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Example ConceptMap/102 (Narrative)

Terminology Infrastructure Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeCompartments: No defined compartments

This is the narrative for the resource. See also the XML, JSON or Turtle format. This example conforms to the profile ConceptMap.

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap 102

Mapping from hl7VS-specimenType to SNOMED CT Reference Set (All of SNOMED CT)

Group 1 Mapping from specimenType to SNOMED CT International Edition

Source Concept DetailsRelationshipTarget Concept DetailsCommentProperties
Codes from specimenType Codes from http://snomed.info/sct type-mod spec-src coll-method
ACNE Tissue, Acne is equivalent to 309068002
ACNFLD Fluid, Acne is equivalent to 119323008 47002008 HL7 term is a historical term. mapped to Pus
AIRS Air Sample is equivalent to 446302006
ALL Allograft is equivalent to 119376003 7970006
AMP Amputation is equivalent to 408654003 81723002
ANGI Catheter Tip, Angio is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
ARTC Catheter Tip, Arterial is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
ASERU Serum, Acute (not mapped)
ASP Aspirate is equivalent to 119295008 14766002
ATTE Environment, Attest (not mapped)
AUTOC Environmental, Autoclave Capsule (not mapped)
AUTP Autopsy (not mapped)
BBL Blood bag is equivalent to 119304001
BCYST Cyst, Baker's (not mapped)
BITE Bite (not mapped)
BLEB Bleb is equivalent to 309049000 339008
BLIST Blister is equivalent to 309049000 339008
BOIL Boil is equivalent to 119295008 59843005 14766002
BON Bone is equivalent to 430268003
BOWL Bowel contents (not mapped)
BPU Blood product unit is equivalent to 119300005
BRN Burn is equivalent to 119367005
BRSH Brush is equivalent to 258415003 439336003
BRTH Breath (use EXHLD) is equivalent to 119336008
BRUS Brushing is equivalent to 309176002 80657008
BUB Bubo is equivalent to 302795002 11585000 14766002
BULLA Bulla/Bullae is equivalent to 258482009 339008
BX Biopsy is equivalent to 258415003 86273004
CALC Calculus (=Stone) is equivalent to 119350003
CARBU Carbuncle is equivalent to 309051001 41570003
CAT Catheter is equivalent to 119311002
CBITE Bite, Cat (not mapped)
CLIPP Clippings is equivalent to 119327009 Be more specific use either: 119326000^hair specimen or 119327009^nail specimen
CNJT Conjunctiva is equivalent to 119401005
CNJT Conjunctiva is equivalent to 128160006
CNJT Conjunctiva is equivalent to 258498002
COL Colostrum is equivalent to 119329007
CONE Biospy, Cone is equivalent to 399713008 71252005 54535009
CSCR Scratch, Cat (not mapped)
CSERU Serum, Convalescent (not mapped)
CSITE Catheter Insertion Site is equivalent to 258507003 386144009 285570007 Prefer to have aspirate of the pus oozing out from cleaned insertion site - if swab is all that can be obtained, then swab after cleaning, otherwise you may get a contaminated specimen and a falsely identified infected central line. Do not just swab the reddened area - that will just collect skin flora
CSMY Fluid, Cystostomy Tube is equivalent to 309051001
CST Fluid, Cyst is equivalent to 258453008
CSVR Blood, Cell Saver (not mapped)
CTP Catheter tip is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
CVPS Site, CVP is equivalent to 258507003
CVPT Catheter Tip, CVP is equivalent to 119312009 445085009 TBD in detail
CYN Nodule, Cystic is equivalent to 119368000 27925004
CYST Cyst is equivalent to 119368000
DBITE Bite, Dog (not mapped)
DCS Sputum, Deep Cough is equivalent to 119335007
DEC Ulcer, Decubitus is equivalent to 258505006
DEION Environmental, Water (Deionized) (not mapped)
DIA Dialysate is equivalent to 119360007
DISCHG Discharge is equivalent to 258439008
DIV Diverticulum is equivalent to 119376003 31113003
DRN Drain is equivalent to 119306004
DRNG Drainage, Tube is equivalent to 258455001 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead: not an acceptable specimen for micro - not specific enough term
DRNGP Drainage, Penrose is equivalent to 309051001 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
EARW Ear wax (cerumen) is equivalent to 122580007
