Intersection of and

This is the CodeSystem that contains codes in both goal relationship type ( and goal relationship type code system (


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem 5dc6e6ac-f2b5-4b67-9051-62dc8933b91a-42

This code system defines codes, but no codes are represented here

predecessor PredecessorIndicates that the target goal is one which must be met before striving for the current goal.
successor SuccessorIndicates that the target goal is a desired objective once the current goal is met.
replacement ReplacementIndicates that this goal has been replaced by the target goal.
part-of Part OfThe is a larger goal of which this particular goal is a component or step for.
other OtherIndicates that the relationship is not covered by one of the pre-defined codes. (An extension may convey more information about the meaning of the relationship.).