter site coldness
10073992 Catheter site dermatitis
10073993 Catheter site discolouration
10073994 Catheter site dryness
10073995 Catheter site eczema
10073996 Catheter site exfoliation
10073997 Catheter site fibrosis
10073998 Catheter site hypersensitivity
10073999 Catheter site hypertrophy
10074000 Catheter site induration
10074001 Catheter site injury
10074002 Catheter site ischaemia
10074003 Catheter site macule
10074004 Catheter site mass
10074005 Catheter site nodule
10074006 Catheter site hypoaesthesia
10074007 Catheter site pallor
10074008 Catheter site papule
10074009 Catheter site paraesthesia
10074010 Catheter site pustule
10074011 Catheter site scab
10074012 Catheter site scar
10074013 Catheter site ulcer
10074014 Catheter site vasculitis
10074015 Catheter site warmth
10074016 Catheter site blisters
10074017 Catheter site discoloration
10074018 Catheter site hives
10074019 Catheter site ischemia
10074020 Catheter site itching
10074021 Catheter site leaking
10074022 Catheter site hypoesthesia
10074023 Catheter site numbness
10074024 Catheter site paresthesia
10074025 Catheter site pus
10074026 Exfoliation glaucoma
10074027 Exfoliation syndrome
10074028 Fat overload syndrome
10074029 Osteoblastic osteosarcoma localised
10074030 Osteogenic sarcoma localised
10074031 Telangiectatic osteosarcoma localised
10074032 PNET of bone localised
10074033 Generalised pruritus
10074034 Generalised scleroderma
10074035 Generalised urticaria
10074036 Simple goiter
10074037 Goitre exophthalmic
10074038 Alpha-foetoprotein increased
10074039 Incontinence of faeces
10074040 Discolouration faecal
10074041 Faecal peritonitis
10074042 Living in convalescent centre
10074043 Macrocytic anaemia
10074044 Megaloblastic anaemia
10074045 Anaemia B12 deficiency
10074046 Septicaemia bacterial anaerobic
10074047 Septicaemia gram-negative
10074048 Toxaemia bacterial
10074049 Monoclonal hypergammaglobulinaemia
10074050 Pre-eclampsia toxaemia
10074051 Alpha thalassaemia intermedia
10074052 Hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis suppression
10074053 Choanal stenosis
10074054 Trigeminal neuritis
10074055 Vomit inhalation
10074056 Vomit aspiration
10074057 Localised cooling therapy
10074058 Localized cooling therapy
10074059 Dimorphic anemia
10074060 Dimorphic anaemia
10074061 Large intestinal stenosis
10074062 Thyroid infection
10074063 Ischaemic enteritis
10074064 Ischemic enteritis
10074065 Procedural intestinal perforation
10074066 Anniversary reaction
10074067 Proteus syndrome
10074068 Pyostomatitis vegetans
10074069 Puncture site oedema
10074070 Mitochondrial encephalopathy
10074071 Puncture site edema
10074072 Forced vital capacity
10074073 Time perception altered
10074074 Oesophageal compression
10074075 Esophageal compression
10074076 Double balloon enteroscopy
10074077 T-cell receptor gene rearrangement test
10074078 Larynx laser therapy
10074079 Allergy to immunoglobulin therapy
10074080 Autoscopy
10074081 Pain in diaphragm
10074082 Autoscopic phenomena
10074083 Periprocedural complication
10074084 Hepatic fibrosis marker abnormal
10074085 Methemoglobin
10074086 Hemoglobin electrophoresis normal
10074087 Hemoglobin urine present
10074088 Hemolytic transfusion reaction
10074089 Hemorrhage neonatal
10074090 Hemorrhage prophylaxis
10074091 Gastrointestinal mucocele
10074092 Truncus celiacus thrombosis
10074093 Alpha 1 fetoprotein abnormal
10074094 Alpha 1 fetoprotein amniotic fluid abnormal
10074095 Radiation injury affecting fetus
10074096 Iodine goiter congenital
10074097 Thyrotoxicosis with goiter
10074098 Thyrotoxicosis without goiter
10074099 Malignant goiter
10074100 Subacute generalized exfoliative dermatitis
10074101 Hospitalization
10074102 Pericardial mesothelioma malignant localized
10074103 Peripheral neuroepithelioma of bone localized
10074104 Peritoneal mesothelioma malignant localized
10074105 Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy
10074106 Pleural mesothelioma malignant localized
10074107 Weber tuning fork test lateralized left
10074108 Weber tuning fork test lateralized right
10074109 Mueller's mixed tumor
10074110 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage I
10074111 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage II
10074112 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage III
10074113 Ovarian germ cell endodermal sinus tumor stage IV
10074114 Papillary tumor of renal pelvis
10074115 Parathyroid tumor benign
10074116 Parathyroid tumor malignant
10074117 Pelvic tumor
10074118 Prolactin-producing pituitary tumor
10074119 Renal tumor excision
10074120 Retinal tumor excision
10074121 Rhabdoid tumor of the kidney
10074122 Testicular germ cell tumor mixed stage III
10074123 Testicular yolk sac tumor stage I
10074124 Testicular yolk sac tumor stage II
10074125 Testicular yolk sac tumor stage III
10074126 Thyroid stimulating hormone-producing pituitary tumor
10074127 Tumor embolism
10074128 Tumor excision
10074129 Uterine tumor of mixed cellularity
10074130 Uterine tumor excision
10074131 Single photon emission computerized tomogram
10074132 Single photon emission computerized tomography
10074133 Single photon emission computerized tomogram abnormal
10074134 Single photon emission computerized tomography abnormal
10074135 Single photon emission computerized tomogram normal
10074136 Single photon emission computerized tomography normal
10074137 Acanthameba keratitis
10074138 Ameba histolytica dysentery
10074139 Entameba histolytica dysentery
10074140 Entameba histolytica liver abscess
10074141 Uterine cervical laceration during labor
10074142 Vasa previa
10074143 Urine odor abnormal
10074144 Chondrosarcoma localized
10074145 Testicular germ cell tumor mixed stage I
10074146 Testicular germ cell tumor mixed stage II
10074147 Vitelliform macular dystrophy
10074148 Vascular loop syndrome
10074149 Best's disease
10074150 Biliary ascites
10074151 Parenteral nutrition associated liver disease
10074152 Parenteral nutrition associated cholestasis
10074153 Device burst
10074154 Device cracked
10074155 Device material degradation
10074156 Device colour faded
10074157 Device color faded
10074158 Disturbance of thermoregulation of newborn
10074159 Neonatal gastrointestinal haemorrhage
10074160 Neonatal intestinal perforation
10074161 Neonatal gastrointestinal hemorrhage
10074162 Collagen antigen type IV abnormal
10074163 Dry lung syndrome
10074164 Extremely low birth weight baby
10074165 Off label dosing
10074166 Mucous fistula complication
10074167 Mucus fistula complication
10074168 Intestinal malrotation repair
10074169 Vascular catheterisation
10074170 Candida infection
10074171 Aspergillus infection
10074172 Stoma closure
10074173 Gastric residual assessment
10074174 Jejunostomy closure
10074175 Immature retinal vascularisation
10074176 Abdominal wall repair
10074177 Vascular catheterization
10074178 Tracheo-oesophageal fistula repair
10074179 Mucus fistula creation
10074180 Craniofacial deformity
10074181 Epidural catheter placement
10074182 Meconium cyst
10074183 Stricturoplasty
10074184 Bacillus bacteraemia
10074185 Pseudomonas aeruginosa meningitis
10074186 Tissue expansion procedure
10074187 Congenital high airway obstruction syndrome
10074188 Nasal CPAP
10074189 Immature retinal vascularization
10074190 Retinal immaturity
10074191 Intravascular depletion
10074192 Neonatal abstinence syndrome
10074193 Bilious gastric drainage
10074194 Jejunostomy takedown
10074195 Projectile emesis
10074196 Umbilical venous catheter placement
10074197 Umbilical arterial catheter placement
10074198 Umbilical catheter placement
10074199 Ladd procedure
10074200 Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
10074201 Neonatal oxygen desaturation
10074202 Neonatal desaturation spells
10074203 Mucous fistula creation
10074204 Tracheo-esophageal fistula repair
10074205 Central venous catheter occlusion
10074206 Ostomy takedown
10074207 Neonatal apnea spells
10074208 Neonatal bradycardia spells
10074209 Gastric residuals
10074210 Coarse breath sounds
10074211 Placement of protective silo bag
10074212 Vacuum assisted wound closure
10074213 Neonatal apnoea spells
10074214 Strictureplasty
10074215 Bacillus bacteremia
10074216 Fixed bowel loop
10074217 Ectopic ovary
10074218 Intestinal transit time increased
10074219 Gastrointestinal stoma output increased
10074220 Gastrointestinal stoma output decreased
10074221 Gastrointestinal stoma output abnormal
10074222 Right ventricular dilatation
10074223 Intestinal stricture repair
10074224 Volvulus repair
10074225 Bowel tapering
10074226 Cholangiopathy
10074227 Metabolic liver injury
10074228 Oral aversion
10074229 Abdominal wall closure
10074230 Removal of protective silo bag
10074231 Biliocutaneous fistula
10074232 Duodenostomy tube insertion
10074233 Jejunostomy tube insertion
10074234 Congenital intestinal web
10074235 Revision of protective silo bag
10074236 Bilious stool
10074237 Neurological impairment
10074238 Intestinal transit time
10074239 Herpes simplex colitis
10074240 Herpes simplex gastritis
10074241 Varicella zoster gastritis
10074242 Herpes simplex oesophagitis
10074243 Varicella zoster oesophagitis
10074244 Herpes simplex pharyngitis
10074245 Herpes zoster pharyngitis
10074246 Herpes simplex sepsis
10074247 Herpes simplex meningoencephalitis
10074248 Herpes zoster meningoencephalitis
10074249 Meningomyelitis herpes
10074250 Herpes simplex meningomyelitis
10074251 Herpes zoster meningomyelitis
10074252 Herpes simplex necrotising retinopathy
10074253 Herpes zoster necrotising retinopathy
10074254 Varicella zoster pneumonia
10074255 Varicella zoster encephalitis
10074256 Myelitis herpes
10074257 Herpes simplex myelitis
10074258 Herpes zoster myelitis
10074259 Herpes zoster meningitis
10074260 Herpes simplex esophagitis
10074261 Varicella zoster esophagitis
10074262 Herpes simplex necrotizing retinopathy
10074263 Herpes zoster necrotizing retinopathy
10074264 Pythium insidiosum infection
10074265 Human pythiosis
10074266 Circumstance or information capable of leading to device use error
10074267 Spontaneous ejaculation
10074268 Reproductive toxicity
10074269 Tachycardia induced cardiomyopathy
10074270 Lymph node haemorrhage
10074271 Impending fracture
10074272 Secondary pulmonary arterial hypertension
10074273 Uterine cervix rigidity
10074274 Reproductive toxicity male
10074275 Reproductive toxicity female
10074276 Phlegmonous angina
10074277 Anaemia from chronic blood loss
10074278 Acute necrotising eosinophilic myocarditis
10074279 Anemia from chronic blood loss
10074280 Lymph node hemorrhage
10074281 Acute necrotizing eosinophilic myocarditis
10074282 Mitral valve annulus calcification
10074283 Pellegrini Stieda disease
10074284 Amblyopia therapy
10074285 Skin removal
10074286 Immunocompromised
10074287 Deuteranopia
10074288 Warthin's tumor
10074289 Tongue laceration
10074290 Complete hearing loss
10074291 Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum
10074292 Warthin's tumour
10074293 Enteral feeding intolerance
10074294 Peripheral arterial line placement
10074295 Transfusion dependent anemia
10074296 Transfusion dependent anaemia
10074297 Herpes zoster cutaneous disseminated
10074298 Varicella zoster sepsis
10074299 Herpes zoster bilateral
10074300 Therapy change
10074301 Right ventricular hypertension
10074302 Anti A antibody positive
10074303 Anti B antibody positive
10074304 Anti B antibody
10074305 Anti A antibody
10074306 Transitional vertebrae
10074307 Mobile caecum syndrome
10074308 Mobile cecum syndrome
10074309 Diabetic metabolic decompensation
10074311 Battery leakage
10074312 Diaphragmatic spasm
10074313 Neuromuscular pain
10074314 Appetite fluctuation
10074315 FEV1/FVC ratio
10074316 Forced expiratory flow
10074317 Ventricular regional akinesia
10074318 Nonhemorrhagic stroke
10074319 Forced expiratory flow decreased
10074320 Tiffeneau-Pinelli index
10074321 Nonhaemorrhagic stroke
10074322 Morton disease
10074323 CRT/ICD insertion
10074324 Biventricular pacemaker insertion
10074325 Cardiac resynchronisation therapy / implantable cardioverter defibrillator insertion
10074326 Ventricular aneurysm resection
10074327 Joint vibration
10074329 Joint noise
10074330 Tubo-ovarian adhesion
10074331 Cholesterolosis bulbi
10074332 Pathergy reaction
10074333 Uterine adhesions
10074334 Cholesterolosis vitreous
10074335 Infraspinatus tendonitis
10074336 Dysgnathia
10074337 Acute aortic syndrome
10074338 Ureter dilation procedure
10074339 Dermatopathic lymphadenopathy
10074340 Malignant connective tissue neoplasm
10074341 Hysteroscopy abnormal
10074342 Hysteroscopy normal
10074343 Vaginal dysbacteriosis
10074344 Balloon dilatation of ureter
10074345 Lipomelanotic reticulosis
10074346 Vaginal flora imbalance
10074347 Product smell abnormal
10074348 Collagen antigen type IV increased
10074349 Ophthalmic vein thrombosis
10074350 Drug provocation test
10074351 Bronchial provocation test
10074352 Liver iron concentration abnormal
10074353 Liver iron concentration decreased
10074354 Liver iron concentration increased
10074355 Non-transfusion dependent thalassaemia
10074356 Non-transfusion dependent thalassemia
10074357 Cardiopulmonary exercise test
10074358 Cardiopulmonary exercise test normal
10074359 Cardiopulmonary exercise test abnormal
10074360 Ergospirometry
10074361 JC virus granule cell neuronopathy
10074362 Sacroiliac fracture
10074363 Airway secretion clearance therapy
10074364 Crescent fracture
10074365 Battery chemical leakage
10074366 Battery electricity leakage
10074367 Military service
10074368 Pulse pressure narrow
10074369 Pulse pressure wide
10074370 Prosthesis component failure
10074371 Joint prosthesis component failure
10074372 Positive expiratory pressure therapy
10074373 Sperm aspiration
10074374 Oscillating positive expiratory pressure therapy
10074375 Oscillating PEP therapy
10074376 Vibratory positive expiratory pressure therapy
10074377 PEP therapy
10074378 Active cycle of breathing technique
10074379 ACBT
10074380 Autogenic drainage
10074381 Postural drainage and percussion
10074382 Chest wall oscillation vest therapy
10074383 Epididymal sperm aspiration
10074384 Testicular sperm aspiration
10074385 Cardiac resynchronization therapy / implantable cardioverter defibrillator insertion
10074386 Renal vein compression
10074387 Axillary web syndrome
10074388 Renal osteopathy syndrome
10074389 Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
10074390 Nutcracker syndrome
10074391 Chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1
10074392 Deep postoperative wound infection
10074393 Superficial postoperative wound infection
10074394 Late postoperative wound infection
10074395 Whole brain radiotherapy
10074396 Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer
10074397 Vena cava filter removal
10074398 Spastic quadriplegia
10074399 Platelet count high
10074400 Musculoskeletal degeneration
10074401 Paranasal sinus aplasia
10074402 Catheter patency maintenance
10074403 Palatal swelling
10074404 Uvula swelling
10074405 Mesogastric pain
10074406 Actinic proctitis
10074407 Anal HSIL
10074408 Anal LSIL
10074409 Escherichia pyelonephritis
10074410 Infective laryngitis
10074411 Stereotactic brain radiosurgery
10074412 Fractionated stereotactic brain radiotherapy
10074413 Hepatic fibrosis marker increased
10074414 Catheter management
10074415 Intravenous cannula patency maintenance
10074416 Intraarterial cannula patency maintenance
10074417 Ultrasound uterus normal
10074418 Benign genitourinary tract neoplasm
10074419 Malignant genitourinary tract neoplasm
10074420 Fallopian tube spasm
10074421 Exercise tolerance increased
10074422 Brain stem embolism
10074423 Interferon gamma level increased
10074424 Enterocele repair
10074425 Device defective
10074426 Sick cell syndrome
10074427 Perianal discomfort
10074428 Bowel adhesions
10074429 Parasympathetic neuropathy
10074430 Rectoprostatic fistula
10074431 Cancer surgery
10074432 Prostate ablation
10074433 Medication monitoring error
10074434 Error in performing labelled medication monitoring
10074435 Error in performing labeled medication monitoring
10074436 Noninfective oophoritis
10074437 Gastrointestinal polyp haemorrhage
10074438 Gastrointestinal polyp hemorrhage
10074439 Gastrointestinal polyp bleeding
10074440 Gastric polyp hemorrhage
10074441 Gastric polyp bleeding
10074442 Abdominal hernia perforation
10074443 Tendon laxity
10074444 Acute zonal occult outer retinopathy
10074445 Gastric polyp haemorrhage
10074446 Permanent contraceptive tubal implant
10074447 AZOOR
10074448 Acute intraocular pressure increase
10074449 Slow sustained intraocular pressure increase
10074450 Transient blood pressure increase
10074451 Razor burn
10074452 Razor bumps
10074453 Red breast syndrome
10074454 Ureterectasis
10074455 Thyroplasty
10074456 Interferon therapy
10074457 Bladder diverticulitis
10074458 Appendicolith
10074459 Congenital varicocele
10074460 Magnetic resonance neurography
10074461 Pseudoesotropia
10074462 Dural arteriovenous fistula
10074463 Eyebrow discoloration
10074464 Eyebrow discolouration
10074465 Unable to afford prescribed medication
10074467 Uterine myoma expulsion
10074476 Gallbladder volvulus
10074477 Gallbladder torsion
10074478 Oesophageal gastric cardia type metaplasia
10074479 Esophageal gastric cardia type metaplasia
10074480 Post infection glomerulonephritis
10074481 Shigella sepsis
10074482 Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 increased
10074483 X-ray of lumbar spine abnormal
10074486 Scrotal inflammation
10074487 Traumatic haemothorax
10074490 ADAMTS13 activity increased
10074491 ADAMTS13 activity decreased
10074492 ADAMTS13 activity normal
10074493 ADAMTS13 activity abnormal
10074494 Hepatic vascular thrombosis
10074495 Renal transplant failure
10074496 Cutaneous calcification
10074497 Ectopic pregnancy with contraceptive device
10074498 Embedded device
10074499 Maternal exposure during pregnancy, second trimester
10074500 Maternal exposure during pregnancy, third trimester
10074501 Maternal exposure during pregnancy, first trimester
10074502 Partial expulsion of device
10074503 Device dislocation into abdominal cavity
10074504 Traumatic hemothorax
10074505 Calcinosis cutis
10074506 Body mass index abnormal
10074507 Skin hyperplasia
10074508 Stoma site haemorrhage
10074509 Stoma site hypersensitivity
10074510 Stoma site induration
10074511 Stoma site ischaemia
10074512 Stoma site paraesthesia
10074513 Stoma site phlebitis
10074514 Stoma site erythema
10074515 Stoma site thrombosis
10074516 Stoma site ulcer
10074517 Stoma site vasculitis
10074518 Stoma site hemorrhage
10074519 Stoma site paresthesia
10074520 Stoma site hypoaesthesia
10074521 Stoma site ischemia
10074522 Stoma site hypoesthesia
10074523 Stoma site numbness
10074524 Pulmonary leukostasis
10074525 Mesenteric phlebosclerosis
10074526 Anorectal swelling
10074527 Uterine scar
10074528 Anticoagulation drug level increased
10074529 Anticoagulation drug level decreased
10074530 Anticoagulation drug level normal
10074531 Anticoagulation drug level abnormal
10074532 Fallopian tube enlargement
10074533 Computerised tomogram breast normal
10074534 Computerised tomogram breast abnormal
10074535 Application site hypertrophy
10074536 Computerized tomogram breast normal
10074537 Computerized tomogram breast abnormal
10074538 Genital atrophy
10074539 Gastrointestinal anastomotic complication
10074540 Tongue infarction
10074541 Drug effect variable
10074542 Suprapubic abscess
10074543 Hypovitaminosis D
10074544 Pharmacobezoar
10074545 Application site pimple
10074546 Convulsive tic
10074547 Lipoblastoma
10074548 Lipoblastomatosis
10074549 Cystic fibrosis respiratory infection suppression
10074550 Preventive antimicrobial therapy in cystic fibrosis
10074551 Limb fracture
10074552 Retroperitoneal biopsy
10074553 Periproctal abscess
10074554 Congenital Horner's syndrome
10074555 Transplantation complication
10074556 Food contamination
10074557 Spontaneous haemorrhage
10074558 Spontaneous hemorrhage
10074559 Parasympathetic nerve injury
10074560 Viral mastitis
10074561 Acquired antithrombin III deficiency
10074562 Perineal warts
10074563 Graft versus host disease in eye
10074564 Phospholipidosis
10074565 Stoma obstruction
10074566 Stoma complication
10074567 Ostomy obstruction
10074568 Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction
10074569 Iodine overload
10074570 Vascular cognitive impairment
10074571 Medicinal breath odour
10074572 Multiple vessel coronary artery disease
10074573 Angina pectoris recurrent
10074574 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease Fontaine stage I
10074575 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease Fontaine stage IIa
10074576 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease Fontaine stage IIb
10074577 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease Fontaine stage III
10074578 Peripheral arterial occlusive disease Fontaine stage IV
10074579 Peptic ulcer complicated
10074580 Peptic ulcer uncomplicated
10074581 Inappropriate timing of device insertion
10074582 Medicinal breath odor
10074583 Mesenteric vascular occlusion
10074584 Genetic sexual attraction
10074585 Application site hypoaesthesia
10074586 Injection site hypoaesthesia
10074587 Instillation site hypoaesthesia
10074588 Vessel puncture site hypoaesthesia
10074589 Application site hypoesthesia
10074590 Injection site hypoesthesia
10074591 Instillation site hypoesthesia
10074592 Vessel puncture site hypoesthesia
10074593 Hepatic fibrosis marker test
10074594 Hepatic fibrosis marker normal
10074595 Superior orbital fissure syndrome
10074596 Wasabi nose
10074597 Eosinophilic panniculitis
10074598 Intestinal transit time decreased
10074599 Tendon discomfort
10074600 Splenic artery thrombosis
10074601 Splenic thrombosis
10074602 Nail necrosis
10074603 Red reflex abnormal
10074604 Talking to oneself
10074605 Lip bruising
10074606 Red light eye reflex decreased
10074607 Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
10074608 Leukostasis syndrome
10074609 Hyperleukocytic syndrome
10074610 Biliary hamartoma
10074611 Airway remodeling
10074612 Von Meyenburg complex
10074613 Colloid brain cyst
10074614 Nocturnal asthma
10074615 Hypoxic respiratory failure
10074616 Prodromal Alzheimer's disease
10074617 Nasal cavity toxicity
10074618 Viral load undetectable
10074619 Endoscopy negative reflux disease
10074620 Eyelid rash
10074621 Vein collapse
10074622 Myofascial neck pain
10074623 Hepatitis B flare
10074624 Missed dose
10074625 Large intestinal polypectomy
10074626 Chilblain lupus erythematosus
10074627 Lupus erythematosus profundus
10074628 Lupus erythematosus tumidus
10074629 Hypertrophic lupus erythematosus
10074630 Lupus erythematosus panniculitis
10074631 Systolic heart failure
10074632 Myoma
10074633 Omarthralgia
10074634 Vertebral hernia
10074635 Fracture repair
10074636 Foetal heart rate deceleration abnormality
10074637 Fetal heart rate deceleration abnormality
10074638 Baseline foetal heart rate variability disorder
10074639 Inferior vena cava stenosis
10074640 Junctional ectopic tachycardia
10074641 Nonreassuring foetal heart rate pattern
10074642 Foetal heart rate acceleration abnormality
10074643 Sinusoidal foetal heart rate pattern
10074644 Absent baseline fetal heart rate variability
10074645 Baseline fetal heart rate variability disorder
10074646 Intermittent fetal heart rate deceleration
10074647 Intermittent foetal heart rate deceleration
10074648 Marked baseline fetal heart rate variability
10074649 Marked baseline foetal heart rate variability
10074650 Minimal baseline fetal heart rate variability
10074651 Minimal baseline foetal heart rate variability
10074652 Nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern
10074653 Fetal heart rate acceleration abnormality
10074654 Prolonged fetal heart rate acceleration
10074655 Prolonged foetal heart rate acceleration
10074656 Prolonged fetal heart rate deceleration
10074657 Prolonged foetal heart rate deceleration
10074658 Pulmonary vein obstruction
10074659 Recurrent fetal heart rate deceleration
10074660 Recurrent foetal heart rate deceleration
10074661 Recurrent variable fetal heart rate deceleration
10074662 Recurrent variable foetal heart rate deceleration
10074663 Sinusoidal fetal heart rate pattern
10074664 Venous embolism
10074665 Absent baseline foetal heart rate variability
10074666 Automatic junctional tachycardia
10074667 Immune thrombocytopenic purpura
10074668 Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis
10074669 Mixed glioma
10074670 Atticotomy
10074671 Radiation vasculitis
10074672 Meningoencephalitis viral
10074673 Refractory immune thrombocytopenic purpura
10074674 Persistent immune thrombocytopenic purpura
10074675 Brown's syndrome congenital
10074676 Gastric hyperplastic polyp
10074677 Secondary immune thrombocytopenic purpura
10074678 Primary immune thrombocytopenic purpura
10074679 Epitympanotomy
10074680 SeHCAT test
10074681 Selenium homocholic tauroselcholic acid test
10074682 Brain empyema
10074683 Nasopharyngeal abscess
10074684 Raised rash
10074685 Placenta previa
10074686 Scalloped tongue
10074687 Paraneoplastic rash
10074688 Crenated tongue
10074689 Post polycythemia vera myelofibrosis
10074690 Post essential thrombocythemia myelofibrosis
10074691 Post polycythaemia vera myelofibrosis
10074692 Post essential thrombocythaemia myelofibrosis
10074693 Pulmonary pain
10074694 Irritable mood
10074695 Contused wound
10074696 Noninfective chorioretinitis
10074697 Infective episcleritis
10074698 Infective iritis
10074699 Noninfective retinitis
10074700 Infective uveitis
10074701 Noninfective conjunctivitis
10074702 Infective gastroduodenitis
10074703 Injection site joint infection
10074704 Administration site inflammation
10074705 Infective periostitis
10074706 Noninfective epididymitis
10074707 Infective aortitis
10074708 Infective palatitis
10074709 Infective uvulitis
10074710 Noninfective arachnoiditis
10074711 Infective sigmoiditis
10074712 Noninfective encephalitis
10074713 Noninfective encephalomyelitis
10074714 Lupus cystitis
10074715 Mid aortic syndrome
10074716 Apoptotic colonopathy
10074717 Precerebral artery thrombosis
10074718 Deep dissecting haematoma
10074719 Forced vital capacity normal
10074720 Forced vital capacity abnormal
10074721 Forced vital capacity increased
10074722 Forced vital capacity decreased
10074723 Intestinal transit time normal
10074724 Intestinal transit time abnormal
10074725 Richter's hernia
10074726 Portal fibrosis
10074727 Blood viscosity decreased
10074728 Blood viscosity abnormal
10074729 Necrospermia
10074730 Angiomyofibroblastoma
10074731 Implantable cardiac monitor insertion
10074732 Deep dissecting hematoma
10074733 Necrozoospermia
10074734 Thromboelastogram
10074735 Proliferative injection therapy
10074736 Inflammatory marker test
10074737 Hyperfibrinolysis
10074738 Uterine irrigation
10074739 Intradialytic parenteral nutrition
10074740 Acceleromyography
10074741 Colonic lavage
10074742 Supine position
10074743 Fowler's position
10074744 Prone position
10074745 Lithotomy position
10074746 Renal replacement therapy
10074747 Thromboelastography
10074748 Dialysis elbow
10074749 Prolotherapy
10074750 Pressure infusion
10074751 Train of four monitoring
10074752 Neuromuscular monitoring
10074753 Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene mutation
10074754 MTHFR gene mutation
10074755 Infected seroma
10074756 Adjusted calcium
10074757 Adjusted calcium decreased
10074758 Incision site swelling
10074759 Puncture site erythema
10074760 Vessel puncture site erythema
10074761 Puncture site hypoaesthesia
10074762 Painful rash
10074763 Painful nodule
10074764 Puncture site hypoesthesia
10074765 Trochlear nerve disorder
10074766 Liver ablation
10074767 Myeloperoxidase deficiency
10074768 Laryngeal nerve dysfunction
10074769 Necrotising myositis
10074770 Necrotizing myositis
10074771 HLA-B*1502 assay positive
10074772 HLA-B*1502 assay negative
10074773 HLA-B*5801 assay
10074774 HLA-B*5801 assay positive
10074775 HLA-B*5801 assay negative
10074776 Product packaging confusion
10074777 Incomplete dose administered
10074778 Tongue polyp
10074779 Oral mucosa haematoma
10074780 Oral mucosa hematoma
10074781 Late onset neutropenia
10074782 Hereditary angioedema breakthrough attack
10074783 Percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation
10074784 Limb contusion
10074785 Conjunctival laceration
10074786 Behavioural therapy
10074787 Psychosexual therapy
10074788 Gastric prolapse
10074789 Allergy to silk
10074790 Monovision procedure
10074791 Psychosocial counseling
10074792 Art therapy
10074793 Play therapy
10074794 Conjunctival folds
10074795 Behavioral therapy
10074796 Administration site erythema
10074797 Exposure to device in utero
10074798 X-linked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda
10074799 Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita
10074800 Skin malignant melanoma excision
10074801 Thecal sac compression
10074802 Implant subsidence
10074803 Dysaesthesia of upper extremity
10074804 Referred pain
10074805 Residual pain
10074806 Groin haematoma
10074807 Spinal fusion fracture
10074808 Delayed spinal fusion
10074809 Radiolucency around implant
10074810 Intervertebral disc desiccation
10074811 Neck numbness
10074812 Cervical foraminal stenosis
10074813 Cervical kyphosis
10074814 Nerve root impingement
10074815 Dysesthesia of upper extremity
10074816 Cervical spine osteophyte
10074817 Lumbar spine osteophyte
10074818 Thoracic spine osteophyte
10074819 Trochanteric osteophyte
10074820 Cervical annular tear
10074821 Thoracic annular tear
10074822 Lumbar annular tear
10074823 Thecal sac encroachment
10074824 Subsidence of cervical spine implant
10074825 Subsidence of lumbar spine implant
10074826 Thecal sac effacement
10074827 Spinal autofusion
10074828 Virchow's node
10074829 Groin hematoma
10074830 Penile burning sensation
10074831 Filovirus infection
10074832 Benign ethnic neutropenia
10074833 Rebound psychosis
10074834 Unhealthy diet
10074835 Parkinson's disease psychosis
10074836 Perivascular myocardial fibrosis
10074837 PANSS score
10074838 Withdrawal psychosis
10074839 Positive and negative syndrome scale
10074840 Tuberculin test false negative
10074841 Continued perfusion of a false lumen
10074842 Irrigation therapy
10074843 Device priming
10074844 Vehicle solution use
10074845 Carrier solution use
10074846 Alveolar bone resorption
10074847 Carcinoembryonic antigen decreased
10074848 Type A gastritis
10074849 Type B gastritis
10074850 Infusion site eczema
10074851 Infusion site vasculitis
10074852 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma metastatic
10074853 Drug titration error
10074854 Recreational drug use
10074855 Lack of drug titration
10074856 Inappropriate drug titration
10074857 Pancreatic fibrosis
10074858 Non-pigmenting fixed eruption
10074859 Faeces soft
10074860 Transplant dysfunction
10074861 Endometritis bacterial
10074862 Mitral valve insufficiency
10074863 Noninfective gingivitis
10074864 Renal sympathetic nerve ablation
10074865 Feces soft
10074866 Hyperreactio luteinalis
10074867 Hypoosmolar state
10074868 Drug-disease interaction
10074869 Language disorder
10074870 Disease susceptibility
10074871 Extrapontine myelinolysis
10074872 Drug delivery device removal incomplete
10074873 Ischaemic skin necrosis
10074874 Klatskin tumor
10074875 Theca lutein cysts
10074876 Ischemic skin necrosis
10074877 Klatskin tumour
10074878 Hilar cholangiocarcinoma
10074879 Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
10074880 Prevertebral soft tissue swelling of cervical space
10074881 Double fetal death in twin pregnancy
10074882 Multiple pregnancy with fetal deaths in utero
10074883 Double foetal death in twin pregnancy
10074884 Single fetal death in twin pregnancy
10074885 Single foetal death in twin pregnancy
10074886 Multiple pregnancy with foetal deaths in utero
10074887 Vaginal pessary insertion
10074889 Pulmonary capillaritis
10074890 Cardiovascular examination
10074891 Carbohydrate deficient transferrin test
10074892 Ferritin
10074893 Drug-induced cutaneous lupus erythematosus
10074894 Traumatic pancreatitis
10074895 Caffeine allergy
10074896 Device embolisation
10074897 Device embolization
10074898 Intermediate syndrome
10074899 Contraindicated drug administered
10074900 Recalled drug administered
10074901 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma
10074902 Expired product administered
10074903 Intentional product misuse
10074904 Accidental underdose
10074905 Expulsion of medication
10074906 Drug dose titration not performed
10074907 Drug administration duration prescribing error
10074908 Retinal cryoablation
10074909 Clear cell carcinoma of cervix
10074910 Intraperitoneal access port insertion
10074911 Wrong drug prescribed
10074912 Brachiofacial paralysis
10074913 Apnoea test abnormal
10074914 Apnoea-hypopnoea index increased
10074915 Apnea test abnormal
10074916 Apnea-hypopnea index increased
10074917 Apnoea-hypopnoea index decreased
10074918 Apnea-hypopnea index decreased
10074919 Apnoea-hypopnoea index abnormal
10074920 Apnea-hypopnea index abnormal
10074921 Apnea-hypopnea index
10074922 Apnoea-hypopnoea index
10074923 Device battery explosion
10074924 Hair injury
10074925 Accidental product intake by child
10074926 Hair damage
10074927 Normal luminance best-corrected visual acuity decreased
10074928 Low luminance best-corrected visual acuity decreased
10074929 Digital pitting scar
10074930 Pharyngodynia
10074931 Pharyngalgia
10074932 Renal collecting system dilatation
10074933 Vasospastic allergic angina
10074934 Kounis syndrome type I
10074935 Kounis syndrome type II
10074936 Nasal herpes
10074937 Aortitis salmonella
10074938 Abnormal vertebral facets
10074939 Vertebral arthritis
10074940 Microwave ablation
10074941 Therapeutic response changed
10074942 Urinary tract stoma complication
10074943 Secondary cerebellar degeneration
10074944 Nephrostoma complication
10074945 Absolute glaucoma
10074946 Incorrect product formulation administered
10074947 Johanson-Blizzard syndrome
10074948 Splenule
10074949 Angioma of lip
10074950 Multiple drug therapy
10074951 Injection site tingling
10074952 Ovary inflammation
10074953 Accidental multiple drug administration
10074954 Granulomatous dermatitis
10074955 Foreign body in fallopian tube
10074956 Percutaneous drug absorption impaired
10074957 Percutaneous drug absorption increased
10074958 Hepatitis C virus genotype 2b positive
10074959 Hepatitis C virus genotype 2 positive
10074960 Facial nerve decompression
10074961 Drug delivery system issue
10074962 Post zoster pain
10074963 Penile modeling procedure
10074964 Finger tendon pulley injury
10074965 Finger tendon pulley rupture
10074966 A2 pulley injury
10074967 A2 pulley rupture
10074968 Penile popping sensation
10074969 Pseudocellulitis
10074970 Hypoplastic nasal cartilage
10074971 Arterial intramural haematoma
10074972 Irlen syndrome
10074973 Unintentional device use beyond labeled duration
10074974 Unintentional device use beyond labelled duration
10074975 Arterial intramural hematoma
10074976 Skin adhesion
10074977 Harlequin skin reaction
10074978 Nail fold inflammation
10074979 Vascular malformation
10074980 Epidermolysis bullosa aquisita
10074981 Beau's lines
10074982 Toxic erythema of chemotherapy
10074983 Nail fold infection
10074984 Abdominal incarcerated hernia
10074985 Femoral hernia strangulated
10074986 Hiatus hernia strangulated
10074987 Femoral hernia incarcerated
10074988 Accidental dose increase
10074989 Accidental dose decrease
10074990 Nipple resection
10074991 Nipple areolar complex resection
10074992 Congenital astigmatism
10074993 Vessel puncture site phlebitis
10074994 Pharyngeal hyperaemia
10074995 Genital blister
10074996 Viral epiglottitis
10074997 Mycoplasma genitalium infection
10074998 Waist circumference
10074999 AST flare up
10075000 Venipuncture site phlebitis
10075001 Pharyngeal hyperemia
10075002 Abnormal involuntary movement scale
10075003 Drug half-life
10075004 Urinary ascites
10075005 Crowned dens syndrome
10075006 Morvan syndrome
10075007 Inappropriate thyroid stimulating hormone secretion
10075008 Transplantation associated food allergy
10075009 Laser speckle contrast imaging
10075010 Intimal hyperplasia
10075011 EMPACT syndrome
10075012 Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis
10075013 Erythema multiforme associated with phenytoin and cranial radiation therapy syndrome
10075014 Breast capsulotomy
10075015 Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
10075016 Stoma site pruritus
10075017 Stoma site cellulitis
10075018 Eyelid contusion
10075019 Open breast capsulotomy
10075020 Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
10075021 Pearly penile papules
10075022 Hirsuties papillaris coronae glandis
10075023 Computerised tomogram pelvis
10075024 Computerized tomogram pelvis
10075025 Mycobacterial disease carrier
10075026 Atypical mycobacterial lower respiratory tract infection
10075027 Nasal septum haematoma
10075028 Mycobacterial colonisation
10075029 Mycobacterial colonization
10075030 Anorectal tingling
10075031 Nasal septum hematoma
10075032 Spermatozoa progressive motility
10075033 Foeticide
10075034 Therapeutic foeticide
10075035 Therapeutic feticide
10075036 Feticide
10075037 Right hemisphere deficit syndrome
10075038 Polyomavirus test
10075039 Polyomavirus test negative
10075040 Bacteria ascites identified
10075041 BK polyomavirus test
10075042 BK polyomavirus test negative
10075043 Thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy
10075044 Arm infection
10075045 Dermal absorption increased
10075046 Hyperferritinaemia
10075047 Immune hemolytic anemia
10075048 Hereditary inclusion body myopathy
10075049 Peripheral venous disease
10075050 Toxic goitre
10075051 Hyperferritinemia
10075052 Sporadic inclusion body myositis
10075053 Gastric antral polyp
10075054 Diffuse myocardial fibrosis
10075055 Immune haemolytic anaemia
10075056 Venous peripheral insufficiency
10075057 Toxic goiter
10075058 Idiopathic hypersomnia
10075059 Phlegm discolored
10075060 Phlegm discoloured
10075061 Proctitis mycoplasmal
10075062 Cervicitis mycoplasmal
10075063 Urethritis mycoplasmal
10075064 Proctitis mycoplasma genitalium
10075065 Mycoplasma genitalium pharyngitis
10075066 Mycoplasma genitalium cervicitis
10075067 Mycoplasma genitalium urethritis
10075068 First bite syndrome
10075069 Cascade stomach
10075070 Chronic throat clearing
10075071 Rhinectomy
10075072 Allergic otitis externa
10075073 Couperosis
10075074 Tubular ectasia of rete testis
10075075 Binodal disease
10075076 TEMPI syndrome
10075077 Mucosal toxicity
10075078 Organic dust toxic syndrome
10075079 Cardiac electrical storm
10075080 Tachyphemia
10075081 Chronic myeloid leukaemia recurrent
10075082 Chronic myeloid leukemia recurrent
10075083 Altered pitch perception
10075084 Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease
10075085 Hepatitis E virus test
10075086 CD49d expression increased
10075087 CD49d expression decreased
10075088 CD49d expression
10075089 Erythroblastaemia
10075090 Erythroblastemia
10075091 Axillary lymph node biopsy
10075092 Macrocytic hyperchromic anemia
10075093 Macrocytic hyperchromic anaemia
10075094 Administration site bruise
10075095 Administration site cellulitis
10075096 Administration site dermatitis
10075097 Administration site discharge
10075098 Administration site discolouration
10075099 Administration site eczema
10075100 Administration site haematoma
10075101 Administration site haemorrhage
10075102 Administration site hypersensitivity
10075103 Administration site odour
10075104 Administration site oedema
10075105 Administration site paraesthesia
10075106 Administration site pruritus
10075107 Administration site swelling
10075108 Administration site ulcer
10075109 Administration site urticaria
10075110 Administration site discoloration
10075111 Administration site hematoma
10075112 Administration site hemorrhage
10075113 Administration site odor
10075114 Administration site edema
10075115 Administration site paresthesia
10075116 Popliteal arterial stenosis
10075117 Postsplenectomy syndrome
10075118 Subperiosteal abscess
10075119 Enzyme level abnormal
10075120 Self soothing repetitive behaviour
10075121 Self soothing repetitive behavior
10075122 Autoresuscitation
10075123 Denture failure
10075124 Chorioretinal folds
10075125 Tonic posturing
10075126 Choroidal folds
10075127 Alternobaric vertigo
10075128 Pressure-difference vertigo
10075129 Skin staining
10075130 Anti-Mullerian hormone level
10075131 Anti-Mullerian hormone level increased
10075132 Anti-Mullerian hormone level decreased
10075133 Anti-Mullerian hormone level normal
10075134 Prosthetic vessel removal
10075135 Blood vessel prosthesis removal
10075136 Root canal infection
10075137 Mumps deafness
10075138 Eyelid dystonia
10075139 Model for end stage liver disease score
10075140 Child-Pugh-Turcotte score
10075141 Fractional excretion of phosphate
10075142 Fractional excretion of sodium
10075143 MELD score
10075144 Double renal pelvis
10075145 Double renal pelvis and ureter
10075146 Post transplant Epstein-Barr virus associated lymphoproliferative disorder
10075147 Thermophobia
10075148 Permanent cardiac pacemaker insertion
10075149 Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
10075150 NAIT
10075151 Fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
10075152 Foetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
10075153 FNAITP
10075154 Loopogram
10075155 Loopography
10075156 Anti-Muellerian hormone level
10075157 Anti-Muellerian hormone level increased
10075158 Anti-Muellerian hormone level decreased
10075159 Anti-Muellerian hormone level normal
10075160 Graft versus host disease in gastrointestinal tract
10075161 Graft versus host disease in GI tract
10075162 Coronary vascular graft occlusion
10075163 Human rhinovirus test
10075164 Vascular resistance pulmonary
10075165 Respiratory viral panel
10075166 Visual analogue scale
10075167 Mean atrial pressure
10075168 Mean pulmonary arterial pressure
10075169 Mean pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
10075170 Galactomannan antigen
10075171 T score
10075172 Z score
10075173 Bone marrow infiltration
10075174 Mixed dementia
10075175 Myelophthisis
10075176 Hip bursitis
10075177 Ischiogluteal bursitis
10075178 Adrenal thrombosis
10075179 Lumbar scoliosis
10075180 Bronchial thermoplasty
10075181 Surgical bronchoplasty
10075182 Balloon bronchoplasty
10075183 Fetal thalidomide syndrome
10075184 Foetal thalidomide syndrome
10075185 Allergic eosinophilia
10075186 Stomal varices
10075187 Mucosal pain
10075188 Anticipatory nausea
10075189 Purtscher retinopathy
10075190 Psychogenic pseudosyncope
10075191 Pneumonolysis
10075192 Internal haemorrhage
10075193 Mumbling
10075194 Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
10075195 Internal hemorrhage
10075196 Internal bleeding
10075197 Chronic lymphocytic inflammation with pontine perivascular enhancement responsive to steroids
10075198 CLIPPERS syndrome
10075199 Noninfective follicular conjunctivitis
10075200 Rosacea aggravated
10075201 Rapidly progressive osteoarthritis
10075202 Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes increased
10075203 Mouth swelling
10075204 Procedural anxiety
10075205 Immunisation anxiety related reaction
10075206 Immunization anxiety related reaction
10075207 Nephrostomy complication
10075208 Bartonella test negative
10075209 Bartonella test
10075210 Myocardial necrosis marker
10075211 Myocardial necrosis marker increased
10075212 Myocardial necrosis marker normal
10075213 Diet failure
10075214 Physical aggression
10075215 Failure to reduce weight
10075216 Foetal biophysical profile score
10075217 Mast cell activation syndrome
10075218 Inhibin B
10075219 Fetal biophysical profile score
10075220 Manning's score
10075221 Muscle burning sensation
10075222 Tetanic uterine contraction
10075223 Fryns syndrome
10075224 Non obstructive incarcerated hernia
10075225 Dietary supplement prescribing error
10075226 Device fastener issue
10075227 Loose set screw
10075228 Device sensing failure
10075229 Low voltage R-wave
10075230 Low voltage P-wave
10075231 Increased lead impedance
10075232 Transvalvular pressure gradient
10075233 Perinatal HBV infection
10075234 Hypokalaemic periodic paralysis
10075235 Vibration controlled transient elastography
10075236 Mean transvalvular systolic pressure gradient
10075237 Tricuspid estimated systolic pressure gradient
10075238 Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
10075239 Enema retention too long
10075240 Factor VII inhibition
10075241 Factor X inhibition
10075242 Factor II inhibition
10075243 Noninfective sialoadenitis
10075244 Salivary gland inflammation
10075245 Metastatic glucagonoma
10075246 Pseudoachalasia
10075247 Foreign body embolism
10075248 Prostatic polyp
10075249 Cerebral ventricular rupture
10075250 Peripheral arteriogram
10075251 Hepatic amyloidosis
10075252 Tendon sheath disorder
10075253 Atrio-oesophageal fistula
10075254 Inguinal hernia perforation
10075255 Hernia perforation
10075256 Intestinal scarring
10075257 Secondary achalasia
10075258 Tendon thickening
10075259 Intestinal mucosal erythema
10075260 Scaphoid bone fracture
10075261 Tarsal navicular bone fracture
10075262 Adverse local tissue reaction around prosthesis
10075263 Atrio-esophageal fistula
10075264 Oculoglandular syndrome
10075265 Body temperature abnormal
10075266 Gastrostomy tube site reaction
10075267 Skin texture abnormal
10075268 Intestinal tuberculosis
10075269 Colonic tuberculosis
10075270 Pulmonary bullectomy
10075271 Middle East respiratory syndrome
10075272 Global aphasia
10075273 Brow heaviness
10075274 Glycine test
10075275 Epsilometer test
10075276 Renal threshold phosphate concentration
10075277 TmPO4/GFR
10075278 Sexual desire disorder
10075279 Anticoagulant reversal therapy
10075280 Hereditary angioedema attack
10075281 Barakat syndrome
10075282 Stoma site itching
10075283 Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio
10075284 Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio abnormal
10075285 Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio decreased
10075286 Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio fluctuation
10075287 Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio increased
10075288 Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio normal
10075289 Airway remodelling
10075290 Penile modelling procedure
10075291 Ventricular remodelling
10075292 Germ cell neoplasm
10075293 Chafed skin
10075294 Electrode site reaction
10075295 Neuroleptic-induced deficit syndrome
10075296 Chemical burn of pharynx
10075297 Omental flap operation
10075298 Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy
10075299 ECG signs of myocardial infarction
10075300 Pseudoaneurysm repair
10075301 Hypomelanosis of Ito
10075302 Incontinentia pigmenti achromians
10075303 Biotherapy
10075304 Targeted cancer therapy
10075305 Ambidexterity
10075306 Infective mesenteric panniculitis
10075307 Amputee
10075308 Allergic gastroenteritis
10075309 Eyelid dermatochalasis
10075310 Demodicidosis
10075311 Umbilicoplasty
10075312 Sagging eyelid skin
10075313 Injection site hypertrichosis
10075314 Administration site hypertrichosis
10075315 Infantile vomiting
10075316 Poor feeding infant
10075317 Excessive feeding neonatal
10075318 Poor feeding neonatal
10075319 Unintentional intravascular injection
10075320 Dark color vomiting
10075321 Dark colour vomiting
10075322 Device inappropriate shock delivery
10075323 Bio-radiation therapy dermatitis
10075324 Ocular lymphoma
10075325 Vertebral contusion
10075326 Blood creatine phosphokinase MM decreased
10075327 Blood bilirubin unconjugated decreased
10075328 Electrocardiogram PQ interval shortened
10075329 Brief psychiatric rating scale
10075330 Aponeurosis contusion
10075331 Portal tract inflammation
10075332 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma
10075333 Soft tissue sarcoma
10075334 Blood bilirubin indirect decreased
10075335 Partial thromboplastin time shortened
10075336 PQ interval shortened
10075337 Right ventricular ejection fraction decreased
10075338 PTT shortened
10075339 Heroin intoxication
10075340 Illicit drug intoxication
10075341 Cerebral abscess
10075342 Food aspiration
10075343 Acute postoperative sialadenitis
10075344 Anaesthesia mumps
10075345 Total intravenous anesthesia
10075346 Parental consanguinity
10075347 Electrocardiogram J wave abnormal
10075348 Electrocardiogram J wave increased
10075349 Electrocardiogram J wave
10075350 American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification
10075351 Quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test
10075352 Calcitonin stimulation test
10075353 Paravenous drug administration
10075354 Anesthesia mumps
10075355 Total intravenous anaesthesia
10075356 TIVA
10075357 J wave
10075358 ASA physical status classification
10075359 QSART
10075360 Anti factor IX antibody
10075361 Osteoblastic bone metastases
10075362 Mediastinal seminoma
10075363 Seminoma of thymus
10075364 Perineal rash
10075365 Acrocyanosis neonatal
10075366 Coating in mouth
10075367 White film in mouth
10075368 Disability assessment scale
10075369 Disability assessment scale score decreased
10075370 Disability assessment scale score increased
10075371 Campimetry
10075372 Roof of mouth swelling
10075373 Implant site dehiscence
10075374 Progressive elevation of threshold
10075375 Sudden elevation of threshold
10075376 Device component migration
10075377 Myofibroma
10075378 Infantile haemangioma
10075379 Infantile hemangioma
10075380 Neonatal testicular torsion
10075381 Superinfection mycobacterial
10075382 Perinatal testicular torsion
10075383 Chronic autoimmune urticaria
10075384 Purulent phlegm
10075385 Hearing aid therapy
10075386 Malignant exophthalmos
10075387 Outburst of anger
10075388 Glomus caroticum tumour
10075389 Multinodular goitre
10075390 Multinodular goiter
10075391 Direct current shock
10075392 Glomus caroticum tumor
10075393 Positive vessel remodelling
10075394 Cerebral aneurysm perforation
10075395 Aneurysm perforation
10075396 Aneurysm recanalisation
10075397 Bowman's membrane injury
10075398 Conjunctivalisation
10075399 Persistent corneal epithelial defect
10075400 Infective corneal ulcer
10075401 Cerebral reperfusion injury
10075402 Contact lens acute red eye
10075403 Superior corneal epithelial arcuate lesion
10075404 Corneal warpage
10075405 Late acquired stent malapposition
10075406 Stent-graft endoleak type IC
10075407 Stent-graft endoleak type IIA
10075408 Stent-graft endoleak type IIB
10075409 Stent-graft endoleak type IIIA
10075410 Stent-graft endoleak type IIIB
10075411 Visual acuity reduced permanently
10075412 Central corneal neovascularization
10075413 Peripheral corneal neovascularization
10075414 Peripheral noninfective corneal ulcer
10075415 Positive vessel remodeling
10075416 Aneurysm recanalization
10075417 Stent-graft perforation by another device
10075418 Central corneal neovascularisation
10075419 Peripheral corneal neovascularisation
10075420 Conjunctivalization
10075421 In-stent arterial stenosis
10075422 In-stent cerebral artery stenosis
10075423 Cerebral artery restenosis
10075424 In-stent cerebral artery restenosis
10075425 Reactive gastropathy
10075426 Grey Turner's sign
10075427 Quadranopia
10075428 Mahler sign
10075429 Inferior vena cava embolism
10075430 Superior vena cava embolism
10075431 Periumbilical bruising
10075432 Adenocarcinoma of sigmoid colon
10075433 Arrhythmic syncope
10075434 Cholecystitis suppurative
10075435 Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
10075436 First degree sinoatrial block
10075437 Second degree sinoatrial block
10075438 Third degree sinoatrial block
10075439 Cockett's syndrome
10075440 Iliac vein compression syndrome
10075441 Functional renal failure
10075442 Venous Doppler abnormal
10075443 Benign paraganglioma
10075444 Malignant paraganglioma
10075445 Cholangitis infective
10075446 Chemical gastropathy
10075447 Type C gastritis
10075448 Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
10075449 Brachiocephalic arteriosclerosis
10075450 Brachiocephalic artery stenosis
10075451 Spontaneous haemopneumothorax
10075452 Optic nerve damage
10075453 Spontaneous hemopneumothorax
10075454 Radiotherapy to spleen
10075455 Radiotherapy to colon
10075456 Radiotherapy to stomach
10075457 Radiotherapy to gallbladder
10075458 Radiotherapy to abdomen
10075459 Radiotherapy to small intestine
10075460 Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasia
10075461 Drug monitoring procedure incorrectly performed
10075462 Drug monitoring procedure not performed
10075463 Lead impedance abnormally high
10075464 Lead impedance abnormally low
10075465 Fistulizing Crohn's disease
10075466 Fistulising Crohn's disease
10075467 Flagellate dermatitis
10075468 Flagellate erythema
10075469 Neuropathic muscular atrophy
10075470 Hemifacial anhidrosis
10075471 Erythrophagia
10075472 Venous Doppler
10075473 Neural atrophy
10075474 Idiopathic chronic junctional ectopic tachycardia
10075475 Transient postoperative junctional ectopic tachycardia
10075476 Left atrial appendage occlusion
10075477 Agrypnia
10075478 Lumbosacral plexopathy
10075479 Allergy alert test positive
10075480 Pre-use alert test positive
10075481 Thunderclap headache
10075482 Benign angiopathy of CNS
10075483 Postpartum angiopathy
10075484 Multifocal vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries
10075485 Migrainous vasospasm
10075486 Spinal empyema
10075487 Epidural brain empyema
10075488 Subdural brain empyema
10075489 Spinal epidural empyema
10075490 Spinal subdural empyema
10075491 Cleft foot
10075492 Laron syndrome
10075493 Orthokeratology
10075494 Acid peptic disease
10075495 Internal carotid artery atherosclerosis
10075496 Cosmetic allergy
10075497 Reclus disease
10075498 Costosternal chondrodynia
10075499 Onychectomy
10075500 Abdominoperineal resection
10075501 Cheiloplasty
10075502 Mucous extravasation cyst
10075503 Rhonchopathy
10075504 Metrofibroma
10075505 Quintuple coronary bypass
10075506 Schmidt's syndrome
10075507 Gonarthromeningitis
10075508 Pituitectomy
10075509 Vegetovascular dystonia
10075510 Mucus extravasation cyst
10075511 Stoma site extravasation
10075512 Stoma site discharge
10075513 Stoma site granuloma
10075514 Stoma site granulation
10075515 Stoma site leakage
10075516 Stoma site secretion
10075517 Stoma site hypergranulation
10075518 Stoma site exudate
10075519 Eyelash injury
10075520 Vulvovaginal hypoaesthesia
10075521 Anal hypoaesthesia
10075522 Red macule
10075523 Damaged eyelashes
10075524 Eyebrow injury
10075525 Damaged eyebrows
10075526 Vulvovaginal hypoesthesia
10075527 Anal hypoesthesia
10075528 Toxic leukoencephalopathy
10075529 Acute toxic leukoencephalopathy
10075530 Medical cannabis therapy
10075531 Cutaneous symptom
10075532 Burn oral cavity
10075533 Osmolar gap increased
10075534 Cardiovascular symptom
10075535 Respiratory symptom
10075536 Eye symptom
10075537 Genitourinary symptom
10075538 Skin symptom
10075539 Delayed visual maturation
10075540 Silent sinus syndrome
10075541 Sleep drunkenness
10075542 Polyuria-polydipsia syndrome
10075543 Nasal sinus blockage
10075544 Adult-onset vitelliform macular dystrophy
10075545 Acquired growth hormone resistance
10075546 Application site hypertrichosis
10075547 Acinetobacter test
10075548 Respirovirus test
10075549 Gomori methenamine silver stain
10075550 Papanicolaou stain
10075551 Complement deficiency disease
10075552 Sea bather's eruption
10075553 Enterovirus myocarditis
10075554 Parkes-Weber syndrome
10075555 Metastases to vagina
10075556 Complement 5 dysfunction
10075557 Rheumatic arthritis acute
10075558 Oxyphilic adenocarcinoma
10075559 Inadequate device stimulation
10075560 Retained suture material
10075561 CSF red blood cell count
10075562 CSF red blood cell count positive
10075563 Lipaemic index score
10075564 Lipemic index score
10075565 Lower respiratory tract congestion
10075566 Triple negative breast cancer
10075567 Dry age-related macular degeneration
10075568 Wet age-related macular degeneration
10075569 Medical device site abscess
10075570 Medical device site bruise
10075571 Medical device site cellulitis
10075572 Medical device site dermatitis
10075573 Medical device site discharge
10075574 Medical device site discolouration
10075575 Medical device site eczema
10075576 Medical device site erythema
10075577 Medical device site haematoma
10075578 Medical device site haemorrhage
10075579 Medical device site hypersensitivity
10075580 Medical device site infection
10075581 Medical device site inflammation
10075582 Medical device site irritation
10075583 Medical device site oedema
10075584 Medical device site pruritus
10075585 Medical device site rash
10075586 Medical device site swelling
10075587 Medical device site ulcer
10075588 Medical device site urticaria
10075589 Medical device site paraesthesia
10075590 Medical device site discoloration
10075591 Medical device site hematoma
10075592 Medical device site hemorrhage
10075593 Medical device site edema
10075594 Medical device site paresthesia
10075595 Antral follicle count
10075596 Antral follicle count normal
10075597 Antral follicle count low
10075598 Antral follicle count high
10075599 Proctoptosis
10075600 Columbia suicide severity rating scale
10075601 Allergy alert test negative
10075602 Allergy alert test
10075603 PSA test
10075604 Cerebrospinal fluid circulation disorder
10075605 CSF circulation disorder
10075606 Change in seizure presentation
10075607 Catheter rupture
10075608 Pes anserinus tendinitis
10075609 Atypical lymphocytic lobular panniculitis
10075610 Microagglutination test
10075611 Varicella zoster virus infection
10075612 Discrete sub-aortic stenosis
10075613 Anti-JC virus antibody index
10075614 Pilomatrix carcinoma
10075615 JC virus DNA PCR
10075616 Columbia suicide severity rating scale abnormal
10075617 Cobble stone tongue
10075618 Stoma site oedema
10075619 Cytomegalovirus gastrointestinal ulcer
10075620 Seminal vesicle abscess
10075621 Stoma site edema
10075622 Intestinal sepsis
10075623 Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis
10075624 Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis
10075625 Oligoclonal gammopathy
10075626 Paraneoplastic nephrotic syndrome
10075627 Traumatic ulcerative granuloma with stromal eosinophilia
10075628 Polymerase chain reaction positive
10075629 Ulcerated haemangioma
10075630 PCR positive
10075631 Joint range of motion measurement
10075632 Impaired agility
10075633 Cerebral capillary telangiectasia
10075634 Acute haemorrhagic ulcerative colitis
10075635 Acute hemorrhagic ulcerative colitis
10075636 Ulcerated hemangioma
10075637 HLA-B*5701 assay positive
10075638 HER2 protein overexpression
10075639 PML/RAR alpha expression
10075640 LDLR mutation
10075641 Thiopurine methyltransferase polymorphism
10075642 BLyS polymorphism
10075643 Interleukin 28B polymorphism
10075644 CD30 expression
10075645 Philadelphia chromosome negative
10075646 HLA-A*3101 assay positive
10075647 CYP2C9 polymorphism
10075648 BRAF gene mutation
10075649 CD25 antigen positive
10075650 CYP1A2 gene status assay
10075651 CYP1A2 polymorphism
10075652 Factor V Leiden carrier
10075653 HER2 gene amplification
10075654 CD20 antigen positive
10075655 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor gene mutation
10075656 EGFR exon 19 deletion
10075657 Point mutation in exon 21 (L858R)
10075658 CYP2D6 poor metabolizer status
10075659 ESR1 positive
10075660 PgR positive
10075661 CYP2D6 poor metaboliser status
10075662 PML/RAR alpha (t(15;17)) gene expression
10075663 TPMT intermediate metabolizer status
10075664 TPMT intermediate metaboliser status
10075665 TPMT poor metabolizer status
10075666 TPMT poor metaboliser status
10075667 BAFF polymorphism
10075668 CD30 positive
10075669 DPD deficiency
10075670 CYP2C19 poor metabolizer status
10075671 CYP2C19 poor metaboliser status
10075672 CYP2C9 poor metaboliser status
10075673 CYP2C9 poor metabolizer status
10075674 KRAS codon 12 and 13 mutation
10075675 ALK gene rearrangement positive
10075676 BRAF V600E mutation positive
10075677 G6PD deficiency
10075678 PDGFR gene rearrangement
10075679 FIP1L1/PDGFR alpha fusion kinase positive
10075680 T(9;22)(q34.1;q11.2) translocation
10075681 BCR-ABL T315I mutation
10075682 C-kit gene negative
10075683 TNFSF13B polymorphism
10075684 C-kit D816V mutation negative
10075685 Cardiac pacemaker adjustment
10075686 Epiphysiodesis
10075687 Hand arthritis
10075688 Autoimmune demyelinating disease
10075689 Autoimmune dermatitis
10075690 Autoimmune uveitis
10075691 Autoimmune encephalopathy
10075692 Autoimmune hypophysitis
10075693 Autoimmune retinitis
10075694 Incision site erosion
10075695 Incision site excoriation
10075696 Product difficult to swallow
10075697 Gaucher's disease type I
10075698 Gaucher's disease type II
10075699 Gaucher's disease type III
10075700 Pompe's disease infantile onset
10075701 Pompe's disease juvenile onset
10075702 Pompe's disease late onset
10075703 Pompe's disease adult onset
10075704 Hepascore
10075705 Metavir score
10075706 Widal test
10075707 Listeria test
10075708 HIV infection CDC category A
10075709 HIV infection CDC category B
10075710 HIV infection CDC category C
10075711 Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion
10075712 TAPSE
10075713 Invasive breast carcinoma
10075714 Vasculitic ulcer
10075715 Paraneoplastic pleural effusion
10075716 Degenerative adult scoliosis
10075717 Cryptococcus gattii infection
10075718 Exudative age-related macular degeneration
10075719 Atrophic age-related macular degeneration
10075720 Polyclonal B-cell lymphocytosis
10075721 Acardia
10075722 Subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis
10075723 Subacute necrotising lymphadenitis
10075724 Gastrointestinal wall thickening
10075725 Gastrointestinal wall abnormal
10075726 Gastrointestinal wall thinning
10075727 Bowel wall thickening
10075728 Carotid artery perforation
10075729 Aortic perforation
10075730 Lower limb artery perforation
10075731 Iliac artery perforation
10075732 Arterial perforation
10075733 Venous perforation
10075734 Cerebral artery perforation
10075735 Vertebral artery perforation
10075736 Basilar artery perforation
10075737 Renal artery perforation
10075738 Splenic artery perforation
10075739 Femoral artery perforation
10075740 Subclavian artery perforation
10075741 Superior vena cava perforation
10075742 Inferior vena cava perforation
10075743 Subclavian vein perforation
10075744 Iliac vein perforation
10075745 Femoral vein perforation
10075746 Internal carotid artery perforation
10075747 External carotid artery perforation
10075748 Common carotid artery perforation
10075749 Middle cerebral artery perforation
10075750 Anterior cerebral artery perforation
10075751 Posterior cerebral artery perforation
10075752 Internal iliac artery perforation
10075753 External iliac artery perforation
10075754 Ascending aorta perforation
10075755 Descending aorta perforation
10075756 Popliteal artery perforation
10075757 Peroneal artery perforation
10075758 Anterior tibial artery perforation
10075759 Posterior tibial artery perforation
10075760 Cervicogenic vertigo
10075761 Autoimmune colitis
10075762 Autoimmune adrenal insufficiency
10075763 Autoimmune hypopituitarism
10075764 Autoimmune crescentic glomerulonephritis
10075765 Administration site nodule
10075766 Oropharyngeal dysphagia
10075767 Esophageal dysphagia
10075768 Oesophageal dysphagia
10075770 Accidental contact of product with eye
10075771 UGT1A1 gene polymorphism
10075772 NAT1 polymorphism
10075773 CCR5 receptor positive
10075774 Hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase deficiency
10075775 Urea cycle enzyme deficiency
10075776 VKORC1 gene polymorphism
10075777 UGT1A1*28 allele homozygote
10075778 UGT1A1*28 allele carrier
10075779 NAT1 slow acetylator status
10075780 NAT1 rapid acetylator status
10075781 G551D carrier
10075782 G1244E carrier
10075783 G1349D carrier
10075784 G178R carrier
10075785 G551S carrier
10075786 S1251N carrier
10075787 S1255P carrier
10075788 S549N carrier
10075789 S549R carrier
10075790 Chromosome 5q deletion
10075791 NADH cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency
10075792 HGPRT deficiency
10075793 Prothrombin mutation G20210A
10075794 POLG mutation
10075795 GBA gene mutation
10075796 VKORC1 rs9923231 A allele carrier
10075797 Uveitis flare up
10075798 Microcystic keratopathy
10075799 Gastric stent insertion
10075800 AST high
10075801 ALT high
10075802 ALT low
10075803 Thyroid hormones decreased
10075804 Temporary interruption of therapy
10075805 Embolic stroke of undetermined source
10075806 Left atrial appendage thrombosis
10075807 Nodular rash
10075808 West Nile virus test
10075809 Peripheral nervous system function test
10075810 Protozoa test
10075811 Testicular germ cell tumour
10075812 Ovarian germ cell tumour
10075813 Basophilopenia
10075814 Treatment related leukemia
10075815 Direct hyperbilirubinemia
10075816 Hypercoagulability
10075817 Indirect hyperbilirubinemia
10075818 Treatment related leukaemia
10075819 Testicular germ cell tumor
10075820 Ovarian germ cell tumor
10075821 Direct hyperbilirubinaemia
10075822 Indirect hyperbilirubinaemia
10075823 Postprandial hyperglycemia
10075824 Postprandial hyperglycaemia
10075825 Tumour exudation
10075826 Tumor weeping
10075827 Tumor exudation
10075828 Suppurative infection
10075829 Tumour weeping
10075830 Clostridial collagenase procedure
10075831 Postoperative hypopituitarism
10075832 Granulomatous vasculitis
10075833 Human herpes virus 8 test
10075834 Nasal adhesions
10075835 Aspergillus colonisation
10075836 Nasal synechiae
10075837 Aspergillus colonization
10075838 Uterine myomatosis
10075839 Plasma ultrafiltrate culture
10075840 Plasma ultrafiltrate culture positive
10075841 Plasma ultrafiltrate culture negative
10075842 Catheter site granuloma
10075843 Maxillonasal dysplasia
10075844 Binder's syndrome
10075845 Tongue fungal infection
10075846 Degenerative aortic valve disease
10075847 Degenerative mitral valve disease
10075848 Gastric haemangioma
10075849 Potassium wasting nephropathy
10075850 Genital labial abscess
10075851 Aortic valve thickening
10075852 Leukemic infiltration meninges
10075853 Leukaemic infiltration ovary
10075854 Paranasal sinus polypectomy
10075855 Gastric hemangioma
10075856 Leukaemic infiltration meninges
10075857 Leukemic infiltration ovary
10075858 Sinus polypectomy
10075859 Cell-free and concentrated ascites reinfusion therapy
10075860 Post-term labour
10075861 Preterm labour
10075862 Post-term labor
10075863 Preterm labor
10075864 Modified Rankin score
10075865 Hyponatraemic coma
10075866 Amniotic fluid index decreased
10075867 Amniotic fluid index increased
10075868 Hyponatremic coma
10075869 Amniotic fluid index low
10075870 Amniotic fluid index high
10075871 Monoamniotic twin pregnancy
10075872 Fiducial marker placement
10075873 Macular detachment
10075874 Urethral prosthesis removal
10075875 Transurethral vaporization of prostate
10075876 Transurethral electrovaporization of prostate
10075877 Transurethral vapourisation of prostate
10075878 Transurethral electrovapourisation of prostate
10075879 TUVP
10075880 TUEVAP
10075881 Peripheral arterial ischemia
10075882 Peripheral arterial ischaemia
10075887 Expulsion of implanted drug
10075888 Migration of implanted drug
10075889 Sinus node dysfunction
10075890 Behaviour disorder due to a general medical condition
10075891 Sacral radiculopathy
10075892 Congenital disorder of glycosylation
10075893 Behavior disorder due to a general medical condition
10075894 Smoldering myeloma
10075895 Liver palpable
10075896 Pubertal failure
10075897 Hyperprogesteronism
10075898 Hypoprogesteronism
10075899 Primary hyperthyroidism
10075900 Primary hypoparathyroidism
10075901 Transient hypothyroxinaemia of prematurity
10075902 Adrenal androgen deficiency
10075903 Adrenal androgen excess
10075904 Gonadotropin independent precocious puberty
10075905 Primary gonadal failure
10075906 Testosterone excess
