Structured Data Capture, published by HL7 International / FHIR Infrastructure. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 4.0.0-ballot built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions
Official URL: | Version: 4.0.0-ballot | |||
IG Standards status: Trial-use | Maturity Level: 4 | Computable Name: StructuredDataCapture | ||
Other Identifiers: OID:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.40.17 |
This update provides a number of clarifications and enhancements to the SDC spec. A detailed list of key changes can be found [here](). Please note that this update relies on revisions to the FHIR Core extensions pack that have not yet been published. A dependency has been declared on the most current published release, but this release does not include some of the extensions (or updates to extensions) that have been made as part of revising this IG. If a hyperlink is encountered that doesn't work or to otherwise see the 'current' version of the extensions, you can browse the extensions here.
Paper forms exist all over healthcare. They get filled out by patients, relatives, administrators, clinicians - essentially everyone. The FHIR standard defines some basic ways share forms (empty ones and completed ones), however it only supports the capabilities that almost all forms need to have. This implementation guide defines additional capabilities, including the ability to automatically fill in some of the form answers with information that might already have been entered somewhere else, the ability to automatically calculate certain fields like age, the ability to better control what a form looks like, etc. It defines a wide variety of 'features' covering different aspects of forms (how forms look, how they behave, what types of systems can use forms and what they can do with them, etc.) The intent is to help ensure that different types of systems that implement the same 'feature' do so in the same way.
Questionnaires are used to capture administrative data, claims data, clinical information, research information, for public health reporting - every type of data that is manipulated by healthcare systems. They provide a user-friendly mechanism for capturing data in a consistent way. In FHIR, forms are represented using the Questionnaire resource and completed forms are represented using the QuestionnaireResponse resource. The base FHIR specification defines these resources but does not provide much guidance around how they should be used, nor does it set minimal expectations for interoperation. This implementation guide provides a set of guidance around the use of Questionnaire and QuestionnaireResponse that support many additional capabilities that provide benefits to providers, patients and other users. These capabilities cover 7 major areas:
Obviously all of the above represents a lot of capability and not all systems will necessarily need to take on all of these features. In fact, it is unlikely that any one system will support all of the features defined in this guide. Instead, each downstream implementation guide or implementer will choose the specific subset of SDC features of interest and build those only.
This guide defines a set of CapabilityStatements setting required and suggested RESTful interface capabilities for different types of systems that work with Questionnaires and QuestionnaireResponses. Most implementers of this guide SHOULD conform to at least one of these. The guide also defines profiles. These profiles fall into two categories:
In many cases, when complying with SDC, a system may wish to comply with multiple profiles at once. For example, an implementer may need advanced rendering, advanced behavior, population, and extraction all in a single Questionnaire. When creating a profile, it is not possible to inherit from multiple profiles at once. However, it is possible to use extensions in your profile, either to assert an expectation for compliance with additional profiles or to manually re-assert the same set of constraints and then assert that the elements in the profile meet the requirements of a reference profile.
This IG can also be used as a tool-box of extensions and approaches that an implementation or downstream IG could use as 'inspiration' to their own set of profiles and CapabilityStatements that don't declare conformance with SDC at all. (Though referencing SDC as a source of additional information and to provide credit is still encouraged.)
If you have used SDC in the definition of Questionnaires that are publicly available, we encourage you to provide links to them on our SDC Usage Confluence page. If you don't have edit access to HL7's Confluence site, you can submit a request to add a link with a post to the Questionnaire stream on
Future versions of this IG may explore additional mechanisms to support implementers who wish to conform with specific common and useful subsets of SDC and combine them in arbitrary ways, likely using the obligation extension.
This implementation guide follows the FHIR pattern of being published as a web-based specification. This allows easy navigation between the SDC-specific portion of the implementation guide and the resources, data types, value sets and other specification components leveraged from the FHIR core specification. This approach also allows implementers to easily navigate to the information needed to perform a task.
A Table of Contents page is provided that lists all of the pages defined as part of this implementation guide. (Do be aware that some pages have multiple tabs.) A table of contents is also available for the full FHIR specification if you really want to read absolutely everything. There's also an Artifact index that lists all formal FHIR artifacts defined within this implementation guide. The Support menu provides links to the HL7 standards used by this implementation guide as well as providing a downloads link to retrieve a local copy of this implementation guide and/or particular subsets of it.
Bread-crumb navigation is provided in the gray bar just below the menu at the top of each page, allowing easy navigation back to the main SDC page.
This implementation guide is organized into two sets of sections: SDC Background and the SDC Specification
These sections provide information relevant to all SDC implementers, regardless of which SDC capabilities they're interested in using:
These sections define the different use-cases supported by SDC, specify the profile(s) needed to meet the use-cases:
In addition to defining its own extensions, this implementation guide leverages extensions defined in the core specification. The definitions of these extensions can be found in the following sections. (Note - not all extensions from these sections are relevant. Relevant extensions are noted in each SDC profile, along with an indication of whether the extensions must be supported or not.):
It is expected that a variety of IGs will refine various combinations of SDC functionality and publish additional profiles to meet the needs of their specific Questionnaire and QuestionnaireResponse use-cases.
This guide also relies on a number of parent implementation guides:
Implementation Guide | Version(s) | Reason |
FHIR Extensions Pack | 5.1.0 | |
FHIR R4 package : Core | 4.0.1 | Imported by HL7 Terminology (THO) (and potentially others) |
FHIR R4 package : Examples | 4.0.1 | |
HL7 Terminology (THO) | 6.2.0 | Automatically added as a dependency - all IGs depend on HL7 Terminology |
This implementation guide defines additional constraints and usage expectations above and beyond the information found in these base specifications.
While this implementation guide and the underlying FHIR are licensed as public domain, this guide includes examples making use of terminologies such as LOINC, SNOMED CT and others that have more restrictive licensing requirements. Implementers should make themselves familiar with licensing and any other constraints of terminologies, questionnaires, and other components used as part of their implementation process. In some cases, licensing requirements may limit the systems that data captured using certain questionnaires may be shared with.
This publication includes IP covered under the following statements.