Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide
1.2.0-ci-build - draft Australia flag

Australian Digital Health Agency FHIR Implementation Guide, published by Australian Digital Health Agency. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 1.2.0-ci-build built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: Congenital Abnormality (Experimental)

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-09-12 Computable Name: CongenitalAbnormality

Copyright/Legal: This value set includes content from SNOMED CT, which is copyright © 2002+ International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO), and distributed by agreement between IHTSDO and HL7. Implementer use of SNOMED CT is not covered by this agreement

The Congenital Abnormality value set includes values that cover common anomalies, including malformations, that are present at birth.

NOTE: The current filter is probably too broard.


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet congenitalabnormality-1



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion based on SNOMED CT Australian edition 31-Aug 2024

This value set contains 1,000 concepts

  880081006 deletion syndrome
  773547003 microdeletion syndrome
  771439009 microdeletion syndrome
  773494008 microdeletion syndrome
  879939002 deletion syndrome
  699254009 microdeletion
  1251450006 triplication syndrome
  768471006 microdeletion syndrome
  770760006 microdeletion syndrome
  764435003 microduplication syndrome
  699306003 deletion syndrome
  699305004 microdeletion
  716515000 microdeletion syndrome
  719657001 microdeletion syndrome
  763062006 microdeletion syndrome
  54470008 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency
  711409002 aciduria type IV with sensorineural deafness, encephalopathy and Leigh-like syndrome
  890123006 deletion syndrome
  90866007 partial trisomy syndrome
  880127005,XX androgen-induced disorder of sex development of iatrogenic maternal origin
  733621007,XX disorder of sex development with skeletal anomalies syndrome
  879938005,XY disorder of sex development due to environmental chemical exposure
  725289009 carboxamide ribosiduria
  764725008 microdeletion syndrome
  1229875002 microdeletion syndrome
  773493002 microdeletion syndrome
  890130000 deletion syndrome
  14921002 syndrome
  14886009 heart
  109556002 insertion of lingual frenulum
  205365003 muscle of the lower limb
  718575002 macrostomia syndrome
  445898001 atrial arrangement
  871614007 intrapericardial course of great arteries
  253444004 of common atrioventricular valve chordae tendinae
  718574003 Erickson syndrome
  449133000 of pulmonary valve cusp
  253312004 bridging vein
  253508006 left atrioventricular valve papillary muscle
  771264005 radius, anogenital anomalies syndrome
  15983471000119109 auricle of left ear
  65048006 parathyroid gland
  91847004 sternebral ossification site
  253440008 tissue on common atrioventricular valve leaflet
  35555009 trachea
  718573009 microcephaly syndrome
  14870002, type IB
  472800001 subpulmonary stenosis due to restrictive ventricular defect associated with functionally univentricular heart
  403767009 type II
  403768004 type III
  720430002 dysostosis Rodriguez type
  720456009 facial appearance syndrome
  720457000 dysplasia
  720458005 syndrome
  1153413001 splenic sequestration of spleen due to sickle cell thalassaemia with crisis
  366951000119109 X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
  253878003 type polycystic kidney disease type 1
  253879006 type polycystic kidney disease type 2
  205222002 of 1st metatarsal
  783230008 of body of uterus
  1163556006 of cervical vertebra
  699382004 of enamel
  1003575006 of epididymis
  205223007 of fifth metatarsal
  302953002 of gallbladder
  1003576007 of hyoid bone
  762912006 of left kidney co-occurrent with congenital dysplasia of right kidney
  253219005 of nasolacrimal duct
  204208005 of punctum lacrimale
  1003551006 of spleen
  1003573004 of sternebra
  403805009 syndrome of Tietz
  17234001 cyst
  720981000 and intellectual disability with hypergonadotropic hypogonadism syndrome
  720980004, psychomotor epilepsy, periodontal pyorrhoea, intellectual disability syndrome
  447275002 capillary dysplasia with pulmonary venous misalignment
  720983002 hypertrichosis syndrome
  359531004 thrombocytopenia with congenital malformation
  723991007 syndrome
  765750001 syndrome
  773770009 filiforme adnatum with imperforate anus syndrome
  40315008 pancreas
  204047001 of cerebellum
  253615009 of the aorta excluding coarction
  460890003 common origin of brachiocephalic artery and left common carotid artery
  461421007 coronary artery without acute angulation of less than 45 degrees relative to aorta
  461384000 course of coronary artery across right ventricular outflow tract
  253310007 insertion of right superior vena cava to left atrium
  461382001 intramural course of proximal portion of coronary artery across commissure of aortic valve
  461381008 intramural course of proximal portion of coronary artery within aortic sinus
  471289009 origin of circumflex artery from aortic sinus to right of nonfacing aortic sinus and anomalous origin of left anterior descending coronary artery and right coronary artery from aortic sinus to left of nonfacing aortic sinus
  461435009 origin of left anterior descending coronary artery from right coronary artery aortic sinus
  471287006 origin of left coronary artery and right coronary artery with dual orifices from aortic sinus to left of nonfacing aortic sinus
  471288001 origin of left coronary artery and right coronary artery with dual orifices from aortic sinus to right of nonfacing aortic sinus
