HL7 Version 2 to FHIR
1.0.0 - STU 1 International flag

HL7 Version 2 to FHIR, published by HL7 International / Orders and Observations. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/v2-to-fhir/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: Segment PR1 to Procedure Map (Experimental)

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/v2mappings/ConceptMap/segment-pr1-to-procedure Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2025-01-15 Computable Name: SegmentPR1ToProcedure

Copyright/Legal: Copyright (c) 2025, HL7 International, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

This ConceptMap represents a mapping from the HL7 V2 Segment PR1 to the FHIR Procedure Resource.

This ConceptMap represents the mapping from the HL7 V2 PR1 Segment to the FHIR Procedure Resource. See also the FHIR Shorthand or the CSV Source.

HL7 v2Condition (IF True, args)HL7 FHIRComments
Sort OrderIdentifierNameData TypeCardinality - MinCardinality - MaxComputable ANTLRComputable FHIRPathNarrativeFHIR AttributeExtensionData TypeCardinality - MinCardinality - MaxData Type MappingVocabulary Mapping
0PR1The value mapping depends on the message context where the PR1 is used and to be determined by the implementer. If not clear, use "unknown".Procedure.statusProcedure.code11
1PR1-1Set ID - PR1SI11
2PR1-2Procedure Coding MethodIS1-1PR1-2 was deprecated in v2.3
3PR1-3Procedure CodeCNE1-1Procedure.codeProcedure.CodeableConcept01CNE[CodeableConcept]
4PR1-4Procedure DescriptionST0-1IF PR1-3.9 NOT VALUEDProcedure.code.textProcedure.string01PR1-4 was deprecated in v2.3
5PR1-5Procedure Date/TimeDTM11IF PR1-7 NOT VALUEDProcedure.performedDateTimeProcedure.dateTime01
5PR1-5Procedure Date/TimeDTM11IF PR1-7 VALUED AND PR1-5.5 NOT VALUEDProcedure.performedDateTimeProcedure.dateTime01The Procedure date/time must be at least to the granularity of minutes if a performedPeriod is to be created from PR1-5 and PR1-7
5PR1-5Procedure Date/TimeDTM11IF PR1-7 VALUED AND PR1-5.5 VALUEDProcedure.performedPeriod.startProcedure.dateTime01
6PR1-6Procedure Functional TypeCWE01Procedure.categoryProcedure.CodeableConcept01CWE[CodeableConcept]
7PR1-7Procedure MinutesNM01IF PR1-5.5 IS VALUEDProcedure.performedPeriod.endProcedure.dateTime01Procedure.performedPeriod.start+PR1-7The number of minutes in PR1-7 must be added to the time in PR1-5 to get the endpoint of the performedPeriod (note that other elements of the date/time (hours, date, etc) may also need to be changed depending on the length of the procedure)
7PR1-7Procedure MinutesNM01
9PR1-9Anesthesia CodeCWE01
10PR1-10Anesthesia MinutesNM01
12PR1-12Procedure PractitionerXCN0-1Procedure.perfomer.actor(Procedure.Practitioner)Reference(Procedure.Practitioner)01XCN[Practitioner]Because PR1-12 is less specific than other fields in PR1 in regards to the role of the practitioner, this mapping is not providing a default code for performer.function. But if an implementation knows the function of the providers being exchanged in PR1-12, than a implementation-specific value for performer.function may be assigned on a case by case basis.
13PR1-13Consent CodeCWE01
14PR1-14Procedure PriorityNM01
15PR1-15Associated Diagnosis CodeCWE01Procedure.reasonCodeProcedure.CodeableConcept0-1CWE[CodeableConcept]
16PR1-16Procedure Code ModifierCNE0-1
17PR1-17Procedure DRG TypeCWE01
18PR1-18Tissue Type CodeCWE0-1
19PR1-19Procedure IdentifierEI01Procedure.identifierProcedure.Identifier0-1EI[Identifier-Extension]
20PR1-20Procedure Action CodeID01
21PR1-21DRG Procedure Determination StatusCWE01
22PR1-22DRG Procedure RelevanceCWE01
23PR1-23Treating Organizational UnitPL0-1Procedure.location(Procedure.Location)Reference(Procedure.Location)01PL[Location]We will address >=2 cardinality if somebody raises the need.
24PR1-24Respiratory Within SurgeryID01
25PR1-25Parent Procedure IDEI01Procedure.partOf(Procedure.Procedure.identifier)Reference(Procedure.Procedure)0-1EI[Identifier-Extension]Procedure.partOf should contain the reference to another Procedure resource where Procedure.identifier matches the value of PR1-25

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap segment-pr1-to-procedure

Mapping from (not specified) to (not specified)

Group 1 Mapping from unspecified code system to unspecified code system

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
PR1is equivalent tostatus
PR1-3 (Procedure Code)is equivalent tocode
PR1-4 (Procedure Description)is equivalent tocode.textPR1-4 was deprecated in v2.3
PR1-5 (Procedure Date/Time)is equivalent toperformedDateTime
PR1-5 (Procedure Date/Time)is equivalent toperformedDateTimeThe Procedure date/time must be at least to the granularity of minutes if a performedPeriod is to be created from PR1-5 and PR1-7
PR1-5 (Procedure Date/Time)is equivalent toperformedPeriod.start
PR1-6 (Procedure Functional Type)is equivalent tocategory
PR1-7 (Procedure Minutes)is equivalent toperformedPeriod.endThe number of minutes in PR1-7 must be added to the time in PR1-5 to get the endpoint of the performedPeriod (note that other elements of the date/time (hours, date, etc) may also need to be changed depending on the length of the procedure)
PR1-8 (Anesthesiologist)is equivalent toperfomer[1].actor(Practitioner)
PR1-8 (Anesthesiologist)is equivalent toperfomer[1].function.coding.code
PR1-8 (Anesthesiologist)is equivalent toperfomer[1].function.coding.uri
PR1-11 (Surgeon)is equivalent toperfomer[2].actor(Practitioner)
PR1-11 (Surgeon)is equivalent toperfomer[2].function.coding.code
PR1-11 (Surgeon)is equivalent toperfomer[2].function.coding.uri
PR1-12 (Procedure Practitioner)is equivalent toperfomer[3].actor(Practitioner)Because PR1-12 is less specific than other fields in PR1 in regards to the role of the practitioner, this mapping is not providing a default code for performer.function. But if an implementation knows the function of the providers being exchanged in PR1-12, than a implementation-specific value for performer.function may be assigned on a case by case basis.
PR1-15 (Associated Diagnosis Code)is equivalent toreasonCode
PR1-19 (Procedure Identifier)is equivalent toidentifier
PR1-23 (Treating Organizational Unit)is equivalent tolocation(Location)We will address >=2 cardinality if somebody raises the need.
PR1-25 (Parent Procedure ID)is equivalent topartOf(Procedure.identifier)Procedure.partOf should contain the reference to another Procedure resource where Procedure.identifier matches the value of PR1-25