EBRUSH Brush, Esophageal is equivalent to 309210009 32849002 36213007
EEYE Environmental, Eye Wash (not mapped)
EFF Environmental, Effluent (not mapped)
EFFUS Effusion is equivalent to 258440005
EFOD Environmental, Food is equivalent to 119320006
EISO Environmental, Isolette is equivalent to 258536003
ELT Electrode is equivalent to 119314005
ENVIR Environmental, Unidentified Substance is equivalent to 119324002
EOTH Environmental, Other Substance (not mapped)
ESOI Environmental, Soil (not mapped)
ESOS Environmental, Solution (Sterile) (not mapped)
ETA Aspirate, Endotrach is equivalent to 119307008 321667001 14766002
ETTP Catheter Tip, Endotracheal is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
ETTUB Tube, Endotracheal is equivalent to 119307008 321667001 14766002
EWHI Environmental, Whirlpool (not mapped)
EXG Gas, exhaled (=breath) is equivalent to 119336008
EXS Shunt, External (not mapped)
EXUDTE Exudate is equivalent to 258441009
FAW Environmental, Water (Well) (not mapped)
FBLOOD Blood, Fetal is equivalent to 119297000 303112003
FGA Fluid, Abdomen is equivalent to 168139001 83670000
FIST Fistula is equivalent to 119370009
FLD Fluid, Other is equivalent to 309051001
FLT Filter (not mapped)
FLU Fluid, Body unsp is equivalent to 309051001
FLUID Fluid is equivalent to 258442002
FOLEY Catheter Tip, Foley is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
FRS Fluid, Respiratory is equivalent to 258442002 272626006 this term is not specific enough, choose from terms that more accurately describe the specimen
FSCLP Scalp, Fetal is equivalent to 309502007 41695006
FUR Furuncle is equivalent to 119295008 59843005 Further describe the sample as tissue or pus. or by the collection method. The term boil is not specific to a body site - need to indicate source site (spm.8). preferred term is Aspirate_Boil
GAS Gas is equivalent to 119317003
GASA Aspirate, Gastric is equivalent to 168137004 69695003 14766002
GASAN Antrum, Gastric is equivalent to 119379005 66051006
GASBR Brushing, Gastric is equivalent to 309213006 69695003 235157009
GASD Drainage, Gastric is equivalent to 258459007 69695003 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
GAST Fluid/contents, Gastric is equivalent to 258459007
GENV Genital vaginal is equivalent to 119394009
GRAFT Graft is equivalent to 440493002
GRANU Granuloma is equivalent to 119376003 45647009
GROSH Catheter, Groshong is equivalent to 119311002 TBD in detail
GSOL Solution, Gastrostomy (not mapped)
GSPEC Biopsy, Gastric is equivalent to 309211008 69695003 79121003
GT Tube, Gastric (not mapped)
GTUBE Drainage Tube, Drainage (Gastrostomy) is equivalent to 258459007 127490009 69695003 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
HBITE Bite, Human (not mapped)
HBLUD Blood, Autopsy is equivalent to 119297000 303113008
HEMAQ Catheter Tip, Hemaquit is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
HEMO Catheter Tip, Hemovac is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
HERNI Tissue, Herniated is equivalent to 119376003
HEV Drain, Hemovac is equivalent to 119306004
HIC Catheter, Hickman is equivalent to 119312009 445085009 TBD in detail
HYDC Fluid, Hydrocele is equivalent to 309051001 55434001
IBITE Bite, Insect (not mapped)
ICYST Cyst, Inclusion is equivalent to 309075001
IDC Catheter Tip, Indwelling is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
IHG Gas, Inhaled is equivalent to 119337004
ILEO Drainage, Ileostomy is equivalent to 258455001 419954003 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead: stool is what is expected, should use stool sample
ILLEG Source of Specimen Is Illegible (not mapped)
IMP Implant is equivalent to 439961009
INCI Site, Incision/Surgical is equivalent to 438660002
INFIL Infiltrate (not mapped)
INS Insect is equivalent to 258614005
INTRD Catheter Tip, Introducer is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
IT Intubation tube is equivalent to 119307008
IUD Intrauterine Device (not mapped)
IVCAT Catheter Tip, IV is equivalent to 119312009 255560000 TBD in detail
IVFLD Fluid, IV is equivalent to 258649003
