CodeSystem Comparison between vs


ErrorCodeSystem.versionValues for version differ: '2.0.0-ballot' vs '2.0.0'
InformationCodeSystem.dateValues for date differ: '2023-12-19T19:53:17+00:00' vs '2024-11-26T06:42:34+00:00'


          • Values Differ
          .descriptionPersonas are the types of participants in the recommendations of a healthcare guideline, including practitioners, patients, nurses, community health workers, and care partners. The personas identified in this code system are defined based on the WHO recommendation for [Classifying health workers]( This recommendation uses codes from the [International Standard Classification for Occupations]( but defines several additional categories of health workers. In addition, the codes in that recommendation are focused on health workers, so codes for patient and care partner personas need to be considered as well. Where a code from the ISCO exists, it is used. Where a WHO recommended health worker category is used, a code is constructed beginning with a W. Where a code is introduced by this implementation guide, it is constructed beginning with a C. Note that the content is incomplete, pending a computable representation of the WHO recommendations.
                      .publisherHL7 International / Clinical Decision Support
                            .titleCPG Common Personas Code System
                                • Values Differ


                                    .C001Care partner
                                      .2211General medical practitioner
                                        .2212Specialist medical practitioner
                                          .2221Nursing professional
                                            .2222Midwifery professional
                                              .3221Nursing associate professional
                                                .3222Midwifery associate professional
                                                  .3256Medical assistant
                                                    .5321Health care assistant
                                                      .5322Home-based personal care worker
                                                        .W000Clerical support worker