Validation Results for FastAccessControl

Generated Wed Sep 11 21:31:06 UTC 2024, FHIR version 4.0.1 for (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.6.24
Publication Code:n/a . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for n/a:
  • n/a
Publication Request:
  • Error fetching package-list from
  • This IG has never been published, so the version should start with '0.' or include a patch version e.g. '-ballot'
  • No publication request found
Supressed Messages:No Suppressed Issues
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.terminology.r46.0.2 MR4http://terminology.hl7.org
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4
Templates: fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.2.0
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:Non-HL7 Igs are exempt from terminology dependency analysis
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Summary: errors = 231, warn = 147, info = 42, broken links = 13
Build Errors14110

n/a Show Validation Information

warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Consent/ConsentAnonOrg. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Consent/ConsentAnonPatient. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Consent/ConsentAnonPractitioner. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Consent/ConsentClinicianOrg. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Consent/ConsentClinicianPatient. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Consent/ConsentPatientOwner. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
warningUnable to find ImplementationGuide.definition.resource.description for the resource Consent/ConsentSystemPatient. Descriptions are strongly encouraged if they cannot be inferred from the resource to allow proper population of the artifact list.
package.tgzerrorError converting pacakge to R4B: Error processing example/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C.json: Unknown FHIRDefinedType code 'OAuth'
output​/Patient-patient-jane-doe​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/ul​/li​/a at Line 177, column 1261errorThe link 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social' for "Susan Social" cannot be resolved
output​/Patient-patient-jane-doe​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/ul​/li​/a at Line 177, column 1356errorThe link 'Practitioner/practitioner-bernard-shuman' for "Dr. Bernard Shuman" cannot be resolved
output​/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/ul​/li​/a at Line 177, column 1401errorThe link 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social' for "Susan Social" cannot be resolved
output​/Patient-patient-katie-klepti​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tr​/td​/ul​/li​/a at Line 177, column 1281errorThe link 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social' for "Susan Social" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1A​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 840errorThe link 'PharmLoc2' for "OrgA CT Location 2" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1B​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 840errorThe link 'PharmLoc2' for "OrgA CT Location 2" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2A​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 837errorThe link 'PharmLoc2' for "OrgA CT Location 2" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2B​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 840errorThe link 'PharmLoc2' for "OrgA CT Location 2" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 846errorThe link 'PharmLoc2' for "OrgA CT Location 2" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2D​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 848errorThe link 'PharmLoc2' for "OrgA CT Location 2" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2E​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 838errorThe link 'PharmLoc2' for "OrgA CT Location 2" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario3​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 803errorThe link 'registration-request-3' for "Backend Service - Registration Request" cannot be resolved
output​/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario3​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/blockquote​/p​/a at Line 219, column 1072errorThe link 'registration-response-3' for "Backend Service - Registration Response" cannot be resolved
1warningThe HTML fragment 'ip-statements.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
2warningAn HTML fragment from the set [cross-version-analysis.xhtml, cross-version-analysis-inline.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
3warningAn HTML fragment from the set [dependency-table.xhtml, dependency-table-short.xhtml] is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide
4warningThe HTML fragment 'globals-table.xhtml' is not included anywhere in the produced implementation guide

fsh-generated/resources/Basic-OAuthRegistrationRequest1.json Show Validation Information (1)

Basic.extension[0]errorExtension.url must be an absolute URL
Basic.extension[1]errorExtension.url must be an absolute URL
Basic.extension[2]errorExtension.url must be an absolute URL
Basic.extension[3]errorExtension.url must be an absolute URL
Basic.extension[4]errorExtension.url must be an absolute URL
Basic.extension[5]errorExtension.url must be an absolute URL
Basic.code.coding[0] (l4/c4)warningCoding has no system. A code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/CapabilityStatement-AccessControlRequirements.json Show Validation Information (1)

CapabilityStatement (l1/c1352)errorConstraint failed: cpb-1: 'A Capability Statement SHALL have at least one of REST, messaging or document element.'

