Instance: ExampleComposition InstanceOf: HajjIPS-Composition Title : "Hajj IPS Composition" Description: "Hajj IPS Composition Example" Usage: #example * identifier.system = "urn:oid:2.16.724." * identifier.value = "3f69e0a5-2177-4540-baab-7a5d0877428f" * status = #final * type = $loinc#60591-5 "Patient summary Document" * subject = Reference(2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e7) * date = "2017-12-11T14:30:00+01:00" * author = Reference(1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ee) * title = "Patient Summary as of December 11, 2017 14:30" * text.div = "

Resource "30551ce1-5a28-4356-b684-1e639094ad4d"

identifier: id: 3f69e0a5-2177-4540-baab-7a5d0877428f

status: final

type: Patient summary Document (LOINC#60591-5)

date: 2017-12-11 02:30:00+0100

author: Beetje van Hulp, MD

title: Patient Summary as of December 11, 2017 14:30

confidentiality: N


mode: legal

time: 2017-12-11 02:30:00+0100

party: Beetje van Hulp, MD


mode: legal

time: 2017-12-11 02:30:00+0100

party: Anorg Aniza Tion BV

custodian: Anorg Aniza Tion BV


*appendsid: c2277753-9f90-4a95-8ddb-a0b3f6e7d292


*care provision (ActClass#PCPR)?? --> 2017-12-11 02:30:00+0100
" * text.status = #generated * confidentiality = #N * attester[0].mode = #legal * attester[=].time = "2017-12-11T14:30:00+01:00" * attester[=].party = Reference(1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ee) * attester[+].mode = #legal * attester[=].time = "2017-12-11T14:30:00+01:00" * attester[=].party = Reference(890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf14) * custodian = Reference(890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf14) * relatesTo.code = #appends * relatesTo.targetIdentifier.system = "urn:oid:2.16.724." * relatesTo.targetIdentifier.value = "c2277753-9f90-4a95-8ddb-a0b3f6e7d292" * event.code = $v3-ActClass#PCPR * event.period.end = "2017-12-11T14:30:00+01:00" * section[sectionProblems].title = "Active Problems" * section[sectionProblems].code = $loinc#11450-4 "Problem list - Reported" * section[sectionProblems].text.status = #generated * section[sectionProblems].text.div = "
Hot75e8bf23bc89 flushes
" * section[sectionProblems].entry = Reference(c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc89) * section[sectionMedications].title = "Medication" * section[sectionMedications].code = $loinc#10160-0 "History of Medication use Narrative" * section[sectionMedications].text.status = #generated * section[sectionMedications].text.div = "
Anastrozole1 mgtabletonce dailytreatment for breast cancer
Black Cohosh Extractpilherbal supplement
" * section[sectionMedications].entry[0] = Reference(c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec5) * section[sectionMedications].entry[+] = Reference(47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02d) * section[sectionAllergies].title = "Allergies and Intolerances" * section[sectionAllergies].code = $loinc#48765-2 "Allergies and adverse reactions Document" * section[sectionAllergies].text.status = #generated * section[sectionAllergies].text.div = "
Allergy to penicillin, high criticality
" * section[sectionAllergies].entry[0] = Reference(72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f131) * section[sectionPastIllnessHx].title = "History of Past Illness" * section[sectionPastIllnessHx].code = $loinc#11348-0 "History of Past illness Narrative" * section[sectionPastIllnessHx].text.status = #generated * section[sectionPastIllnessHx].text.div = "
Breast cancer Stage II with no evidence of recurrence following treatment
" * section[sectionPastIllnessHx].entry = Reference(c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c5) * section[sectionPlanOfCare].title = "Plan of Treatment" * section[sectionPlanOfCare].code = $loinc#18776-5 "Plan of care note" * section[sectionPlanOfCare].text.status = #generated * section[sectionPlanOfCare].text.div = "
Continue hormone medication with Anastrozole for total of 5 years and monitor for potential breast cancer recurrence
" * section[sectionResults].title = "Results" * section[sectionResults].code = $loinc#30954-2 "Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative" * section[sectionResults].text.status = #generated * section[sectionResults].text.div = "
Blood typing
Blood groupA+
C Ab [Presence] in Serum or PlasmaPositive
E Ab [Presence] in Serum or PlasmaPositive
Little c Ab [Presence] in Serum or PlasmaNegative
Hemoglobin A1c monitoring
Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood by HPLC7.5 %
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Healthy carrier of MRSA
" * section[sectionResults].entry[0] = Reference(2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad93) * section[sectionResults].entry[+] = Reference(cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01645) * section[sectionResults].entry[+] = Reference(26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b571) * section[sectionAdvanceDirectives].title = "Advance Directives" * section[sectionAdvanceDirectives].code = $loinc#42348-3 * section[sectionAdvanceDirectives].text.status = #generated * section[sectionAdvanceDirectives].text.div = "
