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FHIR Infrastructure Work Group | Maturity Level: N/A | Standards Status: Informative | Compartments: No defined compartments |
Raw JSON (canonical form + also see JSON Format Specification)
Read TestScript Example
{ "resourceType" : "TestScript", "id" : "testscript-example-readtest", "extension" : [{ "url" : "", "valueCode" : "fhir" }], "url" : "", "identifier" : [{ "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986", "value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.12.2" }], "version" : "1.0", "name" : "TestScript Example Read Test", "status" : "draft", "experimental" : true, "date" : "2017-01-18", "publisher" : "HL7 International / FHIR Infrastructure", "contact" : [{ "telecom" : [{ "system" : "url", "value" : "" }] }], "description" : "TestScript example resource with ported Sprinkler basic read tests R001, R002, R003, R004. The read tests will utilize user defined dynamic variables that will hold the Patient resource id values.", "jurisdiction" : [{ "coding" : [{ "system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166", "code" : "US", "display" : "United States of America" }] }], "purpose" : "Patient Read Operation", "copyright" : "© 2011+", "metadata" : { "link" : [{ "url" : "", "description" : "Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services." }], "capability" : [{ "required" : true, "validated" : false, "description" : "Patient Read Operation", "link" : [""], "capabilities" : "" }] }, "scope" : [{ "artifact" : "", "conformance" : { "coding" : [{ "system" : "", "code" : "optional" }] }, "phase" : { "coding" : [{ "system" : "", "code" : "unit" }] } }], "profile" : [""], "variable" : [{ "name" : "KnownPatientResourceId", "defaultValue" : "example" }, { "name" : "NonExistsPatientResourceId", "defaultValue" : "does-not-exist" }], "test" : [{ "id" : "R001", "name" : "Sprinkler Read Test R001", "description" : "Read a known Patient and validate response.", "action" : [{ "operation" : { "type" : { "system" : "", "code" : "read" }, "resource" : "Patient", "description" : "Read the known Patient resource on the destination test system using the user defined dynamic variable ${KnownPatientResourceId}.", "accept" : "xml", "encodeRequestUrl" : true, "params" : "/${KnownPatientResourceId}" } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 200(OK).", "response" : "okay", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned format is XML.", "contentType" : "xml", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP Header Last-Modified is present. Warning only as the server might not support versioning.", "headerField" : "Last-Modified", "operator" : "notEmpty", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : true } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned resource type is Patient.", "resource" : "Patient", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned Patient conforms to the base FHIR specification.", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "validateProfileId" : "patient-profile", "warningOnly" : false } }] }, { "id" : "R002", "name" : "Sprinkler Read Test R002", "description" : "Read an unknown Resource Type and validate response.", "action" : [{ "operation" : { "type" : { "system" : "", "code" : "read" }, "resource" : "Patient", "description" : "Attempt to read the Parameters resource type. What we really want here is an illegal type but the build process won't allow that. Parameters is a valid resource which doesn't have an end-point so, this should fail.", "accept" : "xml", "encodeRequestUrl" : true, "params" : "/1" } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 404(Not Found).", "response" : "notFound", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }] }, { "id" : "R003", "name" : "Sprinkler Read Test R003", "description" : "Read a known, non-existing Patient and validate response.", "action" : [{ "operation" : { "type" : { "system" : "", "code" : "read" }, "resource" : "Patient", "description" : "Attempt to read the non-existing Patient resource on the destination test system using the user defined dynamic variable ${NonExistsPatientResourceId}.", "accept" : "xml", "encodeRequestUrl" : true, "params" : "/${NonExistsPatientResourceId}" } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 404(Not Found).", "response" : "notFound", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }] }, { "id" : "R004", "name" : "Sprinkler Read Test R004", "description" : "Read a Patient using a known bad formatted resource id and validate response.", "action" : [{ "operation" : { "type" : { "system" : "", "code" : "read" }, "resource" : "Patient", "description" : "Attempt to read a Patient resource on the destination test system using known bad formatted resource id.", "accept" : "xml", "encodeRequestUrl" : true, "params" : "/ID-may-not-contain-CAPITALS" } }, { "assert" : { "description" : "Confirm that the returned HTTP status is 400(Bad Request).", "response" : "badRequest", "stopTestOnFail" : false, "warningOnly" : false } }] }] }
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.
FHIR ®© 2011+. FHIR R6 hl7.fhir.core#6.0.0-ballot2 generated on Thu, Mar 13, 2025 06:16+0000.
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