@ECHO off SET tooling_jar=tooling-1.4.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar SET input_cache_path=%~dp0input-cache SET resources_path=%~dp0input/resources SET ig_resource_path=input/anc-cds.xml SET fsoption=http://localhost:8080/cqf-ruler-r4/fhir/ SET publisher_jar=publisher.jar SET test_path=%~dp0input/tests SET fhir_version=4.0.1 SET ini_file=ig.ini cmd /c _updatePublisher.bat /f ECHO Done with updatePublisher cmd /c _updateCQFTooling.bat /f ECHO Done with updateCQFTooling cmd /c _processDataDictionary.bat ECHO Done with ProcessAcceleratorKit JAVA -jar "%input_cache_path%\%tooling_jar%" -RefreshIG -root-dir=%~dp0 -rp=%resources_path% -ip=%ig_resource_path% -t -d -p -fs=%fsoption% ECHO Done with -RefreshIG JAVA -jar "%input_cache_path%\%tooling_jar%" -TestIG -ini=%ini_file% -root-dir=%~dp0 -fv=%fhir_version% -tcp=%test_path% -fs=%fsoption% ECHO Done with -TestIGOperation REM from _genonce.bat JAVA -jar "%input_cache_path%\%publisher_jar%" -ig . %txoption% REM TODO - PUBLISH to "web site" copy output dir to another location ECHO  Done with publish to web site ECHO