UV_Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting
1.1.0 - STU 1.1 International flag

UV_Vital Records Birth and Fetal Death Reporting, published by IHE International. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/IHE/fhir-bfdr/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: Bundle - Jurisdiction Fetal Death Report - Fetus Not Named

Document Details

Generated Narrative: Bundle Jurisdiction fetal death report Document

version: versionId: id (PrimitiveType/Bundle.meta.versionId): native = id -> 49; Last updated: 2023-08-29 06:19:09+0000

Profile: Bundle - Document Birth and Fetal Death

Final Document at 2019-01-09 by Jurisdictional Vital Records Office for Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named) in encounter Encounter - Maternity (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Document Subject

Document Content

Mother (prenatal) Section on the Fetal Death Report

Medical and Health Information on the Fetal Death Report

Fetal delivery information section on the Fetal Death Report

Mother Administrative Section on the Fetal Death Report

Edit Flags Section

Additional Resources Included in Document

Entry 1 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Composition/composition-jurisdiction-fetal-death-not-named

Resource Composition:

Generated Narrative: Composition composition-jurisdiction-fetal-death-not-named

identifier: c03eab8c-11e8-4d0c-ad2a-b385395e27da

status: Final

type: Jurisdiction fetal death report Document

encounter: Encounter - Maternity (Carmen Teresa Lee)

date: 2019-01-09

author: Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

title: Jurisdiction fetal death report Document

Entry 2 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Patient/patient-decedent-fetus-not-named

Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient patient-decedent-fetus-not-named

UNK Female, DoB: 2019-01-09 ( Medical Record Number: 9932702 (use: usual, ))

Patient Birth PlaceAnn Arbor MI 48103
US Core Birth Sex ExtensionF
Extension - Patient Fetal Death - Vital RecordsSNOMED CT (all versions) 276507005: Fetal death (event)

Entry 3 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Encounter/encounter-maternity-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Encounter:

Generated Narrative: Encounter encounter-maternity-carmen-teresa-lee

Not done yet

Entry 4 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Organization/organization-jurisdictional-vital-records-office

Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization organization-jurisdictional-vital-records-office

active: true

name: Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

Entry 5 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Patient/patient-mother-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient patient-mother-carmen-teresa-lee

Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))

Alt. Name:Carmen Teresa Santos (Name changed for Marriage)
Contact Detail3670 Miller Road Ann Arbor MI 48103 US (home)
US Core Ethnicity Extension:
Patient Birth PlacePR
US Core Birth Sex ExtensionF
US Core Race Extension:

Entry 6 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-planned-to-deliver-at-home-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-planned-to-deliver-at-home-not-named

status: Final

code: Planned to deliver at home?

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))

value: false

Entry 7 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-date-of-first-prenatal-care-visit-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Date of first prenatal care visit

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 2018-05-18

Entry 8 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-last-menstrual-period-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-last-menstrual-period-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Last menstrual period start date

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 2018-04-18

Entry 9 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-number-births-now-living-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-number-births-now-living-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: [#] Births.still living

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 1

Entry 10 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-number-births-now-dead-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-number-births-now-dead-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Previous live births now dead #

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 0

Entry 11 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-date-of-last-live-birth-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-date-of-last-live-birth-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Date of last live birth

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 2016-01-28

Entry 12 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-mother-height-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-mother-height-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

category: Vital Signs

code: Body height Measured

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-01-10

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 65 [in_i] (Details: UCUM code[in_i] = '[in_i]')

Entry 13 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-mother-prepregnancy-weight-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-mother-prepregnancy-weight-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

category: Vital Signs

code: Body weight --pre current pregnancy

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-05-20

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 180 [lb_av] (Details: UCUM code[lb_av] = '[lb_av]')

Entry 14 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-mother-received-wic-food-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-mother-received-wic-food-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Did mother get WIC food for herself during this pregnancy?

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))

value: No

Entry 15 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-1-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-1-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: In the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many cigarettes did you smoke on an average day [PhenX]

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

focus: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))

value: 0

Entry 16 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-2-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-2-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Cigarettes smoked per day by Mother--1st trimester

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

focus: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))

value: 0

Entry 17 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-3-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-3-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Cigarettes smoked per day by Mother--2nd trimester

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

focus: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))

value: 1

Entry 18 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-4-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cig-smoking-pregnancy-4-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: In the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many cigarettes did you smoke on an average day [PhenX]

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

focus: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))

value: 0

Entry 19 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-number-previous-cesareans-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-number-previous-cesareans-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Previous cesarean deliveries #

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 1

Entry 20 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-fetal-presentation-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-fetal-presentation-not-named

status: Final

code: Fetal presentation--at birth [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth]

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: Breech presentation (finding)

Entry 21 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Procedure/procedure-final-route-method-delivery-not-named

Resource Procedure:

