Lvl | Code | Display | Definition |
1 |
ebm-ig-profile |
EBMImplementationGuideProfile |
The Profile name in the EBMonFHIR Implementation Guide. |
2 |
Adaptation |
Adaptation |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The Adaptation Profile is used for assessments of a knowledge artifact that are used to create a new knowledge artifact through acceptance, rejection or modification of the assessed artifact. |
2 |
BaselineMeasureEvidence |
BaselineMeasureEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The BaselineMeasureEvidence Profile is used for evidence with a measured variable (with the role of outcome for this Evidence) that is considered an independent variable with respect to the outcome of an exposure or intervention in a study. |
2 |
BaselineMeasureReport |
BaselineMeasureReport |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The BaselineMeasureReport Profile is used for an evidence report including the findings for any number of baseline measures in a research study. |
2 |
BaselineVariablesList |
BaselineVariablesList |
Profile of List for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The BaselineVariablesList Profile is used to provide a list of EvidenceVariable Resources which represent baseline measures. |
2 |
BookCitation |
BookCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The BookCitation Profile is used for citations of a book. |
2 |
BookPartCitation |
BookPartCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The BookPartCitation Profile is used for citations of a part of a book. |
2 |
CertaintyOfEvidence |
CertaintyOfEvidence |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The CertaintyOfEvidence Profile is used for expression of the certainty (also called quality or confidence in the estimates) of an Evidence artifact. |
2 |
Classification |
Classification |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The Classification Profile is used for classifier tags that may be created independently from Resource creators and may be used for search indexes. |
2 |
CohortDefinition |
CohortDefinition |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The CohortDefinition Profile is used to provide a definitional representation of a Group. The type element is required.. |
2 |
Comment |
Comment |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The Comment Profile is used for comments about a Resource that may be created independently from Resource creators. |
2 |
ComparativeBaselineMeasureEvidence |
ComparativeBaselineMeasureEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ComparativeBaselineMeasureEvidence Profile is used for comparative evidence with a measured variable (with the role of outcome for this Evidence) that is considered an independent variable with respect to the outcome of an exposure or intervention in a study. |
2 |
ComparativeEvidence |
ComparativeEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ComparativeEvidence Profile is used for evidence with a measured variable that is considered the outcome of an exposure or intervention, and an exposure variable with two or more categories that are being compared. |
2 |
ComparativeEvidenceReport |
ComparativeEvidenceReport |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ComparativeEvidenceReport Profile is used for an evidence report including the study group, exposure, comparator, and findings for any number of outcomes comparing the exposure to the comparator in the study group. |
2 |
ComparativeEvidenceSynthesisReport |
ComparativeEvidenceSynthesisReport |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ComparativeEvidenceSynthesisReport Profile is used for an evidence report including the intended population, intended exposure, intended comparator, and findings for any number of outcomes comparing the exposure to the comparator with observed study group, observed exposure group, and observed comparator group unique for each outcome. |
2 |
ComparativeEvidenceReportSubject |
ComparativeEvidenceReportSubject |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The EvidenceReportSubject Profile is used to define the subject of an EvidenceReport. |
2 |
ComparativeParticipantFlowEvidence |
ComparativeParticipantFlowEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ComparativeParticipantFlowEvidence Profile is used for comparisons of counts of completion and reasons for non-completion of participation in a research study. |
2 |
ComparatorDefinition |
ComparatorDefinition |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ComparatorDefinition Profile is used to express the criteria defining a reference group for comparison. |
2 |
ComparatorGroup |
ComparatorGroup |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ComparatorGroup Profile is used to represent a group (definitional or enumerated) used as a comparator in a ComparativeEvidence. |
2 |
ComparatorOnlyEvidence |
ComparatorOnlyEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ComparatorOnlyEvidence Profile is used for evidence with a measured variable that is considered the outcome of an exposure or intervention, and a population that has an exposure with a categorical value that is the reference category for the exposure in a ComparativeEvidence Profile. The ComparatorOnlyEvidence describes the evidence for the comparator group. |
2 |
Comparison |
Comparison |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The Comparison Profile is used for assessments of similarities and differences between knowledge artifacts. |
2 |
CompositeRating |
