This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions


Patient Administration Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeCompartments: Device, Group, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

Raw ShEx

ShEx statement for appointmentresponse

PREFIX fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> 
PREFIX fhirvs: <http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/>
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> 
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> 

IMPORT <code.shex>
IMPORT <date.shex>
IMPORT <Group.shex>
IMPORT <Device.shex>
IMPORT <boolean.shex>
IMPORT <instant.shex>
IMPORT <Patient.shex>
IMPORT <Location.shex>
IMPORT <markdown.shex>
IMPORT <Reference.shex>
IMPORT <Identifier.shex>
IMPORT <Appointment.shex>
IMPORT <positiveInt.shex>
IMPORT <Practitioner.shex>
IMPORT <RelatedPerson.shex>
IMPORT <DomainResource.shex>
IMPORT <CodeableConcept.shex>
IMPORT <PractitionerRole.shex>
IMPORT <HealthcareService.shex>

start=@<AppointmentResponse> AND {fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]}

# A reply to an appointment request for a patient and/or practitioner(s), such as a confirmation or rejection
<AppointmentResponse> EXTENDS @<DomainResource> CLOSED {   
    a [fhir:AppointmentResponse]?;fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]?;

    fhir:identifier @<OneOrMore_Identifier>?;  # External Ids for this item
    fhir:appointment @<Reference> AND {fhir:link 
    			@<Appointment> ? };  # Appointment this response relates 
                                            # to 
    fhir:proposedNewTime @<boolean>?;       # Indicator for a counter proposal
    fhir:start @<instant>?;                 # Time from appointment, or 
                                            # requested new start time 
    fhir:end @<instant>?;                   # Time from appointment, or 
                                            # requested new end time 
    fhir:participantType @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?;  # Role of participant in the 
                                            # appointment 
    fhir:actor @<Reference> AND {fhir:link 
    			@<Device> OR 
    			@<Group> OR 
    			@<HealthcareService> OR 
    			@<Location> OR 
    			@<Patient> OR 
    			@<Practitioner> OR 
    			@<PractitionerRole> OR 
    			@<RelatedPerson> ? }?;  # Person(s), Location, 
                                            # HealthcareService, or Device 
    fhir:participantStatus @<code> AND
    	{fhir:v @fhirvs:appointmentresponse-status};  # accepted | declined | tentative | 
                                            # needs-action | entered-in-error 
    fhir:comment @<markdown>?;              # Additional comments
    fhir:recurring @<boolean>?;             # This response is for all 
                                            # occurrences in a recurring request 
    fhir:occurrenceDate @<date>?;           # Original date within a recurring 
                                            # request 
    fhir:recurrenceId @<positiveInt>?;      # The recurrence ID of the specific 
                                            # recurring request 

#---------------------- Cardinality Types (OneOrMore) -------------------
<OneOrMore_Identifier> CLOSED {
    rdf:first @<Identifier>  ;
    rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Identifier> 
<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> CLOSED {
    rdf:first @<CodeableConcept>  ;
    rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> 

#---------------------- Value Sets ------------------------

# The Participation status for a participant in response to a request for an appointment.
fhirvs:appointmentresponse-status ["accepted" "declined" "tentative" "needs-action" "entered-in-error"]

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the ShEx files are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.