Validation Results for USBehavioralHealthProfiles

Generated Mon Sep 16 14:59:49 UTC 2024, FHIR version 4.0.1 for (canonical = (history)). See Full QA Report

Quality Checks
Publisher Version:IG Publisher Version: v1.6.24
Publication Code:bhp . PackageId =, Canonical =
Realm Check for US:

Snomed: The IG specifies the US edition of SNOMED CT

Profiles: All OK

Publication Request:
Release-LabelCI Build
descUS Behavioral Health profiles publication-request
titleUS Behavioral Health Profiles
  • Error fetching package-list from Not Found
  • Publication Request is for v'1.0.0' but package version is v0.1.0
  • No publication request path found
  • The release must have a mode of working, milestone or technical-correction
  • This IG is not yet published at all, so there must be "first" : true in the publication request
  • No publication request category found (needed for first publication - consult FHIR product director for a value
  • No publication request introduction found (needed for first publication)
  • No publication request ci-build found (needed for first publication)
Supressed Messages:1 Suppressed Issue
Dependency Checks:
PackageVersionFHIRCanonicalWeb BaseComment
... hl7.terminology.r46.0.2 MR4http://terminology.hl7.org
... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r45.1.0 MR4
... OR4 Release is 7.0.0
.... hl7.terminology.r45.0.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org Release is 6.0.2
.... hl7.fhir.uv.extensions.r41.0.0 OR4 Release is 5.1.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.bulkdata2.0.0 MR4
.... OR4 Release is 2.2.0
..... hl7.terminology.r45.0.0 OR4http://terminology.hl7.org above. Latest Release is 6.0.2
.... us.nlm.vsac0.11.0 OR4 Release is 0.19.0
.... hl7.fhir.uv.sdc3.0.0 MR4
..... hl7.fhir.r4.examples4.0.1 OR4 Release is 5.0.0
.... us.cdc.phinvads0.12.0 MR4
.... ihe.formatcode.fhir1.1.0 OR4 Release is 1.3.0
Templates: opa.fhir.template#1.0.0 -> fhir.base.template#current. Tools: 0.2.0
Dependent IGs:no references
Global Profiles:(none declared)
Terminology Server(s): (details)
HTA Analysis:1 issue
R5 Dependencies:(none)
Draft Dependencies:
Modifier Extensions:(none)
Previous Version Comparison: Unable to compare with previous version: Unable to find version history at (Problem #1 with package-list.json at Not Found)
IPA Comparison: n/a
IPS Comparison: n/a
Summary: errors = 138, warn = 81, info = 25, broken links = 9
Build Errors1100

n/a Show Validation Information

ImplementationGuide​.definition​.parameter[25]​.valueerrorSupressed messages file has errors with no reason (TODO)
package.tgzerrorError converting pacakge to R4B: Error processing example/DocumentReference-mental-health-consult-note-example-1.json: Invalid date/time string (datatype InstantType does not support DAY precision): 2024-01-01
output​/MedicationRequest-paroxetine-discharge-med-example-1​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 199, column 57errorThe link 'StructureDefinition-us-core-medicationrequest.html' for "US Core MedicationRequest Profile (version 7.0.0)" cannot be resolved
output​/MedicationRequest-paroxetine-discharge-med-example-1​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/span​/a at Line 242, column 166errorThe link '' for "RxNorm" cannot be resolved
output​/Observation-average-blood-pressure-example-1​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/pre​/code​/a at Line 197, column 9errorThe link '' for "🔗" cannot be resolved
output​/Observation-no-morphine-preference-observation-example-1​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/pre​/code​/a at Line 197, column 9errorThe link '' for "🔗" cannot be resolved
output​/Observation-provider-preference-observation-example-2​.json​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/pre​/code​/a at Line 197, column 9errorThe link '' for "🔗" cannot be resolved
output​/bh_to_fhir_profiles​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tbody​/tr​/td​/a at Line 357, column 27errorThe link '' for "US Core Care Experience Preference Profile (STU7)" cannot be resolved
output​/bh_to_fhir_profiles​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/table​/tbody​/tr​/td​/a at Line 375, column 27errorThe link '' for "US Core Treatment Intervention Preference Profile (STU7)" cannot be resolved
output​/downloads​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 183, column 132errorThe link 'package.r4.tgz' for "R4 (" cannot be resolved
output​/downloads​.html​#​/html​/body​/div​/div​/div​/div​/div​/p​/a at Line 183, column 189errorThe link 'package.r4b.tgz' for "R4B (" cannot be resolved

input/ Show Validation Information (1)