CompositeRating |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The CompositeRating Profile is used for a composite rating or classification of a Resource that may be created following ratings or classifications by two or more parties. |
2 |
ConceptualCohortDefinition |
ConceptualCohortDefinition |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ConceptualCohortDefinition Profile is used to provide a conceptual representation of a Group. The membership = conceptual allows avoiding the required use of type. |
2 |
ConceptualComparatorDefinition |
ConceptualComparatorDefinition |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ConceptualComparatorDefinition Profile is used to express the criteria defining a reference group for comparison, where the type of Group is conceptual. |
2 |
ConceptualExposureDefinition |
ConceptualExposureDefinition |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ConceptualExposureDefinition Profile is used to express the criteria defining an evidence variable (or categorical value for a variable) in the role of exposure, where the type of Group is conceptual. |
2 |
DatabaseCitation |
DatabaseCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The DatabaseCitation Profile is used for citations of a database. |
2 |
DatabaseEntryCitation |
DatabaseEntryCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The DatabaseEntryCitation Profile is used for citations of a record within a database. |
2 |
DatasetCitation |
DatasetCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The DatasetCitation Profile is used for citations of a dataset. |
2 |
DateAsRating |
DateAsRating |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The DateAsRating Profile is used for representing a date or dateTime as a classifier value. |
2 |
DichotomousIntendedOutcome |
DichotomousIntendedOutcome |
Profile of EvidenceVariable for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The DichotomousIntendedOutcome Profile is used to provide a common variable definition for the 'intended' variable in the role of 'outcome' in Evidence Resources, to allow mapping evidence with different observed variables that relate to the same intended outcome. |
2 |
EndpointAnalysisPlan |
EndpointAnalysisPlan |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The EndpointAnalysisPlan Profile is used for specification of the statistical model for analysis of a single endpoint. |
2 |
EvidenceList |
EvidenceList |
Profile of List for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The EvidenceList Profile is used to provide a list of Evidence Resources. The EvidenceList Profile is used to represent a Group of Evidence for the population for an EvidenceSynthesisEvidence using a summary data meta-analysis approach and is referenced from a MetaanalysisStudyGroup. |
2 |
EvidenceReport |
EvidenceReport |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The EvidenceReport Profile is used for a base structure (canonical resource management) for a report combining any number of Citation, Evidence, EvidenceVariable, EvidenceReport, and related Resources. |
2 |
EvidenceReportPackage |
EvidenceReportPackage |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The EvidenceReportPackage Profile is used for a base structure to extend the EvidenceReport Profile with optional sections for Introduction, Discussion, Methods, References, Competing Interests, Acknowledgements, and Appendices. |
2 |
EvidenceReportSubject |
EvidenceReportSubject |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The EvidenceReportSubject Profile is used to define the subject of an EvidenceReport. |
2 |
EvidenceTableReportPackage |
EvidenceTableReportPackage |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The EvidenceTableReportPackage Profile is used for a base structure to extend the EvidenceReport Profile with sections for Groups (Total Group, Intervention Group, Comparator Group, and Group Assignment), Evidence Variables, and Results. |
2 |
EvidenceSynthesisEvidence |
EvidenceSynthesisEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The EvidenceSynthesisEvidence Profile is used for evidence that is combined from two or more studies, explicitly expressing the method by which evidence was synthesized. |
2 |
ExposureDefinition |
ExposureDefinition |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ExposureDefinition Profile is used to express the criteria defining an evidence variable (or categorical value for a variable) in the role of exposure. |
2 |
ExposureGroup |
ExposureGroup |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ExposureGroup Profile is used to represent a group (definitional or enumerated) used in a ComparativeEvidence. |
2 |
ExposureVariable |
ExposureVariable |
Profile of EvidenceVariable for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ExposureVariable Profile is used to classify an EvidenceVariable as an exposure (e.g. an intervention or independent variable of primary interest) for use in implementations that manage exposures differently than outcomes. |
2 |
GroupAssignment |
GroupAssignment |
Profile of EvidenceVariable for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The GroupAssignment Profile is used to classify an EvidenceVariable as an exposure managed as a categorical variable. The variable definitions are found in the category element instead of the definition element. |
2 |
GroupR6 |
GroupR6 |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The GroupR6 Profile is used to adjust the R5 Group base to match the structures in R6. |
2 |
Guideline |
