IDEA4RC FHIR Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - CI Build 150

IDEA4RC FHIR Implementation Guide, published by IDEA4RC Project. This guide is not an authorized publication; it is the continuous build for version 0.1.0 built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) CI Build. This version is based on the current content of and changes regularly. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: Stage Model to this guide Map (Experimental)

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-03-05 Computable Name: Stage2FHIR

Stage Model to this guide Map

It shows how the Stage Model is mapped into this guide

Mapping from Stage to Bundle: IDEA4RC

DRAFT (not intended for production usage). Published on 2024-03-05 15:37:16+0000 by IDEA4RC Project (IDEA4RC Project:, IDEA4RC Project:

Stage Model to this guide Map

Group 1Mapping from Stage to Observation: Cancer Stage Group

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
Stage.episodeEvent (Episode Event Reference)is related toObservation.focus
Stage.type (Type of stage)is equivalent toObservation.code
Stage.t (T)is equivalent toObservation.hasMember:tnmPrimaryTumorCategory.valueCodeableConcept
Stage.n (N)is equivalent toObservation.hasMember:tnmRegionalNodesCategory.valueCodeableConcept
Stage.m (M)is equivalent toObservation.hasMember:tnmDistantMetastasesCategory.valueCodeableConcept
Stage.rENE (Radiological Extra-nodal extension (rENE))is related toObservation.hasMember:extraNodalExtension.valueCodeableConceptcheck the used 2960001000004100 Status of extranodal extension of nodal tumour code
Stage.ajccEdition (Ajcc edition)is related toObservation.valueCodeableConcept.coding.systemif the ajcc system is used for the classification (to be checked)
Stage.stagingClassification (Staging classification)is equivalent toObservation.valueCodeableConcept

Group 2Mapping from Stage to Observation: TNM Primary Tumor Category

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
Stage.type (Type of stage)is equivalent toObservation.code
Stage.t (T)is equivalent toObservation.valueCodeableConcept
Stage.n (N)(not mapped)
Stage.m (M)(not mapped)

Group 3Mapping from Stage to Observation: TNM Regional Nodes Category

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
Stage.type (Type of stage)is equivalent toObservation.code
Stage.t (T)(not mapped)
Stage.n (N)is equivalent toObservation.valueCodeableConcept
Stage.m (M)(not mapped)

Group 4Mapping from Stage to Observation: TNM Distant Metastases Category

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
Stage.type (Type of stage)is equivalent toObservation.code
Stage.t (T)(not mapped)
Stage.n (N)(not mapped)
Stage.m (M)is equivalent toObservation.valueCodeableConcept

Group 5Mapping from Stage to Observation: Radiological Extra-nodal extension (rENE)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
Stage.rENE (Radiological Extra-nodal extension (rENE))is equivalent toObservation.valueCodeableConceptcheck if this should be a new has member observation with obs.code = 2960001000004100 Status of extranodal extension of nodal tumour

Group 6Mapping from Stage to Condition: Metastatic Cancer

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
Stage.episodeEvent (Episode Event Reference)is equivalent toCondition.extension:relatedPrimaryCancerCondition
Stage.localised (Localised)is related toCondition.bodySite.extension:qualifier.valueCodeableConceptWhere the qualifier is the SNOEMD CT concept 255471002 Localized
Stage.locoRegional (Loco-regional)is related toCondition.bodySite.extension:qualifier.valueCodeableConceptWhere the qualifier is the SNOEMD CT concept 410674003 Regional
Stage.isMetastatic (Is metastatic)is related toCondition.A condition describing metastases exists, this should be however determined by the stage M
Stage.regionalNodalMetastases (Regional nodal metastases)is related toCondition.A condition describing regional nodal metastases exists, this should be however determined by the stage N
Stage.sites (sites)is equivalent toCondition.bodySite
Stage.sites.softTissue (Soft tissue)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 87784001 'soft tissue'
Stage.sites.distantLymphNode (distant lymph node)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 59441001 'distant lymph node'
Stage.sites.lung (lung)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 39607008 'lung'
Stage.sites.bone (bone)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 119186007 'bone'
Stage.sites.liver (liver)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 10200004 'liver'
Stage.sites.pleura (pleura)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 3120008 'pleura'
Stage.sites.peritoneum (peritoneum)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 15425007 'peritoneum'
Stage.sites.brain (brain)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 12738006 'brain'
Stage.sites.otherViscera (other viscera)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 4159589 'Abdominal viscera' // TO BE checked the original concept was OTHER VISCERA
Stage.sites.unknown (unknown)is equivalent toCondition.bodySitewhere bodySite is the Athena concept 261665006 'unknown'