  460930004 origin of left coronary artery from right coronary aortic sinus
  460524009 origin of right coronary artery from left anterior descending coronary artery
  460923005 origin of right coronary artery from left coronary artery aortic sinus
  460944005 origin of right coronary artery from left coronary artery aortic sinus and anomalous origin of left coronary artery from right coronary artery aortic sinus
  29934004 pulmonary venous drainage to coronary sinus
  871612006 muscular trabecular ventricular septal defect
  448946000 orientation of bicuspid pulmonary valve
  447901004 window with tubular connection
  722989007 of optic nerve
  389263004 dysplasia
  51409009 crying face association
  68504005 syndrome
  725141006 type 1
  268205005 and stenosis of large intestine, rectum and anal canal
  461567005 of aortic arch with fibrous cord distal to subclavian artery
  447902006 of left superior caval vein
  717835002 of the oesophagus without tracheo-oesophageal fistula
  60732002 septal defect with endocardial cushion defect, partial type
  725145002 septal defect, atrioventricular conduction defect syndrome
  871616009 situs inversus
  253422009 septal defect - ventricular component under inferior bridging leaflet
  448118003 septal defect with atrial and ventricular components and separate atrioventricular valves
  448182006 septal defect with ventricular component and interchordal shunting under inferior bridging leaflet
  840497008 septal defect, atrial and ventricular components with common atrioventricular valve with unbalanced commitment of valve to left ventricle
  1208418004 dominant congenital fibre-type disproportion myopathy due to TPM3 mutation
  1231284001 dominant generalised dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
  1255319004 dominant intellectual disability, craniofacial anomalies, cardiac defects syndrome
  1264041000 dominant osteopetrosis type 1
  765331004 dominant polycystic kidney disease type 1 with tuberous sclerosis
  1187115008 dominant preaxial polydactyly, upper back hypertrichosis syndrome
  770947009 dominant severe congenital neutropaenia
  240081004 recessive centronuclear myopathy
  1208417009 recessive congenital fibre-type disproportion myopathy due to TPM3 mutation
  725434009 recessive faciodigitogenital syndrome
  719104003 recessive palmoplantar keratoderma and congenital alopecia syndrome
  204152008 anomaly
  417604002 syndrome
  253730009 coronary system
  77608001 syndrome
  1258972007 Winter cerebrofrontofacial syndrome
  725588002 suit ichthyosis
  81780002 syndrome
  717859007 Ertbruggen syndrome
  240080003 congenital hypotonia
  770787005 Samaritan congenital myopathy
  234460002 chain defect dysfibrinogenaemia
  47084006 plus thalassaemia normal haemoglobin A>2< type 1 silent
  191189009 thalassaemia intermedia
  718572004 myopathy
  205828009's syndrome
  84557007 tongue
  461097005 closed arterial ducts
  204614006 complete cleft palate with cleft lip
  16007391000119103 congenital abnormal fusion of carpal bones
  15988311000119102 congenital abnormality of lacrimal drainage systems
  717703006 congenital absence of ovary
  890412002 congenital dacryocoele
  16009151000119103 congenital dysplasia of upper limbs
  890381000 congenital ectropion
  1162883007 congenital instability of hip joints
  49813000 congenital macrostomia
  12235641000119107 congenital ptosis of upper eyelids
  349281000119109 congenital zonular cataract
  840485007 cornea plana
  253576006 deficient infundibula
  890380004 Madelung deformity
  253575005 muscular infundibula
  890396001 optic disc pitting
  15863971000119106 preauricular regions cyst
  890424009 secondary congenital hyperplasia of lung
  1003337005 split foot
  1003339008 split hand
  253311006 superior vena cava
  715985008 syndrome
  8808004 deficiency
  763128009 talus
  715720006 type A1
  890438002 type A3
  715721005 type A4
  715722003 type A6
  770406002 type B2
  720572004 with syndactyly Zhao type
  720573009 with onychodysplasia and dysphalangism syndrome
  720574003, facial dysmorphism, Kallmann syndrome
  720575002 syndrome
  720576001 calcification Rajab type
  70756004 atresia with segmental pulmonary emphysema
  253692006 collateral artery
  253747005 isomerism
  20491006 bar
  897534000 of umbilical cord
  720601000 and tall stature with scoliosis and hearing loss syndrome
  733466005 taurinuria syndrome
  720600004 with fibrous tissue hyperplasia and skeletal dysplasia syndrome
  403769007 syndrome
  90500005 palmitoyltransferase deficiency
  238001003 palmitoyltransferase I deficiency
  238002005 palmitoyltransferase II deficiency
  722383001 Manzke syndrome
  444869007 haemangioma of brain
  722385008 syndrome
  204617004 incomplete cleft palate with cleft lip
  1538006 nervous system malformation in fetus affecting obstetrical care
  763353000 syndrome
  720853005 deficiency
  203934001 spina bifida with hydrocephalus
  203941007 spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
  35082008 thymic remnant
  890422008 spina bifida aperta with hydrocephalus
  367041000119108 cerebral X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
  890437007 punctata due to maternal autoimmune disease
  720851007 with disorder of sex development syndrome
  782882009 with joint dislocations gPAPP type
  123651000 alterations of group F
  123652007 alterations of group G and Y
  699307007 16p11.2 deletion syndrome
  770407006 erythrocytosis
  254197008 junctional epidermolysis bullosa
  890435004 phenylketonuria with partial deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase
  890436003 phenylketonuria with total deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase
  1255121003 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type 2