10075907 Hypoaldosteronemia
10075908 Hypocortisolemia
10075909 Hypercortisolaemia
10075910 Hyperaldosteronemia
10075911 Gonadotropin dependent precocious puberty
10075912 Hypoaldosteronaemia
10075913 Hypocortisolaemia
10075914 Hypercortisolemia
10075915 Transient hypothyroxinemia of prematurity
10075916 Hyperaldosteronaemia
10075917 Unable to swallow
10075918 Malignant bowel obstruction
10075919 Pseudomyopia
10075920 Esophageal hiatal hernia
10075921 Oesophageal hiatal hernia
10075922 Administration site abscess sterile
10075923 Administration site anaesthesia
10075924 Administration site atrophy
10075925 Administration site calcification
10075926 Administration site coldness
10075927 Administration site cyst
10075928 Administration site discomfort
10075929 Administration site dryness
10075930 Administration site dysaesthesia
10075931 Administration site erosion
10075932 Administration site exfoliation
10075933 Administration site extravasation
10075934 Administration site fibrosis
10075935 Administration site granuloma
10075936 Administration site hyperaesthesia
10075937 Administration site hypertrophy
10075938 Administration site hypoaesthesia
10075939 Administration site induration
10075940 Administration site injury
10075941 Administration site irritation
10075942 Administration site ischaemia
10075943 Administration site joint discomfort
10075944 Administration site joint effusion
10075945 Administration site joint infection
10075946 Administration site joint inflammation
10075947 Administration site joint movement impairment
10075948 Administration site joint pain
10075949 Administration site joint erythema
10075950 Administration site joint warmth
10075951 Administration site laceration
10075952 Administration site lymphadenopathy
10075953 Administration site macule
10075954 Administration site mass
10075955 Administration site movement impairment
10075956 Administration site necrosis
10075957 Administration site nerve damage
10075958 Administration site pallor
10075959 Administration site papule
10075960 Administration site phlebitis
10075961 Administration site photosensitivity reaction
10075962 Administration site plaque
10075963 Administration site pustule
10075964 Administration site recall reaction
10075965 Administration site scab
10075966 Administration site streaking
10075967 Administration site scar
10075968 Administration site thrombosis
10075969 Administration site vasculitis
10075970 Administration site vesicles
10075971 Administration site warmth
10075972 Administration site anesthesia
10075973 Administration site dysesthesia
10075974 Administration site hyperesthesia
10075975 Administration site hypoesthesia
10075976 Administration site ischemia
10075977 Administration site joint redness
10075978 Interventional procedure
10075979 Lamin A/C gene mutation
10075980 Monogenic diabetes
10075981 Staphylococcus aureus infection
10075982 CYP450 2D6 poor metaboliser status
10075983 CYP2D6 extensive metaboliser status
10075984 CYP2D6 extensive metabolizer status
10075985 CYP450 2D6 extensive metaboliser status
10075986 CYP450 2D6 extensive metabolizer status
10075987 CYP2D6 indeterminate metabolizer status
10075988 CYP450 2D6 indeterminate metaboliser status
10075989 CYP450 2D6 indeterminate metabolizer status
10075990 CYP2D6 indeterminate metaboliser status
10075991 CYP450 2D6 poor metabolizer status
10075992 Donor specific antibody present
10075993 Primary cardiac lymphoma
10075994 Cleidocranial dysostosis
10075995 Dental cyst
10075996 Neobladder surgery
10075997 Idiopathic orbital inflammation
10075998 Cleidocranial dysplasia
10075999 Application site abscess sterile
10076000 Application site calcification
10076001 Application site coldness
10076002 Application site cyst
10076003 Application site dysaesthesia
10076004 Application site extravasation
10076005 Application site fibrosis
10076006 Application site granuloma
10076007 Application site injury
10076008 Application site ischaemia
10076009 Application site joint discomfort
10076010 Application site joint effusion
10076011 Application site joint infection
10076012 Application site joint inflammation
10076013 Application site joint movement impairment
10076014 Application site joint pain
10076015 Application site joint erythema
10076016 Application site joint swelling
10076017 Application site joint warmth
10076018 Application site lymphadenopathy
10076019 Application site macule
10076020 Application site movement impairment
10076021 Application site nerve damage
10076022 Application site phlebitis
10076023 Application site plaque
10076024 Application site recall reaction
10076025 Application site streaking
10076026 Application site thrombosis
10076027 Application site vasculitis
10076028 Application site dysesthesia
10076029 Application site ischemia
10076030 Application site joint redness
10076031 Mittendorf dot
10076032 Garcin syndrome
10076033 Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis
10076034 Hunner's ulcer
10076035 Periodic acid Schiff stain
10076036 Serum ascites albumin gradient
10076037 Swallow study abnormal
10076038 Baraitser Rodeck Garner syndrome
10076039 Pancreatic inflammation
10076040 Atrial flutter with 1:1 atrioventricular conduction
10076041 Sustained viral response
10076042 Feeding intolerance
10076043 Drug supply chain interruption
10076044 Cutaneous T-cell dyscrasia
10076045 Computed tomographic abscessogram
10076046 Inappropriate reconstitution technique
10076047 Macroalbuminuria
10076048 Mucocutaneous haemorrhage
10076049 Mucocutaneous hemorrhage
10076050 Spinal cord abscess
10076051 Spinal cord haematoma
10076052 Spinal cord hematoma
10076053 Gastrostomy tube site complication
10076054 Gamma nail fixation
10076055 Clinical trial participant
10076056 Planning to become pregnant
10076057 Morvan's fibrillary chorea
10076058 Haemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis
10076059 Hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis
10076060 Eyelid myoclonus
10076061 Meningococcal immunisation
10076062 Meningococcal immunization
10076063 Infusion site abscess sterile
10076064 Infusion site calcification
10076065 Infusion site discharge
10076066 Infusion site dryness
10076067 Infusion site dysaesthesia
10076068 Infusion site hyperaesthesia
10076069 Infusion site hypertrichosis
10076070 Infusion site injury
10076071 Infusion site joint discomfort
10076072 Infusion site joint effusion
10076073 Infusion site joint infection
10076074 Infusion site joint inflammation
10076075 Infusion site joint movement impairment
10076076 Infusion site joint pain
10076077 Infusion site joint erythema
10076078 Infusion site joint swelling
10076079 Infusion site joint warmth
10076080 Infusion site laceration
10076081 Infusion site macule
10076082 Infusion site pallor
10076083 Infusion site papule
10076084 Infusion site plaque
10076085 Infusion site recall reaction
10076086 Infusion site streaking
10076087 Lack of administration site rotation
10076088 Lack of application site rotation
10076089 Lack of infusion site rotation
10076090 Lack of vaccination site rotation
10076091 Malabsorption from administration site
10076092 Malabsorption from application site
10076093 Infusion site dysesthesia
10076094 Infusion site hyperesthesia
10076095 Infusion site joint redness
10076096 Medical device site anaesthesia
10076097 Medical device site atrophy
10076098 Medical device site calcification
10076099 Medical device site coldness
10076100 Medical device site cyst
10076101 Medical device site discomfort
10076102 Medical device site dryness
10076103 Medical device site dysaesthesia
10076104 Medical device site erosion
10076105 Medical device site exfoliation
10076106 Medical device site extravasation
10076107 Medical device site fibrosis
10076108 Medical device site granuloma
10076109 Medical device site hyperaesthesia
10076110 Medical device site hypertrichosis
10076111 Medical device site hypertrophy
10076112 Medical device site hypoaesthesia
10076113 Medical device site induration
10076114 Medical device site injury
10076115 Medical device site ischaemia
10076116 Medical device site joint discomfort
10076117 Medical device site joint effusion
10076118 Medical device site joint infection
10076119 Medical device site joint inflammation
10076120 Medical device site joint movement impairment
10076121 Medical device site joint pain
10076122 Medical device site joint erythema
10076123 Medical device site joint swelling
10076124 Medical device site joint warmth
10076125 Medical device site laceration
10076126 Medical device site lymphadenopathy
10076127 Medical device site macule
10076128 Medical device site mass
10076129 Medical device site movement impairment
10076130 Medical device site necrosis
10076131 Medical device site nerve damage
10076132 Medical device site nodule
10076133 Medical device site pain
10076134 Medical device site pallor
10076135 Medical device site papule
10076136 Medical device site phlebitis
10076137 Medical device site photosensitivity reaction
10076138 Medical device site plaque
10076139 Medical device site pustule
10076140 Medical device site recall reaction
10076141 Medical device site scab
10076142 Medical device site scar
10076143 Medical device site sterile abscess
10076144 Medical device site streaking
10076145 Medical device site thrombosis
10076146 Medical device site vasculitis
10076147 Medical device site vesicles
10076148 Medical device site warmth
10076149 Medical device site anesthesia
10076150 Medical device site dysesthesia
10076151 Medical device site hyperesthesia
10076152 Medical device site hypoesthesia
10076153 Medical device site ischemia
10076154 Medical device site joint redness
10076155 Vaccination site atrophy
10076156 Vaccination site calcification
10076157 Vaccination site coldness
10076158 Vaccination site cyst
10076159 Vaccination site dryness
10076160 Vaccination site dysaesthesia
10076161 Vaccination site eczema
10076162 Vaccination site erosion
10076163 Vaccination site extravasation
10076164 Vaccination site fibrosis
10076165 Vaccination site hyperaesthesia
10076166 Vaccination site hypertrichosis
10076167 Vaccination site hypertrophy
10076168 Vaccination site hypoaesthesia
10076169 Vaccination site injury
10076170 Vaccination site ischaemia
10076171 Vaccination site joint discomfort
10076172 Vaccination site joint effusion
10076173 Vaccination site joint infection
10076174 Vaccination site joint inflammation
10076175 Vaccination site joint movement impairment
10076176 Vaccination site joint pain
10076177 Vaccination site joint erythema
10076178 Vaccination site joint swelling
10076179 Vaccination site joint warmth
10076180 Vaccination site laceration
10076181 Vaccination site macule
10076182 Vaccination site mass
10076183 Vaccination site movement impairment
10076184 Vaccination site nerve damage
10076185 Vaccination site phlebitis
10076186 Vaccination site photosensitivity reaction
10076187 Vaccination site plaque
10076188 Vaccination site recall reaction
10076189 Vaccination site streaking
10076190 Vaccination site thrombosis
10076191 Vaccination site vasculitis
10076192 Vaccination site anaesthesia
10076193 Vaccination site anesthesia
10076194 Vaccination site dysesthesia
10076195 Vaccination site hyperesthesia
10076196 Vaccination site hypoesthesia
10076197 Vaccination site ischemia
10076198 Vaccination site joint redness
10076199 Pulmonary physical examination
10076200 Acute infection
10076201 Chronic infection
10076202 Brachytherapy to eye
10076203 Radiation associated cardiac failure
10076204 Minimal hepatic encephalopathy
10076205 Pancreatic toxicity
10076206 Appendix adenoma
10076207 Bone scintigraphy
10076208 Pelvic bone pain
10076209 Pleural puncture
10076210 Tissue adhesion
10076211 Apheresis related complication
10076212 Apheresis related hypotension
10076213 Irregular breathing
10076214 Citrate reaction
10076215 Computerised tomogram liver
10076216 CSF volume
10076217 Swallow study
10076218 Computerized tomogram liver
10076219 CT scan liver
10076220 Breast lump excision
10076221 Cerebrospinal fluid volume
10076222 Pancreatic polypeptide level increased
10076223 Pancreatic polypeptide level decreased
10076224 Pancreatic polypeptide level abnormal
10076225 Femoropopliteal artery prosthesis insertion
10076226 Superficial femoral vein thrombosis
10076227 Disorganised speech
10076228 Disorganized speech
10076229 Intestinal angioedema
10076230 Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 positive
10076231 Product burst
10076232 Product leakage
10076233 Picornavirus infection
10076234 CD135 antigen increased
10076235 Vertebral body replacement
10076236 Urine alkalinisation therapy
10076237 Gastric variceal injection
10076238 Gastric variceal ligation
10076239 Spontaneous intrahepatic portosystemic venous shunt
10076240 Gallbladder adenoma
10076241 Psychogenic visual disorder
10076242 Transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation
10076243 Urine alkalinization therapy
10076244 Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization
10076245 Transcription medication error
10076246 Spontaneous amputation
10076247 Presbyphonia
10076248 Marjolin's ulcer
10076249 Dilated pores
10076250 Periapical periodontitis
10076251 Donor organ tissue preparation issue
10076252 Lung graft inflation problem
10076253 Gastric fibrosis
10076254 Hepatic hypertrophy
10076255 Bentall procedure
10076256 Fine needle aspiration biopsy
10076257 Penetrating head injury
10076258 Tendency to bruise easily
10076259 Weakness of upper extremities
10076260 Homogentisic acid
10076261 Homogentisic acid urine
10076262 Repeat use of single dose syringe
10076263 Pre-implant donor lung oedema
10076264 Pre-implant donor lung edema
10076265 Malpositioned teeth
10076266 Fluid balance assessment
10076267 Fluid balance positive
10076268 Fluid balance negative
10076269 Unmasking of previously unidentified disease
10076270 Auscultation
10076271 Anti factor V antibody
10076272 Overgrowth fungal
10076273 Vascular device user
10076274 Coronary stent user
10076275 Catheter lock therapy
10076276 Laparoscopic Hartmann procedure reversal
10076277 Overgrowth yeast
10076278 Electrocardiogram high voltage
10076279 Lung perforation
10076280 Synovial biopsy abnormal
10076281 Parvovirus B19 infection reactivation
10076282 Non-HDL cholesterol increased
10076283 Non-HDL cholesterol decreased
10076284 Non-HDL cholesterol
10076285 Tibial vein thrombosis
10076286 Device position test
10076287 Blood HIV RNA fluctuation
10076288 Fine motor skill dysfunction
10076289 T315I mutation
10076294 Visual neglect
10076295 Metatarsus adductus
10076296 General body appearance abnormal
10076297 Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis
10076298 Breast asymmetry
10076299 Salivary bypass tube insertion
10076300 Salivary bypass tube removal
10076301 Home care
10076302 Optic nerve compression
10076303 Recurrent contralateral stroke
10076304 Recurrent ipsilateral stroke
10076305 Non target coronary artery stenosis
10076306 Contralateral intermittent claudication
10076308 Intentional product use issue
10076309 Product use issue
10076310 Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody
10076311 Chronic disease
10076312 Fistula inflammation
10076313 Remission not achieved
10076314 Child-Turcotte-Pugh score
10076315 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4 positive
10076316 Hepatitis C virus genotype 5 positive
10076317 Hepatitis C virus genotype 6 positive
10076318 Crohn's disease relapse
10076319 Intestinal inflammation
10076320 Embarrassment
10076321 Humiliation
10076322 Physical impairment
10076324 Drug overdose during ongoing dose titration
10076325 ASCA
10076326 Condition worsened
10076327 Injection site joint erythema
10076328 Central nervous system lupus
10076329 Tracheal erythema
10076330 Ovarian stromal hyperplasia
10076331 Steatohepatitis
10076332 Cerebral lupus
10076333 Prolonged seizure
10076334 Prolonged epileptic seizure
10076335 Death unascertained
10076336 Rigours
10076337 CNS lupus
10076338 Incomplete spinal fusion
10076339 Spinal instability
10076340 Benzoin allergy
10076341 Loss of disc height, cervical spine
10076342 Lumbar foraminal stenosis
10076343 Thoracic foraminal stenosis
10076344 Incomplete fusion, cervical spine
10076345 Thoracic spinal cord compression
10076346 Spinal subluxation, cervical spine
10076347 Lumbar spinal instability
10076348 Ankle instability
10076349 Cervical spine polyradiculopathy
10076350 Heterotopic ossification, cervical spine
10076351 Thoracic spine compression fracture
10076352 Cervical spine pseudarthrosis
10076353 Lumbar spine pseudarthrosis
10076354 Nerve root irritation
10076355 L1 spondylolisthesis
10076356 L2 spondylolisthesis
10076357 L3 spondylolisthesis
10076358 Cervical spondylolisthesis
10076359 Thoracic spondylolisthesis
10076360 Stoma site odour
10076361 Stoma site odor
10076362 Adjacent segment degeneration
10076363 Cervical disc disease
10076364 Device loosening
10076365 Artificial disc dislocation
10076366 Device subluxation
10076367 Ash leaf macule
10076368 Feeding tube user
10076369 Large intestine erosion
10076370 Neonatal cystic fibrosis screen
10076371 Endoscopic swallowing evaluation abnormal
10076372 Endoscopic swallowing evaluation
10076373 Chest scan
10076374 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging heart
10076375 Immunoreactive trypsinogen assay
10076376 Topical adhesive allergy
10076377 Thorax scan
10076378 Cardiac MRI
10076379 Brain inflammation
10076380 Ovarian oedema
10076381 Schlemm's canal obstruction
10076382 Non-neutralising antibodies negative
10076383 Non-neutralising antibodies
10076384 Alcoholic pancreopathy
10076385 Tumour marker decreased
10076386 Ureteric papilloma
10076387 Incarcerated incisional hernia
10076388 Neonatal gastrointestinal disorder
10076389 Radiation myocarditis
10076390 Oral hyperaesthesia
10076391 Biventricular pacemaker replacement
10076392 Biventricular cardioverter defibrillator replacement
10076393 Drug enanthema
10076394 Fibrous gingival hyperplasia
10076395 Off label dosing frequency
10076396 Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
10076397 Noninfectious labyrinthitis
10076398 Gastrointestinal mucosa hyperaemia
10076399 Ovarian edema
10076400 Gastrointestinal mucosa hyperemia
10076401 Non-neutralizing antibodies negative
10076402 Non-neutralizing antibodies
10076403 Tumor marker decreased
10076404 Oral hyperesthesia
10076405 Elephantiasis tropica
10076406 Nasal pruritus
10076407 Terminal renal insufficiency
10076408 Chronic kidney disease stage 1
10076409 Chronic kidney disease stage 2
10076410 Chronic kidney disease stage 3
10076411 Chronic kidney disease stage 4
10076412 Chronic kidney disease stage 5
10076413 Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state
10076414 Localisation related epilepsy
10076415 Septal myectomy
10076416 Kimmerle's anomaly
10076417 Empty nose syndrome
10076418 Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
10076419 Anginal equivalent
10076420 Nasopharyngeal polyp
10076421 Localization related epilepsy
10076422 Hip pinning surgery
10076423 Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state
10076424 Ponticulus posticus
10076425 Complex febrile convulsion
10076426 Simple febrile convulsion
10076427 Bladder hyperaemia
10076428 Bladder hyperemia
10076429 Mixed delusion
10076430 Intravitreal implant
10076431 Macula thickness measurement
10076432 Upper dermis oedema
10076433 Lumbalgia
10076434 Hepatosplenic gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma
10076435 Ascending aortic dilatation
10076436 Upper dermis edema
10076437 Shewanella algae bacteraemia
10076438 Milk protein allergy
10076439 Hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis
10076440 Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
10076441 Shewanella algae bacteremia
10076442 Radiotherapy to adrenal gland
10076443 Radiotherapy to oesophagus
10076444 Radiotherapy to uterine cervix
10076445 Radiotherapy to rectum
10076446 Radiotherapy to esophagus
10076447 Radiotherapy to head and neck
10076448 Brachytherapy to penis
10076449 Brachytherapy to tongue
10076450 Brachytherapy to tonsil
10076451 Radiotherapy to oral cavity
10076452 Brachytherapy to uterine cervix
10076453 Radiotherapy to peritoneum
10076454 Chronic papillomatous dermatitis
10076455 Pseudoverrucous papules and nodules
10076456 Delayed myelination
10076457 Muscular rigour
10076458 Rigours awaking
10076459 Rigouring
10076460 Hyperactive pharyngeal reflex
10076461 Hyperactive gag reflex
10076462 Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A
10076463 Child-Turcotte-Pugh class B
10076464 Child-Turcotte-Pugh class C
10076465 Abstains from recreational drugs
10076466 Adult use of a child product
10076467 Drug use in unapproved age group
10076468 Drug use for unapproved dosing regimen
10076469 Drug use for unapproved schedule
10076470 Documented hypersensitivity to administered product
10076471 Drug doping
10076472 Substance doping
10076473 Anorectal sensory loss
10076474 Loss of defaecation urgency
10076475 Loss of defecation urgency
10076476 Product use in unapproved indication
10076477 Intentional use beyond labeled administration duration
10076478 Intentional use beyond labelled administration duration
10076479 Medically prescribed prolongation of labeled treatment duration
10076480 Medically prescribed prolongation of labelled treatment duration
10076481 Off label use of device
10076482 Vascular compression therapy
10076483 Neurological rehabilitation
10076484 Mixed hemorrhoids
10076485 Synovial cyst removal
10076486 Laser lithotripsy
10076487 Decreased ability to grasp
10076488 Mixed haemorrhoids
10076489 Compression dressing application
10076490 Unilateral weakness of limbs
10076491 Bobath therapy
10076492 Antral gastritis
10076493 Gluten sensitivity
10076494 Factor VIII inhibition recurrence
10076495 Factor IX inhibition recurrence
10076496 Meconium aspiration syndrome
10076497 Cardiovascular examination abnormal
10076498 Specialist consultation
10076499 Lichenoid eczema
10076500 Water deprivation test
10076501 Pseudocirrhosis
10076502 Viral pneumonitis
10076503 Inability to afford medication
10076504 Injection site muscle pain
10076505 Conductive education
10076506 Castration-resistant prostate cancer
10076507 Hypernatriuria
10076508 Oral hyperkeratosis
10076509 Oral nodule
10076510 Compulsive cheek biting
10076511 Morsicatio buccarum
10076512 Oral frictional hyperkeratosis
10076513 Supratherapeutic INR
10076514 Osteomyelitis of the foot
10076515 Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema
10076516 Fungal pharyngitis
10076517 Peritonsillar cellulitis
10076518 Rhesus antibodies (anti D) positive
10076519 Rhesus antibodies (anti D) negative
10076520 Rhesus antigen positive
10076521 Rhesus antigen negative
10076522 CPFE
10076523 Stent patency maintenance
10076524 Nasal crusting
10076525 Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase decreased
10076526 Resorption bone decreased
10076527 Eyebrow swelling
10076528 Absolute lymphocyte count abnormal
10076529 TRAcP 5b low
10076530 Drug name sound-alike
10076531 Drug name look-alike
10076532 Drug label look-alike
10076533 Granulomatous rosacea
10076534 Schistocytosis
10076535 Tidal volume
10076536 Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea
10076537 Papulopustular rosacea
10076538 Antioxidant capacity test
10076539 Pneumocystis test
10076540 Pneumocystis test negative
10076541 Biological antioxidant potential
10076542 Product selection error
10076543 Wrong product selected
10076544 Intercepted product selection error
10076545 Wrong drug concentration selected
10076546 Falsified drug administered
10076547 Suspected falsified product
10076548 Falsified product
10076549 Enteropathic spondylitis
10076550 Enteropathic arthropathy
10076551 Enteropathic spondyloarthropathy
10076552 Idiopathic partial epilepsy
10076553 Nasal varices
10076554 Saburral tongue
10076555 Locus valsalvae varices
10076556 Little's area varicosities
10076557 Retinal blot haemorrhages
10076558 Retinal blot hemorrhages
10076559 Retinal dot and blot haemorrhages
10076560 Retinal dot and blot hemorrhages
10076561 Retinal dot haemorrhages
10076562 Retinal dot hemorrhages
10076563 Sensory polyneuropathy
10076564 Wrist oedema
10076565 Wrist edema
10076566 Perineal necrosis
10076567 Biopsy neck
10076568 Urinary tract discomfort
10076569 Eye paraesthesia
10076570 Eye paresthesia
10076571 Patient dissatisfaction with treatment
10076572 Dermal filler overcorrection
10076573 Wrong technique in product usage process
10076574 Patient dissatisfaction with procedure outcome
10076575 Harlequin syndrome
10076576 Focal epithelial hyperplasia
10076577 Heck's disease
10076578 Lumbosacral radiculopathy
10076579 Breath sounds normal
10076580 Immunoadsorption therapy
10076581 Blood pressure measurement
10076582 Hemodynamometry
10076583 Haemodynamometry
10076584 Blood culture positive for Staphylococcus
10076585 Nasal mucosal erosion
10076586 Splenic hamartoma
10076587 Laser brain ablation
10076588 Radiotherapy to mediastinum
10076589 Unintentional use for unapproved indication
10076590 Oral blood blister
10076591 Discoid lupus erythematosus-lichen planus overlap syndrome
10076592 Scedosporium prolificans infection
10076593 Scedosporium apiospermum infection
10076594 Polydrug dependence
10076595 Substance dependence
10076596 Marginal zone lymphoma
10076597 Chest wall haematoma
10076598 Fallopian tube diverticulosis
10076599 Ulcerative gastritis
10076600 Splenic induration
10076601 Carney complex
10076602 Congenital thyroid disorder
10076603 Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma
10076604 Atherosclerotic plaque rupture
10076605 Right-to-left cardiac shunt
10076606 Mast cell degranulation present
10076607 Peritoneocutaneous fistula
10076608 Uterine scar diverticulum
10076609 Portal venous system anomaly
10076610 Salpingitis isthmica nodosa
10076611 Subclavian stent thrombosis
10076612 Lip frenulum tear
10076613 Right-to-left atrial shunt
10076614 Right-to-left ventricular shunt
10076615 Drug exposure during pregnancy, third trimester
10076616 Drug exposure during pregnancy, second trimester
10076617 Drug exposure during pregnancy, first trimester
10076618 Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase deficiency
10076619 CRT/ICD replacement
10076620 Epidural bleeding
10076621 Chest wall hematoma
10076622 Atherosclerotic plaque
10076623 Endolymphatic shunt placement
10076624 Rib synostosis
10076625 Fimbrioplasty
10076626 Primary familial hypomagnesaemia
10076627 Coronary brachytherapy
10076628 Dental subluxation
10076629 Primary familial hypomagnesemia
10076630 Carcinoma in adenoma
10076631 BCR-ABL1 level increased
10076632 Intramedullary nailing
10076633 Demand ischemia
10076634 Demand ischaemia
10076635 Repair of diaphragm injury
10076636 Gas embolism
10076637 Necrotising soft tissue infection
10076638 Necrotizing soft tissue infection
10076639 Prescription drug used without a prescription
10076640 Liver dialysis
10076641 Artificial extracorporeal liver support
10076642 Single pass albumin dialysis
10076643 Monophobia
10076644 Autoimmune hypothyroidism
10076645 Kysthitis
10076646 Rhinallergosis
10076647 Uveoparotid fever
10076648 Dacryorrhea
10076649 Sigmoid diverticulosis
10076650 Acne inversa
10076651 Situational depression
10076652 Dacryorrhoea
10076653 Enteric duplication
10076654 Cancer-associated thrombosis
10076655 Spermatic cord torsion
10076656 Acute allograft nephropathy
10076657 Acute motor-sensory axonal neuropathy
10076658 Acute motor axonal neuropathy
10076659 Bradyphagia
10076660 Cortical visual impairment
10076661 Chronic tic disorder
10076662 Closed globe injury
10076663 Complex tic
10076664 Delayed graft function
10076665 Dialysis membrane reaction
10076666 Disseminated Bacillus Calmette-Guerin infection
10076667 Disseminated varicella zoster vaccine virus infection
10076668 Early onset primary dystonia
10076669 External compression headache
10076670 External hydrocephalus
10076671 Fat adherence syndrome
10076672 Infective keratitis
10076673 Juvenile polymyositis
10076674 Juvenile psoriatic arthritis
10076675 Juvenile spondyloarthritis
10076676 Migraine-triggered seizure
10076677 Neuronal migration disorder
10076678 New daily persistent headache
10076679 Acute humoral allograft nephropathy
10076680 Binocular diplopia
10076681 Closed fracture
10076682 Early fetal death
10076683 Fetal demise
10076684 Fisher syndrome
10076685 Hyperacute allograft rejection
10076686 Lamellar laceration of the globe
10076687 Late fetal death
10076688 Late preterm infant
10076689 Monocular diplopia
10076690 Non-communicating hydrocephalus
10076691 Acute cellular allograft nephropathy
10076692 Anterior segment ischaemia
10076693 Arteriovenous fistula maturation failure
10076694 Provisional tic disorder
10076695 Early foetal death
10076696 Foetal demise
10076697 Late foetal death
10076698 Anterior segment ischemia
10076699 AV fistula maturation failure
10076700 Premature baby death
10076701 Subarachnoid haematoma
10076702 Secondary tic
10076703 Oculocardiac reflex
10076704 Page kidney
10076705 Perforation
10076706 Periventricular haemorrhage neonatal
10076707 Primary cough headache
10076708 Prolapse
10076709 Developmental regression
10076710 Slipped extraocular muscle
10076711 Stenosis
10076712 Stertor
10076713 Subclavian vein stenosis
10076714 Umbilical cord occlusion
10076715 Ureteric compression
10076716 Vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis
10076717 Open globe injury
10076718 Penetrating open globe injury
10076719 Perforating open globe injury
10076720 Perinatal death
10076721 Phantom taste perception
10076722 Post-natal death at 16-20 weeks gestation
10076723 Proprioceptive hallucination
10076724 Pyrogenic reaction
10076725 Right atrial thrombosis
10076726 Subarachnoid hematoma
10076727 Tourettism
10076728 Ultraviolet photosensitivity
10076729 Very preterm infant
10076730 Periventricular hemorrhage neonatal
10076731 Simple tic
10076732 Endometrial scratching
10076733 Infant nutritional formula
10076734 Chemotherapy induced neutropenia
10076735 Localised alternating hot and cold therapy
10076736 Localized alternating hot and cold therapy
10076737 Pharyngeal paraesthesia
10076738 Tingling throat
10076739 Pharyngeal paresthesia
10076740 Osteodynia
10076741 Late neonatal death
10076742 Early neonatal death
10076743 Drug cross-reactivity
10076744 Amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
10076745 Increased viscosity of upper respiratory secretion
10076746 Hypokeratosis
10076747 Acquired amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia
10076748 Mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma
10076749 Paraneoplastic glomerulonephritis
10076750 Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring
10076751 Cardiac herniation
10076752 Oropharyngeal mucus thickening
10076753 Product substitution
10076754 Substitution of biosimilar product
10076755 Interchange of biosimilar products
10076756 Renal cyst aspiration
10076757 Mental fatigue
10076758 Keratodermatitis
10076759 Ocular photosensitivity
10076760 Clinomania
10076761 Cricothyrotomy
10076762 Acute on chronic cholecystitis
10076763 Spastic monoparesis
10076764 Allergy to synthetic fabric
10076765 Reticulocyte haemoglobin equivalent
10076766 Ret-He
10076767 ADAMTS13 inhibitor screen assay
10076768 ADAMTS13 activity assay
10076769 Campylobacter colitis
10076770 Bacterial colitis
10076771 Reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent
10076772 Labial tie
10076773 Upper lip tie
10076774 Viral bronchopneumonia
10076775 Noninfective bartholinitis
10076776 Pelvic operation
10076777 Anti factor VIII antibody increased
10076778 Anti factor IX antibody increased
10076779 Factor VIII inhibitor increased
10076780 Factor IX inhibitor increased
10076781 Post-traumatic neuralgia
10076782 Post-traumatic peripheral neuralgia
10076783 Breast conserving surgery
10076784 Musculoskeletal complication associated with device
10076785 Gastrointestinal complication associated with device
10076786 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 1
10076787 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 1a
10076788 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 1b
10076789 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 2
10076790 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 2a
10076791 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 2b
10076792 Hepatitis C virus genotype 6a positive
10076793 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4f positive
10076794 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4g positive
10076795 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4h positive
10076796 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4i positive
10076797 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4j positive
10076798 Hepatitis C virus genotype 5a positive
10076799 Hepatitis C virus genotype 3f positive
10076800 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4a positive
10076801 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4b positive
10076802 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4c positive
10076803 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4d positive
10076804 Hepatitis C virus genotype 4e positive
10076805 Hepatitis C virus genotype 2a positive
10076806 Hepatitis C virus genotype 2c positive
10076807 Hepatitis C virus genotype 2d positive
10076808 Hepatitis C virus genotype 3c positive
10076809 Hepatitis C virus genotype 3d positive
10076810 Hepatitis C virus genotype 3e positive
10076811 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4i
10076812 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4j
10076813 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 5
10076814 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 5a
10076815 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 6
10076816 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 6a
10076817 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4c
10076818 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4d
10076819 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4e
10076820 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4f
10076821 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4g
10076822 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4h
10076823 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3d
10076824 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3e
10076825 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3f
10076826 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4
10076827 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4a
10076828 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 4b
10076829 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 2c
10076830 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 2d
10076831 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3
10076832 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3a
10076833 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3b
10076834 Chronic hepatitis C genotype 3c
10076835 Jugular vein occlusion
10076836 Aortic restenosis
10076837 Brachiocephalic vein occlusion
10076838 Vessel puncture site occlusion
10076839 Incision site vessel occlusion
10076840 Ascending aortic aneurysm rupture
10076841 Internal jugular vein occlusion
10076842 Superficial femoral artery occlusion
10076843 Plastic stent occlusion
10076844 Plastic stent reocclusion
10076845 Vascular stent-graft occlusion
10076846 Femoral-iliac artery stenosis
10076847 Coccyx pain
10076848 Dry gangrene foot
10076849 Aortic arch restenosis
10076850 Aortic arch stenosis
10076851 Neointimal hyperplasia
10076852 Abdominal aortic restenosis
10076853 Popliteal arterial restenosis
10076854 Superficial femoral arterial restenosis
10076855 Vascular stent-graft reocclusion
10076856 Vascular stent-graft thrombosis
10076857 Renal stent-graft thrombosis
10076858 Stent-graft thrombosis
10076859 Stent thrombosis
10076860 Thoracic aortic stenosis
10076861 Decreased nasolabial fold
10076862 Hot water burn
10076863 Otomastoiditis
10076864 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like syndrome
10076865 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like papillary dermal elastolysis
10076866 Acute lymphocytic leukaemia refractory
10076867 Acute lymphocytic leukemia refractory
10076868 Endotheliomatosis
10076869 Product preparation error
10076870 Product compounding error
10076871 CPOE error
10076872 Computerized prescriber order entry error
10076873 Computerised prescriber order entry error
10076874 Dose calculation error
10076875 Laryngeal atrophy
10076876 Histiocytic sarcoma
10076877 Ankle brachial index increased
10076878 Presbylarynx
10076879 Oral tuberculosis
10076880 Unable to urinate
10076881 Rebound atopic dermatitis
10076882 Rebound eczema
10076883 Cystourethrectomy
10076884 Unexpected therapeutic benefit
10076885 Unexpected beneficial therapeutic response
10076886 Rotavirus immunisation
10076887 Rotavirus immunization
10076888 Gated single photon emission computerised tomogram
10076889 Gated single photon emission computerized tomogram
10076890 GSPECT
10076891 Marijuana abuse
10076892 Angiomyxoma
10076893 Breast burning
10076894 Hepatic decompensation
10076895 Cerebral vascular occlusion
10076896 Osteonecrosis of external auditory canal
10076897 Excessive cerumen production
10076898 Cardiac ventricular scarring
10076899 Video-assisted thoracoscopic lung lobectomy
10076900 Wide local excision breast
10076901 Stereotactic breast lump removal
10076902 Stereotactic wide local excision breast
10076903 Ultrasound guided lung biopsy
10076904 Nasal sinus irrigation
10076905 Lung hypoinflation
10076906 Peripheral ischemic necrosis
10076907 Peripheral ischaemic necrosis
10076908 Bronchotomy
10076909 Pancreatic duct rupture
10076910 XXX syndrome
10076911 Infected bite
10076912 Migralepsy
10076913 Zygomaticomaxillary complex fracture
10076914 Infected animal bite
10076915 Spleen atrophy
10076916 Kidney congestion
10076917 End stage Parkinson's disease
10076918 Hospital acquired pneumonia
10076919 Small bowel infarction
10076920 Large bowel infarction
10076921 Very early onset schizophrenia
10076922 Early onset schizophrenia
10076923 Very late onset schizophrenia
10076924 Late onset schizophrenia
10076925 Disseminated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
10076926 Atrial flutter with rapid ventricular response
10076927 Atrial flutter with slow ventricular response
10076928 Adrenal gland enlarged
10076929 Cerebral congestion
10076930 Cerebral venous congestion
10076931 Strangulated umbilical hernia
10076932 Strangulated para-umbilical hernia
10076933 Brain congestion
10076934 Meningeal congestion
10076935 Hormone refractory breast cancer
10076936 Impaired quality of life
10076937 Personal relationship issue
10076938 Economic loss
10076939 Inability to work
10076940 Permanent injury
10076941 Portal vein embolisation
10076942 Portal vein embolization
10076943 Uterine balloon therapy
10076944 Arthrolith
10076945 Swelling of jaw angle
10076946 Acute localized exanthematous pustulosis
10076947 Acute localised exanthematous pustulosis
10076948 Acute encephalitis with refractory, repetitive partial seizures
10076949 Janeway lesion
10076950 Wedged hepatic venous pressure
10076951 Hepatic venous pressure gradient
10076952 Feline oesophagus
10076953 Obstructive defaecation
10076954 Microsleep
10076955 Blood HCV RNA below assay limit
10076956 Feline esophagus
10076957 Obstructive defecation
10076958 Rectal outlet obstruction syndrome
10076959 Rhinocerebral mucormycosis
10076960 Rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis
10076961 Sezary cell count
10076962 Intentional use less than recommended duration
10076963 Thoracic endometriosis
10076964 Extragenital endometriosis
10076965 CHA2DS2-VASc-score
10076966 CHA2DS2-VASc annual stroke risk low
10076967 CHA2DS2-VASc annual stroke risk moderate
10076968 CHA2DS2-VASc annual stroke risk high
10076969 Tumour budding
10076970 Systemic immune activation
10076971 Joint debridement
10076972 Ampullary polyp
10076973 Verrucous keratosis
10076974 Adermatoglyphia
10076975 Tumor budding
10076976 Systolic anterior motion of mitral valve
10076977 Antiendomysial antibody test
10076978 JC virus test negative
10076979 JC polyomavirus test negative
10076980 Medical device site bleeding
10076981 Post stroke seizure
10076982 Post stroke epilepsy
10076983 Caesarean delivery on maternal request
10076984 Cesarean delivery on maternal request
10076985 Bickerstaff's encephalitis
10076986 Pseudogynaecomastia
10076987 Pseudogynecomastia
10076988 Subglottic laryngitis
10076989 Chorditis vocalis inferior
10076990 Neuroendoscopy
10076991 Soft tissue swelling
10076992 Septorhinoplasty
10076993 High intensity focused ultrasound
10076994 Lacunar stroke
10076995 Transrectal ultrasound
10076996 Logotherapy
10076997 Bladder electrocauterization
10076998 Bladder electrocauterisation
10076999 Bezold-Jarisch reflex
10077000 Hypertensive cerebrovascular disease
10077001 Dysphonia clericorum
10077002 Clergyman's sore throat
10077003 Multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma
10077004 Round atelectasis
10077005 Asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome
10077006 Asthma-COPD overlap syndrome
10077007 Non-economic loss
10077008 Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus infection
10077009 Pseudohypoglycemia
10077010 Pseudohypoglycaemia
10077011 Product use in unapproved population
10077012 Excessive secretion of testosterone
10077013 Gastroenterostomy stomal ulcer
10077014 Breast capsulectomy
10077015 Transcatheter aortic valve implantation
10077016 Left ventricular asynchrony
10077017 TAVI
10077018 Multipathogen PCR test
10077019 Oesophageal mucosal blister
10077020 Child-Pugh-Turcotte score abnormal
10077021 Child-Pugh-Turcotte score decreased
10077022 Postpartum thrombosis
10077023 Alveolar capillary dysplasia
10077024 Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
10077025 Galectin-3 increased
10077026 Galectin-3 decreased
10077027 Galectin-3 normal
10077028 Galectin-3 abnormal
10077029 Tumour marker abnormal
10077030 Masticatory pain
10077031 Basal ganglia haematoma
10077032 Infective pericardial effusion
10077033 Precerebral arteriosclerosis
10077034 Galectin-3 test
10077035 Adipositas permagna
10077036 Doppler ultrasound uterine arteries abnormal
10077037 Doppler ultrasound uterine arteries normal
10077038 Doppler ultrasound uterine arteries
10077039 Hemispatial neglect
10077040 Wrong technique in device usage process
10077041 Product impurity
10077042 Esophageal mucosal blister
10077043 Tumor marker abnormal
10077044 Basal ganglia hematoma
10077045 Benign neoplasm of ampulla of Vater
10077046 Orthostatic purpura
10077047 Stasis purpura
10077048 Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity
10077049 Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
10077050 Hysteroptosis
10077051 Transitional cell carcinoma recurrent
10077052 Hepatitis C core antibody positive
10077053 Hepatitis C core antibody
10077054 Hepatitis C core antibody negative
10077055 Hepatic gas gangrene
10077056 Urothelial carcinoma recurrent
10077057 Transient spastic paralysis
10077058 Hip arthropathy
10077059 Ankle arthropathy
10077060 Elbow arthropathy
10077061 Haemophilic arthropathy of ankle
10077062 Anti-HCc IgM antibody negative
10077063 Anti-HBc IgM antibody negative
10077064 Anti-HBc IgM antibody
10077065 Retinal nonperfusion
10077066 Haemophilic arthropathy of knee
10077067 Haemophilic arthropathy of hip
10077068 Haemophilic arthropathy of shoulder
10077069 Haemophilic arthropathy of elbow
10077070 Anti-HCc IgM antibody
10077071 Anti-HCc IgM antibody positive
10077072 Chagoma
10077073 Romana's sign
10077074 Hemophilic arthropathy of ankle
10077075 Hemophilic arthropathy of knee
10077076 Hemophilic arthropathy of hip
10077077 Hemophilic arthropathy of shoulder
10077078 Hemophilic arthropathy of elbow
10077079 Cerebral endovascular aneurysm repair
10077080 Flow diversion for intra-cerebral aneurysm
10077081 Coiling of intra-cerebral aneurysm
10077082 Generalized atony
10077083 Neonatal sepsis
10077084 Allergic reaction to food
10077085 Generalised atony
10077086 Central serous retinal detachment
10077087 Autoimmune nephritis
10077088 Laryngeal mask airway insertion
10077089 Jaw clicking
10077090 Periorbital petechiae
10077091 Allergy to aluminium
10077092 Allergy to gold
10077093 Allergy to aluminum
10077094 Tick-borne encephalitis immunisation
10077095 Astheno-emotional syndrome
10077096 Tick-borne encephalitis immunization
10077097 Pleurectomy with decortication
10077098 White blood cell cystine
10077099 Acromelalgia
10077100 Mitchell's disease
10077101 Exposure to herbicides
10077102 Preauricular lymphadenopathy
10077103 Postauricular lymphadenopathy
10077104 Apolipoprotein E gene status assay
10077105 ApoE status assay
10077106 Corynebacterium bacteraemia
10077107 Complication associated with device
10077108 Inadequate haemodialysis
10077109 Vein dissection
10077110 Vein rupture
10077111 Discharge from arteriovenous graft
10077112 Limb ischaemia
10077113 Acute limb ischaemia
10077114 Hepatic seroma
10077115 Iliac artery disease
10077116 Systemic infection
10077117 Vessel puncture site rash
10077118 Penetrating aortic ulcer
10077119 Corynebacterium bacteremia
10077120 Contrast media extravasation
10077121 Device delivery system removal complication
10077122 Device delivery system issue
10077123 Device delivery system complication
10077124 Thoracic aortic aneurysm enlargement
10077125 Type B aortic dissection
10077126 Acute limb ischemia
10077127 Aortic abdominal aneurysm extension
10077128 Aortic thoracic aneurysm extension
10077129 Penetrating thoracic aortic ulcer
10077130 Penetrating abdominal aortic ulcer
10077131 Saccular thoracic aortic aneurysm
10077132 Saccular abdominal aortic aneurysm
10077133 Spinal cord syndrome
10077134 Squamous cell cancer of the eyelid
10077135 Knee swelling
10077136 Type A aortic dissection
10077137 Femoropopliteal artery occlusion
10077138 Inadequate hemodialysis
10077139 Incomplete device expansion
10077140 Iliac artery aneurysm enlargement
10077141 Laceration of ear
10077142 Limb ischemia
10077143 Vascular stent occlusion
10077144 Vascular stent stenosis
10077145 Vascular stent restenosis
10077146 Post angioplasty restenosis
10077147 Bare metal stent occlusion
10077148 Bare metal stent reocclusion
10077149 Bare metal stent thrombosis
10077150 Bare metal stent stenosis
10077151 Bare metal stent restenosis
10077152 Vascular stent-graft stenosis
10077153 Vascular stent-graft restenosis
10077154 Stent-graft stenosis
10077155 Stent-graft restenosis
10077156 Stent stenosis
10077157 Stent restenosis
10077158 Transient factor VIII inhibitor
10077159 Transient factor IX inhibitor
10077160 Central nervous system melanoma
10077161 Primary myelofibrosis
10077162 Abnormal precordial movement
10077163 Generalized maculopapular rash
10077164 Prevost sign
10077165 Heterogenous nodular goitre
10077166 Genitourinary melanoma
10077167 Gastrointestinal melanoma
10077168 Visual agnosia
10077169 Helplessness
10077170 Hemianaesthesia
10077171 Hemiasomatognosia
10077172 Atrophic thyroiditis
10077173 Affective ambivalence
10077174 Neuritic plaques
10077175 Paralogism
10077176 Pathological doubt
10077177 Pulmonary hypoperfusion
10077178 Sense of a foreshortened future
10077179 Obsessive need for symmetry
10077180 Primary intracranial melanoma
10077181 Generalised maculopapular rash
10077182 Primary pineal melanoma
10077183 Agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
10077184 Inguinal pain
10077185 Inguinal infection
10077186 Apex beat exacerbated
10077187 Grasping reflex
10077188 Nasopalpebral reflex abnormal
10077189 Cardiac radiofrequency ablation
10077190 Apex beat attenuated
10077191 Head and eye gaze deviation
10077192 Hemifacial anaesthesia
10077193 Hemihypoaesthesia
10077194 Heterogenous nodular goiter
10077195 Morbid rationalism
10077196 Neurofibrillary tangles
10077197 Throat ulcer
10077198 Apragmatism
10077199 Athymhormia
10077200 Anosodiaphoria
10077201 Frontotemporal cortical atrophy
10077202 Glossolalia
10077203 Hemianesthesia
10077204 Hemifacial anesthesia
10077205 Hemihypoesthesia
10077206 Senile plaques
10077207 Failed in vitro fertilisation
10077208 Prostatic asymmetry
10077209 IgM nephropathy
10077211 Herniorrhaphy
10077212 Thrombotic vascular disease
10077213 Basilar atelectasis
10077214 Failed in vitro fertilization
10077215 Hepatic steato-fibrosis
10077216 Hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia
10077217 Spongiform cardiomyopathy
10077218 Cardiovascular syncope
10077219 Acroarthritis
10077220 Retained ovarian follicle
10077221 Hypothyreosis
10077222 Decreased body hair
10077223 Costen's syndrome
10077224 Mandibular joint neuralgia
10077225 Celiotomy
10077226 Keratin pearl
10077227 Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
10077228 Drug use issue
10077229 Panaritium ossale
10077230 Panaritium tendinosum
10077231 Panaritium articulare
10077232 Abdominal hernia infection
10077233 Bladder metaplasia
10077234 Turbinoplasty
10077235 Hemogram
10077236 Haemogram
10077237 Scatolia
10077238 Choristoma
10077239 Peripheral blast cells present
10077240 Nasal valve collapse
10077241 Alar collapse
10077242 Eye crusting
10077243 Medical device repositioning
10077244 Defiant behaviour
10077245 Defiant behavior
10077246 MERS
10077247 Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis
10077248 Secondary substernal goiter
10077249 Substernal thyroid
10077250 Secondary substernal goitre
10077251 Primary substernal thyroid
10077252 Proctectomy
10077253 Somatoform genitourinary disorder
10077254 Drug clearance
10077255 Intensive care unit acquired weakness
10077256 ICU acquired weakness
10077257 Adult failure to thrive
10077258 Froin's syndrome
10077259 Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension
10077260 Banti's syndrome
10077261 Megalosplenia
10077262 Intravascular gas
10077263 Painful os peroneum syndrome
10077264 Critical illness
10077265 Pyeloureteritis
10077266 Polymer fume fever
10077267 Lysosomal acid lipase deficiency
10077268 Cholesteryl ester storage disease
10077269 Early onset lysosomal acid lipase deficiency
10077270 Surgical fixation of rib fracture
10077271 Immunoglobulin G4 related disease
10077272 Radiofrequency vein ablation
10077273 Blood clot in dialyser line
10077274 Blood leak in dialyser
10077275 Intrusive thoughts
10077276 Infantile back arching
10077277 Airway compromise
10077278 Renal vein varices
10077279 Allergy to surgical sutures
10077280 Splenorenal varices
10077281 Splenorenal shunt procedure
10077282 Viral acanthoma
10077283 Raw throat
10077284 Kidney angiomyolipoma
10077285 Intracranial arterial fenestration
10077286 Post measles blindness
10077287 Costochondral separation
10077288 Annuloplasty
10077289 Retroperitoneal sarcoma
10077290 Mite allergy
10077291 Model for end stage liver disease score abnormal
10077292 Model for end stage liver disease score increased
10077293 MELD score abnormal
10077294 MELD score increased
10077295 Pseudohypercalcaemia
10077296 Skin punch biopsy
10077297 Shave biopsy
10077298 Pseudohypercalcemia
10077299 Rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder
10077300 Rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder
10077301 Cutaneous horn of eyelid
10077302 Absent bowel movement
10077303 Malignant neoplasm papilla of Vater
10077304 Needle fatigue
10077305 Acute on chronic liver failure
10077306 Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
10077307 Small intestinal obstruction reduction
10077308 Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type 2
10077309 Pelvic floor muscle training
10077310 Bladder training
10077311 Artifactual hypoglycaemia
10077312 Artifactual hypoglycemia
10077313 Tumour obstruction
10077314 Skin squamous cell carcinoma metastatic
10077315 Tumor obstruction
10077316 Photoinduced Stevens-Johnson syndrome
10077317 Dopamine transporter scintigraphy
10077318 Dopamine transporter scintigraphy abnormal
10077319 Dopamine transporter scintigraphy normal
10077320 Premature menarche
10077321 Infantile apnoea
10077322 Infantile apnea
10077323 Infantile mixed apnea
10077324 Infantile obstructive apnoea
10077325 Infantile obstructive apnea
10077326 Infantile central apnoea
10077327 Infantile mixed apnoea
10077328 Infantile central apnea
10077329 Peripheral artery bypass graft stenosis
10077330 Vascular graft stenosis
10077331 Vascular graft restenosis
10077332 Femoropopliteal artery bypass graft stenosis
10077333 Femoral-iliac artery bypass graft stenosis
10077334 Coronary vascular graft stenosis
10077335 Facial nerve paresis
10077336 Tick paralysis
10077337 Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy
10077338 Self injection anxiety
10077339 Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia
10077340 Vegetative neurosis
10077341 Periosteal haematoma
10077342 Periosteal hematoma
10077343 Fractional flow reserve
10077344 Wrong quantity of drug dispensed
10077345 Immunochemotherapy
10077346 Laser iridotomy
10077347 Laparoscopic colectomy
10077348 Liver resection
10077349 Hemihepatectomy
10077350 Drug stored in wrong location
10077351 Cytokine abnormal
10077352 Cytokine test
10077353 Bronchial stent occlusion
10077354 Application site leukoderma
10077355 Pseudophakodonesis
10077356 Bilirubin urine present
10077357 Diabetic arteritis
10077358 Trial of void
10077359 Computerised tomogram intestine
10077360 Apitherapy
10077361 Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
10077362 Kinetic ataxia
10077363 Motor ataxia
10077364 Periocular swelling
10077365 Single-port surgery
10077366 Small intestine computerised tomography
10077367 Spondylodesis
10077368 Iritoectomy
10077369 Cervical tension syndrome
10077370 Hypersialosis
10077371 Conjunctival lithiasis
10077372 Computerized tomogram intestine
10077373 Small intestine computerized tomography
10077374 Craniocervical syndrome
10077375 Funguria
10077376 Myelolipoma
10077377 Myxomatous mitral valve degeneration
10077378 Ankle brachial index abnormal
10077379 Congenital spinal stenosis
10077380 Epileptic encephalopathy
10077381 Shrapnel wound
10077382 Le Fort osteotomy
10077383 Caterpillar dermatitis
10077384 Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
10077385 Increased tendency for infection
10077386 Percutaneous vertebral augmentation
10077387 Electronic cigarette user
10077388 Vapour cigarette smoker
10077389 Pulmonary capillary haemangiomatosis
10077390 Lower respiratory tract herpes infection
10077391 Human bocavirus infection
10077392 Immune recovery uveitis
10077393 Patellar tracking disorder
10077394 Vapor cigarette smoker
10077395 E-cigarette smoker
10077396 Pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis
10077397 Tracheobronchial herpes infection
10077398 Immune recovery vitritis
10077399 Dysthermia
10077400 High sodium diet
10077401 Cryesthesia
10077402 Cryaesthesia
10077403 Hairy cell leukaemia recurrent
10077404 Pituitary amenorrhoea
10077405 Hairy cell leukemia recurrent
10077406 Pituitary amenorrhea
10077407 Rhizolysis
10077408 Ischaemic skin ulcer
10077409 Ischemic skin ulcer
10077410 Tracheobronchial stent occlusion
10077411 Perianal psoriasis
10077412 Pulmonary nodular lymphoid hyperplasia
10077413 Gaze-evoked nystagmus
10077414 Vessel puncture site cellulitis
10077415 Randall plaques
10077416 Terminal agitation
10077417 Suicide threat
10077418 Bunionectomy
10077419 Head CT
10077420 Knee arthroscopy
10077421 Shoulder arthroscopy
10077422 Basalioma
10077423 Abdomen CT
10077424 Pelvis CT
10077425 Skin cancer excision
10077426 Transvaginal mesh implantation
10077427 Oesophageal irregular z-line
10077428 Esophageal irregular z-line
10077429 Oesophageal elevated z-line
10077430 Esophageal elevated z-line
10077431 Rachitic rosary
10077432 Rachitic beads
10077433 Culture mouth positive
10077434 Seasonal nasopharyngitis
10077435 Carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma
10077436 Tumour treating fields therapy
10077437 Tumor treating fields therapy
10077438 Nyctalgia
10077439 Dust allergy
10077440 Wood dust allergy
10077441 Cement dust allergy
10077442 Sensory integration therapy
10077443 Haemorrhagic breast cyst
10077444 Hepatobiliary scan normal
10077445 Hemorrhagic breast cyst
10077446 Imaging procedure abnormal
10077447 Brachyspira infection
10077448 Brachyspira pilosicoli infection
10077449 Herpes simplex cervicitis
10077450 Familial infantile bilateral striatal necrosis
10077451 Sporadic infantile bilateral striatal necrosis
10077452 Vocal cord operation
10077453 Voice therapy
10077454 Cardiac contractility modulation therapy
10077455 Device related thrombosis
10077456 Catheter related thrombosis
10077457 Factor V Leiden thrombophilia
10077458 Asiderosis
10077459 Agomphosis
10077460 Crural hernia
10077461 Femorocele
10077462 Vascular spider
10077463 Trypanophobia
10077464 Tracheloplasty
10077465 Myeloproliferative neoplasm
10077466 Adventitial cystic disease
10077467 Venous cyst
10077468 Arterial cyst
10077469 Hypopharyngeal synechiae
10077470 Transcranial electrical motor evoked potential monitoring abnormal
10077471 Transcranial electrical motor evoked potential monitoring
10077472 Tumour pseudoprogression
10077473 Tumor pseudoprogression
10077474 Impaired ability to use machinery
10077475 EEG photoparoxysmal response
10077476 Metastases to tonsils
10077477 Staphylococcal blepharitis
10077478 Infective blepharitis
10077479 Portal shunt procedure
10077480 Portal systemic shunt procedure
10077481 Human epidermal growth factor receptor negative
10077482 Human epidermal growth factor receptor decreased
10077483 Human epidermal growth factor receptor increased
10077484 HER2 negative
10077485 Hallux limitus
10077486 Oesophageal intramural haematoma
10077487 Bacterial parotitis
10077488 Pulmonary resection
10077489 Hyperkeratotic hand dermatitis
10077490 Esophageal intramural hematoma
10077491 Digital fracture
10077492 Cobble stone palate
10077493 Difficulty initiating urine stream
10077494 Micropigmentation
10077495 Locomotive syndrome
10077496 Varicella keratitis
10077497 Sulcus vocalis
10077498 Vertebral artery aneurysm
10077499 Musculoskeletal ambulation disability symptom complex
10077500 Low tone sensorineural hearing loss
10077501 Asymptomatic syphilis
10077502 Paravalvular aortic regurgitation
10077503 Paroxysmal atrioventricular block
10077504 Vascular closure device failure
10077505 Percutaneous closure device failure
10077506 Restrictive allograft syndrome
10077507 Paraneoplastic arthritis
10077508 Hypocomplementaemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome
10077509 Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome
10077510 Calcific tendinitis
10077511 Calcific tendonitis
10077512 End stage renal disease
10077513 Cyto-steatonecrosis
10077514 Vitreous haze
10077515 Hyponatriuria
10077516 Sensory processing disorder
10077517 Radiofrequency ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus
10077518 Acute erosive duodenitis
10077519 Palatal ulcer
10077520 Pseudofolliculitis
10077521 Uvular ulceration
10077522 Erythema nodosum-like lesion
10077523 Oropharyngeal cobble stone mucosa
10077524 Cobble stone pharynx
10077525 Post inflammatory hydrocephalus
10077526 Lumbar spine compression fracture
10077529 Marginal zone lymphoma stage I
10077530 Marginal zone lymphoma stage II
10077531 Marginal zone lymphoma stage III
10077532 Marginal zone lymphoma stage IV
10077533 Marginal zone lymphoma recurrent
10077534 Marginal zone lymphoma refractory
10077551 Axillary clearance
10077552 Oral pigmentation
10077553 Palatal pigmentation
10077554 Somatic dysfunction
10077555 Transient osteoporosis
10077556 Transient regional migratory osteoporosis
10077557 Ectopic posterior pituitary gland
10077558 Tenoplasty
10077559 Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumour disease
10077560 Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumor disease
10077561 Mammary gland tumour
10077562 Mammary gland tumor
10077563 Leukaemic cardiac infiltration
10077564 Leukemic cardiac infiltration
10077565 Periostosis
10077566 Helicobacter duodenitis
10077567 Periosteoma
10077568 Reinke's edema
10077569 Stent replacement
10077570 Gouty diathesis
10077571 Fundal microaneurysm
10077572 Reinke's oedema
10077573 Transient loss of consciousness
10077574 Procedural pneumothorax
10077575 Foetal tachyarrhythmia
10077576 Foetal movement disorder
10077577 Foetal anaemia
10077578 Ultrasound foetal abnormal
10077579 Foetal gastrointestinal tract imaging abnormal
10077580 Foetal musculoskeletal imaging abnormal
10077581 Foetal renal imaging abnormal
10077582 Foetal growth abnormality
10077583 Fetal tachyarrhythmia
10077584 Fetal movement disorder
10077585 Fetal anemia
10077586 Ultrasound fetal abnormal
10077587 Fetal gastrointestinal tract imaging abnormal
10077588 Fetal musculoskeletal imaging abnormal
10077589 Fetal renal imaging abnormal
10077590 Fetal growth abnormality
10077591 Gastrorrhaphy
10077592 Hypermetria
10077593 Hypometria
10077594 Congenital heart valve incompetence
10077595 Peripheral arthritis
10077596 Hemosiderin stain
10077597 Occult fracture
10077598 Migratory arthralgia
10077599 Automated external defibrillator malfunction
10077600 Migratory arthritis
10077601 Gastric mucosal petechiae
10077602 Diabetic cheiroarthropathy
10077603 Craniofacial fracture
10077604 Cornea verticillata
10077605 Anal incontinence
10077606 Hypobarism
10077607 Basilar artery aneurysm
10077608 Chondroporosis
10077609 Thyroid hemiagenesis
10077610 Tympanitis
10077611 Craniofacial dysjunction fracture
10077612 Uveoencephalitis
10077613 Pulmonary hydatidosis
10077614 Uveomeningitis syndrome
10077615 Enterorrhagia
10077616 Altitude sickness
10077617 Mountain sickness
10077618 Bedside swallow test
10077619 Gastrocolitis
10077620 Hematencephalon
10077621 Vortex keratopathy
10077622 Haematencephalon
10077623 Portosplenomesenteric venous thrombosis
10077624 Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome
10077625 Gas incontinence
10077626 Incontinentia pigmenti
10077627 Viral stomatitis
10077628 Foetal compartment fluid collection
10077629 Fetal compartment fluid collection
10077630 Oncogenic hypophosphataemic osteomalacia
10077631 Hepatosplenic abscess
10077632 Oral haemangioma
10077633 Hepcidin test
10077634 Hepcidin decreased
10077635 Tongue hemangioma
10077636 Oral hemangioma
10077637 Elongated uvula
10077638 Acquired megakaryocytic aplasia
10077639 Oncogenic hypophosphatemic osteomalacia
10077640 Tongue haemangioma
10077641 Mean pulmonary arterial pressure increased
10077642 Mean pulmonary arterial pressure abnormal
10077643 Vascular access site haemorrhage
10077644 Vascular access site complication
10077645 Vascular access site oedema
10077646 Vascular access site contusion
10077647 Vascular access site haematoma
10077648 Vascular access site occlusion
10077649 Vascular access site pseudoaneurysm
10077650 Vascular access site inflammation
10077651 Vascular access site infection
10077652 Vascular access site rupture
10077653 Vascular access site hemorrhage
10077654 Vascular access site edema
10077655 Vascular access site hematoma
10077656 Culture nose
10077657 Throat swab
10077658 Mobile medical application issue
10077659 Accidental exposure to product packaging
10077660 Accidental exposure to product packaging by child
10077661 Accidental ingestion of product desiccant by child
10077662 Accidental ingestion of product desiccant
10077663 Senile emphysema
10077664 Automated external defibrillator user
10077665 Immune-mediated adverse reaction
10077666 Joint microhaemorrhage
10077667 Intracranial mass
10077668 Anti factor X activity
10077669 Anti factor X activity normal
10077670 Anti factor X activity abnormal
10077671 Anti factor X activity increased
10077672 Medical device monitoring error
10077673 Medical procedure
10077674 Anti factor X activity decreased
10077675 Musculoskeletal cancer
10077676 Inflammatory marker decreased
10077677 Liver function test decreased
10077678 Contraindicated device used
10077679 Factor Xa activity test
10077680 Knee microhaemorrhage
10077681 Elbow microhaemorrhage
10077682 Ankle microhaemorrhage
10077683 Hip microhaemorrhage
10077684 Shoulder microhaemorrhage
10077685 Contraceptive device removal incomplete
10077686 Wet purpura
10077687 Dry purpura
10077688 Mixed aphasia
10077689 Expressive and receptive aphasia
10077690 Dermal product residue present
10077691 Exposure to sexually transmitted disease
10077692 Liver function test increased
10077693 Joint microhemorrhage
10077694 Knee microhemorrhage
10077695 Elbow microhemorrhage
10077696 Ankle microhemorrhage
10077697 Hip microhemorrhage
10077698 Shoulder microhemorrhage
10077700 Unintended ingestion of product
10077701 Unintended ingestion of product by child
10077702 Stoma site polyp
10077703 Metastatic nervous system neoplasm
10077704 Tumour pruritus
10077705 Tumor pruritus
10077706 Patient uncooperative
10077707 Cornelia de Lange syndrome
10077708 Pseudomonas test
10077709 Rett syndrome
10077710 PaO2/FiO2 ratio
10077711 Tc-99m thyroid scintigraphy
10077712 Sterile phlebitis
10077713 Fungal resistance
10077714 Hyporesponsive to verbal stimuli
10077715 Pseudomonas aeruginosa test
10077716 HIV viraemia
10077717 Dialeptic seizure
10077718 HIV viremia
10077719 Alexithymia
10077720 Device monitoring procedure not performed
10077721 Vascular graft haemorrhage
10077722 Knee haemarthrosis
10077723 Ankle haemarthrosis
10077724 Hip haemarthrosis
10077725 Elbow haemarthrosis
10077726 Shoulder haemarthrosis
10077727 Accidental insertion of multiple intrauterine devices
10077728 Presence of normal F wave on EMG
10077729 Pulmonary arterial hypertension WHO functional class III
10077730 Pulmonary arterial hypertension WHO functional class IV
10077731 Pulmonary hypertension WHO functional class I
10077732 Pulmonary hypertension WHO functional class II
10077733 Pulmonary hypertension WHO functional class III
10077734 Pulmonary hypertension WHO functional class IV
10077735 Hepatocellular carcinoma stage II
10077736 Hepatocellular carcinoma stage III
10077737 Hepatocellular carcinoma stage IV
10077738 Hepatocellular carcinoma metastatic
10077739 Pulmonary arterial hypertension WHO functional class I
10077740 Pulmonary arterial hypertension WHO functional class II
10077741 Intentional insertion of multiple intrauterine devices
10077742 Uterine deformity
10077743 Unapproved dose administered
10077744 Adenocarcinoma of gallbladder metastatic
10077745 Fallopian tube deformity
10077746 Hepatocellular carcinoma stage I
10077747 Knee hemarthrosis
10077748 Ankle hemarthrosis
10077749 Hip hemarthrosis
10077750 Elbow hemarthrosis
10077751 Shoulder hemarthrosis
10077752 Vascular graft hemorrhage
10077753 Frustration tolerance decreased
10077754 Unevaluable therapy
10077755 Malignant psoas syndrome
10077756 Spinal flattening
10077757 Partial obstruction of small intestine
10077758 Malignant meningioma metastatic
10077759 Adverse food reaction
10077760 Vascular access site rash
10077761 Vascular access site swelling
10077762 Vascular access site pain
10077763 Vascular access site dissection
10077764 Lumbar spinal drainage complication
10077765 Arterial bypass thrombosis
10077766 Arterial bypass occlusion
10077767 Vascular access site bruising
10077768 Vascular access site bleeding
10077769 Vascular access site ecchymosis
10077770 Arteriovenous graft rupture
10077771 Popliteal artery aneurysm enlargement
10077772 Tibial artery occlusion
10077773 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation
10077774 Tibial artery stenosis
10077775 Femoral artery pseudoaneurysm
10077776 Popliteal artery pseudoaneurysm
10077777 Femoropopliteal artery bypass thrombosis
10077778 Femoropopliteal artery bypass occlusion
10077779 Pressure ulcer
10077780 Prohormone brain natriuretic peptide
10077781 Prohormone brain natriuretic peptide increased
10077782 Prohormone brain natriuretic peptide decreased
10077783 Prohormone brain natriuretic peptide abnormal