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-CmsInteroperabilityPolicyCodes.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c3434)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
CodeSystem (l1/c3434)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ConsentExchangeRelationships.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c1105)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
CodeSystem (l1/c1105)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-PayorToPayorExchangePolicyCodes.json Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSysteminformationCodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c2275)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
CodeSystem (l1/c2275)warningPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonOrg.json Show Validation Information (1)

Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.actor[0]​.reference (l51​/c14)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'AnonRole'
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.class[0] (l75​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonPatient.json Show Validation Information (1)

Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.actor[0]​.reference (l51​/c14)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'AnonRole'
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.class[0] (l75​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonPractitioner.json Show Validation Information (1)

Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.actor[0]​.reference (l51​/c14)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'AnonRole'
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.class[0] (l80​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentClinicianOrg.json Show Validation Information (1)

Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.actor[0]​.reference (l51​/c14)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'CounselorRole1'
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.action[0]​.coding[1]​.display (l57​/c12)errorWrong Display Name 'Correct' for Valid display is 'Access and Correct' (for the language(s) 'en')
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.class[0] (l80​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentClinicianPatient.json Show Validation Information (1)

Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.actor[0]​.reference (l51​/c14)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'CounselorRole1'
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.action[0]​.coding[1]​.display (l57​/c12)errorWrong Display Name 'Correct' for Valid display is 'Access and Correct' (for the language(s) 'en')
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.class[0] (l80​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentPatientOwner.json Show Validation Information (1)

Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.actor[0]​.reference (l51​/c14)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PatientRole'
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.class[0] (l75​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentSystemPatient.json Show Validation Information (1)

Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.actor[0]​.role​.coding[0]​.code (l42​/c14)errorUnknown code 'SYSTEM' in the CodeSystem '' version '4.0.0'
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.actor[0]​.reference (l51​/c14)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'SystemRole'
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.action[0]​.coding[1]​.display (l57​/c12)errorWrong Display Name 'Correct' for Valid display is 'Access and Correct' (for the language(s) 'en')
Consent​.provision​.provision[0]​.class[0] (l80​/c12)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/h7​.org​/fhir​/OperationDefinition​/example')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
OperationDefinition.base (l1/c1199)errorCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-canAccess)
OperationDefinition (l1/c1470)warningConstraint failed: opd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' is also used by diff in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-diff
ResourcewarningThe URL '' is also used by digest in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-digest
ResourcewarningThe URL '' is also used by equals in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-equals
ResourcewarningThe URL '' is also used by oauthScopes in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-oauthScopes
ResourcewarningThe URL '' is also used by parseToBundle in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-parseToBundle
ResourcewarningThe URL '' is also used by rollup in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-rollup
ResourcewarningThe URL '' is also used by toAcl in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-toAcl
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-canAccesserrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-diff.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/h7​.org​/fhir​/OperationDefinition​/example')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-diff.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
OperationDefinition.base (l1/c1142)errorCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-diff)
OperationDefinition (l1/c1352)warningConstraint failed: opd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' has already been used by canAccess in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-differrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-digest.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/h7​.org​/fhir​/OperationDefinition​/example')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-digest.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
OperationDefinition.base (l1/c1028)errorCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-digest)
OperationDefinition (l1/c1095)warningConstraint failed: opd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' has already been used by canAccess in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-digesterrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-equals.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/h7​.org​/fhir​/OperationDefinition​/example')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-equals.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
OperationDefinition.base (l1/c1172)errorCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-equals)
OperationDefinition (l1/c1396)warningConstraint failed: opd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' has already been used by canAccess in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-equalserrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-oauthScopes.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/h7​.org​/fhir​/OperationDefinition​/example')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-oauthScopes.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
OperationDefinition.base (l1/c1962)errorCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-oauthScopes)
OperationDefinition (l1/c2773)warningConstraint failed: opd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' has already been used by canAccess in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-oauthScopeserrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-parseToBundle.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/h7​.org​/fhir​/OperationDefinition​/example')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-parseToBundle.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
OperationDefinition.base (l1/c1998)errorCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-parseToBundle)
OperationDefinition (l1/c2817)warningConstraint failed: opd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' has already been used by canAccess in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-parseToBundleerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-rollup.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/h7​.org​/fhir​/OperationDefinition​/example')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-rollup.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
OperationDefinition.base (l1/c1911)errorCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-rollup)
OperationDefinition (l1/c2702)warningConstraint failed: opd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' has already been used by canAccess in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-rolluperrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-toAcl.json Show Validation Information (1)

OperationDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/h7​.org​/fhir​/OperationDefinition​/example')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-toAcl.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
OperationDefinition.base (l1/c1912)errorCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-toAcl)
OperationDefinition (l1/c2699)warningConstraint failed: opd-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' has already been used by canAccess in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess
fsh-generated​/resources​/OperationDefinition-toAclerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stdymphnas.json Show Validation Information (1)

Organization.meta.profile[0] (l7/c99)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Organization.meta.profile[1] (l8/c94)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve[0] (l11/c8)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
Organization​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l26​/c6)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Organization​.type[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l30​/c88)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Organization.meta.profile[0] (l1/c2)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
Organization.meta.profile[1] (l1/c2)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stjames.json Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage[0] (l6/c8)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient.meta.profile[0] (l9/c72)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[0] (l13/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l18​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l26​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[2] (l32​/c10)errorConstraint failed: ext-1: 'Must have either extensions or value[x], not both' (defined in
Patient.extension[0].url (l14/c76)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[1] (l37/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l42​/c12)errorUnknown Code System ''
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.system (l44​/c75)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[1].url (l38/c81)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[2] (l54/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient.extension[2].url (l55/c80)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.generalPractitioner[0] (l95/c6)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social'
Patient.generalPractitioner[1] (l99/c6)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Practitioner/practitioner-bernard-shuman'
Patient.meta.profile[0] (l1/c2)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
Patient.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social' at 'div/table/tr/td/ul/li/a' for 'Susan Social' does not resolve
Patient.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Practitioner/practitioner-bernard-shuman' at 'div/table/tr/td/ul/li/a' for 'Dr. Bernard Shuman' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient.meta.profile[0] (l9/c72)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[0] (l13/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l18​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l26​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l34​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[3]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l42​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient.extension[0].url (l14/c76)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[1] (l54/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l59​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l67​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l75​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient.extension[1].url (l55/c81)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[2] (l87/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient.extension[2].url (l88/c80)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient​.generalPractitioner[0] (l155​/c6)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social'
Patient.meta.profile[0] (l1/c2)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
Patient.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social' at 'div/table/tr/td/ul/li/a' for 'Susan Social' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient.extension[0] (l5/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l10​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient.extension[0].url (l6/c76)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[1] (l18/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l23​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l31​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[2]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l39​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient.extension[1].url (l19/c81)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[2] (l51/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient.extension[2].url (l52/c80)errorURL value '' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.json Show Validation Information (1)

Patient.meta.profile[0] (l9/c72)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[0] (l13/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l18​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[1]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l26​/c12)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[2] (l32​/c10)errorConstraint failed: ext-1: 'Must have either extensions or value[x], not both' (defined in
Patient.extension[0].url (l14/c76)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[1] (l37/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l42​/c12)errorUnknown Code System ''
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.system (l44​/c75)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[1].url (l38/c81)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[2] (l54/c6)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient.extension[2].url (l55/c80)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.generalPractitioner[0] (l95/c6)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social'
Patient.meta.profile[0] (l1/c2)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
Patient.text.diverrorHyperlink 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social' at 'div/table/tr/td/ul/li/a' for 'Susan Social' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-fast-patient-privacy.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire.code[0] (l1/c52874)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Questionnaire.item[0] (l1/c52967)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[5] (l1/c54055)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[9] (l1/c54425)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[14] (l1/c54952)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[19] (l1/c55495)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' is also used by leap-patient-privacy in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-patient-privacy
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-dnr.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire.code[0] (l1/c26967)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Questionnaire.item[0] (l1/c27543)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[1].text (l1/c27881)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'In the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest, I refuse any resuscitation measures including cardiac compression, endotracheal intubation and other advanced airway management, artificial ventilation, defibrillation, administration of advanced cardiac life support drugs and related emergency medical procedures. '
Questionnaire.item[2] (l1/c28074)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[5] (l1/c28341)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[9] (l1/c28620)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[12] (l1/c29013)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-livingwill.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire.code[0] (l1/c32194)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Questionnaire.item[0] (l1/c32710)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[7] (l1/c34659)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[10] (l1/c34982)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-patient-privacy.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire.code[0] (l1/c52874)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Questionnaire.item[0] (l1/c52967)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[5] (l1/c54055)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[9] (l1/c54425)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[14] (l1/c54952)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[19] (l1/c55495)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
ResourcewarningThe URL '' has already been used by fast-patient-privacy in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-fast-patient-privacy
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-poahealthcare.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire.code[0] (l1/c95745)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Questionnaire.item[0] (l1/c96330)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[1] (l1/c96518)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[7] (l1/c97056)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[15] (l1/c98168)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[19] (l1/c98540)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[24] (l1/c99217)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[29] (l1/c99644)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[35] (l1/c100165)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[39] (l1/c100531)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[47] (l1/c101603)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[51] (l1/c101873)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[54] (l1/c102769)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[57] (l1/c103233)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-poamentalhealth.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire.code[0] (l1/c49506)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Questionnaire.item[0] (l1/c50091)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[1] (l1/c50293)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[7] (l1/c50845)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[13] (l1/c51623)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[22] (l1/c53299)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[25] (l1/c53765)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-polst.json Show Validation Information (1)

