This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions

Example CodeSystem/concept-properties (XML)

Terminology Infrastructure Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: Informative

Raw XML (canonical form + also see XML Format Specification)

Definition for Code SystemConceptProperties

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<CodeSystem xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
  <id value="concept-properties"/> 
    <lastUpdated value="2025-03-18T13:49:06.036+00:00"/> 
    <status value="generated"/> 
    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <p class="res-header-id">
        <b> Generated Narrative: CodeSystem concept-properties</b> 
      <a name="concept-properties"> </a> 
      <a name="hcconcept-properties"> </a> 
      <a name="concept-properties-en-US"> </a> 
        <b> Properties</b> 
        <b> This code system defines the following properties for its concepts</b> 
      <table class="grid">
            <b> Name</b> 
            <b> Code</b> 
            <b> URI</b> 
            <b> Type</b> 
            <b> Description</b> 
            <b> Value Set</b> 
          <td> dataType</td> 
          <td> dataType</td> 
          <td> http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#dataType</td> 
          <td> code</td> 
          <td> data type of property value</td> 
          <td> Status</td> 
          <td> status</td> 
          <td> http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#status</td> 
          <td> code</td> 
          <td> A code that indicates the status of the concept. Typical values are active, experimental,
             deprecated, and retired</td> 
            <a href="valueset-concept-property-type.html">Property Type</a> 
        <b> Concepts</b> 
      <p> This case-sensitive code system 
        <code> http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties</code>  defines the following codes:
      <table class="codes">
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">
            <b> Code</b> 
            <b> Display</b> 
            <b> Definition</b> 
            <b> dataType</b> 
            <b> Status</b> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">status
            <a name="concept-properties-status"> </a> 
          <td> Status</td> 
              <p> A code that indicates the status of the concept. Typical values are active, experimental,
                 deprecated, and retired</p> 

          <td> code</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">inactive
            <a name="concept-properties-inactive"> </a> 
          <td> Inactive</td> 
              <p> True if the concept is not considered active - e.g. not a valid concept any more.
                 Property type is boolean, default value is false. Note that the status property
                 may also be used to indicate that a concept is inactive</p> 

          <td> boolean</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">effectiveDate
            <a name="concept-properties-effectiveDate"> </a> 
          <td> effectiveDate</td> 
              <p> The date at which the concept status was last changed</p> 

          <td> dateTime</td> 
        <tr style="background-color: #ffeeee">
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">deprecated
            <a name="concept-properties-deprecated"> </a> 
          <td> Deprecated</td> 
              <p> The date at which a concept was deprecated. Concepts that are deprecated but not
                 inactive can still be used, but their use is discouraged, and they should be expected
                 to be made inactive in a future release. Property type is dateTime. Note that the
                 status property may also be used to indicate that a concept is deprecated. This
                 property is itself deprecated due to potential confusion with status - use deprecationDate

          <td> dateTime</td> 
          <td> deprecated</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">deprecationDate
            <a name="concept-properties-deprecationDate"> </a> 
          <td> Deprecation Date</td> 
              <p> The date at which a concept was deprecated. Concepts that are deprecated but not
                 inactive can still be used, but their use is discouraged, and they should be expected
                 to be made inactive in a future release. Property type is dateTime. Note that the
                 status property may also be used to indicate that a concept is deprecated</p> 

          <td> dateTime</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">retirementDate
            <a name="concept-properties-retirementDate"> </a> 
          <td> Retirement Date</td> 
              <p> The date at which a concept was retired</p> 

          <td> dateTime</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">notSelectable
            <a name="concept-properties-notSelectable"> </a> 
          <td> Not Selectable</td> 
              <p> The concept is not intended to be chosen by the user - only intended to be used
                 as a selector for other concepts. Note, though, that the interpretation of this
                 is highly contextual; all concepts are selectable in some context. Property type
                 is boolean, default value is false</p> 

          <td> boolean</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">parent
            <a name="concept-properties-parent"> </a> 
          <td> Parent</td> 
              <p> The concept identified in this property is a parent of the concept on which it
                 is a property. The property type will be 'code'. The meaning of 'parent' is defined
                 by the hierarchyMeaning attribute</p> 