ImplementationGuide (l1/c44698)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension

input/resources/allergyintolerance/penicillin-allergy-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

AllergyIntolerance​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l23​/c11)errorWrong Display Name 'Substance with penicillin structure (substance)' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Penicillin (substance)' or 'Penicillin' (for the language(s) 'en') (from
AllergyIntolerance​.reaction[0]​.manifestation[0]​.coding[0]​.display (l36​/c24)errorWrong Display Name 'Wheal (finding)' for Valid display is one of 6 choices: 'Wheezing', 'Asthmatic breath sounds', 'Asthmatic breathing', 'Wheeze', 'Wheezy' or 'Wheezing (finding)' (for the language(s) 'en') (from

input/resources/codesystem/bh-funding-type-codes.xml Show Validation Information (1)

CodeSystem (l1/c1803)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
CodeSystem (l1/c1803)informationMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)
CodeSystemwarningHL7 Defined CodeSystems SHOULD have a stated value for the caseSensitive element so that users know the status and meaning of the code system clearly
CodeSystem (l1/c1803)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
CodeSystem (l1/c1803)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.description is mandatory, but it is not present
CodeSystem (l1/c1803)errorCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present
CodeSystem.jurisdictionwarningThe resource should declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')

input/resources/condition/chest-pain-condition-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Condition.verificationStatus (l15/c25)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1 (from
Condition​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l34​/c11)errorWrong whitespace in Display Name ' Chest pain (finding)' for Valid display is one of 2 choices: 'Chest pain' or 'Chest pain (finding)' (for the language(s) 'en') (from
Condition​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l38​/c53)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' Chest pain (finding)'
Condition (l1/c40)errorConstraint failed: con-4: 'If condition is abated, then clinicalStatus must be either inactive, resolved, or remission' (defined in

input/resources/condition/depression-condition-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Condition.category[0] (l25/c15)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|6.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Condition (l1/c40)errorSlice 'Condition.category:us-core': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|6.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
Condition.verificationStatus (l15/c25)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1 (from

input/resources/condition/diabetes-condition-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Condition.meta.profile[0] (l5/c93)errorCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found ValueSet expecting one of [StructureDefinition]
Condition.verificationStatus (l15/c25)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1 (from
Condition (l1/c40)errorConstraint failed: con-4: 'If condition is abated, then clinicalStatus must be either inactive, resolved, or remission'
Condition.meta.profile[0] (l1/c40)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/condition/grief-condition-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Condition.category[0] (l25/c15)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|6.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Condition.category[1] (l34/c15)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|6.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Condition (l1/c40)errorSlice 'Condition.category:us-core': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|6.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
Condition.verificationStatus (l15/c25)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1 (from
Condition (l1/c40)errorConstraint failed: con-4: 'If condition is abated, then clinicalStatus must be either inactive, resolved, or remission' (defined in

input/resources/condition/panic-attack-condition-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Condition.verificationStatus (l15/c25)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1 (from
Condition (l1/c40)errorConstraint failed: con-4: 'If condition is abated, then clinicalStatus must be either inactive, resolved, or remission' (defined in

input/resources/condition/substance-abuse-condition-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Condition.category[0] (l25/c15)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|6.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Condition (l1/c40)errorSlice 'Condition.category:us-core': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|6.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
Condition.verificationStatus (l15/c25)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1 (from
Condition (l1/c40)errorConstraint failed: con-4: 'If condition is abated, then clinicalStatus must be either inactive, resolved, or remission' (defined in

input/resources/consent/SDOHCC-ConsentInformationDisclosure-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Consent.text.diverrorResource has provided narrative, but the narrative indicates that it is generated - remove the narrative or fix it up
Consent.meta.profile[0] (l5/c98)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Consent.meta.profile[0] (l1/c38)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/diagnosticreport/ekg-impression-report-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

DiagnosticReport​.meta​.profile[0] (l5​/c106)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
DiagnosticReport​.meta​.profile[0] (l1​/c47)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-consult-note-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage (l30/c31)errorThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)

input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-discharge-summary-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage (l30/c31)errorThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)

input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-hx-physical-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

PathSeverityMessage (l30/c31)errorThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)

input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-procedure-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