Guideline |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The Guideline Profile is used for the composition of a clinical practice guideline and may be tightly related to use of Recommendation Profile of Composition for related content. |
2 |
InterventionGroup |
InterventionGroup |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The InterventionGroup Profile is used to represent a group (definitional or enumerated) whose members received or were assigned an intervention. The InterventionGroup Profile is typically used in implemntations using a ComparativeEvidence Profile. |
2 |
InterventionOnlyEvidence |
InterventionOnlyEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The InterventionOnlyEvidence Profile is used for evidence with a measured variable that is considered the outcome of an exposure or intervention. The InterventionOnlyEvidence describes the evidence for the intervention group |
2 |
JournalArticleCitation |
JournalArticleCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The JournalArticleCitation Profile is used for citations of an article published in a periodical venue classified as a journal. |
2 |
MetaanalysisEligibilityCriteria |
MetaanalysisEligibilityCriteria |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The MetaanalysisEligibilityCriteria Profile is used to describe inclusion and exclusion criteria for a meta-analysis. |
2 |
MetaanalysisOutcomeDefinition |
MetaanalysisOutcomeDefinition |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The MetaanalysisOutcomeDefinition Profile is used to express the criteria defining an evidence variable in the role of outcome where the population (dataset) is a set of Evidence Resources. Characteristics define the characteristics of the Evidence Resource to be eligible to be used for this outcome. |
2 |
MetaanalysisStudyGroup |
MetaanalysisStudyGroup |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The MetaanalysisStudyGroup Profile is used to represent an enumerated group of participants in a meta-analysis where the participants are Evidence Resources and the Group membership is conceptual. |
2 |
NetEffectContribution |
NetEffectContribution |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The NetEffectContribution Profile is used for evidence in which the effect estimates, expressed as risk differences, is multiplied by a relative importance rating of the outcomes. |
2 |
NetEffectContributionList |
NetEffectContributionList |
Profile of List for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The NetEffectContributionList Profile is used to provide a list of Evidence Resources (NetEffectContribution Profile). The NetEffectContributionList Profile is used to represent a Group of Evidence for the population for a NetEffectEstimate (Profile of Evidence) using a net effect analysis approach and is referenced from a NetEffectContributions (Profile of Group). |
2 |
NetEffectContributions |
NetEffectContributions |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The NetEffectContributions Profile is used to represent an enumerated group of participants in a net effect analysis where the participants are Evidence Resources (NetEffectContribution Profile) and the Group membership is conceptual. |
2 |
NetEffectEstimate |
NetEffectEstimate |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The NetEffectEstimate Profile is used for evidence in which the observed data is net effect contributions (effect estimates expressed as risk differences, multiplied by relative importance ratings of outcomes). |
2 |
NonComparativeEvidence |
NonComparativeEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The NonComparativeEvidence Profile is used for evidence about a single group with no comparisons between groups. |
2 |
OutcomeDefinition |
OutcomeDefinition |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The OutcomeDefinition Profile is used to express the criteria defining an evidence variable (or categorical value for a variable) in the role of outcome. |
2 |
OutcomeImportance |
OutcomeImportance |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The OutcomeImportance Profile is used for expression of the relative importance of an outcome. The outcome is typically expressed with an EvidenceVariable Resource and may use the OutcomeVariable Profile of EvidenceVariable (or OutcomeDefinition Profile of Group). |
2 |
OutcomeList |
OutcomeList |
Profile of List for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The OutcomeList Profile is used to provide a list of outcomes. The OutcomeList Profile is referenced in the EvidenceReportSubject Profile as a way to define the set of outcomes that an EvidenceReport is about. |
2 |
OutcomeMeasureEvidence |
OutcomeMeasureEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The OutcomeMeasureEvidence Profile is used for evidence with a measured variable that is considered the outcome of an exposure or intervention. |
2 |
OutcomeMeasureReport |
OutcomeMeasureReport |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The OutcomeMeasureReport Profile is used for an evidence report including the findings for any number of outcome measures in a research study. |
2 |
OutcomeVariable |
OutcomeVariable |
Profile of EvidenceVariable for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The OutcomeVariable Profile is used to classify an EvidenceVariable as an outcome or dependent variable for use in implementations that manage exposures differently than outcomes. |
2 |
OutcomeVariablesList |
OutcomeVariablesList |
Profile of List for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The OutcomeVariablesList Profile is used to provide a list of EvidenceVariable Resources which represent outcome measures. |
