This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions

Example ValueSet/event-resource-types (XML)

Terminology Infrastructure Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: Informative

Raw XML (canonical form + also see XML Format Specification)

Definition for Value SetEvent Resource Types

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<ValueSet xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
  <id value="event-resource-types"/> 
    <lastUpdated value="2025-03-18T13:49:06.036+00:00"/> 
    <profile value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/shareablevalueset"/> 
    <status value="extensions"/> 
    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <p class="res-header-id">
        <b> Generated Narrative: ValueSet event-resource-types</b> 
      <a name="event-resource-types"> </a> 
      <a name="hcevent-resource-types"> </a> 
      <a name="event-resource-types-en-US"> </a> 
      <div style="display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border:
       1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%">
        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px"/> 
        <p style="margin-bottom: 0px">Profile: 
          <a href="shareablevalueset.html">Shareable ValueSet</a> 
        <li> Include these codes as defined in 
          <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html">
            <code> http://hl7.org/fhir/fhir-types</code> 
          <table class="none">
              <td style="white-space:nowrap">
                <b> Code</b> 
                <b> Display</b> 
                <b> Definition</b> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-AdverseEvent">AdverseEvent</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">AdverseEvent</td> 
              <td> An event (i.e. any change to current patient status) that may be related to unintended
                 effects on a patient or research participant. The unintended effects may require
                 additional monitoring, treatment, hospitalization, or may result in death. The
                 AdverseEvent resource also extends to potential or avoided events that could have
                 had such effects. There are two major domains where the AdverseEvent resource is
                 expected to be used. One is in clinical care reported adverse events and the other
                 is in reporting adverse events in clinical  research trial management.  Adverse
                 events can be reported by healthcare providers, patients, caregivers or by medical
                 products manufacturers.  Given the differences between these two concepts, we recommend
                 consulting the domain specific implementation guides when implementing the AdverseEvent
                 Resource. The implementation guides include specific extensions, value sets and
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-AuditEvent">AuditEvent</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">AuditEvent</td> 
              <td> A record of an event relevant for purposes such as operations, privacy, security,
                 maintenance, and performance analysis.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-ChargeItem">ChargeItem</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">ChargeItem</td> 
              <td> The resource ChargeItem describes the provision of healthcare provider products
                 for a certain patient, therefore referring not only to the product, but containing
                 in addition details of the provision, like date, time, amounts and participating
                 organizations and persons. Main Usage of the ChargeItem is to enable the billing
                 process and internal cost allocation.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-ClaimResponse">ClaimResponse</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">ClaimResponse</td> 
              <td> This resource provides the adjudication details from the processing of a Claim
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-ClinicalImpression">ClinicalImpression</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">ClinicalImpression</td> 
              <td> A record of a clinical assessment performed to determine what problem(s) may affect
                 the patient and before planning the treatments or management strategies that are
                 best to manage a patient's condition. Assessments are often 1:1 with a clinical
                 consultation / encounter,  but this varies greatly depending on the clinical workflow.
                 This resource is called &quot;ClinicalImpression&quot; rather than &quot;ClinicalAssessment&q
                uot; to avoid confusion with the recording of assessment tools such as Apgar score.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Communication">Communication</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Communication</td> 
              <td> A clinical or business level record of information being transmitted or shared;
                 e.g. an alert that was sent to a responsible provider, a public health agency communication
                 to a provider/reporter in response to a case report for a reportable condition.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Composition">Composition</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Composition</td> 
              <td> A set of healthcare-related information that is assembled together into a single
                 logical package that provides a single coherent statement of meaning, establishes
                 its own context and that has clinical attestation with regard to who is making
                 the statement. A Composition defines the structure and narrative content necessary
                 for a document. However, a Composition alone does not constitute a document. Rather,
                 the Composition must be the first entry in a Bundle where Bundle.type=document,
                 and any other resources referenced from Composition must be included as subsequent
                 entries in the Bundle (for example Patient, Practitioner, Encounter, etc.).</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Consent">Consent</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Consent</td> 
              <td> A record of a healthcare consumer’s  choices  or choices made on their behalf by
                 a third party, which permits or denies identified recipient(s) or recipient role(s)
                 to perform one or more actions within a given policy context, for specific purposes
                 and periods of time.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Contract">Contract</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Contract</td> 
              <td> Legally enforceable, formally recorded unilateral or bilateral directive i.e.,
                 a policy or agreement.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Coverage">Coverage</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Coverage</td> 
              <td> Financial instrument which may be used to reimburse or pay for health care products
                 and services. Includes both insurance and self-payment.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-CoverageEligibilityResponse">CoverageEligibilityResponse</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">CoverageEligibilityResponse</td> 
              <td> This resource provides eligibility and plan details from the processing of an CoverageEligibi
                lityRequest resource.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-DetectedIssue">DetectedIssue</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">DetectedIssue</td> 
              <td> Indicates an actual or potential clinical issue with or between one or more active
                 or proposed clinical actions for a patient; e.g. Drug-drug interaction, Ineffective
                 treatment frequency, Procedure-condition conflict, gaps in care, etc.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-DeviceDispense">DeviceDispense</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">DeviceDispense</td> 
              <td> Indicates that a device is to be or has been dispensed for a named person/patient.
                  This includes a description of the product (supply) provided and the instructions
                 for using the device.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-DeviceUsage">DeviceUsage</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">DeviceUsage</td> 
              <td> A record of a device being used by a patient where the record is the result of
