Union of http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-map-equivalence and http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-map-equivalence

This is the CodeSystem that contains all the codes in ConceptMapEquivalence (http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-map-equivalence) and Concept Map Equivalence Code System (http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-map-equivalence). E.g. what you have to deal with if you get resources containing codes in either of them


Generated Narrative: CodeSystem 5dc6e6ac-f2b5-4b67-9051-62dc8933b91a-26

This code system http://hl7.org/fhir/comparison/CodeSystem/5dc6e6ac-f2b5-4b67-9051-62dc8933b91a-26 defines codes in an undefined hierarchy, but no codes are represented here

1relatedto Related ToThe concepts are related to each other, and have at least some overlap in meaning, but the exact relationship is not known.
2  equivalent EquivalentThe definitions of the concepts mean the same thing (including when structural implications of meaning are considered) (i.e. extensionally identical).
3    equal EqualThe definitions of the concepts are exactly the same (i.e. only grammatical differences) and structural implications of meaning are identical or irrelevant (i.e. intentionally identical).
2  wider WiderThe target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concept.
2  subsumes SubsumesThe target mapping subsumes the meaning of the source concept (e.g. the source is-a target).
2  narrower NarrowerThe target mapping is narrower in meaning than the source concept. The sense in which the mapping is narrower SHALL be described in the comments in this case, and applications should be careful when attempting to use these mappings operationally.
2  specializes SpecializesThe target mapping specializes the meaning of the source concept (e.g. the target is-a source).
2  inexact InexactThe target mapping overlaps with the source concept, but both source and target cover additional meaning, or the definitions are imprecise and it is uncertain whether they have the same boundaries to their meaning. The sense in which the mapping is inexact SHALL be described in the comments in this case, and applications should be careful when attempting to use these mappings operationally.
2  equivalent EquivalentThe definitions of the concepts mean the same thing (including when structural implications of meaning are considered) (i.e. extensionally identical).
3    equal EqualThe definitions of the concepts are exactly the same (i.e. only grammatical differences) and structural implications of meaning are identical or irrelevant (i.e. intentionally identical).
3    equal EqualThe definitions of the concepts are exactly the same (i.e. only grammatical differences) and structural implications of meaning are identical or irrelevant (i.e. intentionally identical).
2  wider WiderThe target mapping is wider in meaning than the source concept.
2  subsumes SubsumesThe target mapping subsumes the meaning of the source concept (e.g. the source is-a target).
2  narrower NarrowerThe target mapping is narrower in meaning than the source concept. The sense in which the mapping is narrower SHALL be described in the comments in this case, and applications should be careful when attempting to use these mappings operationally.
2  specializes SpecializesThe target mapping specializes the meaning of the source concept (e.g. the target is-a source).
2  inexact InexactThe target mapping overlaps with the source concept, but both source and target cover additional meaning, or the definitions are imprecise and it is uncertain whether they have the same boundaries to their meaning. The sense in which the mapping is inexact SHALL be described in the comments in this case, and applications should be careful when attempting to use these mappings operationally.
1unmatched UnmatchedThere is no match for this concept in the target code system.
2  disjoint DisjointThis is an explicit assertion that there is no mapping between the source and target concept.
2  disjoint DisjointThis is an explicit assertion that there is no mapping between the source and target concept.