New Zealand Health Terminology Service (NZHTS) Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build

New Zealand Health Terminology Service (NZHTS) Implementation Guide, published by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

: DSM-IV - XML Representation

Draft as of 2023-03-30

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<CodeSystem xmlns="">
  <id value="87ef165b-b4fe-4944-bb0a-db6305063d3c"/>
    <versionId value="1"/>
    <lastUpdated value="2024-07-25T17:30:06.131+12:00"/>
  <url value=""/>
  <version value="0.1.0"/>
  <name value="DSM_IV"/>
  <title value="DSM-IV"/>
  <status value="draft"/>
  <date value="2023-03-30T00:00:00.000Z"/>
  <publisher value="Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora"/>
    <name value="Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora"/>
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  <description value="DSM-IV"/>
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  <content value="complete"/>
  <count value="281"/>
    <code value="311"/>
    <display value="Depressive Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="316"/>
    <display value="Psychological Factors Affecting a Medical Condition"/>
    <code value="317"/>
    <display value="Mild Mental Retardation"/>
    <code value="319"/>
    <display value="Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified"/>
    <code value="347"/>
    <display value="Narcolepsy"/>
    <code value="2900"/>
             value="Dementia of the Alzheimers type with late onset Uncomplicated"/>
    <code value="2903"/>
             value="Dementia of the Alzheimers type with late onset With Delirium"/>
    <code value="2910"/>
             value="Alcohol Intoxication Delirium or Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium"/>
    <code value="2911"/>
    <display value="Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder"/>
    <code value="2912"/>
    <display value="Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia"/>
    <code value="2913"/>
    <display value="Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder With Hallucinations"/>
    <code value="2915"/>
    <display value="Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions"/>
    <code value="2919"/>
    <display value="Alcohol-Related Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="2920"/>
             value="Substance Withdrawal, Sedative, Hypnotic or Anxiolytic Withdrawal"/>
    <code value="2929"/>
    <display value="Substance-Related Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="2930"/>
    <display value="Delirium (Due to General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="2939"/>
    <display value="Mental Disorder NOS (Due to General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="2940"/>
    <display value="Amnestic Disorder (Due to General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="2941"/>
             value="Dementia Due to HIV Infection or General Medical Condition"/>
    <code value="2948"/>
    <display value="Dementia NOS or Amnestic Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="2949"/>
    <display value="Cognitive Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="2967"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Unspecified"/>
    <code value="2971"/>
    <display value="Delusional Disorder"/>
    <code value="2973"/>
    <display value="Shared Psychotic Disorder"/>
    <code value="2988"/>
    <display value="Brief Psychotic Disorder"/>
    <code value="2989"/>
    <display value="Psychotic Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="3003"/>
    <display value="Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder"/>
    <code value="3004"/>
    <display value="Dysthymic Disorder"/>
    <code value="3006"/>
    <display value="Depersonalisation Disorder"/>
    <code value="3007"/>
    <display value="Hypochondriasis or Body Dysmorphic Disorder"/>
    <code value="3009"/>
    <display value="Unspecified Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic)"/>
    <code value="3010"/>
    <display value="Paranoid Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="3014"/>
    <display value="Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="3016"/>
    <display value="Dependent Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="3017"/>
    <display value="Antisocial Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="3019"/>
    <display value="Personality Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="3022"/>
    <display value="Pedophilia"/>
    <code value="3023"/>
    <display value="Transvestic Fetishism"/>
    <code value="3024"/>
    <display value="Exhibitionism"/>
    <code value="3026"/>
             value="Gender Identity Disorder in Children or Gender Identity Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="3029"/>
    <display value="Paraphilia NOS or Sexual Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="3070"/>
    <display value="Stuttering"/>
    <code value="3071"/>
    <display value="Anorexia Nervosa"/>
    <code value="3073"/>
    <display value="Stereotypic Movement Disorder"/>
    <code value="3076"/>
    <display value="Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="3077"/>
             value="Encopresis Without Constipation and Overflow Incontinence"/>
    <code value="3079"/>
    <display value="Communication Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="3083"/>
    <display value="Acute Stress Disorder"/>
    <code value="3090"/>