                 a report from the patient or a clinician.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-DiagnosticReport">DiagnosticReport</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">DiagnosticReport</td> 
              <td> The findings and interpretation of diagnostic tests performed on patients, groups
                 of patients, products, substances, devices, and locations, and/or specimens derived
                 from these. The report includes clinical context such as requesting provider information,
                 and some mix of atomic results, images, textual and coded interpretations, and
                 formatted representation of diagnostic reports. The report also includes non-clinical
                 context such as batch analysis and stability reporting of products and substances.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-DocumentReference">DocumentReference</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">DocumentReference</td> 
              <td> A reference to a document of any kind for any purpose. While the term “document”
                 implies a more narrow focus, for this resource this “document” encompasses *any*
                 serialized object with a mime-type, it includes formal patient-centric documents
                 (CDA), clinical notes, scanned paper, non-patient specific documents like policy
                 text, as well as a photo, video, or audio recording acquired or used in healthcare.
                  The DocumentReference resource provides metadata about the document so that the
                 document can be discovered and managed.  The actual content may be inline base64
                 encoded data or provided by direct reference.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Encounter">Encounter</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Encounter</td> 
              <td> An interaction between healthcare provider(s), and/or patient(s) for the purpose
                 of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of patient(s).</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-EnrollmentResponse">EnrollmentResponse</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">EnrollmentResponse</td> 
              <td> This resource provides enrollment and plan details from the processing of an EnrollmentReques
                t resource.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-EpisodeOfCare">EpisodeOfCare</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">EpisodeOfCare</td> 
              <td> An association between a patient and an organization / healthcare provider(s) during
                 which time encounters may occur. The managing organization assumes a level of responsibility
                 for the patient during this time.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-ExplanationOfBenefit">ExplanationOfBenefit</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">ExplanationOfBenefit</td> 
              <td> This resource provides: the claim details; adjudication details from the processing
                 of a Claim; and optionally account balance information, for informing the subscriber
                 of the benefits provided.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-FamilyMemberHistory">FamilyMemberHistory</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">FamilyMemberHistory</td> 
              <td> Significant health conditions for a person related to the patient relevant in the
                 context of care for the patient.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-GenomicStudy">GenomicStudy</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">GenomicStudy</td> 
              <td> A set of analyses performed to analyze and generate genomic data.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-GuidanceResponse">GuidanceResponse</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">GuidanceResponse</td> 
              <td> A guidance response is the formal response to a guidance request, including any
                 output parameters returned by the evaluation, as well as the description of any
                 proposed actions to be taken.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-ImagingSelection">ImagingSelection</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">ImagingSelection</td> 
              <td> A selection of DICOM SOP instances and/or frames within a single Study and Series.
                 This might include additional specifics such as an image region, an Observation
                 from a DICOM SR Content Item, or a Segment Number from a DICOM Segmentation SOP
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-ImagingStudy">ImagingStudy</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">ImagingStudy</td> 
              <td> Representation of the content produced in a DICOM imaging study. A study comprises
                 a set of series, each of which includes a set of Service-Object Pair Instances
                 (SOP Instances - images or other data) acquired or produced in a common context.
                  A series is of only one modality (e.g. X-ray, CT, MR, ultrasound), but a study
                 may have multiple series of different modality values.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Immunization">Immunization</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Immunization</td> 
              <td> Describes the event of a patient being administered a vaccine or a record of an
                 immunization as reported by a patient, a clinician or another party.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-ImmunizationEvaluation">ImmunizationEvaluation</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">ImmunizationEvaluation</td> 
              <td> Describes a comparison of an immunization event against published recommendations
                 to determine if the administration is &quot;valid&quot; in relation to those  recommendations
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-InventoryReport">InventoryReport</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">InventoryReport</td> 
              <td> A report of inventory or stock items.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Invoice">Invoice</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Invoice</td> 
              <td> Invoice containing collected ChargeItems from an Account with calculated individual
                 and total price for Billing purpose.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-MedicationAdministration">MedicationAdministration</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">MedicationAdministration</td> 
              <td> Describes the event of a patient consuming or otherwise being administered a medication.
                  This may be as simple as swallowing a tablet or it may be a long running infusion.
                 Related resources tie this event to the authorizing prescription, and the specific
                 encounter between patient and health care practitioner. This event can also be
                 used to record waste using a status of not-done and the appropriate statusReason.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-MedicationDispense">MedicationDispense</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">MedicationDispense</td> 
              <td> Indicates that a medication product is to be or has been dispensed for a named
                 person/patient.  This includes a description of the medication product (supply)
                 provided and the instructions for administering the medication.  The medication
                 dispense is the result of a pharmacy system responding to a medication order.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-MedicationStatement">MedicationStatement</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">MedicationStatement</td> 
              <td> A record of a medication that is being consumed by a patient.   A MedicationStatement
                 may indicate that the patient may be taking the medication now or has taken the
                 medication in the past or will be taking the medication in the future.  The source
                 of this information can be the patient, significant other (such as a family member
                 or spouse), or a clinician.  A common scenario where this information is captured
                 is during the history taking process during a patient visit or stay.   The medication
                 information may come from sources such as the patient's memory, from a prescription
                 bottle,  or from a list of medications the patient, clinician or other party maintains.

