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ShEx statement for insuranceplan
PREFIX fhir: <> PREFIX fhirvs: <> PREFIX xsd: <> PREFIX rdf: <> IMPORT <Money.shex> IMPORT <string.shex> IMPORT <Quantity.shex> IMPORT <Location.shex> IMPORT <Reference.shex> IMPORT <Identifier.shex> IMPORT <positiveInt.shex> IMPORT <Organization.shex> IMPORT <DomainResource.shex> IMPORT <CodeableConcept.shex> IMPORT <BackboneElement.shex> IMPORT <InsuranceProduct.shex> start=@<InsurancePlan> AND {fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]} # Plan details <InsurancePlan> EXTENDS @<DomainResource> CLOSED { a [fhir:InsurancePlan]?;fhir:nodeRole [fhir:treeRoot]?; fhir:identifier @<OneOrMore_Identifier>?; # Business Identifier for Plan fhir:type @<CodeableConcept>?; # Classification of Plan fhir:product @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<InsuranceProduct> ? }?; # The product that this plan is # available under fhir:coverageArea @<OneOrMore_Reference_Location>?; # Where product-plan applies fhir:network @<OneOrMore_Reference_Organization>?; # What networks provide coverage fhir:generalCost @<OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.generalCost>?; # Overall costs fhir:specificCost @<OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost>?; # Individual cost elements } # Individual cost elements <InsurancePlan.specificCost> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:category @<CodeableConcept>; # General category of benefit fhir:benefit @<OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit>?; # Benefits list } # Overall costs <InsurancePlan.generalCost> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:type @<CodeableConcept>?; # Classification of specific cost fhir:groupSize @<positiveInt>?; # Number of enrollees fhir:cost @<Money>?; # Cost value fhir:comment @<string>?; # Additional cost information } # Benefits list <InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:type @<CodeableConcept>; # Classification of benefit provided fhir:cost @<OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit.cost>?; # List of the costs } # List of the costs <InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit.cost> EXTENDS @<BackboneElement> CLOSED { fhir:type @<CodeableConcept>; # Classification of specific cost fhir:applicability @<CodeableConcept>?; # in-network | out-of-network | other fhir:qualifier @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept>?; # Additional information about the # cost fhir:value @<Quantity>?; # The actual cost value } #---------------------- Cardinality Types (OneOrMore) ------------------- <OneOrMore_Identifier> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Identifier> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Identifier> } <OneOrMore_Reference_Location> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Location> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_Location> } <OneOrMore_Reference_Organization> CLOSED { rdf:first @<Reference> AND {fhir:link @<Organization> } ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_Reference_Organization> } <OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.generalCost> CLOSED { rdf:first @<InsurancePlan.generalCost> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.generalCost> } <OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost> CLOSED { rdf:first @<InsurancePlan.specificCost> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost> } <OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit> CLOSED { rdf:first @<InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit> } <OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit.cost> CLOSED { rdf:first @<InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit.cost> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_InsurancePlan.specificCost.benefit.cost> } <OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> CLOSED { rdf:first @<CodeableConcept> ; rdf:rest [rdf:nil] OR @<OneOrMore_CodeableConcept> }
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the ShEx files are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.
FHIR ®© 2011+. FHIR R6 hl7.fhir.core#6.0.0-ballot2 generated on Tue, Mar 18, 2025 14:03+0000.
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