2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids Implementation Guide
2022.1.0 - CI Build

2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids Implementation Guide, published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2022.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/cqframework/opioid-cds-r4/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Recommendation #12 - Evidence-based Treatment for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder

CDC Guideline: 2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Pain
Recommendation Topic: Selecting Opioids and Determining Opioid Dosages (Source)
Recommendation Description: Clinicians should offer or arrange treatment with evidence-based medications to treat patients with opioid use disorder. Detoxification on its own, without medications for opioid use disorder, is not recommended for opioid use disorder because of increased risks for resuming drug use, overdose, and overdose death. (Source)
Recommendation Category: A
Evidence Type: 1
Flow Diagram for Recommendation 12

  • When
    • Patient is 18 years or older
    • Patient has a diagnosis of opioid use disorder in the past 90 days
    • No active order for buprenorphine or methadone medication
  • Then
    • Offer evidence-based medications to treat patients with opioid use disorder:
      • Document - Will order medication to treat opioid use disorder
      • Refer - Will refer patient to SUD specialist
      • Snooze - N/A see comment, snooze 3 months
The following table describes the flowchart decisions and sub-routines for the recommendation
Definition Answer to Proceed Details Data (Terminology) Requirement Profile Path
Age ≥ 18? Yes Age greater than or equal to 18 years Patient Patient.birthDate
Presence of diagnosis of opioid misuse disorders in past 90 days? Yes Look for an active condition of opioid misuse disorder Opioid misuse disorders Condition Condition.category, Condition.code, Condition.clinicalStatus, and Condition.recordedDate
Active order for buprenorphine or methadone medications? No An active prescription (order) for buprenorphine or methadone medications Buprenorphine and methadone medications MedicationRequest MedicationRequest.medication, MedicationRequest.category, MedicationRequest.status, and MedicationRequest.authoredOn

Rationale for Medication-Assisted Treatment

Definition Expression Data (Terminology) Requirement
Presence of diagnosis of opioid misuse disorder Existing active diagnosis of opioid misuse disorder Opioid misuse disorders value set
Positive result from opioid misuse disorder evaluation tool
  • Evidence of positive result from opioid misuse disorder evaluation tool
  • Timing - within 90 days
  • Value set for opioid misuse disorders evaluation tool(s) - LOINC pan
  • Result options for such opioid misuse disorder evaluation tool(s) - perhaps LOINC normative responses that differentiate positive from negative results.
  • Consider this element a FUTURE option
Not Receiving Evidence-Based Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Evidence of an ordered medication for opioid misuse disorder treatment in the last 90 days
  • Status active or completed
Buprenorphine and methadone medications

Effective Data Requirements

The following artifacts formalize the description of the logic and behavior defined by this recommendation.

Resource Type Description
2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendation #12 (patient-view) PlanDefinition Event-Condition-Action rule that implements behavior for 2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendation #12
Recommendation #12 (patient-view) - Evidence-based Treatment for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Library Defines the data requirements to support evaluation of recommendation #12
Opioid Terminology Management Knowledge-base Data (OMTK) LibraryLibraryCQL Library that provides logic for implementation of opioid management functionality including Milligram Morphine Equivalents (MME).
Opioid Terminology Management Knowledge-base (OMTK) LibraryLibraryCQL Library that provides logic for implementation of opioid management functionality including Milligram Morphine Equivalents (MME).
Common Opioid Decision Support LogicLibraryCQL Library that provides common logic for the recommendations
Common OpioidCDS Configuration LogicLibraryCQL Library that provides common configuration logic for the recommendations
Common OpioidCDS Routines LogicLibraryCQL Library that provides common routines logic for the recommendations
FHIRHelpers Conversion LogicLibraryCQL Library that defines functions to convert between FHIR data types and CQL system-defined types, as well as functions to support FHIRPath implementation
DescriptionCDS Hooks RequestExpected Response
Patient is 18 or older. Patient has a diagnosis of opioid misuse disorder in past 90 days. This will trigger the message "Recommend opioid agonist or partial agonist treatment with methadone maintenance therapy or buprenorphine and/or behavioral therapy". Request JSON Response JSON
Patient is 18 or older. Patient has a diagnosis of opioid misuse disorder and has been prescribed Buprenorphine 2 MG / Naloxone 0.5 MG Sublingual Film (1010600) in past 90 days. The patient will be excluded and no message will be triggered - an empty set of cards will be returned. Request JSON Response JSON
  • When
    • Patient is 18 years or older
    • Patient has a diagnosis of opioid use disorder in the past 90 days
    • No active order for buprenorphine or methadone medication
  • Then
    • Offer evidence-based medications to treat patients with opioid use disorder:
      • Document - Will order medication to treat opioid use disorder
      • Refer - Will refer patient to SUD specialist
      • Snooze - N/A see comment, snooze 3 months