The primary difference between a medicationstatement and a medicationadministration
                 is that the medication administration has complete administration information and
                 is based on actual administration information from the person who administered
                 the medication.  A medicationstatement is often, if not always, less specific.
                  There is no required date/time when the medication was administered, in fact we
                 only know that a source has reported the patient is taking this medication, where
                 details such as time, quantity, or rate or even medication product may be incomplete
                 or missing or less precise.  As stated earlier, the Medication Statement information
                 may come from the patient's memory, from a prescription bottle or from a list of
                 medications the patient, clinician or other party maintains.  Medication administration
                 is more formal and is not missing detailed information.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-MessageHeader">MessageHeader</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">MessageHeader</td> 
              <td> The header for a message exchange that is either requesting or responding to an
                 action.  The reference(s) that are the subject of the action as well as other information
                 related to the action are typically transmitted in a bundle in which the MessageHeader
                 resource instance is the first resource in the bundle.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-NutritionIntake">NutritionIntake</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">NutritionIntake</td> 
              <td> A record of intake by a patient.  A NutritionIntake may indicate that the patient
                 may be consuming the food (i.e., solid and/or liquid), breastmilk, infant formula,
                 supplements, enteral formula now or has consumed it in the past.  The source of
                 this information can be the patient, significant other (such as a family member
                 or spouse), or a clinician.  A common scenario where this information is captured
                 is during the history taking process during a patient visit or stay or through
                 an app that tracks food (i.e., solid and/or liquid), breastmilk, infant formula,
                 supplements, enteral formula consumed.   The consumption information may come from
                 sources such as the patient's memory, from a nutrition label, or from a clinician
                 documenting observed intake.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Observation">Observation</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Observation</td> 
              <td> Measurements and simple assertions made about a patient, device or other subject.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-PaymentNotice">PaymentNotice</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">PaymentNotice</td> 
              <td> This resource provides the status of the payment for goods and services rendered,
                 and the request and response resource references.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-PaymentReconciliation">PaymentReconciliation</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">PaymentReconciliation</td> 
              <td> This resource provides the details including amount of a payment and allocates
                 the payment items being paid.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Procedure">Procedure</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Procedure</td> 
              <td> An action that is or was performed on or for a patient, practitioner, device, organization,
                 or location. For example, this can be a physical intervention on a patient like
                 an operation, or less invasive like long term services, counseling, or hypnotherapy.
                  This can be a quality or safety inspection for a location, organization, or device.
                  This can be an accreditation procedure on a practitioner for licensing.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Provenance">Provenance</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Provenance</td> 
              <td> Provenance of a resource is a record that describes entities and processes involved
                 in producing and delivering or otherwise influencing that resource. Provenance
                 provides a critical foundation for assessing authenticity, enabling trust, and