  762586009 hard and soft palate with bilateral cleft lip and bilateral cleft of alveolar process of maxilla
  762587000 hard and soft palate with left cleft lip and left alveolar process of maxilla
  762588005 hard and soft palate with right cleft lip and cleft of right alveolar process of maxilla
  253993003 hard palate, central
  719471002 syndrome
  447903001 of right pulmonary artery
  254774003's syndrome
  890434000 syndrome type 2
  1179296003 macrophthalmia with microcornea syndrome
  238000002 deficiency of long chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase and enoyl-CoA hydratase
  307128009 long chain hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
  253434001 atrioventricular valve limited to one ventricle
  871627006 atrium with common atrioventricular junction
  237945003 deficiency of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
  55852007 phocomelia of lower limb
  51500006 trisomy 18 syndrome
  68454002 trisomy 8 syndrome
  447913009 unroofed coronary sinus defect in left atrium
  449385006 muscular ventricular septal defect
  92850004 abnormal fusion of centrum of lumbar vertebra
  92860008 abnormal fusion of ilium
  92862000 abnormal fusion of ischium
  92863005 abnormal fusion of lacrimal bone
  92864004 abnormal fusion of liver lobes
  92876004 abnormal fusion of squamosal bone
  92877008 abnormal fusion of supraoccipital bone
  92879006 abnormal fusion of tarsal bone
  783773000 abnormal number of coronary ostia
  840486008 abnormal retraction of bilateral eyelids
  92888002 abnormal shape of aortic valve
  92900005 abnormal shape of centrum of cervical vertebra
  92913004 abnormal shape of gallbladder
  92916007 abnormal shape of hyoid bone
  92927009 abnormal shape of maxilla
  448947009 abnormality of left atrioventricular valve in double inlet ventricle
  448063004 abnormality of posterior cardiac vein of left ventricle
  840512003 absence of all bilateral toes
  37221009 absence of all toes
  87142002 absence of appendix
  38919006 absence of auricle with atresia of auditory canal
  897533006 absence of bilateral radiuses
  818949005 absence of body of uterus
  204285005 absence of chin
  40272001 absence of coronary sinus
  95464003 absence of cranial vault
  204695006 absence of duodenum
  840510006 absence of epiglottis
  204575008 absence of lung fissures
  73291005 absence of parathyroid gland
  128064000 absence of portal vein
  432993002 absence of quadriceps muscle
  304971000119107 absence of right lower leg and foot
  26865008 absence of superior vena cava
  58010002 absence of tibia AND fibula
  25148007 absence of uvula
  84449007 accessory skin tag
  447876009 aneurysm of subaortic left ventricle
  1231169000 anomaly of second branchial cleft
  105992002 anomaly of tongue, salivary gland AND/OR pharynx
  42666000 anomaly of tracheal cartilage
  10835701000119102 anomaly of vulva in mother complicating pregnancy
  1232006 articular rigidity with myopathy
  29345006 atresia of ejaculatory duct
  39513007 atresia of vas deferens
  92981007 bent clavicle
  92984004 bent ilium
  92991001 bent ulna
  890397005 bowing of ulna
  890398000 bronchocele
  715989002 cataract with intellectual disability and anal atresia and urinary defect syndrome
  722380003 cataract with intellectual disability and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism syndrome
  722381004 cataract, nephropathy, encephalopathy syndrome
  715436007 cerebellar hypoplasia co-occurrent with tapetoretinal degeneration
  95465002 claw toe
  1234911006 cochleovestibular malformation
  95489009 conjunctival cyst
  112871000119104 contracture of toe joint
  840483000 coronal cleft of vertebra
  726334003 dacryocoele
  702360007 deafness with labyrinthine aplasia, microtia and microdontia
  62578003 defect of folate absorption
  27774009 deformity of ankle joint
  448497000 deformity of mitral valve annulus
  18132009 deformity of sacroiliac joint
  93050005 dilatation of aortic arch
  93061002 dilatation of subclavian artery
  445106006 dilation of left pulmonary artery
  70690000 discoid meniscus
  205064009 dislocation of knee grade I
  205065005 dislocation of knee grade II
  253792003 diverticulosis
  721647004 diverticulosis of small intestine
  890383002 diverticulum of large intestine
  28682004 duplication of colon
  46907007 duplication of gallbladder
  890385009 duplication of gallbladder type 1
  13568007 duplication of stomach
  59548005 dyserythropoietic anaemia, type I
  68870007 dyserythropoietic anaemia, type II
  230673001 end-plate acetylcholine receptor deficiency
  37104009 enlargement of coronary sinus
  1217625006 expansion of orbit
  302955009 extension contracture of the knee
  128063006 extrahepatic portal-systemic shunt
  472778003 extrapericardial cyst
  3886001 faecaliths
  236759008 familial idiopathic priapism
  92980008 fenestration of alisphenoid bone
  1208416000 fibre-type disproportion myopathy due to TPM3 mutation
  268288009 generalised alopecia
  89689008 genu valgum
  27943000 glucose-galactose malabsorption
  1078151000119103 hallux valgus of left great toe
  85280007 hammer toe
  278929008 hepatitis C infection
  417651000 hereditary endothelial dystrophy
  417395001 hereditary endothelial dystrophy type 2
  1217622009 horizontal gaze palsy
  31290005 hydroureter
  93232005 hyperflexion of limb
  93234006 hypertrophy of mitral valve
  93075009 hypertrophy of pulmonary valve
  93077001 hypertrophy of testis
  93076005 hypertrophy of tricuspid valve
  93247001 hypoplasia of cardiac ventricle
  93248006 hypoplasia of carpal bone
  724071009 hypoplasia of patella
  718690009 hypothyroidism due to absence of thyroid gland
  767446006 instability of left hip joint