IVTIP Tubing Tip, IV is equivalent to 119312009
JEJU Drainage, Jejunal is equivalent to 258463000 21306003 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead: stool is what is expected, should use stool sample
JNTFLD Fluid, Joint is equivalent to 119332005
JP Drainage, Jackson Pratt is equivalent to 309051001 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
KELOI Lavage is equivalent to 440674008 67889009
KIDFLD Fluid, Kidney is equivalent to 309051001 64033007
LAVG Lavage, Bronhial is equivalent to 258607008 397394009
LAVGG Lavage, Gastric is equivalent to 168138009 69695003 173830003
LAVGP Lavage, Peritoneal is equivalent to 440137008
LAVPG Lavage, Pre-Bronch is equivalent to 440674008 44567001 67889009
LENS1 Contact Lens is equivalent to 440473005
LENS2 Contact Lens Case (not mapped)
LESN Lesion is equivalent to 309049000 should be more specific what kind of lesion is observed - be more specific is it a wound, abscess, mass - specify! Ask SNOMED CT to mark it as a grouper term only (309049000)
LIQ Liquid, Unspecified is equivalent to 258442002
LIQO Liquid, Other (not mapped)
LSAC Fluid, Lumbar Sac is equivalent to 258450006 303949008 The HL7 term is a historical term Mapped to CSF obtained by lumbar puncture
MAHUR Catheter Tip, Makurkour is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
MASS Mass is equivalent to 420548004 4147007
MBLD Blood, Menstrual is equivalent to 119345009
MUCOS Mucosa is equivalent to 119376003 414781009
MUCUS Mucus is equivalent to 258483004
NASDR Drainage, Nasal is equivalent to 258474009 2095001 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
NEDL Needle (not mapped)
NEPH Site, Nephrostomy is equivalent to 438660002
NGASP Aspirate, Nasogastric is equivalent to 302794003 69695003 6853008
NGAST Drainage, Nasogastric is equivalent to 258459007 127492001 69695003 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
NGS Site, Naso/Gastric is equivalent to 438660002
NODUL Nodule(s) (not mapped)
NSECR Secretion, Nasal is equivalent to 168141000
ORH Other is equivalent to 123038009
ORL Lesion, Oral (not mapped)
OTH Source, Other is equivalent to 123038009
PACEM Pacemaker (not mapped)
PCFL Fluid, Pericardial is equivalent to 122571007
PDSIT Site, Peritoneal Dialysis is equivalent to 438660002
PDTS Site, Peritoneal Dialysis Tunnel (not mapped)
PELVA Abscess, Pelvic is equivalent to 119371008 12921003
PENIL Lesion, Penile (not mapped)
PERIA Abscess, Perianal is equivalent to 119371008 397158004
PILOC Cyst, Pilonidal is equivalent to 119368000
PINS Site, Pin is equivalent to 438660002
PIS Site, Pacemaker Insetion is equivalent to 258507003
PLAN Plant Material is equivalent to 119301009
PLAS Plasma is equivalent to 119361006
PLB Plasma bag is equivalent to 119305000
PLEVS Serum, Peak Level is equivalent to 119364003 255587001
PND Drainage, Penile is equivalent to 258439008 13648007 122462000 Historical term -though in this case more often used for discharge
POL Polyps is equivalent to 119376003 41329004
POPGS Graft Site, Popliteal is equivalent to 440493002 6902008
POPLG Graft, Popliteal is equivalent to 440493002 6902008
POPLV Site, Popliteal Vein (not mapped)
PORTA Catheter, Porta is equivalent to 119311002 TBD in detail
PPP Plasma, Platelet poor is equivalent to 119362004
PROST Prosthetic Device is equivalent to 438660002
PRP Plasma, Platelet rich is equivalent to 119363009
PSC Pseudocyst is equivalent to 119368000
PUNCT Wound, Puncture is equivalent to 119365002 129300006
PUS Pus is equivalent to 119323008
PUSFR Pustule is equivalent to 119323008 47002008
PUST Pus is equivalent to 119323008 47002008
QC3 Quality Control (not mapped)
RANDU Urine, Random is equivalent to 278020009
RBITE Bite, Reptile (not mapped)
RECT Drainage, Rectal is equivalent to 119339001 34402009 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead: stool is what is expected, should use stool sample
RECTA Abscess, Rectal is equivalent to 119371008 34402009
RENALC Cyst, Renal is equivalent to 258420003 64033007
RENC Fluid, Renal Cyst is equivalent to 258453008 64033007
RES Respiratory is equivalent to 258603007
SAL Saliva is equivalent to 119342007