2 |
ParticipantFlow |
ParticipantFlow |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ParticipantFlow Profile is used for counts of completion and reasons for non-completion of participation in a research study. THE ParticipantFlow Profile WAS RENAMED TO ParticipantFlowEvidence Profile. |
2 |
ParticipantFlowEvidence |
ParticipantFlowEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ParticipantFlowEvidence Profile is used for counts of completion and reasons for non-completion of participation in a research study. |
2 |
ParticipantFlowEvidenceVariable |
ParticipantFlowEvidenceVariable |
Profile of EvidenceVariable for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ParticipantFlowEvidenceVariable Profile is used to describe outcome measures for completion and reasons for non-completion of participation in a research study. |
2 |
ParticipantFlowMeasure |
ParticipantFlowMeasure |
Profile of EvidenceVariable for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ParticipantFlowMeasure Profile is used to describe outcome measures for completion and reasons for non-completion of participation in a research study. THE ParticipantFlowMeasure Profile WAS RENAMED TO ParticipantFlowEvidenceVariable Profile. |
2 |
ParticipantFlowReport |
ParticipantFlowReport |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ParticipantFlowReport Profile is used for an evidence report including the counts (and proportions) for any number of participant flow measures in a research study. For example, the ParticipantFlowReport may include the data for a CONSORT Participant Flow Diagram reported with a randomized controlled trial. |
2 |
ParticipantFlowVariablesList |
ParticipantFlowVariablesList |
Profile of List for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ParticipantFlowVariablesList Profile is used to provide a list of EvidenceVariable Resources which represent participant flow measures. |
2 |
PreprintCitation |
PreprintCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The PreprintCitation Profile is used for citations of an article published in a form prior to peer-reviewed publication in a journal, book, or other permanent record. |
2 |
Rating |
Rating |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The Rating Profile is used for classifier tags that may include quantitative ratings and may be created independently from Resource creators. |
2 |
Recommendation |
Recommendation |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The Recommendation Profile is used for the composition of a recommendation (such as that from a clinical practice guideline) and may be tightly related to a RecommendationPlan Profile of PlanDefinition and a RecommendationJustification Profile of ArtifactAssessment. |
2 |
RecommendationAction |
RecommendationAction |
Profile of ActivityDefinition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The RecommendationAction Profile is used for a recommendation from a clinical practice guideline. |
2 |
RecommendationEligibilityCriteria |
RecommendationEligibilityCriteria |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The RecommendationEligibilityCriteria Profile is used to express the criteria defining a group for whom a recommendation applies. |
2 |
RecommendationJustification |
RecommendationJustification |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The RecommendationJustification Profile is used for expressing the rationale, evidence, and judgments supporting a recommendation, such as from a clinical practice guideline. |
2 |
RecommendationPlan |
RecommendationPlan |
Profile of PlanDefinition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The RecommendationPlan Profile is used for the implementable representation of a recommendation (such as that from a clinical practice guideline). |
2 |
ResearchStudyDataDictionary |
ResearchStudyDataDictionary |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The ResearchStudyDataDictionary Profile is used for a code key for variable names in a dataset containing the observations collected in a research study. |
2 |
RiskOfBias |
RiskOfBias |
Profile of ArtifactAssessment for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The RiskOfBias Profile is used for expression of the assessment of the threats to validity (or risk of bias) of an Evidence artifact or an artifact consisting of Evidence or the plan to create Evidence. |
2 |
SearchResults |
SearchResults |
Profile of Library for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SearchResults Profile is used to represent search results, such as for a systematic review. |
2 |
SearchStrategy |
SearchStrategy |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SearchStrategy Profile is used to express the criteria defining a search strategy, such as for a systematic review. |
2 |
SingleStudyEvidence |
SingleStudyEvidence |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SingleStudyEvidence Profile is used for evidence from single studies, explicitly expressing that no studies were synthesized. |
2 |
SoftwareCitation |
SoftwareCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SoftwareCitation Profile is used for citations of executable code. |
2 |
StatisticalCalculator |
StatisticalCalculator |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The StatisticalCalculator Profile is used for specification of the executable formula corresponding to an endpoint analysis plan or applied analysis. |
2 |
StatisticModel |
StatisticModel |