Questionnaire.code[0] (l1/c99625)informationA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Questionnaire.item[0] (l1/c99781)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[3] (l1/c100228)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[6].text (l1/c101280)informationThe string value contains text that looks like embedded HTML tags. If this content is rendered to HTML without appropriate post-processing, it may be a security risk
Questionnaire.item[8] (l1/c101691)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[8].text (l1/c101675)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'D. Medically Assisted Nutrition - (Offer food by mouth if desired by patient, safe and tolerated)\n\n'
Questionnaire.item[13] (l1/c102526)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[18] (l1/c103370)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire​.item[18]​.text (l1​/c103354)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'F. Signature: Health Care Provider - Verbal orders are acceptable with follow up signature. I have discussed this order with the patient or his/her representative. The orders reflect the patient’s known wishes, to the best of my knowledge.\n\n[Note: Only licensed health care providers authorized by law to sign POLST form in state where completed may sign this order]\n\n '
Questionnaire.item[22] (l1/c103665)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[26] (l1/c104276)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[29] (l1/c104432)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[34] (l1/c104801)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[37] (l1/c105005)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[41] (l1/c105566)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[47] (l1/c106100)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[54] (l1/c106705)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
Questionnaire.item[58] (l1/c106945)errorConstraint failed: que-1: 'Group items must have nested items, display items cannot have nested items'
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-ConsentToAcces.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'https:​/​/gitlab​.mitre​.org​/awatson​/fast-access-control​/StructureDefinition​/ConsentToAcces')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this profile

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationRequest.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/tools​/StructureDefinition​/OAuthAuthenticationRequest')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationRequest.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureDefinition.type (l1/c19299)errorThe type OAuthAuthenticationRequest is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[3] (l1​/c20450)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[4] (l1​/c20705)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[5] (l1​/c20975)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3] (l1​/c22446)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c22628)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[5] (l1​/c22822)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition (l1/c23325)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationRequesterrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationResponse.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/tools​/StructureDefinition​/OAuthAuthenticationResponse')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationResponse.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureDefinition.type (l1/c9929)errorThe type OAuthAuthenticationResponse is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
StructureDefinition (l1/c11390)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationResponseerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationRequest.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/tools​/StructureDefinition​/OAuthRegistrationRequest')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationRequest.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureDefinition.type (l1/c19473)errorThe type OAuthRegistrationRequest is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[3] (l1​/c20632)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[4] (l1​/c20928)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[6] (l1​/c21513)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[7] (l1​/c21774)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[8] (l1​/c22043)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3] (l1​/c22825)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c23041)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[6] (l1​/c23471)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[7] (l1​/c23659)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[8] (l1​/c23853)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition (l1/c23856)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationRequesterrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationResponse.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/tools​/StructureDefinition​/OAuthRegistrationResponse')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationResponse.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureDefinition.type (l1/c14590)errorThe type OAuthRegistrationResponse is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[3] (l1​/c15722)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[4] (l1​/c15976)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3] (l1​/c16962)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c17144)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition (l1/c17313)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationResponseerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthTokenResponse.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/tools​/StructureDefinition​/OAuthTokenResponse')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthTokenResponse.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
StructureDefinition.type (l1/c15964)errorThe type OAuthTokenResponse is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[3] (l1​/c17022)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[4] (l1​/c17258)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[6] (l1​/c17735)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3] (l1​/c18433)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[4] (l1​/c18603)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[6] (l1​/c18953)warningConstraint failed: eld-20: 'Element names should be simple alphanumerics with a max of 64 characters, or code generation tools may be broken'
StructureDefinition (l1/c18956)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureDefinition-OAuthTokenResponseerrorURL Mismatch vs