The following table describes the flowchart decisions and sub-routines for the recommendation
Definition Answer to Proceed Details Data (Terminology) Requirement Profile Path
Age ≥ 18? Yes Age greater than or equal to 18 years Patient Patient.birthDate
Presence of diagnosis of opioid misuse disorders in past 90 days? Yes Look for an active condition of opioid misuse disorder Opioid misuse disorders Condition Condition.category, Condition.code, Condition.clinicalStatus, and Condition.recordedDate
Active order for buprenorphine or methadone medications? No An active prescription (order) for buprenorphine or methadone medications Buprenorphine and methadone medications MedicationRequest MedicationRequest.medication, MedicationRequest.category, MedicationRequest.status, and MedicationRequest.authoredOn

Rationale for Medication-Assisted Treatment

Definition Expression Data (Terminology) Requirement
Presence of diagnosis of opioid misuse disorder Existing active diagnosis of opioid misuse disorder Opioid misuse disorders value set
Positive result from opioid misuse disorder evaluation tool
  • Evidence of positive result from opioid misuse disorder evaluation tool
  • Timing - within 90 days
  • Value set for opioid misuse disorders evaluation tool(s) - LOINC pan
  • Result options for such opioid misuse disorder evaluation tool(s) - perhaps LOINC normative responses that differentiate positive from negative results.
  • Consider this element a FUTURE option
Not Receiving Evidence-Based Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
  • Evidence of an ordered medication for opioid misuse disorder treatment in the last 90 days
  • Status active or completed
Buprenorphine and methadone medications

Effective Data Requirements

The following artifacts formalize the description of the logic and behavior defined by this recommendation.

Resource Type Description
2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendation #12 (patient-view) PlanDefinition Event-Condition-Action rule that implements behavior for 2022 CDC Clinical Practice Guideline Recommendation #12
Recommendation #12 (patient-view) - Evidence-based Treatment for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Library Defines the data requirements to support evaluation of recommendation #12
Opioid Terminology Management Knowledge-base Data (OMTK) LibraryLibraryCQL Library that provides logic for implementation of opioid management functionality including Milligram Morphine Equivalents (MME).
Opioid Terminology Management Knowledge-base (OMTK) LibraryLibraryCQL Library that provides logic for implementation of opioid management functionality including Milligram Morphine Equivalents (MME).
Common Opioid Decision Support LogicLibraryCQL Library that provides common logic for the recommendations
Common OpioidCDS Configuration LogicLibraryCQL Library that provides common configuration logic for the recommendations
Common OpioidCDS Routines LogicLibraryCQL Library that provides common routines logic for the recommendations
FHIRHelpers Conversion LogicLibraryCQL Library that defines functions to convert between FHIR data types and CQL system-defined types, as well as functions to support FHIRPath implementation

DescriptionCDS Hooks RequestExpected Response
Patient is 18 or older. Patient has a diagnosis of opioid misuse disorder in past 90 days. This will trigger the message "Recommend opioid agonist or partial agonist treatment with methadone maintenance therapy or buprenorphine and/or behavioral therapy". Request JSON Response JSON
Patient is 18 or older. Patient has a diagnosis of opioid misuse disorder and has been prescribed Buprenorphine 2 MG / Naloxone 0.5 MG Sublingual Film (1010600) in past 90 days. The patient will be excluded and no message will be triggered - an empty set of cards will be returned. Request JSON Response JSON