  767447002 instability of right hip joint
  83119008 insufficiency of tricuspid valve
  472777008 intrapericardial cyst
  1254893000 isolated onychodysplasia
  1141000119101 labial adhesion
  1217623004 lacrimal punctum membrane
  718219002 lactic acidosis Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean type
  79801002 leptomeningeal angiomatosis
  781159007 levorotation of heart
  7964000 listeriosis
  42780004 lobulation of spleen
  1156306006 lumbosacral spondylolisthesis
  27409004 macrocheilia
  93352008 malposition of sternebra
  93354009 malposition of superior vena cava
  93364000 malposition of ulna
  93365004 malposition of vas deferens
  93367007 malrotation of limb
  447875008 mass of mitral leaflet
  721880009 microgastria with limb reduction defect syndrome
  93379007 misalignment of arch of sacral vertebra
  890395002 muscular dystrophy type 1D large gene mutation
  771267003 muscular dystrophy with integrin alpha-7 deficiency
  20305008 myotonia, autosomal recessive form
  782332007 negative ulnar variant of wrist
  363041004 nonspherocytic haemolytic anaemia due to inborn error of metabolism
  48980001 obstruction of urethra
  762295002 obstructive hydrocephalus
  1231209008 orbital meningocele
  253758001 palato-oesophageal incoordination
  205101001 pectus carinatum
  713509006 penile torsion
  1079661000119102 pigmented melanocytic naevus of skin of left ear
  1079721000119100 pigmented melanocytic naevus of skin of right lower limb
  128062001 portal-systemic shunt
  1177173001 progressive bone marrow failure, B-cell immunodeficiency, skeletal dysplasia syndrome
  19042000 prolapse of urethra
  12235681000119102 ptosis of left upper eyelid
  890394003 pulmonary airway malformation type 0
  708022000 pulmonary lymphatic dysplasia syndrome
  47082005 rubella pneumonitis
  254040008 sacrococcygeal anomaly
  253903007 short urethra
  425871007 spondylolisthesis of cervical vertebra
  232061009 stationary night blindness
  770408001 stenosis of cervical spinal canal
  1003443006 stenosis of male external urethral orifice
  449135007 stenosis of mitral subvalvular apparatus
  82458004 stenosis of mitral valve
  840487004 stenosis of spinal canal
  39476006 stricture of rectum
  48337000 stricture of urinary meatus
  472801002 subpulmonary stenosis due to restrictive ventricular defect associated with functionally univentricular heart
  41514002 supravalvular mitral stenosis
  93404004 thickening of ischium
  93405003 thickening of pubis
  93406002 thickening of radius
  93407006 thickening of rib
  95467005 tracheomalacia
  198273008 vaginal enterocele
  773415005 ABCD1 DXS1357E deletion syndrome
  720746006 with ectodermal dysplasia and orofacial cleft syndrome
  720747002 syndrome
  429641000124109 hypospadias
  253324006 sinus defect in left atrium
  253326008 sinus orifice atresia
  732251003 blindness, intellectual disability, polydactyly syndrome
  1217229007 dysplasia, short stature, ectodermal anomalies, intellectual disability syndrome
  205774003 parasiticus
  1269224009, microretrognathia, severe intellectual disability syndrome
  253269002 heart
  447289007 heart with leftward rotation
  17827007 syndrome
  253865003 ectopia of kidney, without fusion
  770409009 polysyndactyly
  702361006 syndrome with acanthosis nigricans
  111388003 laxa, autosomal dominant
  254222002 laxa, recessive, type I
  254223007 laxa, recessive, type II
  12770006 congenital heart disease
  732261005 facial neuromusculoskeletal syndrome
  721812005 of paramesonephric duct
  389262009 diaphyseal dysplasia
  733069009, vitiligo, achalasia syndrome
  124141008 of L-lactate dehydrogenase (cytochrome)
  124680001 of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
  441686004 phalanx of finger
  109494000 dysplasia, type II
  239041002 syndrome
  1237225007 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
  34643004 dysplasia
  58561002 dysplasia
  458087008 parapagus
  774209001 aplasticosebacea
  703298001 lymphatic malformation
  715314008 dysmorphism
  764696007 17p13.3 microdeletion syndrome
  1208482007 arthrogryposis type 10
  897536003 deletion of long arm of chromosome 3
  897524009 deletion of short arm of chromosome 1
  897548000 duplication of chromosome 15
  449027007 origin of brachiocephalic artery with tracheal compression
  253696009 origin of brachiocephalic trunk
  897510005 trisomy 3q
  8634009 syndrome
  111389006 dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
  75875004 dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, albopapular type
  719800009 syndrome
  447928009 aortic arch with balanced arches
  767311002 aortic arch with dominant right arch and hypoplasia of left arch
  77696009 aortic valve
  253209004 eyebrow
  253283000 inlet left ventricle
  253284006 inlet to ventricle of indeterminate morphology
  253441007 orifice of common atrioventricular valve
  447284002 outlet right ventricle with intact ventricular septum
  253299006 outlet right ventricle with noncommitted ventricular septal defect
  21346009 uterus affecting pregnancy
  50749006 Y syndrome
  871610003 committed juxta-arterial outlet ventricular septal defect with perimembranous extension
  871604003 committed juxta-arterial outlet ventricular septal defect with perimembranous extension and posteriorly malaligned outlet septum
  871611004 committed juxta-arterial outlet ventricular septal defect with posteriorly malaligned outlet septum
  279920004 of epoophoron
  723332005 15q11
  27642008 sialidosis, congenital form
  403809003 epidermolysis bullosa inverse type
  722436002 epidermolysis bullosa nails only
  773548008 epileptic encephalopathy, cortical blindness, intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism syndrome
