Code | Display | Comments |
0 | keine Verletzung oder Erkrankung | |
1000001 | primary mission | |
1000002 | secondary mission | |
1000003 | stand-by mission | |
1000004 | residential EMS | |
1000005 | pickup by EMS | |
1000006 | rendezvous | |
1000007 | with siren | |
1000008 | without siren | |
1000010 | paramedic-on-training | |
1000011 | Ambulanceman-on-training | |
1000013 | driver | |
1000014 | trainee | |
1000016 | attending doctor | |
1000020 | apprentice | |
1000021 | security force | |
1000022 | witness | |
1000033 | alarm | |
1000034 | disposition | |
1000035 | rollout | |
1000036 | arrival on scene | |
1000037 | arrival patient | |
1000038 | departure from scene | |
1000039 | arrival at target | |
1000040 | handover patient | |
1000041 | departure from target | |
1000042 | operational readiness | |
1000043 | contumeliousness | |
1000044 | pelting with items | |
1000045 | unwanted touching | |
1000046 | hustling | |
1000049 | slight corporal attack | |
100005 | no information | |
1000050 | schwerer körperlicher Angriff | |
1000053 | Identity card | |
1000054 | unknown | |
1000055 | not asked | |
1000057 | see attachment | |
1000058 | no information | |
1000059 | threat with weapon | |
1000060 | violation by weapon | |
1000061 | passport | |
1000062 | Health insurance card | |
1000063 | Driver license | |
1000064 | personal statement | |
1000065 | Credit card | |
1000066 | other identification piece | |
1000067 | identification impossible | |
1000068 | disinfection of hands by Virugard | |
1000069 | disinfection of hands by Sterilium | |
1000070 | operation clothes | |
1000071 | cloth change after mission | |
1000072 | hazmat suit, ventilated | |
1000073 | other protective action | |
1000074 | not tangible | |
1000075 | Stridor links | |
1000077 | Respiratory crackles left | |
1000078 | Respiratory crackles right | |
1000079 | crowd | |
1000080 | person, unknown | |
1000081 | person, known | |
1000082 | organisation point of departure | |
1000083 | organisation point of arrival | |
1000084 | non-professional | |
1000085 | vacuum pillow | |
1000086 | vacuum mattress | |
1000087 | carrying chair | |
1000088 | KED system | |
1000089 | Sam Splint | |
1000090 | Sam Sling | |
1000091 | Maxi Cosi | |
1000092 | property damage | |
1000093 | violation of personal integrity | |
1000094 | obstruction of mission | |
1000095 | escort | |
1000096 | inheritor | |
1000097 | principal | |
1000098 | legal representative | |
1000099 | parents | |
1000101 | seated | |
1000102 | partly lying | |
1000103 | laying | |
1000104 | legs up | |
1000105 | legs down | |
1000106 | knee kick | |
1000107 | abdominal position | |
1000108 | side position left | |
1000109 | side position right | |
1000110 | emergency mission | |
1000111 | relocation | |
1000112 | shuttle for emergency doctor | |
1000113 | incubator transport | |
1000114 | neonatology mission | |
1000115 | return transport | |
1000116 | intervention mission police | |
1000117 | self-referral | |
1000118 | stretcher mission | |
1000119 | mission for partner | |
1000120 | involuntary committment | |
1000121 | service on place | |
1000122 | referral by doctor | |
1000123 | refuse of transport | |
1000124 | nebulize with H2O2 | |
1000125 | scrub disinfection with H2O2 | |
1000126 | wedding ring | |
1000127 | wallet | |
1000128 | wrist watch | |
1000129 | Fingerring | |
1000130 | necklace | |
1000131 | billfold | |
1000132 | handbag | |
1000133 | bag | |
1000134 | no, siren necessary | |
1000135 | no, siren not necessary | |
1000138 | flight assistant | |
1000139 | 3pol EKG | |
1000140 | 4pol EKG | |
1000141 | 12pol EKG | |
1000142 | first responder | |
1000143 | first-degree frostbite | |
1000144 | second-degree frostbite | |
1000145 | third-degree frostbite | |
1000146 | fourth-degree frostbite | |
1000147 | first-degree burn | |
1000148 | second-degree burn | |
1000149 | third-degree burn | |
1000150 | on pain stimulus | |
1000151 | on request | |
1000152 | spontaneous | |
1000153 | stretching | |
1000154 | bending | |
1000155 | undirected defense | |
1000156 | directed defense | |
1000157 | take orders | |
1000158 | incomprehensible sounds | |
1000159 | incoherent words | |
1000160 | conversational, disoriented | |
1000161 | conversational, oriented | |
100076 | Stridor rechts | |
1100001 | intervention | |
1100002 | patient | |
1100003 | administrative | |
1100004 | pretreatment | |
1100005 | anamnesis | |
1100006 | findings | |
1100007 | diagnosis | |
1100008 | measures | |
1100009 | death | |
1100010 | transport | |
1100011 | handover | |
A | wach, ansprechbar und orientiert | |
I | geringfügige Störung | |
II | leichte bis mässig schwere Störung | |
III | mässige bis schwere Störung | |
IV | schwere Störung, lebensbedrohlich | |
P | Reaktion nur auf Schmerzreiz | |
U | nicht ansprechbar, bewusstlos | |
V | Reaktion nur bei lauter Ansprache | |
VI | Reanimation | |
VII | Tod | |