    <display value="Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood"/>
    <code value="3093"/>
    <display value="Adjustment Disorder With Disturbance of Conduct"/>
    <code value="3094"/>
             value="Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct"/>
    <code value="3099"/>
    <display value="Adjustment Disorder Unspecified"/>
    <code value="3101"/>
    <display value="Personality Change (Due to a General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="3129"/>
    <display value="Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="3139"/>
    <display value="Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence NOS"/>
    <code value="3149"/>
    <display value="Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="3151"/>
    <display value="Mathematics Disorder"/>
    <code value="3152"/>
    <display value="Disorder of Written Expression"/>
    <code value="3154"/>
    <display value="Developmental Coordination Disorder"/>
    <code value="3159"/>
    <display value="Learning Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="3180"/>
    <display value="Moderate Mental Retardation"/>
    <code value="3181"/>
    <display value="Severe Mental Retardation"/>
    <code value="3182"/>
    <display value="Profound Mental Retardation"/>
    <code value="3321"/>
    <display value="Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism"/>
    <code value="3331"/>
    <display value="Medication-Induced Postural Tremor"/>
    <code value="3337"/>
    <display value="Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia"/>
    <code value="6250"/>
    <display value="Female Dyspareunia (Due to a General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="6258"/>
             value="Other Female Sexual Dysfunction (Due to a General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="7809"/>
    <display value="Age-Related Cognitive Decline"/>
    <code value="7876"/>
    <display value="Encopresis, With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence"/>
    <code value="7999"/>
             value="Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I or Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II"/>
    <code value="9952"/>
    <display value="Adverse Effects of Medication NOS"/>
    <code value="29010"/>
             value="Dementia of the Alzheimers type with early onset Uncomplicated, Dementia due to Pick's Disease or Creutzfeld-Jacob Disease"/>
    <code value="29011"/>
             value="Dementia of the Alzheimers type with early onset With delirium"/>
    <code value="29012"/>
             value="Dementia of the Alzheimers type with early onset With Delusions"/>
    <code value="29013"/>
             value="Dementia of the Alzheimers type with early onset With Depressed Mood"/>
    <code value="29020"/>
             value="Dementia of the Alzheimers type with late onset With Delusions"/>
    <code value="29021"/>
             value="Dementia of the Alzheimers type with late onset With Depressed Mood"/>
    <code value="29040"/>
    <display value="Vascular Dementia Uncomplicated"/>
    <code value="29041"/>
    <display value="Vascular Dementia With Delirium"/>
    <code value="29042"/>
    <display value="Vascular Dementia With Delusions"/>
    <code value="29043"/>
    <display value="Vascular Dementia With Depressed Mood"/>
    <code value="29181"/>
    <display value="Alcohol Withdrawal"/>
    <code value="29189"/>
             value="Alcohol-Induced Anxiety, Mood or Sleep Disorder or Sexual Dysfunction"/>
    <code value="29211"/>
    <display value="Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions"/>
    <code value="29212"/>
             value="Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations"/>
    <code value="29281"/>
    <display value="Substance Intoxication Delirium"/>
    <code value="29282"/>
    <display value="Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia"/>
    <code value="29283"/>
    <display value="Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder"/>
    <code value="29284"/>
    <display value="Substance-Induced Mood Disorder"/>
    <code value="29289"/>
             value="Substance-Induced Intoxication, Sleep, Anxiety, Sexual or Perception Disorder"/>
    <code value="29381"/>
             value="Psychotic Disorder (Due to General Medical Condition) With Delusions"/>
    <code value="29382"/>
             value="Psychotic Disorder (Due to General Medical Condition) With Hallucinations"/>
    <code value="29383"/>
    <display value="Mood Disorder (Due to General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="29384"/>
    <display value="Anxiety Disorder (Due to General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="29389"/>
    <display value="Catatonic Disorder (Due to General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="29510"/>
    <display value="Schizophrenia Disorganised Type"/>
    <code value="29520"/>
    <display value="Schizophrenia Catatonic Type"/>
    <code value="29530"/>
    <display value="Schizophrenia Paranoid Type"/>
    <code value="29540"/>
    <display value="Schizophreniform Disorder"/>
    <code value="29560"/>
    <display value="Schizophrenia Residual Type"/>
    <code value="29570"/>
    <display value="Schizoaffective Disorder"/>
    <code value="29590"/>
    <display value="Schizophrenia Undifferentiated Type"/>
    <code value="29600"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode Unspecified"/>