Profile of Evidence for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The StatisticModel Profile isused to add extensions to Evidence for complex expressions for the statistical model or endpoint analysis plan. |
2 |
StudyEligibilityCriteria |
StudyEligibilityCriteria |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The StudyEligibilityCriteria Profile is used to describe inclusion and exclusion criteria for a clinical trial or other research study. |
2 |
StudyGroup |
StudyGroup |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The StudyGroup Profile is used to represent an enumerated group of participants in a research study. |
2 |
SummaryOfFindings |
SummaryOfFindings |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SummaryOfFindings Profile is used for an evidence report combining Evidence and EvidenceVariable Resources, organized around OutcomeVariable (Profile of EvidenceVariable), to represent the summary of findings of comparative evidence. |
2 |
SummaryOfNetEffect |
SummaryOfNetEffect |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SummaryOfNetEffect Profile is used for an evidence report combining ArtifactAssessment and Evidence and EvidenceVariable Resources, organized around OutcomeVariable (Profile of EvidenceVariable), to represent the summary of net effect contributions of comparative evidence, adjusted for the relative importance of outcomes. |
2 |
SystematicReview |
SystematicReview |
Profile of ResearchStudy for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SystematicReview Profile is used for a scientific study based on a protocol that includes search and selection of eligible studies, study quality assessment, data extraction, and synthesis. |
2 |
SystematicReviewEligibilityCriteria |
SystematicReviewEligibilityCriteria |
Profile of Group for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SystematicReviewEligibilityCriteria Profile is used to describe inclusion and exclusion criteria for a systematic review. |
2 |
SystematicReviewExcludedStudies |
SystematicReviewExcludedStudies |
Profile of Library for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SystematicReviewExcludedStudies Profile is used to represent the subset of search results of a systematic review which did not meet the inclusion criteria. |
2 |
SystematicReviewIncludedStudies |
SystematicReviewIncludedStudies |
Profile of Library for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The SystematicReviewIncludedStudies Profile is used to represent the subset of search results of a systematic review which meet the inclusion criteria. |
2 |
TableConstructor |
TableConstructor |
Profile of Composition for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The TableConstructor Profile is used for specifying column headers and instructions for generating content values for table rows and table cells. For the Evidence Based Medicine IG, the TableConstructor Profile is intended to facilitate processing the input of an EvidenceMap instance and generating the output of an EvidenceReport instance. |
2 |
VariableDefinition |
VariableDefinition |
Profile of EvidenceVariable for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The VariableDefinition Profile uses a CodeableReference Datatype to provide a concept (e.g. coding in a code system) and/or a reference to a Group Resource for structured data to define the variable. |
2 |
WebPageCitation |
WebPageCitation |
Profile of Citation for Evidence Based Medicine IG. The WebPageCitation Profile is used for citations of a web page or website, typically when there is not another type being used to classify the cited artifact. |
1 |
evidence-report-section-code |
EvidenceReportSectionCode |
The code used to define what a section of an EvidenceReport is about. |
2 |
acceptability |
Acceptability |
Acceptability |
2 |
acknowledgements |
Acknowledgements |
Acknowledgements |
2 |
action |
Action |
Action |
2 |
analyzed-group |
Analyzed Group |
Analyzed Group |
2 |
appendices |
Appendices |
Appendices |
2 |
assertion |
Assertion |
Assertion |
2 |
baseline-measures |
Baseline Measures |
Baseline Measures |
2 |
certainty-of-evidence |
Certainty of Evidence |
Certainty of Evidence |
2 |
classifier |
Classifier |
Classifier |
2 |
column-headers |
Column Headers |
Column Headers |
2 |
comparative-results |
Comparative Results |
Comparative Results |
2 |
comparator |
Comparator |
Comparator |
2 |
comparator-description |
Comparator Description |
Comparator Description |
2 |
comparator-group |
Comparator Group |
Comparator Group |
2 |
competing-interests |
Competing Interests |
Competing Interests |
2 |
considerations |
Considerations |
Considerations |
2 |
cost-effectiveness |
Cost-effectiveness |
Cost-effectiveness |
2 |
costs |
Costs |
Costs and Resources |
2 |
data-source |
Data Source |
Data Source |
2 |
description |
Description |
Description |
2 |
desirable-effects |
Desirable Effects |
Desirable Effects |
2 |
direction-of-recommendation |
Direction of Recommendation |
Direction of Recommendation |
2 |
discussion |
Discussion |
Discussion |
2 |
enrolled-group |
Enrolled Group |
Enrolled Group |
2 |
enrollment-results |
Enrollment Results |
Enrollment Results |
2 |
equity |
Equity |
Equity |
2 |
evidence |
Evidence |
Evidence |
2 |
evidence-for-analyzed-group |
Evidence for Analyzed Group |
Evidence for Analyzed Group |
2 |
evidence-for-enrolled-group |
Evidence for Enrolled Group |
Evidence for Enrolled Group |
2 |
evidence-for-screened-group |
Evidence for Screened Group |
Evidence for Screened Group |
2 |
evidence-for-screened-vs-enrolled |
Evidence for Screened Group vs. Enrolled Group |
