Medicolegal Death Investigation (MDI) FHIR Implementation Guide
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Medicolegal Death Investigation (MDI) FHIR Implementation Guide, published by HL7 International / Public Health. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 2.0.0-cibuild built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

Example Bundle: Bundle - MDI and EDRS - Freeman

Document Details

Generated Narrative: Bundle MDI to EDRS Composition

Document Subject

Unable to resolve subject ''

Document Content

Additional Demographic Information Section

No additional demographic information

Circumstances Section

Jurisdiction Section

Cause and Manner of Death Section

Medical History Section

No Medical History information

Additional Resources Included in Document

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Resource Composition:

Generated Narrative: Composition composition-mdi-and-edrs-a-freeman

Extension - Tracking Number: Birth Certificate/ME21-113

identifier: a03eab8c-11e8-4d0c-ad2a-b385395e27de

status: Final

type: Death administrative information Document

date: 2022-02-20

author: Practitioner Sam Jones (official)

title: MDI to EDRS Composition


*ProfessionalPractitioner Sam Jones (official)

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-how-death-injury-occurred-a-freeman-med-ingest

status: Final

code: Injury incident description Narrative

subject: Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))

effective: Partial Date Time Vital Records:

performer: Practitioner Sam Jones (official)

value: drug toxicity


code: Did death result from injury at work

value: No


code: Place of injury Facility

value: Private house


code: Transportation role of decedent

value: not applicable

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-manner-of-death-a-freeman-accidental

status: Final

code: Manner of death

subject: Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))

performer: Practitioner Sam Jones (official)

value: Accidental death

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-cause-of-death-part1-a-freeman

status: Final

code: Cause of death [US Standard Certificate of Death]

subject: Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))

performer: Practitioner Sam Jones (official)

value: Fentanyl toxicity


code: line number

value: 1


code: Disease onset to death interval

value: minutes to hours

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-contributing-cause-of-death-part2-a-freeman

status: Final

code: Other significant causes or conditions of death

subject: Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))

performer: Practitioner Sam Jones (official)

value: Hypertensive heart disease

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Resource Location:

Generated Narrative: Location location-death-atlanta-ga-a-freeman


status: Active

name: Atlanta GA Death Location - Freeman

type: Death Location

address: 400 Windstream Street Atlanta GA US (home)

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Resource Location:

Generated Narrative: Location location-injury-atlanta-ga-a-freeman


status: Active

name: Atlanta GA Injury Location - Freeman

type: Injury Location

address: 400 Windstream Street Atlanta GA US (home)

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Resource Patient:

Generated Narrative: Patient us-core-patient-a-freeman

Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))

Contact Detail112 Miramar Ct Danville IL (home)
US Core Ethnicity Extension:
US Core Race Extension:

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-tobacco-use-a-freeman

status: Final

code: Did tobacco use contribute to death

subject: Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))

effective: 2019-12-02

performer: Practitioner Sam Jones (official)

value: No

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-death-date-a-freeman

status: Final

code: Date+time of death

subject: Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))

effective: 2022-01-08 15:30:00-0500

performer: Practitioner Sam Jones (official)

value: 2022-01-08

method: Approximate


code: Date and time pronounced dead [US Standard Certificate of Death]

value: 2022-01-08 15:30:00-0500


code: Location of death

value: Dead on arrival at hospital

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Resource Practitioner:

Generated Narrative: Practitioner us-core-practitioner-s-jones

identifier: NPI/3333445555

name: Sam Jones (Official)

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Resource Practitioner:

Generated Narrative: Practitioner us-core-practitioner-jm-lehz

identifier: NPI/123456789

name: J.M. Lehz (Official)

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Resource Observation:

Generated Narrative: Observation observation-decedent-pregnancy-a-freeman

status: Final

code: Timing of recent pregnancy in relation to death

subject: Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))

effective: 2022-02-19

performer: J.M. Lehz

value: not applicable

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Resource Procedure:

Generated Narrative: Procedure procedure-death-certification-a-freeman

identifier: 180

status: Completed

category: Death certificate (record artifact)

code: Death certification

subject: Alice J. Freeman (official) Female, DoB: 1978-03-12 ( Social Security number: SSN#987054321 (use: usual, ))


*Death certification by medical examiner or coroner (procedure)Practitioner Sam Jones (official)