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Real-world patient example (id = "f001")
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Bundle xmlns=""> <id value="f001"/> <type value="collection"/> <entry> <fullUrl value=""/> <resource> <DiagnosticReport> <!-- ISO 8601 --> <!-- OID: 2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.1.7 --> <id value="f001"/> <text> <status value="generated"/> <div xmlns=""><p class="res-header-id"><b> Generated Narrative: DiagnosticReport f001</b> </p> <a name="f001"> </a> <a name="hcf001"> </a> <a name="f001-en-US"> </a> <h2> <span title="Codes:{ 58410-2}">CBC panel - Blood by Automated count</span> (<span title="Codes:{ 252275004}, { HM}">Haematology test</span> ) </h2> <table class="grid"><tr> <td> Subject</td> <td> Pieter van de Heuvel male, DoB: 1944-11-17 ( urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883. (use : usual, ))</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Reported</td> <td> 2013-05-15T19:32:52+01:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Performer</td> <td> <a href="organization-example-f001-burgers.html">Burgers University Medical Centre</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Identifier</td> <td> <code></code> /nr1239044 (use: official, )</td> </tr> </table> <p> <b> Report Details</b> </p> <table class="grid"><tr> <td> <b> Code</b> </td> <td> <b> Value</b> </td> <td> <b> Reference Range</b> </td> <td> <b> Flags</b> </td> <td> <b> When For</b> </td> <td> <b> Reported</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="observation-example-f001-glucose.html"><span title="Codes:{ 15074-8}">Glucose [Moles/volume] in Blood</span> </a> </td> <td> 6.3 mmol/l<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codemmol/L = 'mmol/L')</span> </td> <td> 3.1 mmol/l<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codemmol/L = 'mmol/L')</span> - 6.2 mmol/l<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codemmol/L = 'mmol/L')</span> </td> <td> final, <span title="Codes:{ H}">High</span> </td> <td> 2013-04-02T09:30:10+01:00</td> <td> 2013-04-03T15:30:10+01:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="observation-example-f002-excess.html"><span title="Codes:{ 11555-0}">Base excess in Blood by calculation</span> </a> </td> <td> 12.6 mmol/l<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codemmol/L = 'mmol/L')</span> </td> <td> 7.1 mmol/l<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codemmol/L = 'mmol/L')</span> - 11.2 mmol/l<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codemmol/L = 'mmol/L')</span> </td> <td> final, <span title="Codes:{ H}">High</span> </td> <td> 2013-04-02T10:30:10+01:00</td> <td> 2013-04-03T15:30:10+01:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="observation-example-f003-co2.html"><span title="Codes:{ 11557-6}">Carbon dioxide [Partial pressure] in Blood</span> </a> </td> <td> 6.2 kPa<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codekPa = 'kPa')</span> </td> <td> 4.8 kPa<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codekPa = 'kPa')</span> - 6.0 kPa<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codekPa = 'kPa')</span> </td> <td> final, <span title="Codes:{ H}">High</span> </td> <td> 2013-04-02T10:30:10+01:00</td> <td> 2013-04-03T15:30:10+01:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="observation-example-f004-erythrocyte.html"><span title="Codes:{ 789-8}">Erythrocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Automated count</span> </a> </td> <td> 4.12 10^12/L<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM code10*12/L = '10*12/L')</span> </td> <td> <div> <p> 12-14 y Male: 4.4 - 5.2 x 10^12/L ; 12-14 y Female: 4.2 - 4.8 x 10^12/L ; 15-17 y Male: 4.6 - 5.4 x 10^12/L ; 15-17 y Female: 4.2 - 4.8 x 10^12/L ; 18-64 y Male: 4.6 - 5.4 x 10^12/L ; 18-64 y Female: 4.0 - 4.8 x 10^12/L ; 65-74 y Male: 4.3 - 5.3 x 10^12/L ; 65-74 y Female: 4.1 - 4.9 x 10^12/L</p> </div> </td> <td> final, <span title="Codes:{ L}">Low</span> </td> <td> 2013-04-02T10:30:10+01:00</td> <td> 