SCAR Tissue, Keloid (Scar) is equivalent to 119376003
SCLV Catheter Tip, Subclavian is equivalent to 119312009 9454009 TBD in detail
SCROA Abscess, Scrotal is equivalent to 119371008 20233005
SECRE Secretion(s) is equivalent to 432825001
SER Serum is equivalent to 119364003
SHU Site, Shunt is equivalent to 119295008 257351008 14766002 Preferred is aspiration with sterile syringe from inflamed area. Specify body location of shunt site
SHUNF Fluid, Shunt is equivalent to 446861007 279107003 446860008
SHUNT Shunt (not mapped)
SITE Site (not mapped)
SKBP Biopsy, Skin is equivalent to 309066003 240977001
SKN Skin is equivalent to 119325001
SMM Mass, Sub-Mandibular is equivalent to 420548004 4147007
SNV Fluid, synovial (Joint fluid) is equivalent to 119332005
SPRM Spermatozoa is equivalent to 119349003
SPRP Catheter Tip, Suprapubic is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
SPRPB Cathether Tip, Suprapubic is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
SPS Environmental, Spore Strip (not mapped)
SPT Sputum is equivalent to 119334006
SPTC Sputum - coughed is equivalent to 119335007
SPTT Sputum - tracheal aspirate is equivalent to 258609006
SPUT1 Sputum, Simulated (not mapped)
SPUTIN Sputum, Inducted is equivalent to 258610001
SPUTSP Sputum, Spontaneous is equivalent to 119335007
STER Environmental, Sterrad (not mapped)
STL Stool = Fecal is equivalent to 119339001
STONE Stone, Kidney is equivalent to 119350003 64033007
SUBMA Abscess, Submandibular is equivalent to 119371008 5713008
SUBMX Abscess, Submaxillary is equivalent to 119371008 4335006
SUMP Drainage, Sump is equivalent to 446562005 122462000 Historical term - consider what is being drained and indicate that in SPM-4 instead
SUP Suprapubic Tap is equivalent to 122575003 58088002
SUTUR Suture (not mapped)
SWGZ Catheter Tip, Swan Gantz is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
TASP Aspirate, Tracheal is equivalent to 122877000 44567001 129112001
TISS Tissue is equivalent to 119376003
TISU Tissue ulcer is equivalent to 122593002
TLC Cathether Tip, Triple Lumen is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
TRAC Site, Tracheostomy is equivalent to 438660002
TRANS Transudate is equivalent to 258538002
TSERU Serum, Trough is equivalent to 119364003 255588006
TSTES Abscess, Testicular is equivalent to 119371008 279572002
TTRA Aspirate, Transtracheal is equivalent to 258480001 129112001
TUBES Tubes is equivalent to 119310001
TUMOR Tumor is equivalent to 258435002
TZANC Smear, Tzanck (not mapped)
UDENT Source, Unidentified is equivalent to 123038009
UR Urine is equivalent to 122575003
URC Urine clean catch is equivalent to 122880004
URINB Urine, Bladder Washings is equivalent to 122575003 78533007
URINC Urine, Catheterized is equivalent to 446846006
URINM Urine, Midstream is equivalent to 258574006 431938005 225271002
URINN Urine, Nephrostomy is equivalent to 446277003 25990002 225109005
URINP Urine, Pedibag (not mapped)
URT Urine catheter is equivalent to 122565001
USCOP Urine, Cystoscopy (not mapped)
USPEC Source, Unspecified is equivalent to 123038009
VASTIP Catheter Tip, Vas is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
VENT Catheter Tip, Ventricular is equivalent to 119312009 TBD in detail
VITF Vitreous Fluid is equivalent to 258438000
VOM Vomitus is equivalent to 122572000
WASH Wash is equivalent to 440674008
WASI Washing, e.g. bronchial washing is equivalent to 122609004
WAT Water is equivalent to 119318008
WB Blood, Whole (not mapped)
WEN Wen is equivalent to 309075001
WICK Wick (not mapped)
WND Wound is equivalent to 119365002
WNDA Wound abscess is equivalent to 119366001
WNDD Wound drainage is equivalent to 122566000 122462000
WNDE Wound exudate is equivalent to 122568004
WORM Worm is equivalent to 258618008
WRT Wart is equivalent to 309068002
WWA Environmental, Water is equivalent to 119318008
WWO Environmental, Water (Ocean) (not mapped)
WWT Environmental, Water (Tap) (not mapped)
CSITE Catheter Insertion Site (not mapped)
CLIPP Clippings (not mapped)
SHU Site, Shunt (not mapped)



Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.