library HybridHospitalWideMortalityFHIRExample version '0.4.1'
/*This FHIR-based measure has been derived from CMS844v4.0.0 - QDM 5.6 Specifications*/
using QICore version '4.1.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1' called FHIRHelpers
include SupplementalDataElementsExample called SDE
include CQMCommonExample called CQMCommon
include QICoreCommonExample called QICoreCommon
codesystem "LOINC": ''
codesystem "ActCode": ''
codesystem "Source of Payment Typology": ''
valueset "Bicarbonate lab test": ''
valueset "birth date": ''
valueset "Body temperature": ''
valueset "Creatinine lab test": ''
valueset "Emergency Department Visit": ''
valueset "Encounter Inpatient": ''
valueset "Ethnicity": ''
valueset "Heart Rate": ''
valueset "Hematocrit lab test": ''
valueset "Medicare payer": ''
valueset "Observation Services": ''
valueset "ONC Administrative Sex": ''
valueset "Oxygen Saturation by Pulse Oximetry": ''
valueset "Payer": ''
valueset "Platelet count lab test": ''
valueset "Race": ''
valueset "Sodium lab test": ''
valueset "Systolic Blood Pressure": ''
valueset "White blood cells count lab test": ''
code "Birthdate": '21112-8' from "LOINC" display 'Birthdate'
code "IMP": 'IMP' from "ActCode" display 'Inpatient'
code "ACUTE": 'ACUTE' from "ActCode" display 'Acute'
code "NONAC": 'NONAC' from "ActCode" display 'Nonacute'
code "OBSENC": 'OBSENC' from "ActCode" display 'Observation Encounter'
parameter "Measurement Period" Interval<DateTime>
default Interval[@2024-01-01T00:00:00.0, @2025-01-01T00:00:00.0)
context Patient
define "SDE Ethnicity":
SDE."SDE Ethnicity"
define "SDE Payer":
SDE."SDE Payer"
define "SDE Race":
SDE."SDE Race"
define "SDE Sex":
define "Initial Population":
"Inpatient Encounters"
define "Inpatient Encounters":
["Encounter": "Encounter Inpatient"] InpatientEncounter,
["Coverage": "Medicare payer"] Payer
where InpatientEncounter.status = 'finished'
and ( InpatientEncounter.class ~ "IMP"
or InpatientEncounter.class ~ "ACUTE"
or InpatientEncounter.class ~ "NONAC"
or InpatientEncounter.class ~ "OBSENC"
and AgeInYearsAt(date from start of InpatientEncounter.period) in Interval[65, 94]
and InpatientEncounter.hospitalizationWithObservationLengthofStay ( ) < 365
and InpatientEncounter.period ends during day of "Measurement Period"
return InpatientEncounter
/*Inpatient encounter initially listed as AMB class; changed this to inpatient classes as discussed with CORE team- AM*/
define "Results":
flatten {
//First physical exams (vital signs)
"FirstPhysicalExamWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Heart Rate"], 'FirstHeartRate'), "FirstPhysicalExamWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Systolic Blood Pressure"], 'FirstSystolicBP'), "FirstPhysicalExamWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Body temperature"], 'FirstTemperature'), "FirstPhysicalExamWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Oxygen Saturation by Pulse Oximetry"], 'FirstO2Saturation'),
//First lab tests
"FirstLabTestWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Hematocrit lab test"], 'FirstHematocrit'), "FirstLabTestWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Platelet count lab test"], 'FirstPlateletCount'), "FirstLabTestWithEncounterId"([Observation: "White blood cells count lab test"], 'FirstWhiteBloodCell'), "FirstLabTestWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Sodium lab test"], 'FirstSodium'), "FirstLabTestWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Bicarbonate lab test"], 'FirstBicarbonate'), "FirstLabTestWithEncounterId"([Observation: "Creatinine lab test"], 'FirstCreatinine') }
define function "FirstLabTestWithEncounterId"(LabList List<Observation>, CCDE String):
"Inpatient Encounters" Encounter
let firstlab: First(LabList Lab
where Lab.issued is not null
and Lab.issued during Interval[start of Encounter.period - 1440 minutes, start of Encounter.period + 1440 minutes]
and Lab.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'preliminary' }
and Lab.value is not null
sort by issued
return '\r\n' & CCDE & ',' & & ',' & ( ToString(firstlab.value as Quantity) ) & ',' & ToString(firstlab.issued)
define function "FirstPhysicalExamWithEncounterId"(ExamList List<Observation>, CCDE String):
"Inpatient Encounters" Encounter
let firstexam: First(ExamList Exam
where start of QICoreCommon."ToInterval"(Exam.effective) is not null
and start of QICoreCommon."ToInterval"(Exam.effective) during Interval[start of Encounter.period - 1440 minutes, start of Encounter.period + 120 minutes]
and Exam.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'preliminary' }
and Exam.value is not null
sort by start of QICoreCommon."ToInterval"(effective)
return '\r\n' & CCDE & ',' & & ' , ' & ( ToString(firstexam.value as Quantity) ) & ',' & ToString(start of QICoreCommon."ToInterval"(firstexam.effective))