HL7 Version 2 to FHIR
1.0.0 - STU 1 International flag

HL7 Version 2 to FHIR, published by HL7 International / Orders and Observations. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of https://github.com/HL7/v2-to-fhir/ and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: Segment NK1 to Patient Map (Experimental)

Official URL: http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/v2mappings/ConceptMap/segment-nk1-to-patient Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2025-01-15 Computable Name: SegmentNK1ToPatient

Copyright/Legal: Copyright (c) 2025, HL7 International, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

This ConceptMap represents a mapping from the HL7 V2 Segment NK1 to the FHIR Patient Resource.

This ConceptMap represents the mapping from the HL7 V2 NK1 Segment to the FHIR Patient Resource. See also the FHIR Shorthand or the CSV Source.

HL7 v2Condition (IF True, args)HL7 FHIRComments
Sort OrderIdentifierNameData TypeCardinality - MinCardinality - MaxComputable ANTLRComputable FHIRPathNarrativeFHIR AttributeExtensionData TypeCardinality - MinCardinality - MaxData Type MappingVocabulary Mapping
1NK1-1Set ID - NK1SI11
4NK1-4AddressXAD0-1Patient.contact.addressPatient.Address01XAD[Address]Note the decreased cardinality for the FHIR map
5NK1-5Phone NumberXTN0-1Patient.contact.telecomPatient.ContactPoint0-1XTN[ContactPoint]
6NK1-6Business Phone NumberXTN0-1Patient.contact.telecomPatient.ContactPoint0-1XTN[ContactPoint]
6NK1-6Business Phone NumberXTN0-1Patient.contact.telecom.type.usePatient.code01"work"
7NK1-7Contact RoleCWE01Patient.contact.relationshipPatient.CodeableConcept0-1CWE[CodeableConcept]Contact RoleShould we update the names in the base FHIR standard as the names and value sets are confusing? It's normative, so has to have a very strong case.
8NK1-8Start DateDT01Patient.contact.period.startPatient.dateTime01
9NK1-9End DateDT01Patient.contact.period.endPatient.dateTime01
10NK1-10Next of Kin / Associated Parties Job TitleST01
11NK1-11Next of Kin / Associated Parties Job Code/ClassJCC01
12NK1-12Next of Kin / Associated Parties Employee NumberCX01
13NK1-13Organization Name - NK1XON0-1Patient.contact.organization(Patient.Organization)Reference(Patient.Organization)01XON[Organization]
14NK1-14Marital StatusCWE01
15NK1-15Administrative SexCWE01Patient.contact.genderPatient.code01CWE[Code]AdministrativeSex
16NK1-16Date/Time of BirthDTM01
17NK1-17Living DependencyCWE0-1
18NK1-18Ambulatory StatusCWE0-1
20NK1-20Primary LanguageCWE01
21NK1-21Living ArrangementCWE01
22NK1-22Publicity CodeCWE01
23NK1-23Protection IndicatorID01
24NK1-24Student IndicatorCWE01
26NK1-26Mother's Maiden NameXPN0-1
28NK1-28Ethnic GroupCWE0-1
29NK1-29Contact ReasonCWE0-1
30NK1-30Contact Person's NameXPN0-1Patient.contact.organization(Patient.Organization.contact.name)Patient.HumanName01XPN[HumanName]
31NK1-31Contact Person's Telephone NumberXTN0-1Patient.contact.organization(Patient.Organization.contact.telecom)Patient.ContactPoint0-1XTN[ContactPoint]
32NK1-32Contact Person's AddressXAD0-1Patient.contact.organization(Patient.Organization.contact.address)Patient.Address01XAD[Address]
33NK1-33Next of Kin/Associated Party's IdentifiersCX0-1
34NK1-34Job StatusCWE01The job status is typically the patient's job status when the relationship indicates the NK1 is the employer. We invite feedback on whether or not an extension to Patient.contact is appropriate for this element.
35NK1-35RaceCWE0-1Use your local extension, e.g., US = US Core Race Extension, AUS = indiginous extension.
37NK1-37Contact Person Social Security NumberST01
38NK1-38Next of Kin Birth PlaceST01
39NK1-39VIP IndicatorCWE01
40NK1-40Next of Kin Telecommunication InformationXTN01Patient.contact.telecomPatient.ContactPoint0-1XTN[ContactPoint]
41NK1-41Contact Person's Telecommunication InformationXTN01Patient.contact.telecomPatient.ContactPoint0-1XTN[ContactPoint]

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap segment-nk1-to-patient

Mapping from (not specified) to (not specified)

Group 1 Mapping from unspecified code system to unspecified code system

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
NK1-2 (Name)is equivalent tocontact.name
NK1-3 (Relationship)is equivalent tocontact.relationship[1]
NK1-4 (Address)is equivalent tocontact.addressNote the decreased cardinality for the FHIR map
NK1-5 (Phone Number)is equivalent tocontact.telecom[1]
NK1-6 (Business Phone Number)is equivalent tocontact.telecom[2]
NK1-6 (Business Phone Number)is equivalent tocontact.telecom[2].type.use
NK1-7 (Contact Role)is equivalent tocontact.relationship[2]Should we update the names in the base FHIR standard as the names and value sets are confusing? It's normative, so has to have a very strong case.
NK1-8 (Start Date)is equivalent tocontact.period.start
NK1-9 (End Date)is equivalent tocontact.period.end
NK1-13 (Organization Name - NK1)is equivalent tocontact.organization[1](Organization)
NK1-15 (Administrative Sex)is equivalent tocontact.gender
NK1-30 (Contact Person's Name)is equivalent tocontact.organization[1](Organization.contact.name)
NK1-31 (Contact Person's Telephone Number)is equivalent tocontact.organization[1](Organization.contact.telecom)
NK1-32 (Contact Person's Address)is equivalent tocontact.organization[1](Organization.contact.address)
NK1-40 (Next of Kin Telecommunication Information)is equivalent tocontact.telecom[3]
NK1-41 (Contact Person's Telecommunication Information)is equivalent tocontact.telecom[4]