    <code value="29601"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode Mild"/>
    <code value="29602"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode Moderate"/>
    <code value="29603"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode Severe without psychotic features"/>
    <code value="29604"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode Severe with psychotic features"/>
    <code value="29605"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode In partial remission"/>
    <code value="29606"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode In full remission"/>
    <code value="29620"/>
    <display value="Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode Unspecified"/>
    <code value="29621"/>
    <display value="Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode Mild"/>
    <code value="29622"/>
    <display value="Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode Moderate"/>
    <code value="29623"/>
             value="Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode Severe without psychotic features"/>
    <code value="29624"/>
             value="Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode Severe with psychotic features"/>
    <code value="29625"/>
             value="Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode In partial remission"/>
    <code value="29626"/>
             value="Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode In full remission"/>
    <code value="29630"/>
    <display value="Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent Unspecified"/>
    <code value="29631"/>
    <display value="Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent Mild"/>
    <code value="29632"/>
    <display value="Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent Moderate"/>
    <code value="29633"/>
             value="Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent Severe Without Psychotic Features"/>
    <code value="29634"/>
             value="Major Depressive Disorde, Recurrent Severe With Psychotic Features"/>
    <code value="29635"/>
             value="Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent In Partial Remission"/>
    <code value="29636"/>
    <display value="Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent In Full Remission"/>
    <code value="29640"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, Hypomanic, Unspecified"/>
    <code value="29641"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic Mild"/>
    <code value="29642"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic Moderate"/>
    <code value="29643"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic Severe Without Psychotic Features"/>
    <code value="29644"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic Severe With Psychotic Features"/>
    <code value="29645"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic In Partial Remission"/>
    <code value="29646"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic In Full Remission"/>
    <code value="29650"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed Unspecified"/>
    <code value="29651"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed Mild"/>
    <code value="29652"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed Moderate"/>
    <code value="29653"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed Severe without psychotic features"/>
    <code value="29654"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed Severe with psychotic features"/>
    <code value="29655"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed In partial remission"/>
    <code value="29656"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed In full remission"/>
    <code value="29660"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed Unspecified"/>
    <code value="29661"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed Mild"/>
    <code value="29662"/>
    <display value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed Moderate"/>
    <code value="29663"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed Severe without psychotic features"/>
    <code value="29664"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed Severe with psychotic features"/>
    <code value="29665"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed In partial remission"/>
    <code value="29666"/>
             value="Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed In full remission"/>
    <code value="29680"/>
    <display value="Bipolar Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="29689"/>
    <display value="Bipolar II Disorder"/>
    <code value="29690"/>
    <display value="Mood Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="29900"/>
    <display value="Autistic Disorder"/>
    <code value="29910"/>
    <display value="Childhood Disintegrative Disorder"/>
    <code value="29980"/>
             value="Rett's Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="30000"/>
    <display value="Anxiety Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="30001"/>
    <display value="Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia"/>
    <code value="30002"/>
    <display value="Generalised Anxiety Disorder"/>
    <code value="30011"/>
    <display value="Conversion Disorder"/>
    <code value="30012"/>
    <display value="Dissociative Amnesia"/>
    <code value="30013"/>
    <display value="Dissociative Fugue"/>
    <code value="30014"/>
    <display value="Dissociative Identity Disorder"/>
    <code value="30015"/>