DocumentReference​.type​.coding[0]​.display (l9​/c11)errorWrong Display Name 'Mental Health Procedure Note' for Valid display is 'Mental health History and physical note' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en') (from
DocumentReference.type (l9/c11)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Mental Health Clinical Note Types' (|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = (l30/c31)errorThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)

input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-progress-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

DocumentReference​.type​.coding[0]​.display (l10​/c11)errorWrong Display Name 'Mental Health Progress Note' for Valid display is 'Mental health History and physical note' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en') (from
DocumentReference.type (l10/c11)errorNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Mental Health Clinical Note Types' (|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes = (l31/c31)errorThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)

input/resources/encounter/discharge-encounter-example-3.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Encounter​.hospitalization​.dischargeDisposition​.coding[0]​.system (l59​/c31)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from

input/resources/goal/food-insecurity-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Goal.meta.profile[0] (l5/c95)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Goal​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l15​/c15)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Goal​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l18​/c110)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Goal.meta.profile[0] (l1/c35)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/goal/housing-insecurity-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Goal.meta.profile[0] (l5/c95)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Goal.category[0].coding[0] (l15/c15)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Goal​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.system (l18​/c110)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Goal.meta.profile[0] (l1/c35)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/goal/social-connection-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Goal.meta.profile[0] (l5/c95)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Goal.meta.profile[0] (l1/c35)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/goal/transportation-insecurity-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Goal.meta.profile[0] (l5/c95)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
Goal.meta.profile[0] (l1/c35)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/immunization/flu-vaccine-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Immunization.meta.profile[0] (l6/c97)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Immunization​.vaccineCode​.coding[0]​.display (l9​/c18)errorWrong Display Name 'Influenza, adjuvanted, inactivated, trivalent, injectable, preservative free' for Valid display is 'influenza, trivalent, adjuvanted' (for the language(s) 'en') (from
Immunization.meta.profile[0] (l2/c43)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/medicationdispense/bupropion-dispense-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

MedicationDispense.quantity (l19/c15)warningUCUM Codes that contain human readable annotations like {tbl} can be misleading (e.g. they are ignored when comparing units). Best Practice is not to depend on annotations in the UCUM code, so this usage should be checked, and the Quantity.unit SHOULD contain the annotation
MedicationDispense (l1/c49)errorConstraint failed: us-core-20: 'whenHandedOver SHALL be present if the status is "completed"'

input/resources/medicationrequest/paroxetine-discharge-med-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

​/f:MedicationRequest​/f:dispenseRequest​/f:quantity (l181​/c31)errorUndefined attribute '@value' on quantity for type Quantity
MedicationRequest.text.diverrorResource has provided narrative, but the narrative indicates that it is generated - remove the narrative or fix it up
MedicationRequest​.category[0] (l147​/c15)informationReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
MedicationRequest.text.diverrorHyperlink 'StructureDefinition-us-core-medicationrequest.html' at 'div/div/p/a' for 'US Core MedicationRequest Profile (version 7.0.0)' does not resolve
MedicationRequest.text.diverrorHyperlink '' at 'div/p/span/a' for 'RxNorm' does not resolve

input/resources/observation/anxiety-assessment-observation-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept) (l44​/c27)errorAs specified by profile|6.1.0, Element 'valueCodeableConcept' is out of order (found after component)
Observation​.component[0]​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l35​/c15)errorWrong Display Name 'I have attacks of anxiety or panic' for Valid display is 'I have attacks of anxiety or panic since I took my last screen [M3]' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en') (from

input/resources/observation/average-blood-pressure-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (2)

Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.text.diverrorResource has provided narrative, but the narrative indicates that it is generated - remove the narrative or fix it up
Observation.extension[0] (l55/c83)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Observation (l1/c42)errorThe extension is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = ; this element is [Observation])
Observation.extension[0].url (l55/c83)errorThis element is not allowed by the profile|0.1.0
Observation​.extension[0]​.extension[0] (l56​/c37)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Observation​.extension[0]​.extension[1] (l59​/c39)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|0.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Observation.extension[0] (l55/c83)errorObservation.status: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
Observation.extension[0] (l55/c83)errorObservation.category: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
Observation.extension[0] (l55/c83)errorObservation.code: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
Observation.extension[0] (l55/c83)errorObservation.subject: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
Observation​.extension[0]​.extension[0][url='program-id'] (l56​/c37)errorSub-extension url 'program-id' is not defined by the Extension|0.1.0
Observation​.extension[0]​.extension[1][url='grant-number'] (l59​/c39)errorSub-extension url 'grant-number' is not defined by the Extension|0.1.0
Observation​.performer[0]​.reference (l86​/c64)errorThis element is not allowed by the profile|6.1.0
Observation​.performer[0]​.display (l87​/c69)errorThis element is not allowed by the profile|6.1.0
Observation.performer[0] (l85/c16) minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|6.1.0)
Observation.performer[0] (l85/c16) minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|6.1.0)
Observation.performer[0] (l85/c16)errorConstraint failed: org-1: 'The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one' (defined in