Generated Narrative: Procedure procedure-final-route-method-delivery-not-named

status: Completed

code: Spontaneous vaginal delivery

subject: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

Entry 22 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-birth-weight-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-birth-weight-not-named

status: Final

category: Vital Signs

code: Birth weight Measured

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-02-10

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 1530 g (Details: UCUM codeg = 'g')

Entry 23 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-gestational-age-at-delivery-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-gestational-age-at-delivery-not-named

status: Final

code: Gestational age Estimated

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: 20 wk (Details: UCUM codewk = 'wk')

Entry 24 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Condition/condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition-not-named

Resource Condition:

Generated Narrative: Condition condition-fetal-death-cause-or-condition-not-named

category: Encounter Diagnosis, Initiating cause or condition of fetal death [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]

code: Premature rupture of membranes (disorder)

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

Entry 25 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Condition/condition-fetal-death-other-significant-cause-not-named

Resource Condition:

Generated Narrative: Condition condition-fetal-death-other-significant-cause-not-named

category: Encounter Diagnosis, Other significant causes or conditions of fetal death [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]

code: Placental insufficiency (disorder)

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

Entry 26 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-fetal-death-time-point-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-fetal-death-time-point-not-named

status: Final

code: Estimated timing of fetal death [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: Fetal intrapartum death after first assessment (event)

Entry 27 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-autopsy-performed-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-autopsy-performed-not-named

status: Final

code: Autopsy was performed

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: Autopsy performed (situation)

Entry 28 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-histological-placental-exam-performed-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-histological-placental-exam-performed-not-named

status: Final

code: Histological placental examination was performed [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: Performed

Entry 29 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-autopsy-histological-exam-results-used-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-autopsy-histological-exam-results-used-not-named

status: Final

code: Autopsy or histological placental examination results were used [US Standard Report of Fetal Death]

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Avery Jones

value: Yes

Entry 30 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-parent-education-level-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-parent-education-level-carmen-teresa-lee

status: Final

code: Highest level of education Mother

subject: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

focus: Patient - Mother (Carmen Teresa Lee)

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Carmen Teresa Lee (official) Female, DoB: 1986-02-15 ( Medical Record Number: 9992702 (use: usual, ))

value: 9th through 12th grade; no diploma

Entry 31 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-delivery-wgt-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-delivery-wgt-not-named

status: Final

code: Birth weight Edit flag

subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

value: Off

Entry 32 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-est-gestation-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-est-gestation-not-named

status: Final

code: Gestation age Edit flag

subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

value: Off

Entry 33 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-mothers-dob-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-mothers-dob-not-named

status: Final

code: Mothers birthdate Edit flag

subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

value: Edit Passed

Entry 34 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-mothers-education-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-mothers-education-not-named

status: Final

code: Mothers education Edit flag

subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

value: Edit Passed

Entry 35 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-mothers-height-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-mothers-height-not-named

status: Final

code: Mothers height Edit flag

subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

value: Edit Passed

Entry 36 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-mothers-prepreg-wgt-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-mothers-prepreg-wgt-not-named

status: Final

code: Mothers Prepregnancy Weight Edit flag

subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

value: Edit Passed

Entry 37 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-nbr-previous-cesareans-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-nbr-previous-cesareans-not-named

status: Final

code: Previous Cesarians Edit flag

subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

value: Edit Passed

Entry 38 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Observation/observation-edit-flag-plurality-not-named

Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-edit-flag-plurality-not-named

status: Final

code: Plurality Edit flag

subject: Decedent Fetus Not Named

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Organization Jurisdictional Vital Records Office

value: Queried, and Correct

Entry 39 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Practitioner/practitioner-vital-records-janet-seito

Resource Practitioner:

Generated Narrative: Practitioner practitioner-vital-records-janet-seito

identifier: NPI/223347044

name: Avery Jones


*Osteopath (occupation)

Entry 40 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Location/location-south-hospital

Resource Location:

Generated Narrative: Location location-south-hospital

identifier: NPI/116441967701

status: Active

name: South Hospital

type: Hospital

Entry 41 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/Organization/organization-south-hospital

Resource Organization:

Generated Narrative: Organization organization-south-hospital

identifier: NPI/5555512

active: true

type: Hospital

name: South Hospital


telecom: +1-555-555-1111, mail@southhospital.com

address: 2100 North Ave Salt Lake City UT 84116 US

Entry 42 - fullUrl = http://example.org/fhir/RelatedPerson/relatedperson-mother-carmen-teresa-lee

Resource RelatedPerson:

Generated Narrative: RelatedPerson relatedperson-mother-carmen-teresa-lee

active: true

patient: Patient - Decedent Fetus (Fetus Not Named)

relationship: Gestational Mother

name: Carmen Teresa Lee (Official)

gender: Female

birthDate: 1986-02-15