This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions
Clinical Quality Information Work Group | Maturity Level: N/A | Standards Status: Informative | Compartments: No defined compartments |
ShEx statement for measure
PREFIX fhir: <> PREFIX fhirvs: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX rdf: <> IMPORT <uri.shex> IMPORT <code.shex> IMPORT <date.shex> IMPORT <Group.shex> IMPORT <string.shex> IMPORT <Coding.shex> IMPORT <Period.shex> IMPORT <boolean.shex> IMPORT <dateTime.shex> IMPORT <markdown.shex> IMPORT <Quantity.shex> IMPORT <Reference.shex> IMPORT <canonical.shex> IMPORT <Identifier.shex> IMPORT <Expression.shex> IMPORT <positiveInt.shex> IMPORT <UsageContext.shex> IMPORT <ContactDetail.shex> IMPORT <DomainResource.shex> IMPORT <CodeableConcept.shex> IMPORT <RelatedArtifact.shex> IMPORT <BackboneElement.shex> start=@<Measure> AND {fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]} # A quality measure definition <Measure> EXTENDS @<DomainResource> CLOSED { a [fhir:Measure]?;fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]?; fhir:url @<uri>?; # Canonical identifier for this # measure, represented as a URI # (globally unique) fhir:identifier @<OneOrMore_Identifier>?; # Additional identifier for the # measure fhir:version @<string>?; # Business version of the measure fhir:versionAlgorithm @<string> OR @<Coding> ?; # How to compare versions fhir:name @<string>?; # Name for this measure (computer # friendly) fhir:title @<string>?; # Name for this measure (human # friendly) fhir:subtitle @<string>?; # Subordinate title of the measure fhir:status @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:publication-status}; # draft | active | retired | unknown fhir:experimental @<boolean>?; # For testing only - never for real # usage fhir:subject @<CodeableConcept> OR (@<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Group> }) ?; # E.g. Patient, Practitioner, # RelatedPerson, Organization, # Location, Device fhir:basis @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:fhir-types}?; # Population basis fhir:date @<dateTime>?; # Date last changed fhir:publisher @<string>?; # Name of the publisher/steward # (organization or individual) fhir:contact @<OneOrMore_ContactDetail>?; # Contact details for the publisher fhir:description @<markdown>?; # Natural language description of # the measure fhir:useContext @<OneOrMore_UsageContext>?; # The context that the content is # intended to support fhir:jurisdiction @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # Intended jurisdiction for measure # (if applicable) fhir:purpose @<markdown>?; # Why this measure is defined fhir:usage @<markdown>?; # Describes the clinical usage of # the measure fhir:copyright @<markdown>?; # Use and/or publishing restrictions fhir:copyrightLabel @<string>?; # Copyright holder and year(s) fhir:approvalDate @<date>?; # When the measure was approved by # publisher fhir:lastReviewDate @<date>?; # When the measure was last reviewed # by the publisher fhir:effectivePeriod @<Period>?; # When the measure is expected to be # used fhir:reportingFrequency @<Quantity>?; # The frequency in which this # measure should be reported (e.g. 1 # '/a' - yearly, 4 '/a' - quarterly) fhir:topic @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # The category of the measure, such # as Education, Treatment, # Assessment, etc fhir:author @<OneOrMore_ContactDetail>?; # Who authored the content fhir:editor @<OneOrMore_ContactDetail>?; # Who edited the content fhir:reviewer @<OneOrMore_ContactDetail>?; # Who reviewed the content fhir:endorser @<OneOrMore_ContactDetail>?; # Who endorsed the content fhir:relatedArtifact @<OneOrMore_RelatedArtifact>?; # Additional documentation, # citations, etc fhir:library @<OneOrMore_canonical>?; # Logic used by the measure fhir:disclaimer @<markdown>?; # Disclaimer for use of the measure # or its referenced content fhir:scoring @<CodeableConcept>?; # proportion | ratio | # continuous-variable | cohort fhir:scoringUnit @<CodeableConcept>?; # What units? fhir:scoringPrecision @<positiveInt>?; # How many decimals (The number of # decimal places to include in the # score when the score is a # decimal-valued result) fhir:compositeScoring @<CodeableConcept>?; # opportunity | all-or-nothing | # linear | weighted fhir:type @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # process | outcome | structure | # patient-reported-outcome | # composite fhir:riskAdjustment @<markdown>?; # How risk adjustment is applied for # this measure fhir:rateAggregation @<markdown>?; # How is rate aggregation performed # for this measure fhir:rationale @<markdown>?; # Detailed description of why the # measure exists fhir:clinicalRecommendationStatement @<markdown>?; # Summary of clinical guidelines fhir:improvementNotation @<CodeableConcept>?; # increase | decrease fhir:term @<OneOrMore_Measure.term>?; # Defined terms used in the measure # documentation fhir:guidance @<markdown>?; # Additional