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Orders and Observations Work Group | Maturity Level: N/A | Standards Status: Informative | Compartments: Device, Encounter, Group, Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson |
ShEx statement for servicerequest
PREFIX fhir: <> PREFIX fhirvs: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX rdf: <> IMPORT <uri.shex> IMPORT <code.shex> IMPORT <Ratio.shex> IMPORT <Range.shex> IMPORT <Group.shex> IMPORT <Device.shex> IMPORT <Period.shex> IMPORT <Timing.shex> IMPORT <string.shex> IMPORT <boolean.shex> IMPORT <Patient.shex> IMPORT <Quantity.shex> IMPORT <Location.shex> IMPORT <dateTime.shex> IMPORT <markdown.shex> IMPORT <CarePlan.shex> IMPORT <Resource.shex> IMPORT <CareTeam.shex> IMPORT <Coverage.shex> IMPORT <Specimen.shex> IMPORT <canonical.shex> IMPORT <Reference.shex> IMPORT <Encounter.shex> IMPORT <Identifier.shex> IMPORT <Annotation.shex> IMPORT <Provenance.shex> IMPORT <Organization.shex> IMPORT <Practitioner.shex> IMPORT <RelatedPerson.shex> IMPORT <BodyStructure.shex> IMPORT <ClaimResponse.shex> IMPORT <DomainResource.shex> IMPORT <NutritionOrder.shex> IMPORT <CodeableConcept.shex> IMPORT <BackboneElement.shex> IMPORT <PractitionerRole.shex> IMPORT <CodeableReference.shex> IMPORT <DocumentReference.shex> IMPORT <MedicationRequest.shex> IMPORT <HealthcareService.shex> IMPORT <RequestOrchestration.shex> start=@<ServiceRequest> AND {fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]} # A request for a service to be performed <ServiceRequest> EXTENDS @<DomainResource> CLOSED { a [fhir:ServiceRequest]?;fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]?; fhir:identifier @<OneOrMore_Identifier>?; # Identifiers assigned to this order fhir:instantiatesCanonical @<OneOrMore_canonical>?; # Instantiates FHIR protocol or # definition fhir:instantiatesUri @<OneOrMore_uri>?; # Instantiates external protocol or # definition fhir:basedOn @<OneOrMore_Reference_CarePlan_OR_MedicationRequest_OR_NutritionOrder_OR_RequestOrchestration_OR_ServiceRequest>?; # What request fulfills fhir:replaces @<OneOrMore_Reference_ServiceRequest>?; # What request replaces fhir:requisition @<Identifier>?; # Composite Request ID fhir:status @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:request-status}; # draft | active | on-hold | # entered-in-error | ended | # completed | revoked | unknown fhir:intent @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:request-intent}; # proposal | plan | directive | # order + fhir:category @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # Classification of service fhir:priority @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:request-priority}?; # routine | urgent | asap | stat fhir:doNotPerform @<boolean>?; # True if service/procedure should # not be performed fhir:code @<CodeableReference>?; # What is being requested/ordered fhir:orderDetail @<OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.orderDetail>?; # Additional information about the # request fhir:quantity @<Quantity> OR @<Ratio> OR @<Range> ?; # Service amount fhir:subject @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Device> OR @<Group> OR @<Location> OR @<Patient> ? }; # Individual or Entity the service # is ordered for fhir:focus @<OneOrMore_Reference_Resource>?; # What the service request is about, # when it is not about the subject # of record fhir:encounter @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Encounter> ? }?; # Encounter in which the request was # created fhir:occurrence @<dateTime> OR @<Period> OR @<Timing> ?; # When service should occur fhir:asNeeded @<boolean>?; # Perform the service "as needed" fhir:asNeededFor @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # Specified criteria for the service fhir:authoredOn @<dateTime>?; # Date request signed fhir:requester @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Device> OR @<Group> OR @<Organization> OR @<Patient> OR @<Practitioner> OR @<PractitionerRole> OR @<RelatedPerson> ? }?; # Who/what is requesting service fhir:performerType @<CodeableConcept>?; # Performer role fhir:performer @<OneOrMore_Reference_CareTeam_OR_Device_OR_Group_OR_HealthcareService_OR_Organization_OR_Patient_OR_Practitioner_OR_PractitionerRole_OR_RelatedPerson>?; # Requested performer fhir:location @<OneOrMore_CodeableReference>?; # Requested location fhir:reason @<OneOrMore_CodeableReference>?; # Reason or indication for # requesting the service fhir:insurance @<OneOrMore_Reference_ClaimResponse_OR_Coverage>?; # Associated insurance coverage fhir:supportingInfo @<OneOrMore_CodeableReference>?; # Additional clinical information fhir:specimen @<OneOrMore_Reference_Specimen>?; # Procedure Samples fhir:bodySite @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # Coded location on Body fhir:bodyStructure @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<BodyStructure> ? }?; # BodyStructure-based location on # the body fhir:note @<OneOrMore_Annotation>?; # Comments fhir:patientInstruction @<OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.patientInstruction>?; # Patient or consumer-oriented # instructions fhir:relevantHistory @<OneOrMore_Reference_Provenance>?; # Request provenance } # The