10077784 Peripheral arterial haemorrhage
10077785 Migratory polyarthritis
10077786 Peripheral arterial hemorrhage
10077787 Peripheral arterial bleeding
10077788 Poor response to ovulation induction
10077789 Vascular stent infection
10077790 Vascular stent graft infection
10077791 Arteriovenous graft occlusion
10077792 Lip papilloma
10077793 Mastoid cyst
10077794 Manufacturing facilities issue
10077795 Manufacturing equipment issue
10077796 Manufacturing issue
10077797 Manufacturing laboratory controls issue
10077798 Manufacturing materials issue
10077799 Manufacturing production issue
10077800 Product availability issue
10077801 Product supply issue
10077802 Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
10077803 Speech sound disorder
10077804 Persistent depressive disorder
10077805 Depersonalisation/derealisation disorder
10077806 Childhood-onset fluency disorder
10077807 Major neurocognitive disorder
10077808 Mild neurocognitive disorder
10077809 Depersonalization/derealization disorder
10077810 Derealisation disorder
10077811 Derealization disorder
10077812 Device use issue
10077813 Vessel puncture site vesicles
10077814 Vascular access placement
10077815 Non-occlusive mesenteric ischemia
10077816 Carcinoid tumor of the cecum metastatic
10077817 Arteriovenous fistula site hypoesthesia
10077818 Bursal haematoma
10077819 Bendopnoea
10077820 Quadrantanopia
10077821 Apituitarism
10077822 Oesophageal mucosal tear
10077823 Procalcitonin abnormal
10077824 Coronary bypass stenosis
10077825 Scleral deposits
10077826 Venous angioplasty
10077827 C3 glomerulopathy
10077828 Omental necrosis
10077829 Visceral venous thrombosis
10077830 Procalcitonin decreased
10077831 Procalcitonin normal
10077832 Vascular access malfunction
10077833 Congenital thrombocytopenia
10077834 Left-to-right cardiac shunt
10077835 Biliary dyspepsia
10077836 Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia
10077837 Ventricular triplet
10077838 New onset angina pectoris
10077839 Vessel puncture site blistering
10077840 Urothelial cancer of renal pelvis
10077841 Cervix deformity
10077842 Arteriovenous fistula site hypoaesthesia
10077843 Myxoid liposarcoma metastatic
10077844 Papillary serous endometrial carcinoma metastatic
10077845 Carcinoid tumour of the caecum metastatic
10077846 Cholangiocarcinoma metastatic
10077847 Gallbladder adenocarcinoma metastatic
10077848 Dialysis access malfunction
10077849 Bursal hematoma
10077850 Bendopnea
10077851 Esophageal mucosal tear
10077852 Splanchnic venous thrombosis
10077853 Perineal disorder
10077854 Gingival discomfort
10077855 Tongue discomfort
10077856 Oral cavity infection
10077857 Lip discomfort
10077858 Hyperinsulinism syndrome
10077859 Multiple cutaneous and uterine leiomyomatosis
10077860 Hyperinsulinism/hyperammonaemia syndrome
10077861 Cholangiosarcoma
10077862 Obstructive nephropathy
10077863 Postoperative pathological diuresis
10077864 Ischaemic mitral regurgitation
10077865 Hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia syndrome
10077866 Reed syndrome
10077867 Alveoloclasia
10077868 Stercoral colitis
10077869 Hypertrophic actinic keratosis
10077870 Pigmented actinic keratosis
10077871 Ischemic mitral regurgitation
10077872 Percutaneous cardiopulmonary support
10077873 Oesophagopleural fistula
10077874 Esophagopleural fistula
10077875 Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
10077876 Neuromyelitis optica relapse
10077877 Neuromyelitis optica attack
10077878 Neuromyelitis optica progression
10077879 Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder relapse
10077880 Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder attack
10077881 Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder progression
10077882 Total complement activity test
10077883 Total complement activity decreased
10077884 Total complement activity increased
10077885 CH50 complement activity test
10077886 CH50 complement activity decreased
10077887 CH50 complement activity increased
10077888 Mismatch repair cancer syndrome
10077889 Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation
10077890 Retinal thickening
10077891 Intervertebral disc sequestration
10077892 Young mania rating scale
10077893 Atrioventricular node dispersion
10077894 Obsessive-compulsive symptom
10077895 YMRS
10077896 Fatty pancreas
10077897 Sigmoid volvulus
10077898 Exercise induced hematuria
10077899 Alogia
10077900 Abdominal tuberculosis
10077901 End stage COPD
10077902 Atypical neuroleptic malignant syndrome
10077903 Nodular prostate
10077904 Exercise induced haematuria
10077905 Cardiac steatosis
10077906 Cor lipomatosis
10077907 Cor adiposum
10077908 Fatty infiltration of heart
10077909 H2N2 influenza
10077910 Uraemic myopathy
10077911 Retinal collateral vessels
10077912 Renal retransplantation
10077913 Liver retransplantation
10077914 Asian flu
10077915 Uremic myopathy
10077916 Naevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis
10077917 Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency
10077918 Infective scleritis
10077919 Supernumerary vertebra
10077920 Vestibular migraine
10077921 Presbyastasis
10077922 Benign hepatobiliary neoplasm
10077923 Congenital finger deformity
10077924 Fibroepithelial polyp
10077925 Lumbar radiculitis
10077926 Nevus lipomatosus cutaneous superficialis
10077927 Fish-eye disease
10077928 Familial LCAT deficiency
10077929 Acquired complement deficiency disease
10077930 Granulicatella bacteraemia
10077931 Granulicatella infection
10077932 Arachnoid web
10077933 Haemorrhagic pneumonia
10077934 Granulicatella bacteremia
10077935 Hemorrhagic pneumonia
10077936 Uterine peristalsis absent
10077937 Influenza A virus subtype H1N3 test positive
10077938 H1N3 influenza
10077939 Bowel peristalsis absent
10077940 Tracheal web
10077941 Giant platelet disorder
10077942 Lung inflammation
10077943 Hereditary hypophosphataemic rickets
10077944 Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency
10077945 GNE myopathy
10077946 Adult polyglucosan body disease
10077947 Citrate transporter deficiency
10077948 Alternating hemiplegia of childhood
10077949 Trifunctional protein deficiency
10077950 Oncogenic osteomalacia
10077951 Fatty acid oxidation disorder
10077952 Epidermal naevus syndrome
10077953 Refractory epilepsy
10077954 X-linked hypophosphataemia
10077955 Autosomal recessive hypophosphataemic rickets
10077956 Autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets
10077957 X-linked hypophosphatemia
10077958 Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets
10077959 Autosomal recessive hypophosphatemic rickets
10077960 Autosomal dominant hypophosphataemic rickets
10077961 Epidermal nevus syndrome
10077962 Aquagenic wrinkling of palms
10077963 Aquagenic acrokeratoderma
10077964 Chondrodynia
10077965 Primary hypercholesterolaemia
10077966 Primary hypercholesterolemia
10077967 Peritoneal dissemination
10077968 Herpes simplex test
10077969 Herpes simplex test positive
10077970 Herpes simplex test negative
10077971 Herpes virus test
10077972 Emotional suffering
10077973 Cardiac resynchronisation therapy / implantable cardioverter defibrillator replacement
10077974 Peripheral neuropathic pain
10077975 Central neuropathic pain
10077976 Foramen magnum syndrome
10077977 Age-related ischemic white matter lesion
10077978 Age-related ischaemic white matter lesion
10077979 Acute systolic heart failure
10077980 Chronic systolic heart failure
10077981 Acute on chronic heart failure
10077982 Duodeno-jejunal bypass sleeve therapy
10077983 Abdominal fat apron
10077984 Newborn head moulding
10077985 Viscocanalostomy
10077986 Goniotomy
10077987 Sclerectomy
10077988 Neurovascular conflict
10077989 Ureterolithiasis
10077990 Advanced bone age
10077991 Lumbar spondylolisthesis
10077992 Kinesalgia
10077993 Finger contracture
10077994 Hypertensive angiosclerosis
10077995 Shoulder arthritis
10077996 Pirogoff's amputation
10077997 Trabeculotomy
10077998 Deep sclerectomy
10077999 Skinning vulvectomy
10078000 Radical vulvectomy
10078001 Modified radical vulvectomy
10078002 Myxoid cyst
10078003 Bioptic surgery
10078004 Metabolic surgery
10078005 Blood 1,5-anhydroglucitol test
10078006 Knee lock
10078007 Spinal discopathy
10078008 Cacogeusia
10078009 Paratrichosis
10078010 Primary pulmonary amyloidoma
10078011 Neurosarcoidosis
10078012 Limbic encephalitis
10078013 Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis
10078014 Interspinous osteoarthritis
10078015 Lumbar hyperlordosis
10078016 Cardiac clearance
10078017 Ankle disarticulation
10078018 Syme's amputation
10078019 Healthcare associated pneumonia
10078020 Granuloma telangiectaticum
10078021 Trichilemmal cyst
10078022 Verrucous cyst
10078023 Intervertebral disc extrusion
10078024 Baastrup syndrome
10078025 Peripheral neurapraxia
10078026 Radial neurapraxia
10078027 Ollier disease
10078028 Swayback
10078029 Diabetic retinal microaneurysms
10078030 Posterior cruciate ligament tear
10078031 Thyroid gland swelling
10078032 Accidental insertion of multiple contraceptive devices
10078033 Intentional insertion of multiple contraceptive devices
10078034 Fluid in fallopian tube
10078035 Puncture site hernia
10078036 Early onset familial Alzheimer's disease
10078037 Bilateral pleural effusion
10078038 Device motor malfunction
10078039 Adjacent segment disease
10078040 Crossbite
10078041 Hemorrhagic conversion stroke
10078042 Cerebral petechial bleeding
10078043 Haemorrhagic conversion stroke
10078044 Cerebral petechial haemorrhage
10078045 Cerebral petechial hemorrhage
10078046 Brachial artery entrapment syndrome
10078047 Submandibular space infection
10078048 Jaw injury
10078049 Lower abdominal discomfort
10078050 Fragmented intervertebral disc
10078051 Popeye syndrome
10078052 Welander distal myopathy
10078053 Muscle hypoxia
10078054 Sleep EEG
10078055 Radiation keratosis
10078056 Algophobia
10078057 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of external auditory canal
10078058 Intestinal varices haemorrhage
10078059 Central respiratory depression
10078060 Intestinal varices hemorrhage
10078061 Intestinal varices bleeding
10078062 Stent migration
10078063 Bypass graft occlusion
10078064 Bypass graft stenosis
10078065 Bypass graft thrombosis
10078066 Iliofemoral artery occlusion
10078067 Iliofemoral artery thrombosis
10078068 Stent complication
10078069 Selective eating disorder
10078070 Gambling disorder
10078071 Disinhibited social engagement disorder of childhood
10078072 Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
10078073 Caffeine withdrawal
10078074 Cannabis withdrawal
10078075 Gender dysphoria
10078076 Somatic symptom disorder
10078077 Illness anxiety disorder
10078078 Cardiovascular somatic symptom disorder
10078079 Gastrointestinal somatic symptom disorder
10078080 Neurologic somatic symptom disorder
10078081 Cutaneous somatic symptom disorder
10078082 Gender incongruence
10078083 Insomnia disorder
10078084 Functional neurological symptom disorder
10078085 Somatic symptom disorder of pregnancy
10078086 Non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder
10078087 Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder
10078088 Shift work disorder
10078089 Intellectual development disorder
10078090 Pseudostroke
10078091 Nuchal headache
10078092 Decompressive craniectomy
10078093 Direct bilirubin decreased
10078094 Chronic cheek biting
10078095 Chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder
10078096 CKD-MBD
10078097 Gelatinous transformation of the bone marrow
10078098 Chronic idiopathic pain syndrome
10078099 Psychoorganic syndrome
10078100 Hemimegalencephaly
10078101 Gallbladder fibrosis
10078102 Syndromic hemimegalencephaly
10078103 Scleroatrophic gallbladder
10078104 Ophthalmic scan
10078105 Patient dissatisfaction with device
10078106 Parvimonas infection
10078107 Parvimonas test positive
10078108 Parvimonas test negative
10078109 Parvimonas test
10078110 Prosthetic cardiac valve leakage
10078111 Vitamin D low
10078112 Increased therapeutic response with drug substitution
10078113 Reduced therapeutic response with drug substitution
10078114 Destructive spondyloarthropathy
10078115 Therapy partial responder
10078116 Knee arthropathy
10078117 Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis
10078118 Calcium embolism
10078119 Urothelium erosion
10078120 Severe asthma with fungal sensitisation
10078121 Genital ulcer syndrome
10078122 Foetal biophysical profile score normal
10078123 Foetal biophysical profile score equivocal
10078124 Foetal biophysical profile score abnormal
10078125 Seminal vesicle atrophy
10078126 Cerebral candidiasis
10078127 Severe asthma with fungal sensitization
10078128 Fetal biophysical profile score normal
10078129 Fetal biophysical profile score equivocal
10078130 Fetal biophysical profile score abnormal
10078131 Granulosa cell tumour of the testis
10078132 MAGIC syndrome
10078133 Adenocarcinoma of ampulla of Vater
10078134 Glissonitis
10078135 Juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the ovary
10078136 Juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the testis
10078137 Mouth and genital ulcers with inflamed cartilage syndrome
10078138 Juvenile granulosa cell tumour of the ovary
10078139 Juvenile granulosa cell tumour of the testis
10078140 Granulosa cell tumor of the testis
10078141 Hip impingement syndrome
10078142 Gastrointestinal angiectasia
10078143 Benign joint neoplasm
10078144 Joint neoplasm
10078145 Malignant joint neoplasm
10078146 Pigment dispersion
10078147 Caecostomy
10078148 Orthoroentgenogram
10078149 Cecostomy
10078150 Voiding cystourethrogram
10078151 Pulpectomy
10078152 Pulpotomy
10078153 Supernumerary tooth extraction
10078154 Haemosiderin stain
10078155 Drug-device incompatibility
10078156 Insurance issue
10078157 Sleep electroencephalogram
10078158 Gastrointestinal bacterial overgrowth
10078159 Tracheal dilation procedure
10078160 Bezold abscess
10078161 Cerebral radiation injury
10078162 Intracystic breast papilloma
10078163 Gastric bacterial overgrowth
10078164 HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder
10078165 Hypolordosis
10078166 Hyperlordosis
10078167 Nervous system cyst
10078168 Hypergranulation
10078169 Colorectal anastomosis
10078170 Oral contusion
10078171 Gum bruising
10078172 Mouth bruising
10078173 Tongue bruising
10078174 Neuroendocrine tumour of the lung
10078175 Neuroendocrine tumour of the lung metastatic
10078176 Peak nasal inspiratory flow increased
10078177 Peak nasal inspiratory flow decreased
10078178 Peak nasal inspiratory flow abnormal
10078179 Peak nasal inspiratory flow normal
10078180 Peak nasal inspiratory flow test
10078181 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage 0
10078182 Wrist arthropathy
10078183 Neuroendocrine tumor of the lung
10078184 Neuroendocrine tumor of the lung metastatic
10078185 Inappropriate cutting of medicated plaster
10078186 Laboratory tumour lysis syndrome
10078187 Clinical tumour lysis syndrome
10078188 Laboratory tumor lysis syndrome
10078189 Clinical tumor lysis syndrome
10078190 PIK3CD gene mutation
10078191 Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
10078192 Planning to become infertile
10078193 Gluteoplasty
10078194 Buttock augmentation procedure
10078195 Mechanic's hand
10078196 Orchidotomy
10078197 Orchotomy
10078198 Plasma exchange
10078199 Application site thermal burn
10078200 Defecation difficult
10078201 Pulmonary artery occlusion
10078202 Post cardiac arrest syndrome
10078203 Application site chemical burn
10078204 Defaecation difficult
10078205 Zika virus infection
10078206 Testicular adenocarcinoma
10078207 Posterior cortical atrophy
10078208 Corticobasal degeneration
10078209 Disaccharidase deficiency
10078210 Pseudosyndactyly
10078211 Pseudophakic glaucoma
10078212 Duplex appendix
10078213 Ligamentum flavum hypertrophy
10078214 Carotid artery calcification
10078215 Plasma cell balanitis
10078216 CANVAS syndrome
10078217 Hypothalamic hamartoma
10078218 Surgical ventricular restoration
10078219 Visual variant of Alzheimer's disease
10078220 Mitten hand
10078221 Benson's syndrome
10078222 Cerebellar ataxia with neuropathy and bilateral vestibular areflexia syndrome
10078223 Magnetic resonance imaging
10078224 Magnetic resonance imaging abnormal
10078225 Magnetic resonance imaging normal
10078226 Rotationplasty
10078227 Large intestine necrosis
10078228 Diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation
10078229 Renal graft infection
10078230 Pyelonephritis of renal graft
10078231 Vaginal discharge syndrome
10078232 Dental prosthesis pain
10078233 Dental prosthesis complication
10078234 Deferoxamine infusion test
10078235 Melatonin deficiency
10078236 Ventriculostomy
10078237 Paraneoplastic dermatosis
10078238 Product leaflet instructions confusion
10078239 Liver inflammation
10078240 Atrioventricular dyssynchrony
10078241 Intraventricular dyssynchrony
10078242 Interventricular dyssynchrony
10078243 Retained placenta operation
10078244 Controlled cord traction
10078245 Manual removal of placenta
10078246 Zika virus test positive
10078247 Pulmonary bleb
10078248 Multicystic dysplastic kidney
10078249 Ex-alcohol user
10078250 Gastric band complication
10078251 Pinched nerve
10078252 Motor polyneuropathy
10078253 Product leaflet confusion
10078254 Extra-axial haemorrhage
10078255 Extra-axial hemorrhage
10078256 Tonsillar erythema
10078257 Tonsillar exudate
10078258 Tender sinus
10078259 Red tonsils
10078260 Adjusted calcium increased
10078261 Corrected calcium increased
10078262 Corrected calcium decreased
10078263 Corrected calcium
10078264 Renal echinococciasis
10078265 Device catching fire
10078266 Cervix injury
10078267 Metastases to spinal cord
10078268 Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
10078269 Vascular pseudoaneurysm thrombosis
10078270 Tidal volume normal
10078271 Tidal volume abnormal
10078272 Tidal volume decreased
10078273 Tidal volume increased
10078274 Prostatovesiculectomy
10078275 Dental dysaesthesia
10078276 Dental paraesthesia
10078277 Dental dysesthesia
10078278 Dental paresthesia
10078279 Myeloblast present
10078280 CT hypotension complex
10078281 Activated PI3 kinase delta syndrome
10078282 Leptomeningeal myelomatosis
10078283 Hard palate injury
10078284 Hoffa's disease
10078285 Shock bowel
10078286 CT hypoperfusion complex
10078287 Pericardial thickening
10078288 Periarticular thenar erythema with onycholysis
10078289 Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
10078290 Organophosphate poisoning
10078291 Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma
10078292 Epidermolytic ichthyosis
10078293 Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
10078294 Obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoea syndrome
10078295 NUT midline carcinoma
10078296 NUT gene mutation
10078297 Camptomelia
10078298 Enterococcal gastroenteritis
10078299 C5 palsy
10078300 Acute myopia
10078301 Flavivirus test negative
10078302 Flavivirus test
10078303 Anti Kell antibody test
10078304 Anti Kell antibody test negative
10078305 Anti Kell antibody test positive
10078306 Drug effect faster than expected
10078307 Biopsy gallbladder
10078308 Biopsy gallbladder normal
10078309 Biopsy gallbladder abnormal
10078310 Central bradycardia
10078311 Cerebral microembolism
10078312 Zika virus test negative
10078313 Zika virus test
10078314 Device computer malfunction
10078315 Critical illness polyneuromyopathy
10078316 Type 3 (peri-operative) respiratory failure
10078317 Low-level laser therapy
10078318 Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein antibodies positive
10078319 Intestinal angioma
10078320 Social (pragmatic) communication disorder
10078321 Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy
10078322 Splenic vein aneurysm
10078323 Ventricular standstill
10078324 Anti-myelin-associated glycoprotein associated polyneuropathy
10078325 Symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema
10078326 SDRIFE
10078327 Cholelithotripsy
10078328 Adaptive servo-ventilation
10078329 Choledocholithotripsy
10078330 Choledocholithotrity
10078331 Adaptive support ventilation
10078332 BIPAP
10078333 Leukemic meningitis
10078334 Leukaemic meningitis
10078335 Gastrointestinal melanosis
10078336 Melanosis duodeni
10078337 Nipple enlargement
10078338 Wolfram syndrome
10078339 DIDMOAD syndrome
10078340 Device dependence
10078341 Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the bladder
10078342 Risk of future pregnancy miscarriage
10078343 Device component malfunction
10078344 Perisplenitis
10078345 Anaplastic carcinoma of liver
10078346 Lower leg oedema
10078347 Lower leg edema
10078348 Cubital tunnel release
10078349 Plantar fascia release surgery
10078350 Ocular stent placement
10078351 Ureteric atresia
10078352 Stroke syndrome
10078353 Alternating strabismus
10078354 Pulmonary mucormycosis
10078355 Neonatal haemochromatosis
10078356 Recurrent pregnancy loss
10078357 Neonatal hemochromatosis
10078358 Costal cartilage fracture
10078359 Costal cartilage injury
10078360 Computerised tomogram liver abnormal
10078361 Radiation vulvovaginitis
10078362 Radiation vaginitis
10078363 Computerized tomogram liver abnormal
10078364 Oral mucosal burning sensation
10078365 Carbuncle drainage
10078366 Perinatal depression
10078367 Vegetative nerve functional disturbance
10078368 Hydrotubation
10078369 Tubal flushing
10078370 Vasculo-Behcet disease
10078371 Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody test positive
10078372 Astraphobia
10078373 Dissociated vertical deviation
10078374 Vaccination site lump
10078375 Sialadenosis
10078376 MEK inhibitor-associated serous retinopathy
10078377 Brevibacterium infection
10078378 Cisternogram
10078379 Thyroid calcification
10078380 Application site wound
10078381 Brevibacterium test negative
10078382 Brevibacterium test positive
10078383 Ureter biopsy
10078384 CD8 lymphocyte percentage decreased
10078385 CD8 lymphocyte percentage increased
10078386 CD4 lymphocyte percentage increased
10078387 Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome
10078388 Delayed ischaemic neurological deficit
10078389 Delayed ischemic neurological deficit
10078390 Incorrect disposal of product
10078391 Incorrect disposal of medication
10078392 Incorrect disposal of device
10078393 B-cell depletion therapy
10078394 Eye opacity
10078395 Bags under eyes
10078396 Malar mound
10078397 Dysesthesia of lower extremity
10078398 Dysaesthesia of lower extremity
10078399 Mucosal culture
10078400 Mucosal culture positive
10078401 Skin culture
10078402 Skin culture positive
10078403 Multipathogen PCR test positive
10078404 Scalp bleeding
10078405 Scalp haemorrhage
10078406 Scalp hemorrhage
10078407 Femoral head replacement
10078408 Surgical site infection
10078409 Panperitonitis
10078410 Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis
10078411 Primary prevention
10078412 Tertiary prevention
10078413 Upper gastrointestinal perforation
10078414 Lower gastrointestinal perforation
10078415 Systemic bacterial infection
10078416 Invasive bacterial infection
10078417 Lyme carditis
10078418 Lymphatic insufficiency
10078419 Oral-facial-digital syndrome type II
10078420 Emphysematous pyelitis
10078421 Mohr syndrome
10078422 Enterovesical fistula repair
10078423 Medical device site excoriation
10078424 Retroperitonitis
10078425 Juvenile dermatomyositis
10078426 Heterosmia
10078427 Osteochondral autograft
10078428 Mosaicplasty
10078429 Fractional exhaled nitric oxide increased
10078430 Kinesiophobia
10078431 Coronary vein stenosis
10078432 Sebaceous adenitis
10078433 Allotriosmia
10078434 Bochdalek hernia
10078435 Perionyxis
10078436 Progressive angina
10078437 Neurotic excoriation
10078438 White nipple sign
10078439 HLA-B*27 assay
10078440 Paediatric early warning score
10078441 Anabolic diet
10078442 Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing bacteria test
10078443 ESBL producing bacteria test
10078444 Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing bacteria infection
10078445 Portacath user
10078446 Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image
10078447 FLAIR image
10078448 PEWS
10078449 Pediatric early warning score
10078450 Leukocyte antigen B-27 assay
10078451 HLA-B*27 positive
10078452 Systemic viral infection
10078453 Bacterial blepharitis
10078454 Puncture site cellulitis
10078455 Upper respiratory symptom
10078456 Basocytopenia
10078457 Video fluoroscopic swallowing exam
10078458 Fine needle aspiration of breast
10078459 Fine needle aspiration of pancreas
10078460 Fine needle aspiration of lymph node
10078461 Right upper abdominal discomfort
10078462 Gastric band repositioning
10078463 Laparoscopic partial colectomy
10078464 Chronic antral gastritis
10078465 Abdominal herniorrhaphy
10078466 Gingival tenderness
10078467 Right lower abdominal discomfort
10078468 Left lower abdominal discomfort
10078469 Exploratory celiotomy
10078470 Left upper abdominal discomfort
10078471 Nail matrix biopsy
10078472 Iontophoresis
10078473 Proximal focal femoral deficiency
10078474 Scaphoid abdomen
10078475 Annular elastolytic giant cell granuloma
10078476 Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity
10078477 Benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces
10078478 Sinuscopy
10078479 Abdominal wall wound
10078480 Buttock injury
10078481 Antemortem blood drug level
10078482 Antemortem blood drug level normal
10078483 Antemortem blood drug level abnormal
10078484 Antemortem blood drug level increased
10078485 Antemortem blood drug level decreased
10078486 Postmortem blood drug level
10078487 Postmortem blood drug level normal
10078488 Postmortem blood drug level abnormal
10078489 Postmortem blood drug level increased
10078490 Postmortem blood drug level decreased
10078491 Acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma
10078492 Tornwaldt cyst
10078493 Papillary renal cell carcinoma
10078494 Granulomatous lymphadenitis
10078495 Sinuplasty
10078496 Clostridial sepsis
10078497 Neuropsychiatric symptoms
10078498 Balloon sinuplasty
10078499 Myocardial scarring
10078500 Physically unwell
10078501 Bullous emphysema
10078502 Perineural invasion
10078503 Limb mass
10078504 Contraindicated product administered
10078505 Discontinued product administered
10078506 Lymphocytic oesophagitis
10078507 Sialodochitis fibrinosa
10078508 Homonymous diplopia
10078509 Heteronymous diplopia
10078510 Xanthoma palpebrarum
10078511 Erosive arthritis
10078512 Deforming arthritis
10078513 Metrocolpocele
10078514 Aponeurotic ptosis
10078515 Diabetic hand syndrome
10078516 Hanseniasis
10078517 Pudendal neuralgia
10078518 Direct diplopia
10078519 Uncrossed diplopia
10078520 Crossed diplopia
10078521 Lymphocytic esophagitis
10078522 Thoracic aortic thrombus
10078523 Abdominal aortic thrombus
10078524 Hormonal acne
10078525 Intentional device use issue
10078526 Intentional device use for unlabelled indication
10078527 Intentional device use beyond labelled duration
10078528 Device use in unapproved indication
10078529 Device use for unapproved population
10078530 Device use for unapproved age group
10078531 Intentional device use in unapproved population
10078532 Intentional device use in unapproved age group
10078533 Intentional device use for unlabeled indication
10078534 Inappropriate insertion of multiple contraceptive devices
10078535 Intentional device use beyond labeled duration
10078536 Tyndall flare
10078537 Barth syndrome
10078538 Acral peeling skin syndrome
10078539 Carotid stent user
10078540 Cording
10078541 Lid parallel conjunctival folds examination
10078542 Dental local anaesthesia
10078543 Dental infiltration anaesthesia
10078544 Inferior alveolar nerve block anaesthesia
10078545 Superior alveolar nerve block anaesthesia
10078546 Palatal anaesthesia
10078547 Intraosseous anaesthesia
10078548 Intraligamentary anaesthesia
10078549 Dental infiltration anesthesia
10078550 Dental local anesthesia
10078551 Inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia
10078552 Superior alveolar nerve block anesthesia
10078553 Palatal anesthesia
10078554 Intraosseous anesthesia
10078555 Intraligamentary anesthesia
10078556 Tumefactive multiple sclerosis
10078557 Congenital neoplasm
10078558 Multiple sclerosis plaque
10078559 Multiple sclerosis brain lesion
10078560 Multiple sclerosis spinal cord lesion
10078561 Radical parametrectomy
10078562 LIPCOF examination
10078563 Cortisol deficiency
10078564 Thyroid stimulating hormone deficiency
10078565 Neurasthenic neurosis
10078566 Sarcoma botryoides
10078567 Mesotympanitis
10078568 Vasopressin deficiency
10078569 Corticotrophin deficiency
10078570 Gonadotropin deficiency
10078571 Thyrotrophin deficiency
10078572 Thyrotropin deficiency
10078573 Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome
10078574 Joubert syndrome
10078575 Therapeutic response shortened
10078576 Reduced facial expression
10078577 Absorbable device issue
10078578 Retained absorbable device
10078579 Topical adhesive reaction
10078580 Penicillium infection
10078581 Nasal crease
10078582 Indeterminate glucose tolerance
10078583 Penicillium test positive
10078584 Aeromonas caviae test positive
10078585 Aeromonas caviae gastroenteritis
10078586 Pleuropneumonectomy
10078587 Penicillium test negative
10078588 Aeromonas caviae infection
10078589 B-lymphocyte count abnormal
10078590 Mycoplasma test negative
10078591 CD19 lymphocyte count abnormal
10078592 Neurogenic claudication
10078593 Mycoplasma genitalium test positive
10078594 Mycoplasma genitalium test negative
10078595 Loss of spinal lordosis
10078596 Parvimonas micra infection
10078597 Micromonas micros infection
10078598 Small bowel capsule endoscopy
10078599 Bioptic eye surgery
10078600 New onset unstable angina pectoris
10078601 Cholecystosteatosis
10078602 Behavioral addiction
10078603 Fishbane reaction
10078604 Urethral discharge syndrome
10078605 Sports accident
10078606 Skiing accident
10078607 Manufacturing laboratory controls calibration issue
10078608 Inappropriate release of product for distribution
10078609 Structural valve deterioration
10078610 Postoperative delirium
10078611 Intestinal diverticular bleeding
10078612 Device delivery system malfunction
10078613 Device delivery system insertion failed
10078614 Device delivery system removal failed
10078615 Aortic valve endocarditis
10078616 Mitral valve endocarditis
10078617 Tricuspid valve endocarditis
10078618 Pulmonary valve endocarditis
10078619 Manufacturing equipment cleaning issue
10078620 Manufacturing process control procedure not performed
10078621 Manufacturing process control procedure incorrectly performed
10078622 Inadequate aseptic technique in manufacturing of product
10078623 Manufacturing materials contamination
10078624 Manufacturing equipment sanitization issue
10078625 Manufacturing equipment high efficiency air filter issue
10078626 Manufacturing raw material contamination
10078627 Manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredient contamination
10078628 Manufacturing inactive ingredient contamination
10078629 Manufacturing excipient contamination
10078630 Manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredient issue
10078631 Manufacturing inactive ingredient issue
10078632 Manufacturing excipient issue
10078633 Manufacturing raw material issue
10078634 Manufacturing equipment sanitisation issue
10078635 Manufacturing equipment filter issue
10078636 Arteriotomy
10078637 Odontitis
10078638 Systemic scleroderma
10078639 Heel spur syndrome
10078640 Pulsating hematoma
10078641 Verruca seborrheica
10078642 Tenovaginitis
10078643 Pulsating haematoma
10078644 Verruca seborrhoeica
10078645 Chromatosis
10078646 CT pulmonary angiogram
10078647 Lung ultrasound
10078648 Cartridge cracked
10078649 Anorectal hemorrhage
10078650 Anorectal haemorrhage
10078651 Nasal injury
10078652 Paranasal sinus injury
10078653 Thyroid gland injury
10078654 Pancreatic contusion
10078655 Gastrointestinal organ contusion
10078656 Renal cell dysplasia
10078657 Uterine cervical metaplasia
10078658 Medical device site hyperhidrosis
10078659 Intra-abdominal fluid collection
10078660 Bacterial abdominal infection
10078661 Birth weight normal
10078662 Bacterial salpingitis
10078663 Nontherapeutic agent blood positive
10078664 Nontherapeutic agent blood negative
10078665 Bacterial urethritis
10078666 Bacterial ureteritis
10078667 Factor Xa activity abnormal
10078668 Poor quality device used
10078669 Medical anabolic therapy
10078670 Gonococcal heart disease
10078671 Arterial bypass stenosis
10078672 DNA mismatch repair protein gene mutation
10078673 Ultrasound pancreas abnormal
10078674 Ultrasound pancreas normal
10078675 Vascular access site thrombosis
10078676 Factor Xa activity decreased
10078677 Factor Xa activity increased
10078678 Factor Xa activity normal
10078679 Endocervical metaplasia
10078680 Osteochondritis of spine
10078681 Chronic cumulative irritant contact eczema
10078682 Anal eczema
10078683 MSH2 mutation
10078684 MSH3 mutation
10078685 Lichen ruber verrucosus
10078686 Bacterial salpingo-oophoritis
10078687 MSH6 mutation
10078688 MLH1 mutation
10078689 MLH3 mutation
10078690 PMS1 mutation
10078691 PMS2 mutation
10078692 Anal tear
10078693 Keratouveitis
10078694 Viral keratouveitis
10078695 Malignant polyp
10078696 Tympanomastoidectomy
10078697 Keratoderma climactericum
10078698 Tensor fasciae latae syndrome
10078699 Lymphangiectomy
10078700 Astragalectomy
10078701 Crown lengthening
10078702 Drug-eluting stent placement
10078703 Drug-eluting peripheral stent placement
10078704 Staphylococcus lugdunensis infection
10078705 Haxthausen's disease
10078706 MSSA sepsis
10078707 Highmoritis
10078708 Fasting hypoglycaemia
10078709 Talectomy
10078710 Adult separation anxiety disorder
10078711 Pandactilitis
10078712 Ulnar nerve transposition
10078713 Pubovaginal sling procedure
10078714 Vaginal sling procedure
10078715 Catarrhal oesophagitis
10078716 Catarrhal gastritis
10078717 Methicillin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus sepsis
10078718 Catarrhal esophagitis
10078719 Fasting hypoglycemia
10078720 HIV lipodystrophy
10078721 Orchialgia
10078722 REM sleep behaviour disorder
10078723 Sudamen
10078724 HIV lipoatrophy
10078725 REM sleep behavior disorder
10078726 Orchalgia
10078727 Glucose transporter type 1 deficiency syndrome
10078728 Long-chain 3-hydroxy-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
10078729 Carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase deficiency
10078730 Trunk injury
10078731 Complication of drug implant insertion
10078732 Fibrotic retinal neovascularization
10078733 Fibrotic retinal neovascularisation
10078734 Throat blister
10078735 Palatal pain
10078736 Abnormal breathing
10078737 Blistery rash
10078738 Uterine compression sutures
10078739 Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis
10078740 Gender reassignment therapy
10078741 Nictitating spasm
10078742 Woman of childbearing potential
10078743 Spasmus nictitans
10078744 Spasmodic winking
10078745 Eyelid myokymia
10078746 Hemiparaesthesia
10078747 Synkinesis
10078748 Limb girth increased
10078749 Lisfranc fracture
10078750 Ureteral achalasia
10078751 Laryngeal tremor
10078752 Vocal cord augmentation
10078753 Belly button infection
10078754 Hemiparesthesia
10078755 Ligament inflammation
10078756 Rotational nystagmus
10078757 Eosinophilic infiltration
10078758 Limb girth decreased
10078759 Emphysematous gastritis
10078760 Zygapophyseal joint arthritis
10078761 Product intolerance
10078762 Exposure via unknown route
10078763 Hair dye sensitivity
10078764 Scalp redness
10078765 Product colour leaching
10078766 Product color leaching
10078767 Salivary cortisol increased
10078768 Salivary cortisol decreased
10078769 Mysophobia
10078770 Congenital chylothorax
10078771 Benign abdominal neoplasm
10078772 Administration site burning
10078773 Riehl melanosis
10078774 Brachialgia statica paresthetica
10078775 Oesophageal prosthesis insertion
10078776 Esophageal prosthesis insertion
10078777 Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica
10078778 IDH differentiation syndrome
10078779 Contraindicated drug prescribed
10078780 Preauricular fistula
10078781 Peri-implantitis
10078782 Langerhans cell sarcoma
10078783 Oropharyngeal oedema
10078784 Oropharyngeal edema
10078785 Lymphoid hyperplasia of intestine
10078786 Tumour inflammation
10078787 Tumor inflammation
10078788 Autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
10078789 Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy
10078790 ALPPS
10078791 Tracheal resection
10078792 Fundus autofluorescence
10078793 Quantitative fundus autofluorescence
10078794 Auditory nerve disorder
10078795 Nephrostogram
10078796 Vocal cord spasm
10078797 Perineal cellulitis
10078798 Oxygen therapy
10078799 Intraperitoneal free air
10078800 Carcinomatous pericarditis
10078801 MLASA syndrome
10078802 Mitochondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis and sideroblastic anemia
10078803 Mitochondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis and sideroblastic anaemia
10078804 Particle present in liquid product
10078805 Extended juvenile oligoarthritis
10078806 Thigh abscess
10078807 Cardio-ankle vascular index
10078808 CAVI
10078809 Skull trauma
10078810 Hepatic vein embolism
10078811 Cystic lung disease
10078812 Oesophageal polypectomy
10078813 Esophageal polypectomy
10078814 Synaesthesia
10078815 Synesthesia
10078816 Abnormal defibrillator impedance
10078817 Gastrointestinal anastomotic stenosis
10078818 Perinephric oedema
10078819 Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty
10078820 Vascular waterfall
10078821 Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome
10078822 Primary familial brain calcification
10078823 Charcot fracture
10078824 Silent aspiration
10078825 Gastrointestinal anastomotic stricture
10078826 Perinephric edema
10078827 CSWS syndrome
10078828 Continuous spike and wave during slow wave sleep syndrome
10078829 Peripheral arteritis
10078830 Noninfective myringitis
10078831 Tympanic membrane inflammation
10078832 Corneal endothelial microscopy
10078833 Specular microscopy
10078834 Amniotic membrane rupture test positive
10078835 Amniotic membrane rupture test negative
10078836 Amniotic membrane rupture test
10078837 Ferning test positive
10078838 Pooling test positive
10078839 Nitrazine test positive
10078840 Ferning test negative
10078841 Pooling test negative
10078842 Nitrazine test negative
10078843 Ferning test
10078844 Pooling test
10078845 Nitrazine test
10078846 Macroprolactinaemia
10078847 Macroprolactinemia
10078848 Oral condyloma acuminatum
10078849 Aganglionosis
10078850 Biliary microlithiasis
10078851 Gallbladder microlithiasis
10078852 Vocal cord palsy
10078853 Allergic reaction to excipient
10078854 Cut wound
10078855 Incised wound
10078856 Anti-SRP antibody positive
10078857 Anti-signal recognition particle antibody positive
10078858 Cardiac valve fibrosis
10078859 Cerebral vasodilatation
10078860 Hyaline arteriolosclerosis
10078861 Atrophic pharyngitis
10078862 Hyperleukocytosis
10078863 External ear prosthesis insertion
10078864 Blood lipase increased
10078865 Epigastric cramp
10078866 Eosinophil count low
10078867 Profundaplasty
10078868 Sleep endoscopy
10078869 Dermolipoma
10078870 Organic emotionally labile disorder
10078871 Profundoplasty
10078872 Urine glucose/creatinine ratio
10078873 Haemorrhagic varicella syndrome
10078874 Hemorrhagic varicella syndrome
10078875 Haemorrhagic chickenpox
10078876 Hemorrhagic chickenpox
10078877 Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
10078878 Nevoid basal-cell carcinoma syndrome
10078879 Dysarthrophonia
10078880 Meningomyelitis
10078881 Extravasation of drug
10078882 Extravasation of chemotherapeutic agent
10078883 Parasitic pneumonia
10078884 Parasitic lung infection
10078885 MNS system antibodies positive
10078886 Big S antibodies positive
10078887 Excessive dynamic airway collapse
10078888 Gardner-Diamond syndrome
10078889 Urine glucose/creatinine ratio increased
10078890 Urine glucose/creatinine ratio decreased
10078891 Urine glucose/creatinine ratio abnormal
10078892 Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome
10078893 Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic syndrome
10078894 Influenza A H1N1 pneumonia
10078895 Artificial blood vessel occlusion
10078896 Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum infection
10078897 Q axis deviation
10078898 Disseminated secondary eczema
10078899 Fungal vulvovaginitis
10078900 Subfebrile
10078901 Winchester syndrome
10078902 Vulva furunculosis
10078903 Living donor renal transplant
10078904 Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
10078905 End stage lung disease
10078906 Oral soft tissue biopsy
10078907 Renal vein stenosis
10078908 Saphenous vein thrombosis
10078909 Degenerative tricuspid valve disease
10078910 Anastomotic infection
10078911 Digit transplant
10078912 Swollen joint count
10078913 Tender joint count
10078914 Psoriasis area severity index
10078915 Diastema
10078916 Pancreatic rest
10078917 Vertebral subluxation complex
10078918 Pigmented rash
10078919 Interscapular pain
10078920 Radiating pain
10078921 Purple urine bag syndrome
10078922 Transfusion-dependent pyruvate kinase deficient anaemia
10078923 Non-transfusion dependent pyruvate kinase deficient anaemia
10078924 Transfusion-dependent pyruvate kinase deficient anemia
10078925 Non-transfusion dependent pyruvate kinase deficient anemia
10078926 Product data entry error
10078927 Sympathetic nerve ablation
10078928 Contraception via partner
10078929 Overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms
10078930 Decreased embryo viability
10078931 Anti factor Xa activity decreased
10078932 Supine hypertension
10078933 Renal tubular injury
10078934 Recurrent N-ras mutation-positive colorectal carcinoma
10078935 Symptomatic bleeding
10078936 Osmotic diuresis
10078937 Supine diastolic blood pressure increased
10078938 Prolonged lymphopenia
10078939 Dorsocervical fat enlargement
10078940 Chromosome 7 changes
10078941 Hyperpigmentation of palms
10078942 Palmoplantar hyperpigmentation
10078943 Persistent headache
10078944 First degree chemical burn of skin
10078945 Second degree chemical burn of skin
10078946 Third degree chemical burn of skin
10078947 Fourth degree chemical burn of skin
10078948 Genotoxicity
10078949 Bone metabolism biochemical marker increased
10078950 Disease risk factor
10078951 Exposure keratitis
10078952 Breast proliferative changes
10078953 Autoimmune endocrine disorder
10078954 Primary malignant neoplasm
10078955 Cardiovascular risk
10078956 Perivascular retinal pigmentation
10078957 JC virus CSF test positive
10078958 Long-term cumulative radiation exposure
10078959 Pharyngeal candida albicans infection
10078960 Oral candida albicans infection
10078961 Immune-mediated enterocolitis
10078962 Immune-mediated hepatitis
10078963 Immune-mediated neuropathy
10078964 Immune-mediated endocrinopathy
10078965 Anamnestic reaction
10078966 Persistent genital arousal disorder
10078967 Restless genital syndrome
10078968 Benign keratocystic odontogenic neoplasm
10078969 Herpes virus test abnormal
10078970 Cognitive linguistic deficit
10078971 2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria
10078972 Primary gastrointestinal follicular lymphoma
10078973 Intraventricular cyst
10078974 Huerthle cell adenoma
10078975 Cerebral volume loss
10078976 Hurthle cell adenoma
10078977 Juvenile Paget's disease
10078978 Dental restoration failure
10078979 Vaccination site blister
10078980 Myocardial hypoxia
10078981 Onychauxis
10078982 Investigation noncompliance
10078983 Unevaluable specimen
10078984 Product substitution error
10078985 Blood type incompatibility
10078986 Neonatal toxicity
10078987 Foetal renal impairment
10078988 Non-local toxin effect
10078989 Disseminated toxin effect
10078990 IgG antibody present with inhibitory activity
10078991 Immune complex deposition
10078992 Fetal resorption
10078993 Neck muscle weakness
10078994 HDL2 cholesterol increased
10078995 Impaired gonadal steroidogenesis
10078996 Progressive azotemia
10078997 Hair color graying
10078998 Delayed healing of oral wound
10078999 Subcortical vasogenic edema
10079000 Flexor tendon rupture
10079001 Foetal resorption
10079002 Progressive azotaemia
10079003 Fetal renal impairment
10079005 Subcortical vasogenic oedema
10079006 Patient instructions for use in label confusing
10079007 Product reconstitution quality issue
10079008 Product distribution prior to required testing
10079009 Product distribution prior to validation of process
10079010 Product distribution prior to quality control unit release
10079011 Dientamoeba infection
10079012 Silent thyroiditis
10079013 Traumatic intracranial haematoma
10079014 Wall motion score index
10079015 Wall motion score index normal
10079016 Wall motion score index abnormal
10079017 Left ventricular false tendon
10079018 Gallbladder agenesis
10079019 Hereditary multiple osteochondromas
10079020 Prostatic varices
10079021 Panniculus
10079022 Dientamoebiasis
10079023 Glenoid labral tear
10079024 Arm injury
10079025 Fatigue fracture
10079026 Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis
10079027 Dyspnea at rest
10079028 Esophageal varices banding
10079029 Southern tick-associated rash illness
10079030 Dientamebiasis
10079031 Acetabular labral tear
10079032 Insufficiency fracture
10079033 Traumatic intracranial hematoma
10079034 Left ventricular fibromuscular band
10079035 Oesophageal varices banding
10079036 Angiopathic neuropathy
10079037 Out of specification test results impurity
10079038 Out of specification test results moisture
10079039 Out of specification test results precipitates
10079040 Out of specification test results contamination
10079041 Out of specification test results potency
10079042 Out of specification test results appearance
10079043 Out of specification test results fill volume
10079044 Out of specification test results container closure
10079045 Out of specification test results preservative content
10079046 Out of specification test results dissolution
10079047 Manufacturing stability testing issue
10079048 Manufacturing stability testing potency issue
10079049 Manufacturing stability testing preservative issue
10079050 Manufacturing stability testing chemical analysis purity issue
10079051 Manufacturing stability testing moisture issue
10079052 Manufacturing stability testing pH issue
10079053 Manufacturing stability testing container closure issue
10079054 Naevoid melanoma
10079055 Gastrointestinal polyp
10079056 Primary headache associated with sexual activity
10079057 Plasma cell vulvitis
10079058 Autoimmune pericarditis
10079059 Pedantic speech
10079060 Post treatment Lyme disease syndrome
10079061 Post breast therapy pain syndrome
10079062 Cerebellar stroke
10079063 Oesophageal cyst
10079064 Bladder wall thickening
10079065 Stiff heart syndrome
10079066 Paranasal sinus cyst
10079067 Talus fracture
10079068 Nevoid melanoma
10079069 Lucid dreams
10079070 White matter ischaemia
10079071 Benign migratory glossitis
10079072 Coital headache
10079073 White matter ischemia
10079074 Esophageal cyst
10079075 Tongue erythema
10079076 Manufacturing process control procedure issue
10079077 Manufacturing material testing deviation
10079078 Suspected product contamination
10079079 Product label strength missing
10079080 Packaging design issue
10079081 Manufacturing process control procedure media fill issue
10079082 Incoming material container defective
10079083 Manufacturing material impurities
10079084 Manufacturing component issue
10079085 Product label expiration date extended
10079086 Bag port defect
10079087 Ischaemic leukoencephalopathy
10079088 Ischemic leukoencephalopathy
10079089 Trichomonal test positive
10079090 Hedinger syndrome
10079091 Valgus gonarthrosis
10079092 Upper respiratory disorder
10079093 Lower respiratory disorder
10079094 Nasopharyngoscopy
10079095 Cytomegalovirus nephritis
10079096 Oropharyngeal discolouration
10079097 Oropharyngeal discoloration
10079098 Finger injury
10079099 Hand injury
10079100 Shoulder injury
10079104 Nasopharyngeal cancer metastatic
10079105 Assisted suicide
10079106 Jaw fistula
10079107 Transformation to acute myeloid leukaemia
10079108 Physician assisted suicide
10079109 Mandibular fistula
10079110 Transformation to acute myeloid leukemia
10079111 Overgranulation
10079112 Faecolith
10079113 Fecolith
10079114 Respiratory sinus arrhythmia magnitude
10079115 Respiratory sinus arrhythmia magnitude increased
10079116 Respiratory sinus arrhythmia magnitude decreased
10079117 Respiratory sinus arrhythmia magnitude abnormal
10079118 Device effect delayed
10079119 Familial high density lipoprotein deficiency
10079120 Discoloured vomit
10079121 Retinal aneurysm rupture
10079122 Umbilical cord cyst
10079123 Lymphoid tissue hypoplasia
10079124 Injection site telangiectasia
10079125 Drug-device interaction
10079126 Transvalvular pressure gradient normal
10079127 Transvalvular pressure gradient abnormal
10079128 Transvalvular pressure gradient increased
10079129 Transvalvular pressure gradient decreased
10079130 Simple renal cyst
10079131 Soft tissue bruising
10079132 Sinus venosus atrial septum defect
10079133 Factor VIII inhibitor positive
10079134 Primary hypoalphalipoproteinaemia
10079135 Device used for unapproved schedule
10079136 Adenocarcinoma of colon metastatic
10079137 Soft tissue contusion
10079138 Primary hypoalphalipoproteinemia
10079139 Discolored vomit
10079140 Aspartate-glutamate-transporter deficiency
10079141 Citrullinaemia type II
10079142 Citrullinemia type I
10079143 Citrullinaemia type I
10079144 Citrullinemia type II
10079160 Medical device site hyperkeratosis
10079161 Orbital compartment syndrome
10079162 Bronchial varices
10079163 Bronchial varices haemorrhage
10079164 Subclavian vein occlusion
10079165 Autoimmune thyroid disorder
10079166 Segmental diverticular colitis
10079167 Ectropion uveae
10079168 Lacrimal gland abscess
10079169 Medical device site burn
10079170 Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness
10079171 Deep anterior chamber of the eye
10079172 Ovarian perforation
10079173 Cutaneous abdominal wall induration
10079174 Early miscarriage
10079175 Late miscarriage
10079176 Memory blackout
10079177 Efferent pupillary defect
10079178 Corneal stromal opacity
10079179 Pituitary epidermoid cyst
10079180 Macular soft drusen
10079181 Macular hard drusen
10079182 Macular confluent drusen
10079183 Macular neovascularisation
10079184 Macular focal oedema
10079185 Macular diffuse oedema
10079186 Bronchial varices hemorrhage
10079187 Macular neovascularization
10079188 Macular focal edema
10079189 Macular diffuse edema
10079190 Psoriatic tendonitis
10079191 Peritoneal operation
10079192 Keraunoparalysis
10079193 Marsupialisation
10079194 Fistulotomy
10079195 Myopia correction
10079196 Mesenteric cyst
10079197 Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome
10079198 Ankle foot orthosis user
10079199 Basal cell adenocarcinoma of salivary gland
10079200 Sex reassignment surgery
10079201 Marsupialization
10079202 Sessile colonic polyp
10079203 Emanuel syndrome
10079204 Delivery of partner
10079205 Timothy syndrome
10079206 Dental phlegmon
10079207 Perry syndrome
10079208 Testicular rupture
10079209 Compression garment application
10079210 Abnormal pacing impedance
10079211 Dientameba infection
10079212 Intercepted product storage error
10079213 Intercepted product preparation error
10079214 Breast cancer visceral crisis
10079215 Elastofibroma
10079216 Nail cuticle fissure
10079217 Wrong technique by user in product cleaning
10079218 Product cleaning error by user
10079219 Product advertising issue
10079221 Intentional dose omission
10079222 Missed dose in error
10079223 Intentionally missed dose
10079224 Uterine irritability
10079225 Red ear syndrome
10079226 Housebound
10079227 Benzodiazepine intoxication
10079228 Kidney tumour
10079229 Scalp hyperaesthesia
10079230 Fingertip discoloration
10079231 Prescription drug used from another patient
10079232 Accidental occupational exposure to product
10079233 Full-thickness chemical burn
10079234 Foetal growth arrest
10079235 Kidney tumor
10079236 Scalp hyperesthesia
10079237 Fingertip discolouration
10079238 Fetal growth arrest
10079239 Goiter excision
10079240 Goitre excision
10079241 Administration site haemosiderosis
10079242 Non-surgical face lift
10079243 Decollete lifting
10079244 Non-surgical neck lift
10079245 Administration site hemosiderosis
10079246 Administration site hyperpigmentation
10079247 Administration site hypopigmentation
10079248 Administration site anetoderma
10079249 Anazoturia
10079250 Azoturia
10079251 Paraneoplastic thrombosis
10079252 Alcoholic ketoacidosis
10079253 Non-compaction cardiomyopathy
10079254 Psychotic symptom
10079255 Emotionally unstable personality disorder
10079256 Micronodular cirrhosis
10079257 Perimyocarditis
10079258 Poisoning by antipsychotics
10079259 Adrenal nodule
10079260 Mononucleosis
10079261 Atheroembolism
10079262 Acute myocardial infarction type 1
10079263 Acute myocardial infarction type 2
10079264 Acute myocardial infarction type 3
10079265 Acute myocardial infarction type 4a
10079266 Acute myocardial infarction type 4b
10079267 Acute myocardial infarction type 5
10079268 Immunoreactive trypsinogen increased
10079269 Immunoreactive trypsinogen decreased
10079270 Immunoreactive trypsinogen abnormal
10079271 Inappropriate prescribing
10079272 Short interpregnancy interval
10079273 Cervical dilatation
10079274 Skin indentation
10079275 Injection site deformation
10079276 Neutrophil extracellular trap formation
10079277 Injection site indentation
10079278 Administration site indentation
10079279 Incoming material container out of specification
10079280 Incoming material container closure out of specification
10079281 Pancreatic failure
10079282 Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinemia
10079283 Cardiac ultrasound
10079284 Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
10079285 Despondent
10079286 Digital papillary carcinoma
10079287 Rapid influenza diagnostic test
10079288 Pylorus preserving pancreatoduodenectomy
10079289 Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy with dysproteinaemia
10079290 CSF eosinophil count
10079291 CSF eosinophil count increased
10079292 Radiologically isolated syndrome
10079293 Transient lingual papillitis
10079294 Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia
10079295 OAT syndrome
10079296 Fixed food eruption
10079297 Verbal aggression
10079298 Rapid eye movements sleep latency reduced
10079299 Cognitive behavioral therapy
10079300 Cognitive behavioural therapy
10079301 Prion disease
10079302 Tumorigenicity
10079303 Tumourigenicity
10079304 Acquired prion disease
10079305 Blood bilirubin direct decreased
10079306 Neonatal hypocalcaemia
10079307 Squamous cell breast carcinoma
10079308 Neonatal hypocalcemia
10079309 Pharyngeal exfoliation
10079310 Brittle hair
10079311 Tingling teeth
10079312 Twilight vision impaired
10079313 Out of specification test results content of uniformity
10079314 Out of specification test results assay
10079315 Device operational issue
10079316 Therapeutic product effective for unapproved indication
10079317 Drug effective for unapproved indication
10079318 Device effective for unapproved indication
10079319 Periprocedural myocardial infarction
10079320 Morton's syndrome
10079321 Nocturnal urinary frequency
10079322 Anaemia of chronic inflammation
10079323 Erythema of extremities
10079324 Anemia of chronic inflammation
10079325 Lujo haemorrhagic fever
10079326 Breast tumour excision
10079327 Herpes zoster meningoradiculitis
10079328 Breast tumor excision
10079329 Lujo hemorrhagic fever
10079330 Ovarian injury
10079331 Bronchial artery embolisation
10079332 Medical device site odour
10079333 Intercepted accidental exposure to product by child
10079334 Intercepted product monitoring error
10079335 Hair growth rate abnormal
10079336 Mitral valve thickening
10079337 Pulmonary valve thickening
10079338 Tricuspid valve thickening
10079339 Ventricular enlargement
10079340 Atrial enlargement
10079341 Bilateral atrial enlargement
10079342 Biventricular enlargement
10079343 Dislocation of implanted drug
10079344 Hair growth rate increased
10079345 Hair growth rate decreased
10079346 Bronchial artery embolization
10079347 Medical device site odor
10079348 Myopic choroidopathy
10079349 Rash on leg
10079350 Product clumping
10079351 Swollen joint count increased
10079352 Swollen joint count decreased
10079353 Tender joint count increased
10079354 Tender joint count decreased
10079355 Psoriasis area severity index increased
10079356 Psoriasis area severity index decreased
10079357 Urine organic acid test
10079358 Electrocardiogram T wave alternans
10079359 Stiff leg syndrome
10079360 Convexity meningioma
10079361 Binocular vertical diplopia
10079362 Labyrinthectomy
10079363 Chemical labyrinthectomy
10079364 Glutathione synthetase deficiency
10079365 Kleefstra syndrome
10079366 Astroblastoma
10079367 Acute macular outer retinopathy
10079368 Tilted disc syndrome
10079369 Adams-Oliver syndrome
10079370 Luteinising unruptured follicle syndrome
10079371 Cystic angiomatosis
10079372 Vulvovaginal inflammation
10079373 Fuchs coloboma
10079374 Skeletal-extraskeletal angiomatosis
10079375 Noninfective vulvitis
10079376 Luteinizing unruptured follicle syndrome
10079377 Reanimation
10079378 Waist circumference decreased
10079379 Waist circumference normal
10079380 Pharyngeal polypectomy
10079381 Drug use disorder
10079382 Drug use disorder, antepartum
10079383 Drug use disorder, postpartum
10079384 Substance use disorder
10079385 Opioid use disorder
10079386 Epstein Barr virus positive mucocutaneous ulcer
10079387 Manufacturing product storage issue
10079388 Misophonia
10079389 Plaque-reduction neutralization testing
10079390 Plaque-reduction neutralisation testing
10079391 Contrast media deposition
10079392 Hyperintensity in brain deep nuclei
10079393 Gadolinium deposition disease
10079396 Contrast media deposition in the bone
10079397 Contrast media deposition in the skin
10079398 Increased signal intensity in brain deep nuclei
10079399 Contrast media deposition in the brain
10079400 Product use complaint
10079401 Product label font size complaint
10079402 Product label contents complaint
10079403 Product packaging difficult to open
10079404 Suspected product tampering
10079405 Product leaflet issue
10079406 Product leaflet missing
10079407 Wrong product leaflet
10079408 Product leaflet text wrong
10079409 Addictive behavior
10079410 Addictive behaviour
10079411 Rheumatic brain disease
10079412 Spinal muscular atrophy type 0
10079413 Spinal muscular atrophy type I
10079414 Spinal muscular atrophy type IV
10079415 Spinal muscular atrophy type III
10079416 Spinal muscular atrophy type II
10079417 Spinal muscular atrophy infantile onset
10079418 Spinal muscular atrophy later onset
10079419 Spinal muscular atrophy pre-symptomatic
10079420 Dubowitz disease
10079421 Alpha thalassaemia minor
10079422 Alpha thalassemia minor
10079423 Fracture blisters
10079424 Focal dyscognitive seizures
10079425 Acral angiokeratoma-like pseudolymphoma
10079426 Miller-Dieker syndrome
10079427 Therapeutic agent-diagnostic test interaction
10079428 Cystic fibrosis gastrointestinal disease
10079429 Bishop score
10079430 Product difficult to administer
10079431 Glutathione peroxidase increased
10079432 Manufacturing product shipping issue
10079433 NMP22 test normal
10079434 NMP22 test abnormal
10079435 Opitz-G/BBB syndrome
10079436 Fallopian tube flushing
10079437 MYH9-related disease
10079438 Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome
10079440 Non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer
10079441 Vial adapter leak
10079442 Face angioedema
10079443 Lip angioedema
10079444 Eye angioedema
10079445 Respiratory angioedema
10079446 Portal hypertensive colopathy
10079447 Redundant colon
10079448 Localised maculopapular rash
10079449 Localized maculopapular rash
10079450 Visual snow syndrome
10079451 Deficiency of the interleukin-36 receptor antagonist
10079452 DITRA
10079453 SJIA
10079454 Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
10079455 AOSD
10079456 Adult onset Still's disease
10079457 DIRA
10079458 Energy drink abuse
10079459 Myalgia upper extremities
10079460 SMN2 status assay
10079461 SMN2 gene copy number
10079462 Survival motor neuron 2 gene copy number
10079463 Spinal muscular atrophy non-5q
10079464 Ventriculo-peritoneal shunt infection
10079465 Alpha-L-fucosidase increased
10079466 Tissue discolouration
10079467 Cardiac valve discolouration
10079468 Vascular wall discolouration
10079469 Malignant glaucoma
10079470 Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumour
10079471 Motor deficit
10079472 Lower limb motor deficit
10079473 Upper limb motor deficit
10079474 Proximal muscle weakness
10079475 Tissue discoloration
10079476 Cardiac valve discoloration
10079477 Vascular wall discoloration
10079478 Phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor
10079479 Loop ileostomy
10079480 End ileostomy
10079481 Ultrasound guided breast biopsy
10079482 Cooling therapy
10079483 Burn of finger
10079484 Burn of tongue
10079485 Burn of nose
10079486 Singed hair
10079487 Loss of personal independence in daily activities
10079488 Topical product difficult to remove from application site
10079489 ALK gene rearrangement assay
10079490 Bisalbuminaemia
10079491 Microvascular cranial nerve palsy
10079492 Trapeziectomy
10079493 Urinary tract polyp
10079494 Choroid fissure cyst
10079495 Ovarian hypoplasia
10079496 Hypertensive end-organ damage
10079497 Tension-free vaginal tape sling
10079498 Transobturator tape sling
10079499 Marijuana use
10079500 Suture suspension face lift
10079501 Thread lift
10079502 Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis
10079503 Trimalleolar fracture
10079504 Decompensated diabetes
10079505 Feather lift surgery
10079506 Feather facelift
10079507 Adult onset asthma
10079508 Falcine meningioma
10079509 Bisalbuminemia
10079510 Seasonal asthma
10079511 Colon inflammation
10079512 Vesical polyp
10079513 Cracked product
10079514 Shoulder instability
10079515 Chronic infective bronchitis
10079516 Acute infective bronchitis
10079517 Gastric pneumatosis
10079518 Self-administration error
10079519 Wrong drug concentration dispensed
10079520 Vulvovaginitis staphylococcal
10079521 Fungal balanitis
10079522 Difficulty inserting drug implant
10079523 Catheter site thrombosis
10079524 Premature start of scheduled drug administration
10079525 Vulval mycotic infection
10079526 Vaginitis staphylococcal
10079527 Vulvitis staphylococcal
10079528 Bacterial vulvovaginitis
10079529 Scopulariopsis infection
10079530 Neoscytalidium infection
10079531 Pump motor stall
10079532 Drug refill prescribing error
10079533 Drug refill dispensing error
10079534 Intervals between device use too short
10079535 Intervals between device use too long
10079536 Unexpected therapeutic benefit from device
10079537 Uterine myomectomy
10079538 Electrogastrogram
10079539 Carbon dioxide combining power abnormal
10079540 Carbon dioxide combining power decreased
10079541 Carbon dioxide combining power increased
10079542 Epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
10079543 Sudoriferous cyst
10079544 Systemic sclerosis sine scleroderma
10079545 Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy
10079546 Post micturition dribble
10079547 Tendon dislocation
10079548 Nail avulsion procedure
10079549 Morgellon's disease
10079550 Tendon subluxation
10079551 Oropharyngeal dysplasia
10079552 Bronchial artery aneurysm
10079553 Coeliac artery aneurysm
10079554 Allergic stomatitis
10079555 Scapular dyskinesis
10079556 Mesenteric artery aneurysm
10079557 Product use at inappropriate site
10079558 Pharyngeal dysplasia
10079559 Oral dysplasia
10079560 Biventricular dilatation
10079561 Celiac artery aneurysm
10079562 Achenbach syndrome
10079563 Achenbach's syndrome
10079564 Injection associated shivering
10079565 Tablet does not break into pre-defined pieces
10079566 Tablet split by mistake
10079567 Paroxysmal hand haematoma
10079568 Paroxysmal hand hematoma
10079569 Retinal white without pressure
10079570 Thymic cyst
10079571 Angina pectoris CCS class II
10079572 Angina pectoris CCS class III
10079573 Bioabsorbable coronary stent placement
10079574 Angina pectoris CCS class I
10079575 Lower gastrointestinal disorder
10079576 Angina pectoris CCS class IV
10079577 Upper gastrointestinal disorder
10079578 Pericardial mass
10079579 Itchy upper limbs
10079580 Anterior discectomy and fusion
10079581 Procedural site pain
10079582 Rebound hereditary angioedema attack
10079583 Serum procollagen type III N-terminal propeptide decreased
10079584 Serum procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide decreased
10079585 Tilted urinary bladder
10079586 Aortic annulus rupture
10079587 Cardiac valve thickening
10079588 Aortic root compression
10079589 Coronary artery compression
10079590 Prosthetic valve leaflet thickening
10079591 Prosthetic valve frame fracture
10079592 Skin pressure mark
10079593 Rebound nasal congestion
10079594 Caprini risk score high
10079595 Caprini risk score
10079596 Caprini risk score low
10079597 Cancer staging
10079598 Halo placement
10079599 Climatotherapy
10079600 Phospholipase A2 activity increased
10079601 Pathological optic disc cupping
10079602 Plasmodium knowlesi infection
10079603 Wig wearer
10079604 Skin cyst
10079605 Serum crosslaps increased
10079606 Beta-crosslaps
10079607 Elbow tendinitis
10079608 Homebound
10079609 Hepatorrhexis
10079610 Cramps of upper extremities
10079611 Parathyroid hyperplasia
10079612 Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy
10079613 Right ventricular diastolic collapse
10079614 Mood disorder
10079615 Abnormal behavior
10079616 Cytogenetic response
10079617 Disappearance of cytogenetic abnormality
10079618 Microsatellite instability cancer
10079619 MSI-high
10079620 MSI-low
10079621 Prostaglandin analogue periorbitopathy
10079622 Sprue-like enteropathy
10079623 Oncotype test
10079624 Multidrug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis
10079625 Inner restlessness
10079626 Drain site complication
10079627 Voxel-based morphometry
10079628 Voxel based specific regional analysis system
10079629 Subcutaneous drug absorption impaired
10079630 Pronator teres syndrome
10079631 Precancerous lesion excision
10079632 Superior labral tear anterior to posterior
10079633 Device effect decreased
10079634 Device effect incomplete
10079635 Device effect variable
10079636 Device effect increased
10079637 Dependence on oxygen therapy
10079638 Partial tear of muscle
10079639 Cramps of extremities
10079640 Unapproved crushing of product
10079641 Unapproved splitting of product
10079642 Lupus myositis
10079643 Gougerot-Carteaud syndrome
10079644 Squamous cell carcinoma of conjunctiva
10079645 Therapeutic product cross-reactivity
10079646 Eyelash changes
10079647 Eyelid vellus hair changes
10079648 Anti factor Xa assay normal
10079649 Arterial ischaemia
10079650 Brain MRI signal changes
10079651 Brain stem MRI signal changes
10079652 Cerebellum MRI signal changes
10079653 Eyelashes increased in number
10079654 Eyelash changes in shape
10079655 Basal ganglia MRI signal changes
10079656 Thalamus MRI signal changes
10079657 Elevated IGF-1
10079658 Extracellular fluid volume decreased
10079659 Therapeutic product neutralizing antibody cross-reactivity
10079660 Therapeutic product antibody cross-reactivity to endogenous molecule
10079661 Electroretinogram a-wave amplitude decreased
10079662 Electroretinogram b-wave amplitude decreased
10079663 Chromogenic factor X activity assay normal
10079664 Therapeutic product neutralising antibody cross-reactivity
10079665 Chromogenic anti-factor Xa assay normal
10079666 Arterial ischemia
10079667 Metaphyseal corner fracture
10079668 Adenovirus encephalomyeloradiculitis
10079669 Bucket handle fracture
10079670 Corner fracture
10079671 Laryngeal pachyderma
10079672 Mucosal roughness