2013-04-03T15:30:10+01:00</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href="observation-example-f005-hemoglobin.html"><span title="Codes:{ 718-7}">Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Blood</span> </a> </td> <td> 7.2 g/dl<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL')</span> </td> <td> 7.5 g/dl<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL')</span> - 10 g/dl<span style="background: LightGoldenRodYellow"> (Details: UCUM codeg/dL = 'g/dL')</span> </td> <td> final, <span title="Codes:{ L}">Low</span> </td> <td> 2013-04-05T10:30:10+01:00</td> <td> 2013-04-05T15:30:10+01:00</td> </tr> </table> <div> <p> Core lab</p> </div> </div> </text> <identifier> <use value="official"/> <system value=""/> <value value="nr1239044"/> </identifier> <basedOn> <reference value="ServiceRequest/req"/> </basedOn> <status value="final"/> <category> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="252275004"/> <display value="Haematology test"/> </coding> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="HM"/> </coding> </category> <code> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="58410-2"/> <display value="CBC panel - Blood by Automated count"/> </coding> </code> <subject> <reference value="Patient/f001"/> <display value="P. van den Heuvel"/> </subject> <issued value="2013-05-15T19:32:52+01:00"/> <performer> <reference value="Organization/f001"/> <display value="Burgers University Medical Centre"/> </performer> <result> <reference value="Observation/f001"/> </result> <result> <reference value="Observation/f002"/> </result> <result> <reference value="Observation/f003"/> </result> <result> <reference value="Observation/f004"/> </result> <result> <reference value="Observation/f005"/> </result> <conclusion value="Core lab"/> </DiagnosticReport> </resource> </entry> <entry> <fullUrl value=""/> <resource> <ServiceRequest> <id value="req"/> <text> <status value="extensions"/> <div xmlns=""><p class="res-header-id"><b> Generated Narrative: ServiceRequest req</b> </p> <a name="req"> </a> <a name="hcreq"> </a> <a name="req-en-US"> </a> <p> <b> org/bodysitecode</b> : <span title="Codes:{ 14975008}">Forearm structure</span> </p> <p> <b> identifier</b> : <code></code> /L2381</p> <p> <b> status</b> : active</p> <p> <b> intent</b> : original-order</p> <h3> Codes</h3> <table class="grid"><tr> <td style="display: none">-</td> <td> <b> Concept</b> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="display: none">*</td> <td> <span title="Codes:{ 58410-2}">CBC panel - Blood by Automated count</span> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <b> subject</b> : <a href="patient-example-f001-pieter.html">P. van den Heuvel</a> </p> <p> <b> encounter</b> : <a href="encounter-example-f001-heart.html">Encounter: identifier = (use: official, ); status = completed; class = ambulatory; priority = Non-urgent cardiological admission; type = Patient-initiated encounter</a> </p> <p> <b> requester</b> : <a href="practitioner-example-f001-evdb.html">E.van den Broek</a> </p> <p> <b> note</b> : patient almost fainted during procedure</p> </div> </text> <extension url=""> <valueCodeableConcept> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="14975008"/> <display value="Forearm structure"/> </coding> </valueCodeableConcept> </extension> <identifier> <system value=""/> <value value="L2381"/> </identifier> <status value="active"/> <intent value="original-order"/> <code> <concept> <coding> <system value=""/> <code value="58410-2"/> <display value="CBC panel - Blood by Automated count"/> </coding> </concept> </code> <subject> <reference value="Patient/f001"/> <display value="P. van den Heuvel"/> </subject> <encounter> <reference value="Encounter/f001"/> </encounter> <requester> <reference value="Practitioner/f001"/> <display value="E.van den Broek"/> </requester> <note> <text value="patient almost fainted during procedure"/> </note> </ServiceRequest> </resource> </entry> </Bundle>
Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.
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