input/resources/observation/blood-pressure-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l5/c99)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l1/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/observation/cognitive-status-observation-example-3.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation​.value​.ofType(integer) (l53​/c31)errorAs specified by profile|6.1.0, Element 'valueInteger' is out of order (found after component)

input/resources/observation/ekg-observation-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

​/f:Observation​/f:valueCodeableConcept (l34​/c18)errorText should not be present ('>')
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/resources/observation/heart-rate-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l5/c95)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l1/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/observation/height-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l5/c96)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l1/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/observation/hemoglobin-a1c-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l5/c100)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l17​/c11)errorWrong whitespace in Display Name 'Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood ' for Valid display is 'Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en') (from
Observation​.code​.coding[0]​.display (l21​/c73)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood '
Observation.code.text (l23/c66)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood '
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l1/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/observation/no-morphine-preference-observation-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.code (l8​/c15)errorUnknown code 'treatment-intervention-preference' in the CodeSystem '' version '6.1.0'

input/resources/observation/non-smoker-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/resources/observation/oxygen-saturation-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l5/c99)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l1/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/observation/pregnancy-status-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer

input/resources/observation/provider-preference-observation-example-2.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation​.category[0]​.coding[0]​.code (l8​/c15)errorUnknown code 'care-experience-preference' in the CodeSystem '' version '6.1.0'

input/resources/observation/respiratory-rate-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l5/c101)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l1/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/observation/sexual-orientation-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l5/c115)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l1/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/observation/temperature-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l6/c101)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation (l2/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l2/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/observation/usual-work-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0]​.system (l19​/c27)warningA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.327' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Observation​.value​.ofType(CodeableConcept)​.coding[0] (l19​/c27)warningA definition for CodeSystem 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.114222.4.5.327' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()

input/resources/observation/weight-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Observation.meta.profile[0] (l5/c96)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
Observation (l1/c42)warningBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
Observation.meta.profile[0] (l1/c42)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Patient.extension[4] (l47/c107)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|6.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Patient.extension[7] (l68/c82)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|6.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Patient​.extension[0]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l11​/c26)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient​.extension[1]​.extension[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding) (l25​/c26)informationThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
Patient.extension[4] (l47/c107)errorThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here
Patient.extension[4].url (l47/c107)errorURL value '' does not resolve
Patient.extension[5] (l51/c97)errorThe Extension '' definition allows for the types [] but found type boolean
Patient.extension[5] (l51/c97)errorExtension.extension: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|6.1.0)
Patient.extension[5] (l51/c97)errorSlice 'Extension.extension:tribalAffiliation': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|6.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
Patient.extension[5] (l51/c97)errorExtension.value[x]: max allowed = 0, but found 1 (from|6.1.0)

input/resources/practitioner/mental-health-provider-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Practitioner.identifier[1] (l11/c17)Slicing InformationThis element does not match any known slice defined in the profile|6.1.0 (this may not be a problem, but you should check that it's not intended to match a slice) Show Reasoning
Practitioner.identifier[0] (l7/c17)errorConstraint failed: us-core-16: 'NPI must be 10 digits'

input/resources/practitioner/pcp-provider-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Practitioner.identifier[0] (l7/c17)errorConstraint failed: us-core-16: 'NPI must be 10 digits'
Practitioner.identifier[0] (l7/c17)errorConstraint failed: us-core-17: 'NPI check digit must be valid (Luhn algorithm check)'

input/resources/procedure/bh-prevention-education-program-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Procedure​.code​.coding[0]​.system (l11​/c11)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated (from
Procedure.code (l11/c11)warningUnable to check whether the code is in the value set '|6.1.0' because the code system was not found
Procedure.code (l11/c11)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated; Unable to check whether the code is in the value set '|6.1.0' because the code system was not found

input/resources/questionnaireresponse/BHP-QuestionnaireResponsePRAPAREExample-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.questionnaire (l8​/c100)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse (l8/c100)warningThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire

input/resources/questionnaireresponse/C-SSRS-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l5​/c106)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse​.questionnaire (l8​/c75)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse (l8/c75)warningThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l1​/c52)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/questionnaireresponse/ace-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l5​/c106)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse (l8/c135)warningThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l1​/c52)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/questionnaireresponse/alcohol-use-identification-test-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l5​/c106)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse​.questionnaire (l8​/c68)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse (l8/c68)warningThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l1​/c52)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l5​/c106)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse.text.diverrorThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
QuestionnaireResponse.text.diverrorThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
QuestionnaireResponse.text.diverrorThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
QuestionnaireResponse.text.diverrorThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
QuestionnaireResponse.text.diverrorThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
QuestionnaireResponse​.questionnaire (l8​/c80)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l22​/c26)errorUnknown code 'LA12302-8 ' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.78' (from, see log)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l25​/c24)errorThe code 'LA12302-8 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[0]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l27​/c24)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[1]​.linkId (l33​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/83185-9 '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[1]​.text (l35​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Transferring ability '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[1]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l37​/c26)errorUnknown code 'LA12302-8 ' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.78' (from, see log)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[1]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l40​/c24)errorThe code 'LA12302-8 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[1]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l42​/c24)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[2]​.linkId (l48​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/83185-9 '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[2]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l51​/c26)errorUnknown code 'LA31644-0 ' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.78' (from, see log)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[2]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l54​/c24)errorThe code 'LA31644-0 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[2]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l56​/c24)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent face/hair/teeth/shaving (implements provided) '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[3]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l64​/c26)errorUnknown code 'LA31632-5 ' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.78' (from, see log)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[3]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l67​/c24)errorThe code 'LA31632-5 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[3]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l69​/c24)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent (on and off, dressing, wiping) '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[4]​.linkId (l75​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/83181-8 '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[4]​.text (l77​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Bathing ability '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[4]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l79​/c26)errorUnknown code 'LA31636-6 ' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.78' (from, see log)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[4]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l82​/c24)errorThe code 'LA31636-6 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[4]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l84​/c24)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent (or in shower) '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[5]​.linkId (l90​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/83186-7 '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[5]​.text (l92​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Ambulation ability '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[5]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l94​/c26)errorWrong whitespace in Display Name 'Independent (but may use any aid; for example, stick) >50 yards ' for Valid display is 'Independent (but may use any aid; for example, stick) >50 yards' (en-US) (for the language(s) 'en') (from, see log)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[5]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l98​/c24)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent (but may use any aid; for example, stick) >50 yards '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[6]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l106​/c26)errorUnknown code 'LA12302-8 ' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.78' (from, see log)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[6]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l109​/c24)errorThe code 'LA12302-8 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[6]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l111​/c24)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[7]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l119​/c26)errorUnknown code 'LA31638-2 ' in the CodeSystem '' version '2.78' (from, see log)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[7]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.code (l122​/c24)errorThe code 'LA31638-2 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[7]​.answer[0]​.value​.ofType(Coding)​.display (l124​/c24)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent (including buttons, zips, laces, etc.) '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[8]​.linkId (l130​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/96759-6 '
QuestionnaireResponse​.item[8]​.text (l132​/c16)warningvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Bowel control ability '
QuestionnaireResponse (l8/c80)warningThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l1​/c52)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/questionnaireresponse/hark-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l5​/c106)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse​.questionnaire (l8​/c73)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse (l8/c73)warningThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l1​/c52)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/questionnaireresponse/phq-9-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l5​/c106)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
QuestionnaireResponse (l133/c11)errorStructural Error: items are out of order
QuestionnaireResponse​.meta​.profile[0] (l1​/c52)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/relatedperson/adult-child-relatedperson-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

RelatedPerson.meta.profile[0] (l5/c98)errorCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
RelatedPerson​.relationship[0]​.coding[0]​.code (l12​/c19)errorUnknown code 'child' in the CodeSystem '' version '3.0.0'
RelatedPerson.relationship[0] (l12/c19)informationNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Patient relationship type' (|4.0.1), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes =
RelatedPerson.meta.profile[0] (l1/c44)warningProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/servicerequest/ServiceRequest-peer-mentoring-example-1.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ServiceRequest​.meta​.profile[0] (l5​/c105)errorCanonical URL '' does not resolve
ServiceRequest​.category[1]​.coding[0] (l16​/c15)warningA definition for CodeSystem '' could not be found, so the code cannot be validated
ServiceRequest​.category[1]​.coding[0]​.system (l19​/c110)errorURL value '' does not resolve
ServiceRequest.meta.profile[0] (l1/c45)warningProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles

input/resources/structuredefinition/bh-grant-info.xml Show Validation Information (1)

http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/us​/bhp​/StructureDefinition​/bh-grant-infoerrorThe profile has type Organization which is not consistent with the stated type Reference
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[3]​.slicing (l1​/c102251)errorConstraint failed: eld-1: 'If there are no discriminators, there must be a definition'
StructureDefinition (l1/c102822)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
StructureDefinitionerrorThe kind complex-type must be the same as the kind resource in the base structure (base type = Observation)
StructureDefinitionerrorThe structure definition constrains a kind of resource, but has a different kind (complex-type)
StructureDefinition​.differential​.element[5]​.type[0]​.profile[0]errorProfile is for type StructureDefinition[|4.0.1], but the Observation.performer element has type Reference
StructureDefinition​.snapshot​.element[23]​.type[0]​.profile[0]errorProfile is for type StructureDefinition[|4.0.1], but the Observation.performer element has type Reference
StructureDefinition.jurisdictionerrorThe resource must declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')

input/resources/structuredefinition/mental-health-clinical-notes.xml Show Validation Information (1)

Mental Health Clinical Notes​.DocumentReference​.typeerrorBinding is not a subset of binding
StructureDefinition (l1/c91351)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
StructureDefinition.jurisdictionerrorThe resource must declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')

input/resources/structuredefinition/program-info.xml Show Validation Information (1)

StructureDefinition (l1/c42636)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
StructureDefinition.jurisdictionerrorThe resource must declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')
StructureDefinition​.where(url = 'http:​/​/hl7​.org​/fhir​/us​/bhp​/StructureDefinition​/program-info')warningThe Implementation Guide contains no examples for this extension

input/resources/valueset/bh-funding-types.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1796)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
ValueSet (l1/c1796)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet (l1/c1796)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.description is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet.jurisdictionwarningThe resource should declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')

input/resources/valueset/mental-health-clinical-note-types.xml Show Validation Information (1)

ValueSet (l1/c1904)errorWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
ValueSet (l1/c1904)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet (l1/c1904)errorValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.description is mandatory, but it is not present
ValueSet.jurisdictionwarningThe resource should declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')

Suppressed Messages (Warnings, hints, broken links)


Errors sorted by type


input/resources/observation/average-blood-pressure-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/blood-pressure-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/ekg-observation-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/heart-rate-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/height-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/hemoglobin-a1c-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/non-smoker-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/oxygen-saturation-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/pregnancy-status-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/respiratory-rate-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/sexual-orientation-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/temperature-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/usual-work-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer
input/resources/observation/weight-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have a performer


input/resources/observation/usual-work-example-1.xmlBest Practice Recommendation: In general, all observations should have an effective[x] ()


input/resources/codesystem/bh-funding-type-codes.xmlCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
input/resources/codesystem/bh-funding-type-codes.xmlCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.description is mandatory, but it is not present
input/resources/codesystem/bh-funding-type-codes.xmlCode systems published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableCodeSystem profile, which says that the element CodeSystem.caseSensitive is mandatory, but it is not present


input/resources/codesystem/bh-funding-type-codes.xmlMost code systems defined in HL7 IGs will need to move to THO later during the process. Consider giving this code system a THO URL now (See, and/or talk to TSMG)


input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlThe extension is not allowed to be used at this point (allowed = ; this element is [Observation])


input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlSub-extension url 'program-id' is not defined by the Extension|0.1.0
input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlSub-extension url 'grant-number' is not defined by the Extension|0.1.0


input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xmlThe Extension '' definition allows for the types [] but found type boolean


input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xmlThe extension could not be found so is not allowed here


input/resources/condition/chest-pain-condition-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1
input/resources/condition/depression-condition-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1
input/resources/condition/diabetes-condition-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1
input/resources/condition/grief-condition-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1
input/resources/condition/panic-attack-condition-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1
input/resources/condition/substance-abuse-condition-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|4.0.1
input/resources/medicationrequest/ativan-discharge-med-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
input/resources/medicationrequest/bupropion-discharge-med-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
input/resources/medicationrequest/metformin-discharge-med-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0
input/resources/medicationrequest/paroxetine-discharge-med-example-1.xmlReference to draft CodeSystem|1.0.0