10079673 Pachyderma
10079674 Mucosal hypertrophy
10079676 Laryngeal pachydermia
10079677 Gastrocnemius equinus
10079678 Splenic artery stenosis
10079679 Oligodendrocyte injury
10079680 Inflammation masked
10079681 Masked fever
10079682 Microvascular occlusion
10079683 Reflux into endotracheal tube
10079684 Suppression of acute phase reactants
10079685 Hepatic hamartoma
10079686 Hepatic lymphocytic infiltration
10079687 Congenital midline defect
10079688 Peripheral fat wasting
10079689 Axonal oedema
10079690 Reduced fat-soluble nutrient absorption
10079691 Bilateral visual field constriction
10079692 Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia progression
10079693 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia with N-ras gene mutation
10079694 Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia with N-ras gene mutation
10079695 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia progression
10079696 Axonal edema
10079697 Conchotomy
10079698 Ross procedure
10079699 Talk therapy
10079700 Fractional exhaled nitric oxide
10079701 Congenital amputation
10079702 Colpocleisis
10079703 Perfusion brain scan abnormal
10079704 Perfusion brain scan normal
10079705 Perfusion brain scan
10079706 Empty nest syndrome
10079707 Le Fort colpocleisis
10079708 FENO
10079709 Corneoiritis
10079710 Pain post chemotherapy
10079711 Bricker operation
10079712 Fractional exhaled nitric oxide abnormal
10079713 Fractional exhaled nitric oxide normal
10079714 Keratoiritis
10079715 FENO normal
10079716 FENO abnormal
10079717 Diffusion-weighted brain MRI abnormal
10079718 Diffusion-weighted brain MRI
10079719 Diffusion-weighted brain MRI normal
10079720 Product shipment delay
10079721 Diaphragmatic pacemaker insertion
10079722 Syringe connection issue
10079723 Retinal artery narrowing
10079724 Peripheral vascular pseudoaneurysm haemorrhage
10079725 Vascular pseudoaneurysm haemorrhage
10079726 Exposure to heat
10079727 Exposure to cold temperature
10079728 Vascular pseudoaneurysm hemorrhage
10079729 Peripheral vascular pseudoaneurysm hemorrhage
10079730 Tibial agenesis
10079731 Gollop-Wolfgang complex
10079732 Nail aplasia
10079733 Neutropenic typhlitis
10079734 Aortic root enlargement procedure
10079735 Atrial appendage closure
10079736 Exposure via transplant
10079737 Angiotensin II receptor type 1 antibody positive
10079738 Transmission of an infectious agent via transplant
10079739 Atrial appendage ligation
10079740 Transmission of an infectious agent via organ transplant
10079741 Sedation complication
10079742 Agitation on recovery from sedation
10079743 Unpleasant recall on recovery from sedation
10079744 Sedation insufficient
10079745 Tooth dislocation
10079746 Drooping shoulder syndrome
10079747 Reactive hypoglycemia
10079748 Reactive hypoglycaemia
10079749 Renal transplant interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy
10079750 Abnormal organ growth
10079751 Cardiac dysfunction
10079752 Increased follicular atresia
10079753 Delayed foetal renal development
10079754 Foamy urine
10079755 Hyperosmolar non-ketotic hyperglycemia
10079756 Sleep-wake transition paralysis
10079757 White matter vacuolation
10079758 Sleep-wake transition speech loss
10079759 Abnormal organ maturation
10079760 Depression of AV node
10079761 Delayed fetal renal development
10079762 Hyperosmolar non-ketotic hyperglycaemia
10079763 Performance enhancing product use
10079764 Continuous glucose monitoring
10079765 Anal fissure haemorrhage
10079766 Diabetic ketosis without acidosis
10079767 Anal fissure bleeding
10079768 Anal fissure hemorrhage
10079769 Cavernous sinus syndrome
10079770 Syndrome of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus
10079771 Central cavernous sinus syndrome
10079772 Implantable pleural catheter removal
10079773 Drug use for unapproved combination
10079774 Product use for unapproved combination
10079775 Drug use less than labeled administration duration
10079776 Drug use longer than labeled administration duration
10079777 Drug use less than labelled administration duration
10079778 Drug use longer than labelled administration duration
10079779 Struma
10079780 Sensory overload
10079781 Cecity
10079782 Ocular congestion
10079783 Gastric residual increased
10079784 Gastric residual high
10079785 Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma stage IV
10079786 Orthostatic heart rate test
10079787 Serum serotonin
10079788 Inadequate pain relief
10079789 Ineffective drug dosing regimen
10079790 Allergy to moulds
10079791 Burning sensation scalp
10079792 Greasy hair
10079793 Vasculitis eosinophilic
10079794 Raw skin
10079795 Sphenopalatine ganglion block
10079796 Maxillofacial CT scan normal
10079797 Maxillofacial CT scan
10079798 Maxillofacial CT scan abnormal
10079799 Computerised tomogram face
10079800 Computerised tomogram face normal
10079801 Computerised tomogram face abnormal
10079802 Computerized tomogram face normal
10079803 Computerized tomogram face abnormal
10079804 Computerized tomogram face
10079805 Delayed light adaptation
10079806 Lactation stimulation therapy
10079807 Labour augmentation
10079808 Labour enhancement
10079809 Labor enhancement
10079810 Labor augmentation
10079811 Newborn head molding
10079812 Palate injury
10079813 Fracture infection
10079814 Anembryonic gestation
10079815 Tympanic membrane retraction
10079816 Scrofula
10079817 Rachitis
10079818 Clavus
10079819 Lisfranc injury
10079820 Perniosis
10079821 Malum perforans
10079822 Obstructive pancreatitis
10079823 Calculus pancreatitis
10079824 Epilepsy surgery
10079825 Multiple subpial transection
10079826 Acquired asplenia
10079827 Ectrodactyly
10079828 Decreased academic performance
10079829 Allen-Masters syndrome
10079830 Lip cosmetic procedure
10079831 Hyposplenism
10079832 Functional asplenia
10079833 Lip augmentation
10079834 Autosplenectomy
10079835 Functional hyposplenism
10079836 Thyroid steatosis
10079837 Conjunctival retraction
10079838 Good syndrome
10079839 Indeterminable ABO blood type
10079840 Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome
10079841 Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
10079842 aHUS
10079843 Product storage error
10079844 Product storage error temperature too high
10079845 Product storage error temperature too low
10079846 Foreign body in gastrointestinal tract
10079847 Foreign body in respiratory tract
10079848 Foreign body in urogenital tract
10079849 Foreign body in reproductive tract
10079850 Musculoskeletal foreign body
10079851 Soft tissue foreign body
10079852 Trichodynia
10079853 Burning scalp syndrome
10079854 Salmonella test
10079855 Transferrin saturation abnormal
10079856 Acrodysostosis
10079857 Currarino syndrome
10079858 Salmonella test negative
10079859 Posthaemorrhagic hydrocephalus
10079860 Posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus
10079861 Arkless-Graham syndrome
10079862 Maroteaux-Malamut syndrome
10079863 Occult hepatitis B
10079864 Subchondral insufficiency fracture
10079865 Auriculectomy
10079866 Pneumonia acinetobacter
10079867 Pneumonia proteus
10079868 Pneumonia serratia
10079869 Dysphagia lusoria
10079870 Pharyngotracheitis
10079871 Bayford-Autenrieth dysphagia
10079872 Injury of conjunctiva
10079873 Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
10079874 Epithelioid haemangioendothelioma
10079875 Nutritional assessment
10079876 Congenital anosmia
10079877 Maternal cancer in pregnancy
10079878 Mandibular mass
10079879 Tubectomy
10079880 Venolymphatic malformation
10079881 Category III fetal heart rate
10079882 Foetal heart rate indeterminate
10079883 Category III foetal heart rate
10079884 Fetal heart rate indeterminate
10079885 Category I foetal heart rate
10079886 Category I fetal heart rate
10079887 Category II fetal heart rate
10079888 Superior semicircular canal dehiscence
10079889 Hepatobiliary cyst
10079890 Gastric mucosal calcinosis
10079891 Eye haematoma
10079892 Popliteal pterygium syndrome
10079893 Cryptitis
10079894 Eye hematoma
10079895 Exertional asthma
10079896 Bronchial congestion
10079897 Category II foetal heart rate
10079898 Thyroid hypertrophy
10079899 Stool reducing substances test
10079900 Non-NSF delayed adverse reaction to gadolinium
10079901 Benzodiazepine drug level therapeutic
10079902 Haemorrhagic adrenal infarction
10079903 Benzodiazepine drug level increased
10079904 Intracardiac pressure increased
10079905 Vulvar squamous cell hyperplasia
10079906 Benzodiazepine drug level abnormal
10079907 Benzodiazepine drug level decreased
10079908 Peripheral artery aneurysm rupture
10079909 Vitamin E supplementation
10079910 Vitamin D supplementation
10079911 Adenocarcinoma of the nasal cavity
10079912 Misleading product advertisement
10079913 Adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction stage IV
10079914 Vitamin B1 supplementation
10079915 Vitamin B12 supplementation
10079916 Vitamin B complex supplementation
10079917 Vitamin C supplementation
10079918 Vitamin A supplementation
10079919 Vitamin B2 supplementation
10079920 Basal cell carcinoma of eyelid
10079921 Vitamin B6 supplementation
10079922 Zinc supplementation
10079923 Allergic reaction to drug excipient
10079924 Vitamin B3 supplementation
10079925 Reaction to excipient
10079926 Vascular access site vesicles
10079927 Biliary-vascular fistula
10079928 Fallopian tube leiomyoma
10079929 Hemorrhagic adrenal infarction
10079930 Thiamin supplementation
10079931 Thiamine supplementation
10079932 Riboflavin supplementation
10079933 Nicotinic acid supplementation
10079934 Niacin supplementation
10079935 Fallopian tube fibroid
10079936 Vascular access site blister
10079937 Arteriovenous biliary fistula
10079938 Defaecation disorder
10079939 Defecation disorder
10079940 Pleural lavage
10079941 Mephisto sign
10079942 Joint space narrowing
10079943 Floating-Harbor syndrome
10079944 Orthognathic surgery
10079945 Cutaneous lymphoma
10079946 Intestinal lymphoma
10079947 Choledochoduodenal fistula
10079948 Blocked sweat ducts
10079949 Divergence insufficiency
10079950 Colocutaneous fistula
10079951 Endometrioid intraepithelial neoplasia
10079952 Corrective jaw surgery
10079953 Neuropathy vitamin B12 deficiency
10079954 Bronchitis mycoplasmal
10079955 Pectoralis minor syndrome
10079956 Hutch diverticulum
10079957 Anal papillitis
10079958 Hydropericardium
10079959 Myopic chorioretinal degeneration
10079960 Itai-itai disease
10079961 Cadmium poisoning
10079962 Thought disorder
10079963 Thought process disorder
10079964 Lack of volition
10079965 Thoracic myelopathy
10079966 Painful lymphadenopathy
10079967 Optic disc pit
10079968 Excavatio papillae
10079969 Atherogenic dyslipidemia
10079970 Atherogenic dyslipidaemia
10079971 Membrane stabilising effect
10079972 Membrane stabilizing effect
10079973 Groans
10079974 Pock mark scar
10079975 Venous catheter site hemorrhage
10079976 Arterial catheter site hemorrhage
10079977 De Ritis ratio
10079978 Arterial catheter site haemorrhage
10079979 Venous catheter site haemorrhage
10079980 AST/ALT ratio
10079981 Transgender
10079982 Complicated lower urinary tract infection
10079983 Complicated intra-abdominal infection
10079984 Complicated pyelonephritis
10079985 Uncomplicated pyelonephritis
10079986 Clinical dementia rating scale
10079987 Minimal residual disease
10079988 Pulmonary tumour thrombotic microangiopathy
10079989 Pulmonary tumor thrombotic microangiopathy
10079990 Clinical dementia rating scale score normal
10079991 Clinical dementia rating scale score abnormal
10079992 Urinary bladder suspension
10079993 X-ray dental abnormal
10079994 X-ray dental normal
10079995 Fibrocartilage tear
10079996 Athletic bradycardia
10079997 Wrong concentration prepared
10079998 Drug not dispensed in original container
10079999 Product assembly error during preparation for use
10080000 Product appearance confusion
10080001 Wrong product stored
10080002 Mobile medical application use error
10080003 Look alike pill appearance
10080004 Localized cystic renal disease
10080005 Segmental renal cystic disease
10080006 Unilateral renal cystic disease
10080007 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma metastatic
10080008 Intentional deviation from dosage regimen
10080009 Perinephric fluid collection
10080010 Localised cystic renal disease
10080011 Detergent exposure
10080012 Malum perforans pedis
10080013 Medical marijuana therapy
10080014 Nasal mucosa scab
10080015 Malignant urinary tract obstruction
10080016 Blast phase chronic myologenic leukemia
10080017 Philadelphia positive acute lymphocytic leukaemia
10080018 Philadelphia positive acute lymphocytic leukemia
10080019 Blast phase chronic myelogenic leukaemia
10080020 Urea cycle disorder
10080021 Alcohol use disorder
10080022 Uterine tachysystole
10080023 Low anterior resection syndrome
10080024 Nesidioblastosis
10080025 Sudeck-Leriche syndrome
10080026 Postpartum thyroiditis
10080027 Clostridium innocuum infection
10080028 Hydromeningocele
10080029 Allergic dermatosis
10080030 Gleason grading score
10080031 Endocervicosis
10080032 Endocervicosis of the uterine cervix
10080033 Hypertrophic olivary degeneration
10080034 Dopa-responsive dystonia
10080035 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging liver abnormal
10080036 Subfalcine herniation
10080037 Atrophic cervicitis
10080038 O'Donoghue's triad
10080039 Oedema blister
10080040 Segawa syndrome
10080041 Unhappy triad of knee
10080042 Edema blister
10080043 Serum colour abnormal
10080044 Serum color abnormal
10080045 Flavectomy
10080046 Paranasal sinus hyposecretion
10080047 Electrodesiccation and curettage
10080048 Paranasal sinus dryness
10080049 Bile acid diarrhea
10080050 Mediterranean anemia
10080051 Bile acid diarrhoea
10080052 Mediterranean anaemia
10080053 Patella baja
10080054 Patella infera
10080055 Cholesteatosis
10080056 Normoblast count
10080057 Iatrogenic anemia
10080058 Iatrogenic anaemia
10080059 Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
10080060 Chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
10080061 Euglycaemic diabetic ketoacidosis
10080062 Euglycemic diabetic ketoacidosis
10080063 FAST ultrasound
10080064 Focused assessment with sonography for trauma
10080065 Slow vital capacity
10080066 Intensive care unit delirium
10080067 Left ventricular thrombosis
10080068 Intensive care unit psychosis
10080069 Right ventricular thrombosis
10080070 Descending aortic dissection
10080071 Structural epilepsy
10080072 Accelerated junctional rhythm
10080073 Prosthetic cardiac valve stenosis
10080074 Metabolic epilepsy
10080075 Eyelash hypopigmentation
10080076 Device delivery system removal incomplete
10080077 Glossophobia
10080078 Stomach intestinal pylorus sparing surgery
10080079 Trisomy 4p
10080080 Symptom recurrence
10080081 Hypnic jerk
10080082 Hair colour greying
10080083 Advanced lung cancer
10080084 Medication route of administration change
10080085 Pagophagia
10080086 Tumour cavitation
10080087 Tumor cavitation
10080088 Pachyonychia congenita
10080089 Jadassohn-Lewandowsky syndrome
10080090 Electrocardiogram U-wave prominent
10080091 Paternal exposure during pregnancy
10080092 Paternal exposure timing unspecified
10080093 Paternal exposure before pregnancy
10080094 Product caught fire
10080095 Inflammable product caught fire
10080096 Gastratrophia
10080097 Estimated glomerular filtration rate
10080098 Estimated GFR
10080099 Product communication issue
10080100 Central nervous system immune reconstitution inflammatory response
10080101 Perianal herpes zoster
10080102 Glossoepiglottic cyst
10080103 CNS-IRIS
10080104 Inappropriate cutting of transdermal patch
10080105 Inappropriate cutting of transdermal delivery system
10080106 Transient aphasia
10080107 Spinal nerve stimulator removal
10080108 Paranasal sinus haemorrhage
10080109 Eyelid weights application
10080110 Spontaneous hyphaema
10080111 Childhood disorder of social functioning
10080112 Bronchial resection
10080113 Walking cast application
10080114 Static encephalopathy
10080115 Renal cysts
10080116 Hypotonic cerebral palsy
10080117 Out of body experience
10080118 Spontaneous hyphema
10080119 Paranasal sinus bleeding
10080120 Hypertonic cerebral palsy
10080121 Bronchial sleeve resection
10080122 Wedge bronchiectomy
10080123 Paranasal sinus hemorrhage
10080124 Lip erythema
10080125 Throat clearing
10080126 Genital redness
10080127 Penile redness
10080128 Vaginal redness
10080129 Hypoxia intolerance
10080130 Tendinopathy
10080131 Skin lesion removal
10080132 Right ventricular false tendon
10080133 Double outlet left ventricle
10080134 Foot inversion deformity
10080135 Foot eversion deformity
10080136 Fear-related avoidance of activities
10080137 Herpes simplex reactivation
10080138 Product label strength incorrect
10080139 Endoscopic vessel harvesting
10080140 Thermal ablation
10080141 Botkin's disease
10080142 Toe cramps
10080143 Gynecomastia repair
10080144 Acute enteritis
10080145 Scrotoplasty
10080146 Schmorl's hernia
10080147 Clinical global impression scale
10080148 Eosinophilic pleural effusion
10080149 Malignant catatonia
10080150 Decompensated schizophrenia
10080151 Faecal loading
10080152 Complicated atherosclerosis
10080153 Spleen follicular hyperplasia
10080154 Fecal loading
10080155 Small bowel pseudo-obstruction
10080156 Reactive spleen
10080157 Genioplasty
10080158 Laryngoplasty
10080159 Feminization laryngoplasty
10080160 Feminisation laryngoplasty
10080161 Voice feminization surgery
10080162 Chondrolaryngoplasty
10080163 Biliary-bronchial fistula
10080164 CSF volume decreased
10080165 Disgidroticheskaya eczema
10080166 Thyroid isthmusectomy
10080167 Choleperitonitis
10080168 Urine colouring orange
10080169 Urine coloring orange
10080170 Sitophobia
10080171 Xerotic dermatitis
10080172 Moersch-Woltman syndrome
10080173 Struma nodosa
10080174 Salt-losing nephropathy
10080175 Rachidial pain
10080176 Winter eczema
10080177 Enterococcus test
10080178 Francisella test
10080179 Drug specific antibody
10080180 Manufacturing process control procedure temperature issue
10080181 Manufacturing process control procedure aseptic processing issue
10080182 Manufacturing process control procedure equipment calibration issue
10080183 Manufacturing stability testing content uniformity issue
10080184 Manufacturing process control procedure environmental monitoring issue
10080185 Out of specification test results for component packaged with final product
10080186 Product vial breakage
10080187 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue
10080188 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, safety incorrectly performed
10080189 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, safety not performed or documented
10080190 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, identity not performed or documented
10080191 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, stability incorrectly performed
10080192 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, stability not performed or documented
10080193 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, purity not performed or documented
10080194 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, potency not performed or documented
10080195 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, purity incorrectly performed
10080196 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, potency incorrectly performed
10080197 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, sterility incorrectly performed
10080198 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, sterility not performed or documented
10080199 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue, identity incorrectly performed
10080200 Triple hit lymphoma
10080201 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma
10080202 Double hit lymphoma
10080203 C-MYC/BCL6 double-hit high-grade B-cell lymphoma
10080204 Activated B-cell type diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
10080205 Germinal center B-cell type lymphoma
10080206 C-MYC/BCL2 double-hit high-grade B-cell lymphoma
10080207 Pediatric-type follicular lymphoma
10080208 Classical Hodgkin lymphoma
10080209 Double expressor lymphoma
10080210 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, unclassifiable, NOS
10080211 T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphoma
10080212 Duodenal-type follicular lymphoma
10080213 In situ follicular lymphoma
10080214 Follicular B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, unclassifiable
10080215 High-grade B-cell lymphoma
10080216 In situ follicular neoplasia
10080217 High-grade B-cell lymphoma, with MYC and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements
10080218 High-grade B-cell lymphoma, NOS
10080219 Fraser syndrome
10080220 Mastopexy
10080221 Trans-sphincteric fistula
10080222 Mucous retention cyst
10080223 Stress urticaria
10080224 Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome
10080225 Sideropenia
10080226 Pantalgia
10080227 Esophagocele
10080228 Oesophagocele
10080229 Apparent mineralocorticoid excess
10080230 Acquired apparent mineralocorticoid excess
10080231 Recalled product
10080232 Product package insert incorrect
10080233 Product label text illegible
10080234 Carton label missing
10080235 Manufacturing process control, process water out of specifications
10080236 Inappropriate drug extraction with syringe
10080237 Needle reusage
10080238 Dose read outside of device dose window
10080239 Incorrect dose selected
10080240 Improper storage of product in use
10080241 Improper storage of unused product
10080242 Device stored with needle attached
10080243 Autoimmune anaemia
10080244 Peritoneal cancer index
10080245 Polytrauma
10080246 Strongylodiasis hyperinfection
10080247 Autoimmune anemia
10080248 Angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy
10080249 Argon plasma coagulation
10080250 Arterial tortuosity syndrome
10080251 Lumbodynia
10080252 Radiation induced gastritis
10080253 Sellar lesion
10080254 Runner's knee
10080255 Foot overpronation
10080256 Scalp folliculitis
10080257 Cystadenofibroma of fallopian tube
10080258 Infectious corneal infiltrate
10080259 Double chambered right ventricle
10080260 Hurthle cell carcinoma
10080261 Huerthle cell neoplasm of the thyroid
10080262 Right ventricular fibromuscular band
10080263 Citrobacter bacteraemia
10080264 Spinal muscular atrophy, Finkel type
10080265 Citrobacter bacteremia
10080266 Stage 1 acute kidney injury
10080267 BARC type 3a bleeding
10080268 BARC type 0 bleeding
10080269 Stage 2 acute kidney injury
10080270 BARC type 1 bleeding
10080271 Stage 3 acute kidney injury
10080272 BARC type 3b bleeding
10080273 BARC type 3c bleeding
10080274 BARC type 4 bleeding
10080275 BARC type 2 bleeding
10080276 Trichoglossia
10080277 Hairy tongue
10080278 Vaginal cuff dehiscence
10080279 Radiation somnolence syndrome
10080280 Lumbar facet syndrome
10080281 Pyramidal insufficiency
10080282 Periungual infection
10080283 Food refusal
10080284 Illness
10080285 White blood cell cystine increased
10080286 Cervical tumour excision
10080287 Cervical tumor excision
10080288 Acute diastolic heart failure
10080289 Chronic acalculous cholecystitis
10080290 Dirofilariasis
10080291 Conjunctival lymphangiectasia
10080292 Colon donut excision
10080293 Unicornuate uterus
10080294 Scrotal reduction
10080295 Labyrinthine infarction
10080296 Colon doughnut excision
10080297 Pallister-Killian syndrome
10080298 Willis-Ekbom disease
10080299 Biosimilar product substitution issue
10080300 Aerophobia
10080301 Irregular sleep wake rhythm disorder
10080302 Wrong dosage form
10080303 Wrong schedule
10080304 Wrong dose
10080305 Wrong strength
10080306 Wrong drug
10080307 Arterial dolichoectasia
10080308 Carotid artery dolichoectasia
10080309 Manufacturing process control bulk material issue
10080310 Septic screen
10080311 Intestinal metastasis
10080312 Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome
10080313 Frasier syndrome
10080314 Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome
10080315 Basilic vein transposition
10080316 Tractional retinal detachment
10080317 FODMAP diet
10080318 Short menstruation
10080319 Shawl scrotum
10080320 Oligoasthenozoospermia
10080321 Radiation otitis media
10080322 Cardiac function decreased
10080323 Acute bilineal leukaemia
10080324 Sarcomatoid carcinoma
10080325 Acute bilineal leukemia
10080326 Peri-spinal heterotopic ossification
10080327 Heterotopic ossification, posterior thoracic spine
10080328 Heterotopic ossification, posterior cervical spine
10080329 Heterotopic ossification, anterior cervical spine
10080330 Heterotopic ossification, anterior thoracic spine
10080331 Heterotopic ossification, anterior lumbar spine
10080332 Heterotopic ossification, posterior lumbar spine
10080333 Heterotopic ossification, thoracic spine
10080334 Heterotopic ossification, lumbar spine
10080335 Breast milk odour abnormal
10080336 Breast milk odor abnormal
10080337 Device adhesion increased
10080338 Device adhesion decreased
10080339 Device adhesion excessive
10080340 Device adhesion insufficient
10080341 Paraneoplastic inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
10080342 Peripheral neuropathy
10080343 Scalp rash
10080344 Malacoplakia
10080345 Cutaneous malacoplakia
10080346 Dega osteotomy
10080347 Extraischaemic cerebral haematoma
10080348 Extraischemic cerebral hematoma
10080349 Pendulous abdomen
10080350 Hospital acquired hyponatraemia
10080351 Hospital acquired hyponatremia
10080352 Enthesophyte
10080353 Neuromyelitis optica pseudo relapse
10080354 Pseudo exacerbation neuromyelitis optica
10080355 Congenital nipple inversion
10080356 Congenital nipple anomaly
10080357 Device dispensing error
10080358 Imaging procedure artifact
10080359 Product dispensing error
10080360 Fibroid myolysis procedure
10080361 Ubiquinone increased
10080362 Intentional misuse in product use duration
10080363 Expired device dispensed
10080364 Coenzyme Q increased
10080365 Herpes simplex viraemia
10080366 Fontan procedure
10080367 Radiofrequency-induced thermochemotherapeutic effect
10080368 Vitamin D3 deficiency
10080369 Hyperacute graft versus host disease
10080370 Herpes simplex viremia
10080371 Hand desquamation
10080372 Leg venous thrombosis
10080373 Blood plasma substitute transfusion
10080374 Cardiac resynchronization therapy / implantable cardioverter defibrillator replacement
10080375 Brachialgia statica paraesthetica
10080376 Paediatric-type follicular lymphoma
10080377 Adenocarcinoma of the gastrooesophageal junction stage IV
10080378 Voice feminisation surgery
10080379 Germinal centre B-cell type lymphoma
10080380 Medication crystals in urine present
10080381 Chorioamniotic separation
10080382 Unilateral eye abduction
10080383 Viral swab
10080384 Pseudochromhidrosis
10080385 Hereditary renal microhaematuria
10080386 Acute oesophageal mucosal lesion
10080387 Acute esophageal mucosal lesion
10080388 Subclavicular lymphadenopathy
10080389 Supraclavicular lymph nodes enlarged
10080390 Lymph node excisional biopsy
10080391 Selective internal radiation therapy
10080392 Vertebral cementoplasty
10080393 Retinal angiopathy
10080394 Glaucoma drainage device placement
10080395 Glaucoma shunt placement
10080396 Glaucoma tube shunt placement
10080397 Glaucoma valve placement
10080398 Pendred syndrome
10080399 Renal compression
10080400 Percutaneous nephroureteral stent placement
10080401 Heaviness in leg
10080402 Orthodontic traction
10080403 Bone spur fracture
10080404 Pseudofracture
10080405 Elastic bandage
10080406 Mucoid degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament
10080407 Penile odour
10080408 Genital odour
10080409 Drug implant ineffective
10080410 Drug implant defective
10080411 Drug implant damage
10080412 Drug implant physical property issue
10080413 Inappropriate insertion of multiple drug implants
10080414 Drug implant issue
10080415 Drug implant breakage
10080416 Penile odor
10080417 Genital odor
10080418 Drug prescription issue
10080419 Drug dispensing issue
10080420 Written prescription illegible
10080421 Pharmacy label placed incorrectly
10080422 Duplicate therapy error
10080423 Burning sensation of lower limb
10080424 Lower limb ischemia
10080425 Lower limb ischaemia
10080426 Foot exfoliation
10080427 Threatened uterine rupture
10080428 Vascular hyalinosis
10080429 Primary biliary cholangitis
10080430 ECG electrode site reaction
10080431 Yersinia meningitis
10080432 Erysipelothrix sepsis
10080433 Cutaneous listeriosis
10080434 Actinomycotic sepsis
10080435 Pulmonary nocardiosis
10080436 Cutaneous nocardiosis
10080437 Systemic bartonellosis
10080438 Peruvian wart
10080439 Brazilian purpuric fever
10080440 Rocio virus infection
10080441 Adenoviral encephalitis
10080442 Adenoviral meningitis
10080443 Generalised tularaemia
10080444 Extraintestinal yersiniosis
10080445 Streptococcus group A sepsis
10080446 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae O1
10080447 Carrion's disease
10080448 Generalized tularemia
10080449 Streptococcus group B sepsis
10080450 Streptococcus group D sepsis
10080451 Cholera due to Vibrio cholerae O139
10080452 Wrong drug stocked
10080453 Myopic crescent
10080454 Myopic conus
10080455 Discectomy with spinal fusion
10080456 Animal attack
10080457 Idiopathic condylar resorption
10080458 Bergman's triad
10080459 Product prescribing issue
10080460 Neuroprotective therapeutic hypothermia
10080461 OPA1 gene mutation
10080462 Thoracic spinal stenosis
10080463 Boston exanthema
10080464 O'nyong-nyong fever
10080465 Oropouche fever
10080466 Measles meningitis
10080467 Cutaneous blastomycosis
10080468 Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis
10080469 Sandfly fever
10080470 Junin haemorrhagic fever
10080471 Acute viral hepatitis
10080472 Chronic viral hepatitis
10080473 White piedra
10080474 Disseminated coccidioidomycosis
10080475 Acute pulmonary blastomycosis
10080476 Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis
10080477 Disseminated blastomycosis
10080478 Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis
10080479 Junin hemorrhagic fever
10080480 Pulmonary sporotrichosis
10080481 Phaeomycosis
10080482 Phaeomycotic brain abscess
10080483 Osseous cryptococcosis
10080484 Chagas' cardiomyopathy
10080485 Dicrocoeliasis
10080486 Dipylidiasis
10080487 Syngamiasis
10080488 Tungiasis
10080489 Reoviral infection
10080490 Vibrio vulnificus infection
10080491 Disseminated sporotrichosis
10080492 Disseminated aspergillosis
10080493 Acute Chagas disease
10080494 Cercarial dermatitis
10080495 Brugia timori infection
10080496 Disseminated strongyloidiasis
10080497 Cutaneous chromomycosis
10080498 Dermatitis verrucosa
10080499 Swimmer's itch
10080500 Sand flea disease
10080501 Cholecystalgia
10080502 Cryoablation
10080503 Testicular cyst excision
10080504 Transcatheter arterial chemolipidolisation
10080505 Transcatheter arterial chemolipidolization
10080506 Duplicate drug prescription error
10080507 Otitis media pneumococcal
10080508 Otitis media staphylococcal
10080509 Familial acromegaly
10080510 Familial isolated pituitary adenoma
10080511 Anti-HLA antibody test
10080512 Anti-HLA antibody test positive
10080513 Replication competent retrovirus test positive
10080514 Non-invasive prenatal testing
10080515 Prenatal cell-free DNA screening
10080516 Herpes zoster reactivation
10080517 HIV tropism identified
10080518 HLA-B*5701 assay negative
10080519 Adulterated product
10080520 Portogram
10080521 Back arthritis
10080522 Portography
10080523 Involuntary commitment
10080524 Patient sectioned
10080525 Brain satellitosis
10080526 Maxillary antrum fracture
10080527 Paranasal sinus fracture
10080528 Denture stomatitis
10080529 Denture fixative complication
10080530 Acute nonoliguric renal failure
10080531 Hepatocele
10080532 Wischnewsky spots
10080533 Gray matter heterotopia
10080534 Myopic traction maculopathy
10080535 Ozostomia
10080536 Cardiac valve infection
10080537 Diffuse pain
10080538 Zoon's balanitis
10080539 Intraretinal fluid
10080540 Biopsy omentum
10080541 Defunctioning colostomy
10080542 Shagreen skin
10080543 Accidental exposure to product related to device use
10080544 Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
10080545 Sinonasal obstruction
10080546 Removal of external fixation
10080547 Small airways disease
10080548 Fungal disease carrier
10080549 Functional endoscopic sinus surgery
10080550 Osteophyte fracture
10080551 Epidural emphysema
10080552 Fungal colonization
10080553 ACDF
10080554 Anterior cervical discectomy with fusion
10080555 Bony Bankart lesion
10080556 Soft Bankart lesion
10080557 Hyperthermic chemotherapy
10080558 Phonasthenia
10080559 Post procedural fever
10080560 Skin weeping
10080561 Gastrointestinal vascular malformation haemorrhagic
10080562 Oxidative stress
10080563 Foetal surgery
10080564 Abnormal scarring
10080565 Unilateral eye adduction
10080566 Fetal surgery
10080567 Biopsy choroid
10080568 Carbohydrate antigen 72-4
10080569 Cardiac iron overload
10080570 Ovarian dysplasia
10080571 Myotendinal junction pain
10080572 Hypersomnolence
10080573 Atopic conjunctivitis
10080574 Solid organ transplant rejection
10080575 Solid organ transplant
10080576 Alloimmune hepatitis
10080577 Lymphoid interstitial myocarditis
10080578 Injection site lipodystrophy
10080579 Postectomy
10080580 Clitoral phimosis
10080581 Blood cobalt increased
10080582 Product substitution issue reference biologic product to biosimilar
10080583 Biosimilar substitution altered therapeutic response
10080584 Tuberous sclerosis complex
10080585 Koenen's tumor
10080586 Koenen's tumour
10080587 Posterior cervical decompression and fusion
10080588 Blood alkalinisation therapy
10080589 Negative pressure pulmonary oedema
10080590 Histamine release test
10080591 Lateral position
10080592 Colon-patch oesophagoplasty
10080593 Pseudohypoaldosteronism
10080594 Gut fermentation syndrome
10080595 Drug peak level
10080596 Faecal volume
10080597 Drug trough level
10080598 Visceral debranching
10080599 Right atrial isomerism
10080600 Left atrial isomerism
10080601 Antibiomania
10080602 Aldosterone resistance
10080603 Auto-brewery syndrome
10080604 Hip arthroscopy
10080605 Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry
10080606 Systemic toxicity
10080607 Propionic acidaemia
10080608 Blood alkalinization therapy
10080609 Negative pressure pulmonary edema
10080610 Colon-patch esophagoplasty
10080611 Ketotic glycinemia
10080612 Fecal volume
10080613 Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
10080614 MALDI-TOF
10080615 Propionic acidemia
10080616 Ketotic glycinaemia
10080617 Propionyl-CoA carboxylase deficiency
10080618 Kidney transplant rupture
10080619 Sclerotherapy of lymphocele
10080620 Calcineurin inhibitor toxicity
10080621 Peripapillary hemorrhage
10080622 Post transplant hyperglycemia
10080623 Peripapillary haemorrhage
10080624 Post transplant hyperglycaemia
10080625 Fungal colonisation
10080626 Renal artery restenosis
10080627 Partial laryngectomy
10080628 Complicated urinary tract infection
10080629 Infrequent menstruation
10080630 Psoriasiform hyperplasia
10080631 IPEX syndrome
10080632 Ultrasound pancreas
10080633 Implantable cardiac monitor removal
10080634 Radisectomy
10080635 Thoracic spine pseudarthrosis
10080636 Immunodysregulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy X-linked syndrome
10080637 Tenuous bladder closure
10080638 Differentiation syndrome
10080639 Indeterminate pregnancy test result
10080640 Pitting leg edema
10080641 Pitting leg oedema
10080642 Radiation-induced lymphocyte apoptosis
10080643 Phlebolymphedema
10080644 Nephroureterostomy tube placement
10080645 Ligament thickening
10080646 Phlebolymphoedema
10080647 Cortical tubers
10080648 Drug dose omission by device
10080649 Partial dose delivery by device
10080650 Microorchidism
10080651 Dental abfraction
10080652 Pancreatectomy with portal vein resection
10080653 Uterine hyperkinesia
10080654 Herbal allergy
10080655 Estimated glomerular filtration rate normal
10080656 Estimated glomerular filtration rate decreased
10080657 Estimated glomerular filtration rate abnormal
10080658 Estimated glomerular filtration rate increased
10080659 Cricopharyngeal achalasia
10080660 Trichoblastic carcinoma
10080661 Malignant trichoblastoma
10080662 Psychomotor disadaptation syndrome
10080663 Psychomotor regression syndrome
10080664 Post fall syndrome
10080665 Acute hepatitis E
10080666 Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma
10080667 Personal hygiene
10080668 Nothing by mouth order
10080669 DNA mismatch repair deficiency test
10080670 Systemic lupus erythematosus reactivation
10080671 SLE reactivation
10080672 Autoimmune polyneuropathy
10080673 Obstructed nephrostomy
10080674 Autoimmune adrenalitis
10080675 NPO order
10080676 Microsatellite instability
10080677 Microsatellite instability test
10080678 Balanitis circumscripta plasmacellularis
10080679 Regenerative siderotic hepatic nodule
10080680 Prostatic urethral lift procedure
10080681 Term baby
10080682 Pleuropulmonary blastoma
10080683 Broad autism phenotype
10080684 Exploding head syndrome
10080685 Heel-knee-shin test abnormal
10080686 Mumford procedure
10080687 Early term baby
10080688 Full term baby
10080689 Pancreoprivic diabetes
10080690 Late term baby
10080691 Eyelid naevus
10080692 Coreoplasty
10080693 Nasolabial fold deepening
10080694 Nasolabial sulcus deepening
10080695 Glaucoma drainage implant surgery
10080696 Nasolabial smile lines
10080697 Eyelid nevus
10080698 Seton glaucoma surgery
10080699 Delayed toilet training
10080700 Relapsing multiple sclerosis
10080701 Autoimmune lung disease
10080702 ASAT
10080703 Leukocyte count
10080704 Epiglottis reconstruction
10080705 Epiglottic flap reconstruction
10080706 Femoral derotation osteotomy
10080707 Stoma creation
10080712 Product primary packaging issue
10080713 Hemihyperaesthesia
10080714 Vascular device infection
10080715 Hemihyperesthesia
10080716 Medicinal product interaction with primary packaging
10080717 Primary pulmonary melanoma
10080718 Device programming error
10080719 Pump programming error
10080720 Dermal fat graft
10080721 B-cell aplasia
10080722 Periorbital inflammation
10080723 Slow vital capacity abnormal
10080724 Slow vital capacity increased
10080725 Slow vital capacity normal
10080726 Radiation pancreatitis
10080727 Slow vital capacity decreased
10080728 Uterine cervix hyperplasia
10080729 Benign neoplasm of vertebral column
10080730 Endocervical hyperplasia
10080731 Malignant neoplasm of vertebral column
10080732 Injection site lymphadenitis
10080733 Benign recurrent lymphocytic meningitis
10080734 Mollaret's meningitis
10080735 Biotin supplementation
10080736 Intravenous digital subtraction angiography
10080737 Pantothenic acid supplementation
10080738 Vitamin B3 deficiency
10080739 Folic acid supplementation
10080740 Intraarterial digital subtraction angiography
10080741 Retrograde urography
10080742 Head MRI
10080743 Angiocardiogram
10080744 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging neck
10080745 Angiocardiography
10080746 Cervical MRI
10080747 Congenital renal atrophy
10080748 Vestibulocerebellar syndrome
10080749 Vestibulocerebellar ataxia
10080750 Transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
10080751 Exposure via breast milk
10080752 Maternal exposure during breast feeding
10080753 Product administered at inappropriate site
10080754 Counterfeit product administered
10080755 Chest wall resection
10080756 Lung middle lobectomy
10080757 Lung upper lobectomy
10080758 Lung bilobectomy
10080759 Extrapleural lung bilobectomy
10080760 Extrapleural lung lobectomy
10080761 Sleeve lobectomy
10080762 Lung lower lobectomy
10080763 Sleeve pneumonectomy
10080764 Drug administration interrupted
10080765 Needle priming not performed
10080766 Device cybersecurity issue
10080767 Error to dispense as written
10080768 JC polyomavirus test
10080769 Death with dignity
10080770 Tuberculosis exposure
10080771 Intravesical immunotherapy
10080772 Intravesical BCG therapy
10080773 Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism
10080774 Anal squamous cell carcinoma metastatic
10080775 Product design issue
10080776 Complicated skin and skin structure infection
10080777 Acute bacterial skin and skin structure infection
10080778 CSSSI
10080779 ABSSSI
10080780 Non-complicated skin and skin structure infection
10080781 Unexplained chronic cough
10080782 Refractory chronic cough
10080783 Vulvovaginitis allergic
10080784 Ureteral replacement
10080785 Dyschromatosis
10080786 Corneal epithelial wrinkling
10080787 Wellens' syndrome
10080788 Diabetic coronary microangiopathy
10080789 Short tempered
10080790 Dental bridge placement
10080791 Hypobaric hypoxia
10080792 Pyometritis
10080793 Wellens' wave
10080794 Right atrial appendage thrombus
10080795 Hypoattenuated leaflet thrombosis
10080796 Subclinical leaflet thrombosis
10080797 Biopsy hypopharynx
10080798 Optic disc excavation
10080799 Van Bogaert encephalitis
10080800 Hypoeosinophilia
10080801 Toe brachial index increased
10080802 Toe brachial index abnormal
10080803 Vascular device occlusion
10080804 Incorrect dose administered by product
10080805 Toe brachial index decreased
10080806 Toe brachial index normal
10080807 Positron emission tomography-magnetic resonance imaging
10080808 PET/MRI
10080809 Malacoplakia of bone
10080810 Finkelstein test
10080811 Physical examination of joints
10080812 Patella injury
10080813 Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis
10080814 Aspiration thrombectomy
10080815 Phaeohyphomycosis
10080816 Phaeohyphomycotic brain abscess
10080817 Beta globin abnormal
10080818 Unilateral leg swelling
10080819 Post procedural hypoparathyroidism
10080820 Nail dislocation
10080821 Agglutination test
10080822 Norovirus test
10080823 Immunoglobulin clonality assay
10080824 Glycocholic acid increased
10080825 Conjunctivitis fungal
10080826 Radiation inflammation
10080827 Product design confusion
10080828 Urinary sediment
10080829 Von Willebrand's factor antibody
10080830 Roseolovirus test
10080831 Hyperarousal
10080832 Snapping hip syndrome
10080833 Oxycephaly
10080834 Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase increased
10080835 DOOR syndrome
10080836 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
10080837 Implantable loop recorder
10080838 TRAcP 5b high
10080839 Odontogenic keratocyst
10080840 Radiofrequency neurotomy
10080841 Lenoir's thorn
10080842 Breast specimen radiography
10080843 Atrial appendage resection
10080844 Von Willebrand's disease gene carrier
10080845 IDH gene mutation
10080846 Enteric neuropathy
10080847 Burch procedure
10080848 Isocitrate dehydrogenase gene mutation
10080849 Listeraemia
10080850 Listeremia
10080851 Dry skin face
10080852 Red hands
10080853 HTLV-2 test
10080854 HTLV test
10080855 HTLV-1 test
10080856 Haemoglobin distribution width
10080857 Antigliadin antibody
10080858 Adenosine deaminase
10080859 Hemoglobin distribution width
10080860 Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration
10080861 Lipolysis procedure
10080862 Focal adipolysis
10080863 Injection lipolysis
10080864 Submental lipolysis
10080865 Multiple sclerosis lesion
10080866 Intraventricular haemorrhage grade II
10080867 Posthaemorrhagic ventricular dilatation
10080868 PHVD
10080869 Intraventricular haemorrhage grade I
10080870 Intraventricular haemorrhage grade IV
10080871 Intraventricular haemorrhage grade III
10080872 Intraventricular hemorrhage grade II
10080873 Posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation
10080874 Intraventricular hemorrhage grade IV
10080875 Intraventricular hemorrhage grade I
10080876 Intraventricular hemorrhage grade III
10080877 Distraction osteogenesis
10080878 Dermal sinus excision
10080879 Congenital hypoplasia of depressor angularis oris muscle
10080880 Visuospatial deficit
10080881 Sleep deficit
10080882 Sleep deprivation
10080883 Hyperglycinaemia
10080884 Gastric transposition
10080885 Physical capacity evaluation
10080886 Cheilectomy
10080887 Brain stent insertion
10080888 Spinal rheumatoid arthritis
10080889 Glycine encephalopathy
10080890 Gastric pull-up
10080891 Hyperglycinemia
10080892 Internal hernia repair
10080893 Oxalate nephropathy
10080894 Procedural shock
10080895 Capsular contracture associated with implant
10080896 Perforation of great vessels
10080897 Neonatal deafness
10080898 Nervous system injury
10080899 Pleomorphism
10080900 Subgaleal haemorrhage
10080901 Tissue infiltration
10080902 Neonatal hypoacusis
10080903 Tissue injury
10080904 Dehiscence
10080905 Overwear syndrome
10080906 Tissue irritation
10080907 Discharge
10080908 Flap necrosis
10080909 Induced cataract
10080910 Facial nerve paralysis
10080911 Fluid discharge
10080912 Nipple hypoesthesia
10080913 Ulceration
10080914 Apgar score decreased
10080915 Device fragment embedded
10080916 Neonatal hearing loss
10080917 Nipple hypoaesthesia
10080918 Focal motor seizures
10080919 Abrasion
10080920 Adverse reaction to antibiotics
10080921 Neonatal hearing impairment
10080922 Perforation of organ
10080923 Postoperative shock
10080924 Thrombus
10080925 Subgaleal hemorrhage
10080926 Vaginal mucosal damage
10080927 Dependence on ventilator
10080928 Adverse local tissue reaction around device
10080929 Tissue damage
10080930 Cranial nerve decompression
10080931 Trigeminal nerve decompression
10080932 Neurocognitive deficit
10080933 Failure to suspend medication
10080934 Wrong rate
10080935 Gallbladder hyperfunction
10080936 Gallbladder hypofunction
10080937 Temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis
10080938 Vegetable allergy
10080939 Electromagnetic therapy
10080940 Ankyloblepharon-ectodermal defects-cleft lip/palate syndrome
10080941 Optic disc pigmentation
10080942 Morganella test
10080943 Klebsiella test
10080944 Leptospira test
10080945 Amniotic fluid erythropoietin
10080946 Haemophilus test
10080947 Hemophilus test
10080948 Artificial insemination
10080949 Endometriosis cautery
10080950 Bimanual uterine compression
10080951 Assisted reproductive technology
10080952 Rhesus antigen
10080953 Hereditary angioedema with normal C1 esterase inhibitor
10080954 C1 esterase inhibitor test normal
10080955 Hereditary angioedema with C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency
10080956 Hereditary angioedema type I
10080957 Hereditary angioedema C1 inhibitor deficiency
10080958 Hereditary angioedema type III
10080959 Hereditary angioedema with normal C1 inhibitor
10080960 Hereditary angioedema type II
10080961 Hereditary angioedema with normal C1 esterase
10080962 Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli gastroenteritis
10080963 Neurogenic tumour
10080964 Ocular procedural complication
10080965 Paraneoplastic myelopathy
10080966 Portal vein reconstruction
10080967 Contrast media toxicity
10080968 Venous reconstruction
10080969 Paravertebral neurogenic tumor
10080970 Sarcomatoid squamous cell carcinoma
10080971 Paravertebral neurogenic tumour
10080972 Tissue rupture
10080973 Pathological dissection
10080974 Wrong product procured
10080975 Wrong dosage formulation
10080976 Wrong drug procured
10080977 Single component of a two-component product administered
10080978 Wrong drug product dispensed
10080979 Red blood cell nucleated morphology
10080980 Red blood cell spherocytes
10080981 Red blood cell hyperchromic morphology
10080982 Red blood cell anisocytes
10080983 Red blood cell schistocytes
10080984 Red blood cell poikilocytes
10080985 Groaning
10080986 Paracancerous pneumonia
10080987 Left ventricular diastolic collapse
10080988 Cervix tumour excision
10080989 Cerebrospinal fluid volume decreased
10080990 Cervix tumor excision
10080991 Mucosal thickening
10080992 Ventricular compliance decreased
10080993 Diverticuloma
10080994 Ulcerative duodenitis
10080995 Paediatric early warning score increased
10080996 Cutis verticis gyrata
10080997 Minimum inhibitory concentration increased
10080998 Urinary tract adhesions
10080999 Pediatric early warning score increased
10081000 Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
10081001 Vernal keratoconjunctivitis seasonal
10081002 Vernal keratoconjunctivitis perennial
10081003 Gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma
10081004 Hypersensitivity myocarditis
10081005 Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor level normal
10081006 Bush-Francis catatonia rating scale
10081007 Obesity cardiomyopathy
10081008 Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor level decreased
10081009 Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor level increased
10081010 Withdrawal catatonia
10081011 G-CSF level normal
10081012 Sullen
10081013 Gastric torsion
10081014 Inflammatory arthritis
10081015 G-CSF level increased
10081016 Anal numbness
10081017 Bilateral bronchopneumonia
10081018 G-CSF level decreased
10081019 Cerebral artery atheroma
10081020 Electrocardiogram QTc interval borderline prolonged
10081021 Metastatic gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma
10081022 Atheroma in the circle of Willis
10081023 Basilar artery atheroma
10081024 Basal cell carcinoma of oesophagus
10081025 BFCRS
10081026 Basal cell carcinoma of esophagus
10081027 CSF HIV escape syndrome
10081028 CSF HIV virus identified
10081029 Deprescribing error
10081030 Respiratory tract chlamydial infection
10081031 Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis
10081032 Forehead edema
10081033 Forehead oedema
10081034 Cyberchondria
10081035 Acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency
10081036 Primary breast lymphoma
10081037 Tumour hyperprogression
10081038 Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration
10081039 Tumor hyperprogression
10081040 Peaked pupil
10081041 Gastric leiomyoma
10081042 Prosthetic valve dehiscence
10081043 Dengue virus test negative
10081044 Congenital Zika syndrome
10081045 Zika virus associated ocular birth defect
10081046 Zika virus associated Guillain Barre syndrome
10081047 Zika virus associated birth defect
10081048 Zika virus associated microencephaly
10081049 Dengue IgM antibody negative
10081050 Dengue IgM antibody positive
10081051 Dengue NS1 antigen positive
10081052 Dengue IgG antibody negative
10081053 Dengue IgG antibody positive
10081054 Dengue NS1 antigen negative
10081055 Zika virus associated Guillain Barre-like syndrome
10081056 Tracheal cannula dislocation
10081057 Transillumination
10081058 TAFRO syndrome
10081059 Congenital cardiovascular anomaly repair
10081060 Exposure to household chemicals
10081061 Intra-ocular injection complication
10081062 Benign pancreatic mucinous neoplasm
10081063 Exposure to bleach
10081064 Retroauricular cellulitis
10081065 Intracranial hemangiopericytoma
10081066 Exposure to cleansers
10081067 Intracranial haemangiopericytoma
10081068 Sclerotomy
10081069 Erotic dreams
10081070 Spontaneous heparin-induced thrombocytopenia syndrome
10081071 Adhesive tape use
10081072 Bladder explosion
10081073 Mallampati score
10081074 HIT-mimicking thromboembolic disorder
10081075 Spontaneous HIT syndrome
10081076 Posterior cerebral artery infarction
10081077 Peripheral artery haematoma
10081078 Peripheral artery hematoma
10081079 Renal pseudoaneurysm
10081080 Femoral artery hematoma
10081081 Femoral artery haematoma
10081082 Tenosynovitis crepitans
10081083 Pus cells in urine
10081084 Cellulitis knee
10081085 Cervical anterolisthesis
10081086 Lumbar facet arthrosis
10081087 Thoracic back pain
10081088 Lumbar anterolisthesis
10081089 Buttock numbness
10081090 Thoracic anterolisthesis
10081091 Lumbar radicular pain
10081092 Implant malposition
10081093 Cervical radicular pain
10081094 Sacral anterolisthesis
10081095 Cervical facet arthrosis
10081096 Thoracic facet arthrosis
10081097 Calf swelling
10081098 Sacral spondylolisthesis
10081099 Acute cardiac event
10081100 Aortoenteric fistula
10081101 Hanging
10081102 Ozone therapy
10081103 Photochemotherapy
10081104 Retained lens fragments
10081105 Swollen tonsils
10081106 Sclerosing pneumocytoma
10081107 Active ingredient not added to diluent
10081108 Moxibustion
10081109 Chronic otitis media with effusion
10081110 Acute otitis media with effusion
10081111 Lithiasis
10081112 Calculus
10081113 Otitis media with effusion
10081114 Maxillary sinus cyst
10081115 Throat discomfort
10081116 Uterine ablation
10081117 Allergy to topical drugs
10081118 Occlusal adjustment
10081119 Carcinoid tumour of the liver
10081120 Carcinoid tumor of the liver
10081121 Anorectal haemangioma
10081122 Anorectal hemangioma
10081123 Autoimmune eye disorder
10081124 Sacrohysteropexy
10081125 Cannula placement
10081126 Hypohepatia
10081127 Dentoalveolar haemorrhage
10081128 Trigeminal nerve dysfunction
10081129 Uterine fibroma
10081130 Dentoalveolar hemorrhage
10081131 Patient misunderstanding health care provider instructions for product use
10081132 Health care provider instructions for product use lacking
10081133 Removal of drug delivery system
10081134 Intentional removal of drug delivery system by patient
10081135 Attempted removal of drug delivery system by patient
10081136 Skin squamous cell carcinoma recurrent
10081137 Cytophagic histiocytic panniculitis
10081138 Extramedullary myeloma
10081139 Cranial remodeling therapy
10081140 Helmet moulding therapy
10081141 Helmet molding therapy
10081142 Lichen planopilaris
10081143 Spot-like rash
10081144 Ophthalmic artery thrombosis
10081145 Neurogenic tumor
10081146 Hereditary renal microhematuria
10081147 Gastrointestinal vascular malformation hemorrhagic
10081148 Fat embolism syndrome
10081149 CAR T-cell-related encephalopathy syndrome
10081150 Bone sequestrum
10081151 Gallbladder rupture
10081152 Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea
10081153 Secretory polyp
10081154 Skin lesion inflammation
10081155 Tracheobronchitis bacterial
10081156 Digestive enzyme increased
10081157 Digestive enzyme test
10081158 Digestive enzyme decreased
10081159 Digestive enzyme abnormal
10081160 Digestive enzyme normal
10081161 Eye drop instillation
10081162 Intersection syndrome
10081163 Fungal urethritis
10081164 Bronchial atresia
10081165 Acute posterior ganglionitis
10081166 Alcohol allergy
10081167 Chorioretinal degeneration
10081168 Partial knee replacement
10081169 Intravitreal injection
10081170 Rib contusion
10081171 Atrial myxoma
10081172 Thoracic radiculopathy
10081173 Anti-VEGF therapy
10081174 Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty
10081175 Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy
10081176 Thoracic radiculitis
10081177 Phrenic nerve palsy
10081178 Scrotal exfoliation
10081179 Epilepsy with myoclonic-atonic seizures
10081180 Muscle hypotonia
10081181 Doose syndrome
10081182 Muscle hypertonia
10081183 Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy
10081184 Plantarflexed metatarsal
10081185 Gonococcal infection
10081186 Central vision loss
10081187 Platelet rich plasma therapy
10081188 Cerebro-asthenic syndrome
10081189 Transdifferentiation of neoplasm
10081190 NYHA classification
10081191 New York Heart Association classification
10081192 Total neuropathy score
10081193 Labelled drug-alcohol interaction medication error
10081194 Labeled drug-alcohol interaction medication error
10081195 General physical condition decreased
10081196 Stomach content analysis
10081197 Biliary catheter removal
10081198 Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage catheter removal
10081199 Macular telangiectasia
10081200 Toe brachial index
10081201 Pleural tap
10081202 Incorrect route of product administration
10081203 Suspected exposure via ingestion
10081204 Neck dissection
10081205 Orbital exenteration
10081206 Extended neck dissection
10081207 Pedestrian in motor vehicle accident
10081208 Zhu-Tokita-Takenouchi-Kim syndrome
10081209 Gatad2b associated neurodevelopmental disorder
10081210 Bacille Calmette-Guerin scar reactivation
10081211 Primary macroglobulinemia
10081212 BCG scar inflammation
10081213 BCG scar activation
10081214 BCG scar reactivation
10081215 Primary macroglobulinaemia
10081216 Product use in unapproved therapeutic environment
10081217 Drug use in unapproved therapeutic environment
10081218 Birth defect correction
10081219 Chronic appendicitis
10081220 Middle ear irrigation
10081221 Epitympanic irrigation
10081222 Heel fat pad syndrome
10081223 Joint position sense decreased
10081224 Stem cell therapy
10081225 Familial gigantiform cementoma
10081226 Pharyngeal dystonia
10081227 Airway patency device insertion
10081228 Diastrophic dysplasia
10081229 Oropharyngeal airway insertion
10081230 Nasopharyngeal airway insertion
10081231 Intraosseous access placement
10081232 Salt diathesis
10081233 Phobic postural vertigo
10081234 PIK3CA-activated mutation
10081235 Familial multiple lipomatosis
10081236 PIK3CA related overgrowth spectrum
10081237 Acquired porokeratosis
10081238 Cerebellar calcification
10081239 Scapholunate advanced collapse
10081240 Fecal immunochemical test positive
10081241 Esophageal duplication cyst
10081242 Faecal immunochemical test positive
10081243 Oesophageal duplication cyst
10081244 Internal carotid artery stenosis
10081245 External carotid artery stenosis
10081246 Ortolani test
10081247 Barlow test
10081248 Ortolani maneuver
10081249 Barlow maneuver
10081250 Protothecosis
10081251 Prototheca wickerhamii infection
10081252 Oxidative hemolysis
10081253 Oxidative haemolysis
10081254 Exposure keratopathy
10081255 Helicobacter duodenal ulcer
10081256 Perioral herpes
10081257 Diplopia correction
10081258 BPES syndrome
10081259 BPES type I
10081260 BPES type II
10081261 Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome
10081262 Candida urethritis
10081263 Procrastination
10081264 Scleromyxedema
10081265 Scleromyxoedema
10081266 Central nervous system injury
10081267 CNS injury
10081268 Primary progressive aphasia
10081269 Wernicke's aphasia
10081270 Major depressive disorder
10081271 Sinogram
10081272 Alpha-gal allergy
10081273 Pituitary gland operation
10081274 Childhood asthma
10081275 Monolid eyes
10081276 Single eyelids
10081277 Viral disease carrier
10081278 Human papilloma virus colonisation
10081279 Human papilloma virus colonization
10081280 Ureaplasmal vulvovaginitis
10081281 Tympanoscopy
10081282 Kommerell's diverticulum
10081283 Stockholm syndrome
10081284 Loeys-Dietz syndrome
10081285 Colitis cystica profunda
10081286 H3N2 influenza
10081287 HPV positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
10081288 Proctitis cystica profunda
10081289 Penile frenulum tear
10081290 Ureaplasmal vaginitis
10081291 Uterine agenesis
10081292 Endoscopic subureteral transurethral injection
10081293 STING procedure
10081294 Exercise induced palpitation
10081295 Head asymmetry
10081296 Alcohol test
10081297 Alcohol test positive
10081298 Alcohol test negative
10081299 Distant skin discolouration
10081300 Distant skin discoloration
10081301 Product preparation issue
10081302 Drug dilution in inappropriate volume of solution
10081303 Laceration repair
10081304 Laser doppler flowmetry
10081305 Skin perfusion pressure test
10081306 CAR T-cell therapy
10081307 Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy
10081308 Brachymetatarsia
10081309 Benjamin syndrome
10081310 Carpenter syndrome
10081311 Hyperlysinaemia
10081312 Hyperlysinemia
10081313 Kosaki overgrowth syndrome
10081314 Sandhoff disease
10081315 CARASIL syndrome
10081316 Cerebral autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
10081317 Transpedicular surgical decompression
10081318 Neurosarcoma
10081319 Respiratory tract procedural complication
10081320 Spleen procedural complication
10081321 Ear procedural complication
10081322 Endocrine procedural complication
10081323 Renal procedural complication
10081324 Reproductive tract procedural complication
10081325 Gastrointestinal procedural complication
10081326 Hepatobiliary procedural complication
10081327 Musculoskeletal procedural complication
10081328 Head and neck procedural complication
10081329 Skin procedural complication
10081330 Breast procedural complication
10081331 Urinary tract procedural complication
10081332 Granuloma gluteale infantum
10081333 Computerised tomogram pelvis abnormal
10081334 Computerized tomogram pelvis abnormal
10081335 Pelvis CT abnormal
10081336 Irreversible electroporation
10081337 Cranial remodelling therapy
10081338 Neurological procedural complication
10081339 Delftia acidovorans infection
10081340 Asymmetric thigh fold
10081341 Bipartite patella
10081342 Heterogeneous testis
10081343 Maisonneuve fracture
10081344 Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant
10081345 Cyclocryotherapy
10081346 Corrosive injury of oesophagus
10081347 Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplant
10081348 Corrosive injury of esophagus
10081349 Resistant hypertension
10081350 Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
10081351 Hyperplasia of thymic epithelium
10081352 Persistent Muellerian duct syndrome
10081353 Gastroesophageal cancer recurrent
10081354 Lipoprotein increased
10081355 Lipoprotein abnormal
10081356 Alcohol withdrawal seizure
10081357 Fungating tumour
10081358 Fungating tumor
10081359 Product residue present
10081360 Myocardial infarction with nonobstructive coronary arteries
10081361 Anterior cord syndrome
10081362 Hypophosphataemic osteomalacia
10081363 Hypophosphatemic osteomalacia
10081364 Hypermutation
10081365 Posthectomy
10081366 Flank tenderness
10081367 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (BALT type)
10081368 BALT lymphoma
10081369 Extranodal marginal B-cell lymphoma of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue
10081370 Penis frenulectomy
10081371 Brunner syndrome
10081372 Corset trunkplasty
10081373 Bone spur removal
10081374 Valley fever
10081375 Acheiropody
10081376 Plate osteosynthesis
10081377 Barrier laser procedure
10081378 Endocrine disorder prophylaxis
10081379 Psychiatric disorder prophylaxis
10081380 Musculoskeletal disorder prophylaxis
10081381 Respiratory disorder prophylaxis
10081382 Blood disorder prophylaxis
10081383 Renal disorder prophylaxis
10081384 Ear and hearing disorder prophylaxis
10081385 Hepatobiliary disorder prophylaxis
10081386 Vascular disorder prophylaxis
10081387 Reproductive system disorder prophylaxis
10081388 Nervous system disorder prophylaxis
10081389 Gastrointestinal disorder prophylaxis
10081390 Gynaecological disorder prophylaxis
10081391 Skin disorder prophylaxis
10081392 Metabolic disorder prophylaxis
10081393 Eye disorder prophylaxis
10081394 Urinary tract disorder prophylaxis
10081395 Spinal segmental dysfunction
10081396 ROHHAD syndrome
10081397 Rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation and autonomic dysregulation
10081398 Gastrooesophageal cancer recurrent
10081399 Duplication of inferior vena cava
10081400 Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung
10081401 Spindle cell carcinoma of the lung
10081402 Secondary histiocytosis haematophagic
10081403 Secondary histiocytosis hematophagic
10081404 Primary histiocytosis hematophagic
10081405 Primary histiocytosis haematophagic
10081406 Primary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
10081407 Primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
10081408 Secondary haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
10081409 Secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
10081410 VABP
10081411 Non-ventilated HABP
10081412 Ventilated HABP
10081413 Ventilated hospital acquired bacterial pneumonia
10081414 Ventilator associated bacterial pneumonia
10081415 Non-ventilated hospital acquired bacterial pneumonia
10081416 Hospital acquired bacterial pneumonia
10081417 Complicated skin and soft tissue infection
10081418 Splenic flexure mobilisation
10081419 Vessel harvesting
10081420 Splenic flexure mobilization
10081421 Carcinoid tumour of the ovary
10081422 Enlarged foetal cisterna magna
10081423 Enlarged fetal cisterna magna
10081424 Carcinoid tumor of the ovary
10081425 Arterial hypertension
10081426 Ear carcinoma
10081427 Enlarged cisterna magna
10081428 Ciliary body melanoma
10081429 Strangulated incisional hernia
10081430 Eosinophilic otitis media
10081431 Uveal melanoma
10081432 Damus-Kaye-Stansel procedure
10081433 Talofibular ligament tear
10081434 Steroid phobia
10081435 FEV1/FVC ratio decreased
10081436 FEV1/FVC ratio abnormal
10081437 Ewing-like sarcoma
10081438 Nevus pilosus
10081439 Naevus pilosus
10081440 Acquired plagiocephaly
10081441 Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy
10081442 Stapes fracture
10081443 Bergmeister's papilla
10081444 Removal of drug delivery system by healthcare professional
10081445 Foveal reflex abnormal
10081446 Tummy tuck
10081447 Unusual failure in efficacy
10081448 Scapholunate dissociation
10081449 Impostor phenomenon
10081450 Litholapaxy
10081451 Spontaneous osteonecrosis of knee
10081452 Postural instability
10081453 Bronchial aspiration procedure
10081454 Heliotrope rash
10081455 Inhibin A increased
10081456 Autoimmune enteropathy
10081457 Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia
10081458 Inhibin A decreased
10081459 Inhibin B decreased
10081460 Inhibin B increased
10081461 C1q nephropathy
10081462 Tracheal aspiration procedure
10081463 Retinal vein varices
10081464 Immune-mediated enteritis
10081465 Vocal sibilation
10081466 Inhibin A
10081467 Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia
10081468 Vortex vein ampulla varicosities
10081469 Werewolf syndrome
10081470 Helicobacter test false negative
10081471 Helicobacter pylori urea breath test false negative
10081472 Brostrom operation
10081473 Soy allergy
10081474 Facet joint arthropathy
10081475 Drug-induced renal disease
10081476 Drug-induced kidney injury
10081477 Post-sterilisation regret
10081478 Poor quality product administered
10081479 Product administration interrupted
10081480 Suspected product quality issue
10081481 Post ablation tubal sterilisation syndrome
10081482 Intentional product use in unapproved population
10081483 Device placement monitoring procedure not performed
10081484 Sterilization regret
10081485 Arthropod transmitted infection
10081486 Single dose administration interrupted
10081487 Sterilisation regret
10081488 Post-sterilization regret
10081489 Post ablation tubal sterilization syndrome
10081490 Petrosectomy
10081491 Stiff tongue
10081492 Atopic cough
10081493 Electrocardiogram PR segment depression
10081494 Electrocardiogram PR segment elevation
10081495 High-energy trauma
10081496 Muscle tension dysphonia
10081497 Acute on chronic hepatitis B
10081498 Bladder mapping
10081499 Prosthesis damage
10081500 Phentolamine test
10081501 Exposure via mucosa
10081502 Exposure via oral mucosa
10081503 Transfusion-related alloimmune neutropenia
10081504 Sacrectomy
10081505 Chorea-acanthocytosis
10081506 Neuroacanthocytosis
10081507 McLeod neuroacanthocytosis syndrome
10081508 Truncus arteriosus repair
10081509 Ureterorenoscopy
10081510 11-deoxycortisol increased
10081511 11-deoxycorticosterone increased
10081512 Bladder tack
10081513 Acute myeloid leukaemia refractory
10081514 Acute myeloid leukemia refractory
10081515 Lateropulsion
10081516 Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase deficiency
10081517 Griscelli syndrome
10081518 ACAD9 deficiency
10081519 Injection site alopecia
10081520 Punctal plug removal
10081521 Eyelid abrasion
10081522 Alopecia barbae
10081523 Microglial nodules
10081524 Thyrotoxic myopathy
10081525 Oesophageal stent stenosis
10081526 Esophageal stent stenosis
10081527 Device name confusion
10081528 Natural killer cell activity abnormal
10081529 Natural killer cell activity test
10081530 Natural killer cell activity increased
10081531 Natural killer cell activity decreased
10081532 Natural killer cell activity normal
10081533 CTLA4 deficiency
10081534 Complicated appendicitis
10081535 Inflammatory appendiceal mass
10081536 Lymph node necrosis
10081537 Right ventricular undersensing
10081538 Atrial undersensing
10081539 Left ventricular undersensing
10081540 Recalled product administered
10081541 Iris hamartoma
10081542 Polyorchidism
10081543 Therapeutic ovarian suppression
10081544 Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