    <display value="Dissociative Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="30016"/>
             value="Factitious Disorder with Predominantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms"/>
    <code value="30019"/>
             value="Factitious Disorder NOS, With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms, With Combined Psychological and Physical Signs and Symptoms"/>
    <code value="30021"/>
    <display value="Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia"/>
    <code value="30022"/>
    <display value="Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder"/>
    <code value="30023"/>
    <display value="Social Phobia"/>
    <code value="30029"/>
    <display value="Specific Phobia"/>
    <code value="30081"/>
    <display value="Somatisation Disorder"/>
    <code value="30082"/>
             value="Somatoform Disorder NOS, Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder"/>
    <code value="30113"/>
    <display value="Cyclothymic Disorder"/>
    <code value="30120"/>
    <display value="Schizoid Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="30122"/>
    <display value="Schizotypal Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="30150"/>
    <display value="Histrionic Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="30181"/>
    <display value="Narcissistic Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="30182"/>
    <display value="Avoidant Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="30183"/>
    <display value="Borderline Personality Disorder"/>
    <code value="30270"/>
    <display value="Sexual Dysfunction NOS"/>
    <code value="30271"/>
    <display value="Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder"/>
    <code value="30272"/>
             value="Female Sexual Arousal Disorder or Male Erectile Disorder"/>
    <code value="30273"/>
    <display value="Female Orgasmic Disorder"/>
    <code value="30274"/>
    <display value="Male Orgasmic Disorder"/>
    <code value="30275"/>
    <display value="Premature Ejaculation"/>
    <code value="30276"/>
    <display value="Dyspareunia (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="30279"/>
    <display value="Sexual Aversion Disorder"/>
    <code value="30281"/>
    <display value="Fetishism"/>
    <code value="30282"/>
    <display value="Voyeurism"/>
    <code value="30283"/>
    <display value="Sexual Masochism"/>
    <code value="30284"/>
    <display value="Sexual Sadism"/>
    <code value="30285"/>
    <display value="Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents or Adults"/>
    <code value="30289"/>
    <display value="Frotteurism"/>
    <code value="30300"/>
    <display value="Alcohol Intoxication"/>
    <code value="30390"/>
    <display value="Alcohol Dependence"/>
    <code value="30400"/>
    <display value="Opioid Dependence"/>
    <code value="30410"/>
    <display value="Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence"/>
    <code value="30420"/>
    <display value="Cocaine Dependence"/>
    <code value="30430"/>
    <display value="Cannabis Dependence"/>
    <code value="30440"/>
    <display value="Amphetamine Dependence"/>
    <code value="30450"/>
    <display value="Hallucinogen Dependence"/>
    <code value="30460"/>
    <display value="Inhalant or Phencyclidine Dependence"/>
    <code value="30480"/>
    <display value="Polysubstance Dependence"/>
    <code value="30490"/>
    <display value="Other (or Unknown) Substance Dependence"/>
    <code value="30500"/>
    <display value="Alcohol Abuse"/>
    <code value="30510"/>
    <display value="Nicotine Dependence"/>
    <code value="30520"/>
    <display value="Cannabis Abuse"/>
    <code value="30530"/>
    <display value="Hallucinogen Abuse"/>
    <code value="30540"/>
    <display value="Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse"/>
    <code value="30550"/>
    <display value="Opioid Abuse"/>
    <code value="30560"/>
    <display value="Cocaine Abuse"/>
    <code value="30570"/>
    <display value="Amphetamine Abuse"/>
    <code value="30590"/>
             value="Caffeine Intoxication, Inhalant Abuse, Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse, Phencyclidine Abuse"/>
    <code value="30651"/>
    <display value="Vaginismus (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="30720"/>
    <display value="Tic Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="30721"/>
    <display value="Transient Tic Disorder"/>
    <code value="30722"/>
    <display value="Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder"/>
    <code value="30723"/>
    <display value="Tourette's Disorder"/>
    <code value="30742"/>
             value="Insomnia Related to Axis 1 or Axis 11 Disorder, Primary Insomnia"/>
    <code value="30744"/>
             value="Hypersomnia Related to Axis 1 or Axis 11 Disorder, Primary Hypersomnia"/>
    <code value="30745"/>
    <display value="Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder"/>
    <code value="30746"/>
    <display value="Sleep Terror Disorder or Sleepwalking Disorder"/>
    <code value="30747"/>
    <display value="Dyssomnia NOS or Nightmare Disorder or Parasomnia NOS"/>
    <code value="30750"/>
    <display value="Eating Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="30751"/>
    <display value="Bulimia Nervosa"/>
    <code value="30752"/>
    <display value="Pica"/>
    <code value="30753"/>
    <display value="Rumination Disorder"/>
    <code value="30759"/>
