UV_Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting
1.1.0 - STU 1.1 International flag

UV_Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting, published by IHE International. This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0). This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/IHE/fhir-bfdr/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Observation: Edit Flag - Birth Weight

Generated Narrative: Observation

Resource Observation "observation-edit-birth-weight-babyg-quinn" Version "2" Updated "2023-04-06 00:29:21+0000"

Profile: Observation - Edit Flag Birthweight

status: final

code: Birth weight Edit flag (unknown#PCH1478)

subject: Patient/patient-child-babyg-quinn: BabyG Quinn " QUINN"

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization/organization-jurisdictional-vital-records-office "Jurisdictional Vital Records Office"

value: Off (unknown#PHC1380)