Medication Prescription and Delivery (MPD)
0.1.0 - ci-build International flag

Medication Prescription and Delivery (MPD), published by Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0). This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Interoperability Model

The Pharmacy Interoperability Model provides the basis for the interactions needs that are supported by this publication.

Interoperability ModelPlanOrder EntryPharmacy ValidationPharmacy DistributionDistribution / PreparationAdministrationPlanningPlanningPrescription OrderPharmacy Validated OrderPharmacy Validated OrderPharmacy Validated OrderPreparation ReportAdministration ReportPrescription OrderPreparation ReportPharmacy Validated OrderAdministration ReportPreparation Report

As for the sequence, we have the following:

Typical Medication WorkflowPrescriptionPlacerPharmaceuticalAdviserMedicationDispenserMedication AdministrationInformerAdvance Prescription NotificationAdvance Prescription NotificationMedication OrderPharmacy Validated OrderValidated Order ConfirmationPharmacy Validated OrderMed. Preparation ReportMed. Preparation ReportRepetitionAdministration reportnAdministration reportn

Regarding the whitepaper, the state transitions should act as follows:

  1. Hospital setting
State transitions of Medication Prescription (Item) in the Hospital subdomainPlacedIn ProgressDiscontinuedCompletedSuspendedacceptabortabortcompletesuspendresumeabortcomplete

  1. Community setting
State transitions of Medication Prescription (Item) in Community subdomainOrderedPlacedCancelledDiscontinuedIn ProgressCompletedplace to pharmacycancel or expireabortacceptabortcomplete