CodeSystem Comparison between vs


ErrorCodeSystem.versionValues for version differ: '1.0.0' vs '2.1.0'
InformationCodeSystem.dateValues for date differ: '2024-01-11T17:46:11+00:00' vs '2025-01-07T03:02:45+00:00'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='intubation').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Request or reject intubation on behalf of the patient' vs 'Intubation'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='tube-feeding').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Request or reject tube feeding on behalf of the patient' vs 'Tube feeding'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='life-support').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Request or reject life support on behalf of the patient' vs 'Life support'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='iv-fluid-and-support').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Request or reject IV fluid and support on behalf of the patient' vs 'IV fluid and support'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='antibiotics').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Request or reject intubation on behalf of the patient' vs 'Antibiotics'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='cpr').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Request or reject cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) on behalf of the patient' vs 'Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)'
InformationCodeSystem.concept.where(code='resuscitation-non-cpr').definitionChanged value for definition: 'Request or reject resuscitation that differs from cardiopulmonary resuscitation on behalf of the patient' vs 'Non-CPR Resuscitation'


        .copyrightThis CodeSystem is not copyrighted.
          • Values Differ
          .descriptionCodes indicating decisions a healthcare agent may or may not make on behalf of an individual.
                      .publisherHL7 International / Patient Empowerment
                            .titleHealthcare Agent Decision Codes
                                • Values Differ


                                  • definition changed from left to right
                                  .tube-feedingTube feeding
                                  • definition changed from left to right
                                  .life-supportLife support
                                  • definition changed from left to right
                                  .iv-fluid-and-supportIV fluid and support
                                  • definition changed from left to right
                                  • definition changed from left to right
                                  .cprCardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
                                  • definition changed from left to right
                                  .resuscitation-non-cprNon-CPR Resuscitation
                                  • definition changed from left to right