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1415)warningGroup First parameter DnrToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c1511)errorThe source context First is not known at this point
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by FirstNameToGiven in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-FirstNameToGiven
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by HipaaPrivacyToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-HipaaPrivacyToConsent
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by LastNameToFamily in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LastNameToFamily
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by LivingWillToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LivingWillToConsent
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by PoaContractToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsent
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by PoaMentalHealthToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaMentalHealthToConsent
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by PoaQuestinonaireToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsent
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by PolstToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PolstToConsent
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-Scenario1A in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1A
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-Scenario1B in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1B
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-Scenario2A in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2A
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-Scenario2B in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2B
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-Scenario2C in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-Scenario2D in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2D
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-Scenario2E in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2E
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-Scenario3 in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario3
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' is also used by TestScript-gszMyXpwsdoAjJZeh in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-gszMyXpwsdoAjJZeh
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-DnrToConsenterrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-FirstNameToGiven.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-FirstNameToGiven.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1393)warningGroup First parameter FirstName has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-FirstNameToGivenerrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-HipaaPrivacyToConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-HipaaPrivacyToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1486)warningGroup First parameter HipaaPrivacyToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c1582)errorThe source context First is not known at this point
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-HipaaPrivacyToConsenterrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LastNameToFamily.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LastNameToFamily.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1389)warningGroup First parameter LastName has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-LastNameToFamilyerrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LivingWillToConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LivingWillToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1464)warningGroup First parameter LivingWillToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c1560)errorThe source context First is not known at this point
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-LivingWillToConsenterrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1475)warningGroup First parameter PoaContractToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c1573)errorThe name 6k7G75p8ZGja4tgnC is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c1571)errorThe source context First is not known at this point
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsenterrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaMentalHealthToConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaMentalHealthToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1549)warningGroup First parameter PoaMentalHealthToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c1645)errorThe source context First is not known at this point
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-PoaMentalHealthToConsenterrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1530)warningGroup First parameter PoaQuestinonaireToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0] (l1​/c1628)errorThe name 6Zzqjx8mENBX5Mdnq is not valid
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c1626)errorThe source context First is not known at this point
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsenterrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PolstToConsent.json Show Validation Information (1)

StructureMap.where(url = 'http://')errorConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PolstToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
StructureMap​.group[0]​.input[0] (l1​/c1477)warningGroup First parameter PolstToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
StructureMap​.group[0]​.rule[0]​.source[0] (l1​/c1573)errorThe source context First is not known at this point
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
fsh-generated​/resources​/StructureMap-PolstToConsenterrorURL Mismatch vs http://

