ISO/HL7 10781 - Electronic Health Record System Functional Model, Release 2.1
2.1.0 - CI Build

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Requirements: CP.4.2.2 Patient-Specific Medication Dosing and Warnings (Function)

Active as of 2024-11-23
Statement N:

Render medication dosing and warnings related to a medication order based on patient-specific parameters.

Description I:

Provide parameter-based (e.g., weight, lean body mass, age, sensitivity, genomics, body surface area) medication dosing recommendations and warnings for simple medications and compounded medications at the time of order entry.

Criteria N:
CP.4.2.2#01 SHALL

The system SHALL conform to function [[CPS.4.2.2]] (Support for Patient-Specific Dosing and Warnings) to determine potential adverse reactions and render alerts or notifications when new medications are ordered.

CP.4.2.2#02 SHOULD

The system SHOULD provide the ability to determine and render weight-specific dose suggestions and auto-populate (e.g., default) medication orders based on the suggested dosage.

CP.4.2.2#03 MAY

The system MAY provide the ability to capture alternative patient dosing weight(s) (e.g., ideal body weight or dry weight vs. actual patient weight) for the purpose of dose calculation.

CP.4.2.2#04 conditional SHOULD

IF the system provides the ability to capture alternative patient dosing weight(s), THEN the system SHOULD provide the ability to determine and render alternative weight-specific dose recommendations and auto-populate medication orders based on the suggested dosage.

CP.4.2.2#05 SHOULD

The system SHOULD provide the ability to render patient-specific medication dosing recommendations based on the patient's age and weight/body surface area.

CP.4.2.2#06 MAY

The system MAY provide the ability to render patient-specific medication dosing recommendations based on previous patient experience (e.g., adverse reaction, type, and severity) with the same medication.

CP.4.2.2#07 SHOULD

The system SHOULD provide the ability to determine weight-based medication dosing when doses are based on the patient's weight (e.g., mg/kg).

CP.4.2.2#08 MAY

The system MAY provide the ability to determine and render medication orders in which the weight-specific dose suggested employs a starting range with incremental changes toward a target range (e.g., a target therapeutic index).

CP.4.2.2#09 MAY

The system MAY render a notification requesting the parameters (e.g., coefficients, exponents, formulas) required to calculate the body surface area.

CP.4.2.2#10 MAY

The system MAY provide the ability to determine and present dose ranges based on patient age.

CP.4.2.2#11 MAY

The system MAY provide the ability to manage complex medication orders that include dosing based on either physical status or laboratory values.

CP.4.2.2#12 SHALL

The system SHALL provide the ability to determine and present drug dosing based on custom compounded medication components.

CP.4.2.2#13 SHOULD

The system SHOULD provide the ability to manage medication orders with patient-specific dose calculations (e.g., by weight, body surface area or genotype).