parameter details for the service being requested <ServiceRequest.orderDetail.parameter> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:code @<CodeableConcept>; # The detail of the order being # requested fhir:value @<Quantity> OR @<Ratio> OR @<Range> OR @<boolean> OR @<CodeableConcept> OR @<string> OR @<Period> ; # The value for the order detail } # Patient or consumer-oriented instructions <ServiceRequest.patientInstruction> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:instruction @<markdown> OR (@<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<DocumentReference> }) ?; # Patient or consumer-oriented # instructions } # Additional information about the request <ServiceRequest.orderDetail> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:parameterFocus @<CodeableReference>?; # The context of the order details # by reference fhir:parameter @<OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.orderDetail.parameter>; # The parameter details for the # service being requested } #---------------------- Cardinality Types (OneOrMore) ------------------- <OneOrMore_Identifier> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Identifier> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Identifier> } <OneOrMore_canonical> CLOSED { rdf:first @<canonical> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_canonical> } <OneOrMore_uri> CLOSED { rdf:first @<uri> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_uri> } <OneOrMore_Reference_CarePlan_OR_MedicationRequest_OR_NutritionOrder_OR_RequestOrchestration_OR_ServiceRequest> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<CarePlan> OR @<MedicationRequest> OR @<NutritionOrder> OR @<RequestOrchestration> OR @<ServiceRequest> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_CarePlan_OR_MedicationRequest_OR_NutritionOrder_OR_RequestOrchestration_OR_ServiceRequest> } <OneOrMore_Reference_ServiceRequest> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<ServiceRequest> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_ServiceRequest> } <OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CodeableConcept> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> } <OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.orderDetail> CLOSED { rdf:first @<ServiceRequest.orderDetail> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.orderDetail> } <OneOrMore_Reference_Resource> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Resource> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_Resource> } <OneOrMore_Reference_CareTeam_OR_Device_OR_Group_OR_HealthcareService_OR_Organization_OR_Patient_OR_Practitioner_OR_PractitionerRole_OR_RelatedPerson> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<CareTeam> OR @<Device> OR @<Group> OR @<HealthcareService> OR @<Organization> OR @<Patient> OR @<Practitioner> OR @<PractitionerRole> OR @<RelatedPerson> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_CareTeam_OR_Device_OR_Group_OR_HealthcareService_OR_Organization_OR_Patient_OR_Practitioner_OR_PractitionerRole_OR_RelatedPerson> } <OneOrMore_CodeableReference> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CodeableReference> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CodeableReference> } <OneOrMore_Reference_ClaimResponse_OR_Coverage> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<ClaimResponse> OR @<Coverage> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_ClaimResponse_OR_Coverage> } <OneOrMore_Reference_Specimen> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Specimen> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_Specimen> } <OneOrMore_Annotation> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Annotation> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Annotation> } <OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.patientInstruction> CLOSED { rdf:first @<ServiceRequest.patientInstruction> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.patientInstruction> } <OneOrMore_Reference_Provenance> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Provenance> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_Provenance> } <OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.orderDetail.parameter> CLOSED { rdf:first @<ServiceRequest.orderDetail.parameter> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_ServiceRequest.orderDetail.parameter> } #---------------------- Value Sets ------------------------ # Codes indicating the degree of authority/intentionality associated with a request. fhirvs:request-intent ["proposal" "plan" "directive" "order" "original-order" "reflex-order" "filler-order" "instance-order" "option"] # Identifies the level of importance to be assigned to actioning the request. fhirvs:request-priority ["routine" "urgent" "asap" "stat"] # Codes identifying the lifecycle stage of a request. fhirvs:request-status ["draft" "active" "on-hold" "entered-in-error" "ended" "completed" "revoked" "unknown"]
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the ShEx files are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.
FHIR ®© 2011+. FHIR R6 hl7.fhir.core#6.0.0-ballot2 generated on Tue, Mar 18, 2025 14:04+0000.
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