library DischargedonAntithromboticTherapyFHIRExample version '0.4.1'
/* based upon FHIR library DischargedonAntithromboticTherapyFHIR4 version '0.4.000' */
/* 2023 AU */
using QICore version '4.1.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1' called FHIRHelpers
include CQMCommonExample called CQMCommon
include QICoreCommonExample called QICoreCommon
include SupplementalDataElementsExample called SDE
include TJCOverallExample called TJC
valueset "Antithrombotic Therapy for Ischemic Stroke": ''
valueset "Medical Reason For Not Providing Treatment": ''
valueset "Patient Refusal": ''
valueset "Pharmacological Contraindications For Antithrombotic Therapy": ''
parameter "Measurement Period" Interval<DateTime>
default Interval[@2024-01-01T00:00:00.0, @2025-01-01T00:00:00.0)
context Patient
define "Initial Population":
TJC."Encounter with Principal Diagnosis and Age"
define "Denominator":
TJC."Ischemic Stroke Encounter"
define "Denominator Exclusions":
TJC."Ischemic Stroke Encounters with Discharge Disposition"
union "Encounter with Comfort Measures during Hospitalization for Patients with Documented Ischemic Stroke"
define "Encounter with Comfort Measures during Hospitalization for Patients with Documented Ischemic Stroke":
"Denominator" Encounter
with TJC."Intervention Comfort Measures" ComfortMeasure
such that Coalesce(start of ComfortMeasure.performed.toInterval(), ComfortMeasure.authoredOn) during Encounter.hospitalizationWithObservation ( )
define "Numerator":
TJC."Ischemic Stroke Encounter" IschemicStrokeEncounter
with ["MedicationRequest": "Antithrombotic Therapy for Ischemic Stroke"] DischargeAntithrombotic
such that DischargeAntithrombotic.authoredOn during IschemicStrokeEncounter.period
define "Antithrombotic Therapy at Discharge":
["MedicationRequest": "Antithrombotic Therapy for Ischemic Stroke"] Antithrombotic
where ( Antithrombotic.isCommunity ( )
or Antithrombotic.isDischarge ( )
and Antithrombotic.status in { 'active', 'completed' }
and Antithrombotic.intent in { 'order', 'original-order', 'reflex-order', 'filler-order', 'instance-order' }
and Antithrombotic.doNotPerform is not true
define "Denominator Exceptions":
"Encounter with Documented Reason for No Antithrombotic At Discharge"
union "Encounter with Pharmacological Contraindications for Antithrombotic Therapy at Discharge"
define "Encounter with Documented Reason for No Antithrombotic At Discharge":
TJC."Ischemic Stroke Encounter" IschemicStrokeEncounter
with "Reason for Not Giving Antithrombotic at Discharge" NoDischargeAntithrombotic
such that NoDischargeAntithrombotic.authoredOn during IschemicStrokeEncounter.period
define "Reason for Not Giving Antithrombotic at Discharge":
["MedicationNotRequested": "Antithrombotic Therapy for Ischemic Stroke"] NoAntithromboticDischarge
where ( NoAntithromboticDischarge.reasonCode in "Medical Reason For Not Providing Treatment"
or NoAntithromboticDischarge.reasonCode in "Patient Refusal"
and ( NoAntithromboticDischarge.isCommunity ( )
or NoAntithromboticDischarge.isDischarge ( )
and NoAntithromboticDischarge.intent in { 'order', 'original-order', 'reflex-order', 'filler-order', 'instance-order' }
define "Encounter with Pharmacological Contraindications for Antithrombotic Therapy at Discharge":
TJC."Ischemic Stroke Encounter" IschemicStrokeEncounter
with "Pharmacological Contraindications for Antithrombotic Therapy at Discharge" DischargePharmacological
such that DischargePharmacological.authoredOn during IschemicStrokeEncounter.period
define "Pharmacological Contraindications for Antithrombotic Therapy at Discharge":
["MedicationRequest": "Pharmacological Contraindications For Antithrombotic Therapy"] Pharmacological
where ( Pharmacological.isCommunity ( )
or Pharmacological.isDischarge ( )
and Pharmacological.status in { 'active', 'completed' }
and Pharmacological.intent in { 'order', 'original-order', 'reflex-order', 'filler-order', 'instance-order' }
and Pharmacological.doNotPerform is not true
define "SDE Ethnicity":
SDE."SDE Ethnicity"
define "SDE Payer":
SDE."SDE Payer"
define "SDE Race":
SDE."SDE Race"
define "SDE Sex":