  253443005's anomaly of common atrioventricular valve
  253603005 opening of aortic valve
  449123008 opening of tricuspid aortic valve
  69664005 physaliphora
  734018003 dysplasia trichoodontoonychial type
  31291009 dysplasia-ocular malformation syndrome
  722437006 lentis, chorioretinal dystrophy, myopia syndrome
  5153001 anus
  253746001 bone and cartilage in lung
  61108006 intestinal mucosa
  715318006 syndrome classic type
  1287094005 syndrome classic type 2
  720861000 syndrome progeroid type
  720863002 syndrome
  204311009's complex
  403819009 neurofibromatosa
  268219005 cyst of fallopian tube and broad ligament
  15959901000119101 cyst of left Gartner's duct
  720864008 due to prosaposin deficiency
  1208480004 lipodermoid, preauricular appendage, polythelia syndrome
  254180002 bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation
  782937006 tendons of finger anomalies
  29938001 bronchopulmonary sequestration
  10375008 subpleural pulmonary sequestration
  723333000 syndrome
  33169001 XI deficiency, type II
  37495007 adrenocortical hypoplasia
  1197365006 cavitary optic disc anomaly
  238094003 hypobetalipoproteinaemia - heterozygous form
  238093009 hypobetalipoproteinaemia - homozygous form
  253864004 hypoplastic, glomerulocystic kidney
  253168004 megalencephaly
  1230098009 fibula ulna complex
  699251001 dysplasia of bone with intramuscular myxoma
  239056006 syndrome
  1003430006 cortical dysplasia type IIb
  789157007 facial dermal dysplasia type I
  109411007 dysostosis
  716108004 macrocephaly
  443379009 single ventricle
  253509003 left atrioventricular valve papillary muscles
  1186730002 Vries syndrome
  234461003 chain defect dysfibrinogenaemia
  788944005 delta beta thalassaemia
  60876000 syndrome
  819950002 glucocorticoid resistance syndrome
  254194001 junctional epidermolysis bullosa
  403808006 recessive non-mutilating dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
  770631009 transient congenital hypothyroidism
  725904009 type 2
  254116003 osteodysplastica
  235111007 odontogenic cyst
  1222658006 developmental delay, alopecia, macrocephaly, facial dysmorphism, structural brain anomalies syndrome
  78753008 cyst
  722302009 storage disease due to acid maltase deficiency, infantile onset
  11179002 storage disease, type IV
  29291001 storage disease, type VI
  205418005 syndrome
  205800003 syndrome
  77542002 syndrome
  1254947002 syndrome type 3
  685091000119101 D beta zero thalassaemia
  416180004 SS disease without crisis
  702425002 syndrome
  771149000 fibrosis, renal cyst, intellectual disability syndrome
  57835009 methionine adenosyltransferase deficiency
  449016005 vein to left atrium and right atrium
  449014008 vein to left sided atrium
  449015009 vein to right sided atrium
  724361001 veno-occlusive disease with immunodeficiency syndrome
  1296959007 butyrylcholinesterase deficiency
  238855000 camptodactyly
  717003001 cavernous haemangioma of brain
  239055005 clubbing
  5994005 elliptocytosis due to deficiency of protein 4.1
  726079008 hypercarotenaemia and vitamin A deficiency
  724351008 hyperekplexia
  403442005 mucoepithelial dysplasia
  191201002 persistence of fetal haemoglobin
  783254003 persistence of fetal haemoglobin with sickle cell disease syndrome
  438827002 thrombophilic dysfibrinogenaemia
  65573001 assimilation pelvis
  721221000 disease with deafness and polydactyly syndrome
  721223002 disease with nail hypoplasia and dysmorphism
  721222007 disease with type D brachydactyly syndrome
  725286002 synthase deficiency
  715434005 craniosynostosis syndrome
  771146007 with caudal dysgenesis syndrome
  1153399000 hereditary elliptocytosis
  240554006's triad
  721234004 due to HNF1A deficiency
  721236002 due to short chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency
  1051005 of islet alpha cells with gastrin excess
  773667003, preauricular sinus, punctual pits, deafness syndrome
  773665006 hypogonadism, severe microcephaly, sensorineural hearing loss, dysmorphism syndrome
  860820000 of cranial sinus
  707679005 of first permanent molar tooth
  1418007 chondrodystrophy
  400036004 enamel-onycholysis-hypohidrosis syndrome
  763658004, osteolysis, periodontitis, palmoplantar keratoderma syndrome
  254170001 hystrix of Curth-Macklin
  763404001, alopecia, eclabion, ectropion, intellectual disability syndrome
  72262000 error of glutathione metabolism
  16904009 congenital absence of thigh AND leg
  70583001 development of membranous labyrinth
  763498007 left cleft lip and incomplete cleft of left alveolar process of maxilla
  763499004 right cleft lip and incomplete cleft of right alveolar process of maxilla
  238026007 GM1 gangliosidosis
  52083000 lobar overinflation of lung
  253314003 vena cava interruption with right sided azygos continuation
  449435001 location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection with two descending veins
  725905005 stenosis multicystic kidney syndrome
  871588007 artery compression syndrome
  725906006 disability Buenos Aires type
  722002002 disability, balding, patella luxation, acromicria syndrome
  782753000 disability, coarse face, macrocephaly, cerebellar hypotrophy syndrome
  773416006 disability, facial dysmorphism, hand anomalies syndrome
  871625003 atrioventricular septal defect with atrial and ventricular components and separate atrioventricular valves
  405287008 maple syrup urine disease
  405288003 maple syrup urine disease
  52724003 oxidation defect
  204153003 dysgenesis
  204154009 dysgenesis
  1231746006 agenesis of cerebellar vermis
  717963001 anterior cervical hypertrichosis
  771147003 arhinencephaly
  307127004 long chain hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