    <display value="Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood"/>
    <code value="30780"/>
    <display value="Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Factors"/>
    <code value="30789"/>
             value="Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition"/>
    <code value="30921"/>
    <display value="Separation Anxiety Disorder"/>
    <code value="30924"/>
    <display value="Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety"/>
    <code value="30928"/>
             value="Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood"/>
    <code value="30981"/>
    <display value="Posttraumatic Stress Disorder"/>
    <code value="31230"/>
    <display value="Impulse-Control Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="31231"/>
    <display value="Pathological Gambling"/>
    <code value="31232"/>
    <display value="Kleptomania"/>
    <code value="31233"/>
    <display value="Pyromania"/>
    <code value="31234"/>
    <display value="Intermittent Explosive Disorder"/>
    <code value="31239"/>
    <display value="Trichotillomania"/>
    <code value="31281"/>
    <display value="Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type"/>
    <code value="31282"/>
    <display value="Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset type"/>
    <code value="31289"/>
    <display value="Conduct Disorder, Unspecified Onset"/>
    <code value="31323"/>
    <display value="Selective Mutism"/>
    <code value="31381"/>
    <display value="Oppositional Defiant Disorder"/>
    <code value="31382"/>
    <display value="Identity Problem"/>
    <code value="31389"/>
             value="Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood"/>
    <code value="31400"/>
             value="Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Type"/>
    <code value="31401"/>
             value="Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type or Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulse Type"/>
    <code value="31500"/>
    <display value="Reading Disorder"/>
    <code value="31531"/>
    <display value="Expressive Language Disorder"/>
    <code value="31532"/>
    <display value="Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder"/>
    <code value="31539"/>
    <display value="Phonological Disorder"/>
    <code value="33382"/>
    <display value="Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia"/>
    <code value="33390"/>
    <display value="Medication-Induced Movement Disorder NOS"/>
    <code value="33392"/>
    <display value="Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome"/>
    <code value="33399"/>
    <display value="Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia"/>
    <code value="60784"/>
             value="Male Erectile Disorder (Due to a General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="60889"/>
             value="Other Male Sexual Dysfunction (Due to a General Medical Condition)"/>
    <code value="78009"/>
    <display value="Delirium NOS"/>
    <code value="78052"/>
             value="Sleep Disorder (Due to a General Medical Condition) Insomnia Type"/>
    <code value="78054"/>
             value="Sleep Disorder (Due to a General Medical Condition), Hypersomnia Type"/>
    <code value="78059"/>
             value="Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder or Sleep Disorder (Due to a General Medical Condition), Parasomnia or Mixed Type"/>
    <code value="99552"/>
    <display value="Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim)"/>
    <code value="99553"/>
             value="Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim)"/>
    <code value="99554"/>
             value="Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim)"/>
    <code value="99581"/>
             value="Physical abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim)"/>
    <code value="99583"/>
             value="Sexual abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim)"/>
    <code value="V1581"/>
    <display value="Noncompliance With Treatment"/>
    <code value="V6110"/>
    <display value="Partner Relational Problem"/>
    <code value="V6112"/>
    <display value="Physical or Sexual Abuse of Adult (if by partner)"/>
    <code value="V6120"/>
    <display value="Parent-Child Relational Problem"/>
    <code value="V6121"/>
    <display value="Sexual or Physical Abuse or Neglect of Child"/>
    <code value="V618"/>
    <display value="Sibling Relational Problem"/>
    <code value="V619"/>
             value="Relational Problem Related to a Mental Disorder of General Medical Condition"/>
    <code value="V622"/>
    <display value="Occupational Problem"/>
    <code value="V623"/>
    <display value="Academic Problem"/>
    <code value="V624"/>
    <display value="Acculturation Problem"/>
    <code value="V6281"/>
    <display value="Relational Problem NOS"/>
    <code value="V6282"/>
    <display value="Bereavement"/>
    <code value="V6283"/>
             value="Physical or Sexual Abuse of Adult (if by person other than partner)"/>
    <code value="V6289"/>
             value="Phase of Life Problem, Religious or Spiritual Problem or Borderline Intellectual Functioning"/>
    <code value="V652"/>
    <display value="Malingering"/>
    <code value="V7101"/>
    <display value="Adult Antisocial Behavior"/>
    <code value="V7102"/>
    <display value="Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior"/>
    <code value="V7109"/>
    <display value="No Diagnosis or Condition on Axis I or Axis II"/>