          <td> code</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">child
            <a name="concept-properties-child"> </a> 
          <td> Child</td> 
              <p> The concept identified in this property is a child of the concept on which it is
                 a property. The property type will be 'code'. The meaning of 'child' is defined
                 by the hierarchyMeaning attribute</p> 

          <td> code</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">partOf
            <a name="concept-properties-partOf"> </a> 
          <td> Part Of</td> 
              <p> The concept identified in this property (by its code) contains this concept as
                 a component (i.e. a part-of relationship rather than a subsumption relationship
                 such as elbow is part-of arm</p> 

          <td> code</td> 
        <tr style="background-color: #ffeeee">
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">synonym
            <a name="concept-properties-synonym"> </a> 
          <td> Synonym</td> 
              <p> This property contains an alternative code that may be used to identify this concept
                 instead of the primary code. Synonyms should not be used due to the operational
                 complexity they introduce - see alternateCode</p> 

          <td> code</td> 
          <td> deprecated</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">alternateCode
            <a name="concept-properties-alternateCode"> </a> 
          <td> Alternate Code</td> 
              <p> This property contains the code for another representation of this concept, with
                 the same real-world meaning, in this code system.</p> 

          <td> code</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">comment
            <a name="concept-properties-comment"> </a> 
          <td> Comment</td> 
              <p> A string that provides additional detail pertinent to the use or understanding
                 of the concept</p> 

          <td> string</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">itemWeight
            <a name="concept-properties-itemWeight"> </a> 
          <td> itemWeight</td> 
              <p> A numeric value that allows the comparison (less than, greater than) or other numerical
                 manipulation of a concept (e.g. Adding up components of a score). Scores are usually
                 a whole number, but occasionally decimals are encountered in scores. In questionnaires,
                 the item weight may be represented using the 
                <a href="https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-extensions/StructureDefinition-itemWeight.html">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/itemWeight</a>  extension

          <td> decimal</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">order
            <a name="concept-properties-order"> </a> 
          <td> Order</td> 
              <p> Order of the concept amongst sibling concepts as a decimal value</p> 

          <td> decimal</td> 
          <td style="white-space:nowrap">definition
            <a name="concept-properties-definition"> </a> 
          <td> Definition</td> 
              <p> A numeric value that allows the comparison (less than, greater than) or other numerical
                 manipulation of a concept (e.g. Adding up components of a score). Scores are usually
                 a whole number, but occasionally decimals are encountered in scores. In questionnaires,
                 the item weight may be represented using the 
                <a href="https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7/fhir-extensions/StructureDefinition-itemWeight.html">http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/itemWeight</a>  extension

