--- --- {% include fragment-pagebegin.html %}

Publish Box goes here

{% include fragment-profile-navtabs.html type='{{[type]}}' id='{{[id]}}' active='content' %}

Extension: {{site.data.pages[page.path].title | escape_once}} {% if site.data.resources[resource_].experimental == true %}(Experimental){% endif %}

{% include fragment-resourceTable.html %} {%if site.data.resources[resource_].description %} {{site.data.resources[resource_].description|markdownify}} {% endif %}{%if site.data.resources[resource_].purpose %} {{site.data.resources[resource_].purpose|markdownify}} {% endif %}

Context of Use

This extension may be used on the following {{site.data.structuredefinitions['{{[id]}}'].contextType}} element(s):

{% include fragment-intro.html type='{{[type]}}' id='{{[id]}}' %}

Usage info

{%include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-sd-xref.xhtml%}

Formal Views of Extension Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots, and how the XML and JSON presentations work.

This structure is derived from {{site.data.structuredefinitions['{{[id]}}'].basename}}

{%include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-summary.xhtml%}

This structure is derived from {{site.data.structuredefinitions['{{[id]}}'].basename}}

{%include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-diff.xhtml%}
{%include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-snapshot.xhtml%}
{% unless excludexml == 'y' %} {% endunless %} {% unless excludejson == 'y' %} {% endunless %} {% unless excludettl == 'y' %} {% endunless %}

This structure is derived from {{site.data.structuredefinitions['{{[id]}}'].basename}}

{%include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-summary-all.xhtml%}

Differential View

This structure is derived from {{site.data.structuredefinitions['{{[id]}}'].basename}}

{%include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-diff-all.xhtml%}

Snapshot View

{%include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-snapshot-all.xhtml%}
{% unless excludexml == 'y' %} {% endunless %} {% unless excludejson == 'y' %} {% endunless %} {% unless excludettl == 'y' %} {% endunless %}


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron

{%include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-tx.xhtml%} {% capture invariants %} {% include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-inv.xhtml %} {% endcapture %} {% unless invariants.size <= 218 %} {% include StructureDefinition-{{[id]}}-inv.xhtml %} {% endunless%} {% include fragment-notes.html type='{{[type]}}' id='{{[id]}}' %}
{% assign includetabscripts = 'true' %} {% include fragment-pageend.html %}