Evidence for Screened Group vs. Enrolled Group |
2 |
evidence-with-comparator-alone |
Evidence with comparator alone |
Evidence with comparator alone |
2 |
evidence-with-intervention-alone |
Evidence with intervention alone |
Evidence with intervention alone |
2 |
evidence-with-intervention-vs-comparator |
Evidence with intervention vs. comparator |
Evidence with intervention vs. comparator |
2 |
feasibility |
Feasibility |
Feasibility |
2 |
groups |
Groups |
Groups |
2 |
implementation-considerations |
Implementation Considerations |
Implementation Considerations |
2 |
intervention |
Intervention |
Intervention |
2 |
intervention-description |
Intervention Description |
Intervention Description |
2 |
intervention-group |
Intervention Group |
Intervention Group |
2 |
introduction |
Introduction |
Introduction |
2 |
judgments |
Judgments |
Judgments |
2 |
justification |
Justification |
Justification |
2 |
methods |
Methods |
Methods |
2 |
monitoring-considerations |
Monitoring Considerations |
Monitoring Considerations |
2 |
net-effect |
Net Effect |
Net Effect |
2 |
net-effect-contribution |
Net Effect Contribution |
Net Effect Contribution |
2 |
net-effect-estimate |
Net Effect Estimate |
Net Effect Estimate |
2 |
opposite-action |
Opposite Action |
Opposite Action |
2 |
outcome-desirability |
Outcome Desirability |
Outcome Desirability |
2 |
outcome-measure |
Outcome Measure |
Outcome Measure |
2 |
outcome-measures |
Outcome Measures |
Outcome Measures |
2 |
participant-flow |
Participant Flow |
Participant Flow |
2 |
population |
Population |
Population |
2 |
population-description |
Population Description |
Population Description |
2 |
preferences |
Preferences |
Preferences (Values and Preferences) |
2 |
problem-importance |
Problem Importance |
Problem Importance |
2 |
rating-system |
Rating System |
Rating System |
2 |
ratings |
Ratings |
Ratings |
2 |
recommendation-specification |
Recommendation Specification |
Recommendation Specification |
2 |
recommendation-statement |
Recommendation Statement |
Recommendation Statement |
2 |
recommendations |
Recommendations |
Recommendations |
2 |
regulatory-report |
Regulatory Report |
Section of a Regulatory Report |
2 |
references |
References |
References |
2 |
relative-importance |
Relative Importance |
Relative Importance |
2 |
related-items |
Related Items |
Related Items |
2 |
research-considerations |
Research Considerations |
Research Considerations |
2 |
research-study |
Research Study |
Research Study |
2 |
result-with-comparator-alone |
Result with comparator alone |
Result with comparator alone |
2 |
result-with-intervention-alone |
Result with intervention alone |
Result with intervention alone |
2 |
result-with-intervention-alone-calculated |
Result with intervention alone (calculated) |
Result with intervention alone (calculated value derived from result with comparator alone and effect estimate) |
2 |
result-with-intervention-vs-comparator |
Result with intervention vs. comparator |
Result with intervention vs. comparator |
2 |
results |
Results |
Results |
2 |
sample-size |
Sample Size |
Sample Size |
2 |
screened-group |
Screened Group |
Screened Group |
2 |
strength-of-recommendation |
Strength of Recommendation |
Strength of Recommendation |
2 |
study-design |
Study Design |
Study Design |
2 |
subgroup-considerations |
Subgroup Considerations |
Subgroup Considerations |
2 |
summary |
Summary |
Summary |
2 |
summary-of-findings |
Summary of Findings |
Summary of Findings |
2 |
summary-of-findings-entry-for-a-single-outcome |
Summary of findings entry for a single outcome |
Summary of findings entry for a single outcome |
2 |
summary-of-net-effect-contributions-entry-for-a-single-outcome |
Summary of net effect contributions entry for a single outcome |
Summary of net effect contributions entry for a single outcome |
2 |
text |
Text |
Text |
2 |
undesirable-effects |
Undesirable Effects |
Undesirable Effects |
2 |
variables |
Variables |
Variables |
1 |
evidence-communication |
Evidence Communication |
Context of use being communication of scientific knowledge; a classification of components of such communication. |
1 |
defined-in-handling-and-category |
Defined in handling and category elements |
The definition for this EvidenceVariable is defined in the handling and category elements. |
1 |
supplementalCode-statistic-model-code |
Supplemental Codes for Statistic Model Code |
used when no suitable code is found in |
2 |
handling-ICE |
Handling of intercurrent events |
Handling of intercurrent events, used in the description of an estimand. |
1 |
supplementalCode-identifier-type |
Supplemental Codes for Identifier Type Codes |
used when no suitable code is found in |
2 |
object-identifier |
Object Identifier |
unique identifier for an object |
1 |
defined-in-text |
Defined in text |
This CodeableConcept does not have a matching code in a structured terminology and is fully represented in the text element. |
1 |
supplementalCode-citation-artifact-classifier |
Supplemental Codes for Citation Artifact Classifier |
used when no suitable code is found in |
2 |
classified-as-section |
Section |
Classified as Section |
2 |
classified-as-chapter |
Chapter |
Classified as Chapter |
2 |
classified-as-book-part |
Book Part |
Classified as Book Part |
2 |
classified-as-editorial |
Editorial |
Classified as Editorial |
2 |
classified-as-database-entry |
Database Entry |
Classified as Database Entry |
1 |
supplementalCode-cited-artifact-part-type |
Supplemental Codes for Cited Artifact Part Type |
used when no suitable code is found in |