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1A.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript​.fixture[0]​.resource (l1​/c511)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
TestScript.test[6] (l1/c4410)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[7] (l1/c4982)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[9] (l1/c6165)errorDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
TestScript.test[13] (l1/c8484)errorDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
TestScript (l1/c8486)warningConstraint failed: tst-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'PharmLoc2' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'OrgA CT Location 2' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1B.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript​.fixture[0]​.resource (l1​/c511)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
TestScript.test[6] (l1/c4410)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[7] (l1/c4982)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[9] (l1/c6165)errorDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
TestScript.test[13] (l1/c8484)errorDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
TestScript (l1/c8486)warningConstraint failed: tst-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'PharmLoc2' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'OrgA CT Location 2' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2A.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript​.fixture[0]​.resource (l1​/c508)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
TestScript.test[6] (l1/c4407)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[7] (l1/c4979)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[9] (l1/c6162)errorDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
TestScript.test[13] (l1/c8481)errorDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
TestScript (l1/c8483)warningConstraint failed: tst-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'PharmLoc2' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'OrgA CT Location 2' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2B.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript​.fixture[0]​.resource (l1​/c511)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
TestScript.test[6] (l1/c4410)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[7] (l1/c4982)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[9] (l1/c6165)errorDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
TestScript.test[13] (l1/c8484)errorDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
TestScript (l1/c8486)warningConstraint failed: tst-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'PharmLoc2' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'OrgA CT Location 2' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript​.fixture[0]​.resource (l1​/c517)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
TestScript.test[5] (l1/c3708)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript​.test[7]​.action[0]​.operation​.resource (l1​/c4452)errorThe value provided ('OAuth') was not found in the value set 'FHIRDefinedType' (|4.0.1), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The System URI could not be determined for the code 'OAuth' in the ValueSet '|4.0.1'; The provided code '#OAuth' was not found in the value set '|4.0.1')
TestScript​.test[11]​.action[0]​.operation​.resource (l1​/c6489)errorThe value provided ('OAuth') was not found in the value set 'FHIRDefinedType' (|4.0.1), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The System URI could not be determined for the code 'OAuth' in the ValueSet '|4.0.1'; The provided code '#OAuth' was not found in the value set '|4.0.1')
TestScript​.test[15]​.action[0]​.operation​.resource (l1​/c8508)errorThe value provided ('OAuth') was not found in the value set 'FHIRDefinedType' (|4.0.1), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The System URI could not be determined for the code 'OAuth' in the ValueSet '|4.0.1'; The provided code '#OAuth' was not found in the value set '|4.0.1')
TestScript (l1/c8778)warningConstraint failed: tst-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'PharmLoc2' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'OrgA CT Location 2' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2D.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript​.fixture[0]​.resource (l1​/c519)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
TestScript.test[6] (l1/c4418)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[7] (l1/c4990)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[9] (l1/c6173)errorDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
TestScript.test[13] (l1/c8492)errorDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
TestScript (l1/c8494)warningConstraint failed: tst-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'PharmLoc2' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'OrgA CT Location 2' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2E.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript​.fixture[0]​.resource (l1​/c509)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
TestScript.test[6] (l1/c4408)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[7] (l1/c4980)errorDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
TestScript.test[9] (l1/c6163)errorDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
TestScript.test[13] (l1/c8482)errorDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
TestScript (l1/c8484)warningConstraint failed: tst-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'PharmLoc2' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'OrgA CT Location 2' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario3.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript​.fixture[0]​.resource (l1​/c508)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'registration-request-3'
TestScript​.fixture[1]​.resource (l1​/c696)errorUnable to resolve resource with reference 'registration-response-3'
TestScript (l1/c1192)warningConstraint failed: tst-0: 'Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation'
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'registration-request-3' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'Backend Service - Registration Request' does not resolve
TestScript.text.diverrorHyperlink 'registration-response-3' at 'div/blockquote/p/a' for 'Backend Service - Registration Response' does not resolve

fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-gszMyXpwsdoAjJZeh.json Show Validation Information (1)

TestScript.origin[0].profile (l1/c409)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
TestScript​.destination[0]​.profile (l1​/c470)warningA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
ResourcewarningThe URL 'http://' has already been used by DnrToConsent in /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent
ResourceinformationThis resource could usefully have an OID assigned (OIDs are easy to assign - see

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ConsentExchangePolicies.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1272)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet​.where(id = 'ConsentExchangePolicies')warningError from Unable to provide support for code system (from , see log)

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-ConsentExchangeRelations.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1920)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-consent-exchange-category-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.exclude[0] (l1/c4489)warningThere are multiple different potential matches for the url ''. It might be a good idea to fix to the correct version to reduce the likelihood of a wrong version being selected by an implementation/implementer. Using version '1.0.1', found versions: 1.0.1, 4.0.1
ValueSet (l1/c4591)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

fsh-generated/resources/ValueSet-consent-exchange-scope-codes.json Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet.compose.exclude[0] (l1/c2101)warningThere are multiple different potential matches for the url ''. It might be a good idea to fix to the correct version to reduce the likelihood of a wrong version being selected by an implementation/implementer. Using version '2.0.1', found versions: 2.0.1, 4.0.1
ValueSet (l1/c2104)warningPublished value sets SHOULD conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)