  253698005 of brachiocephalic trunk
  253699002 of common carotid artery
  445109004 of left common carotid artery
  709105005 syndrome
  61367005 syndrome
  74650009 lymphatic obstruction sequence
  400140006 epidermolysis bullosa gravis of Herlitz
  254196004 epidermolysis bullosa mitis
  722027009 syndrome with heart disease
  25792000 syndrome
  721105004 Trenaunay syndrome
  30278004's syndrome
  93100001 of ossification of humerus
  93101002 of ossification of hyoid bone
  93102009 of ossification of ilium
  93103004 of ossification of interparietal bone
  93105006 of ossification of lacrimal bone
  93115000 of ossification of pubis
  93116004 of ossification of radius
  93117008 of ossification of rib
  93118003 of ossification of scapula
  253152005 heterotopia
  41069008 syndrome
  206434001 anaemia of newborn due to isoimmunisation
  827006 congenital syphilis, latent (positive serology - CSF, 2 years or more)
  1142031005 congenital syphilitic optic atrophy
  253286008 sided atrium connecting to left ventricle
  253287004 sided atrium connecting to right ventricle
  111307005 syndrome
  715565004 arthrogryposis with anterior horn cell disease
  254183000 autosomal recessive epidermolysis bullosa simplex
  1229876001 brain and heart developmental defects syndrome
  715420005 congenital contracture syndrome type 3
  719409004 Larsen-like syndrome
  719404009 recessive chondrodysplasia
  733452000, dystonia, motor neuropathy syndrome
  763366000, thalamus and brainstem anomalies, high lactate syndrome
  763668009 syndrome
  718759003 due to TUBA1A (tubulin alpha 1A) mutation
  717977003 syndrome Norman Roberts type
  447917005 in central position
  254186008 dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa
  721182004 gap oesophageal atresia
  41895009 deficiency of carpal bone
  52837007 deficiency of femur
  61900003 deficiency of radius
  59352006 deficiency of radius AND ulna
  70902004 deficiency of upper limb
  203943005 spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
  1003445004 spina bifida aperta with hydrocephalus
  763773007 and developmental delay syndrome
  783089006, intellectual disability, autism syndrome
  1187642008, intellectual disability, left ventricular non compaction syndrome
  205343003 of toes - fatty nerve tumour
  95503005 fissure
  46041001 syndrome
  461433002 systemic to pulmonary collateral artery with absent pulmonary arteries proximal to hilar bifurcation
  461434008 systemic to pulmonary collateral artery with pulmonary artery proximal to hilar bifurcation
  733450008 - mannosidase alpha class 1B member 1 deficiency congenital disorder of glycosylation
  1003431005 dysplasia with type A lipodystrophy
  1231141008 isomerase congenital disorder of glycosylation
  732262003 syndrome De Silva type
  254234005 Unna syndrome
  715735007 uniparental disomy of chromosome 20
  766240006 uniparental disomy of chromosome 9
  109398003 dysostosis
  717705004üster-Hauser syndrome type 2
  1003394000 deletion of long arm of chromosome 2
  699700006 cleft lip and cleft of alveolar process of maxilla
  253904001 syndrome
  1260143005, severe kyphoscoliosis, overgrowth syndrome
  783246000, spherophakia, secondary glaucoma syndrome
  716199000 syndrome
  732263008 Fahl syndrome
  13449007 syndrome
  16467261000119106 of left lower leg
  1260095004 Hennekam syndrome
  766715000 myopathy due to lactate transporter defect
  297278001 leukodystrophy due to deficiency of cerebroside sulfatase activator
  13144005 carboxylase deficiency
  1179283004 ridging, ptosis, facial dysmorphism syndrome
  1187195007 cortical malformations, short stature due to RTTN deficiency
  763798008, complex motor and sensory axonal neuropathy syndrome
  719378009 with brachydactyly and kyphoscoliosis syndrome
  719379001 with cardiac defect and lung malsegmentation syndrome
  724139004, eye coloboma, imperforation of nasolacrimal duct syndrome
  1156317007 androgen insensitivity syndrome
  23156007 maple syrup urine disease
  715670004 spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia due to COL2A1 mutation with early onset osteoarthritis
  389159004 spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia with premature onset arthrosis
  253338004 imaged atria
  1255267007 polydactyly
  253271002 heart
  1237514002 myopathy, cerebellar ataxia, pigmentary retinopathy syndrome
  1196872006 respiratory chain complex I structural subunit gene defect
  1196873001 respiratory chain complex II assembly gene defect
  128100009 alpha granule and dense body deficiency
  79702003 tetrapus dibrachius
  54073003 cardiac valve
  766716004 13q34
  109714003 fibrous dysplasia of periradicular alveolar bone
  764619001 trisomy 15 syndrome
  205708001 XO/XX
  205707006 XO/XY
  788417006 syndrome
  43916004, MPS-VII
  204166003 anterior segment anomalies
  766717008 epiphyseal dysplasia due to collagen 9 anomaly
  313339007 epiphyseal dysplasia tarda type IIIa
  111306001 lentigines syndrome
  1208485009 mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 1
  1279890001 mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 5
  1279891002 mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome type 6
  71009001 gallbladder
  277950001 eye brain disease
  61772003 phosphoglycerate mutase deficiency
  253564006 ventricular septal defect in central trabecular septum
  253566008 ventricular septal defect in marginal septum
  1251451005 autosomal recessive non-lethal arthrogryposis multiplex congenita syndrome
  35962006 comedonicus
  254064009 hip dysplasia
  90516007 cyst
  1230269002 duct cyst
  1179299005 lethal skeletal dysplasia
  254221009 cutis laxa with marfanoid phenotype
  1187511005 form of carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency
  763839005 Marfan syndrome
  230794008 choristoma
  55602000's syndrome
  67855008 disease, type C, subacute form
  253151003 heterotopia
  1187512003 mitochondrial sensorineural deafness
  19441002 dysplasia
  716174001 hypopigmentation syndrome of Preus type
  1255268002 syndrome
  1231206001 meningoencephalocele
  15191001 of innominate artery from left side of aortic arch
  239030004 syndrome III
  718681002 syndrome type 11
  254102008 primordial dwarfism, type 1
  1237513008 metaphyseal dysplasia
  871600007 ventricular septal defect with posteriorly malaligned outlet septum
  223726008 of nail
  40158001èvre syndrome
  253391007 malformation of tricuspid valve
  253140003 agenesis of corpus callosum
  253731008 agenesis of pericardium
  122811000119101 androgen insensitivity syndrome
  447860000 anomalous pulmonary venous connection of part of right lung
  447861001 anomalous pulmonary venous connection with anomalous veins connecting first to pulmonary venous confluence
  237946002 deficiency of methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
  461091006 right arterial duct
  715736008 uniparental disomy of chromosome 20
  783718003 uniparental disomy of chromosome X
  56108007 kidney
  70348004's syndrome
  1003879007 megalourethra
  204889008 hypospadias
  95500008 pupillary membranes
  1187528008 deficiency
  1187524005 deficiency
  1187525006 deficiency
  1187522009 deficiency
  1187523004 deficiency
  1003916008 syndrome type 2
  1003918009 syndrome type 3
  703284009 cesioflammea
  703285005 spilorosea
  253963009 of lower limb
  403807001 hypomelanosis
  1230005002 defects, palmoplantar keratoderma, skin carcinoma syndrome
  723450004 paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy
  723451000 torti onychodysplasia syndrome
  715727009 stalk interruption syndrome
  1228849007 body myopathy type 2
  36517007 fibrous dysplasia of bone
  782884005 tegmental cap dysplasia
  718610008 hypoplasia type 1
  718611007 hypoplasia type 8
  403765001 stain in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
  770946000 tetramelic oligodactyly
  448786001 deviation of infundibular septum of obstructive aortic arch type
  1955003 dimple
  204272007 fistula
  13867009 coarctation of aorta
  419544009 lens coloboma
  302811004 congenital rubella encephalomyelitis
  1260130005 essential tremor, speech impairment, facial dysmorphism, intellectual disability, abnormal behaviour syndrome
  254065005 pseudorheumatoid dysplasia
  1003929008 deletion of long arm of chromosome 11
  1003903008 deletion of long arm of chromosome 16
  1003904002 deletion of long arm of chromosome 17
  1003901005 deletion of long arm of chromosome 18
  1003915007 deletion of short arm of chromosome 3
  1003906000 duplication of long arm of chromosome 1
  1003876000 duplication of long arm of chromosome 12
  1003878004 duplication of long arm of chromosome 16
  1003864000 duplication of long arm of chromosome 5
  1003865004 duplication of long arm of chromosome 6
  205211001 femoral focal deficiency
  715867000 syndrome
  206370004 pyocyaneus congenital infection
  770591002 uterus
  771263004 and vocal cord paralysis syndrome
  233720006 lipid storage disease
  253627007 trunk absent with confluent pulmonary arteries
  253628002 trunk absent with non-confluent pulmonary arteries
  253588008 valve dysplasia
  253586007 valve ring hypoplasia
  447691009 venous confluence in direct proximity to left atrium
  62144003 oculocutaneous albinoidism
  60743005 phosphorylase deficiency
  27837003 metaphyseal dysplasia
  87694001 carboxylase deficiency
  1003851001 dehydrogenase complex E1 beta subunit deficiency
  1003850000 dehydrogenase complex E1-alpha subunit deficiency
  253600008 pulmonary valve
  1052326006 partialis
  205129003 polydactyly Wassel 7
  723504000 Arroyo syndrome
  702413000 syndrome
  763891005 hepatic pancreatic dysplasia
  1003861008 tubular dysgenesis due to twin to twin transfusion
  95501007 arteriovenous malformation
  247127002 arteriovenous shunt
  723503006 degeneration, nanophthalmos, glaucoma syndrome
  73119000 pigmentosa-deafness-ataxia syndrome
  1003862001 chondrodysplasia punctata type 1
  770948004 syndrome Urbach type
  783099001 syndrome
  461090007 arterial duct
  445330003 atrioventricular valve leaflets absent in double inlet ventricle (unguarded orifice)
  871613001 hand pattern ventricular topology
  448103004 ventricle inferior to left ventricle
  763405000 chromosome 15 syndrome
  763406004 chromosome 16 syndrome
  81678004 chromosome 4 syndrome
  765489006 chromosome 7 syndrome
  1222659003 severe early-onset epileptic encephalopathy
  715986009 Hertz Goodman syndrome
  186570004 deafness
  64190005 myocarditis
  63450009 albinism
  330101000119101 of congenital aneurysm of cerebral artery
  203951008 spina bifida with hydrocephalus - closed
  203944004 spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
  239043004 syndrome
  389277001 dysplasia
  1003917004 congenital hyperplasia of lung
  765188009 combined immunodeficiency due to complete RAG1 and/or RAG2 deficiency
  782751003 combined immunodeficiency due to IKK2 deficiency
  441190003 hereditary factor IX deficiency disease without inhibitor
  1187536004 infantile form of carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency
  773419004 intellectual disability, short stature, behavioural abnormalities, facial dysmorphism syndrome
  783005002 microbrachycephaly, intellectual disability, athetoid cerebral palsy syndrome
  46804001 X-linked myotubular myopathy
  41371000119100 complex
  774155009 stature, auditory canal atresia, mandibular hypoplasia, skeletal anomalies syndrome
  1237512003 stature, developmental delay, congenital heart defect syndrome
