GIIS Implementation Guide
0.1.8 - ci-build International flag

GIIS Implementation Guide, published by CENS. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.8 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example QuestionnaireResponse: Example ESAVI QuestionnaireResponse

Generated Narrative: QuestionnaireResponse ExampleESAVIQuestionnaireResponse

version: 1; Last updated: 2022-03-30 14:07:04+0000;

Information Source: #0Emc5iUG1akh56hk

Profile: EsaviQuestionnaireResponse

.. ExampleESAVIQuestionnaireResponseQuestionnaire:ESAVI Questionnaire for GIIS
... datosIdVacunadoDemographic data of the vaccinated that has generated an ESAVI
.... datosPacienteVaccinated patient data
..... numeroCasoUUID that identifies the case or notification. A person can have more than one notification.f9a9a518-7b6f-472a-bf28-9aad7a8eeb22
..... idPacienteUUID Identification of the person vaccinated/affected by ESAVI18333222
..... sexoPacientePatient's genderAdministrativeGender male: Male
..... fechaNacimientoPatient's birthdate2000-11-11
.... antecedentesEnfermedadesPreviasHistory of previous illnesses
..... descripcionEnfPreviaDescription of the previous health problems of the patient affected by the ESAVI with emphasis on comorbidities or diseases concomitant to the adverse event, previous similar events and medical events relevant to the current health event (if the disease is coded, it is the description corresponding to the code).Migraine
... antecedentesFarmacosVacunasPharmacological Historys
.... datosVacunasData of the administered vaccines
..... nombreVacunaName of the vaccine administeredIPV
..... identificadorVacunaCorrelative identifier of the vaccine useful to refer to the vaccine registered in other sections of the guide.12332
..... numeroDosisVacunaOrdinal number of the administered dose1
.... datosVacunacionData related to the vaccination process
..... nombreVacunatorioVacunatory's nameSaint's George Hospital
..... nombreDireccionVacunatorioFull address of the institution where the vaccine was administeredSaint's George Ave. 12399
... tipoVacunacion
.... vaccinationEventCalendarIdId of a GIIS calendarized vaccination event12342
.... vaccinationEventIdId of a NON calendarized GIIS vaccination event231234
... registroESAVIESAVI registry developed by the vaccinated
.... datosESAVIInformation on ESAVI and its classification according to severity
..... nombreESAVIESAVI nameAdverse Event codes 4: Fever
..... fechaESAVIESAVI start date referred by the patient or identified by the physician2020-12-23
..... descripcionESAVINarrative description of ESAVIPost vaccination Anafilaxia
..... estadoPacienteESAVIPatient Status related to an AEFI codes 2: Following
.... gravedadESAVIDetermination of the severity status of ESAVI
..... tipoGravedadIs the ESAVI Serious?Adverse Event severity codes 2: Mild

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