          <td> string</td> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-wg">
    <valueCode value="vocab"/> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status">
    <valueCode value="normative"/> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm">
    <valueInteger value="4"/> 
  <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codesystem-use-markdown">
    <valueBoolean value="true"/> 
  <url value="http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties"/> 
    <system value="urn:ietf:rfc:3986"/> 
    <value value="urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642.4.1826"/> 
  <version value="6.0.0-ballot2"/> 
  <name value="ConceptProperties"/> 
  <title value="FHIR Defined Concept Properties"/> 
  <status value="draft"/> 
  <experimental value="false"/> 
  <publisher value="HL7 International / Terminology Infrastructure"/> 
      <system value="url"/> 
      <value value="http://hl7.org/fhir"/> 
      <system value="url"/> 
      <value value="http://www.hl7.org/Special/committees/Vocab/index.cfm"/> 
  <description value="A set of common concept properties for use on coded systems throughout the FHIR
      <system value="http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49.htm"/> 
      <code value="001"/> 
      <display value="World"/> 
  <caseSensitive value="true"/> 
  <valueSet value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/concept-properties"/> 
  <content value="complete"/> 
    <code value="dataType"/> 
    <uri value="http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#dataType"/> 
    <description value="data type of property value"/> 
    <type value="code"/> 
    <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/codesystem-property-valueset">
      <valueCanonical value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/concept-property-type"/> 
    <code value="status"/> 
    <uri value="http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#status"/> 
    <description value="A code that indicates the status of the concept. Typical values are active, experimental,
     deprecated, and retired"/> 
    <type value="code"/> 
    <code value="status"/> 
    <display value="Status"/> 
    <definition value="A code that indicates the status of the concept. Typical values are active, experimental,
     deprecated, and retired"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="code"/> 
  <concept id="t1">
    <code value="inactive"/> 
    <display value="Inactive"/> 
    <definition value="True if the concept is not considered active - e.g. not a valid concept any more.
     Property type is boolean, default value is false. Note that the status property
     may also be used to indicate that a concept is inactive"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="boolean"/> 
    <code value="effectiveDate"/> 
    <display value="effectiveDate"/> 
    <definition value="The date at which the concept status was last changed"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="dateTime"/> 
    <code value="deprecated"/> 
    <display value="Deprecated"/> 
    <definition value="The date at which a concept was deprecated. Concepts that are deprecated but not
     inactive can still be used, but their use is discouraged, and they should be expected
     to be made inactive in a future release. Property type is dateTime. Note that the
     status property may also be used to indicate that a concept is deprecated. This
     property is itself deprecated due to potential confusion with status - use deprecationDate
      <code value="status"/> 
      <valueCode value="deprecated"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="dateTime"/> 
    <code value="deprecationDate"/> 
    <display value="Deprecation Date"/> 
    <definition value="The date at which a concept was deprecated. Concepts that are deprecated but not
     inactive can still be used, but their use is discouraged, and they should be expected
     to be made inactive in a future release. Property type is dateTime. Note that the
     status property may also be used to indicate that a concept is deprecated"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="dateTime"/> 
    <code value="retirementDate"/> 
    <display value="Retirement Date"/> 
    <definition value="The date at which a concept was retired"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="dateTime"/> 
    <code value="notSelectable"/> 
    <display value="Not Selectable"/> 
    <definition value="The concept is not intended to be chosen by the user - only intended to be used
     as a selector for other concepts. Note, though, that the interpretation of this
     is highly contextual; all concepts are selectable in some context. Property type
     is boolean, default value is false"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="boolean"/> 
    <code value="parent"/> 
    <display value="Parent"/> 
    <definition value="The concept identified in this property is a parent of the concept on which it
     is a property. The property type will be 'code'. The meaning of 'parent' is defined
     by the hierarchyMeaning attribute"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="code"/> 
    <code value="child"/> 
    <display value="Child"/> 
    <definition value="The concept identified in this property is a child of the concept on which it is
     a property. The property type will be 'code'. The meaning of 'child' is defined
     by the hierarchyMeaning attribute"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="code"/> 
    <code value="partOf"/> 
    <display value="Part Of"/> 
    <definition value="The concept identified in this property (by its code) contains this concept as
     a component (i.e. a part-of relationship rather than a subsumption relationship
     such as elbow is part-of arm"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="code"/> 
    <code value="synonym"/> 
    <display value="Synonym"/> 
    <definition value="This property contains an alternative code that may be used to identify this concept
     instead of the primary code. Synonyms should not be used due to the operational
     complexity they introduce - see alternateCode"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="code"/> 
      <code value="status"/> 
      <valueCode value="deprecated"/> 
      <code value="deprecationDate"/> 
      <valueCode value="2025-03-14"/> 
    <code value="alternateCode"/> 
    <display value="Alternate Code"/> 
    <definition value="This property contains the code for another representation of this concept, with
     the same real-world meaning, in this code system."/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="code"/> 
    <code value="comment"/> 
    <display value="Comment"/> 
    <definition value="A string that provides additional detail pertinent to the use or understanding
     of the concept"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="string"/> 
    <code value="itemWeight"/> 
    <display value="itemWeight"/> 
    <definition value="A numeric value that allows the comparison (less than, greater than) or other numerical
     manipulation of a concept (e.g. Adding up components of a score). Scores are usually
     a whole number, but occasionally decimals are encountered in scores. In questionnaires,
     the item weight may be represented using the [[[http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/itemW
    eight]]] extension"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="decimal"/> 
    <code value="order"/> 
    <display value="Order"/> 
    <definition value="Order of the concept amongst sibling concepts as a decimal value"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="decimal"/> 
    <code value="definition"/> 
    <display value="Definition"/> 
    <definition value="A numeric value that allows the comparison (less than, greater than) or other numerical
     manipulation of a concept (e.g. Adding up components of a score). Scores are usually
     a whole number, but occasionally decimals are encountered in scores. In questionnaires,
     the item weight may be represented using the [[[http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/itemW
    eight]]] extension"/> 
      <code value="dataType"/> 
      <valueCode value="string"/> 

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.