  127046009 cell trait with coexistent alpha-thalassaemia
  416484003 cell-haemoglobin E disease with crisis
  127047000 cell-haemoglobin Lepore disease
  127048005 cell-Haemoglobin O Arab disease
  416826005 cell-thalassaemia disease with crisis
  264195003's band
  109426009 left ventricle
  471277007 right coronary artery supplying all of heart with usual distribution of left coronary artery derived from distal right coronary artery
  109425008 right ventricle
  447999009 ventricular outlet above left ventricle
  43929004 syndrome
  715987000 syndrome
  763669001 ataxia with congenital miosis
  763351003 autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia
  723611008 hand, split foot malformation with sensorineural hearing loss syndrome
  766820007 dysplasia with multiple dislocations
  766821006 dysplasia, short limb, abnormal calcification syndrome
  254078005 dysplasia - Sutcliffe type
  782913006 dysplasia, bowed forearms, facial dysmorphism syndrome
  1256046005 camptodactyly
  253169007 megalencephaly
  253691004 of systemic to pulmonary artery collateral artery
  723584003 Lubinsky Durrie syndrome
  723583009 dehydrogenase deficiency and dental anomaly syndrome
  783097004 syndrome type 3
  54837006 back syndrome
  19886006 syndrome
  253574009 infundibulum
  204456001 total anomalous pulmonary venous return
  1003440009 laryngeal cleft
  253573003 infundibulum
  472802009 stenosis associated with functionally univentricular heart as complication of procedure
  238004006 acetoacetate transferase deficiency
  95290002 centrum of lumbar vertebra
  95291003 centrum of sacral vertebra
  95292005 centrum of thoracic vertebra
  95293000 cervical vertebra
  49224008 ear lobule
  95298009 lumbar vertebra
  91846008 metacarpal bone
  95300009 sacral vertebra
  449434002 location of anomalous pulmonary venous connection to left superior caval vein
  204457005 total anomalous pulmonary venous return
  1010618000 of fingers of bilateral hands
  871626002 of toes with fusion of bones of toes of bilateral feet
  715723008 type 1
  723581006, telecanthus, anogenital and renal malformation syndrome
  1231626009 nanophthalmos due to Kenny-Caffey syndrome
  1260133007 sensorineural deafness due to combined oxidative phosphorylation defect
  13262009 vulvae
  471274000 to pulmonary collateral artery contributing to dual lung supply
  460365008 to pulmonary collateral artery from right renal artery
  719945007 with absent teeth and sparse hair syndrome
  771265006 Shaltout syndrome
  719946008 Hashomer camptodactyly syndrome
  725140007 Baraitser syndrome
  719947004 syndrome
  53599007 regression syndrome
  389157002 dysplasia, type 1
  389158007 dysplasia, type 2
  203942000 spina bifida with hydrocephalus - open
  7722005 epigastricus
  303138003 duct anomaly
  699000000 duct sinus
  715734006 hemiagenesis
  764857004 hemimelia, polysyndactyly, triphalangeal thumb syndrome
  699256006 syndrome type 1
  238018004 hexosaminidase deficiency - infantile
  204745000 intestinal aganglionosis
  253732001 absent pericardium
  24750000 syndrome
  253297008 of aorta
  205183000 arrest carpal level
  302957001 arrest metacarpal second to fifth rays
  302956005 deficiency of hand
  719944006 with retina pigmentary degeneration and dwarfism syndrome
  253862000 kidney
  205354008 great toe
  253442000 orifice of left ventricular component of common atrioventricular valve
  253614008 hypoplasia of aorta
  1003444000 3 lissencephaly
  254052001 IV short rib polydactyly syndrome
  715905006 polymicrogyria
  717701008 bicornis bicollis with blind hemi-vagina
  717702001 bicornis bicollis with patent cervix and vagina
  123665003 bicornis unicollis with septate vagina
  6839008 syndrome
  448630005 ring with left aortic arch and right patent arterial duct
  447997006 ring with retrotracheal right pulmonary artery from ascending aorta
  460590006 ring with right aortic arch and left arterial ligament with anomalous retroesophageal left subclavian artery
  448078006 ring with right aortic arch and right arterial ligament with absent left pulmonary artery
  448079003 ring with right aortic arch and right patent arterial duct with absent left pulmonary artery
  204312002 septal defect between left ventricle and right atrium
  448827000 septal defect with absent outlet septum and overriding truncal valve with inferior muscular rim
  1010604007 due to developmental anomaly
  764697003 Vanhorick Brubakk syndrome
  254787009 haemangioma of skin
  232113004 retraction syndrome
  237895001 D-dependent rickets type II without alopecia
  1187247007 facial dysmorphism, developmental delay, behavioural abnormalities syndrome
  234160008's true diffuse phlebarteriectasis
  783703004 matter hypoplasia, corpus callosum agenesis, intellectual disability syndrome
  205657006 chromosome trisomy, mosaicism
  254066006 dysplasia
  771148008 colobomatous microphthalmia, microcephaly, intellectual disability, short stature syndrome
  726106004 diffuse leiomyomatosis with Alport syndrome
  1003390009 hypodontia
  719811001 intellectual disability Cabezas type
  783702009 intellectual disability due to GRIA3 mutations
  718914002 intellectual disability Van Esch type
  1217228004 intellectual disability, cerebellar hypoplasia, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia syndrome
  719825000 intellectual disability, macrocephaly, macroorchidism syndrome
  719813003 mandibulofacial dysostosis
  719815005 myopathy with excessive autophagy
  73068003 variant form of thyroxine-binding globulin
  764711007 duplication syndrome
  773418007 1 congenital disorder of glycosylation
  403806005 syndrome

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code