This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions

Example Basic/basic-example-narrative (Turtle)

FHIR Infrastructure Work GroupMaturity Level: N/AStandards Status: InformativeCompartments: Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson

Raw Turtle (+ also see Turtle/RDF Format Specification)

A resource that uses all narrative features for testing rendering applications

@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> .

# - resource -------------------------------------------------------------------

#   This is a silly exmple showing how Basic could be used to pure narrative.  (It also demonstrates all of the markup supported by narrative as a test case for narrative processing.) 

<http://hl7.org/fhir/Basic/basic-example-narrative> a fhir:Basic ;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;
  fhir:id [ fhir:v "basic-example-narrative"] ; # 
  fhir:text [
     fhir:status [ fhir:v "additional" ] ;
     fhir:div "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n      <h1>Example Narrative</h1> \n      <h2>Plain HTML, No Styles</h2> \n      <h3>Heading 3</h3>\n      <h4>Heading 4</h4>\n      <h5>Heading 5</h5>\n      <h6>Heading 6</h6>\n      <p>\n        Paragraph. <span>span</span>. <a href=\"#link\">Link</a>. <b>Bold</b>, br:<br/> <em>em</em>, <i>Italics</i>,\n        <strong>strong</strong>, <small>small</small>, <big>big</big> <tt>Teletype Text</tt>, <small>small</small>, \n        <dfn>Definition term</dfn>, <q>q</q>, <var>var</var>.\n        All provided by \n        <abbr title=\"Health Level 7\">HL7</abbr>, for <acronym title=\"Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources\">FHIR</acronym> (<cite>cite</cite>).\n      </p>\n      <blockquote>\n        <p>Paragraph in a blockquote, with an hr after it:</p>\n      </blockquote>\n      <hr/>\n      <div>\n      <p>Paragraph in a div (<a name=\"link\">Link Target</a>)</p>\n      </div>   \n      <ul>\n        <li>Unordered List Item</li>      \n      </ul>   \n      <ol>\n        <li>Ordered List Item</li>\n      </ol>\n      <dl>\n        <dt>DT Item</dt><dd>DD Item</dd>\n      </dl>\n      <pre>\n        Some Pre Text\n          with a line break\n      </pre>\n      <p>Table:</p>\n      <table>\n        <caption>Table Caption</caption>\n        <colgroup>\n          <col style=\"background-color:red\" span=\"2\"/>\n          <col style=\"background-color:yellow\"/>\n        </colgroup>      \n        <thead>\n          <tr>\n            <th>Head Cell 1</th>\n            <th>Head Cell 2</th>\n            <th>Head Cell 3</th>\n          </tr>\n        </thead>\n        <tfoot>\n          <tr>\n            <td>Foot Cell 1</td>\n            <td>Foot Cell 2</td>\n            <td>Foot Cell 3</td>\n          </tr>\n        </tfoot>\n        <tbody>\n          <tr>\n            <td>Body Cell 1</td>\n            <td>Body Cell 2</td>\n            <td>Body Cell 3</td>\n          </tr>\n        </tbody>\n      </table>\n      <code>Code Block</code>\n      <samp>Sample Block</samp>\n      <h2>External Styles</h2> \n      <h3>Text:</h3> \n      <p>Example Text: <span class=\"bold\">bold</span>, <span class=\"italics\">italics</span>, <span class=\"underline\">underline</span> \n        and <span class=\"strikethrough\">strikethrough</span></p>\n      <p class=\"left\">This paragraph is left aligned. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. </p>  \n      <p class=\"right\">This paragraph is right aligned. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. </p>  \n      <p class=\"center\">This paragraph is center aligned. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. </p>  \n      <p class=\"justify\">This paragraph is justified. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen.  </p>  \n      <h3>Table:</h3> \n      <table>\n        <tr>\n          <td class=\"border-left\">Border Left</td>\n          <td class=\"border-right\">Border Right</td>\n          <td class=\"border-top\">Border Top</td>\n          <td class=\"border-bottom\">Border Bottom</td>\n        </tr>\n      </table>\n      <h3>List:</h3> \n      <ol class=\"arabic\">\n        <li>arabic (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol class=\"little-roman\">\n        <li>little-roman (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol class=\"big-roman\">\n        <li>big-roman (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol class=\"little-alpha\">\n        <li>little-alpha (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol class=\"big-alpha\">\n        <li>big-alpha (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ul class=\"unlist\">\n        <li>unlist (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ul>\n      <ul class=\"disc\">\n        <li>disc (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ul>\n      <ul class=\"circle\">\n        <li>circle (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ul>\n      <ul class=\"square\">\n        <li>square (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ul>\n      <h2>Internal Styles</h2>\n      <p>Example Text: <span style=\"font-weight: bold\">bold</span>, <span style=\"font-style: italics\">italics</span>, <span style=\"text-decoration: underline\">underline</span> \n        and <span style=\"text-decoration: line-through\">strikethrough</span>. \n        Font-Family <span style=\"font-family: serif\">Serif</span> and <span style=\"font-family: sans-serif\">Sans Serif</span>, \n        Font-size <span style=\"font-size: 50%\">50%</span> <span style=\"font-size: 80%\">80%</span> <span style=\"font-size: 150%\">150%</span>, \n        Font-Color  <span style=\"color: navy\">Navy</span> <span style=\"color: maroon\">Maroon</span> <span style=\"color: brown\">Brown</span>,\n        Background-color <span style=\"background-color: aqua\">Aqua</span> <span style=\"color: silver\">Silver</span> <span style=\"color: pink\">Pink</span>.\n       </p>\n       <p>\n         Whitespace Control:\n       </p>\n       <p style=\"white-space: normal\">Normal    Whitespace\n          Test, long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence</p>\n       <p style=\"white-space: nowrap\">No-Wrap    Whitespace\n          Test, long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence</p>\n       <p style=\"white-space: pre\">Pre    Whitespace\n          Test, long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence</p>\n       <p style=\"white-space: pre-line\">Pre-Line    Whitespace\n          Test, long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence</p>\n       <p style=\"white-space: pre-wrap\">Pre-Wrap    Whitespace\n          Test, long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long sentence</p>\n        \n      <p style=\"text-align: left\">This paragraph is left aligned. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the left of the screen. </p>  \n      <p style=\"text-align: right\">This paragraph is right aligned. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the right of the screen. </p>  \n      <p style=\"text-align: center\">This paragraph is center aligned. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at the center of the screen. </p>  \n      <p style=\"text-align: justify\">This paragraph is justified. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen. The content should be laid out aligned at both the left and right of the screen.  </p>  \n      \n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: armenian\">\n        <li>armenian (Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>      	\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: cjk-ideographic\">\n        <li>cjk-ideographic	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: decimal\">\n        <li>decimal	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: decimal-leading-zero\">\n        <li>decimal-leading-zero	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: georgian\">\n        <li>georgian	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: hebrew\">\n        <li>hebrew	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: hiragana\">\n        <li>hiragana	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: hiragana-iroha\">\n        <li>hiragana-iroha	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: inherit\">\n        <li>inherit	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: katakana\">\n        <li>katakana	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: katakana-iroha\">\n        <li>katakana-iroha	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: lower-alpha\">\n        <li>lower-alpha	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: lower-greek\">\n        <li>lower-greek	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: lower-latin\">\n        <li>lower-latin	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: lower-roman\">\n        <li>lower-roman	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: none\">\n        <li>none	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: upper-alpha\">\n        <li>upper-alpha	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: upper-latin\">\n        <li>upper-latin	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: upper-roman\">\n        <li>upper-roman	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      <ol style=\"list-style-type: upper-roman\">\n        <li>upper-roman	(Item 1)</li>\n        <li>Item Two</li>\n      </ol>\n      \n    </div>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral
  ] ; # 
  fhir:code [
     fhir:text [ fhir:v "Example Narrative Tester" ]
  ] . # 

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Usage note: every effort has been made to ensure that the examples are correct and useful, but they are not a normative part of the specification.