@startuml title Agreed IPS workflow for 'Clinical Encounter for Unplanned Care' between KSA and Indonesia/Malaysia !include ./style.iuml actor "Pilgrim from\nOrigin Country" as P actor "Accompanying Clinician\nfrom\nOrigin Country" as C participant "Origin Country\nHealth Wallet" as OC participant "Origin Country\nHIE" as OCHIE participant "Host Country\nEMR" as HCEMR actor "Health Worker\nin Host Country" as HW participant "Bar code scanner" as Scanner autonumber "00:" HCEMR -> HCEMR: Upload pilgrims demographic information few weeks before Hajj P --> HW: travels to Host Country and seeks care,\nshares verifiable health document(IPS) from\nhealth wallet (IPS via SHL) HW --> HCEMR: identifies pilgrim with demographics and registers patient with pilgrimage number HW --> Scanner: uses scanner to scan QR code HCEMR -> OC: scans QR code from\npilgrim's health wallet\n(IPS via SHL) destroy OC HCEMR -> HCEMR: verifies QR code signature\n using cached keys HCEMR -> OCHIE : retrieves health document (IPS)\n(document might be pregenerated\n or generated on request) destroy OCHIE HCEMR-> HCEMR: verifies health document (IPS) signature\n using cached keys HCEMR -> HCEMR: saves local copy of health document (IPS) HCEMR->HW: display contents of health document HW --> P: provides appropriate care HW -> HCEMR: updates local record of care @enduml