input/resources/questionnaireresponse/phq-9-example-1.xmlStructural Error: items are out of order


input/resources/questionnaireresponse/BHP-QuestionnaireResponsePRAPAREExample-1.xmlThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/C-SSRS-example-1.xmlThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/ace-example-1.xmlThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/alcohol-use-identification-test-1.xmlThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/hark-example-1.xmlThe questionnaire '' could not be resolved, so no validation can be performed against the base questionnaire


input/resources/codesystem/bh-funding-type-codes.xmlThe resource should declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')
input/resources/structuredefinition/bh-grant-info.xmlThe resource must declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')
input/resources/structuredefinition/mental-health-clinical-notes.xmlThe resource must declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')
input/resources/structuredefinition/program-info.xmlThe resource must declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')
input/resources/valueset/bh-funding-types.xmlThe resource should declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')
input/resources/valueset/mental-health-clinical-note-types.xmlThe resource should declare its jurisdiction to match the package id (, jurisdiction = urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US) (for Sushi users: in sushi-config.yaml, 'jurisdiction: urn:iso:std:iso:3166#US "null"')


input/resources/structuredefinition/bh-grant-info.xmlThe kind complex-type must be the same as the kind resource in the base structure (base type = Observation)


input/resources/structuredefinition/bh-grant-info.xmlThe structure definition constrains a kind of resource, but has a different kind (complex-type)


input/resources/structuredefinition/bh-grant-info.xmlProfile is for type StructureDefinition[|4.0.1], but the Observation.performer element has type Reference
input/resources/structuredefinition/bh-grant-info.xmlProfile is for type StructureDefinition[|4.0.1], but the Observation.performer element has type Reference


input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xmlThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated
input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xmlThe definition for the Code System with URI 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.6.238' doesn't provide any codes so the code cannot be validated


input/resources/consent/SDOHCC-ConsentInformationDisclosure-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/diagnosticreport/ekg-impression-report-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/goal/food-insecurity-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/goal/housing-insecurity-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/goal/social-connection-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/goal/transportation-insecurity-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/immunization/flu-vaccine-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/blood-pressure-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/heart-rate-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/height-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/hemoglobin-a1c-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/oxygen-saturation-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/respiratory-rate-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/sexual-orientation-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/temperature-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/observation/weight-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/BHP-QuestionnaireResponsePRAPAREExample-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/C-SSRS-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/C-SSRS-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/ace-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/alcohol-use-identification-test-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/alcohol-use-identification-test-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/hark-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/hark-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/phq-9-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/relatedperson/adult-child-relatedperson-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '|7.0.0' does not resolve
input/resources/servicerequest/ServiceRequest-peer-mentoring-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' does not resolve


input/resources/condition/diabetes-condition-example-1.xmlCanonical URL '' refers to a resource that has the wrong type. Found ValueSet expecting one of [StructureDefinition]


input/resources/medicationdispense/bupropion-dispense-example-1.xmlUCUM Codes that contain human readable annotations like {tbl} can be misleading (e.g. they are ignored when comparing units). Best Practice is not to depend on annotations in the UCUM code, so this usage should be checked, and the Quantity.unit SHOULD contain the annotation


input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-procedure-example-1.xmlNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Mental Health Clinical Note Types' (|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =
input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-progress-example-1.xmlNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Mental Health Clinical Note Types' (|0.1.0), and a coding from this value set is required) (codes =


input/resources/relatedperson/adult-child-relatedperson-example-1.xmlNone of the codings provided are in the value set 'Patient relationship type' (|4.0.1), and a coding is recommended to come from this value set (codes =


input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe code 'LA12302-8 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe code 'LA12302-8 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe code 'LA31644-0 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe code 'LA31632-5 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe code 'LA31636-6 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe code 'LA12302-8 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe code 'LA31638-2 ' is not valid (whitespace rules)


input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-consult-note-example-1.xmlThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)
input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-discharge-summary-example-1.xmlThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)
input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-hx-physical-example-1.xmlThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)
input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-procedure-example-1.xmlThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)
input/resources/documentreference/mental-health-progress-example-1.xmlThe instant ''2024-01-01' doesn't meet format requirements for instant)' is not valid (by regex)


