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Raw JSON (canonical form + also see JSON Format Specification)
Search TestScript Example
{ "resourceType" : "TestScript", "id" : "testscript-example-search", "extension" : [{ "url" : "", "valueCode" : "fhir" }], "url" : "", "identifier" : [{ "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.12.3" }], "version" : "1.0", "name" : "TestScriptExampleSearch", "title" : "TestScript Example Search", "status" : "draft", "experimental" : true, "date" : "2017-01-18", "publisher" : "HL7 International / FHIR Infrastructure", "contact" : [{ "telecom" : [{ "system" : "url", "value" : "" }] }], "description" : "TestScript example resource with simple Patient search test. The read tests will utilize user defined dynamic variables that will hold the Patient search parameter values.", "jurisdiction" : [{ "coding" : [{ "system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166", "code" : "US", "display" : "United States of America" }] }], "purpose" : "Patient Search Operation", "copyright" : "© 2011+", "metadata" : { "link" : [{ "url" : "", "description" : "Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services." }], "capability" : [{ "required" : true, "validated" : false, "description" : "Patient Search Operation", "link" : [""], "capabilities" : "" }] }, "fixture" : [{ "id" : "fixture-patient-create", "autocreate" : false, "autodelete" : false, "resource" : { "reference" : "Patient/example", "display" : "Peter Chalmers" } }], "profile" : [""], "variable" : [{ "name" : "PatientCreateLocation", "headerField" : "Location", "sourceId" : "PatientCreateResponse" }, { "name" : "PatientSearchFamilyName", "description" : "Enter patient search criteria for a known family name on the target system", "hint" : "[Family name]" }, { "name" : "PatientSearchGivenName", "description" : "Enter patient search criteria for a known given name on the target system", "hint" : "[Given name]" }, { "name" : "PatientSearchBundleTotal", "description" : "Evaluate the returned Patient searchset value", "expression" : "" }], "setup" : { "action" : [{ "operation" : { "type" : { "system" : "", "code" : "search" }, "resource" : "Patient", "description" : "Test simple search to verify server support.", "accept" : "xml", "encodeRequestUrl" : true, "params" : "?family=DONTEXPECTAMATCH&given=DONTEXPECTAMATCH" } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the request url contains the family search parameter.", "direction" : "request", "operator" : "contains", "requestURL" : "family", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK).", "direction" : "response", "responseCode" : "200", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned resource type is Bundle.", "resource" : "Bundle", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned Bundle correctly defines the navigation links.", "navigationLinks" : true, "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }] }, "test" : [{ "id" : "01-PatientCreateSearch", "name" : "Patient Create Search", "description" : "Create a Patient resource and capture the returned HTTP Header Location. Then search for (read) that Patient using the Location URL value and validate the response.", "action" : [{ "operation" : { "type" : { "system" : "", "code" : "create" }, "resource" : "Patient", "description" : "Create a Patient resource and capture the returned HTTP Header Location.", "accept" : "xml", "contentType" : "xml", "encodeRequestUrl" : true, "responseId" : "PatientCreateResponse", "sourceId" : "fixture-patient-create" } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 201(Created).", "response" : "created", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Location is present.", "direction" : "response", "headerField" : "Location", "operator" : "notEmpty", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "operation" : { "type" : { "system" : "", "code" : "read" }, "description" : "Read the created Patient using the captured Location URL value.", "accept" : "xml", "encodeRequestUrl" : true, "url" : "${PatientCreateLocation}" } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK).", "response" : "okay", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient.", "resource" : "Patient", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }] }, { "id" : "02-PatientSearchDynamic", "name" : "Patient Search Dynamic", "description" : "Search for Patient resources using the user defined dynamic variables ${PatientSearchFamilyName} and ${PatientSearchGivenName} and validate response.", "action" : [{ "operation" : { "type" : { "system" : "", "code" : "search" }, "resource" : "Patient", "description" : "Search for Patient resources on the destination test system.", "accept" : "xml", "encodeRequestUrl" : true, "params" : "?family=${PatientSearchFamilyName}&given=${PatientSearchGivenName}" } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK).", "response" : "okay", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned format is XML.", "contentType" : "xml", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned resource type is Bundle.", "resource" : "Bundle", "stopTestOnFail" : true, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned Bundle conforms to the base FHIR specification.", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "validateProfileId" : "bundle-profile", "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned Bundle type equals 'searchset'.", "operator" : "equals", "path" : "fhir:Bundle/fhir:type/@value", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "value" : "searchset", "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned Bundle total is greater than or equal to the number of returned entries.", "expression" : " >= entry.count()", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }] }] }
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.
FHIR ®© 2011+. FHIR R6 hl7.fhir.core#6.0.0-ballot2 generated on Thu, Mar 13, 2025 06:16+0000.
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