library OpioidCDSREC10PatientView version '2022.1.0'
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1' called FHIRHelpers
include OpioidCDSCommon version '2022.1.0' called Common
include OpioidCDSRoutines version '2022.1.0' called Routines
code "Urine Drug Screening": '310627008' from Common.SNOMED display 'Urine drug screening (procedure)'
** Recommendation #10
** When prescribing opioids for subacute or chronic pain, providers should use urine drug
** testing before starting opioid therapy and consider urine drug testing at
** least annually to assess for prescribed medications as well as other controlled
** prescription drugs and illicit drugs (recommendation category: B, evidence type: 4)
** When
** Provider is prescribing an opioid analgesic with ambulatory misuse potential in the outpatient setting
** Prescription is for treating chronic pain.
** Opioid review is useful for this patient:
** Patient is 18 or over
** Patient does not have findings indicating limited life expectancy
** Patient does not have orders for therapies indicating end of life care
** Patient is not undergoing active cancer treatment:
** Patient has had at least 2 encounters within the past year with any diagnosis of cancer
** Urine drug screening has not been performed in last 12 months
** Then
** Recommend urine drug screening
** Will perform urine screening
** Not for chronic pain management, snooze 3 months
** N/A - see comment, snooze 3 months
// META: Plan Definition:
context Patient
define "Lookback Year":
Interval[Today() - 12 months - 1 days, Today() - 1 day]
define "Patient Is Being Prescribed Opioid Analgesic with Ambulatory Misuse Potential":
exists (
Common."Active Ambulatory Opioid Rx" AmbulatoryOpioidPrescription
where Routines."Is Acute Pain Prescription?"( AmbulatoryOpioidPrescription )
define "Is Recommendation Applicable?":
"Inclusion Criteria"
and not "Exclusion Criteria"
define "Inclusion Criteria":
"Patient Is Being Prescribed Opioid Analgesic with Ambulatory Misuse Potential"
and Routines."Is Opioid Review Useful?"
and not "Patient had Urine Screening in Last 12 Months"
define "Exclusion Criteria":
Common."End of Life Assessment"
define "Patient had Urine Screening in Last 12 Months":
exists( "Urine Screenings during the Last 12 Months" )
define "Urine Screenings during the Last 12 Months":
[Observation: "code" in Common."Non-opioid drug urine screening"] IllicitDrugScreen
where date from IllicitDrugScreen.effective in day of "Lookback Year"
and not (IllicitDrugScreen.status.value in { 'unknown', 'entered-in-error', 'cancelled' })
[Observation: "code" in Common."Opioid drug urine screening"] OpioidDrugScreen
where date from OpioidDrugScreen.effective in day of "Lookback Year"
and not (OpioidDrugScreen.status.value in { 'unknown', 'entered-in-error', 'cancelled' })
define "No Screening In Last 12 Months Indicator":
if "Is Recommendation Applicable?"
then 'warning'
else null
define "No Screening In Last 12 Months Summary":
if "Is Recommendation Applicable?"
then 'Annual Urine Screening Check'
else null
define "No Screening In Last 12 Months Detail":
if "Is Recommendation Applicable?"
then 'Patients on opioid therapy should have a urine drug test performed every 12 months.'
else null
Inclusion Criteria:
No Screening in Last 12 months - ServiceRequest - Urine Screening
Opioids found in urine screening
Illicit drugs found in urine screening
// Service Request - Urine Screening
// Detected Issue - Opioids found in urine screening
// Detected Issue - Illicit drugs found in urine screening
define "Urine Drug Screening Request":
ServiceRequest {
instantiatesCanonical: { FHIR.canonical { value: '' } },
status: FHIR.RequestStatus { value: 'draft' },
intent: FHIR.RequestIntent { value: 'proposal' },
priority: FHIR.RequestPriority { value: 'routine' },
code: FHIR.CodeableConcept { coding: { ToCoding("Urine Drug Screening") } },
subject: FHIR.Reference { reference: FHIR.string { value: 'Patient/' + } },
occurrence: FHIR.Period { start: FHIR.dateTime { value: Today() }, end: FHIR.dateTime { value: Today() + 7 days } },
authoredOn: FHIR.dateTime { value: Now() },
reasonCode: { FHIR.CodeableConcept { text: FHIR.string { value: "No Screening In Last 12 Months Detail" } } }
// doesn't really work, need a relatedArtifact here...
//reasonCode: { FHIR.CodeableConcept { text: FHIR.string { value: ',Recommendation,-10' } } }
define "Opioids Issue":
DetectedIssue {
status: FHIR.ObservationStatus { value: 'preliminary' },
code: FHIR.CodeableConcept { text: FHIR.string { value: "Evidence of Opioids Summary" } },
severity: FHIR.DetectedIssueSeverity { value: 'moderate' },
patient: FHIR.Reference { reference: FHIR.string { value: 'Patient/' + } },
identified: FHIR.dateTime { value: Now() },
// TODO: Device representation...
// author:,
// TODO: Reference the lab results that were used to infer this
// implicated:,
detail: FHIR.string { value: "Evidence of Opioids Detail" },
reference: FHIR.uri { value: ''}
define "Illicit Drugs Issue":
DetectedIssue {
status: FHIR.ObservationStatus { value: 'preliminary' },
code: FHIR.CodeableConcept { text: FHIR.string { value: "Evidence of Illicit Drugs Summary" } },
severity: FHIR.DetectedIssueSeverity { value: 'moderate' },
patient: FHIR.Reference { reference: FHIR.string { value: 'Patient/' + } },
identified: FHIR.dateTime { value: Now() },
// TODO: Device representation...
// author:,
// TODO: Reference the lab results that were used to infer this
// implicated:,
detail: FHIR.string { value: "Evidence of Illicit Drugs Detail" },
reference: FHIR.uri { value: ''}
define function ToCoding(code System.Code):
FHIR.Coding {
code: FHIR.code { value: code.code },
system: FHIR.uri { value: code.system },
version: FHIR.string { value: code.version },
display: FHIR.string { value: code.display }