10081545 Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome
10081546 Hydrovarium
10081547 Gastric pacemaker removal
10081548 Unicuspid aortic valve
10081549 Gastric pacemaker insertion
10081550 Bergmann's syndrome
10081551 Reverse shoulder replacement
10081552 Lisch nodule
10081553 Belsey operation
10081554 Prospermia
10081555 Orthostatic headache
10081556 Subacromial pain syndrome
10081557 Ergometry
10081558 Diabetic wound
10081559 Septic peritonitis
10081560 Left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion
10081561 Aortic valve pressure gradient increased
10081562 Heartland virus infection
10081563 Sphingomonas paucimobilis bacteraemia
10081564 Sphingomonas paucimobilis bacteremia
10081565 ALA dehydratase deficient porphyria
10081566 Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase deficient porphyria
10081567 ALAD porphyria
10081568 Non-proliferative retinopathy
10081569 Vascular access site discharge
10081570 Urinary tract itching
10081571 Skin breakout
10081572 Inappropriate schedule of product administration
10081573 Intercepted product administration error
10081574 Incorrect product dosage form administered
10081575 Product monitoring error
10081576 Product administration error
10081577 Wrong patient received product
10081578 Product administered to patient of inappropriate age
10081579 Wrong product administered
10081580 Product dose omission
10081581 Incorrect product administration duration
10081582 Urinary bladder explosion
10081583 Low FODMAP diet
10081584 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia mimicking thromboembolic disorder
10081585 Otolithiasis
10081586 Ureterocutaneous fistula
10081587 Nipple sparing mastectomy
10081588 Metabolic nephropathy
10081589 Incision site fibrosis
10081590 Malignant biliary obstruction
10081591 Macroenzyme creatine kinase
10081592 Malignant gastrointestinal obstruction
10081593 Electrocardiogram S1-S2-S3 pattern
10081594 Procedural failure
10081595 Incorrect needle gauge used
10081596 Common iliac artery penetrating ulcer
10081597 Partial dose delivery by product
10081598 Occupational exposure to product via eye
10081599 Macroenzyme creatine kinase type 1
10081600 Macroenzyme creatine kinase type 2
10081601 Seizure prophylaxis
10081602 Spinal retrolisthesis
10081603 Severe hypoglycaemia
10081604 Dural bleb
10081605 Severe hypoglycemia
10081606 Lumbar pedicle fracture
10081607 Thoracic retrolisthesis
10081608 Cervical pedicle fracture
10081609 Cervical retrolisthesis
10081610 Lumbosacral retrolisthesis
10081611 Thoracic pedicle fracture
10081612 Vertebral lateral recess stenosis
10081613 Spinal synovial cyst
10081614 Lumbar dorsal ramus syndrome
10081615 Durotomy procedure
10081616 Perineural fibrosis
10081617 Cervical spinous process fracture
10081618 Synovial cyst of cervical facet joint
10081619 Synovial cyst of thoracic facet joint
10081620 Lumbosacral instability
10081621 Lumbosacral lateral recess stenosis
10081622 Lumbar lateral recess stenosis
10081623 Lumbar spinous process fracture
10081624 Thoracic lateral recess stenosis
10081625 Cervical lateral recess stenosis
10081626 Thoracic spinous process fracture
10081627 Synovial cyst of lumbar facet joint
10081628 Lumbosacral spinal stenosis
10081629 Thoracic spinal instability
10081630 Cervical nerve root impingement
10081631 Lumbar facet joint syndrome
10081632 Thoracic facet joint syndrome
10081633 Lumbosacral foraminal stenosis
10081634 Leg spasm
10081635 Screw positioned inappropriately
10081636 Cervical spinal instability
10081637 Thoracic nerve root impingement
10081638 Incidental durotomy
10081639 Lumbosacral disc herniation
10081640 Laceration of wrist
10081641 Lumbosacral facet joint syndrome
10081642 Radiolucency around screw
10081643 Lumbosacral nerve root impingement
10081644 Lumbar nerve root impingement
10081645 Lumbar subluxation
10081646 Thoracic subluxation
10081647 Rebound acid hypersecretion
10081648 Rebound hyperchlorhydria
10081649 Rebound gastric hypersecretion
10081650 Rebound hyperacidity
10081651 Posterior capsule neovascularisation
10081652 Serpiginous choroiditis
10081653 Bing-Neel syndrome
10081654 Infantile fibromatosis
10081655 Posterior capsule neovascularization
10081656 Gastrointestinal scarring
10081657 Allergic rhinosinusitis
10081658 Acute allergic rhinosinusitis
10081659 Gastrointestinal spasm
10081660 Chronic allergic rhinosinusitis
10081661 Aureobasidium pullulans infection
10081662 Corneal cross linking
10081663 Chemokine increased
10081664 Chemokine decreased
10081665 Chemokine test
10081666 Glucosylsphingosine abnormal
10081667 Glucosylsphingosine increased
10081668 Chemokine abnormal
10081669 Glucosylsphingosine decreased
10081670 Glucosylsphingosine normal
10081671 Pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine increased
10081672 Pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine decreased
10081673 Notchplasty
10081674 Drug delivery system removal
10081675 Intentional misuse of drug delivery system
10081676 Complication of drug delivery system removal
10081677 Product quality complaint
10081678 Amelogenesis imperfecta
10081679 Mucopolysaccharidosis IX
10081680 Smith-Magenis syndrome
10081681 Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency
10081682 Isodicentric chromosome 15 syndrome
10081683 Anterior labroligamentous periosteal sleeve avulsion lesion
10081684 GRACILE syndrome
10081685 Kniest dysplasia
10081686 Panendoscopy
10081687 Dermatophagia
10081688 Mid-dermal elastolysis
10081689 Wet wrap therapy
10081690 Staphyloderma
10081691 Canalithiasis
10081692 Squamous cell papilloma
10081693 Antrocele
10081694 Spinal neuralgia
10081695 Diabetic maculopathy
10081696 ALPSA lesion
10081697 Genital discolouration
10081698 Eye pH normal
10081699 Eye pH abnormal
10081700 Eye pH decreased
10081701 Eye pH increased
10081702 Eye pH test
10081703 Circumoral swelling
10081704 Suspected suicide attempt
10081705 Scalp swelling
10081706 Heaviness in arm
10081707 Scalp blister
10081708 Lip itching
10081709 Oral mucosal hyperplasia
10081710 Scalp peeling
10081711 Medical device site burning sensation
10081712 Skin dysaesthesia
10081713 Red rash
10081714 Scalp irritation
10081715 Mouth oedema
10081716 Skin hypoaesthesia
10081717 Anal itching
10081718 Genital discoloration
10081719 Mouth edema
10081720 Skin hypoesthesia
10081721 Skin dysesthesia
10081722 Viral PCR test
10081723 Pyoperitoneum
10081724 Mazabraud's syndrome
10081725 Anterior capsular rupture
10081726 Subacute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
10081727 Immature granulocyte count increased
10081728 Transient epileptic amnesia
10081729 Anti-transglutaminase antibody decreased
10081730 Degenerative bone disease
10081731 Arterial angioplasty
10081732 Panner disease
10081733 Laceration of toe
10081734 High response to ovarian stimulation
10081735 Pelvic distension
10081736 Rectocolitis
10081737 Placental lake
10081738 Sesamoidectomy
10081739 Frontal fibrosing alopecia
10081740 Capnocytophaga sepsis
10081741 Capnocytophaga canimorsus sepsis
10081742 Intercepted product dispensing error
10081743 Intercepted product prescribing error
10081744 Contraindicated product prescribed
10081745 Nausea in pregnancy
10081746 Fothergill sign test
10081747 Carnett's sign test
10081748 Murphy's sign test
10081749 Fothergill sign positive
10081750 High carbohydrate diet
10081751 Catecholamine crisis
10081752 Carnett's sign positive
10081753 SCORTEN score
10081754 Severity-of-illness score for toxic epidermal necrolysis
10081755 Steroid diabetes
10081756 Ulcerative hyperkeratosis
10081757 Erosive lichen planus
10081758 Extrafoveal localised retinal detachment
10081759 Extrafoveal localized retinal detachment
10081760 Subfoveal localised retinal detachment
10081761 Subfoveal localized retinal detachment
10081762 Pancreatic pseudoaneurysm
10081763 Corona radiata infarction
10081764 Cochlear implant
10081765 Sensitive skin
10081766 Absence of immediate treatment response
10081767 Pharyngeal perforation
10081768 Atopic urticaria
10081769 NTRK gene fusion overexpression
10081770 Product prescribing error
10081771 Product dispensing issue
10081772 Neurotrophic tyrosine receptor kinase gene fusion overexpression
10081773 Modified Rodnan skin score normal
10081774 Urethral calculus removal
10081775 3M syndrome
10081776 Modified Rodnan skin score abnormal
10081777 Computerised tomogram spine
10081778 Central nervous system vasculitis
10081779 Degenerative multivalvular disease
10081780 Modified Rodnan skin score
10081781 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging joint
10081782 Sphenoethmoidectomy
10081783 Chronic diastolic heart failure
10081784 Skin abscess drainage
10081785 Plaster allergy
10081786 Prostate resection
10081787 Acute on chronic pyelonephritis
10081788 Epley procedure
10081789 Primary central nervous system vasculitis
10081790 Rectal hyperplastic polyp
10081791 Shoulder tendinitis
10081792 Lung opacity
10081793 Spinal cord vasculitis
10081794 Chronic gastroduodenitis
10081795 Bilateral cataract extraction
10081796 Gallbladder removal
10081797 Herpetic keratouveitis
10081798 Muscular back pain
10081799 Computerized tomogram spine
10081800 CNS vasculitis
10081801 LABG
10081802 Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band
10081803 Holmes rebound phenomenon
10081804 Bladder pacemaker insertion
10081805 Mid-urethral sling procedure
10081806 Coffin-Lowry syndrome
10081807 Sitting disability
10081808 Plethoric face
10081809 Herpetophobia
10081810 Pustulotic arthro-osteitis
10081811 Pericardial fenestration
10081812 Gilmore's groin
10081813 Butanol threshold test
10081814 Sonozaki syndrome
10081815 Myopic foveoschisis
10081816 Peroral endoscopic myotomy
10081817 Gluteal abscess
10081818 Kegel exercises
10081819 Ophidiophobia
10081820 Asymptomatic ARIA-H
10081821 Asymptomatic ARIA-E
10081822 Symptomatic ARIA-H
10081823 Symptomatic ARIA-E
10081824 Herpes zoster immunisation
10081825 Ureaplasma urealyticum infection
10081826 Herpes zoster immunization
10081827 Gaming disorder
10081828 Tumor infection
10081829 Internet gaming disorder
10081830 Tumour infection
10081831 TRPV4 gene mutation
10081832 Brachyolmia
10081833 PAPSS2 gene mutation
10081834 Brachyolmia, Maroteaux type
10081835 Brachyolmia type 1, Hobaek type
10081836 Brachyolmia type 1, Toledo type
10081837 Autosomal recessive brachyolmia
10081838 Brachyolmia-amelogenesis imperfecta syndrome
10081839 Brachyrachia
10081840 Autosomal dominant brachyolmia
10081841 Desmoplastic fibroblastoma
10081842 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia refractory
10081843 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia refractory
10081844 Spindle cell carcinoma of the skin
10081845 Surfer's eye
10081846 Tornwaldt bursitis
10081847 Plasma cell myeloma refractory
10081848 Tonsillar hyperplasia
10081849 Chronic pneumonitis
10081850 Jugular vein embolism
10081851 Corneal graft failure
10081852 Lacrimal gland insufficiency
10081853 Presacral abscess
10081854 Ovarian gonadoblastoma
10081855 Littoral cell angioma
10081856 Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder
10081857 L-arginine-glycine amidinotransferase deficiency
10081858 Scleral reinforcement
10081859 Laband syndrome
10081860 Macroorchidism
10081861 Anonychia
10081862 Lower oesophageal sphincter magnetic augmentation
10081863 Sensory defensiveness
10081864 Stucco keratosis
10081865 Cardiac catheter ablation
10081866 Procedure site bruising
10081867 Neocerebellar syndrome
10081868 AGAT deficiency
10081869 Congenital anonychia
10081870 Lower esophageal sphincter magnetic augmentation
10081871 Familial rectal pain syndrome
10081872 Missing dose response relationship
10081873 Atypical dose response relationship
10081874 Positive dose response relationship
10081875 Bell shaped dose response relationship
10081876 Patent ductus arteriosus stent placement
10081877 Milk leg syndrome
10081878 Autosomal recessive megaloblastic anaemia
10081879 Autosomal recessive megaloblastic anemia
10081880 Imerslund-Graesbeck syndrome
10081881 Urine strip test
10081882 Gastroenteritis listeria
10081883 Ischaemic vasculitis
10081884 Ischemic vasculitis
10081885 Listeria food poisoning
10081886 Cardiac device reprogramming
10081887 Cardiac pacemaker reprogramming
10081888 Biventricular pacemaker reprogramming
10081889 Implantable defibrillator reprogramming
10081890 Stool discolouration
10081891 Flaking scalp
10081892 Stool discoloured
10081893 Cerebral artery stent insertion
10081894 Ring chromosome
10081895 Multilocular cystic nephroma
10081896 Donohue syndrome
10081897 Human herpesvirus 6 encephalitis
10081898 Aphakic glaucoma
10081899 Hypotony maculopathy
10081900 Re-opening of ductus arteriosus
10081901 Urinary tract toxicity
10081902 Arterial stiffness
10081903 Leprechaunism
10081904 Transfusion dependent thalassemia
10081905 Goldmann perimetry
10081906 Full-field stimulus testing
10081907 Cystic bronchiectasis
10081908 Humphrey perimetry
10081909 Confrontation visual field test
10081910 Application site skin flaking
10081911 Transfusion dependent thalassaemia
10081912 Donder's test
10081913 Automated perimetry
10081914 Tympanomeningeal fissure
10081915 Hyrtl's fissure
10081916 Bilateral Hyrtl's fissure
10081917 Hairline fracture
10081918 Acquired enamel hypoplasia
10081919 Vaccination site lividity
10081920 Alveobronchiolitis
10081921 Cuboid syndrome
10081922 Dyscholia
10081923 Cranioencephalic trauma
10081924 Spermatic cord cyst
10081925 Os odontoideum
10081926 Eyelid gold weight insertion
10081927 Checkpoint kinase 2 gene mutation
10081928 CHEK2 gene mutation
10081929 Vaccine bacteria shedding
10081930 Pulsed dye laser therapy
10081931 Tethered cord release
10081932 Bascom procedure
10081933 Trisomy 16
10081934 Confined placental mosaicism
10081935 Trisomy 16 mosaicism
10081936 Full trisomy 16
10081937 Arteriovenous fistula site extravasation
10081938 Behavioural induced insufficient sleep syndrome
10081939 Behavioural addiction
10081940 Eczema Coxsackium
10081941 Behavioral induced insufficient sleep syndrome
10081942 Noninfective rhinitis
10081943 Focal myositis
10081944 Prolonged bacterial vaccine shedding
10081945 Growth disorder
10081946 Laryngeal stroboscopy
10081947 PSTPIP1-associated myeloid-related proteinaemia inflammatory syndrome
10081948 Cardio-ankle vascular index increased
10081949 PSTPIP1-associated myeloid-related proteinemia inflammatory syndrome
10081950 PAMI syndrome
10081951 CAVI increased
10081952 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging pancreas
10081953 Battered woman syndrome
10081954 Stercoral peritonitis
10081955 Adult onset scoliosis
10081956 Tracheal abscess
10081957 Puncture site haematoma
10081958 Puncture site hematoma
10081959 Large intestine infection
10081960 Palatal polyp
10081961 Eustachian valve hypertrophy
10081962 Extended tummy tuck
10081963 CHILD syndrome
10081964 NSDHL gene mutation
10081965 Endoscopic clipping
10081966 Congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and limb defects
10081967 Inguinal lymph nodes enlarged
10081968 Neuroprosthesis implantation
10081969 LION procedure
10081970 Laparoscopic implantation of neuroprosthesis
10081971 Delayed injection site reaction following multiple administrations
10081972 Thalassemia carrier
10081973 Hippocampal atrophy
10081974 Cramp-fasciculation syndrome
10081975 Coxa magna
10081976 Fragility fracture
10081977 Senile xerosis
10081978 Thalassaemia carrier
10081979 Lack of prenatal care
10081980 Subacute kidney injury
10081981 Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease
10081982 Anti-GBM disease
10081983 Iliocostal friction syndrome
10081984 Anal examination
10081985 Cold burn
10081986 Periprosthetic metallosis
10081987 Hordeolum excision
10081988 Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
10081989 Post vaccination challenge strain shedding
10081990 Increased creatinine clearance
10081991 Decreased creatinine clearance
10081992 Bone destruction
10081993 Pernio-like erythema
10081994 Tumour thrombectomy
10081995 Partial splenic embolisation
10081996 Tumor thrombectomy
10081997 Partial splenic embolization
10081998 Target skin lesion
10081999 Hemiataxia
10082000 Removal of medical device occlusion
10082001 Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease
10082002 Salzmann nodular degeneration
10082003 Digital pulpitis
10082004 Psychophysiologic insomnia
10082005 Phototherapeutic keratectomy
10082006 NMDA-R encephalitis
10082007 Radiation rhinitis
10082008 Placental calcification
10082009 Implantable cardiac monitor replacement
10082010 Implantable loop monitor replacement
10082011 CYP3A4 gene status assay
10082012 CYP3A4 polymorphism
10082013 Bone hyperplasia
10082014 Cheek swelling
10082015 Retinoscopy
10082016 Retinoscopy normal
10082017 Retinoscopy abnormal
10082018 Skiascopy
10082019 Episodic migraine
10082020 Puffy eyes
10082021 Schmincke-Regaud tumor
10082022 Lymphoepithelioma
10082023 Lymphoepithelial carcinoma
10082024 Nasoalveolar cyst
10082025 Ataxia assessment scale
10082026 Scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia
10082027 International cooperative ataxia rating scale
10082028 Incision site impaired healing
10082029 Uterine hypokinesia
10082030 Portal vein embolism
10082031 Spinal stroke
10082032 Mononuclear cell count increased
10082033 Immature granulocyte percentage increased
10082034 Tracheal squamous cell metaplasia
10082035 Puncture site bruise
10082036 Mononuclear cell count decreased
10082037 Urethral necrosis
10082038 Sigmoid-shaped ventricular septum
10082039 Ocular stem cell transplant
10082040 Nephritis bacterial
10082041 Intraocular inflammation
10082042 Vaginal vestibulectomy
10082043 Erythematous nodule
10082044 Wrong drug strength administered
10082045 Beta-thalassemia trait
10082046 Adverse reaction to product
10082047 Peripheral venous perforation
10082048 Woakes' syndrome
10082049 Armpit pain
10082050 Hexadactyly
10082051 Facioplegia
10082052 External beam radiotherapy
10082053 Focal hepatic steatosis
10082054 Neonatal bradyarrhythmia
10082055 Neonatal tachyarrhythmia
10082056 Neonatal pneumothorax
10082057 Neonatal respiratory insufficiency
10082058 Culture positive neonatal sepsis
10082059 Culture negative neonatal sepsis
10082060 Cervix cryotherapy
10082061 Pustular drug eruption
10082062 Intracranial infection
10082063 Pancreatic duct drainage
10082064 Gastrointestinal decompression
10082065 Arterial puncture
10082066 Peritoneal dialysate leakage
10082067 Neonatal seizure
10082068 Neonatal epileptic seizure
10082069 Loss of balance
10082070 Magnetic resonance elastography
10082071 Umbilical cord blood pH
10082072 Pharyngoesophageal dysphagia
10082073 Pharyngo-oesophageal dysphagia
10082074 Post-stenotic pneumonia
10082075 Iatrogenic metastasis
10082076 Iatrogenic tumor implantation
10082077 Iatrogenic tumour implantation
10082078 Ophiasis
10082079 Ovarian melanoma
10082080 Carbohydrate antigen 72-4 increased
10082081 Tumour ablation
10082082 Respiratory tract operation
10082083 Tumor ablation
10082084 Grey matter heterotopia
10082085 Schmincke-Regaud tumour
10082086 Beta-thalassaemia trait
10082087 Ciliary body inflammation
10082088 Haemorrhagic cholecystitis
10082089 Frederick's syndrome
10082090 Red vision
10082091 Cardiac resynchronization therapy / pacemaker insertion
10082092 Hemorrhagic cholecystitis
10082093 Congophilic angiopathy
10082094 Cardiac resynchronisation therapy / pacemaker insertion
10082095 CRT-P
10082096 Multiple use of single-dose product
10082097 Acute flaccid myelitis
10082098 Arteriovenous fistula site rupture
10082099 Cerebral cyst haemorrhage
10082100 Oligoarthritis
10082101 Pleural mass
10082102 Gastric electrical stimulation
10082103 Metallic smell
10082104 Autoimmune gastritis
10082105 Cerebral cyst hemorrhage
10082106 Human anti-hamster antibody test
10082107 Human anti-hamster antibody increased
10082108 Human anti-hamster antibody negative
10082109 Human anti-hamster antibody positive
10082110 Heart rate variability increased
10082111 Heart rate variability decreased
10082112 Heart rate variability test
10082113 Acquired blaschkoid dermatitis
10082114 Malaria relapse
10082115 Malaria recrudescence
10082116 Plasmodium vivax relapse
10082117 Plasmodium ovale recrudescence
10082118 Plasmodium ovale relapse
10082119 Plasmodium vivax recrudescence
10082120 Plasmodium knowlesi recrudescence
10082121 Plasmodium falciparum recrudescence
10082122 Plasmodium malariae recrudescence
10082123 Genital dysaesthesia
10082124 Chemical sensitivity
10082125 Chemical eye damage
10082126 Unintentional weight gain
10082127 Eye damage
10082128 Genital dysesthesia
10082129 Dysbiosis
10082130 Adrenal gland insufficiency
10082131 Tumor resection
10082132 Groin hernia
10082133 Miscolonization of small intestine
10082134 Lung embolism
10082135 Allergic reaction to drug
10082136 Intestinal mucositis
10082137 Necrosectomy
10082138 Port insertion
10082139 Port removal
10082140 Intestinal miscolonization
10082141 Herpes simplex labialis
10082142 Colonic miscolonization
10082143 Oral dysbiosis
10082144 Intestinal dysbiosis
10082145 Tumour resection
10082146 Colonic miscolonisation
10082147 Intestinal miscolonisation
10082148 Miscolonisation of small intestine
10082149 Shoulder soreness
10082150 Soreness of joint
10082151 Noninfectious urinary meatitis
10082152 Paraneoplastic hypoglycaemia
10082153 Urinary meatitis
10082154 Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy
10082155 Paraneoplastic hypoglycemia
10082156 Burn unspecified degree
10082157 Poikilothermia
10082158 Posterior tibial tendonitis
10082159 Peroneal tendonitis
10082160 Supra-aortic trunk sclerosis
10082161 Carotid vascular resistance increased
10082162 Ureaplasma cervicitis
10082163 Acquired perforating dermatosis
10082164 Short stature homeobox gene mutation
10082165 Penile numbness
10082166 Penile itching
10082167 Penile throbbing
10082168 Penile tingling
10082169 Drug level abnormal
10082170 Syringitis
10082171 Parapneumonic effusion
10082172 Glycopenia
10082173 Placenta duplex
10082174 Velamentous cord insertion
10082175 Placenta bipartita
10082176 Emmet operation
10082177 Trachelorrhaphy
10082178 Philadelphia positive chronic myeloid leukemia
10082179 Squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck metastatic
10082180 Philadelphia positive chronic myeloid leukaemia
10082181 Misleading laboratory test result
10082182 Misleading serological test result by vaccination
10082183 Misleading serological test result by passive antibody transfer
10082184 Colpomycosis
10082185 Nasal mucosal blistering
10082186 Reaction to fragrance
10082187 Infant sedation
10082188 Neonatal sinus bradycardia
10082189 Infant irritability
10082190 Constipation neonatal
10082191 Neonatal sinus tachycardia
10082192 Gastrointestinal bleeding neonatal
10082193 Administration site reaction neonatal
10082194 Pulmonary haemorrhage neonatal
10082195 Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn
10082196 Neonatal spontaneous intestinal perforation
10082197 Pulmonary hemorrhage neonatal
10082198 Neonatal pulmonary haemorrhage
10082199 Neonatal pulmonary hemorrhage
10082200 Therapeutic product effect incomplete
10082201 Therapeutic product effect decreased
10082202 Therapeutic product effect delayed
10082203 Therapeutic product effect increased
10082204 Therapeutic product effect variable
10082205 Therapeutic product effect prolonged
10082214 Spinal stenosis
10082215 Product foaming
10082216 Spinal canal stenosis
10082217 Medical device site fistula
10082218 Gap junction protein beta 2 gene mutation
10082219 GJB2 gene mutation
10082220 Brain dislocation syndrome
10082221 Congenital nasal septum deviation
10082222 Enzyme activity assay
10082223 Automatic positive airway pressure
10082224 Therapeutic tumor infiltrating lymphocytes
10082225 Therapeutic tumour infiltrating lymphocytes
10082226 MuSK myasthenia gravis
10082227 Anti-MuSK antibody positive
10082228 Infant dyschezia
10082229 Biliary pancreatitis
10082230 Squamous cell carcinoma of the parotid gland
10082231 Disseminated mantle cell lymphoma
10082232 Pubic symphysis separation
10082233 Postpartum anxiety
10082234 Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome
10082235 Enterolysis
10082236 Sigmoidostomy
10082237 Diabetic hypoglycemic coma
10082238 Diabetic hypoglycaemic coma
10082239 Cancer fatigue
10082240 Subretinal hyperreflective exudation
10082241 Vaginal mesh removal surgery
10082242 Geriatric assessment
10082243 Hypokinetic dysarthria
10082244 Alpha-thalassemia-intellectual deficit syndrome
10082245 Pachydermodactyly
10082246 Microblepharoexfoliation procedure
10082247 Photorejuvenation
10082248 Phoniatric rehabilitation
10082249 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
10082250 Subcision
10082251 Sternoclavicular dislocation
10082252 Partial edentulism
10082253 Glucose strip test
10082254 Braces removal
10082255 Yunis Varon syndrome
10082256 Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma
10082257 Refractory benign esophageal stricture
10082258 CT enterography
10082259 Dorsally adducted fifth toe
10082260 Duplex ultrasound
10082261 Intramuscular injection
10082262 Chemotherapy fatigue
10082263 High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy
10082264 Elective abortion
10082265 Overriding fifth toe
10082266 Refractory benign oesophageal stricture
10082267 Eyelid margin desquamation procedure
10082268 Mucosal disorder
10082269 Chemical burn of genitalia
10082270 Pharyngeal swelling
10082271 Chemical burn of penis
10082272 Chemical burn of vagina
10082273 Pulpless tooth
10082274 Particle disease
10082275 Gastric mucosal prolapse
10082276 Scleral infection
10082277 External ear neoplasm malignant
10082278 Squamous cell carcinoma of pinna
10082279 Transfusion dependent thrombocytopenia
10082280 Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody increased
10082281 Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody
10082282 Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody negative
10082283 Anti-RNA polymerase III antibody positive
10082284 Anti-RNAP III antibody increased
10082285 Anti-RNAP III antibody positive
10082286 Anti-RNAP III antibody
10082287 Anti-RNAP III antibody negative
10082288 Exposure to tobacco
10082289 Pfeiffer syndrome
10082290 Urticarial dermatitis
10082291 Alpha-thalassaemia-intellectual deficit syndrome
10082292 Drug titration
10082293 Drug down-titration
10082294 Drug up-titration
10082295 Dorsal ramus syndrome
10082296 Incision site discharge
10082297 Blood loss anaemia
10082298 Cervical dorsal ramus syndrome
10082299 Acute blood loss anemia
10082300 Blood loss anemia
10082301 Incision site serous discharge
10082302 Thoracolumbar junction syndrome
10082303 Acute blood loss anaemia
10082304 Endocervical mucosal thickening
10082305 Tracheal polyp
10082306 Cardiometabolic syndrome
10082307 Battle's sign
10082308 Internal carotid artery deformity
10082309 Mesenchymal uterine tumour
10082310 Mastoid ecchymosis
10082311 Total intervertebral disc arthroplasty
10082312 Mesenchymal uterine tumor
10082313 Ureteral stent encrustation
10082314 Diabetic glomerulopathy
10082315 Internal carotid artery tortuosity
10082316 Pulmonary artery oxygen saturation decreased
10082317 Schneiderian papilloma
10082318 Internal carotid artery coiling
10082319 Small fontanelle
10082320 Small fontanel
10082321 Cholangiojejunostomy
10082322 Bariatric gastric balloon removal
10082323 Early worsening of diabetic retinopathy
10082324 Metrorrhoea
10082325 Paratonia
10082326 Mueller-Weiss syndrome
10082327 Trombidiasis
10082328 Propulsive gait
10082329 Catastrophic reaction
10082330 Benign connective tissue neoplasm
10082331 Aberrant motor behaviour
10082332 Facilitatory paratonia
10082333 Aberrant motor behavior
10082334 Breast implant rupture
10082335 Metrorrhea
10082336 Oppositional paratonia
10082337 Exposure to rabies
10082338 Gegenhalten
10082339 Snout reflex positive
10082340 Breast prosthesis rupture
10082341 Laryngeal chondrosarcoma
10082342 HIV vaccine-induced seropositivity
10082343 Congenital supraventricular tachycardia
10082344 Vaccine-induced seroconversion
10082345 Vaccine-induced seropositivity
10082346 Intestinal subobstruction
10082347 Glomangiopericytoma
10082348 Sinonasal-type hemangiopericytoma
10082349 Sinonasal-type haemangiopericytoma
10082350 Asthenic-vegetative syndrome
10082351 Incision site serosanguineous discharge
10082352 Intrauterine contraception
10082353 Vaginal ring
10082354 Emergency contraceptive pill
10082355 Intrauterine contraceptive device complication
10082356 Spermicidal contraception
10082357 Cervical cap
10082358 Emergency contraception
10082359 Contraceptive foam
10082360 Hormonal intrauterine contraception
10082361 Emergency contraception intrauterine
10082362 Vaginal contraceptive film
10082363 Metastatic bone disease prophylaxis
10082364 Pathological fracture prophylaxis
10082365 Intraosseous meningioma
10082366 Erotophonophilia
10082367 Left atrial volume abnormal
10082368 Left atrial volume decreased
10082369 Left atrial volume increased
10082370 Maxillary sinus retention cyst
10082371 Homeopathic aggravation
10082372 Burns of fingers
10082373 Precursor T-lymphoblastic leukaemia acute
10082374 Precursor T-lymphoblastic leukemia acute
10082375 Amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome
10082376 Ogden syndrome
10082377 X-linked intellectual disability, Siderius type
10082378 Schwartz Jampel syndrome
10082379 Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome
10082380 Aberrant aortic arch
10082381 SADDAN syndrome
10082382 Penta X syndrome
10082383 Hyperpipecolic acidaemia
10082384 Dysphotopsia
10082385 Orbital reconstruction
10082386 Progressive macular hypomelanosis
10082387 Hyperpipecolic acidemia
10082388 Aberrant right subclavian artery
10082389 Positive dysphotopsia
10082390 Hypotensive retinopathy
10082391 Periocular dermatosis
10082392 Negative dysphotopsia
10082393 Allergy to edible fungus
10082394 Severe achondroplasia with developmental delay and acanthosis nigricans
10082395 Non-scarring alopecia
10082396 Enterorrhaphy
10082397 Lichenoid dysplasia
10082398 1p36 deletion syndrome
10082399 Anagen effluvium
10082400 PELVIS syndrome
10082401 Aspiration into bronchus
10082402 Urinary bladder mapping
10082403 Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome type I
10082404 Aspiration into trachea
10082405 Bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma
10082406 Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome type II
10082407 Catheter dysfunction
10082408 Forced expiratory volume/forced vital capacity ratio decreased
10082409 Forced expiratory volume/forced vital capacity ratio abnormal
10082410 Human papilloma virus positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma
10082411 Thoracic spine subluxation
10082412 Thyroid cystectomy
10082413 Cibophobia
10082414 Respiratory failure type 1
10082415 Ostomy bag placement
10082416 Investigation normal
10082417 Phelan-McDermid syndrome
10082418 Autoimmune myositis
10082419 Pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma
10082420 Vocal cord telangiectasia
10082421 Diagnostic device malfunction
10082422 FDG PET scan
10082423 Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography
10082424 Allergy to antibiotic
10082425 Papular pruritic eruption of HIV
10082426 Hyperaesthesia teeth
10082427 Genital macule
10082428 Clogged pores
10082429 Hyperesthesia teeth
10082430 Post 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor syndrome
10082431 Vocal cord scarring
10082432 Infusion site itching
10082433 Cisternal puncture
10082434 Edentia
10082435 Hypocobalaminemia
10082436 Levator dehiscence
10082437 Epikeratophakia
10082438 Hypocobalaminaemia
10082439 Type 3 (combined proximal and distal) RTA
10082440 Polymyxin antibiotic resistance
10082441 Skin test positive delayed
10082442 Skin test positive prolonged
10082443 Magnetic resonance proton density fat fraction measurement
10082444 Increased liver stiffness
10082445 Placenta growth factor
10082446 Prothrombin fragment 1.2
10082447 MRI-PDFF
10082448 Ulcerative colitis relapse
10082449 Ocular surface squamous neoplasia
10082450 Multivisceral transplantation
10082451 External vagal nerve stimulation
10082452 Immune-mediated pneumonitis
10082453 Neisseria test
10082454 Infantile nephrotic syndrome
10082455 Immune-mediated colitis
10082456 Gram-negative sepsis
10082457 Barnes akathisia scale
10082458 Suspected suicide
10082459 Subendocardial haemorrhage
10082460 Delayed cerebral ischemia
10082461 Esophageal inflammation
10082462 Subendocardial hemorrhage
10082463 Delayed cerebral ischaemia
10082464 Advanced gastric carcinoma
10082465 Multiple drug toxicity
10082466 Stuporous catatonia
10082467 Oesophageal inflammation
10082468 Subendocardial bleeding
10082469 Excited catatonia
10082470 Peripheral artery surgery
10082471 Vibratory angioedema
10082472 Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
10082473 Device ineffective shock delivery
10082474 Device inappropriate antitachycardia pacing
10082475 Noise oversensing
10082476 Endoscopic biopsy
10082477 Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency
10082478 Thoracolaparoscopy
10082479 Neutrophil Fc gamma RIIIb deficiency
10082480 Cardiohepatic syndrome
10082481 Obstructive sialadenitis
10082482 Venous arterialisation
10082483 Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
10082484 Vertebrobasilar stroke
10082485 Mounier-Kuhn syndrome
10082486 Venous arterialization
10082487 Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis
10082488 Oriental cholangiohepatitis
10082489 Hyperresponsive to stimuli
10082490 Taste disorder
10082491 Patient entrapped in device
10082492 Increased intraperitoneal volume
10082493 Restenosis
10082494 Neonatal deformity
10082495 Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma
10082496 Partial neonatal hearing loss
10082497 Gastrooesophageal burn
10082498 Nipple sensation changes
10082499 Complete neonatal hearing loss
10082500 Gastroesophageal burn
10082501 Intestinal burn
10082502 Peritoneal dialysis overfill
10082503 Venous hypertension
10082504 Elastic vessel recoil complication
10082505 Aortic pseudoaneurysm
10082506 Ischemic wound of limb
10082507 Overflow diarrhoea
10082508 Ischaemic wound
10082509 Overflow diarrhea
10082510 Venous hypertension of legs
10082511 Coronary vessel recoil
10082512 Typical atrial flutter
10082513 Recurrent stroke
10082514 Atypical atrial flutter
10082515 Ventricular arrest
10082516 Acute toxic metabolic encephalopathy
10082517 Game keepers thumb
10082518 Peripheral artery recoil
10082519 Stroke recrudescence
10082520 Stent graft endoleak type I
10082521 Low grade fever
10082522 Popliteal artery thrombosis
10082523 TIA recrudescence
10082524 Ischemic wound
10082525 Ischaemic wound of limb
10082526 Skin temperature
10082527 Lung assist device therapy
10082528 Starvation ketoacidosis
10082529 Blood volume expansion
10082530 Prophylaxis of hypovolaemic shock
10082531 Pancreatic cyst drainage
10082532 Capnogram
10082533 Infusion site eschar
10082534 Local anaesthetic systemic toxicity
10082535 THRIVE
10082536 Transnasal humidified rapid-insufflation ventilatory exchange
10082537 Aspiration prophylaxis
10082538 Bronchial leiomyoma
10082539 Local anesthetic systemic toxicity
10082540 Liquid phase separation
10082541 Candida auris infection
10082542 Product concentrate not diluted
10082543 Prophylaxis of hypovolemic shock
10082544 Phantom limb syndrome
10082545 Tongue thrust
10082546 Congenital arterial occlusion
10082547 COPD assessment test
10082548 Anaesthesia oral
10082549 Ortolani test negative
10082550 Ortolani test positive
10082551 Barlow test positive
10082552 Barlow test negative
10082553 Muscle mass percentage
10082554 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-haemorrhages
10082555 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-hemosiderin deposits
10082556 ARIA-microhemorrhages
10082557 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-superficial siderosis
10082558 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-microhaemorrhages
10082559 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-hemorrhages
10082560 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-microhemorrhages
10082561 Amyloid related imaging abnormality-haemosiderin deposits
10082562 ARIA-microhaemorrhages
10082563 Anesthesia oral
10082564 Diaphragm resection
10082565 Aorto-bronchial fistula
10082566 Nasolaryngoscopy
10082567 Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 deficiency
10082568 Adenoid ameloblastoma with dentinoid
10082569 Genital exfoliation
10082570 Pimple-like rash
10082571 Penile rash
10082572 Eye discomfort
10082573 Stoma site mucositis
10082574 Allergy to vitamin B12
10082575 Bronchial mucosa hyperaemia
10082576 Lung diffusion test abnormal
10082577 Bronchial mucosa hyperemia
10082578 Musculoskeletal toxicity
10082579 Pulmonary imaging procedure
10082580 Myocardial hypoperfusion
10082581 Pulmonary imaging procedure normal
10082582 Pulmonary imaging procedure abnormal
10082583 Vitritis infective
10082584 Obstructive cholangitis
10082585 Myocardial late gadolinium enhancement MRI
10082586 Myocardial perfusion stress test
10082587 Bone remodeling disorder
10082588 Obstructive pneumonitis
10082589 Obstructive pyelonephritis
10082590 Bone remodelling disorder
10082591 Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia
10082592 Epiploic appendage removal
10082593 Intrathecal injection
10082594 Foville syndrome
10082595 Arteriovenous graft site necrosis
10082596 Optic disc traction syndrome
10082597 Vitreopapillary traction syndrome
10082598 Strongyloides test positive
10082599 Corneal toxicity
10082600 Strongyloides IgG antibody positive
10082601 Strongyloides stool test positive
10082602 Primary obstructed megaureter
10082603 Familial glucocorticoid deficiency
10082604 Connective tissue dysplasia
10082605 Uterine cervix canal atresia
10082606 Immune-mediated myocarditis
10082607 Rectal dysplasia
10082608 Nasal cannula oxygen therapy
10082609 Abdominal wall oedema
10082610 Abdominal wall edema
10082611 Sialectomy
10082612 Swimmer's ear
10082613 Below ankle amputation
10082614 Asynclitic presentation
10082615 Coronary sinus dilatation
10082616 Pericardial cyst resection
10082617 Knee replacement
10082618 Amblyopia correction
10082619 Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
10082620 Breast scan abnormal
10082621 False positive radioisotope investigation result
10082622 Positron emission tomogram breast abnormal
10082623 Positron emission tomogram breast
10082624 Radioisotope uptake increased
10082625 Lactation normal
10082626 Radioisotope scan breast abnormal
10082627 Breast feeding bilateral
10082628 Radioisotope scan breast
10082629 Breast feeding unilateral
10082630 New onset diabetes after transplantation
10082631 Non-paroxysmal atrioventricular junctional tachycardia
10082632 Reversible splenial lesion syndrome
10082633 Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation disorder
10082634 Scrotal skin dryness
10082635 Diabulimia
10082636 Decreased gait velocity
10082637 Apolipoprotein E e4 gene carrier
10082638 Paroxysmal autonomic instability with dystonia
10082639 Vulvar basal cell carcinoma
10082640 Endothelial keratoplasty
10082641 Trachyonychia
10082642 Labiaplasty
10082643 Nasal dorsal hump
10082644 Facet joint injection
10082645 Scheduled weekly dosing taken more frequently
10082646 Scheduled weekly dosing taken less frequently
10082647 Scheduled monthly dosing taken more frequently
10082648 Scheduled daily dosing taken less frequently
10082649 Scheduled daily dosing taken more frequently
10082650 Scheduled monthly dosing taken less frequently
10082651 Off label dosing amount
10082652 Non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft-tissue sarcoma
10082653 Pigmented purpuric dermatosis
10082654 Gastric decompression
10082655 Bronchial superinfection
10082656 Biopsy nasopharynx
10082657 Biopsy nasopharynx normal
10082658 Biopsy nasopharynx abnormal
10082659 Cystolitholapaxy
10082660 Suspected drug exposure via breast milk
10082661 Fall from high place
10082662 Cryophobia
10082663 Discoid meniscus
10082664 Self-consciousness
10082665 Double inlet left ventricle
10082666 Gastrointestinal pathogen panel
10082667 Leukonychia striata
10082668 Cough challenge test
10082669 Pseudomonas peritonitis
10082670 Denture damage
10082671 Dental prosthesis damage
10082672 Artificial dental crown damage
10082673 Dental filling damage
10082674 Artificial dental crown failure
10082675 Dental prosthesis failure
10082676 Dental implant damage
10082677 Anal blister
10082678 Faeces abnormal smell of
10082679 Scrotal hypoaesthesia
10082680 Penile hyperaesthesia
10082681 Reaction to flavouring
10082682 Product contamination mould
10082683 Chronic spongiotic dermatitis
10082684 Vulvovaginal hyperaesthesia
10082685 Scrotal hyperaesthesia
10082686 Mucosal blister
10082687 Tooth discomfort
10082688 Paranasal sinus irritation
10082689 Scrotal rash
10082690 Skin pain
10082691 Puffy skin
10082692 Spongiotic dermatitis
10082693 Vulvovaginal hyperesthesia
10082694 Penile hyperesthesia
10082695 Product contamination mold
10082696 Scrotal hyperesthesia
10082697 Reaction to flavoring
10082698 Scrotal hypoesthesia
10082699 Jejunojejunostomy
10082700 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
10082701 NGAL
10082702 Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
10082703 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin increased
10082704 NGAL increased
10082705 Urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin increased
10082706 Osteopontin
10082707 Urinary osteopontin
10082708 Osteopontin increased
10082709 Urinary osteopontin increased
10082710 Myotonic chondrodystrophy
10082711 XXXXX syndrome
10082712 Product confusion
10082713 Look alike packaging
10082714 Product commingling dispensing error
10082715 Ureterovaginal fistula
10082716 Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome
10082717 Herpetic radiculopathy
10082718 Smegma accumulation
10082719 Benign paroxysmal nystagmus
10082720 Menolipsis
10082721 Gastrointestinal mucormycosis
10082722 Cutaneous mucormycosis
10082723 Gangrenous necrotising cutaneous mucormycosis
10082724 Gangrenous necrotizing cutaneous mucormycosis
10082725 Lymph node rupture
10082726 Temple swelling
10082727 Dissecting carotid artery aneurysm
10082728 Fibropapilloma
10082729 Soft tissue excision
10082730 Transversus abdominis plane block
10082731 TAP block
10082732 Occupational exposure via skin contact with product
10082733 Astheno-depressive syndrome
10082734 Marisc surgery
10082735 Hypersensitive skin
10082736 Incision site paraesthesia
10082737 Incision site paresthesia
10082738 Reflex test
10082739 Vascular access steal syndrome
10082740 Severe asymptomatic hypertension
10082741 Forgot to take product
10082742 Infusion related hypersensitivity reaction
10082743 Infusion related immediate hypersensitivity reaction
10082744 Infusion related delayed hypersensitivity reaction
10082745 Acquired factor VIII deficiency
10082746 Acquired factor XI deficiency
10082747 Acquired factor IX deficiency
10082748 Acquired haemophilia B with anti factor IX
10082749 Acquired haemophilia A with anti factor VIII
10082750 Acquired hemophilia B with anti factor IX
10082751 Acquired hemophilia A with anti factor VIII
10082752 Proprioceptive exercise
10082753 Passive leg raise assessment
10082754 Myopic macular degeneration
10082755 Cardiosclerosis
10082756 Cold coagulation
10082757 Ovarian fibrothecoma
10082758 Pulsed signal therapy
10082759 Bridle procedure
10082760 Scarf osteotomy
10082761 Phrenic nerve injury
10082762 Redness of eyelid conjunctiva
10082763 Anaesthetic ophthalmic procedure
10082764 Anaesthesia eye
10082765 Scrotal discomfort
10082766 Administration site acne
10082767 Lip scab
10082768 Hyperaesthesia eye
10082769 Oral mucosal scab
10082770 Scrotal injury
10082771 Periorbital paraesthesia
10082772 Periorbital burning sensation
10082773 Periorbital anaesthesia
10082774 Periorbital irritation
10082775 Periorbital hyperaesthesia
10082776 Periorbital hypoaesthesia
10082777 Product damaged
10082778 Periorbital pruritus
10082779 Periorbital hyperesthesia
10082780 Periorbital paresthesia
10082781 Anesthesia eye
10082782 Periorbital anesthesia
10082783 Periorbital hypoesthesia
10082784 Anesthetic ophthalmic procedure
10082785 Red spotty rash
10082786 Hemophilia B
10082787 Diabetic osteoarthropathy
10082788 Haemophilia B
10082789 Asynclitism
10082790 ROS1 gene rearrangement
10082791 Vaginal dilation procedure
10082792 Anal fistula repair
10082793 Uterine vessel ligation
10082794 Agenesis depressor anguli oris muscle
10082795 Simultanagnosia
10082796 Muscle strength normal
10082797 Extradural haematoma evacuation
10082798 Anorectal malformation
10082799 Muscle strength abnormal
10082800 Corticectomy
10082801 Extradural hematoma evacuation
10082802 Disruption of the photoreceptor inner segment-outer segment
10082803 Inner segment ellipsoid band disruption
10082804 Solitary fibrous tumour
10082805 Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome
10082806 Marion disease
10082807 Solitary fibrous tumor
10082808 Primary bladder neck obstruction
10082809 Urinary CD4 lymphocytes increased
10082810 Urinary CD4 lymphocytes decreased
10082811 Refusal of vaccination
10082812 Pituitary scan abnormal
10082813 Pituitary scan
10082814 Secondary tuberculosis
10082815 Self injection
10082816 Insulin-like growth factor abnormal
10082817 IGF-1 abnormal
10082818 Providencia urinary tract infection
10082819 Providencia infection
10082820 HIV-associated mild neurocognitive disorder
10082821 Diffuse polyalgic syndrome
10082822 Forehead flap
10082823 Panhematopenia
10082824 Panhaematopenia
10082825 Monoclonal immunoglobulin increased
10082826 M-protein increased
10082827 Iliac artery restenosis
10082828 Femoral artery restenosis
10082829 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm enlargement
10082830 Intraoperative blood loss
10082831 Vertebral end plate inflammation
10082832 AST/ALT ratio abnormal
10082833 De Ritis ratio abnormal
10082834 Glycated albumin normal
10082835 Glycated albumin
10082836 Glycated albumin increased
10082837 Glycated albumin decreased
10082838 Lung miliary opacities
10082839 Splanchnicectomy
10082840 Computed tomographic gastrography
10082841 Transhiatal bilateral splanchnicectomy
10082842 Apronectomy
10082843 Virtual gastroscopy
10082844 Arteriovenous fistula site erosion
10082845 Fractional uric acid excretion
10082846 Radiation contamination survey
10082847 Fractional excretion of bicarbonate
10082848 Chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection
10082849 Glycogenic hepatopathy
10082850 Radiotherapy to tongue
10082851 Laron-type dwarfism
10082852 Bronchial asthma
10082853 Peripheral vein thrombus extension
10082854 Common femoral vein thrombus extension
10082855 CFC syndrome
10082856 Papillon-Lefevre syndrome
10082857 Keratosis palmoplantaris with periodontopathy
10082858 Subcutaneous sarcoidosis
10082859 Radiotherapy to pharynx
10082860 Radiotherapy to nasopharynx
10082861 Glottal incompetence
10082862 Respiratory compromise
10082863 Lung clearance index
10082864 CFTR gene mutation
10082865 Nasal potential difference test
10082866 Achromobacter infection
10082867 Faecal elastase test
10082868 Intestinal current measurement test
10082869 Chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
10082870 Chronic Burkholderia cepacia complex infection
10082871 Sweat electrolytes test
10082872 CFTR delta F508
10082873 Chronic staphylococcal infection
10082874 Chronic Haemophilus influenzae infection
10082875 Chronic Hemophilus influenzae infection
10082876 Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene mutation
10082877 Achromobacter xylosoxidans infection
10082878 Fecal elastase test
10082879 Periorbital discomfort
10082880 Penile discomfort
10082881 Product contamination animal matter
10082882 Mouth pustule
10082883 Eyelid discomfort
10082884 Lip pustule
10082885 Product contamination plant matter
10082886 Product contamination inorganic matter
10082887 Gingival pustule
10082888 RPE65 gene mutation
10082889 Upper lip bite test
10082890 Montreal cognitive assessment
10082891 Venous blood pH
10082892 Pregnancy loss <20 weeks gestation
10082893 Necrotising fasciitis genital
10082894 Necrotising fasciitis perianal
10082895 Necrotising fasciitis perineal
10082896 Bent spine syndrome
10082897 Necrotizing fasciitis genital
10082898 Necrotizing fasciitis perineal
10082899 Necrotizing fasciitis perianal
10082900 Talipes calcaneus
10082901 Symbrachydactyly
10082902 Red light therapy
10082903 Darier-Roussy sarcoidosis
10082904 Nodular tenosynovitis
10082905 Anastomotic erosion
10082906 Peripheral neurotoxicity
10082907 Genital disorder
10082908 Pharyngeal rash
10082909 Allergic bronchopulmonary mycosis
10082910 Kohler's disease
10082911 Polypoid turbinate degeneration
10082912 Frontal sinusotomy
10082913 Habit cough
10082914 Tic cough
10082915 Neuroendocrine carcinoma of prostate
10082916 Pelvic effusion
10082917 Protein intolerance
10082918 Gelastic seizure
10082919 Pericardial lipoma
10082920 Biliary catheter insertion
10082921 Bile duct reconstruction
10082922 Tuberous sclerosis complex associated neuropsychiatric disease
10082923 Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage catheter insertion
10082924 Intestinal perforation repair
10082925 Pringle nodule
10082926 Colonic stent insertion
10082927 Duodenal perforation repair
10082928 Pseudomonal skin infection
10082929 Vestibular paroxysmia
10082930 Pathological tooth fracture
10082931 Vascular access site hypoaesthesia
10082932 Vascular access site hypoesthesia
10082933 3-Dimensional vasculography
10082934 Computerised tomogram pancreas
10082935 Computerised tomogram pancreas normal
10082936 Computerised tomogram pancreas abnormal
10082937 Computerized tomogram pancreas
10082938 CT scan pancreas
10082939 Computerized tomogram pancreas normal
10082940 Computerized tomogram pancreas abnormal
10082941 Paranasal sinus hypoplasia
10082942 Taste chemical
10082943 Post procedural pruritus
10082944 Post procedural erythema
10082945 Biopsy site itching
10082946 Biopsy site redness
10082947 Dacryocystocele
10082948 Dacryocystocele acquired
10082949 Congenital LUMBAR syndrome
10082950 Lumbar pain syndrome
10082951 Acquired fibrinogen deficiency
10082952 TORCH infection
10082953 TORCH syndrome
10082954 Robotic surgery
10082955 Endoscopic papillosphincterotomy
10082956 Dose counter malfunction
10082957 Difficulty dialing the dose
10082958 PRIDE syndrome
10082959 IgA vasculitis
10082960 Immunoglobulin A-associated vasculitis
10082961 Computerised tomogram neck
10082962 Computerized tomogram neck
10082963 CT scan neck
10082964 High-sensitivity C-reactive protein
10082965 Carinaplasty
10082966 Dorsal root ganglion block
10082967 Product dosage form identification issue
10082968 Oesophageal adenosquamous carcinoma
10082969 Esophageal adenosquamous carcinoma
10082970 Metatropic dysplasia
10082971 Female reproductive tract disorder
10082972 Conjoined twins separation
10082973 Pycnodysostosis
10082974 Chondronecrosis
10082975 Male reproductive tract disorder
10082976 Lithopedion
10082977 Gastrointestinal tract biopsy
10082978 Precancerous lesion
10082979 Antithrombin III abnormal
10082980 Mucocutaneous disorder
10082981 Rectal surgery
10082982 Metatropic dwarfism
10082983 Mucosal rash
10082984 Device ineffective for unapproved indication
10082985 Erythrodermic atopic dermatitis
10082986 Steroid dependence
10082987 Eyelid scar
10082988 Sports hernia
10082989 Athletic pubalgia
10082990 Acroanesthesia
10082991 Acroanaesthesia
10082992 Oesophageal bypass
10082993 Esophageal bypass
10082994 Intravitreal implant migration
10082995 Choreiform movement
10082996 Oesophageal abscess
10082997 Cholinergic rebound syndrome
10082998 Cardiac valve atheroma
10082999 Chronic bronchiolitis
10083000 Cholinergic withdrawal syndrome
10083001 Choreiform dyskinesia
10083002 Chronic lung disease
10083003 Esophageal abscess
10083004 Immune-mediated pancytopenia
10083005 CDKL5 deficiency disorder
10083006 Eye infarction
10083007 Maffucci syndrome
10083008 Dyschondroplasia hemangiomatosa
10083009 Dyschondroplasia haemangiomatosa
10083010 Sugiura procedure
10083011 Pericardial devascularisation
10083012 Oesophagogastric devascularisation
10083013 Esophagogastric devascularization
10083014 Pericardial devascularization
10083015 Oesophageal-pulmonary fistula
10083016 Esophageal-pulmonary fistula
10083017 Cardia variceal ligation
10083018 Vascular ligation
10083019 Infusion reaction
10083020 Prothrombin fragment 1.2 increased
10083021 Congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction
10083022 Bone necrosis excision
10083023 Amygdalolith
10083024 Acute on chronic subdural hematoma
10083025 Basal cell carcinoma face
10083026 Acute on chronic subdural haematoma
10083027 Physical examination of joints normal
10083028 Physical examination of joints abnormal
10083029 Vesiculectomy
10083030 Stress fecal incontinence
10083031 Stress faecal incontinence
10083032 Retrograde migration of renal calculi
10083033 Upward migration of renal calculi
10083034 Glycogen storage disease type IX
10083035 Glycogen storage disease type IXa
10083036 Glycogen storage disease type IXb
10083037 Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
10083038 Intramyelinic oedema
10083039 Intramyelinic edema
10083040 Injection site panniculitis
10083041 Lichenoid drug reaction
10083042 Macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha
10083043 Monocyte chemotactic protein-2 increased
10083044 Interferon beta level
10083045 Macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha decreased
10083046 Monocyte chemotactic protein-2
10083047 Monocyte chemotactic protein-2 decreased
10083048 Interferon beta level increased
10083049 Macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha increased
10083050 Interferon beta level decreased
10083051 Paralytic scoliosis
10083052 Muehrcke lines
10083053 Proximal branch false lumen perfusion
10083054 Distal branch false lumen perfusion
10083055 Distal aorta false lumen perfusion
10083056 Proximal aorta false lumen perfusion
10083057 Primary intimal tear false lumen perfusion
10083058 Cervix papilloma
10083059 Alexander disease
10083060 Viral load abnormal
10083061 Exposure to fungus
10083062 Rhinobronchial syndrome
10083063 Intrathecal infusion pump user
10083064 Hypertrophied anal papillae resection
10083065 Anal papillectomy
10083066 Tetraparesis
10083067 Omentoplasty
10083068 Radiation osteomyelitis
10083069 Immune-mediated uveitis
10083070 Immune-mediated nephritis
10083071 Immune-mediated thyroiditis
10083072 Immune-mediated pancreatitis
10083073 Immune-mediated myositis
10083074 Immune-mediated encephalitis
10083075 Immune-mediated hypothyroidism
10083076 Levoscoliosis
10083077 Right atrial volume abnormal
10083078 Right atrial volume decreased
10083079 Right atrial volume increased
10083080 Swelling of retina
10083081 Macular swelling
10083082 Lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2
10083083 Subdural abscess
10083084 Alternating bulbar syndrome
10083085 Receptive language disorder
10083086 Alternating peduncular syndrome
10083087 Fluorescence angiogram abnormal
10083088 Fluorescence angiogram normal
10083089 Fluorescence angiogram
10083090 Indocyanine green angiography
10083091 Fluorescence angiography
10083092 Prolonged cytopenia
10083093 Septic pulmonary embolism
10083094 Lung diffusion test decreased
10083095 Lung diffusion disorder
10083096 Bladder ulcer
10083097 Orbital space occupying lesion
10083098 Membranous-like glomerulopathy with masked IgG-kappa deposits
10083099 Hypotonia-cystinuria syndrome
10083100 Pfannenstiel incision
10083101 Tracheal collapse
10083102 Iliac vein stenosis
10083103 Peripheral vein occlusion
10083104 Peripheral vein stenosis
10083105 In-stent venous stenosis
10083106 Femoral vein occlusion
10083107 In-stent venous restenosis
10083108 Femoral vein stenosis
10083109 Vascular access site erythema
10083110 Postpolypectomy syndrome
10083111 Auricular chondritis
10083112 Vascular access site pruritus
10083113 Acute bacterial exacerbation of chronic sinusitis
10083114 Premenstrual breast pain
10083115 Premenstrual pelvic pain
10083116 Inadvertent intra-ocular injection air bubble
10083117 Premenstrual abdominal pain
10083118 Premenstrual back pain
10083119 Inadvertent intravitreal injection air bubble
10083120 Post-polypectomy electrocoagulation syndrome
10083121 Magnetic resonance imaging pancreas
10083122 Magnetic resonance imaging breast
10083123 Magnetic resonance imaging liver abnormal
10083124 Magnetic resonance imaging breast abnormal
10083125 Magnetic resonance imaging breast normal
10083126 Magnetic resonance imaging abdominal
10083127 Magnetic resonance imaging heart
10083128 Magnetic resonance imaging brain
10083129 Magnetic resonance imaging brain normal
10083130 Magnetic resonance imaging brain abnormal
10083131 Magnetic resonance imaging renal
10083132 Magnetic resonance imaging abdominal abnormal
10083133 Magnetic resonance imaging spinal
10083134 Magnetic resonance imaging joint
10083135 Magnetic resonance imaging abdominal normal
10083136 Magnetic resonance imaging whole body
10083137 Magnetic resonance imaging liver
10083138 Magnetic resonance imaging spinal normal
10083139 Magnetic resonance imaging spinal abnormal
10083140 Magnetic resonance imaging neck
10083141 Magnetic resonance imaging thoracic normal
10083142 Magnetic resonance imaging thoracic
10083143 Magnetic resonance imaging thoracic abnormal
10083144 Skin discharge
10083145 Cosmetic dermatitis
10083146 Skin oozing
10083147 Expiration date format confusion
10083148 Product used prior to being brought to recommended temperature
10083149 Duplicate therapy with same active substance
10083150 Delivery device component difficult to use
10083151 Device use confusion
10083152 Syringe markings confusion
10083153 High ligation of hernial sac
10083154 Antral deformity
10083155 Immune-mediated arthritis
10083156 Immune-mediated dermatitis
10083157 Dose counter confusion
10083158 Secondary thrombocytosis
10083159 Septic coagulopathy
10083160 Biloma infected
10083161 Leptospira sepsis
10083162 Urinary tract candidiasis
10083163 Escherichia peritonitis
10083164 SJS-TEN overlap
10083165 Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome
10083166 Homocysteinemia
10083167 Mucosal prolapse syndrome
10083168 Corneal pachymetry
10083169 Mammary tuberculosis
10083170 Corneal thickness measurement
10083171 Hepatic venous pressure gradient increased
10083172 Hepatic venous pressure gradient abnormal
10083173 Jejunal esophageal interposition
10083174 Hemidysaesthesia
10083175 Liver transplant failure
10083176 Pharyngeal contusion
10083177 Fallopian tube congestion
10083178 Bronchial scarring
10083179 Infantile acropustulosis
10083180 Tracheal scarring
10083181 Preferential anosmia
10083182 Hemidysesthesia
10083183 Itching papule
10083184 Portomesenteric vein thrombosis
10083185 Throat bruising
10083186 Premature device expansion
10083187 Serous retinopathy
10083188 Metformin associated lactic acidosis
10083189 Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome
10083190 Mannose-binding lectin deficiency
10083191 MBL deficiency
10083192 Dacryocystocoele
10083193 Homocysteinaemia
10083194 Dacryocystocoele acquired
10083195 Jejunal oesophageal interposition
10083196 Placental cyst
10083197 Preauricular pit
10083198 Electrocardiogram P wave
10083199 Vacuum sealing drainage
10083200 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
10083201 Negative pressure wound therapy
10083202 Chemotherapy side effect prophylaxis
10083203 Chemotherapy premedication
10083204 Systemic right ventricle
10083205 Single atrium
10083206 Vesicourethral fistula
10083207 Renal hamartoma
10083208 Phreniclasia
10083209 Iodine contrast media allergy
10083210 Nasogastric tube feeding
10083211 Supraclavicular lymph node biopsy
10083212 Fibromatosis colli of infancy
10083213 Sternocleidomastoid tumour of infancy
10083214 Sternocleidomastoid tumor of infancy
10083215 Ischiopubic fracture
10083216 Rhinotomy
10083217 Colpohysterectomy
10083218 Subepithelial cordectomy
10083219 Subligamental cordectomy
10083220 Transmuscular cordectomy
10083221 Hemopneumoperitoneum
10083222 Haemopneumoperitoneum
10083223 Straddling tricuspid valve
10083224 Cholera immunisation
10083225 Cholera immunization
10083226 Lung diffusion test
10083227 Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity abnormal
10083228 Genital scratch
10083229 Burned hair
10083230 Scrotal laceration
10083231 Genital inflammation
10083232 HER2 negative breast cancer
10083233 Triple positive breast cancer
10083234 Hormone receptor positive breast cancer
10083235 Aceruloplasminemia
10083236 Luminal B breast cancer
10083237 Luminal A breast cancer
10083238 Luminal breast cancer
10083239 Progesterone receptor positive breast cancer
10083240 Aceruloplasminaemia
10083241 Corneal epithelial dysplasia
10083242 Lymph node ulcer
10083243 Cervical lymph node exudation
10083244 Spontaneous internal carotid artery recanalisation
10083245 Spontaneous internal carotid artery recanalization
10083246 Pelvic floor dysfunction
10083247 Dengue fever immunisation
10083248 Dengue fever immunization
10083249 Pre-vaccination dengue seropositive
10083250 Pre-vaccination dengue seronegative
10083251 Dengue fever from non-vaccinated serotype
10083252 Ejaculatory duct dilation procedure
10083253 Nasopharyngeal tumour
10083254 Urethral suspension
10083255 Bradypsychia
10083256 Erythropoietin deficiency anemia
10083257 Nasopharyngeal tumor
10083258 Erythropoietin deficiency anaemia
10083259 Apocamnosis
10083260 Scrotal dermatitis
10083261 Chest wall prosthesis insertion
10083262 Calcified aortic aneurysm
10083263 Drug-induced hypothyroidism
10083264 Pure erythroid leukaemia
10083265 Pure erythroid leukemia
10083266 Paralytic hip dislocation
10083267 Cognitive test
10083268 Retinal thinning
10083269 Bosch-Boonstra-Schaaf optic atrophy syndrome
10083270 SATB2-associated syndrome
10083271 Weaver syndrome
10083272 Focal cortical resection
10083273 Finger tapping test
10083274 Stereotactic electroencephalography
10083275 Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome
10083276 Vacuum aspiration
10083277 Bilateral opercular syndrome
10083278 Electric vacuum aspiration
10083279 Linear accelerator stereotactic radiosurgery
10083280 Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration
10083281 Manual vacuum aspiration
10083282 Curly toe
10083283 Cricomyotomy
10083284 LINAC radiosurgery
10083285 Cytosine arabinoside syndrome
10083286 Tabaquism
10083287 Reduced iron stores
10083288 Clinical depression
10083289 Vulval rash
10083290 Fibronectin
10083291 Fibronectin normal
10083292 Fibronectin abnormal
10083293 Indiana pouch
10083294 Corpora amylacea prostate
10083295 Cytokeratin 19 increased
10083296 Corpora amylacea urine
10083297 Corpora amylacea brain
10083298 Hoover's sign of leg paresis
10083299 Surgical wound
10083300 Burn wound
10083301 Nevus simplex
10083302 Necrotic angiodermatitis
10083303 Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
10083304 Chronic nonatrophic gastritis
10083305 Stahl's ear
10083306 Galactosialidosis
10083307 Saposin C deficiency
10083308 GM1 gangliosidosis
10083309 Witness of death
10083310 Postcolectomy panenteritis
10083311 Poor engraftment
10083312 Glass ampoule associated injury
10083313 Soft gelatin capsule burst
10083314 Oral macule
10083315 Product explosion
10083316 Product overheating
10083317 Nasal allergy
10083318 Thermal burn of pharynx
10083319 Vulval pain
10083320 Thermal burn of genitalia
10083321 Respiratory tract disorder
10083322 Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio increased
10083323 Partial unilateral blindness
10083324 Ciliary ganglionitis
10083325 Ganglionitis ciliaris
10083326 Adenovirus reactivation
10083327 Ultrasound spleen
10083328 Loss of foveal function
10083329 Foveal degeneration
10083330 Foveal thinning
10083331 Fallopian tube adhesion
10083332 Blood sialic acid increased
10083333 Thoracic insufficiency syndrome
10083334 Alongshan virus infection
10083335 Hepatitis C virus core antigen
10083336 Pelvic girdle pain
10083337 Paradoxical insomnia
10083338 Atlantoaxial subluxation
10083339 Slow movement
10083340 Exposure via grandfather
10083341 Exposure via grandmother
10083342 Severe primary insulin like growth factor-1 deficiency
10083343 Fourth degree hemorrhoids
10083344 Talalgia
10083345 Fourth degree haemorrhoids
10083346 Anticoagulant-related nephropathy
10083347 Immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome
10083348 Pregnancy loss >20 weeks
10083349 Accessory renal artery
10083350 Nasopharyngeal aspiration
10083351 OHVIRA syndrome
10083352 Obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly syndrome
10083353 Underimmunisation
10083354 Underimmunization
10083355 Artificial urinary sphincter removal
10083356 Nucleic acid test
10083357 Orthopaedic insoles
10083358 Urinary bladder haematoma
10083359 Nucleic acid amplification test
10083360 Orthopedic insoles
10083361 Urinary bladder hematoma
10083362 Acquired chromosomal abnormality
10083363 Alcoholic steatohepatitis
10083364 Device short circuiting
10083365 Drug effect less than expected
10083366 Insulin shock therapy
10083367 Clonal haematopoiesis
10083368 Clonal hematopoiesis
10083369 Aspiration of gastric residual
10083370 Manufacturing facility pressure differential issue
10083371 Manufacturing laboratory data control issue
10083372 CYP3A5 polymorphism
10083373 Insulin coma therapy
10083374 Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance
10083375 Transmission to third generation
10083376 Generalised onset non-motor seizure
10083377 Generalized onset non-motor seizure
10083378 Focal onset aware seizure
10083379 Focal onset impaired awareness seizure
10083380 Generalised onset motor seizure
10083381 Generalized onset motor seizure
10083382 Focal onset to bilateral tonic-clonic seizure
10083383 Subcapsular hepatic haematoma
10083384 Subcapsular splenic haematoma
10083385 Subcapsular renal haematoma
10083386 Congenital dengue disease
10083387 Disease propensity
10083388 Paranasal sinus abscess
10083389 Spontaneous subcapsular splenic haematoma
10083390 Polymicrobial bacteraemia
10083391 Spontaneous subcapsular hepatic haematoma
10083392 Spontaneous subcapsular renal haematoma
10083393 Subcapsular renal hematoma
10083394 Subcapsular splenic hematoma
10083395 Spontaneous subcapsular renal hematoma
10083396 Spontaneous subcapsular hepatic hematoma
10083397 Spontaneous subcapsular splenic hematoma
10083398 Polymicrobial bacteremia
10083399 Subcapsular hepatic hematoma
10083400 Odontoma
10083401 Ischaemia modified albumin elevated
10083402 Compound composite odontoma
10083403 Ischemia modified albumin elevated
10083404 Absent nail
10083405 Fallopian tube stent insertion
10083406 Immune-mediated cholangitis
10083407 Median arcuate ligament syndrome
10083408 Internal capsule infarction
10083409 Kaposi sarcoma inflammatory cytokine syndrome
10083410 Neovaginal prolapse
10083411 HIV meningoencephalitis
10083412 Neovaginal infection
10083413 Neovaginal discomfort
10083414 Neovaginal perforation
10083415 Neovaginal pain
10083416 Neovaginal fistula
10083417 Neovaginal complication
10083418 Neovaginal stenosis
10083419 KSHV inflammatory cytokine syndrome
10083420 Out of specification product use
10083421 Sensing amplitude decreased
10083422 Dynapenia
10083423 Troponin C
10083424 Electrocardiogram RR interval
10083425 Serum amyloid A protein
10083426 Cardiac troponin C
10083427 Basophilic erythroblast count
10083428 Polychromatophilic erythroblast count
10083429 Ankylosing spondylitis relapse
10083430 Circumflex artery stenosis
10083431 Ramus intermedius stenosis
10083432 Iliac artery pseudoaneurysm
10083433 Foreign body in throat
10083434 Disseminated toxoplasmosis
10083435 Vulvovaginal exfoliation
10083436 Scrotal paresthesia
10083437 Scrotal paraesthesia