                 allowing reproducibility. Provenance assertions are a form of contextual metadata
                 and can themselves become important records with their own provenance. Provenance
                 statement indicates clinical significance in terms of confidence in authenticity,
                 reliability, and trustworthiness, integrity, and stage in lifecycle (e.g. Document
                 Completion - has the artifact been legally authenticated), all of which may impact
                 security, privacy, and trust policies.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-QuestionnaireResponse">QuestionnaireResponse</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">QuestionnaireResponse</td> 
              <td> A structured set of questions and their answers. The questions are ordered and
                 grouped into coherent subsets, corresponding to the structure of the grouping of
                 the questionnaire being responded to.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-RiskAssessment">RiskAssessment</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">RiskAssessment</td> 
              <td> An assessment of the likely outcome(s) for a patient or other subject as well as
                 the likelihood of each outcome.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-SupplyDelivery">SupplyDelivery</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">SupplyDelivery</td> 
              <td> Record of delivery of what is supplied.</td> 
                <a href="codesystem-fhir-types.html#fhir-types-Transport">Transport</a> 
              <td style="color: #cccccc">Transport</td> 
              <td> Record of transport.</td> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg">
    <valueCode value="fhir"/> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status">
    <valueCode value="normative"/> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm">
    <valueInteger value="5"/> 
  <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/event-resource-types"/> 
    <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986"/> 
    <value value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.3.1060"/> 
  <version value="6.0.0-ballot2"/> 
  <name value="EventResourceTypes"/> 
  <title value="Event Resource Types"/> 
  <status value="active"/> 
  <experimental value="false"/> 
  <date value="2025-03-18T13:49:06+00:00"/> 
  <publisher value="HL7 (FHIR Project)"/> 
      <system value="url"/> 
      <value value="http://hl7.org/fhir"/> 
      <system value="email"/> 
      <value value="fhir@lists.hl7.org"/> 
  <description value="All Resource Types that represent event resources"/> 
      <system value="http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49.htm"/> 
      <code value="001"/> 
      <display value="World"/> 
  <immutable value="true"/> 
      <system value="http://hl7.org/fhir/fhir-types"/> 
        <code value="AdverseEvent"/> 
        <code value="AuditEvent"/> 
        <code value="ChargeItem"/> 
        <code value="ClaimResponse"/> 
        <code value="ClinicalImpression"/> 
        <code value="Communication"/> 
        <code value="Composition"/> 
        <code value="Consent"/> 
        <code value="Contract"/> 
        <code value="Coverage"/> 
        <code value="CoverageEligibilityResponse"/> 
        <code value="DetectedIssue"/> 
        <code value="DeviceDispense"/> 
        <code value="DeviceUsage"/> 
        <code value="DiagnosticReport"/> 
        <code value="DocumentReference"/> 
        <code value="Encounter"/> 
        <code value="EnrollmentResponse"/> 
        <code value="EpisodeOfCare"/> 
        <code value="ExplanationOfBenefit"/> 
        <code value="FamilyMemberHistory"/> 
        <code value="GenomicStudy"/> 
        <code value="GuidanceResponse"/> 
        <code value="ImagingSelection"/> 
        <code value="ImagingStudy"/> 
        <code value="Immunization"/> 
        <code value="ImmunizationEvaluation"/> 
        <code value="InventoryReport"/> 
        <code value="Invoice"/> 
        <code value="MedicationAdministration"/> 
        <code value="MedicationDispense"/> 
        <code value="MedicationStatement"/> 
        <code value="MessageHeader"/> 
        <code value="NutritionIntake"/> 
        <code value="Observation"/> 
        <code value="PaymentNotice"/> 
        <code value="PaymentReconciliation"/> 
        <code value="Procedure"/> 
        <code value="Provenance"/> 
        <code value="QuestionnaireResponse"/> 
        <code value="RiskAssessment"/> 
        <code value="SupplyDelivery"/> 
        <code value="Transport"/> 

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.