This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions
Pharmacy Work Group | Maturity Level: N/A | Standards Status: Informative | Compartments: Encounter, Group, Patient, Practitioner |
This is the narrative for the resource. See also the XML, JSON or Turtle format. This example conforms to the profile MedicationDispense.
Generated Narrative: MedicationDispense meddisp0311
status: completed
Concept |
ACEPHEN (product) |
subject: Donald Duck
Actor |
Practitioner Rob van den Berk (official) |
authorizingPrescription: MedicationRequest: identifier = (use: official, ); status = completed; intent = order; authoredOn = 2015-01-15
type: Refill - Part Fill
quantity: 60(unit RECSUPP from (Details: Orderable Drug Form codeRECSUPP = 'Rectal Suppository')
daysSupply: 10 Day (Details: UCUM coded = 'd')
whenPrepared: 2015-01-15T10:20:00Z
whenHandedOver: 2015-01-15T16:20:00Z
sequence: 1
text: Insert two suppositories (240mg) rectally twice daily as needed for fever to a maximim of 6 per day
additionalInstruction: Do not take with any other paracetamol products (qualifier value)
timing: 2 per 1 day
asNeededFor: Fever (finding)
Type Dose[x] Ordered 240 mg (Details: UCUM codemg = 'mg') maxDosePerPeriod: 720 mg (Details: UCUM codemg = 'mg')/1 d (Details: UCUM coded = 'd')
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.