@startuml title Clinical Encounter for Unplanned Care without HIE !include ./style.iuml actor "Pilgrim from\nOrigin Country" as P participant "Origin Country\nHealth Wallet" as OC participant "Origin Country\nHIE" as OCHIE participant "Host Country\nEMR" as HCEMR actor "Health Worker\nin Host Country" as HW autonumber "00:" P --> HW: travels to Host Country and seeks care,\nshares verifiable health document from\nhealth wallet (IPS via SHL),\nshares pilgrimage number HW --> HCEMR: registers patient with pilgrimage number HW --> HCEMR: scans QR code within EMR HCEMR -> OC: scans QR code from\npilgrim's health wallet\n(IPS via SHL) destroy OC HCEMR -> HCEMR: verifies QR code signature\n using cached keys HCEMR -> OCHIE : retrieves health document\n(document might be pregenerated\n or generated on request) destroy OCHIE HCEMR-> HCEMR: verifies health document signature\n using cached keys HCEMR -> HCEMR: saves local copy of health document HCEMR->HW: display contents of health document HW --> P: provides appropriate care HW -> HCEMR: updates local record of care @enduml