This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions

Example OperationDefinition/CanonicalResource-current-canonical (XML)

FHIR Infrastructure Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: Informative

Raw XML (canonical form + also see XML Format Specification)

Operation Definition

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<OperationDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
  <id value="CanonicalResource-current-canonical"/> 
    <status value="generated"/> 
    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <p class="res-header-id">
        <b> Generated Narrative: OperationDefinition CanonicalResource-current-canonical</b> 
      <a name="CanonicalResource-current-canonical"> </a> 
      <a name="hcCanonicalResource-current-canonical"> </a> 
      <a name="CanonicalResource-current-canonical-en-US"> </a> 
      <p> URL: [base]/$current-canonical</p> 
      <p> URL: [base]/CanonicalResource/$current-canonical</p> 
      <h3> Parameters</h3> 
      <table class="grid">
            <b> Use</b> 
            <b> Name</b> 
            <b> Scope</b> 
            <b> Cardinality</b> 
            <b> Type</b> 
            <b> Binding</b> 
            <b> Documentation</b> 
          <td> IN</td> 
          <td> url</td> 
          <td> 1..1</td> 
            <a href="datatypes.html#uri">uri</a> 
              <p> This is the canonical URL (with no version declared)</p> 

          <td> IN</td> 
          <td> status</td> 
          <td> 0..*</td> 
            <a href="datatypes.html#code">code</a> 
              <p> The statuses to allow to be returned. If no status codes are provided, then any
                 status is ok</p> 

          <td> OUT</td> 
          <td> result</td> 
          <td> 0..1</td> 
            <a href="canonicalresource.html">CanonicalResource</a> 
              <p> If no resources can be found, will return nothing.  If multiple resources are found
                 for the specified statuses and 'most current' can't be determined by comparing
                 the versions, the operation will fail with an operation outcome.</p> 

        <p> If none of the instances define the versionAlgorithm to use, a server may  dynamically
           attempt to determine which versioning system is implied by the data.</p> 

        <p> If the instances found with the provided canonical URL define different versionAlgorithm
           values the server may return an error.</p> 

        <p> Note that the 
          <em> CanonicalResource</em>  is an interface and not an actual resource type, as such the operation is actually
           called on the canonical resource types such as CodeSystem, Questionnaire etc.

  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm">
    <valueInteger value="1"/> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status">
    <valueCode value="trial-use"/> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg">
    <valueCode value="fhir"/> 
  <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/OperationDefinition/CanonicalResource-current-canonical"/> 
  <version value="6.0.0-ballot2"/> 
  <name value="CurrentCanonical"/> 
  <title value="Fetch the current version of a canonical resource (based on canonical versioning)"/> 
  <status value="draft"/> 
  <kind value="operation"/> 
  <experimental value="false"/> 
  <date value="2025-03-18T13:49:06+00:00"/> 
  <publisher value="HL7 International / FHIR Infrastructure"/> 
      <system value="url"/> 
      <value value="http://hl7.org/fhir"/> 
      <system value="email"/> 
      <value value="fhir@lists.hl7.org"/> 
      <system value="url"/> 
      <value value="http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/fiwg"/> 
  <description value="Returns the most current version of the canonical resource with the specified url
   available on the server.  It optionally also allows filtering to only expose the
   most current version with a particular status or set of statuses.

Note that 'current' is determined by comparing version values using the specified
   versionAlgorithm, NOT by looking at lastUpdated."/> 
      <system value="http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49.htm"/> 
      <code value="001"/> 
      <display value="World"/> 
  <affectsState value="false"/> 
  <code value="current-canonical"/> 
  <comment value="If none of the instances define the versionAlgorithm to use, a server may  dynamically
   attempt to determine which versioning system is implied by the data.

If the instances found with the provided canonical URL define different versionAlgorithm
   values the server may return an error.

Note that the *CanonicalResource* is an interface and not an actual resource type,
   as such the operation is actually called on the canonical resource types such as
   CodeSystem, Questionnaire etc."/> 
  <resource value="CanonicalResource"/> 
  <system value="true"/> 
  <type value="true"/> 
  <instance value="false"/> 
    <name value="url"/> 
    <use value="in"/> 
    <min value="1"/> 
    <max value="1"/> 
    <documentation value="This is the canonical URL (with no version declared)"/> 
    <type value="uri"/> 
    <name value="status"/> 
    <use value="in"/> 
    <min value="0"/> 
    <max value="*"/> 
    <documentation value="The statuses to allow to be returned. If no status codes are provided, then any
     status is ok"/> 
    <type value="code"/> 
    <name value="result"/> 
    <use value="out"/> 
    <min value="0"/> 
    <max value="1"/> 
    <documentation value="If no resources can be found, will return nothing.  If multiple resources are found
     for the specified statuses and 'most current' can't be determined by comparing
     the versions, the operation will fail with an operation outcome."/> 
    <type value="CanonicalResource"/> 

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.