10083438 Vulval redness
10083439 Vulval exfoliation
10083440 Myopericytoma
10083441 Developmental venous anomaly
10083442 Hydroa vacciniforme
10083443 Iridoplasty
10083444 Left atrial reduction plasty
10083445 Desmin myopathy
10083446 Nissen fundoplication
10083447 Ulysses syndrome
10083448 Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia
10083449 Proximal row carpectomy
10083450 Carbon dioxide laser therapy
10083451 Laparoscopic antireflux surgery
10083452 Laser iridoplasty
10083453 Sphenoid wing meningioma
10083454 Incontinence-associated dermatitis
10083455 Immigrant syndrome with extreme migratory mourning
10083456 Adenocarcinoma metastatic
10083457 Lymph node transplant
10083458 Cervical endometriosis
10083459 Infected gouty tophus
10083460 Malignant cartilage neoplasm
10083461 Dietician consultation
10083462 Hematologist consultation
10083463 Ophthalmologist consultation
10083464 Pfeiffer's disease
10083465 Nephrologist consultation
10083466 Gastroenterologist consultation
10083467 Hepatologist consultation
10083468 Dermatologist consultation
10083469 Neurologist consultation
10083470 Kissing disease
10083471 Dietitian consultation
10083472 Haematologist consultation
10083473 Impaired taste
10083474 Phrenic nerve irritation
10083475 Cutaneous reactive angiomatosis
10083476 Reactive angioendotheliomatosis
10083477 Reactive cutaneous capillary endothelial proliferation
10083478 Malignant neoplasm of glomus jugulare
10083479 Missed injection
10083480 Swallowing apraxia
10083481 Uvula pain
10083482 Lung pain
10083483 Gram-positive cocci test positive
10083484 Drug-induced thyrotoxicosis
10083485 Reticular cell count
10083486 Reticulum cell count
10083487 Sphenoid bone dehiscence
10083488 Laryngotracheobronchoscopy
10083489 Blood beta-D-glucan negative
10083490 Hypoferritinaemia
10083491 Blood beta-D-glucan positive
10083492 Nievergelt-Pearlman syndrome
10083493 Clinical death
10083494 Camptodactyly-arthropathy-coxa vara-pericarditis syndrome
10083495 Congenital hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia
10083496 Congenital rubella syndrome
10083497 Treft-Sanborn-Carey syndrome
10083498 Hypoferritinemia
10083499 Congenital hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia
10083500 Lower anterior resection
10083501 Ileocaecal resection
10083502 Tessellated fundus
10083503 Leopard fundus
10083504 Acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis
10083505 Ileocecal resection
10083506 Oral reactive capillary endothelial proliferation
10083507 Nasal mucosal reactive capillary endothelial proliferation
10083508 Fixed knee flexion deformity
10083509 Renal calcification
10083510 Tooth damage
10083511 Ekbom syndrome
10083512 Foreign body ingestion
10083513 Acute graft versus host disease oral
10083514 Chronic graft versus host disease oral
10083515 Device maintenance issue
10083516 Iris discolouration
10083517 Immune-mediated hyperthyroidism
10083518 Biliary stent placement
10083519 Transcutaneous pacing
10083520 Pemphigus disease area index
10083521 Immune-mediated hepatic disorder
10083522 Immune-mediated renal disorder
10083523 Postnatal growth restriction
10083524 Campylobacter urinary tract infection
10083525 Foveal thickness measurement
10083526 Antibiogram
10083527 Iris depigmentation
10083528 Gram-negative urinary tract infection
10083529 Inappropriate device maintenance
10083530 Iris discoloration
10083531 Incarcerated parastomal hernia
10083532 Catheter calcification
10083533 Oral purpura
10083534 Restless arm syndrome
10083535 Sigmoid mesocolon hernia
10083536 Tonsillolith removal
10083537 Facial discomfort
10083538 Transmesosigmoid hernia
10083539 Intramesosigmoid hernia
10083540 Tonsil stone removal
10083541 Intersigmoid hernia
10083542 Intestinal mucosal tear
10083543 Colonic mucosal tear
10083544 Naevus simplex
10083545 Foetal dystocia
10083546 Fetal dystocia
10083547 Skin damage
10083548 Facial hair increased
10083549 Follicular cystitis
10083550 Squamous cell carcinoma of the face
10083551 Non-invasive papillary transitional cell carcinoma of bladder
10083552 Non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma of bladder
10083553 Precancerous condition
10083554 Malignant renal neoplasm
10083555 Allergic drug rash
10083556 Intramuscular lipoma
10083557 Dermal duct tumor
10083558 Ureteropelvic junction stone
10083559 Bowenoid actinic keratosis
10083560 Dermal duct tumour
10083561 Ataxic paraparesis
10083562 Ataxic hemiparesis
10083563 Transpupillary thermotherapy
10083564 Peri-implant mucositis
10083565 Orbital haematoma
10083566 Orbital hematoma
10083567 Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia
10083568 Herpes zoster radiculopathy
10083569 Herpes zoster polyradiculopathy
10083570 Sebum deficiency
10083571 Product temperature excursion issue
10083572 Computerised tomogram aorta
10083573 CT scan aorta
10083574 Computerized tomogram aorta
10083575 Frizzy hair
10083576 Tangled hair
10083577 Dull hair
10083578 Limp hair
10083579 Antegrade pyelogram normal
10083580 Antegrade pyelogram
10083581 Antegrade pyelogram abnormal
10083582 Lip abrasion
10083583 Mouth abrasion
10083584 Scrotal abrasion
10083585 Skull fracture treatment
10083586 Spinal fracture treatment
10083587 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli infection
10083588 Breast stromal fibrosis
10083589 Bullous oedema of the bladder
10083590 Bullous cystitis
10083591 Bullous edema of the bladder
10083592 Eyelid seborrhoeic keratosis
10083593 Eyelid seborrheic keratosis
10083594 Administration site wound
10083595 Puncture site injury
10083596 Challenge site reaction
10083597 Malaria immunisation
10083598 Vessel puncture site injury
10083599 Implant site injury
10083600 Pinna injury
10083601 Malaria immunization
10083602 Cardiac perfusion defect
10083603 Reversible cardiac perfusion defect
10083604 Xiphoid process pain
10083605 Fixed cardiac perfusion defect
10083606 Combined cardiac perfusion defect
10083607 Gum discomfort
10083608 Penile irritation
10083609 Faecal management
10083610 Fecal management
10083611 Non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
10083612 Gastroduodenal anastomosis
10083614 Lens density increased
10083615 Eyelid calcification
10083616 Gastric mucosa erosion
10083617 Anterior lens density increased
10083618 Lymphoid follicle hyperplasia
10083619 Eosinophilic gastritis
10083620 Albert disease
10083621 Stoma site dermatitis
10083622 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
10083623 Glutathione reductase activity increased
10083627 Air anion therapy
10083628 Polyomavirus viraemia
10083629 Sunscreen sensitivity
10083630 Polyomavirus viremia
10083631 BK viremia
10083632 BK viraemia
10083633 Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome
10083634 Gastric bypass reversal
10083635 Giant cell myocarditis
10083636 Autoimmune cholangitis
10083637 Laterocollis
10083638 Device mechanical issue
10083639 Device safety feature issue
10083640 Device false alarm issue
10083641 Device overinfusion
10083642 Device displays incorrect message
10083643 Device image display error
10083644 Detachment of device
10083645 Incorrect measurement by device
10083646 Device fluid leak
10083647 No image display on device
10083648 Poor quality image display on device
10083649 Device underinfusion
10083650 Device fail-safe mechanism issue
10083651 Failure of delivery by device
10083652 Inaccurate delivery by device
10083653 Device delivery system filling issue
10083654 Pleomorphic sarcoma of skin
10083655 Somniloquy
10083656 Fibrocolonoscopy
10083657 Toxic cardiomyopathy
10083658 Rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism
10083659 Hypotensive crisis
10083660 Asymptomatic myocarditis
10083661 Respiratory failure type 2
10083662 Taser shock
10083663 Subclinical myocarditis
10083664 Hypertrophic heart disease
10083665 Alcoholic coma
10083666 Precancerous lesion of digestive tract
10083667 Meningeal thickening
10083668 Cerebral microinfarction
10083669 Hypothymia
10083670 Visceral transposition
10083671 Epidurogram
10083672 Coronary vein ligation
10083673 Device environmental compatibility issue
10083674 Resistance to movement in device
10083675 Device signal detection failure
10083676 Device material deformation
10083677 Device delivery system no flow
10083678 Device material separation
10083679 Device connection fit issue
10083680 Device inappropriate reset
10083681 Device date-time programming issue
10083682 Device moisture damage
10083683 Device environmental humidity issue
10083684 Device disconnection issue
10083685 Persistent message display on device
10083686 Device delivery system improper flow
10083687 Device partial occlusion
10083688 Device electrical/electronic failure
10083689 Device environmental power supply issue
10083690 Device difficult to program
10083691 Lambl's excrescences
10083692 Clinically-driven target vessel revascularization
10083693 Target lesion revascularization
10083694 Target vessel revascularization
10083695 Non-target vessel revascularization
10083696 Clinically-driven target lesion revascularization
10083697 Clinically-driven non-target vessel revascularization
10083698 Target lesion revascularisation
10083699 Non-target vessel revascularisation
10083700 Target vessel revascularisation
10083701 Clinically-driven target lesion revascularisation
10083702 Clinically-driven non-target vessel revascularisation
10083703 Clinically-driven target vessel revascularisation
10083704 Congenital Ebola virus infection
10083705 Ovarian neoplasm surgery
10083706 Acupoint application therapy
10083707 Sialic acid increased
10083708 Basal cell carcinoma metastatic
10083709 Holiday heart syndrome
10083710 Device data issue
10083711 Device temperature issue
10083712 Device user interface issue
10083713 Device component missing
10083714 Device delivery system unrestricted flow
10083715 Nonstandard device
10083716 Device infusion failure
10083717 Device alarm defective
10083718 Device retraction issue
10083719 Device material rupture
10083720 Device image display issue
10083721 Device failure to power up
10083722 Device activation delayed
10083723 Device preparation issue
10083724 Reflux within device
10083725 Device delivery system inaccurate flow rate
10083726 Device material protrusion
10083727 Device material punctured
10083728 Device test results high
10083729 Device preparation error
10083730 Device signal transmission issue
10083731 Device wireless communication issue
10083732 Device material integrity issue
10083733 Device slipped
10083734 Device reset issue
10083735 Pump infusion issue
10083736 Device no audible alarm
10083737 Device component defective
10083738 Device delivery system fill volume issue
10083739 Device incorrect result issue
10083740 Device material split
10083741 Device safety protective measures issue
10083742 Device gas leak
10083743 Device material scratched
10083744 Device fell from support
10083745 Device failure to cycle
10083746 Device material corroded
10083747 Noise from device
10083748 Device damaged prior to use
10083749 CEC syndrome
10083750 Coinfection
10083751 Bilateral occipital calcification
10083752 HIV coinfection
10083753 Hand infection
10083754 Gobbi syndrome
10083755 African eye worm
10083756 Bite wound
10083757 Chronic graft versus host disease in eye
10083758 Glycolic acid increased
10083759 Device failure to align
10083760 Device delivery system pressure issue
10083761 No audible prompt from device
10083762 Device thermal decomposition
10083763 Device issue prior to use
10083764 Device test results low
10083765 Device misfire
10083766 Device material fragmentation
10083767 Device display difficult to read
10083768 Device contamination during use
10083769 Device operating system upgrade issue
10083770 Device vibration
10083771 Device emitting smoke
10083772 Device failure to disconnect
10083773 Device melted
10083774 Device self-activation
10083775 Device readings high
10083776 Device mechanical jam
10083777 Device failure to self-test
10083778 Device contamination prior to use
10083780 Device overheating
10083781 Device readings not obtained
10083782 Device software design issue
10083783 Device emits odor
10083784 Device readings low
10083785 Device failure to separate
10083786 Device complete occlusion
10083787 Device material naturally worn
10083788 Device pressure increase
10083790 Device delivery system backflow issue
10083791 Device emits odour
10083792 Device data loss
10083793 Dense deposit disease
10083794 C3 glomerulonephritis
10083795 Splenic artery embolisation
10083796 Splenic artery embolization
10083797 Internal device exposed
10083798 Device shrinkage
10083799 Finger licking
10083800 Incorrect information in patient's record
10083801 Scaffold malapposition
10083802 Scaffold deformation
10083803 Scaffold malfunction
10083804 Scaffold occlusion
10083805 Scaffold fracture
10083806 Scaffold under-expansion
10083807 Scaffold dislodgement
10083808 Scaffold recoil
10083809 Bullous haemorrhagic dermatosis
10083810 Hunt and Hess scale
10083811 Pancreatic pseudocyst rupture
10083812 Autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
10083813 Pancreatic pseudocyst haemorrhage
10083814 Pyroglutamic acidosis
10083815 Symptomatic treatment
10083816 Pancreatic pseudocyst hemorrhage
10083817 Oral drug challenge test
10083818 Bullous hemorrhagic dermatosis
10083819 Basophil activation test
10083820 Fatty acid supplementation
10083821 Ventral position
10083822 Ileo-anal pouch
10083823 Amino acid supplementation
10083824 Tracheal rupture
10083825 Coronary scaffold thrombosis
10083826 Silent coronary scaffold thrombosis
10083827 Vascular scaffold thrombosis
10083828 Myocardial infarction 4th universal definition
10083829 Myocardial infarction 3rd universal definition
10083830 Myocardial infarction extended historical definition
10083831 Myocardial infarction SCAI definition
10083832 Myocardial infarction ARC-2 definition
10083833 Oral lichenoid reaction
10083834 Apolipoprotein E increased
10083835 Keratosis pilaris atrophicans
10083836 Paranasal sinus inflammation
10083837 Folliculitis ulerythematosa reticulata
10083838 Infusion related fever
10083839 Atrophoderma vermiculata
10083840 Hepatic perfusion disorder
10083841 Obstructive ventilatory defect
10083842 Immune thrombocytopenia
10083843 Primary immune thrombocytopenia
10083844 Secondary immune thrombocytopenia
10083845 Unevaluable device issue
10083846 Improper use of device
10083847 Use of incorrect device control settings
10083848 Great saphenous vein closure
10083849 Growth plate early closing
10083850 Immune disorder prophylaxis
10083851 Abetalipoproteinaemia
10083852 Isovaleric acidaemia
10083853 Achard Thiers syndrome
10083854 Acromicric dysplasia
10083855 Alpha-mannosidosis
10083856 ADNP syndrome
10083857 Alpers disease
10083858 Aniridia-cerebellar ataxia-mental deficiency
10083859 Andersen-Tawil syndrome
10083860 Ablepharon macrostomia syndrome
10083861 ADCY5-related dyskinesia
10083862 Dietary iron overload
10083863 Ameloblastic carcinoma
10083864 Antley-Bixler syndrome
10083865 Acrocallosal syndrome
10083866 Acromesomelic dysplasia
10083867 AIDS dysmorphic syndrome
10083868 Adult neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
10083869 Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
10083870 Acquired aplastic anemia
10083871 Acrocallosal syndrome, Schinzel type
10083872 Helsmoortel-van der Aa syndrome
10083873 Acid sphingomyelinase deficiency
10083874 Isovaleric acidemia
10083875 Hay-Wells syndrome
10083876 African iron overload
10083877 Infantile acrodynia
10083878 Kufs disease
10083879 HIV embryopathy
10083880 Hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia
10083881 Antithrombin deficiency
10083882 Alveolar capillary dysplasia with misalignment of pulmonary veins
10083883 Cold antibody hemolytic anemia
10083884 Aarskog syndrome
10083885 Abetalipoproteinemia
10083886 Vestibular schwannoma
10083887 AEC syndrome
10083888 Bantu siderosis
10083889 Alpha thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
10083890 ATRX syndrome
10083891 Gillespie syndrome
10083892 Hereditary nonspherocytic haemolytic anaemia
10083893 Acquired aplastic anaemia
10083894 Cold antibody haemolytic anaemia
10083895 Alpha thalassaemia X-linked intellectual disability syndrome
10083896 Long QT syndrome 7
10083897 Acinetobacter sepsis
10083898 Serotonin deficiency
10083899 Copper wiring
10083900 Silver wiring
10083901 Raccoon eye
10083902 Chyle leak
10083903 Non-pitting oedema
10083904 Non-pitting edema
10083905 Brawny oedema
10083906 Brawny edema
10083907 Manufacturing process control procedure filling issue
10083908 Delivery device dislodgement
10083909 Numbing procedure
10083910 Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 deficiency
10083911 Congenital hypotransferrinaemia
10083912 Congenital ATTR amyloidosis
10083913 Acquired ATTR amyloidosis
10083914 WHIM syndrome
10083915 Transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis
10083916 X linked severe combined immunodeficiency
10083917 Recombination-activating gene 1 deficient severe combined immunodeficiency
10083918 FOXN1 deficient severe combined immunodeficiency
10083919 ATTR amyloidosis wild type
10083920 Barrett's esophagus high grade dysplasia
10083921 Congenital hypotransferrinemia
10083922 Barrett's oesophagus high grade dysplasia
10083923 Device charging issue
10083924 Sedation procedure
10083925 IV flush
10083926 Port flush
10083927 Pleural fluid analysis normal
10083928 Pleural fluid analysis abnormal
10083929 Paradoxical psoriasis
10083930 Occupational exposure to sunlight
10083931 Sarcoglycanopathy
10083932 Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
10083933 GM2 gangliosidosis
10083934 Idiopathic CD4 lymphocytopenia
10083935 Congenital growth hormone deficiency
10083936 Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type I
10083937 Pro-opiomelanocortin deficiency
10083938 Amyloid light-chain amyloidosis
10083939 Autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease
10083940 Cone dystrophy
10083941 Coffin Siris syndrome
10083942 Congenital myasthenic syndrome
10083943 Filippi syndrome
10083944 Femoral facial syndrome
10083945 CLOVES syndrome
10083946 Fountain syndrome
10083947 De Barsy syndrome
10083948 COPA syndrome
10083949 Catel Manzke syndrome
10083950 Cicatricial alopecia
10083951 Gordon syndrome
10083952 Dup15q syndrome
10083953 Ciguatera fish poisoning
10083954 Distal arthrogryposis
10083955 Degos disease
10083956 Ferroportin disease
10083957 Schmid Fraccaro syndrome
10083958 Cat eye syndrome
10083959 CARD9 deficiency
10083960 ASAH1 related disorder
10083961 Autoimmune blistering disease
10083962 Campomelic syndrome
10083963 Baller-Gerold syndrome
10083964 Bejel
10083965 ATR 16 syndrome
10083966 Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type II
10083967 AP 4 deficiency syndrome
10083968 Argininosuccinic aciduria
10083969 Farber disease
10083970 Congenital atransferrinemia
10083971 Balo disease
10083972 Neill-Dingwall syndrome
10083973 AP 4 associated hereditary spastic paraplegia
10083974 Arginase 1 deficiency
10083975 Opitz trigonocephaly syndrome
10083976 C syndrome
10083977 Acrocephalopolysyndactyly
10083978 Congenital atransferrinaemia
10083979 Autosomal dominant hereditary ataxia
10083980 Device suction event
10083981 Ventricular assist device suction event
10083982 Foreign body in skin or subcutaneous tissue
10083983 Absolute monocyte count
10083984 Apical ventricular hypokinesia
10083985 Cerebral circulatory disorder
10083986 Renal artery embolisation
10083987 Hormone sensitive malignant neoplasm
10083988 Oral mucosal biopsy
10083989 Renal artery embolization
10083990 Dental attrition
10083991 Genital pseudocondyloma
10083992 Sarcopenic obesity
10083993 Nosocomephobia
10083994 Selective ageusia
10083995 Device placement issue
10083996 Device operation use issue
10083997 Dose calculation error associated with device
10083998 Paraneoplastic hypercalcemia
10083999 Paraneoplastic hypercalcaemia
10084000 Carbohydrate antigen 50
10084001 Squamous cell carcinoma antigen
10084002 Ischaemic cholecystitis
10084003 Squamous cell carcinoma antigen increased
10084004 Carbohydrate antigen 50 increased
10084005 Ischemic cholecystitis
10084006 Product used for cognitive enhancement
10084007 Academic doping
10084008 Failure of child resistant product closure
10084009 Oral mucosal roughening
10084010 Atopic dermatitis flare
10084011 Pyogenic arthritis hip
10084012 Dialysis hypotension
10084013 Post procedural hypotension
10084014 Hypotension post dialysis
10084015 Intradialytic hypotension
10084016 Carpectomy
10084017 Localised pruritus
10084018 Age spot
10084019 Paravertebral pain
10084020 Capsulorrhexis
10084021 Dermatographism
10084022 Domestic violence
10084023 Stethalgia
10084024 Partial splenectomy
10084025 Viscosupplementation
10084026 Localized pruritus
10084027 Transcervical resection of the endometrium
10084028 Increased prothrombin time percentage activity
10084029 Meningitis Escherichia
10084030 Delusion of theft
10084031 E. coli meningitis
10084032 Hemisection of tooth
10084033 Trochlear dysplasia
10084034 Conjunctival suffusion
10084035 Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm
10084036 Flustered
10084037 High sensitivity troponin elevation
10084038 Oesophagomediastinal fistula
10084039 Esophagomediastinal fistula
10084040 Haemangioma rupture
10084041 Hemangioma rupture
10084042 Moderate bleeding - GUSTO classification
10084043 Minor bleeding - TIMI classification
10084044 Minimal bleeding - TIMI classification
10084045 Mild bleeding - GUSTO classification
10084046 Severe bleeding - GUSTO classification
10084047 Requiring medical attention bleeding - TIMI classification
10084048 Major bleeding - TIMI classification
10084049 Nutritional supplement allergy
10084050 Conradi-Huenermann syndrome
10084051 Food supplement allergy
10084052 In-scaffold coronary restenosis
10084053 Scaffold collapse
10084054 Vascular scaffold stenosis
10084055 Hyperesthesia eye
10084056 Epiglottic cancer
10084057 Vascular graft infection
10084058 Congestive hepatopathy
10084059 Bullous erysipelas
10084060 Gastrin-releasing peptide precursor increased
10084061 Necrolytic acral erythema
10084062 Renal vascular resistance increased
10084063 Gastrin-releasing peptide precursor
10084064 Pseudopolyarthritis
10084065 Bullous hemorrhagic erysipelas
10084066 Triple negative breast cancer metastatic
10084067 Bullous haemorrhagic erysipelas
10084068 Diversion colitis
10084069 Mycobacterium haemophilum infection
10084070 Elbow synostosis
10084071 Liver opacity
10084072 Embolic cerebellar infarction
10084073 BRASH syndrome
10084074 Senior-Loken syndrome
10084075 Mycobacterium hemophilum infection
10084076 Radiotherapy toxicity attenuation
10084077 Retiform purpura
10084078 Acheiria
10084079 Ulna hypoplasia congenital
10084080 Radius hypoplasia congenital
10084081 Coronary steal syndrome
10084082 Familial short stature
10084083 Infusion administration interrupted
10084084 Treatment nonadherence
10084085 Atrioventricular node dysfunction
10084086 Transcobalamin deficiency
10084087 Cerebrovascular pseudoaneurysm
10084088 Lacrimal gland neoplasm
10084089 Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome
10084090 Puncture site pruritus
10084091 Revascularisation procedure
10084092 Vascular anastomotic haemorrhage
10084093 Riboflavin transporter deficiency
10084094 Large intestine angiectasia
10084095 Revascularization procedure
10084096 Vascular anastomotic hemorrhage
10084097 Vaginal scarring
10084098 Hypervitaminosis B12
10084099 Hypervitaminosis B
10084100 Ischemic central retinal vein occlusion
10084101 Hypercobalaminemia
10084102 Ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion
10084103 Hypercobalaminaemia
10084104 Creatine deficiency syndrome
10084105 Leptin receptor deficiency
10084106 Hyperphenylalaninaemia
10084107 Primary coenzyme Q10 deficiency
10084108 Inborn error of amino acid metabolism
10084109 Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency
10084110 Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency
10084111 Primary hyperoxaluria
10084112 ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 deficiency
10084113 Lipoprotein-lipase deficiency
10084114 Hyperphenylalaninemia
10084115 Haemorrhagic bullae
10084116 Hemorrhagic bullae
10084117 Drug delivery device fell off skin
10084118 Interferential therapy
10084119 Manic symptom
10084120 Death by homicide
10084121 Infected urinoma
10084122 Anal erythema
10084123 Anal rash
10084124 Increased liquid product viscosity
10084125 Chemical burn of cornea
10084126 Tongue itching
10084127 Anal redness
10084128 Product crumbling
10084129 Decreased liquid product viscosity
10084130 Liquid product consistency issue
10084131 Product packaging use complaint
10084132 Abnormal liquid product viscosity
10084133 Balloon dilation of infantile phimosis
10084134 Chest wall discomfort
10084135 Amino terminal pro b-type natriuretic peptide level increased
10084136 Coeliac plexus block
10084137 Celiac plexus block
10084138 Giant fornix syndrome
10084139 Sex worker
10084140 Needle embedding therapy
10084141 Seborrhoeic alopecia
10084142 Seborrheic alopecia
10084143 Lymphocyte/monocyte ratio decreased
10084144 Paraneoplastic myasthenic syndrome
10084145 Restless arms
10084146 Diversion proctitis
10084147 Acquired encephalocele
10084148 Pharyngeal pustule
10084149 Swelling around mouth
10084150 Right middle lobe pneumonia
10084151 Right middle lobe syndrome
10084152 Perioral ulcer
10084153 Axonal and demyelinating polyneuropathy
10084154 Sensory mixed axonal and demyelinating neuropathy
10084155 Motor-sensory mixed axonal and demyelinating neuropathy
10084156 Motor mixed axonal and demyelinating neuropathy
10084157 Intermuscular venous thrombosis
10084158 Anti-thyroid antibody decreased
10084159 Thyroid peroxidase antibody decreased
10084160 Thyroglobulin antibody decreased
10084161 Pleural adhesion decompression
10084162 Product package insert issue
10084163 Product package insert text wrong
10084164 Product package insert missing
10084165 White matter degeneration
10084166 Barre test
10084167 Ocular suspension dislocation
10084168 Poor feeding
10084169 Posterior vaginal prolapse
10084170 Supernumerary rib
10084171 Neuromuscular scoliosis
10084172 Alpha thalassemia trait
10084173 Alpha thalassaemia trait
10084174 AST to platelet ratio index
10084175 AST to platelet ratio index increased
10084176 APRI increased
10084177 Intratumoural haematoma
10084178 Intratumoral hematoma
10084179 Pseudoaneurysm infection
10084180 Closed fracture of lower end of tibia
10084181 Bandage contact lens therapy
10084182 Superficial venous reflux disease
10084183 Hair lightened
10084184 Prothrombin index
10084185 Intermittent angina pectoris
10084186 Endobronchitis
10084187 Faciobrachial dystonic seizure
10084188 Panacinar emphysema
10084189 Panlobular emphysema
10084190 Platelet storage pool deficiency
10084191 Delta storage pool disease
10084192 Drug delivery device unavailable
10084193 ADSL gene mutation
10084194 Adenylosuccinate lyase gene mutation
10084195 Postpartum hematoma
10084196 Postpartum haematoma
10084197 Imperception
10084198 Intraosseous lipoma
10084199 Blood donation
10084200 Corneal reshaping
10084201 Sexually transmitted disease test
10084202 Intervertebral disc pseudobulging
10084203 High sensitive troponin I
10084204 Sickle cell nephropathy
10084205 Montreal cognitive assessment abnormal
10084206 Multidrug resistant bacterial infection
10084207 Upper oesophageal sphincterotomy
10084208 Hypoimmunoglobulinemia
10084209 Upper esophageal sphincterotomy
10084210 Hypoimmunoglobulinaemia
10084211 Lung inflammatory changes on imaging
10084212 Pigmented villonodular synovitis
10084213 Poor milk ejection reflex
10084214 Granulomatous T-cell pseudolymphoma
10084215 Feeding tube dislocation
10084216 Feeding tube dislodgment
10084217 Extremely preterm (less than 28 weeks)
10084218 Moderate to late preterm (32 to 37 weeks)
10084219 Very preterm (28 to 32 weeks)
10084220 Hyperornithinaemia-hyperammonaemia-homocitrullinuria syndrome
10084221 Loss of therapeutic response
10084222 Triple H syndrome
10084223 HHH syndrome
10084224 Hyperornithinemia-hyperammonemia-homocitrullinuria syndrome
10084225 Ornithine translocase deficiency
10084226 Carbohydrate antigen 242 increased
10084227 Gastroesophageal junction cancer
10084228 Gastrooesophageal junction cancer
10084229 Gastric aspiration procedure
10084230 Interstitial heart fibrosis
10084231 Nasogastric aspiration procedure
10084232 Triple endoscopy
10084233 Compartment pressure test
10084234 Doppler ultrasound liver
10084235 Neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease
10084236 Pallister W syndrome
10084237 Neonatal Crohn's disease
10084238 Neonatal dyspnoea
10084239 W syndrome
10084240 Multiple symmetric lipomatosis
10084241 Difficulty breathing in newborn
10084242 Madelung's disease
10084243 Pseudohyperaldosteronism
10084244 Neonatal dyspnea
10084245 Animal protein allergy
10084246 NAME syndrome
10084247 Biliary obstruction
10084248 LAMB syndrome
10084249 Genitourinary syndrome of menopause
10084250 Cryptotia
10084251 Congenital viral hepatitis
10084252 Congenital hepatitis C infection
10084253 Asymmetric crying facies
10084254 Sternomastoid tumour of infancy
10084255 Congenital unilateral lower lip palsy
10084256 Sternomastoid tumor of infancy
10084257 Discouragement
10084258 Laryngeal cryptococcosis
10084259 Haemoglobin Lepore trait
10084260 Hemoglobin Lepore trait
10084261 Intestinal plication surgery
10084262 Piebaldism
10084263 Rheumatological examination
10084264 Optic perineuritis
10084265 Canker sore
10084266 Citrin deficiency
10084267 Mitochondrial aspartate glutamate carrier 2 deficiency
10084268 COVID-19
10084269 Coronavirus test negative
10084270 SARS-CoV-2 acute respiratory disease
10084271 SARS-CoV-2 test positive
10084272 SARS-CoV-2 infection
10084273 SARS-CoV-2 test negative
10084274 Nicotine test positive
10084275 Nicotine test negative
10084276 Nicotine test
10084277 Blood nicotine
10084278 Blood nicotine positive
10084279 Blood nicotine negative
10084280 Foetal cardiac arrest
10084281 Fetal cardiac arrest
10084282 Cardiac calcium score high
10084283 Cardiac calcium score low
10084284 Yergason's test
10084285 Coblation tonsillectomy
10084286 Platelet aggregation test
10084287 Infected chalazion
10084288 Inverted follicular keratosis
10084289 Palliative sedation
10084290 Acute rhinosinusitis
10084291 Tooth misalignment
10084292 Padua prediction score
10084293 Unilateral glaucoma
10084294 Computerised tomogram pelvis and abdomen
10084295 Computerized tomogram pelvis and abdomen
10084296 Immune-mediated gastritis
10084297 Hip resurfacing surgery
10084298 Campylobacter colonization of intestine
10084299 Campylobacter colonisation of intestine
10084300 Reaction to isothiazolinones
10084301 Increased skin pigmentation
10084302 Decreased skin pigmentation
10084303 Jeavons syndrome
10084304 Diverticulitis intestinal perforated
10084305 Pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis
10084306 Autoinflammation with infantile enterocolitis
10084307 C-telopeptide decreased
10084308 Accessory spleen nodule
10084309 Progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease
10084310 Retained surgical foreign body
10084311 Corpus luteum cyst ruptured
10084312 Secondary pulmonary tuberculosis
10084313 Microscopic enteritis
10084314 Lymphocytic enteritis
10084315 Intestinal pseudomelanosis
10084316 Mullerian agenesis
10084317 Congenital lymphatic dysplasia
10084318 Trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis
10084319 Onchodermatitis
10084320 Chronic papular onchodermatitis
10084321 Acute papular onchodermatitis
10084322 Squamous cell carcinoma infraorbital rim
10084323 Bradyarrhythmia absoluta
10084324 Midline head position
10084325 Robinow syndrome
10084326 Roberts syndrome
10084327 Swyer syndrome
10084328 XY gonadal dysgenesis
10084329 Vaccination site hyperpigmentation
10084330 Pseudothalidomide syndrome
10084331 Vaccination site hypopigmentation
10084332 Trabecular aspiration
10084333 Myocardial necrosis marker decreased
10084334 Myocardial enzyme decreased
10084335 Wrong diluent used
10084336 Wrong eluent used
10084337 Rapidly progressive osteoarthritis type 1
10084338 Rapidly progressive osteoarthritis type 2
10084339 Aorto-atrial fistula
10084340 Prosthetic cardiac valve pannus
10084341 Subclavian artery dissection
10084342 Aorto-right atrial fistula
10084343 Left main coronary artery occlusion
10084344 Off label use in unapproved age group
10084345 Off label use in unapproved indication
10084346 B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
10084347 Vertebral artery arteriosclerosis
10084348 Scrotal cellulitis
10084349 Immobilisation syndrome
10084350 Immobilization syndrome
10084351 Morbus Meulengracht
10084352 Cerebrovascular event
10084353 Coronavirus test
10084354 SARS-CoV-2 test
10084355 COVID-19 virus test positive
10084356 COVID-19 virus test
10084357 COVID-19 virus test negative
10084358 Thyroid eye disease
10084359 Dislike of product taste
10084360 Mycosis pedis
10084361 Gardnerella test
10084362 Gardnerella test negative
10084363 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
10084364 Mitochondrial cardiomyopathy
10084365 Digiti quinti varus
10084366 Gastroesophageal junction polyp
10084367 Gastrooesophageal junction polyp
10084368 Paratracheal air cyst
10084369 Left ventricular concentric remodeling
10084370 Left ventricular concentric remodelling
10084371 Product administered by wrong person
10084372 Injector positioned upside down
10084373 Missed step in drug usage process
10084374 Wrong person administered drug
10084375 Oropharyngeal stenosis
10084376 Split hand nystagmus syndrome
10084377 Grey zone lymphoma
10084378 Gray zone lymphoma
10084379 Karsch-Neugebauer syndrome
10084380 COVID-19 pneumonia
10084381 Coronavirus pneumonia
10084382 Coronavirus disease 2019
10084383 Novel COVID-19-infected pneumonia
10084384 Sulphur dioxide test
10084385 Malaria antigen test
10084386 Flash glucose monitoring
10084387 Sulfur dioxide test
10084388 Malaria rapid diagnostic test
10084389 Ear canalplasty
10084390 Depression rating scale score increased
10084391 Ear meatoplasty
10084392 Episcleral venous pressure increased
10084393 Occupational exposure to communicable disease
10084394 Occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2
10084395 Disseminated varicella
10084396 Disseminated varicella zoster virus infection
10084397 Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
10084398 Wrong route
10084399 Wrong patient
10084400 Subjective fever
10084401 COVID-19 respiratory infection
10084402 Vocal cord fixation
10084403 Intentional product misuse to child
10084404 Product dose omission in error
10084405 Drug dose omission in error
10084406 Product dose omission issue
10084407 Otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia
10084408 Otopalatodigital spectrum disorder
10084409 Schinzel syndrome
10084410 Nager syndrome
10084411 KBG syndrome
10084412 Oil allergy
10084413 Split hand
10084414 Lobster claw hand
10084415 OSMED heterozygous
10084416 Allergy to ayurvedic drugs
10084417 Deodorant allergy
10084418 Cleft hand
10084419 OSMED, homozygous
10084420 Otopalatodigital syndrome type 2
10084421 Allergy to allopathic drugs
10084422 Otopalatodigital syndrome type 1
10084423 Allergy to homeopathic drugs
10084424 Water allergy
10084425 Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome
10084426 Oral mucosal scar
10084427 Product delivery mechanism issue
10084428 Product spray mechanism issue
10084429 Descending colectomy
10084430 Malignant airway obstruction
10084431 COVID-19 serology test
10084432 COVID-19 serology test negative
10084433 COVID-19 serology test positive
10084434 SARS-CoV-2 PCR test
10084435 SARS-CoV-2 PCR test negative
10084436 COVID-19 PCR test negative
10084437 COVID-19 PCR test positive
10084438 SARS-CoV-2 serology test negative
10084439 SARS-CoV-2 serology test positive
10084440 SARS-CoV-2 serology test
10084441 COVID-19 PCR test
10084442 SARS-CoV-2 PCR test positive
10084443 MERS-CoV test
10084444 SARS-CoV-1 test
10084445 SARS-CoV-1 test negative
10084446 SARS-CoV-1 test positive
10084447 MERS-CoV test negative
10084448 MERS-CoV test positive
10084449 Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
10084450 Abdominal wall phlegmon
10084451 Suspected COVID-19
10084452 Suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection
10084453 Device related bacteraemia
10084454 Eye reactive capillary endothelial proliferation
10084455 Device related bacteremia
10084456 Exposure to SARS-CoV-2
10084457 COVID-19 immunisation
10084458 COVID-19 prophylaxis
10084459 Asymptomatic COVID-19
10084460 COVID-19 treatment
10084461 SARS-CoV-2 carrier
10084462 SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
10084463 SARS-CoV-2 immunisation
10084464 COVID-19 immunization
10084465 COVID-19 vaccination
10084466 SARS-CoV-2 immunization
10084467 Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection
10084468 Quarantine
10084469 Home isolation
10084470 Home quarantine
10084471 Streptococcus dysgalactiae sepsis
10084472 Streptococcus dysgalactiae toxic shock syndrome
10084473 Streptococcus dysgalactiae infection
10084474 Severe invasive Streptococcus dysgalactiae infection
10084475 Streptococcus dysgalactiae pneumonia
10084476 Genital anaesthesia
10084477 Genital anesthesia
10084478 Post thrombotic retinopathy
10084479 Parapharyngeal space infection
10084480 SARS-CoV-2 test false negative
10084481 COVID-19 virus test false negative
10084482 Arterial revascularisation
10084483 Clinically-driven target lesion coronary revascularisation
10084484 Non-target vessel coronary revascularisation
10084485 Clinically-driven non-target vessel coronary revascularization
10084486 Non-target vessel coronary revascularization
10084487 Clinically-driven target vessel coronary revascularization
10084488 Clinically-driven target vessel coronary revascularisation
10084489 Clinically-driven target lesion coronary revascularization
10084490 Clinically-driven non-target vessel coronary revascularisation
10084491 SARS-CoV-2 antibody test positive
10084492 COVID-19 ELISA test negative
10084493 SARS-CoV-2 ELISA test
10084494 SARS-CoV-2 ELISA test negative
10084495 COVID-19 antibody test negative
10084496 COVID-19 ELISA test positive
10084497 SARS-CoV-2 ELISA test positive
10084498 COVID-19 molecular test positive
10084499 COVID-19 rapid POC test
10084500 COVID-19 molecular test
10084501 SARS-CoV-2 antibody test
10084502 COVID-19 rapid POC test negative
10084503 COVID-19 rapid POC test positive
10084504 COVID-19 molecular test negative
10084505 COVID-19 antibody test positive
10084506 Mammary gland abscess
10084507 COVID-19 ELISA test
10084508 COVID-19 antibody test
10084509 SARS-CoV-2 antibody test negative
10084511 Product adhesion excessive
10084512 Medicinal patch adhesion decreased
10084513 Product adhesion decreased
10084514 Product adhesion insufficient
10084515 Product adhesion increased
10084516 Medicinal patch adhesion excessive
10084517 Medicinal patch adhesion insufficient
10084518 Medicinal patch adhesion increased
10084519 Fear of surgery
10084520 Duodenogastroesophageal reflux
10084521 Tomophobia
10084522 Duodenogastrooesophageal reflux
10084523 Intentional product misuse to child with intent to harm
10084524 Intentional drug misuse to child
10084525 Intentional child exposure to product by adult
10084526 Drug dose omission for unknown reason
10084527 Aseptic cavernous sinus thrombosis
10084528 2019-nCoV infection
10084529 2019 novel coronavirus infection
10084530 Riedel lobe
10084531 Block vertebra
10084532 Transverse sinus stenosis
10084533 Migraine postdrome
10084534 DDX3X syndrome
10084535 PASH syndrome
10084536 Cold dysaesthesia
10084537 Pyoderma gangrenosum, acne and hidradenitis suppurativa
10084538 Incomplete septal cirrhosis
10084539 Cold dysesthesia
10084540 Anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery
10084541 Punctal occlusion
10084542 Clinoid meningioma
10084543 Renal phospholipidosis
10084544 White matter demyelination
10084545 Gray matter demyelination
10084546 Grey matter demyelination
10084547 Exposure to COVID-19
10084548 Tongue induration
10084549 Gallbladder diverticulum
10084550 Infected vasculitis
10084551 Palatal prolapse
10084552 Eyelid cyst removal
10084553 Ampulla of Vater sclerosis
10084554 Subacute pancreatitis
10084555 Immobilisation bandage
10084556 Immobilization bandage
10084557 Vocal cord squamous cell carcinoma
10084558 Unilateral pleural effusion
10084559 Acute bacterial bronchitis
10084560 Dujarrier bandage
10084561 Duodenal bulb deformity
10084562 Drainage
10084563 Second impact syndrome
10084564 SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia
10084565 Occupational exposure to COVID-19
10084566 Tinetti test
10084567 Balance test
10084568 Gallbladder mass
10084569 Patient elopement
10084570 Pulmonary atypical adenomatous hyperplasia
10084571 Macular thickening
10084572 Myoclonic dystonia
10084573 Pure sensory stroke
10084574 Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia
10084575 Unstable angina pectoris aggravated
10084576 COVID-19 pneumonitis
10084577 Stool DNA test
10084578 Stool DNA test abnormal
10084579 Stool DNA test false positive
10084580 Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome
10084581 Bleb revision
10084582 Melanocortin 4 receptor deficiency
10084583 Stool DNA test negative
10084584 Stool DNA test normal
10084585 Stool DNA test false negative
10084586 Stool DNA test positive
10084587 Stress management
10084588 Injection site muscle weakness
10084589 Strong's procedure
10084590 Eyelid skin laxity
10084591 Psychoeducation
10084592 Encapsulated bleb
10084593 MC4R deficiency
10084594 Masseter muscle hypertrophy
10084595 Bleb needling
10084596 SARS-CoV-2 molecular test negative
10084597 SARS-CoV-2 rapid POC test negative
10084598 SARS-CoV-2 rapid POC test positive
10084599 SARS-CoV-2 rapid POC test
10084600 SARS-CoV-2 molecular test positive
10084601 SARS-CoV-2 molecular test
10084602 SARS-CoV-2 test false positive
10084603 COVID-19 virus test false positive
10084604 CBL gene mutation
10084605 KMT2A gene mutation
10084606 CALR gene mutation
10084607 PRPF8 gene mutation
10084608 SRSF2 gene mutation
10084609 TP53 gene mutation
10084610 ZRSR2 gene mutation
10084611 ASXL1 gene mutation
10084612 DNMT3A gene mutation
10084613 EZH2 gene mutation
10084614 MPL gene mutation
10084615 NPM1 gene mutation
10084616 STAG2 gene mutation
10084617 U2AF1 gene mutation
10084618 Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction
10084619 FLT3 gene mutation
10084620 RUNX1 gene mutation
10084621 SF3B1 gene mutation
10084622 TET2 gene mutation
10084623 WT1 gene mutation
10084624 PTPN11 gene mutation
10084625 BCOR gene mutation
10084626 CEBPA gene mutation
10084627 Nucleophosmin gene mutation
10084628 AML1 gene mutation
10084629 IDH1 gene mutation
10084630 KIT gene mutation
10084631 MLL gene mutation
10084632 IDH2 gene mutation
10084633 NRAS gene mutation
10084634 Treatment boosted antibody positive
10084635 Choroidal osteoma
10084636 Nasal mucosa telangiectasia
10084637 Umbilical artery vascular resistance increased
10084638 Hyperechogenic pancreas
10084639 SARS-CoV-2 sepsis
10084640 SARS-CoV-2 viraemia
10084641 Post intensive care syndrome
10084642 SARS-CoV-2 viremia
10084643 Telemedicine
10084644 Ocular implant exposure
10084645 Yersinia pseudotuberculosis gastroenteritis
10084646 Ureteral anastomotic dehiscence
10084647 Multifollicular ovary
10084648 Omental wrapping of peritoneal dialysis catheter
10084649 Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection
10084650 Pulmonary hamartochondroma
10084651 Excess iron chelation
10084652 Tinnitus retraining therapy
10084653 Tracheal aspirate culture
10084654 Senile angioma
10084655 Macular foramen
10084656 Catheter fibrin sheath formation
10084657 COVID-19 aggravated
10084658 COVID-19 pneumonia aggravated
10084659 Shortage of manufacturing component due to pandemic
10084660 Product distribution delay due to pandemic
10084661 Manufacturing facility shutdown due to pandemic
10084662 Shortage of inactive ingredient due to pandemic
10084663 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing issue due to pandemic manpower disruption
10084664 Product supply chain interruption due to pandemic
10084665 Lack of manufacturing materials due to pandemic
10084666 Shortage of manufacturing materials due to pandemic
10084667 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing not performed due to pandemic
10084668 Product unavailable due to pandemic
10084669 Drug shortage due to pandemic
10084670 Product delay due to pandemic
10084671 Drug supply chain interruption due to pandemic
10084672 Shortage of active pharmaceutical ingredient due to pandemic
10084673 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing not investigated due to pandemic
10084674 Manufacturing production disrupted due to pandemic
10084675 Manufacturing production permanently discontinued due to pandemic
10084676 Drug import channel interruption due to pandemic
10084677 Product shipment delay due to pandemic
10084678 Manufacturing production temporarily discontinued due to pandemic
10084679 Out of specification product testing issue
10084680 Out of specification testing issue, not performed due to pandemic
10084681 Out of specification testing issue, not investigated due to pandemic
10084682 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing not documented due to pandemic
10084683 Out of specification testing issue, not documented due to pandemic
10084684 Manufacturing laboratory analytical testing not reported
10084685 Out of specification testing issue, not reported due to pandemic
10084686 Glutathione increased
10084687 Aggressive digital papillary adenocarcinoma
10084688 Low T3 syndrome
10084689 Drug delivery device placement
10084690 Herb-induced liver injury
10084691 Acrosyndrome
10084692 Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies positive
10084693 Acro-ischemia
10084694 Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies
10084695 Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies negative
10084696 Acro-ischaemia
10084697 Focal peritonitis
10084698 Localised peritonitis
10084699 Localized peritonitis
10084700 Circumscribed peritonitis
10084701 Immune-mediated encephalopathy
10084702 Arterial revascularization
10084703 Interstitial lung edema
10084704 Squamous cell carcinoma of scalp
10084705 Interstitial lung oedema
10084706 Metal over-chelation
10084707 Bladder tumour antigen
10084708 Bladder tumor antigen
10084709 Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
10084710 Transsphenoidal surgery
10084711 Adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma
10084712 Tumour
10084713 Tumor
10084714 Renal lipoma
10084715 Gastroesophageal obstruction
10084716 Gastrooesophageal obstruction
10084717 COVID-19 antigen test
10084718 COVID-19 antigen test positive
10084719 COVID-19 antigen test negative
10084720 Labelled drug-disease interaction issue
10084721 Labelled drug-drug interaction issue
10084722 Labelled drug-food interaction issue
10084723 Labeled drug-drug interaction issue
10084724 Labeled drug-food interaction issue
10084725 Labeled drug-disease interaction issue
10084726 Labelled drug-alcohol interaction issue
10084727 Labeled drug-alcohol interaction issue
10084728 Community-related COVID-19 exposure
10084729 Travel-associated COVID-19 exposure
10084730 Improper needle recapping for disposal
10084731 CD34 cell count increased
10084732 CD34 cell count decreased
10084733 Interstitial pneumonia due to COVID-19
10084734 Intratympanic injection
10084735 Strokectomy
10084736 Cerebellar atherosclerosis
10084737 Acquired cerebral palsy
10084738 Cardiologist consultation
10084739 Exudative diathesis in childhood
10084740 Percutaneous balloon compression
10084741 Nodulocystic basal cell carcinoma
10084742 Chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps
10084743 Hepatic artery infusion pump insertion
10084744 Vasodilatory shock
10084745 Temporary mechanical circulatory support
10084746 Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
10084747 Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
10084748 ECMO therapy
10084749 ECLA therapy
10084750 Arteriovenous fistula site pseudoaneurysm
10084751 Hepatic hypoperfusion
10084752 Right atrial reduction plasty
10084753 Arteriovenous graft site pseudoaneurysm
10084754 Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus inflammatory cytokine syndrome
10084755 Aspiration of gastric residual volume
10084756 Transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis acquired
10084757 Epigenetic transmission to third generation
10084758 Excessive gingival display
10084759 Gummy smile
10084760 Globotriaosylsphingosine increased
10084761 Reactive capillary endothelial proliferation
10084762 Procedure aborted
10084763 Lymphadenectasis
10084764 Extrapulmonary acute respiratory distress syndrome
10084765 Immune-mediated cholestasis
10084766 Labrune syndrome
10084767 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
10084768 Paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome
10084769 Pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome
10084770 Pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome
10084771 MIS-C
10084772 Paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome
10084773 Breast implant palpable
10084774 Repeated open application test
10084775 Hand eczema
10084776 Nucleotomy
10084777 Morbus Ahlbaeck
10084778 Chronic hand eczema
10084779 Cord colitis syndrome
10084780 Zeichi-Ceide syndrome
10084781 Vocal cord erythema
10084782 Vocal cord bowing
10084783 Oxygenation index
10084784 SARS-CoV-1 infection
10084785 HER2 positive non-small cell lung cancer
10084786 MERS-CoV infection
10084787 HER2 mutant non-small cell lung cancer
10084788 HRD positive advanced ovarian cancer
10084789 Homologous recombination deficiency positive advanced ovarian cancer
10084790 Misbranded product
10084791 Spurious product
10084792 Drug metabolite level
10084793 Drug metabolite level high
10084794 Topical product occlusive therapy
10084795 Intra-abdominal vascular injury
10084796 Extrahepatic biliary tree injury
10084797 Flood syndrome
10084798 Intra-abdominal organ devascularization
10084799 Ascites grade 1
10084800 Ascites grade 3
10084801 Retroperitoneal vascular injury
10084802 Intra-abdominal organ devascularisation
10084803 Intra-abdominal organ avulsion
10084804 Ascites grade 2
10084805 Autoinjector activation failure
10084806 Coronary sinus injury
10084807 Scleredema diabeticorum
10084808 Scleroedema diabeticorum
10084809 Injection site muscle atrophy
10084810 Periorbital rash
10084811 Periorbital dry skin
10084812 Periorbital hyperpigmentation
10084813 Papillary craniopharyngioma
10084814 Craniopharyngioma malignant
10084815 Hypocortisolism
10084816 Ocular surface stem cell transplant rejection
10084817 Convalescent plasma transfusion
10084818 Conjunctival limbal autograft
10084819 Combined keratolimbal with conjunctival limbal allograft
10084820 Ocular surface stem cell transplant
10084821 Cadaveric keratolimbal allograft
10084822 Living related conjunctival limbal allograft
10084823 NR5A1 gene mutation
10084824 Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis
10084825 Superimposed pre-eclampsia
10084826 Aerococcus urinae infection
10084827 Abnormal DNA methylation
10084828 Immune-mediated cytopenia
10084829 Splanchnic hypoperfusion
10084830 Aspergillus terreus infection
10084831 Tumour abscess
10084832 Loss of retinal thickness
10084833 Jackhammer oesophagus
10084834 Pill burden
10084835 Transient nocturnal oxygen desaturation
10084836 Malignant ischemic stroke
10084837 Immune-mediated bicytopenia
10084838 Loss of foveal thickness
10084839 Acute myelopathy
10084840 Streptococcus mitis infection
10084841 Ghost pill phenomenon
10084842 Creatine transporter deficiency
10084843 Malignant ischaemic stroke
10084844 Jackhammer esophagus
10084845 Tumor abscess
10084846 Micro-total protein urine increased
10084847 HRD gene mutation assay positive
10084848 HRD gene mutation assay negative
10084849 HRD gene mutation assay
10084850 Homologous recombination deficiency gene mutation assay
10084851 Homologous recombination deficiency gene mutation assay positive
10084852 Homologous recombination deficiency gene mutation assay negative
10084853 Otoendoscopy
10084854 Abnormal cord insertion
10084855 Eccentric cord insertion
10084856 Battledore cord insertion
10084857 Marginal cord insertion
10084858 Gastric infarction
10084859 Pseudoallergic reaction
10084860 Hypotransferrinaemia
10084861 Gastric ischaemia
10084862 Supra-aortic trunk stenosis
10084863 Fallopian tube scarring
10084864 Infected hidradenitis
10084865 Idiopathic pneumothorax
10084866 Hypotransferrinemia
10084867 Beta thalassaemia minor
10084868 Systemic embolism
10084869 Gastric ischemia
10084870 Fallopian tube dilatation
10084871 Gastroesophageal junction cancer metastatic
10084872 Noninfectious pneumonitis
10084873 Gastrooesophageal junction cancer metastatic
10084874 Acquired hypotransferrinemia
10084875 Acquired hypotransferrinaemia
10084876 Beta thalassemia minor
10084877 Crowe's sign
10084878 Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw
10084879 Tooth devitalized
10084880 Tooth devitalised
10084881 Medication-related osteonecrosis of jaw
10084882 Dysplastic colon adenoma
10084883 Sacralgia
10084884 SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test
10084885 SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody test
10084886 SARS-CoV-2 rapid antibody test
10084887 De novo purine synthesis inhibitors associated acute inflammatory syndrome
10084888 SARS-CoV-2 IgM antibody test
10084889 SARS-CoV-2 rapid diagnostic test
10084890 Paranasal mucopyocele
10084891 Anal herpes
10084892 Squamous cell carcinoma of the temporal bone
10084893 CT abdomen angiogram
10084894 Serial casting
10084895 Radiation odynophagia
10084896 Skull base osteomyelitis
10084897 Biceps tenodesis
10084898 Skeletal muscle weakness
10084899 Vectorcardiogram
10084900 Uterine diverticulum
10084901 Chronic antibody-mediated rejection
10084902 Chronic duodenitis
10084903 Corneal leukoplakia
10084904 Antiplatelet reversal therapy
10084905 Generalised bullous fixed drug eruption
10084906 GBFDE
10084907 Generalized bullous fixed drug eruption
10084908 Faecal PCR
10084909 Fecal PCR
10084910 Calcified lung nodule
10084911 Lower anterior rectal resection
10084912 Venturi face mask oxygen therapy
10084913 Non-rebreather mask oxygen therapy
10084914 High flow face mask oxygen therapy
10084915 Bruunstrom approach
10084916 Peripheral artery bypass graft occlusion
10084917 Diabetic kidney disease
10084919 Fibrogastroscopy
10084920 Dentist consultation
10084921 Gynecologist consultation
10084922 Bladder drainage
10084923 Oncologist consultation
10084924 Urologist consultation
10084925 Rheumatologist consultation
10084926 Burn of upper limb
10084927 Otorhinolaryngologist consultation
10084928 Psychiatrist consultation
10084929 Endocrinologist consultation
10084930 Pulmonologist consultation
10084931 Retinaculotomy
10084932 Laminoforaminotomy
10084933 Internal examination
10084934 Gynaecologist consultation
10084935 Pelvic examination
10084936 Bacterial endophthalmitis
10084937 Phalanx amputation
10084938 Maternal exposure via partner during pregnancy
10084939 Overchelation
10084940 Chelator toxicity
10084941 Excessive aluminum chelation
10084942 Excessive chelation
10084943 Cerebral cavernous hemangioma
10084944 Left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy
10084945 Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal
10084946 Cerebral cavernous haemangioma
10084947 Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio decreased
10084948 Spleen ischaemia
10084949 Spleen ischemia
10084950 Cystoid maculopathy
10084951 Post ablation syndrome
10084952 Depression rating scale score
10084953 Depression rating scale score decreased
10084954 Veno-venous ECMO
10084955 V-V ECMO
10084956 V-A ECMO
10084957 Veno-arterial ECMO
10084958 Beta c-terminal telopeptide type-I collagen
10084959 Vasomotor menopausal symptoms
10084960 Urinary occult blood
10084961 Urinary occult blood negative
10084962 Pathological preliminary period of labour
10084963 Pathological preliminary period of labor
10084964 Oral melanocytic naevus
10084965 Natural disaster witness
10084966 Soft tissue therapy
10084967 Purines
10084968 Troponin decreased
10084969 Troponin I abnormal
10084970 Purines increased
10084971 Mesangiolipidosis
10084972 Troponin I decreased
10084973 Purines decreased
10084974 Sacroiliac fusion
10084975 Purines abnormal
10084976 Purines normal
10084977 Cardiac catheter removal
10084978 Occipitocervical fusion
10084979 Troponin abnormal
10084980 Lymphovenous bypass
10084981 Cerebral cortical dysgenesis
10084982 Acute lower respiratory tract infection
10084983 Oral melanocytic nevus
10084984 Hippocampal dysgenesis
10084985 Ankle arthritis
10084986 Hypothalamic dysgenesis
10084987 Partner conflict
10084988 Oropharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia
10084989 Cancer associated membranous nephropathy
10084990 Myopenia
10084991 Contraindicated drug combination administered
10084992 Negative symptoms in schizophrenia
10084993 Persistent prominent negative symptoms in schizophrenia
10084994 Loading dose not administered
10084995 Stenotrophomonas bacteraemia
10084996 Stenotrophomonas bacteremia
10084997 Persistent complex bereavement disorder
10084998 Complicated grief disorder
10084999 Dissociative motor disorder
10085000 Vaccine enhanced disease
10085001 Vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease
10085002 Hepatic sclerosis
10085003 Sarcoid-like reaction
10085004 Progastrin releasing peptide increased
10085005 Inadequate peritoneal dialysis
10085006 Hypertension during dialysis
10085007 Psychogenic blindness
10085008 Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation of lower esophageal sphincter
10085009 Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation of lower oesophageal sphincter
10085010 Hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome
10085011 Anaphylactic reaction to contrast agent
10085012 Quick's value abnormal
10085013 Wound fat liquefaction
10085014 Laboratory confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection without symptoms
10085015 Subcostal pain
10085016 Dyscirculatory encephalopathy
10085017 Herpes simplex bronchitis
10085018 Norovirus infection
10085019 Thyroid autotransplantation
10085020 Ear odour
10085021 Ear odor
10085022 Benign neoplasm removal
10085023 Neoplasm removal
10085024 Malignant neoplasm removal
10085025 Immune-mediated hypophysitis
10085026 Immune-mediated oesophagitis
10085027 Immune-mediated esophagitis
10085028 Non-surgical skin tightening
10085029 J-plasty
10085030 Barbotage
10085031 Juvenile absence epilepsy
10085032 Blood strontium increased
10085033 Rapid alternating movement test abnormal
10085034 Childhood absence epilepsy
10085036 Stomatodynia
10085037 Acute prerenal insufficiency
10085038 Lacquer crack
10085039 Sensorineural hearing loss congenital
10085040 Endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration
10085041 EBUS-TBNA
10085042 Juvenile plantar dermatosis
10085043 Dermatitis plantaris sicca
10085044 Left atrial appendage closure implant
10085045 Omental haemorrhage
10085046 Omental hemorrhage
10085047 CYP2C9 gene status assay
10085048 Loose body removal
10085049 Cardiac lipoma
10085050 Atrial lipoma
10085051 Familial chylomicronemia syndrome
10085052 Familial chylomicronaemia syndrome
10085053 Olfactory reference syndrome
10085054 Acquired soft palate fissure
10085055 Paranasal sinus mass
10085056 Bifid ureter
10085057 Arteriovenous fistula site abscess
10085058 Interstitial lung disease with a progressive phenotype
10085059 Retinal occlusive vasculitis
10085060 Retinal arterial occlusive vasculitis
10085061 Retinal vein occlusive vasculitis
10085062 Sclerosing mesenteritis
10085063 Lumbosacral radiculoplexus neuropathy
10085064 Strazhesko-Vasilenko classification
10085065 Colo-urethral fistula
10085066 Loose anagen syndrome
10085067 Perivascular epithelioid cell tumour
10085068 Chop wound
10085069 Immune-mediated cystitis
10085070 Haemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis
10085071 HORV
10085072 Hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis
10085073 Cheek rotation flap
10085074 Paraneoplastic erythromelalgia
10085075 Lymphodepletion
10085076 HCoV-229E infection
10085077 HCoV-OC43 infection
10085078 HCoV-NL63 infection
10085079 HCoV-HKU1 infection
10085080 Congenital COVID-19
10085081 SARS-CoV-2 IgA antibody test
10085082 COVID-19 recurrent
10085083 Congenital SARS-CoV-2 infection
10085084 Recurrent subareolar breast abscess
10085085 Stiff skin syndrome
10085086 Immune-mediated meningoencephalitis
10085087 Treatment delayed
10085088 Prolonged neutropenia
10085089 Prolonged thrombocytopenia
10085090 High flow heated humidified oxygen therapy
10085091 Cancer with a high tumour mutational burden
10085092 Cancer with a high tumor mutational burden
10085093 Craniofacial injury
10085094 Papilla of Vater sclerosis
10085095 Peritoneal catheter insertion
10085096 Infected large intestinal ulcer
10085097 Gingival scar
10085098 Acinar cell carcinoma of prostate
10085099 Nasopharyngeal perforation
10085100 Gum scar
10085101 Lumbosacral neuritis
10085102 Breakthrough haemolysis
10085103 Breakthrough hemolysis
10085104 Dolichocephaly
10085105 Dorsal root ganglia radiofrequency
10085106 Toxic pulmonary arterial hypertension
10085107 Hyperthyroid cardiopathy
10085108 Peritoneal catheter complication
10085109 Vascular catheter complication
10085110 Gracilis myocutaneous flaps operation
10085111 Cold allergy
10085112 Astigmatic keratotomy
10085113 Limbal relaxing incisions
10085114 Seroma drainage
10085115 Laparostomy
10085116 Renal exploration
10085117 Ureterocalicostomy
10085118 Nuclear senile cataract
10085119 Conventional oxygen therapy
10085120 Magnetic resonance imaging hepatobiliary
10085121 Magnetic resonance imaging hepatobiliary abnormal
10085122 Immature granulocyte count
10085123 Follicular lymphoma stage I
10085124 Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio
10085125 Follicular lymphoma stage II
10085126 Follicular lymphoma stage IV
10085127 Follicular lymphoma stage III
10085128 Follicular lymphoma
10085129 CSF virus test
10085130 Hepatitis E virus IgG antibody
10085131 Hepatitis E virus IgA antibody
10085132 Hepatitis E virus IgM antibody
10085133 Renal carbuncle
10085134 Inferior vena cava reconstruction
10085135 Osteophyte formation
10085136 Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis
10085137 Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
10085138 Intradermal injection
10085139 Speech delay
10085140 Intralesional injection
10085141 Alalia
10085142 Optometric therapy
10085143 Vision training
10085144 Urethral bubble passage
10085145 Hepatitis E RNA
10085146 Appendix cancer metastatic
10085147 Chronic erosive gastritis
10085148 Clostridioides difficile test positive
10085149 Intestinal infection due to Clostridioides difficile
10085150 Clostridioides difficile immunization
10085151 Clostridioides difficile septicemia
10085152 Diarrhea, Clostridioides difficile
10085153 Diarrhoea, Clostridioides difficile
10085154 Clostridioides difficile isolated in stool
10085155 Clostridioides difficile immunisation
10085156 Clostridioides difficile sepsis
10085157 Clostridioides difficile colitis
10085158 Clostridioides difficile infection
10085159 Clostridioides difficile infection recurrence
10085160 Clostridioides difficile toxin test positive
10085161 Clostridioides difficile septicaemia
10085162 Clostridioides difficile toxin test
10085163 Scleral haematoma
10085164 Scleral hematoma
10085165 Verneuil's disease
10085166 Holotranscobalamin decreased
10085167 Hyperplastic sinusitis
10085168 Cold shock response
10085169 Paralabral cyst
10085170 Warthin-like papillary thyroid carcinoma
10085171 Urethroscrotal fistula
10085172 Dental implant removal
10085173 Subgaleal abscess
10085174 Perianal cyst
10085175 Ameloblastic fibroma
10085176 Phantom vibration syndrome
10085177 Penile fissure
10085178 Vestibular neuritis
10085179 Impulse oscillometry
10085180 Quantitative sensory testing
10085181 Tracheal compression
10085182 Temporary transvenous pacing
10085183 Non-dilating digital retinogram
10085184 Electric shock sensation in head
10085185 Brain zaps
10085186 External ventricular drainage
10085187 Wire guided excision biopsy breast
10085188 Probable e-cigarette or vaping product use associated lung injury
10085189 Confirmed e-cigarette or vaping product use associated lung injury
10085190 EVALI confirmed
10085191 EVALI probable
10085192 Hypoferremia
10085193 Hypoferraemia
10085194 Bacterial folliculitis
10085195 Exophytic gastric tumor
10085196 Exophytic gastric tumour
10085197 Nasolabial flap
10085198 Follicular eczema
10085199 Thymoma benign
10085200 Framingham risk score
10085201 Compressive goiter
10085202 Mixed tension migraine
10085203 Compressive goitre
10085204 HCO3
10085205 HCO3 abnormal
10085206 HCO3 low
10085207 HCO3 decreased
10085208 HCO3 normal
10085209 HCO3 increased
10085210 Ormond's disease
10085211 Ventricular drain related infection
10085212 Ventricular drain dislodgement
10085213 Ventricular drain obstruction
10085214 Obstructive intraventricular haemorrhage
10085215 Ventricular drain disconnection issue
10085216 Ventricular drain placement
10085217 Ventricular drain misplacement
10085218 Obstructive intraventricular hemorrhage
10085219 Lupus anticoagulant hypoprothrombinaemia syndrome
10085220 Lupus anticoagulant hypoprothrombinemia syndrome
10085221 Insulin therapy
10085222 Insulin pump therapy
10085223 Syndrome W
10085224 Paranasal mucopyocoele
10085225 Pseudohallucination, olfactory
10085226 Pseudohallucination, visual
10085227 Pseudohallucination, tactile
10085228 Pseudohallucination, gustatory
10085229 Pseudohallucination, synaesthetic
10085230 Pseudohallucination, mixed
10085231 Pseudohallucination, synesthetic
10085232 Left anterior descending coronary artery restenosis
10085233 Self-destructive behaviour
10085234 Self-destructive behavior
10085235 Jaw swelling
10085236 Lip scar
10085237 Rotator cuff injury of hip
10085238 Gluteal muscle tear
10085239 JAG1 gene mutation
10085240 Stoma evaluation
10085241 Toothpaste allergy
10085242 Chronic coronary syndrome
10085243 MRI pituitary
10085244 Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension
10085245 Drug and toxin-induced pulmonary arterial hypertension
10085246 Body modification
10085247 Genital beading procedure
10085248 Postoperative lymphocele
10085249 Bathrocephaly
10085250 Precerebral artery embolism
10085251 Orbital swelling
10085252 Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome
10085253 LADD syndrome
10085254 Cancer cells urine present
10085255 Magnetic resonance imaging head
10085256 Magnetic resonance imaging head abnormal
10085257 Magnetic resonance imaging head normal
10085258 Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor
10085259 PEComa
10085263 Non-structural valve dysfunction
10085264 Capsule contents not opened as labelled
10085265 Product not dissolved before administration
10085266 Delayed dose administration
10085267 Merkel cell polyomavirus infection
10085268 Acopia
10085269 ARDS disease progression
10085270 Oral appliance
10085271 Osteochemonecrosis of jaw
10085272 Unevaluable test result
10085273 Saucerization
10085274 Saucerisation
10085275 Capsule contents not opened as labeled
10085276 Persistent hiccups
10085277 Bankart repair
10085278 Computerised tomogram of gallbladder
10085279 Computerized tomogram of gallbladder
10085280 Fibroadenomatoid mastopathy
10085281 Flatfoot reconstruction
10085282 Intestinal lipomatosis
10085283 Ileovesical fistula
10085284 Cardiac polyp
10085285 Ventricular drain site discharge
10085286 Ventricular drain leakage
10085287 Anal gonococcal infection
10085288 Spock eyebrow
10085289 Galli-Galli disease