Consent MYS for pilgrimage
" * section[sectionAdvanceDirectives].entry = Reference(c7781f44-6df8-4a8b-9e06-0b34263a47c6) Instance: Martha InstanceOf: Patient Usage: #example * id = "2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e7" * identifier.system = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883." * identifier.value = "574687583" * active = true * = "DeLarosa" * name.given = "Martha" * telecom.system = #phone * telecom.value = "+31788700800" * telecom.use = #home * gender = #female * birthDate = "1972-05-01" * address.line = "Laan Van Europa 1600" * = "Dordrecht" * address.postalCode = "3317 DB" * = "NL" * contact.relationship = $v3-RoleCode#MTH * = "Mum" * = "Martha" * contact.telecom.system = #phone * contact.telecom.value = "+33-555-20036" * contact.telecom.use = #home * contact.address.line = "Promenade des Anglais 111" * = "Lyon" * contact.address.postalCode = "69001" * = "FR" Instance: 1c616b24-3895-48c4-9a02-9a64110351ee InstanceOf: Practitioner Usage: #example * identifier.system = "urn:oid:2.16.528.1.1007.3.1" * identifier.value = "129854633" * identifier.assigner.display = "CIBG" * active = true * = "van Hulp" * name.given = "Beetje" * qualification.code.coding.version = "2.7" * qualification.code.coding = $v2-0360#MD "Doctor of Medicine" Instance: 890751f4-2924-4636-bab7-efffc7f3cf14 InstanceOf: Organization Usage: #example * identifier.system = "urn:oid:2.16.528.1.1007.3.3" * identifier.value = "564738757" * active = true * name = "Anorg Aniza Tion BV / The best custodian ever" * telecom.system = #phone * telecom.value = "+31-51-34343400" * telecom.use = #work * address.use = #work * address.line = "Houttuinen 27" * = "Dordrecht" * address.postalCode = "3311 CE" * = "NL" Instance: c64139e7-f02d-409c-bf34-75e8bf23bc89 InstanceOf: Condition Usage: #example * identifier.system = "urn:oid:" * identifier.value = "c87bf51c-e53c-4bfe-b8b7-aa62bdd93002" * clinicalStatus = $condition-clinical#active * verificationStatus = $condition-ver-status#confirmed * category = $loinc#75326-9 "Problem" * severity = $loinc#LA6751-7 "Moderate" * code.coding[0] = $sct#198436008 "Menopausal flushing (finding)" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[0].url = "lang" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[=].valueCode = #nl-NL * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[+].url = "content" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[=].valueString = "opvliegers" * code.coding[=].display.extension.url = "" * code.coding[+] = $icd-10#N95.1 "Menopausal and female climacteric states" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * onsetDateTime = "2015" * recordedDate = "2016-10" Instance: c220e36c-eb67-4fc4-9ba1-2fabc52acec5 InstanceOf: MedicationStatement Usage: #example * identifier.system = "urn:oid:" * identifier.value = "b75f92cb-61d4-469a-9387-df5ef70d25f0" * status = #active * medicationReference = Reference(urn:uuid:976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bc) * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectivePeriod.start = "2015-03" * dosage.timing.repeat.count = 1 * dosage.timing.repeat.periodUnit = #d * dosage.route = $standardterms#20053000 "Oral use" * dosage.doseAndRate.type = $dose-rate-type#ordered "Ordered" * dosage.doseAndRate.doseQuantity = 1 '1' "tablet" Instance: 47524493-846a-4a26-bae2-4ab03e60f02d InstanceOf: MedicationStatement Usage: #example * identifier.system = "urn:oid:" * identifier.value = "9e312d6b-c6b6-439a-a730-6efaa5dcf8bc" * status = #active * medicationReference = Reference(urn:uuid:8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d626) * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectivePeriod.start = "2016-01" * dosage.route = $standardterms#20053000 "Oral use" Instance: 976d0804-cae0-45ae-afe3-a19f3ceba6bb InstanceOf: Medication Usage: #example * code.coding[0] = $sct#108774000 "Product containing anastrozole (medicinal product)" * code.coding[+] = urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. "ANASTROZOL 1MG TABLET" * code.coding[+] = urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. "ANASTROZOL CF TABLET FILMOMHULD 1MG" * code.coding[+] = $atc#L02BG03 "anastrozole" Instance: 8adc0999-9468-4ac9-9557-680fa133d625 InstanceOf: Medication Usage: #example * code.coding[0] = $sct#412588001 "Cimicifuga racemosa extract (substance)" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[0].url = "lang" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[=].valueCode = #nl-NL * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[+].url = "content" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[=].valueString = "Zwarte Cohosh Extract" * code.coding[=].display.extension.url = "" * code.coding[+] = $atc#G02CX04 "Cimicifugae rhizoma" * code.text = "Black Cohosh Extract herbal supplement" Instance: 72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f131 InstanceOf: AllergyIntolerance Usage: #example //* identifier.system = "urn:oid:" //* identifier.value = "72884cad-ebe6-4f43-a51a-2f978275f132" * clinicalStatus = $allergyintolerance-clinical#active * verificationStatus = $allergyintolerance-verification#confirmed * type = #allergy * category = #medication * criticality = #high * extension.url = "" * extension.valueDateTime = "2010" * code = $sct#373270004 "Substance with penicillin structure and antibacterial mechanism of action (substance)" * patient = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * onsetDateTime.extension.url = "" * onsetDateTime.extension.valueCode = #unknown //* onsetDateTime = "2010" Instance: c4597aa2-688a-401b-a658-70acc6de28c5 InstanceOf: Condition Usage: #example * identifier.system = "urn:oid:" * identifier.value = "66d4a8c7-9081-43e0-a63f-489c2ae6edd6" * clinicalStatus = $condition-clinical#remission * verificationStatus = $condition-ver-status#confirmed * category = $loinc#75326-9 "Problem" * severity = $loinc#LA6750-9 "Severe" * code.coding[0] = $sct#254837009 "Malignant tumor of breast" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[0].url = "lang" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[=].valueCode = #nl-NL * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[+].url = "content" * code.coding[=].display.extension.extension[=].valueString = "Borstkanker stadium II zonder aanwijzingen van recidieven na behandeling" * code.coding[=].display.extension.url = "" * code.coding[+] = $icd-o-3#8500/3 "Infiltrating duct carcinoma, NOS" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * onsetDateTime = "2015-01" * abatementDateTime = "2015-03" Instance: 45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd6 InstanceOf: Organization Usage: #example * active = true * type = $organization-type#other * name = "Laboratoire de charme" Instance: aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2740 InstanceOf: Observation Usage: #example * status = #final * category = $observation-category#laboratory * code = $loinc#882-1 "ABO and Rh group [Type] in Blood" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectiveDateTime = "2015-10-10T09:15:00+01:00" * performer = Reference(urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7) * valueCodeableConcept = $sct#278149003 "Blood group A Rh(D) positive" Instance: 6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c79 InstanceOf: Observation Usage: #example * status = #final * category = $observation-category#laboratory * code = $loinc#945-6 "C Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectiveDateTime = "2015-10-10T09:35:00+01:00" * performer = Reference(urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7) * valueCodeableConcept = $sct#10828004 "Positive" Instance: b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282456 InstanceOf: Observation Usage: #example * status = #final * category = $observation-category#laboratory * code = $loinc#1018-1 "E Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectiveDateTime = "2015-10-10T09:35:00+01:00" * performer = Reference(urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7) * valueCodeableConcept = $sct#10828004 "Positive" Instance: a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae3 InstanceOf: Observation Usage: #example * status = #final * category = $observation-category#laboratory * code = $loinc#1156-9 "little c Ab [Presence] in Serum or Plasma" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectiveDateTime = "2015-10-10T09:35:00+01:00" * performer = Reference(urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7) * valueCodeableConcept = $sct#260385009 "Negative" Instance: 2639657a-c19a-48e2-82cc-471e13b8ad93 InstanceOf: Observation Usage: #example * status = #final * category = $observation-category#laboratory * code.text = "Blood typing" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectiveDateTime = "2015-10-10" * performer = Reference(urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7) * hasMember[0] = Reference(urn:uuid:aa11a2be-3e36-4be7-b58a-6fc3dace2741) * hasMember[+] = Reference(urn:uuid:6e39ccf3-f997-4a2b-8f28-b4b71c778c70) * hasMember[+] = Reference(urn:uuid:b4916505-a06b-460c-9be8-011609282457) * hasMember[+] = Reference(urn:uuid:a6a5a1d5-c896-4c7e-b922-888fcc7e6ae4) Instance: cc354e00-a419-47ea-8b6c-1768b2a01645 InstanceOf: Observation Usage: #example * status = #final * category = $observation-category#laboratory * code = $loinc#17856-6 "Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood by HPLC" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectiveDateTime = "2017-11-10T08:20:00+01:00" * performer = Reference(urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7) * valueQuantity = 7.5 '%' "%" * note.text = "Above stated goal of 7.0 %" Instance: 26bee0a9-5997-4557-ab9d-c6adbb05b571 InstanceOf: Observation Usage: #example * status = #final * category = $observation-category#laboratory * code = $loinc#42803-7 "Bacteria identified in Isolate" * subject = Reference(urn:uuid:2b90dd2b-2dab-4c75-9bb9-a355e07401e8) * effectiveDateTime = "2017-12-10T08:20:00+01:00" * performer = Reference(urn:uuid:45a5c5b1-4ec1-4d60-b4b2-ff5a84a41fd7) * valueCodeableConcept = $sct#115329001 "Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus" * note.text = "Healthy carrier of MRSA"