2 |
chapters |
chapters |
Denotes specific chapter or chapters of an article or artifact. |
1 |
supplementalCode-artifact-contribution-type |
Supplemental Codes for Artifact Contribution Type |
used when no suitable code is found in |
2 |
principal-investigator |
Principal Investigator |
Principal Investigator |
2 |
co-investigator |
Co-Investigator |
Co-Investigator |
1 |
supplementalCode-list-empty-reason |
Supplemental Codes for List Empty Reasons |
used when no suitable code is found in |
2 |
not-relevant |
Not Relevant |
Providing a value for this list is not pertinent to the context. |
1 |
supplementalCode-contributor-role |
Supplemental Codes for Contributor Role |
used when no suitable code is found in |
2 |
recorder |
Recorder |
Entity that enters the data. |
1 |
desirable |
Desirable |
Desirable, used for rating Outcome Desirability |
1 |
undesirable |
Undesirable |
Undesirable, used for rating Outcome Desirability |
1 |
adaptationComponentTypeCodes |
Adaptation Component Type Codes |
used for ArtifactAssessment.content.component.type values for an Adaptation Profile |
2 |
PrimitiveElement |
Primitive Element |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for adapting a primitive datatype (string, number, boolean) |
2 |
CodingElement |
Coding Element |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for adapting a Coding datatype ([{system, code, display}]) |
2 |
ObjectElement |
Object Element |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for adapting a BackboneElement {} |
2 |
ArrayElement |
Array Element |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for adapting an Array [] |
2 |
OriginalResourceContent |
Original Resource Content |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for display of the original unadapted element data value |
2 |
OriginalResourceContentJSON |
Original Resource Content JSON |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for display of the original unadapted element data value as stringified JSON |
2 |
RationaleForChange |
Rationale for Change to Resource Content |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for reasons for change to data value |
2 |
SuggestedChange |
Suggested Change to Resource Content |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for representation of the data value after changes are applied |
2 |
ContainedElementAdaptation |
Contained Element Adaptation |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used for a container of Adaptation Content Components that are elements in an object |
2 |
ResourceTitle |
Title of Adaptation Resource |
A type of Adaptation Content Component used to represent the title for the Adaptation Resource |
2 |
ComparedResourceContent |
Compared Resource Content |
A type of Adaptation Content Component (used for Comparison Profile) used to display the element data value of the compared Resource |
2 |
ComparisonOfResources |
Comparison of Resources Content |
A type of Adaptation Content Component (used for Comparison Profile) used to display the ratings of the comparison of element data values between Resources |
1 |
adaptationComponentClassifierCodes |
Adaptation Component Classifier Codes |
used for ArtifactAssessment.content.component.classifier values for an Adaptation Profile |
2 |
string-datatype |
string Datatype |
A primitive FHIR datatype that is exchanged as a JSON string (e.g. string, markdown, date, dateTime) |
2 |
number-datatype |
number Datatype |
A primitive FHIR datatype that is exchanged as a JSON number (e.g. integer, decimal, positiveInt, unsignedInt) |
2 |
boolean-datatype |
boolean Datatype |
A primitive FHIR datatype that is exchanged as a JSON boolean value (true or false) |
2 |
single-coding-object |
Single Coding Object |
A FHIR Coding datatype without an array |
2 |
coding-array |
Coding Array |
An array of objects using FHIR Coding datatype |
2 |
manageAsIdentifier |
Manage as Identifier |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Identifier datatype |
2 |
manageAsReference |
Manage as Reference |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Reference datatype |
2 |
manageAsRelatedArtifact |
Manage as RelatedArtifact |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR RelatedArtifact datatype |
2 |
manageAsQuantity |
Manage as Quantity |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Quantity datatype |
2 |
no-change |
No change |
Intention to not change the Original Resource Content |
2 |
suggested-change |
Suggested change |
Intention to change the Original Resource Content |
2 |
suggested-replacement |
Suggested replacement |
Intention to change the Original Resource Content with the Compared Resource Content |
2 |
rejected-change |
Rejected change |
Suggested change to the Original Resource Content is rejected |
2 |
accepted-change |
Accepted change |
Suggested change to the Original Resource Content is accepted |
2 |
manageAsCodeableConcept |
Manage as CodeableConcept |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR CodeableConcept datatype |
2 |
manageAsBackboneElement |
Manage as BackboneElement |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR BackboneElement datatype |
2 |
manageAsPeriod |
Manage as Period |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Period datatype |
2 |
manageAsRange |
Manage as Range |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Range datatype |
2 |
manageAsContactDetail |
Manage as ContactDetail |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR ContactDetail datatype |
2 |
manageAsCoding |
Manage as Coding |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Coding datatype |