10085290 Mephisto effect
10085291 Gingival examination
10085292 Aichmophobia
10085293 Cancer with high TMB
10085294 Acquired left ventricle outflow tract obstruction
10085295 Prosthetic cardiac valve fibrosis
10085296 Prosthetic cardiac valve calcification
10085297 Paravalvular regurgitation
10085298 Jugular vein haemorrhage
10085299 External jugular vein bleeding
10085300 Squamous non-small cell lung cancer
10085301 Epidermoid carcinoma lung
10085302 Paravalvular pulmonary regurgitation
10085303 Internal jugular vein bleeding
10085304 Bioprosthetic valve failure
10085305 Jugular vein hemorrhage
10085306 Cow's milk protein allergy
10085307 Cow's milk protein intolerance
10085308 Brachial plexitis
10085309 Cutaneous small vessel vasculitis
10085310 Mesenteric artery embolisation
10085311 Lumbar artery embolisation
10085312 Lumbar artery embolization
10085313 Mesenteric artery embolization
10085314 Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair
10085315 Malignant spinal cord compression
10085316 Heel fissure
10085317 Interferon gamma release assay gold-in tube positive
10085318 Interferon gamma release assay gold plus test positive
10085319 Enzyme-linked immunospot test positive
10085320 Weissella infection
10085321 Sinus tract formation
10085322 Weissella confusa infection
10085323 Venereal lymphogranuloma proctitis
10085324 Raynaud's phenomenon of the nipple
10085325 Catheter directed thrombolysis
10085326 Parietal lobe epilepsy
10085327 Parotid gland stone
10085328 Basic metabolic panel
10085329 Shoulder wrap fixative
10085330 Peripheral artery stent removal
10085331 Lower urinary tract infection bacterial
10085332 Chest wall cellulitis
10085333 Desault bandage
10085334 Hip joint injection
10085335 Suprapatellar tendonitis
10085336 Interstitial lung fluid overload
10085337 Papillary urothelial carcinoma
10085338 Hip osteopenia
10085339 Renal microlithiasis
10085340 Arthrogram hip
10085341 Pathologic fracture of rib
10085342 Acute hypoxic respiratory failure
10085343 Spinal osteopenia
10085344 Acute paraproctitis
10085345 Mosaic attenuation in lung
10085346 Renal-limited thrombotic microangiopathy
10085347 Walled-off pancreatic necrosis
10085348 Biotensiometry
10085349 Cervicogenic dysphagia
10085350 Anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
10085351 Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
10085352 Immune-mediated lung disease
10085353 Ureteropelvic junction stenosis
10085354 Congenital ureteropelvic junction stenosis
10085355 Bone neoplasm excision
10085356 Idiopathic dizziness
10085357 Acquired hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia
10085358 Acquired hypocalciuric hypercalcemia
10085359 Sulcal effacement
10085360 Survivor guilt
10085361 Drug-induced enterocolitis syndrome
10085362 Inherited otosclerosis
10085363 Tape stripping procedure
10085364 Pulmonary venous hypertension
10085365 Transepidermal water loss measurement
10085366 Cardiac therapeutic procedure
10085367 Skin suction blister fluid analysis
10085368 Cervix scarring
10085369 Gastrointestinal anastomotic haemorrhage
10085370 Covert brain infarct
10085371 Gastrointestinal anastomotic hemorrhage
10085372 Myxoma
10085373 Scar inflammation
10085374 Hypoxic liver injury
10085375 Cicatricial atelectasis
10085376 Lung infection bacterial
10085377 Trigeminal nerve stimulation
10085378 Hydroxyapatite crystal deposition disease
10085379 Cayler cardiofacial syndrome
10085380 Asymmetrical crying facies with cardiac defect
10085381 Oral muguet
10085382 Endoscopic third ventriculostomy
10085383 Bladder neck stenosis
10085384 Chronic pneumonia
10085385 Beta hexosaminidase deficiency
10085386 Tight plantar fascia
10085387 Enlargement of optic recess
10085388 Stoma hernia repair
10085389 Endocrine system examination
10085390 Pulmonary artery compression
10085391 Incisional hernia perforation
10085392 Immune-mediated liver injury
10085393 Immune-mediated gastroenteritis
10085394 Streptococcus agalactiae septicemia
10085395 Allergic reaction to chemotherapy
10085396 Streptococcus agalactiae infection
10085397 Steroid-induced cardiomyopathy
10085398 Streptococcus agalactiae septicaemia
10085399 Invasive ductal breast carcinoma stage II
10085400 Invasive ductal breast carcinoma stage I
10085401 Invasive ductal breast carcinoma stage III
10085402 Invasive ductal breast carcinoma stage IV
10085403 Pancoast-Tobias syndrome
10085404 Dry nasal mucosa
10085405 Photosensitivity erythema
10085406 Peripapillary pigmentation
10085407 Pseudohypopyon
10085408 Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome
10085409 Acquired synostosis
10085410 Atypical small acinar proliferation of prostate
10085411 Gaucheroma
10085412 Immune-mediated diabetes
10085413 Diffuse pulmonary disease
10085414 Extracorporeal lung assist therapy
10085415 Right ventricular concentric remodeling
10085416 Right ventricular concentric remodelling
10085417 Traction bronchiectasis
10085418 Retroperitoneal disorder
10085419 Necrotic lymphadenopathy
10085420 Recreational therapy
10085421 Symptomatic anemia
10085422 Symptomatic anaemia
10085423 Heavy menstrual bleeding
10085424 Abnormal uterine bleeding
10085425 Septic endocarditis
10085426 Inappropriate schedule of product discontinuation
10085427 Posterior circulation ischaemia
10085428 Inappropriate product tapering
10085429 Posterior circulation ischemia
10085430 Chronic laryngopharyngitis
10085431 HER2 positive salivary gland cancer
10085432 Aspirin-like platelet defect
10085433 Conjunctival thinning
10085434 Localized conjunctival thinning
10085435 Localised conjunctival thinning
10085436 Thermocoagulation
10085437 Shoulder joint prosthesis insertion
10085438 Anti-LRP2 nephropathy
10085439 Anti-melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 antibody positive
10085440 Lung infection fungal
10085441 Anti-brush border antibody disease
10085442 Cryoanalgesia
10085443 Lineage switch leukaemia
10085444 Akinetic rigid syndrome
10085445 Hyperkyphosis
10085446 Lineage switch leukemia
10085447 Claude's syndrome
10085448 Weber's syndrome
10085449 Superior alternating hemiplegia
10085450 Hemimotor neglect
10085451 Benedikt's syndrome
10085452 Heloma molle
10085453 Palatal tear
10085454 Suspected recalled product administered
10085455 Thioredoxin reductase activity
10085456 Urinary bladder herniation
10085457 Megalopapilla
10085458 Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis
10085459 Family history of thyroid disease
10085460 Acantholytic actinic keratosis
10085461 ATLAS score for Clostridium difficile infection
10085462 ISTH score for disseminated intravascular coagulation
10085463 Blood loss assessment
10085464 Poisoning severity score
10085465 Blood brain barrier disruption therapy
10085466 Post-anaphylaxis mast cell anergy
10085467 Agonal respiration
10085468 Serum total protein
10085469 Bacillus circulans infection
10085470 Base of tongue haematoma
10085471 Agonal breathing
10085472 Lung percussion test
10085473 Empty mast cell syndrome
10085474 Bullous acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis
10085475 4Ts score
10085476 Pseudo-Ludwig angina
10085477 Neuroprotection
10085478 Serotonin release assay
10085479 Latex immunoassay for HIT antibodies
10085480 Base of tongue hematoma
10085481 Hormone receptor positive HER2 negative breast cancer
10085482 Ovarian transposition
10085483 Fibrinogen degradation products increased
10085484 Ejaculatory duct cyst
10085485 Sudden adult death syndrome
10085486 Compulsory hospitalisation
10085487 Compulsory hospitalization
10085488 Hip arthritis
10085489 Critical limb-threatening ischaemia
10085490 Critical limb-threatening ischemia
10085491 Vaccine associated enhanced disease
10085492 Vaccine derived SARS-CoV-2 infection
10085493 SARS-CoV-2 RNA
10085494 SARS-CoV-2 RNA undetectable
10085495 SARS-CoV-2 RNA increased
10085496 SARS-CoV-2 RNA decreased
10085497 SARS-CoV-2 RNA fluctuation
10085498 SARS-CoV-2 viral load undetectable
10085499 SARS-CoV-2 viral load increased
10085500 SARS-CoV-2 viral load
10085501 SARS-CoV-2 viral load decreased
10085502 SARS-CoV-2 viral load fluctuation
10085503 Post-acute COVID-19 syndrome
10085504 Long COVID
10085505 Post-COVID syndrome
10085506 Femoral vein injury
10085507 Post-depletion B-cell recovery
10085508 Loss of CAR T-cell persistence
10085509 Early B-cell recovery
10085510 Peripheral B-cell recovery
10085511 Reappearance of CD19 B-cells
10085512 Loss of B-cell aplasia
10085513 Fibroadipose hyperplasia
10085514 Hemihyperplasia-multiple lipomatosis syndrome
10085515 Facial infiltrating lipomatosis
10085516 Megalencephaly-capillary malformation syndrome
10085517 Rheumatoid arthritis-associated interstitial lung disease
10085518 Cutaneous B-cell lymphoma
10085519 Radiochemotherapy
10085520 Finnegan score increased
10085521 Cone-rod dystrophy
10085522 Mixed-type encephalopathy
10085523 Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization
10085524 Transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation
10085525 Cerebellar tonsillar ectopia
10085526 Bacterial myositis
10085527 Bronchial polypectomy
10085528 Carious lesion
10085529 Xiphoidectomy
10085530 COVID-19 screening
10085531 Bacterial gingivitis
10085532 Shoulder joint hydrodilatation
10085533 Coagulogram
10085534 Surgical consultation
10085535 Lymphocytic gastritis
10085536 Immune-mediated bronchitis
10085537 Immune-mediated rash
10085538 Group B haemolytic streptococcal septicaemia
10085539 Group B hemolytic streptococcal septicemia
10085540 Chronic limb-threatening ischemia
10085541 Chronic limb-threatening ischaemia
10085542 Superior oblique myokymia
10085543 Neurogenic fracture
10085544 Urethrostomy
10085545 Penile gangrene
10085546 Immune-mediated neurological disorder
10085547 Immune-mediated adrenal insufficiency
10085548 Metapneumovirus bronchiolitis
10085549 Parainfluenzae viral bronchitis
10085550 Metapneumovirus pneumonia
10085551 Streptococcal bronchitis
10085552 Coxsackie bronchitis
10085553 Bauxite pneumoconiosis
10085554 Aluminosis
10085555 Pulmonary siderosis
10085556 Chronic polysinusitis
10085557 Stannosis
10085558 Excessive aluminium chelation
10085559 Revaccination with different COVID-19 vaccine
10085560 ESBL producing bacteria test positive
10085561 Hormone receptor negative HER2 positive breast cancer
10085562 AChR myasthenia gravis
10085563 Delayed haematopoietic reconstitution
10085564 Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
10085565 Foveal fibrosis
10085566 Foveal scar
10085567 Delayed neutrophil count reconstitution
10085568 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
10085569 Delayed erythropoietic count reconstitution
10085570 Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia
10085571 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia
10085572 Delayed hematopoietic reconstitution
10085573 Cytokine increased
10085574 Interleukin-10 increased
10085575 Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing bacteria test positive
10085576 Radical orchidectomy
10085577 Hepatic encephalopathy stage 3
10085578 Hepatic encephalopathy stage 2
10085579 Hepatorenal syndrome type 1
10085580 Hepatic encephalopathy stage 1
10085581 Hepatic encephalopathy stage 4
10085582 Hepatorenal syndrome type 2
10085583 Minor ischemic stroke
10085584 Minor ischaemic stroke
10085585 Osteo-meningeal breaches
10085586 Cerebellar density decreased
10085587 Feeling of self-depreciation
10085588 Colon dysplasia high grade
10085589 Pessimism
10085590 Cerebellar hemisphere density decreased
10085591 Hemiface sweating decreased
10085592 Precancerous lesion of colon
10085593 Colon dysplasia low grade
10085594 Colon dysplasia indefinite
10085595 Subconjunctival fibrosis
10085596 Bone cement implantation syndrome
10085597 Product information not provided to patient
10085598 Bullous acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
10085599 Idiopathic acute peripheral facial nerve palsy
10085600 Acute aseptic arthritis
10085601 Corkscrew esophagus
10085602 Corkscrew oesophagus
10085603 Cryptogenic autoimmune hepatitis
10085604 Kidner procedure
10085605 Mechanical pain
10085606 Latent iron deficiency
10085607 Sweat pimples
10085608 Texter's thumb
10085609 Gamer's thumb
10085610 Hepatogenous diabetes
10085611 Strangulated haemorrhoids
10085612 Stress ulcer haemorrhage
10085613 Foreskin oedema
10085614 Primary peritonitis
10085615 Foreskin edema
10085616 Galeazzi fracture
10085617 Stress ulcer bleeding
10085618 Proctocele
10085619 Foreskin ulcer
10085620 Upper blepharoplasty
10085621 Strangulated hemorrhoids
10085622 Stress ulcer hemorrhage
10085623 45,X genotype
10085624 45,XO genotype
10085625 Transient bradycardia
10085626 Scandinavian stroke scale
10085627 Duodenal rupture
10085628 Radiation bronchitis
10085629 Esophageal mucosal edema
10085630 Oesophageal mucosal oedema
10085631 Radiation lymphoedema
10085632 Radiation lymphedema
10085633 Nasopharyngeal swab
10085634 Urinary immunoglobulin G increased
10085635 Ultrasound lymph nodes
10085636 Scar discomfort
10085637 Tooth restoration
10085638 Radiologist consultation
10085639 Pleural ultrasound
10085640 Thyroid function increased
10085641 Echotomography
10085642 Anal hyperplastic polyp
10085643 Dental debridement
10085644 Radiation anaemia
10085645 Uterine granuloma
10085646 Hernia of the white line
10085647 Radiation anemia
10085648 Infraclavicular incisions
10085649 Eversion carotid endarterectomy
10085650 Ocular mucositis
10085651 Pes planovalgus
10085652 Muscle-sparing thoracotomy
10085653 Erythrocyte electrophoretic index increased
10085654 Bladder wall tumor
10085655 Bladder wall tumour
10085656 Alcoholic encephalopathy
10085657 Orofacial granulomatosis
10085658 Dental root perforation
10085659 Laparoscopic biopsy
10085660 Conjunctival defect
10085661 Localized conjunctival defect
10085662 Localised conjunctival defect
10085663 Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma
10085664 Hydropericarditis
10085665 Supraclavicular fossa pain
10085666 Hypokinetic gallbladder
10085667 Urinary transferrin increased
10085668 Capillary bronchitis
10085669 Seronegative antiphospholipid syndrome
10085670 Peripheral nerve ultrasound
10085671 Anti-MDA5 antibody positive
10085672 Scleroplasty
10085673 Joint puncture
10085674 Knee puncture
10085675 Premenstrual migraine
10085676 Lymph node inflammation
10085677 Masticatory muscle weakness
10085678 Masticatory muscle fatigue
10085679 Locally advanced prostate cancer
10085680 Advanced prostate cancer
10085681 Carbohydrate antigen 242
10085682 Abdominal aortic occlusion
10085683 Abiotrophia defectiva endocarditis
10085684 Klebsiella pneumoniae invasive syndrome
10085685 Cerebellar tonsillar herniation
10085686 Drug-induced lung injury
10085687 Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome
10085688 Radiation recall dermatitis
10085689 Foetal vascular malperfusion
10085690 Ventricular tachycardia storm
10085691 Fetal vascular malperfusion
10085692 Le Fort fracture
10085693 Uvula deviation
10085694 Atriomegaly
10085695 Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome
10085696 Bulldog syndrome
10085697 Dysplasia gigantism syndrome
10085698 Golabi-Rosen syndrome
10085699 Pediatric intensive care
10085700 Paediatric intensive care
10085701 Lochiostasis
10085702 Lochiometra
10085703 Metroendometritis
10085704 Catathrenia
10085705 Nocturnal groaning
10085706 Cabin fever
10085707 Lockdown fatigue
10085708 Cupping therapy
10085709 Cytokeratin 19
10085710 Cytokeratin 19 decreased
10085711 PTHrP normal
10085712 Anaemia of central origin
10085713 PTHrP abnormal
10085714 CYFRA 21-1 decreased
10085715 Balloon coronary angioplasty
10085716 Anemia of central origin
10085717 Acute iridocyclitis
10085718 Breast hamartoma
10085719 PTHrP
10085720 PTHrP increased
10085721 Synchronous metastases
10085722 Metachronous metastasis
10085723 CYFRA 21-1
10085724 CYFRA 21-1 increased
10085725 Vortex corneal dystrophy
10085726 Abdominal wall sinus
10085727 Arcuate uterus
10085728 CHAPLE syndrome
10085729 Hemoccult
10085730 Haemoccult
10085731 Postoperative hypercoagulability
10085732 Steatoblepharon
10085733 Paracusis
10085734 Oval pupil
10085735 Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem
10085736 Corneal endothelial polymegathism
10085737 Rhytides
10085738 Escobar syndrome
10085739 Oral vaccine administration site lesions
10085740 Indeterminate tuberculosis test
10085741 Indeterminate investigation result
10085742 Subclavian arteriosclerosis
10085743 Pleural hypertrophy
10085744 Thoracolumbar scoliosis
10085745 Thymoma excision
10085746 Acute pharyngotonsillitis
10085747 Prurigo nodularis flare
10085748 Chronic cold urticaria
10085749 Retronychia
10085750 Spinal neuritis
10085751 Iodine 131 uptake abnormal
10085752 Partial hysterectomy
10085753 Peripheral spondyloarthritis
10085754 Bone marrow suppression
10085755 Endometrial electrocoagulation
10085756 Atrial escape rhythm
10085757 Eyelid eversion
10085758 Eyelid eversion procedure
10085759 Growing teratoma syndrome
10085760 Tonsillar pillars hyperemia
10085761 Tonsillar pillars hyperaemia
10085762 Mastoiditis fungal
10085763 Otomastoiditis fungal
10085764 Administration site stinging
10085765 Flap surgery
10085766 Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis
10085767 Neuroendocrine tumour of the rectum
10085768 Neuroendocrine tumor of the rectum
10085769 Arterial line site hematoma
10085770 Arterial line site haematoma
10085771 Stimming
10085772 Self stimulatory behaviour
10085773 Self stimulatory behavior
10085774 Microfracture surgery
10085775 Laboratory confirmed COVID-19
10085776 Suspected COVID-19 without laboratory confirmation
10085777 Thrombin generation assay
10085778 Severe cutaneous adverse reaction
10085779 Pseudo-occlusion of internal carotid artery
10085780 Congenital arachnoid cyst
10085781 Uterine artery embolisation
10085782 High-resolution computerised tomogram of lung
10085783 Uterine fibroid calcification
10085784 High-resolution CT scan of lung
10085785 Abdominal myomectomy
10085786 Slow continuous ultrafiltration
10085787 Hysteroscopic myomectomy
10085788 Prolapsed uterine fibroid
10085789 Sustained low efficiency dialysis
10085790 Laparoscopic myomectomy
10085791 Uterine artery embolization
10085792 Intermittent haemodialysis
10085793 Intermittent hemodialysis
10085794 Continuous renal replacement therapy
10085795 High-resolution computerized tomogram of lung
10085796 Meckel's cave tumour
10085797 Meckel's cave tumor
10085798 Nasopharyngeal hemorrhage
10085799 Nasopharyngeal haemorrhage
10085800 Intracranial space occupying lesion
10085801 Bacterial infection index increased
10085802 Inguinoscrotal hernia
10085803 Acquired hypokalaemic periodic paralysis
10085804 Acquired hypokalemic periodic paralysis
10085805 Senior rehabilitation
10085806 Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease
10085807 Psychogenic headache
10085808 Kojewnikov syndrome
10085809 Thoracic scoliosis
10085810 Choreic syndrome
10085811 Helicobacter chronic gastritis
10085812 Neuromalaria
10085813 Bilateral nephrolithiasis
10085814 Intermittent blurry vision
10085815 Fresh embryo transfer
10085816 Fresh blastocyst transfer
10085817 Blastocyst transfer
10085818 Cryopreserved embryo transfer
10085819 Cryopreserved blastocyst transfer
10085820 CT TAP scan
10085821 Iliac artery arteriosclerosis
10085822 Cardiac dysautonomia
10085823 Hemoglobin C-beta-thalassemia syndrome
10085824 Hypotensive presyncope
10085825 Orthostatic syncope
10085826 Haemoglobin C-beta-thalassaemia syndrome
10085827 Vertebral end plate fracture
10085828 Lumbar vertebral end plate fracture
10085829 Thoracic vertebral end plate fracture
10085830 Cervical vertebral end plate fracture
10085831 Macular cherry-red spots
10085832 Corneal laceration
10085833 Gastroduodenoscopy
10085834 Shoulder muscle strain
10085835 Cervical tendonitis
10085836 Meniscectomy
10085837 Sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome
10085838 Spinal tendonitis
10085839 Intervertebral disc herniation surgery
10085840 Chronic arthralgia
10085841 Allergy to NSAIDs
10085842 Interphalangeal synovitis
10085843 Primary osteoarthritis
10085844 Sleep apnoea-hypopnoea syndrome
10085845 Duodenal neuroendocrine tumour
10085846 Duodenal neuroendocrine tumor
10085847 Lumbar disc syndrome
10085848 Stump appendicitis
10085849 Superior mesenteric artery dissection
10085850 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in adults
10085851 Vaccination second dose
10085852 Vaccination first dose
10085853 Immunization reaction aggravated
10085854 Immunisation reaction aggravated
10085855 MIS-A
10085856 Somniphobia
10085857 Incomplete dose prescribed
10085858 Medical device adjustment
10085859 Immunosuppressant drug level abnormal
10085860 VEXAS syndrome
10085861 Adenovirus interstitial nephritis
10085862 Silicone particles in vitreous
10085863 Cold snare polypectomy
10085864 Hepatic neuroendocrine tumour
10085865 Perineural cyst
10085866 Hepatic neuroendocrine tumor
10085867 Post-COVID-19 syndrome
10085868 Long COVID-19
10085869 MRSA decolonization
10085870 MRSA decolonisation
10085871 Pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma
10085872 Blepharothorevia
10085873 Audible eyelid blinking
10085874 Eyelid clicking
10085875 Radiation site infection
10085876 Patient-ventilator dyssynchrony
10085877 Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay
10085878 Rupioid psoriasis
10085879 Myocardial injury
10085880 Off label use in unapproved route of administration
10085881 Ear, nose and throat disorder
10085882 PURA syndrome
10085883 Heterotopic ossification
10085884 Anogenital lichen planus
10085885 Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy
10085886 Carpometacarpal boss
10085887 Carpal bossing
10085888 Puncture site inflammation
10085889 Posterior blepharitis
10085890 Familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis
10085891 Familial hypomagnesaemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis
10085892 Renal cyst calcification
10085893 Gallbladder haematoma
10085894 Gallbladder hematoma
10085895 Restrictive pulmonary ventilation dysfunction
10085896 Oral mucosal hyperaemia
10085897 Bowel pain
10085898 Oral mucosal hyperemia
10085899 Uterine myoma prolapse
10085900 Omentitis
10085901 Urine fibrinogen increased
10085902 Tourniquet test
10085903 Tourniquet test positive
10085904 Gastrocnemius release
10085905 Hereditary microcytic anaemia
10085906 Hereditary microcytic anemia
10085907 Traumatic heart injury
10085908 Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
10085909 Urethral duplication
10085910 Solenonychia
10085911 Peripheral sensory neurotoxicity
10085912 Anti-thyroid antibody increased
10085913 Triiodothyronine antibody
10085914 Triiodothyronine antibody increased
10085915 Ultrasound head
10085916 Ultrasound head abnormal
10085917 Ultrasound head normal
10085918 Congenital nephrotic syndrome of NPHS2 gene mutation
10085919 Pulse wave velocity
10085920 Pyelostomy
10085921 Hypoinsulinism
10085922 Serrated polyposis syndrome
10085923 Green nail syndrome
10085924 Ear inflammation
10085925 Adhesive otitis
10085926 Immune-mediated neuritis
10085927 Defecation syncope
10085928 Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma
10085929 Small intestinal neoplasm
10085930 Immune-mediated synovitis
10085931 Defaecation syncope
10085932 Keratinising squamous cell carcinoma
10085933 Tick removal
10085934 Vascular access site cellulitis
10085935 Vascular access site necrosis
10085936 Vascular access site abscess
10085937 Vascular access site ulcer
10085938 Vascular access site dermatitis
10085939 Vascular access site eczema
10085940 Small intestine neuroendocrine tumour
10085941 Vascular access site hypersensitivity
10085942 Cavagram
10085943 Haemoglobin J present
10085944 Haemorrhagic cerebellar infarction
10085945 Vascular access site discolouration
10085946 Vascular access site paraesthesia
10085947 Radiation ileitis
10085948 Hemoglobin J present
10085949 Hemorrhagic cerebellar infarction
10085950 Vascular access site discoloration
10085951 Adenoid cystic carcinoma metastatic
10085952 Vascular access site paresthesia
10085953 Endometrioid carcinoma
10085954 Squamous cell carcinoma of the epiglottis
10085955 Small cell carcinoma metastatic
10085956 Steinbrocker syndrome
10085957 Bartholin's gland duct dilatation
10085958 Small intestine neuroendocrine tumor
10085959 Pleurisy bacterial
10085960 Thyroid neoplasm removal
10085961 Femoral neck osteopenia
10085962 Cochlear neuritis
10085963 Dark urine
10085964 Uterus extraction
10085965 Lumbosacral spondylolisthesis
10085966 Hemorrhoid inflammation
10085967 Learning difficulty
10085968 Dietary deficiency
10085969 Haemorrhoid inflammation
10085970 Idiopathic inflammatory myopathy
10085971 Supplementary motor area syndrome
10085972 Haemochromatosis carrier
10085973 Hemochromatosis carrier
10085974 Confusion assessment method
10085975 Phosphorus deficiency
10085976 Primary adrenocortical insufficiency
10085977 Anal cyst
10085978 Free T3 increased
10085979 Hemorrhoid banding
10085980 Haemorrhoid banding
10085981 Parapelvic cyst
10085982 Controlled hypertension
10085983 Dengue virus test
10085984 Anti-polyethylene glycol antibody present
10085985 Anti-polyethylene glycol antibody absent
10085986 Anti-PEG antibody absent
10085987 Drug-eluting coronary balloon placement
10085988 Anti-PEG antibody present
10085989 Leclercia bacteraemia
10085990 BCG related cystitis
10085991 Leclercia bacteremia
10085992 Focal non-motor seizures
10085993 ARSACS
10085994 Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay
10085995 Granulocyte percentage increased
10085996 Granulocyte percentage decreased
10085997 Neuropathic pruritus
10085998 Immune effector cell encephalopathy score
10085999 Xeromycteria
10086000 Neuropathic itching
10086001 Penile intraepithelial neoplasia
10086002 Cachexia-anorexia syndrome
10086003 Prurigo chronica multiformis
10086004 Ureter cytology
10086005 Ureteral washing
10086006 Acquired factor V deficiency
10086007 Allergic lymphangitis
10086008 Atropine stress test
10086009 Endoscopy intestinal
10086010 Femoral head necrosis
10086011 Radiation caries
10086012 Computerized tomogram pelvis and abdomen normal
10086013 Computerized tomogram pelvis and abdomen abnormal
10086014 Completion thyroidectomy
10086015 Computerised tomogram pelvis and abdomen abnormal
10086016 Computerised tomogram pelvis and abdomen normal
10086017 Tertiary adrenal insufficiency
10086018 Tonic status epilepticus
10086019 Autoimmune connective tissue disorder
10086020 Diffuse osteoporosis
10086021 Subcapsular hepatic calcification
10086022 Extensively resistant tuberculosis
10086023 Mono-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis
10086024 Rifampicin resistant pulmonary tuberculosis
10086025 Poly-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis
10086026 Extensively resistant pulmonary tuberculosis
10086027 Poly-resistant tuberculosis
10086028 Rifampicin resistant tuberculosis
10086029 Mono-resistant tuberculosis
10086030 Radioimmunotherapy
10086031 Radiotherapist consultation
10086032 Retro-orbital swelling
10086033 Computed tomography during arterial portography
10086034 Corneal epithelial downgrowth
10086035 J-pouch surgery
10086036 Epulis fissuratum
10086037 Lipo-lymphedema
10086038 Lipo-lymphoedema
10086039 Breast milk donor
10086040 Lens feathering
10086041 Chronic graft versus host disease in lung
10086042 Radiation related tooth disorder
10086043 Hepatitis B immunity confirmed
10086044 Hepatitis A immunity confirmed
10086045 Hepatitis E immunity confirmed
10086046 Genital scarring
10086047 Heavy metal normal
10086048 Heavy metal decreased
10086049 Heavy metal abnormal
10086050 Heavy metal increased
10086051 Heavy metal test
10086052 Urine heavy metal test
10086053 Urine heavy metal normal
10086054 Urine heavy metal decreased
10086055 Urine heavy metal abnormal
10086056 Scratchy throat
10086057 Urine heavy metal increased
10086058 SMARCA4-deficient thoracic sarcoma
10086059 Urachal remnant resection
10086060 Ureteroileal anastomosis
10086061 Faecal fat test
10086062 Fecal fat test
10086063 Biliary diverticulum
10086064 Pneumonectasis
10086065 Rheumatoid meningitis
10086066 Unapproved starting dose administered
10086067 Jaw spasticity
10086068 Steam pop during radiofrequency ablation
10086069 Catheter tip char formation
10086070 Catheter tip thrombus formation
10086071 Tilted pelvis
10086072 Ground-glass nodules in thoracic CT
10086073 IgA MGUS
10086074 Cecal diverticulitis
10086075 Caecal diverticulitis
10086076 Fibrostenotic Crohn's disease
10086077 Malignant gastric ulcer
10086078 Chronic atrial and intestinal dysrhythmia syndrome
10086079 Male to female gender reassignment therapy
10086080 Female to male gender reassignment therapy
10086081 Female to male transgender hormonal therapy
10086082 Female to male transgender operation
10086083 Male to female transgender operation
10086084 Male to female transgender hormonal therapy
10086085 Ureteral wall thickening
10086086 Salpingo-ovariolysis
10086087 Intra-abdominal calcification
10086088 Hepatic lipoma
10086089 Thyroid peroxidase antibody increased
10086090 Thyroglobulin antibody increased
10086091 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome
10086092 Embedded tooth
10086093 Intestinal vascular disorder
10086094 Granulomatous stomatitis
10086095 Enteroptosis
10086096 Tricuspid valve disease mixed
10086097 Precerebral artery aneurysm
10086098 Precerebral artery dissection
10086099 Post procedural complication circulatory
10086100 Catamenial pneumothorax
10086101 Epiretinal membrane peel
10086102 Megadolichobasilaris
10086103 Strassman metroplasty
10086104 Frigophobia
10086105 Corneal dystrophy, Avellino type
10086106 Arytenoid adduction
10086107 Colloid thyroid cyst
10086108 Nuclear sclerosis of the eye
10086109 Intra-abdominal irrigation
10086110 Spinal arthrodesis
10086111 Superficial gastroduodenitis
10086112 Mitral valve atherosclerosis
10086113 Aortic valve atherosclerosis
10086114 Epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures
10086115 Total mastectomy
10086116 Noninfective mastoiditis
10086117 Low lung compliance
10086118 Pulmonary artery arteriosclerosis
10086119 Prosthetic tracheal reconstruction
10086120 Refractory desaturation
10086121 Pulmonary artery atherosclerosis
10086122 Stiff lung
10086123 Anetoderma
10086124 Anetoderma of Schweninger-Buzzi
10086125 Anetoderma of Jadassohn-Pellizzari
10086126 Vessel puncture site dysaesthesia
10086127 Vessel puncture site dysesthesia
10086128 Encephalomyelitis viral
10086129 Encephalomyelitis bacterial
10086130 Acute necrotising myelitis
10086131 Multiple system atrophy, cerebellar type
10086132 Multiple system atrophy, parkinsonian type
10086133 Lacunar syndrome
10086134 Acute necrotizing myelitis
10086135 Subacute necrotizing myelitis
10086136 Subacute necrotising myelitis
10086137 Unhealthy lifestyle
10086138 Manganese deficiency
10086139 Chromium deficiency
10086140 Zinc metabolism disorder
10086141 Acatalasaemia
10086142 Molybdenum deficiency
10086143 Glycoprotein metabolism disorder
10086144 Hypersecretion of intestinal hormones
10086145 Hypervitaminosis B6
10086146 Pubertal disorder
10086147 Vanadium deficiency
10086148 Congenital lactase deficiency
10086149 Thyrotoxicosis factitia
10086150 Marasmic kwashiorkor
10086151 Acatalasia
10086152 Acatalasemia
10086153 Megavitamin-B6 syndrome
10086154 Facial myokymia
10086155 Primary peritoneal carcinosarcoma
10086156 Cerebral nocardiosis
10086157 Anti-platelet factor 4 antibody positive
10086158 Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome
10086159 Anti-platelet factor 4 antibody test
10086160 Anti-platelet factor 4 antibody negative
10086161 Prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia
10086162 Immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia
10086163 Primary bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia
10086164 17-hydroxyprogesterone
10086165 Porphyromonas bacteraemia
10086166 Dermoscopy
10086167 Campylobacter test
10086168 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone
10086169 Pain management specialist consultation
10086170 Digital dermoscopy
10086171 Primary care consultation
10086172 General practitioner consultation
10086173 Thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulation test
10086174 Orthopedist consultation
10086175 Vascular specialist consultation
10086176 Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteremia
10086177 Infectiologist consultation
10086178 Podiatrist consultation
10086179 Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteraemia
10086180 Porphyromonas bacteremia
10086181 Brief resolved unexplained event
10086182 Complement fragment Bb increased
10086183 AL amyloidosis
10086184 AA amyloidosis
10086185 Arachnoid cyst surgery
10086186 Meniscopathy
10086187 Undifferentiated spondyloarthritis
10086188 Abdominal wall reconstruction
10086189 Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness
10086190 Vallecular cyst
10086191 Head impulse test
10086192 Prolonged hospitalization
10086193 Subcostal discomfort
10086194 Prolonged hospitalisation
10086195 Peripheral exudative haemorrhagic chorioretinopathy
10086196 Peptic ulcer repair
10086197 Perforated peptic ulcer repair
10086198 Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy
10086199 Happy hypoxia
10086200 Silent hypoxia
10086201 Chronic inflammatory response syndrome
10086202 Opioid sparing treatment
10086203 Transurethral bladder coagulation
10086204 Doppler ultrasound abdomen
10086205 Tachylalia
10086206 HPV positive rectal squamous cell carcinoma
10086207 Combined tibia-fibula fracture
10086208 Post-SSRI sexual dysfunction
10086209 Rubulavirus test
10086210 Superficial vein thrombosis
10086211 Oral cavity examination
10086212 Blastocystis test
10086213 Holotranscobalamin test
10086214 Astrovirus test
10086215 Delayed umbilical cord clamping
10086216 Sleep hyperhidrosis
10086217 Angioma serpiginosum
10086218 Anti-titin antibody
10086219 Aseptic pustule
10086220 Anti-Ri antibody
10086221 Anti-CV2 antibody
10086222 ThuVAP
10086223 Anti-Ma2 antibody
10086224 Anti-MGT 30 antibody
10086225 Thulium vapoenucleation
10086226 Dermal melanocytosis
10086227 Pharmacogenomic drug interaction
10086228 Cyclophotocoagulation
10086229 Lymphocyte/monocyte ratio increased
10086230 Early repolarisation syndrome
10086231 Early repolarization syndrome
10086232 Out of specification test results particle size
10086233 Out of specification test results density
10086234 Out of specification test results viscosity
10086235 Out of specification test results shear stress
10086236 Out of specification test results cold flow
10086237 Out of specification test results osmolality
10086238 Out of specification test results pH
10086239 Out of specification test results disintegration time
10086240 Out of specification test results blend uniformity
10086241 Out of specification test results delivered dose uniformity
10086242 Out of specification test results specific gravity
10086243 Out of specification test results weight uniformity
10086244 Out of specification test results melting point
10086245 Out of specification test results tack property
10086246 Out of specification test results residual monomers
10086247 Out of specification test results friability
10086248 Out of specification test results residual solvent
10086249 Out of specification test results peel adhesion
10086250 Acquired coronary artery fistula
10086251 Fungal myositis
10086252 Dry hands
10086253 Hypersideremia
10086254 Hypersideraemia
10086255 Diffuse infiltrative lymphocytosis syndrome
10086256 Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood
10086257 Right ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy
10086258 Histiocytosis-lymphadenopathy plus syndrome
10086259 Ecchondroma
10086260 Posterior capsular wrinkles
10086262 Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy
10086263 Intracavity brachytherapy
10086264 Stereotactic body radiotherapy
10086265 Interstitial brachytherapy
10086266 Mandibular advancement device
10086267 High dose rate brachytherapy
10086268 Low dose rate brachytherapy
10086269 3D conformal radiation therapy
10086270 Thyroid hormones test
10086271 BARD 1 gene mutation
10086272 Femoral endarterectomy
10086273 Antipsychotic therapy
10086274 Advanced bladder cancer
10086275 Bone marrow embolus
10086276 Multifocal fibrosclerosis
10086277 Joint fistula
10086278 Muscle infarction
10086279 Rheumatoid bursitis
10086280 Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis
10086281 Coxa plana
10086282 Chorioretinal inflammation
10086283 Corneal deformity
10086284 Chronic inflammation of orbit
10086285 Antimalarial drug resistance
10086286 Late parasitological failure
10086287 Early treatment failure
10086288 Late clinical failure
10086289 Uncomplicated malaria
10086290 Logopedia
10086291 Hemorrhoidopexy
10086292 Haemorrhoidopexy
10086293 Swollen joint count abnormal
10086294 Photosensitive seizure
10086295 Myocardial strain imaging abnormal
10086296 WU virus infection
10086297 Myocardial strain imaging
10086298 Sub-internal limiting membrane haemorrhage
10086299 Sub-internal limiting membrane hemorrhage
10086300 Microglial hyperplasia
10086301 Out of specification test results elemental impurity
10086302 Perioral rash
10086303 Food protein-induced enteropathy
10086304 Restrictive anorexia
10086305 Pharyngolaryngeal edema
10086306 Pharyngolaryngeal oedema
10086307 Atriocaval shunt
10086308 Acquired right ventricle outflow obstruction
10086309 Reversal of analgesia
10086310 Device audio issue
10086311 Removable device component cannot be removed
10086312 Auto-injector viewing window blocked
10086313 Accidental use of training device instead of active product
10086314 Device component loose
10086315 Accidental use of active product instead of training device
10086316 Voice instructions do not work
10086317 Voice instructions difficult to hear
10086318 Device component detached
10086319 Accidental injection
10086320 Voice instructions out of sync
10086321 X-ray shoulder
10086322 Coronarography
10086323 Renal scintigraphy
10086324 Tight hamstring syndrome
10086325 Total fertilisation failure
10086326 Generalised swelling
10086327 Intraconal fat prolapse
10086328 Tritanopia
10086329 Tritanomaly
10086330 Silicone oil ophthalmic procedure
10086331 Tumarkin's otolithic crisis
10086332 Hyperdontia
10086333 Orbital fat prolapse
10086334 Subconjunctival orbital fat herniation
10086335 Shafer's sign
10086336 Short hamstring syndrome
10086337 Total fertilization failure
10086338 Vitreous tobacco dust
10086339 Ophthalmic gas bubble placement
10086340 Vitreous tufts
10086341 Generalized swelling
10086342 Anterior segment neovascularisation
10086343 Anterior segment neovascularization
10086344 Skin cracked
10086345 Blue skin
10086346 Vaccine induced antibody absent
10086347 Polymers allergy
10086348 Polyethylene glycol allergy
10086349 PEG allergy
10086350 Allergy to PEGylated drug
10086351 Macrogol allergy
10086352 Limb transplantation
10086353 Lumbar flexion syndrome
10086354 Lipoprotein metabolism disorder
10086355 Rotator cuff tear arthropathy
10086356 Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate
10086357 Bone island
10086358 Maxillomandibular advancement
10086359 Tobaccoism
10086360 HoLEP
10086361 Meromelia
10086362 Gallbladder polypectomy
10086363 Thorax hyperphonesis
10086364 Gingival curettage
10086365 Thoracic kyphosis
10086366 Heart failure with midrange ejection fraction
10086367 Drug-eluting balloon placement
10086368 Rectal fissure excision
10086369 Cardiac valve injury
10086370 NASH with fibrosis
10086371 Opsomenorrhea
10086372 NASH
10086373 Thorax hyperresonance
10086374 Thoracolumbar kyphosis
10086375 Opsomenorrhoea
10086376 Drug-eluting peripheral balloon placement
10086377 Intraocular lens rotation
10086378 Chest HRCT
10086379 Chronic rheumatic heart disease
10086380 Dental prosthesis removal
10086381 Pelvic organ prolapse
10086382 Late onset Alzheimer's disease
10086383 Dental bridge removal
10086384 Early onset Alzheimer's disease
10086385 Sibling rivalry disorder
10086386 Organic dissociative disorder
10086387 Gender identity disorder of childhood
10086388 Delusional dysmorphophobia
10086389 Dhat syndrome
10086390 Sick leave
10086391 Jaw numbness
10086392 Burning sensation of upper limb
10086393 Delayed local vaccination site reaction
10086394 Hypoesthesia facial
10086395 Ophthalmic artery occlusion
10086396 Suck-swallow breathing coordination disturbance
10086397 Positive airway pressure therapy
10086398 Dyskinetic cerebral palsy
10086399 Ataxic cerebral palsy
10086400 Spastic cerebral palsy
10086401 Vaginal crampy pain
10086402 Mixed cerebral palsy
10086403 Hypergammaglobulinaemic purpura of Waldenstrom
10086404 Asymptomatic atrial fibrillation
10086405 Hypergammaglobulinemic purpura of Waldenstrom
10086406 Ophthalmic artery aneurysm
10086407 Pelvic misalignment
10086408 Cerebral small vessel disease
10086409 Posterior pelvic tilt
10086410 Eyelid ecchymosis
10086411 Anterior pelvic tilt
10086412 Intracranial vascular disease
10086413 Lateral pelvic tilt
10086414 No device malfunction
10086415 Accidental exposure to product by elderly person
10086416 Neisseria test negative
10086417 Bowel obstruction surgery
10086418 Hepatic neoplasm removal
10086419 Caffeine dependence
10086420 Complete decongestive therapy
10086421 Bone demineralisation
10086422 Amniotic fluid index normal
10086423 Small patella syndrome
10086424 Palatal expander insertion
10086425 Neonatal hyperglycaemia
10086426 Animal-assisted therapy
10086427 Palatal expander removal
10086428 Gonococcus test
10086429 Meningococcus test
10086430 Nasogastric tube removal
10086431 Neonatal hyperglycemia
10086432 Bone demineralization
10086433 Topical steroid withdrawal reaction
10086434 Catheter site nerve damage
10086435 Septic cerebral embolism
10086436 Anaemic retinopathy
10086437 Post tumour ablation syndrome
10086438 Progressive retinopathy of prematurity
10086439 Post tumor ablation syndrome
10086440 Anemic retinopathy
10086441 Left subclavian artery stent occlusion
10086442 Left common carotid artery stent occlusion
10086443 Brachiocephalic stent occlusion
10086444 Acute macular neuroretinopathy
10086445 Paracentral acute middle maculopathy
10086446 Product after taste
10086447 Logopaedia
10086448 Cerebrocardiac syndrome
10086449 Restricted mouth opening
10086450 Paradoxical masseter muscle bulging
10086451 Localized muscle atrophy
10086452 Localised muscle atrophy
10086453 Intrauterine inflammation, infection, or both
10086454 Reaction to sweetener
10086455 Cholecystic intraepithelial neoplasia
10086456 Intracholecystic papillary neoplasm
10086457 Respiratory pathogen panel
10086458 Cave syndrome
10086459 Throat smear
10086460 Supra-Hisian AV block
10086461 Viruria
10086462 Acquired hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium
10086463 Superior vena cava compression
10086464 Device calibration failure
10086465 Serum free cortisol decreased
10086466 Relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma
10086467 Segmental arterial mediolysis
10086468 Sleep related hypermotor epilepsy
10086469 Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
10086470 Erythroid dysplasia
10086471 Coronary ostial lesion
10086472 Erythroapheresis
10086473 Auditory neuropathy
10086474 Wertheim-Meigs operation
10086475 Erythrodysplasia
10086476 Dermal filler reaction
10086477 Delayed dermal filler inflammation
10086478 Dermal filler site swelling
10086479 SARS-CoV-2 variant infection
10086480 SARS-CoV-2 VOC infection
10086481 SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern infection
10086482 Follicular ileitis terminal
10086483 Product dose confusion
10086484 Herpes simplex uveitis
10086485 Zoster vaccination live-attenuated
10086486 Zoster vaccination recombinant
10086487 Troponin C increased
10086488 Troponin C decreased
10086489 Tumour response assessment
10086490 Scybalum
10086491 Anal plicoma
10086492 Cerebrovascular doppler ultrasound
10086493 Tumor response assessment
10086494 Sacrococcygeal joint dislocation
10086495 Tunneled hemodialysis
10086496 Tunneled haemodialysis
10086497 Vaccine overdose
10086498 Metabolic associated fatty liver disease
10086499 Cystine deposits in brain
10086500 Venous flow velocity decreased
10086501 Venous flow velocity increased
10086502 Large loop excision of the transformation zone
10086503 Next-generation sequencing
10086504 Whole-genome sequencing
10086505 Hair drug screen
10086506 Pachychoroid neovasculopathy
10086507 Nail drug screen
10086508 Breast milk drug screen
10086509 Cancer screening
10086510 Prophylactic patient repositioning
10086511 Trigeminal neuropathy
10086512 Folliculitis genital
10086513 Secondary malignant neoplasm of prostate
10086514 Secondary malignant neoplasm of thyroid
10086515 Bowel cancer screening
10086516 Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain
10086517 Pleural mesothelioma malignant non-resectable
10086518 Fungal intertrigo
10086519 Jamestown Canyon virus infection
10086520 Epiglottis dysfunction
10086521 Jamestown Canyon encephalitis
10086522 Drug prescribed for unapproved indication
10086523 Tumour devascularisation
10086524 Infected aural fistula
10086525 Methylmalonic acid blood test
10086526 Helicobacter pylori colonization
10086527 Tumor devascularization
10086528 Short-segment Barrett's esophagus
10086529 Long-segment Barrett's esophagus
10086530 Helicobacter pylori colonisation
10086531 Long-segment Barrett's oesophagus
10086532 Short-segment Barrett's oesophagus
10086533 Craniocervical dislocation
10086534 Musical ear syndrome
10086535 Collet-Sicard syndrome
10086536 Routine immunisation schedule not administered
10086537 Routine immunisation schedule incomplete
10086538 Routine immunization schedule incomplete
10086539 Routine immunization schedule not administered
10086540 Anal sinusitis
10086541 Solar purpura
10086542 Harvey-Masland test
10086543 Follicular gastritis
10086544 Pleuropericardial window
10086545 Malignant brain edema
10086546 Malignant middle cerebral artery syndrome
10086547 Malignant brain oedema
10086548 Malignant MCA syndrome
10086549 Malignant brain infarction
10086550 Cerebral dysrhythmia
10086551 Crankshaft phenomenon
10086552 Post procedural cardiac valve avulsion
10086553 Ocular migraine
10086554 Total anterior circulation infarct
10086555 Cranial nerve palsy
10086556 Paravalvular mitral regurgitation
10086557 Aortic annulus pseudoaneurysm
10086558 Buttock claudication
10086559 Factor VIII activity test
10086560 Aneurysm thrombosis
10086561 Low response to ovarian stimulation
10086562 ASIA syndrome
10086563 Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants
10086564 Epiglottic abscess
10086565 Ear numbness
10086566 Laryngeal sensory neuropathy
10086567 Olfactory dysfunction
10086568 Oronasal fistula
10086569 Renal milk of calcium cyst
10086570 Hepatic angiomyolipoma
10086571 Zygodactyly
10086572 Chronic exertional compartment syndrome
10086573 Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy
10086574 Vaginal tamponade
10086575 SARS-CoV-2 reinfection
10086576 COVID-19 reinfection
10086577 Lymphocele drainage
10086578 Uroperitoneum
10086579 Mismatch repair deficient colorectal cancer
10086580 Microsatellite instability-high colorectal cancer
10086581 Mismatch repair deficient metastatic colorectal cancer
10086582 Microsatellite instability-high metastatic colorectal cancer
10086583 Hemapheresis
10086584 Haemapheresis
10086585 Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the oesophagus
10086586 Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the esophagus
10086587 Cardiac pacemaker infection
10086588 Cardiac implantable device infection
10086589 Vascular device lead infection
10086590 Implantable cardiac defibrillator infection
10086591 Pharmaceutical nomadism
10086592 Sexual abstinence
10086593 Lumbar subcutaneous oedema
10086594 Oral herpes zoster
10086595 Lumbar subcutaneous edema
10086596 Metabolic stroke
10086597 Halo sign in thoracic CT
10086598 Reversed halo sign in thoracic CT
10086599 Cystine deposit in tissue
10086600 Cystine deposit in tissue increased
10086601 Crazy-paving pattern in chest CT
10086602 Chronic arsenic toxicity
10086603 Chronic endemic regional hydroarsenicism
10086604 Premature junctional contractions
10086605 Paediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome
10086606 Calorie cycling
10086607 Progressive encephalopathy, hypsarrhythmia and optic atrophy syndrome
10086608 PANS
10086609 Pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome
10086610 Intense pulsed light therapy
10086611 Metabolic confusion diet
10086612 PEHO syndrome
10086613 Positional therapy
10086614 Shoulder girdle pain
10086615 Laser suture lysis after trabeculectomy
10086616 COVID-19 heterologous vaccination
10086617 Acupoint massage
10086618 Nontuberculous mycobacterial infection
10086619 Pylorus-preserving gastrectomy
10086620 Dynamic cardiomyoplasty
10086621 Colonic manometry
10086622 Geniospasm
10086623 Oculo-digito-oesophageal-duodenal syndrome
10086624 Carcinoid tumour in colon
10086625 Ravitch procedure
10086626 Photoepilation
10086627 Gerontoxon
10086628 Photofacial therapy
10086629 Carcinoid tumor in colon
10086630 Elytritis
10086631 Volar plate injury
10086632 Feingold syndrome
10086633 Jones fracture
10086634 Oculo-digito-esophageal-duodenal syndrome
10086635 Mouches volantes
10086636 Feingold syndrome type 2
10086637 Phototricholysis
10086638 Cellophane maculopathy
10086639 Feingold syndrome type 1
10086640 Peritoneoplasty
10086641 Prophylactic cranial irradiation
10086642 Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis
10086643 Infectious stomatitis
10086644 Central serous chorioretinopathy
10086645 Aggregatibacter infection
10086646 Aggregatibacter segnis infection
10086647 Central serous choroidopathy
10086648 Botulinum toxin remote spread
10086649 Botulinum toxin local spread
10086650 Infraorbital swelling
10086651 Graft versus host disease oral
10086652 Iris tear
10086653 Breast fibromatosis
10086654 Itchy feet
10086655 Superficial perivascular dermatitis
10086656 Transepidermal elimination disorder
10086657 Follicular disorder
10086658 Paraneoplastic hypertrichosis
10086659 Acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa
10086660 Polytrichia
10086661 Lichen ruber moniliformis
10086662 Scorbutic anaemia
10086663 Sarcoidosis of lymph node
10086664 Hereditary persistence of foetal haemoglobin
10086665 Purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency
10086666 Lymphocyte function antigen-1 defect
10086667 Hyperimmunoglobulinaemia
10086668 Major histocompatibility complex class I deficiency
10086669 Major histocompatibility complex class II deficiency
10086670 Acute myringitis
10086671 Peripheral vertigo
10086672 Chronic myringitis
10086673 Tuberculosis of uterine cervix
10086674 Balkan endemic nephropathy
10086675 Female genital polyp
10086676 Tuberculous pelvic inflammatory disease
10086677 Bartholin's gland disorder
10086678 Syphilitic pelvic inflammatory disease
10086679 Reproductive tract procedural infection
10086680 Chronic nephritic syndrome
10086681 Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin
10086682 Hyperimmunoglobulinemia
10086683 Scorbutic anemia
10086684 Diabetic complication cardiovascular
10086685 Inborn error of steroid synthesis
10086686 Malignant central nervous system neoplasm
10086687 Congenital connective tissue disorder
10086688 Diabetic complication dermal
10086689 Congenital musculoskeletal disorder of limbs
10086690 Diabetic complication neurological
10086691 Congenital musculoskeletal disorder of head and neck
10086692 Congenital musculoskeletal disorder of spine
10086693 Ocular melanoma
10086694 Lysosomal storage disorder
10086695 Congenital musculoskeletal disorder of skull
10086696 Diabetic complication gastrointestinal
10086697 Benign glioma
10086698 Haematological neoplasm
10086699 Congenital musculoskeletal disorder of trunk
10086700 Congenital musculoskeletal disorder
10086701 Diabetic complication renal
10086702 Haematological cyst
10086703 Ocular cyst
10086704 Hematological cyst
10086705 GATA2 deficiency
10086706 Cardiac contractility decreased
10086707 GATA2 gene mutation
10086708 Congenital Chagas disease
10086709 Triatoma bite
10086710 Borna virus infection
10086711 Borna disease virus infection
10086712 CAR transgene copy number quantification
10086713 Congenital parvovirus B19 infection
10086714 B-cell lymphoma unclassifiable
10086715 Malignant unclassifiable lymphoma
10086716 T-cell lymphoma unclassifiable
10086717 Idiopathic environmental intolerance
10086718 Electromagnetic hypersensitivity
10086719 Perineal swelling
10086720 Metastatic parotid gland cancer
10086721 Hepatic vascular disorder
10086722 Rheumatoid pleuritis
10086723 Barometric pressure headache
10086724 Tendon sheath effusion
10086725 Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status abnormal
10086726 Ocular torticollis
10086727 CRIA syndrome
10086728 Karnofsky scale abnormal
10086729 Cleavage-resistant RIPK1-induced autoinflammatory syndrome
10086730 Erythroleukoplakia
10086731 Developmental disorder of scholastic skills
10086732 Dissociative stupor
10086733 Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder
10086734 Dissociative anaesthesia
10086735 Psychological disorder
10086736 Dissociative anesthesia
10086737 Vancomycin infusion reaction
10086738 Vancomycin flushing syndrome
10086739 Familial chondrocalcinosis
10086740 Fascicular block
10086741 Acne tropica
10086742 Chronic figurate erythema
10086743 Maternal death
10086744 Obstetrical death
10086745 Amoeboma
10086746 Varicella encephalitis
10086747 Varicella meningitis
10086748 Obstetrical tetanus
10086749 Ameboma
10086750 Pulmonary histoplasmosis
10086751 Echinococciasis of bone
10086752 Pulmonary blastomycosis
10086753 Ophthalmic cysticercosis
10086754 Central hypothyroidism
10086755 De novo ANCA-associated vasculitis
10086756 ANCA-associated vasculitis
10086757 ANCA associated vasculitis relapse
10086758 Unknown immunisation status
10086759 Uncertain immunization status
10086760 Unknown immunization history
10086761 Unknown immunization status
10086762 Unknown immunisation history
10086763 Uncertain immunisation status
10086764 Unknown schedule of product administration
10086765 Unknown vaccine product administered
10086766 Unknown schedule of vaccine administration
10086767 Unknown interval of vaccine administration
10086768 Oral epithelial dysplasia
10086769 Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix
10086770 Proton radiation therapy
10086771 Water vapour thermal therapy
10086772 Prostate steam treatment
10086773 Water vapor thermal therapy
10086774 Aerodermectasia
10086775 Blood product refusal by parents
10086776 Blood product refusal
10086777 Blood transfusion refusal
10086778 Blood transfusion refusal by parents
10086779 Carcinoid tumour in the large intestine
10086780 Carcinoid tumour in the rectum
10086781 Carcinoid tumor in the large intestine
10086782 Carcinoid tumor in the rectum
10086783 Paraurethral cyst
10086784 Oral verrucous hyperplasia
10086785 Vaccine dose omission by medical indication
10086786 Product dose omission by medical indication
10086787 TMG flap breast reconstruction
10086788 DIEP flap breast reconstruction
10086789 IGAP flap breast reconstruction
10086790 SIEA flap breast reconstruction
10086791 SGAP flap breast reconstruction
10086792 TUG flap breast reconstruction
10086793 Deep inferior epigastric perforator flap breast reconstruction
10086794 Inferior gluteal artery perforator flap breast reconstruction
10086795 Superficial inferior epigastric artery flap breast reconstruction
10086796 Superior gluteal artery perforator flap breast reconstruction
10086797 Transverse rectus abdominis muscle flap breast reconstruction
10086798 Transverse myocutaneous gracilis flap breast reconstruction
10086799 Transverse upper gracilis flap breast reconstruction
10086800 Looposcopy
10086801 Eye abrasion
10086802 Cracked tongue
10086803 Primary vaccination failure
10086804 Secondary vaccination failure
10086805 Congenital anisocoria
10086806 Reactive lymphadenopathy
10086807 Depressive syndrome
10086808 Hematological neoplasm
10086809 Drug-genetic interaction
10086810 Labelled drug-genetic interaction issue
10086811 Labeled drug-genetic interaction issue
10086812 Labelled drug-genetic interaction medication error
10086813 Labeled drug-genetic interaction medication error
10086814 Doppler radar sleep monitoring
10086815 B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma recurrent
10086816 B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma refractory
10086817 Malignant urinary tract neoplasm metastatic
10086818 Functional voice assessment
10086819 Viral abdominal infection
10086820 Corneal reflex test
10086821 Advanced renal cell carcinoma
10086822 Classical Hodgkin lymphoma recurrent
10086823 Classical Hodgkin lymphoma refractory
10086824 Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma non-resectable
10086825 Blink reflex test
10086826 Stool cytology
10086827 Urinary tract cancer non-resectable
10086828 Papillomatous melanocytic nevus
10086829 Watershed cerebral infarction
10086830 Hormone-refractory prostate cancer metastatic
10086831 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma non-resectable
10086832 Papillomatous melanocytic naevus
10086833 Supraorbital neuralgia
10086834 Vaccine coadministration
10086835 Sequential vaccine administration
10086836 Simultaneous vaccine administration
10086837 Immune brachial plexus neuropathy
10086838 Mononeuritis multiplex with brachial predilection
10086839 Chronic antimicrobial suppressive therapy
10086840 Suppressive antiviral therapy
10086841 Suppressive antibiotic therapy
10086842 Vaccine dose omission
10086843 Biphasic anaphylactic reaction
10086844 Off label vaccine use
10086845 Elsberg syndrome
10086846 Cranial fasciitis
10086847 Left ventricular failure congestive
10086848 Right ventricular failure congestive
10086849 Kinaesthetic sense disorder
10086850 Kinesthetic sense disorder
10086851 Submandibular abscess
10086852 Purulent meningitis
10086853 Pyogenic meningitis
10086854 Pregnancy related infection
10086855 Direct obstetric death
10086856 Late maternal death
10086857 Puerperium maternal death
10086858 Indirect obstetric death
10086859 Normocytic hypochromic anemia
10086860 Normocytic hypochromic anaemia
10086861 Breakthrough COVID-19
10086862 COVID-19 post vaccine
10086863 Breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection
10086864 SARS-CoV-2 infection post vaccine
10086865 Oral cryotherapy
10086866 Radiation induced fatigue
10086867 Video head impulse test
10086868 Parasitic brain infection
10086869 Plasma cell myeloma relapse
10086870 Leukocyte reduced blood transfusion
10086871 Leucocyte reduced blood transfusion
10086872 Episodic cluster headache
10086873 Chilblain-like lesions
10086874 Chronic cluster headache
10086875 Immunisation stress-related response
10086876 Immunization stress-related response
10086877 Broken skin
10086878 PEG skin test
10086879 Polyethylene glycol skin test
10086880 Unknown route of product administration
10086881 Unknown route of vaccine administration
10086882 Hematopoietic stem cell infusion
10086883 Haematopoietic stem cell infusion
10086884 Discoid eczema
10086885 HTLV-1 proviral DNA test
10086886 Human T-cell leukaemia virus type II infection
10086887 HTLV-1 antibody test
10086888 Human T-cell leukemia virus type II infection
10086889 Dry stools
10086890 X-linked agammaglobulinaemia
10086891 X-linked agammaglobulinemia
10086892 Intrauterine gas
10086893 Large fibre neuropathy
10086894 Renal hyperparathyroidism
10086895 Prostate seed implantation
10086896 Female genital cosmetic surgery
10086897 Pneumouterus
10086898 Stooped posture
10086899 Oculoplasty
10086900 Large fiber neuropathy
10086901 Primary degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer type, senile onset
10086902 Delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction
10086903 Delayed localized hypersensitivity reaction
10086904 Delayed localised hypersensitivity reaction
10086905 Hepatitis E RNA negative
10086906 Hepatitis E RNA positive
10086907 Benign fasciculation syndrome
10086908 MOG-encephalomyelitis
10086909 Anti-MOG disease
10086910 MOG-transverse myelitis
10086911 MOG-optic neuritis
10086912 Anti-myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody associated encephalomyelitis
10086913 Tonsillar pain
10086914 Cystogastrostomy
10086915 Increased foetal movements
10086916 Asymmetric muscle weakness of limbs
10086917 Excessive foetal movements
10086918 Sudden excessive foetal movements
10086919 Asymmetric muscle weakness of lower limbs
10086920 Excessive fetal movements
10086921 Increased fetal movements
10086922 Sudden excessive fetal movements
10086923 Icteric hepatitis
10086924 Drug administered without filter
10086925 Ocular biometry
10086926 Autoimmune pneumonitis
10086927 Accidental ingestion of chemical
10086928 Maternal preconception exposure
10086929 Bilateral supraclavicular mass
10086930 Unilateral supraclavicular mass
10086931 Neonatal bacteraemia
10086932 Neonatal bacteremia
10086933 Primary hemorrhagic thrombocythemia
10086934 Primary haemorrhagic thrombocythaemia
10086935 Ground glass lung nodule
10086936 Pulmonary bullae rupture
10086937 Tomosynthesis mammogram
10086938 Pertrochanteric femoral fracture
10086939 Intertrochanteric femoral fracture
10086940 3D mammogram
10086941 Scalp injury due to birth trauma
10086942 Congenital viral infection
10086943 Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy neonatal
10086944 Bone injury due to birth trauma
10086945 Foetal tobacco syndrome
10086946 Intracranial haemorrhage neonatal
10086947 Intracranial hemorrhage neonatal
10086948 Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy neonatal
10086949 Fetal tobacco syndrome
10086950 Cerebellar hemorrhage neonatal
10086951 Cerebellar haemorrhage neonatal
10086952 Neonatal cerebral irritability
10086953 Gastrointestinal scan abnormal
10086954 Bizarre personal appearance
10086955 Hypernasality
10086956 Hyponasality
10086957 Anarthria
10086958 Hepatic sarcoma
10086959 Cranial nerve neoplasm
10086960 Benign retroperitoneal neoplasm
10086961 Mast cell leukaemia
10086962 Immunoproliferative disorder
10086963 Mast cell leukemia
10086964 HPV infection
10086965 Human papillomavirus infection
10086966 HPV screening
10086967 HPV-DNA test
10086968 HPV test
10086969 Medically induced preterm birth
10086970 Anti-liver cytosol antibody type 1 positive
10086971 Pre-eclampsia with severe features
10086972 Leukomalacia
10086973 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease stage F3
10086974 Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease stage F4
10086975 Chronic pruritus of unknown origin
10086976 Congenital lip pits
10086977 Fundal gastritis
10086978 Pet therapy
10086979 Retroperitoneal ultrasound
10086980 Congestive heart failure with acute exacerbation
10086981 Escherichial enterocolitis
10086982 Ischaemic demyelination
10086983 Ischemic demyelination
10086984 Pulmonary septal thickening
10086985 Intralobular septal thickening in chest CT
10086986 Interlobular septal thickening in chest CT
10086987 Skull base tumour
10086988 Tumour margin excision revision
10086989 Idiopathic dilated episcleral vessels
10086990 Tumor margin excision revision
10086991 Skull base tumor
10086992 Vaccination hesitancy
10086993 Rheumatoid arthritis in remission
10086994 HPV vaccine
10086995 Ulcerative colitis in remission
10086996 Dysania
10086997 Pacing induced cardiomyopathy
10086998 Laryngeal nerve palsy
10086999 Superior laryngeal nerve palsy
10087000 Adnexa uteri calcification
10087001 SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant infection
10087002 Infection-induced seroconversion
10087003 SARS-CoV-2 seroconversion following infection
10087004 SARS-CoV-2 total antibody test
10087005 SARS-CoV-2 total antibody test positive
10087006 SARS-CoV-2 total antibody test negative
10087007 Periprostatic venous plexus dilatation
10087008 Maternal body mass index decreased
10087009 Maternal body mass index increased
10087010 Excessive maternal gestational weight gain
10087011 Maternal pre-pregnancy underweight
10087012 Maternal body mass index
10087013 Maternal pre-pregnancy obesity
10087014 Maternal gestational body mass index increased
10087015 Maternal pre-gestational body mass index increased
10087016 Maternal gestational body mass index decreased
10087017 Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index
10087018 Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index increased
10087019 Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index decreased
10087020 Tunneled central venous catheter
10087021 Non-tunneled centrally inserted central catheter
10087022 Non-tunnelled centrally inserted central catheter
10087023 Tunnelled central venous catheter
10087024 Hyperpolymenorrhea
10087025 Emergency cesarean section
10087026 Emergency caesarean section
10087027 Hyperpolymenorrhoea
10087028 Elective caesarean section
10087029 Elective cesarean section
10087030 Omental oedema
10087031 Omental edema
10087032 Hypoglossal nerve stimulation
10087033 Condom catheter placement
10087034 Hearing therapy
10087035 Urinary tract imaging
10087036 Polymerase chain reaction negative
10087037 Angiotensin converting enzyme abnormal
10087038 Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis
10087039 Angiotensin converting enzyme normal
10087040 Polypoid cystitis
10087041 Radioisotope therapy
10087042 Muscle scar
10087043 Hearing rehabilitation
10087044 Thunderstorm asthma
10087045 Trident hand
10087046 Vocal cord strain
10087047 Urinary tract imaging abnormal
10087048 Urinary tract imaging normal
10087049 Second trimester pregnancy termination
10087050 First trimester pregnancy termination
10087051 Minor congenital anomaly
10087052 Major congenital malformation
10087053 Non-chromosomal congenital anomaly
10087054 Planned cesarean section
10087055 Planned caesarean section
10087060 Leptin level decreased
10087061 Congenital leptin deficiency
10087062 Acquired leptin deficiency
10087063 Cochlear injury
10087064 Mucous membrane pemphigoid
10087065 Medullary compression syndrome
10087066 Ureterocele repair
10087067 Epiglottic polyp
10087068 Squamoproliferative lesion
10087069 Ureteral lavage
10087070 Immune-mediated polyneuropathy
10087071 Scleral congestion
10087072 Skip laminectomy
10087073 Foetal weight
10087074 Estimated foetal weight
10087075 Fetal weight
10087076 Estimated fetal weight
10087077 Retinal microangiopathy
10087078 Systemic microangiopathy
10087079 Heterologous prime-boost vaccination
10087080 Typhoid fever immunisation
10087081 Parenteral inactivated typhoid fever vaccine
10087082 Oral live attenuated typhoid vaccine
10087083 Typhoid fever immunization
10087084 Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumour
10087085 Prostatic congestion
10087086 Home sleep study test
10087087 Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumor
10087088 SPECT/CT
10087089 Urothelial papilloma
10087090 Endovenous cyanoacrylate ablation
10087091 Warm autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
10087092 Warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia
10087093 Reprocessed single-use medical device
10087094 Reuse of single use medical device
10087095 Product sterility issue
10087096 Device sterility issue
10087097 Acute ethylene oxide intoxication
10087098 Longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis
10087099 Pancreatic haemangioma
10087100 Pancreatic hemangioma
10087101 Myofibrillar myopathy
10087102 Peripheral vein thrombosis
10087103 Skin graft removal
10087104 Infected metastasis
10087105 Sesame allergy
10087106 Chronic myocarditis
10087107 Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
10087108 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
10087109 Institutionalised
10087110 Institutionalized
10087111 Useless hand syndrome
10087112 Acute bilateral useless hand syndrome
10087113 Hand paralysis unilateral
10087114 Vaccine administration at home
10087115 Product administered from unauthorised provider
10087116 Vaccine administered from unauthorized provider
10087117 Vaccine administered from unauthorised provider
10087118 Product administered from unauthorized provider
10087119 Ectopic atrial bradycardia
10087120 Maternal hospitalization
10087121 Maternal hospitalisation
10087122 Vertebral end plate impression
10087123 Stab incision
10087124 Videonystagmography
10087125 Pregnenolone deficiency
10087126 Evisceration of eye
10087127 Intrapartum foetal death
10087128 Intrapartum fetal death
10087129 Menopause migraine
10087130 Turbid urine
10087131 Percutaneous epidural neuroplasty
10087132 Hepatic artery haemorrhage
10087133 Hepatic artery hemorrhage
10087134 Pleural injury
10087135 Head crushing injury
10087136 Heart transplant failure
10087137 Heart-lung transplant failure
10087138 Vibration syndrome
10087139 Upper limb traumatic amputation
10087140 Burn of internal genitourinary organs
10087141 Vibration white finger
10087142 Rupture of symphysis pubis
10087143 Scalp injury
10087144 Macrophthalmos
10087145 Congenital female reproductive tract disorder
10087146 Congenital female genital tract fistula
10087147 Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia
10087148 Congenital alopecia
10087149 Congenital subglottic stenosis
10087150 Chondrodysplasia punctata
10087151 Osteochondrodysplasia
10087152 Congenital laryngeal malformation
10087153 Athelia
10087154 Congenital vena cava stenosis
10087155 Pleural malformation
10087156 Aphallia
10087157 Arhinencephaly
10087158 De la Chapelle syndrome
10087159 Discordant atrioventricular connection
10087160 Congenital absence of nipple
10087161 Engelmann syndrome
10087162 CSF chloride decreased
10087163 Cerebrospinal fluid chloride decreased
10087164 Superficial inflammatory dermatosis
10087165 Lymphoeosinophilic dermatitis
10087166 F18 FDG-PET/CT scan
10087167 F-18 FDG localized uptake increased
10087168 F-18 fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography
10087169 F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose uptake increased
10087170 F-18 FDG localised uptake increased
10087171 Yao syndrome
10087172 Sclerouveitis
10087173 Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome
10087174 Vocal fold immobility
10087175 Congenital vocal cord paralysis
10087176 Bilateral vocal fold paresis
10087177 Bilateral vocal fold immobility
10087178 Unilateral vocal fold immobility
10087179 Unilateral vocal fold paresis
10087180 Bilateral vocal fold paralysis
10087181 Asymptomatic pulmonary embolism
10087182 Disinfectant allergy
10087183 Seroma capsule excision
10087184 Mucocutaneous toxicity
10087185 Incorrect product administration technique
10087186 Incorrect vaccine administration technique
10087187 Inappropriate product dose administered
10087188 Incorrect dose administered from multidose vaccine vial
10087189 Off label fractional dose administered
10087190 Vial stopper damage
10087191 Ischemic heart failure
10087192 Ischaemic heart failure
10087193 NGS
10087194 Lumbar transverse process fracture
10087195 PEHCR
10087196 Inappropriate device sharing
10087197 Glycyl-proline-dipeptidylaminopeptidase increased
10087198 Area postrema syndrome
10087199 Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography
10087200 Intracranial contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance venography
10087201 Basal ganglia calcification
10087202 Urine antigen test
10087203 Periorbital dermatitis
10087204 Stoma prolapse
10087205 Autoimmune inflammatory myopathy
10087206 Relapsing pericarditis
10087207 Recurrent pericarditis
10087208 Sigmoid sinus thrombosis
10087209 Pilonidal disease
10087210 Infantile postural asymmetry
10087211 Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer
10087212 Introitoplasty
10087213 Blood free cholesterol increased
10087214 Glycated serum protein increased
10087215 Oropharyngeal fistula
10087216 Acute graft versus host disease in eye
10087217 Corneal transplant rejection
10087218 Joint impingement
10087219 Acute cerebellar ataxia
10087220 Thymic carcinoma
10087221 Septic cardiomyopathy
10087222 Left atrial thrombosis
10087223 Partial uterine perforation post procedural
10087224 Bullous drug eruption
10087225 Acute otitis externa
10087226 Leak at device connection
10087227 Secondary hypophysitis
10087228 Hypochromic macule
10087229 Scapular discomfort
10087230 Odontogenic sinusitis
10087231 Nasal vestibular cyst
10087232 Amelanotic choroidal melanoma
10087233 Amelanotic retinal melanoma
10087234 Duodenal bulb polyp
10087235 Laser floater treatment
10087236 Ilioinguinal neuralgia
10087237 Atrial standstill
10087238 Cobblestone degeneration
10087239 Tardy ulnar palsy
10087240 Handlebar palsy
10087241 Atrial paralysis
10087242 Cancer marker placement
10087243 Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina
10087244 Cyclist's palsy
10087245 Silent atrium
10087246 YAG laser vitreolysis
10087247 Corneal epithelial debridement
10087248 Guyon's canal syndrome
10087249 Renal angioleiomyoma
10087250 Liposclerosing myxofibrous tumour
10087251 Bauhin's valve syndrome
10087252 Gamekeeper's thumb
10087253 Stent assisted coil embolization
10087254 Enanthematic gastritis
10087255 Cross-dominance
10087256 Cartilage calcification
10087257 Mixed-handedness
10087258 Liposclerosing myxofibrous tumor
10087259 Stent assisted coil embolisation
10087260 Oropharyngectomy
10087261 Knee reconstruction
10087262 Congenital perineal sinus
10087263 Vaccine incorrect diluent used
10087264 Vaccine incorrect diluent volume
10087265 Vaccine preparation error
10087266 Epiglottic neoplasm
10087267 Melanoma non-resectable
10087268 Urothelial carcinoma non-resectable
10087269 MCH increased
10087270 MCV increased
10087271 Patient ran out of medication
10087272 Hospital death
10087273 Depressed fracture
10087274 Oropharyngeal suctioning
10087275 Heidelberg classification
10087276 Colorectal adenoma
10087277 Hyperphoria
10087278 Combined radius and ulna fracture
10087279 Stroke mimic
10087280 Impression fracture
10087281 Immune-mediated scleritis
10087282 Accelerated atrial escape rhythm
10087283 Red blood cell transfusion
10087284 Red blood cell suspension transfusion
10087285 Penile scarring
10087286 ICANS
10087287 Musculocutaneous flap graft
10087288 Oncological evaluation
10087289 Neobladder leak
10087290 Bronchial artery hypertrophy
10087291 Wedge-shaped defect tooth
10087292 Thrombomodulin increased
10087293 Plasmin-Alpha-2-antiplasmin complex increased
10087294 Idiopathic interstitial lung disease
10087295 Dental restoration complication
10087296 Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody IgG positive
10087297 Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody IgA positive
10087298 Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody IgA
10087299 Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody IgG
10087300 Physical exfoliation of skin
10087301 Microdermabrasion
10087302 Cocaine toxicity
10087303 Avulsion cardiac
10087304 Focal myocarditis
10087305 Cytotoxic lesions of corpus callosum
10087306 Transient splenial lesion
10087307 SUNA syndrome
10087308 Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing
10087309 Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with autonomic symptoms
10087310 Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis
10087311 Adenocarcinoid tumour of the appendix
10087312 Adenocarcinoid tumor of the appendix
10087313 CD19 antigen negative
10087314 CD19 expression decreased
10087315 CD19 antigen loss
10087316 Human epididymis protein 4 increased
10087317 Pseudohypocalcaemia
10087318 Pseudohypocalcemia
10087319 Hyperglycaemic crisis
10087320 Hyperglycaemic emergency
10087321 Hyperglycemic crisis
10087322 Hyperglycemic emergency
10087323 Parietal fracture
10087324 Primary cutaneous adenoid cystic carcinoma
10087325 Bone cement allergy
10087326 Polymethylmethacrylate allergy
10087327 Silicone allergy
10087328 Reticulocyte haemoglobin increased
10087329 Reticulocyte haemoglobin decreased
10087330 Reticulocyte hemoglobin decreased
10087331 Reticulocyte hemoglobin increased
10087332 Heparin cofactor II deficiency
10087333 Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
10087334 Anterolateral leg alopecia
10087335 Maxillofacial pain
10087336 Injection site keloid
10087337 Small focal myocardial infarction
10087338 Maintenance of wakefulness test
10087339 Omphalith
10087340 Conchoplasty
10087341 Blastoma
10087342 Cecal bascule
10087343 Caecal bascule
10087344 Chronic suture sinus
10087345 CT KUB
10087346 Sternal puncture
10087347 Closed arm fracture
10087348 Histopathology examination
10087349 Computed tomography of kidneys, ureters and bladder
10087350 Topical steroid withdrawal syndrome
10087351 Iatrosacea
10087352 SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant infection
10087353 Pelvic fluid collection drainage
10087354 Pulmonary-pleural fistula
10087355 Computerised tomogram venography head
10087356 Computerized tomogram venography head
10087357 CT venogram brain
10087358 Prosthetic cardiac valve central regurgitation
10087359 Prosthetic aortic valve central regurgitation
10087360 Prosthetic mitral valve central regurgitation
10087361 Prosthetic pulmonary valve central regurgitation
10087362 Gastric neuroendocrine carcinoma
10087363 Carcinoid tumour of the mesentery
10087364 Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine carcinoma
10087365 Carcinoid tumor of the mesentery
10087366 Transanal minimally invasive surgery
10087367 Intestinal barrier dysfunction
10087368 Pulp capping
10087369 Sinus lift
10087370 Dominant eye evaluation
10087371 Visual aura
10087372 Microlaminectomy
10087373 Leaky gut
10087374 Alveolectomy
10087375 Hand reconstructive surgery
10087376 Acquired generalised lipodystrophy
10087377 Familial partial lipodystrophy
10087378 Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
10087379 Acquired generalized lipodystrophy
10087380 Recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
10087381 Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
10087382 Epidermolysis bullosa simplex
10087383 Kindler syndrome
10087384 Junctional epidermolysis bullosa
10087385 Kindler epidermolysis bullosa
10087386 Skin graft necrosis
10087387 Incision site skin puckering
10087388 Partial thickness skin graft necrosis
10087389 Full thickness skin graft necrosis
10087390 Spontaneous rupture of membranes
10087391 Cervix stent placement
10087392 Visceral hyperalgesia
10087393 Pelvic floor muscle hypertonicity
10087394 Tortuous artery
10087395 Precancerous lesion of cervix
10087396 Perioral pain
10087397 Kinesiology tape application
10087398 Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with cranial autonomic symptoms
10087399 Sperm cryopreservation
10087400 Paraneoplastic eosinophilia
10087401 Short term insomnia
10087402 VITT
10087403 TTS
10087404 Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia
10087405 Spontaneous splenic rupture
10087406 Vascular access site phlebitis
10087407 Corona phlebectatica
10087408 Shoulder joint swelling
10087409 Uraemic cardiomyopathy
10087410 Uremic cardiomyopathy
10087411 Male genital tract smear
10087412 Radiation neutropenia
10087413 Radiation thrombocytopenia
10087414 Oesophageal hyperkeratosis
10087415 Esophageal hyperkeratosis
10087416 Vagina swab
10087417 Eyebrow pain
10087418 Penile swab
10087419 Penile dermatitis
10087420 Actinic purpura
10087421 Pygalgia
10087422 Febrile status epilepticus
10087423 NSAID exacerbated respiratory disease
10087424 Psychogenic purpura
10087425 HDR syndrome
10087426 Water's view
10087427 Vaginal endoscopy
10087428 Occipitomental view
10087429 PCR negative
10087430 Acquired laryngocele
10087431 Vaginal necrosis
10087432 Ophthalmic vascular thrombosis
10087433 Radiation cardiac injury
10087434 Meningeal dissemination
10087435 Pseudodiabetes
10087436 Dysmegakaryopoiesis
10087437 Sialometry
10087438 Saliva flow test
10087439 Broad ligament leiomyoma
10087440 Cerebral angioplasty
10087441 Cerebral angiography
10087442 Smegmal cyst
10087443 Transcatheter aortic valve replacement
10087444 Pulmonary aspiration
10087445 Factor VIII activity increased
10087446 Factor VIII activity normal
10087447 Factor VIII activity abnormal
10087448 Factor VIII activity decreased
10087449 Clostridioides enterocolitis
10087450 Anti-S protein antibody test
10087451 Anti-S protein antibody test negative
10087452 Anti-S protein antibody test positive
10087453 Choroidal laceration
10087454 Radial keratotomy
10087455 Polygraph test
10087456 Scalp haematoma
10087457 Scalp hematoma
10087458 PCDH19 gene mutation
10087459 PCDH19 gene-related epilepsy
10087460 Glandular papilloma of lung
10087461 Clostridial enterocolitis
10087462 Planocellular carcinoma
10087463 Muscle enzyme abnormal
10087464 Vaginal stump human papilloma virus infection
10087465 New onset refractory status epilepticus
10087466 Increase in seizure frequency
10087467 Increase in seizure duration
10087468 Increase in seizure severity
10087469 New seizure type
10087470 SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody test
10087471 SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibody test
10087472 SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody test positive
10087473 SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibody test positive
10087474 SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody test negative
10087475 SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibody test negative
10087476 Foetal cardiac function test abnormal
10087477 Foetal brain scan abnormal
10087478 Fetal cardiac function test abnormal
10087479 Fetal brain scan abnormal
10087480 Immune-mediated myasthenia gravis
10087481 Breast atheroma
10087482 Breast atheromatous cyst
10087483 Cholecystosis
10087484 Epiphrenic diverticulum
10087485 Capillary hemangioma
10087486 Capillary fracture
10087487 Capillary haemangioma
10087488 Periodontal haemorrhage
10087489 Periodontal hemorrhage
10087490 Radiation ulcerative esophagitis
10087491 Radiation ulcerative oesophagitis
10087492 Sensory processing sensitivity
10087493 Highly sensitive person
10087494 Blood clot in nose
10087495 Iron deposit in nail
10087496 Velar cyst
10087497 Subaponeurotic cerebrospinal fluid collection of infancy
10087498 Subgaleal cerebrospinal fluid collection
10087499 Neuroendocrine cancer of the prostate metastatic
10087500 Congenital ectopic spleen
10087501 Splenic calculi
10087502 Acquired hypermobile spleen
10087503 Splenopexy
10087504 Splenic torsion
10087505 T-cell lymphocytosis
10087506 Urinary occult blood test
10087507 Occult blood test
10087508 Killip class I
10087509 Killip classification
10087510 Anal papilloma
10087511 Phallitis
10087512 Contrast echocardiogram
10087513 Ileocolostomy closure
10087514 High sensitive troponin T
10087515 Bubble contrast echocardiography
10087516 High sensitive troponin
10087517 Naevus spilus
10087518 Forearm ischaemic exercise test
10087519 Gallbladder atrophy
10087520 Diencephalic syndrome
10087521 Supraclavicular lymphadenopathy
10087522 Chemoport insertion
10087523 Veisalgia
10087524 Falx meningioma
10087525 Lentigines
10087526 Microgallbladder
10087527 Nevoid lentigo
10087528 Diaphyseal fracture
10087529 Chemoport removal
10087530 Gingivorrhagia
10087531 Polymastia
10087532 Haemophthalmia
10087533 Cyst enucleation
10087534 Dolichosigma
10087535 Mandibular tori
10087536 Forearm ischemic exercise test
10087537 Nevus spilus
10087538 Lentiginous nevus
10087539 Hemophthalmia
10087540 Lentiginous naevus
10087541 FIET
10087542 Petechiae on lower extremities
10087543 Tenosynovial giant cell tumor
10087544 Tenosynovial giant cell tumour
10087545 Dermatoporosis
10087546 Transaminase glutamic-oxalacetic decreased
10087547 Cardiac tuberculosis
10087548 Complicated cataract
10087549 Tattoo associated skin reaction
10087550 Explorative laparoscopy
10087551 Kaposiform haemangioendothelioma
10087552 Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma
10087553 Ciliary zonular weakness
10087554 Trigger points
10087555 Lip twitching
10087556 Degenerative spondylolisthesis
10087557 Joint hypermobility syndrome
10087558 Orbital box osteotomy
10087559 Pulmonary ablation
10087560 Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein
10087561 Albumin blood transfusion
10087562 Radiofrequency ablation of lung
10087563 Culture pleural fluid negative
10087564 Radiofrequency ablation of liver
10087565 CT coronary angiogram
10087566 H-FABP
10087567 Immune-mediated pericarditis
10087568 Rapid sequence intubation
10087569 Confirmed clinical vaccine failure
10087570 Suspected clinical vaccine failure
10087571 Confirmed immunological vaccine failure
10087572 Snoreplasty
10087573 Injection snoreplasty
10087574 Bloodborne infection
10087575 Bloodstream infection
10087576 Arterial recanalisation procedure
10087577 Arterial recanalization procedure
10087578 Subtotal thyroidectomy
10087579 Degenerative spine disease
10087580 Respiratory syncytial virus immunisation
10087581 Respiratory syncytial virus immunization
10087582 Vertebral artery tortuosity
10087583 Grinspan syndrome
10087584 Autoerythrocyte sensitization syndrome
10087585 Autoerythrocyte sensitization purpura
10087586 Autoerythrocyte sensitisation syndrome
10087587 Autoerythrocyte sensitisation purpura
10087588 Marfanoid habitus
10087589 Hypodermoclysis
10087590 Odontogenic infection
10087591 Abnormal menstrual clots
10087592 Vertebral artery fenestration
10087593 Drug prescribed for unapproved population
10087594 Drug prescribed for unapproved age group
10087595 Adjunctive therapy
10087596 Anal adenocarcinoma
10087597 Metastatic anal adenocarcinoma
10087598 Circumcorneal congestion
10087599 Wet injection
10087600 Aortic aneurysm thrombosis
10087601 Algid malaria
10087602 Nakajo-Nishimura syndrome
10087603 Idiopathic postprandial syndrome
10087604 Chronic lymphovenous insufficiency
10087605 Neurogenic cough
10087606 Dyselectrolytemia
10087607 Neck cyst
10087608 Dyselectrolytaemia
10087609 Oral erythema multiforme
10087610 Percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty
10087611 Nocturnal oxygen desaturation
10087612 Ampulla of Vater biopsy
10087613 Tenon's capsule thickening
10087614 Pressure injury
10087615 Bedsore
10087616 Bronchus compression
10087617 Bronchofiberscopy
10087618 Right ventricular infarction
10087619 Ileocolitis collagenous
10087620 Chest scan abnormal
10087621 Distal stent-induced new entry
10087622 Peri-stent contrast staining
10087623 Ex-electronic cigarette user
10087624 Ex-e-cigarette smoker
10087625 Prophylactic mastectomy
10087626 Thalamic stroke
10087627 Maxillary sinus floor augmentation
10087628 Fluoroscopy
10087629 Histiocytoid Sweet syndrome
10087630 Vocal fold hypomobility
10087631 Spinal tumor decompression
10087632 Sphenoidotomy
10087633 Spinal tumour decompression
10087634 Operculectomy
10087635 Enameloplasty
10087636 Pleomorphic adenoma lacrimal gland
10087637 Cardiac valve fatty infiltration
10087638 Videooculogram
10087639 Video-oculography
10087640 CD45 expression increased
10087641 CD45 expression decreased
10087642 Poroid hidradenoma
10087643 Transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis
10087644 Chemoport site dehiscence
10087645 Chemoport site infection
10087646 Paraffin wax bath
10087647 Thoracoscopic talcage
10087648 Tuberculum sellae meningioma
10087649 Coproculture
10087650 Extraoral periapical radiography
10087651 Indeterminate interferon gamma assay result
10087652 Colonic high anterior resection
10087653 V-Y advancement flap
10087654 Arterial ulceration
10087655 Pressotherapy
10087656 Portal hypertensive biliopathy
10087657 Portal hypertensive duodenopathy
10087658 Elastosis
10087659 Soft nail
10087660 Feeding tube site infection
10087661 Gastrostomy-jejunostomy tube obstruction
10087662 Papuloerythroderma
10087663 Robotic magnetic navigation
10087664 Schimmelpenning-Feuerstein-Mims syndrome
10087665 Anti-sulfatide autoantibody negative
10087666 Anti-sulfatide autoantibody
10087667 Anti-sulfatide autoantibody positive
10087668 Widefield angiography
10087669 Sigmoid endometriosis
10087670 Radiation hypothyroidism
10087671 Pneumosclerosis
10087672 Vertebrobasilar artery dissection
10087673 Magnetic resonance tomography
10087674 Lymphadenovarix
10087675 Pulmonary artery catheterisation
10087676 Benign pancreatic hyperenzymaemia
10087677 Tardive seizure
10087678 Diffuse midline glioma H3K27M mutation
10087679 Gullo syndrome
10087680 Pulmonary artery catheterization
10087681 Mature cystic teratoma
10087682 Invasive pleomorphic lobular carcinoma
10087683 Cerebellopontine angle meningioma
10087684 Benign pancreatic hyperenzymemia
10087685 Menstrual headache
10087686 APOL1-mediated kidney disease
10087687 APOL1 nephropathy
10087688 AMKD
10087689 APOL1 associated nephropathy
10087690 Perimenstrual headache
10087691 APOL1-mediated focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
10087692 Myringosclerosis
10087693 Congenital pulmonary airway malformation
10087694 CPAM
10087695 Vaginal stenosis
10087696 Calcar calcanei
10087697 Hair pull test
10087698 Sacroplasty
10087699 Ileocaecal valve inflammation
10087700 Ileocecal valve inflammation
10087701 B. cereus emetic syndrome
10087702 Pangastritis
10087703 Mediastinal lymph node sampling
10087704 Immune-mediated renal disease
10087705 Immune-mediated nephropathy
10087706 Peritoneal stripping
10087707 Pancreatic cystadenoma
10087708 Pancreatic mucinous cystadenoma
10087709 CT guided biopsy
10087710 Intracavernosal injection test
10087711 Periodontal probing
10087712 Hypothyroxinaemia in pregnancy
10087713 Hypothyroxinemia in pregnancy
10087714 Fecal tagging
10087715 Faecal tagging
10087716 Thyroid nodule calcification
10087717 Ophthalmorrhexis
10087718 Non-anion gap metabolic acidosis
10087719 Food protein-induced allergic proctocolitis
10087720 Dextroscoliosis
10087721 Enlarged Virchow-Robin spaces
10087722 Complement C1q test
10087723 Complement C1q increased
10087724 Anti-C1q antibody test
10087725 Oncothermia
10087726 Extraperitoneal mesh implantation
10087727 Modulated electro-hyperthermia
10087728 Interleukin-8 increased
10087729 Bandage allergy
10087730 Digital radiogram
10087731 Slot-scanning radiogram
10087732 Slit-beam digital radiogram
10087733 Glaucomatous optic neuropathy
10087734 Posterior capsular thickening
10087735 Pneumocranium
10087736 Intramammary lymph node
10087737 Nonorganic hypersomnia
10087738 Nuclear stress test
10087739 Acquired deaf mutism
10087740 Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency carrier
10087741 Viral perimyocarditis
10087742 Anisomelia
10087743 Congenital unequal leg length
10087744 Oesophageal muscular hypertrophy
10087745 Esophageal muscular hypertrophy
10087746 Varicella zoster viraemia
10087747 Varicella zoster viremia
10087748 Odontoid process hypoplasia
10087749 3D bunion correction
10087750 Immunonephelometry
10087751 Herpes simplex virus urethritis
10087752 Pouch of Douglas biopsy
10087753 Articular chondrocalcinosis
10087754 Patellar lateral release
10087755 Fallopian tube prolapse
10087756 Pars interarticularis defect
10087757 Evanescent skin rash
10087758 Pollenosis
10087759 Midfoot fusion
10087760 Hyperkinetic gallbladder
10087761 Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase genotyping
10087762 DPYD genotyping
10087763 Total vaginal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
10087764 Paraneoplastic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
10087765 Pelvic floor hernia
10087766 Aerosolised chemotherapy
10087767 Metastatic mesothelioma
10087768 Orthopantomogram
10087769 Pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy
10087770 Perineocele
10087771 PIPAC
10087772 Pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy
10087773 Aerosolized chemotherapy
10087774 Angiostomy
10087775 Steroid rosacea
10087776 Iatrogenic dermatosis
10087777 Steroid dermatitis
10087778 Eustachian tuboplasty
10087779 Balloon dilation of the Eustachian tube
10087780 Taurodontism
10087781 Beta c-terminal telopeptide type-I collagen decreased
10087782 Beta c-terminal telopeptide type-I collagen increased
10087783 Small cell lung cancer progression
10087784 Abnormal vaginal blood clot
10087785 Latex-fruit syndrome
10087786 Breakthrough dengue fever
10087787 Breakthrough dengue fever virus infection
10087788 Dengue post vaccine
10087789 Breakthrough dengue
10087790 Dengue fever post vaccine
10087791 Dengue infection post vaccine
10087792 Dengue shock syndrome
10087793 Dengue virus reinfection
10087794 Dengue fever virus reinfection
10087795 Drug resistance mutation
10087796 Secondary angle-closure glaucoma
10087797 Osteoarticular sporotrichosis
10087798 Ascending flaccid paralysis
10087799 Lack of cerumen
10087800 May-Grunwald Giemsa stain
10087801 Chronic traumatic encephalopathy
10087802 Prosthetic cardiac valve regurgitation
10087803 Arterial flow velocity increased
10087804 Arterial flow velocity decreased
10087805 Rastelli procedure
10087806 Dialysis efficacy test abnormal
10087807 Anti-polyethylene glycol antibody
10087808 Kt/V abnormal
10087809 Foot arthritis
10087810 Lower limb revascularization
10087811 Anti-PEG antibody
10087812 Aortic plaque
10087813 Toe arthritis
10087814 Renal artery revascularization
10087815 Complex aortic plaque
10087816 Renal artery revascularisation
10087817 Urea reduction ratio abnormal
10087818 Lower limb revascularisation
10087819 Dermonecrotic arachnidism
10087820 Vaccination booster dose
10087821 Autoimmune disease flare up
10087822 Mechanical jaundice
10087823 NMIBC
10087824 Vertiginous epilepsy
10087825 Keyhole knee surgery
10087826 Orocutaneous fistula
10087827 Harlequin-type ichthyosis
10087828 Pulmonary angioplasty
10087829 Balloon pulmonary angioplasty
10087830 Endotoxin test
10087831 Partial thickness wound
10087832 COVID-19 rebound
10087833 Nodular gastritis
10087834 Interstitial lung abnormality
10087835 Seismocardiogram
10087836 Chronic limb ischemia
10087837 Transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy
10087838 Chronic limb ischaemia
10087839 Immune-mediated osteoarthritis
10087840 Sialadenoma
10087841 Sialadenoma papilliferum
10087842 Malignant neoplasm oligoprogression
10087843 Beaver tail liver
10087844 Device septum dislodgement
10087845 Trichophytosis unguium
10087846 Diminished ovarian reserve
10087847 Plantar fibroma
10087848 Hysteroscopic tissue extraction
10087849 Lempert roll maneuver
10087850 Paradoxical psoriatic arthritis
10087851 Bacterial keratoconjunctivitis
10087852 Maggot therapy
10087853 Vertebral osteomyelitis
10087854 Polysomnogram
10087855 Tommy John surgery
10087856 Ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction
10087857 Transcranial direct current stimulation
10087858 Occlusive coronary artery thrombus
10087859 Ocular spindle cell carcinoma
10087860 Subsegmental pulmonary embolism
10087861 Mood instability
10087862 Ulcerative rectocolitis
10087863 Salmonella enterocolitis
10087864 Drug administered to foetus
10087865 Drug administered to fetus
10087866 Hemichoreoathetosis
10087867 Neonatal bacterial pneumonia
10087868 Transplant recipient
10087869 Polyradiculoneuropathy
10087870 Indeterminate HIV test
10087871 Drug-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis
10087872 Drug-sensitive tuberculosis
10087873 Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
10087874 Half and half nails
10087875 Autoimmune cerebellar ataxia
10087876 Dermal filler site infection
10087877 Peripheral hypothyroidism
10087878 Coagulation factor level abnormal
10087879 Localised eczema
10087880 Urethroprostatitis
10087881 Lindsay's nail
10087882 Nuchalgia
10087883 Chiari malformation decompression
10087884 Localized eczema
10087885 Triplopia
10087886 Temporal lobe resection
10087887 Lipschutz ulcer
10087888 Lipschuetz ulcer
10087889 Tonsil ablation
10087890 Intrapulmonary lymphadenopathy
10087891 Blood oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging brain
10087892 Selective proton-observed carbon-edited magnetic resonance spectroscopy brain
10087893 Reactive attachment disorder
10087894 Ponderal loss
10087895 Haemosiderin urine positive
10087896 Rous test positive
10087897 Hemosiderin urine positive
10087898 Venous reflux disorder
10087899 Cervical spondylotic amyotrophy
10087900 Keratoneuralgia
10087901 Lymphatic malformation
10087902 Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
10087903 Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
10087904 Alpha-fetoprotein blood test
10087905 Alpha-foetoprotein blood test
10087906 Antenatal bleeding
10087907 Jansen's metaphyseal chondrodysplasia
10087908 Raine syndrome
10087909 Gluten ataxia
10087910 AIDP
10087911 Anorchia
10087912 Brooke-Spiegler syndrome
10087913 Social-emotional developmental delay
10087914 Paradoxical skin reaction
10087915 Acquired hyperplasia of the retinal pigment epithelium
10087916 RBM20 mutation
10087917 Mesenteric vein embolism
10087918 Out of trend test result
10087919 Out of trend test result assay
10087920 Out of trend test result dissolution
10087921 Ligase chain reaction test
10087922 LCR test
10087923 Vaginal bacterial infection
10087924 Transient neonatal hyperthyrotropinaemia
10087925 Transient neonatal hyperthyrotropinemia
10087926 Urachal sinus
10087927 Regular menstrual cycle
10087928 Resting tachycardia
10087929 Exposed tooth neck
10087930 Lack of concomitant drug effect
10087931 Concomitant drug effect decreased
10087932 Flesh wound
10087933 Recurrence of menopausal symptoms
10087934 Lichen planus pemphigoides
10087935 Bronchial stent insertion
10087936 Oral temperature sensitivity
10087937 Polyarticular arthritis
10087938 Puncture site discolouration
10087939 Vessel puncture site discolouration
10087940 Puncture site rash
10087941 Puncture site discoloration
10087942 Vessel puncture site discoloration
10087943 Systemic contact dermatitis
10087944 Chronic pancreatitis in remission
10087945 Abdominal wall pain
10087946 Symptomatic ARIA-microhaemorrhages and haemosiderin deposits
10087947 Symptomatic ARIA
10087948 Asymptomatic ARIA-microhaemorrhages and haemosiderin deposits
10087949 Asymptomatic ARIA
10087950 Asymptomatic ARIA-superficial siderosis
10087951 Symptomatic ARIA-superficial siderosis
10087952 Asymptomatic ARIA-microhemorrhages and hemosiderin deposits
10087953 Symptomatic ARIA-microhemorrhages and hemosiderin deposits
10087954 Monoclonal immunoglobulin
10087955 Leptin level
10087956 Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein
10087957 Red blood cell macrocytes
10087958 CSF chloride
10087959 Paraprotein
10087960 Cerebrospinal fluid chloride
10087961 Edematous fibrosclerotic panniculopathy
10087962 Oedematous fibrosclerotic panniculopathy
10087963 Urachal sinus infection
10087964 Ringworm of scrotum
10087965 Neonatal cerebral depression
10087966 Godet's sign positive
10087967 Ictal epileptic headache
10087968 Spermatic vein thrombosis
10087969 Knee disarticulation
10087970 Lienteric diarrhoea
10087971 Lienteric diarrhea
10087972 Testicular vein thrombosis
10087973 Pulmonary gangrene
10087974 Vascular access site extravasation
10087975 Retroperitoneal necrosis
10087976 Hormone-sensitive prostate cancer metastatic
10087977 Infantile fibrosarcoma
10087978 Hormone-sensitive prostate cancer
10087979 Retinal atrophic hole
10087980 Hereditary alpha tryptasaemia
10087981 Hereditary alpha tryptasemia
10087982 Alkalinuria
10087983 Diabetic myonecrosis
10087984 Anti-soluble liver antigen/liver pancreas antibody
10087985 Anti-soluble liver antigen antibody
10087986 Anti-liver pancreas antibody
10087987 Anti-SLA/LP antibody
10087988 Cervical plexus block
10087989 Demodex blepharitis
10087990 MR enterography
10087991 Cavernous sinus meningioma
10087992 Bilateral superficial cervical plexus block
10087993 Nanoparticle toxicity
10087994 Positron emission tomogram prostate
10087995 Prostate specific membrane antigen positron emission tomogram
10087996 Dental flipper placement
10087997 Removable partial denture placement
10087998 Testosterone deficiency syndrome
10087999 Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of lung
10088000 Black urine disease
10088001 Penetrating trauma
10088002 Spondylocostal dysostosis
10088003 Jarcho-Levin syndrome
10088004 Retinal vascular tortuosity
10088005 Carotid blowout syndrome
10088006 GORD
10088007 Adhesive small bowel obstruction
10088008 Adenomyoepithelioma of breast
10088009 Congenital umbilico-enteric fistula
10088010 Radiation pharyngitis
10088011 Pus culture
10088012 Mechanical purpura
10088013 Immune-mediated perimyocarditis
10088014 Autoimmune perimyocarditis
10088015 Hepatic angiogram
10088016 Hepatic angiography
10088017 Linear IgA/IgG bullous dermatosis
10088018 Taste astringent
10088019 Taste pungent
10088020 Tardive Tourette-like syndrome
10088021 Barium X-ray
10088022 Myelodysplastic syndrome with multilineage dysplasia
10088023 Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts
10088024 Myelodysplastic syndrome with ringed sideroblasts
10088025 Myelodysplastic syndrome with single lineage dysplasia
10088026 Myelodysplastic syndrome progression to higher risk
10088027 Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts 2
10088028 Myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts 1
10088029 Myelodysplastic syndrome progression
10088030 Unexpected vaginal bleeding on hormonal IUD
10088031 Oxygen combining power decreased
10088032 Deoxyhemoglobin increased
10088033 Deoxyhaemoglobin increased
10088034 Target temperature management
10088035 Peripheral blood mononuclear cell apheresis
10088036 Diabetic neuroischaemic ulcer
10088037 Diabetic neuroischemic ulcer
10088038 Dubreuilh's melanoma
10088039 Portacath replacement
10088040 Mechanical arthropathy
10088041 Splenic tenderness
10088042 Facial tic
10088043 Lyme arthritis
10088044 Hernioplasty
10088045 PF-ILD
10088046 Goniosynechialysis
10088047 Spinal cord hypoxia
10088048 Immunoturbidimetry
10088049 Cutaneous melanoma
10088050 Uterine leiomyoma necrosis
10088051 Uterine leiomyoma prolapse
10088052 Uterine leiomyoma calcification
10088053 Status dystonicus
10088054 Placental oedema
10088055 Placental villous edema
10088056 Placental villous oedema
10088057 Placental edema
10088058 Anti IFN gamma autoantibody syndrome
10088059 Adult onset immunodeficiency with anti-interferon-gamma autoantibodies
10088060 Fungus stool test negative
10088061 Klebsiella urinary tract infection
10088062 Tricuspid valve thrombosis
10088063 Osteorrhaphy
10088064 Pruritus hiemalis
10088066 Infective exacerbation of asthma
10088067 Limb stump plasty
10088068 Abduction sling application
10088069 Hemihypesthesia
10088070 Exercise induced myocardial ischemia
10088071 Exercise induced myocardial ischaemia
10088072 Hemihypaesthesia
10088073 Orthostatic tachycardia
10088074 Collagenous gastritis
10088075 Lymphocytic duodenitis
10088076 Hill repair procedure
10088077 Palatal perforation
10088078 Penile pigmentation
10088079 Burn oedema
10088080 Burn edema
10088081 Pemphigoid antibody panel
10088082 Glans mucositis
10088083 Mesenteric lymphadenitis
10088084 Marshall-White syndrome
10088085 Dermatophilosis
10088086 Retinal pigment epithelium granularity
10088087 Widowmaker heart attack
10088088 Plate stabilization with bone rivets
10088089 Plate stabilisation with bone rivets
10088090 Ear dryness
10088091 Inadvertent injection air bubble
10088092 Macula thinning
10088093 Otolaryngoscopy
10088094 Anti-PM/Scl antibody
10088095 Anti-nucleosome antibody
10088096 Anti-PCNA antibody
10088097 Anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen antibody
10088098 Trigeminal anaesthesia
10088099 Congenital trigeminal anaesthesia
10088100 Congenital trigeminal anesthesia
10088101 Trigeminal anesthesia
10088102 COVID-19 breath test
10088103 Ictal central apnoea
10088104 Microcystic lymphatic malformation
10088105 Lymphangioma circumscriptum
10088106 Non vital tooth
10088107 Ictal central apnea
10088108 Dead tooth
10088109 S100 protein increased
10088110 Lumbar canal recalibration
10088111 Endoscopic balloon dilation
10088112 Fibromyxoma
10088113 Ocular vaccinia virus infection
10088114 Congenital vaccinia virus infection
10088115 Campylobacter bacteraemia
10088116 Campylobacter bacteremia
10088117 Laparoscopic decortication of renal cyst
10088118 Platypnoea-orthodeoxia syndrome
10088119 Vaccine interaction
10088120 Vaccine-vaccine interaction
10088121 Vaccine-drug interaction
10088122 Platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome
10088123 Interaction with live vaccine
10088124 Bladder prolapse repair
10088125 WNT4 deficiency
10088126 Turcot syndrome
10088127 Intestinal rupture repair
10088128 Food disgust
10088129 Tumour biopsy
10088130 Liquid biopsy
10088131 Vacuum assisted biopsy
10088132 Tumor biopsy
10088133 NSTEMI
10088134 Explorative thoracotomy
10088135 Post procedural meningitis
10088136 Papillary gingivitis
10088137 Nocturnal hypoventilation
10088138 Prostate massage
10088139 Leukocyte reduced red blood cell transfusion
10088140 Transferrin receptor increased
10088141 Soluble transferrin receptor increased
10088142 Basal cell carcinoma ear
10088143 Posterior circulation ischemic stroke
10088144 Posterior circulation ischaemic stroke
10088145 Fundus exudation
10088146 Fasting therapy
10088147 Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
10088148 Chronic rhinosinusitis with fungal allergy
10088149 PSVT
10088150 Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation
10088151 Rest regimen
10088152 Hormone analysis
10088153 Erosive pustular dermatosis
10088154 Vitamin test
10088155 Sun's procedure
10088156 Hypertriglyceridaemic waist phenotype
10088157 Monoamniotic monochorionic twin pregnancy
10088158 Chronic urinary tract infection
10088159 Sprengel deformity
10088160 Diamniotic twin pregnancy
10088161 Granulomatous lymphocytic interstitial lung disease
10088162 Diamniotic monochorionic twin pregnancy
10088163 Diamniotic dichorionic twin pregnancy
10088164 Hypertriglyceridemic waist phenotype
10088165 Reverse cervical lordosis
10088166 Calcified atherosclerotic plaque
10088167 Tinea axillaris
10088168 Anterior chamber reformation
10088169 Moebius syndrome
10088170 Mobius syndrome
10088171 Peripheral pulmonary stenosis
10088172 Familial dilated cardiomyopathy
10088173 Apical thrombus
10088174 Eye canaloplasty
10088175 Paratubal cystectomy
10088176 Functional visual loss
10088177 Nonorganic visual loss
10088178 Magnetic resonance imaging larynx
10088179 Puerperal metritis
10088180 Vertical banded gastroplasty
10088181 Genyantritis
10088182 Bile acids increased
10088183 Bile acids
10088184 Accessory pancreas
10088185 Eruption cyst
10088186 Dental onlay
10088187 Dental inlay
10088188 Paradental cyst
10088189 Ultrashort wave therapy
10088190 Uterine cervix lymphoma
10088191 Hypertrophic pharyngitis
10088192 Glutaric acidaemia type I
10088193 Idiopathic cardiomyopathy
10088194 Coronary artery ectasia
10088195 Glutaric acidemia type I
10088196 Non-syndromic deafness
10088197 Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma
10088198 Actinic esophagitis
10088199 Actinic oesophagitis
10088200 Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy
10088201 Adrenomyeloneuropathy
10088202 Acute hepatic porphyria
10088203 Macular hypoplasia
10088204 Fumarase deficiency
10088205 Vascular rings and slings
10088206 Cytotoxic chemotherapy
10088207 Ototubaritis
10088208 Perihepatic effusion
10088209 Fibroma pendulum
10088210 Hereditary gingival fibromatosis
10088211 Mulberry molars
10088212 Gingival cyst of newborn
10088213 Talon cusp
10088214 Macrodontia
10088215 Microdontia
10088216 Alcoholic myelopathy
10088217 Cerebral folate deficiency
10088218 Acquired wandering spleen
10088219 Cervical teratoma
10088220 Laryngotracheoplasty
10088221 Left ventricular outflow tract gradient increased
10088222 Wunderlich syndrome
10088223 Radiation tracheitis
10088224 Sclerosing lipogranuloma
10088225 Pulmonary tractotomy
10088226 Anti-LP antibody
10088227 Whole body gamma measurement
10088228 Image guided radiation therapy
10088229 Fundus photography
10088230 Gastroduodenal perforation
10088231 Ventricular premature beats
10088232 Macular pneumatic displacement
10088233 Physiatry consultation
10088234 Monkeypox immunisation
10088235 Monkeypox immunization
10088236 Gestational alloimmune liver disease
10088237 Benign macrocrania of infancy
10088238 Cerebellar cyst
10088239 Oligodontia
10088240 Orthodontic overbite appliance
10088241 Dens invaginatus
10088242 Dens evaginatus
10088243 Enameloma
10088244 Forsus springs appliance
10088245 Enamel pearl
10088246 Left ventricular mass index
10088247 Electrocardiogram RR interval abnormal
10088248 Electrocardiogram RR interval shortened
10088249 Temporal pulse increased
10088250 Orthobiologic treatment
10088251 N-telopeptide abnormal
10088252 N-telopeptide normal
10088253 N-telopeptide decreased
10088254 N-telopeptide increased
10088255 Postural blood pressure drop
10088256 N-telopeptide serum increased
10088257 Infra-Hisian block
10088258 Sensory aura
10088259 Irritable bowel syndrome flare up
10088260 Regenerative injection therapy
10088261 N-telopeptide serum normal
10088262 N-telopeptide serum abnormal
10088263 Tooth gemination
10088264 Cerebrocostomandibular syndrome
10088265 Bile acid synthesis disorder
10088266 Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction
10088267 Systemic primary carnitine deficiency
10088268 Centronuclear myopathy
10088269 Vertebral hyperplasia
10088270 Folliculitis barbae
10088271 Prostatic artery embolisation
10088272 Prostatic artery embolization
10088273 Hemimandibulectomy
10088274 Tooth concrescence
10088275 Sleep apnoea device implant
10088276 Enterobiotic soil based organism therapy
10088277 Combined large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma
10088278 Camurati-Engelmann disease
10088279 Neuroischemic diabetic foot
10088280 Neuroischaemic diabetic foot
10088281 Sleep apnea device implant
10088282 Exercise stress echocardiogram
10088283 Pharmacological stress echocardiogram
10088284 Exercise stress echocardiogram normal
10088285 Pharmacological stress echocardiogram abnormal
10088286 Exercise stress echocardiogram abnormal
10088287 Pharmacological stress echocardiogram normal
10088288 Six minute walk test
10088289 Six minute walk test normal
10088290 Six minute walk test abnormal
10088291 Nucleic acid test positive
10088292 Cardiac device implantation
10088293 Cardiac device replacement
10088294 Nucleic acid amplification test positive
10088295 TACE
10088296 Retinal vessel trunk nasalization
10088297 Tibial eminence fracture
10088298 Retinal vessel bayoneting
10088299 Myopic tilted optic disc
10088300 Viscogonioplasty
10088301 Bayonet deformity wrist
10088302 Oesophageal bayonet sign
10088303 Lipogram
10088304 Tibial spine fracture
10088305 Retinal vessel trunk nasalisation
10088306 Esophageal bayonet sign
10088307 Calcifying odontogenic cyst
10088308 Tooth fusion
10088309 Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma
10088310 Myofunctional therapy
10088311 Faltering growth
10088312 Phlyctena
10088313 Eosinophilic oesophagitis flare
10088314 Eosinophilic esophagitis flare
10088315 Periapical disease
10088316 Cache Valley virus infection
10088317 Familial atrial fibrillation
10088318 Paramyotonia congenita
10088319 Abdominal epilepsy
10088320 Neurotrophic keratitis
10088321 Isthmic spondylolisthesis
10088322 Intrinsic eczema
10088323 Dropped shoulder syndrome
10088324 Angiodystonia
10088325 Rapid molecular test MTB/RIF
10088326 Positional talipes equinovarus
10088327 Pupillary capture
10088328 Brain radiation necrosis
10088329 Rigid bronchoscopy
10088330 Nondiabetic hyperglycemia
10088331 Microlaryngoscopy
10088332 Nondiabetic hyperglycaemia
10088333 Complement analysis
10088334 Limbitis
10088335 Chest wall edema
10088336 Chest wall oedema
10088337 Vibrio cholera infection
10088338 Perianal rash
10088339 Ectopic atrial rhythm
10088340 Computerised tomogram oesophagus abnormal
10088341 Oesophageal CT scan abnormal
10088342 Computerized tomogram esophagus abnormal
10088343 Esophageal CT scan abnormal
10088344 Rhizobium radiobacter bacteraemia
10088345 Rhizobium radiobacter bacteremia
10088346 Visual processing disorder
10088347 Gastrooesophageal haemorrhage
10088348 Gastroesophageal hemorrhage
10088349 Retrograde nephroureteral stent placement
10088350 Ventricular outflow tract dredging
10088351 Cognitive communication therapy
10088352 Deep tissue injury
10088353 Cracked tooth syndrome
10088354 Ganser syndrome
10088355 Galloway Mowat syndrome
10088356 Accommodative asthenopia
10088357 Vascular access site induration
10088358 Vascular access site reaction
10088359 Vascular access site numbness
10088360 Vascular access site hyperpigmentation
10088361 Effusive-constrictive pericarditis
10088362 Immune-mediated optic neuritis
10088363 Cluster differentiated antigen
10088364 Post vaccination fever
10088365 Electronic chromoendoscopy
10088366 Levator aponeurosis resection
10088367 Digital chromoendoscopy
10088368 Electrocardiogram depolarization abnormality
10088369 Pharyngography
10088370 Cervical esophagostomy
10088371 Geriatric consultation
10088372 Cranial CT scan
10088373 Idiopathic small intestinal perforation
10088374 Cervical oesophagostomy
10088375 Radiation induced encephalopathy
10088376 Superoxide dismutase activity increased
10088377 Jackson-Pratt surgical drain placement
10088378 Closed-suction drain placement
10088379 Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome
10088380 Chronic dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome
10088381 Focal dystonia
10088382 Itchy mole
10088383 Parietal pleura lipoma
10088384 Vitamin B deficiency
10088385 Prostatic adenocarcinoma in situ
10088386 Exertional rhabdomyolysis
10088387 Hymenal tag
10088388 Antibody-dependent enhancement
10088389 Enhanced respiratory disease
10088390 Punctoplasty
10088391 Balloon dilation bronchoscopy
10088392 Tooth devitalization
10088393 Tooth devitalisation
10088394 Axial spondyloarthropathy
10088395 Emphysematous COPD
10088396 Colon angiodysplasia
10088397 Frontal sinus aplasia
10088398 Class 1 dental malocclusion
10088399 Class 2 dental malocclusion
10088400 Class 3 dental malocclusion
10088401 Drug shortage
10088402 Nail dysplasia
10088403 Laryngeal angioma
10088404 Hypertrophic neuropathy
10088405 Genu flexum
10088406 Localized hypertrophic neuropathy
10088407 Localised hypertrophic neuropathy
10088408 Dental sepsis
10088409 Posterior pituitary injection
10088410 Cardiac inflammation
10088411 Wheat allergy
10088412 Salpingoclasia
10088413 Retropubic suspension
10088414 Uretero-fallopian fistula
10088415 Endoscopic vein harvesting
10088416 Iliac artery stent insertion
10088417 Endoprosthesis implantation
10088418 Stoma reversal
10088419 Sternectomy
10088420 Rectal neoplasm excision
10088421 Preauricular appendage
10088422 Hyperthyreosis
10088423 Exercise induced muscle damage
10088424 Poirier-Bienvenu neurodevelopmental syndrome
10088425 Moisture-associated skin damage
10088426 POBINDS
10088427 Penile cyst
10088428 Melanocytic naevus excision
10088429 Melanocytic nevus excision
10088430 IGRT
10088431 Split tooth
10088432 Oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome
10088433 Urine output fluctuation
10088434 Ulcerative pancolitis
10088435 Cyclospasm
10088436 Oesophageal wall hypertrophy
10088437 Esophageal wall hypertrophy
10088438 Oesophageal wall thickening
10088439 Esophageal wall thickening
10088440 Perfume allergy
10088441 Paraben allergy
10088442 Maternal-foetal therapy
10088443 Maternal-fetal therapy
10088444 Neurodevelopmental delay
10088445 Dental caries Black's class 1
10088446 Rice allergy
10088447 Mint allergy
10088448 Honey allergy
10088449 Urinary tract spasm
10088450 Dilutional anaemia
10088451 Dilutional anemia
10088452 Excoriation of foreskin
10088453 Intermittent atrial fibrillation
10088454 Perianal numbness
10088455 Airway suction
10088456 Tongue ridging
10088457 Post discectomy syndrome
10088458 Piezogenic papules
10088459 Megalencephaly
10088460 Macroencephaly
10088461 Macrencephaly
10088462 Faecal lactoferrin
10088463 Faecal lactoferrin increased
10088464 Fecal lactoferrin increased
10088465 Fecal lactoferrin
10088466 B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia
10088467 B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
10088468 Mainzer-Saldino syndrome
10088469 Microperforate hymen
10088470 Tongue hyperpigmentation
10088471 Fazekas scale
10088472 Nickel allergy
10088473 Dental overjet
10088474 Allergy to dental material
10088475 Allergy to resin materials composites
10088476 Allergy to dental impression materials
10088477 Granulomatous inflammation
10088478 Cognitive slowing
10088479 Maxillary expansion
10088480 Issacson expander
10088481 Hyrax expander
10088482 W arch appliance
10088483 Porter expander
10088484 Hygienic rapid expander
10088485 Diamine oxidase deficiency
10088486 Wound cellulitis
10088487 Osteoclastoma
10088488 Ponytail syndrome
10088489 Distal renal tubular acidosis
10088490 Refractory gout
10088491 Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
10088492 Spleen cancer
10088493 Donovanosis
10088494 Postmastectomy pain syndrome
10088495 Mandibular arch expansion
10088496 Canine retraction
10088497 Nance palatal arch space maintainer
10088498 Menstrual clots
10088499 Target mutations leading to drug resistance
10088500 Target mutation induced drug resistance
10088501 Microneedling
10088502 Radiofrequency microneedling
10088503 Metastatic rectal adenocarcinoma
10088504 Incisional biopsy
10088505 Radical retropubic prostatectomy
10088506 Acute compartment syndrome
10088507 Simple prostatectomy
10088508 Percutaneous cholecystostomy
10088509 Benign neuroendocrine tumour of appendix
10088510 Benign neuroendocrine tumor of appendix
10088511 Prostate sarcoma
10088512 Prostatic stromal sarcoma
10088513 Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the prostate
10088514 Sliding hernia
10088515 HIV-1 test
10088516 Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike and wave during sleep
10088517 Pseudo Richter's syndrome
10088518 Retrobulbar oedema
10088519 Retrobulbar edema
10088520 Ocular dystonia
10088521 Treatment resistant depression
10088522 Proctitis viral
10088523 Ictal bradycardia
10088524 Ictal asystole
10088525 Contact lens dislocation
10088526 Hepatic Langerhans cell histiocytosis
10088527 Femoro-crural bypass
10088528 Speech latency
10088529 CT cardiac angiography
10088530 Intestinal laceration
10088531 Cerebral creatine deficiency
10088532 Vascular access site tenderness
10088533 Vascular access site itching
10088534 Optociliary shunt vessels
10088535 Vascular access site redness
10088536 Capripox viral infection
10088537 Capripoxvirus test
10088538 Lumpy skin disease virus test
10088539 Goatpox virus disease
10088540 Lumpy skin disease
10088541 Sheeppox virus disease
10088542 Goatpox virus test
10088543 Sheeppox virus test
10088544 Percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
10088545 Transurethral cystolithotripsy
10088546 Pneumococcal urinary antigen testing
10088547 Esophagography
10088548 Pigtail catheter insertion
10088549 Oesophagography
10088550 Immune-mediated polyserositis
10088551 Pulmonary artery stent insertion
10088552 Tear film instability
10088553 Corpus gastritis
10088554 Liver hernia
10088555 Transoral robotic surgery
10088556 Autofluorescence imaging videobronchoscopy
10088557 Autofluorescence bronchoscopy
10088558 Citrobacter koseri infection
10088559 MRSA sinusitis
10088560 Sacral promontory dystocia
10088561 Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis
10088562 Ampullary renal pelvis
10088563 Nicotine allergy
10088564 Perennial allergic conjunctivitis
10088565 Diffusion tensor imaging
10088566 Ventricular tachycardia ablation
10088567 Gastroduodenal artery aneurysm
10088568 PCSK9 gene mutation
10088569 ApoB gene mutation
10088570 IgG4 related cholangiopathy
10088571 CT cerebral angiogram
10088572 Suspected drug-induced liver injury
10088573 Suspected Hy's law case
10088576 Barley allergy
10088577 Lupin allergy
10088578 Oat allergy
10088579 Distal radius fracture
10088580 Allergy patch test
10088581 Neck hematoma
10088582 Neck haematoma
10088583 Peripheral pulmonary embolism
10088584 Symptomatic COVID-19
10088585 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
10088586 Computerised tomogram limb
10088587 Computerized tomogram limb
10088588 CT upper limb
10088589 Robotic-assisted thoracoscopic surgery
10088590 Abdominal aortography
10088591 Focal cerebral ischemia
10088592 Focal cerebral ischaemia
10088593 Embryo demise
10088594 Nicotinism
10088595 Composite resection
10088596 Persistent taste disorder
10088597 Femoral core decompression
10088598 Non-epileptic paroxysmal event
10088599 Killip class II
10088600 Killip class III
10088601 Killip class IV
10088602 Methylmalonic acidaemia
10088603 Methylmalonic acidemia
10088604 Prurigo of pregnancy
10088605 Papular dermatitis of pregnancy
10088606 Hypnic headache
10088607 Foramen of Winslow hernia
10088608 Acromioclavicular joint fracture
10088609 Urinary squamous epithelial cells increased
10088610 Claw toe
10088611 Ankyloglossia
10088612 Fasciola test positive
10088613 Liver fluke lgG antibody positive
10088614 Dyskalaemia
10088615 Canaliculitis
10088616 Septic typhoid arthritis
10088617 Dyskalemia
10088618 Megaloureter
10088619 High risk infant
10088620 Subependymal cyst
10088621 Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome
10088622 Dysphagia management
10088623 Subungual abscess
10088624 Pseudoneutropenia
10088625 Delayed passage of meconium
10088626 Spinal stabilisation
10088627 Spinal stabilization
10088628 H63D mutation
10088629 Couvelaire uterus
10088630 Intestinal catarrh
10088631 Non-cutaneous melanoma excision
10088632 Fasciocutaneous rotation flap
10088633 Skin laser therapy
10088634 Skin resurfacing
10088635 Anastomotic obstruction
10088636 Systemic hypertension
10088637 Hydrocele testis
10088638 Neonatal cyanotic spell
10088639 Alveolar bone defect
10088640 Intraocular lens user
10088641 Transient hepatic attenuation differences
10088642 Dual-chamber pacemaker implantation
10088643 Embolic renal infarction
10088644 Vascular access site infiltration
10088645 Vascular access site burning
10088646 Vascular access site thrombophlebitis
10088647 Hemispherectomy
10088648 Lipohaemarthrosis
10088649 Lipohemarthrosis
10088650 Aortic root replacement
10088651 Valve-sparing root replacement
10088652 Infantile diarrhoea
10088653 Gastrooesophageal reflux in neonate
10088654 Gastroesophageal reflux in neonate
10088655 Infantile diarrhea
10088656 Wet lung of newborn
10088657 Otomycosis
10088658 Bone growth stimulation
10088659 Human epidermal growth factor receptor test
10088660 Duodenal stump fistula
10088661 Pulsed echo doppler flowmetry
10088662 Anti-HER2 (4B5) antibody assay
10088663 Next generation sequencing oncology panel
10088664 Duodenal leak
10088665 Noninvasive bone growth stimulation
10088666 Pulsed doppler echocardiography
10088667 Transcatheter mitral valve repair
10088668 Sputum suction procedure
10088669 Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury
10088670 Percutaneous dilational tracheostomy
10088671 Circulating tumour cell count negative
10088672 Circulating tumour cell count positive
10088673 Circulating tumour cell count
10088674 Circulating tumor cell count
10088675 Circulating tumor cell count positive
10088676 Circulating tumor cell count negative
10088677 Teeth retainer appliance
10088678 Cholecystolithotomy
10088679 Tonsil stones
10088680 Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy
10088681 Flap reinforcement of bronchial stump
10088682 Tear duct calculus
10088683 Ingrowing eye lash
10088684 Combined congestive cardiac failure
10088685 Penicillin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
10088686 Penicillin-susceptible staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia
10088687 Complement activation-related pseudoallergy
10088688 Serpentine supravenous hyperpigmentation
10088689 Palatal obturator
10088690 Pendex appliance
10088691 Lingual braces
10088692 Dental braces
10088693 Overgrowth syndrome
10088694 Congenital toe deformity
10088695 Vascular access site scar
10088696 Vascular access site laceration
10088697 Vascular access site warmth
10088698 Vascular access site fibrosis
10088699 Vascular access site pallor
10088700 Vascular access site injury
10088701 Vascular access site discomfort
10088702 Vascular access site hyperaesthesia
10088703 Vascular access site coldness
10088704 T wave changes
10088705 Viral haematological infection
10088706 Bacterial haematological infection
10088707 Fungal haematological infection
10088708 Vascular access site hyperesthesia
10088709 Bacterial hematological infection
10088710 Fungal hematological infection
10088711 Viral hematological infection
10088712 Purulent sinusitis
10088713 Milwaukee shoulder syndrome
10088714 Thrombomodulin
10088715 CD4 lymphocyte percentage
10088716 Stenotrophomonas test
10088717 CD19 antigen
10088718 Globotriaosylsphingosine
10088719 Fecal immunochemical test
10088720 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia test
10088721 Jugular venous waveform
10088722 Faecal immunochemical test
10088723 Cervical decompression surgery
10088724 MTB/RIF
10088725 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex-rifampin resistant test
10088726 Tongue base mucosectomy
10088727 Bile duct transection
10088728 Core decompression
10088729 Odontoplerosis
10088730 Hypersplenotrophy
10088731 Tecartherapy
10088732 Capacitive-resistive electric transfer
10088733 Enterococcus test negative
10088734 Spinal arteriovenous fistula
10088735 Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency
10088736 Sporothrix test
10088737 Sporothrix test positive
10088738 Sporothrix antibody test
10088739 Sporothrix antibody positive
10088740 Anterior capsule opacification
10088741 Intraoperative cardiac valve injury
10088742 Rabson Mendenhall syndrome
10088743 Biologically inactive leptin
10088744 Autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia
10088745 Autosomal recessive hypercholesterolaemia
10088746 Functional leptin deficiency
10088747 Stoma site mucocutaneous separation
10088748 Intestinal xanthoma
10088749 Paeniclostridium sordellii infection
10088750 Retropharyngeal hematoma
10088751 Retropharyngeal haematoma
10088752 Endometrial thinning
10088753 Ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition
10088754 Sacral insufficiency fracture
10088755 Deliberate tongue bifurcation
10088756 Coronectomy
10088757 Intentional partial odontectomy
10088758 Maternal disease complicating pregnancy
10088759 Femoral vein hematoma
10088760 Undetermined stroke
10088761 Peripheral vein hematoma
10088762 Maternal pre-existing disease complicating pregnancy
10088763 Peripheral vein haematoma
10088764 Femoral vein haematoma
10088765 Femur resection
10088766 Vocal cord haemorrhage
10088767 Vocal cord hemorrhage
10088768 Sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma
10088769 Adult acne
10088770 Acne tarda
10088771 Arthritis-dermatitis syndrome
10088772 Impacted tooth exposure
10088773 Disseminated gonococcal infection
10088774 Urticaria factitia
10088775 Neurofibromatosis type 6
10088776 Hepatic steatosis alcoholic
10088777 Electrocardiogram depolarisation abnormality
10088778 Cardiac mapping
10088779 FGFR3 gene mutation
10088780 Idiopathic histaminergic angioedema
10088781 Muenke syndrome
10088782 Incomplete thymus involution
10088783 Lactobacillus bacteraemia
10088784 Glomerular proteinuria
10088785 Pediatric trigger finger
10088786 Paediatric trigger thumb
10088787 Pediatric trigger thumb
10088788 Paediatric trigger finger
10088789 Lateral rectus recession
10088790 Tubular proteinuria
10088791 Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene mutation
10088792 Lactobacillus bacteremia
10088793 NTRK gene fusion test
10088794 NTRK gene fusion negative
10088795 NTRK gene fusion cancer
10088796 NTRK gene amplification
10088797 NTRK gene fusion positive
10088798 Compressive atelectasis
10088799 Obstructive atelectasis
10088800 Blue light therapy
10088801 Endoscopic tattooing
10088802 Dry needling
10088803 Ultrasound-guided joint infiltration
10088804 Trigger point dry needling
10088805 Epicapsular star
10088806 Use of error-prone abbreviation
10088807 Gag reflex test
10088808 Palatal expander
10088809 Modified bluegrass appliance
10088810 Dental flossing
10088811 Balloon dilatation of artery
10088812 ABO hemolytic anemia of newborn
10088813 ABO haemolytic anaemia of newborn
10088814 Neonatal septicemia
10088815 Neonatal septicaemia
10088816 CANOMAD syndrome
10088817 Chronic ataxic neuropathy, ophthalmoplegia, IgM paraprot, cold agglutinins, disialosyl Ab syndrome
10088818 Ultrasound shoulder
10088819 Fontan-associated liver disease
10088820 Clinical trial healthy volunteer
10088821 Periodontic-endodontic disease
10088822 Beta tumour necrosis factor increased
10088823 Beta tumor necrosis factor increased
10088824 Iris capture
10088825 BCG related prostatitis
10088826 Product closure leak
10088827 Sinus swelling
10088828 Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein increased
10088829 Vascular access site pressure sensation
10088830 Hypertensive uveitis
10088831 Product temperature deviation error
10088832 H-FABP increased
10088833 STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy
10088834 Glottic stenosis
10088835 Large intestine resection
10088836 Squamous cell carcinoma in situ
10088837 Localised lipodystrophy
10088838 Localized lipodystrophy
10088839 Little's disease
10088840 Abnormal gene carrier
10088841 ALG8 gene mutation carrier
10088842 Calcified granuloma
10088843 Tigroid fundus
10088844 Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp
10088845 Spinal implantation
10088846 Vaginal cuff
10088847 Interdental papilla base incision
10088848 Interdental cleaning aid
10088849 Open bite
10088850 Perioral inflammation
10088851 DAMP syndrome
10088852 Motor activity abnormal
10088853 Clotting time abnormal
10088854 Closed loop bowel obstruction
10088855 Deficits in attention, motor control and perceptual abilities syndrome
10088856 Ventricular septal defect closure
10088857 Left-to-right ventricular shunt
10088858 Atrial septal defect closure
10088859 Prosthetic tricuspid valve central regurgitation
10088860 Pulmonary artery embolism
10088861 Cutibacterium acnes infection
10088862 Piercing associated complication
10088863 Cutibacterium test positive
10088864 Endometriosis relapse
10088865 Tender muscle knots
10088866 Uncharacteristic behaviour
10088867 Uncharacteristic behavior
10088868 Culture negative septic shock
10088869 Eosinophilic cholangitis
10088870 Perlman syndrome
10088871 Haber's syndrome
10088872 SAVI syndrome
10088873 Morel-Lavellee seroma
10088874 Preinfarction angina
10088875 Harris platelet syndrome
10088876 Vascular access site mass
10088877 Vascular access site irritation
10088878 Delayed onset of lactation
10088879 Lactation insufficiency
10088880 Primary lactation insufficiency
10088881 Secondary lactation insufficiency
10088882 Idiopathic pancreatitis
10088883 Chromosomal microduplication
10088884 Peritoneal washing
10088885 Pelvic washing
10088886 Hyper-reflexive rhinopathy
10088887 Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion
10088888 Borderline hypothyroidism
10088889 Patent foramen ovale closure
10088890 Phakectomy
10088891 Systemic hypersensitivity to tuberculin
10088892 Temporomandibular joint ankylosis
10088893 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva flare up
10088894 Reduced parasympathetic activity
10088895 Endothelinum-derived relaxing factor
10088896 Pertussis-like syndrome
10088897 Skier's thumb
10088898 Drug rechallenge positive
10088899 Drug dechallenge positive
10088900 Ear ossicle fracture
10088901 Computerised tomogram heart
10088902 Computerised tomogram heart abnormal
10088903 Computerised tomogram heart normal
10088904 Computerized tomogram heart
10088905 Computerized tomogram heart abnormal
10088906 Computerized tomogram heart normal
10088907 Pain crisis
10088908 Allergy to seeds
10088909 Neonatal pulmonary hypertension
10088910 Transient neonatal pulmonary arterial hypertension
10088911 Mpox
10088912 Mpox immunisation
10088913 Mpox immunization
10088914 Lactose free diet
10088915 Increased need for sleep
10088916 Fever hallucinations
10088917 Poor school attendance
10088918 Social life impairment
10088919 Social isolation
10088920 Hopelessness
10088921 Emptiness
10088922 Right-handedness
10088923 Anti factor Xa assay
10088924 Pseudo-heparin resistance
10088925 Transpulmonary thermodilution
10088926 Urine potassium/creatinine ratio
10088927 Cerebellar abscess
10088928 Stellate ganglion block
10088929 Axillary nerve palsy
10088930 Accidental high spinal anaesthesia
10088931 Accidental high spinal anesthesia
10088932 Scrotolith
10088933 Gluteus medius syndrome
10088934 Intravascular lithotripsy
10088935 Nasal septal fracture
10088936 Superficial hematoma
10088937 Childhood obesity
10088938 Leather allergy
10088939 Superficial haematoma
10088940 Brain fog
10088941 Bone non-union
10088942 Incomplete atrial appendage closure
10088943 Injection site foreign body sensation in eye
10088944 Contrast-enhanced mammography
10088945 Granulomatous myringitis
10088946 Sciatic nerve block
10088947 Femoral nerve block
10088948 Hyperparasitaemia
10088949 Hyperparasitemia
10088950 Paravalvular tricuspid regurgitation
10088951 Trabecular meshwork pigmentation
10088952 Sampaolesi line
10088953 Choroidal neovascular membrane
10088954 Subretinal neovascular membrane
10088955 Restless leg augmentation syndrome
10088956 Intracranial tumour
10088957 Intracranial tumor
10088958 Viral vector shedding
10088959 Trigger toe
10088960 Immune-mediated myelitis
10088961 Unintended transduction of non-target tissues
10088962 Rhizomelic arthritis
10088963 Rapadilino syndrome
10088964 Hepatobiliary operation
10088965 Tongue erosion
10088966 Autolytic attempt
10088967 Omental torsion
10088968 Omental artery rupture
10088969 Eosinophilic cholecystitis
10088970 Adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency
10088971 Joint pannus
10088972 Cervical pannus
10088973 Endometrial hyperplasia with cellular atypia
10088974 Malassezia folliculitis
10088975 Mental nerve neuropathy
10088976 Nummular headache
10088977 Syndrome Z
10088978 Alarm clock headache
10088979 Ictal bradycardia syndrome
10088980 Ictal syncope
10088981 Medial collateral ligament tear
10088982 Minimally invasive osteosynthesis
10088983 Duodenal stasis
10088984 Neuroglial cyst
10088985 Secretory breast carcinoma
10088986 Pinprick test
10088987 Ischial tuberosity pain
10088988 Double J stent insertion
10088989 Abdominal dermolipectomy
10088990 Thyroid isthmectomy
10088991 Peripheral nerve entrapment syndrome
10088992 Paranasal sinus surgery
10088993 Chronic kidney disease stage G3a
10088994 Chronic kidney disease stage G3b
10088995 Occupational injury
10088996 Clostridium carrier
10088997 Metal-on-metal hip implant
10088998 Subjective memory complaint
10088999 Transurethral catheterization
10089000 Transurethral catheterisation
10089001 Tooth wear
10089002 Tooth wear facets
10089003 AGEP-DRESS overlap
10089004 CHANTER syndrome
10089005 Mitral valve dysplasia
10089006 Brainstem compression
10089007 Computerised tomogram spine normal
10089008 Ultrasound joint abnormal
10089009 Computerised tomogram spine abnormal
10089010 Cerebral sulcal prominence
10089011 Ultrasound joint normal
10089012 Psychiatric care
10089013 Structural brain disorder
10089014 Electrotherapy
10089015 Magnetic resonance imaging pelvic
10089016 Computerized tomogram spine abnormal
10089017 Computerized tomogram spine normal
10089018 Tongue hyperaesthesia
10089019 Pollicisation
10089020 Deformity of vertebra
10089021 Tongue hyperesthesia
10089022 Aortic shelf
10089023 Full mouth extraction
10089024 Herbal drug allergy
10089025 Neonatal intensive care
10089026 Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma
10089027 Pellucid marginal corneal degeneration
10089028 Bone chip removal
10089029 Pollicization