WHO SMART Guidelines - Measles Immunization
0.1.0 - ci-build

WHO SMART Guidelines - Measles Immunization, published by WHO. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/WorldHealthOrganization/smart-example-immz/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: ConceptMap to and from SNOMED (Experimental)

Official URL: http://smart.who.int/immunizations-measles/ConceptMap/IMMZConceptsToSNOMED Version: 0.1.0
Active as of 2024-08-12 Computable Name: IMMZConceptsToSNOMED

Mapping to and from IMMZ Concepts to SNOMED

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap IMMZConceptsToSNOMED

Mapping from (not specified) to (not specified)

ACTIVE (not intended for production usage). Published on 2024-08-12 09:04:38+0000 by WHO (WHO: http://who.int).

Mapping to and from IMMZ Concepts to SNOMED

Group 1 Mapping from Immunizations Concepts CodeSystem to SNOMED CT (all versions)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
C.DE2 (Name)is equivalent to371484003 (Patient name (observable entity))
C.DE3 (First name)is related to184095009 (Patient forename)
C.DE4 (Family name)is related to184096005 (Patient surname)
C.DE5 (Sex)is equivalent to184100006 (Patient sex)
C.DE6 (Male)is equivalent to248153007 (Male)
C.DE7 (Female)is equivalent to248152002 (Female)
C.DE8 (Biological sex not specified)is related to772004004 (Non-binary gender (finding))
C.DE9 (Intersex)is equivalent to15867007 (Intersexuality)
C.DE10 (Date of birth)is equivalent to184099003 (Date of birth)
C.DE14 (Caregivers (multiple))maps to wider concept184140000 (Carer's details)
C.DE15 (Caregiver's full name)maps to wider concept184140000 (Carer's details)
C.DE18 (Contact phone number)is equivalent to184103008 (Patient telephone number)
C.DE19 (Administrative area)narrower184097001 (Patient address)The source concept is more specific than the target

Group 2 Mapping from SNOMED CT (all versions) to Immunizations Concepts CodeSystem

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
248153007 (Male)is equivalent toC.DE6 (Male)
248152002 (Female)is equivalent toC.DE7 (Female)
772004004 (Non-binary gender (finding))is related toC.DE8 (Biological sex not specified)
15867007 (Intersexuality)is equivalent toC.DE9 (Intersex)

Group 3 Mapping from Immunizations Concepts CodeSystem to SNOMED CT (all versions)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
D1.DE12 (HIV-negative)is equivalent to165815009 (HIV negative)
D1.DE11 (HIV-positive)is equivalent to165816005 (HTLV-3 antibody positive)
D1.DE13 (Unknown)maps to wider concept261665006 (Unknown)
D1.DE10 (HIV status)is equivalent to278977008 (HIV status)
D1.DE15 (Preterm birth)is equivalent to395507008 (Premature infant (finding))

Group 4 Mapping from SNOMED CT (all versions) to Immunizations Concepts CodeSystem

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
165815009 (HIV negative)is equivalent toD1.DE12 (HIV-negative)
165816005 (HTLV-3 antibody positive)is equivalent toD1.DE11 (HIV-positive)
261665006 (Unknown)narrowerD1.DE13 (Unknown)The source concept is more specific than the target
278977008 (HIV status)is equivalent toD1.DE10 (HIV status)
395507008 (Premature infant (finding))is equivalent toD1.DE15 (Preterm birth)

Group 5 Mapping from Immunizations Concepts CodeSystem to SNOMED CT (all versions)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
D4.DE162 (Currently pregnant)is equivalent to77386006 (Pregnancy)
D4.DE165 (Severely immunosuppressed)is equivalent to370388006 (Patient immunocompromised)
D4.DE166 (History of anaphylactic reactions)is equivalent to10839421000119100
D4.DE167 (Severe allergic reactions)maps to wider concept419076005 (Allergic reaction (disorder))
D4.DE168 (Symptomatic HIV infection)is equivalent to86406008 (Human immunodeficiency virus infection)

Group 6 Mapping from SNOMED CT (all versions) to Immunizations Concepts CodeSystem

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
77386006 (Pregnancy)is equivalent toD4.DE162 (Currently pregnant)
370388006 (Patient immunocompromised)is equivalent toD4.DE165 (Severely immunosuppressed)
10839421000119100is equivalent toD4.DE166 (History of anaphylactic reactions)
419076005 (Allergic reaction (disorder))narrowerD4.DE167 (Severe allergic reactions)The source concept is more specific than the target
86406008 (Human immunodeficiency virus infection)is equivalent toD4.DE168 (Symptomatic HIV infection)