library CMSFHIR529HybridHospitalWideReadmission version '0.1.001'
using QICore version '4.1.1'
include CQMCommon version '2.2.000' called CQMCommon
include FHIRHelpers version '4.4.000' called FHIRHelpers
include SupplementalDataElements version '3.5.000' called SDE
include QICoreCommon version '2.1.000' called QICoreCommon
codesystem "LOINC": ''
codesystem "ActCode": ''
codesystem "Source of Payment Typology": ''
valueset "Bicarbonate lab test": ''
valueset "Creatinine lab test": ''
valueset "Encounter Inpatient": ''
valueset "Glucose lab test": ''
valueset "Hematocrit lab test": ''
valueset "Medicare Advantage payer": ''
valueset "Medicare FFS payer": ''
valueset "Oxygen Saturation by Pulse Oximetry": ''
valueset "Potassium lab test": ''
valueset "Sodium lab test": ''
valueset "White blood cells count lab test": ''
code "Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood": '2708-6' from "LOINC" display 'Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood'
code "Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry": '59408-5' from "LOINC" display 'Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry'
code "Systolic blood pressure": '8480-6' from "LOINC" display 'Systolic BP'
parameter "Measurement Period" Interval<DateTime>
context Patient
define "Initial Population":
"Inpatient Encounters"
define "Inpatient Encounters":
[Encounter: "Encounter Inpatient"] InpatientEncounter
with ( [Coverage: "Medicare FFS payer"]
union [Coverage: "Medicare Advantage payer"] ) MedicarePayer
such that ( InpatientEncounter.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService ( ).lengthInDays ( ) ) < 365
and InpatientEncounter.status = 'finished'
and AgeInYearsAt(date from start of InpatientEncounter.period) >= 65
and InpatientEncounter.period ends during day of "Measurement Period"
define "Encounter with First Body Temperature":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstTemperature: First(["observation-bodytemp"] temperature
where temperature.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and temperature.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and temperature.value is not null
sort by effective.earliest()
return {
FirstTemperatureResult: FirstTemperature.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstTemperature.effective.earliest ( )
define "Encounter with First Heart Rate":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstHeartRate: First(["observation-heartrate"] HeartRate
where HeartRate.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and HeartRate.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and HeartRate.value is not null
sort by effective.earliest()
return {
FirstHeartRateResult: FirstHeartRate.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstHeartRate.effective.earliest ( )
define "Encounter with First Oxygen Saturation":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstOxygenSat: First([Observation: "Oxygen Saturation by Pulse Oximetry"] O2Saturation
where O2Saturation.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and O2Saturation.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and O2Saturation.value is not null
sort by effective.earliest()
return {
FirstOxygenSatResult: FirstOxygenSat.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstOxygenSat.effective.earliest ( )
define "Encounter with First Respiratory Rate":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstRespRate: First(["observation-resprate"] RespRate
where RespRate.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and RespRate.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and RespRate.value is not null
sort by effective.earliest()
return {
FirstRespRateResult: FirstRespRate.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstRespRate.effective.earliest ( )
define "Blood Pressure Reading":
["observation-bp"] BloodPressure
where BloodPressure.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
define "Encounter with First Systolic Blood Pressure":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstSystolicBP: First("Blood Pressure Reading" SBPReading
where SBPReading.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
return singleton from(SBPReading.component SBPComponent
where SBPComponent.code ~ "Systolic blood pressure"
return SBPComponent.value as Quantity
sort ascending
define "Encounter with First Bicarbonate Lab Test":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstBicarbonateLab: First(["US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile": "Bicarbonate lab test"] bicarbonatelab
where bicarbonatelab.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and bicarbonatelab.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and bicarbonatelab.value is not null
sort by issued.earliest()
return {
FirstResult: FirstBicarbonateLab.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstBicarbonateLab.issued
define "Encounter with First Creatinine Lab Test":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstCreatinineLab: First(["US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile": "Creatinine lab test"] CreatinineLab
where CreatinineLab.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and CreatinineLab.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and CreatinineLab.value is not null
sort by issued.earliest()
return {
FirstResult: FirstCreatinineLab.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstCreatinineLab.issued
define "Encounter with First Glucose Lab Test":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstGlucoseLab: First(["US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile": "Glucose lab test"] GlucoseLab
where GlucoseLab.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and GlucoseLab.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and GlucoseLab.value is not null
sort by issued.earliest()
return {
FirstResult: FirstGlucoseLab.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstGlucoseLab.issued
define "Encounter with First Hematocrit Lab Test":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstHematocritLab: First(["US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile": "Hematocrit lab test"] HematocritLab
where HematocritLab.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and HematocritLab.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and HematocritLab.value is not null
sort by issued.earliest()
return {
FirstResult: FirstHematocritLab.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstHematocritLab.issued
define "Encounter with First Potassium Lab Test":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstPotassiumLab: First(["US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile": "Potassium lab test"] PotassiumLab
where PotassiumLab.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and PotassiumLab.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and PotassiumLab.value is not null
sort by issued.earliest()
return {
FirstResult: FirstPotassiumLab.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstPotassiumLab.issued
define "Encounter with First Sodium Lab Test":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstSodiumLab: First(["US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile": "Sodium lab test"] SodiumLab
where SodiumLab.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and SodiumLab.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and SodiumLab.value is not null
sort by issued.earliest()
return {
FirstResult: FirstSodiumLab.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstSodiumLab.issued
define "Encounter with First White Blood Cells Lab Test":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstWhiteBloodCellLab: First(["US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile": "White blood cells count lab test"] WhiteBloodCellLab
where WhiteBloodCellLab.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and WhiteBloodCellLab.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and WhiteBloodCellLab.value is not null
sort by issued.earliest()
return {
FirstResult: FirstWhiteBloodCellLab.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstWhiteBloodCellLab.issued
define "Encounter with First Weight Recorded":
"Inpatient Encounters" EncounterInpatient
let FirstWeight: First(["observation-bodyweight"] WeightExam
where WeightExam.effective.earliest() during EncounterInpatient.hospitalizationWithObservationAndOutpatientSurgeryService()
and WeightExam.status in { 'final', 'amended', 'corrected' }
and WeightExam.value is not null
sort by effective.earliest()
return {
FirstResult: FirstWeight.value as Quantity,
Timing: FirstWeight.effective.earliest ( )
define "SDE Ethnicity":
SDE."SDE Ethnicity"
define "SDE Payer":
SDE."SDE Payer"
define "SDE Race":
SDE."SDE Race"
define "SDE Sex":