guidance for # implementers (deprecated) fhir:group @<>?; # Population criteria group fhir:supplementalData @<OneOrMore_Measure.supplementalData>?; # What other data should be reported # with the measure } # Population criteria group <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:linkId @<string>?; # Unique id for group in measure fhir:code @<CodeableConcept>?; # Meaning of the group fhir:description @<markdown>?; # Summary description fhir:type @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # process | outcome | structure | # patient-reported-outcome | # composite fhir:subject @<CodeableConcept> OR (@<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Group> }) ?; # E.g. Patient, Practitioner, # RelatedPerson, Organization, # Location, Device fhir:basis @<code> AND {fhir:v @fhirvs:fhir-types}?; # Population basis fhir:scoring @<CodeableConcept>?; # proportion | ratio | # continuous-variable | cohort fhir:scoringUnit @<CodeableConcept>?; # What units? fhir:scoringPrecision @<positiveInt>?; # How many decimals (The number of # decimal places to include in the # score when the score is a # decimal-valued result) fhir:rateAggregation @<markdown>?; # How is rate aggregation performed # for this measure fhir:improvementNotation @<CodeableConcept>?; # increase | decrease fhir:improvementNotationGuidance @<markdown>?; # Explanation of improvement notation fhir:library @<OneOrMore_canonical>?; # Logic used by the measure group fhir:population @<>?; # Population criteria fhir:stratifier @<>?; # Stratifier criteria for the measure } # Stratifier criteria component for the measure <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:linkId @<string>?; # Unique id for stratifier component # in measure fhir:code @<CodeableConcept>?; # Meaning of the stratifier component fhir:description @<markdown>?; # The human readable description of # this stratifier component fhir:criteria @<Expression>?; # Component of how the measure # should be stratified fhir:groupDefinition @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Group> ? }?; # A group resource that defines this # population } # Stratifier criteria for the measure <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:linkId @<string>?; # Unique id for stratifier in measure fhir:code @<CodeableConcept>?; # Meaning of the stratifier fhir:description @<markdown>?; # The human readable description of # this stratifier fhir:criteria @<Expression>?; # How the measure should be # stratified fhir:groupDefinition @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Group> ? }?; # A group resource that defines this # population fhir:component @<>?; # Stratifier criteria component for # the measure } # Population criteria <> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:linkId @<string>?; # Unique id for population in measure fhir:code @<CodeableConcept>?; # initial-population | numerator | # numerator-exclusion | denominator # | denominator-exclusion | # denominator-exception | # measure-population | # measure-population-exclusion | # measure-observation fhir:description @<markdown>?; # The human readable description of # this population criteria fhir:criteria @<Expression>?; # The criteria that defines this # population fhir:groupDefinition @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Group> ? }?; # A group resource that defines this # population fhir:inputPopulationId @<string>?; # Which population fhir:aggregateMethod @<CodeableConcept>?; # Aggregation method for a measure # score (e.g. sum, average, median, # minimum, maximum, count) } # What other data should be reported with the measure <Measure.supplementalData> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:linkId @<string>?; # Unique id for supplementalData in # measure fhir:code @<CodeableConcept>?; # Meaning of the supplemental data fhir:usage @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # supplemental-data | # risk-adjustment-factor fhir:description @<markdown>?; # The human readable description of # this supplemental data fhir:criteria @<Expression>; # Expression describing additional # data to be reported } # Defined terms used in the measure documentation <Measure.term> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:code @<CodeableConcept>?; # What term? fhir:definition @<markdown>?; # Meaning of the term } #---------------------- Cardinality Types (OneOrMore) ------------------- <OneOrMore_Identifier> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Identifier> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Identifier> } <OneOrMore_ContactDetail> CLOSED { rdf:first @<ContactDetail> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_ContactDetail> } <OneOrMore_UsageContext> CLOSED { rdf:first @<UsageContext> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_UsageContext> } <OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CodeableConcept> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> } <OneOrMore_RelatedArtifact> CLOSED { rdf:first @<RelatedArtifact> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_RelatedArtifact> } <OneOrMore_canonical> CLOSED { rdf:first @<canonical> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_canonical> } <OneOrMore_Measure.term> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Measure.term> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Measure.term> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <OneOrMore_Measure.supplementalData> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Measure.supplementalData> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Measure.supplementalData> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } <> CLOSED { rdf:first @<> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<> } #---------------------- Value Sets ------------------------ # All FHIR types fhirvs:fhir-types ["Base" "Element" "BackboneElement" "DataType" "Address" "Annotation" "Attachment" "Availability" "BackboneType" "Dosage" "ElementDefinition" "MarketingStatus" "ProductShelfLife" "RelativeTime" "Timing" "CodeableConcept" "CodeableReference" "Coding" "ContactDetail" "ContactPoint" "Contributor" "DataRequirement" "Expression" "ExtendedContactDetail" "Extension" "HumanName" "Identifier" "Meta" "MonetaryComponent" "Money" "Narrative" "ParameterDefinition" "Period" "PrimitiveType" "base64Binary" "boolean" "date" "dateTime" "decimal" "instant" "integer" "positiveInt" "unsignedInt" "integer64" "string" "code" "id" "markdown" "time" "uri" "canonical" "oid" "url" "uuid" "Quantity" "Age" "Count" "Distance" "Duration" "Range" "Ratio" "RatioRange" "Reference" "RelatedArtifact" "SampledData" "Signature" "TriggerDefinition" "UsageContext" "VirtualServiceDetail" "xhtml" "Resource" "Binary" "Bundle" "DomainResource" "Account" "ActivityDefinition" "ActorDefinition" "AdministrableProductDefinition" "AdverseEvent" "AllergyIntolerance" "Appointment" "AppointmentResponse" "ArtifactAssessment" "AuditEvent" "Basic" "BiologicallyDerivedProduct" "BiologicallyDerivedProductDispense" "BodyStructure" "CanonicalResource" "CapabilityStatement" "CarePlan" "CareTeam" "ChargeItem" "ChargeItemDefinition" "Citation" "Claim" "ClaimResponse" "ClinicalImpression" "ClinicalUseDefinition" "CodeSystem" "Communication" "CommunicationRequest" "CompartmentDefinition" "Composition" "ConceptMap" "Condition" "ConditionDefinition" "Consent" "Contract" "Coverage" "CoverageEligibilityRequest" "CoverageEligibilityResponse" "DetectedIssue" "Device" "DeviceAlert" "DeviceAssociation" "DeviceDefinition" "DeviceDispense" "DeviceMetric" "DeviceRequest" "DeviceUsage" "DiagnosticReport" "DocumentReference" "Encounter" "EncounterHistory" "Endpoint" "EnrollmentRequest" "EnrollmentResponse" "EpisodeOfCare" "EventDefinition" "Evidence" "EvidenceVariable" "ExampleScenario" "ExplanationOfBenefit" "FamilyMemberHistory" "Flag" "FormularyItem" "GenomicStudy" "Goal" "GraphDefinition" "Group" "GuidanceResponse" "HealthcareService" "ImagingSelection" "ImagingStudy" "Immunization" "ImmunizationEvaluation" "ImmunizationRecommendation" "ImplementationGuide" "Ingredient" "InsurancePlan" "InsuranceProduct" "InventoryItem" "InventoryReport" "Invoice" "Library" "Linkage" "List" "Location" "ManufacturedItemDefinition" "Measure" "MeasureReport" "Medication" "MedicationAdministration" "MedicationDispense" "MedicationKnowledge" "MedicationRequest" "MedicationStatement" "MedicinalProductDefinition" "MessageDefinition" "MessageHeader" "MetadataResource" "MolecularDefinition" "MolecularSequence" "NamingSystem" "NutritionIntake" "NutritionOrder" "NutritionProduct" "Observation" "ObservationDefinition" "OperationDefinition" "OperationOutcome" "Organization" "OrganizationAffiliation" "PackagedProductDefinition" "Patient" "PaymentNotice" "PaymentReconciliation" "Permission" "Person" "PersonalRelationship" "PlanDefinition" "Practitioner" "PractitionerRole" "Procedure" "Provenance" "Questionnaire" "QuestionnaireResponse" "RegulatedAuthorization" "RelatedPerson" "RequestOrchestration" "Requirements" "ResearchStudy" "ResearchSubject" "RiskAssessment" "Schedule" "SearchParameter" "ServiceRequest" "Slot" "Specimen" "SpecimenDefinition" "StructureDefinition" "StructureMap" "Subscription" "SubscriptionStatus" "SubscriptionTopic" "Substance" "SubstanceDefinition" "SubstanceNucleicAcid" "SubstancePolymer" "SubstanceProtein" "SubstanceReferenceInformation" "SubstanceSourceMaterial" "SupplyDelivery" "SupplyRequest" "Task" "TerminologyCapabilities" "TestPlan" "TestReport" "TestScript" "Transport" "ValueSet" "VerificationResult" "VisionPrescription" "Parameters"] # The lifecycle status of an artifact. fhirvs:publication-status ["draft" "active" "retired" "unknown"]
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the ShEx files are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.
FHIR ®© 2011+. FHIR R6 hl7.fhir.core#6.0.0-ballot2 generated on Tue, Mar 18, 2025 14:03+0000.
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