input/resources/condition/chest-pain-condition-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace ' Chest pain (finding)'
input/resources/observation/hemoglobin-a1c-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood '
input/resources/observation/hemoglobin-a1c-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Hemoglobin A1c/ in Blood '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/83185-9 '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Transferring ability '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/83185-9 '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent face/hair/teeth/shaving (implements provided) '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent (on and off, dressing, wiping) '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/83181-8 '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Bathing ability '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent (or in shower) '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/83186-7 '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Ambulation ability '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent (but may use any aid; for example, stick) >50 yards '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Independent (including buttons, zips, laces, etc.) '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace '/96759-6 '
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlvalue should not start or finish with whitespace 'Bowel control ability '


input/resources/goal/food-insecurity-example-1.xmlURL value '' does not resolve
input/resources/goal/housing-insecurity-example-1.xmlURL value '' does not resolve
input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xmlURL value '' does not resolve
input/resources/servicerequest/ServiceRequest-peer-mentoring-example-1.xmlURL value '' does not resolve


input/ HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input/resources/codesystem/bh-funding-type-codes.xmlWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input/resources/structuredefinition/bh-grant-info.xmlWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input/resources/structuredefinition/mental-health-clinical-notes.xmlWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input/resources/structuredefinition/program-info.xmlWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input/resources/valueset/bh-funding-types.xmlWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension
input/resources/valueset/mental-health-clinical-note-types.xmlWhen HL7 is publishing a resource, the owning committee must be stated using the extension


input/resources/condition/diabetes-condition-example-1.xmlProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/consent/SDOHCC-ConsentInformationDisclosure-example-1.xmlProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/diagnosticreport/ekg-impression-report-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/goal/food-insecurity-example-1.xmlProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/goal/housing-insecurity-example-1.xmlProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/goal/social-connection-example-1.xmlProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/goal/transportation-insecurity-example-1.xmlProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/immunization/flu-vaccine-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/blood-pressure-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/heart-rate-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/height-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/hemoglobin-a1c-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/oxygen-saturation-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/respiratory-rate-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/sexual-orientation-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/temperature-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/observation/weight-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/C-SSRS-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/ace-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/alcohol-use-identification-test-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/hark-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/phq-9-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/relatedperson/adult-child-relatedperson-example-1.xmlProfile reference '|7.0.0' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles
input/resources/servicerequest/ServiceRequest-peer-mentoring-example-1.xmlProfile reference '' has not been checked because it could not be found, and the validator is set to not fetch unknown profiles


input/resources/valueset/bh-funding-types.xmlValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
input/resources/valueset/bh-funding-types.xmlValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.description is mandatory, but it is not present
input/resources/valueset/mental-health-clinical-note-types.xmlValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.experimental is mandatory, but it is not present
input/resources/valueset/mental-health-clinical-note-types.xmlValue sets published by HL7 SHALL conform to the ShareableValueSet profile, which says that the element ValueSet.description is mandatory, but it is not present


input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xmlExtension.value[x]: max allowed = 0, but found 1 (from|6.1.0)


input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlObservation.status: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlObservation.category: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlObservation.code: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlObservation.subject: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|0.1.0)
input/resources/observation/ minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|6.1.0)
input/resources/observation/ minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|6.1.0)
input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xmlExtension.extension: minimum required = 1, but only found 0 (from|6.1.0)


input/resources/condition/depression-condition-example-1.xmlSlice 'Condition.category:us-core': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|6.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
input/resources/condition/grief-condition-example-1.xmlSlice 'Condition.category:us-core': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|6.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
input/resources/condition/substance-abuse-condition-example-1.xmlSlice 'Condition.category:us-core': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|6.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice
input/resources/patient/bh-patient-example.xmlSlice 'Extension.extension:tribalAffiliation': a matching slice is required, but not found (from|6.1.0). Note that other slices are allowed in addition to this required slice


input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlThis element is not allowed by the profile|0.1.0
input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlThis element is not allowed by the profile|6.1.0
input/resources/observation/bh-grant-info-observation-example-1.xmlThis element is not allowed by the profile|6.1.0


input/resources/observation/anxiety-assessment-observation-example-1.xmlAs specified by profile|6.1.0, Element 'valueCodeableConcept' is out of order (found after component)
input/resources/observation/cognitive-status-observation-example-3.xmlAs specified by profile|6.1.0, Element 'valueInteger' is out of order (found after component)


input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':
input/resources/questionnaireresponse/barthel-index-functional-status-example-1.xmlThe URL is not valid because '(URL contains 21 Invalid Characters ([ ]))':