2 |
manageAsAddress |
Manage as Address |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Address datatype |
2 |
manageAsAnnotation |
Manage as Annotation |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Annotation datatype |
2 |
manageAsDosage |
Manage as Dosage |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Dosage datatype |
2 |
manageAsExpression |
Manage as Expression |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Expression datatype |
2 |
manageAsHumanName |
Manage as HumanName |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR HumanName datatype |
2 |
manageAsRatio |
Manage as Ratio |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Ratio datatype |
2 |
manageAsTiming |
Manage as Timing |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Timing datatype |
2 |
same |
Same |
Compared values are exactly the same |
2 |
similar |
Similar |
Compared values are similar but not exactly the same |
2 |
different |
Different |
Compared values are different |
2 |
missing-index-value |
Missing key in index element |
Compared values are different because the key exists in the compared element but not the index element |
2 |
missing-comparator-value |
Missing key in comparator element |
Compared values are different because the key exists in the index element but not the compared element |
2 |
manageAsMeta |
Manage as Meta |
Intention to manage an ObjectElement with specific handling for a FHIR Meta datatype |
2 |
manageAsarray-of-Identifier |
Manage as Array of Identifier |
Intention to manage an ArrayElement with specific handling for a FHIR Identifier datatype |
2 |
manageAsarray-of-CodeableConcept |
Manage as Array of CodeableConcept |
Intention to manage an ArrayElement with specific handling for a FHIR CodeableConcept datatype |
2 |
manageAsarray-of-Reference |
Manage as Array of Reference |
Intention to manage an ArrayElement with specific handling for a FHIR Reference datatype |
2 |
manageAsarray-of-BackboneElement |
Manage as Array of BackboneElement |
Intention to manage an ArrayElement with specific handling for a FHIR BackboneElement datatype |
2 |
manageAsarray-of-RelatedArtifact |
Manage as Array of RelatedArtifact |
Intention to manage an ArrayElement with specific handling for a FHIR RelatedArtifact datatype |
1 |
searchStrategyCodes |
Codes for SearchStrategy Profile |
used for Group.characteristic.code values for a SearchStrategy Profile |
2 |
pubmed-search |
PubMed search string |
PubMed search string |
2 |
embase-search |
Embase search string |
Embase search string |
2 |
ovid-medline-search |
Ovid MEDLINE search string |
Ovid MEDLINE search string |
2 |
ovid-embase-search |
Ovid Embase search string |
Ovid Embase search string |
2 |
ovid-cochrane-library-search |
Ovid Cochrane Library search string |
Ovid Cochrane Library search string |
1 |
recommendationJustificationCodes |
Rating Classifier Codes for RecommendationJustification Profile |
used for ArtifactAssesssment.content.classifier values for a RecommendationJustification Profile |
2 |
rated-as-strong-expectation |
Strong expectation |
Strong expectation for strength of recommendation |
2 |
rated-as-weak-expectation |
Weak expectation |
Weak expectation for strength of recommendation |
2 |
rated-as-high-certainty |
High certainty |
High certainty or quality of or confidence in the evidence for |
2 |
rated-as-moderate-certainty |
Moderate certainty |
Moderate certainty or quality of or confidence in the evidence for |
2 |
rated-as-low-certainty |
Low certainty |
Low certainty or quality of or confidence in the evidence for |
2 |
rated-as-very-low-certainty |
Very low certainty |
Very low certainty or quality of or confidence in the evidence for |
2 |
rated-as-yes |
Yes |
Yes |
2 |
rated-as-probably-yes |
Probably yes |
Probably yes |
2 |
rated-as-probably-no |
Probably no |
Probably no |
2 |
rated-as-no |
No |
No |
2 |
rated-as-varies |
Varies |
Varies |
2 |
rated-as-unknown |
Unknown |
Unknown |
2 |
rated-as-large-size |
Large size |
Large size |
2 |
rated-as-moderate-size |
Moderate size |
Moderate size |
2 |
rated-as-small-size |
Small size |
Small size |
2 |
rated-as-trivial-size |
Trivial size |
Trivial size |
2 |
rated-as-no-evidence |
No evidence |
No evidence |
2 |
rated-as-important-variability |
Important uncertainty or variability |
Important uncertainty or variability |
2 |
rated-as-possible-variability |
Possibly important uncertainty or variability |
Possibly important uncertainty or variability |
2 |
rated-as-no-variability |
No important uncertainty or variability |
No important uncertainty or variability |
2 |
rated-as-favor-intervention |
Favors intervention |
Favors intervention |
2 |
rated-as-may-favor-intervention |
Possibly favors intervention |
Possibly favors intervention |
2 |
rated-as-favor-neither |
Does not favor intervention or comparison |
Does not favor intervention or comparison |
2 |
rated-as-may-favor-comparator |
Possibly favors comparison |
Possibly favors comparison |
2 |
rated-as-favor-comparator |
Favors comparison |
Favors comparison |
2 |
rated-as-large-costs |
Large costs |
Large costs |
2 |
rated-as-moderate-costs |
Moderate costs |
Moderate costs |
2 |
rated-as-no-costs-or-savings |
Negligible costs or savings |
Negligible costs or savings |
2 |
rated-as-moderate-savings |
Moderate savings |
Moderate savings |
2 |
rated-as-large-savings |
Large savings |
Large savings |
1 |
importance-multiplier |
Relative importance multiplier |
Variable represents a relative importance multiplier, such as for use in decision analysis. |