Code | Display | Definition |
abnormalityDuctType | Component code for 'Duct Type' slice | Code to identify the component slice DuctAbnormalityType. |
abnormalityFibroAdenomaType | Component code for 'FibroAdenoma Type' slice | Code to identify the component slice FibroAdenomaAbnormalityType. |
abnormalityForeignObjectType | Component code for 'Foreign Object Type' slice | Code to identify the component slice ForeignObjectAbnormalityType. |
abnormalityLymphNodeType | Component code for 'Lymph Node Type' slice | Code to identify the component slice AbnormalityLymphNodeType. |
abnormalityAsymmetryType | Component code for 'Abnormality Asymmetry Type' slice | Code to identify the component slice MGCodeAsymmetryAbnormalityType. |
abnormalityDensityType | Component code for 'Abnormality Density Type' slice | Code to identify the component slice MGCodeDensityAbnormalityType. |
biRadsAssessmentCategory | Component code for 'BiRads Code' slice | Code to identify the component slice BiRads Assessment Category. |
biRadsBreastCompositionCategory | Component code for 'BiRads BreastComposition Code' slice | Code to identify the component slice BiRads. |
consistentWithValue | Component code for 'Consistent With Value' slice | Code to identify the component slice ConsistentWithValue. |
consistentWithQualifier | Component code for 'Consistent With Qualifier' slice | Code to identify the component slice ConsistentWithQualifier. |
correspondsWith | Component code for 'Corresponds With' slice | Code to identify the component slice CorrespondsWith. |
prevDemBy | Component code for 'Previously Demonstrated By' slice | Code to identify the component slice Previously Demonstrated By. |
notPreviouslySeen | Component code for 'Not Previously Seen' slice | Code to identify the component slice Not Previously Seen. |
obsChanges | Component code for 'Observed Changes' slice | Code to identify the component slice Observed Changes. |
featureType | Component code for 'Feature Type' slice | Code to identify the component slice ObservedFeatureType. |