Common Data Models Harmonization
1.0.0 - STU 1 Publication

Common Data Models Harmonization, published by HL7 International - Biomedical Research and Regulation Work Group. This is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.0.0). This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: PCORNet Gender Identity Codes


Defining URL:
Title:PCORNet Gender Identity Codes
Status:Active as of 9/6/21

The PCORNet Gender Identity Codes contains the codes to be used by PCORNet data marts.

Publisher:HL7 International - Biomedical Research and Regulation Work Group

Used by permission of HL7, all rights reserved Creative Commons License

Content:Complete: All the concepts defined by the code system are included in the code system resource
Value Set: ( is the value set for all codes in this code system)
Source Resource:XML / JSON / Turtle

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

This code system defines the following codes:

M ManGender identity is a Man.
F WomanGender identity is a Woman.
TM Transgender male/Transman/Female-to-maleGender identity is Transgender male or Transman or Female-to-Male.
TF Transgender female/Transwoman/Male-tofemaleGender identity is Transgender female or Transwoman or Male-to-female.
GQ Genderqueer/Non-binaryGender identity is GenderQueer/Non-binary.
SE Something elseGender identity is Something else.
MU Multiple gender categoriesGender identity is Multiple gender categories.
DC Decline to AnswerPerson has declined to answer about their gender identity.
NI No informationThere is no information about the Person's gender identity
UN UnknownPerson's gender identity is unknown.
OT OtherPerson's gender identity is Other.