Profile Comparison between vs

Left:Australian Address (
Right:Australian Address (



      .copyrightHL7 Australia© 2018+; Licensed Under Creative Commons No Rights Reserved.
        .descriptionThis profile defines an address structure that localises core concepts, including identifiers and terminology, for use in an Australian context, to specifically represent an Australian (location) address. The purpose of this profile is to provide best practice guidance on Australian address representation, where some constraint on content is desirable to guarantee the quality of an Australian address.
                      .publisherHL7 Australia
                            .titleAustralian Address


                                  NameL FlagsL Card.L TypeL Description & ConstraintsR FlagsR Card.R TypeR Description & ConstraintsCommentsdoco
                                  .. Address C0..*AddressAn address in Australia for use within an Australian healthcare context
                                  inv-add-0: The address shall at least have text or a line
                                  inv-add-1: If asserting no fixed address, the type shall be 'physical'
                                  inv-add-2: If asserting no fixed address, the address text shall begin with 'NO FIXED ADDRESS'
                                  C0..*AddressAn address in Australia for use within an Australian healthcare context
                                  inv-add-0: The address shall at least have text or a line
                                  inv-add-1: If asserting no fixed address, the type shall be 'physical'
                                  inv-add-2: If asserting no fixed address, the address text shall begin with 'NO FIXED ADDRESS'
                                    ... id 0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing0..1stringUnique id for inter-element referencing
                                      ... Slices for extension 0..*ExtensionExtension
                                      Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
                                      Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
                                        ... use ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | billing - purpose of this address
                                        Binding: ?? (required): The use of an address.

                                        Example General: home
                                        ?!Σ0..1codehome | work | temp | old | billing - purpose of this address
                                        Binding: ?? (required): The use of an address.

                                        Example General: home
                                          ... text ΣC0..1stringText representation of the address
                                          Example General: 137 Nowhere Street, Erewhon 9132
                                          ΣC0..1stringText representation of the address
                                          Example General: 137 Nowhere Street, Erewhon 9132
                                            ... line ΣC0..*stringStreet name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
                                            This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
                                            Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
                                            ΣC0..*stringStreet name, number, direction & P.O. Box etc.
                                            This repeating element order: The order in which lines should appear in an address label
                                            Example General: 137 Nowhere Street
                                              ... city Σ0..1stringName of city, town or suburb
                                              Example General: Erewhon
                                              Σ0..1stringName of city, town or suburb
                                              Example General: Erewhon
                                                ... district Σ0..1stringDistrict name (aka county)
                                                Example General: Madison
                                                Σ0..1stringDistrict name (aka county)
                                                Example General: Madison
                                                  ... state Σ0..1stringAustralian state or territory
                                                  Binding: ?? (required)
                                                  Σ0..1stringAustralian state or territory
                                                  Binding: ?? (required)
                                                    ... postalCode ΣC0..1stringPostal code for area
                                                    inv-add-3: Postal code shall be 4 digits
                                                    Example General: 9132
                                                    ΣC0..1stringPostal code for area
                                                    inv-add-3: Postal code shall be 4 digits
                                                    Example General: 9132
                                                      ... country Σ0..1stringAustralia as a 2 digit ISO 3166 code
                                                      Fixed Value: AU
                                                      Σ0..1stringAustralia as a 2 digit ISO 3166 code
                                                      Fixed Value: AU
                                                        ... period Σ0..1PeriodTime period when address was/is in use
                                                        Example General: {"start":"2010-03-23","end":"2010-07-01"}
                                                        Σ0..1PeriodTime period when address was/is in use
                                                        Example General: {"start":"2010-03-23","end":"2010-07-01"}

                                                          doco Documentation for this format