No suppressed messsages

Errors sorted by type


fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-CmsInteroperabilityPolicyCodes.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-CmsInteroperabilityPolicyCodes.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ConsentExchangeRelationships.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-ConsentExchangeRelationships.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-PayorToPayorExchangePolicyCodes.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
fsh-generated/resources/CodeSystem-PayorToPayorExchangePolicyCodes.jsonPublished code systems SHOULD conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present


fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1A.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1A.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1A.jsonDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1A.jsonDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1B.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1B.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1B.jsonDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1B.jsonDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2A.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2A.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2A.jsonDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2A.jsonDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2B.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2B.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2B.jsonDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2B.jsonDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2D.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2D.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2D.jsonDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2D.jsonDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2E.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2E.jsonDuplicate id value 'ed7f8206-22ad-4bce-b3d8-83980dc0af5e'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2E.jsonDuplicate id value '486e9754-3a48-45c0-b43e-94e16e078d71'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2E.jsonDuplicate id value '595cab8f-6302-44f1-a930-6b02da515216'


fsh-generated/resources/Basic-OAuthRegistrationRequest1.jsonExtension.url must be an absolute URL
fsh-generated/resources/Basic-OAuthRegistrationRequest1.jsonExtension.url must be an absolute URL
fsh-generated/resources/Basic-OAuthRegistrationRequest1.jsonExtension.url must be an absolute URL
fsh-generated/resources/Basic-OAuthRegistrationRequest1.jsonExtension.url must be an absolute URL
fsh-generated/resources/Basic-OAuthRegistrationRequest1.jsonExtension.url must be an absolute URL
fsh-generated/resources/Basic-OAuthRegistrationRequest1.jsonExtension.url must be an absolute URL


fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here


fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-diff.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-diff.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-digest.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-digest.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-equals.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-equals.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-oauthScopes.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-oauthScopes.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-parseToBundle.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-parseToBundle.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-rollup.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-rollup.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-toAcl.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-toAcl.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationRequest.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationRequest.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationResponse.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationResponse.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationRequest.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationRequest.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationResponse.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationResponse.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthTokenResponse.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthTokenResponse.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-FirstNameToGiven.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-FirstNameToGiven.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-HipaaPrivacyToConsent.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-HipaaPrivacyToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LastNameToFamily.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LastNameToFamily.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LivingWillToConsent.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LivingWillToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsent.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaMentalHealthToConsent.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaMentalHealthToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsent.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PolstToConsent.jsonConformance resource /scratch/repo/fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PolstToConsent.json - the canonical URL ( does not match the URL (http://)


fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonOrg.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'AnonRole'
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonPatient.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'AnonRole'
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonPractitioner.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'AnonRole'
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentClinicianOrg.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'CounselorRole1'
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentClinicianPatient.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'CounselorRole1'
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentPatientOwner.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PatientRole'
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentSystemPatient.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'SystemRole'
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social'
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Practitioner/practitioner-bernard-shuman'
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social'
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'Practitioner/ractitioner-susan-social'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1A.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario1B.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2A.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2B.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2D.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2E.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'PharmLoc2'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario3.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'registration-request-3'
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario3.jsonUnable to resolve resource with reference 'registration-response-3'


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationRequest.jsonThe type OAuthAuthenticationRequest is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationResponse.jsonThe type OAuthAuthenticationResponse is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationRequest.jsonThe type OAuthRegistrationRequest is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationResponse.jsonThe type OAuthRegistrationResponse is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthTokenResponse.jsonThe type OAuthTokenResponse is not legal because it is not defined in the FHIR specification. Other types must have a namespace on them


fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-polst.jsonThe string value contains text that looks like embedded HTML tags. If this content is rendered to HTML without appropriate post-processing, it may be a security risk


fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent.jsonGroup First parameter DnrToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-FirstNameToGiven.jsonGroup First parameter FirstName has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-HipaaPrivacyToConsent.jsonGroup First parameter HipaaPrivacyToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LastNameToFamily.jsonGroup First parameter LastName has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LivingWillToConsent.jsonGroup First parameter LivingWillToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsent.jsonGroup First parameter PoaContractToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaMentalHealthToConsent.jsonGroup First parameter PoaMentalHealthToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsent.jsonGroup First parameter PoaQuestinonaireToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PolstToConsent.jsonGroup First parameter PolstToConsent has no type, so the paths cannot be validated


fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsent.jsonThe name 6k7G75p8ZGja4tgnC is not valid
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsent.jsonThe name 6Zzqjx8mENBX5Mdnq is not valid


fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-DnrToConsent.jsonThe source context First is not known at this point
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-HipaaPrivacyToConsent.jsonThe source context First is not known at this point
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-LivingWillToConsent.jsonThe source context First is not known at this point
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaContractToConsent.jsonThe source context First is not known at this point
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaMentalHealthToConsent.jsonThe source context First is not known at this point
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PoaQuestinonaireToConsent.jsonThe source context First is not known at this point
fsh-generated/resources/StructureMap-PolstToConsent.jsonThe source context First is not known at this point


fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated


fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonOrg.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonPatient.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentAnonPractitioner.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentClinicianOrg.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentClinicianPatient.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentPatientOwner.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Consent-ConsentSystemPatient.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stdymphnas.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stjames.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-gszMyXpwsdoAjJZeh.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-gszMyXpwsdoAjJZeh.jsonA code with no system has no defined meaning, and it cannot be validated. A system should be provided


fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-canAccess.jsonCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-canAccess)
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-diff.jsonCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-diff)
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-digest.jsonCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-digest)
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-equals.jsonCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-equals)
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-oauthScopes.jsonCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-oauthScopes)
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-parseToBundle.jsonCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-parseToBundle)
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-rollup.jsonCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-rollup)
fsh-generated/resources/OperationDefinition-toAcl.jsonCanonical URLs must be absolute URLs if they are not fragment references (OperationDefinition/Consent-toAcl)


fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stdymphnas.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stdymphnas.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonCanonical URL '' does not resolve


fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C.jsonThe value provided ('OAuth') was not found in the value set 'FHIRDefinedType' (|4.0.1), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The System URI could not be determined for the code 'OAuth' in the ValueSet '|4.0.1'; The provided code '#OAuth' was not found in the value set '|4.0.1')
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C.jsonThe value provided ('OAuth') was not found in the value set 'FHIRDefinedType' (|4.0.1), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The System URI could not be determined for the code 'OAuth' in the ValueSet '|4.0.1'; The provided code '#OAuth' was not found in the value set '|4.0.1')
fsh-generated/resources/TestScript-TestScript-Scenario2C.jsonThe value provided ('OAuth') was not found in the value set 'FHIRDefinedType' (|4.0.1), and a code is required from this value set (error message = The System URI could not be determined for the code 'OAuth' in the ValueSet '|4.0.1'; The provided code '#OAuth' was not found in the value set '|4.0.1')


fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonUnknown Code System ''
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonUnknown Code System ''


fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-dnr.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'In the event of cardiac or respiratory arrest, I refuse any resuscitation measures including cardiac compression, endotracheal intubation and other advanced airway management, artificial ventilation, defibrillation, administration of advanced cardiac life support drugs and related emergency medical procedures. '
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-polst.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'D. Medically Assisted Nutrition - (Offer food by mouth if desired by patient, safe and tolerated)\n\n'
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-polst.jsonvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'F. Signature: Health Care Provider - Verbal orders are acceptable with follow up signature. I have discussed this order with the patient or his/her representative. The orders reflect the patient’s known wishes, to the best of my knowledge.\n\n[Note: Only licensed health care providers authorized by law to sign POLST form in state where completed may sign this order]\n\n '


fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stdymphnas.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-john-smith.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonURL value '' does not resolve
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonURL value '' does not resolve


fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-fast-patient-privacy.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-dnr.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-livingwill.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-patient-privacy.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-poahealthcare.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-poamentalhealth.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
fsh-generated/resources/Questionnaire-leap-polst.jsonA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated


fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationRequest.jsonWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthAuthenticationResponse.jsonWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationRequest.jsonWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthRegistrationResponse.jsonWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
fsh-generated/resources/StructureDefinition-OAuthTokenResponse.jsonWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension


fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stdymphnas.jsonProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
fsh-generated/resources/Organization-stdymphnas.jsonProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jane-doe.jsonProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-jennifer-smith.jsonProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
fsh-generated/resources/Patient-patient-katie-klepti.jsonProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles