New Zealand Health Terminology Service (NZHTS) Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build

New Zealand Health Terminology Service (NZHTS) Implementation Guide, published by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Level 4 ethnicity codes

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2023-08-22 Computable Name: EthnicityL4

Codes to record a person’s ethnicity, drawn from Level 4 of the Ethnicity code system described here

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem ethnicityL4

version: versionId: id (PrimitiveType/CodeSystem.meta.versionId): native = id -> 1; Last updated: 2024-07-25 17:29:14+1200

This case-sensitive code system defines the following codes:

10000 European NFD
11111 New Zealand European
12100 British NFD
12111 Celtic
12112 Channel Islander
12113 Cornish
12114 English
12116 Irish
12117 Manx
12119 Scottish (Scots)
12121 Welsh
12199 British NEC
12211 Dutch/Netherlands
12311 Greek (including Greek Cypriot)
12411 Polish
12500 South Slav (formerly Yugoslav groups) NFD
12511 Croat/Croatian
12512 Dalmatian
12513 Macedonian
12514 Serb/Serbian
12515 Slovene/Slovenian
12516 Bosnian
12599 South Slav (formerly Yugoslav groups) NEC
12611 Italian
12711 German
12811 Australian
12911 Albanian
12912 Armenian
12913 Austrian
12914 Belgian
12915 Bulgarian
12916 Belorussian
12918 Cypriot Unspecified
12919 Czech
12920 Danish
12921 Estonian
12922 Finnish
12923 Flemish
12924 French
12926 Hungarian
12927 Icelander
12928 Latvian
12929 Lithuanian
12930 Maltese
12931 Norwegian
12932 Portuguese
12933 Romanian / Rumanian
12934 Romani
12935 Russian
12937 Slavic / Slav
12938 Slovak
12939 Spanish
12940 Swedish
12941 Swiss
12942 Ukrainian
12943 American (US)
12945 Canadian
12947 New Caledonian
12948 South African European
12949 Afrikaner
12950 Zimbabwean European
12999 European NEC
21111 Māori
30000 Pacific peoples NFD
31111 Samoan
32100 Cook Islands Maori
33111 Tongan
34111 Niuean
35111 Tokelauan
36111 Fijian (except Fiji Indian / Indo-Fijian)
37112 Indigenous Australian
37122 Hawaiian
37124 I-Kiribati / Gilbertese
37130 Nauru Islander
37135 Papuan / New Guinean / Irian Jayan
37137 Pitcairn Islander
37138 Rotuman / Rotuman Islander
37140 Society Islander (including Tahitian)
37141 Solomon Islander
37144 Tuvalu Islander / Ellice Islander
37145 Vanuatu Islander / New Hebridean
37199 Other Pacific peoples NEC
40000 Asian NFD
41000 Southeast Asian NFD
41111 Filipino
41211 Khmer / Kampuchean / Cambodian
41311 Vietnamese
41411 Burmese
41412 Indonesian (including Javanese / Sundanese / Sumatran)
41413 Lao
41414 Malay / Malayan
41415 Thai / Tai / Siamese
41416 Karen
41417 Chin
41499 Other Southeast Asian NEC
42100 Chinese NFD
42111 Hong Kong Chinese
42112 Kampuchean Chinese
42113 Malaysian Chinese
42114 Singaporean Chinese
42115 Vietnamese Chinese
42116 Taiwanese Chinese
42199 Chinese NEC
43100 Indian NFD
43111 Bengali
43112 Fijian Indian / Indo-Fijian
43114 Tamil
43115 Punjabi
43116 Sikh
43117 Anglo Indian
43118 Malaysian Indian
43119 South African Indian
43199 Indian NEC
44100 Sri Lankan NFD
44111 Sinhalese
44112 Sri Lankan Tamil
44199 Sri Lankan NEC
44211 Japanese
44311 Korean
44411 Afghan
44412 Bangladeshi
44413 Nepali
44414 Pakistani
44415 Tibetan
44416 Eurasian
44417 Bhutanese
44418 Maldivian
44419 Mongolian
44499 Other Asian NEC
51100 Middle Eastern NFD
51111 Algerian
51112 Arab
51113 Assyrian
51114 Egyptian
51115 Iranian / Persian
51116 Iraqi
51117 Israeli / Jewish / Hebrew
51118 Jordanian
51119 Kurd
51120 Lebanese
51122 Moroccan
51124 Palestinian
51125 Syrian
51127 Turkish (including Turkish Cypriot)
51199 Middle Eastern NEC
52100 Latin American / Hispanic NFD
52111 Argentinian
52112 Bolivian
52113 Brazilian
52114 Chilean
52115 Colombian
52118 Ecuadorian
52123 Mexican
52127 Peruvian
52128 Puerto Rican
52129 Uruguayan
52130 Venezuelan
52199 Latin American / Hispanic NEC
53100 African NFD
53113 Jamaican
53114 Kenyan
53115 Nigerian
53116 African American
53118 Caribbean
53119 Somali
53120 Eritrean
53121 Ethiopian
53122 Ghanaian
53123 Burundian
53124 Congolese
53125 Sudanese
53126 Zambian
53127 Other Zimbabwean
53199 Other African NEC
61113 Indigenous North American
61115 Mauritian
61116 Seychelles Islander
61117 Other South African
61118 New Zealander
61199 Other NEC
94444 Don't know
95555 Refused to answer
96666 Repeated Value
97777 Response unidentifiable
98888 Response Outside Scope
99999 Not stated