Intersection of and

This is the CodeSystem that contains codes in both Inheritance Control Codes ( and Inheritance Control Codes System (


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem 5dc6e6ac-f2b5-4b67-9051-62dc8933b91a-51

This code system defines codes, but no codes are represented here

Additive AdditiveIf listed in the differential would 'add to' what's in the base snapshot and propagate what's in the base as well
Fixed Fixedif listed in the differential, would 'override' what's in the snapshot (but must be a subset or same as base snapshot). Propagate what's in the base only if extension doesn't appear in the differential (and must check differential against base)
Overrides Overridesif listed in the differential, would 'override' what's in the snapshot (but can be different than base snapshot). Propagate what's in the base only if the extension doesn't appear in the differential (no need to check differential against base)
frozen FrozenCan only be listed in differential if identical to base and is propagated if not in the differential. Propagate what's in the base always. Ignore what's in the differential - though you can yell if it's different
no-copy Does not propagateDoes not propagate from base and value in base has no direct impact on what value can be in differential of derived element (though there could be methodology rules - e.g. FMM)